“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of ’s calcareous springs

October 2007

Water forget-me-not Myosotis scorpioides Photo by K Yamada Contents ...... 3 ...... 4 ...... 5 ...... 6 ...... 7 ...... 10 ...... 10 ...... 14 ...... 14 ...... 15 ...... 16 ...... 17 ...... 17 ...... 18 ...... 19 ...... 20 ...... 20 ...... 22 ...... 22 ...... 25 ...... 27 ...... 29 ...... 31 ...... 35

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Abstract Ranunculus peltatus Ranunculus penicilliatus pseudofluitans

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Acknowledgements

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Introduction

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 • • • • • Literature Review

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 “Typicalness” of Bedfordshire’s Chalk Springs Ranunculus Callitriche

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum Veronica beccabunga Agrostis stolonifera Epilobium hirsutum Iris pseudacorus Verrucaria Berula erecta Ranunculus penicilliatus pseudofluitans Callitriche obtusangula

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Proper Functioning Condition Pressures on Chalk Springs

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Ranunculus Berula erecta Callitriche Zannichellia palustris

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Apium nodiflorum Nasturtium officinale Ranunculus Ranunculus Berula erecta Catabrosa aquatica Ranunculus Calitriche Callitriche

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007


e.g Survey Site Selection

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Site assessment • • • • e.g • • • •

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Proper Functioning Condition Functional – At Risk Nonfunctional • • • • Data storage

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Results Water Chemistry Table 1 Location, chemistry and flow rates of calcareous springs in Bedfordshire,

Site Temp Nitrates Flow Location pH 1 no. °C ppm m/s

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Site Temp Nitrates Flow Location pH 1 no. °C ppm m/s Macrophytes Apium nodiflorum Berula erecta Epilobium hirsutum Hippurus vulgaris Lemna minor Nasturtium officinale Phragmites australis Ranunculus scleratus Rumex hydrolapathum Veronica beccabunga Figure 1 Percent cover of aquatic macrophyte species at six of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs, summer 2007

Apium nodiflorum Berula erecta Epilobium hirsutum Hippurus vulgaris Lemna minor Nasturtium officinale Phragmites australis Percent cover Percent Ranunculus scleratus Rumex hydrolapathum Veronica beccabunga Spring number

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Figure 2 Changes in aquatic macrophyte community composition and percent cover at Well Head, , Bedfordshire, between April and July 2007

Apium nodiflorum Berula erecta Epilobium hirsutum Hippurus vulgaris Lemna minor Mentha aquatica Myosotis scorpioides

Percent cover Nasturtium officinale Phragmites australis Ranunculus scleratus Rumex hydrolapathum Stachys palustris Veronica beccabunga Spring number and date of visit

Proper Functioning Condition

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Figure 3 Proper Functioning Condition rating of Bedfordshire calcareous springs

Land Use Figure 4 Current (2007) land use within 5m of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs

Site Disturbance and Pressures

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Figure 5 Types of site disturbance occurring at Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs during spring and summer 2007

Figure 6 Extent of site disturbances occurring at Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs during spring and summer 2007

Number ofNumber sites

Disturbance type

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Figure 7 Intensity of site disturbances occurring at Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs during spring and summer 2007

Number ofNumber sites Disturbance type

Analysis and Discussion Water Chemistry

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007


“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007

Figure 8 Linear regression of nitrate level versus flow rate in seven Bedfordshire calcareous springs (y = 3.78 + 26.1x)

Nitrate level (ppm)

Flow (m/s)

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Macrophytes Bedfordshire Plant Atlas Flora of Bedfordshire Carex panicea C. distans Catabrosa aquatica Galium uliginosum Berula erecta Caltha palustris Equisetum palustre Triglochin palustris Lychnis flos-cuculi Epilobium hirsutum Ranunculus scleratus Berula erecta Catabrosa aquatica

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Apium nodiflorum Nasturtium officinale Apium nodiflorum Mysotis scorpioides Epilobium hirsutum Berula erecta Nasturtium officinale Glyceria plicata Mysotis scorpioides Nasturtium officinale Berula erecta Mysotis scorpioides Nasturtium officinalis B. erecta

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Veronica catenata Glyceria Mysotis scorpioides Mentha aquatica Berula erecta Apium nodiflorum B. erecta Glyceria A. nodiflorum Nasturtium officinale Ranunculus peltatus R. penicilliatus pseudofluitans Ranunculus Ranunculus Ranunculus Ranunculus Pressures and Impacts

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Conclusions Ranunculus peltatus Ranunculus penicilliatus pseudofluitans

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 References Pre-enclosure map of Barton-in-the- Clay 1778 Map X 1/26/1 Field enclosure map of Barton-in-the- Clay 1814 Map M1942 Chilterns Chalk Streams Project Annual Report 2005-2006 Hydrobiologia Report on the species and habitats review The Science of the Total Environment Hydrogeological map of the area between Cambridge and Maidenhead including parts of hydrometric areas 33, 38 and 39 Riparian area management: process for assessing Proper Functioning Condition Environmental Pollution (Series B) Freshwater Biology British regional geology: East Anglia and adjoining areas Second land use survey of Britain Second land use survey of Britain Hydrobiologia Oikos

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 County Series 3 rd Edition Bedfordshire 25-inch Sheet 307 Flora of Bedfordshire Bedfordshire site report: 92Y – Well Head Bedfordshire site report: 92V – small marsh below Church Farm, Totternhoe A study of Bedfordshire chalk stream headwaters and comparison with UK chalk stream headwater standards The Journal of Ecology East Anglian Chalk: “Care for what remains, restore where we can” Local Environment Agency plan: Upper Lee Chalk streams of Lincolnshire What’s in your backyard? The Science of the Total Environment The Lichenologist Map of the Parish of Totternhoe Beds: 1840

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Freshwater Biology Ecology of watercourses characterised by and vegetation Hydrological Processes Ecological Land Classification for Southern Ontario: First Approximation and Its Application Land Utilisation Survey of Britain Bedfordshire Wildlife Sustainable communities in the – Building for the future Journal of the Institute for Water and Environmental Management The Journal of Ecology Mem. E. Note dell Inst. Geol. Aplicote, Napoli Environmental Pollution (Series B) Regulated Rivers: Research & Management River Habitat Quality: the Physical Character of Rivers and Streams in the UK and Isle of Man Freshwater Biology Sheet 4 eastern England

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Hydrological Processes Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management Water Bulletin River Restoration and Chalk Streams Seminar Proceedings. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management Freshwater Biology

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007 Bibliography Hydrogeological map of the area between Cambridge and Maidenhead including parts of hydrometric areas 33, 38 and 39 Bedfordshire plant atlas Applied Aquatic Ecosystem Concepts Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics The Student Guide to Minitab ® Release 14 Manual Potentiometric surface mapping in Ohio County Series 2 nd edition Bedfordshire Sheet XXVIII NW The Science of the Total Environment

“BEDSprings”: a survey of the extent, quality and management of Bedfordshire’s calcareous springs October 2007