


Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 20560 (RWT) Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 (AMLM) Department of Zoology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37916 (CGA)

ABSTRACT.•The purpose of this paper is to examine the hypothesis that arboreality evolved more than once among extant tree squirrels. The North American fossil, Douglossia (formerly Protosciurus), from the late Eocene is considered to have been an arboreal (Emry and Thorington, 1982). Thus, arboreality may be primitive for squirrels, although the European Palaeoscinrus from the early Oligocene was probably terrestrial (Vianey-Liaud, 1974). It is un- clear how these are related to the Recent tree squirrels, the Sciurini of the Americas and Northern Eurasia, the Ratuflni and Callosciurini of Southern Asia, and the Protoxerini and Funambulini, mostly of Africa. Three hypotheses of relationships among Recent squirrels im- ply a terrestrial origin for some group of tree squirrels: Moore (1959) hypothesized that Sciwotamias and Tamiasciurus are closely related and that the North American red squirrel is derived from a terrestrial ancestor, Callahan and Davis (1982) hypothesized that Sciwotamias and Ratufa are closely related and suggested a terrestrial origin for the Asian giant tree squir- rels, and Moore (1959) also suggested that the African tree squirrels, Protoxerini and Funambulini, may have evolved from xerine ground squirrels. A review of morphological evi- dence suggests that Sciwotamias is more closely related to , the Tamiina, than to either Tamiasciurus or Ratufa. This contradicts the first two hypotheses cited above and the suggestion that arboreality evolved independently in these two tree squirrels. We cite reasons for doubting the third hypothesis, that African tree squirrels have a terrestrial origin, but do not critically examine it in this paper.

INTRODUCTION The squirrel family, Sciuridae, includes two (Black, 1963; Bruijn, et al., 1980). Thus, it is pos- radiations of ground squirrels (Marmotini, Xerini) sible that arboreality is primitive for squirrels and and a larger number of radiations of tree squirrels that extant terrestrial squirrels have evolved from in South America, North America, Eurasia, and tree squirrels once among the Marmotini of North Africa. Formerly, it was presumed that arboreal America and Eurasia, independently in the Xerini squirrels evolved from terrestrial squirrels. For of Africa and Southern Asia, and also indepen- example, Black (1963) considered the chipmunks dently in most tribes of tree squirrels. We here (tribe Tamiini) the basal group from which all other examine several hypotheses that arboreality has squirrels evolved. Similarly, Moore (1959) thought evolved more than once in the family Sciuridae. that the African tree squirrels were derived from Moore (1959) proposed that Sciurotamias, the the African ground squirrels. However, the earli- Chinese rock squirrel, and Tamiasciurus, the North est fossil squirrel, Douglossia jeffersoni formerly American red squirrel, are closely related, and that Protosciurus c.f. jeffersoni), from the late Eocene, the red squirrel evolved from a terrestrial rock 35 Ma, was a (Emry and Thorington, squirrel ancestor, similar to S. davidianus. 1982; Emry and Korth, 1996). The earliest chip- Callahan and Davis (1982) presented an alterna- munks date from the early , ca. 25 Ma tive hypothesis about Sciurotamias, arguing that

In M.A. Steele, J. F. Merritt, and D. A. Zegers (eds.). 1998. 119 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Tree Squirrels. Special Publication, Virginia Museum of Natural History, 6: 320 pp V

VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY it is closely related to Ratufa They explicitly sug- two proposed -tree squirrel hypoth- gested that Ratufa evolved from a terrestrial an- eses, each with an alternative hypothesis. cestor. Thus, the unresolved phylogeny of Sciurotamias, the Chinese rock squirrel, is central THE STATUS OF THE TAMIASCIURINI to the question of whether arboreality evolved more Moore (1959) created a tribe, the Tamiasciurini, than once among tree squirrels. for Tamiasciurus and Sciurotamias because both Moore (1959) also suggested that the African have three transbullar septa, a rare condition tree squirrels evolved from the xerine ground squir- among squirrels. Both Moore (1959) and Black rels. This hypothesis has not received careful con- (1963) noted that Tamiasciurus is polymorphic for sideration from subsequent investigators. Moore two and three transbullar septa. Corbet and Hill listed four characters shared by the Xerini and the (1992) list two transbullar septa for Sciurotamias Protoxerini. One of these is the separation of the forresti and three for Sciurotamias davidianus. buccinator and masticatory foramina. This condi- Thus, both genera are polymorphic for number of tion is primitive for (Wahlert, 1991) and transbullar septa. Callahan and Davis (1982) therefore does not serve as a good phylogenetic showed that Sciurotamias lacks the specialized indicator. A second is the prominence of the mas- reproductive tract of Tamiasciurus. These obser- seteric tubercle, but this is found in only one ge- vations detract from the likelihood that Moore's nus in the Protoxerini. Therefore, it is likely that it hypothesis is a good one, but do not test it. The evolved independently in the Protoxerini and the hypothesis would be falsified by finding many de- Xerini. This leaves two characters, long orbits and rived features shared by Sciurus and Tamiasciurus, short interorbital width, purportedly supporting but not by Sciurotamias. It is not falsified by show- Moore's hypothesis. In details the orbits of the ing that proposed synapomorphies of Tamiasciurus Xerines and the Protoxerines are very different, and Sciurotamias are invalid. Bryant (1945) de- however, especially in the shapes of the lacrimal, scribed many osteological and myological similari- jugal, and maxillary bones. On the basis of cranial ties between Sciurus and Tamiasciurus, conclud- evidence, Lavocat (1973) considered the earliest ing that Tamiasciurus should not be considered a fossil squirrels in Africa to be tree squirrels de- distinct genus from Sciurus. He was very careful rived from southwest Asia. This also weakens to distinguish between primitive and derived char- Moore's speculation; but we will not critically ex- acters, but he did not study Sciurotamias. amine it in this paper. Similarity, the immunological study by Hight et In this contribution, we examine and test four al. (1974) and the protein electrophoresis study hypothesized sister groups: Tarniasciurus-Sciurus, by Hafner et al. (1994) suggested that Sciurus and Tamiasciurus-Sciurotamias, Tam.ias-Sciurotam.ias, Tamiasciurus are closely related, but neither study and Ratufa-Sciurotamias (Fig. 1), challenging the Sciurotamias Tamiasciurus Sciurus Sciurus Tamiasciurus Sciurotamias

