Welsh Labour Manifesto 2016 Maniffesto Llafur Cymru 2016 Cymru Llafur Maniffesto and his team have shown the difference that a makes to the lives of people in . They have delivered jobs and opportunities for our young people, investment in health and education, and a strong economy that works for everyone in Wales. This manifesto sets out our ambitious plan for five more years of delivery. is ambitious for Wales, because we believe that our nation has a great future. So while the Tories promise yet more cuts from Westminster, Welsh Labour will continue delivering for communities across Wales. Now, more than ever, we need a strong Government in Wales. By choosing Welsh Labour on 5th May, we can build a better, fairer, more prosperous Wales together. MP Shadow Secretary of State for Wales CONTENTS






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7744_16 Welsh Manifesto_TFW_ENGLISH SIDE_V3.indd 4 12/04/2016 16:26 FOREWORD

Together we have built a Wales that is more Welsh Labour will form a government that will be confident, more equal, better-skilled and more there for you and your family at the moments that resilient. As a country we have punched above our matter. All schools will be better funded, but not weight on the world stage, and now we are ready in competition with one another. Our NHS will be to do more. modernised, but not privatised. Better support for the small businesses that drive our economy and Never before has Wales led the UK in the way breathe life into our town-centres. Safer, faster we’ve bounced back from a recession. And though roads and rail networks - a transport system built times are still tough for many, unemployment here for the future. is now lower than or . Inward investment is at a record level, and more of our The we see in our improving young people than ever before have the skills they infrastructure and public services can only be need to shape their own futures. derailed by a change in political direction. Now is not the time to take a risk, now is the time to build Wales is on the up. on the firm foundations we have set. This manifesto is the culmination of a Unlike the Tories, we’ll never take people for conversation we’ve had with you – the Welsh granted. Welsh Labour is a party of the people, for people. Through events and debates across the the people. country, we have listened to your concerns – and here we present our answers to the challenges of If you play fair, play by the rules, and pay in – Wales today and Wales tomorrow. we are with you.

The manifesto – and our promises to you are built That is the Welsh Labour way. Together around the ideas of family and fairness. Where for Wales. ever you are on life’s journey, and what ever your hopes and aspirations, our pledges and policies are designed to make sure the next Welsh Labour Government can help make things a little easier.

Childcare support for working parents; more money for schools; 100,000 all-age Rt Hon Carwyn Jones apprenticeships; tax cuts for small businesses; Leader of Welsh Labour a New Treatment Fund for the NHS, and a better deal for people who need care in old age.

7744_16 Welsh Manifesto_TFW_ENGLISH SIDE_V3.indd 5 12/04/2016 16:26 7744_16 WelshManifesto_TFW_ENGLISH SIDE_V3.indd 6 6 www. Together for Wales PROSPEROUS togetherfor.wales childcare pressures. of thousandswhoare currently constrained by or to start a businesswillbeavailable to tens system, theopportunity to secure in offering Britain's most generous childcare undervalued resource inoureconomy, but of theyear. Womenstillconstitute themost parents ofthree andfour year olds,48weeks hours free childcare aweek for theworking As theparty for parents we willprovide 30 For parents itmeans a better deal onchildcare. homes for all. deliver prosperity –withwork andsecure In thefifth term, we will go fullthrottle to growth andinreducing youth employment. up for Wales andledtheUKineconomic In thefourth Assembly, WelshLabourstood So ouraimisclear: better jobs,closerto home. security itbringsto individuals. The greatest benefitofprosperity isthe PROSPEROUS 6

Mid andWestWales. Valleys andpromote the rural economies of economy, continue theregeneration ofthe to unlockthepotential oftheNorthWales and theautomotive sector. Wewillalsowork Industries, modernmanufacturing, aerospace our success inkey sectors like theCreative the BayCityDeal. Wewillbuildon a success, of andsupportthedevelopment partners to make the City Region Deal ofCityRegions,development working with We willsupportandencourage the in Wales. of increasing significance to oureconomy include co-operative enterprises whichare accelerator supportscheme.Thiswill opportunities willform thebasis ofabusiness skills, marketing, advertising andnetworking leaders. Measures to supportinvestment in that have thepotential to become global the supportfor home-grown businesses In order to grow theeconomy we willenhance 12/04/2016 16:26 7

