1212 PAGESPAGES AVKHAfiK lUll.Y C'lliCr- "WHICH IS MERGED THE UtlO# LAST UKVK PLAINFIELDLD DAILYDAILY PRESSPRESS ^905 KFIKIJi, NEW JERSEY; SVT1 KI»AV. MAHCH IT, 1»IV. PBICB TWO CENTS BOAIDALL ANNIVERSARYANNIVERSARY ADELBERT VAILVAIL SODDENSODDEN DEATHDEATH OEOf FASHIOFASHIONN DISPLAYDISPLAY SMINCKSNINCK INTERESTSINTERESTS EXIEXITT ROMANOFFSROMAROFi FORFOR AA REIGNREIGN FORFOR SCOTTISHSCOTTISH RITERITE DIES ININ 830833 YEARYEAR MilS.MUS. CHAS.CHAS. V.V. SMITHSMp NEXTNEXT WEEKWEEK THTHEE FREEHOLDERSFREEHOLDERS OF DEMOCRACY IN RUSSIA F*rty-fi*eFtrty-five ConsistoriesCon.Utorin toto Well-Known Well-Known CitizenCitiien a*dan dSuccumbs Succumb sto t oAcute Acut eAttack Attac kof' of ■nd dontin- Visited East End Bridge Yes- OF IN RUSSIA TikeTake PortPart inin Celebration Celebration -- Friend Friend PassesPaacs AwayAway FromFrom MeningitisMeningiti sAfter Afte r Thr«tThr»" e ! T.’.IT, _ "t tbe week. ByBy UnitedUnited Press:Press: T ’ f'UlnOeld more bann inw WIUwtu holdhold Peep\F**b- j terdayterday WithWith PartyParly ooff onon MayMay 171 7 I It***-Infirmitie s•f o Agef Ag e Day*’Dayt Illness' Illnes s : lotyion DisplayDisplay WeekWeek whichwhich willwill kiveshop-gjveshoie- PetrogradPelrograd,, MarchMarch I7.«i—theI7.ifi-fhe triumphtriumph ofo f democracydemocracy ] perpores enan .xc.ll.ntexcellent Opportnnllropportunity tottf «l.w *low I Comity Officials siemed assured today. TV lihe of the Romanoffs has come ' •KlU.hScottish muite FreoFree MuoiujMasons teikfiAdi-|bi.T i Veil.. Vail ; ..ed• uj,'i (l ei.htyeighty-three u ! Mr.Mr* u.noo. Mario nsmtih, Smliti uni, age d« 26 Mars,! : seemed assured today. Th^fle of the Romanoffs has come m the new atylea el. llfwasboult (he northernnorthern SunlrMasonic inn.>are , wone -g| o rrklngrU'a Plalnfleld' balbda tkmnn know n .IlMI[ wife o fCUrW Charle sI. V lulu. Smit bdlrf die d aufljien'*-■ tho new style, In wKwrlni epbu.1.rol. C'osnellman Cbarlaa S. Hmlnrb. of toto anan endend through through abdicationabdicatioilo off thethe hereditaryhereditary monarch,rr onarch, andand jurtsdlcti ttte United States. In il«n« iad a promine millinery, shoes 0f 'ha FirstFir Ward, with County fcnffl- D UrlMlIciion or I So Unllod Slntrt. In entire, Slid n pn.mln.nl memberibe r ofo fly ; l yIkrt las tmat,l nigh mlt ah.rl he h,r home at (gfeen_ - nillllnfry. .hoc. andana otherother lipllii a of , "• « Ward, with County En«l- ,today , A. republicL.- was ~— in tfie" '1making. ° "'^ "^^v^ai Order wa$j u uiiamicompletely, .uiu MiteeUimn SIBWaStai^a northuwm ofw *III.the OhioOhio nod lb.* Relttfou,RtlliilouB SocietySociety rto fFrtrtula. Friends ,dim die d nrookI Hi roadi dand an dM,p|e Mapl eamu. avenue , (fortthh merchandise,nerchandls. Throi*h tb. effo1 J*«obJ Hauerc anda FroebokUrs twla d • anilgagt ofof Ih. the Mlaalaalppl.Miwtissipyl, mm.ome lOd.OOO100,000 Ihla' momln, al hlabin borne.1home , 1ST« 7Eaal Bas t Plalnd.ld.Plalhfield .of o mrnlnkltt.f meningiti sand an d corofciica: lira- Hi.tne Blal|,arldHlasj.&eld Bu.ln.-uroih .hMed. J5«..r'™',. Burkle and~* Wilbur,"» »yesterday **•<**«• after- restored5' republic m the capital was ,n city tfcemajung tbday. . Order was completely •atf than,them oror morn,more, ararae toto nntlurgather InIn barrath f Mm.el. fromfrom thath eInflrralttew infirmities ol o ftloop tionj swhleh whic hbecome becam eBcnU acut eitm rhree'Mays ' elation ftalnn. restored m lhe dt rles May l?!| clnllun piolnflrld nr. bredml»( or«r Crn nl,roo> Id tnc reel .nd of Ihrirtheir forty-liveforty-five conwirtorlrtconsist May 17 «'e . HeHe-wa «aas connr.nl confined tot ohi. bl aM be don onl I, y ! ago.Mr. Mrs .smith. Smit hadh ha beend bee und-rn und- r feat- w L „,»„ M,j, ,^, ^n.^r^/or.s^,^ ^^ y ^- •txt to «lebr»ie a ■ hrtlCT knownnown lo Ih. raldenU of [hi. Ofy for Ih. parpoo. of drier . aril lo Mlrbnie ooapie annt- »ne day.j I roentit forfor tn(the. P4Upast,t twtwoo months .fm - an Biofeo are becdmlnK, over Gre< hhrook lit the east end Vt\ ' • *> ''" f Mr. VaQ was born May 31, 1834. at1 affection of the ears which recentfr de- ty "nd oaT parby iiolRi.boris, and •anary- 7[ *" *« •“ h®™ May II, If 34. at affection of the ear* which recent the throat of li Mont importantlinportu of all.all. thatthat dayda yIh* th eVail Vai l Borne*leaDine*tradd atat OrCettbrook.Greenbrook..an jandd vrlopedveloped Intointo aa formform o:o f meniShlls "hopping at h< e is growing in rapid CZAR’S MANIFESTO tfON HIS ABDICATION I Mil m"** ""• n"'«i» anniversary j was the las.! of sU children of the late i which Caused her death. ' strides tend to reduce t * wui mark fb# fiftieth anniversary «*• i Of ala cblldmt of tbe lata i which Caused her death. urtdaa. flooding""^SSSMANIFEST ttie aaat « O |fON. HIS ABDICATION iatf lormloaformins IVth / Soptam.Supreme Council.Council . JinnhjJonabatf l RachelRachel Vail.Vail. InIn 11711872 he ho Mrm.Mrs .FmUta Smith waswa sborn bor n at MlllMrn, i Th»»tnr™ doodlag tbe oast end whenever ihitfo. indent Accepted Scottish Rite, for married ^ornelia M.M. Rosa.lloss. ofof Brooklyn,Brooklyn, . andand waawa sthe the tfaaghler daaghr of Mr. and! The Korn willill b.be IpIn sain gala ullr,attire nutnext lais aA H>.rp severe Worm.storm . ‘ By.By I'nlled, Unite Pri„.d Pres s i dvetlnlea. Her heroic army, tho AarUat Accepted Scoltlah Blu. for lunrrlnl i week and he publiij fa cordially In- RmoTh>re Freeholds .with Enebie«r tb. north.™ MnnonK' /urladkllon. "bo IIV. dy fourfour .month*month*,, and In ' William J. . MarshallMarshall ofo fthat tha t platplare j iliHier **k and ih. I'tionupublic isM coraltordli.lty ally- In-b,. * Tbe r rwiiommrnwhohlrtw witnwith Knnlueer Pctmsrnd.Petrograd Much, .M,utera :h17—Cnhr 17.^ N|-'l-| pinrsa of tbe peoble. the wholo • United Slat , which took is"* he irrled•iril GertrudaGertrude RB. •Adams, Adams, badhod been been a realdenl of Ihemud thatthat the mar should bo con- - Member of the li* lisfnus jirelety of j au member of the First a ••h ««»« °n ,dl«.l.y Other .'.l^rtmly^^Jd' L" acUonactio is Issued *hlathis manifesto:m'ajilffFto : • IJj three anpr.m. Connell. Ih.n rlalm-Q member Ur Rellaloos Society of ■ member of the First Baptist cities the .-i7.e or Pit Infteld are .ten, in. the matte.. •;To all our faithful subjects'It | :ted at aUall irom tb a «lrtor!ous l(] Friends, aiiidd looktook muaii ac^vtactive IntervalUterest InIn ,» an*d interestedInterested InIn its It svarlnu* vi. rt Fashion Weeks an. I '«holtfin3 willbeut.b lnlhim.ll.r..uc matter. ‘‘Tot all ouf faithful subjects It h‘„ Ini InrladUllon s« losrthar and Friend* 1 Fashion Weeks and tfw.he twenieven! I*I* b*^e-. --Mr. ffmlnok.--inok ,— whowh o“haa Ha smade mad- e a -a long lon•—k g*>e* be « *tknown know nla Ii nthe th dayse day sof o thef th mre:4e gte| !* |"ln these decisive da'y" we aursvd Ih.lr difference* in Iho KOV-„_ fcHal llla it s affgirs, • lira.i ties .Her He untimelyr untimel daarby death Is IB deepj catlingcoming veryvery popabr.nopal* r . |nInvestigatio n has and which hai ,„ Mr. Vail wasras -one one ofat Ihe the Irnt first com-com- •greue^ grettcd bbyy a lane# circle of ami □ vest I gat Ion has and rarefulrul studyStudy ofo fthe th esuat eas t enden dstraggle s'roggle agklnatagVins t a aforeign foreig n eocniylt.•nett'.' t! " arems hod. which haa twn supreme„. tnoterhr Vs to New York.'when be was ances and grrat sympathy la felffor shown that Plain fir Id tank■ankss highhigh foratop a floodflood problem,Wem . tooktook tbetb ecounty count yoffl- ofp *ho- .wh haao ha beena bee tryingn tryin forg fo threer thre yoafne "yM# I u j uglon and organisation o WIT .In.. Th. dal. :• i slaoalso m.m-I BioUra Now York. * her* b« was ances and great sympathy Is fel city of its population. In having a'ciale trying for threersafn! orablora hi.e aaa ienrolo* com in 170150 year,years after> r iSHodatet) witbh Armfirm ofof VailVeil * Shot- I the family and ether relatives. • the area iU»t la attbject«*d to enslave oia- country, that it h»ilr<* realization of a [rapid - -,. Weil on South street, rivalort In/flour, Beside a husband Snd ' on< -Koodly, number of progressive m?r- , to In - -t stated periods Of; plowed Ood to send Russia furthe|jTp>«refore in agreement with i ththae Aralfirst SrottlahScottlst BltaKite bodiesbodies w.r. *wll street. Amlrt* h established on th'mainland of > h and ernhi, Latelainr h.he entereGd intoInto Perl- part - eon.BOB. JohnJ° n DaytonDayton Smith, Smith ,there ther et chants whose constant eodeaTora are j the year, and showed lous pair . f"P%ial Duma we recognize it rtUbUsbed on Ih. mainland of North7 !and nerahl p wtjth C. B, Clifton, of this ctty. j tlle Parents, three brothers. R- ibCDiiylag public the bt-*t raw- < iicroachineots upoi ted '* America,America, alat Albony,Alba Y. N. X Y..Y- ,In in 17*7I norahlp ,lh C B. CUftOn. cl thlo city. the Parana three brother.. Rev. ohandiic threatened %•!§ country's good tbkt we , Scottish Kite „,«_ under th«_nrOrmm netu.name oPClUUmof Clifton fcA Vail. Vail, j»»"•• "><""> f.E .Mernhnll. Marshall, Pulpanto orr ofo flb. II > rket a >rio?B[or^enhroolt and Cedar brookhad ] affect the further . Srottlak KM. rrence of May grocers.r , their place -of {>ufline*s being i O"11*1 church. Scotch Plains: most duced the *iz* of these natural i tinate war, and t jnd la brste th*. afHetb aa p r elr place Of'pualncu b-ln* odistnd church. Seoleb Plain.: Ell affect* i ponei krala Ih. Sfllrtk miirr.no.ipproprlat of eMay ex -*~~*V* '"Venue on the preient site ' » Robert Marshall, of Millbv ; profltabl. rouraea.courses. and.- aa a conae«iu«i^.tnsequenct. vhrt-when - 1177 alne.-Ince ISH7l'-T with* appropriate .a- 0" >'ark ronuo on IB. pwwt olio nodfon r Robert Meribell. of Mlllburn. .rtlaea.erolici. InIn «ki.»«hich eacheach conaUmryConaistory ot">o th e- Stirlinlidsg bulldln*building . PlorFV>r -thirty-thirty-| ■'•uro.slaters , Mr.Mrs .Howard Howard TnykTaylo f •*rer>ver therether l« ai heavyheavy ratn.rain , theth ewatar water #11«111 rac.lv.receive thro.three viyilnavisiting thirty-thirty- ifoot tour yry«*> i Mrt. . VeilVpjl wnowa s na v.locdvalued ; jEliteh.th, EMiabethd ; th.th ektrtrt Mhnte aEleU. Elsie .Fto Flo i ! thatEku drainsdraii from thelhe WatcbungWatchung hllbihilts n._ , _ \r Ulrd degree Masons from the sii- bookkeeper In Ih.ttie Orelfirst Butane)National Bank.Bank, ! «» Marshal]»'=», als o»' o f ru.hu.rushes downdov.i loto i,. It sn.tnr.i naturn i ,.i.r,^;BAPA0ME BAPAUME,, GIBRALTARGIBRALTAR of O#JffiSTER WESTERNN FRONT.FRONT , TAKENTAKEN primthird e d«*r.«Council ,Maaona who wil froml bear'appro Iho Mo-- hookk.-where be'1 was known: to" s host of J burn.bB™ - "TBTHEE FUNERALFUNERAL OOFF Icoaraea•'larsi^ toto Hod find lh.rothere couracacourses tod- ’ i Coon.II. who will b.ar appro- where be wai known tii Th ilderabty reduced ID elie and. aa a' By Lt.i- tf«-np 'fM-nda. He retired from attfve bnsi- **« fnneral wlU beheld alderably rtdirad In ala. aed aa a By UnltmiUnited Prtwa:Pre month . prtai. rtwr-.'nwn. rrt.nd.| rounds. n.. ft. r.llr«l rrdw. n«tl>w hurt ,. 'te fun.r.1 Wiu h. h.ld :oasenuenca the water leaves * ago aa "Tha"Tbe GibraltarOlbrallar It Is also of passing sign«can<-e' •«« *»*»|J twelve yearn ago. l» «»•»• Monday aft. ondon, M it la al.o of panclns »|»-,|flnra .boiuK tw.l*. inn npo, )*'- elchome MondayT 1 afternoon1 GEORGEGEORGE H.B. FROST|^W"£T^lIS^FROST irodka. and Bows o*er impn har western front" ' that this year signalizes the 200th There lain-Ive beside bis wife, three [ °' l*' *f P "'™"' '^ key to Qei u^day British forcei were i»- thatMBl.er.ar Ihla yyear o falKnallxoa the constitutin tha 2001kg o f danghtewFtnThere >prrlr.d five IwwW. sons hla. Mrs »1T... Fran Ihra-k C . th« "Be*.« B*P«J» Dr. tPhilip Cburc iB. *1. prop.rtyproperty . the key to. 0#nnan defenseadefen against'_ T *«l*y British forces were frw- aialxeraary n- Ik. .nn.tltntlnjt of «h»*hlMnjk,« B.e w>n>. Mrn. Prank C. '•** d therBnptlate m Oiurch. will • “ ed within a few hundred *yatdB MM of the three decree, of Ma KnIBht. tC^lmwood plate;; Miss Mabel *" * ** "*"'<*» ** ^ U _ 111 L | ltl ManyMany pernoo.person* arcar enot no tnpnro awart of ohlch Iho n.w Hal. olTanalye on Ihf * wart or th. three d.ur. ee of Ma- Knlkhl. Vo11 aftlmwood pUOa. Mia. Mrtml I ^ «*«*« , e fact that Xetherwood avenu Baphume defeuMM. Mar* than •«ry ,r0rier gran7 lodged bv ih» «• - I <"*« In ihe>«bllc schools , Chapter. No. 41. O. E. S-. of *MCj|r. PresidenPresidentt ofof Courier-N. „„.„, hammering„ * Sgd'M^sYaT H.I, iZ' Wen\\iuTt rar, under .rand Ind.rt by Vh. H. V.n.i w i U»rt,.r I. ih. pirt.ll. nchmil. d,r Ml■ N«• «-m hO.W1 E M-.m ofT w hl. Courier-News * ft.thrt-wond aWBin la wrtl.ro rren! haa boonB kammorlok' I “ Marshal Haig baa been silent -formatioforanlloan ofof Ih.the Brandgrand lode,lodge ofo fEnr Eng l •** -* >'«« * «ni»:\4*- Utah«"» H.M HeleS B- B Vail,. Vatl who, wh o A^. "•> Mmllh* .f1 " waa. ^a mrtnbr-,^^_ - '"#* -Muadrwahlr MB'or ihan Park av^- haa boon caplurod Kront tdl.pouhoi dlapatche^ 0.G OH^ O thethe exact exact extentextent ofpf the th eopera- opera- lariln 1T1T reeo^ltion of wblrh r«"0« »> *«"»*; Clwrnfa B. Vail, tell- "Ortal will be In Springneld. -jj, PublishinPubHsliingg Co.Co. LaidLaid toto ReotRest nue or Grant av -^ ao that whoa on. ...Tbareday couplod with Sal A \ I «(Bs, Military expeHft have pre^ W I. rradrtalk.m.. era t Ind lrtl , N „ Vail, tell -rl.l will h. fn SSM Military experta have pre- will pn.Ulily he ^iren in Ww^ersey ^ l" - «»lon») B»"k; P«rey | TO Ihe east end. Which la the hlghrat Marshal HAlg-lUtraH officialofficial statementstatement die:diete d that occupation of this strong- I probably I- Bl~n In S.w3.rney ’’ *' "> Firm National Hank) Parcy in Hillside Cemetery point is the city between Or that occupation of this vtrong- 5 lh l in Hillside Cemetery point la the elty between Grant and prepared ibe<»• publicPublic for the weVvelconx iCOTKA* 1ho H by "British will farce an early ,h 1 0 NetherwoodNethrrwood avenueuess onon ttheh north n»»» of capture of the Oei by British win lance an early fi£ B tt£ " '’ ^*• •' »V- H BJ5fJTKj?pA: F DEDICATION* »™CATIO N i TheThe funeralfuneral ofof Oort* Ucorfce HannHenrx Krai.Frost, side "of the railroad tracks . —r~-,.~ v,. _ u,c Gerlnar; recrement of the Germans from th» 1 at DOlne •onghold, dubbed by Hindenb*r*^ B^anme^Arraa line. Thfte ot lhe forty-flve connistor- -- :! SU ATAT GRACEGRACE CHUR H prrtld.nlpresident ofof ,Bothe OourlorUourt^rNew N.was Puh.ukPublish !zJZX inUndalpd 1^tt Is an IndicaU “* 1TIl Frtme l r M^h^aSsssjr^ifes which will simultaneously rele- jSSt* fufiiiral —±s«-rvlc« wilt -be --- held at ; Inkme lonr.nrfominiiy, whowho Mu died >L Ma hja homrhome onon wait-*ater ha.t,aB booabeen dl.orlrrldlvartod loto Ihol t .on- ; v - - brat#brate areare InIn NewNew .lerwy.Jersey oneon eearh each ‘J*Ih* Frie!^W1*1 ' meeHng-boua^meell"K-biu»* on<* nWat- w>t - > W.(chun,Waichung avonuoavenue onon Tkortd.yTnUreday noa-even- lluItfon . ^.j ,alth|i, d; d|,iTers(oI#rrtall1 1|,B canard • u Twovo handoomehandsome NationalNational flags1 1 ' 1T»» IBrBB l|,.M ihl. ^fi...... ^, LI. I. i - fit«t JtroejrJ.»ey City.City Tren.onTrenton andan dCam- Cam - cbmng a^*f»«i» e**"**!,. "Tuesday afternoon, arternoo n at presented by a parifhl | Ing, was held this afternoon ind, been presented by a pari FEDERAL MEDIATORS LWAY CHIEFS CONFER daa. and. althoughlthoiigh two months ~ Grace(ira'f churchcliu to bebe used InI th*i jrsa-si — FEDERAL MEDIATORS AND lAlLWAY CHIEFS CONFER aff.off. preparation*•eparalioi for the eront are Xollo.Zelle, umuiorminister ofof ,hW(he CnurmlCrescent Ave- The7TpU peopl eM.hfrt.t of the ea 7st .rt . ^ . lerlor ofof thethe edifice. edifi Old OloH nue Presbyterian ( luir.-h. of * tjltb , Nfw YoTk rch Rryvfp will see represent* 1,1 ves or th* already under way. MICSI tioualy flown friom the ti __ Presbyterian Church, of which un,.li t *^hibah!nn(* d viMrr Smlnrk. Srolac lIn hi* erv • * Freaa. t i will are r.pr...ntativrt of tha MISSION WORWORKK ININ LATINLATIN roptinwoualy flown from tho to| church Mr. Frost was a'm»mb»r. flOV i ( e l Br thern t dB 1 -The visiting «lalrgallon fromtram thlb#e church and over the main chOTch Mr. Frost was a member. ! graror.avo rto t ocompel cotnpe iroanclltnanlc council' ni caction. action . - ^*Marci i IT.—ThTbp Fad4e Fed4 " h.rhooda" ! Brat,"™t ,thru tnen Ihoth eropre- renre- 'eracy 0City of tbe churrh and over tbe i olaUn«.elating. ThoroThere »>’W»R .a tar«oilarge kalhofln*getheflnc ; TlioroThere laI snop n oprobl.ro problem rl..-h.rr la '» mediator,r and railway brolhorS’?' aUvoo of tha rallrOBda, ' - Aakert AMERICA IS PICTURED to ii- Parish ;(,••••. 'The eral M. The i or relatives and. friendsY , tpe6 laller in- I, ; medlat It Ihrrt hoOIrt would moot later. K3STr’yJ. C:-’ ! AMERICA is pictured ««!oa.a will be received ttimoi \elmf- -r-e. >• ^z?r z,7. .7Tb I hoy Contend a. hood chlofa wool Into conference ih-ff. Th.y.rayer . ofof M.l.,1Mala*: .t oftha Ihot of-tbrt« *rtd **a t endd. , whereI men t llrolfd ai d,hoor d |„chief fl.«ls rfTorl lo arorl Ih. ha- Ifr ► rtld. “Wo may. hat that haa poo., ofof .VowXew •YorkYork,, andan d P,ovo.tProvos t l>dorUnde r.ikr ti ekuaplna au.oplce ghf 6 fthe th eKlrrt. First , ^L ’ * h, tfl- *'-****• Thrt. wor. na.y hrtnllfnlpr beautifu ld.rt,op».ntTI«l jrti ... .»»„,. ^«tt . liaa-JFUZXr*bean decide^." ff H "1 i-ln the sanctuary.T The 1 •sir* *«o has beeft 11 ,r ch d S«llblth ofof th.the L’ol'oralty University ofof Ponnayl-Pennsyl rar*~P&* A„dn. Afftfue andan dT.^pl T*Oip la eUap.l.t Bapile t I b'V,.Me carrre do Inro.,n process! "* "l of the OTerflewlnjr , ike scheduled to •UlV'.-- fr.'• O.O . t*o.I>ee . prooldontpr'esl'dent oflor thothe traJa- traln- --iirohea.: »n Instrwctlije Iliur—* S 'eiSHTSi: TVUfSmS!at locality. 1“' ‘ "“ * ' ‘^ - d declared before! .conference, enlng of Ihn ’"tTM **- rtrvlrt iho hymn. On. T7Tr7—-.TT-* dorlnred before ooofcrwnrt, re *M$ given By -Q)tlber8t r R*00-Mtolon.«Sw«et»y*«oleran ThookhYThouajif andand ."U«d. .'Lwad■)rtd., "'Th^ody'IVp^rty’ThB pparently ,!«lies h,fn rr-re r , working earnestl»y 'an Skd ".n^ nono moremove toto callcall odToff Ihothe -trike atrik* the ifflrst Baptist churfh A KindlK,nd^y U.h|-Light" wortwerea rtn.aunisun* bybyby IfirtMiss „„„ - S3E£-'“ find a solution,2b2S£, o* thi s ^uigbeeboonn made.made. ThoThe tab.tdn* ofof hla hi sow- n- .7 th. 13,S Sprat TrnrtL a.olylrt rt-tlB, rt a Board of I"B PETERPETER FLOERSCHFLOERSCH & SONSON OraooGrace CarrollCarroll andand MhMlsdirt S EllaEtta Rnybort.lta>lwr<. Seuretary of Interior fmal§ia neemenedd toto Indlralrindlcftp thatthat Iho olihl oB^-MInTwo W^kWork inin JtlnI,,.-i ' '*•inl '-ommuhlooy ddedld, n rail ,h.y -ill lOr^Greenn ahd Cedar brook* and In In. ioric." Murt. wk7.ru.wfelcl tPWtold o",i .olrnin., . ,..rtl and -hen uroer «* use rrrioy ■tallies a «U ferenc* sUrted. j|^erho«lhoodaB areare milstill fulliill ofof S(kt.flajbL ; d In a pe : posltloi IINN THEIRTHEIR NEWNEW HOTELHOTEL jjXT,^ e Ban-1 ' tcrlan church service was used andlbe r Bide of the alta An adi the latter sufficiently larce • i tlsts In csiryine the.Oo(pel Cuba, ' ! ,rat77,"great f.77T7'',Brtnrrertio. i^Life of o fIho th enllrarllrt attractive BnplUt Baptln ' . " . * V * TheThe honoraryhonorary bearcrabeiurers w*rewere : Dr.Dr .W. '.W . n • Whhoo hhas been r ■idIht* off tbetbe rongragailoncongregation wl U Saunders. A. J. Gaveft. L. V. F. R*n- RUSSIARUSSIANN REVOLUTIONREVOLUtlOf aroin nownow loo.irtllocated Ideally,Ideally, andand nr.are rocoly.recefV- rhnrrhoaa llrohthoulilronAhoiit CM,Cuba, oapoclnl-especial - ' do honor n. ti.cir flafj u»«SSTj^aa.i:v:riC:v.* bym floods T»*r due tie'. toto .eocruadbin eacroachpie“ int* upon «■ . bi«ing Iholrtheir friend,friends fromfrom NowNew YorkYork ahdand lyly lo in Portti;Rko PortfanRico andand Ban Si Juan, wore event to do honor to their flag | dolph.dolpb. MalcolmUalcolm McKen^e,McKeniJe. ofof ihla this clfyrlty ; this natural water course ean re- »liewh-re. who come In automobile InterestInfe^to those .present. their country.ntry. Drl*r . MansfieldManefleld Me QurouQueen C«yCfly siajtl.- ,ndandlov. loyalI Hapll.ltBap , wradoirt lery-- j ww,«ww vwi "^-.^ v/i cd t0 the conferem*. of offlcirti In *'» ^n'lea "«•: .Voodcock, Cu D.. will preach cd to the conference of officials In V* 7* a«*Hcuoll Ihin ihla this cliycity avofive years,yeara. andand mad.made T>fa f.panhor. speaker a»ldBald Ih.f Ih. trolble "TTT*! LL. D., will preach —'—r ' *•—~^ * TUDA1 Tf^U C'l'L'DDIWC tl/ff 1 i Vienna at Of great importance In W^shinpton. Mar<^ 17 —Pol low- • ' M iint. the troi nornlng anj evening. Though - _._,_ __'- I tlKUUutl illiDDlilO HILL Vienna- - aa™ of j great. Importanoa""•™ ^^_\ In .A Washington, > ,, , Marta^ 17-1. Follow-rrrv a name for themselves for entertain- tn M«tco fifed "interf and r«*nlag. Though rt THROUGH STEBBINS WILL • name for ih.meelvrt for rnl.rtaln |„ Mexico Mid Interfere}r«red jlo to aomd sam6 ex -hurrh *wil l probably he crowded j LI A DDrDT IT D DDADCDTV ' ti#wvlen ofof thothp developments develtjnments ata t Patera-Peters- Ift1*K laiiure ita lure ofO ftha th erolorobiaa { olonibiaa treatytreatT tafI Ikethe pnbllrpublic . TheyThey orl(finallyoriginally kepikept tent withwith ijeth pxoltreafs i oZoitb Ikee misi churrh will probably be crowded ) HARBERGER PROPERTY the• he occasion.occasion, ofof tbeth eBishop’s Bishop's HARBERGER PROPERTY; _^ [borburgB inumtu(Petrograd).' * ™• ,I^.fdbe |" £ ofo ,anlted „,,, „Republican nrp,,Mlc.B oppoal- op™,! / tteIho Pk.k.rPacker HoiHous e loin JVrthPerth Amboy,Arrtboy . bo- be- workwork Ih.rojlhere] cnualnx » phalpoderaeo. . puhll. i addition to the 'private be- la tbe conference will be Fra per- In the Senate tbe • •s u,unde. a.-,,r . ,»..i*.i.1.,r». fcrt coroln, hero, and when Ihe mod- of ianH by ,he mlsdlo; Carl. of Antrim; tbe Imperial t'un has under consideration.tion a a modi* modi - of \ .* i 000 to relatives, mostly cousins, the in- liratfcn of (he 7 TmofTb ' o’ '“'"n”" »•«*" ""“4* ~n.ld.rod, a.rfass!*"-"'the ontTbok Chancellor mn- flfcatfcn of the phetpkci withwith :a |a Jview view ofof *“• P«krr Houa#. they ,s prk, mM« |i «zi Irarnsd thU nornlfll that»t thfllat'lhe ! Albert Btebblns.•oina. ofor Plalndrld,iiainacio. ,Ho|lwnr pyiae* COarad . von Ho- oMafclngo.ijtaitii lie passage at the warnrawernra •-loll. **-—Many Plainfield friend* h.v»rv J,een afle ic nilaalonari Ilarberger property at West Front ; left 3*0.000 to b , 0 ,r Ho- oMafeiing lieits' passagepassage ata t (heth especial specia l kav. taken occasion to drive over to ot Cob«erta. chHate-TT. FROBASCO CLASS PLAY > street and GlrsudGiraud avenueavenue hoeha sb.wn be^n. jhousehold ] servant.it. “r’'"r.“!5fTTrtr*; ' " * - Mlnlxloy of n- «.»»•< fCoafM. Congress . have found tbe apo.kor thoukhu would: ho 'a. Im AT HIGH SCHOOL TON rporcliyed byby I^oLeo ZelsejZelnel andand hi*hi shfo- bfo-': T,|#*w " and the sum■urn ofof fl&.ttOOKI fn)trt to - nt — I isikai i-'m- --wwls'. e 'hat •xin,Mportent faCtprf^Kr In solving ffiome'of the . n-Uw. Harry Perlman. The d^al ! K PATRICK'S BWDGE !#SONEL MARTIN WILL irtS^sSX:s conaumated yesterday, accorditig isrte,ZT,' t( Z.%Tte£i ST. PATRICK'S BRIDGE . |COLONEL MARTIN WIU a aarT 1 h k Pl Tt reporti It is said tha( tbe'new own- jO. LARGELY ATTENDEDJ *|rl6LD SUMMARY COURT theIhT hotel£IT,W will '*L'bw dancingT£l every''J? ~“un-ry'. ^-»Pr JUIn'^7hOB.rtm7^o“i| r.u .rillresent ' lla" sixth TobartO annual Ulhloclra play. -111 will-erect a large apartment house (1] L^GB-Y ATTENDED: .HOLD SUMMARY COURT Tuesday. Thursday and .Saturday even- . . j Many Husbands ’ at' tb«at tftFlalne Plsi n a portion of-' the ttacl. The

lph y 5 of of Elizabeth, will -.oon l. rtld. ! . . . w o.ril.hRandolp h.,,?.h being *f dfloreooo h,ilh., . Women'. Iw HJ'tfcrtln. of HI..both .,|i .oon POSTPONEMENTPOSTPONEMENT OOFF A SUCCESSFUL; AFFAIR " ‘ ^°* i: '"""•of1o f SI.g Joreph'.Jost ph s Church.churoh North Plain- lirfl Summary courtur utt uTrt-ulout 'i'rcnioi andi an d A SUCCESSFUL!, . AFFAIRkjulck VaSTS" action, la surees-wSSL to reshlt named a. executor Tho wi|nortoses n;floW,.u _ • The affa|r ...wa holdH hel( iIn ttir par Prt.nrtiion Juab when tha aoulona - ‘"TH THEE HOODOO”HOODOO r,y U ht r Thro0 h n worere KatherineKatherine MM. Mannlnk andm i |.;hu hhall bM hot.ren^^ Ihe ,h ehour, houra ofo f Ihre.th and -ifif i ftg econvened convene dh uha aota notyol! yeboont b bo forty.firitfurty.flri*[ an.P.Iannual {ball[ball ooff th.H *« * * - pqc MendelI.•ndell The Muh: five o'clock, and the deedrat flnHelyly decideddecided .upouponn aaas a a number Bum Ortftrof Hrbern|ans, N< announced that Iho TO OUR READERS .bergberg HospitalHospital requestrequ 13 to be 0«nil U lllnr.y of a member of th. would take place last night. appropriate to tbe hus. Mra. D. have to be prepared before ■hi. 1 i helfl at Co vested an "a permanent; fund.” ] KerwinTver-win waswaa cl,airman chairman of o f(he tb eaffair affai rand an d l can be tried •aa, of -Tho HrtfoB.- Iho rem. Auditorium .last Illkht,night, and like alf Tbe catt for the play Is co .ththee MissesMIMCH KllsabethElizabeth Harper.Harper. DorothyDorothy ' greater number of case* to bo ■ret lo bo pronWiled by Iho Chi Col Dne of the best, and under tf f^uttonSutton.. PhoebePhoebe Hogan.HoRan, DorothyDorothy JiJaco t 1] will be at Prlncettfc. where f»l Club of s, Jownk-n rhtireh. In I'™rtoU..Bidr.proredJ iranl .uc- ,|ODtio n ofo fMr Mrs, 0, Ga., uStuar.rt t31 ;Sim mono.« PADEREWSKIPADEREWSKI RECITALRECITAL andAnd RosannaRoSanna McDonoughMcDonough eerved’served ' th*th e ( guardsmen will ba?c as attained a high d' iiG f which Will Insure a TICKETSTICKFT^ ONON SALE(]*&( tills tlnje iy Colonel Mar- Members of Troop I*-, Higll Sjhool Monday night. I ■OPS CU B RECTOIVKH fiomr. of i. ovonln. wl a ^h °' Hl«hE t. =School tilFTx MonA.y a Thfotahl. u.,M.reh ' To,Th* ebrt.u. Leagu'*'" emember, mipmber he *swere werrepreoenled. every ver yttw- auc .t”vj>.t-,|rt m^_. |, ^ IhU,„nB.re|oodB n adprstlint ob, 1howkvrt.Colonel however M.r- Ihkt, tha t lso have a 26. under the auspices of the. lessful In the affair and netted a sub- mkmdkrk ...77,7Irian ±2"»~«.4Tti[\ale fur CXZ " “° ‘" fleld Musical Club. ThtB grei falling to perfona thetr 1 Cunl«t «daad KartM.tril Inn Roa.nlH- •;.! ,Iho noloc The pU, 1. xl.en for .h.rH, fieldLVlfay Musical t-lub.ClT Thisril groat mr- I—"'••»-JruoB■ ,istantiaani|ai lf,md fund for fo rthe th etreasury treasur nettedy In I n.which whic.oh- h,rnh*f*t,vl'v rt. fordutlr« f.lllh.ies . R<»ine• Some,.i perform.It I1*t jsunder- th.tr: under - r flattiat doe*does no t «ppea.ppewr r moremore th..than once f „tio Mcarr„,v „on Ih theiet,r heneBcten.benenclen t work.work . * jrtrtVo, .0! xrteud Al Ihr me->| of lb.tbe MenMen'.s A..o-ABSO- .Ion.tlon bc-lnr^io ityrT na popularpopula variety. .Id, ond needy of Pl.Inflold ID three' or four years, and th lie iriij'l for noj w11.-;i.1 - I Of Ih, Lhnrchri-h ofof Ihothe llrtven-Heaven- DnnclnlfDancing -aw.wasj= re.llnuod continuei d until . lute , h„, , poor In three or four years, and th^ _ bb annual-Mial- ;tnrampm«ntjencimpmsnt lastlast aiwllr fl petiter»eqte ofo( theth epublic publi cfor fo hisr hi playings playing : ' CCTTC PAUDCI I m held Thu redrsday ay e.enlnB,evening, Ihothe hour, hour. 1 „dro-plra hrchoolr. from ] A A twelve-piece orchestra lala nevernever satiated.satiated. IllsHh l preaentpresent tourtour . A.A. C .ESTES ESTES COMPELLEDCOMPELLED s BR*niI an> feltewlny : nembers r.ro ro- Th. comMirtre -f ■ranx-mr-l- r(u1 Dutclrn hArm. Arm sfl.ud. Band ,under unde rII,r j loo, IB bis tenth. The tlckeU no hi sw(>rk work ,.mpor.rtly.temporarily , hw.ha s...I agai n HENRY ROSENBAUM *** 'he - r.t ThurMlny In ond, . MMDftK—NO HHI: pAKfEn ix Ammsivsc PluloBelB lll,h School Thuradwy |*.bee>n rhobligetl,edd tot orolltiQui.h relinquish hi.hi sdalle, dutie s ■Ikhl. when rererkl mktttre of ■- , ,b. ..recUtloo,a .ndan dII I-111t wil lprob- prob - 5 ,nd hire.. JMorrl. Pitiuky. of A, -porreoce were dltworaa. Tho. dlaS. nbly ,b|r blbey w brevere! e severa month,lmorlh month ,before sbefore befor eh« heh e Or _Bejlodny ,m l ay announceatinounc_ i the. elm ~ .