Meeting Pack City and Strabane District Council

Dear Member of District Council

You are hereby summoned to attend the Monthly Meeting of the Derry City and Strabane District Council to be held in the Guildhall, Derry, on Thursday 27 April 2017 at 4.00 pm

Yours faithfully

John Kelpie Chief Executive


1 Notice and Summons of Meeting

2 Webcasting Notice

3 Members Attendance and Apologies

4 Declarations of Members' Interests

Open for Decision

5 Chairperson's Business

6 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Meeting of the Derry City and Strabane District Council held on Thursday 30 March 2017 (Pages 1 - 14)

7 Matters Arising

8 Adoption of the Open Minutes of the following Committees

a Monthly Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held on Tuesday 4 April 2017 (Pages 15 - 24)

b Monthly Planning Committee held on Wednesday 5 April 2017 (Pages 25 - 46)

c Monthly Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on Thursday 6 April 2017 (Pages 47 - 52)

d Monthly Business and Culture Committee held on Tuesday 11 April 2017 (Pages 53 - 60)

e Monthly Environment and Regeneration Committee held on Wednesday 12 April 2017 (Pages 61 - 68)

f Monthly Health and Community Committee held on Thursday 13 April 2017 (Pages 69 - 88)

9 Notices of Motion

Alderman Ramsey to Move:

That this Council considers financial assistance along with parents, local business and Ebrington School for the temporary bus transporting school children to the new Ebrington School. This is to secure sustainability until the Waterside greenway is completed.

Councillor Cusack to Move:

This Council recognises the huge mental and physical health benefits of our Parks and open green spaces and commits to ensuring they are treated as a priority by Council. We need to retain and safeguard our shared spaces, especially in built up areas. We acknowledge that all our parks should be equally and adequately resourced, monitored and maintained to protect the safety and wellbeing of all users in this City and District.

Councillor Reilly to Move:

This Council supports the Right to Work: Right to Welfare (R2W) group’s “People’s Proposal” aim at introducing a simple but vital checklist for social security decision makers.

This Council supports this aim and will write to the Permanent Secretary for the Department of Communities calling for the issuance of guidance to all Decision Makers, requiring them to ensure that both due process and impact assessments are undertaken and fully complied with in the decision making process.

Councillor Tierney to Move:

That this Council recognises that Welfare Reform will have a significant impact on the most vulnerable in our communities.

Council notes that the NI Appeals Service have confirmed that there will be dramatic increase in appeals.

Council further recognises that this expected increase will place major pressure on local CAB and independent advice agencies to provide representation at appeals.

Council calls on the Department for Communities to provide the advice centres with the additional funds required to deal with the increased demand for tribunal representation in this Council area. Councillor O’Reilly to Move:

I call on this Council to support the call from Derry Trade Union Council for a comprehensive analysis to be carried out into the outcomes of the Steps to Success Programme in this Council area. 10 Response to Motions (Pages 89 - 92)

11 Correspondence (Pages 93 - 96)

12 Seal (Pages 97 - 100)

21 April 2017 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 6

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held in the Council Chamber, Guildhall on Thursday 30 March 2017 at 4.00 pm.

Present:- Aldermen McClintock (Mayor) (in the Chair); Devenney, Hussey, Ramsey, Thompson and Warke; Councillors Boyle, Campbell, Carlin, Carr, Cooper, Cusack, Dobbins, Donnelly, Duffy, Fleming, Gallagher, Gardiner, Hassan, Hastings, Jackson, C Kelly, D Kelly, P Kelly, Logue, McGinley, M McHugh, R McHugh, McKeever, McMahon, O’Reilly, Robinson and Tierney.

In Attendance:- Chief Executive (Mr John Kelpie), Director of Environment and Regeneration (Mrs K Phillips), Director of Business and Culture (Mr Stephen Gillespie), Director of Health and Community (Mrs K McFarland), Lead Legal Services Officer (Mr P Kingston), Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer (Ms Ellen Cavanagh) Democratic and Customer Services Officer (Mrs S Maxwell) and Committee Clerk (Mrs T Johnstone).


C76/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Chief Executive read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

C77/17 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Aldermen Bresland, M Hamilton, R Hamilton and Kerrigan; Councillors McGuire and Reilly.

C78/17 Webcast Announcement by the Mayor

The Mayor read the Webcast Announcement for the Meeting.

C79/17 Declaration of Members’ Interests

There were no Declaration of Interests.

Chairperson’s Business

C80/17 Condolences

1 Page 1 The Chair related her sorrow at the wave of tragedies that had overwhelmed the City and District over recent weeks and stated that it had been a difficult month with many deaths. She offered her condolences to Councillor Kevin Campbell on the loss of his sister and to Councillor Tina Gardiner on the loss of her father.

She also asked Members to think of the sudden passing of Derry City Football Captain Ryan McBride, quickly followed by the passing of Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness. She further commented on the recovery of John Concannon and Jack Glenn which was a bittersweet occasion for both families and that she was mindful of the family of Dean Millar whose family were still waiting for their loved one to be returned. The Chair then passed on condolences to the family of Buncrana woman Danielle McLaughlin and to those who lost their lives in the Westminster attack.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping stated that he supported the comments made by the Chair and wished to add his party’s condolences to all the bereaved and who have suffered such tragedies which had impacted on the people of the City and beyond. He added that Sinn Fein and the wider republican family had mourned the loss of one of their finest, Martin McGuinness who had been an inspiration, a role model and a friend, whose leadership inspired the building of a better future for all generations. He further commented on the vast amount of people who had attended the funeral from all traditions and from all over the country and who had recognised his unending and passionate belief in the peace process.

A Member of the SDLP grouping speaking on behalf of his party, added his condolences on all of the recent losses and stated that it was his party’s desire to ensure that Council do everything in its’ power to tackle the overarching and underlying difficulties for families in the City.

An Independent Member of Council also expressed his condolences and sympathies to all the families that had lost loved ones and that this City in particular had the burden of more than its’ fair share in recent days.

A further Independent Member of Council stated that he had to question the tributes to Deputy First Minister, Martin McGuinness, however he had no issue with passing on sympathies to Mr McGuinness’ family. He further stated that Mr McGuinness was a terrorist and his organisation caused much pain and suffering across

2 Page 2 the City and . He added that Mr McGuinness had also failed to provide answers for the families of the victims of the troubles. Councillor Cooper joined the meeting at this point.

A Member of the DUP grouping stated that he agreed on the remarks made regarding all those who had died and on the grief experienced by many throughout the City, in particular the passing of Jack Glenn. He added that he believed the testimony left to Jack was that he had united the people of the City who had been searching for him. He further added that he wished to extend his sympathy to Councillors Campbell and Gardiner on their recent bereavements.

A Member of the UUP grouping expressed his condolences to Council colleagues and to others in the wider community on the personal tragedies that they had endured. Similar to other Members, he was mindful of the past, as for many the past had remained their present and they had been traumatised by events from that time.

C81/17 Condemnation

The Chair expressed her condemnation on the recent attacks which had taken place in the City and also in Strabane.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping referred to the recent shooting in the Creggan area of the City and stated that he had witnessed the aftermath of the attack. He also referred to a second shooting in the City and was appalled that social media referred to the attacks as mistaken identities. He further stated his condemnation of the attacks, adding that there was no place for gangster style attacks masquerading as republicanism and called on all Members to fully condemn the attacks.

An Independent Member of Council stated his agreement with the previous remarks and that the attacks must be condemned. He further stated that there would be Members in this Chamber however, who would not express their condemnation and referred to remarks made by a Member at a previous meeting, whereby he had stated that Members hands were not clean. He emphasised that he wished it recorded that he can assure Council that his hands were clean as he had never been involved in any attacks or murders.

3 Page 3 C82/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held on 23 February 2017

Minutes of Open Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held on 23 February 2017 (C39/17-C65/17) were submitted.

On a matter of accuracy, a Member of the UUP grouping referred to C44/17 -Security Alert, page five, second paragraph, a statement made by an Independent Member of Council. He added that concern had been expressed by the words used however, these had been omitted from the minutes. He asked that webcast coverage was checked and the exact words recorded in the minutes.

It was agreed that the Minutes would be amended accordingly.

Alderman Devenney Moved, Councillor Hastings Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the above Minutes as amended be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

Matters Arising from the Minutes

C83/17 Foyle Haven (C43/17)

A Member of the SDLP grouping enquired if there was any update available to Members regarding Foyle Haven.

The Director of Health and Community reported that a meeting of the statutory groups regarding Foyle Haven was scheduled for Tuesday 4th April, to consider the outcome of the lottery application by the Depaul Group and also to confirm the interim arrangements of the statutory partners.

C84/17 Monthly Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held on 7 March 2017

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held on 7 March 2017 (GSP36/17-GSP52/17) were submitted.

Councillor McMahon Moved, Councillor Tierney Seconded and the Council

4 Page 4 Resolved that the above Minutes be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

C85/17 Monthly Planning Committee held on 8 March 2017

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 8 March 2017 (P36/17-P48/17) were submitted.

Councillor Boyle Moved, Alderman Thompson Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the above Minutes as amended be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

Matters Arising from the Minutes

C86/17 J/2014/0118/F - Proposed pig fattening houses (2 No) with underground slurry store, housing 1000 No fattening pigs, incorporating alterations to existing entrance at Site 150 metres North of No 73 Kilmore Road, Drumquin, Co Tyrone.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping referred to the above and stated that an Officer had undertaken to provide this information as it was unavailable to Members at the meeting and as yet no information had been received.

The Director of Environment and Regeneration stated that this would be passed on to the Planning officers.

C87/17 Monthly Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on 9 March 2017

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on 9 March 2017 (AAR24/17-AAR32/17) were submitted.

Councillor McKeever Moved, Alderman Thompson Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the above Minutes be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

5 Page 5 C88/17 Monthly Business and Culture Committee held on 14 March 2017

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Business and Culture Committee held on 14 March 2017 (BC42/17-BC58/17) were submitted.

Alderman Warke Moved, Councillor Tierney Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the above Minutes as amended be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

Matters Arising from the Minutes

C89/17 Delivery and Evaluation of Foyle Maritime Festival 2016 & Clipper Race 2015-16 and Outline Proposals for Foyle Maritime Festival 2018 (BC55/17)_

A Member of the UUP grouping referred to the Maritime Festival and asked for clarification on a later date on what liaison had taken place with Foyle Port in relation to the Maritime Clipper Festival.

The Director of Business and Culture stated that a report would be presented to the Business and Culture committee at a later date.

C90/17 Monthly Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 15 March 2017

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 15 March 2017 (ER48/17-ER61/17) were submitted.

Councillor Hastings Moved, Councillor Tierney Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the above Minutes be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

Matters Arising from the Minutes

C91/17 Greenways Project (ER58/17)

An Independent Member of Council referred to an issue with the section of the greenway which had received planning

6 Page 6 permission in 2014. He stated that local residents wished to see the project commence as soon as possible and asked Officers for an update on the scheme for Strathfoyle.

The Director of Environment and Regeneration reported that the scheme was part of the Capital Projects list and Officers were currently negotiating with landowners in terms of the project. She advised that a report would be presented to the Environment and Regeneration Committee meeting.

C92/17 Monthly Health and Community Committee held on 16 March 2017

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of the Health and Community Committee held on 16 March 2017 (HC47/17-HC65/17) were submitted.

Councillor Carlin Moved, Alderman Thompson Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the above Minutes be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

Matters Arising from the Minutes

C93/17 Sports Development Update (HC62/17)

A Member of the SDLP grouping stated that he had been contacted by a number of sporting and other groups expressing their concern regarding the revised pricing policy for sports facilities from 1 April 2017.

He commented that a particular facility had increased charges from £25.00 per hour to £33.75 per hour without lighting provision and advised that groups would be adversely affected by the price change. He stated that he was aware of a previous recommendation that the Derry City and Strabane District Council’s pricing strategy would be brought in line with other Council areas in the North however, with the deprivation levels within this City and District, he does not believe that Council were comparing like with like.

He stated that the sporting groups were a vital service to the young people in the community and proposed on behalf of the SDLP that a

7 Page 7 price freeze would be implemented with immediate effect in order for a working group to investigate how the price increase would affect groups throughout the City and District. He further requested that all Council sporting facilities were contacted the next day to be advised of this change.

A further Member of the SDLP grouping stated that she wished to second the proposal as she had also been contacted by a number of clubs and groups within her constituency who had expressed concerns with these prices. She added that a few pounds gained by this price increase may result in a lot more cost to the City in the long term.

An Independent Member of Council stated that he concurred with the previous remarks and supported the proposal as he also had been contacted by constituents expressing concern with the price increase. He also reported that the concessionary rates which were available until 6.00pm needed to be extended to allow children preparation time after attending school. He then highlighted the lack of pitch hire during the day due to the fact that people who were unemployed could not afford the costs and that it would be sensible to reduce the prices during the day to encourage people to use the facilities.

A further Independent Member of Council stated that the proposer and his party could have given some thought to the pricing policy as they had given the City of Derry Airport. The consequence of funding the airport was that people had to be charged through other budgets.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping agreed with the SDLP Members comments and stated that the policy should be deferred in order for it to go under a review.

A further Member of the Sinn Fein grouping stated his agreement with the proposer however, as a member of the Pricing Policy Working Group, he specified that the pricing for the underage sporting facilities had decreased with the reduction of a new junior rate to alleviate some of the difficulties surrounding the time slots as children were not able to access council facilities during the peak rate times. He added that another factor which had been highlighted was the historic arrangements for certain groups within the Council area with the approach taken by the working group to implement the pricing policy equally throughout the entire Council area. He stated that clarity was required on the issue as if a price freeze was implemented, it may result in a further increase at a later date.

8 Page 8 The Chief Executive stated that the issue was not about the price increase and its’ effect on certain clubs but that a decision had been taken on the new pricing policy which was a Council decision and advised that the current proposal required the rescinding of the motion.

The Lead Legal Services Officer informed Members that Standing Order 24 dealt with rescission on a preceding resolution of the Council and required that if it was within six months of the original motion, notice must be given of the rescinding motion by thirty percent of the Members of Council. He advised that no notice had been submitted in relation to the matter and the motion therefore could not be heard.

