. ¦¦¦¦ ¦ 1 CO., 827-828 7th St. N.W.^AAAAAA/MSAAA/V Visits Srcn Running Mate WATSON MEN WIN . I MONTANA REVIVES INDIANA SKIRMISH WALSH CANDIDACY /jU/lM—Ifyou are looking for GOOD FURNITURE—and you are > lift}o!w%r shrewd enough to know VALUE when you see it—BE SURE $ Robinson Defeated in Fight Democrats Give Alternate THAT YOUR SHOPPING TRIP INCLUDES A VISIT AND Over Control of State Instructions for | Organization. Senator. INSPECTION TOUR OF OUR STORE!! |

9r in! DutpaU h to Tlie Star. . May 19.—Element* HELENA., Mont., May ID.—The can- lined up behind Senator Janies r Wat- didacy of Senator Walsh of Montana son. Indiana's offering for the Repub- story savings again brought to the fore this week of was own nomination, their presidential that and Sen- Specials tell lican | ator Arthur R Robinson crossed swords wF. ... when the Democratic State convention, this week over control of the State or- instructing its delegates for Gov. Smith ganisation and the Watson forces came of York, gave a to Al, 0” off The fight broke of New them mandate * Your < victorious. out case Allowed for I bring forward Senator Walsh in a clear sky iust as the Republican lead- IB I*s °old Be^ ** ers were congratulating themselves that Gov. Smith cannot be nominated. | “Simmons" 2-inch Con- Old Mattress *gilMftj tinuous-post Bed —any Cl f) 7C _. _ i Jr XMijt I WS they emerged from the primary with out The delegates arc to stay with Smith Mattress- A serious rifts. size andfinish §10.75 ! as long as his name is before the con- napan 2. H Senator Robinson, who had been re- : y 3* fi/fl/ J nominated by a tremendous majority in vention. If he withdraws they are to B|P^TO KiaffljjS • I Metal Bed—any size and CIO 7*w Felt Mattress any CIS > j flesk JwL'Kfv JffvEvftl ' the primary’ over two opponents, per- put up Senator Walsh and beg him to finsh vIA./O size—good ticking J&ID.OU M B *l} sonally he Ofe "Simmons" Metal Post- S precipitated the clash when reconsider his recent withdrawal. MCW 11 4-Row Stitch Imperial edge. An- I X hurried home from Washington with FRANKLIN • er Bed— walnut finish. COd D. ROOSEVELT their delegates SENATOR §29 layer Felt Hand-sewn CD i the avowed purpose of making his cam- York, booster for Gov. Smith, The Republicans sent WHEELER an lzc .75 m Os New Montana, “ ,yc ? -• a r I Mattress. All sizes X paign manager. George N. Poland of men, it is be- Os who. reports to Helena j , d d | j has visited Indiana, w hers his presence uninstructed. Hoover - s m ar claim, is to be put 1 Crown Point, the new chairman of the ;j revived rumors of a move to place lieved. were in a in the forward by the sh . P i pa tS"„ :;T A majority con- Smith faetion at Houston a Vice r: 6 5o Republican State committee. The Wat- I Evans Woollen as a running mate on as S vention. but felt it best not to seek in- j ; Presidential son forces under the leadership of M ; the Smith ticket. candidate. Bert Thurman, the Senator's campaign : structions. Both State conventions met manager, were caught unprepared, but j i here last Tuesday. The Democrats se- by the time the junior Senator arrived, j | lected 16 delegates with a half vote for Your they had lined up 9 of the 13 com-j HOOVER BOOM HITS each. The Republicans named 22. with *?==.- > 1 Allowed $C Allowed for Your S mittremen for Elsa Rogers of Lebanon, I a half vote each. Both parties also se- ** Old Refrigerator the Watson choice for chairman. WILLIS DELEGATES 1) Old Spring electors. lected T.p f MISSISSIPPI SNAG Surprise. r-mllj Ste Gu.rant.,o » Offers Compromise. Instructions Are > f : i—H $14.75 -Simmons” Link Alternate instruction for senator ; i ‘ £s££&*£/ Senator Robinson sensed the situation a and attempted to save his face by a Walsh by the Democrats came as < $22.75 i»„d ah < Stock Takes Slight Setback After complete surprise, it believed r iSi'asM: Ip ,crr . compromise and Henry W Marshall. ! as was UNABLE TO AGREE 9»- thp Senator had definitely eliminated Front leer. Apartment COC "Simmons" Guaranteed C Lafayette