We call on the UK Government to work with supporting technologies like tidal lagoons - us to save our vital steel industry. The Tories and better planning. Our robust and WE HAVE DELIVERED should not betray the hopes and ambitions unequivocal opposition to fracking Record inward investment, of steelworkers today as Mrs Thatcher’s will continue. leading to 10,000 more jobs government did in the 1980s. Our natural environment is not just a place for 15,000 jobs for young unemployed people Now is the time to build on the record levels recreation and agriculture – it is also vitally of inward investment and rapidly falling important for biodiversity. We will support More than 100,000 apprentices in the last five unemployment. We will not waste time on a best practice across Wales. years costly reorganisation of the business support We will also help people access affordable The joint highest rise in sector in Wales. credit whatever their status, by assisting economic growth in the UK We will fight for Britain to stay in Europe, and credit unions to increase their capacity and 10,000 affordable homes to play a leading role in a reformed Union. reach. We recognise the need to maximise 5,000 empty homes brought income through benefit take up campaigns, We will also work alongside the UK National back into use especially for older people, and supporting Infrastructure Commission to ensure key 3,300 home buyers assisted advice services. investment decisions recognise the needs through Help to Buy of Wales. We will explore options for ending land- Over 500 banking. We believe long term partnerships Support Officers We know the value of the Welsh pound in

can help deliver the accelerated rate of The end of blacklisting in the Prosperous procurement and will continue to evolve house building we need, and the quality construction sector our procurement policy using the new environments we require, and we will learn £5.6 billion in infrastructure regulatory powers to bring economic, social from best practice around the globe. projects across Wales and community benefits to Wales. We will eradicate rogue and bad practices through The economic security of the farming industry our procurement powers, and promote fair and our rural communities is dependent employment practices. on our continued membership of the EU - delivering the Rural Development Plan, No one should have to leave their community further extending broadband coverage and in order to move up in the world, so we will constantly seeking new markets for our build the transport infrastructure needed food and drink industries, including through to better connect people with places of procurement. employment and equip people of all ages with the skills needed for a successful career. We will offer a tax cut to all small businesses in Wales - helping 70,000 businesses and Security in retirement comes from knowing reducing bills to zero for half of all eligible you do not have to give up what you have firms. We will work with all of our partners to worked for in order to enjoy care in later help secure a vibrant future for high streets. years, so we will more than double the capital that people can keep when entering We will guarantee not to increase Income Tax residential care. in the next Assembly term when these powers are devolved to the Welsh Parliament. For the environment we will take a lead in developing more renewable energy projects –

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Our aim is clear: better jobs, SECURE closer to home.


We recognise our responsibility to keep the people of Wales secure – at home, at work and in our communities.

We are protecting social housing by ending . Building on this, we will deliver an extra 20,000 affordable homes in the next term. In our bid to end homelessness, especially for young people, we will take advantage of every opportunity to bring Together for Wales Together empty homes back into use.

We have developed new co-operative housing projects, making new homes available for rent and part-ownership in both urban and rural parts of Wales. We have also legislated to make things easier for fully mutual co- operatives to grant assured tenancies, and we will continue to support co-operative responses to our housing needs in Wales.

For working people we will repeal sections of the UK Government’s regressive legislation in devolved areas and take further action on the and zero hours contracts.

We will continue to engage with affiliate Trade Unions and the Wales TUC to ensure that the

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views of the unions are heard in designing the We are the party of equality and social . future of public service delivery in Wales. Women have been hit particularly hard by WE WILL DELIVER Tory cuts and we have taken action We will resist attempts by the UK Government 30 hours a week free child to mitigate these impacts. We are working care, 48 weeks of the year to transfer Attendance Allowance to the to increase and improve diversity in our for working parents of 3 and and instead fight hard to 4 year olds and will take further action to protect it at the current rate. ensure elected bodies and public sector Tax cuts for all small businesses We are proud to support people who have boards better reflect Welsh society. and continue to serve in our armed forces, Repeal of regressive UK Tory In playing our part to protect the and will work with the Armed Forces Expert Government Trade Union environment, we will commit to stretching laws in devolved areas Group to inform our actions in the 5th term emissions and landfill targets that will see of the Assembly in line with our Armed Improved opportunities a Welsh Labour Government becoming for public sector contracts Forces Covenant. carbon neutral by 2020. We will support the to be secured by Welsh businesses and the social From April this year we have increased the development of tidal lagoons and community benefits of government amount of military compensation payments energy schemes, and support the roll-out procurement which are disregarded in calculating care of free smart energy meters to all homes to 20,000 affordable homes costs, and from next year they will be reduce bills. and keep ‘Help to Buy’ disregarded totally. We will continue to improve animal welfare The end to ‘Right to Buy’

