Putter Golfer on His Progress Ask Your Score Recorder, Inc,, 151 34Th Av,, Jamaica 33, N

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Putter Golfer on His Progress Ask Your Score Recorder, Inc,, 151 34Th Av,, Jamaica 33, N Green lawn Produces Two Aerator Models LUCKY 711 Green) awn Aerators, Inc., Greenville, Pa., produces two aerator models that have great mobility. The PL-TW (in photo) is designed 'the best golf glove ever produced' 'Sanvilized'^ using Duponl 'Quilon' • Only glove available in Regular, Slim(Cadet models lo fit all hands. for use with a light h-actor such as the Jacob- sen Chief. Its 320 lbs. can be increased to • Washable • All Colors 520 by filling tlie ballast tanks, giving a three- • 'Air Conditioned' inch penetration of tines regardless of soil conditions. The T-18-TW tias 28 tines mounted " Water Repellent on two water ballast drums end is capable of penetrating to n depth of 2Ji inches. It weighs • Snap back for easy put on, take 155 lbs. empty and 350 with ballast, T-18-TW off is designed fur use with a S to 7 hp tractor and has an overall width of 38 inches. Both Representatives wanted for complete models are readily trao sport able. line of gloves, club covers. Town Ta/lt Go If Headwear SANVILLE GLOVES, Inc. In Golfcraft Pro Line JOHNSTOWN, N. Y. Golfcraft, Inc., Esconditlo, Calif., reports active ordering of the Town Talk line of men's and women's mono- grained golf lints and caps, and casual and dress headwear, in new 1962 models and col- ors, A catalog illustrat- TRADE MARK ing and describing the RN»FTT UIDL complete line can be <>!>- gyro lalned from Golfcraft reps or In nil flic eompaoy at tbe above address. S-R Score Recorder Posts putter Golfer on His Progress ask your Score Recorder, Inc,, 151 34th Av,, Jamaica 33, N. V,, has introduced (be S-R Score Re- corder that enables the golfer to maintain com- plete record of when, where and how he plays. It provides write-in space for course name, date, partners, pars, total scores, etc. Score sheets REDUCES GREEN J|TTERS handle 40 games with re-fills available, A back- up knob penults a review of games played. CHICOPEE • MASSACHUSETTS The unit conies in case for clipping to the golf PAT EKT FEND l*o USA. CAMAOA. GREAT BOITA1H bag. Barton Mort-O-Gramer Pro Shop Bo/f Personalizing Machine Barton Industries, 620 West Ave., Elyria, O., now is making deliveries on its new model HO Mon-O-Gramer golf ball personalizing machine. It was one of the big attractions at tbe Feb- ruary PGA merchandise show. According to Lloyd (Red) Barton, company pres., whose background covers 32 years in golf ball pro- ducing and merchandis- with Yardage, Fairways, ing, the precision ma- Pars, Kouglis and Greens chine was developed to ON CERAMIC-COLOR TRAY imprint names of indi- Sells fast al Pro Shops ... a favorite 19th Hale viduals, clubs, etc., on conversation piece with every golfer. Ideal for Club golf balls quickly by means of thermostatically Promotions ... 0 perfect tournament souvenir. controlled heated type through pigmented mark- Shows every detail of your course os en score, ing tape in choice of four colors. The machine card, club napkin or table mot. Site: 7"i»" . , . with 17 letter capacity, handles one to 100 doz. 5/8" deep. Choice of colors. Serves as ash fray, balls without painting, cleaning or drying. A etc. ISO locating cup atld holder insure positive, uniform imprinting and placement. The set includes 77 pieces of engraved type. Literature and price information can he obtained from Barton In- dustries. Magnesium Insef-P/asfic Head in Brad-Flo Wood A die-cast magnesium unit with face insert, from the hands of craftsmen sale plate, hose! and weight receptacle encased in a head moulded of U.S. Rubber Co. Kralastic ...to the hands of champions constitutes the new Brad-Flo "wood" head made hy Brad-Flo, Inc., 1603 Cleburne St., Hous- ton, 4, Tex., and is distributed by Bradley-Burke Golf Co. Jackson Bradley, pro at River Oaks CC, Houston, worked out the design and con- struction of the club which was approved hy pros at the Texas PCA spring meeting and at the PCA Seniors. Tlie "Hammer Force" idea is said to center the impact on the ball. An ingenious swing-weight adjustment that con- forms to USCA rules, and availahility of the head in any shaft, make the club one that can be well fitted to the player. Tommy Armour Paul Hahn Snap Bock $4 3S $4 ?S $4 35 Davis Releases Complete Turf Maintenance Catalog When only the best will do, choose Par- Male Golf Gloves) lightweight and skin- Ceo. A. Davis, Inc., 5440 Northwest High- way, Chicago 30, 111., has issued Catalog 62, tight, these gloves are mode of the Finest which is introduced as the finest assemblage of leather! with a "tacky" finish. Many styles use-proved turf maintenance equipment and sup- feature Par-Mate's exclusive Ball Morker. plies available. A copy will be mailed upon request to the