Ratufa Sciurotamias Tamias Ratufa Sciurotamias

C/ D, Fig. 1.•Sister-group hypotheses examined: A. Commonly accepted hypothesis that Sciurus and Tamiasciurus are more closely related to each other than either is to Sciurotamias, B. Moore's (1959) hypothesis that Tamiasciurus and Sciurotamias are more closely related to each other, C. Milne-Edwards' (1871) hypothesis that Sciurotamias is closely related to chipmunks, and D. Callahan and Davis (1982) hypothesis that Sciurotamias is more closely related to Ratufa. 120 TH0BINGTONETAL_ARBOREAUTY|NTRE included Sciurotamias <=n «, ^ SO thev do nnt ^•.__J. . 'HMtLb Moores hypothe^Tfn spi elf 1° T COntrad-t nesses of these "tests" of Mn ! l0gicaI Weak" concept of the Tal °f M°°res hypothesis, his £ts^ and Thorington P1982 oL SCiUrids (E•y ment f th doned (Hoffmann et a" f^ COmP^Y aban- Primitive state is listed as fof^f ° ^ states are listed as (la) and (ibi f S^ deriVed THE STATUS OF THE RATUFiMi - M1asc^^nus^-f

the two genera arcloselyS5 ^ SUggGSted tha* be included in the tribe R^/r ^ Should b°th -any ways these t£ 1^^ ^ ****** In ferent squirrels. To^s fif* remarkably dif- UJNo septa: ifota/a (1954:479) showing the bac•hgUr^4 °f Prasad glans penis with rnany ridge"" °c "^ ^ the and noted ^^£2T^ C°^ cus, looks very different frnSr & VCntral sul" half transbullar seSa ThT," ^ ^ and one- gUre 3 ofCall e and Davis (1982-45) ^h ahan modal number for sXJsj!f - the primitive SciurotamicL X?^*° *«*» Penis of and COuId be two or three transbXslT^f'iar se Question the basis forfh ^ Thus' We derived. Pta. Lack of septa is Sciurotamias in the RatufiniTh P,laceme"t of Y St the chee Pouch and the hoof-Kketl ' as " k dence. However &L•S ^ Sporting evi- ^ngTon aSrT ^'^ »»"*. 8 P UCh Peri0 edge; porti «d Kata/a la^ teTuXmo * *"* ° of bulla anterior a^sZrior t i °n served that Rata/a's-hoonn;,?1"6, We have <*- Pollen: Scftinxs. TamiS ? thC meatus •t by a modified firs" £* - supported Rat br ad (1) Lacks flange^S ;/"*' "f«- terminal phalanx but th^ n * ° " flattened -Penor to it sw^tC^ ~ -nd not. Agai^ the* crit cTsm's ^ ^oto•- is The primitive conditinr, their h Pothesis, which has genSv h ' **' ^ unswollen bulla (WahlertZou ^dents is a" 9 11 Black s Corbet and Hill, 199| "X^"?*** (e.g., lustration of Pr0toJctimZ* ^ ' ^963) test it, we compare it with Th' ? &1' 1993^ T« & e and unswollen ^ZTerZeT^ ^ that ScturofamL is ^ * ^ hypothesis Scurotamios is consideredf derived C°nditi°n in chipmunks (Milne-Edwardsist-tn^ t0 the Ellerman 194n- r•~ 18b/- Miller, 1901- 1976). 94°' Gr°mOV' <* "1.. 1965: CallahM.' Character 3. Postglenoid region of the ^n Pierced bv hnth subsquamosal foramina- P°Stglenoid and CHARACTER LIST AND POLARITY w ASSESSMENTS J f onsku!rrif r•r^su r Sc^rotamios, TamiJ P aglenoid foramen-

ouite^S^^j-^ndtheg^noidis MHCtere eluded in studieVby BrZtTfp^ ? '"" y y som 45) M re 195 absent, someumes fused I n/ "" ^imes and others. We have X 'i ' °° < ^ mUlt le erCharacters fr Particularly in SciuZ^^^^ * ' our studies of wrists anHo,r om squirrels«(mn,is is not••, cleaTand , it condition in P I&rity as haVe bee sessments .rTCeT^T' ^ ° ~ variable.^"le This^isTs is in aagreeTenTgreement ^ " ^•7uf 1° " ProfosaUrus cranip, . / morphologies of assess. 7? with WaWert S BIaCk assessment for ,«S2r dents ' ^ and Posted 0f SoXsr ^H * ^ ^^ ° - and Thorington U^T^Pn,^^^^ C r l scribed by Vianey-Liaud (1974 ^^T &S de' ^aZ J^^ {°^nat -odents, as assessed by WahSU^L°f Primitive We 2) fOJ Present: sSSSS TamT ^ consider the closely^ehSL? D / I99l)" We mnis (most). ' ^ciurus, Ratufa y eiated Douglassia and SdUroto species^. ^ Thn*,.. ^atu/a other



Fig. 2 • Ventral views of rostrum and lateral views of skulls of Sciurotamias davidianus, USNM 155219, (above) and Ratufa bicolor, USNM 481228, (below). Arrows indicate fossae behind the incisors of Sciurotamias and the position of the infraorbital foramen of Ratufa. Note also the large sphenopalatine foramen in the orbit and the presence of the temporal foramen in Ratufa.