Safe communities are important to people and will commission a review of the current A Business Accelerator Secure and we know that Welsh Labour Police wide ranging animal welfare legislation to Support Scheme for Welsh- and Crime Commissioners will defend the inform our next steps. We support the ban on based medium-sized employers with global numbers of police on our streets against and take a science-led approach potential Tory cuts. We will also continue in our to evaluate and review the best way of A Welsh development bank determination to tackle violence against tackling Bovine TB. women, domestic abuse and sexual violence Options for ending land- Investment in flood defence work will banking to help employment by implementing and building on the continue and we will take further action and boost house building provisions of our ground-breaking Violence to improve water management in our rates against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual environment. A guarantee not to increase Violence Act. Income Tax in the next Sustainable development will remain a Assembly term when these We will work with the Commissioners in organising principle of our Welsh powers are devolved to the combating the threats of cybercrime. Welsh Parliament Labour Government. Our Environment Act We will work with the UK Government provides a strong framework for long-term and our partners to share best practice in action to counter climate change. We will guaranteeing the security of the people report on the new Well-being indicators to of Wales and to act against extremism. In measure the our country makes. recognising our international obligations to others we will ensure Wales plays a determined part in improving the lives of people in war-torn places and disaster zones.

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near schoolpremises. drinking andthepromotion offast food inand taking actionagainst smoking, excessive We have ledthedrive for healthier lifestyles, furtherquality even inthenext Assemblyterm. We agree andremain committed to drivingup a highpriority.” of highqualityandpatient centred care isgiven heart oftheWelshhealth system, theimportance The OECDrecently stated “quality isatthe than thehealth andwelfare ofpatients. the Tory dogmathatprofit ismore important Welsh Labourhasledtheway incombating of health provision. market forces were allowed to increase thecosts maintenance, socialcare was ignored and and health centres were deprived ofessential a state Hospitals ofsevere underinvestment. Welsh NHSitwas starved offunding andleftin We know thatthelasttimeTories ran our of ourWelshNHS. privatisation andwillkeep theprofit motive out in .InWales we have stood firmagainst wasted billionsofpoundsandshattered services the Tories’ top-down reorganisation thathas Welsh Labourhasdefended theWelshNHSfrom HEALTHY 12/04/2016 16:26 Healthy 11 12/04/2016 16:26 WE HAVE DELIVERED WE HAVE in Record investment social care, the NHS and more staff employing than ever more £172 per person social spent on health and in than services in Wales England Improved integrated the care, with £70m for in the Immediate Care Fund last two years Continued free prescriptions and free hospital parking GP Improved access to surgeries treatment times and Faster improved survival rates for cancer patients in Wales The UK’s first mandatory rating system food hygiene – ‘scores on the doors’ New Mental Health legislation and helped tackle the stigma for people suffering mental illness Capped domiciliary care charges A living wage for NHS staff We will cut waiting times further by eliminating by times further We will cut waiting and GP at hospitals attendance unnecessary of patients whilst also reminding surgeries, of as partners their rights and responsibilities the Welsh NHS. of Community the value recognise we In Wales in their capacity Pharmacies and will invest of with minor ailments as one way deal to and our on GP surgeries managing pressure generally. system health care that the quality of The OECD recognises will of our Welsh NHS. But we lies at the heart on the potential We will consult further. go further to duty of candour statutory a for of openness in our health a culture promote systems. and care a Wales make action to further We will take dementia friendly country. on cancer per head spending more We are the than England but recognise treatment diagnostic improving keep need to ongoing the people of Wales for and outcomes rates the best in Europe. from while learning The OECD recognises that recognises The OECD heart of of care is at the quality NHS. our Welsh We have legislated on organ donation, leading donation, leading on organ legislated We have in the UK. the way in new invest diagnostic to We continue times. We are waiting improve to services support education £85 million to providing healthcare for programmes and training number the increase and to professionals 10 per cent. by places training of nursing the highest level of nurse have we Today since in Wales commissioned places training this will raise . Our investment number still higher. New a groundbreaking We will introduce enabling the most advanced Fund, Treatment and cancer for treatments drugs and high cost be available illnesses to threatening other life first. in Wales money per more invest to We will continue in Wales and social services in health person in England. than is being invested new will laws we our groundbreaking Using of national strategic a sector care social make in the development investing by importance help complete to workforce of the social care and health integrated the journey towards of the the review will complete We social care. and Wales Inspectorate of Healthcare functions to Wales Inspectorate and Social Services Care support integration. 7744_16 Welsh Manifesto_TFW_ENGLISH SIDE_V3.indd 11 7744_16 WelshManifesto_TFW_ENGLISH SIDE_V3.indd 12 Together for Wales 12 www.togetherfor.wales ACTIVE 12/04/2016 16:26 13