publisher, was put forward Testimony Concerning the Cali- T. I 7CfD Springs* All > Senator Watson, over the long-distance ] | himself after his defeat in j l| ! type *4O. Coil $14,05 If-Aft. s,w * telephone, agreed in order fornia primaries fw» S > to promote j 3-Door Side leer, For- C9Q CA Howard on mo- S " harmony, but his committeemen refused • Payments. The instructions were made Ohio Group of 20 at Sea on Lined Double Decker 25- tion Representative Scout of SL | celain “Simmons" y X to compromise and elected Rogers. The i of former 4* 1 year Guaranteed long supporter of Cl ** J E choice was made after Senator Robinson ! Lewistown. an ardent Over 75 Boxea to Choose ] Special Dispatch to Thr Star. Walsh, and went over “big Walsh Choice —Toledo Blade Springs. All sizes... > made a plea that the election of Rogers j the con- I From —Others, $39 to SBS would be a personal affront to him JACKSON. Miss., May 19.—Hoover was also made a delegate to vention, as was J. Bruce Kremer of The Watson forces were particularly j slight I Urges Coolidgc. jstock took a setback in Missis- Butte, national committeeman. incensed at Robinson because they as- j arc ' eW sorted he had attempted S sippi this week in mass popularity be- ! Among Republican delegates. 11 ItemS Atß f to wrest con-, and the other trol of the organization from the Sen- ; jcause of the Rush Holland testimony j known to be for Hoover Sjipfial Di*p:itih to Thr Star. II for former Gov. Lowfion of Illinois "* ator just when he is getting his presi- | in Washington that he had paid Perry that Ohio, May 19.—The de- Co J executive committeeman from this forward the * Stf We pre- | polities here tend corroborate the I s strued as a rebuke to Robinson's i to g^j c tensions, ton as a vice presidential candidate c but to his friend George V. ;1 State, for Hoover work. Montana ! statements of the 20 delegates elected Coffin. Marion have excited wide interest in County political boss, j This will not influence the Republican Wheeler has announced himself the Kansas convention on the Are Forced to V who recently won a place on the State Mr. Ito City Otter 01 delegation as the Howard faction is in- ns a candidate to succeed himself in Willis ticket that committee. Coffin was indicted along opponent in j they have not been for him. However, it brings 1 the Senate and has as his with Gov. Ed Jackson on a charge of j strutted primaries July IT for- ; able to agree upon the support of any j having conspired offer a the democratic candidate. The Toledo Blade, which to bribe to 1 the race question to the fore and has a mer Gov. Sam V. Stewart of Helena. | former Gov. McCray. silencing effect on some of the strong I was a conservative supporter of the The Republicans now are squaring i Legal Question Raised. movement for the late Senator Willis, dry Democrats who threaten 1 i •way for the State convention Wednes- 1 anti-Smith There is a question that Senator printed an editorial leader following the day and Thursday. The convention will to go Republican. Wheeler could be a candidate at once announcement of the Republican pref- •elect a nominee for governor from During the recent county conventions for the Senate and for the vice presi- erential primary in Indiana in which j among 10 or more candidates, a com- some it once again urged the advisability of in Mississippi, most delegates were not j dency He must choose, political plete State ticket and seven delegates say, for he cannot legally drafting President Coolidge to lead the GO-CARTS large to the national It instructed. Some few were instructed authorities party in the coming national \ at convention. seek bo tli. campaign. , Old is assumed that the Watson organiza- support Pat Harrison, some to vote here Mr. Wheeler j The interpretation that the Blade Strollers, Sulkies OUT to So far as is known O\J the Indiana result not • tion will control the convention and will i against any wet." has not expressed himself on the stories placed upon was. /i C delegates ! for “instruction that they were so anxious vote for name its slates of not onlv | Washington County, where the Kian that the Smith people would have him to Follow the doctor's prescrip- Every odd piece —or in the convention but in the district i for the New York Senator Watson, but that they feared I political Issue, as a running mate and give your child , . . . , meetings fight has long been a nomina- tion, large kJftllLv UI JL UI llliUlV VOI V as well. indorsed with Leroy Governor. Four years ago Wheeler was that with Secretary Hoover's doses of fresh Spring air. broken aaaortment—YOU i actually Follettc tion the election might not result in a Nothing £ "Big Seven" Fight Looms. Percv, former United States Senator, as the second man on the La by S health — November. The > But this will not help the ticket, which ran second in Montana Republican vlcory in ' We have solved the “USED SUITE PROBLEM" PROFIT BY THIS POL- A fight for places on the "big seven" | the leader also notes that Indiana, " *l<;7c ! it only arouse the Klan Davis being a poor third —and which Blade In "as rLrLV: Smith cause as . many a Washington housewife—we will allow you loams However, as friends of Harry S ! scored throughout the North- In Ohio and some other States, the farm c „ J,,* 2 for nunc THAT * New. Postmaster General, have vowed | opposition all the more. heavily and small town vote was strongly Strollers $11.95 _no ICY OF OURS THAT i Mississippi con- west. S3O for yocr auile matter what condition it is in- > that if he is not on the slate they will j The State Democratic against the Secretary of Commerce." I vention, according to most political Unrest in this section over farm aid Sulkies $4.95 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER AND APPLY CALLS FOR QUICK DIS- X place his name in nomination from the and other matters being what it is, the and adds that "these votes have for floor of the convention. The Watson leaders, probably will instruct for Sena- years been looked to the founda- EASY TERMS. AS TOWARD PUR- Harrison, the faction—so the rumors go—be- for YOUR “OLD SUITE" 530 THE SAL reward*ardlessless orof managers are adamant against New tor favorite son. Both Smith tion of Republican victories in national POKUSAL re IslHw State Legislature and the State execu- | here Wheeler would add much strength CHASE OF ONE OF THESE “SPECIALLYPRICED" because of his indorsement of Herbert Democrats have the Northwest, now a debatable elections." ~lu, Hoover's candidacy the last week the tive committee of the |in SUITES, form., pn LEADS IN editorial state- as a candidate for gover- ment that it is a question whether any Indianapol.s. carry nor, while the Robinson forces gener- j ! Republican can these States ally are recognized as favorable to the j against Gov. Smith, except President E. He Now Has Coolidge and adds "though against his nominattor of Frederick Schorte- Secretary s Friends Claim wishes, secretary of he should be drafted at Kansas meler state. 6chortemei?r. City." lead the primary field, while Jewett I very fifth place. Votes —Governors This sounds much like an effort landed in 523 Convention to rally th« leaderless 20 uninstructed Roosevelt in Indiana. delegates from Ohio around the Presi- Interest was aroused in Democratic j dent, after failure to unite them on circles this week by the arrival in In-1 Aides See 600. either Lowden, Dawes or Curtis. dianapohs of Franklin D. Roosevelt of : Apparently the growth of Hoover New York, recognized as one of the support In all parts of the country has ¦ 4-Piece Bedroom Suites with French Vanity following boosters of Gov. Smith's candidacy. Al- i rado, Illinois, 6; 1; Mis-; impressed the anti-Hoover Republicans gave tllß* I By th* Associated Frtn. i 2; Minnesota. Sle-l ernl daj-l’Cd* th»t make a »\er before we shown *0 many new and dis- O Ixl|#| though insisting that he came here on I or but 110 the sourt, 5; Nebraska. 