The presence of a foramen at the squamosal- Character 7. Sharp anterior edge of parietal suture is primitive for rodents (Wahlert, zygomatic arch (Fig. 2) 1974), and probably primitive for squirrels (0) Does not extend onto the premaxillary bone: (Wahlert, 1991). It is neither mentioned nor figured Sciurus griseus (the anterior masseter extends onto by Black (1963) in Protosciunis. the premaxillary bone but the sharp ridge does not), Tamiasciurus, Sciiirotarnias, Tamias (most). Character 5. Supraorbital notch (Fig. 2) (1) Extends onto the premaxillary bone: Sciurus (0) Absent or inconspicuous: Ratufa (usually). (most, but barely in S. anomalus and S. (1) Open and usually trenchant: Sciurus, granatensis), Tamias (some), Ratufa. Tamiasciurus, Sciurotamias, Tamias. The evolution of sciuromorphy involves the Black (1963) comments on the absence of the migration of the masseter onto the zygomatic plate supraorbital notch in Protosciunis condoni, but it and side of the rostrum. The more the masseter appears to be present in his plate 3, figure la. musculature extends onto the premaxillary bone, Vianey-Liaud (1974) shows prominent supra-or- the more derived we consider it. bital notches in Palaeosciurus goti. We have con- sidered its presence to be derived in squirrels, but Character 8. Angle of zygomatic plate (Fig. 2) it is possible that this polarity should be reversed. (0) More horizontal: Sciurotamias, Tamias. (1) More vertical: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Ratufa. Character 6. Sphenopalatine foramen Black (1963) describes the evolution of the zy- (Fig. 2) gomatic plate from a more horizontal angle to a (0) Large, approximately size of sphenoidal fis- more vertical angle in his treatments of Miocene sure: Sciurus (most), Tamiasciurus, Ratufa. Protosciurus rachelae and Sciurus. The derived con- (1) Sphenopalatine foramen small: Sciurus dition is associated with the enlargement of the granatensis, Sciurotamias, Tamias. area for origin of the anterior portion of the deep Black (1963) illustrates the sphenopalatine lateral masseter muscle. foramen in Protosciurus condoni, showing it to be large. We take this to be primitive for squirrels. 122 THOR.NGTON ET AL.-ARBOREALITY (N TREE SQU(RRELs Character 9. Length of infraorbital canal (Fig. 2) f 0) Moderately long: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus the ^i^Srtin^,^^ghtly behind ^ M3° ending t0 m (Black, 1963- pfate t ft f f suture^ ^r ^-premaSLy consider thfs pnrnitfve ^ 1C) ^ We therefore

wZtV 12; D°rSal Pr°flle of**"" nJ^SkT 6Xtend^ "to the of the 0 Flat. Sourotamfas. Tamias, Ratufa side (1) Rounded: Scftmxs. Tamiasciurus SdUrUS thC infraorbi eratelyeratSv long,W according^ to Black talfl9RS) canal Th• is mod-i

rounded cranial In , * scluirrels have more

a er 13 Squamos Z m^ T - <« suture (Fig. 2) g TamiaSCfUrU5 Ratal ' Saurotom^, ?a*L.

roo/of ^W' eXtendinSless than halfway from the proce^cS^ t0 *" "^ °f ^ P^ mediai 1168 P St0rbi -g7p^^ct%xg01d ridge wea • notc^Xr^r/^ ** ° ^ ~£Z Srs * »« « «<- ^.theref"^ te g ld nd e Character in. froL^^ F 7 ° S Pn>mtoent. divere- rni AK «• Cheek pouches d,al r^£cu^ "* P•"laterally: Sc^. iUmS Ta UJa FresentPreTent-t Scuirotamias,; "*~ Tamias X*

p eariy MiteTe; '"hey^•**" °f the s rr:sr ?r ^ ^ Miocene; and thev »r. jf , • the late mldd'e ma(teuren"te also S drP,'n P">tosJ*•op/,i!us e te ddle (Black. SSat They are a,f """*« SpermophilinusbrfovL? .1 ° Present in (Bruin and Mein Ines) A "f"""6 M,ocen<= 8 C 0r n gly We treat eheekpoueheSasta•g Je,t d * d ' date from the Early Miocene wh' °- SSUme ""*

in the f08sU reeord or sSCe^rrheT^earner Th are considered to be delved ° m°^hol°^ are ateo present in r• u , - e fossae teanaXeraspnn eep, ^ nrdrfuS:cr - 0 1 Poste fO^R ?^ - 3 •r edge of palatece (0J Behind M - Srn/n.c T -T Character 15. CcraaM process •, ^^ T Scftiiotamfas. Tbmfas. «•asciuruS, (1) At the level of M3: Ratufa.