- Lb i.* Jr* 1 d bowl,bowls evdry• ;-r- MondkyMonday nlfhtnight on Ike rt- b|r ,0 ,. hthem.e me !<« iheirIhef r dutuhiar.dalighte K,n MIIA. I T. UK imiWT ,h ' "" ‘SlrcTbed jTrlb ict.r A -" *' “•ha' ’» ■ toy,leys olof motHe WrttBeWWeBtfield Tkektre.Theat ,n, ll Mr ,ht week for Iho JtleS'lnSy.1 y. foto He.ryHpBry RoaR -tihuum. of — * °T"' 7 , t * rorlum. which waa filled with Me wuwas decidedderided loto oontlnu, continue Iketb bowllnk ^ lng|.„d St.trt, where upon thd *.* ’ Th» funeral 1 iltriiaijuntil Mar I1 . in* n.he tnp m..nllmemeant pl.n, fJ7le7o‘"‘ph“yJru7n. he'-'lll iwmklb Roreinb.nn.>Henbau m Oralhan.Brothen , Mfbrast. * i. fircradn «rrlt»d .there «m nothing c dry goo4lB: trade ■d on Wednesday * ebratra of HarnardsvHla furntsL ,h h ; •■ralag, *. I this morning at for hnuWthem to ijlo.-Ih ^-Thr fw^upanta of clng. and festlvlt wedding will Uke place nn 1 hadT Wtlod c|o^d Mho^t 2 a. m s-r ‘ T A A.ns.-4s5esrly summer- i T r .'"p B. Rlronu.r^ ' smoke,„. but ,.rt*. Bremen «lr■ f u nablc iaLa|ca4d-Jfadu. ^;pV r. s ^ *5:. ' |o |oclocat« |b PUBJer piano ^ for H,I1< | PHvato a a church,largo , day.—Near March Asnandale.*p. 1917, atN..J.. auction, b* n. P B rrexnr ' of «tnn.-«ve- deepW rekrelled by fh. mreoctallon ’rtcrlflce. jbt-nole FordPord roa/twar.roadster. IPSO;fl'SO: glnnlag at 12 noon. 1 >111 sell * nbc^o^/^Ktfortmelfme i« J #ltlTii rahltv t and roHnII#,j onlyonly and friend*, |20a; Over- storage. -3l!l : West autlful flow- 8tud.-bakPr i ring'car. $20fi; Over, very coruplata outllt of farm ml ,d h A Act iiulrk. -Apubji"c tires; MJ fcL . .Auto.Coi— -I-Adv. 3 iy4t[Tuesday in infield Mur*. .-A4V. j raaad*y In 1'lafcifleld stuni-a;—Adv riathiieiti' M , BATCRBAY, MARCH 17, 1»1T- PACK TWO ^M>4<^^^^ BOROUGH SCHOOL JANITOR CELEBRATES PADEREWSKI MARCMARCHH 2200 ttoo 2244 Dick” McDonald, Six! which are Dick" McDonald, Sixty : favorites YearYeans OlCMdd Today—ThirtyToday—Thirty-- |favorites at •; fivefire YearYeans iinn ServicServicee Concerts. : IRicharHirtirdId. thed dr»UiMcDonaldIldDowM. of , school ooff NortNona h PlaJnPIMA lr. ilaUKhtei Victrola. LK* State,late—. -IIts todatoday•“-thdmj'y quietlquiff y ly celebratinThece^bratlUK Weatherg PjjHr LIr|i HainfieldPlainfield. Xtteth birthday. Tile weather TIIK PADKREWKK BciifiDti f j!, mine.King, JiJanito torr McDonaldMcDonald Intendeblendedd i.:i—Bondeau . I 12 ta.m njo. y. S%. Patrick'Patrick'•s DayIhty celt -celw CJU-IHOU lie tytlier,- (Chi men at Cyt iHon in BNfvrA YorkYork. MrMr. McDonal Mf Donaldd I ;| ■ j : i ■ «i alsKinoo «rJn»ti jiin.fipipassedi hihlns thfrty-flftSfcthirty flftlw. •r,r aaas JanitoJanitorr ooff tbthee boroughrschoolsborough*school*' Etude in F Miner 1 lais considereconsideredd Urtlien oldesoldestt inbi yeatyear*s H.nfc, Hurk tin- Ijuk service of 4nlyy JariiloJanitorr iInn tbjth*e Stat*Statf.. a.ort * duller when tb>- lato 1—IS 3.01* , k principalan Vidor*. SprinSprintg MerchandisMerchandisee durindaringg FASHIOFASHIONN WEEKWEEK.. I truantto them- ameer duties | la also IJ Exchisiv arerooms. e la familiarly known 150 EAST FRONT ST., PLAINFIELD, N. J. emlntslicea. arhfMil childrenla v-»y pop.and nimWnM SHOJ» AT grandchildren of the earlier day pupil* hahdywfto are man. now Mr »ttending McDonald* school. -equal Aa 1*a Plainfield Merchants shouldshould havhavee youyoiir r firstfirst considerationconsideration.. AA visivist to the nc* found ever* day and during hlaPLAINFIELDPLAINFIEL D OFFICEROFFICERSS TTOO 'Moll* » <-«rap.l«n vantageous. • trglnlng department. ... Flreland CompanySou.dron K. N»* Second Jir»j Regiment. Cuvet.' [ «hw‘or c$*nmkjjjee*•$> Tod.»denir«a to. t . will be representeded aatt ththee NationaNationall ue De-. the Wef^Jjl a contrlbu iMONTKi.vi MKI:IIM; fena* conventionnventlon tloo bbee helheldd MarcMarchh 2 727-, from «L»r. W»phael Yood. ”9 in connectionrmerctlon witwithh i!.the. annual meet j Ko-jrtA street and Grant ^ lug ofb ethe Nationa Nationall Guar Guardd Aasdclr Associationi j a tfrul/lButlon of ft l rti*^ regular, bl-mouihly b* si ness* „f ^Unite (Jnlfegld State Stale** at tbate the Berentfr- 1g. DasVA also recalve Shophop atat the StoresStores Tha That laucftlng heldof ta-t|he eveningBusinesBusiness s tnWomen' Women'st^e par-s firs •nr**t EeeinWnActing Regiment tQaptaln Armory. Armory. Daniel. New New Y Runhle Yorfc. sti.l. tVKy.ni,.WTKIt' -y % til 1LD cededl of theby Ya j*uiM>cr.M C. which|A building, was well was Troqpi.lrft D,J. godil Charlesthe representative# will r^rc—ntV -i * ended. After supper Mr*. A. Vlzm. frost Company K will be Captain* ‘of the Westminster OttlM Display thethe EmblemEmblem ofof thq the urairem the boms*Company. offlee tfew-grk.of the Prudential made an fhtirCharles K. A.Phillip* Peterson, apt! JamesGleotensntn Ik Conk- Ar- ,iVesb> lei Ian Church will ing. Ma{ciil». freetlr.R address bn her Welfare nn. *be organizationis cotla ncotnpriaod prised »f of Ibud.iy evening. Marc*1 1%. Ik for Ita-; girls-employ .Hi theri-. mom than *5 per cent.. krf the.Megaa followefollowedd and 8ton*d otteiEr* of theN:i:]i>nii Rational] Guar Guardd *nue The kwaon n|ady JM/I:Ik.-> onun thibee "Dutie"Dudess (iptf a a Cit Cityy JT- uJudge.” and .lt la thought, thatearl nearlyy e»er everyy • Living Cqrlal for Imlla ftio next meetinge wilwilll bhee holheldd < •v.\ the eom®t*slcm*d officer*Cro fromm thi sihla Stat 8»t#e v««iiinliin*s ofof ApriAprill 2020 anandd wilwilll b bee ( jpr.-ced- wlll^ttend the convention. MEN'SMEN’S ASSOCIATIONASSOCIATION d bj'-a -supperi . - , I 1 nosort Alfn* HLA C.K IVT K.4M MtllL J*r ipptbc BoKh I C OM M A VI »KH-I X-OH IKF if tfcfe city, has resigned • e March l?.^The funeral sevri, ^i-a^'iBervife lo become a raam- 9 Graut C. Hoffman, twelve years Derrf^ -" to of Melvin Hadden Mm- ol .ml o( i>. advertising and Iner- M.,,,1, IT. 1!M. ., Ll Fliiinfit'ld. T\ic§day night, after an- op-; ciia'.idljittis r§nncli und lI ooff PhiladelphiPhlladelphtaUbda land eeei !»!,„, * Born.iae. ol Enod eratfon. was'held thie morning at the'N*w-»rIg jBoberThlherit Ss. w< ntrotl. Who I.land. L»on oJLl af.o .. fc home of Ills parents, Mr and Mrs. has begp lleflBslsiantaslaiantt iadvcrtlaloKsing manrfsaa*- . at that ll K U*«t5naiit- rliaiUes Hoffman, hf>ar1|IountalnvlUe. - ag»r aV tB? ^o«aloeall plantplant,, succeedsucceeds'Mr.cedes ]Jlr. itoing Their Bit" JlU^nemer prevloual* h^ld Kev.^Harrj-; J. .lobat. pastor at th* | Honcti; -' iriotism begins at home. • Duti ?V«h pM and Gen. Methodist Chorch at qo*eSbnr>, offl. | i«ter atlll held it Mil It clau* a"d burial w»a in the Lnlon A atd:\tiva fi Insurance can testify that •as conferrijtl ,on Grant. c^meteTy tn^re. r '.;•*; -« • 1 *t 8,000,000 living Americans : ; L^_. , SpeftaHttftBtt Courtor-Meya:Courfw^Seys: L HINGS ALWAUi "'doing their bit" today to of. March9e00.0dt> i 7.—Goldwaa1 w|th- to itect their families against J \L 3 • !_T|| i • r -J. bat Kvan d,i»^VAl'|°hdraaft^ Ihe, Hub-TreasuryB°nb°il!eJI^* V *i!tlye*-- & common foes as privation, lal to CourlocNewa: \\*m«rna has attained la largely due terday ll'ioent to 'Argeotlna^ .1 Qt and stifxoring- Uaheth. MMrch it-MM karshto hla elngiosing.ng| itnn KnclislKngllsh.i Audleoce* >nly is this ^t. towhltev the Womanof. Plalnlleld. s Reformatory was at, havel, iii' a righrUhtt toto deniandemanda r.ngiisjKngltsfii -it is oa on a rharge of Immorality, by; tetta,tpxte anandd MrMr.. WillianWilliamsm wawaas amon amongg ;ation of the innate loyalty £3; thethe firsfirstt bitbme artistartistss toto realiz reallrae thl thisa e ConnollyConnolly iInn ththee CourCourtt ofof O f^uar-(act.(act . AAss aa reaultresult,, alalll fais his procrsm programsa I patriotism of the American esalonsesslons yeslcrdeyyeEtcrdity afit-moon.afternoon.': H Hcn- arcErr iinn ouourr tonpuftongue,. n-heUicwhetherr ththee optg orig-- For an Equitable- Life ewton.ewton. hethe*- colorecoloredd compiicompanion,n : inal. i.-l anngs-.IIK- araree CcrmniiGermia.. FrencFrenchh oror ' come to . sentenced«itencrtJ io:ihto thep countcountyy jaiJaill fp tprr sis Italiaa.Ualiaii. andtad', | evereveryy v.-orwordd lala’clearly' eleftrly hali.i andand fineRaedd $#100.1 •->'•. understood SERVICE STATION As aaaouaecd. the f-,-IIOHfamqusK tenotenorr HAROLAROLDD FF.. BIDDLEBIDDJLE [RTAINED THKIlt KltfMXDM will appear here in hethoj Hig Highh Schoo Schooll i\. L/VL Efd A - » XKI'. liaaterKaeter MMondayo night. ApriAprill Stfchth., un un-- REAL. ESTATIJ ’ MIsBf-B Dbrothvrolhyy sand MajjorMafjorlel derdrr fflrIke Biispisaiplrmi of ththee PlainflejPlninlHdd ANYWHERANYWHEREE i,.of -US.tirinintt atWiur.atwnu.. enteftaln-. Dental SocieQr. I «mber ol tpeilelrr friendsfriends laslastt pveneven-- 'H.1 INSURANCE.INSURANCE - i'- kt .ttn-ir bonle with dandnis and le will: dancinai and (ST. PATRICK'S ANYANY KINKINDD } uelc. i STATiTEE TRUSTTRUST BUILDINBUILDINGG i,-,™ .,.od «vjoj»bi. ' BilA'e Claw No! I ol Trinity Ro- 'PHONE 2271 e ! iih reb f |; TEOH mi ™ Ry4vrKMh^ s«ei^: r°3 " - ° w p^'p Virginia No nine. With I>avU. f C-ourwvl* i andKetOBS JohnJ Kdii Hih Davu. Mkiriei ^^ ' iIuk at Ihe a no Johin n Ai U m • nn. TiinArn' e iof Mr.! an Mr^; Ctini rend' Okkromn. John R. Meggy, livei hoinehotu of Mr. and Mr*.Clinton 11.! elt ,drJewett. Dlckenson Martin. Joh n Snyder.R. MegKy . WllltartvW- Noe.e. «>fOiT KantBs» t SixthSixt atree^ntreel.. FoForty-one.r Thief#jewctt and. MartjS. Wrightn Snjder McAneny.). Wiliilt Jr.n in < in Ur. r* and uunatHts jrerw e p lera and S. WHght J!cAneny,'|Jr. whowbo mienjoyed Joyed; an evening of 1,4* GRANDGRAND JURJURYY ' 1 ' .anan*d 'tnnslctnu tic. ' Refr^shhRefreshmentsr I IELDiLD ANNUAANNUALL BANQUEBANQUETT There's no twe; speculating |rom *-r^* rvrd aatt tinIhe- condufeemirlnlloni LittlLittlee AmperAmperee Starts tfce printed word where you'd lamay ay., MarcMarchh 17.—Jb17 —tbaa ' tnto t nJonn bette r buy your clotbea. There'a Over a Million Cars yr crangrandd jurjuryy oofl 19119144 ThursdaThursdayy n o use trying-to gness what you '11 ^"FUItl-:NCXMKKRFXrRK OFFM'KOFTH KRK ILL Over a Million tars this Spring held it* third annual barjQuet find in the way of fit and atyle held lta third annual banquet : Atlantictlantic City.City, MMarcha it.—Rev.Hev. Wai- Wal-; »•. WheatenWhealcnaa auditoriumauditorium.. ; ThThee fron j what you read; for, if ' all ler £I* ShawShaw., statirtntlFtleals secretary erf AndAnd wwee araree ononee ooff ththee &f 8i0o Willar Willardd Servic Servicee Station Stationss era pi-ewent wereree laaalaaarr SI,. iCaiaCain., clotb.es were what type claims for lit: 'John G. Hall, Charlie K. Ihd New Jerseysey AAnnualn al ConferConferencee i oiofl thaatt wilwilll seseee thathatt thetheyy keekeepb going going., f It; ’John G Hall, Charonrnrt K them, the^n ^ Bea _rrMn Bnimmel l would th<'•:•• .McthodiMWVM1M Eplsropn Episcopall CChUECh.h la I- JVU T K»"'be *** backwoodsma■ i*ckwoodmB*nn alongsid alongsidee of erJUcalJyofiticall y ill111 . with pneumoniam la Ibe We'rWe’ree workinworkingg foforr youjyou!. ThThee batfer bat ycry experienc experiencee hud r rank n. iitunisu. r-llxa .cA n .n0,1 _ r_. tU . UAtlantic tlanti. c CityCity HonptUlHospital.. HHee wawass strick atrlck- Artlili, B w«d.n. ev«l« T ““ ““ °° *'en onon TuwdsTuesdayy afternoon'afteafternoon afterr conferconfer-- anidd factoryfactory, trainintrainingg ooff ououtt me menn ar aree $t youyourr disposal disposal.. JohJo*.n TT.. DunPunan anandd EdwarHowardd ,h;\ h re irt IptH mort. JUEt !•! encece hahadd adjournedadjourned.. Mr.iSbaMr.'gbaww laIs pas pas-- ,1 v »*\il imifi Lt-,,.Mn« from . ih.r. of>f ItahwayH>b»T.. CourConnt officialo«<-i»us Tbeile'There',t jus justt on on** satisfactory satisfactory; cri -cri-tor r ooTt ththee Birntfors> rat fordd MethodtBMethodistt EslscoEpisco-- i.-h ir.'hnAs* at Btinrnp- ,N-rh..p« j ItIt iiss nonott enougenoughh toto nll.jspu fill y.ourr batterj batteryr regularl regularlyy wit withh it werworee JHdgJ»d«oe Jamesiimo, tonnoll l onnoiiry te HteHon on to togo go by ,by, th ethe criterion criterion! of of •ir ,o-« il.«*d««t! "Th*tr mllhnfrr palj Churcrqarchh at; StratfordStratford,, CaindeCaifdenn cotiiicoun-- un th- ihlni Brnir th» distillestilledd waterwater anandd ttoo make;regulamake,regularr hj-drbrhete h 'drometerr tests tests.. I CourtCourt ooff QiuartOQuarterF Sesiiont Samoa,. you yourr own own, five five senses sensei. And ,And, of of Powrtcr t|| MrMt Kids' of thr miir*. itor Alfred A. Stein. Sheriff course, yon have to make com- Ot fau*1 £l tWi- IS "0 Hmt» ire won^rr- C. Otto. Deputy Sheriff .lames T°« k»W f «■» ful bar m«p>v i>«t they have >oni' ex- YoYouu shouldleshould-lett uuss loolookitbveratk it jjver at lea*lcag; onconceamonth.e a month. id former Sheriff tt'Hllam parisons at that. Therefore, T.IKft* POSITION IX SKW YORK l«ht. putl,emt it uaJlp stoveo tharlanseg clothes,k ; look ' thi IS LittlLittlee AmperAmperee wilwilll starstartt youyourr car*-le cart-lett u sus kee keepp it it •e-cuior Slcln mas toasrniastorthe wm all over; v;spea P«'k to toth e theme nmen „, he speakerspeakers* wereJudcwere Jodge" Con o>n-- wh oho wea wearr their their*s wit withh a adiffer difrer-- r going. . j {[J ' ' ehcrifreriff oho.Otto, Mr.Mr.- frendelljWendeii. Mr Mr. encecnee;; and—don' and—don'tt neglec neglectt to tohav havee "b i|)«n)\ of. this We have a rental battdty for yoii if yours, needs w anandd formeformerr SherifSherifff Wfig&tWright. Rothberg'Eothbergs dow* downn on onyou yourr itiber itirter-- in poeltlbn as super- if yours needs teln .MrMr. WendelWendelll anandd Mr.pisb Mr.piab-- «ry #ry.. ^ | intendent of the typographical 'de- repairs. the partment of tlip American Ban k ^»oto Company, Xe»- York. Mr. Trembath will continue lo reside:In the bori .!> TJRI'HT co. SPRING SUITS Dutch, ^ PLAINFIELPLAINFIELDD STORAGSTORAGEE BATTERBATTERYY CO.CO. M!TL.lWa)DfXI.A HKD: IPIVII.KMniVIDKXDI ! t*.d« Chen'*..-harm- 0 EA8T FOURTH 8T„ t Near Walchung Ave. Rmg ready 50 EAST FOUETH; ST., V Kear witchung Ave. PI*afnflel tn heldd TrustTruaC' GompanyCompany;^ ha h« $15 ,t *hon«Fhonel 1640 1440 I . d aa quarterlquarterlyy dividendtrtdeadd ooft twi ti> Nothin* has— yet been heard by All Mal «K1.I> HIM M-I.W, Mrs- Krank RAdffp, K. Of p.. at, i hla strict. .\bi> fi Of Kent 8ikth FI.I/A SAM»KltSO%\I>KH.hO\X DKA1>N4|»U w- meeting completed i>ls*d fo< ijptnpl-spftople were ||ihh anniversaryanniversary,, toto r !n[be! Ji Rothberg^c r. and >frs. E. II. *Tinan»an. of L'nderfuil'-i thethe auspicpauspicess ooff ththee f.adlesLadle*' ,;itU'n«iaiic p « Ualrtafr, wh(#whichh i 1 d Society of Temple , Baptist : arranged tfii iur»dayay evt-nfrii:evening., llarcMarchh I2t.* Ii.K 'THINGS MEN WEAR Past Seroad. Stri-A. this city, Aid Society of Temple . Baptist i„.jw_ EilzKU»^ndersoin Sanderson, colored, of »n as Ladles' SisUrL.-, rl “THINGS MEN WEAR" |3 he proud pnfenta oft a bahy girl ehurrh.urch, a dimdimee Boelasociall wnwaaa hel heldd o non art . Mm. E, IndjiVcaodxHi ftcM directstreet., dl.'d|. d last nlglit. known as Ladlws* liinjt(naitQ March 14 Mother and child Thursdaylursrfny evcnlusvenln*j aatt ththee homhomee o f ofI Mr? . Peek. irsi.* lirocraiimgrnmm hahass W>jU- ntn arfeiisardan*-- | r J it-iil^-rgH'osplialIctilyrg Hn.-pliiil.. " he coinmltteeniimKIee inIn. ch^^gecliafgv.. • 20206$ WfesWestt FronFrontt StSt.. doing nfccly under the carp of j . PAGE T HKRS EXTRA MEETING ProcrastinatioTrocrastinfiiion n iiss ththee tiiirfthief o off health: KeeKeep p yourselfyourself welwelll bbyy OF BELGIAN RELIEF thethe timelytimely use and help of ere We Show bn accounaccountt ooff recenrecentt Internationainfornallona!l Here We Show trfntits IItt IIfs nece?;,arneegeadryy ttoo cal«ftUl aisnn extrMir*a ®4««»ogll ting ooff tbthee riftinfialPlainfieldd BelgiaBelgiann ReR«- j *f SocietySociety., ttoo deC:ddccldoe somMmce mattermatter** j The Full Reo Line of Importanceinortance. ThiTbl*s meetinmootlagg willmill The Full Reo line bobe holdheld aatt »9f9Mi HillsidIlilUidae avenueavenue., TueaTu**-- | daklay morningmorn In k,, MarcMarchh 2028.. atat 10.3 1#f 10 nus o>'dock. <#ock.; < AA fulfulll attendancattendancee ,1a.!• re re- TENTEN REQ8REpS to-choosto choogee fromfrom.. AA ca carr fo rfor year^ evar*Y#ryy needneed,, includinincludingg ththee needneedss o fof quested.Qukst'ed; your businebusins s c.C. EE.. LeaguI.eagu*e aatt C:4G8: : •orndonsermon sub- I J*t.3ect, 88 unlocko'clock., '--’’A v.rrVery I' 1Happy DQEDOESS THATTHAT SOUNSOUNDD flippant?flippant? W Wee l-lfa”Ufe- (Longfellow'(Longfellow*s ''Th"Thee IVlllaso* 6eor«0*or*«e Hauraadllaurand.. orof Bonierecl ensureassure yoyouu wwee ddoo nonott meameann i tit so so.. BlacksmithBlacksmith") . itrfeetget.. has:MR beebeenn confineconfinedd tto Ills home far ‘the(he pastpast twtwoo woekweekss susufferingf with : W 1 INorf or iiss iitt far-fetcheCar-fetchedd bbyy ananyy means means.. FlratFint ChurcChurchh ooff Christ. Ec. H . stomach»achh troubletrouble IHiHies c ocondition Is I Ji * 1 BabcoclDabcockt building,building.: 2424#6 . WesWestt Front sliKhf]Ihtlyy ImprovedImproved thithlas we week.- IINN TRUTHTRUTH wwee ddoo nonott knoknoww o off anyany-- astreet—Services tract—Hervices:: Sunda.Sundayy raimorning.n ^1; oneone whwhoo ownownss ononee ooff ever everyy Re Reoo Ill o’clock:' ;Jock; WednesdaWedn« adayy evgening model,model, butbut wwee coulcouldd namnamee severaseverall meetings, which Include testimonies MM ’j ooff ChristiaChristiann Scle&c8d*gcee Dealinghealing,, atat 8 8AA. . MM.. RUNYORUNYONN && SOSONN WhWhoo awownn aass manmanyy aass foufourr oorr mor moree [O’clock;• o'clock; SiiuuHSundayy schooschooll forfor?? pupilpupilsa ' ReoReoss ooff differendifferentt typestypes.. undeunderr thtboe agagee otof- tweiitvtwerjty., Sundafiubdayy T'lrphvu tto. «O , morningmorning aatt !•:«10:45., rfcadlnreading| roomodim a open Do Y ou'K^w ITIT!ISN' I ISN’TT UNCOMMOUNCOMMONN ttoo findfind oponopen d«Uydaily frofromm 21 ttoo 6I pp. m.m.^J «xcep esceptt businessbusiness menmen whwhoo owownn botbothh 2-To2-Tonn Sundays and legal holiday;.: feubject T'V 'ffl Sundays sod legal holidays; fcubjsct •-. •• ,«nt Call" t%\\ Murray Kill- New Turk Em^ilm«r-« LlrecM *«»». whatwh«t itIt meanmean,s ttoo ha»ba>4t« SlJtT Y YEARS of .uc - andand ^-To*i-Tonn ReReoo truckstrucks,, an andd on onee ofof lelessont sermon.mon ’SubMadco. K*w York Bt-(a ne(tf»lerert Uenii 'GoldenGolden teat.. ProverbProvt^rb*s 12ll.: 22l{$ 2*28 . "ndertrtktr*. Ho. i:S. ccesfulocctiil pianopiano'. -iniuiBriceirii.. manufii g behind you? oorr mormoree ReReoo pleasurpleasuree carcarss aass Wellwell.. Park Avenue flautist Church. Park "QUALITY"—that'QUALITY ’ ’—that ’*. Uk>inwerlb . . ANANDD IITT ISN'ISN’TT DIFFICULDIFFICULTT toto avenueavenue anandd EasBastt NintNinthh Streetstrest.. Hev Rev.. MATHUBHEKMATHDSHEK (JEAN!(IRANI.? flAEIlAKOO 0OBB PLAYEPLAYERX thinkt^ink ooff manmanyy whwhoo mighmightt profitprofit-- BlrneBlrneyy SS.. HudsonHudson,, pastorpastor:: "Th'Tb#e CrosCrosss llTord F.'roi.- i John H. High PIANOPIANO OOrF 1911917possets.!7 jpossesMs (h|hte samesame QualitQualityy aaaa hahiss ably own even "more of every • wilwilll bbee ththee them(hemse 6tof ththee pastor' pastors" Ber ser-- always characterised tirafename. An instrument ably own even - more of every I monsmons foforr ththee remaininremainingg weeksweeks?' beforbeforee COLE & HIGH always characterised ths [name. An instrument modeli Banter. "The Craw A Necessity" will Bilcreamra to Oforgu W. Dole pleasinpleasingg ttoo thth*e eyeyee ansad;d ni l[ thethe earr alikealike.. YouYourr I Easter. “The Croaa A Necessity" will Successori . U NKKALs to GeorgIIIKRfe WTOKM Col o customers will be '<. ONEONE THINT$IINGG IISS SURESURE:: YoYouu find bbee ththee subjecsubjectt forfor. tomorrotomorroww mondnjtmorning. I . FCVEKAIi FJ1RECTOR8 cuitomsrs will boVeitu led II yon' havhavee th thee ( EveninEveningg subjectsubject., ''faith''Faith., aa ConditioConditionn • 200-WU2OO-2O1 WesWestt S^-iin-Her.xvl1 StAt.. MATHUSHEMATHUBHEK.K ' more* ReReoo modelmodelss inin ththee samsamee ofof Conduct.Condurt,"" witwithh 'th!th*e ordinancordinancee o rof K. TY. cfli'-c-dl-ra.s to10 EasEastt 22 *JSd Stree Streett baptism at the clow of ' the Sbrvlce. j Tel..Tfel-. <3r*n.greyGramarcy 209IM4* •'. pwner'owner’ss garaggaragee thathann ooff ananyy otheotherr I baptism st the close of the fenrlce. rrival®Private FunrrnFu«rall ChapelChapel. MATHUSflfeMATHUStffiKK niake. DurinDuringg thetbe courscoursee ,. IHIH*. • quality,quality, RReo eo dependabilitydependability,, an andd field 128 Eas. SWilh slrcil.be- b*. 212188, WW.. IFRONT St. Reo low cost of upkeep. I ttwee seenn Park: anandd Watrhttngatcbtl avenues *■ l I.AIXKIHIJ>. \«lj Reo low cost of upkeep. I Service..Servlc Sundayndaj. 1111 a. m . iubject | 1 IMtiWm iso-T SO WHEN HE DOES need another I Ofor ththe. lesaon-serraon. "Sutwljincc." HIGGINS SO 1WHEN HE DOES need another 1 Golden lext***t.. Proverbproverbss 1212:: 2 2», 28,1 VMw K—riwiU it.I cacarr oorr trucktruck,, eitheeitherr smallesmallerr o ror 1 'The substanoo'ofMI!, lane, of f.a diligendiligentt I gian is V i» Ira.la. In-Hal. largelargerr thathann ththee ononee hhee hashas., first first precious.run. IInn ththee wawayy o for r . rigBuwua-ri••.••:-.- n>» - thinthingg hhee doedoess iiss ttoo find find ououtt whethe whetherr ,«*-*« IsIs life.life."" SundaSundayy schoolSchool^ 9^49,455 ReReoo makemakess sucsuchh anan one.one. includingS-m ;; W.-driesilnyWednesday. testimonies, S* v.p. inofm ,,. •mgeUng.hgsllng. "5“500 fc>ER fc’ER CEN CENTT OVERSIZE OVERSIZE" ** i nin alalll Th# rending room IS upon each .week- vitavitall partsparts,, ththee ReReoo standarstandardd facfac-- day from 2 to 6 P p.. and is fres to totorr ofof safetysafety,, iiss inin alalll Reos—looReos—lookk • thbmthjem overover aatt ththee showshow.. ChurchW air hungcorner Avenue.Kalrvlew rresl-fterian’'and Wat-j At Dunellen. V J LET A REO MAN go over the rhuaii awmuv*. th^ K*s. J Mr- baloved ’vtifn LET A REO MAN go over the Krlvey. pastor - Banday SchoolS- honl., S » B»ber. , strippedstripped "cu"cutt outout"" chassichassiss witwithh a-a. m.m.., alaalsoo IWraHcrcaJjn Bibll»lhlce <-lass^undeclassfundert Funaral win b, Ma ReoReo MotoMotorr CaCarr CompanCompanyy 10:45 and Af he latter service, sogh. af 2:30 p. lO interment 1 the paalor prearhea a coni pan loti »er- Donnd Brook i id 8 Cylind ', . Lansing,Lansing, MichiganMichigan s—’In New Yotk City, on U'.d- evening,Life." The;fulilrct. Uleder "Mi king.theolf hymn Mbel »rfK>k* of laughterlay. March ofl theli l»iels»7. Jama# Kitxiab C. I Telephone 957 EDWINEDWIN AA.. CRAICRAIGG art li*ed al I be dveii ig aervic..« Sun- •mice#Hannah private A A»-r# al the re®ld-nce Miller+Jackson W.' Front St. and Central Aye. day achool. with or, nired niblo rUa- er niece. Mr* William J. Tal- W. Front St. and Central Ave. at*ca 2;30.at'3 o'rloak.4bn*1l»n Sunk budenvor*ervlre fof agrvlee Min r. 118 K&nt Slt«h alfact. Plaig-- 333-335 ^. Front SL PhonPhonee 20132013.. al 7 o'clock< Mfd-wegk prayer agnlce . N. J. M|-1l, with MI1K fwvwloe. W*c'ne*«lr.y cvunil'K. All.*-*, hi, rmlrtinw. <.17 Rani at 8 o'clock Junior cingrep.itIoniat, 10 nmfcth.FlMh atre^t. 17. 19)7.on Sav.-iitn Adelbert day. Vail.3rd. In his 83d year. ! • , KKi:V DK|VHtATl0.\f4 Hoot*ffcrvlc*** r»n atThin! iHe Friend*day. 8d hteft)ng ntonih. T ? the,to'.l Frlondaa* f *80 rei»et.»i*y,p. fui Interment3-17-21 in A large thirty .of friend® gall^crcd s.M IF at the hotn« of Mr. and Mr* Ifred- r«-OnH2.j Marlon Frid-iy.j‘ Marshall ifarrh Pmllh. i«r»t. be- ''jee^iHeiiiaiiwii'ai.niatiHiwwiiiiiiiiuiwi^hs i iwimi*" -um imnir.iimmiMMmyeiiBii^ rue,erlck Thur*4»)Thompson. algb(. ,*>f TlelinontThe dwupt- jate- v#d|Funeral wife fromof Charge* her !*t- V. reoldenre.Smith. tiona were pink enandd j:reenjrreen. AA »rg fcrg®}e -eenbrookI road and. Maple are- adorned! tb4 oeijtre of the ;j!ii'' , linote,. Monday.MoDdi March 19th. at :«? rake adornedl ibd centre of the gable , o'cMck* : •" erniPTit at SprJngSeld, whJcb“Vaah'VaB decoratedI i ir.i'orT 'Inin '^fgreen r-i -Awith jr lr aa ®rlock. liuerment at ftyrlngtald. RELIGIOUSREUG1OUS ACTIVITIEACTIVITIESS Ing; Sunifay. •rhoolBchool at; feJ o'clocko'clock,. an and< I. •N. E pralM service«r* a)a": 5:31*i n, o'clock.o'clock. | largei harpharp Ilan thithec centercenl®r.. ThejfavThe «»*- ■ or* werevere KT-IVX,gredo *hamrocka.ehamronkB . j NEWNEW STATEfSTATENf ISLANISLANDD CCOO Rk,vn« Mlaainn. Hitrork balldlas.’ The,'e evenbieveolugg wftwmi enjoy'ablfcnjoyablyy |penapentt venalsoncK W . C.C TT. tl.U, . BabcocBabcockk thii Kulldln*:! Th«JMadi8Th. MadlKinj. avcaoc. John’ ail music, dancing,, solos and carJ nsularregular weeklwrrtil,y servicKrvlrce wil«llll be omlilnlItted perlnt|i.rlnl.nd,nl—WTIIIan^' I)«M»ris will with rauvlc. dancing., »ofc>a and card Toi » all1 membermember,s ooff Lyd'l.jdlia ChapterChapter., 110 Watchung Aye. Near Front St. , to playing.ng. SeveralSeveral iioj>ulapopularr v- pmergAncantt vossloeeeeloan II.s hen-bherebyy callecalledd N«lm m o...... i « T * by th> * > ' “!German■"«“rm& n Refcii'un'Reformedd churchchurch,, j rence9 Barrett,Barrett, acconajianleacrumpaoiedd bbyy ifMbf for Mondayvfonday.. MarcMerckh 1919;; 19171*17.. atel Dry Cleaning and Faticy Dyeing Ul. col, placeHm8 anandd UueDuerr streetstreet.,Tb RevRev.. ( Q r Heaale Carson at the piano The] 1:16 pp . m..m. . aett MasoniMeeoolcc HallHall, fororr tinIbc- Dry Cleaning and Fancy Dyeing er, pastor. ' Th<6 pastor ] purpose of attending In. a body, the We are in A position to do all kind,klnda ooff dyindylnag aaas we bave tb« All Seal.’ Unitariani;Cburch Church., ParParkk Pr "'.1 ln v * P“>» ' wer®were beautifDbeautlfnll prlseprise#e I given funeraperpoeel ooff Au ellendloa.r late Biste Inr aMrs body,. Mar the- avenue, (mr Ke.1 KI.WII afreet. Bev. '*"r hlr In Englis “"Clakh H (a| th «lha in mo '• carcardd playersplayer*. QuestOnaatgs I -ere foaerallon E.: Smithof our. lataBy aialcr.o(der-o Mraf Carri Mar-e B of Eeltjag all the dlffe^tiil coiorloras warned.wanted. BiblBiblee TTruthr th HallHall.. 202099 EasEaalt FronFrontt ce tomorrow for • the ben lon K. Smith By older-of Caryl# John Bakaly. mlnlalcr ' Mnmlns n U>’' ' «ou tomorrow for Ike bene 'frofromm BrooklynBrooklyn.. MadiMadison,s M.M. JMksoblackaoo.. WorthWonkyy VatMalroa.: Con- Tdbon 1913 •Heel:Urrfi- JoJohnn F.F. ParkeParkerr wilwilll preacpreachb vice at ■«:<*: aunjecimbject otohr s sermon. "In- A* youo» I1g“* peopl P«>l>‘eel,,ll<4 of ofili a hieeo nrood andand thisthis city,ciry. reyanceeveyances willwin bbee furnlBhefarnlybedi Ikethe Gospeuoap.1l nalt 7:17:455 pp.. m.m." AlAlll ar eareheritor, l l .and Tran.mltlera.* .SundaSundayy ; All are Invited. aardl.lly Invitedited ttoo attend.allend.., " “ *1 * 30 - Evona EronaChapel , Chapel.West ThirWeald Thirdfft. DIMEDIM| E SOCIALSOCIAL ATAT Hi. Olivee BaptisRapt lett Church—Thfchureh Thee Firspit r.i^PresbytPrla n Schyrch. East • ear Clinton avenue, Robert A BaskeBaskett ofof SpringSpring FlowerFlowerss 1 PreabyterUn fckorrb. Eaal «“uperintendent—Mis Cllnlon avenue.a Mube Robertl < J MRS. HliVHl r>K ■ev » li j„oe,. paalor. 11 • ain. m.'pr Front,™ Jit-ai,.lead hl ooff Thurchrburrh] itreetat reel.. KevHe.. | voperlnleodenl111 -Mlm Mabel 0 j i , M*k*aMake* aann irtt-etideall gtttgift We haw LECTURELECTUR• E OONN NATIONALNATIONAL ,^DR.;,DR. SAUNDERSAUNDER5S CHAIRMACHAIRMANN pubjeci ' l-oer, of Ibe Word"; 3 3V- p. Cbafl«1 Cbafleaa a«. : Herrin*,Heirinn. pastorpaalqr:: MorninMotnln*g -ill conducroodoclt thIbee servic ~r.lcee to ntorn!i— • ; larg- e Tarlc-tlargey totarlefy eelect fromto eelcd. Quan rrom.