16; Nevada, 1; New ; here with the futility of further oppo- •plendid davennort Kv da* vet un- ferem *tyle* m bedroom furniture. And even more *4 A total of 979. all of ; 20; sitton, and 1t is likely a tire bed important, price* are much lower than you wotid ex- a SBf 1 his visit spec- Carolina, 3; Ohio. not that there fold into full double when- | c. nc” M a business trip, provoked j na- Mexico. 3: North ! -1 Walnut Veneer Bedroom « 1.089 delegates to the Republican I ever neeeaaarj’. Complete with ere- pert on merehandise of such enlendtd uestfn. conttrue- A ¦ mm ¦ _ whether he might not j 18; Carolina, 4; will any further among * uiation as to convention, have been selected, Oklahoma, South be conferences i tonne-eo»ered pav and vatanee. tton and flnmh. Here t« real value tn four ptec-e*. 'r ¦ W¦ ¦ Suite. Reg. value, $1 | C.SJ W be looking Evans Woollen, Indian- j tional 2. them before the national convention two nollara More for Plain Kmla jour rbote* of three gtvle*. in. tudtne that new *ty e ¦ /.II M over | majority, 545, required for nom- Alaska.' vanity, atre spec-1 1U •polls banker and a candidate for the 1 with a i Curtts—46 of which 22 are In dispute: opens. No further attempts have been rmneh or full full how or atrairht end Jk mm else, nomination, as ination. , _ 20; Is- made by the Hoover for a get- Democratic pmtdentlal the Demo- ! Kansas, 23; Oklahoma, Rhode leaders tahed IP rich \*a>nu* veneer. ] Walnnt Veneer Dinette timber Os the 1,100 delegates to ting together of the two of the prospective rice presidential | convention, two-thirds, land. 1: Alaska, 2. wings SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS by Woollen at j cratic where or the following dele- ; delegation, and none is likely. Maurice sJite. Reg Roosevelt was welcomed ] > nominate. Bio Curtis’ claim to by the Indiana Demo- i 733 2 . will be needed to by Okla- Maschke of Cleveland will be the can- ! JJJM a reception given chosen, leaving 230 still to gates is disputed opponents: I Club. have been homa, Alaska. 2. i didate the Hoover faction for elec- J of cratic designated, 20; be . . , — . For some ime the talk has been contested Norris—33 of which 16 are in dispute: I tion to succeed himself as a member of {sl 2 5-pc. Decorated Breakfast that if Smith lands (Returns from Fridays 17. i the national -committee. The anti- Reg. I^lI going the rounds primary in Oregon were in- Nebraska, 16; Wisconsin. Suites. value. .75 P the nomination, an effort will be made j Democratic managers also are claim- ' Hoover delegates may present no oppos- complete yesterday and the 10 Oregon Lowden's ‘23 to make Woollen his running mate. Re- j | ing the 16 Nebraska votes and 4 of j ing candidate, as opposition would be J delegates not included in the table , pom have filtered through from New !I are } them are claimed for Hoover, | useless. anxious below Neither does it account for the 1 Not a Candidate. |r 3—Walnut Veneer ChifFerobes. York that the Smith people are delegates, , Borah—ll. Idaho —11. a Middle Westerner on the tick- j Colorado and New Mexico candidates is claiming at Judge Florence Allen of to have were to be selected yesterday». i None of the the Ohio et and that they are looking kindly which j present the following 169 delegates, Supreme Court Thursday The total after each candidate’s i announced on Woollen. delegates | already selected; Connecticut. 17; Dela- j that she would be a candidate this year HAROLD C. FEIGHTNER. i name in the table represents Illinois, 6; Massachusetts, 2; herself —Walnut Lowboy. instructed, claimed for him i ware. 5: | to succeed on that bench, in- ; oledged or Missouri. 4; New York, 43; Pennsyl- stead of for the United ; by political managers, and not the I States Senate his vania, 79; Wyoming. 