(lb?) Broad and most parallel to plane of scapula: Tamias. The metacromion process is unknown for fos- sil sciurids.

Character 20. Acromion process of scapula (0?) Broad: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Ratufa. (1?) Narrow: Sciurotamias, Tamias.

Character 21. Deltoid and pectoral ridges of humerus (0) Deltoid ridge weak proximally: Sciurus, Ratufa. (1) Deltoid ridge prominent proximally, diverg- ing from pectoral ridge: Tamiasciurus, Sciurotamias, Fig. 3.•Medial views of scapulae of Sciurotamias davidianus, Tamias. USNM 258508, (left) and Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, USNM 505581, In Douglassia the deltoid and pectoral ridges (right). Note length of coracoid process (arrow) and prominence of are damaged, but appear similar to those of Sciurus. fossa for teres major muscle. Character 22. Orientation of delto-pectoral crest of humerus The coracoid of Douglossid was broken, but it (0) Directed medially with prominent bicipital was clearly similar to Sciurus and larger than in groove: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Ratufa. ground squirrels. (1) Directed laterally with less distinct bicipi- tal groove: Sciurotamias, Tamias. Character 16. Axillary ridge relative to the This region was broken on Douglassia but ap- surface of scapula peared to be similar to Sciurus. (0?) Perpendicular and high: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus. Character 23. Entepicondylar foramen of (la?) Perpendicular and low: Ratufa. humerus (lb?) Perpendicularity intermediate and high: (0) Usually present: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Sciurotamias. Ratufa, Sciurotamias (2?) Least perpendicular but high Tamias. (1) Usually absent: Tamias striatus. Sciurid scapulae are very rare in the fossil The entepicondylar foramen is commonly record and we know of none that show the axillary present in rodents, including most Recent squir- ridge. rels, Douglassia, and Paleosciurus.

Character 17. Flange near caudal angle of Character 24. Medial epicondyle of humerus scapula for teres major muscle (Fig. 3) (0) Elongate medially: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, (0?) Prominent: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Ratufa. Sciurotamias, Ratufa. (1?) Small: Sciurotamias. (1) Not elongate: Tamias. (2?) Almost absent: Tamias. The medial epicondyle was elongate in Douglassia and in Paleosciurus. Character 18. Subscapular spine (Fig. 3) (0?) Single: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Sciurotamias, Character 25. Extent of the radial notch on Tamias. ulna (1?) Sometimes double: Ratufa. (0) Approximately one-third the width of the The broken scapula of Douglassia jeffersoni semilunar notch: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Ratufa. shows a single subscapular spine. (1) Approximately one-half of the width of the semilunar notch: Sciurotamias. Character 19. Metacromion process of (2) More than one-half of width of the semilu- scapula nar notch: Tamias. (0?) Less broad and at angle to plane of scapula: This feature in Douglassia is very similar to that Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Sciurotamias. in Sciurus. (la?) Narrow and abruptly parallel to plane of scapula: Ratufa. 124 THORINGTON ET AL• ARBOREALITY IN TREE SQUIRRELS

Character 26. Prominent ridge for pronator (1) Corner of hamate square: Sciurus, quadratus muscle on ulna Tamiasciurus. (0) Present: Tamias, Sciurotamias. The hamate is slightly beveled in Douglassia. (1) Absent: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Ratufa. The loss of this feature appears to be correlated The ridge is prominent in Douglassia. with the narrowing of the hand and particularly metacarpal III. Character 27. Groove on pisiform bone (0) Pisiform ungrooved: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Ratufa. Character 32. Lateral iliac ridge (0) Broad, distinct ridge: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus. (1) Radial side of pisiform grooved near palmar (la) Broad, indistinct ridge: Tamias. end: Sciurotamias, Tamias. (lb) Narrow, distinct ridge: Sciurotamias The pisiform of Douglassia is ungrooved, so this Ratufa. is presumed to be the primitive condition. The de- The iliac ridge of Douglassia is more pro- rived condition is not unique to Sciurotamias and nounced than in most Recent squirrels, but is ap- Tamias, it is also found in Callosciurus to which proximated by some Sciurus. they are not closely related (based on other evi- dence). Character 33. Dorso-ventral depth of pelvic basin Character 28. Shape of triquetrum (0?) Deep: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Ratufa. (0) Triquetrum elongate and gracile: Sciurus, (1?) Shallow: Sciurotamias, Tamias. Tamiasciurus, Tamias, Ratufa. It is not possible to determine this in (1) Triquetrum short and robust: Sciurotamias. Douglassia. The shape of the triquetrum in Sciurotamias appears to be unique among squirrels and we think that it is derived. Character 34. Pubic symphysis (0?) Normal: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus Sciurotamias, Ratufa. Character 29. Ventral articulation of (1?) Short: Tamias. metacarpal HI and metacarpal IV The pubic symphysis of chipmunks is shorter (0) Present: Sciurus carolinensis, S. griseus, S. than the ascending ramus of the pubis, and the granatensis, Sciurotamias davidianus, Tamias, Ratufa. anterior end does not extend cranially to the pos- terior edge of the acetabulum. This seems to be (1) Absent: Sciurus niger, Tamiasciurus unique to Tamias and is probably derived. hudsonicus. Loss of this articulation is rare and is presumed Character 35. Lesser trochanter of femur to be derived. The presence of the derived condi- (Fig. 4) tion in Tamiasciurus and only part of Sciurus can (0) Directed medially: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, be interpreted in two ways. First, it may be inde- Ratufa. pendently derived in the two genera. Second, it (1) Directed postero-medially: Sciurotamias, may indicate that some species of Sciurus are more Tamias. closely related to Tamiasciurus than they are to other species of Sciurus.