The Chief Executive stated that all of the issues associated with the new pricing policy be brought in for a report to the Health and Community Committee to enable Members a further opportunity to discuss the ramifications of the proposal.

A Member of the SDLP grouping requested clarity on what the Lead Legal Services Officer had outlined and enquired if the required thirty percent was achieved could the proposal go forward with immediate effect as he was concerned that the economic factors in the City and District were not balanced fairly in relation to the pricing policy.

The Lead Legal Services Officer reported that the matter did not appear on the agenda and as such, notice had to be given in relation to the matter.

A further Member of the SDLP grouping enquired if Standing Orders could be suspended to allow the original proposal to be considered.

The Chief Executive advised that a suspension of Standing Orders may be helpful to enable a short discussion to take place on the matter.

Councillor Tierney then proposed a suspension of Standing Orders to enable Members to discuss the issues regarding the pricing policy.

A number of Members then enquired if the Suspension of Standing Orders would enable the proposal to be discussed on taking it forward.

The Lead Legal Services Officer advised that when Standing Orders were suspended, the normal rules on motions did not apply. He

9 Page 9 informed Members that if the proposal to suspend Standing Orders was carried and the proposal was carried then the original decision on implementation of the price increase at leisure facilities could not be proposed.

A Member of the DUP grouping stated that as Councillors they were responsible for expressing concerns of constituents, however, Members were attempting to change a decision already passed by Council and for the DUP to support the rescinding of the policy could have implications for Council. He added that more information was required before such action was taken.

Following a short recess the Member of the SDLP grouping stated that he wished to refer to a report presented at the Health and Community Committee Meeting held on 9 February 2017 which stated at 3.12; it was agreed by the Leisure and Sport Working Group that an ongoing review process of the pricing policy and schedule of changes would continue to allow for scope for changes based on significant and continuous customer feedback.

He stated that based on this report he proposed that a paper be brought to the next Health and Community Committee meeting, taking on board the feedback from Members with a view on moving forward.

The Director of Health and Community agreed that a report would be presented at the next Health and Community Committee meeting.

A Vote was then taken and the outcome was as follows; For – 31; Against – 0; Abstentions – 1.

Councillor Tierney proposed, Councillor Boyle seconded

Resolved That a report on all the issues regarding the pricing policy at leisure and sporting facilities be presented at the Health and Community Committee meeting on 13 April 2017.

C94/17 Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission Investigation into Traveller Accommodation in Northern Ireland (HC60/17)

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping enquired if there was an indication on when the clean-up operation would be commencing at Greenbrae.

10 Page 10 The Director of Health and Community reported that meetings had taken place with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and Officers, and the clean-up at the site should now have commenced.

An Independent Member of Council advised that work had commenced that day.

C95/17 Special Planning Committee held on 22 March 2017

Minutes the Special Planning Committee held on 22 March 2017 (SP01/17-SP07/17) were submitted.

Councillor Hastings Moved, Councillor D Kelly Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the above Minutes be adopted as a true record of the Meeting.

C96/17 Correspondence on Motions

Members noted the correspondence from Motions.

An Independent Member of Council referred to a motion passed at Council on 26 January 2017 regarding inviting the Quaker Service to speak to Members and enquired if there had been any response.

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officers reported that a letter had been sent to the Quaker Service on 14 February 2017 and officers were awaiting a reply.

C97/17 Seal

Councillor Reilly Moved, Councillor Boyle Seconded and the Council

Resolved that the Seal of the Council be affixed to the following documents:

Sealing List March 2017

Documents Sealed 15th February 2017

Agreement:- Derry City and Strabane District Council ~and~ Deborah Blackwood relating to car loan.

11 Page 11 Documents sealed on 6th March 2017

Licence Agreement: Derry City and Strabane District Council (1) and Liam Doherty, Billy Toland and James Glenn as Trustees of The Over the Hill Sports and Social Club (2) relating to part of Unit 22b Rathmore Business Park, Derry, BT48 0LZ.

Documents Sealed 10th March 2017

Deed of Covenant and Easement in triplicate:- Brian McLaughlin and Veronica McLaughlin ~and~ Derry City and Strabane District Council relating to trees adjacent to land at Kee Road, Eglinton, Londonderry.

Grants of Right of Burial in Ardstraw Burial Ground

Hilary Watson, 39 Brocklis Road, Strabane, Co Tyrone, BT82 9LZ

Grants of Right of Burial in Castlederg Burial Ground

Charlene Montgomery, 45 Dergvale, Castlederg, Co Tyrone, BT81 7DG

Grants of Right of Burial in Mountcastle Burial Ground

Junior Nelson, 161 Bangor Road, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 7PH

Grants of Right of Burial in Strabane Burial Ground

Bronagh Maguire, 27 Ingleside Drive, Strabane, Co Tyrone, BT82 8QU Maisie Wray, 26A Evish Road, Strabane, Co Tyrone, BT82 8NH Caroline Browne, 34 Ashgrove Park, Strabane, Co Tyrone, BT82 9EG Irene Lynch, 44 Jefferson Court, Strabane, Co Tyrone, BT82 9RW

C98/17 Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 – Confidential Business

The Mayor Moved, the Deputy Mayor Seconded and the Council

Resolved that in accordance with Section 42, Sub Sections (2) or (4) of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014, the press and members of the public be asked to withdraw whilst the Council discuss the following matters:-

12 Page 12 (a) Adoption of the Confidential Minutes of the Meeting of the Derry City and Strabane District Council held on 23 February 2017; (b) Adoption of the Confidential Minutes of the Special Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held on 22 February 2017. Adoption of the Confidential Minutes of the following Committees:

(i) Monthly Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held on 7 March 2017 (ii) Monthly Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on 9 March 2017 (iii) Monthly Business and Culture Committee held on 14 March 2017 (iv) Monthly Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 15 March 2017 (v) Monthly Health and Community Committee held on 16 March 2017

The Meeting terminated at 5.20 pm

Signed ______Chair

Date ______

13 Page 13 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 8a

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Guildhall on Tuesday 4 April 2017 at 4.00pm.

Present:- Alderman Thompson (in the Chair); Aldermen Kerrigan and Ramsey; Councillors Boyle, Cooper, Donnelly, Fleming, Gallagher, C Kelly, M McHugh, McKeever, McMahon, O’Reilly and Tierney.

Non-Members of Committee:-Aldermen Devenney, Hussey and Councillor Carr.

In Attendance:- Chief Executive (Mr J Kelpie), Director of Environment and Regeneration (Mrs K Philips), Lead Legal Services Officer ( Mr P Kingston), Lead Finance Officer(Mr A Dallas), Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer (Ms E Cavanagh) and Committee Services Assistant (Mrs M Doherty). ______

GSP61/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Chief Executive read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

GSP62/17 Members Attendance and Apologies

There were apologies received for the Director of Health and Community (Mrs K McFarland).

GSP63/17 Declarations of Members’ Interests

There were no declarations of Members interests.

Open for Decision

GSP64/17 Deputations

There were no Deputations.

GSP65/17 Chairperson’s Business

The Chairperson welcomed Paddy McDermott, a Year 11 Pupil from St. Patrick’s and St Brigid’s College, who was completing a week’s work experience with Council, to the meeting.

Page 15 GSP66/17 Brexit and the Ireland/N Ireland Border Corridor

The Chief Executive advised Members of information received prior to the meeting outlining an event to be held on the above matter. He advised that the event will consider the local authority context, key findings on the potential impact of Brexit and the way forwards for local government and business. He stated that a draft report ‘Brexit and the Ireland/N. Ireland Border Corridor’ has been completed and the findings of this work will be presented and discussed at this event. He advised Member’s that the event will be held on the 4 May 2017 at the Lough Erne resort in Enniskillen, beginning at 10.00am with an estimated finish time of 1.00pm. He undertook to circulate the information to all Councillors and suggested that Members wishing to attend confirm their intention in order to facilitate booking arrangements.

He further added that following this event, a subsequent report will be brought to the Governance and Strategic Planning Committee for consideration.

GSP67/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Governance and Strategic Planning Committee held on Tuesday 7 March 2017

The open Minutes of Meeting held on 7 March 2017 (GSP36/17 – GSP52/17) were confirmed and signed by the Chairperson.

GSP68/17 Capital Projects Approval

The Lead Finance Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report sought Members approval for the allocation of loan charges funding to Leafair jogging track and additional loan charges funding to Melvin 3G Pitch to enable the projects to progress within the required timeframes.

A Member of the SDLP grouping thanked Officers for the report and welcomed the investment and development of Council sporting facilities. In referring to the Leafair jogging track investment, he stated that this will only add to and compliment what is already on offer.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping also welcomed the report. He referred to the great facility at the Melvin Sports Complex and that this enhancement of the facility will be of great benefit to sporting organisations in the area. He sought clarification with regard to the

Page 16 changes associated with the project and if there would be a requirement to retender for the project, and if Officers could confirm of a start and completion time for the project. The Lead Finance Officer noted the Members comments and undertook to refer them to the relevant Directorate.

A Member of the UUP grouping thanked Officers for the report and also welcomed the investment in sporting facilities. He referred to the investment being directed towards the Melvin 3G Pitch and highlighted the following points:

 Rugby: He was of the opinion that the 3G pitch when complete would only be suitable for use as a training facility, as it did not meet the requirements for competitive games.  GAA: He was of the opinion that the pitch would also only be suitable for training provision although this would need to be clarified with Sports Officers or personnel more familiar with the game.  Soccer: He sought clarification as to which division i.e. junior/intermediate etc. the facility would be suitable for, as certain provisions such as pitch fencing, protective walkaways and separate referee changing facilities would need to be in place for junior division.

He concluded by requesting detail on what competitive usage Council envisaged for the 3G facility.

The Lead Finance Officer advised that he could provide detail to Members in terms of financial information but unfortunately he was not in a position to answer queries relating to competitive usage. The Chief Executive added that he would request a report to be provided at the Health and Community Committee dealing with Members queries.

An Independent Member of Council welcomed the report. He referred to the forthcoming work planned for the Melvin Sports Complex and the relocation of sporting clubs to ‘The Meadows’ to allow for the completion of works. He queried if Council could give consideration to providing temporary toilets and changing facilities at this area to facilitate users.

In response, the Chief Executive advised that the query would be forwarded to the Capital Development Working Group for consideration and a report would be brought for Members attention in relation to same.

Page 17 The Committee

Recommended that Members approve the allocation of loan charges funding of £17,500 to Leafair Jogging Track and additional Loan Charges funding of £123,000 to Melvin 3G Pitch to enable the projects to progress within the required timeframes.

GSP69/17 Emergency Planning – Future Emergency Planning Group Model

The Chief Executive presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report sought Member’s comments on the future of the Emergency Planning Group Model.

A Member of the SDLP grouping in offering his party’s support noted that the recommended changes made operational sense.

The Committee

Recommended that Members approve the future of the proposed Emergency Planning Group Model.

GSP70/17 CCTV Policy and Operating Procedures

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report sought Members comments and approval for the proposed CCTV Policy and operating procedures.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping thanked Officers for the report. In offering his party’s support he welcomed the framework being put in place to allow Council to move forward with Council initiatives around tackling the issue of fly tipping and dog fouling. He stated that this policy will allow for cameras to be installed in areas of concern, as the lack of an agreed policy had previously hampered enforcement action.

Page 18 A Member of the SDLP grouping thanked Officers for the report. He referred to item 4.1 - Roles and Responsibilities, in particular 4.1.3 where it states that the Council’s Data Controller is responsible for the Management of centralised CCTV records. He queried when the responsibility transferred from the Lead Officer/Head of Service to the Data Controller. He further queried under point 4.2.3/4.2.4 relating to the recording of images, if there would be an issue with availability of authorised staff at all centres should there be a need to view CCTV footage.

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer advised that the Data Controller will have responsibility for holding and collating all Records associated with the CCTV footage and details of the authorised users who have been given direction by the appropriate Head of Service/ Lead Officer or Director to ensure a consistent approach. She further clarified that only the appropriate personnel authorised to view CCTV recordings will have access and arrangements will be put in place to ensure that personnel are available at all times. Necessary protocols however will be in place should difficulties arise.

A non-committee Independent Member of Council referred to point 4.2.1 of the policy were it stated that CCTV is used to allow citizens to view Council meetings in real time. He acknowledged that currently Council uses webcasting for the monthly Council meeting and asked that consideration be given to extending this to Committee meetings.

In response, the Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer advised Members that the extension of such services is a matter for Council consideration and that a further report outlining all the necessary detail and financial implications will be brought before committee for consideration.

An Independent Member of Council in referring to the report and people rights, raised his concerns on who would make the decision to carry out surveillance, how would the decision be justified and what was deemed proportionate.

In response, the Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer advised Members that any CCTV installed for mandatory screening will ensure that processing of data is justified and adheres to the Information Commissioners Office guidance. She further clarified that Privacy Impact Screening/Assessments are required to be in place and documented for all CCTV installations throughout Council, with reviews

Page 19 carried out on an annual basis to ensure that the CCTV is justified. Installation of CCTV has to be evidence based and signed off by the relevant Head of Service/Lead Officer reviewed by the Director and approved by the relevant committee. She assured Members that a robust process was in place.

In response to a non-committee Member of the UUP grouping, the Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer clarified that recordings are kept currently either 14 or 31 days and that this variance was due to different equipment in use however both are in line with good practice. She advised however that the retention period of webcasting footage is much longer and in accordance with the Local Government Act 2014 must be kept for 6 years and available to view online for 2 years. She further clarified that the cost of installing webcasting equipment for the Chamber in the Derry Road Office’s would be included in the report referred to earlier.

An Independent Member of Council acknowledged the positives of having CCTV to tackle issue of anti-social behaviour but he raised his concern as the level of intrusion into people’s private lives. He agreed with earlier comments that all Council committee meetings should be considered for webcasting.

A non-committee Independent Member of Council was of the opinion that CCTV was good business practice and was dismayed by some Members concerns at its usage.

The Committee

Recommended that Members approve the CCTV Policy and Operating Procedures.

GSP71/17 Schedule of Meetings for 2017/18

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report sought Members approval for the proposed schedule of meetings for the 2017/18 period.

The Committee

Recommended that subject to modifications due to public holidays and other

Page 20 circumstances, the Meeting Schedule for 2017/18 period is adopted.