9; District succeed Senator Fess. This be , conceded to him by oppo- ; I of jto will WYOMING INDORSEMENT number 1 Columbia, 2: Porto Rico, 2. | some relief to the Senator, no doubt, I nents. In a number of States two or j Indiana delegates who will be for Miss Allen has shown candidates claiming some of \ The 33 a remarkable ANTI-SMITHITES more are instructed tor Watson and the 19 from vote getting ability and with her as the the good-looking BLOW TO th* same delegates. i A chest is one of with ade s. Value, so.4s i Maryland who will be instructed for < candidate of the Democrats against Mr j furniture that answers all -< Are eluded in the above table. They have | ; Immediately following this, however. 3 Pieces in Jacquard Velour! On Ea.y Terms V State Convention Against I ' " *• * » ¦ j Hoover—s23'), of which 203 are in not yet been selected. | came the report that former Represent- ! fn^nT“SWoi Here's a feature value that will be of unusual *'“** 5w m dispute: Alabama. 15: Arizona. 4; Ar- | finishes. Instructions. I Democrat*. i ative Henry T. Ban non of Portsmouth i Porlnr fkotit interest to young couples desiring something a, *g fM Spec « kansas. 6: California, 29: Colorado, 14: ¦ was contemplating entering as a candi- V-eaar different and better for their living room—yet A I 11L M which, i . ... ISpA'-iai D’npat'b Ui The Star. Delaware, 4; Florida. 10: Georgia. 16; Smith—6oo. of 76 are In dis- date for the Republican senatorial nom- well within their means. Beautifully uphol- ? I—Carved Frame Green Mohair Wyo., May 19 —The sweep- lowa. Kentucky. 29; T/iuisiana. 12; pute: Arizona, 6: California. 26: Con- $9.95 Upr I I ¦ CASPER 2: I ination against , * , Senator Fess. Like . . stered rich jacquard velour reversible. Living led by ; 14; Delaware, 6; ] i the XJ r in with ¦ls If 3-pc. Room w ing victory of the Smith forces, Main* 15; Massachusetts, 37; Michi- nectlcut. Idaho. 8; ! Senator, Bannon was a candidate on Uxise-cushtoned seats. Suite con- Johnson, of the gan. 33; 7; 12; Illinois, 58: lowa. 26; 20; Walnut Chests spring-filled, Suite. Val ue. $1 1J 57 X Fred W. chairman Minnesota. Mississippi. j Louisiana. j the Willis ticket for delegate the dub chair « Maine, 12; Massachusetts, 36: | to et a qc I aiats of large davenport, and fireside chatr. Full spring c?i«m 1 Itl Western States Smith-for-President or- Missouri. 10; Montana. 6’ • ; Nebraska, i | Michigan, ; Kansas City convention, but unlike the *l—— .I, M, Nellie Tayloe Ross in 8, 30; Minnesota. Montana, 8, Nevada. S P M. M. P— M In Mtt ganization and 9 Nevada New Hampshire. 11; New 24. Senator, he was elected. Bannon was ] Democratic State convention held Jersey. 31; New 7: New York, 6; New Hampshire. 6; New Jersey, 28: ] ; the Mexico. 90; one of the leaders of the old Foraker I here this week, though not unexpected, 47: North Carolina 10; Ohio. 31: Ore- New York. North Dakota. 10: Ohio ! organization in State 25 years few 1: 20; Pennsylvania, the of was so overwhelming a* to leave a gon 13; Rhode Island. 12: Tennessee, Oklahoma. 66 ; ! ago, and was long both a personal and | Smith opponents breathless, 19, 11; Vermont, 11; Virginia, Rhode Island. 10; Utah, 7: Vermont, 8 political Utah. 14; 26; friend of the late Senator Only two vote* were cast against in- 15; Washington, 18 Wisconsin, 7; Ha- Washington. Wisconsin. Wyo- | Foraker. dorsement and instruction of Wyoming's waii, 2; Philippines, 2 j mlng, 6; Alaska, 6; Hawaii, 6; Philip- The Ohio delegation to the Demo- delegates to the Houston convention to Hoover’s claim to the following 203 pines. 6; Porto Rico. 6; Virgin cratic national convention will travel cast their ballot* for the New York man delegates is disputed by opponent* Ala- islands, 2, as a happy faintly in a special train, Former Gov. Rosa was given a compli- bama 1; Arizona. 4 Arkansas. 4; Colo- Smith's claim to the following 76 leaving Cincinnati Saturday evening mentary vote of indorsement for the rado, 7; Delaware, 4, 10; delegates Is disputed by opponent*: June 23 Is known that Ralph Bart- Florida. Geor- Illinois, 12; It vice presidential nomination and a gia, 15; Kentucky, 2: Louisiana, 12; Louisiana. 20; Oklahoma. lett, who was elected as an independ- resolution catling for abolishment of the Massachusetts. 28; Minnesota. 