Character 30. Centrale-greater Multangular articulation (0) Absent: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Sciurotamias. (1) Present: Tamias, Ratufa. Primitively in squirrels the centrale articulates distally with capitate, metacarpal II, and lesser multangular. In several lineages it extends radi- ally, toward the pollex, and also articulates with greater multangular. A B Character 31. Articulation of metacarpal Fig. 4.• (A) Posterior views of proximal ends of femora, and ID and hamate. (B) medial views of distal ends of tibiae of Sciurotamias davidianus, USNM 258508, (left) and Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, USNM 564083' (0) Corner of hamate beveled: Sciurotamias, (right). Arrows indicate lesser trochanter of femur and the anterior Tamias, Ratufa. process of the medial malleolus of the tibia.

125 VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Protoxerini: Heliosciurus illustrated but The lesser trochanter of Douglassia is directed misidentifiedby Kingdon, 1974; 372; Funambulini: medially. This appears to be the case in Funisciurus illustrated but misidentified by Palaeosciurus goti as well (Vianey-Liaud, 1974). Kingdon 1974; 373; Funambutus (in part), Siddiqi, 1938- Ratufini: Ratufa, Prasad, 1954; Sciurini: Character 36. Popliteal fossa of tibia Sciurus, Mossman, et al., 1932; Marmotini: Tamias, (0) Deep with medial and lateral ridges: , Mossman, et al., 1932. Tamiasciurus, Sciurotamias, Tamias. Large bulbo-urethral glands and a penile duct (1) Shallow and unridged, sometimes with are absent in both Tamiasciurus (Mossman, et al., medial ridge: Sciurus, Ratufa. 1932) and Funambulus palmarum (Prasad, 1954). In Douglassia, the popliteal fossa is prominent. Character 41. Shape ofbaculum Character 37. Relative lengths of the ante- (0?) Baculum nearly symmetric and simple • rior and posterior processes of the medial almost rod shaped, with distal end bent dorsally: malleolus of tibia (Fig. 4) Tamias, Sciurotamias, and Ratufa. (0) Anterior process slightly shorter than the (la?) Baculum asymmetric and flattened at tip. posterior process: Tamias, Sciurotamias. Sciurus. . (1) Anterior process distinctly shorter than the (lb?) Baculum absent or minuscule. posterior process: Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, Ratufa. Tamiasciurus. The anterior and posterior processes are ap- There is no clear evidence on which to base a proximately the same length in Douglassia and polarity assessment for the baculum of squirrels Palaeosciurus goti. A simple, symmetric baculum would be a good model from which to derive the complex symmetri- Character 38. Tarsalfoot pads cal bacula of ground squirrels and the complex (0?) Two: Sciurotamiasforresti, Ratufa, Sciurus asymmetric bacula of some other squirrels. An- niqer (rare), S. vulgaris (rare). other alternative is that the bacular morphology (1?) One (hallucal): Sciurus (most), Tamiasciurus of Sciurus is close to primitive, because it is found hudsonicus (rare). in such a diverse group of squirrels as Sciunltus, (2?) None: Tamiasciurus douglassi, i. Rheithrosciurus, and Petaurista. hudsonicus (most), Sciurotamias davidianus, A feature not included in our list above is the Tamias. r . external morphology of the glans penis, cited by We hypothesize that the presence of two Callahan and Davis (1982) as their justification tarsal pads is primitive and that loss of one or both for placing Sciurotamias in the Ratufini. We think is derived. However, in view of the great variation that the penile morphologies of Ratufa and in this character, we are not very confident of this Sciurotamias are both derived but not homologous polarity. with one another. The morphology of the glans penis of Ratufa is illustrated by Hill (1936, 1940) Character 39. Two calcaneal facets on and Prasad (1954) but interpretation of these draw- astragalus ings is not straightforward. The difference between (0) Separated by a shallow groove: Ratufa. the illustrations of Hill (1936, 1940) and Prasad (1) Confluent. Sciurus, Tamiasciurus, (1954) appears to be in their definitions of dorsal Sciurotamias, Tamias. and ventral. In comparing the three papers, Prasad In Douglassia the two facets are separated by (1954) should be viewed upside down. It also a groove. seems that the baculum illustrated in Hill (1936) is upside down relative to his illustrations of the Character 40. Reproductive tract penis but in either orientation it is difficult to (0) Large bulbo-urethral glands and presence visualize how the baculum could fit inside the il- of penile duct: Sciurus, Sciurotamias, Tamias, lustrated penis. All three publications clearly illustrate 12-Zd ^ U) Absence of separate bulbo-urethral glands ridges or folds, with a ventral sulcus on the glans and absence of penile duct. Tamiasciurus penis of Ratufa. According to Callahan and Davis Large, distinctive bulbo-urethral glands occur (1982), the ornamentation of the penis of in the flying squirrels and five tribes of the Sciurotamias consists of four annuli, three going Sciurinae, as listed below, suggesting that they completely around the penis. No ventral sulcus is are primitive for the family Sciuridae. shown or described. To us this seems very different Pteromyinae (= Petauristinae): Glaucomys, Mossman, et al., 1932; 126 THORINGTON ET AL•ARBOREALITY IN TREE SQUIRRELS