GSP72/17 Revised Equality Scheme for Derry City and Strabane District Council

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report presented Members with a revised Equality Scheme for Derry City and Strabane District Council in accordance with its duties under section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act and Section 49 of the Disability Discrimination Order and sought approval for same.

The Committee

Recommended that Members consider and approve the revised Equality Scheme for submission to the Equality commission.

GSP73/17 Findings of Councillor Satisfaction Survey

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report briefed Members on the findings of the Councillor Satisfaction Survey 2017. Furthermore, the report sought Members approval for the associated Action Plan.

A non-committee Independent Member of Council raised issues that he had been experiencing with the Mod Gov programme and the difficulties in down-loading the information at home.

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer undertook to address the issue with the IT section and identify the cause and seek a resolution to same.

The Committee

Recommended that Members (i) note the findings of the Councillor Satisfaction Survey 2017 and

Page 21 (ii) approve the Action List arising from the areas of improvement identified from these findings.

GSP74/17 Review of Elected Member Learning and Development Policy

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report sought Members approval for the updated Elected Member Learning and Development Policy.

The Committee

Recommended that Members approve the updated Elected Member Learning and Development Policy.

GSP75/17 Brandywell Stadium NIE Supply

The Lead Legal Services Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report sought Members approval to grant the necessary legal permissions to NIE to allow a new upgraded supply plus the associated substation to be installed within the site to supply the electricity demands of the redeveloped Brandywell site.

The Committee

Recommended that Members (i) approve the installation of the NIE infrastructure within the Brandywell site and (ii) agree to grant NIE the Lease, Easement and Wayleave for the premiums as determined by Land & Property Services and Council’s Legal Department is instructed accordingly.

Open For Information

GSP76/17 Annual Improvement Report 2016/17 Northern Ireland Audit Officer

Page 22 The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer presented the above report for information, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report advised Members of the Annual Improvement Report 2016/17 produced by the Northern Ireland Local Government Auditor.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

GSP77/17 Performance Improvement Duty

The Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer presented the above report for information, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report advised Members of activity related to the implementation of the Council’s Performance Improvement Duty.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents.

The Meeting terminated at 4.50pm.

Page 23 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 8b

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Planning Committee held in the Chamber, Guildhall, Derry, on Wednesday 5 April 2017 at 3.00pm. ______

Present:- Councillor Boyle (Chairperson), Aldermen Bresland, M Hamilton, Kerrigan, Thompson; Councillors Dobbins, Gardiner, Hassan, Hastings, Jackson, D Kelly, Logue and R McHugh.

In Attendance:- Director of Environment & Regeneration (Mrs K Phillips), Head of Planning (Ms M Fox), Principal Planning Officer (Mrs S McCracken) Principal Planning Officer (Acting) )(Mrs A McNee), Lead Legal Services Officer (Mr P Kingston), Planning Officers: (Mr J Duffy, Mr K Donaghey, Ms A Moyne, Mr C Rodgers, Ms L Coyle, Mr P McCahill and Ms R McMenamin).

Planning Administrator (Mrs C Corry), Committee Services Assistant (Mrs J Short).


P49/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Head of Planning read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

P50/17 Member Attendance and Apologies

Apologies noted from Councillor McGuire.

P51/17 Declaration of Members’ Interests

Councillor Dobbins declared an interest with planning application: LA11/2016/0383/F.

Alderman M Hamilton declared an interest with planning application: LA11/2016/0944/O.

Councillor’s Boyle and Logue declared an interest with planning application: LA11/2015/0295/F.

Councillor Jackson declared an interest with planning applications: LA11/2016/0553/F and LA11/2016/0628/F.

Page 25 2

Open for Decision

P52/17 Deputations (none)

There were no deputations.

P53/17 Chairperson’s Business

Planning Applications: LA11/2016/0944/O & LA11/2016/1002/F

The Lead Legal Services Officer referred to the above planning applications and explained that it was necessary to defer a decision to allow for a site visit so as to afford all Members the opportunity to attend. The application would be presented at the Planning Committee Meeting the next month.

Site Visit to Ebrington

Head of Planning advised Members that a site visit to the former Ebrington Barracks site was scheduled to take place on Friday 7 April 2017 at 2.00pm (meeting point at Guildhall for 1.30pm).

Pre-Determination Meeting – LA11/2016/0753/O

Head of Planning reminded Members that a pre-determination hearing regarding the above application was scheduled to take place on Thursday 13 April 2017 at 2.00pm in the Guildhall, Derry and to confirm attendance with the Planning Section Administration Team in advance of this date.

Mid-Ulster District Council - correspondence

The Chair referred to correspondence received from Mid-Ulster District Council inviting DCSDC Members to join the Local Development Plan forum.

It was agreed that the following Members would represent Council on the Local Development Plan Forum and attend relevant meetings:

Councillor’s Boyle, D Kelly and Alderman Kerrigan.

Page 26 3

P54/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 8 March 2017.

The Open Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 8 March 2017 (P36/17-P48/17) were agreed and signed by the Chairperson.

On a matter of accuracy a Member of the SF grouping referred to the discussion regarding planning application A/2011/0516/F whereby he had requested that section 6.250 of SPPS be applied in connection to the grid and not 6.2250 which had been noted wrongly.

P55/17 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes.

P56/17 Planning Application List with Recommendation for Decision

The purpose of the above report was to present to Members the planning applications list with recommendation for decision as follows:

Councillor Dobbins declared an interest in the following application and left the meeting.

LA/11/2016/0383/F Erection of 211 dwellings comprising detached and semi-detached dwellings, landscaping and car parking including access onto Point Road, connection to all public services and all associated site development works. (Amended Scheme). Lands East of Culmore Road, South of Culmore Primary School & Cranlee Park, South & West of Cooleen Park, West of Culmore Point Road & Woodlee, North of Mount Vernon & Belvoir Park and North East of Holy Trinity Church, Culmore.

The Planning Officer presented the above application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. He provided an overview on the background to the application and recommended that the Council’s Planning Committee approve planning permission for the proposed housing development, subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

Page 27 4

Councillor Boyle queried as to whether there would be a through road from Culmore Road to Culmore Point Road. This was confirmed by the officer.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping moved seconded by another Member of the Sinn Fein grouping to support the recommendation to approve planning permission.

The outcome of the vote: For, 9 Against, 3. The proposal was carried.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA/11/2016/0383/F be approved planning permission subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

Councillor Dobbins returned to the meeting.

LA11/2016/0944/O Site for social housing development consisting 10 no. 3 person 2 bedroom units & 4 no. 2 person 1 bedroom units and associated works at lands at Ballygudden Road, (to the rear of Nos. 8-22 Ballycanice Close), Eglington, Londonderry.

It was noted that a decision on the above application would be deferred to allow for a site visit. The application would be presented at a future Planning Committee meeting.

LA11/2016/1002/F 14 no. social housing units – 12 no. semi-detached and 2 no. detached (13 no. two storey dwelling and 1 no. detached complex needs bungalow) and associated works including access, visibility splays, roadways, footpaths and planting belt etc at lands 56m south east of Broadbridge Primary School, 3 Coolafinney Road, Eglinton, Co. Derry.

It was noted that a decision in the above application would be deferred to allow for a site visit. The application would be presented at a future Planning Committee meeting.

LA11/2015/0194/F – Erection of 16 no. semi-detached and 3 no. terrace two storey dwellings and associated access and parking

Page 28 5

(amended scheme) at Land at the junction of Art Road, Berryhill Road and Church View, Strabane. Recommendation: Approve.

The Planning Officer presented the above application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration it was recommended that the application be approved planning permission subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

A Member of the DUP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SF grouping to support the Officer recommendation to approve planning permission.

The outcome of the vote was unanimous and the proposal was carried.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA11/2015/0194/F be approved planning permission subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

Councillor’s Boyle and Logue declared an interest in the following application and left the meeting.

Councillor Hassan took over the position of Chair of the meeting.

LA11/2015/0295/F Commercial and residential refurbishment/extension and internal alterations (retail use and 14 no. apartments at 27 Shipquay Street, Derry.

The Planning Officer presented the above application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration it was recommended that the application be approved planning permission subject to conditions as outlined within the report.

A Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the Sinn Fein grouping to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to approve planning permission.

Page 29 6

The outcome of the vote; For, unanimous and the proposal was carried.

The Committee Resolved that planning application LA11/2015/0295/F be approved planning permission subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

Councillor’s Boyle and Logue returned to the meeting.

LA11/2016/0561/RM Proposed residential development to include 219 no. residential units (130 no. semi-detached, 69 no. detached and 20 no. apartments) with associated private driveways, provision of open space, construction of site access onto Belt Road and all other associated site works at lands between Belt Road and Church Road, south of Ashcroft.

Councillor Hassan left the room.

The Planning Officer presented the above application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration it was recommended that the application be approved planning permission subject to conditions as outlined within the report.

Mr Tom Stokes, speaker for the applicant, addressed the Committee.

Discussion ensued after which a Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SF grouping to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to approve planning permission.

The outcome of the vote; For 12, Against 0, Abstention 0. The proposal was carried.

The Committee Resolved that planning application LA11/2016/0561/RM be approved

Page 30 7

planning permission subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

LA11/2016/0663/F Demolition of 2 no. partially constructed dwelling houses constructed under permission J/2004/0074/F and construction of 23 no. dwelling houses consisting of 5 no. detached and 18 no. semi-detached together with relocation of existing housing development entrance granted under J/2004/0074/f at Site immediately Southeast of LIDL Store, Bradley's Way, Strabane, Co. Tyrone.

The Planning Officer presented the above application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration a recommendation to approve planning permission was given subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

A Member of the DUP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SF grouping to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to approve planning permission.

The outcome of the vote; unanimous support for the approval of the application.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA11/2016/0663/F be approved planning permission subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

Councillor D Kelly left the meeting.

LA11/2016/0697/F External storage of RDF bales and 4 no. storage bays for glass, wood and construction and demolition waste at Land 30m North East of no 19 Road, Maydown, Derry. Recommendation: Approval.

The Planning Officer presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the application was provided and based on material consideration a recommendation

Page 31 8

to approve planning permission was granted subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

Councillor D Kelly returned to the meeting.

The Chair invited Ms J Mawhinney, Agent to address the Committee.

Ms J Mawhinney thanked Members for the opportunity to speak and welcomed the recommendation for approval which she hoped would be granted Committee support.

She proceeded to refer to planning condition no. 1 whereby it stated that the external storage of RDF bales shall be discontinued within 2 years of the date of this decision notice and the site restored to its former condition and use as permitted under A/2004/0987/F. She asked that Committee reconsider an amendment to the condition to allow for an extension of 5 years rather than 2 years given the complexities involved with such a substantial structure in terms of NIEA regulations, community consultation and build out period.

The Head of Planning advised that with previous applications temporary permissions were granted and could be renewed for an additional time period depending on the circumstances and this was an option that could be considered in the future in terms of delivery of this application.

Discussion ensued after which a Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by another Member of the SDLP grouping to support the recommendation to approve planning permission with conditions as recommended in the report.

The outcome of the vote; For 12, Against 0, Abstention 0. The proposal was carried.

The Committee Resolved that planning application LA11/2016/0697/F be granted planning permission subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

Page 32 9

LA11/2016/0954/F Disposal of spoil from the excavations at the new play park (LA11/2015/0776/F) and the inclusion of a capping layer on top of the excavated material at disused refuse tip adjacent to the existing dog track, Ballyarnett Country Park, Springfield Road, Derry.

The Planning Officer presented the above application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration it was recommended to approve planning permission, subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

A Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SF grouping to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to approve the above application.

The outcome of the vote: For: Unanimous. The proposal was carried.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA11/2016/0954/F be granted planning permission subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

A/2014/0538/F 20 no. pitches for touring motorhomes, caravans or tents to include electric hook ups (amended site) at 49 Upper Galliagh Road, Derry.

The Planning Officer presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration a recommendation to approve the application was given subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

Mr Nelis, Agent addressed the committee outlining reasons to support the recommendation to approve planning permission.

Discussion ensued after which a Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SF grouping to accept the Planning Officer’s recommendation to approve planning permission subject to

Page 33 10

an amendment to condition No. 2; to reduce the number of passing bays to a maximum of 2 along the specified route.

The Head of Planning advised that a pre-commencement condition would be applied relating to the 2 bays within the land ownership and control of the applicant and the applicant would be required to submit drawings of the passing bays. This was noted.

The outcome of the vote; For, unanimous. The proposal was carried.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application A/2014/0538/F be granted planning permission subject to an amendment to condition number 2; to reduce the number of passing bays to a maximum of 2 number.

Councillor Jackson declared an interest in the following application and left the meeting.

LA11/2016/0553/F Environmental Improvements to include new equipped play area, grass playing field, access paths, boundary fencing, new tree and hedge planting on Lands at Tullymore Road, Derry.

The Planning Officer presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview on the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration it was recommended to approve the application subject to conditions as outlined within the report.

The Director of Environment and Regeneration in response to queries raised in relation to disability access, advised that the play park equipment was designed to be accessible for all children. She agreed for an update report on play park provision and design to include costings for specialist equipment to be provided at a future meeting of the Environment and Regeneration Committee.

A Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the Sinn Fein grouping to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation.

The outcome of the vote; For, unanimous. The proposal was carried.

Page 34 11

The Committee Resolved that planning application LA11/2016/0553/F be approved planning permission subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

Recommended that a report be presented to the Environment and Regeneration Committee outlining play park provision and design costs for specialist equipment for disabled access.

Councilor Jackson returned to the meeting.

A/2014/0567/F Erection of single wind turbine - 30m hub height with 14.55m blades, associated access and 2 no. electricity cabinets on Lands 140m North West of 12 Heather Road, Derry.

The Planning Officer presented the above application details of which were previously circulated to Members. The PO provided an update on the background to the application and based on material consideration recommended a refusal of the application subject to the reasons as outlined within the report.

A Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SF grouping to support the Planning Officers’ recommendation to refuse planning permission.

The outcome of the vote; For, unanimous. The proposal was carried.

The Committee Resolved that planning application A/2014/0567/F be refused planning permission subject to the reasons as outlined within the report.