2; Mis- 20; Pennsylvania, 16; Utah, 2; Porto ent on a declaration for Gov. Smith In two-thlrdr rule m the national eonven- j sissippi, 12; Missouri, 4 Montana. 1; Rico, 6, the Columbus district, will vote for Reed—ll7, 81 lion war adopted. Nebraska, fi Nevada. 3; New Jersey, of which are in dis- Gov, Smith on the first ballot, and that Notwithstanding the Smith victory, jl2j New Mexico, 8; New York, 20, pute: Illinois. 12; Louisiana, 20; Mis- practically all the others will leave however a few Democratic leaders of North Carolina, 5; Tennessee. 12; Utah, souri, 38, Oklahoma, 20; Pennsylvania, Senator on the second the Slate are openly opposed to Smith ?ll: Vermont. 11; Virginia, 11; Wiscon- 26; Utah, 3. ballot for Smith, and so far not a pro- though remaining silent as to their sin 0 The claim of Reed managers to all test. individual or organized, has been probable action In case he becomes the Lowden 261 1 i of which 80 are In but his 36 Missouri delegates Is dis- made by Democrats in any part of the puted by opponents State, that there Democratic nominee Indications that dispute Alabama, 1: Arizona, 9; Ark- Some have claimed 1 the organized forces of the State Worn- ansas, 9 Colorado 3, Illinois 63; j Pomerene 47 Ohio, 47. arc a few delegates in the delegation v. rt nVui "1 n‘«V Tm."!"" Walnut-Vcnccr Dining Room Suites ulariy fors49. Spe' X 'i!ti*Vr * Union will lowa 27; Minnesota 21: Missouri, 30.: George 28 Georgia, 28. who will never give their vote lo Smith, 11‘r-.-V" 1 |orM r,y dining *n s Christian Tem;>erance Hiirtwa'llM Tlils is one of our finest room suites and cial X p, thrown into the Republican column Montana ft l /, Nebraska, 16; Nevada,] Hull -24: Tennessee, 24 but who they are has not been indi- Draweri, Large wlll l<*’ us demonstrate the features ol a<| M §9s £ 4 Ayres (claimed by So far Smith majority 3 with given us a pub!*c statement of ap- 2 New Mexico. North Carolina. 13; 20 also Reed’s cated the In *l.L construction tltat add to its beauty and durabtl- \ ¦ 2~~ Walnut or Decorated 4-pc W are North Dakota 13 Ohio ! managers!; 20, the delegation has not indicated its /¦ preciatton to the Republican State oon- 20 Oklahoma. Kans-ts. a I.I.! Ity, we feel you will quickly agree that our prices ”I1 1 Bedroom Suite*. SCC*9 C * Nebraska, unit rule. It 4 rawer*, with Large f field also this week at liltI 18 South Carolina, 11 Wisconsin, 2, Hitchcock 16 16. Intention of Imposing tne are extremely low. The suite includes sixty-inch B. • W <»,<. } vcnMOfi Alaska, delegation P * W V'*lu#aiue. Sl*9tM .|*ec.. 00 « mopuii* for if* rejection of » proposed 2 No candidate at present is claiming was discarded bv the Ohio M'rror SIS.SA buffet, slxty-indi extension dining table, beau- calling rejeal of Use eight- Jowden s Haim to the following 90 definitely the following to the convention at Baltimore in 1912 Extra Large, with six beautiful upholstered plank for Democratic Big tiful china cabinet and chairs in Jacquard . n j k'ihk.. r.k: m Th* statement war. delegate:' )*• disputed by opponents: Ala- delegate* already selected: Alabama, and lias never been used since, Mirror $20.50 velour. Your choice of three styles tenth amendment Arkansas, 4; Carolina, v,.? mMW nA«* > by Mrs Minnie Fenwick of bama 3: Arizona 4, Colo- 124 Arkansas, 18 South 18. Governor I» Absent. EASV TERMS. PAYMENTS ARRANGED TO SUIT Issued ¦¦¦¦ *° •*» C SS9.SS. Spec. .... *29 m Cheyenne State president Donahey lias been absent from mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiA s run* Republican delegate* Gov Wyoming the State for the last two weeks on a ** national convention are un ti- ** la ihe Marching vacation trip Into the South. The let- /Tir Sa sal# T«« lane or Nmall for l *~K.irh rnrrMw Kereivr* Our grructed although th* majority are un- Alabamans Form Smith Cluh era-from-the-people columns of the m Bl ll Fervooal AMrntlnii~~Ho« Sow! \our iwlerlion Mrt.t fur turlnet Mini m M 9 supporters l /I! Uff V'I'II'W i Hoover of State lull ~~ * newspajM-rs the have been > EMM KIT FULLER 1 o Houston of letters urging the governor's nomina- TERMS Campaign for New Yorker at tion for the presidency, but no sugges- tion of the kind romes from the dele- CULLER IS RENOMINATED. gates, In fart, the list of delegates l< *!.