from the morphology of Ratufa, and we do not Derived characters shared by Tamiasciurus and consider the two to be homologous. Sciurotamias: Character 5: Supraorbital notch present. CHARACTERS SUPPORTING Character 21: Deltoid and pectoral ridges di- SISTER-GROUP HYPOTHESES verge proximally. We examined two competing hypotheses (Figs. Character 39: Confluent astragalus facets. 5A and 5B) for the phylogenetic placement of Tamiasciurus, Moore's hypothesis that The hypothesis proposed by Callahan and Davis (1982), that Sciurotamias forms a sister group Tamiasciurus and Sciurotamias form a sister group, with Ratufa (Fig. 5D), is supported by only one and the alternative hypothesis that Tamiasciurus forms a sister group with Sciurus. The more character. The original hypothesis of Milne- strongly supported hypothesis is that it forms a Edwards (1871), that the Chinese rock squirrel is sister group with Sciurus. Two characters, 5 and more closely related to chipmunks (Fig. 5C), is sup- 39, are shared by both pairs and hence are shown ported by twelve derived characters not shared with at the base of the tree. The remaining six charac- Ratufa. Nine of these characters are not shared ters include three in the cranium, two in the fore- with either Ratufa or Tamiasciurus - four of the cranium, four of the forelimb, and one of the fe- limb, and one in the hindlimb. mur. Derived characters shared by Tamiasciurus and Sciurus: Derived characters shared by Sciurotamias and Tamias: Character 5: Supraorbital notch present. Character 8: Vertical angle of zygomatic plate. Character 4: Temporal foramen absent. Character 10: Posteriorly diverging lateral Character 5: Supraorbital notch present. pterygoid ridges. Character 6: Small sphenopalatine foramen. Character 12: Rounded skull profile. Character 9: Short infraorbital canal. Character 14: Cheek pouch present. Character 26: Reduced ridge on ulna for pronator quadratus muscle. Character 15: Short coracoid process of scapula. Character 31: Absence of beveled corner of hamate. Character 21: Deltoid and pectoral ridges of humerus diverge proximally. Character 37: Anterior process distinctly Character 22: Delto-pectoral crest directed shorter than the posterior process of medial mal- laterally. leolus of tibia. Character 25: Character 39: Confluent astragalus facets. Radial notch on ulna large. Character 27: Pisiform grooved. Character 35: Lesser trochanter of femur di- Sciurotamias Tamiasciurus Sciurus Sciurus Tamiasciurus Sciurotamias rected postero-medially. Character 39: Confluent astragalus facets.

Derived character shared by Sciurotamias and 8, 10,12.26,31,37 Ratufa: Character 32: Narrow, distinct lateral iliac ridge.

The characters we consider to be strongest Ratufa Tamias Sciurotamias Tamias Ratufa Sciurotamias are those associated with the zygomatic plate, the infraorbital canal, and the cheek pouch. These appear to have evolved early in the evolutionary 4,5,6,9,14,15,21 history of squirrels (Black, 1963) and, based on 22,25,27,35,39 our personal observations, show little interspecific and intergeneric variation. A smaller number of derived characters supports the tree squirrel hy- Fig. 5.• Sister-group hypotheses examined. A.-D. as in pothesis than the -rock squirrel hypoth- Fig. 1, but with shared derived characters plotted on them. esis. This probably results from tree squirrels re- Numbers correspond to character list in text. Uniquely de- taining more features of the primitive squirrel rived characters not plotted. morphology.

