Congressional Record—House H11336
H11336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 9, 2007 field and redid the field so that kids simple, gentle people. You could ask 73.3 percent for the first quarter, and led by could continue to play athletics as he him to do anything, and he would stop as many as 18 points in the second quarter; did in Warsaw. what he was doing and help you. He and He is actually from Atwood. His par- was one of those people that I trusted Whereas the city of Phoenix joins the Phoenix Mercury owner, Robert Sarver, in ents are Gary and Linda. He has a with everything. I could go to him with taking enormous pride in the accomplish- brother, Steve, and a sister, Ann. a problem. I could go to him with an ment of this outstanding team: Now, there- Atwood is a very small town, not issue, and he would always come fore, be it that Warsaw is all that big, in the big through.’’ Resolved, That the House of Representa- scheme of things, but Atwood is a very Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- tives congratulates the Phoenix Mercury and small town, similar to the one I grew ance of my time. Coach Paul Westhead for winning the 2007 up in, probably about 500 people or Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- Women’s National Basketball Association thereabouts, between 500 and 1,000, at er, I urge the passage of this legislation Championship. most. It is on U.S. 30. Many people may and yield back the balance of our time.
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