- Quon- m.., SundaySunday SchoolSchool;; 88 pp.. m.aa. aubiect. ,object. reninit: Bible study,, evening I 8 ThThe« Earnes Earnestt Workers Workeik'' Bibl Biblee clas claaas o f ofI title s o, f alf l allKind alndas of Cuof t CutFlowers. Floweta.' Ject,!BuhJect, '^fesuaHenna-* MaMapp of-Life'"otElfe":; eveninevenln*g evenln*: Bible Christiaeludy. neeenina Kn< mla 0 CAPITOLCAPITOL PLEASEPLEASESS MANYMANY]! OOFF U U.. S S.. NAVA NAVALL BOAR BOARDD “Oola*l Forward.”I-" jiubjectlh |,.ul«ecl., ‘whe'rThc OadGod ooff Mi.Mf Brltbinllrilbla*K an andd o elock; Junior Ckrlatlan Kndvor lha:he GracGracee MM. EE.. cbUrtjbcbdrijh., hel heldd a asottal eoklal: Flowerinriowerlngg Pianti p.anu.. Palais Palma, an andd Ferris Fcrna.. (heran Chorch. Bast lhe G*>d «;.Scripture.of Scrlplufe."" j1 Soelelr. Thnraday aflornooo nlSO;10 ; ThiirodaThurodayj .nigh.Bightt aalt tinIBc- resldeocireeldencw^ o fof Weddtng Waddlna. Bonqueta Bouqueta., Flora Florall Design Dcalgnas Swedlvb kulberan Church. Eaal * “P* 11 nld-week prayei C day MrsMra.. HenrHenryy DeMoltIVMoil,v Sfiiipr.w(enure,t stmit atrrel.. | byby eiperta eaperu. visi.laltt oi onr atom and coa- Wlth th® hurcchurchh auditorffiitlandltorltinl»' ' Dr.'""• Wtllia'Villiamm UL. SauiiderBSaunders,. oof( NortNorlhh dvrentb alraat.. (beIbe R«»Kee.. CarCarll Ander-Ander-'J YY. M .M djJA. , : Special =mpn-s tneetinR tu Bm tir n w >Pla!nfleldBliincld,. hahk*s beebeenn electeelectedd chairmachairmann •jU: Spvd.lWn'.ww,..,1 "”' -"' * AbouAboutt rortyfonywer weree presenprovenl toto 1enjoenjoyy ith j* e ! servatory‘ »» ““ » rowded to cajNfrltf,ity. RevRov.. DrDr.. DD.. Wfc\V»‘^ ^ Naval (-onflultln ^^ ro)]ow. •oa. paalor iundaSundayj SchoolSchool., 3> p p.. m.:'ai m.'.at th ibee Pti[lnne) P! d Theatre at 3:30. W? evening's proirrani, frames being jthe | 1S9 Kawt From St. ihe Naval I'onsulUng Board, follow- ’i«fnne|d rticat* at .s-.to. w: “ , 1 evening’s program. Skellcnger. pggtorc ooff "HopWopoe CtapeEBiChopel^ ^ ] , Thomas A. Edison Toon* People’#•le's meetingmeeting., 6.30«.3»;; G . O.I/indfs, land,Int;' secretaraecrelaryy oo|t tblliee Pennsyl-Penney]-; Trinityy ReformeReformedd -Church Church., ** chiechlpff diversiondiversion. Kofrt-sH h g lhtb*e apselectionPCl on ooff Tbomaa A. Edison preaching at 88 o'clook.o'clock- JvanM] van)# StalMia eSli SundaySunda y Srl^olSchool AssociatioAaaoctatlenn S«ond. streetalroel., neanearr ParParkk a a,lr served at the close. •" '• last evening, deliveredivered aa atereo]iti;*t*r*oiitlr ;a>._.i 'presidentpreaidrnt,for, for Ilf*.life. ThThee re-arranRere-arrange-- -u. Rev. John Y» 'Broeh, pastor. ' servedThe clasat sthe is close.to hol d a rv con lecture on "Wmihlngion.ion, ththee Sh'jNm n»n, 1 t of [lie pfflctrs was made so as to Ebenc...,Bbenei-r BaptisRapt la,t chchurch.u Ufa, Eaal I tkktfte- Bpeakerapeekrr.. ^peclaSpeciall Insloalru-t Hcv. John Y. Ilroek. paetor. :".. The Clara ll lo bol al Ing subject, -Thy Will Bt- D Thursday and Friday hundred or'aHow Mr Bdlson his fgll lime lo mat- ThirdThird itrH-i. RevRpv. L . T.L . I.C Crnnin nat. u*rmaila^[lidl v»vocalo mUriel I m*Blw anbjerl, "Tky Will Be * D on Thursday and F. CHAS.L. STANLEY i Iona I rnpiul. Home hundred or . | Bible srh»ol and St. Paul'i | more slide* .were u*cd during,ing, lat^tef th* s of vital injvortance to the (Wrvern- tor- Preaching morning tfethernartaood,L,eOo RrforpnjHeforpiod* church.r. II reh « «"•'Ckrlallaa Si Paul, End! Hr In the vac,at .tor. ' ' mn He now works from rourteen to _ i hooh d at 2:30: Christian eet Aid Madison avenua. c.■wwfdl. Mali win. courae of th® add re.® Society meeting at 6:<5, w Front afreet abd Ma t Sn hourR. every day on problejnn The lecturer, In caringldtrabJ fore hit'ili'iwt'I^rlainln i|M«i g \4 warfare and aiethods of Willett Mite; evening H Re«olDt(oiis K'-s|m-tinK the r>e;Kh of i joct. wem into conald^rmhle devait « lining Mid-night Doubter and a Trat : (luringwell as portion®Into the offearly lithl»s address.,historydd a^dV ■Vd*.*■ * Grace Kpiscopal churcb. E. • At a m'-ptiiic i>f Ml- Hoar 1 of Mai <MKH l,fM * I. "Do‘Do Our Sins AhvaysFmdUsAlways Find Us Out?"Out? onlhandenth and ; SycamorRfmoinwarrala.e streeta, 1Ik, 7rV. « * - " » Into the plaonlng ®ud laying out o&| H UM 4L Tfc E. Vicars Sievenson, reel ngftrs of the Plainfleld Savingi ~ the ground for the wlabllahmcqt ofZ 1 KID KM IN » I..UMI. at • BfttM of Slv MorainK I^ttten Sormoni On ' of Plain field, N. J., :hild on W the city. In ohowlng views of thaft S Mlnbrai iv cDXNwncct vice*;vices; 7:37.300 aa.. m.m... HolHoly^ COBICoarnnE on rtayday th pfh I4tt^ a, 4lhda y oil March, Marrh ,, THK MKSHAOE OF TlfE CRttHfi f]j>R OCB ttA%. 10:30 a. m.. moraing prayei Senate Chamber. Dr. Skeirenger lookg 10:30 a. m. morning pmyer anda t 5 pg. m.p. , mth .e thefiillpwlnR.refl followingo reaolutl.r the occasion lo refer to lh« iinpa'JSlifl Ity*? SarajHa rafti WatrouaWntroua,, formerlformerlyy a a BY\ sermonaermnn;) S pp. m_ra.., SundaHiindayy '• «m »|;wer e adopter» adoptedd respectin respectingg the deatth* hdeal of I trial If notion of twelve of ttov Sens efcl-eherr IInn ththeo WartingtoWa«hlr.t;tnftB whoolarhool,, 4:304:30 p.p. rn.m-.. •evensong: ^' ri. H;;L: . K8 pp. ]iim.... »pu-• ou ourr lat latee Vice-President Vice-President.. Mr Mr.. Alber Allt lora menily In failing to auppDrtJR oily,city, 'was"was marriemarriedd todntods#j i at her JarJar preachinpreachinge aervlce.service.. ThtThe ev.C , C.Stebbina Htebbina:: I ITcaldent Wllaon. e- ini MliMlt'-foldMliftHoflold.. Coon.Conn.,; to How* The Reverend Howard EfClarke,M.A. HoaryHenry TelleToilerr (ockCockee aalt 10:310:300 m. We do herehdo horobyy roco irorord oar appro i% Pomeroy.Pomeroi. oo(f l.orkpoittl^ckport,, NN.. Y. and 8 p m. tomorrow. tioo lionof hi ofs faithfu hts faithfull a nm4 afflclent rier a- -^dinweddingg tritripp ththee couplcouplee wilwilll I vicerin*s rendererenderedd toto I hiibl* bonk, aa FLORIST iFFIC ««•• nome In Lockpqrt —'****"» Sunday Morning, March 18 CrescentCrescent AvenuAvenuee PresbPresbyy rlano f ofIt s u,boar boardd o£ manof manager*,s and v e their home In Lockpqrt. wh®ro Sunday Morning, MarcH 18 ChurchChurch.. Bs»Eastt SeventSeventhh -ntfeel«^c«t anandd reo-1. presidentprealdent., sincsincee bein bclhR;; Calle.1 to A. R. LINtXJUf »Ol«K'«l|-',%lr . Pomeroyp<>mer«j- iI*s engagei<-ngag*s|l In the centcent avenue;avenue; RevRev.. JohJohnn S -S- Z*l»4jpaa-• sum*umee th thee dutie dutiess of Bifid otBcea. 327 Tark Aveauc, n<4r Pcarth W. 'ifir^jpagatloa gat ionn : ofof., EnglisEnglishh ' . walnuts CONGREGAC0NGREGA T10NAL TI0NA& CHURCH tor:tor: MorninMorningg worshiworshipp an andd pr^ ; the high 'esteem Telephone It48 The borough authorliles arc makiug:' Industryindustry wawass establisheestablishedd btoyy bia >1 (IMS,IN AYlIVtB ANI> WENT BEfp.NTH «TI1F>.T atat 10:3010:30.. SundaHundayy schooschooll with , with whom he catn^ |n All aorta of BenfiopaLi* Plant*. lmu.ua! effort to have th* ordinanceLCe ~ir(fe>dfather,( '■ )dfather/. whwhoo discovererilNcover*dd that SundayMIPLSO Bcbual.X AVENU 13 Eo'clock. AND WKHMr.T JobaSM.SKI I-;.M' HWhUon. HTKK^ sj.pt.T pibl9lblce claeclassa aatt 12:3012:30.. OrgaOrgan: rcc That we herebjj bfar Palma and Ferns. A; Urge aas-.rt- regarding etre*! trafficifflc observeobservedd ttfo B»*tb«i kjK] t -lisllshh walauwalnutsU coulcouldd bb®e growgrownn I nIn Sunday School, 13 o'clock. Mr.iJobnMr. Vhttor'. sjipt. 4:45.4-45 aatt .whichwhich MrMr. DaviDaviss willwil toto bihlas efficienemelon*t anandd ufriguirighth ae raent of Cut Flowers fresh every ray. Mt*r H«*reaper, any owners of vehl;h>; KcI v YorkYork Stat8tat®e successfullyancceaafully.. Miandd selections fro Inin - alaUl ththee positionposition*s oorf tru trustn at Floral Work a K|wcUlty. Vt* setset out »m grovgrovee ooff walnuwalnutt treestret*.. select Iona from ololdd ItItaliana m sponulblllty•tponslbillty Ilnn whicwhichh ; . hhee haa rlea found blocking the crosswalk*as walks at of ■ ATAT 4 O-CI>H'O'CLOCKK TOMORROTOMOflllUJWW WITM'JTHH {_ J (KUh Noujifr. Th*The pastorpastor pPreachesr ches oonn •"Christ' railed upon to serve. street Junctions, driverdriver*s ooff raillcmilk : versatlovernationn Iinn tthe Home of .“Inu Roaolved.Reaol ed. TkatThai wew*. hereby tend and Ice wagon*, etc.ftc.., whwhoo iallow,allow' FOURTH AFTERNOON LENfENLEN ‘EN SERVICESERWCE Pharascc.”Pharasee." to hi* bereavedreaved relativerelatli s aridaiid frlehfrieri d. . their horse* to roamm alon$.!ha Ion * thee airec: aireeraa THETHK RKVERENREVERENDU WILLIAWII.UAMM «>EI[ ofof Wntfl«-ld.W Y L. Mt. 7.ion A M R. church. 2 our kympathyathy Iinn ththee eifeag tI loslevas whicwhichh | HighHigh GradGradee MonumentMonumentss without any attentiontlon wilwilll bbee dealtdealt' Will Pr*«ch. )• they are callecalledd upouponn t|o bear. < ij ' Of Hvery I>«*cv4ptlo* with according toolnw law.i TherTheree m havev been >day lei Ihe blrlhda’y of Clara1 Fourth atrsot. near Plain That a, raffycopy ooff thcfethepe« resolutionsreaolutlpt ; pf B»«T niwriptiM ! So»o manymany complaintcomplaint*s reeardingregardInfc driv-j>I?>Tlsdriv- rla., (hethe ’ AmericaAmcrlreon actressacre,, who»W RopranoHopnuw Hol-l-4,S..loi*t, MlMlaam CannoitCanoral.i ooff J^Tork Irstbqokteitlxiok FOR “WAR ZONE” WooWoodd BrookBrook milkmilk lai» good,good, peEcriblnDescribingg thethe countrycountry underunder Span-Span- generalgeneral agrtcollumlagricultural ehriatstrychemi^ry FOR "WAR ZONE" irngnu-TiuN Ratim milk,milk, hashas alwaysalways beenbeen good.good; rul», and !(■ process of Raining In- elementary bloebemlvtrr gor milk—puremilk—pore andan dclean. clean. IIt't dtjH btfenct*.x. Ptepetep byby atep. 'step. HeHer.- Thorn- In collegsa. hadhad toto be,he , oror it it couldcould notnot be,be ; (o* B. Penfield.afield, ofof Englewood.Gnglewood, rave the AimedArmed FereFore sadand AftAft StesmerSteamer & CERTIFIED, second Ini hlahis serle*series ofo rfour four talks «>n OmM Technology, V dlRl|ANllk6’ CERTIFIED. ••.South"wbutli America'America' 'before'before anan appreeU-apprecia- r—Pracilcal Coll 8tora*<*;g isis GivenGiven OrationOvation asa s SheSh e ButBut ifif youyon hadhad neversever heard,heard* livete audienceaudience ata tthe th e Y.Y .W. W .C. C .A.. A. , t i theory,theory, designdesign aridand constrfar-constrjic- of.it before, you KNOW now y.<#l»nlayyp.rerday afternoon.afternoon. InIn telling how t ftt oofff buildingbuilding sndand apparatusapparatus foforr StartsStarts onon LongLong JourneyJourney PliAHMEIDSM r No mall aubaorlpU- of it before, you KNOW now lhaHi* countrycountry finally secured!secured ItsIt s Inde-Inde- preservation of portehabl* pro- uni—, paid in adv thatthat Itit ISIS safe safe becausebecame .it'i it i ; pe-pdrnce,pendence, Mr.Mr .IVnfiild Penntld tooktook th«the oppor- oppor- pproved methods of gp- Newe Vork.V6rk. MarchMarch 1717.—Ami Amidd th«h e■ j PLAINFIELD, eHK'iaubacrlbera nr addrnaaout of (bofr«» CERTIFIED.CERTIFIED. i\ tunity to recall the names of many np refrigeration and the efire tootingg ofof whlalleawhiatle»o off eouatleoacountless crpflcraft Price—14 cents a, quart. - of the heroes and leaders In the great handling of egga* fruit, dairy and U>e'•"• cheerlaajcheering - ofof thoaeaadath of Price—14 cents a quart. id leaders in the great . p7dduetsuctB.. etc.etc . I peoplePeople whowho lined lined edthereither aideaide ofo fIhe th rHonn. IfyflV—SolventsSolvents,, oils,oils, gums,guins, vc,\\w. . NorthNorth -River,liiwr. one<»!<• o!o f thetb eAmerican America r 1‘lalnAcld Poo* Offlc* •• WOODWOOD BROOKBEOOK FARMSFARMS The speaker thenhen toldtold ofof the th epresent preseh t day conditions, contrasting the poor a"j arhonitallonn ..offo f foal:Coal ; Ia a. MeNeww YorkYork shoutabout 11 a'eloek o'clock (klatals aaf- TELEPHONE. PUWTOLD 9io B'^entifintiflec retlewreview ofot Ihethe Inriaatlyn,formation. | ternooternoonn sndand alarstarte tedd onon hayhe *lam long "growing bank account? i m 'PhonePhone No.Up. MetuchenMeiuchen 17S179 ,j tncnicy In his opinion the peo ppoeltlon and deatructhr dts- Journey throaah the "barred war *jjgWi S.'SS&r' m8k S»fT>ffnB compelleliedd toto do do praetlrallypractically nilal lof of the th . of roal, forfor,.. cas.. cokeck .and „,„' - It is BO satisfactory to know tliaf you have hardhard work,work, whenwhen thothe aristocracyaristocracy'li ll»av l.prodocia plenty of funds in store for ar£' Sine when na lifelife ofot perfectperfec case and luxury. Thin1This Boat,tfoath . whichwhic11h waawa s armednuarme ond ffora (F»pllSife. Vi' Ifaa HMK Immediate ■>«»—' repo,,. Mn. by t tree men T»oee wly> could sot act . scarce turning their hands to do any- lll.torlcal Faacra Da *"'and aft T*with guns, U '*• th e" nrat On'e you require cash quickly. .war . from dearoffsm andand »wer e tol!SJ*Sr-i.k 1 leave Slow VorkYork Ka«sinc e ,h.th edwUr.- decls Your account ii invited. ■«kr Audit Bvimu .« Ctrewiatt I obllaedbilged toto ekpfkf oat ou t theirfhelr scantyscanty Zr**4*-i Mr.Mr.Penflel Penfieldd toldtold ofof theth tremendous loa by Sir Aoilr.w Noble. '•*"tton 3,erf armed BKRralltyneutrality byb yPrr.1- Pr> lisleince s under the. aojidoshadoww ofof a ertrijcnjelj po«slbmtlespossibtlitips Inin SouthSouth AmAmerica.i -Drying Machinery and^u!den t Wilson, and*rr fcer trip tri pyra. the Accounts of $1 and up accepted^ ptre, have! becomgt Nihilists,Nihlliats. on-aji- | plainingplalnlag thatthai thothe row.try couviry iIss Just iIce: a haadbowk on th« tbch,,_ AHanllfAtlantic willwill beb ewatchad wbtched withWith lalar-Intel hlits and other kinds of rebuke to! beingow opened up. He Bald i andnd practicepractice ofof dryingdryine andam i cat« l by*y people people throughputthrottghont thethe rutted I'nlte arrhista and o4her kl ds of rebuke to being opened up He said ihat* there atlng. with clawiined de- 'States. , OFP1CKBS: the IronIron rulernle 'oofff tnomonarch archf.y butbu tl«te lfce!ar< * “now -unusual opportunitiesopportunitie s foforr leal lag. with elnaalfled dc- SUIca. LOUIS K. mi>f., ' haveliow turned T„?. . ChristianCUTlatlan efforteffort andand for fo rsocial social upliftuplWt toIonn of.lnalallatlonn.nf. Installations macb.ia-1niachln-. U.U .8. S. Nary Navy guaacragunners areare la In ehante eharg h-y have bleb Is sorely\y neededneeded among all •ndand apparatua.apparatus. larludla*Including akaafeo >off lhathe gnna gang oaon tha to* alcam-r. steamer, aadand ke- b« A. C. STBBBIN8, Vice Msmbrr—Araurl was one of the eff« t aases. He predictedpredicted thatthat theth eneat next loaaary of tachalcalcal.term termia andand farefere .ailingsailing theythey remindreceived alrletstrict andalii HOWARD A. POPE, ftcn-urr andand thethe result 'of generation would•ould witnesswitness great)greates t toyrapfay.lopraphy. I j .dcnnltO't definite order,order * fromfrom thath eNary N'av y Da-D« H. B. Ma(iM).VAI.I), In the royal family •vfcwlhorheth m tnm one Inin Ith liee world'sworld's historyhistorhiatoryy IInn arl—Treatrl—Treatis fane ooOn OEcacralGV-nrral wl “if"b * upvemms.ro *PP *«".<« ofo fa a aoMaaruie alizarine [ PreacFrenchh repelledrepelled livefi German at- 10 1 11 tack*tn.'k- atui Yaux,v,m\-, nearnear Verdun.Verdun. J expectodexpected ofot thethfe chnschanle . If McholAchollaa o'" * llb» of ihethe modemmodern procceprocess* fa,fir! I *»>" h«* aumelent'"Sclent fcaurauaqBri:i!itij quotingwiltin *!lcff«l >envl h- c.,«.» tr w TT ,u H.,.,; SPEC,ALSPECIAL PREACHERS AT orders tolo armed•rnie.l BritWiHrit.Mli msrehantiiici-cliuiit ;-rocssae»iprpc of t| to Estimate a definite hostilhostilee artac t maymay notnu t from Sorel. Canada. Tom mow evening the Rev. “hT have been committedBum Med.. !lhe luxuries tkat tho torld nodand theirthoir illed by the eerloUB til-. | Cil ooke. rector of St Andrew's ON YOtJK A memln>r ofof |t«e the FreitrhFrench senatenenate imagination could prflnce. whilewhile >fe.'tfie;, .william William Llcbau.Uebau .who wlio': • | Mount Holly, will b# the NATIONAL asserted thatti wm.nnn. TmicbrVeiwh chil-PIJII- 130.000 no.) eppjecta hn.o, «rp»ell».I ,,neis , ot,Ui;-0 h|a un a foreman In • muiU- Cm nd—MftitiliirgM-enllnrnry «f' Non-$-nfc^;%^!&. - General Meeallurgv. fifelHSHM^P^ itmission 1U 30 a.M W.Grace and HChurch p. m^ HeIn rainnng SATiRKAV.SATl-RDAV, MAMMARC IIH 17,17 . I»1T.,their.,r ,e.pi„n. »ua ^ on* of which -.do.- 1^0 (Grl. R,- I* 'Hf r. and A Otrtimercial Bonk glance.are .h. 4i*U* 1. .he kind f,. trdal and Quebec. 2£ "4*^ ....!» CHAXfiK IX RCHU rule upon the peoplr King . employod the Pood Marhhio ly off Physical Metallurgy. j TOM OR ROW'S MKIMK’I-M and Wt~h,Sa\iirtys and 0l d little, that ?b Toof Works In this City, Msmifsctures.M»nufj,cfiir««.. «(>%'<■ Ktu;.%rfO\-iff. Decorating SSle Deposit ’ " The abdication ofof .Ciar.C*ar Nlckolaa “ '>' *»ied IP him by Pail lamed', i—Textllta.—Textiles. Tl1 Iu of Runs la and Ihe• resignationrestgnatl of bl. Ther other l.p absolute ^FRANKkAm KENNYKENNY AMONGAMONG —Patt Making: a prgctt-1 " -. Ifoa.M E. Clark, will Departments ydnngeal brother. Michaeljnelia-l Aleaan- onl' *'*-,hr aHhousk Ni kraattsapatlse forfor Ihfthe pittrrnpaitprn iM,k.r P'-r '» tnmortq*uuv\ theUlP Worth fniirtfi iInr drovltehv-ltch . asa sheir heir annarenl.apparent seems * o'otilMoe* WALWALLL PAPERSPAPEES andand DECDEC-- clear t sphere ...and . klhind l 0the• (hrone. I w hlrk1 aaa thethe woifat.«an*t . loom and enuipment, to,, lha acflaf of IcrWen e-rmnna un i lelioa or aimple and compll- i“Tbe tiaananoif ofo fthe th eCrona Croas ofo fOkr Ou r ORATINORA TDfOG SUPPLIESSUPPLIES iias FOUR fA TEKT INTEREST ir t rora cm wrntEsr Basel,Russia forfo r whichwhich IheLhe people people ofo fthat thn ,1 ""lo>' d ' », Dlr jr| i which.edocb-lch-educi- j U*dnbc^n aervlngeervlng Inin the th e IlrlilaliBrltlstj armyarmy Mforr ihinea and molding praellr* Our Sian Alwayavaya FindFind DaWOuiT Out?"" Th|T»i«. completecomplflt*.. WaWe dodo th*the , , belt best Ok0% SlriRfi^rinjfZ Accent*AcctmnU countrycountry harehare longlong hopedhoped . ItT tis la a . “ * * •« t‘*’ r(«cy againstafCaiusc tic1U0 negrlyn>-»rlv threethree years,years, hasha snot no tbeen be@n hcand!•.•; ' lr—-Cork; Its origin and In- particular a.pretspec! ofi> fIhe th eCross Cross will«it l kinkindd ofof work.work. BeBe ran sure anandd It doap In Russia ks! frq*n In aereral monthshs andand hla his friend# Mendi- inal urn. bo of f>pact.I specia l Inter..,into^**s t toto ,b th ou.onl ^isua J .1... of lb. erorntdla. of ele.e mon- _ Usl.ta ,po-o;>lpeoplell n « lahdla of recoveredI fromfrom a wound.wound. HeH ela is ^0 4 0 J* of ^;.“oro.^ienU .2 * '*‘ " * ill b* e Hi' - «•"!;•••. . WilliamWilliam L. n. Woolstba plentyplenty while, thetjie ocon t rolls Id,and when the war began F i'f persona“"*l oroanteof.ornament eW w roe. of Ihd Crmgreg.Iloimt ye^rsyeirs oldold.an andd whenwhen thethe war war began began wawass MceliaairMt*-l!»iiir Tra eMIm Mis s Cunnu.Cannon , « OOlSIBn & DUCKIC t-0. Tl.e ttlBlBlOS HOTHOT WATERWATER merely seek theirthei hta as h im . n lakibook for I be nee of or New Vorkk City.City . [ Painter*Painters andand DecoratorsDecorators HKATCH |Wm B% goa and . nu In college., eecondnry ChrleilnnMian Erl.EndeaH averr eerrli*servloeat' at 7T B5% Mil- hetnga. eola and lha shop pm. Mb. Kllabetl, Mania will. 143-145 rORTH AVENUE M% dp. tilllt IWfMMgenerMlea aa beat b Preaching ' MtBH Ellabbtll Martin will 148-148 NORTH AVENUE eo•o tateawIntent thatthat whenwhen lh#(he flinw flame % Buildiiw 1 'PhonPbouee 10810806 UI* ^itlWfihefie*tin*n%h*.l theth ewater water re- Steel' C 1 I I'"*., dbebe' aot rLlarir wor.blp- Ert. 1880. malmni«in» Pet'fromHoi from a£ fa (s 8 8 Omjw.day*. A *HI1still alarmalarm of fire at 9: to Bur '-Bteel Conetruetlon: a pm* eUepkerw are tordUllybordlally - tdvllldla | Work* »I1*4)Ilkii «a Thermo* Thertnoa RoftU.Dottle . Services F o’clock,o-cioch, thisi hi i morulng.morning , calledcalled thtlw* referonre booboo.k rqvenngrevering .1Ike lo ,u,3d thee, wrvtpee. _ !, ‘ T Services Thai appointiment..u.iun-nt o'j Isaiahlaaiah L.«,Mc-L.VMc- BoroughBateau KlreFire DepartmentDepartment toU> the tl w f Ble«tl fframewor r snu-horkk -» The Leading Auctioneers tsRT.I.FT CHv& SftoW 8aoW ITIT TO TO YOUvov ININ Voy by lb.* BoardBoard b H r» The Leading Anctnneers —AT——AT— of Health 4*| residencerijBidence ofo fWilliam William H.H .Olmsted. Olmsted, 7S7S *IMBOtJS OKOF HUHIIIRISH KRUUIOMFI!K.i:iMlM OPUlATl^N. plumbing Inspector ancewed Wl|- a allgM fire as tha bursting of a Ilumbing Deslga TheThe toilsgods ofof IrishIrish Fro#4omFreedom Thurs-Thnrn WINN & HIGGINS Grace Church a , goodgood dealdeal ofot talk[talk aab » n with- 1 water back lg th# rang* had alarmed latlou. i-4-i dayy ulghlnUh! InIn HL St . Mary'sMary's Hall.Hall. iJbertyMbert HUXIWM BOfNlHT ARID SOLD, PlrUKIMlih. HKATING AND Church outout fallfull coiislderatlotconsider at I ot f ’of nil tb«* tho members of the household, and fit reel.reet. CopiedAdopted newnewiky-law by-law*a sadand « coofi-n >*» MADISON AVKNIK . TINNING. 7th and Sycamore StreetsStreets facts. One faot whlc critics Of the;'**'’ firemen were died. They rs '* •tltutloa.ltutlon. 'AdAD #ntcvtalogimitentertainnient Willwill bba- p. One faqt •* liirh critics Of i:;..- ■Trww Wounds and l)l ld in the near future. .' IXO 4A*rHl'N<; AYKNCB action ofof theth eBoard Boar d «rHealth Healt bseem spcn i' -meg „ * 20 s. m held In the near future. .* filfi to overlook is thatihai sialthoug loughh Mr.Mr .Ad Ad - ______Beginning SundaySunday dls waa retired on i ajpepekrfloni at his me GLASS,GLASS, MIRRORSMIRRORS own request hlahi» suttfaaor.succksHor, ;Mr. ONLYONLY OOWCtCRNCONCfiRK ININ PI.AlYFIKLD PLAIVF1KLD Evening Voy. will11 notno t bebe ellg&>le eligible foforr such la SPECIALIZINGSPECIALIZING ININ THISTHIS LINK.LINK. pensloa . TheThe [law law pfovirfes that U WaWe farolohfurnish andand aetse t PlatePl»to cleanGUas December 10th10th veteran ofor thothe ;Civil Civil jvar who sbal: We Are Telling Furniture Facts to Prontoiroeta,, aals looo Mirror*Mirrors ofof allall .Him sites andana We Are Telling Furniture Facts to \Y •hapes•hapro.. OldOld Mirror*Mirron re-aiWared.re-stlVered. bate servedrved identytwenty jtcars In a mi Cilfizinf; In All Its Br;inttie«. AndAnd ContinuingContinuing EveryEvery Sun.Sun- nldpal otticeoffice shallsiini! t*eb4 entitleutHIrdd toto Jb! ';1 (Uaalag la An Id Braarha*. dayday EveningEvening atat 88 O'clock. O'Clock. pension uponupon retlrenretirement .. BothBotb mcmenr PlainfieldersPlainfielders ThatThat SpellSpell OpportunityOpportunity B.B. GORKINGO R KIN mentioned,i'-l. areare CivilCivil 'WaWarr veteran*,Teteranf 1 48 Souenet St. 'I'hona O44 hutbut thethe differencedill e Isis thahatt Mr.Mr . AUdiaAUdli began servlcAiFIKf,I> AVBNIJBAVEM.E St. Andrew’sAndrew's Church,Church, retire on account of The•he dlycl*y WeWe cancan offeroffer yonyon nono bett^f bette * proofproof tha*than anan Invitation Invitation toto inspect inspect ourou rlarge, large , Plaladeld.PlaJnflHiJ. Iff.X . J.J . Mount HoU„,Molly. H.N. J. had had the expcrtei e of OD- praf- spaciouspaciouss showshow rooms;rooms; seesee eur c'ttr extensiveextenaiye stock.ttock. BradSpnd aa Poet*]Postal audand I 1 WH1WH1 Coll.Call. Ural man for thlioth ends.Pnds. . V tm a SPRCIAI.TV TOIlk d>PP1CK 1«» Broadway permanently.permanently. «reJ -«|r». Moj. dll t P M. TToo givegive youyou aa slight slight ideaidea

; ClassifiedClassified AdvAdvertisin g PolishePolishedd oror FumedFniUed O^: Buffets.'Buffets J , 821.50.$21.50 tojo *42.50 $42.6 0 ThThee Bolce-RnnydnBoice-Rttnyo'n Company,Company, notwithstandingnotwithstanding aitan- nnpre-unpre- (COKTIM'Kl(CONTUIIKDt KKOMFROM rjOKl\Uif, I,[VK) PolishedPolished oror FumedFumed Oa* ■Dining- TablesTables ... f..7... .$13.80$13.50 to!© •$36.00 $36.00 cedentecedentedd callcall uponupon theirtheir atockstock forfor domeetic domestic risersizes of'of coal,coal, .PolishedJPoliahed oror FumedFamed O& DiningDining ChairsOhaira $2.60$3.60 to t o*5.60 *5.60 FORFOR FKXCBANGB stillstill havehave anan ampleample supplysupply onon hand. hand. OldOld IvoryIvory oror WalnutWalnut §fcd RooRoomm SuitesSuites .'. : *88,$88 to to $136.00 $135:00 WANT,TOWANT, TO EXCHANGEEXniANGE forfor JrrnryJeraey tr It-gfcia. b.-iw FameFumedd OakOak Living- R&Sm Suites,Suites, LeatherLeather SeatsSeats 828$29.6 500 toto *46.00 $45.00 1Lit Uyy propr-riyproperty , S-roomii-roora houar.boiiBe . haaha a Si'vehth- _ - KiRhl4. Blreet •ome ImpTbirmrnta and Lwo-atory y^n'Ue. Revard Tor MndMnd,, snow,snow, slnrh.slush, conditionsconditions duedue toto the the season season (of the FumeFumedd OakOak Library Library ^ble1«»s t ...'. *8.9*'to$8,08 to *24:60' $24:5 0 StorMOrfe property,property, forfor emailnmall farmfarm aroundaniur 8?|;a«t Seventh ptrfet. year,year, causecause unavoidableunavoidable delaysdelays inin delivery.delivery. ' We would 8x129x12 BeamlessSeamless WoolWool wftyet Ruffs v '•...... i.: $26.50 PlainI-talnfleld Sold:; lh#th eproperty properly lia a worthwo n •a It# ’ J l-.tM.60 14.40ft;$4,500: 'mymy -"equitequityy iaIs tZAOfi;S2 r>»'0J filfine thereforetherefore suggestsuggest thatthat youyou setset your your mindmind iatt easeTiy or 9x19x122 SeamlessSeamless BrusselsBruisel|.Rug .Engss .',.\, [.,$19.50I. t$19.60 chance for workingman; we are 12 booh on Soiiit-rBct 2525 BampleSample BabyBaby Carrilfes,Cam||es, specialspecial atat ....i.$18.60 ijo:$36.50 minutedminutes-fro fromm NewNew York;York; convenientcdnM-nit-i,. ._! has been stopppd. derindaringg nownow...... $18 50 |o $38.50 Loto anyany partpart ofof NewNew Jersey. Jersey, . AnswerAnswer Retnri infl'-fd TriiH To. loto ownef.ownef, J.Xn., K.. 42*2 Ravine Ravinfe avavenue.e GoodGood BedsBeds andand Bedding Eeddi% atat Real Real SavingSaving Prices,Prices, Too,Too . ';' jeraeJereeyy CityCitr; HeLghu.;Heightn. ; I17-2t3-17-21 "We"We FeatureFeature PLYMOUTHPLYMOUTH Coal.” I ; • WILLWILLEX^IJANG KxfllANGKE freefree tanand d deardear farmfarm for• locallocal . W.W .K. R . WanWay , 3-ld-7t3-Ifl-7t Boice, Runyon Company TTOO I.RT—I..ET—ROOM ROOMSS Boice, Runyon Coinpany JOHNJOHN S.Slk JOHNSTONJOHNSTON TURKU ROOMS wtlh Improrr- EstablisheEstablishedd 18371837.. mrnts. Inquire Uvlugstou, 7 Orove SuccessoSuccessorr toto SHIRLEYSflttRLEY & JOHNSTONJOHNSTQN Street. 'Phoke'Phobe 477-J.*77-J. J-IS-Jt 00AX«COAL, LUMBER,LUMBEE. MASONS'MASONS' MATERIALS.MATERIALS. . ' "The"The Quality Quality HomeHome Furnlehera''furnishers" TO I.KT—Four -eesrooms, “A. J.”pari caretm- PARKPARK ATAT NORTHNORTH AVENUES Courier-News.Courlpr-News. •il ■ Babcock.Babcock BuildingBuildi W.FrontSI.W. Front St. PlainfieldPla.of ield J-143-1t-3 3t\ ! ]4. TO rooms LRT—Two with heat or threwsud bath. uufutaloh- 41d ITklVdJ. CKXT-A-WORIk , Madison arrnUK tt and bath1-11-it. 4!6 ■ .NfA^UlTK KAUK) , til M- IIS 1 ; iW ' • i'l-! I•- ' I „..„,: covtaKn-sKwi. WTiROAr, MARCH MTVAHOSS WANTED—MALE I f.K.T— MlN< IXI.ANKOl S HRLP WAffTKD— FEMAI.B BOOKKEEPERBOOKKEEPER—Competent,- ropetent. takukele LETT—StcSrein*., SomerseSomersett andand j full charge.;e, seekjN-ekes permanenpermanentt cm- « «« suitable for drug- IVK CLAMirilATIOV.CUPT MUST UK IliM'KI VK1- Mlf I.VTKII Til 4 * 111. >L FOR SALK noose. ntM »•. OPERATORoi'KHaTORHS c obzip-ia slf-safg an dsod plal iplait ■ ••(..[•[,<•:.. taken) KMueot. j*dre»Arms "T "T.. W.. "W.." care i «>*• 12-30-t12 30-tff lirae garags. «1Q «fchaug«i U. Sins«r_Rinaer" machinemachines,s tsamers tuksni irler-N#wsswi. ' 3-13-Sf 3-13-61 gt AddresA•<1&d roomsrooms.. ImprovementImprovement":s * &' . VITI acres,dre-s beautiful“Mountain location; carebarft 0< -STCNOORA PHErS* Speed Courts >RFront KENT atrw J amnote ApriApril orcoplt>dl 1st1st.. 3 23244hy uklt KAin Ne*»s. > irr's School.. d Union Ts COiw occupiealso dsecond by l-oii -tflACKI. LA N KOt'M - 3-37-lB Lamar Vj Sydkel. 3-16-21! tfCN WA.VTKD—To fi ICLASSIFIED AD RATES t GAI N —I ThreeBARGAIN “OPERATORSThree beaV^n” muslimasllnf" n underunder-- i * is. so.; PA»T4TYY wilWilll store fine upright jea bouses,, all Improvements all Improvements,, on; J oil Madi- rice. comr.' yer piano with prlviUgo of uvenu«»n envenoe. Dunetfen UuneKeQ;; wtll ae l wHI wear.ae| or Nat Lory Co.A . Co..S3 9 332W«t -Wat- % Clot Mag rhunjc svenoe. 10-S-U 10-MI Stor • Plslmlsld. (•chasin■1»'«Ih gor i Iff ternpL saMsfasatisfactory e Adilreaa at aacrlllee‘’ftefsr-I I oasy National terms Land ForA Buildingparticulars Co. 1I tin ■ ,.u *- " *'®*"e« atre. 5-lfi-Ui care Courier-New^.. .LlS-st; rllmL_ N» J. . aNoWaNTEWANTED—Coo »-)c ham 0^©oV“7n berm6i k aid-wsltresa; d~ ta und ress.good Riirnl reference furnished r©lyr*»ciwo rlian)bprin«iv1 Apply- Mrs. ft. 11. Pat- West Fourth street. 