WA Inspired Art Quilts Noongar Country, Wetland Glimpses Wetlands of the Swan Coastal Plain Compiled by Pat Forster, May, 2018 Quilt photos by Meg Cowey Quilt statements by quilt makers 1 Cover image Bibool (Freshwater Paperbark) by Roberta Chantler 0 Introduction The sixteen art quilts described in this booklet depict aspects of Wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain - swamps, estuaries and rivers, and native plants and animals. Accompanying text describes what is depicted on the quilts in terms of relevance to traditional Noongar culture. Noongar people were first custodians of the Swan Coastal Plain. The quilt set has been created in the spirit of reconciliation with the Noongar community, and for educative purposes (our own and for others). The set follows our ‘Balbuk’s Country’ quilts which we believe achieved these same purposes. Accordingly, the following are scheduled for the Wetlands set. Noongar consultation - appraisal by the Shire of Cockburn Aboriginal Reference Group, Perth, June 18 - viewing by Noongar elders at the Western Australian Museum, Albany, July 9, arranged by the museum - viewing by Noongar elder women of the City of Perth, August, arranged by the City of Perth Exhibition Initially, the quilt set will be exhibited, and talks given about them, at the following venues: - Western Australian Museum, Albany, July 8 - 29, 2018 - City of Perth Library, August 21 - November 19, 2018 - World Wetlands Day Conference, Cockburn, WA, February 2019 - Australasian Quilt Convention, Melbourne, April 11 -14, 2019 WA Inspired Art Quilters Contact email
[email protected] Website https://wainspiredsite.wordpress.com Contact phone Pat Forster 08 9364 5523, Roberta Chantler 08 9459 5336 1 Bura (Big Swamp) at Dusk by Meg Cowey 60cm x 40cm Records show that the wetlands of Perth seethed with birds at the beginning of European settlement, and that many carried Noongar names, for example marli (black swan) and nerimba (pelican).