Page 35 12

LA11/2015/0347/F Erection of single wind turbine - 30m hub height with 16.5m blade length, associated access and 2 no. electricity cabinets on Lands 465m North West of 20 Heather Road, Derry.

The Planning Officer presented the above planning application details of which were previously circulated to Members. He provided an overview of the application and based on material consideration recommended that planning permission be refused for reasons as outlined within the report.

A Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by another Member of the SDLP grouping to support the recommendation to refuse planning permission.

The outcome of the Vote: For 12, Against 0, Abstention 1. The proposal was carried.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA11/2015/0347/F be refused planning permission for reasons as outlined within the report.

LA11/2016/0129/O Lands for housing development - approx. 6 no. dwellings on lands between 11 & 12 Evish Grove and 172 Mount Carmel Heights, Strabane.

The Planning Officer presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The Planning Officer provided an update on the background to the application and based on material consideration recommended a refusal of the application for reasons as outlined within the report.

The Chair invited Mr J Fleming, Agent to address the Committee in relation to the planning application. Mr Fleming proceeded to outline to Members reasons to support approval of the application.

The Head of Planning advised Committee that the land was constituted and zoned as open space and protected by PPS8 and there was no

Page 36 13

substantial community benefit to justify planning permission. She urged caution that a precedent would not be set in terms of similar applications in the future.

A Member of the SDLP grouping expressed the opinion that this was a potential site for development and therefore the proposal should be supported.

A Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SF grouping not to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to refuse planning permission.

The outcome of the vote; For, 4, Against 5, Abstention 4. The proposal fell.

A Member of the SF grouping moved, seconded by another Member of the SF grouping to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to refuse planning permission.

The outcome of the vote; For 9, Against 2, Abstention 2. The proposal was carried.

The Committee Resolved that planning application LA11/2016/0129/O be refused planning permission for refusal reasons as outlined within the report.

LA11/2015/0714/F Development of phase 1 to consist of site works to raise the ground level in preparation for the future development of commercial units under phase 2 (at a later date) The raised ground will require time to settle prior to the development of building works (Phase 2) on Lands to the rear of units 4-9 Elagh Business Park, Buncrana Road, Londonderry.

The Planning Officer presented the above planning application details of which were previously circulated to Members. She provided an overview of the background to the application and based on material consideration recommended an approval of the application subject to conditions as outlined within the report.

Page 37 14

SF grouping proposed and Councillor Gardiner seconded to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to approve.

The outcome of the vote was unanimous.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA11/2015/0714/F be approved planning permission subject to conditions as outlined within the report.

LA11/2015/0572/F Erection of wind turbine with 40m hub height and 54m rotor diameter on lands 273m north east of 7 Strahans Road, Strabane.

The Planning Officer presented the above planning application details of which were previously circulated to Members. She provided an overview of the background to the application and based on material consideration recommended an approval of the application subject to conditions as outlined within the report.

A Member of the SF grouping expressed concern with the location of the site as shown on the maps on the portal and presentation. The Principal Planning Officer clarified the issue.

He also expressed concern with the location of the concrete works and the impact of the restoration of the site going forward and the impact on the A5 western transport corridor. He also referred to the Council’s Waste Transfer Station that was located within the zoned area and the potential risk that the wind turbine would have on the duty of care to Council staff in relation to shadow flicker and ice throw.

The Principal Planning Officer referred to the shadow flicker risk to staff located at the Transfer Station and advised that they were of the professional opinion that there would be no detrimental impact.

Another member of the SF grouping also expressed concern regarding the access and possible land-take for the A5.

Page 38 15

The Principal Planning Officer advised that the application could be deferred to further address the issues raised if Committee were agreeable.

Discussion ensued after which a Member of the SF grouping moved, seconded by another Member of the SF grouping to defer the application for further consideration of the issues raised.

The outcome of the vote; For 8, Against 0, Abstention 4. The proposal was carried.

The Committee

Resolved to defer planning application LA11/2015/0572/F to further consider issues raised. The application would be further reviewed and presented at a future meeting.

Councillor Jackson declared an interest and left the meeting.

LA11/2016/0628/F The proposed development includes: 1 full size sand mattress natural turf multi-use pitch for soccer, rugby and gaelic games, incl ball stop fencing; 1 full size synthetic 3G soccer pitch including 3 mini soccer pitches with ball stop fencing, floodlighting; 4 synthetic tennis courts incl fencing, flood lighting; 4 synthetic cricket wickets and practice net facilities including fencing, floodlighting; changing pavilion to include 6 team changing rooms, accessible male and female changing, multi-purpose room, staff facilities; site infrastructure including pedestrian, cycle, vehicular access, car parking, site drainage, street lighting, perimeter landscaping at Former Clondermott High School Site, Irish Street, Derry, BT47 2HJ.

The Planning Officer presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration it was recommended to approve planning permission subject to conditions as outlined within the report.

Page 39 16

A Member of the SF grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SDLP grouping to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to grant planning permission.

The outcome of the vote was unanimous support of the proposal.

The Committee

Resolved to accept the Planning Officer recommendation to approve planning application LA11/2016/0628/F subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

Councillor Jackson returned to the meeting.

LA11/2016/0602/F Provision of 19 no. apartments (mix 5 x 2 bed and 14 x 1 bed) with the raising of the existing roof level to accommodate new floor heights. Provision of ground floor access to upper floor apartments. Proposed replacement of front and rear facades with block and render with feature stone cladding. Retention of existing ground floor retail units (amended proposal and plans) at 50-54 Waterloo Street, Derry.

The Planning Officer presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration it was recommended to approve planning permission subject to conditions as outlined within the report.

A Member of the SF grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SDLP grouping to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to approve planning permission.

The outcome of the vote was unanimous support of the proposal.

The Committee

Resolved to approve planning application LA11/2016/0602/F subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

Page 40 17

LA11/2016/0145/O Proposed detached dwelling and detached domestic garage adjacent to 67 Corrody Road, Tamnymore, Londonderry.

The Planning Officer presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration it was recommended not to approve planning permission subject to the reasons as outlined within the report.

The Chair invited Mr M Kennedy, Agent to address the Committee in support the application.

Discussion ensued after which a Member of the SF grouping moved, seconded by another Member of the SF grouping to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation not to approve planning permission.

The outcome of the vote; For 6, Against 6, Abstention 0. The Chair’s casting votes was in support of the Planning Officer’s recommendation.

The Committee Resolved that planning application LA11/2016/0145/O be refused planning permission for reasons as outlined within the report.

Aldermen Bresland, Thompson, Kerrigan and Councillor Hassan left the meeting at this stage and would not return.

LA11/2016/0318/F Provision of 4 no. dwellings (2 x pairs of semi- detached with associated site works and parking on Lands to the west of property of 68 Norburgh Park, Derry.

The Planning Officer presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration it was recommended to refuse planning permission as the proposal failed to meet policy requirements.

The Committee received speaking rights from Mr L Kennedy, Objector and from Mr L Nelis, Agent.

Page 41 18

A Member of the SF grouping commented that whilst the need for housing was acknowledged, it was felt that the design of the proposed dwellings would not complement existing dwellings and were sub- standard and there was also concern regarding safety due to increased traffic flow and the risk of anti-social behavior.

A Member of the SF grouping moved, seconded by another Member of the SF grouping to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to refuse planning permission.

The outcome of the vote; For 4, Against 4, Abstention 1. The Chair’s casting vote; not to accept the Planning Officer’s recommendation.

A Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by another Member of the SDLP grouping not to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to refuse planning permission. The planning reason to approve the application would be of substantial community benefit and therefore an exception under PPS8 Open Space by reducing anti- social behavior and problems with fly-tipping.

The outcome of the vote; For 5, Against 3, Abstention 1. The proposal was carried.

The Committee Resolved not to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to refuse planning permission and for the application to be further reviewed and presented at the next Planning Committee Meeting.

Councillor Logue left the meeting and would not return.

LA11/2016/0948/O Proposed Farm Dwelling on Lands 35M North East of 61 Rushall Road, Ardmore.

The Planning Officer presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration it was recommended to refuse planning permission for reasons as outlined within the report.

Page 42 19

A Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SF grouping to support the recommendation to refuse planning permission.

The outcome of the vote; For 4, Against 2, Abstention 1. The proposal was carried.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA11/2016/0948/O be refused planning permission for reasons as outlined within the report.

LA11/2016/0996/F The project comprises the construction of a new single-storey 6 class based Primary School and associated accommodation, external play areas, access and parking arrangements on a green field site. The proposal is to combine and replace the current existing provisions of Mullabuoy, Listress Primary Schools on Lands immediately adjacent to and North of St Mary's Slaughtmanus GAC, Ervey Road, Tamnaherin, Co. L/Derry (93 Ervey Rd, Londonderry, BT47 3AU).

The Planning Officer presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration it was recommended to approve planning permission subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

A Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by another Member of the SDLP grouping to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to approve planning permission.

The outcome of the vote; For unanimous. The proposal was carried.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA11/2016/0996/F be approved planning permission subject to conditions as outlined within the report.

Page 43 20

LA11/2015/0640/F Development of new school for Strabane Academy for 700 pupils and associated playing pitches, courts and floodlighting, along with car parking, service areas, landscaping and site works at 61 Derry Road, Strabane.

The Planning Officer presented the above planning application details of which had been previously circulated to Members. An overview of the background to the application was provided and based on material consideration it was recommended to approve planning permission subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

A Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the UUP grouping to support the Planning Officer’s recommendation to approve planning permission.

The outcome of the vote; For, unanimous. The proposal was carried.

The Committee

Resolved that planning application LA11/2015/0640/F be approved planning permission subject to the conditions as outlined within the report.

P57/17 Planning Appeals Update

The Principal Planning Officer presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to appraise Members on planning appeals currently in the system. A background table was provided showing the current status of any live appeals and any decisions made since the previous month.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes the contents of the Planning Appeals Update report.

Page 44 21

P58/17 Request to hold Pre-Determination Hearing on A/2013/0507/F Unit 4 Crescent Link – Variation of Conditions to allow Mixed Retailing

The Principal Planning Officer presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to advise Members that a Pre-Determination Hearing was necessary following receipt of correspondence from Department of Infrastructure (DfI).

A Member of the SDLP grouping moved, seconded by a Member of the SF grouping to agree to hold a pre-determination hearing on the aforementioned case.

The Committee

Recommended that Council would agree for a pre- determination hearing on planning application A/2013/0507/F.

Open for Information

P59/17 List of Decisions issued March 2017

The above report was presented for information to Members.

Member of the SF grouping queried Refusals listed on the Decisions Issued list and made reference to a query on a case regarding removal of lighting on a single wind turbine.

It was agreed that officers would check and update the Member concerned.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes for information the List of Decisions issued during the month of March 2017.

Page 45 22

The Meeting ended at 8.45pm.

Signed: ______


Date: ______

Page 46 Agenda Item 8c

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held in the Council Chamber, Guildhall on Thursday 6 April 2017 at 4.00pm. ______

Present: - Councillor McGinley (in the Chair); Aldermen M Hamilton, Ramsey and Thompson; Councillors Carlin, Donnelly, Duffy, Gallagher, Hastings, D Kelly, M Mc Hugh, Mc Keever, Reilly and Robinson.

Non-Members of Committee: - Councillor Carr

In Attendance: - Director of Business and Culture (Mr S Gillespie), Head of Environment (Mr C Canning), Lead Assurance Officer (Mrs D McDonnell), Internal Audit Manager (Mr J Harrigan), Risk Manager (Mrs A Begley), Independent Advisor (Mr T Jackson) and Committee Clerk (Mr Alex Mullan).


AAR34/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Lead Assurance Officer read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

AAR35/17 Apologies

There were no apologies.

AAR36/17 Declarations of Members’ Interests

There were no declarations of Member’s Interests.

Open for Decision

AAR37/17 Chairperson’s Business

There was no Chairperson’s Business.

AAR38/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on 9 March 2017

Page 47 The Open Minutes of the Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee held on 9 March 2017 (AAR24/17 – AAR32/17) were confirmed and signed by the Chairperson as correct.

Matters Arising

There were no Matters Arising.

AAR39/17 Internal Audit Reports

The Internal Audit Manager presented the above report, details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to update Members on the internal Audit work carried out within Derry City and Strabane District Council from January 2017 to April 2017.

A Member from the Sinn Fein grouping welcomed the Procurement Internal Audit report and was pleased to note that the majority of the recommendations were now implemented. However, he expressed concerns that a number of compliance checks had not been carried out. He stated that this issue had been identified previously and should have been a priority for Officers. The Member looked for reassurance as to whether an individual would be made responsible for ensuring appropriate checks were carried out going forward.

Another Member from the Sinn Fein grouping welcomed the Property Management Internal Audit report. She commented that findings in the report were disappointing, highlighting that the follow-up review showed only four recommendations had been implemented since 2015. The Member stated that it would be beneficial for property management to be included on the internal audit plan for the year ahead to ensure that work would be completed.

A Member from the SDLP grouping echoed the previous comments. He stated that whilst he recognised the work that had been achieved, he was concerned that a number of different items on the report had not been concluded.

An Independent Member of Council welcomed the Procurement Internal Audit report and noted the progress to date in relation to the implementation of the recommendations. The Member stated that centralised procurement is an issue that needs to be addressed in the organisation, due to the large level of responsibility and burden

Page 48 attached to one particular officer, with regard to dealing with contracts and quotations. The Member made reference to Chartered Institute of Procurement and the benefits that an organisation could accrue from implementing centralised rather than decentralised procurement. The Independent Member also expressed concerns at leaks surrounding a substantial contract and affirmed that this was not the best way to do business or inspire public confidence.

In response, the Lead Assurance Officer stated there had been significant improvements in the organisation in relation to the management of procurement. At this stage the organisation has not implemented a fully centralised procurement unit; however the organisation has taken steps to centralise procurement within each directorate. In addition to this a restricted number of staff have been trained in relation to carrying out procurement exercises and there is a move towards ensuring that all tender exercises under £30k are managed via the E-Tender system. Furthermore the financial system will be upgraded in the next few months which will further strengthen the controls in relation to expenditure.