3-14-4 MECHANICALMECHANICAL DRADRAW*W t SAI.B -Fme delivery hOrae; !FO R FORSALE—Tw 8ALE—Twoo n new A krJterson,ercQces 7- 1111. ApplParky Mrsavenue.. 8. H. Pat3-3-tf- Him SchoolSchool.. 171711 Easjball: i itetd perfect; beauty, prices room1houses hottsei.; very desirablevery desirable-Foft' #c «■ ill Park avenue. 8-3-U POSITION WANTED by FALK-— s-paisengcr touring able Gfeeahrook Farm- "tenedand buil andt hnm^a built, elhem**-l !;' :• sit irfpfGIK Lrt- to work • on Singer naa- meed farmer and gardener. Fn*d-1 Stu^bnkerher:: fln«find condition. Tele. ► *«<*• JVlMf ,ra**ntr. restricted reatrlcted section , He-section,h rtch^!ups ) rn.rdj - all vnar; week work. erlck Gutman, Bo. 865, Metuchen, phone 719-MI9M.. ! * 1.28-tfWANTED—Ma n d«r1 318 Weet front street, 3-17-Si en,n W r".„: MaJiaiv station; hlgf4i Mquality and low N "P afloor .- 3-8-St ; USEIW.„D CARPARS3 KO RFOR "SALE—For SAf.K d -j FortAppl^ y SKIevening s" 6&P* ■•V M » mSw T.‘w:in.rijST_P. O°. Bo"**i 4g2# Dunellen- , N.J ; „ CARPENTERCARl'ENTKR—A -A.. WilsonWilson.. 11 5 1)5loarfpB,irinu . modemodell T.r. *200 420";; Maratlt M,nilftoiro : jtf * j3 Vlxnwoodtlmwnod pureplace.. JobbingJobbing.. 'PboaThosec ■ toarfnc rtpc. 1912I»1J.. IJ2|u,»rc; ChalmerChalmcras 36. 1J«. WANTED—ic WANTED-Icee era ereamlLtd 3- i3,I5;ii..Ji,£6.29flnL»*J«.I|:; "4-2,5,9.'«.:.s.».ii.|«.i,|1 2.16,19 FOFORR SALE—Tw SALE o Tanfamil yfamily .h'i* *■; 1307-M.1F0 7-M 11-9-M 1»1J*i 1360$3bO;; rfictfroietChrcrolet. Bab Babyy Grand. Grand,! make makerr to tak toe chargtako echarge ofiAop rent |42.oo: price *4.O0Q MMi Abnott^DetroiAbbott-Detroltt touringtouring.. 1914. 1914.j 115 01150. 'll > ,I M ment. 0. B. Crane; 315 WANTED—MaidWANTED—Maid fofor bouaowork; 1C25U2»i; smdobaker'SIAtudebakcr;sii* tourintouring.g J91 1915.6 ; r lr r' klSK£r*t " " 1* U°*B.T-rani* III’. also girt to loolookk afte afterr chil children.d 515 |53f{s cOldamobllo ft. demonstrator. WANTED-Handy maRl,"amfllar ‘i fa 5F P;O" FLO;»lto; De,O—n| FOR BALM on «asy ter B*»l Secondd streetstreet.. 3-14-41 SETTINO3KTT1N0 HENHENSS wantedwantod;; wilwilll pa tpay•All *fl la first-classo1» *. dorhonatrator. ctisiUikm and 31.350. guar- withService handling Company, machinery lJnroIra.jhH flndi . house, all Improvement] reel.kxI price Address 145 Groveantes'll 3«lmnm represedted. The A. A 8. c O: MacMolhl;; Vis - 1 new house, all Improve) •treetMotfis at Company..Contral ayenu**. 337 Wert Front3-15-41 - RELI.————-U PEHRl »ree«1ST:"Plants aVd .Money;M iW: Nana; lUMMU. N FOR 3ALK Extracted honey;| 200;Apply aevsrnlJ. P. . choicePeaaer. Iota. on W^lte for contract PerryMumcrlea.Rteno; 8 M: Sou c#onon»lcj»l— ft**. J-lb. pall,luxury, g5c: but 10- ellen.a fine N. J. WANTED—Good reliable mtOR.’ twortng f«r Rochester. N. Y. EstabllMed 1895.,W.Adults; W B;V; W Ve^eiB; k lb. .pell. 91 60 John I. Nelson. SewBARGAIN -Five beauUful koi>4 care for small—Goo child.d reliabl e329 nurs e to | Box 144; Boa ta Marher^N. j. 2-23.34; 3-10.37 24.31Jusf completed, all modern Impfoj P»at*. ’ small. child. '325 Franklin inents. near atoroa. factoritid i al 3-U-lt WANTED—Second-hand d. WANTED— Man to wo : Box 733. Anawe SAl7M - mVb^an y~” Awhxn vrhools; must be sold at «neg;*rJ • , WA.NTRD—AtWAMTBD—At onceonCe, girgirll To | r capt- body to lit Ford touring car. Jb (arm ne.xr 1’lain tie M. ref. days only. plnao player, togethe* with aboutsonahle terns. For p^rtlcmlare w*l log.ios, dowdownn stairstairss wor workk an dand to help wji. A 8.." care Courler-Newa. drwsa *‘M. W.." carp Cos 136 rnil. of high class music, all far8. II. 8c|>warts. 1129 5^ea|-$go|Telwithwit h lronin271-W.ironing.K. 6?J5725 Wes Wentt Sevent Be- h SL Hound375.90, Brook.*22 West Union avfwus.•treat.3-15-21 Plglnfleld. N. J. \ 3-,|lH COLORED MAN •> WANTED — YoDDYoungg KentlVwom»gc n WANTED Second-hand Harley In drug store. Dudley LARGE APtfriON BALK Of bouae- rilOHOCGHH l{FlT*llarf^4~Rcc h X KU 81 LROOli IHOtWK—^ 121 fer fourour hourhours* eac eachh attornoo aftern n to car* motorcycle. 1915 or 1915. slug!- or corner Park avenue hol.l goods in,the Itrrc sudttorluwbreeding rockerels |*.60 each; nal--ash and f 15 monthly buys for littllitrlse boboyy o fof three three.. Cal l < Satur- Courier-Nowg.twin. Address “Motorcycle^" care3-15-17 KALE-F» , 1 *11 * If 16 Rulrk roadster,street. over J. W. Oaten's rlitna atom 319lafartlon guarantee*!. L. Garwood.home on large plot; ItnpTovamer.t day eraDlneerdrlng,, E.E. V . V.Cox Cox,, 16 0 Eut win7 Regent cylinder alfreet. Indian North Plaln-motor i Wwu Front atroef. being usast Greenas brook road, corner Jeffersonandnear chstation, ii re res. trolley,• Builder atorea. 10 f."PcIh- Seventh,cn tth! streetstreet.. WANTED—12WANTED—12 ttoo 1It8 Slnjrl Stnclne Com Comkb I. J 1 15-H (temporary suction rooms by Robertawn a*, after Koch. 3-15-2tCourler-Ntws l-17.ihAb.t- WhiteWhite LcffberLeghornn layinlayingg hpns heaa.. las ) last i Murray, the auctioneer, for severalFOR SAL’S--ThTroTTireBt^nhW MarchMarch oorr ApriAprill hatch hatch;; stat statee Ion-ea lowestt [l ILLAC th»mmoDtha by past, April and 1st now to heMs w«|permanent vacateman ahow «A. Dudley 8 Miller priceprice.. "E"5.. P., P-."" car carae Courier-Ne Coarter-Newa.11111w auction rooms at 326 and 325 West 1 Cue. 8-15-31 — MM* roadstei* >f * Front street where he la makingFOR SALK -Hv5 room furniture, "twoTWO roorCOOPSs and one email wire 2 West Front street. WANTED-W A NTKD—Machinists Machinists** large improvements and will havealan odd pieces, cheap. Call 17 Craig TOR SALE—Comfortablefort able how WANTED—AW ANTED— Ann experienceexperiencedd girlgirl run for rotting bens. Tel. 452. makersiker" . WWee hav hatee mad madee i ad ample room both lor surfing) rooms all improvements.pnts; acreacre crjt a f for generaleneral bouseirorkhousework;; nono washing washing.. a for setting ben ourr plantplant.. HighestHighest: magc wages;i and ahow moms for dleplgying barn,3-1,5*21 fruit ] andd shad shadee tree* tree*;: f Mrs. JohJohnn LealLeal., 94 9499 Centra Centrall avenue avenue.. " glTTINGtTTIKO HEN9—AnI IK NS—Anyy ~p umber” "at immunities;r< unities; lastinUattnfcg poaposit goods. The above meniload saleCYPIIKH8 lpcubator. lid “oggs.minutes from Netherwoo*ood> rtii''Of rta| . ' ' J-I7-tf3-17-tf any tlniptl*De:; slatatatee variet varietyy and price. : preference (fli will romprlac severs) van loads flneof i ondil Ion. pric e 99 00. UnionMc- trolleytrolley;; bargaibargainn fo r torgit mnaltlons: preference give Address "Desirable." A WANTED—Girl for general house- Save It's advertisement for refer- union men.n. Writ*Writ*, fo r for a fiho household roof I a and part stor-Intoah. 1008 Arlington avenuesale. Add r. sa “Desirable.*'• V3»-3 WANTED—Girl for general bouae- eace Korogaye Farms, bunellen. l. 1»1«: Kiiip.blanks or applapplyy T V DeLi Lav age and must b* disposed 0f. com-Phone 74C-W. Courier-Nows. work,work3*- . ApplApplyy Mrs Mrs. Fran Frankk Linko Link®., 210 224 Telephone 1246 J. 3IB1I-16-21J Vrfdson. I3MI: : OQdimnbllN(nd.noblln,. TurbineTurbine VCompany,’ Tren ] rur nclng on Tbursdav. March 22. at WestWest SeconSecondd streetstreet.. - S-U-t-f J-14-tf 1.915 7 #nd; 1916. ApplI'Clfy IS1«»O EaBoot« . j££ y ;10 a m., and «i|l rontlgue «ntil all SEVEN-ROOM HOrBE no I B FRAWKBFRANK El.L ft ASO SONN p^r perts fitrh -hl*h-Fron ^ itreet, or SlJjSomSouthh avenueovonuo.^ ]Jersey . ," • Is3 sold. TAe following Is a partial lino. *11 lim.rnv.mcnt., ,700 w1nted_m.m for pHnl catttbindst CJSIcash of- pr.'c«Junk.pricesi fo315forr ol Plalpfl**ldoldd aul-i auts anis srerue.dand all atl 3-11 f-«-Cf MEN—Ammunition plan ltsl: One fine toned uprlgh| piano, mortgage f2.30O Harvey R. hnawwork to «m>U f.Hilly; moot Tri«t.honekinds if Junk 24. 32.S 15 PUtDf)->ld nrenue. 4-16-11D top delivery J car. goodfor 7 Ife hour* work r boardli one mahogany pailor aulfe.'ono 4- barger. 19J North avenue. l Lone.hots r.foroDCeo.i Applj 7«T Dih«ne 2433. " «-16-t( ►vi r> way InllirMclisv eondl-street.modatlona; Newark. no strike. 1A desk,Pl****** Ithryr brary bookanite. cnees, one oneflalAop oak JR RALE" «• gas range, la FOR KALK *>R TO LKt WANTED K.p.ri.ncod m.lA fir REALKKAI. KSTAT11ST ATEE FQFOItH MLKILES ll*able for cancer, butcher or any hall rack., one walnut cnndllkn Turkish couch, cooking ond laundry: *m»ll f*mllj: r purposes. We tiw»k car for any davenport. 2 box couch FORPOR SA),SALEE OORR T OTO J.ET LET— -» • **c* IllOt. MS Wont Seventh 11.300 CASH will buy hr hnyse Mr©’, slnrage. ©t.-.,near WANTED- Plalndeld. On a «lhclePlon- roUIn mahogany bureaus, one d*rbl eyo avenue. room house, all Improvements, borough rettlfl<-iicr. rentrallj fni that gavejup bi:-.incas. Wewho understands ease of hor maple hurra.i. *uie bird »-ey«maple class cnnrtltioconditionn locatelocatedd o non NV*S Nr#I «"t I-lJ-dt the; rest, (3,200. Koes on n le ceia in our bualrees or we chiffonier, three line branbeds ket road. Duncllea: Apply to 1 ! 'wantedWANTED— ExperienceK « pert moedd womawomann owhrr lt-avlnc- splrnddl oppor kc,.pi th'.» on4; P»lt^ |25<».0«.ietc.; a gnorl Fplaro for a gr three couches. agveral amCl He: Ollea. owner. Dunellen. N, 3 torfor generaR©retall houseworkhousework;; smal smalll fam -fam- Id ronrJder ftra>l«' f*»r horse“I. JC. I...” rare Coarler Nr white Irep herfs. one mahogaIf h* d. FoilPOR SAI.K--Wh|tSAI.K—Whll.e babPaSry car ily'.ily-, whitwhitee preferredpreferred;; wagewagess 140 - 546; Icr-Kowa 3 b-.ild12 at eultfhat literyi Elisabeth 9ve bed room suite*, two Bid* rhnap.. IInn rtrst-claMSral .-laao coudl rnndltlnn.t Telet Phono B3Z-W532-W,, .10010044 Eas tEast Sev -8ev- — - - - >j.[ . T»,■ r.ll Jefferso■ JeffcrsnpCab Cin iivtftiui' pveauc.. Ell*a- F.tlfa-lf MAr'lllNI^TS] MACHINISTS^ WANTED several targe eaav .-hairs, •e n V)de Ply; I 3300 \Ve*Wantt FourUFour'lli stree atraol.t KORKOR SALBALKE OROR RKNT RENT-- -At* t»nB QAI P—VppM SO -rm- Iber.im Mreo't In shop Addnws U. H III i 9x12, «xlO and 1*2: two houae.use 1122 roomsrooms., 2 2baths baths,, st i steam beat LAUNDRY woman wanted at on apIrndM cultivation; nicely located, fourler-News: organs,I ntan*. tirtwoo musicmuaJo! b<»en boxes,. twi ttw pian o OROCKK8GHOCEH'S 1REFRIGERATOR forparquet fleors,floors. flestfirst an d and STOo»o Laundry Poremao. Muhlen-Muhie llamps,impx. lolott kitrtwkitchenn men*:••('.IT-*-O(!'lerrace. 1 75x356depot ar dle^*:J car.Ut" ai=v»*m as keod a* th«day daywithwit h rlfrig< pr^ferren:yWwnd.! RI*>©»*1 TWOTWO completelcompletelyy re-decoratre detoraHkle al ia**- i^rrace 75xg5r) fee"; aereral breeds, prices lo*: table eggs girls wanted for all Ftreet Iraprovcmeots. large- shade*]iey l'f|i Ford a fadlory; llrrosnd finlnijfiningand CompanyCompany.. ClevelandCleveland.. ( « *- „ GLAniOI,UGLADIOLUSS M*r.B8 for 40c doxen. Wanted. “Old Trusty"room and bath apartment*, ccrjlrally on frams; learners trees; reasonablerovftnents prior., lars -Harvey shadf tubesR. hljiiostIh-nst, n.-wn.w*.. (fyf.BJdonU yen tdon't nc- un- good,good, cleacleann ynunvoudcc slock stock;; fines finet IncuWors; mottled An con as located;andlocated ; ononee witwithh electri Electricc Jlp H tn|lghl*.. • g; also home Uabarger 1*7•HA North(ir!c<'. avenue.Harvey K ’lerstnid<| racarr brfnbrinkK ,*ome aome'| ^n p*»n© iha t that ietios. vin. Ponijlptoii, Gra< Silver Cantplne*. Marshall. other31 gar. itumhea boatt Includri Included! In in ng to learn; no others 3-17-*-tf3-17-B-tl does; (price 1225. iiieiudlnp ^xira* SALKKMKN WANTED folUlcil MarftaretIcllea. Mra. Srhwsh'pii Pen<|lrtaw., Glory, Grace' P 'Compton avenue. 'Fhope 1595 R.rent;rent ; readreadyy foforr occupanc occupancyy befur before£ Room 4 07, Bavbcock fouriat fb-Kiy It. Defy, rea dme©orders for lubricating oil*. taros( Margaret. Schwa hr a. Glory. . 3-17-41 March tat For further InfordSTOlon I-H-Tt forBEST sale inBUSINESS East End. corner Address property "E*>i74? Ufllo-.v *tr«'t. Elitabvth. tvewrandAdd revspaints. The . Harveysalary Oilor «omnJCo*|ere-•Ion. e*P*.I'annaa. .War-P.«ee, IMhllaa. Aatermany planta.other apply Frederick A. Martin Co.. Ind.“ cart- CoMrler-Newa l-15-«tUlept*. 1 tV|.Hl66l-M. , land. O Vegetable plants, an •atFOR Front SALE— atreet. Laying P**IMa. 1261 3-17-tf WANTED—Child** nurse f.hlfa). C.R/DE autw top and «©st price list free F SIXSIX NICNIC*E ROOMSROOMS,, floefloe neiffhbci neighbor-r kipect[th good avenue. references. Apply 1027»-l*-tf FORFOR 8AI.K—308AI.E —3000 btilldlbuildingK lota on ■"'k r>l nr WMlElac style, FIR8T-C1.A8SFlp.1T-CT.AflS OPENINOPENINGG |r a F'emlngton. N. J. 2- ’CHEAP" IIOR8E for Vale wagonhood.ood . witwithh Improvement*improvements.. 12*211 (" 100 - A\]:•:•.::!-. Ur an ta. OVPlive dollar dollaras dow down,n other order by .Sea York me ipan of character, industiflE and andid harnesabarnoaa:: alsataoo 2 525 chickens. chickens.' CallB. Stltes.ltes oveoverr Abrama Abrams'' aho ahoee # Strtf- paym-nti ttoo bbee arrangedarranged-. I alsI oalau hava naa to bndoe oaeoclotcd Wth a FRESHFRFSH COWCOWSS An d iS14f DueDuerr streeatreet.t Nort Northh Plainfifl Plain dHeld. , 3-1.". * taw bsuaea that can b« boug HolstelnsII olatc ins., O.nertneyOuernroa .a a Caw houses that can bo bought on 1*7. formerly with Brewmter onstantliaUyy pi©gpandlngp h|gh«radeCom e and lee; a £004 lot; E. L. Tan FURNITURE BOl'QHT APARTMENT, (wo •airaacv pa}mearpa> meats9 ,\IM.. F .F. Gaao Gano. .".I S.'.15 Wat- I*w fork, r.nd Thh Tackard••- . buallittesss > wherwheree resultresultse coun countt I IrfiBeah-Come and roe; a go FURNITURE BOUGHT AND ebungrtiung avenue.avenue . !a- [o. ~ ., 84 SonieraelHR Inggenerougenerous s return*—return* —aa Ma Maawkhu-s Doran,HoreD . KatKartt MatMalat street i . Somervllle. SOLD—Wo4OI.D- KV selselll furniturfurnituree to yonbath. Brat floor. App front h a Bunding. Phonoett s *•**»"•corporatiocorporatIon n witwithh aa nrlll rtflllloWrdol-l N . J. »-2S-tt cheap.i^heap. WWee bu )>oyy fiirnltur fnrnlturee f from ypuCreacent Court. s« fpsid-in»id-ln-- capital- NogotldMons forfor cashcash., inIn larg Urgee o ror smal smalll qt quantities w him* on iHuruvmEaS l-U-nlialntlal.. WrlrWritee F . FC . 8CV. S.IlBItfrOR KALE—-BugDuff WyandoltWyandottec <*f teggsGallCal l or,'phonor phonee 1762 1743.. Harrison' Harrison'ss F« Fur- for hatch lag. 1241345G Qeorg Georgee street.niturenUnr p galeRalees RooRoom.m 333111 Wes Wealt F Front rHREE-ROON apartment. In ro- WANTED To conoect with a llvejkm'A ad street.Btrset, NewarNewark.k 2-87-lm street,street, oppoeioppositet Grove street. flned neighborhood, hot and eold wire with capital to help introduc-; WANTED Strong boys a 3-6-1 water, gas and bath. Apply 413 tlon In this section of a device that . DR> FOR!"(iR . SAL. SALEE — - Wel Welll ..-ta MeeUbtaedi shed Spooner avenue. J-tW2t'WO Urge furnished la revolnriorrirlng the heating busl-ihork 'era; g'-od wages. 189 North butcherTri.pr bi'slbnsl©ne*r e*P thoroughlthoroughlyy prjTjip equip-- •eai “G IV. M ear* Coarler- $lr#ot ped. Forparticular particularss '•al calll or addressUKI. P V.A.VTl.D—Male ur Rewn ©fflre. 3 lT-3t 2M Main »treetstreel.. BounRoqndd B Brook. [ALTO. IttiOMSIIOHMS ANANDD 1! WAWAIN 2-23-tf WAOTED-^Men And- w MAN with capital will purchase flke po qualify I for Government position* ■oom apartment; all or tsk" loter- i la prosperous bust- qbolr.[CotitralTo. KITCHENKITCHEN,, bed-roobod-roomm tv thousand appointments to be Apply 312 UtaW Bees Will# \ A." care Courier-News sffwa d-lthea. AJdress "Bargal few months. Full In- 5-17-41 dishes- Address ; “Bargalo. bout openings, bow to Unurler-Nowa.rourler-.Vowa. .; frw. -Write room, < de.«lrp* day's "« FOUR ROOMS, rity water, ras LUHII, 1 im B4j n a tile. FORFOR SAI.BHALE—Blacksmith— shop or cleaning.* Adt for booklet 0Q 979. Earl Hop- apd toilet, near 8aurcr's; ten dollata.. : PeterPeter UerLeech,h LehlLehighg arena#, Booth ■’ourt<*r<,\>w- , Kisni.rsu, Mock and gr Hqrvey R. Llabarger. 197 North aro- care Courier-Nei'a. Plsln field 3 2 1m fucmann, ffSS South HE1> WANTED, while 3-17-Jt; »*Ih companion,eny dnpa<-itv home where; nr • red. 119 North avenue. IR RENT—HandsomelRE.NT—Handsomelyy furrilshfunilsh-- MirtfUAXKOini D.l . rulluri-l aomai, | ynm in privaterivate family family., 3 83* Wash Waah-- Service. LAddtra* Hoi WANTED- - Girl or boy to ~ 11* Wo»nn avenuavenuee NortNorthh Plainfleld Plainfield,. op - op- AMATEUR PHOTOORAPHERS— Auionaoblle letterln. In kitchen. 421 Park avenue. MONEY TO LOAN—OB i e HomaiteadIlonaoatead.. TelTel.. 682-W 4S2-W.. Developing, printing and enlarging. La 11 mates cheerfully EOGS Whtie Lpfrbor-na ' v.i 7_re Fred E. Behring, at Walsh s Central wova: King. 23-31 Bom. WbllaWhitP anandd BarriBarrSdd Rocks Recks., 76 c 76c'se t rot- A Ctirtla, I0« Dep Pharmacy. North and WatcLuug ave- ana 23'6-M. 4-4- ting;.ting-, f«.EO14.60: hundredhtindrod.. . delivere deliveredd I REE furnishedlshed. rooms, light ■ ■ce. “Particular Work Tor Partlen StoutStout FarmFarm.. PhonPhonee J535-M 3636-M.. : MONET TO LOAN on bond intt •keepingeeplng privilegesprivileges,, n»aneari CTen- Hr Tec,pie" , *-22-4fi 3 It-2m • venue. AddresAddresss "V. "V,”" ca n care mortgage, J. T. Vail. lf-r igr-NewA or' 'phonpboa#e Z8E-R 236-R.. MURRAY’S.- KinploymenEmplnymerft RpgiatrRegistryy THAI frKL’R w*n?4 po.| l FOR SALES—|lf>0 gplld roalhogany JOIN our e'ub plan snd save 1« TOLOAfi on Im 3-I6-4t3-l«~«l Be-' at 126 WesWe-fl Fron Frontt (rtrref otroet.. npa rnear „ mmcrclal:, refer©!* ten glee# dining room *et.reason- r per rent. » lalortocyclf autoeyclro* and and property, Harry O. R 0ro»erove,, wherwheree wewe endeavo endeavorr onl yonly to to , , able. Tel 824-W. Westfield. Smith arntof wheel.el.' Second-hanSeeond-hhndd lrwI) ‘•car© CouHer-N ' 3-13-f.r mtchlnes fro*oai 13 •»0 up .up. Als o AlaobtKh ^ high.) National Bank Bulldlnf- iralsh r.H*bl liablee helhelpp an dand goo dghod alt- ! sit- J . !eJ, cash Or Installment. itlor.E htr male and female, all na-, l .— T3,.__ grade blcyclex.•;.•!'.<•• >cash 94 5or Broa Irtatallment.d St., or.«in|. * Oar charges an- vory i RK AATT NORFOLKNORFOLK.. CConn., house n.’m'i!n ,!o!t 1 Havertoro. . v '.jCyrie.V •Co.. • 94Sr 2-24-ii Hrosdn 8L.•-»-•»MONETMONE Y TTOO LOALOANN ono mortg^g* 'RNISJltP ROOM to let. iksonable ’Phone 546. . J-d-l* irokvM able.'will.Jwilt renrentt foforr summer. K sv ork atst B6 aaandd 5^54 4pe rper cent cent.. Laca r V»a Seventh, street. T#L 2*0- - ,» 161(00 Ea«Eastt Sevrtilh, Sevrtith street. Byckel.pi, 141466 ParParkk avenue avenue.. , METaPHMETAPIIVHUM YHIPAl”!treatment., treatu v[m | ! _■ i 3-17-21 ■tj-m I FOR HAI.B (Woa«-M*4 IDolaf- : «ll-*-tu-th-sa-t 4 f enlturillaroe re.lodnredutlaaa ->1of fl«hflr-ab through ■ | KOR SALE—A 8heratbn dlp!6gie!«. .Ilrhllj u*^d at Zrlaal'a. •RN1RII8DRN'ISMBD BOOMROOMSS byby da yd. o f thi#e nlaidd foru set. flr»t-cla*e condlllmi ;Box : 1-14-41U. MONEMO.NETY TOTO LOALOANN bn bond ant AddressAddress NeNSWw YorYorkk Luuc I * room house; bargain 1* B. Ci 4. rare Courier-News. mortgage, I anandd RestaurantRrttaorant.. 3-I4-tf1 TMton <34 l.rn..« a.annr, K«- f 7115 Ws'Chang avenue. ROOMS ASH BO-4RD monthlymonth iy an ©M 1-14-21 , ™ FORFOR SALESALE—Marred— Rockgol dgold =^ rour hom« 10 chUdfea ' Address pTioTlTHOOEIGHT-ROOMM HOL'SKHOUSE,. all jrizprlxeJ e winnwinnere eggs, settingor . IofB “ROOMSROOM16 S TTOO LEI .FTT »»k boaTdT Building —— 0ARDKN* FREE lia. mj” plot..-I Cosnier N'swi 3-12-6t provrsnrnts:vemrntn: laralargee lot lot.. fn InO flneer )•«li1 1 fmno.. 865600 Clin Clintont avbnus -3-i 3-1-imirllar, 614 .M*d:»o» .Wiir ! BalldlPlainfield.m N. J. aW>».GARDE 5..7B,N FREEinp ralalna—use To.rt.Waa- I — t~* lon ;tlon; a' fe* s" hundrefew dhundred dolla dollar? aoj p ROOM FLAT, lit to M. B. allowabout 50x75. iu*m©for raisin forg .table, between , . 7 or 8 balance on your own terms ‘Cd MORTOAGE8MORTOAGKS WANTWANTEDE HfSh, light; is, rent 120.00. allow'nip s..nif Tor .tabl FOR SALE-—Lot of farm Imp!#- FURNISHED ltOOMS. k<»ard op-t . t>asii>; property dl --Pia 311 Weet Front Watrkungw»tchun* anandd WesHrveWesterveR-l Address i li| i. cop- iiargsln.' car# Courlec-New*. wenJ t*. consisting ’ of wagons, carta, tlonal; improvements- 115 North f flfty per cent, above loan, 3-lC-.1t “Vegetable*."* .are Cotlrler-News. ve plow*, harrows, enltlvators. moa-er. ^,,-nue. ' ll0-13-ltbe Dime SarinBB Bank. Som- * [' *’ 3-16-3t reaper, corn • shellar*.hr.||f.r of tools blacksnilthMackemlth, forge forge,, aavil aivll., . PRIVATA TRfA'ATKB FAM1V TFAMILY Foald a«-N J {;**',. 3-10-17 B RENT—April 1st. cosy fivo- I.ADLAD7-Y TE.\TEAIHER( MEIt of rtollo and! FORill RBNTRENT— ModerModernn nlne-rn,slump dynamitingmil ins ' n-.nchliipmachine,. An d and rommodat*odate two yountwo g young men with flat, si! Improvements. Inquire ■•andolinandolin:; «pc.polal. ial uttenlluID.IIono nl«*ni Two cl sap mediumhouse j with garage centrally other articles of a#©e on; ona farma farm., fa n CaB roomanil boardand . board.Add Address W. JMONEY B.. TO LOAN—First iy‘m Auction Rooms. 334 West W-wi.r*: alolln 76c: mandolin, nr rooms. ronveiiL-nt torated. InquirInquiree K .K. & ' 6W .W. Schlosa be F.Pen any aiy T1 ddi, y3 p, ni- Mr*j .p ni lira core Courier-New* Kag* aseurlty; 3-I6-3tproperty wmtrx l Street. Phone 644, 3-4-tV ••*■ Address 'Violin,” car# Coar- to PhiinAeld proferrod. » W . Clar(lark.k Ftahu-aRahwayy roadtoad.. 3-1'-la3-2-1*i — rated-■ ‘ I- A. CTsmroA an "vNews. 3-14 31 7,"At care jVjrwrKflvi. | FOH \WENT—From April 1st. —. . : a PRIVATEBabcock boarding bolldlug. bouse, Rai |l KOR RENT-—From April 1st. j 8. C.. RR.. !. I.RKDS—rocfcerel REDS—Cockerel*P fro mfrom ^UD( „.rior<. arplApplvv a. P.D. DuF. p DugMprice IS. RUham Tklimro. 0*ia- „ 1 2-lfi-l«n •" 611 RUt KevenUt street.3-I S ghor'a3-15J Corner Dunelleti. 3-13-&* lwU -— —-—. ■ • I * DOMtr fORCKT JOB> PR1JOTNI’ll INTI.NOQ orc7 Qualit qualityy t> ou.r|I. owrc Courier-! 1 --- — —— ^p pKSiHABi.N furnished MONETroom*. TO I-OAN on, bend and: ' No Job too big. none too |!i I NEWARNEWARKK NIGHNIGHTT tty. So lob too Mb. ooe* too —■——- J, HOUSE TO 1.75T. !1| 1^* platFOFOR R SALB—RhodSALK—1thoe ee en opportunity .with »*e 71416 WesWestt FrnOFrontt sfrpet street. ; 3-B-jlnl B0)_B ROI-It. ^1-lt-lWi ere nn your prlnttec require- hoqoe. > MONEMONETY TTOO I-OAI.OANN o non mortcaceBeillursal lor Land of Mjatery" • Tbe Cocrler-Neai PubU.elnf dreaa1 "f ♦-Newel TO IJCT—6-rooms at »6> SnailFREfll t OWS lend epriesrrar..r I.KBIHUBI.E IIOAIID. >32 H.Eaat RIt. . Linbargerubbartar., 1» 1377 Nortf Northc avenac avenuej ■ny. 776 Dark avenee. -pboo* —3-17-21: Second etrecl. d-ruooi •aie111 M Veilaaky, 515 westIrd ti F,fth 1-8atreet. Tclephooe*-»-•»; »S6. 13-3-tfday Evening, March SO. „ IVIIIever etrecl: 6-room houae,. ?n ••M-ul-KvS * “ Menace place: C-rooet apartmeeatrqp'- ’ . MONEY TO LOAN ON PIRdTChA^rcn'B Rehcarail Every Day ^ —' part« of W« - /.. laical Improvaieenta. 4*4 Wet 'IO*TOAUB. MULEORD. OPPO- M 3-30 P. K. OnUl Further - Classified Adver-jthat . p"o»; Crow atreet. J.*oo aeebpr. 1 r*iKR-'rE»'s. MTrrorr,8ATUKD&T, maw*MARCH i».17, i#i».1017 . ~fc= seek: WESTFIELDWESTFIELD * | MEWSHEWS FROMFROM MEARBYNEARBY POINTSPOINTS

Kewlara of UM inburiju s Memorial Union Church will hold SCHOOLSCHOOL ALUMNIALUMNI ofi*n flu<] mm of their t ■ igulsT*—*>! meetin «/«*g ■Tuesda Churchy afternoowlU boMn other mlmny of Uio impe IInn IK*the Chapel.ChapM. AAcordla torfftoll InvlInvitatio n IS ENJOY DANCE extende»«t«nffcffd tolo .Uall th.th*. todto.la a lee to be present MWI la too lit* for tbe regular col- MiniMiss HH.ilHelen Li'SchmidtLj" Schmidt *n4and MUglMiss ENJOY DANCE RuthRuth Wilkin.,Wllklns, ofof TrentonTrenton Slab.State NorNor.- T».The nm»nmembers ofof Ih.the WWlSaMWest field Altman^ $: ©n. m.lmal School..Schools, irein Ibetbe pangOMts ofof HrMr . .ndand , HUHHigh SchoolSchool AlumniAlumni AMoelatlonAisociall Mrs. George A. Schmidt, at Sterling [held an enjoyable dance In the audi- . JUtmmt In (toon. A. Schmidt, of Sterling held •» enjoyable dance la ih. auffl i SOMERVILLESOMEKVILIJE NOTESNOTES Bontovnrd.Boulevard. toriumtorium ofof tbsthe WashingtonWashington schoolschool Ulast night whichlohh was attendeattendedd bbyy Hr. merle. A Eaton of 'Valley abou*‘ t“*«** fifty *couple ™s fro m CTawfoT*.Crauford, PlainflelPlainfieldd andaud thisthis town.town. TbsThe audi-audi- THREETHREE GETGET OFFOFF inada. has retailed.irhed. - ' toriumtorium waswas prettilyprettily decorated,decorated, ththee Mr.Mr. Stsflcle.SUngle, ofof'.Sout .Southh Sterling, bas elseelectri triec lightstlgilts belnj;belnij coveredcovered withwith sold his handsomite bungibungalo w to Ni - greengreen crepecrepe paperpaper andand paperpaper butter-butter- WITWITHH PROBATIONPROBATION YorkYork parties.parties. { flies werewere strungstrung acrossacross itit.. RicharRichardd VelLFell, ©tor Brooklyn,Brooklyn, hebhas beenbees TheThe musicmusic forfor tbsthe dancingdancing was furnishedfurnished byby VanVan EpsEps Bran.ofBroi.,of Plaln-Plain- SentencSentencee waswas suspendedsuspended InIn ththee visitingvisiting friendsfriends byrebjire. fleld,fleld. sadand thethe refreshmentsrefreshments werswere essecase ofof ThomasThomas Wlnsor.Winner, Jr., JamesJames servedserved underunder thethe directiondirection ofof MrsMrs.. Origlrnal Paris Qowes RooneyRooney sodand EugeneEugene Titus,Titus, ofof thisthis Q.Q. *.B. Ludlow.I,udlow. TheThe commutescommittee In boroughborough,, byby Judg.Judge DanielDaniel H.H . Beek-Beek- BOUNI*BOUND BROOKBROOK chnrgscharge ofof thsthe dancedance waswas composed composed ooff Manmtn InIn thethe CourtCourt ofOf CommonCommon PimaPleas Miss-Miss .NatalieNatalie Meyer.Meyer, MiasMiss MildredMildred yesterday.yesterday. TheThe threetare* youngyoung memenn Martin.Martin. MiasMiss KatherynKatheryn DietsDiets anandd werweree ImplicatedImplicated InIn thethe thefttheft ooff Benbentt to (Won MissMiss.Emm Kmmaa Peirce.Pelrce. 1 linotypelinotype metal,metal, thetbe propertyproperty ofof the[he VictoVictorr Meyer.Meyer, "ththee nlnsteen-yosr-nine teen-yea r- AtAt thethe requestrequest ofof thsthe BoardBoard ooff ThThee Spring:Spring ImportaitionsInrajportations ooff Unionlst-CaxetteUnionIst-Gaiette Association.Association. WinWin-- oldd youth[youth; whowho pleadedpleaded guiltyguilty JestJasi EducationEducation thsthe WestfieldWest field HighHigh SchoolSchool aorsor andand RooneyRooney pleadedpleaded guUtyguilty toto ththee weeweekk toto thethe thefttaeft ofof «1.7»II.To fromfrott thethe, Alumnimnl AssociationAssociation hashas arrangedarranged ttoo thefttheft ofof thethe metalmetal andand Titus,Titus, whowho Isis bootblackbootblack sstan andd frfbt TonyTMiy TaranUneTarantine givea sa musicalmusical entertainmententertainment lain ththse FASHIONABLE APPAREL aS negro,negro, admittedadmitted thatthat hehe hadbad rere-- aatt thethe C.C . R.R . H.S. sUXlon.sMMon, waswas yesterdayyesterday HigHighh SchoolSchool AuditoriumAuditorium nextnext Satur-Snur- FASHIONABLE APPAREL ceivebel redd thethe stolenstolen goodsRoods fromfrom ththee sentencedsentenced |o(o .the-lUhwithe. Rahwayy Reforma-Reforma- day night.ilght. ThisThis willwill bebe thethe lastlast Bnen-- youngjrouttg menmen.. tory. In paeslaif sentence JudgeJudg tertainment under the dire. Ion of lala suspendingsuspending sentsneesentence Inin thethe casecase ReekmanBeekm n gt.at SomervilleSon&ervfllc took’took' IntoInto thee BoardBoard ofof EducationEducation forfor tulathis seasea-- compriscomprisee a rarerare collectioncollection ofof beautifulbeautiful crearcrea- ofof WlnsorWlnsor thethe courtcourt declareddeclared thatthat considerationratien the-lad’sthe flad's formerformer •< toto taketake carecare ofof hlahis wife,wife, andand toto staystay To Ht+t»r C&inyoungp ixwdemen andr boys Wlttke.Wlttke, hashas arrangedarranged anan excellentexcellent ,I Atat homehome nights.nights. RooneyRooney andand TltnsTitus A meeting foInr younthe gchapel men an ofd boythes programprogram ofof musicmusic whichwhich willwill bbee l alsoalso promisedpromised toto endend theirtheir relation-relation- ill be hefd 0ll achurch ':he chapetomorrowl of thafe presentedented byby thethe following:following: Mrs.MrsJ AA.. ^ 0 i: It"; I • -"' •• ' M ahishipp withwith DemonDemon RumRum.. lernoonCongregationa at 2:80l churc -o'clockh tomorro undefw theaf- B.B. Howland.Howian,d. MissMiss HelenHelen OswaldOsjvald anandd Copies or adaptations can be made to individual re- BachEach IsIs toto paypay twenty-liretwenty-lire centscents :*wnty Y. M. C. A. K. O.1. HarryHarry willwill slag.sins; HaroldHarold WelchWelch Copies or adaptations can be made to individual re- weeklyWeekly toto ProbationProbation OfficerOfficer OsbournOsbourn Redlng (;.t>hardi..: " ofof Hinton.;Clinton, whwhoo 111 pinyplay thothe violin;*vlplln;" Mrs . HaroldHarold quirements in a manner to satisfy the most fastidious. forfor twotwo year*,years, thethe periodperiod pfof Ihelrtheir IIss aa studentstudent atat NetNew Tort York LawLaw SchoolSchool Welch will read and kllaa Kundapa- quirements in a manner to satisfy the most fastidious. -rotationProbation . andl sa graduategraduate orofjLafayett La e College. dea willwill givegive pianopiano Selvciioas.Selections. : I make the aft«rn< DepartmenDepartmentt forfor ImportedImported andand SpecialSpecial CostumesCostumes LocaI .orall KagteaKasjies AttenAttendd FuneralFuneral Of Miss Tmy (Third Floor) or Mrs. PWher Puwceal of Mta. Tv.., (Third Floor) V A delegationdelegation representingrepresenting RaritanRaritan A high mam of mulem «ka bold ValleValleyy Aerie.Aerie. No.No . -201320IS.. FraternalFraternal The funeral of &rs. Elsie •t right o'clock ibto morning In Hoi, OrderOrder ofof Ragles,Eagles, attendedattended thethe fufu-- who died Thursdadyy will be! helJthlsiTrlnUy^h«r^foV"he"rep^fe'Trinity church for tb.