The Indianapolis Times Second Section Entered As Second-Class Matter Full Leased Wire Service of at Postoffice, Indianapolis INDIANAPOLIS, TUESDAY, JUNE 26 1928
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Second Section The Indianapolis Times Second Section Entered as Second-Class Matter Full Leased Wire Service of at Postoffice, Indianapolis INDIANAPOLIS, TUESDAY, JUNE 26 1928. tne United Press Association. HOOSIERS HEAP Victory Smile HOUSTON FINDS Houston Rocks With Convention Thunder DEMOCRATS A OVER , TURN BITTER WRATH Jill ‘PROHIBIT LOST TO ; > ON SHUMAKER t> BY PROHIBITION PARTY TO AL jRi # State Dry Chief Scorched City Fought Long Battle to He Will Be the Platform as for ‘Crust’ in Advising Clean Up Saloon, but Well as Nominee and Democrats. Grudges Dry Law. Sole Hope. S CAUCUS IS SCHEDULED EDITOR TELLS HISTORY TRY OUT A NEW MOSES |yp * Indiana Delegation Pians to Main Street Once Was Leave Smith Free to Shape ~ Stand by Woollen Lined With Gambling Issues in His March to to End. • Promised Land. / Dens and Bars. ~ / m wH|^ BY ROSCOE B. FLEMING BY M. E. FOSTER, BY RAYMOND CLAPPER HOUSTON, Tex., June 26.—The Editor Houston Press, United Press Staff Correspondent Indiana delegation will hold a cau- HOUSTON, Tex., June 26.—1n this HOUSTON, Texas, June 26.—A cus in executive session before the good city of Houston, where the blank check nomination is to be Democratic national convention delegates to a great national Demo- handed to Governor Alfred E. Smith cratic convention casts a vote for President, at which are assembled to- Democratic national conven- day, we have a most illuminating at the the delegation’s attitude toward In- exhibition of the prohibition that tion opening here today. diana’s favorite son, Evans Woollen, doesn’t prohibit. He will be able to go into the con- will be thrashed out fully and Whisky, rum, gin and beer are vention a relatively free man so far frankly. available for any man or woman any action of this convention is Only the cool head and firm hand who thirsts for strong liquor. as of W. H. O’Brien of Lawrenceburg, Unfortunately, or fortunately, de- concerned. chairman of the delegation, prevent- pending upon the viewpoint, nature The nomination is to be made ed such a discussion in public last has made many fruits and grains Thursday or Friday at the latest. night at the delegation’s first cau- that contain the alcoholic content. It will be preceded by a platform cus at the San Jacinto Inn, twenty Nature Takes Hand discussion which appears somewhat miles from Houston. You may extract the stuff from important now but which will soon R. A. Werneke, Terre Haute, corn, rye. hops, sugar cane- apri- be forgotten. vitriolically denounced E. S. Shu- cots, peaches, cherries, juniper ber- The fact is that the. Democratic maker, superintendent the Indiana ries, figs, strawberries, and even party is choosing Smith for its can- Anti-Saloon League, following a from the ugly cabbage and lowly didate, platform and sole hope. telegram sent by Shumaker yester- potato. Prejudices Suppressed day to the delegation, criticising Maybe nature was wrong in put- Governor A1 Smith of New York, de- ting alcohol in things that are pro- The dry South and West which manding that the Indiana delega- duced from the soil and maybe man has followed Bryan for a political tion stand firm to the last for Wool- is right in trying to prevent the dis- generation has no sympathy with len and that Woollen refuse to be tillation from fruits, vegetables, and some of the things Governor Smith Smith’s running mate. grain which the earth gives us so stands for. It was dry long beforl freely. the country heard of Andrew J. Shumaker Is Assailed In this same good ciTy of Houston Volstead. Governor Smith believes “We don’t need any Republican of many battles have been fought for the Volstead act was unwise. The i Shumaker’s stripe to tell us how, prohibition In the past quarter of a South and West strongly disagree I when and where to vote,” shouted century and there has been great with him. Werneke. progress and much reformation. The South and West has been He was applauded to view Hall heartily. The first opposition to the evil of • Convention Ha.U at How Con. educated Tammany O'Brien explained that he had not intemperance was some thirty years with suspicion. Time after time the received the telegram, that he only ago. Great Commoner with the cheering had heard of it, but that he agreed A1 Smith Saloon on Every Comer Democrats of the prairies at his with what Werneke had said. He back has defied and defeated Tam- stood against reply At that time there was a saloon any to Shu- on every corner and some tunes ROUND UP FOES Jimmy