In relation to the issue raised regarding the qualification compliance checks in the Procurement Internal Audit Report, the Director of Business and Culture, stated that the procedures have in-built checks in place. He assured Members that checks are being completed and that this has been reinforced with the events team.

In relation to the Property Management Internal Audit Report, the Head of Environment informed Members that there had been a significant period of change including amalgamations of departments which involved staff restructuring. He stated that these changes had affected how quickly measures could be brought forward and recommendations implemented. He also highlighted that the system was archaic with too much administration and that changes were underway to introduce a new, more effective system which would include staff training.

In relation to the comments raised above on centralised procurement, an Independent Member of Council expressed concerns in relation to the accountability in the process due to the amount of departments involved and indicated that a centralised procurement department would help to alleviate this issue and reduce risk.

Page 49 Another Independent Member of Council enquired as to whether there was much difference to the structure of procurement, compared to the structure prior to investigations taking place.

The Lead Assurance Officer informed Members there had been significant improvements in the organisation in relation to the management of procurement.

In relation to the qualification compliance checks raised in the Procurement Internal Audit Report, a Member from the Sinn Fein grouping stated that group responsibility is undesirable and that having an individual responsible for the task would be more reassuring.

The Director of Business and Culture clarified that whilst there is a dedicated events team and they would be carrying out the checks the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the checks are carried out rests with him as the Director of the service.

The Committee

Recommended that (i) a report be brought forward on the implementation of a centralised procurement department with dedicated staff.

(ii) property maintenance be included in the internal audit plan for the year ahead.

(iii) Member’s comments on the report be noted.

AAR40/17 Internal Audit Strategy2017/2018

Internal Audit Manager presented the above report, a copy of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of this report was to seek Member’s comments and approval of the Internal Audit Strategy 2017/2018.

The Committee

Recommended that Member’s approve the draft

Page 50 Internal Audit Strategy 2017/2018 subject to the addition of a Property Management follow up audit being included in the Internal Audit Plan for 17/18.

AAR41/17 Internal Audit Plan 2017/2018

Internal Audit Manager presented the above report, a copy of which had been previously circulated to Members. The report detailed the work planned for the Internal Audit Section for 2017/2018.

The Committee

Recommended that Member’s approve the draft Internal Audit Plan for 2017/2018 subject to the addition of a Property Management follow up audit being included in the Internal Audit Plan for 17/18.

AAR42/17 Corporate Risk Register

The Insurance & Risk Manager, presented the Council’s Corporate Risk Register, detailing the latest risk reviews completed.

An Independent Member of Council stated that due to numerous reports stating that the airport is a significant, high or critical risk, Council needs to examine the airport risk in a serious manner and not ignore the issue. The Independent Member called for a debate in Council where these risks should be discussed in detail to finally take action over the airport.

The Chair reminded Members that the Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee does not determine Council policy and that its role was to determine that checks and balances were in place. The Chair stated that a full body of Elected Members was required to make a policy change.

Page 51 A Member from the SDLP grouping affirmed that Members had debated the airport frequently. He stated that Council had taken the decision that the airport was to be supported and that it was unhelpful for Council business that individual Members downplay the value of the airport.

The same Independent Member of Council asserted that it was through the Assurance, Audit and Risk Committee that the reports of the airport risk were presented. He continued to state that whilst the Council, as a collective body, have discussed the airport, the level of risk, be it significant, high or critical, had not been debated.

The Insurance & Risk Manager informed the Committee that there were critical risks associated with the airport however, she offered assurances that the risks were recognised and being managed.

A Member of the SDLP grouping asserted that the Council as a corporate body, develop the policy and it was this policy that should be followed.

The Committee

Recommended that Member’s comments on the Corporate Risk Register be noted.

AAR43/17 Annual Improvement Report 2016/2017 by NIAO

The Lead Assurance Officer presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to members. The purpose of the report was to advise Members of the Annual Improvement Report 2016/2017, which was produced by the Northern Ireland Government Auditor.

The Committee noted the contents of this report.

The Meeting terminated at 4.45 pm

Page 52 Agenda Item 8d

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Business and Culture Committee Meeting held in the Chamber, Guildhall, Derry on Tuesday 11 April 2017 at 4.00pm.


Present:- Councillor Cusack (Chairperson); Aldermen R Hamilton, Ramsey, Warke; Councillors Boyle, Cooper, Fleming, Logue, McKeever and Tierney.

In Attendance:- Director of Business and Culture (Mr S Gillespie), Head of Business (Mr K O’Connor), Head of Culture (Ms A McCarter) Director of Legacy (Mrs O McGillion), Personal Assistant to Director of Business and Culture (Mrs J Gallowey-Doherty) and Committee Services Assistant (Mrs J Short).

Non-Committee Members: Aldermen Hussey and Devenney.


BC65/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Director of Business and Culture read the Notice and Summons for the meeting.

BC66/17 Member Attendance and Apologies

Apologies were noted for Councillor’s McGuire, McMahon and O’Reilly.

BC67/17 Declarations of Members’ Interests

Councillor Boyle and Alderman Ramsey declared an interest with the following Agenda Items:

No. 13: Peace IV Local Action Plan: TBUS16-100 Youth and Schools Train the Trainers Tender and Agenda Item.

No. 24: Peace IV Local Action Plan: Interface Investment Programme – TBUS16-102

BC68/17 Deputations

There were no deputations.

Page 53 2

Open for Decision

BC69/17 Chairperson’s Business

There was no Chairperson’s business.

BC70/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Business and Culture Committee held on Tuesday 14 March 2017

The Open Minutes of the Business and Culture Committee Meeting held on 14 March 2017 (BC42/17-BC58/17) were agreed and signed by the Chairperson.

BC71/17 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the Business and Culture Committee Meeting held on 14 March 2017.

BC72/17 Ulster History Circle – Blue Plague Programme 2017-2021

The Head of Culture presented the above report details of which were previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to seek Members approval on the proposed 5 year programme plan for the erection of Blue Plagues by the Ulster History Circle in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area 2017-2021.

The Committee

Recommended that Council approves the proposed 5 year programme plan for the erection of Blue Plagues by the Ulster History Circle in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area (2017-2021).

BC73/17 Decade of Centenaries Working Group

The Director of Business and Culture presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to update Members on the progress of the Decade of Centenaries Working Group.

Page 54 3

The Committee

Recommended that Council approves the £30,000 grant aid process subject to securing the budget from projected year end out turns.

BC74/17 Regional Start Initiative – Interim Measures

The Head of Business presented the above report a copy of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to seek approval for the completion of the Interim Business Start-Up Programme up to October 2017 and the delivery of the Business Start-Up Challenge. The Committee

Recommended that Council approve the delivery of the programme and start up challenge as outlined within the report.

BC75/17 DCSDC Response to the Draft Industrial Strategy for Northern Ireland

The Head of Business presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to seek Members approval and gain feedback on DCSDC’s response to the Draft Industrial Strategy for Northern Ireland.

The Chair congratulated the work of Officers involved in the production of a significant piece of work.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes the contents of the above report and approves the response.

Page 55 4

BC76/17 Northern Ireland Business Start-Up Programme Update

The Head of Business presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to update Members on the progress of the new 11-Council Business Start-Up Programme and seek approval for DCSDC budget contribution to programme delivery.

The Committee

Recommended that Council approve the acceptance of the Letter of Offer, dated 22 February 2017 and the budget as outlined within the report.

BC77/17 Peace IV Local Action Plan: TBUS16 – 100 Youth and Schools Train the Trainers Tender

The Head of Business presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to inform Members of the tender process for the TBUS16-100 Peace IV Youth and Schools Train the Trainer Programme as part of the implementation of the Peace IV Local Action Plan.

The Committee

Recommended that Council agree the following:

i)that Gaslight Media Trust be awarded the Tender to deliver the TBUS16-100 Youth and Schools Train the Trainer Tender (closing date of 16 March 2017) ii) that Waterside Neighbouring Partnership be awarded the Tender to deliver the Waterside Shared Village Project TBUS17-008 iii) that the Junction be awarded the Tender TBUS17-015 Patriarchy and Patriarchal Attitudes in a Post- Conflict Society Programme

Page 56 5

BC78/17 Investment Services 2017/18 Budget

The Head of Business presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to see Members approval for a budget allocation of £80,000 towards Investment Services and to provide Members with a breakdown of the budget and an overview of the indicative activities.

The Committee

Recommended that Council approves the programme of activities for Investment Services to the value of £80,000.

BC79/17 Market Development Initiatives

The Head of Business presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to seek Member approval for the Market Development Programme for Derry City and Strabane District in 2017/18.

The Committee

Recommended that Council approves the approach outlined within the report and the budget allocation.

BC80/17 European Capital of Culture 2023

The Director of Legacy presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to provide Members with an overview of the due diligence completed on the European Capital of Culture 2023 opportunity and to seek Members’ approval to advance a joint bid with Belfast City Council to host European Capital of Culture in 2023.

The Chair welcomed the report and thanked the Director of Legacy and her team for all of their hard work in producing the lengthy document.

Page 57 6

A Member of the SF grouping welcomed the report and reiterated the previous comments by the Chair. He added that it was important to continue to raise the profile of the City as a cultural destination and therefore it was important to support the development of the bid in partnership with Belfast City Council.

A Member of the DUP grouping reiterated the previous speaker comments. He however expressed concern with regards to the branding and emphasised the benefit to retain the name Derry-Londonderry so to protect the strong cultural linkages to the City.

The Director of Legacy advised that in terms of branding it was purely for the bidding process that Derry-Belfast or Belfast-Derry was used at this stage and branding guidelines with the various options would be presented at a future meeting.

The Chair advised Members that the discussion today was solely about the recommendation and any discussion with regards to the branding element of the process would take place at a future meeting. She added that it was important that Council would continue to strive towards the inclusion of all cultures in the decision making process.

A Non-Committee Member of the UUP grouping welcomed the report however expressed scepticism in relation to the risk identified with the Brexit negotiations. He also added that his preference would be a single bid approach as he failed to see how the economic benefit would be proportionate in terms of overnight stays in Derry City in comparison to Belfast City.

The Director of Legacy advised that clarification was sought from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport in relation to the risks associated with the outcome of Brexit and they were not in a position to confirm anything due to the ongoing Brexit negotiations. She further clarified that in terms of a 2-city bid approach if DCSDC were to proceed alone the cost would be approximately £500k so therefore in terms of economies of scale, a joint bid approach was the best option.

A Member of the SDLP grouping welcomed the report and commented that despite the fact that there are risks involved they were minded to proceed positively with the proposal that is presented today.

The Committee

Page 58 7

Recommended that Council notes the findings of the due diligence and to approve the progression of a Stage 1 bid as a joint submission with Belfast City Coucil and the allocation of £300k from the DCSDC budget.

Open for Information

BC81/17 NIMC Playful Museums ‘Tiny Tots at the Tower’ Programme

The Head of Culture presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to highlight the success of the recent Playful Museums Programme in increasing museum participation for 0-5 year olds and to build upon the success of this programme and continue to highlight the Tower Museum as a family friendly destination.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes for information the above report.

BC82/17 Alley Arts Centre Programme – Summer 2017

The Head of Culture presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to inform Members of the upcoming Arts and Cultural programme in the Alley Arts Centre for the summer of 2017.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes for information the above report.

BC83/17 Summer Jamm Festival 2017

The Director of Business and Culture presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to update Members on the programme development and theme for Summer Jamm 2017.

Page 59 8

The Committee

Recommended that Council supports the festival plans and notes the above report for information.

BC84/17 Enterprise Week 2017

The Head of Business presented the above report details of which had been previously circulated to Members. The purpose of the report was to provide Members with an overview of outputs regarding Enterprise Week 2017 Programme.

The Committee

Recommended that Council notes the contents of the above report.

The Meeting went into confidential business.

The meeting terminated at 5.30pm.

Signed: ______Chairperson

Date: ______

Page 60 Agenda Item 8e

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Environment and Regeneration Committee held in the Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Derry on Wednesday, 12 April 2017 at 4.00 pm


Present:- Councillor C Kelly (in the Chair), Aldermen Bresland, Hussey, Ramsey and Warke, Councillors Campbell, Dobbins, Duffy, Hassan, Hastings, M McHugh, and Robinson.

Non-Member of Committee – Alderman Devenney, Councillor Donnelly

In Attendance:- Director of Environment and Regeneration (Mrs K Phillips), Head of Capital Development and Building Control, Civil Structural Engineer (Ms J Benison) and Committee Services Assistant (Mrs M Doherty). ______

ER69/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Director of Environment and Regeneration read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

ER70/17 Members Attendance and Apologies

There were apologies Councillors D Kelly and Tierney.

ER71/17 Declarations of Members’ Interests

Councillor Dobbins declared an interest in agenda item 10 – Applications processed under Building Regulations (NI).

Open for Decision

ER72/17 Deputation- Thornhill College Eco Prefects – Thornhill’s Journey to Zero Waste

The Chairperson welcomed Monica Sorrenti, Trinity McKeever and Catherine Donaghue, Year 13 Pupils of Thornhill College to the meeting. He invited them to make their presentation to the Committee.

Page 61 Miss Sorrenti, Miss McKeever and Miss Donaghue proceeded to deliver their presentation highlighting the following to Members:

. Thornhill Colleges Zero Waste Journey. . The Eco Schools Campaign. . Thornhill College awarded Grant Zero Waste Pilot School receiving £4000 from the Minster for Environment. . Paper & Card recycling pods across the school. . Students participate by emptying the pods daily. . The 9 steps to Zero Waste implemented by the school. . The fun art recycling competition participated in by the school. . The Zero Waste Circular Economy that the school has benefited from i.e. money for school funds and donations to charities of the schools choice. . The stationery recycling campaign recently implemented by the school. . The students provided a short video in support of their campaign.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping congratulated the pupils on their excellent presentation. She stated that it was clear to see that the students of Thornhill College have a clear passion for the subject of Eco Waste. She stressed the important role education plays in teaching the next generation the importance of embracing zero waste. She referred to the zeros Waste strategy that Council has adopted and supports. She offered her Party’s support for the impressive work carried out by Thornhill College and wished pupils well with their initiative for the future.