- repo.. Iof 1ih.th neralneral ofof MichaelMichael DakodlsbDakorliah heldheld fromfront afternoon. InternInternmen »ntt willWill J bebe idIB thethe ^BOaiI OofI MisMMs AnniAnniee TroyTro,., wh»boo dieddied IIn the home of his parents-in Passak- Hound B ok cemetery anil service: tho Muhlenberg Hospital In Plain- yesterday. Mr. Dakodfah was a .IIIwill bebe conductedc nductedE byb Rev. J.. N.'M..-C C.. boldfcW yeatvrdayyester morning nnd th, 'fu- nember of the local order. He hadJMohrmar A SpecialSpecial SalSalee ooff He had Mohrman Be.ld.Reside * hher hu.S.ndBj she«he neranomli Wfl.naa Mheldi [rofromm the bom. of the l»ebeean «employed•red >at the Cot-A-LapCot-A-Lap CoCo.. leaves a daughter ol*.: |MmMrs . wW.. W.w. MoffettMoffett,, < cornerr ofof Weot-Weet- a« machinist for nearly two years j u' I'flpJflcldd avenueavenue,, angadd SouthSou avenoe. tbln andftfid hadhad mademade numerousnumeroi acquaint- , _.... l „ afternoon and «nn private.. Tb.The In-iin - ancesanrps duringduring hishis residenceresit here Mrs.Mrs. JennieJenniie SnSth. ofllh MillstoneM n4, I terment was made In St. Mary-, Women’si'Spiring' Spring Coats . AbouAboutt aa monthmonth agoago hehe nwas taken III la spendingspending aa- Itfe w flays;?•.. 7with. Mri- ,* and •Com.tor,. .Cemetery , PlainfieldPUtnflelmade d In St. Mgr,. AtAt Bratfirst hebe waswas removedremoved to the Som- Mrsrs. Allison! C.C . Hill. South BAtiad,.- MtoaMiss Tro,Troy ...was a friendfrl"o herheroe Ito vl.lt her willwill offeroffer anan advantageousadvantageous purchasingpurchasing opportunityopportunity foforr nieHie BurnBurn SanatoriumSanatorium . FFromt there he The Entre Nou in January.. She--- was, __ taken alckck nndan d was taken to bln home. Death came onendd denedance ofof thethe j n m{at thethe-M]d Mid-- wag removed>ved toto thetbe hospitalhospital wherewhere MondayMonday,, thethe pricesprices beingbeing decidedlydecidedly Ibwlow forfor thethe : on Tuesday. “ . diebrookdlebrook CountryCouritry £] inhc1-^ died.«.™ . SheShe wavus !82$ ,,.myears oldold adda leaveleave,s on.one .liter.sister. MltoMiss Dell.Delia Troy,Troy of ; I qualityquality ofof merchandisemerchandise offered.offered. Hr.Mrs. 8rleajo.SylTallUa A&tees wilt f *y City. ! nd Conference the member^ of tie Bom Will AI Welfare Society Tuesday « injg. Il ; • '' ' ;: i - : i ill Coot,County SoperlatendentSuperintendent ofof Befool,School? waiSTs-lT Belted Coats of navnavy blue gabardine, with Inlaid collar - KrebsKrebs sadaid nearlynearly allall ofof IBethe ««>cr-super- DlvtolonDlrlaton So.. 11 , At ' beigbeigee lupine,lupine, button-trlmmed;quarter-llnedbutiji n-trimned;quarUr-1ined withwith teteherteacher ofof thethe coonly.county, endand wbos.ho.,< Too Hnl0H..W s,-i.,^,i Meeaing ' emltigMtlng toto tell.tell: HaroldHarold WelchWelch willwill bhee subjecaubjectt .IIIwill hebe "Dexeloolnd"Developing thethe IIn-n school: inoKHi% of Branchburg 'herehere "libwith hi.his violinviolin andand Ih.r.there willwill silk;silk; wljtwithh convertiblconvertiblee collarcollar • $38.00 itiativerttfative laIs Teacher.Teachers, "" andand Bor.Rev . JohnJohl TownshiThe schoolp for meet; the ;flection of three he>•• otherother ihlngxthings whirl,which willwin notnot ho"be $38.00 MitchelMitchelll Harper,Harper, presidentpresident ofof tb To.nmhlpmbers tofof it eibe Boar d of Education mentioneduentloned. untiluntil thethe bigbig night.night. of tan BoarBoardd ofOf EducationEducation of<>! PcaparkPeapack , 01 J member,will be hel d th theittew public school BelteBeltedd CoatsCoatS ®f tan vicunavicuna,, sllk-ilnesllk-Ilnedd throughoutthroughout;; witwithh . "The Policies of the Board of Edu .III be held In the . J. Th.The MarchMarch meetingmeeting ofof thethe Mm’sMen's "The Policies of the Board of Edu- 1 building at Neshanie, Station Tueiday Club of'St. Paul's church will be convertible!convertible! collarcollar .. . ; . j .j . \ .$ $38.0038.00 ' cation | buildingafternoon at, aNhahanlt |,2 ocMck I Station. At thTueodaye sam Club of 81. Paul'a church will he afternoon, at ,2 od rk.20 At the am. I heldh«ld InIn thethe, ' p.rl.hparish househouse nextnext WedW»d-- (Third(Third Floor)Floor) | timelime aa budgetbudget ofot 13.I3.S for current ex- nesday night; The spring Tourna- penses will bp.votfd pnF>, (trrthe current sum of «x%?,, I nvwdny night. The (print ToutBk- m. the .uro orgg.-t; meat on Hand Tennl. Doable, and ManMeavy BatorEnjoy HighHigh Mctim.lSchool Tree!Treat (-““220 fo■• rwill genera teirotedl expiHis e and.I300 ffar Dancing and music formed tl 220 for general *vp (me told. 1,00| fbr i thethe CherkoeChecker TTourckmenti nt willwill caromm Dancing and mimic formed the „,^lr „•!!.,<,hool! hobolfcea. be. . ft will 1klw ; Dtncvpence afterafter ththee hualnea.usin s .ee.tonsession anandd program of eol.rtaliunenl In the an- ^ roI„, hether 0vf. ■not mil .toto paypay'th thee !later later loIn thethe eveningei retreatiraam.refreshments dltorlumdltorium ofof thethe hightiteh echoolschool lestUs? ,iowu"li'ioas,hlp^ inoteote andand Interes t : amoun|logamoun|lbg wilwilll bebe nerved.served. * ' Sightnight,, thethe eventevent beingbeing givengiven underunder • ,o M.3.;go. 3S(, VAA. Selection; .ooff Silk$ilk HosieryHosiery FrencFrenchh MomMomie*-we||vitjLlne id-we^v* Linenn Ekthee aneplce.ansplces oolf thethe AthleticAthletic ASSOAaaoejT t ThThee BoardBoard ofof HnnllhHealth nnderunder thIhee elationcfatlon ofot thothe school.School. TheThe muelraljmusical! directiodire, lionn ofoT InapottorIngpeclor I'nrneyCarney willwill ; numbersBDRibera , bothboth vocalvocal andand Instru-"instru-g TheThe ladLadies lea ' jfclite S•eletyy ty ofof thethe l*r*sITeo- begibeginn anan In.peetuO,tnEpectloV ofof Ihethe hackback , FORFOR WOMENWOMEN ANDAND MISSESMISSES I I • (47-inch)(47-inch) ; iual characti .. s- tnEpectl mental.aaental, werewere ofof anan unusualunusual charactercharacter ; byterlgnbyterla^n Chndlaj(( la Brooklyn. ErtlihUtN>wh Eto.nbnatElaenbas Vorl- t .a4spfl JoknJohn Elaonboat.Elsenbas■ l flrpulUcd slghisoneighteen mombsrsmembers of the ,_ New Yorfe. I , (Three(Three pairspairfairss f^r.forfor $4$4.35); . Th.The Crmmg Hilton Banff will h. •' LehighLehlgh ValloyValley R.R. R.R. Co.Co . pollcspolice foroyforce tertained with power, to make arm!, for an, cntcrt'alncff rthte nnnfiwtioon nl the ami- ; TheThe mcrnhimmembers ofof! the(he highhleb B'hools'rhool violationviolation,s committedcommitted onon Ihethe railroadrailroad •*•t “Mrs‘. l'jj■■, j . iattvnffcff attended that-that fn.tlnitloaInsticutlon ofof learninglearning Free Shipping Service' propertpropertyy InIn tht.this county.county. TulaThis tois be.be- , LawnLewis T.nTen Ryck.Kvrk, Symeme. N.1T.. !,»*terdny jesterday wearingwearing greengreen andand whll.while Free Shipping Service.* fng done In every county,Linty. asas aa mess-mru- , isla visitingvisiting Mr.Mr . >ndan d Jnrae. A. Ten ‘ *»>e clam color* and alao In honor of | NavyNavy BlueBiasiue TailorTailTailoor Serges ors of protection to thethe prop**rtyproperty sud;and Eyck,Eyrk. nearnear uvfriierc . '. at.' Patrick. ~ 11 AlAlll chargedcharged oror PaidPaid Purchases.,Purchases..(incEudln (Includingg also the passengers. Thn monthly meeilngg ofof 111lha* Wr.tfl.ld Building nnd IgmnLoan Awo-Asso- foforr thethe smartsmart SpringSpring SuitSuit heavyheavy andand bulkybulky shipments)shipments) Wfllttt So- Wsy avenue. , | 3FifU? Aurttup-iHaSiHott Avttmt,At»Pttiw, Npmfork ^nr k ••U elely heldheld •«one of Its peasant winter ’ sfad family h^vo kflancess onon 81.St . PatrickPattick' fs eve. in the tm a< Rum mil aye- Hproveniimen nit Hall . TheThe hallhal l waswa sprrrtlly prettily irty-fmtrll) Street TELEPHONTELEPHONEI 70001600 MURRAYMURRAY HILLHILL &trrrt ^irromf«4ntni InIn thethe rolorcolor schemescheme efof thethe ■goodgood oldold SaintSaint andand UncleL'ncle Ssm.Sam . AA larglargee crowdcrowd enjoyedenjoyed thsthe dancingdancing anandd alat eleveneleren o'clocko'clock refreshment!*refrpshments werewt're You Will | DUNELLEN •erved•srved.. VenableVenable Bros,Bros, ofof Plalhflejd.Plalhflejd, - - furnishe|qmlBliedd thethe music.muBlc. DancingDancing waswan «*h-eTi - Never Regret trton rvsn'crl|stlc *cr- Many' Mra. gara^ Smalley oni • Prospect!Prospect Henry K^rhuer IMe«l Yra|rrda| 11 hold n "krtjp sir«rt” si reel. this, place.piaoe. • I . .CALIF0CALlFCiNN ipyedjoyed 111!(ill 1I o’clocko'clock aljdaiid'th Ihee FUInfieldPlutnneld Ml put- In I Henry Klrchn. r. ifor nun Transit Co.. furnished tranaperiatlnn. ' iff comfort.. *.t tho tf'iian angellsti* eervlq-a will The -mailer of employing a v d iH b-uentj to bs a resident 'of t^ls Jkorougb, 1 .! A^sji-'P«V., olof tCflUto iil,on.c win U«'II.'V . FrankP'ranfc Poai derlvod fmnf sound. g*« 4wsy yr^U-rijay :t(i*rnoon loo br ijoown I as ill,me lorrovr. the Rifvj I*, r. aa- K nurse'tor the local Bchoo'ls- ia ^ u P.Tf nvIUo, S. C. nnd n sraduate Ftu- rh percuh a(l**t«8- rhlnp on -b^rfaN . . nowIiow bqtora.beforeith thee Uo.nlBoard a,at EUur.lltinEducation ^ ■on, . vj.li tractive teet lM>ni« on Unroln % r f° •tl QI ofof Princeton.Princeton..Theologica Tl: l S cat *y poof teetli - »*eeon«rtS ii- >fith pn*-umcr He wa„ In g tomorrow th. 4'iv,i " “ • Mra. J- allton. to - the Mary E. Wilson Memorial L'hlon f-Cted with l«-rt4. i»*f-i •vlth year and itsve of Germ; !.- Mr,.; H^n.h Force.I . prof.iL ;rr' Ann i. The rwsior. Key. Mebane fl>ach liesi.Jos his Widow, two sons. Fr rim si. R i Won.il Bur., Ffrom p plolnfl.ld to *W vl.lllnnjh „lc Al. ■ jfaimaey .will prparh at the morning riilof rfU'k nnd Henry. Jr., survive. orrow afternoon lr«Mrsi F.P . It.ndolphR^ndqlph . BPril,cublo aior* during tbo AcrAcree Farm,Farm, onon thethe estatesestates ofof ArthurArthur •* MrtJtHlist annual dance or the In Cbd Boronjb Hall on March 10. wen. H.II. HoffhetrnerHoffhelmer ofof WarrenWarrenrlUe rills.. at Debale’s auditor. Mln Harribt-Grefcor?, a township I Walter Unbarger, of North Plaln- The- Ladlen" Aid of tte Mary B. Wil- R«v. P. 8. Da acorn, who Is Harriet-0Nf»7. • townahlp! Wnlt.r Unbargcr. of North Plaln- * I Hub urW.o Sew.PM * ContlaiJl oM Tho Ladles’ Aid Of US Mary S3. Wli- Plainfield, laet night. achoot t«chor.tweber, Isla lownow boardingboarding wnhli.ld.withjfleld, ,Uwaa .aMalto vtutorr ytotrrffx,.ye«terilay. P-ge Swvdto)-,-^).; ! ^, PHINFIWD rOlKTElt-NKWB. RDAY, MABCH iT, MIT

$1150 $1460 ClatlaM tram MitchelMitchelll JJunior— onior—■s W-h.40-h. p.p. SixSix 7-Passenger- 48-Horsepowef UJ-inch120-inch WheelbaseWheelbue SIXES 127-inch Wbeelbase FANW00D

Mr*. Crvenahire Die* in Dundae, H. V. Mrs. Sophia M. OvenEbirp, ninety- two yeans of age. who was born In Fanwood died earlj on Thursday af- ter a brief Illness at the home of her Exch* •on. Dr. James M. Ovenshlre. »f Dun- N. T. She iearea also two other one of whom la Dr. Byron H. Or- The Mitchell comes in two sizes now—* enshiro. of Bay City, Mich., and The Mitchell cornea In tara aiaea now— V Gears are tested for 50,000 (Bondspfcnnda peperr one daughter. The Iiuermen MitchellMitchell sodand MitchellMitchell Junior.Junior. tooth. Engines are tested forr ltXOOO10.000 milesmiles 1 j made yesterday afternoon In Dundee. AnAndd Inin eighteight bodybody styles.styles. *' without evidence of wear. AnAj*fd severalseveral Mitchells have already ran over 20a000mi.es. EacEachh bodybody iiss exclusive—designedexclusive—designed by.ourby ou r MOWOOmilea. The regular morning church services artists,artists, builtbuilt inin ourour ownown shops.shops . of All Sainta' P. E. Church will be ob- No Extra served tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, ; when the Rev. R, Verdojola, of St. UniquUniquee FeaturesFeatures , AU these advantages cost ysi Do extra Marks Church, of New York, will offi- price. They will coat as, on tojr ciate. At 10 o'clock *he Sunday-school There are 31 features in the Mitchell most ear"! out- There ore 31 features in the Mitchell most put, about $4,000,000. But they (•lasses will of which all other cars omit. Things like a y| e• paidpaid foforr of which all other cars omit. Things like a by factory savings. .The bi-weekly meeting-of the Wed- power tire pump, dashboard engine (rimer, power tire pomp, dashboard engine primer, j John W. Bate, oar great nesday afternoon Bridge Clnb baa been reversiblreversiblee headlights,headlights, BatecutUevnB*tecaotileVer springs.springs. ffici* cy expert. changed to next Tuesday, when tne builbuOtt andand equippedequipped thisthis mamair.«u... meeting will be hfld at the home of ThiThiss yearyear wewe addadd 2424 perper centcent to'theto the lux-lux - MIM Haul Gardner. builbuildd thisthis oneone typetype economically,economically^ Hia meth- ururyy cost,coat, whichwhich meansmeans ■stunnin tunningg Cara.can.-' SavSav-- 6d3 have cut onr factory cost' The Rev. Jamw h. Smith, of St. ings made in our new body plant pey all this pda have cut our factory cost tat These “ — vemcs a. hull u. IM p«. UR new collection of fey ing! made in our new body plant pay all this factorfactoryy savings—uniquesavings—unique toto Ml helli—pay **«!!'.Paul's ChurchChurch ofor WeatSeld.Weitneld, will preachpreach extraextra cost.cost. AhdAM thisthis year,rear, forfor thethe firstfirst ta LentenLenten sermonsermon nextnext Tsod.rTuesday even-even- O forfor allall thesethese extras.extras. ing in All Saint's P. B. Church., timetime,, wewe announceannounce 100100pe perr centcent over-strengthover-strength Ins In An Saint's P. E. Church. Springcheate andd Summer for the changewill lied prevented3ilh|>i«(t|e oinf iinn everyevery vitalvital pertpart. OarOproldnQargiiipfsafet old margin of safetyy \X weekl)weekly meetingmeeting ofof Ikethe PanaoogFanwood Sprinthe Salong an dFrancais, Summer beginningwill be prej-entCj Mbntlay.d in 1 New $1150 Si/ii e RedRed CrossCross AssociationAssociation willwill bebe heldheld the Salon Francais, beginning ^ift^fftlay. was SOSO perper cent. cent. nettrn-it MondayMonday nttsmooeafternoon at , thethe real-rest- It is the final word of the Easter Vtjgue. • To meet a wide demand we no deucedence ofof Mrs.Mrs . AlbertAlbert Nlcbol.Nicbola . Itjis the .final [word of th'e Easter V^ue. A LifetimeLifetime CaCarr ! sizes of the Mitchell Six. Bat th TbThee nextnext meetingnn-.- ing olof thethe PsnwoodFanwood From Marcelte'Deffthg \ •• Mitchell Junior—has a 120-incb From Marcelte' Derrfay The result of this double strength is a BowlinHowlingg ClubClub stillwill bobe heldheld atat WeslSeld.Weelfield. The result of this doable strength Is e See which sise you like best, and which style next Friday evening. (II(11 RueRue Royale,Royale, Pari*Paris andand NewNew Vor)*)%r)$ ' lifetime car. Over 440 parts are bfc.1t of lifetime car. Over 440 parts are built of of body. All new models are noV on show. wn only in the Wanamiker Store*,in Ameri toughenedtoughened steel.steel. AllAll safelysafety partsparts areare vastlyvastly Shown, only in the |Wanama4ter Storel ,iri America. oversizeoverture.. AllAll partsparts whichwhich getget na majormajor strainstrain MITCHELL MOTORS COM SCOTCSCOTCHH PLAINSPLAINS ; .MarcellMarcellee Demay,Demay, inth herTier ownown fialojs,Salna^, . •' • araree builtbuilt ofof Chrome-Vanadium.Chrome-Vanadium. I Racine, Wis., U. S."fi ; wilwilll attendattend personallypersonally toto herher ciienfts. clients. I M ThereThere willwill bebe twotwo ! basketballbasketball garnieume s alat thethe pariah parish bouse tonlgbt.tonight, Thethe resen - From Other Paris ModistesModiste* lorior boyiboys willv. lil play]P1;.V .ththe* ."Travellers"Tl-atelleri " CARO LIMB 1 "X BU7.ASKKSUZATilNB TAI.HOTTALBOT - MAR OUTOCT troinfrom PlainPlainneU He Id.. UilsThis willwill bebe Ihei)i- lalas t VALENTINE T MARIEMAItIR LANORETLANCRET EvV _'NR3 VARON M. & L. AUTO CO namegame olor Ule(he . seasonseason lor(or thethe buys.boys. TUTl e JKAVNE LAJ4VIM ROSEROSE DESOATDESCAT . MAR 5.TERITB BT LEONIH M. & L. AUTO CO., me. JAM® A OEO JFANNBJRANKE oreDtTC obrr SeniorSenior slrisgirlfi havehave aa game arran*.arrannp d JKAKPTO COURTI1 LBWILRWIfiB JU>T 322 W. Front St. Plainfiel withwith lth hee -Comrade"Comrade Club'Club" tromrrona NetNeth - OEOROETTB MARTMART * A,VNIRANNIK MAN 322 W. Front $i Plainfield, ft J. erwood.erwood, :. : 8AOKTSAQET ApG Att 111*the MethodistMethodist ChnrthChorth tomorrowtomorrow . A chan flection of>f hats.’hads." HatsHats thethe prettiestpreitiest:t *no t>4 founndd min*al alll Pari*,PafU. Ihe servicesservices willwill hebe heldlivid m-at thethe usu;nitua l Hats that i individualitiesdualities whichwhich untiluntil nownow h*v lonorroHmorrow willwill he.be. '"Wha Whatt Isis MplrSpiritual - W OU Bmldir^. • r j . OurOur Charge*Charges forfor FordFord RepairsRepairs-:: jjOHXJttll.V. his wfl Ity."'." AllAl l service*services ofof thethe dayday Wwil l be ValvesValves BegronndRegronnd andand CarbonCarbon Cleang4Cleaned i...J..J "....$2.50 | By virtue of a ,'i.f holdheld a(at the(he regularregular hour*.hours. ConnectingConnecting BodBod BearingsBearings AdjustedAdjusted .I.J v... 3.00 Imsrtfgs AtAt thetbe parishparish bousehouse forumforum tometomorro w BrakBrakee antiand ClutchClutch BandaBands inspectedInspected lad d AdjustedAdjusted jL.'. .60 afternoon.afternoon. ChaplainChaplain HareHare will ispea k : SprinSpringg SilkSilk Exposition BrakeBrake andand ClutchClutch BandsBands RenewedRenewed . . 1 .....'. > • • • 2.50 byb> -request request onon somesome arrlptnralscriptural *aaspect s RevBear Brake.Brake. NewHew ShoeaShoes Fitted,Fitted, ParPar Wheel .. ,... S> j du'y Ct0Mu'"'n;a or btyfore ofof preparednrw.prciiar«dnet». TheTbe -malmalee guquarte t : Opens Monday In the Silk Rotunda and. on the Mala O Mid Bill wilWillt leadlead (hethe singing.flinging. FrontFront AxleAxle OverhauledOverhauled (..'.:.'...... 8.00 «i Aisle—showing all the sltks used by French dressmakers ReaBearr AxleAxle OverhauledOverhauled .. 55.0 000 Motor,Motor \ Overhauled'.. 23 00 fcTlU.' M»j\^ • Owing lo the death of Pa»Uir Mar- shall'Owings Blsler lo the. Mrs death. qharle of Pass V tar. Smith , from the sackcloth of Worth to ma pie Jenf radium of Cat tot ALLALL NECESSABYNECESSARY PARTSPARTS ATAT FORDFORD LIST.LIST. ' I *rs£.¥ »hall's sister. Mrs. t;hnrle* V B B|J ! of Plain fit-Id, the services will be in Silk Rotunda h«.s trie honor to announce complete readiness, of foreign and American TESTINGTESTING ANDAMD TOWINGTOWIKO WITHINWITH1K 0ITYQTTY LIMITSLIMITS—FBE B 1 lh h of Plainfield, the service* will I fl» M. r'r"t "' t°t chargchargee ofof Rev.Rev . J.J. J.J. Wade.Wade. silk for dressmakers and the public at large. It directs fpecit' attention to ihe newly GOODRICGOODRICHH SHOESSHOES ANDAND TUBESTUBES ININ 8TOCISTOCK . unpacked importations of French model silks, made by Biadchini and other great French BOROUGHBOROUGH GARAGEGARAGE weavers, used id the new models of Caliot. Cheniit, Jem*. P^quin, Dpucet, Georgette. John W. Oarett, Prop. WHITEHOUSE Worth, Beef. \ •• John W. Garett, Prop. f J r r WATCHTTNG AVB AND RACE 8T. Pho "" jV. i'iN.' »ri ~m (•ALLOT siies • rattdlum wf-.h lar«a maple lent WWORTHO FTTH nee#uae# a • WATCHTTNG AVE AND EACB ST. • j ' Pn6n« 2360 itir '"ij"MF.nl S •" —t in honor of Canada. , PAQCINPAQU1N udu»5^ a ' ReTRev . FrederickFrederick S.S . Benson.Benson, V#*totVaetor ooff CHERUIT u.»* a chl with narrow Periria: •trip™ whlOiwhich fr.Kiot o •!P ihe' eRev EastEas. tFrederic W||It-houseWhitehousk Se. Method!*!MMhodleBei t ChurchChnrch CAZJLOTALLOT c.eun* . a *111ill havehave thethe folio*foliriwin tn#e forfor hi*his.-topic topic*s • dotted chlfTc P st thethe service*services: tomorrow:tomorrow: Morning.MprninR- JitSNT u*Z \ .. Cherolt UM ■srhar'lnf ne ’We Mustusi Work':Work": erenlng.e*rai1ng. “0#r-'Otir Res-Rea- ', orepe Omrcatt*. I Mm Wonatnoker Exclusive THETHE M.M. & L.L AUTOAUTO CO.,CO.; Inc.Inc . Mrs- Mary Mefendorfv p«rM ' u-^-«ho^Tt n^ « ldar*d WrdKi-« of blrda from North. Bouth, 322 WEST PboneFRON 2413 T' STREET 1 IMinn, OF"i the Lutheran Church at New German- it and WMI Anieric*. Phone 2413 ' tows. Other Exceptional Collections OUB SERVICE IS UNEXCELLED FOB ID, fonlarda, woddlnr silks. WatU^IUut all tb« popular •port* 0UK SERVICE IS UNEXCELLED FOE Mrs. Catherine Wyckofi. of Nfw Or- exclualv» color- comblnitlons. Uttbig -oilka and illatlniiulshed MITCHELL, MAXWELL and mantown. I* visiting Mr. *nd Mrs Fre- ; • . S . Main noor. Did Builtll MITCHELL, MAXWELL and mont K. Shafer at Lebanon. I . MOON OWNERS George Henry, of Lebanon, bail taken Audil We can. giveMOO immediateN OWNERdehverie* on theS above car*. EasteEasterr FashionsFashions A u d i i-SIto r \ u m ASKW ABOUTe can giv OUBe immediat GUARANTEEe deliverie Ofts oREPUBLICn the abov eTIRES. cars. ; Specif Lenten Recitals ASK ABOUT OCR GUARANTEE ON EEPUBLIC TIKES. Miss Rath McCathran. of Cokesbnry, forfor WiomeWomenn Margaret Volav^ 'll i..pianist Fnll line of Oreasee, Oils and otier aqndriee. Is the guest of Mrs. B loom field Apgar if rrnnitl Fnll line of Greases, Oils and other s \%ndries. at New German town. OverflowingOverflowing colicctionacollections ofof newnew clothe*clothes VivianVivian Gomel!Gosnell A.VJi..-.; Ltariione foforr thethe womanwoman whowho isis stayingstaying inin town,town, ththee Alexander'Russe• — M ,>1 ... organ rrod or Mrs.Mrs. tamosSimon J.J. Hageuian.Hageman. egof New j womanwoman whowho spendsspends HatterEaster atat thethe seashoreseashore MDi.wlH consist of brilUaat conoert mm- dlaml thi Germantown.Germantown. rVturnsdreturned todaytoday frotrom a ; or who especially opens her country house vi«i■ tallt l.ro PlainPlain&eld held.. . \I {' •* I " ; aatt thatthat lime,time, thethe womanwoman wbwhoo goesgoes South.'South, Amplco Repi-odu^log piano records. The audien the woman who takes a motoring trip. invit- i-n responsiblresponsiblee forfor the failure? and tiff's■ mistakesmist of manfownman toes,. I.Is vlaltlacvisittnps lain N--«f4Newark and | AuthorUeAuthorisedd reproductionsreproductions ofof Pan!Paul PoiretPoiret Your immediatirdia'ee decisiondecision to carry •• •;• •tuiiii- Itsuranluraacfc.i with NeNsww York-York. modelsmodels,, exclusivelyexclusively inin NewNew York—dressesYork—dresses Hill be thee correct correct beglnnbeginnin g tor a successful career. Mlss Marlon Mdlsk. of Ngf surfingstarting atat *29.50,$29.50, tailoredtailored suitssuits startingstarting aatt Are. 76c- man town, Is visiting In SomcrVIl *45,$45, skirtsskirts startingstarting atat *7*0.$7.5O( coatscoats starlingstarting atat *19.50.$19.50. TheseT&ese reproductionsreproductions areare typically typically Southern MelodiesMelodies HEAL ESTATE foreigforeignn inin appearance—and4ppearance-"-and ofof charmingcharming LOANS materials. ! asas placedplaced byby thethe KKNTS GE0.M.CLARKEC0.GEO.M.CLARKE CO. CLINTONCLINTON materials. INSURANCE OFMI ALL\ 1,1, fl^DSRINDS ReproductionReproductionss andand adaptationsadaptations ofof recentrecent clerk of lb .';,! Paris models^—in dresses, suits and 'coats;,, at [ John Merrill. Janitor of th» OUs- Paris models—in dresses, suits and coats, at I’li-Mfeii Fre. John Merrill. J** ilor of tha Clln- moderate prices. - '•VICT.RVICTROLAO LA Ineaday.»c. Klitaslsell Mr tht'totonn ''NationaNationall BankSank, : lala recoveringrecovering , moderate prices. LET ME ESTIMATE Ullf KOINOT HAVEHAU ; TOUR . \ JJ'^f.f^J *J** •'• '• from fracture of a rit> and lirulses j Sports clothes and inexpensive street and emphasize the" remarkable UATIUtOOAlUA nii4ou.il *1LK1>7HiiF.iri from fracture of a bib and brutae# Sports clothes and inexpensive street and reproduction p4»*ers of this On your «<-w floor.door. ThaThe anB >naj- production of t-iichbld favor . : ' THE lll.KH P '% I Mrs- Leslie WA ' '.BurdicJ, I ol RnlleafRedleaf LondonLondon clotheaclothes forfor thethe realreal sportsspbrts { j TI1K TII.KK l..-lf.' |?.l'niJiar!!Mf*K?,;"ii Burdi woman. British tweeds, tailored in ^ion- " Back'to- did" Virginia" GotiTerneiir. N. Y,. )I*a onon aa *l*!tvfcslt to woman British tweedi. tailored in Um- Kentucky H- a e u FireplacesBpiac**.. PorchesPorches and»n 4».U3 2oa «McliungVV-iriiiuni: Acs Air. |V. ' • ,'. *i.'r'» ,*('(''mJii V'" Ir -"'ri! seem*seems almostalmr-s* ifni>o-^ihlc for anjt. Mr*rs. B.B . FE . F"Mer and t«o' cfail-. dren.J ofof CaretCaifnovia . K- T.. araiVlalt- The New Victrola--XVn--$t250 BedBed BugsBugs andand RoachesRoaches inp -Mrs. Fpltejr's r*fher, To^n H. TheThe NewNew CretonneCretonne Srientifically t-xii-t:. Irtatctl.' Costs Krioii. and other realtiesr-I-uivs Inin Clinton.Clinton. small; results surprising. All :.inds REAL ESTATE FancFancyy WorkWork ArticlesArticles trola prinolpl* •» Ttie Rev, Tra n. iMbilory.JMtllorT, pa^or of ^ AA faaclnajlngfaaclnatini display—sackingdisplay—atpaklTir ^raHo^raMis. plriur-*e An Initial, and INSURANCE Hi'- Clinton' Baptist ; church. I'ff, n franiQ*, de»h sijl*, bux^s of Wtnmi klrnlg tray.i, immediate po*i puest or hts ilaiiL'tt.T. Mrs Nina table covers, cuahicna.*d C<**erw »sen* ?f o ueufulf usefu andl and daln'y dainT y I C. EXTKBMISATIN' article* cover«"urlf>r-Ne»a! : • C.C. ConoverConover Sc& CoCo.. TYPEWRITERTYPEWRITERSS DonDoii-tfcr* ! IwJltt aulilUntil SpringSpeflag. loto hxyrhave micifaelMKIIAEI, DAn. ] Henry "Wicrensn 'jouryour caocarj p4*nle«J.painted. Ilnr*llaye itit donedone nognow : South Plainfield. 1 WashinctonU'asdilnston,, \ MarchMftrch 17.—Denial17.— RpiUnI fVrorator*, Painter* and . Howard W. Boise like Lub< Store 138 .North kn. ;i*i South Plainfield. u as made by Secretary of the .Navy fiewtrd W. Bail* 'The Lnix San 138 larth Avs. atat theUio dpll.>'*a*nndfaH;BeaBon price.price. AutoAuto Topa,Tops, MarchMarch 1(.18 . 1917.191 7 was made hy Secretary of the-Navy Imnsers, WlndoW uM Plate UlM. -THE"TUB MOVINGM!>VINd PIANO*PiAKoa claaa* ias warkjatwiykla: t reasonreasonabl a U*e prices.prices, ble betweentoet.ween AtaurlcanAraerfcan marln-6marinHf andand : t5 tln.«i«Kl I-l»c*. T.I. 1|«1 Paeke.1>'••. 1.' •• ai.dautt .Moved.Moved WIU*With Cer^Cra. }1 f AA.. A. .KINGKINO Interned__>d OermaaQennan aallpr*sal fora at« tthe; tb*;Phi. PhD- - rodM-Sni «m Aa.. Pa,.: | ajr UUUiU£S-«SW» WUIlM 81US0 QUICK UUHJU'S " Kca(.