WE WILL DELIVER A New Treatment Fund to give Welsh patients access to ACTIVE treatments for life threatening illnesses first We all know that in the 21st Century new A doubling of the capital challenges must be addressed, alongside the people can keep when entering investment made in the hospital and community residential care to £50,000 services on which we all rely. Investment in a new generation of integrated health and social We want everyone in Wales to be physically services centres – alongside active and to live, work and play in environments the transformation of our that help, not hinder, regular physical activity. hospital estate Being more active as a nation will help us to More action to tackle the stigma tackle conditions such as obesity and improve of mental illness, increase access to talking therapies and our quality of life in later years. It will also help promote better emotional health develop resilience against mental illness. in schools Mental Health treatment, support and Further action on limiting zero prevention services will be prioritised with hours contracts in social care and work with the sector to raise Active greater access to talking therapies at earlier the prestige of the profession stages in order to help people cope with More investment in facilities to emotional challenges. We will continue working reduce waiting times and exploit to end the stigma of mental illness and work digital technologies to help speed with schools, employers and other partners to up the diagnosis of illness improve wellbeing at work, in education and in Action to attract more GPs to our communities. Wales and encourage more doctors to train in Wales Schools, employers, communities and third Quality of Care at the centre of sector organisations that are supported by our agenda and work to prevent government will be challenged to encourage and by respecting NHS staff in Wales in a way that empower people to be more active. the Tories do not in England We will introduce a new ‘Wales Wellbeing Bond’ Better access to GP surgeries, that invests in the best groups and activities for making it easier to get an reducing sedentary lifestyles, poor nutrition and appointment excessive consumption of alcohol. Plans to develop a nationwide and cross-government strategy to The people of Wales love their Welsh NHS. We do address loneliness and isolation too. It is our proudest achievement and we will see that the contract between people and the NHS is one of mutual respect, where we are all active partners.

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AMBITIOUS We will create a new all-age programme of support for people seeking the employability The prosperity and security of a country skills needed to get quality jobs. Support depends on the skills and values of its people. will be tailored to individuals and aligned We recognise the vital importance of the first with the emerging job opportunities in their 1,000 days in every child’s life, including a safe, communities. warm home, a foundation for reading skills and

Together for Wales Together To strengthen the link between learning and the good health. We support early intervention to world of work we will overhaul work experience ensure the best start in life. and create a new, stronger youth work service We have made unparalleled progress in to help prevent youngsters being workless at improving the skills and qualifications of the outset of their adult lives. Welsh citizens. We will invest £2 billion in a new generation of Apprenticeship completion rates in Wales are community school and college buildings and in far better than in England. A* results at A-Level schools we will give parents a voice by assisting have risen over the last two years and are now in the creation of parents associations in all at their highest level since the grade was first schools. This will be essential as we roll out the introduced in 2010. groundbreaking new curriculum for Wales.

We propose to create at least 100,000 As part of our commitment to increasing the all-age apprenticeships to ensure alignment number of Welsh speakers we will continue between the skills people gain and the skills to support the planned expansion of Welsh the economy needs. We want Wales to be medium education in our schools. a country that gives equal esteem to vocational education.