A Member of the SDLP grouping also acknowledged the impressive presentation carried out by the students. She stated that it provided ‘food for thought’ for Members in identifying the simple measures that can be introduced. She further added that the future of zero waste was in the hands of the next generations and that she was very impressed by the work of the teachers and pupils of Thornhill College. She applauded the students for their joined up approach, teaching other schools in the Council area about the changes that they can make to benefit their schools and their students. She congratulated the students in raising awareness that rubbish is a resource that can assist school funds and help raise money for charities. She concluded by stating that the students should be really proud of what they have achieved.

Page 62 A Member of the UUP grouping also recorded his appreciation of the presentation provided by the students. He stated that it was welcome to see that Council is not on its own in its quest to tackle landfill waste. He stated that the students have shown that recycling is a smart move by using waste as a resource to tap in to available funding opportunities that exist. He queried how long each student spends on their duties as eco-prefects and what their fellow student’s views were of the concept.

In response, Miss Sorrenti advised that being an eco-prefect is a rewarding and enriching experience and that all eco-prefects enjoy the role. She clarified that eco-prefects duties account for 3-4 hours per week but some of this time can be outside of school hours.

In response to the Members second query, Miss McKeever clarified that each class has 12 students responsible for assisting the eco-prefects in their role. She stated that all students are involved and have a very positive attitude to the zero waste policy adopted by the College.

A non-committee Independent Member of Council thanked the students for their presentation he referred to the dividends that pay off by recycling and the benefits that the school and students have received. He congratulated Thornhill College for taking the stand and educating for the future. He referred to the blue bin and suggested that more promotional work is carried out as some are still unsure of what to put in to the Bin.

The Director of Environment and Regeneration thanked the students for their presentation. She advised of the recent visit that she had with the Waste Services Manager to the school and how impressed she was with all the initiatives that they currently operating. She stated that the initiatives under the colleges waste management agenda are fantastic addressing issues around bio diversity, energy preservation and health promotion. She stated that Thornhill College are leading the way in encouraging, supporting and enhancing zero waste alongside educating other schools in the Council area.

In response to the Members earlier query, the Director of Environment and Regeneration advised Members of a poster that contains the detail of what you can put in the blue bin and undertook to forward this out to all Members. Other Members in the Chamber added that Council Officers regularly attend community centres to provide advice in

Page 63 relation to this issue an there was a downloadable app called bin- ovation that can assist.

An Independent Member of Council concurred with the previous remarks in the Chamber in congratulating the students on an impressive presentation. He stated that work carried out by the students was inspirational and the young people are key in supporting Council in achieving zero waste.

A Member of the DUP grouping also recorded his appreciation of the work carried out by the students and offered his party’s support for what the students and Thornhill College are working to achieve.

The Chairperson thanked the Thornhill College students for their impressive presentation and video he took the opportunity to wish them well with the campaign for the future. ER73/17 Chairperson’s Business There was no Chairperson Business.

ER74/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 15 March 2017.

Minutes of the Environment and Regeneration Committee held on 15 March 2017 (ER48/17-ER61/17) were confirmed and signed by the Chairperson.

ER75/17 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

ER76/17 Street Naming and Property Numbering – Development of 5 New Dwellings at Kilnappy Road, Londonderry – Request for Development Name

The Director of Environment and Regeneration presented the above report a copy of which had previously been circulated. The report sought Members approval to name a new development of five new dwellings at a site on the Kilnappy Road, Londonderry.

The Committee

Page 64 Recommended that Members approve the naming of the new housing development at the Kilnappy Road, Londonderry to be ‘The Old Armoury’.

ER77/17 Street Naming and Property Numbering – Development of 40 Dwellings at Carmoney Road, Londonderry – Request for Development Name

The Director of Environment and Regeneration presented the above report, a copy of which had been previously circulated. The report sought Members approval to name a new development of forty dwellings at a site on the Carmoney Road, Eglinton.

The Committee

Recommended that Members approve the naming of the new housing development at Carmoney Road, Eglinton to be ‘Cherrydene’.

Open for Information

ER78/17 Applications Processed under Building Regulations (NI)

The Head of Capital Development & Building Control presented the above for information report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report advised Members of applications processed under Building Regulations (NI) between 1 February 2017 and 28 February 2017.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

ER79/17 Proposed Revocation of Disabled Parking Bays

The Director of Environment and Regeneration presented the above for information report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report advised Members of correspondence dated 22 March 2017 from Transport NI, Network Development Section regarding revocation of disabled parking bays at Clarence Avenue, Derry.

Page 65 The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

ER80/17 SONI – North South Interconnector Project

The Director of Environment and Regeneration presented the above for information report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report updated Members on recent correspondence received from SONI informing Council on progress with SONI’s North South Interconnector Project.

The Committee

Recommended that Members not the contents of the report.

ER81/17 Derry to Dublin Bus Service

The Director of Environment and Regeneration presented the above for information report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members. The report updated Members on responses received from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, the Department for Infrastructure and Bus Eireann in relation to the request from February Council’s meeting to write to Bus Eireann and the Minister for Transport to express concern at the decision to decrease the Derry to Dublin Bus Service.

In response to a Member of the Sinn Fein grouping, the Director of Environment and Regeneration advised that the response received in relation to the above matter indicated that Translink are keen to introduce alternative arrangements to mitigate the loss of the Bus Eireann route. Furthermore she clarified that alternative provisions such as Derry to Dublin via Letterkenny are being explored by The Department for Infrastructure.

A Member of the UUP grouping queried if the Department for Infrastructure would be seeking to add Lifford as an alternative route.

In response, the Director of Environment and Regeneration referred Members to the correspondence from the Department for

Page 66 Infrastructure which provides detail of the provision that Translink is proposing to mitigate the loss of the Bus Eireann, Derry to Dublin route.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

The Meeting terminated at 4.45pm

Page 67 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 8f

Derry City and Strabane District Council

Open Minutes of Health and Community Committee of Derry City and Strabane District Council held in the Council Chamber, Guildhall on Thursday 13 April 2017 at 4.00pm. ______

Present: - Councillor R McHugh (Chairperson), Aldermen R Hamilton, Hussey, Thompson and Warke; Councillors Campbell, Carlin, Cusack, Gardiner, Hastings, Jackson, McGinley and Reilly.

Non-Members of Committee: - Alderman Devenney; Councillors Carr, Donnelly, Gallagher, P Kelly, Robinson and Tierney.

In Attendance: - Director of Health and Community (Mrs K McFarland), Head of Community Development and Leisure (Mr B O’Hagan), Head of Health and Community Wellbeing (Mr S Donaghy), PA to Health and Community Director (Mrs L Shields) and Committee Services Assistant (Mrs T Johnstone). ______

HC69/17 Notice and Summons for Meeting

The Director of Health and Community read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting.

HC70/17 Members Attendance and Apologies

The Director of Health and Community recorded the attendance. There were no apologies

HC71/17 Declarations of Members’ Interests

Alderman R Hamilton declared an interest in the following agenda items: . Agenda item 4 – WHSCT – Children’s Services Planning . Agenda item 20 – Consultations

Councillor Gardiner declared an interest in the following agenda items: . Agenda item 10 – Advice Services Provision. 2017/18.

Councillor Reilly declared an interest in the following agenda items: . Agenda item 14 – Waterside Shared Village Project.

Page 69 . Agenda item 16 – Health and Community Directorate – Peace IV Action Plan Projects.

Alderman Warke declared an interest in the following agenda items: . Agenda item 13 – Bonfire Policy and Action Plan.

Alderman Hussey declared an interest in the following agenda item:  Agenda item 14 – Waterside Shared Village Project.

Councillor McGinley declared an interest in the following agenda items:  Agenda item 10 – Advice Services Provision.  Agenda item 16 – Health and Community Directorate – Peace IV Action Plan Projects.

Councillor Tierney declared an interest in the following agenda items:  Agenda item 10- Advice Services Provision. . Agenda item 13 – Bonfire Policy and Action Plan.

Alderman Thompson declared an interest in the following agenda items:  Agenda item 16 – Health and Community Directorate – Peace IV Action Plan Projects.

Councillor Jackson declared an interest in the following agenda items:  Agenda item 14 – Waterside Shared Village Project . Agenda item 15 – ‘Together: Building a United Community’ – Department of Justice Interface Funding Update.

Councillor Gallagher declared an interest in the following agenda items:  Agenda item 13 – Bonfire Policy and Action Plan.  Agenda item 14 – Waterside Shared Village Project . Agenda item 16 – Health and Community Directorate – Peace IV Action Plan Projects.

Open for Decision

HC72/17 Deputation Western Health and Social Care Trust – Children’s Service Planning

The Chairperson welcomed Mr Kieran Downey, Director of Women’s and Children’s Services in the Trust and Executive Director of Social Work to the meeting. He then invited him to make his presentation to the Committee.

Page 70 Mr Downey proceeded to deliver his presentation highlighting the following:

. Increased complexity and risk for children with challenging behaviour . Increase in obesity and Type 2 Diabetes in children . Increase in children’s mental ill health . Good community and voluntary sector engagement . Reform Plan Outcomes . Family support is key . Programme for Government 2016-20 . New 10 Year Strategy for Children 2017-27 . Trust Corporate Plan 2017-22 . Community Planning . Trend of children on the Child Protection Register – 337 currently on the register – lowest in Northern Ireland. . 40% of children on the register are in kinship care . Looked after children – 32% increase . Current provision . Western Area Membership of the Outcomes Group . Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership . Focus on our strengths . Collaborate not duplicate.

At this point Councillor Carlin entered the Chamber.

A Member of the SDLP grouping thanked Mr Downey for his very detailed presentation. She referred to his comments on Early Years where each child should get the best start in life but that breastfeeding statistics for the area where the lowest in Northern Ireland. She stated that there was a recent post advertised for the local hospital for a paid breastfeeding support worker at ten hours per week, which would not properly support young mothers to breastfeed their babies and some had to rely on groups of volunteer mums in the area. She enquired what the Trust’s plans were regarding breastfeeding support. She then referred to a recent presentation to the Committee by the WAVE Trust and enquired if there was any update available at this time.

She also enquired what the Trust’s plans were regarding co-production as a lot of Early Years programmes were conducted through voluntary organisations. She then referred to promoting child safety and stated that it was difficult to get teenagers to realise the dangers of the internet and social media. She stated that a lot of parents also did not

Page 71 have the knowledge and awareness of the dangers and enquired if there were any plans for parent education programmes.

The Member then enquired if there was any research to explain why there was a 30% increase in the number of children going into care from 2011, as it would be helpful for Council to know where to focus their efforts.

In response, Mr Downey informed the Member that work was still ongoing regarding the project by the WAVE Trust to introduce a pioneer community project which would provide a more effective coalition of services in a different way to protect children in those first 1000 days. With regard to breastfeeding he stated that he agreed that the rate for breastfeeding in the Derry City and Strabane area was disappointing and would be happy to provide a further more detailed update to her. He further stated that a lot of effort had been put into the recent posts that were advertised regarding breastfeeding support workers and that midwives were also trained to support mothers from conception. He added that his organisation was continuing to focus on changing the current rate of 36 percent.

With regard to the Member’s comments on child safety and the internet, Mr Downey reported that it was a growing concern and asked Members to redouble efforts within their communities so that parents were made aware of the dangers and influence that the internet and social media had on children and young people. He stated that more education was needed on the subject as the increased numbers of referrals through Gateway Services regarding e-safety was quite concerning.

Mr Downey then referred to the comments on co-production and said that it was critical to the Trust. He reported that through the Western Outcomes Group and the Community Plan they will ensure that they can do whatever possible with the limited resources that was available. He stated that there were resources within the Trust and the key would be to reorganise those resources to make the system work better for everyone. He stated that there were 588 children currently in care which costs a significant amount of money and if the number of those children could be reduced then the money saved would be transferred to prevention. He added that the Trust were committed over the next three years to begin to turn these finances and resources around.

Page 72 Mr Downey then responded to the Member’s comments on the 30 percent increase of children going into care since 2011 and reported that this number was the lowest in Northern Ireland. In terms of child protection he stated that there were different categories for children on the child protection register with the major two being physical abuse and neglect. He also reported that 40 percent of children within that number were in kinship placements which was a permanent arrangement.

A non-Committee Independent Member of Council thanked Mr Downey for his presentation and referred to cases of children ‘at risk’ who had been identified at school and were now receiving counselling. He enquired what happened to those children when schools were closed or if staff within social services were on sick leave. He stated that young people with serious issues weere not being identified quickly enough and that the waiting list for the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) was up to eight weeks. He enquired how a rapid response in this area could be identified as children as young as eight years of age had been identified as suicidal which would require a fast track referral.

Mr Downey thanked the Member for his comments and his analysis of the process. He explained that CAMHS had a nine week access target, where they were required to deliver all of their services, across Northern Ireland. He stated that within this there was an urgent referral system and that anyone deemed as urgent would have their first appointment within 24 hours, but agreed that it was an area that required further work. He then mentioned the implementation of resilient communities as an avenue of early help for young people and where help and support to children and families could be obtained as early as possible before issues become acute. He reported that the Trust was in the process of piloting an early help process as they had witnessed the power of people such as good grandparents, family support workers and experienced mature men and women who had raised their families and could give families non-professional support at the earliest opportunity.

A further non-Committee Independent Member of Council also thanked Mr Downey for his presentation and referred to the 30 percent rise of children on the child protection register over the past six years and enquired if these services would be affected by future budget cuts.

Page 73 Mr Downey responded by stating that the core fundamentals of the Trust was child protection and safeguarding children and those services would be provided as a commitment by the Trust and that the safety of a child would never be compromised.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping thanked Mr Downey for his comprehensive presentation and stated that the importance of giving every child the best start in life must be acknowledged. He commented on the worrying statistics within the report however, and in terms of young people, one of the dangers facing them was addiction which was a significant problem, particularly in this Council area. He referred to Community Planning and that Council was in a unique position within the Community Plan to identify gaps in provision and where the service could be improved. He added that it was encouraging to see Community Planning referenced within the report.