•:« 42<211 LL1Z. Fifth1 HUi IU.at. TtioM1*hoiw 0»1-J.UI1.J. 80-8.11 NuuirrsetSumi-rsot hiSt. Tel.TH. ConCon.,. [adelpblaadelphia NaryNavy Yard.iar.J. —rfnr wOU&iu-msws wajit aM mjoho quick kjuuuis .:-Jii i " • ill • . • . ' ; : • .$:'?:. ixrumx. MAjacB IT, i ESSEX TO WORH WILSOWILSONN MOVES f? ForFot ththee invaliinvalidd as^^ell as &2.W. asaai COUNTV^FARMS L TOAVERTSTRIKTO AVERT STRIKtf iiCOt got oonn •a thosethose iinn perfecperfe t health. , tfl 1 WEST HOC car today WEST aw ear tod.p HighHigh CosCostt ooff InstitutionsInstitutions'' Defense Council Heads Ple^ JUSBBTT BEHINKIVNDD »womaawouv » Bakerb Cocoa DefenseCouncil Heads Ple^ WHOS•nosrE HAIit*uiR looketookadd U U LivingLiving ttoo BBee Cut.Out. is an idealideal foodfood bev- With Men.. TW INSIDE of > CHEAP MATTRESS. erage, pure, delici OOOCHC3T£H.M*A3. •eth Bid.. Stubborn Whilg C*un^ ply 3Uptes.F#r InmaUa Inataad af FicitFaca* ProspecProspoctt ooff HugHugo* TraTraoapoel^-i :. ENOUGH MONEY left in FayingPa/ing HigHighh PriceFrie**s Out»idO-tsldso — — SOL •*>•! j tio*lo«n Tl#-n^—RailroadsTio-up—Railroads PlaePino*« E«"khf- HCR PUBSC to bay.» e*oartExiert ttoo MaksM«k« T«3taTaata.. GuardinGuardingg YourYour BOMgooa oonn £.1All1 Freight—PraaldsntFr»iohl—Pmldant •«#«M« 0OTTU Or NEWMWS HCRPKIDr. Newark, March n.-Easta ^ (o iwt s Cabins.Cabin*; StudyStudy WaWayy to ta PreventPravatt t TraniTrahk-- [ Newark, Man h l7.-Ras*x la to net a 1 your* for bo*ntifnl IMUT. ! *««odMl pxamploexample,. ltoo tbthee oihi-otherr <>>ftiiiUe dduntteaH ". 'of Telephone Service portatienperlaticn . Far*lyaiParalysisa WhWhilei IntorBi^ tbe state. <•••)•-<-•• i''(i.-t of laijd Ht tin- Telephone Service tionaticnall CrisisCriaia Ilas On.On . tl»e stole. Cultivation of tend at fhri IKITKia ANANDn Iti-.M.UKSTAL-ltlM I! I .NTH .: brnltmtiary|-I'llif-;.limy vr'lwn»l tbew qundri9>!enandrui'ledd tftH»l>,b Washington.V. ••;•••;••._;• .-i Manb ;.|. : I,17.-It» IT.—lq *a deft#«!>• summergnninitT nadcrTTUiler IbI bee dlrr'^tSoidirection^ *jfvt A aaB *JexC j TH E trlephonetelephone musmustt Wek*epp iinn tlgfitinn,(iglitinK? trim trim.. inli:r-.l vCTdij tv |nrrrnc the strikers pen|.(-i-r Thl.4Thla. f»s■ ihtheo plaplann ofof‘* f.-cfh-l-freeholdl WhetV lienn toadsroads araree blockedblocked,* wtiewhenn train trainss ar eare •on•on i>off laliorlabor., DUDanielM WiWUlard.i :. il. j.n-a prealdkft. «M»fltfirai win Li1»* !!)|•iu« ttoo ththee wnr 9.nkk fit »r raisingraisin* stalled,stalled, whewhenn stormstorm*s swee|sweep» dowdownn — — tli tilee highhigh-- WASHINGTONWASHINGTON D.CP.C. of tbe Baltimore and railr» Cabinet h?*(nb«r M of lt«c ttallUuort and Ohio talk’4*. Cahtwat Va»rhar M«d'tUr ftxwl^iurffood* lullsE teTa<;on.jeia: presidenk.re.ldentt o •/f InIn BiBigg RailroallaBraadd Atrik*. j Atnut aflm^i of the Flity neivs 'of ways of speech must be kept dear. American Federation of I-nbor, to N ! About flflerfi of tfie rivty acres of ; opposttf.OPPOSITE CAPrroLCAPITOL an.ndd UNIOunionN STATIOstationN [ American Federally of I nt->r. to K il l groundenonnd atat iiii b*» t^nltPittlar^pe'iltctKlsry- Wtirworee iitiiltumlni Terkforh withwnti Mhi*- personapersonall (ileplean thathatt l l*11 AnAndd eveneven oonn daydayss thathatt arejiciiatare clearr anandd peacefupeacefull AbHlut.tr KM aaa Strlctlr M«4M: J ' dWlt'calrnit ia;if> W»ni laetIan yt-ft-yr*r.. Diirlnf.During- thn (hatt Mon time:- preventprevent nror aatl leaslefatt iirl*delay> thtbee r.:rlt.r atrlke.. your telephone is guarded feg»inst any disturb- 1 rt>etlic Pouilty h»he*» inirHai.-iv mwrlwrAi 3tK"t ah.*tti 13f 130t ar tad ' your telephone is guarded Against any disturb- Renowned for its High Service and kcrw Rate*. T1--Tin jfit^iiprraldl 'i. :t ha*e*haw.1l li'b*«* appea Bp;vatl t« toi I t clitlrvci^idKI «rrea of gr-nnd aadfr *fll have) ance .that might interrupt of det^y your service. i EUROPEAN PLAN : chiefsi-iilcfs ooff ththee tr.-irriuftwsrriup' f*fa«tioua> tlous «>ouu it Hwtx-rwa aorp*uTd aioimerec iIff tbthae rivdip agrre agree.f ance.that might interrupt or de|p>'your service. breadbroad grounpruundd ooff Ibeilbe!/r patriotipatrLHicc d itli »P «elIll ththee '.'Verona• rn.ia--luiilwri'in waoltarliraii iirn;.frt|iroi»ertyJv THE WIRE CHIEF on,gn»?rd in the tele-' tMH^J-T I] $1.50 too tbetrtlirlr f-olinircountryy ihin tilltbUs criticacriticall ptr.perk; OoOaWWnible.llhIitttl pfnf HItheP pmimgmimdd l>l» MIauwefvS -fn THE WIRE CHIEF on,govd in the tele- wiLhaut bain, M|V ofif itItss iniernfitlotiaInternationall relation*,relations. lIuu aa | i p tjble co •-i.inmrl.u. and nearly twenty; phonephone centracentrall officofficee hahass eyeryevery' telephon telephonee lin linee ll«r'*j I $2.OO aonal cummuolcntlon be aireeeed t irres of the |>ew ground ha a Icon a> underunder hiship wat,chfuleyewatchful eye.. HHe# iii'fh i* thee guardia guardiann o fof «rialsr;aia cluduee tIno thtliee mjluaarlu.ut.marinee warfwarfii rtalj plowed]! In addition to the fartu the wires— the'watchman ^liosc speciar duty with hath : I mi •»• andiii.l pointedpointed nutuat'hoM' how iuit»rtaulintiortautt ftit w » ltv.d u*V. l»»t jrar. \ the wires—the'watchman whose special duty All Room. Out«d« : i HutIbat notblUjnvihiutff nbuulshouldd weakeweakenn atat > . r Freehohlir ltartfc suggest that he iitt iiss ttoo seseee thathatt ththee syste systemm I sIs read readyy t oto respon respondd time tbe nation's tnnaporinrtoti faci fare farther Ip. reni'tig the amount of wheneverwhenever youyou calcalll upouponn itit. . •, iwbrt r« th* ^ta, ties.tiea. firm aparp on* of the rxix-rt* from tlic V. T. KMCHT. AllI ooff tbthee prqaidrnl'presidenta a mediatormediatorss • dfl ttate Agricultural college X*w You- can help to protect your service by guard- numbersibers ooff tlieudvlsortl^ advisoryy fimmitrCTcommittee> > S^ Brunswick luall u-fense-'feuae. TTbAhl ' te make noil testa. In this Way tho inging ththee telephontelephonee instrumeninstrumentt anandd lineliness agains againstt burr!•dB' ious anti*oils. : , chairmachairmann ClipkChirk.. th tbee to act to avert ibe mm*. U. NeNeww Five-StorSir,-Storyy HotelHotel,, jiwjimtt openeopenedd bbyy th thee formerformer proprie proprie- to act to avert ihe atrlie He ralledM warderdenn anandd fsiriiifarmer. r nrrweree in;author' bur /t> zedt! f>to I tors of the QnMn City Hotel, PJaiafield. meetingmeeting uoff tbthee iaul<*lDaniel WillnrWillardd ooff ththee advlaorjadtlaory- • col mlssloumission o..fl HIiheP <-oua<||con mil andand SSamt^o mil UOIWi^ V'P klit'CATIUNAL Uomtwrs.Ubiti|r.-*J.len^ ha>! eh«r«ti I en Highway at Patina § .Otir Fertilizers bear the liiulirit nnar^ltt nod are n-roi “T^uurud'Cr'' Mme. McNeill Hopcraft laIn a penvmal. teltelegrame lo the f«*i toto muv^iniivc iliroiijithruushh ththemllltaiy* military v^lalili-ieatablishi t-\|iTt KJirdebprN .-,ml. I.-iidittjc rtf:rl.u!(ut4i> ntallonR. \Xr ai i *-f the railroad Faaua.'era rrv>ldel was qciHri>ted In Washing!nfi.as si^iiiTl- petinaTille.IVhiisy l!lc. Jh^rcM»rfanuse ;nnl Huniua. •.-.•) (tio bent, liontlon aa ttou :.!'•!.set He• tjhtil*> t e«Hitmversy. 11 I'unrwere. jclnTli' n- defentlietr wInatnidloiia council Miwlistur by Hawres n^ttAeUnorsflci! Ibtb*e lew^lliimnl otof tfhrwen#h««eu frefli..l.lcrfre«t\ot.ler»F Herr's School •aid»ald tlithatk Ththee aafi-taafotyv of the eountj tkry of War Baker aa chainaan of tlw noft SalmSalemi oouiitcandyy ihathatt thxther tiwiiKfilt wnahlpp "againstagainst , lunulfi'MmiiiVst bperilse affecting D tfcrj- of War Bnkor am clutlnnsn of flip * * werr Ppnn'Ptnn'ap N|cN|ckk ha-hadi = WeWe nr®ore H'-ndiiaartenIleotiqaarienii hforw alalll ujtdkind*a oftyrs/lns^ A|>pnrMtu> IIIMI SUBURBAN BUS LINE Special roursda )n All Buslneaa <«‘in. II In a letter whleh dti*e t^fl: own {^a. e ami th* l*ea--e uf ih« "That you [iresenl pa the Vriippscntn- inwl to 1 the eounly'a requeat = •ipruilnK Material^—L1J1K AND 9lJfc3p»l R, MCALSCIDE, . Rrancliea. “That y«» preaent «n the .rrperaento- graying Material*—1.1 MK AND SiiJ'mi .aria and *•««* r*aim*s\a worldworld I'lmlimade- B'1'onim.xlntio■HKF.N. PI-tin Arid—W*#k day. »J ruisnsl.il uiuscM / j neat i#u absolutely liu|**rutlt*. J rolred In xucb a Hltnntjoii at l!(ia time pibrlng thethe roernal< fromfrom Salem H IViW* i'ium.rCOI.I.tCRR ITutl*rUnder Chethe dlrei-Uodim Oonn ouff tbthee presideitpreaidefi rolve>l In "uch n altimtloii lit IQb time ifrii FTASfTistT FKONikovtT STRKKTsntsrt.. ■anndd thathatt yoyoau riHiurnreqorMt thethemm **o> to.adju.i toadjoMt vlilr. lew Ihe m iMIlt cautribu! J wheg AttorneyAttorney GeneraGenerall UregorGregoryy anandd blhiaa $4 1 Itr ml n. In HKFl»N\|F\. alatauta unde nook an exhaustive it theirtheir dlffcretice*.iifr . .-iTi.-i , ua"s inIn KltanyH eveneventt t oto vtew uf the local phase* of the ottnj leadIrad ttoo aa i.'i.-r...i.'-..ii-i.ixnni>>uemeiit! ooff ananyy acut aeutee jean* difficultydifficulty darindurlnifg ihtbee presenpresentt nationanationall Hon. with panb iilar attention to tf 'emergency." NN.. MEYERMEYERSS && SONSONSS legal!1\ •Btep.-s that were taken by I'rej tffl survey of I A. ST. GRIFKEBT co. d*nt t'levclnnd hi l*M to c»mbetmb*t t l t* MayMay TakTak*« OveOverr RoadRoad.! AlsoAlso.. e*t him to pneeed with a survey of the | - THE BEST .OF EVKItnulNO IX HAKDIV lltF. strike of rallrua'l cniplo.veeis. TheThe dej«rtnjeidfjciUueulH otof JustirjuaLirr* jvirep**r*dJ oveoverr THK BEST OF EVKKVTHJNCJ IM HARDW ARE. COAL*COAL •trike of railroad eoipioi ee». | third,third, fourtfourthh aaudd fifthfifth *•.•aectloua;! iiin«. o ofr rii tbe. SituatioSituationn CauaodCaused AlarmAlarm.. ^I thettte prarydciicapreoeitpnH connectecunneetedd wltwithb lbt>«» rpllrail-- = 119-121-13• I <33 EastK«M IVo.iFrontt StAt.. rhiinfletdiMainfiel, S. J. : rcad strike or w>i, when 1'renldrnt Mal-iga INon-vrove aiatr road. 1 AdmlolslraflunImlnlHtrafiuii utL.odiclaI lal-n marimadee mi m road strike of 1^4M. when 1‘rMidrnt f«rt'rerws ooff tlitlwf tiatemialem-PrnnKnIaregularr anuytarmiy oto pre rwe- Offlce Tel., H52-W. Ill Wat* vrut liiterfereiioe. with tbe ihulla ami Willw*«i regretregret tbthee action of the toarnahlii TliflllHIHIIHIU) III HIM Mill tllfMIIHIHitlllllMMIINItllllimtmuuuu l till 111 IHII Ii IMIIIIlirimiUlll whichwLJch theythey vieweviewedd tlithoe nltuatioualtuatlon.. ThThe]* ymt hiterfemire. with the Bta^g and committee,copiialttee. forfor. ino. ranr*aold IInn tbthee RlBtvtatee lla Im*x rhuni ATMM. I I I was »;i|> ir.-it u «rlni iletermlnation withwith IntinterMtatri eei for Ihe trolley WT;|.T iiea* ootf ththee nationnation. ThTha* wi general. ItW hard trtaey. obtained ln- :>racj'n Point wo til il Ui** and unvy (leiiartnienta and the Junctloiis rrMrniniiiR the strikers >ri»in defT plants S' barney’s 1'olot w.,ul«| Tslaph 308 McDowell fit I'f.ono 43U-J and navy departmetits and the Couac Junctiona re«Craining fl>e Mrlkera from il>j' rt to great Incpnvpnl- ,oa Hi IW. of .Vatiotiul Hefeiise. «hl- li ha hailinghalttug mallUtall' oorr Interatntluteratatee trainstrain*.. It It ha*e '-wn anbteet to great locpovral- of National Hefenae. which hare Im* erge.rrri-o.for for aat one time travel almo*t was JOHNJOHN S.S. HASKARHASKARDD bardbard atat worw.*rkk oonn [•l-tnplans* foforr tb tbee mot>lraoWlU.l k waawas tloo FIbarkB fit Tupl (I t besttbeoee ^tijuii''tl*in.lajonctlonai 1 1 thatin I "PAKROPAKRO”" SM)TAPESEEDTAPE.. o!*t«iimed. Th< tion of tbo' ^'luimyt^'lal And Industrl] :bf nrmy rcus rallrd on. alimianmL The rood was orlglaaliy of CASHCASH UfIII. VtiV AHt Uon of the «-on*nv«4v lal »ud tndnstrY LI'.hr arm; w«» ealVrd on. IIM it torn has drop|^ [| ThThee cleaClearr determinatiodeterminationn rt'Vfiiprevrtifl a railruarallnadd tl<>-ntie-upp 1^»Al1 to plantplant liflifee anandd bettebatterr resultraanltas thathann s«ds>lanteuadi'plantedd i nIn the old lla,. ami 1‘ap.r Marti alao Oh threatened:breatene?;-hrr.< •< defeuve ' ..'.•-[- >proposal*. ; r- , ••-;•! i U It*« W , hla taking over the rallroadtt and op- Xew ami«ud Koi»ire*Hafaimtll Aut,ta!ao lirTim.a p to tn#*t the dl^n^trous effect of ' hi* tahing over the railroad* and op- ThayThey comcomee iInn thirtthirtyy varietievarietie,s ooff Veff&able vegAableas an aadd eightee n M to meet the dHartrotts effect of a path |i crating I hern under goveraatenl con- .land ».-e LofLaflt |25,00*294000 to>• Ai Aidd Gloves f1 trol. Some members of the eablnet Her Cult. varlatia*varieties ofof flower,.flowers. , , Kid r even BUkgrvted an announcement Jtj- the lnrtaD.l..(•land. Mk^JIarrUb IJ.-rrh17.-Thae ,oiirrdnrtt O f..f ThayThey assuraesurae healthiehealthierr plantsplant*,, eveovenn stanstandd ananaU finefin. { pre«Ulent to the effect that he would >r‘:< an»ndd npinjalIkpl*al*R hab«ss .- • ,•:•:.* •ud! tl. tl^p straightstraight raw*;rows-; nnoo thinninthinningg out is necetfAry. Perfect in Carkhufl'CarkhuH’ss CityCily ExpressExpress j take ovov the railroad* utiieaa tie I ofof SliaMisss BUrtKtkiii MM. l>;erHjer.. jntia .els. d Mdle.1 - TheThe amateuamateurr getget,s experexpertt resultremitss witwithh "Pakro.••Pakre.”" Give I auecessor «*» lUflMid Kxpreaa. WHEWHENN YOYOUU WAKWAKEE ; etrike waa called off. e gt«»ut twelear*s ««"a«<».. Sft?*kee n «\a*m STYLE. FIT, QUALITIOAL1TYY -daughterer ofof!* t.. >>1».. bC3r1'jcr., aa VOnA ginff.-latl 4i of metaphysical t li.Kight ' H.H. EEl,L GayiGayiee HardwarHardwaree Co Co.. M.M. H.H. MILLEMILLERR . '/ • foodfood IntoInto atomachstomach.. irausfora of shl|ia tr-m f-relgu to ^'Tal nlcreriyid art>hrw$«offcc-»ie,| James C.Hansen lAKrKNTbKjAXUCAHl'KMTKR {AND BIILPK|BUU.DEB AmericaA mcrl.aun registryregistry,, toltoldd thtit*e aenata*astco thi tha* ih-tiineiit. Vhe i GENERAL HARDWARE AND H0UBEPDRN1SHTNGS l«tweeb |Jan. 1, 1014). an.l Marcb t tb,fv nrt of l-.I.K'THlr.tl. di n-iMn Say* Iqalde-bathlng makaa any- iw««*ro Jsa. I, mid, and >Urrt 10. i DECORATOK Ealliualct FUniUttcd. Says Iqplde-bathlng makaa any- It»!7.1U17. thirtytfalrty-iiiu iiluoe "hipahlpas v.,-.nor*, «aoo tra iranv-n Ihe dooi RBO-VT sTHKKT AMI PARK AVKMB. l>l»l>liont! 39* 1 one look and feel clean, BOM KTRKfrT AMD HAHK AVRKl'X Tdtapliowe »» O««tor la one look and fsol cloan, feiTed.ferred.' . AmutigAm>>ng : thethemm werweree WT««t««n a iail Vfnelom 1'KAIU. ST.. FI.AINHKLM. «. J. sweaawaakt anandd rafreahadrsfreshad.. mittemiltedd AasS r.'i-poktHr. io>k«dl shipshipss wblfvWrtih we w*rvi 9*3 boodH PAINTS,I AIMS, OILS,OILS, GLASSGUSS., -•pairedi-eimlred aatt AwrkWAiu*ricmni abljijsrdsshipyards.. - , IIff tlithae imrniHint**w ouff ththee rps.-lutnnres-dutlon.. t a» VARNISHES,VARNISHES, EtEtc.c i rnurselfyourself nhuw British ahlj reported ess p. show brfflsb sh1]>« Firomen«m«B EntarWmedEntar^ined •at» Ne*.l 14>411 VASSAirrT FRONrFO.VTT KTHKBTSTHKKT,. NENEWW JERSEJERSEYY CENTRAL(B1TRAL paikfasth Tut likelike yon do on tMf.•oinin^ ' 10 Aincricnii roftfotry uluue tt PIaAIXFIKIaU. M. J. port ant . because ThiThiss Is Isthe vastly skin poresmore dVIntiopening ’ «»f Hie now submarine cam «ar»iy» B tt-l- only, ; <,<,. ! notI sboorb Impurities Into the blooAjpalgnp«l« i u ItIt fullefattedd ttoo <]> *>.so. tcrtai'iierrialaedd herheree l>.byv ththee local l«*all cfinii.rtK v IKFIKI.D and Suburbs on linuvehold gno.la.' planes and musical rii iDDM.aol run U"i1»/». Ml. *•'*. ( Otily tw1 o shijiB, the report *ays,. bai 1 l«toa. vehicle*, live stock, etc. without remoyak st (ite Intarest Hs JohnJol'n W.W. MaaurManurey ** Ru'8oa’0i causing Illness, while tbe towfjfknly two shl|«, the report sayg. baVa Klaan-lasrililaanl MartinMartin,, count)emmty HIT>-itiarslisfirs* mar i o v law and no oilipr churges of any kind Pare Colors. Keedy Mixed PalnU.wte. portt do. l>e«nbeen ffttransferretranaferredd alnrsincee FlrliFH«.. 5fi-- Oji<*xvee < of ,yxitiiit i h' another ap[nml t Faro Colors, lietdr Htxod PalnU these was of, Argentine registry, tt r.if*lborr. ma«V‘ aa«ter app k «s sis;?.!’ P.1S3S s «r.: :ts SS: Sr, r-si Kir epi HuliJ»yi»], 7.SS, »-lk a.i'u te»cE(1j For every outre* of food and drinB-Sth«ae waa of. Argentine registry*, tb* Juiaimapanleai to gM aupplicdpplied with !*•» T.n Monthly I syniem. of IT 50. jvd ThYe# T*ee Cent. Inter taken Into (he stomach, nearly hiotherothe r BritishBritish.. ThThee transfetransferr ,,f.if t t the forbwini connection, mo that when t l.*1 Ten Monthly Pay-aent* of tiO.Od, ruoga., HtmHas OratcaOra ,tea. ' ivi. .bloodlood streamstream,, througthroughh thth*e lymly.my to End. Controv.r.y Ovtr 'Ntw MUTUAL FINANCE COMPANY, Inc. Palata.Paints, VarnishtMVarnish re.. SralosStains., SlielUcKhelUc., which should suck only ijoi pp« ducts which should suck only noui York Pottmar.*rship. Hislis Back Hart nilsOils., (Jlsaa.Olaas. WalWalll PaperPaper,, et*4*.c nt to sustain the body, Y*H> Poet master ship. WaHhlnirtou. Manb IT. — Tie long 11. B. VAN AR8DAJLK A splendid health measure l& Was blurt i hi. March 17. — The lung R. M. VAN AWIHLk cootrorerty m the Se»» York iiost- When He Stooped 838S» ParkPark AMAve.. PIIOPImMUM 1KW- IIM-WW drink, before breakfast each day. cooiruvertv over the New York |m*t u.%i glass of real hot water witb i mastershimastershipp endeendedd *"lieiwhenj tbtbee • senataanntee spoonful of limestone phospha^ .. shortlysbortly lie'orItrforae linatlfinallyy adjouradjourningt Its It, which la a harmless way to irasf •|*prial«|.r In ! MBRIOseaslunD connrmrconfirmedd rbtb*« iioiiiinaao^itna-- "Laft T^or I W»« auftsrlTig- with a these poisons, eaeca and toxins frotf lion of Tln.mas G. l'alt,>n to be post- terrible ba. kacha." writes J. W. Etrla rlon of Thomas G. Patten1 t.. be posi- lv«T the stomach. MiTtr. Kidneys ,a niasier The nomluatlnn was sent tt) of KlrtB, Ga. "Every timi> I'd !'a-i FLOOR maatar. Tb* nomination was seat lo O r ne ( d]B I<1 h VO MONO STORAGE H A IIIi\\ OOD AND I tligl KT bowels; thus cleansing, sweetenl thethe aeratesenate »gtt tbth*e InnI sett nefwioii*e*sl<*n.. ' TberTb*r*e a"" aVnfnl ™t h*!** "° " ' " MONO STORAGE Old Floate HeflnleliwL ind fresbeoing the mure aliments wnwasa nnoo oppositiooppositionn ttoo ITIt. buhott it*It*, confir con Ar-- •ar.sl beforp putting more food in mation was delayed l>j tbe darbt -.y^r WAREHOUSjE B8.. EE.. WARWARDD && COCO.. Ihe atomacb. mstlie Godproipotlc was ndelsycd of Dr . 'l»y '»rj -the T . tightUraysof overl ,nwr,ir WAREHOUSE 108 Depot Park. Manning Building. J^ ttCi.KP- ^-. iJW,v.t att lii tb«b epromoUtn medical directo uf L»r.r at•'mry th eT. nai.r arayao*. Plainfield. N. J. 'Pbuaa 470. immtr—I" .A.IlUl, ibospbate coats but very little at th. to be mgdlesl director at the natr. Baafc ••I*'—*. »«J«- •»•; All.'3>, aniurday, Irug atore but Is sufficient to mak. kUtncya rjuie. «tlff Tjinii, V'r/ma"? North Avenue cles, rlieumay»m. ele^p Idlsturbtna-- North Avenue ""Wr Allaalle < !••—1.41, «.« a, „,.' Mod.!1. Blayar Unknown. t>l*4drr Bilmrnt*,- bnlouBne.™.. n:i,l Ing. . Men and women who are aecus MU.I-. U,W.n_ varloiis^othpr His. To]ey Kldnpy PIIIB Oppoute Freight Haul, PlslniieldPlainfield WindowWindow a!.»I_BiiJrdaya ontr). i,u p. nt a^ tomed to wake up with a dull, arblr.i PblladelphUPhiladelphia.. MarcMarvhb 17.J-17.-*A rorolier'a Opposite Freight HotUw Jury, after Ihrtenlng tw tllw Irstimoiij* lo'd'/r tlie^'hblneya1 'ana re»™oro"tji(™ °For Pklladcival^ f.'af" 7 u • n, head or bare furred tongue, bai ary. after llalrnln,n la rba (ratliannx eer the kidneys aad’ran to CleaninCleaningg CoCo.. 1 ty breath, sallow coinplei of nearly; fWT wltneaaefl; retid«'reil a 16 b**lth•sllhyy actioac|loan bbyy dissolvindlssolvl g and . H. MHR8TDICH, Prop. Ki.VA'ViS. T.i. ;.'-.,'" i"; ,J« t Kuril » T randrrad a 125125 EASEASTT FRQNt'STREEFRONT STREETT ■. NWnvtrH, Prop. i, who have bilious attacks.' renllrt that Haste Colbert, th? model e prodvj* t* and polaous tha m mlW that Maria Cothrrt. the modri Kama.•Morw, OfflcoaOScaa., PrPrivatai valo BealdenrasBwHarw.. 3i.M«T^-».«. »«, IIT. IB.,,, m,»|, acb or constipation are «i' whrrho) wnwada fminfoundd deadMdd IInn b«bnrr n[«r-rment araRraanr,* | kidneryy -troubl*(rouble an

Of Interest u> P!Minlt«-I.J Headers. Fair Treatment Knows No Size jh BEAREPUBLICJ iffilMtT»fl4mn« ' entbuvl-citizen*citizen Fair Treatment Knows No Size In '« Klfin*yKid pills by I'lainrJeld resldenti WWouldo thead promlcect people re.ommei; RomanofRomanofff DynastyDynasty EndedEnded edy that bad not prpTen /515m^ GREATGREAT'SPRING SPRING SALESAL& Would they confirm their ai ON rent ANOTHER WEEK With CzarVAMicationAbdication.. afte■ ftwr ‘y#ar*'years ' hadbad flapelapse d If ON FOB ANOTHER WEEK experience had cot ■ ONN »»KNVBVEBT flM,FLOOR „I* 1V.OBVBllt .Nlkll*>.< ITO> *dj<•a«gafn Doan'a Kld- CWN Join Movtmant That Ti^na- i before. ey small, with the same fairness to alL n, Th., TVWnt- ?« ™» *'»" sa. MATS AND TRIMMINGS small, with the same fairness to alL forma an Upriiing Far Broad Into a praise of the holils .A1-! hats and trimmings DRESDRESSS MATERIALSMATERIALS red i l SPRINGSEEING SALESALE'PRICES PRICES m OFOF THETHE NEWESTNEWEST EitherEither thethe tire,tire, whateverwhatever itsits sizesize,, A Tramanctoua Revolution— Abdication ,' DoatPa Kjdnej-°pTna"gL me of Grand Duka Michael. Ctar'a ! benefit and help, -i my l;ij $!•<;■•»«M Unl,b_.dem H.l.9!H.t j SPRING SALESALS PRICES makemakess goodgood thethe GoodrichGoodrich pledgepledge,, A Youngar Brother, Ala* Announced. I derfully." £*•«** . *rr+9 P.Ifpolora—r«w#«t »"J high.r. lu*i»r pm**** atylna arrow In etro&raid, March 17,—The republic PrrePelt*t 10c.50c , atit allal! dealer*.dealers. ' Dan'tlDon't oorr GoodrichGoodrich wantswants itit backback ttoo of Ruiuila looma large us tbe (Bioat simply, Maleask Toforr ai kidneykidney remedy—get;remedy—'-gat *••»*3» and <•49 et . TriMiap,4.Trimminji.. . . .21 probable outcome of the sn-a: rpvuit. Doaa’aDean's. KidneyKidney PillsPills—th' «ho1 aamasame thatthat 1 SnSm'Lzzr- ass% squaresquare itsits shortcomingsshortcomings.. The monarchy bag Iwmi aanpended. Mr.Mr. MadiaMattls hahad.d Postur-VHIlarnPoBtor-Mnburn Co.,Co..*' NoNu reurntr^^eii I hastips liecnbeen prpt an Ul111 lv1'^ ay np -Prop...Props.; Buffalo,Buffalc N.N. T.—Adv.Y.-i-Adir. :•• •U.'.fd until the (.i-ijilc pt Riind.a ttmvr- FOFORR BOYSBOYS All-W4ol Fr-nch S«,« 1.00 GoodricGoodrichh workmanshipworkmanship turnturnss FaMt, r-lntad until the people rf Kuadla have h Prurw. brown. myrtU, na»f »pnk«i-!• 'kpn theirtlisir will.will. ItIt wf|i wli: beb« apokeh (*ii'iUcii uat: SPRING SALS PRICES forth tires, little and big, with the jfeSE' a lopwlarroaTentloti la the near futur* SEEING SALE FKICXS forth tires, little and big, with the ItIt willwill decideihvidv whatwhat formform t»ft>f gorernu.niif"\ cmuioi-t FAUt N . VILIUKOFF.MIL*UKOFP. « Boy'. Sprin, S-lu.'.^B «!?» same watchful pride )and honor. thethe peoplepr-jjiic ofof HusstaRussia hat*timvp hereafter.hereafter. d»>!jji—yoke or piach bask—pati-h same watchful pride land honor. MeanwhileJIcmiivli.lt theth e affairsatTniis «f«t theth e bug.-tin?.. -k-tx- -purr-sT-i-vi-- ^-|p(-,-j ,,,][ - roantrycountry , willwill bebe romtacted conducted byby thethe ®ia-lEtti- 41*9 Solid* and Pru All are the best fabric tires that latryIstry forme-:foriiit-.] Mas the the reaultresult ofof thethe over-nver- iucti. *S h I... .*• throwthrow ofof the tbe rwacrtonaryr*'Ji' iionnry ffOVerum^nt.government. rwool—n*vy. "blaek JAndf virle'ty can be made. EverythingK^crvtliltic Indlretealijili- /ii « thatlhat Uit has’has' theth e of SnlFiir rolorJi.. Limit 1«itr". ^do. xi--Ht manse* of the p«opK>-on its sldi >r dark twill Bnii mlitur»?i. hri-Hri?- ~4 W and 49 ct. Silk MixaJ j great maaaea of the |^<-ple -*n Ita side lone Blrlpea and TanHM —-phnnsii Movpltici tl They are equally obligated Tlie element* In-tnimcntal1 InIn forming torling jock,..—Kit j|°£l»-^ "> IT yea** AH^'HT" Mtter'na' — VtriaV * mid They are equally obligated 1 !•«It were labor and1 tbthce »,Idler. noMler* . Outu.i tof .. . J v Ri*tilnj(; oolorA. Limit • 11 yUa» ; tiie several hundred delegate*•gatea whowho rutVot-- ttoo fulfillfulfill thethe highhigh standardstandard ooff ed at the round! which electedcif-tc.l Ific Italyouly Piece sty? fancy >» *1. Dr~. GlndiaM—ttllach .1* servicservicee GoodrichGoodrich setssets ifoforr itsits •, Ofteen dlaaented. WlS W?S Revolt Over.'. StormsStorm* Ahead.Ahead. *4 et. F-nt, Voil.a -36-inflH. . .14 tires.tires. ! J KuMdia a revolt laIs ojrgr,"rei, btubo t HaUs evolu-evWu- tion ha. only hrguu.run. SroriuygiuVtoj- dayday sa uraree Ll.f'1'' "I"1"11111 and.fancy jv-'*"l'' Infrxppnsivp for partv and • , wlfh yokes—attach*« *»!lar«—8 ,,1. ahead. I IE ream. l.(roft «. " YoYouu taketake nono chaneechance withwith SIZESIZE or 1. O.. aaJonal rifle cr.«ik*.iT-.l»i> I fl.flSSI.88 Drea.Drf.« tincn—POUnen—90-iocl. lackL . .1.44. . 1.44 . •M--s fromfruoi theirrlifle hthidingd [ | pbraa.1.181-es. areare theth e 4B ct. Boy.' Capa. . .'..,.• f.. ,3» Oyster white-Ulnlt rough ll y4a. weav4 | ANYT'HinANYTHINGG ELSELSEE inin aaGoodrictiTire., Goodrich Tire. |jj >ole' reminderrenitlxler Hintthat h I fewfew daysdays agageo Nfw 5prlnn «tyl"« / " e was reiieltUin Id Wlaiids.keJd In -tllpe^—rnOir*«fwlSr*~i*tmltrhieC"k* 1 *»4& N.in.ook—12-yd. Pi«k* l.SS there was rebellion and Wu«r,tnfm>t«- HothM. Limit ! jpca. 1 . Tun F^rfes. . f .1. AKRON.AKRON. OHIOOHIO t A*T M*|| the[hi street*.>>l[vi*ls» mildm Jlil and'ai.' i untrvdluRin shoutsshouts W •f»f F»y.Joy . telltelj fbutha-atojijrij alory iover andd oyer . ncnln—thetsain—the tiloryttorjj ofof a a . tt-iory1(1 crowned flgbt for freedom and food. NENEWW WEARABLESWEARABLES (LU Y.rd Wid. Linin. Satyu. .84 " hey« u die "little Father?" No one knows;-raw care, fo hat 1- know n j FORFOR WOMENWOMEN ke thap'be did n«»t ai-db-pl#;ar«; thinlout In-be JetJet SPRINGSEEING SALE EEICESPRICES TEXTAN is a fibre »ole- Hsndb«g. and Umbrella. ' TEXTAN i» ■ fibre *ole— alH- what now Weems to lipve baen bn •24.98 Worn*.'. Suit* I' NOTNOT rubber.rubber. 1cIt iiis —-ter-water- The Bv L i SPRING SALE PRICES proofprooi,, .tub-proof,stub-proof, flexible, ) GoodrichGoodrie mm matchematchess jouryour *hoe»shoes perper-- CoCompanm pa .a O ''- " c;iHi- fectly and outwears any fie H-iip-rea'lio«Jta of eX-Kuiju-nir Alt-r-n™, ftr. rf .«.>»,. , , .. ^ PnrM, I . ..7« fectly and outwear, any AhruD, Obi a*. Hume' way! he is *'!ll tai •4.98 Wamm'i , SII«tr plated, *ali< top»—Mtlri llijtd. leatherleather .olesole youyou everever Cr«p« dr Chin- Dr*u«*. . .18.75 \ llmlt z- wore. Ask your dealer. - wore. A.k your dealer. •y « group o( loyal federals, Unctli variAt i » Men'i aod Ww««'l I i«i>. it tliat tie nt.M.-eefltvl ft-H * Li.it ijllfs from tViiriii-rad; il«L bis plain or trlmm-d f w.kliec,. !>•]( RU vloleii-e r rnin.ira m-v jt-Jiiii lie la HI 1 98 ct. Crapa Kimono*. -'- ...... ,7T fhsitt wsnwn^tlie.roirfbee flie farthestt tjtat>je fiie«rg»''l*fii^irpTiN ' Plain cnlnra. fopjnhnetr). pinl<, llKW —BariouS •ty*^(comi»rtmenti Ju.re.cl1 hop#)it>t^ 10trt dream.•! miiii. lintIliiq thetbft spiritSpirit ofof , I bluf>. ri>»* «na 1»Vi-tid»r—B&n.s niih tVbeicre nu«Isud will]Dot•.-,'i i,. • fluwiidnj> Suit COM*. . . , drtiI*-! I., theibe Tlctlmviciiiu ofof adau a<»a-alna.sHaiwJ dnrl#K r.-:t:ir|.-furl**j of<>( struggle,ntrutirle, flewHi'* fatherfurlwr thanthan I »In force# • tllullu IIIthni rtfe dayMay reW.lt.revl>IL ] I (. the leaders- l»>l u larch)- * la ao tuorr*. . And. though , Limit 1. *ORtORTHETABL THE TABLEE # Sure It Is■'trmiCrougK l-Rl.Kunnlln«l.vsuard »f>> f hiynii-r*IdynlHf IVijli ■ inally It Is only sq4pcinl«d. the Announc-dAnnounce*? new price.pm wlurli went J.nuary herI.T Ub tlie[lie tittlelllik'.Knr.vll.li *«arev|i< h.. BIl l withH a.wr- ■n« arearajtba thatt therethere will be ho rv.ur- ' SEEINGSPRING SALESALE EEICESPRICE. ' more appetizingappetizing Ift fei'er. ty ( Tj 15.15, enduuil art-are «s folio let r*-*r. 'i'l*b.>|^ that that t)rimM theerls'satd le'aald.. Tb*)Thn reportn'lsjrt <«i.f hi- tilx hi.jn.1iu : OBtlolutl Ta0eta Pattieoat* »J - 2.9S urinB fa .i»560.0C «'t»l notional "VBe"drge'’^ suililenratMhleaiyj i*»ett lluu m.itioum>u«4>n #1.21 After-Dinner CUths . | Toti ring r Turkey r*4 and white—larga Roadster ...J536.0C . ft lllwill reachmCh It*ltH greater X^"**al tlT goal-govecuuieuCJ^iaU J (T'iVprUlliPrlt «o valm the po-H|ln. r and help m ot the pe<4«be.V furTu r thetile P#*S»le,i^t'i'lf, byl. j tbotbia ' ed Tourtn*Touring CaCar.r ...»625.00 nailer. Poed P'icaa Drop- peujde. "MODEMODELL T,"F," BABY GRANDGRAND Comparative -rjliT liav iMWU f**ti AlreadyliL-atly theth. . voice*voices ofo f tlwI hi- newun lead-i.