Welcome to the Backbone Trail! Look west from and you’ll see not just the , but also the gateway to one of America’s premier long-distance trails. Stretching 67 miles, the Backbone Trail invites nearby residents to explore surprisingly accessible nature.

Basic Facts 67 MILES 108 KM

Official Highest Point Trailheads , Circle X Ranch Lowest Point 12 Ray Miller Trailhead, Pt. Mugu State Park

Distance from LA Longest section that doesn’t cross a road 20 MILES from downtown 16 MILES Los Angeles to Will Rogers Ray Miller Trailhead to State Historic Park Mishe Mokwa Trailhead

What can I do? Why should I visit?

Of the trail’s 67 miles: The Backbone Trail crosses the best-protected stretch of coastal Mediterranean habitat in the world and offers an Hikers can access all 67 amazing diversity of trail experiences. You’ll experience deep wooded canyons, rocky outcrop spires, ocean vistas Mountain bikers 43 that include the Channel Islands, and sweeping inland views to the San Gabriel Mountains and downtown LA. Equestrians 67

Other activities Picnicking

Rock climbing Photography

Birding Trail running

Dogs Camping

Dogs are welcomed on There are only a few National Park Service campgrounds on and trails, as long as they are near the Backbone Trail. leashed and under control. We recommend day in sections rather than attempting a multi-day backpacking trip. What will I see?


Coastal sage scrub, , riparian woodlands, freshwater marshes, oak woodlands, and oak savannas


Coyote, mule deer, red-tailed hawks, turkey vulture, quail, California towhee, scrub jays, western fence lizards, Paci c rattlesnakes, and king snakes

Where should I go?

Ocean Views Summit Ascent Ray Miller Trail at Sandstone Peak at Circle X Ranch

Awesome Rock Formations Hollywood History and Easy Access Castro Crest at Malibu Creek Inspiration Point at State Park and Upper Solstice Canyon Will Rogers State Historic Park

For more information, visit: www.nps.gov/samo