In response, Mr Downey stated that the Trust had been involved from day one with the Community Plan as an active partner and acknowledged that bringing together all the people and organisations will breathe life into the plan. He then referred to addiction in young people and the need to identify young people who had addictions at a much earlier age so as to give them the help and support they required at an early stage. He added that there were some organisations throughout the area who were engaged in helping young people with addiction problems but that the young people were not coming forward early enough to receive the help. He stated that alcohol and drugs were the most common addictions but others such as free online access to pornography and sexual violence was very concerning.

A Member of the DUP grouping thanked Mr Downey for his presentation and enquired if any aspects regarding child protection had been overlooked, particularly in rural areas.

Mr Downey referred to the Child Protection Register which was a very formal and robust process to ensure that no children had been missed. He stated that the Trust did reach into the rural areas in the same way as urban areas and that there was a very good Gateway system used as a single point of entry. He added that GP’s, families, worried neighbours, counsellors and health visitors were aware of the system which worked well.

A Member of the UUP grouping also thanked Mr Downey for his presentation and referred to the dispersal nature of the rural

Page 74 population and stated that he welcomed the fact that it was not just children but the need for wider family support which had been mentioned in the presentation. He stated that the figures given by Mr Downey were Trust figures and enquired if they could be broken down into micro level, particularly with regard to the Community Plan. He added that by working within Community Planning in the different electoral areas, the issues in one area may not be similar in another.

Mr Downey responded by stating that the information had been broken down into micro level and was available by electoral ward and this information would also be part of the Community Planning process. He added this information could also be accessed on the Children’s and Young People’s Strategic Partnership website.

A Member of the DUP grouping stated that even though the rate of child poverty was the lowest in Northern Ireland it had to change. He welcomed news of the work carried out by community and voluntary sectors who dealt with young people’s issues on a daily basis.

Mr Downey commented that one of the major common denominators was child poverty which the Trust was continually turning their attention to.

A non-Committee Independent Member of Council thanked Mr Downey for his presentation and stated that it was alarming when children as young as seven years of age had been referred to CAMHS and had to face the eight week waiting time. He stated that the issue may become a mental health problem for the young parents of those children, as families may have pre addiction problems before the complexities of adolescence. He then identified a rise in the numbers admitted to hospital due to self-harming from 5.9 per 1000 in 2010 to 8.2 in 2015 and stated that resources were needed for younger children to hopefully decrease the number that were self-harming in adolescence.

Mr Downey stated that he agreed with the Member’s comments and that as part of the process going forward, the focus was on providing help as early as possible to prevent those situations from unravelling to the point that young people were self-harming.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping stated that she worked in the field of family law which worked parallel with family intervention and child protection teams and that over the past fifteen years the service had

Page 75 become more focussed and streamlined in working towards better outcomes for children. She remarked that she had concerns regarding the Strabane office in terms of the physical resources available to Social Services and the lack of a proper reception which added to low staff morale as the working environment where they met clients and families was unacceptable. She stated that there was an attraction to using the community and voluntary sector as a hub for a better working environment.

Mr Downey thanked the Member for her comments and stated that the Trust had a strategic accommodation review within childcare services and the Strabane office had been included in that review. He added that using community facilities meant that families felt more comfortable and could come and go naturally. He added that home visits was another option for families to avail of.

The Chairperson then thanked Mr Downey for his detailed and comprehensive presentation.

HC73/17 Chairperson’s Business

There was no Chairperson’s business.

HC74/17 Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Health and Community Committee held on Thursday 16 March 2017

The open Minutes of the Meeting held on 16 March 2017 (HC47/17 – HC65/17) were confirmed and signed by the Chairperson as correct.

On a matter of accuracy a Member of the UUP grouping referred to HC50/17 (Deputation by the Public Health Agency) in the final sentence of the penultimate paragraph which should read ‘issues facing rural areas but due to the critical mass of urban areas, rural issues can become diluted’.

It was agreed that Members would amend their own copy of the Minutes accordingly.

HC75/17 Matters Arising

HC56/17 Good Relations Bid for Funding for 2017-18 Financial Year to the Executive Office.

Page 76 A Member of the SDLP grouping stated that Officers had undertaken to action the point raised regarding the refugee week in the City and Council District scheduled for 21 June 2017 and it was important that Members have that constant engagement with the refugees that have made this City their home. He suggested that Council also engages with other organisations across the field to highlight a very important week and would like Officers to report on their plans for the event.

HC76/17 HC60/17 Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission Investigation into Traveller Accommodation in Northern Ireland

A non-Committee Independent Member of Council referred to the site at Greenbrae and thanked everyone who had been involved in the clean-up of the area. He enquired about the adjacent site and if there had been any liaison with families from the Traveller’s community regarding relocation to a site which would be more suitable to their needs.

The Head of Health and Community Wellbeing stated that Officers were liaising with families on the site in relation to relocation.

HC77/17 Renewal of Entertainment Licence for Annie’s, Waterloo Street, Derry

The Head of Health and Community Wellbeing presented the above report, a copy of which had been previously circulated to Members.

The purpose of the report was to seek Members’ approval for extending the period for determination of the Entertainment Licence Renewal Application for Granny Annie’s, Waterloo Street, Derry, in order to permit matters arising out of recent legal proceedings to be concluded.

The Committee

Recommended that the Committee extend the period of determination of the Entertainment Licence Renewal Application for Granny Annie’s, Waterloo Street, Derry, in order to permit matter arising out of recent legal proceedings to be concluded.

Page 77 HC78/17 Licensing of Pavement Cafés Act (NI) 2014: Representations received in respect of the fees.

The Head of Health and Community Wellbeing presented the above report, a copy of which had previously been circulated to Members.

The purpose of the report was to provide Members with an update on representations made to Council in relation to the Pavement Café Licensing fees and to endorse the fees that will be charged.

A non-Committee Independent Member of Council stated that he had been contacted by business owners in the Strabane area who felt that the charge was a further bill in addition to the huge rates they were already paying, simply for putting a few seats outside their premises.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping stated that based on the content of the report, he recommended and endorsed the proposal raised at a recent Council meeting.

A Member of the UUP grouping stated that his comments related to café licensing rather than liquor licensing, as some may attempt to equate the two. He remarked that within the entertainment licence there was a scale in relation to the numbers an establishment can accommodate as some may simply have a table with a few chairs on the pavement, whilst others may have several tables, depending on the width of the pavement. However, there was no distinction, the charges remained the same and that some method of variance should be feasible based on the number of people that could be accommodated.

A non-Committee Independent Member of Council stated that the fee of £460, which was the equivalent of £2 per week for the licence to 451 businesses in the area, equated to over £200,000 which was a heavy administration fee. He further stated that businesses should pay the weekly £2 fee only when they placed tables and chairs outside which may only be for one month in the year. He added that he fully supported the fee of £2 per week for the actual time that tables were situated on the pavement.

A Member of the SDLP grouping stated that it was a very reasonable approach and that businesses can put out tables and chairs on the pavement as long as they held a licence to do so. He added that he did not believe that £2 a week would be an issue and continued that Council should be charging more.

Page 78 A further Member of the SDLP grouping stated he would like to draw Members’ attention to key issues within the report which stated; ‘Those premises were contacted through a mail drop and were invited to make representations in respect of the fees’ and that only two businesses had replied. He added that the work had been carried out by Officers and that the business community had the opportunity to express their views.

A non-Committee Independent Member of Council responded to the SDLP Members comments by stating that many businesses failed to respond because they saw it as a ‘fait accompli’.

A Member of the UUP grouping reported there were already establishments that had table and chairs on the pavement and enquired how they were going to be dealt with once the recommendation had been endorsed by Council.

The Head of Health and Community Wellbeing stated that each of those businesses would be contacted and advised on the licensing scheme with the fee that had been set and their attention brought to the guidance within the scheme.

At this point Councillor Carlin declared an interest on this item.

After voting by a show of hands;

The Committee

Recommended that the Committee endorse the recommended fees, calculated to cover the full costs of administering the scheme: Grant of 3 Year Licence £460; Renewal of 3 Year Licence £300; and Variation of Licence £300.

HC79/17 Advice Services Provision

The Head of Community Development and Leisure presented Members with the above report, a copy of which had been previously circulated. The purpose of the report was to seek Members’ approval for the advice providers for the Advice Services Programme 2017/18.

Page 79 A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping stated that he wished to pay tribute to all the advice service providers who had supplied vital help and information to people throughout the years. He added that the quality of service had to be the best that it can possibly be and this was one of the reasons why Council procures the services of individuals who were considered experts in this field. He then stated that the report had outlined two providers who unfortunately did not achieve the required Quality Standard and stressed that Council is committed to providing the best quality advice service provision, and expects at the very least the minimum thresholds. On that basis Sinn Fein supported the recommendation to provide the funding to the three successful groups who achieved the Silver and Gold Award.

At this point in the meeting Councillor Carlin declared an interest in Citizens’ Advice Bureau and Councillors Jackson and Hastings also declared an interest on this matter.

The Committee

Recommended that Members approve Dove House Advice Services, Carnhill Resource Centre and North West Citizens Advice Bureau as Advice Services Providers for the 2017/18 year.

HC80/17 Pricing Policy Update

The Head of Community Development and Leisure presented the above report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report updated Members on Council’s pricing policy and addressed concerns raised regarding the implementation of the Policy and Schedule of Charges at Community Centres that offered Leisure and Sports Facility Provision.

A non-Committee Member of the SDLP grouping stated that he had expressed serious concerns regarding the price increase at a recent Council meeting and wished to convey his thanks to the Director of Health and Community for presenting the report at such short notice. He stated that a positive way forward had been found as the increase would not be implemented until 1 September 2017 and with the funding opportunities that were available it was a very positive outcome.

Page 80 At this point Alderman Thompson, and Councillors Jackson and Hastings stated that they wished to declare an interest on this matter.

The Committee

Recommended that from September 2017, Members approve a full implementation of the Pricing Policy and Schedule of charges at Leafair and Bishop’s Field.

HC81/17 Allocation of Sport NI ‘Everybody Active 2020 (Small Grants)’ funding to District Councils

The Director of Health and Community presented the above report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report asked Members to approve an Expression of Interest on behalf of Derry City and Strabane District Council to administer and allocate the EBA2020 small grants funding to District Councils though the DCSDC Sports Development Programme.

A Member of the SDLP grouping thanked Officers for the report and stated that she was happy to propose it. She enquired if the Everybody Active Policy related to physical recreation as well as sporting opportunities and if funding could be directed to children’s play areas for children with disabilities.

The Head of Community Development and Leisure stated that he would need more information from Sport NI although the revenue support programmes were available to request equipment however, the support related to sporting equipment, coaching costs, facility hire and transport costs.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping stated that he supported the proposal and conveyed his congratulations on Council’s work on the number of programmes and initiatives that were available to people from all walks of life.

A further Member of the Sinn Fein grouping stated that in relation to rolling out the funding, she was aware that the Community Support and Good Relations Funding had been on a DEA proportion basis. She enquired if this could be implemented in the future to give an equal basis throughout the entire Council area.

Page 81 A Member of the UUP grouping stated that he would be concerned if Council were to adopt an equal funding allocation to each DEA, as the issue of addressing the actual individual need was more important. He added that correlation had been mentioned with Community Planning and enquired if it would be envisaged if a criteria regarding that proposal be linked into the needs and requirements of the groups involved within the Plan.

The Head of Community Development and Leisure reported that it was envisaged that a programme of open criteria would be applied in terms of the Council’s sports programme funding with additional funding by Community Support, Good Relations and PCSP. He stated feedback would be sought from sports clubs in terms of allocation of funding. He added that part of the criteria for this year was included within the Health and Wellbeing section within the Community Plan and Officers were awaiting clarification and more details from Sport NI.

The Committee

Recommended that (i) Members note the development of the Sport NI policy entitled Everybody Active 2020. (ii) Members approve the submission of an Expression of Interest to administer and allocate the EBA2020 Small Grants Programme.

HC82/17 Bonfire Policy and Action Plan

The Head of Community Development and Leisure presented the above report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report updated Members on the agreed consultation process around the Bonfire Policy and Action Plan.

The Head of Community Development and Leisure invited Mr Peter Osborne, Rubicon Consulting to furnish Members with an update on the consultation process.

Mr Osborne thanked Officers, Members of the Working Group and the political groupings for the very positive and informed discussions and the constructive approach regarding how the report and recommendations were developing.

Page 82 He stated that over twenty meetings had been held over a two week period and the process had engaged with numerous people with some very honest and open discussions from all sides of the community, on the issues regarding bonfire management.

He reported that the next steps for the report and recommendations were to provide updates to the Working Group in the near future and go into some of the detail of the recommendations and how they may impact on the Policy. He specified that after meeting with the Working Group the more formal process would begin with the approval of Council. He stated that Members were fully aware of the issues being considered with the different views involved, therefore it was important for Council to obtain a unified approach to taking these issues forward within the communities. He added that he would not present details on the issues, the potential recommendations or the policy at this time; however his sense from the community meetings and engagement with all the elected representatives was that there was a real desire to move forward. He stated that it was timely considering the policy and the opportunities that existed to move it forward and wished to reiterate his thanks for the constructive engagement within all the political parties.

The Chairperson thanked Mr Osborne for all his work and engagement with all the various bodies involved in the process.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping welcomed Mr Osborne to the Chamber and conveyed his thanks for all of his good and important work with the voluntary groups and political parties involved in the process. He stated that he welcomed the draft report and looked forward to the details of the final proposal.

A non-Committee Independent Member of Council also conveyed his thanks to Mr Osborne for his work to date and stated that within the consultation there was an understanding of the complex issues which had to be worked through in order to go forward.

A non-Committee Member of the SDLP grouping stated that on behalf of the SDLP he wished to thank Mr Osborne on his work thus far as there had been a lot of interesting and challenging conversations which will map the content of the policy. He added that the policy was an important piece of work and it was encouraging that all the parties

Page 83 were working in the same direction in order for the policy to be adopted and taken to their constituents within the Council area.

A Member of the UUP grouping conveyed a sincere thank you to all the work that Mr Osborne had undertaken which had been complex and challenging.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the process to date and provide comment for the final report.

Open for Information

HC83/17 Waterside Shared Village Project

The Head of Community Development and Leisure presented the above report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report updated Members on the funding application to The Special European Union Programmes Body (SEUPB) for the Waterside Shared Village Project.