-a.i- Pood prk'c* «>v»*ralgtu. I ers are loominglifCnuilniE baldci*boliicr. Kareuakl.Krr.'i,-],;. 39si,LV_'.r».«..:. cL W*pw'> Drawers. . .M . , "•"'• Doaiiyl ...$800.00 log a si art lug populace haffliy. » Un-tbe rN - ialiri. ha* madeade IK knowni thatIbat ■eft flat** tna-lln—la*# or »ml 17 ct. DUh and Rollerv Jeweling 19 ...$800.00 bebe becameb«cam « luetaher of th. iww g«v- •O triaimed. Limit 1 COk^red border- -t)** >' weave. md n.i'ih.«Ij.»l cnuuenl .voly -gmn (he rwhdlflon that $1.9SI .988 WblteWhite ValleVoila BIoum.,B!»u.f. MODEMODELL D,”D," 8 CYLINQ1CYLINDE R ther»* will be “abaolute freedom of tnIn warlooa»ar.oOB atytew«tr«*a -- tachvd"— or- apTrt'h and of the pres* n#d a potltlral . trimmed.trimmed. LimitLimit 2*.. ! CURTAINSCURTAINS andand DRAPERIESDRAPER D-2, Fodr.pasacngeigrrr CloverleafClovortcaf Road.teq.Roadstori.. : tl#86$1^88.0 000 IS M Washable Sarin fllonaeB M M 's«>f«.t r«i..™ 1».«4 D-5 Toiuihg Car j". ...!.„...... $1^385.0*1^85 000 • i'oUDtrj that "alfr-re la JMJ for ,y Alan er.p* *U rtOaa — WhUw .-•.andw mala*maw* l^mit^>mu 2.^ . .. XSft\ Tii\y mmArmi d.tfltrna Bread—isBread—is thethe v •*-! of IT ^ nTi i r 1 'i| [. - lAHuloe,London, MarchMarch lT.-Nc^s17,-.Newa thatthat tbthee x runner mlniatem ^reapnnslblP |«aarUt ha*Lab notne t abdi.-atedabdicated gadaui.1 thatlhat hbuU fc..^.. 1 n» _ kl. nl.rill^. Irca'l iTt . l>fj|ltll* .. ' essencessencee ofof thethe b bik - i" will pay- th* f>*rfr>r throe < rluiro will pmy tbf coatf wltereaUaith ary anhntiwiL antmun.-ed er’s art To ms iiuiotiacedd ththee PCW mhiigtcrtuistei- ofof jitatlu#.J In the bouse of cvuiuwiiiia |«ybV thetbe «bail--•liflii- ! WILC0X-FRASER CO. Inc. er's art To make M, KemiBkl. AI (tie surap tlae he ]«‘' crtluri-rll.. ofof rk*tbe exrtu-qaer.• Bmartaw, WILGOX-FRASER ;C0. Inc. to, Kars—RL At tile same tits# he hi ii like a bumbphrll. for it MORNINGMORNING SPECIALS—MeadeySPECIALS—Monday andand Tu~dayTuesday UnlilUntil 11 P formed the eouafry that the former atrock iJtnStm like a b..mlmheli. for It strici-rt. N,, Mall or Tfleptiont Q 155 EAST FOIRTH STRKET. Pho»4 3OOS googoodd breadbread yy dumaluma thembemmember* whomwhom IbeItK- rvareaatlnHar^ -tkomn- on« O gtwernnwvitKovernment sentsent Inn.iut'i ejrtloexflt! InIn •Fllwiisllvrtob plnopl'in ofof thetbe re* reVDlutlcrnar ololUmarry P-vermnaiigi>vernim>nt musmustt combicombi liecaiiu*«ai(ae theythey “talked"[Hiked tooteo'mni'h row h"" willwill b|he. waawax tolo depesedep^fte him.him ftft laIs begldalugl>eglriiiiiist ttou tnunedlatelyiiiiK-dintcly raleas-draleasrd . 1 dawndawn forfor thetbe first flrct time(luar uponuikiii fbethe publiciiubjlc O.O. A.A. R.R. MOTO:MOTOR CO! TiThreen ii' menmen »t#ndMnaA oatout a*mn (betbe commandrommnhd- bowIT'IW farfar teachingrrschlnc . inin it*it* cchiscqucures ndn8c^uctic-et * knowledgknowledgee ana d iU figures of ttt* Imnr - Kcmuiki. wtin i« the revoit th.it Has shaken Ruisla. ThoTliou.u 1064.1061 919155 BoothSouth Avion.,Avenue, Plxinfl.ldPliisfleld Is the revo.1 that has abalcrti Hussta. 11-MAriH T.k Silk B;...~ .1.59 I|rt.V«.» U»B«kT.,A.. .) anil war a diitu* mem- . AllAll EnglandEutrland talkstalks ofof nutnutblu bin*g butlint thtliee Tailored atylu—amart colora und .Heavy—abaorbant — aoft nnlH judgmentjudgment •3 Protrmor Pual S. Mll- evewtaeTiwts.l Inn Roaata.lloaala. KTenKven thethe «tmtinued<• cntlnun l ^^ hPrnhMd—coloTHl or whita ati iiri'iff. leader <<( the "indi'tn," noNBritishBritUtb advancendvant* Inin thethe west weft hashaw dwin-dwin- "rd*!*owBiJi— t»Atx noon. WWee know jusjus dleddled intoInto utsignlAraa**tnalffnlflrance akmgrideainueaide tbethe: MmcnritMwarovHee revoltWTDH andand thetbe mp*wlattonspectiUttion mna* •f the r*M"H»iuti'tjir aci'l ilnmi Nk-li'.ln-. the '«xt-wtfa unile, (u to ItsIta poaafUtpoaRjibte causeqiiemTa for the 1 how to do itit atllfW MUW. LOOK. **73iciT.('l*hT4I!rnd npiHinitinii. There nit thtKUlSllI.ltin * rhat the I’etntfrad rebellionrebellion BmoimeaiiB thetbe It’sIt's MoreMore EconomicEconomic Tilt. JJIKJ overthrow ^fQ thetbe •;*rrnaniid>ll**<;criinm(irhl!f"i anandd aer.r. - andand IfIf anythingaryclilng tbe daya of autorrary In {Riiaaia are •riMine.jiiefit )s<-i uikiaiitioc ofof the tb e "iNrAJfTS' DKIT-. — SECOND TLoOB. j I Ct. BUat : war by Huasbi subntried -conaklerably m sn AtAt AllAH GrocerGrocerss (jVer If the p«*Jiile retain tfcplr i-oixroj war by nuaBla s«b*lded «onahleraM> * * I ^V#//^* at tbe alttiation. , whenwhen thethe true true extsntclient ofof thetb* revoltrevolt wa».■* 4■ tl'-Ii • t we KHI The Best learned. K Say War Wilt Go On. No njie In England how hellere* that Our Storks nr- romplrta Wf// the provisional government Is I,the. storm b«i been arnjaily weathered many plnlted •tj!e». . " • [ j. ^—8II.KS—Hat.t FLOOR. f- in . Wirtly and pners^licnlly pir.i-tiiiS and . Kyasassfia.*»ru»». Obtainable ^jartthewb.*-! th-thatl all la #ow w«di ui His la. • tt. SCI, Kiiei Cr,M i, Caia*. . tt : la ZEE 1 *A.h Hill W w''Xifl UK LJttl* kW.* S«ta..-.i. ..3.7i; .» t-^-aa-nnm-nt ot .!»<» k -rtl. le la Of prowr AJ M.JR MWW /J^ZtSm BAKINBAKINGG CCOO 12aa/^fc!5forrtSo? wlSlrlr WVBU^RKSS >AflRIC8_B*aBVf 171700 E.t. Fnat-SLTrent St. 629629 SratbSouth /fl m infill victory ^ A.-oi Drop Bortib* In Kant land Soul " I" the motlo of the bob TI-:I.KI-IM>\K : TKLU'Hin. 2000 bcthpr this aim will i*. fnltillr-.l r]e-1 tl.W G:j,(t» Hc...Jr«.r. .13 ; ",, TT -'ipptlM and aecvBsoi s. buwever, largely upop tMej army^ •N*»t -•trip™--cuiiiriiat trlmmlntll Gi #9#9 cL f^aklKra CWck* make motoring eco - *am la <«. M(> rLl)ofl { *•* tJ^-|Vl wool — aad enjoyable corns among the BuKsinn army the «•»<•« i tin lpy elem py j Hth BmsL utflclal vi'iiiti.iinsijition. .Bomb* • C«rarlabtai. ...'...26 tbe "ffi-^era, In »(r"nK anrliiunifnuis Regular alaae- ffolrhts—floral reillnrni.- bHiw?re diwniiefl id Kent, the offldal • en borders—well ntituh Tbe power* in control linvo not ry st«fp ifi)t aaj-s: !***JEZLL NewarNewarkk AutoAuto SupplySupply CoCo.. | •Hehti'^t doubt lhat liu«>; ••* s*WI j'H'f "Hostile algstill'B nrr.-i.-k.-i the goiitti inT A* I.ES— BASEH K lii behfnd thorn snfl w(l! tlW" t»« ed ^ eastern i-gniirleH last nlnbt. Bombs "the“The House of Service’’-Service"] , ^ ntlJT by fljitalin* on »Hb red nn b ;I have been dr«|))ir*[>i*Tt.-,l In RO^KIH .liLrinK or! 'oinmtinl. allqri will be is^Wd ilnrinB V mtk iMrtt l« l-ilcfty Hits: TJe Mpirlt "SSSSSXSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJ E. C, WESCOTT tl tnnrnliite'j j * th.- nitpi.t, of thf p-T-r.-1 otttrtjll Ttow*r.i«|'r|ii* munin imeo nerdd earlierwnlu-r (hnHintt iniiiii hnd-j « 53"rii]a4flajy o ntir>- Rori-1 dmpix-d bodtw ; at is i e naijse lhat c i be SMIng Heat Your Homi tliat. hV' XI.*TP wfer* up fastu . - •] t to in ,1'inl.l-' ol e .. ,h» r—til l*lia1 doinaCT! "'«» rt . ••.!«. They act with (la.- i. ui^kjipsV and leave no doti AUTOMOBILE OWNERS (h«r etMilency once you iiei v''lve«. ]'lr«) and nitlni!s. for ISG ftotklpg. . We f»o supply y DDOO YOUYOU REALIZEREALIZE THATTHAT SPRING. 18IS ALMOSTALMOST HERE'HERE? liirger t••-<•fcow h'.i yoqw yo nc«|u noei] sotde, sunt oflouri caorr overhaul^overhauled NOWNOW.. , of crpnter lnoiH>rta,rrnjil manyhom«. eMtrlfal coaiooieti'M tniicur WEUK UCAKANTNRGCAHAXTEE OCBOIK WOB^.U OltK. j “ Defective digestion to Ihe.^rmy. riianrrflor lionar koRie. LL.. MorallerMotaller Sc.& SodSOU I Defective digestion Co. ACF,T\ IJSBfK UCii.l-l.V'J Al TOMUISil.HS IIK-P \1.\ I I I) isis oftenoften unsuspectedunsuspected untifuntjfto tooo ild tn t-i^imiife to <|i)pntt>- caVlnet knrmldi* to %lle» IL lalng Cn. nnJ Inforujwil; thr wnr offlnj nnil tbe 11*7 Wi:ST SKfOMf^TllKI- U'.lTCHRS,u ITI iu:s , CLOCKSCLOCKS « JF.U KI. gavee youyou much much trtrouble.o«bl . . / IU7 WEST HKn«BHTItKKt MARTIMARTINN AUTOMOBAUTOMOBILEI CO. VinaPiDe WatchWatch andand ClockClock Repairing JO Crou—ATI DroolP as ^ , Dew. U^U^wa-iU '' )*hunp l f.i^ff • ||f »«a PA|Ui AVkJiCK. % - y . 1 **Vo«ia J SpecialljSpec laity.. j *17217 ParkF«rk Av*.AT* . ~ Phone 17 ,\TSVI&L),t> OOTOIER-TlBWS, SATURDAY, MARCH IT, IRISHMEN CELEBRATE TABTABSS WINWilt ININ ONEON E I IRISHMEN CELEBRATE PlainfielPlainfieldd High,High SchoolSchool AuditoriumAuditorium A IINN FIELFIELDD OOFF SPORTS ! WTGREAT,, FASTFAST GAME mt ST.ST. PATRICK’SPATRICK'S DADAYY MONDAMONDAYY EVENING,EVENING, MARCHMARtH 36,16 , atat 8:1$ 8:1 5 ! JerseyJersey CityCity TeemTeam LostLost OutOut onon GreatGreat SaintSaint WasWas BornBorn inin 37237 2 UnderUnder thethe AiupiceiAuspices ofof The tlie PlainfieldFlainSeld MuicalMusical ClubClub PlainfieldPiainfield Courier-New*Courier-News HONUSHONUS WAGNER,WAGNER, MARVELMARVEL | HELFIN’SHELFIN'S TUXEDOSTUXEDOS ININ «; LocaLocall ConrtCourt byby aa Sin-Sin - —Christianized—Christianized ththee gpOETINO8POETWO NEWSNEWS DEPTDEPT.. OFOF BASEBALLBASEBALL HISTORYHISTORY ODDODD GAMEGAME VICTORVICTO glglee BasketBasket IrisIrishh RaceRace was a great {garde and no get RamblerB It waa a great game and no gel- Irishmen- Inin hi!all perisparts ofof lhathe world,WDrhl, Telephi S.Somucho much .^Twrltuphis >beeD written ofof 1hJ nl Thehu R^kMen !o.t a»iQ ling around•IN.I that.that. I1 TheThe at.St. Patrick-Patrick a,s While this # from Jtrtey City, Hudsot includingeluding lhethe battlebattle line#lines efof"France Prance,. Ml .usin.T, his Record, his Habit* haling Irom Jemey City, Hudaou Uhghtr.u-.^r hi.his Record hithi. * **»»«c5MU|X1# fact, T I*ai„abl® no hurp came lait evening into whaj an*are crlpbratlogcelebrating today,today, forfor thlathis lala 9t.3t. s all-round! sterling qualities county, came last ecenlng Into whnl hla all rouodi au-rllu* qua|Ui«a lbat|UO tto|, p,*, Iu mAklBa not* (hj^y were piessed to. call, a "nim Patrick'Patrick'ss Day.Day , whenwhen tb*tbe i**morymemory ooff CHH'KK.XCHH'KKX tTUKJIKTTKHCROQl'BTTfct* seems futtl* to add to the mil, they were plcaied to t»ll a "»lh« Ireland's patron Balnt is paid the ll hfDiluiiiii3 futilfthat"h«v. to add. bee ton thruse dnillfla in hlsjpoof stills reader* of bowling n*»s mi o'clock town" to visit the local Bt. Irrland's patron saint la paid the* PADEREWSKI be chicken croquette la a mlxtui column* that'have been u*©4 In hla I possibly b«* Interested In a fe . A. B. sfclety •base-ludl ag homaghomagee that;that;- Isis duodue th«the memorymemory oofr PADEREWSKI Th* chicken rroqnell# la a mlsture voTr . WagnVr, however, ,is gstting taM Miry's T. A. B. society baseball a«- ;d food. It wears a gawdu . ho*mr, la getting tail*. gregation. Wben ! they left on Hi. a great man.: colled food. It W6.r» • uwauil faror.ady to«.« "in - r his twetrty-ptlth ma- t gregallon Whan lhay leK on lh« a great nan. WORLD RENOWNED PIANIST k to hide ita real Jdeutit i was the third < I" 11S28 they took wfth them the wrual France, which gave ttochambeau .lit to hide IU rc.l Idonllly. readyn. o rto ljas.*b*ll »nt .hla ani iwenty^litbl i:u- marve laea- of itsThe m*trh waa the third of li;as l hep look wph I hem Ihc hmnll Franca, whichkb gave Koch am beau :ken croquette la lust i . anu lb© marvel of laa between thethe KambleraRamblers >»<1and ' r en£ or a 28 to 25 acofe. the Am rican WORLD RENOWNED PIANIST Cklck.lt croquette Id i»‘t » "dt.or- .oni t ofhe boraIF fuiutii'i I l on to plfcy a most edo end of n :s 10 SS aeore. and La Payette i i tha A marie*can col- ant proprietor's PI using .ed on lo pthy a »o*t rdoe. the Ipudi baring tt«H V. " Sie contest was a fait One from >nles in tlie war of the Involution, •. .nt proprietor'. tor uslnc n» it taiiortan h. t.t eopar t in the! 'uopes of the pre Tha contest wna a faal On. Iron. alas lo -the '; war of the Rpvoolutlon. tcrapa he would otherwise tht In tho hope* of the previous ctmm.inea. I*stLast nightsnight's ne end to tbe other. Both teami ilso gave Si. Patrick to the pop. be would ott.-1-wbio throw importantttsburR Pirjtespi . ing It five for the T end to tb* other. Both teams also gave Be. Patrick to tbs away.away. ThereThere' .s ab.Pout' it a.M muchmuch chchicki Plltabur* Pit fa. - nlng made It nve for the Tu showedlowed considerableconsiderable lasldelaalde bndsnd.tean .team: Irish.Irish. HoHe WaaWas bornborn iuin 372.372 , '•and and s In a .lunik or WWagne r I 4 wd f r the Ramblers, lajf.- and tlu» score was closw rn In It there l» m * chunk of Wagner wonder. 'HI* remark- and four for the Kambler*. play.* and the score w*s close spreadipread thethe QhriatlanGhristlan faith;faith;amon amongg a Tickets, $2.60, $2.00, $1.60. On tale at Miller's Drug billed 'steel. It Is gio rifled lush of able ball pi. Us Isn'tIsn't ththee only th!nD1*91 1 ' thatthjt hehe dididd 109 to 158. Worrall bowled W back strong, taking enough bankets . haon't iis quota of Irish- The chances are tet iu'11 his first woi for the. Maiis^eldWsna^rM.. Pa.Pa.,, until:il ButtnnSutton toldtold himhim hehe neededdeeded hemselvee to take the title to ra n The chance, are ten toto ione you'll hla Heat work >e polish In order to i ontoihfi final th.mm.lvea score. to taka th. Iltl. lo I Jmland'aIreland's mtlferlng.Bufferings ' hah.r.y beenbeen produceprod (ire won.worse thing,things thantl unukra club "Tl"Thew pi.,',play's ebatha y.lhg"—Ililtm"—Sh*ko*iv-nre . Ohio, fliully js«-tt:nt:npp biItis nainuliniMe tnto What effect.the remark had : brought ulioiir through !ILT TheTUB chickenchicken croquettecroquette is krtogTh';During the ..Momla—ibat-wnl*^In term ian Ion between' ence to the! faiBh which Patrick makemake aa. satf-reepcct!n«self-respecting h uni'ii the records for (b(b e firstfirst titime*m ' Iinn rf'a bowline thereafter is atttsted .halves Rev. Father Maioney, former- 1 P r MRS. JAMES GARDNER ROSSMANSOSSMA/f' ' of'faerser • I8BB, when hi played T^tthh SSteubeo- his last two scores. Anchor Hyi J cr lt t r h fr brought to tine Irish race, and no ol herself l‘try .of the Jemey City pariah, frojn KiKtnatter notow SeTrtah'rt. Severe the persecution «.d‘ ‘™ , •: ilil-'li tbe St- .*1 Patrick' f- * s *aggregatior ’ «“n matter how severe the pafaacutlon. . ^DRAMATICDRAMATIC COACH COACB which Patrkh'g aggregation Appointment- only |mark of .tOi {dr foetyJour-Kamei. hapa to the t* ootaaa. but at present curate ofof St.St. ■ the Irish people, or a majority of only "Weather or No” Wagne r ipejiitt aa couplecouple o#of seasonsBeaabns waswas laboringlaboring Ini, an endeavor to ha them, havhnvoe kteadfsatlySteadfastly refutedretiised ttoo TeirphoaeTelephone M09BeOS Plainfield.Piafafleld. , ResklencSi (0911031 ArlingtonArlin Ava. ,h#lh A,, Mary'* church, of which the Abstain-, t drive' '" " A t Ijin f i«. Leagueleague,, plaflagplating wilWithh Itit onon bMk.opponent,hl% opponent, fl©*rl,S*>arl, whowho «w• her,. preken led .!>“'•< «• ’worship Qod Ik Not eveu a 8t. Patrick couldetnen drive’a £PetersonPaterson, , *°and ! then went to I-oUla- hitting "em right and left: IIni hla fir em on Ike imrt of the '"'dance .1*mi thatbetha' ' dictates;dictates Ofof 'theitlialrr Che snakes out of delirium ' jllle, which i.hfii boasi'-d of a filiilj two gamp*. Another bo»l< •*n conscience•tfCe . —Old Man Sage. | In thethe Nath-S'B(l f founid a'highly intelligent people iih ,ili" piub when it tai pr'e ^e found a highly Intelligent people taken witq the ciub •- 7 fiithtlth universitiesuniv rsltit or learninging whichwhich rantfarred u> Pittsburg. Jle' plsy- horned hla lips diddid fiebe ddoi ' lhfiavaree beenbeen claa*eded byby historian*histoi as pR OCTOR CHIPSCHIPS FROMFROM THETHE CLAYSCLAYS | e«l^T.'SH'Stf^ Orel base, third base sDii Iu Sthe bowling,EE.' '"^ ! Ihe greatest iln Earope. outfield for -LouisviZJ©.•-•'—lOa'. haJUB.-rirghaplmerfng .TheThe score*:stores: ' 1i In ‘I! : *AtA *raat««t tthc.dlfyuption Ili.'.iii-Tiiiirio in Edrope.n ofof the the RomanRaman PLAINFIELD ' ^ There are over 4.&00 trapahooting the ball each fear foror ave&g.*avetfaws farfar RARAMBLERS1 _ ■ • . empire.empire, wh*dwhejl -the vandal*vandals daatroyeddestroyed clu I'nlted Stales and Can- ah©©d of .SOOj onr* attaints' 1 grain S ' ' * allill thatthat thethe !Roman Rom an clvllltalion< ivliijiation hadharl ad*. with an average memberahli* Wagner flrrft dropped from the ’ t ' ■ developed.developedu b ,h, Itit waswa s IrelandIreland thattliat TODAY—ATODAY—A HUGEHUGE ENTERTAINMENTENTERTAINMENT of more than 50. .eharmrd eirel©|t>f ba«»»en whan he * \ 10 C 1« **taugh» *t tb*e P«>pl«people ofof thethe devastateddevastated Preparation for war f.aka may ""ra.iy“ 1*M. j...'a*t« h. I*-**?” countriesttmntrles thfthe wayway backhack toto higherhigher preaent the auo.ial tr.pahootioa , i by hil- !civilization Civilization (banil;n " theythey hadba' d rverever championship of the United State. |( ”, - . ling. He O. F. 10P. gDOwn baforc PAULINPAULINEE FREDERICKFREDERICK - Ireland hatt'a representative form Navy from being held ml Gnnntn- 1 „' n|aRid h>1|ball " .playeflayer r at • * • Ireland halt a raprcaentatlve form nnmo Bar. Onha. In April Isn'tIsn't tthroughroiihh bUaus-rb*eau^' tie•••• will*1U nottant ad-ad ' ‘ ; t ; J J df government one thousand ybars 2 before the birth of Christ, and in'the in “ASHES and EMBERS*’ A California chapterchapte of the fn-la- buttnlt It.it. andand hlahis gmartnesa«mann<-*s InIn JbeJbe heldfletd i a J beforeof the S1 blrt»i of Chri«*.,he and In tba in "ASHES and EMBERS" or- and at bat roalft^s him to b^ desired ! '" dayB of St. Pntriok. the clansmen dian.diam a national Irapahoollng or- an) at hat mahqe him to to. desired . 'i ®a *♦jj gatheredKRthi-rt if' Inin >C«rly> early sessionssession s^ansanen atat taraTara iiizaf ping formed. T l.lj ganiaatlon*—laprf—Is being formed. Over connger plovers. who frohaklr Hall, where I governmental "affairs would rarer• mnrenwre ground. He ad-. Sutton ; J. >••». where governBiental 'aflklra TnTh-e trapahootartra&shooter 1who goe. to th-th- „„ „ 11 g 2s~Z w**»•were adjuat«4djadjusted.' musicalmusical and-literaryandi literary ETHEETHELL BARRYMOREMRRYMORE GrandBrand Am.rt.nnAmerican HHandicapa thin yearar hard ,or h|B1 hfatl. nd VaydVardaa festivalfestivalss and; religiousreligious devnkloaadevotions ooff will have the pleas ng : u • III hare the pleasure of .hooting |W. p'rokr.obablJ»M,. ,, iA *b-hee „„ JlelSn character were held. at tbe traps or ihe lineal country , ,;;"„ ,J Ii 1< id . 2C *** Inipreaasvr character were hnld. in Tbe Awakening ol Helen Richie” at the traps of the Aunt country ,,,S e ,...nch , t deal of fhe timejie HafrlaSearie l4 ,4__*s It waa with Ike little shamrock in "The Awakening of Helen Richie' tlub In the world —:he South Shore lbiie Bumm(.r A? wr Rtw-km " 'hr great saint Illustrated th-* iUj Country Club of Chicago. j ; indicationIndlcallnnas ahaafe hehe wilwilll ,not'he nod. Blemd Trinity. Ireland- has- bran "Kraz“Kr«zyy Kil"Kat" (Cart-on(Cartoon Comedy)Comedy) ThThee IllinoisIlllnolB Slat,S championshipposhp In hla old poalflan of ahortelop. hut. ntvagad by war* for many year*. held at Streator on May SI will lako cam ,1 flrat base for Jlfn*. SPAT MELVIN GETS Tho country waa Invpded by the will be held at Btrrnlor oh May il my? CaCallahan'sl omry. n,nr ,n ,hp h,h to.r.to 35., larluileo.l INDOOR TRACK MEET . AnAAhlN llllonIDICU IRISH FUr« LAu krG they *remained for*'* nearly '“"**7 three hun-»nd MONDAMONDAYY andand TUESDATUESDAYY FOR SENIOR TITLE! srs, Aefore tfaey were fl mro(TWO ntmnAVS) • Jfte'US? WESTFIELD G0LF1STS Into -h a. After thei “Daddy—I Am Lonesome .Waah. The atadtum. h, the PUNNINPUNNINGG NEWNEW WORKWORK *nt. North avenue, temtm- pulsion thernthere| camecame Lhothe NormanNorma ln- "Oaddy--I Am Lonesome' heart of the New Tork.)rk. MarchII ai . 1 I-Tr* totia°dayy thattha: Ihethe iwo|yp-tor*8prorirlptor'f vision InIn 1159.llES, andand therethere hashjas bren tlife coin WhatWhat Father'»Father's HeartHeart Ba*Hue WotNot WeptWept itat ThlMThese With •:ic- Patriots' Di ataria fromfrom e\**rjeverj aeclluaeeclioi of Iani namename lais Patrick,Patrick^ andand thatthai g state of warfare moat of tbeh time Wllh the Pmrlul. nav ehool of apeg-imlSpecial CCo.rcpind.nr.indente : • < 'try'try arrivedarrived herehere todaytoday for '-thdayrthday anniversaryannivereary occursoocMrs toto-- ^- rf e, attended by >wrlous | Wordi?Words? ItII fais thathe 0a!lCan : ofof ImprisonedImprisoned ChildhoodChildhood thethe BostonBoston A.A . A..A. the, th e«a*lem Km Handi- er Br foforr Liberty—FrrahLiberty—Fresh AirAi r and . WholesomeWholesome BurSur-- capcap inin Hartrord.Hartford. ConnConn. ., aand tha Mid of Ueeta-ld. M^ijcMgvrhb if?.—Thfe17.—The’' boardboaS-d Hontton tonighttonight inin tht*tbe anannuald forms of persecution. summer Handicap >t ' Uhe' Weotfl«ld C«lf door champti iships of the Amateu thought It would be entirely . ' roundings . BeeSee the the OrwtostGreatest Child.Child 8toryStory EverEver summer Handicap a Mupie.opo.mwIZJZTT' (Clu.liiS kovrruorab hr|helJd ta „maelinofM the|.,g Wextflildthlthi.s ,^w^slk k (Jolf,„andd doorAthleticAthleti rhamplonahi|>sc UnionUnit of the lofe CnlfTnifthe d Slate: ,h h Told in Artorkft's Newest Picture— X. . H.. New EnBland w Told in Artcraffg Newest Picture— •hafX. H..^ o fNew classic Englands this su n electedelected eighteight newne|* member..members. .ThThee re-re- TheThe meetmeet willwill ta-te heldheld InIn Ith e >r Zn h*.” !^.r*T3.: S; BOROUGHBOROUGH PRINCIPALPRIKCIPAl - sharl of classics th»* sum e ae»edoe wed lainteres t anVl jtI»ual»«Ti*o!entbuHia.Tn^"> tb**' "i'Twenty Twenty-secon second d Reili ADDRESSES MEN'S CLUB trad Clarke,Clark. former mans Of which hive Deep maolfealcd; re.vot- N>w York National (Juwd Z,"L££SXuX2Z addresses men’s club MARY PICKF0RD the PltlahkVg Pirates; waa a compel!'- fy is bearingbearing friiitfriift andand maukmaq* appllappll - ForFor thathe flratfirst timetime 1:I n the.Jilstc an rant at noon and presented . H— MARY PICEFOR0 ■ tor In the recent mid-winter trap-- eatloh*catiobe are /lowing in.. fromtrom nbwn«w realresi of"f thethe champlonafaipachampionships CorneCornel l ^ill Melvl•Ivinn withwith aa handsomebabdsciire IriahIrieh ' Principalincipat EarleyEarley ofof thethe boroaghborough highhigh shoot•hoot inin KansasKansas City,City, MoMo.. d*-ntd!;••:•',• ofof thothe tctof- ni andand frontfroui otharuotherE representedrepresented byby aa team of athlet ag.f WhiterWalter I.i. FirstFlrstbrob brookk mddem^de ththae school,si, gavegave hishie lecturelecture lastLast evening,evening. in “THE PfIOR LITTLE RICH GIRL” whowho ’have-have herehere^dtor toree failedtofailed ; to ap-afa- KaraE*ra Wen*Wenz andand AlmaAlma RichRicharils . t citation speech. liee beganhejan by op thehe •'Cavern*"Caverns"o of( Virginia" : atat ththee Pleturisedin " TH fromE thePOO PlsyR by EleanorLITTL EOates—Direct RICH GIRfrom Lthe V The Oregon State championship» prtpredat.tjatpe f,j|yfully tltH) K beacBtbenefit andand enjoy-enjoy- latterlatter theth^ all-aroundall-around alartrtar froini th Melvin that bohO wasWh8 for-for- meetingIng ofof theth> Men'sMen's AssociationAssociation oofr Pletnrixed fromStrand the Pla Theatre,y by Eleano New rYork Gates—Direc City. t from the * • ment -to'be be deriderii/$e dI fromfrtom meigbersfafJneniUersIili i Iihara """*"WtCollege. «ill comiwle. (Senna Ini toelnbelug thethe ownert of;a i thetSe WatchungWatchunfi AvenueAvenue Church,Church; ThereThere Strand Theatre, New York -City.'. •\; •• •• a hod carrier, W(TO about tjiIrty-flve -fiHdeg * thrown inIn a liIf * ;oir; •nitis Hoi Patria" wMh Mrs. Vernon Castlf—Latest Hears 'd. Jole Ray. udpa Ireland'Irvlau s Patron 3aiw, “Patna” with Mr*. Vernon Castle—-Latest Hearst- George Nicolai,1 of KansasKansas City,City. B 1 >•.!•• H.J Ireland's Patron Asiait. and upog th© screen giving an Interesting M. .• edI the hoi>!,!.;-e• thtbaat Mr. 4 description of these wonderful caves. idivldnal trap- * lnt«|ests of all the pet J the hope that Mr Melyia d^crlptlop o« these wonderful rates Ii PathePathe New*.New*. , : pulled down the Individual trap- ? frackB at long-establi^hK d Tall others who ha .[Tie cavern* whlcji are world-re- he mid winte of. the others who have takrn the Tfie caverns which are aorld-re- ahootiug c\ent in the mid-winter me or nowned and which .underlie about 100 OuOurr PopularPopular Soul*Scale ofot Prices:Prises: ' shoot and won ' meetingThe. boar dfor the eyealng df Aj.rl f the great saint, ©ill emulate nawned snd which underlie sfcnnt 100 BL meetiQR'for the ey^BluK ^41 e Exampltuplee ofor hishts life,life, amiand Ifi( soBO the Mr*,ion.-nU,,n, werewerndre 4tscow*r*ddi^roi-pp-t1 i inIn i*r*.1S7B ^ andan d Mat.Mat.,, Oreh.Orch. 16o;16c; Bale.,Bale., jOc10c . Era,Eva., Oreh,Oreh., 25c;25c ; Bale.,Bale, 16c.16c . Every rifle club should lui a mem- 2: toto li«arh'ear repoijtdreiioijitS fromfro.in iheihe 'varloasi perform a nor trlfl willwill bebe betterbetter becausebecause theyt,..y "4r.-,i,iali! *‘"hundred« *s of chamber*,chambers, manymany tie local htirdli lave: llv.-d. he declared; $ Associations Is planning for a aerie© of pointed to lh(> mod with "Johnnohnay"y UaubGaub sldi•itiElnildging i l*itue on "Eminentment Men"Men" tknttbat wtui stonstonee LayingLaying olot Ihethe NewNew CilCityy HaUBall , flanaI'm "n *Por thehe committeeenramitipp appointed to l*olltan championship* were held It ThThee PortlandPortland iOre.)tore.) GOirti Clubub has eanvaas the -enlitnnnt of thp mem- armory last month, and Colon* )Ie< Wacht am.Khtne.. It h toe. " bi heia Inte ttvnatornaWr JtMCphJoseph Frwlldg.,Trelli Club has bcaIlvaas,r, h, ,,. ilsed to speak it-fr expended 12.000 In im^rovlmln ofBver tfc - „„,„! |. Vandarbilt, cominandinK tbe ' regl , bvyaeyarnn 1>*ehas promised to speak before K ' * * repfrt on the acfvisabll-„ Vandtrbilt.ment, has aske commandingd tbat the athletetbo regl' tllng Park nnlil now ft le oneone of the*‘ Itvjtv of •Stekdini^ the golfgDlf rouraeCWLTBe l<» nmt, haa asked that rhe athlete vlo the» organlrsilonorganlza In June. * > lineal trapshooting parka ' I,n tb" ulo 'lERSON'PERSON’SS BILLBILL con lglg ho] Hating armory rules b*be barr*4barr-d ffrom world. Concrete trap hfiuu * Theie namaname ofof I>.!J. CC. ArnoldArnold hastfas bb-*nn fartherfurther competitioncompetition inIn thatUlat bulldlugbutlding creje stands for the shooters, cement addej d to ^the entertainmen\, t Commit- Secrt-tary Frederick W. Rublei SIGNESIGNEDD BYBY EDGEEDGE DR. FISKFISK WILLWILL ADDRESSADDRESS j ANNIVERSARYANNIVERSARY OOFF walks. Bower 'beds. pet manent g) drd•! loro the rnentertainmenertalnmentt Commit-iojni Recrvtary Frederi -k VV. Ruhlcn of benches have been put In. and lhlll ooqi mittac haa oullliMj,j ""cthe A . A . IT.V. pmntlacdpromised thetbe WAction P—I.l to the Uourl.r-.V... PARENTPARENTSS ANDAND TEACHERSTEACHERS ’SCLEVELAND'S BIRTHBIRTH 'plans Tottot thethe iprlnasnrine an.and auaaOMrsumtner -aen - wool,Iwould bebe takentaken ItIf th.tbe tn.timan coaidcould bbae DLAINFIELnLAINFIELITk .tertainmpmstertalnmems. (JobOne ofor theIhe llratflrst ofof foundfound . ronton. Mkrch 17.—Th. bill hv Th wjubljmu nano,, of Union. In- : thesethese willwill be aa ' balbal masquemasque toto b*b» « followingfollowing event*events- makemake uapp the rc.rtn. th. Im to b. paid for II- B. 1.L- Fisk,Flsk. thrtbe dlr.ctor.-' •-'»» • 1DDA)(-L\lflr»IMJ-HKT TIMKATIMRS I be Mrs. G. Ward Randall and Mrs 600-yard run. 1.000-yard run, two- !. |»nnndd an, oortc. of motor•r vchlduvsnicl« the -DM"Diet (quad-Squad" ' In New York, J United State.;States; boraborn at»t ,f-«ldwell,.faldweli, -hr F'!.,mfi.