PRESENT: Cllrs B. Close (Chair) S. Scoffin, G. Shanahan. P. Jarratt. C. Horsley Ward Cllrs. E. Marper, R. Ogg Parish Clerk. P. Close. APOLOGIES: Ward Cllr. H. Rowson

MINUTE 287/2018 TO RESOLVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING. The minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2018 were accepted as a true record. 2 x copies signed by Chair. Cllr. B. Close.

MINUTE 288/2018 DECLARATION OF INTEREST. Chris Horsley registered his interest as a parish councillor. Cllr. Close accepted and all agreed.

MINUTE 289/2018 CLERKS REPORT. a) Defibrillator 'guardian' , Cllr. Shanahan, carrying out monthly checks on Defib. Ongoing. b) Clerk informed councillors that, regrettably she will be relinquishing her post due to health, but will stay until new clerk employed. Cllr. Jarratt wanted it noted that the clerk had done a good job. All agreed.

MINUTE 290/2018 Village Hall. Matters arising / ongoing. a) New lettering or new Flixborough Remembrance Monument required. Awaiting on quotes for both. No further information to date. Ongoing.

MINUTE 291/2018 HIGHWAYS Cllr. Horsley reported security lights in Johnson’s Yard are too high, giving light pollution. Ward Councillors to enquire.

MINUTE 292/2018 CHILDREN'S PLAY AREA/BUS SHELTER Rotten windows now removed from bus shelter. Cllr Jarratt suggested getting a quote for new UPVC window frames. Clerk/Cllr Shanahan to source quote. Ongoing.

13 February 2018


1 of 5 MINUTE 293/2018 CORRESPONDENCE. Community grant to be applied for, for the new park equipment. All policies are with North Council for approval. Precept for 2018/19 set at £12,213 without a grant. All agreed.

MINUTE 294/2018 PLANNING PA/2017/1977 Planning Application at Works in the parishes of with , Burringham, Flixborough, Amcotts, Gunness, West Butterwick and East Butterwick. No objections.

MINUTE 295/2018 COMMUNITY a) To receive any news from Flixborough Hub. None b) To receive any news from Flixborough Parish Church. Cllr. Shanahan reported the gardeners had cleared the boarders in the cemetery which will give space for more graves. c) To receive any news on Blue Lagoon Nature reserve. Cllr. Jarratt informed the council sheep are to be grazing beside the nature reserve. d) To discuss any local environmental issues. Cllr. Scoffin reported the kissing gates on the paths around Normanby fields in need of repair. Cllr. Gaunt reported the gate at the disused railway line is also in need of repair. Cllr. Ogg said to report it to Tim Allen and Dave Sanderson. Cllr. Marper asked for ward councillors to be copied in. Ongoing. e) To receive news on the Charnwood Estate/Ferry Road West area. Cllr. Horsley requested a bus shelter on Speedwell Crescent. Cllr. Marper will enquire.

MINUTE 296/2018 FINANCE Agreed and Authorised payments of bills attached.

Ward Report Cllr. Marper informed the council of the Town & Parish meeting at Council Chambers, Civic Centre on 08 February at 7pm, which she would chair. Cllr. Ogg reported reported parish resident Mrs. Wattam had contacted Andrew Percy, MP, to enquire about a footpath on Lodge Lane, from the park towards Normanby Road. Enquiries to be made. Cllr. Ogg reported there is interest for a neighbourhood watch scheme on Charnwood Estate.


13 February 2018


2 of 5 Clerk to the Council: P. Close 16 Burton Road Flixborough DN15 8RW Tel 07724611507 07 February 2018

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Flixborough Parish Council to be held at 7.15pm on Tuesday 13 February 2018, at the Village Hall, 14 High Street, Flixborough, DN15 8RL.

Members of the public are welcome to attend and may make representations to the council in the Public Partition period which will commence at 7.15pm.

Mr Dave Sanderson will be discussing ‘Parish Path Partnership’.

Signed. Pearl Close Clerk to Flixborough Parish Council


01. To receive apologies for absence.

02. To approve the minutes of the last meeting of the council held on Tuesday, 16 January 2018, copy attached.

03. To note the Clerk's report on Village Hall. a)New prices for hire and Booking Manager are now in place and up and running. b)Cigarette bin used as bird nest last year.....Clerk requests the wall bin be removed (due to threat of injury to birds) and an alternative type used. c) Due to Child protection policy requiring a Senior child protection person and a deputy protection person, to receive any form of complaint under the policy, a mobile phone is required for the senior and deputy persons.

04. a) To receive any update on the Flixborough Hub.... Cllrs Close, Scoffin, Shanahan. b) To receive any update from Church Parish Council.....Cllr. Shanahan. c) To receive any update from Wind farm/Solar farm committee.....Cllr. Jarratt./ Clerk d) To discuss any issues at Blue Lagoon Nature Reserve. e) To discuss any environmental issues. Cllr. Scoffin - tree felling in village. f) To receive any updates from Charnwood and surrounding area.

3 of 5 05. To receive and discuss planning. None

06. To discuss Highways. Clerk had a complaint of dog waste on path (7 lots) round a Burton Road, from the bend, to Lammings Close and a request for another dog waste bin be placed in the village.

07. To receive correspondence a) Invoice from Ludus park equipment received. Informed that a Grant has to be applied for from Council. Ongoing. b) Mr & Mrs Murray contacted clerk regarding November minutes that it wasn’t a unanimous decision to keep the fence but a majority decision. The clerk informed Mr & Mrs Murray that the unanimous decision was for the risk assessment of the park which deemed it safe to stay. Mr & Mrs Murray requested a copy of the risk assessment. Clerk emailed a copy. c) North Lincolnshire Council sent a Service Level Agreement for work to be carried out in 2018/19, Stockshill grass cutting could not be added due to their busy work timetables. Price increases. (Enclosed) Clerk to source a new quote?

08. To discuss Play Area/Bus shelters a)Hedgerow, fencing and gates. Tidying, adding, renewing? Ongoing b) new windows for bus shelter near Stockshill.

09. To agree and authorise the schedule of payments.

10. To receive the report of the Ward Councillors.

11. To affirm the date of the next meeting as being 7.15pm, Tuesday 13 March 2018 and to receive any items from members for inclusion on the agenda for that meeting.

12. To resolve the exclusion of the public owing to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.

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