7744_16 Welsh Manifesto_TFW_ENGLISH SIDE_V3.indd 14 12/04/2016 16:26 Ambitious 15 12/04/2016 16:26 WE HAVE DELIVERED WE HAVE funding for schools Increased cuts savage Tory in spite of to Wales school building The biggest ever, worth £2 programme billion for Unrivalled support students and learners Record exam results in million free breakfasts Ten the last primary schools over five years Record numbers of apprentices and completion cent rates of over 80 per Protection of the Education Maintenance Allowance Action to help break the poverty link through the Pupil Deprivation Grant A record fall in youth unemployment 15,000 jobs for young people through Jobs Growth Wales 7744_16 Welsh Manifesto_TFW_ENGLISH SIDE_V3.indd 15 7744_16 WelshManifesto_TFW_ENGLISH SIDE_V3.indd 16 16 www. Together for Wales LEARNING togetherfor.wales 12/04/2016 16:26 17

LEARNING Following consultation on the new Autism Service for Wales we will raise awareness, WE WILL DELIVER As the party of opportunity, community and provide information, advice and training prosperity, we will move to introduce more A £2 billion school building and so improve support for people over the programme wrap-around activities for learners at all next term of the Assembly. schools, utilising sport, physical activity, music 100,000 all-age apprenticeships and the arts as opportunities for young people In education as in work and in life, Welsh to be active beyond the classroom. Labour will defend equality of rights and £100m extra to further drive up standards in schools responsibilities for all people, regardless Good school buildings should be available of disability, age, gender, sexuality, race or Coding skills in schools to when teaching in the classroom ends. open up new opportunities religion. If necessary we will legislate to give in the digital economy communities better access to facilities We know Tory austerity has limited the Schools open for community before and after the school day, as well as opportunities of many families and children, use and wrap-around activities for children, at weekends. These community assets are but we have defended the interests of our including a pilot of “lunch too important to stand empty. young people and their parents. We will and fun” clubs continue to do so. We will pilot a “lunch and We will build on the record success of A taskforce to explore ways fun” programme during the summer school education in Wales by investing an extra £100 of improving behaviour, holidays to remove the disadvantage many wellbeing and mental health million to improve standards in our schools. youngsters face when the school term ends. in all education settings

This will build on the Literacy and Numeracy Learning We will create a Music Endowment Fund to Business Clubs to bring Framework and the transformative work of help youngsters realise their musical talents. work experience into Schools Challenge Cymru. schools and re-shape We have offered unrivalled support to careers support We know that educational attainment is built Welsh students. We will consider the on good behaviour and attendance at school. A Music Endowment recommendations of the Diamond Review Fund to help youngsters So, we will establish a taskforce to look at how and we will put a better package access music services and we can further improve behaviour in schools instruments than that on offer in England. and eliminate intolerance, bullying and mental A new funding body distress in schools, colleges and universities. for Higher and Further As a party, we will defend people who face Education in Wales stigma and prejudice or who require extra A better package of student support due to caring commitments. support than that on offer in England, based on the recommendations of the Diamond Review " There is a new momentum for improvement and this must continue if young people are to develop as fully as they can..." Estyn

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12/04/2016 16:26 19

WE HAVE DELIVERED Heads of the Valleys road dualling and major improvements to the A55 Superfast Broadband to more than half a million premises Agreement on the electrification of the Great Western mainline and the Valleys Lines, and spent more than £40m on improving the to rail line UNITED least the basic digital skills needed for the Upgrading of railway stations 21st century. across Wales The wider world shapes and influences us. Digital media present us with an endless flow We will build on our massive investment in Active travel plans – safe, healthy travel for all of information, culture, entertainment and transport infrastructure to enable people to learning opportunities. travel safely and easily around our nation. We Record levels of participation in sport and cultural activities want to work with partners across the border We need to go digital-first in our delivery Backing for EU membership,

on strategic rail and road routes. This will United of government services and to support the which supports 200,000 jobs mean the roll-out of electrification of both physical infrastructure that unites people in Wales the South and North Wales Main Lines. at a local level. The Wales Coastal Path We will demand both of the UK Government – a world leading visitor We will bring people together digitally by as well as fast links from North Wales to the attraction offering fast reliable broadband to every air hubs of the North West of England. £14 million investment in our property in Wales, making Wales one of the public libraries In North Wales we will promote the work of the most connected countries on the planet. Mersey Dee Alliance. World-class events, including By 2017 we will have enabled 96 per cent of the 2017 UEFA Champions properties to connect to superfast broadband, Valleys communities are being transformed League Final and brought but we are committed to giving every property by our investment and regeneration. Alongside a record number of tourists to Wales a fast, reliable broadband connection. this investment we know the Metro will open further opportunities to We will work with communities to protect local strengthen and diversify the economy of facilities that bring people together: including the valleys. libraries, museums, arts centres, leisure centres and pubs. We will introduce measures We will unlock the same potential for North to help prevent unnecessary closures and Wales by starting work on the development of to assist communities to take ownership of a system too. community assets themselves where possible We will deliver a relief road for the M4, and appropriate. upgrades of the A55 across North Wales We will address digital exclusion by setting a and improvements to other trunk roads target of helping 95 per cent of people gain at across Wales.