>!,l Ri1\e Club held 1( be Mrs. U. Wtnl Randall add Mrs: 400-yard rua. 1.000-yard run. two- TheTrie .BigBig TimeTtaae NoveltyNo.eiij ^( The Plainfield Rifle Flnb held Its WilliamWilliam K.h, H.ifUoeMorrison : HughHunk'T.lbot; Talbftt “»•mile rok.run. I.b-mllwtwo-mile w^h,walk. Or.Bv^mil mil.e la'hrby Mr.Mr. Ollpbaat.Ollphant, of M.rc.r,Mercer, willwin address a mratlafmeeting ofof thetbe Parent- ; NewNew J,Jersey er., MarchMarch l(th.18th, 18S7;183T ; dlraddied regularular weeklyweekly sessionsexflioD lastlant eveningevenin run nig hi-a hm,has I'omDietedcompleted hl«bis ,almcrlptlo«subscription ll.tlist - T*-P»«*Tit-yarri hurdleshurdlM., al>x hurdlehurdlMs )I Inat braa iliacd hr OopraorGwrnor TWkcrTswther AsraqlatloaAssociation ofof th.the Pklall.MPtalnfleld ' j„,«jun* ,4,a.24th. 1908190l . Th.The ranson ofot Ma ffl(>t H/tt V«i __ ' hint, «-*.K.-Ln1 rtn 1>iln il>r *. ttV. t W • F1*>1 ' with a large number In attendance. ■ hem. law*. The Plar- B The Monkey Cabaret foforr twotwo h.nd.o*.handsome ,ljkfiljk tic.dags nidiwhich ' •5 InchnInchea highhigh pl.c«lplaced to10 r.rd.yards , mskla* thorn law.. Th. Ptra hl»h school oa To radar alsht. Marchon . M r.,.r.,..d . The Monkey Cabaret Considerable routine business w*a tes a sliding- scale of 2T. ln toe school sudttorlm I* • cl«r«ymana .Uo Mr. Cieyeland received • bave been ordeced, and Old Glory --Hart, standing hish jump, standing pcasar. am . .lldla. .cl. of ”, "> school audHorliu.. ^^fura'ilrafalr u o n ^ dltd l.. .^ .o MonkeMomkejry Aerors,Actant, 1|,.ld.,s.M»M< i...*, e^c h.r. been ord-f.d. and Old Olocy »»«■ .tAAdlb. hlkb Jump. itAndln, I)r U transacted' an Tl* number of applle*- 111 - ^road Jump. lS-pound sbot-»ut and •e feee for commercial motor Pc. F^sk'nra s. addres«id,ra.s wl.«U h.be qircd©directed ;i “L* "**““«* «>r- studied law, and ep«-- terBlfl aw>n ltB At^ffAIM! a« GreatGreat BUIBU I o»of II-MV for m—nih.cat.tnrshlp f..nr.favorabl 1.1.y act- » ■»"'!»«» “> »••• f™- lt» a relayJ“-P' race fo>«'»OU.dr teams .hotof Tou potr me.ltdn baaed upon Ihe gross weight ot th. cost prep-1 Practice at Buffalo, j.tu' ii '• rotlow^d N of ln 1869 He w *?sr?isr2xi — ; :isr,srjsleacV drst man srs^T^sto run 4*0 yards. .... refalcle and carrying canaclty. • ration and relative values of foods. *^17' *' - *" JM^ an d i rtct to THE BEST IN . the nranlnn. . !seconsecondd 220220 yards,yards, thirdthird ABO.HSO . fourthfourth fh trucks now nay a flat fee of and as he Is said to speak with «utaor- ' ' * *t ™ey «' Erie county. lsl ilw inid*r tbe aim- nlle. 0 etch, la addition to the fee re- Ity on these subjects, bie address, i|jt gtgs 1 ' j -. - - '. . 1 • . *»..«« |.lc b uill be hcVdr.netherwoodheld this juniors rojrr^. n.,« bora«|power rating. bellcT.-d. will be of nart B]ue attorney in 1866; and was «h< lock vn Company K 1 and Interest. Mcmbert of all Paren, t.!of Brie county, 1871-74. A ref. for tha second lorrraradIncreased fraf«« b.«lesbegins atsi #1III6 . ent ment made htm Mayor of Buf- • *' * i-r |.r»PtH-" - omi.nre will bKe DROP GAME TO PREPS p'*™-U’-f T-TtMcher Assoctationa are InvitedInvited toto atat-- raor©m#nt ®ad# him Mayor of Buf armory. Another practice will be DROP CAMETO PREP* S and^vif^'E.^ bronse for third A silver! cop for eacb tractrackk ofof .,.4,00 *.0000 falo In 18S1 and his efficient admin- AmArali MmFinn RoHunn INioto-INaydo-I1«y7 ^ Of next T I .• |wlil be (f'ven to the col I eg fale in 18*1 and his efficient admin- held \ie«lnead-y evening of neat Sl ~* * . ?will be given to the college of ath r Iraslew . th.the Ml.seaU Ucrqulaalncr«asln| istration made such a favorable im- •| Sick. Cody. m.iiiscT. and ht» crew lete club team securing tin istration made such a favorable Im- ~ SETT MI1NII AV—M.llii- •am* hour uddid pUrc.i>lac< ‘, . 'k Undj.ody. nujn««.r,mjn»r*r., and hje -r.w |,„ , |„b — . highest fat.rate otof IS|2 forfor racbeach uldltloo.ladditional pr*#slon tbat in tbe summer of J 882 orof Neiberwtvt.lNeiberwborw\v»dd .wmior*..Ainior*.Ainjor*. Visitedvisltpil Ne*Nrw numtiernumber ofof tpolats,i>olnts, rivefive pointspoints will pounds weight, the maximum preagloa that In the summer of 14*3, and Maht a pouado wclaht. th. man mom RECREATIONRECREATION NOTESNOTES hhoe receivedreceived thethe DemocraticE)emocratic qomlna-nomina- Ilrunswtrk last evening, Harking uj. be scored for first nlaf". tbrw : llrun.wlck lut wrnnln*. ■tarklup uj, b. Korcd for flr,t pine, thrqc for $59 a year for trueks of more tion for Governor of New York. THE NEW A IIIIIIKLKSUI lll.|->ot K <;< \ o for third and oft lax !'■» a rrar for trueka of mom Hon for Governor of Now' Tork. THE NEW I **»''’*' lh., fnol. Rmrnr. Prop Jim- Mad, two rov third .ml oh. for SS.OOO25,000 pouado.nounda. ThlaTbis actact dondoes Republican disaffection contributed tors, coming lock with n wnr. ofif f.lfourthT Ropabllc.il disaffection contributed with , lak.- effecteffect uatlluntil JanuarrJanuary 11., ThrThe WashingtonWashington schoolschool gamegame iroom toto hDhto electionelection byby a majoritymajority ofof 192,1P1.-- BONBON TONTON OlGIRL S Yh. tins and hoys' bnskntb.il 1*-U nkalnst ttirm Mnnns.rtter-Cod Cod>y itIs lblob b©e openopen tonighttnr.lchf. 000. ; HIPHis ratadministration ministration,, following.following, WlUlWIU. l^oI«o H»»)Boyt t.. l^-i-rrenter \"yi. teafliBtennis iot Hop. I b.pnlnr. plan nine **" somcwliat bbt nnd.r thethe colLu-colla such an unprecedented victory, was ped |n t IKWTNX«'TS "«KT PRJZ BoyBoy ScoutsScoali j meetmwt MondayMonday nightnigh th • urh an unprserdrnted victory, was ami/JOLLY'WjJUlJJH HAREIlillK LA1,A Twhi l,*nn h.hg droppedi In such; as to give satisfaction and Am-*n,r4d k, m rk..r.. «h«> tm-m ram. bct.cn th. no u*. M-hHha iMttorlr! « BIRIIH thethe StillmanStlllman deboolschool buildingbuilding.. such as to flva ratlsfartlon and •©-•a© fn fewae for kraal naJ1f dozen i>IIlnr« *• nui RTRt ASSOCIATIONASS0CUTKWT0 TO ; toIn 1»»*1884 hahe receivedreceived tk#the DeoioeratlcDemocratic .klllly—.In— mm* ©ramll.y tv.ins lo be .lowed nt thethe HopeHope bolt ilos.n plllnri nllw.1 o<»r lh. The West Bnd Boys' Clcb wjll nomination for President and" was to.MuHlr »■*«-■ fkl. stfi tb .'rcnlnw of Mondar.Monday. «"~>r° snd lb. hntl.ie.wi pipe. I round1 »,By UntiedUnited 1*PC:Press: BE ORGANIZED HERE the hiph school gym Mandsy -e*et notaltiatloo for Prraldrnt and waa lV©r ..f Tin-ill .« thP id the hot;steam clratadelected overorer JamesJames G.G. Blaine,Blaine, ththee soclsl time IS toto followfollow , t ' I Mlnneopoll..Minneapolis. MinnMinn. ., MarchMarch 17.—17 i ThB fluU Republican candidate-. His admin- MSI. S l.wSft *v San. mr, the iwalsi r The Qlrli*' Recr-arion Club meets Republican candidate. Ills admin- ulsr i lam held How...,, th. toc.ln pot np,. fair Twent...t,y troop,troops otllorof Boy Bra.tn.otBcontn not , Tii©"hA ArtArt ASAsfWM-lallonMoclatlon ofof PltlnfleldSlatnfleld ; M, istration was marked by his support gainst their iioiits and m t Monday night"•!•! InIn th©the WashingtonWashlnirton !"trotton was marked by his support * resul.r k.tnn Adnln.t thilr no.ts .nd m.o-" ,(heirh..,ns rownrds forfor rMfeedindln,g , birdbird b©lie ora»nlB©dore*n1s« nt a m©©tlsg ilo b© •boo! pym. of civil Service reform, of hard • make l» 1 school gym. of civil service reform. of hard TI'EsivfY * MKIINKSIlA .wed to nuke t»- Brunswickana wick llad. lhrtbrouK„u„,h MMinnenota' law worn'.s I,Irakhleak .„dand coldcold Id »'(tt •6 o'clocko'clock tonighttonight atar tb-tfte Rook-Kook- moony, and especially ot tariff' rii- ; for the ... ,1.1 flnatHnnl verdit*.verdldl.verdlA . winter,Irlnter . rt.Th econb-st contPB tns wa sto t o$or*r- awer - on"1 Ryntmer*Sycamore sihlr.-t root,. oppositeopfosli.- Gracei;r«ce i Th*th* MualrlpalMunicipal tlaso*dance Inla Ihethe W'BBliWss4-- money,fonn,- whic andh braperiallye advocate ofd Itariffn a mW ■ re-- The score: t ingtnnm«? schoolhool:ihl thisi eveningevening wnlw^l l b©bo »a form.- which h. advocated In a me. I-AIMiKST STOCK OK AITO , }UlnUin th«tho bestbest feedersfeeders ofof birds,birds, whichwhich refc, under th© direct Ion of yionas wiiiie fo Congress ln December. 1887- MIU.IAT KTOtK DK AITO the well-known an 1st, wbo form- Bt. HatPatrick' rick’ss l*srty.party. ! race lo Coaares. In December. 1*87 Rl’TGKRflRI'TOEHB PfIEP.PjREP, JUNIORSJUNIORS perisperishh InIn multitudesmultitudes whenwhen thfythey ddoo tb« well known artlat. who 1orm. HoHe waswaa aicalnftgain thethe randldat.fandidate o(of bihiss Somerville G. F\ P. sotI gegetl care In < Minnesota'sMini wlptere rwldt-dresided here.here. Mr.Mr . U©Li eIs i t greatl, . y lib- Then— —,/ngtlonalInternationalInternitl MotorMotor CompanyCoin pan j- parly In ifiSS but was defeated, He It *0909 AND DTORir.* Psrker.•ker. f ...'....;.. . ,,l ft l*Jled in tk.the projectproject laIn Hetbe rarfaearly ' n,Jd „i loto rchrarrarehearse ,Mond.r Monday cvcnln*e.renlni1 retirepartyd la fro 1*(*m office bal, wasresume defralcd.d the pracHe- f$ ; , j 1 at bis work and the, people of. retired from office, resumed ihe prao- 4OTHER ALL >| TIRES VaVann Cleef.Cleer, f .. f ... 1 $ sc ,,f hi. work .nd the prapl. of |„n ,mh.e WaaHMatoaWashington sqhooirahnol.. Ice.df law, and settled in New*Yorfc TIRES > XKW4RKMMlWAHhS ARMARE MONO HEBKAOS A HM lnOeldnfleld havehave onon severalseveral occanioneoccasions ! lla llra.afCity. , Ilaw.n 18s anda h aattk-de was thlae Net/Yorkthird time STAR ACTS'* Kenney, c i.-.,,. 4 9 Kenney, c 4 Guild of Play will be held in tbe AATT NEWNKW YORKVOKK PitI'RKK HE*I Iteng, g .,..,., 1 ft • n anpracl.lMippreclatloh ofof hi.his t.lm|!talent. Alt ' rA °”u ot Flmj will b. held In th* City.lomlflMe . In d1*81 by th hae Democratwas the thirds and time wa* n»T grv rmiTori o*; PHILIP MECHANIK Mi JI Th.The nicknicknam nnmoe "Bear."'De.ar»" hn.baa ;beebrann on. whowho .r.are imraoMlinterested lalit Itil hee do-dej -"irjran»*' l •'hootschool andand AthlcilcAthletic i.mragames iilhi nominatedlectad ove byr Benjamith. Democratsn Harrison and , waahie HTBClAL - TI K8DAV NHiMT PHILIP MECHANIK ”" ntPcl.lt,officially adoptedadopted torFor th.tbe No«nr|iNewarh tn-In- iin.'iinrat, r ofof artart InIn flaluflnld.P la Infield, atu< hntn.immt i n"*tie JeffersonJefferson schoolSchool .cen MondarMonday aftrf.aftrr- electedopponen ovsrt In thBenjamine contes tIlarrlaon. ot 1888 .hla In civic Improvempnt ar« Jnvlti | opponent In tho content of 11*1. la Conn try Store • r. JrMl i flfjj3 .. o-rnetlon.ttemctional' fmatll.League'Clu t'lobb withwith lh.the apop-- la dale liapr.rptncfir are Inrll, «yi. 18S8 President Cleveland convened provslproval ofof bothboth thethe clnbclub ownersowners andsad . attendtend tontulutonlgbt's a, mratln.mpptlng . a189*n e*tr Presideda session Clevelandof Congress renvjOBfd, #Mch “tillin'. "-* om NRTHERW-VBTITERWOip Df> Ju.-ilORtJUNIOR^ th«the leagueleague president.president. Th©The playersplayers ' •VEKTII^TKfcVHSTII-YTHVNN 1-KlimTHIIFKrePKCTBK oatrm session,h purohastn of Concrwra.g elaua whiche of 4 P,P. willwill sportmorl aa smallamali bearbear emblememblem on 1 l-B-Kt'.NYON Ca DINf IIKSf'I'KliKMIK MIHHIUNMISSION 1HA 1.7. "(••f"*so-calle d" 8hefmi.iParehasln*i Stive clauaer BHI ,of , . gfmaubirwm>T night RandolphRandolph., f ,,..].-.. 1 ill 3 both home and traveling uniforms.1 th. ra-c.lled Sheimau Bllvor Bill. . Darles. f 1 both boms and traveling uniforms BITS OPVK-K Ht'II.DINClIIJ>I\(J , Coatest Night Davles. f i i .. .0 if 1 Th©The Newark Newark clubclub Inin thethe pastpast hashas gone gone , The system of ventilation 19 the 7 under the nickname o! tbe Indians, 1 Tho .rural of ventilation Ul tha ruii R -flNvrra COVTWT f WEINMAN’SWEINMAN'S II 7 under lh* nickname of th© Indians, ie]i ;Boice-Ru Companynpany . iHs Reran.Rescu YtlulnaMission 11.11,Hal) , onon Madl.oaMadison MostMust HareH»ve MehtalAghtt onon Wajtoa.Wagons j |*l e aiTtau covnovT | Brauns.' , 0 TigersTipere andand Bailors.Sailors. . ] ling [>urcha uild-' avenu , uiiji h has long bean Imper- ' WWW9 FK ATVMtf I _ avenue, a hjch haa !on( bran Ire per Governor Edge has signed Assem- 2 Th®Tbe NewarkNewark squadaquad willwill leavkleave tou>-- in ParkPark aven.at «. adjolnlam ihe , feettwt,... hi...as beenbeen raBO Improveimproved thatthat thth.e Govern dr Ed*, has sl*aad Araem- Hi’lClAI. fNI KHPAY NKiRT CAFE 1 blyaanlym*n- Pierson'sPlerson^s hillbill requiringTequlring carpeach 0ll dayday forfor Fharlottesrill©.Charlottesville, Vs..Va., Where ! ier-New-V...s bolldla*.b fromfrom MiraMlal a ii hallhalV „Is oownow quitequite comforUble.comfortable. Tht*Those PralcssMuJ O B I G Q { I --thth*e UniversityUulveraity ofof VirginiaVirgipia flaid-field will ! ; p. Boice, r owner] of tha I who attend Ihe-services there «!r^ boraradrawnOiWdrawn vehiclevehicle toto beb« aqulppedequipped g former owner of thq .ho Ulead lh. rar.lora them arc ttb a,red light on tho re*r and k\ I w 1J13 belie itendused forfor training.{raining. E-HunyoItUhroan CCompany."•Pany. , , jmuimuchh (ratified^ratlBed atat Ihcthe chants.change. with a red lltht on Ike rear and a Tryout. 'ACTS- |whltwhit#» !l*btlight oaon front," »v J| i - 1 I -' I II J • * I i -. 1 IJ ' II, ! I ' , i! - I. I I I j ' ' • - 7 i ooiniRh-yEws, ».\ i itn.vr, MIRCH IT, IOIT. HELPS FORFOR THE BOUSE WIF GERARGERARDD PLEADPLEADSS BEST FOR LIVER, TOREOR PREPAREDNESS PREPAREDNESS : BOWELS, STOICH, Tellleftss WelcominWelcomingg AudiencAudiencee HEADACHE. COLDS ThereThere ar»rae buhott veryeery fe w housefew -bouse- to tb eto butaid thei aioutsider for twentair y mln- Apple jelly. dellaat«'y keepers who realize the. ttosslbllltle* utes. When re for twenty mlD-|( Appl-Jelly. delMate'y j trqo> «ho realise the goWMIUM Ufa. »fc«Ay y«d,to mmktmak e thtfr..e saladsalad., | wit| withh mint mint,, is .especiallin especiallyy g g„f of Danger of War. Thpy liven the liver and bow«to eontaln-1contained-I nin an bunc bunchh o f offres hfreah mint mint,, add taddo th eto pe thet headbi -ot of Danger of War. or who know how Its piquant Savor lettuce. • finely a hnad*— -of crlap serve d wit'«dh with- roas t • dockrout, duck. and straighUn yon or who know how Its plqoant Baror lettuce.-Ilnolyredded Aod..hr, anandd B01 /ouso se.. IItt I sIs mad madee in thlae the i: uav wilt entirely change the character of tablespqonfut f .chopped mint 1 , righjt up. .SIthe disentirelyh to whkh.l chaoaet isthe added character. of leaves tableasoonfu!. pjirlnkl .choppedof ml . It possiblIf po«slbl«e selec t selettjul Jnlcy. SewNew TorlsToA.. MarcMarchh 17.-AIT.—AaB impress!* liuprr-sive* the dish to which It la added. ; Reeces. »«/verySprinkle" lightliiafatiy y withwith«: ; pie*. ToTo eac eachh cupfu cuplull of oft th* pleaplea foforr lireparedneuprrp*re

  • "aa.. follbwin foil*.* iij s hi* Fortunately.Fortunately, minmintt isIs agai asn sin comin cuminsg salt ,ealt. moiste nuditenn « h witha If{Frenc reach h dressindreaslissln*g apple JuiceJuice,, ad addd on e»«* t a tablet Don't be bilioui, oonrtipated, sick, Inta-..o favorfa.n,e (of/»rr aot nnl. onl y QDlTta Itla en -ft an drrn baq panrl in a► ujouod—v.._ i.. on_ m c....„.„.„... platter. p'zitt.., lot strong mfnt water (strain warninwan>incg thammt ththee Unite I i.*rdd fitatw Hum ia onin ou joy«#n proceed an fori ordinal «dorsador JameJamess WW., (Jerar CernnlO Ih'lif In a hUrepl replyy t» t„ 1 stomach sour. M aod aarva the salad very uatng equal quantities of Ji hlahis "weli-nm"hrrliTioMbe homehome"" t oto Xew Xew- ydrk Ydrlr. In |u a beneflcU ptjL hot sugar. I-art be said: ibe dl*>sl is also Ws art sluing today very Mar lb* tooting to i blood, with tb< brlak of »«r. but | war. to,„,& unr*. jU proach uf Spring season. -‘hat It at ah..u in t» drawn it to ttoa MinMintt isU a ;ryeery ancien ancientt herb. herb.. Thn met ft will only be aftar our peskier! h. hitterbitter herherbsl ofr thihee Tascha I’ascball Fea Peaat.i of BibleBible tfntimer*,i sis sai saidd to * havla havee be been a DUiur> orof Inttaint,. dandeii dandelion,c nsy.tansy, j chamomile, etc. MinMintla nolaw nowl sel- dodomm UBfiaacdl Uas a asalad salad,, bu tbut a salada |ulad rine«atrlnegar Itas madmadee fro fromm i t Ittha tthat la verla y very| popular.popular. ItIt ma mayy b t beuse dused alone alone., like Ilka ■mintott saucsaucee oorr IInn placplacee o fof plai plainn Tine rlne-- : gar.gar. iinn tbthee fljaking fljaklug o fof salads sblads.. j pv to (lnd 1^ til ToTo preparpreparee thithiss deliciou dellclouas vinegar vinegar., 1 il3, by ths McClurMcCluren NewspaNewspaperj Syndicate. n which the world ha% been O IW WHILE YOU SLEE1 miniBlot aloualouve cacann b ebe used used., o r aor combl- a combi- | H> Finds “Kondo;Kondon'i " on the Job. e hhiv e illo J nation of mint, chliea, terragon and ' « rninu asti»*ai Tbnlghl sure! Take l anrarefa and •atIon of mint, cblvaa. tarragon and totrtTta o r-u*ji*tr- j enjoy the nlceat. gentlest IKer and Han't savory. fan one onnre of UTTIEUTTLE MARY'MARY’SS PRISONEPRISONERR Don't try In work with your head ail stuffed up. A tube of uamirtga:'ntn» . )j Uov(»- bo wel1 cleancUanslugs you ever expert- each Tor a quart of vinegar and genuine KondloTi's Cj-.arrhjl Jelly will ijisLe you dear as a bell. M ">- rnemienCAl . WaWakek UP with your head each for a quart of vinegar andMay was onlj 5 and 'fev-ry 01 SO million intelligent Americans have used Kondon's for Lwv«w> , ., atomaomaeh, bra he me green herb* so that theille d heV Ihe bhbrjret, HIM she T cJeMn4 •® awawt. a. brwathf right flavor Is easily extracted.. Put the - i-old-in-head or nasal catarrh. Some druggists offer you.com> flavor la easily extracted.. Put theM the . t -and 1 will bring y8u sow pjimentarj trial cans. All druggists offer 25 cent tubes with the * eattapho, blliouabeBa, *ODnslipatlo'- Getn rtd of sick mixedBilled herbherbss in4n a aJu gJug o r bottleor bottle,, tha t .,thatiLI'. - to go down E i "So the lad drawled that if the first'tube doca not do you a dollar's buSI bcadacbe. biliousness. constipation can be ilglilly corked, nit up wltli , furrodUI^d tongutongue,e EOn sourr Bt omacstomach.h ba d bad can be tightly corked. 1111 up withilone and *lde en r i house am! waited on the port get your quarter back from Koridon's kous that oli|»colds. CleaCleatr you r yoursfln , sfln,brighte n brightam vinegarTinegar anandd pplace In th* sun. Leavepasture ? &o on* iWiu t ' May went through thp t •**•» --1 *youl- '-•* -eyflk, — ' ' ,..quicken. ynno i «teyourtep so dstep aod iotorr twtwoo weeweeksk an daod the nthen strai atralan an d aodmornin g .she eat on th" t cold bread, jam acd ham «ir* tn '.h*j» feel like doing a full dex's bottle for use r arrnj’ ‘".“‘S*? By I1 feel tikeJ - , doingbettle ." full day's work, bottle lor use. It wilU l willfcecp keepInde- thlnde-e jwrc h alone -pouting •.boy ate like one furnished. In rompaxitona from the '"1 nrasmr*rifcent ; t-aafmreta1 are better than salts,I'ill a pills ' flaltelyfloitely anandd hhaaaa'dcllclous a dellcloua.. aromati aromaticc :Twi bMt wer iinim 1 huur he was • iV' i or (JHII'TII.. ! i^'( :i-.-.--t- .they don't shock . Cider 2! I Of onlomel because they don't shock flavor. Cider orwhit whitee win ewine vinega vinegarr the honn^suckle. '[he d e,hei rangh«ur the liver Of gripe the bowels or causa may be used In connection with the lled d JJ l th« a\e don* what ib«hayy tincan., Incdhv^niierit-lncdhvJnfc*nce eal lall th ethe nex t daynext . day. may be used In connection with the • .chicken - idfs beating buck . In II all. There ;nu«mst! Ii«b*. cn. ! MotherMothems shoul shouldd giv e crossgive , cross,sick, alck, herbs,herbs, aass ththee housewifhousewifee ma mayy prater prwfer.. Ma y would not noticenotice themthem.. Tl»« big. Over a distant hill fame thy j T ' " "' J biltoua. feverish children a whole TWO NOTED STARS APPEAR AT P80CT0R S TODAY 1 bilious, feverish children a whole FormerlyFormerly,, minmintt wawass use dused exclun exclus-- tal ( cloct. backI In'tjfaIn e tjjewid e widehall hall < on federates again, thisC time.TWO NOTED STARS APPEAR ATPROCTOR’S TODAY ir n a £CtScare i Chflflsrett anytim anytl®*e an theasy catheyn nocant not ivelyfcrely Ilan combinatiocombinationn withwith sprin gspring ticke d loudly. presentlpreecatlyy grandmgrandmaa the three L'nton -oidfcrs na pH * *•Injur I lnJlir?e th e thethirt y thirtyfeet otfeet tende ofr tender Islam mbb anaadd greegrwenn peaspeaa., an dand whil e camwhilee out and snsatt IInn i «bi bigg chair chair,, j i -ra The boy turned white agsj •: - boweu.—A»»j bowel*. —Adv.. 1 threethese ara ree stilatilll favorit favoritee way wayss o fof utIHz utfff*.- "I wonder If the cloclt ever .:*'~ " 'They will look for i . ing It. others are now being tried tired?" sild Mar y athes sh't clock- clltobe everd Irit ogqts " They will look for m» h«l lag it. others are now being tried iy am she .limbed likob e criedbe cried., atartin atartln.B to bj toa leh)st feet. 'I i 1 BRITISH TTF.1TP UP QATS. withwith excellenexcellentt resulUresults.. grandma^ lap, Crandrh<1 randdiaa smiledmailed.. . bide., 1hide.’ TToo ruskmakee a adeliciou deliciouss sauc esauce to "toi wilt; tell yoOUu aa stor«toryy abou aboutt tha thatt i•'H e "Helooke dlooked at May—ati Mhy—could Captura Wood on Sornm* Front Whar- OEAHD DUKE' KICHAEL. serve•erre witwithh lambIamb,, cho chopp fres hfreah mio t mintdock, " Ae satIfld aaas ihAoe patte pattedd tb e thetrus t «r%ather? 'Littlher? e 'Util*girl/ hgirle said • . §he said. French Lost, finelyfinely anandd placplacee thre threee tableapoanful tablespoon afull i derly. ’you don't want anyone u London.tundoh, Mart-Marchb 17. —t“. TChe The Wltlf fWltlfh ' ofOf iitt InIn a asaucepan saucepan.. AddAdd two tabletwo -table- i troopm*i|*s Iinn ththee Souim Sommee rtfcio regionu hav haree ocrt oc.l ?». j apooufuUtpoontula ooff sugasugarr an andd el^h eightt table table-- •Of course not,' laugbcdf tj pie|4edd almosalimfcdt alalll o f<>t tlu >the St . Stlicrr Herr*e Xnui* Vna« apoonfulsspoonfuls ooff vinegarvinegar.. L,<••:l.tgs»' j~ard ysrdw& of Oerulaof «ienAai;i . seald.acsld. bubutt ddoo no nott boil boII.. I t isIf read Is yready to fo to get you well.' |\ trenchestrenchps nortnorthh anan.Id Hoi-t s.wrtbh ot Ofth aCjia wixxj w-eni,E use as soun as it cools. i riv,r. \ u.- unlitiK t» Mi.* Hrit'Hb wfflv'al c>>ui • |\r ? " 'Tboae meThoMn racin gmen hpr f racing here are a«-wnllaff : the Hrttiab oflUr'al coat ' Dried mint may also be used for . KSL& ing t“*«o nrn lto me.‘find' h eu»e.’ said , 1he * * Ii uianli'8don..iuanl< atioQ. . ' „■ [ •aure, by sosktnK in cpld water lo 4 y yV but yobutu musyout helmustp ne :help • J TileThe SRLL PierrPicrrre TaasTaastt voo woodd Ite xlh*s &teit (Hre. 1 ! f^s. extract'the flavor. Thia Is generally hide me and uot tell anyom |' Ijiy- easeastt ofof i'uiul>]i"4 t ornblea.. I t wait s washere t.iiftherel l ist1 ’ used in winter, when the fri-ah is not /// ^ hid# me and not tell I ththee I FrenchTfncli liiilfls«r suttiau nuttuuni made made, WW setJ Ha I obtainable, but it lannot be aa hl)/ tetV ,1 thethe capturcapturee ofof Snllly-SMllllwl Halllr Kelllliwl.. to Ahto . itt,# - sauce, to serve with boiled mutton L&J y / ,,a,,then th,J««« bit,'then' ctoc tMk tog !j nortnorthh ofof the the. vroud./aiu W«xa1^aiuurt.' licid up. thickens add a handful ot mist, that r ■ ■ II' < i(7 'A*,? „< «cll-, .£o . anyone.t e/eoeien if If £ mar has been nightly bruised. Stir the gulden baad wh|| mi Beatlin« against her " righ'Allt no*.right' replieno* d the I hailingboil. hot satire until wellTlavorcd. sboalderl tejjped Into the Clock. "A POOP UTTIE PICII MEXICASS IB CUBA 2EV02.T; Thei »u th\* very dock as be stepped Int aWTCfves-T eicrui * Then atrala and andadd add the usualre Jthat'saw youyour, fathi 4 uber. aid a eord-and wbeSj Many In Band ' 8catt*r«d by U. % gmoant of capers \thie 'this gay, l>- wil l senoutd l> will send y ciu the blgjAt ftallors Near Santiago. WheWhenn coocookingk RregreenPi> pea pamaa t oto serv servee | -& lonaj• A , lon,ong timeago a« 0 beforebefore yoyouu dolly in New lUmpaujre. H ill wfth roast .lamb, try fryaddin addingg a fe wa . werfewe bord and w'neii your/our" rnt>thermother,, men lu pray coma, kee* alUl and fmrtorS Theatre HHTanaHavana.. MarcMarchh IT.-Unite17. — Unitedd st»i,- Mere*» •rrlgs of mini whileliile . tiiil.intooklngs an dand re-'iiaj re-'y^., was| a tlnj j girl liketlk^ youyou.. ouourr nothing mllorsBailors frofromm ththee gunboa gunboatt Eagl Raglae Ian4 land-- mor*more thethemm jusJaatt befor balor*e th ethe seaaonJn Reasoningg lovet lovelyv virrtnl Viria valley ««a nn; green edc<] aatt AjtrucpdoAltrocpdo.. t a inOrleiot Orkentee umviisr* province,. •faa ant green "Hardly hadle clocthek dodarki door a in 1th. and drove ;i icrvup uf 'instti-f-.-i* lak added. ThThee t*>«e nKvHl flavor flavor la dectd-lanis deetd-d ' p-a-.=innd p*afeBl a a it rs now. Two rush •>! men In [ nd tbe and drove a group uf Insurgow# edly pleasing. 'armies trimpeil •• • -la U s now..<.••< Twoasd whenthera was a rush nf men la oU i fromfrotn ththee towntown., tt ivsIt »was reourte reportedd tluif ttaaf •dly pleasing. armiesIta inicraa* and rront door. May.hitluiB nhiddan behin behind jrecia many.many JilexinlnMexlenn*s werweree i n Intb ethe lutnnfp*A Insutgstit \ , . Min:Mint buttebutterr isIs als alano i n Ingrea greajt favo rfavor |canno i cannonn reare d rc fromi -mountaimountainn toto i »«»ra. did not hardly Uare breat _ . In addition id»y and Tues- group, "!,•:• i, >:;,, >•,-,.-; uhout $0O to«*. . foforr makinmakingg sandwichesaandwichea.. I nin fomhina- combine-. niounttiic. mount ' air1 lived here then. Just as ' siU1 appears in group. Which numbered about 4» W| re then. Juat as The men searched th- house ft nday and ffufsriay Mary day, Mrs. Ver TheThe preseiiipreariHjc* witwithh Calm Cuhaan lasurKetil iaaucgwuiss f r tlotiooD witiwithi Qnelfinelyy mince mincedd mea meatt o i attofy ,any ] d o TiO'x.y,I do bo*, and yourxiother ii—itt ilas jusjuatt sou**ull cuult couldl the ythey find. findI A t last Attl Im< t« vill be e: colonies In som# parts of Pula, injt f aamesame ooff parslenabparsler^aadd Jelett the themm simme simmer,r J fifi yfifty y- .iriyeani thi s month4~I wentw.-nt ofofff mountemountedd an aadd rod rod#* i*»( awafl.. lwr.-«.rfoce any activity of Mcxk no# | Inta boilinboilingg miii'-waf^rr fo rtor Bv e BremlnuttTi mlnuf-n.. j for Ufeor afternoo th n a to •'•>-•••••• kn a afriend frien d "Ma"Mayy rarann an dand opeafe opea.dd th e thecli d< TkcaThen draidrainn ami'presnml'Brtfis drydry.. Reduc Reduce* to to-gadand lef t left'Jim, ynur mother, ar home door—and lost trirhble<^ the lud, t ,skilled • Ui revolutionary and dsrtnw a pulp, by elrhor chopping or pound- in care o #.loftier, >udj. iai homeJudy doortonsdoas. aad x>utHe laii>b|e«fhad be«n the shutUd. up< live warfare in tbelr own’rouuUj has 1 tof fhem. and to each four 'able- started d eptJna to get long aud tlfl-re was so little air I odtclalsnot I wen here rr ported" to the government lowapooafula half ofa fhc•ablcapoonful combined herbsof l«annn;i al- .somern. fre*and ut did not re- In a few momenta ho opened Jairc Work this well A nap.' laid May, ami ih FRESFRESHH UPRISINUPRISINGG ; ela|t-r tof hoofa take a nap.' said May. and she I GORGEOUS GOWNS WORN BY BON TON GIRLS London, llaiici. IT.-Tlw (iraud Unlw] take one cupful of nccannedd rr.-nr Frenchh ,|,,., n1 down•;,- , WH:bed and 'outoufj VnjoVnlogn cavcar-- ththee wa yway unstair upstairss lo thetoj bedroothe bedroom;i London. March IT.-Tb* pass, drain and Hose Iwithh ver yvery cold coldalryme alrymenn time lli4l*ll«*- nrteafterr a afe wfew moments momenta, th e tli;edthe . lf*ed.slcJ sick b XkMsaiilj.pliiH lI.a rt'irOTit-ireportedl i'Inl a aii-mer s tV.fi- STARTS IN MEXICO i and expose ,tht?m'ri>de|ab?qt the wim■ame* Btjmb>-gUTuberr ooff wawass sleepin sleepingg on ona loungi a lounge- by thbye the [: w At I tin l-lulolotd[Tl;] i fT ; |b*. Irr 9M-.ndny, --U ; ;hat able• *Irlo! of fuu- tiateb 'ltttusratfrom iVNCograt!l to bjiv*> rem-luito J J STARTS IN MEXICO' iConfedera^s. A bullet; siruck one dow. When: I came hotne H» tin.' riuinficld Ti. .in- •[••ml..;-1, ii- ••(!' i by tha> Hoyt.Hoytt ahle. I.ntdr^ it w Allenof tun and- pate theb fr >R nmInh • ••fital. The tier s•e tumhiedtumbled,. l*ubutt metue at atth ethe doo rdoor and audranjl>efor ran;t