company. AT BETTER PRO SHOPS Free Illustrated Catalog on Request Royer Develops 5ft redder- Blender PAR-MATE for Commercial Application A new shredder-blender for commercial soil, 10 West 33rd Street • New York 1, N. Y. peat and humus processors has been developed Landscape Contractors Merion and Kentucky Bluegrass Sod Unlimited Quantifies Avai/ob/e MERCER CONTRACTING CO. OF TRENTON, INC. 53 Flock Rd, . Trenton, N. J. Phone JU 7-3500 by Royer Foundry & Machine Co., Kingston, teods Them All — On Its Record Pa. The new '260' is a highly mobile, two- wheel complete processing plant that has a The Proven capacity of 45 yards per hour. It shreds, blends, mixes and aerates material in one operation and automatically rejects stones, PAR-TEE Automatic Tee No other golf tee approaches Its 38th year record of — con- tinuous, dependable service trash, etc. The '260,' with a 6Ji ft. receiving hopper, is unloaded by a flighted conveyor which moves material to a unique elevated belt- shredding assembly. It will load trucks or make large stockpiles without accessory convey- ing equipment Further information can be ob- tained from Royer. Dyrene Turf Fungicide Chemngro Corp., Kansas City, Mi)., announces availability of its Dyrene organic turf fungicide for control of brown patch, coppcrspot and snow- mold on fine turfgrass. The product, previously registered in tbe U. S. for controlling rust, melt in gout, leaf- and dollarspot, is combined with a non-fabrie-staining green dye to elim- inate unsightly spray deposits. Literature can For 38 years—made, sold and serviced by PAR-lne. he obtained from Chemagro. FOR 38 years—hundreds el PAR-TEEJ In continuous use, ond still the most modern tees, with lowest Putting Came Units Embrace upkeep and unfaltering performance. No other tee Golf ond Other Sports has ot mony tees or years of use as the PAR-TEE. thafs the record behind PARTEEs. Complete with I .(mi a Enterprises, Lincoln Bldg., Scran ton, driving and standing mot — ready far use in a Pa., is producing a series of portable putting jiffy. Available for lease only. surfaces adapted to golf, baseball, bowling and other sports. The prefabricated putting surfaces are covered with siiecial green carpeting and PAR-INC. arc for indoor and outdoor play. Complete de- Telephone: Stewart 3-1400 tail) on all units can be obtained from Loma. B« East 75th Street e Chicago 1», III. NEW! THE DUNEDIN PROFESSIONAL CLUB CLEANING SYSTEM Using Uflasonic Sound CLEANS FASTER CLEANS BETTER COSTS LESS NO WIPING Obsolete! All Other Methods Send for complete details Portable Battery Powered Edger of Electric Storage Battery Co. of Philadelphia and Shrub Trimmer which designed a special lieavy-duty lead-acid battery with one-charge for power enough to Little Wonder, Inc., div, of Schlller-Pfeiffer, handle a workday load of trimming, Tlie photo Inc., Southampton, has introduced the first of shows Exide PX-42 battery (towering the Little its battery powered trimming and edging tools. Wonder trimmer. Storage tube in front of the dolly handle contains mixture of Ii kerosene and JS oil for cleaning and lubricating tool. "Mr. Shag Bag" Is New Type of Ball Retriever All American Sportseat, Inc., 2971 Harris- burg rd,, N.E., Canton 5, O., is marketing a new golf ball retriever, "Mr. Shag Bag", The unit can be used to pick up a ball by simply placing Its aluminum tube over the ball and pressing. Tlie ball jumps into an attached canvas hag that has a capacity of 60 balls. Literature and price information cats be obtained from All American, Wyandotte's Turface Has Topdressing, Construction Use Tlie light weight, compact tools are a cooper- Detailed information on the use of Wyan* ative development with Exide Industrial Div. dotte Torface for topdressing or construction of SPIKE RESISTANT PNEU-MAT RUNNERS • Rugged, reversible Pneu-Mat Runners, woven of rubber- Save impregnated fabric, outwear rubber, provide comfortable your walking for spiked shoes with complete floor protection. Im- Club prove club house appearance. Competitive in first cost—low- House est in long-life cost. Standard Widths Floors Write today for illustrated folder SUPERIOR RUBBER MFG. CO., INC. 145 Woodland Ave. < Westwood, N, J. TROUBLE FREE! RENTAL CART SERVICE We furnish you all you need on rental share basis. No investment for you! We deliver and service carts regularly and keep them in good repair—FREE. Clubs not held responsi- ble for damages, theft or breakage. CADDY-ROLL RENTAL SERVICE Three Rivers, Michigan greens and tees is given in a pictorial, 6-page Atwood Is New Acushnet folder released hy Wyandotte Chemical's J. B. Credit Manager Ford Div,, Wyandotte, Mich. Turf ace is a calcined mineral aggregate that is said to help Raymond II. A (wood has been named credit manager of Acushnet Process Sales Co., succeeding Del llawes, who has retired.
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