127 VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ment of Sciurotamias close to Tamias agrees with Tamias lacks several derived features of other the earlier assessments of Milne-Edwards (1871), members of the Marmotini, as described by Bryant Miller (1901), Ellerman (1940), Gromov et al. (1945)- a second subscapular spine, the triangu- (1965), and the initial conclusions of Callahan lar cross-section of the ilium, and the flaring of (1976). the ilium, for example. In these characters Emry and Thorington (1982) presented evi- Sciwotamias is like Tamias, appearing to be primi- dence that Douglassia jejfersoni (of the late Eocene) tive within the tribe. was an arboreal squirrel. Black (1963) argued that Protosciurus rachelae of the early Miocene was a DISCUSSION good morphological ancestor of the primitive The taxonomic position of Sciurotamias, its Sciurus of the middle Miocene. Therefore, it is rea- behavior, and its use of habitat, are central to the sonable to contend that the tribe Sciurini has ar- question of whether arboreality evolved more than boreal roots that extend back into the Eocene. The once among tree squirrels. Moore (1959) placed it other tribes of tree squirrels probably share an- with Tamiasciurus on the basis of the presence of cestry with the Sciurini in the Oligocene. Thus, it three transbullar septa. Callahan and Davis (1982) is probable that their common ancestor was arbo- placed it with Ratufa on the basis of their percep- real, and that arboreality evolved only once in the tion of the similarity of bacular and penile mor- extant Sciuridae. phologies. We contend that the similarities in transbullar septa and bacula are primitive and that ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the features of the penis are not homologous. Our We thank V. Louise Roth, Robert S. Hoffmann, observations lead us to conclude that Sciurotamias and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful belongs within the tribe Marmotini. While we con- recommendations. Special thanks are due to tend that the characters shared by Sciurotanuas Karolyn Darrow, who assisted with the extensive and Tamias are derived features of the Marmotini, final revision of the manuscript and prepared all we do not consider them to be derived features linking Sciurotamias with Tamias within the the figures. Marmotini. Thus, we provisionally place Sciurotamias within its own subtribe, the LITERATURE CITED Sciurotamiina. Although one species of BLACK, C. G. 1963. A review of the North American Sciurotamias, S. davidianus, is called a "rock squir- Tertiary Sciuridae. Bulletin of the Museum of rel" and is considered to be terrestrial, the other Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, species, S.forresti is described as an arboreal tree 130:100-248. squirrel. Unfortunately, little is known about its BRUIJN, H. DE AND P. MEIN 1968. On the mam- anatomy or ecology. Similarly, some species of malian fauna of the Hipparion beds in the Tamias are quite arboreal, and others forage readily Calatayud-Teruel basin (Prov. Zaragoza, Spain). in trees. We suspect that this says more about the Part V. The Sciuridae. Proceedings of the versatility of small squirrels and their retention of Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van climbing abilities than it does about any indepen- Wetenschappen, series B, 71:74-90. dent evolution of arboreality. However, if cheek BRUIJN, H. DE., A. J. VAN DERMEULEN, AND G. pouches evolved as an adaptation for terrestrial KATSIKATSOS. 1980. The from the foraging, then arboreal squirrels with cheek Lower Miocene of Aliveri (Island of Evia, pouches are potentially very interesting. Accord- Greece). Proceedings of the Koninklijke ingly, the biology of Sciurotamias forresti of south- Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, ern China deserves study. series B, 83:241-261. We agree with Black (1963) that the BRYANT, M. D. 1945. Phylogeny of Nearctic Tamiasciurini is not a valid tribe. We concur with Sciuridae. The American Midland Naturalist, his return of Tamiascvurus to the Sciurini, but not 33:257-390. with his placement of Sciurotamias in the CALLAHAN, J. R. 1976. Systematics andbiogeog- Callosciurini. Qiu (1991) also places the raphy of the obscurus complex Sciurotamias lineage in the Callosciurini, although (Rodentia: Sciuridae). Ph.D. dissertation., Uni- be argues convincingly that Sinotamias, a fossil versity of Arizona, Tucson, 184 pp. (as cited from the upper Miocene of Inner Mongolia, is an- in Callahan and Davis, 1982). cestral to Sciurotamias and is closely related to CALLAHAN, J. R, AND R. DAVIS. 1982. Repro- Spermophilus, of the Marmotini. We think his evi- ductive tract and evolutionary relationships of dence better supports our conclusion. Our place-


the Chinese rock squirrel, Sciurotamias MILNE-EDWARDS, A. 1867. Description de davidianus. Journal of Mammalogy, 63:42-47. quelques especes nouvelles d'ecureuils de CORBET, G. B.. AND J. E. HILL. 1992. Mammals l'ancien continent. Revue et Magasin de of the Indomalayan Region. Oxford University Zoologie, 2:193-232. Press, New York, 488 pp. . 1871. Etudes pour servir a l'histoire de la ELLERMAN, J. R. 1940. The families and genera faune mammalogique de la Chine. Pp. 67- of living rodents. Volume I. Rodents other 229, in Recherches pour servir a l'histoire than Muridae. Trustees of the British Museum naturelle des mammifers: comprenant des (Natural History), London, 689 pp. considerations sur la classification de ces EMRY, R. J., AND W. W. KORTH. 1996. The animaux, (H.Milne-Edwards and A. Milne- Chadronian Squirrel "Sciurus" jeffersoni Edwards, 1868-1874). Paris: G, Masson, Douglass, 1901: A new generic name, new 394pp. material, and its bearing on the early evolu- MOORE, J. C. 1959. Relationships among the liv- tion of Sciuridae (Rodentia). Journal of Verte- ing squirrels of the Sciurinae. Bulletin of brate Paleontology, 16:775-780. the American Museum of Natural History, EMRY, R. J., AND R. W. THORINGTON, JR. 1982. 118:153-206. Descriptive and comparative osteology of the MOSSMAN, H. W., J. W. LAWHAH, AND J. A. BRA- oldest fossil squirrel, Protosciurus (Rodentia: DLEY. 1932. The male reproductive tract of the Sciuridae). Smithsonian Contributions to Sciuridae. American Journal of Anatomy, Paleobiology, 47:1-35. 51:89-155. GROMOV, I. M., D. I. BIBIKOV. N. I. KALABUKOV, PRASAD, M. R. N. 1954. The male genital tract of AND M. N. MEIER. 1965. Nazemnye belich'i two genera of Indian squirrels. Journal of (Marmotinae). Fauna SSSR, 3:1-467. (In Rus- Mammalogy, 35:471-485. sian). QIU, Z. 1991. The Neogene mammalian faunas of HAFNER, M. S., L. J. BARKLEY, AND J. M. Ertemte and Harr Obo in Inner Mongolia (Nei CHUPASKO. 1994. Evolutionary genetics Mongol), China.-8. Sciuridae (Rodentia). of New World tree squirrels (tribe Sciruini). Senckenbergiana lethaea 71:223-255. Journal of Mammalogy, 75:102-109. SIDDIQI, M. A. H. 1938. The genito-urinary sys- HILL, W. C. 1936. The penis and its bone in tem of the Indian ground squirrel Ceylonese Squirrels; with special reference to (Funambulus palmarum). Proceedings of the Na- its taxonomic importance. Ceylon Journal of tional Academy of Science of India, 1:1-10. Science (B), 20:99-113. VLANEY-LIAUD, M. 1974. Palaeosciurus goti nov. . 1940. On the penis of Ratufa macroura sp., ecureuil terrestre de l'Oligocene melanochra. Ceylon Journal of Science (B), moyen du Quercy. Donnees novelles sur 22:131-134. l'apparition des Sciurides en Europe. HIGHT, M. E., M. GOODMAN, AND W. Annales Paleontologique (Vertebrata), Paris, PRYCHODKO. 1974. Immunological studies of 60:103-122. the Sciuridae. Systematic Zoology, 23:12-25. WAHLERT, J. H. 1985. Cranial foramina of rodents. HOFFMANN, R. S., C. G. ANDERSON, R. W. Pp. 311-332, in Evolutionary relationships THORINGTON, JR., AND L. R. HEANEY. 1993. among rodents: A multidisciplinary analysis Family Sciuridae. Pp. 419-465, in (W. P. Luckett and J-L. Hartenberger, eds.). Species of the World: a taxonomic and geo- Plenum Press, New York, 721 pp. graphic reference, (D.E. Wilson and D.M. . 1991. The Harrymyinae, a new Heteromyid Reeder, eds.), Smithsonian Institution Press, subfamily (Rodentia, Geomorpha), based Washington, D.C., 1206 pp. on cranial and dental morphology of Harrymys KINGDON, J. 1974. East African Mammals: an at- Munthe, 1988. American Museum of las of evolution in Africa. Vol. II. Part B Natural History Novitates, 3013:1-23. (Hares and Rodents). Academic Press, London. LAVOCAT, R. 1973. Les rongeurs du Miocene d'Afrique orientale. Memoires et Travaux SPECIMENS EXAMINED (all USNM): de l'lnstitut Montpellier, 1:1-284. Ratufa affinis•post-crania: 151757, 198121. MILLER, G. S., Jr. 1901. The subgenus Ratufa affinispyrsonota•skulls: 251673, 257716, 257720. Rhinosciurus of Trouessart. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 14:22. Ratufa affinis sandakanensis•skulls: 292564, 292565.