<•/ ti l<» Ti<* 'Mdr j Uopold Straw*, alternate member of which, with the exception of Bartlett - of the twelfth district, was made up by p a Democrats Favor Re turn MONTOOMERY Ain , May 13 With the Alabama delegation from the sec- f cadet the selection of ftepubhcsn delegate# to Iiond congressional district, has interest* the State organization does not con- (/invention matter Mr. Strauss tain any Democrat* who are pro- # f Mayor tor Thiid Term. the Kansas City favorable | ? d himself in the to Hubert Hoover and the expect# at 60 Montgomery*n* In nouncedly favorable to the governor. Je»|/»t' I. V> Th* h’.at i indorsement least of Oliver U Street by Alabama Hepub- the club memberhblp lit the next few The fact l# llutt In spite of tile strengh ua May 18 The city Donahey the voters a# day#, - - MiKDERICK Ja an>- the situation In this members will lie pro- of Gov. with >- *p«ciali*« ta tnak- convention last night political The club three elections W* JP r autocratic Slate baa again become trshoull Chief vided with suitable badge* showing shown by his successive > nominated Mayor Lloyd C Culler to inte/eat will now renter in the activities from what State they bah and whom to the executive office, he has never Sale ßetween i«« -termsi- *>«n*d five tandl- at the convention* they are backing the Democratic stood well with the so-called "organisa- of Vanities ü muat**4 tiiumn two for Democrats, The I- retuinkuhiy tow Mu W dau-s for the bofcJ of aldermen, ln- The latest development in nomination tion" and the probability Is H anti EveJ Pavmaat* that do aot present Democratic by temitiMil uiei**. Moil ol lit,** vaaL % three of th* members i nit*, a "We the Al Smith that. If nominations had been mude # * « *7Zhm a in movement to vend a delete* I hope Montgomery t*fj tttHt *oltt for avarioaa vou - ,-,*nv*nt*ntc,n seeking his third tarn* marching by the old system, lending Itself mlftn to * 'tm no t.iiptuiuotlv itvtrlmd Flayor Ocher K Hon of Al Smith boo* ter* from Mont* club will be Joined Al convention to of By -iittrfv that long rtetit* Jo *»..* ...;j W Smith to * w gomery to the Houti/w convention jj marching club# from ottrer cities well control nominations the *t'i'tiiH « i|tittiUv ttiuijtt-ltfri*l«etivitatty a amount! that you oaaity ’ Clov, Donahey tti 4 for aldermen John H despite the far 1 that aii of the official I of the state, said Mr Strau#* *T hope organization, would never "HtgHln prliv 9 c, William Shipley and Charles representative* of tiw party in thUj l the Idea will Spread so that we can have been placed before the voters of 2-Drawer Sami-Vanity, SIBJA »•?*. according to ynur * incumbent--; Charles I* fttate have l)*em*clv( *= to voir have a special out of the Elate as a candidate for governor if Butcher pledged ii train Alabama undoubtedly strong » prominent merchant and 1 again?' the New Yorker Thirty well ! bearing Smith supporter# from Alabama. There is senti- i-tv* " Donahey among 'I Bros* former magistrate and known Mon (gome Men# have signify d; Mabamian* can do much to offset the ment for Gov the A**sTrfUtot No was 'if hemming attitude delegation place u« In Democrats of the State and, in met. it fff ’fiv New* candidate their intention mrrnhrr»s' our will 8 1827-829 7th St. N.W. Aubrey Montgomery marching if they to show extends beyond the party line, but none 1 go Ell to oppose A NKodemur of the Al Smith will Houston and | - | f accompany the State delega- ntMhimnf nominated to succeed him »lub that will go to Houston end work the ottwr State* that Alabama 1# not a* f it will Culler will hr in * for the nomination of th« hew York ; foolish a* painted," tion to Houston next month Ms or unopposed i *j GALBRAITH, which »iii ire i*id June 12 , go.ttuor. ATTICUS MUU4N. it, H. u—ii»orTV^T!!y»yiniQfTTxyyT??^uTTTVVVTTnXiiTTTi^yYy V. v ¦ . I