Walker Many many Hall in Democratic national maker, however. Afoul of conventions. two or three more in each block. When the Woollen question came large Nearly all the churches also were Now this section of Democ- up, O’Brien explained that the dele- EX-M’ADOO AID racy is suppressing such prejudices, in the downtown district. The gation is bound by Indiana law to TO BEATSMITH Elbows in Main. Houston Hotel beliefs and principles and is falling salons were open and stand behind Woollen as a unit day and night until some of them all day Sunday. in behind a man whose outlook on hes himself releases them. many respects A motion BOOSTS SMITH This last hurt the feelings of the i life is in alien to its put Lew G. by Ellingham of Ft. church the ‘Strength Is Overestimated,’ Texas City Hostelry Is own. Wayne, to the second foljcs. They begged hold -and saloon keepers to close their doots Democratic leaders like Governor closed-door OLD TARIFF POLICY Moody caucus then was carried. from o’clock Enemies Claim. Worse Than Tubes of of Texas, Senator Harrison What actually has happened, it is Ohioan Urges Democrats to 10 Sunday morning until after church services were of Mississippi, Senator George of privately by delegation By Times Special : explained ended. The plea was that they Mayor. Georgia and Senator Robinson of members, is that the delegation, Forget 1924 Fiasco. HOUSTON. June 26.—Members of TURNING POINT differ didn’t want our boys on AT Arkansas, fundamentally with upon arrival, has found Governor and girl§ anti-Smith groups making their way to Sunday School are BY COURTENAY TERRETT Smith but they are prepared to ac- Smith to be the inevitable Bv Times Special ter hear desperate plans nominee. HOUSTON, Texas, June 26. the revelry and ribaldry efforts to perfect to HOUSTON, Tex., June cept him here this week and to Although Thomas Taggart is 2,000 in the block Smith's nomination. 26.—James Added evidence of Democratic they pass, Sentiment Grows for Break campaign for him this summer. miles away in Massachusetts, his saloons had to or be Among conferences was one late Inside J. Walker was born south of Four- - toit here harmony was seen today when jostled by drunks. attended Stuff teenth Stf. in Free Hand to Be Given L is and the delegation David Ladd- Rockwell of We made It so warm Monday by Representa- From Traditions to Bv United Press New York City. Which his game of the Ravenna, for the tives it say is playing getting Ohio, McAdoo’s campaign manager saloon threatened was said, from ten States, BRUNSKICK, Maine, June is to say, he is a city boy. a knowing Some Smith is taking the best for Indiana out of any keepers and so by Lloyd Jones, Tulsa, nomination situation Square four way led Richard Protection. 26.—Horace Robbins must pre- lad—of by default, because of which at Madison Garden much in the of drastic action Okla., editor. Jones is an of 47 or so—erudite in the may arise. years ago, they grudgingly ally sent his appendix in a bottle ways a lack of any leader capable of announced that he will that finally agreed Governor Dan Moody. flashy of the metropolis. Plan for Swapping for A1 Smith. to close their BY DEXTER M. KEEZER before Bowdoin College will He seizing the mantle of the late vote doors for two hours Jones said it was agreed at the knows something about sub- morning. HOUSTON, June 26.—Any one grant him a degree. Robbins ways, ago Bryan. ,/They are waiting for proposals to Rockwell also announced that In on Sunday meeting—attended by men from for less than two years he opinion suppqrt Fight has a gymnasium requirement trip underground, though On the other hand, the section of Woollen second place on the his McAdoo will Seems Farce Massachusetts, Texas, Oklahoma, who can tell this Democratic con- took a give Smith if he is nominated. Some of to work off, but when he was from his fortunate the party which massed behind ticket in return for Indiana’s Smith us who lived in Hous- Georgia, Alabama, Florida, West vention how to handle the. tariff eminence as William “I think all Democrats should ton in those early days unable stricken by appendictis, the Mayor of New York he is G. McAdoo four years ago support if it is needed. are irglnia, South Carolina and North issue so as to enabled and held him to a forget Madison Square Garden,” to enthuse very much over the pres- keep faith with its faculty agreed to waive the re- to do most of his tardy scurryings close majority The delegation heads, playing for Carolina, that the Smith forces traditions, corral the farmer vote, quirement if he would present through -.03 ballots while beating time, embarrassed meanwhile by Rockwell said. “I have come as a ent-day prohibition fight.