Ratufa bicolor•post-crania: 464512. Tamias striatus griseus•skulls: 17313, 226948. Ratufa bicolor fretensis•post-crania: 49703. 227426, 229004, 232129; post-crania: Ratufa bicolor palliata•penis: 546334. 349628. Ratufa bicolor smithi •skulls: 320803-320807. Tamias striatus lysteri•skulls: 30225, 30230, Ratufa indica•skulls: 38010, 355785; penis/bacu- 30239, 43415, 96939; post-crania: 500999, lum: 548661. post-crania: 308415. 564115. Sciurotamias davidianus davidianus•skulls: Tamias striatus ohionensis•skulls: 308622, 155110, 155219, 155125-155127, 548431; 308623, 308626, 308636, 308640. post-crania: 258505, 258510, 285511, 258516. Tamias townsendi ochrogenys•skulls: 96110, Sciurotamias davidianus consobrinus -- skulls: 96112, 97146, 97337, 97339. 258511-258513, 544436; post-crania: 258506, Tamias townsendi townsendi•skulls: 24423, 258509. 24424, 57124, 69373, 69375. Sciurotamias Jorresti•skulls: 255138 (occipital Tamiasciurus douglasii albolimbatus•skulls: region broken). 548848, 548849. Sciurus aberti aberti•skulls: 158892, 159332, Tamiasciurus douglasii douglasii•skulls: 166892, 167027. 166893, 231804, 231805. Sciurus anomalus•skulls: 37412, 152748, Tamiasciurus douglasii mearnsi•skulls: 25169 152749. 25171. Sciurus carolinensis carolinensis•skulls: 234368- Tamiasciurus douglasii mollipilosus•skulls: 23992, 234370; post-crania: 256047, 397180. 24028. Sciurus carolinensis pennsylvanicus • post-crania: Tamiasciurus hudsonicus albieticola•skulls: 297850, 505573, 505575, 548048. 55796, 50853, 268992, 294450. Sciurus granatensis•skulls: 318405, 318408, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus baileyi•skulls: 66447, 318409; post-crania: 387805, 540703. 168950, 168951. Sciurus griseus griseus•skulls: 43041, 242332, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus columbiensis•skulls: 274351. 202835, 202836. Sciurus niger•skulls: 167740, 177744, 177801; Tamiasciurus hudsonicus dakotensis•skulls: skin: 248132 (only one tarsal pad); postc r a - 213689, 213690. nia: 347957, 397159. Tamiasciurus hudsonicus dixiensis•skulls: Sciurus vulgaris•skulls: 105106, 105107, 121351; 158041, 158042. skin: 121351 (juv., has two tarsal pads). Tamiasciurus hudsonicus fremonti•skulls: 48209, Tamias dorsalis dorsalis•skulls: 23695, 23696, 48210; post-crania: 564078. 24882, 32090, 32093. Tamiasciurus hudsonicus loquax• post-crania: Tamias dorsalis merriami•skulls: 22723, 22808, 397070, 397151, 397152, 505579, 505587, 41773, 41776, 41783. 506645, 551803, 564084. Tamias striatus fisheri•skulls: 62602, 86680, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus hudsonicus•post-crania: 86686, 86834, 260250; penises/bacula: 2 564083. uncatalogued specimens from Mountain Lake, VA; post-crania: 364947, 396281, 505612, 505613.