Camp Barakel, July 16-22, 2013

Kirby Huseby is our speaker on the West Side Camp , for grades 4, 5, and 6. He wrote:

My theme is THIS MEANS WAR! and is dealing with conflict and getting along with others.

Tuesday : WHY WE FIGHT- desires, pride, the "Big I" James 4 etc. My night story is the story of and Lot

Wednesday : THE REAL BATTLE- the Spiritual battle inside II Cor. 10:3-5 Bible Story- Abraham offering

Thursday : HOW TO KEEP FROM FIGHTING- Actions, re-actions Matt 7:12, Prov. 15:1 etc. Bible Story- and Esau

Friday : HOW TO STOP A FIGHT- Confessing, Forgiving, the "Big Picture" I Jo 1, Eph. 4 etc. Bible story is Joseph

Saturday : THE GOOD FIGHT- Love and obedience to God, love and serving others Bible story Ebed-Melech 38-39

Of course I always want to be sensitive to God leading me in a different direction, so all these are LW (Lord willing). And I will be weaving the Gospel throughout the series, especially in the night sessions. I am very excited to be up there with you guys soon. Kirby (:3)

On the East Side Camp (grades 7, 8, 9) our speaker is Pastor Jamie Beight. He wrote:

I will be speaking out of the New Testament book of Hebrews. Each message is about the superiority of Jesus.

He is a better spokesman for God than and Angels;

a better statesman for God than and Joshua;

better at sacrifice to God than Aaron and animals;

and a better shepherd too!

I will be also talking about a better destiny and running our life like a race.

I do hope this helps the prayer team! I am glad you have this up and running. Pastor Jamie