A Member of the SDLP grouping thanked Officers for the report and stated that he welcomed the completion of Stage One and looked forward to the commencement of Stage Two the delivery of the project would make a major change to this part of the City.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

HC84/17 ‘Together: Building A United Community’ – Department of Justice Interface Funding Update

The Head of Community Development and Leisure presented the above for information report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report provided Members with an update on the funding application to the Department of Justice for Interface funding.

The Committee

Page 84 Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

HC85/17 Health and Community Directorate – Peace IV Action Plan Projects

The Director of Health and Community presented the above for information report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report provided Members with an update on the Peace IV Local Action Plan Projects within the Health and Community Directorate.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

HC86/17 Funding Awarded from the Department for Communities for a Men’s Shed and Innovation Hub at Glenview Community Centre.

The Head of Community Development and Leisure presented the above for information report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report provided Members with an update on a successful funding award of £27,670 from the Department for Communities to develop a Men’s Shed and Innovation Hub within the environs of the existing Glenview Community Centre grounds.

A Member of the Sinn Fein grouping stated that he welcomed the Men’s Shed and Innovation Hub as testament to the hard work and commitment by the people of the area.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

HC87/17 Department of Communities Additional Funding – Voluntary and Community Unit

The Head of Community Development and Leisure presented the above for information report, which had been previously circulated to Members. The report provided Members with an update on an

Page 85 additional funding allocation of £58,000 from the Department for Communities through the Voluntary and Community Unit.

A Member of the UUP grouping thanked Officers for all their work and welcomed the funding as a positive outcome.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

HC88/17 Correspondence

The following correspondence was provided for Members information:

 Department of Health: Quality Regulation Policy & Legislation Branch – Response regarding the use of Orkambi for the treatment of Cystic Fibrosis  Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council – Response regarding the use of Orkambi for the treatment of Cystic Fibrosis  Supporting Communities - E-zine Leaflet including information on Best Practice from the Community Sector; Funding and Training Updates; Policy Developments in Northern Ireland, Great Britain and Republic of Ireland; Assembly business and consultations.  Department of Health, Secondary Care Directorate – Response regarding the provision of IVF treatment.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

HC89/17 Consultations

The following consultation was provided for Members information:

. Education Authority – Home to school transport assistance.

The Committee

Recommended that Members note the contents of the report.

Page 86 The Meeting then went into Confidential Business.

The Meeting terminated at 5.50pm

Chairperson: ______

Date: ______

Page 87 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 10

Title of Report: Officer Presenting: Chief Executive Response to Motions Author: Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer

1 Purpose of Report/Recommendations

1.1 To advise Members of correspondence received in relation to Motions passed by Council.

2 Correspondence Received

2.1 Motion – Shared Campus Application

At the Meeting of Council held on 23 February 2017 the following Motion was passed:

‘That this Council writes to the Education Authority seeking a reversal of the decision not to support the shared campus application submitted by Groarty Integrated Primary School and Gaelscoil Na Daróige.’

2.2 A response was received from the Chief Executive of the Education Authority, attached at Appendix 1.

3 Recommendations 3.1 Members note the reply received.

Background Papers

Appendix 1- Correspondence dated 27 March 2017 from the Chief Executive of the Education Authority.

Page 89 This page is intentionally left blank Chief Executive Gavin Boyd h ea s”

2732017 — -I

2BMAR2017 Mr John Kelpie Chief Executive Derry City & Strabane 4Z7 ; District Council fr. C/C Council Offices -- 98 Strand Road Derry BT4S7NN

Dear Mr Kelpie

Shared Education Campuses Programme — Groarty Integrated Primary School and Gaelscoil Na Daróige Application

Furtherto your letter of 6 March 2017 requesting the Education Authority (EA)to reverse its decision not to

support the shared campus application from Groarty Integrated Primary School and Gaelscoil Na Daráige, I am writing to confirm that the Education Authority looked at this decision again.

However, The schools concerned were informed prior to application that sustainability may be an issue for the Education Authority,(as the Managing / Planning Authority of Groarty IPS) given that both schools are below the minimum threshold of 140 pupils for an urban setting. The proposal does not meet the six criteria in the Schools for the Future: A Policy for Sustainable Schools (SSP), publishedby DE.The decision

not to endorse the application is in line with the Shared Education Campus Programme — Third Call Application Guidance, Section 6.1 band 6.1 c, published by DE.The decision of the Education Authority remains unchanged.

However, the final decision always rests with the Department of Education with regard to Shared Campus applications.

I hope this helps to clarify the Education Authority’s position.

Yours sincerely

John Collings Director of Education

Education Authority 40 Academy Street, Belfast, BT1 2NQ T: +44(0)28 9056 4000 F: +44(0)28 9033 91 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 11

Title of Report: Officer Presenting: Chief Executive Correspondence Author: Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer

1 Purpose of Report/Recommendations

1.1 To advise Members of correspondence received in relation to proposals carried by Council.

2 Correspondence Received

2.1 Proposal – Bus Eireann At the Meeting of Council held on 23 February 2017 the following Proposal was carried: ‘That a letter be sent to the Minister for Transport in relation to securing bus routes from Derry to Dublin.’

2.2 A subsequent response was received from the Permanent Secretary, Department of Infrastructure, attached at Appendix 1.

3 Recommendations

3.1 Members note the reply received.

Background Papers

Appendix 1- Correspondence dated 27 March 2017 from the Permanent Secretary of the Department for Infrastructure.

Page 93 This page is intentionally left blank Page 95 Page 96 Agenda Item 12

Sealing List April 2017

Documents Sealed 20th March 2017

Form of Agreement in duplicate:- Derry City and Strabane District Council ~and~ Hawthorn Heights Ltd relating to Ballyarnett Play Provision Invest In Play.

Form of Agreement in duplicate:- Derry City and Strabane District Council ~and~ Crawford Contracts Group Ltd relating to Brandywell Play Provision Invest In Play.

Documents Sealed 24th March 2017

Deed of Variation of Agreement in triplicate:- (1) Derry City and Strabane District Council, (2) Department for Infrastructure and (3) Moore Construction (NI) Limited relating to H1B Lands.

Documents Sealed 30th March 2017

Agreement made under Section 76 of The Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 in relation to certain lands at Trench Road, Waterside, Derry.

Documents Sealed 4th April 2017

Release of Covenant in duplicate:- Derry City and Strabane District Council ~to~ St Columb’s Diocesan Trust relating to land at Trench Road, Waterside, Derry.

Documents Sealed 27th April 2017

Grants of Right of Burial in City Cemetery

Mrs Annette McMichael, Apartment 43, Monarch Building, 2 Redwood Court, BT17 9FQ. Mr Pearse Moore, 88 Victoria Gate, Waterside, Derry. Mrs Philomena Lamberton, 31 Shanreagh Park, Derry. Mr Christopher Simpson, 44D Cromore Gardens, Derry. Mrs Marie McCloskey, 2 Carraig Ard, Coshquin. Mr John Deeney, 6 Bloomfield Park, Derry. Mr Daniel Bonner, 15 Drumcliffe Avenue, Derry. Mr Samuel Kineton, 6 Yeats Court, Ballymagroarty, Derry. Mrs Monica McClea, 10 Templegrove, Derry. Mr Michael Doherty, 92 Galliagh Park, Derry. Mrs Monica Barr, 21 Bloomfield Park, Derry. Ms Altanta Golden, 7 St Brigids Avenue, Derry. Mrs Philomena McCauley, 8 Leonard Chester House, Kinsale Park, BT47 6YX.

Page 97 Mrs Jean Cooley, Tullyarvan, Buncrana. Mrs Kathleen Doherty, 29 Eastway Gardens, Derry. Mrs Patricia McMenamin, Riverview House, Abercorn Road. Mrs Katrina Hornor, 6 Brickfield Court, Mr Neil Carlin, 4 Northland Villas, Derry. Mrs Margaret Crockett, 12 Iona Park Derry. Mrs Leonie Griffiths, 3 Cloncool Park, Culmore, Derry. Mr Keith East, 146 Templegrove, Derry. Mr Patrick Faulkner, 61 Hollymount Park, Waterside, Derry. Mrs Fionnula Geary, 17 Talbot Park, Derry. Mr John Dixon (Senior), 14 Mangan Court, Ballymagroarty. Mrs Bridie McCloskey, 16 Liscloon Drive, Derry. Mrs Sally McCauley, 90 Ard Bann, Muff, County Donegal. Mrs Jacqueline Whitters, 92 Cornshell Fields, Derry. Mr Tony Carlin, 61 Carn Manor, Crescent Link, Derry, BT47 5SB. Mr Daniel Moore, 10 Summerhill Grove, Derry. Mrs Patsy Clifford, 2 Ardnarea Park, Derry. Mr Bosco Heaney, 2 Dunvale Park, Derry. Mrs Teresa Martin, 26 Cloncliffe Park, Derry. Mrs Maureen Boyle, 81 Glen Road, Derry. Mr John McGilloway, 25 Old City Court, Derry. Mrs Geraldine McBay, 8 O’Donovan Road, Derry. Mrs Mary Mullan, 50 Duncreggan Road, Derry. Ms Michelle Coyle, 36 Cashelhill Park, Derry. Mrs Ann McCloskey, 25 Glenbank Road, Derry. Mr Frank Quigley, 66 Foyle Road, Derry. Mr Peter Corbett, 11 Carrabane Walk, Derry. Siobhan McDaid, 200 Lecky Road, Derry. Mrs Nellie Crumlish, 7 Westend Park, Derry. Mrs Margaret McCready, 95 Bracken Park, Derry. Mrs Matilda McKinney, 4 Rockfield, Derry. Mr Ronnie Bond, 25 Rossmore, Waterside, Derry. Mr Donncha McFeely, 8 Marlborough Road, Derry. Ms Martina Mansfield, 51 Carrickreagh Gardens, Derry. Mr Saoirse Blake, 1 Carlton Court, Ballymagroarty, Derry. Mrs Linda Harkin, 31 Farland Way, Derry. Mr Michael Doherty, 28 Moyola Drive, Derry. Mrs Irene Doherty, 41 Bracken Park, Derry. Mr James Moran, 26 Kingsfort Park, Derry. Mrs Elizabeth Toland, 22 Grainan Park, Derry. Mr Anthony Horner, Ailegh Valley, Burnfoot, County Donegal. Mr Sean Grant, 83 Fergleen Park, Derry. Mrs Marie Wray, 5 Donegal Place, Derry.

Page 98 Mr Jackie Quigg, 10 Dundrum Park, Derry. Ms Winifred McGlinchey, 14 Hawthorn Way, Derry.

Grants of Right of Burial in Ballyoan Cemetery

Ms Tracy Curry, 146 Duncastle Park, Waterside. Mr Joseph Leake, 57 Shearwater Way, Clooney Estate, Waterside. Mrs Sally Crawford, 18 Bramhall Crescent, Kilfennan, Waterside. Mr Cecil Davis, 1 Grangewood Park, Kilfennan. Mr Gary Leckey, 7 Primity Gardens, . Mrs Mary Gilchrist, 3 Cloverhill Avenue, . Mrs Margaret Laird, 14 Riverside, , BT47 3RU. Mrs Celia Montgomery, 67 Stradowen Drive, Strathfoyle. Mrs Marian Collins, 52 Millgrove, Eglinton, County Derry. Mrs Eva Bradley, 43 Mosley Park, Kilfennan, BT47 5HR. Mr Robert Reid, 1 Breda Park, Drumahoe, BT47 3SL. Mrs Roseleen Middleton, 85 Primity Crescent, Newbuildings, BT47 2QZ. Mrs Eileen Hamilton, 63 Blackburn Crescent, Woodburn, BT47 5QG. Mr David Campbell, 5 Ballycanice, Eglinton, BT47 3HH. Mr Ronnie Simpson, 16 Tamworth Crescent, Kilfennan, BT47 5HE. Mrs Sylvia McClelland, 60 Old School Field, Drumahoe. Mr William Wray, 10 Riverside Park, Altnagelvin, BT47 3RU. Mrs Rosemary Holland, The Fountain, Londonderry BT48 6QL. Mrs Bette Johnston, 6 Woodside Park, Londonderry. Mr Adrian Garfield, 31 Richill Park, Derry. Mr Wesley Barr, 6 Fernbrae Gardens, Derry, BT47 5XS. Mrs Grace Downey, 5 Cambourne Park, BT47 5PH. Mrs Elizabeth Cairns, 20 Ardnabrocky, BT47 3BF. Mrs Lynette Quigley, 87 Bon Street, BT47 6EF. Mrs Suzanne Duncan, 35 Canterbury Park, Waterside, Derry. Mrs Janice Boyle, 64 Duncastle Park, Newbuildings, Derry. Debbie Pearson, 48 Ardnabrocky, Drumahoe. Mrs Heather Henderson, 30 Kinsale Park, Caw, Derry. Mr Stanley Hay, 5 Ashburn Avenue, Woodburn Park, Derry. Mrs Jenny Hamill, 15 Dunseverick Park, Altnagelvin, BT47 2LY. Mrs Linda Hay, 70 Woodside Road, Newbuildings, BT47 2QF. Ms Lisa McAuley, 82A Road, BT52 1SD. Mr Damien Bradley, 48 Blackburn Crescent, BT47 5QG. Miss Aine Carey, 4 Cornshell Fields, Derry. Mr Jonathan Torrens, 3 Manor Hill, Waterside, Derry. Mr Patsy Feeney, 22 Cloghole Road, Campsie, Derry. Mr Samuel Simpson, 5 Ebrington Street, Waterside, Derry. Ms Mary Doherty, 12 Virginia Court, Gobnascale, Waterside, Derry.

Page 99 Grants of Right of Burial in Claudy Cemetery

Mrs Lila Holme, 84 Stevenson Park, Tullyally, BT47 3QU. Mr Billy Henry, 104 Road, , BT49 0PD. Mrs Thelma Moore, 116 Duncastle Park, Newbuildings, BT47 2QL. Mr Gary Hutchings, 9 Kinsale Park, Caw, BT47 6NN. Mrs Avril McClelland, 18 Gortin Manor, Newbuildings. Mr Rodney McCombe, 22 Irwin Crescent, Claudy, BT47 4AB.

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