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CONNECTED journey to becoming a , connected, confident and active Wales. Unity and connectivity are also dependent on cultural and democratic structures. We recognise With the Rugby World Cup, the European the vital role of local government so we will seek to Football Championships, and many other create stronger, larger local authorities, as well as sporting events– we will celebrate success stronger town and community councils, leading to in order to drive up participation, encourage the devolution of powers from . physical activity and healthy lifestyles.

We support votes at 16, will take action to We wish to see one million people speaking the maximise voter registration and explore and will continue investing to how digital technology can enhance voter encourage more people to use and speak Welsh. participation. We will amend the Welsh Language Measure We will deliver a new, not-for-profit, rail franchise so that business and others can invest more in from 2018 to improve the frequency and quality encouraging the use of the Welsh language. of train services and press for the devolution of We will establish a Language Usage Fund

Together for Wales Together Air Passenger Duty, with a view to developing and invite business to invest in the future our airports. We will deliver seamless ticketing of the language. arrangements and improved marketing as part of the new travel arrangements for Wales. We recognise the importance of the media and will press for fair funding for both Welsh and We continue to call on the UK Government English language broadcasting in Wales, as well to either devolve, or scrap the tolls on the as exploring options for supporting online and Bridge. print media. We will seek to increase investment in the arts by introducing a Challenge Fund. Access to the new Wales Wellbeing Bond will be extended to groups and organisations which tackle poverty through harnessing the power of culture.

We will build on our record of hosting major Drive up participation, events and we will determine the possibility of encourage physical activity and hosting an All-Wales Games in healthy lifestyles 2026, one that sees events taking place in the North and the South, and which celebrates a

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WE WILL DELIVER Fast broadband to every property in Wales Metro systems in the North and the South An M4 relief road, A55 improvements, and improve the A40 in West Wales Work to protect vital community assets at risk of closure A Challenge Fund and a Wales Wellbeing Bond to increase investment and improve participation in the arts and in physical activity A more efficient network of bus services once powers are devolved Connected Seamless ticketing arrangements and improved marketing as part of the new travel arrangements for Wales By demanding 4G mobile reception for at least 95% of Welsh customers by the end of 2017 Practical steps to meet our target of one million Welsh speakers by 2050 Further action on the living wage and zero hour contracts

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In education we will offer paths of equal esteem for academic and vocational learning, equipping young people for the world of work. We will invest in the life chances of all our learners and inject £100m into schools to HEALTHCARE further drive up standards.

From birth and throughout life’s journey Welsh Labour will provide the best quality health care through the NHS, free of private interests and integrated with social care. We will create a New Treatment Fund to make innovative new treatments available first in Wales. In order to keep healthy and secure we will provide more opportunities to be fit and active.

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In entering work or starting a business we will protect your rights from Tory dogma. We will drive up skills, create at least 100,000 quality apprenticeships and support the roll-out of the living wage. We will accelerate the growth of those Welsh-based businesses WORKING that have global potential and give all small FAMILIES businesses a tax cut. As a working parent we will offer you the best deal in the UK on childcare, with 30 hours of free care and wrap- around school activities. OLDER PEOPLE

In later life we will help you keep safe and secure by more than doubling the capital you can keep when entering residential care. We will retain free prescriptions, bus passes and other Welsh Labour will you show you the important benefits for people in retirement. care and respect you deserve, give you new opportunities, and together we will continue to deliver for Wales.

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For more information about our Welsh Labour Manifesto and our plans for a

Prosperous and Secure

Healthy and Active

Ambitious and Learning

United and Connected

Wales, go to:


7744_16 Welsh Manifesto_TFW_ENGLISH SIDE_V3.indd 24 12/04/2016 16:26 7744_16 Reproduced from electronic media, promoted by David Hagendyk, General Secretary, Welsh Labour, on behalf of Welsh , both at 1 Cathedral Rd, Cardiff CF11 9HA.

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