Real World Golive 6 by Jeff Carlson and Glenn Fleishman

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Real World Golive 6 by Jeff Carlson and Glenn Fleishman Real World Adobe GoLive 6 eBook Hi there! We want to explain why you’re reading this electronic book. Real World Adobe GoLive 6 has been in print in paperback since mid-2002. Since releasing the title, we’ve received many requests for an electronic version for reference. Trying to work out the details of selling an eBook are complicated, especially one for an audience that’s as specialized as GoLive users. So in a radical departure, we’re making this entire electronic edition of the book available for free for reference use. If you already own a copy of the print edition of this book, think of this as a bonus: a free reference guide that can help you find the part in print you need. If you don’t own this book in print, this is a handy guide for learning, but we also hope it might lead you to enjoy having the full edition in print. (If you don’t feel like buying the print edition, but feel this book is worthwhile, you can make a small contribution to us via this link using PayPal.) We encourage you to share this book with others, but please remember that even though it’s free, it’s still copyrighted: we and Peachpit Press retain the rights to all the material in the book, text and illustrations, and would ask that you distribute this title only in its current form. Please email us if you have any questions. No matter what, we hope you enjoy the book! —Jeff Carlson and Glenn Fleishman, March 2003 Click PS: If you follow the link to the left and purchase the book through, here to we’ll make a few cents more than we would otherwise while helping to prove that order the releasing electronic books is worthwhile. Thanks! book at a discount Readers and Reviewers Praise the Previous Edition The authors extract the most useful features, tips, and shortcuts —things that you would never discover without lots of time spent in forums and mailing lists….I own every book, manual, video, and interactive CD-ROM ever written or produced about GoLive and CyberStudio. I've long since packed them away in boxes. Except for two: Real World Adobe GoLive 4 and Real World Adobe GoLive 5. For now at least, they have no peer. Not even close. — Steve J., GoLive consultant, San Francisco The smarter I get with GoLive, the more help your book offers. I refer to it a lot. – Iain J., Spain I've read a lot of good books on computers, graphics, etc., in order to learn what the heck I'm doing. But none of them have been in- dispensable, and I would readily loan the others to friends. This one, however, is mine, mine, mine!—Gay W., San Diego This book digs deep and delivers nuggets of pure gold. —Ralph S., Milwaukie Real World Adobe GoLive 5 is an important asset and reference book for the GoLive user.— editorial review This book isn't a quick start guide on how to use each tool, …[rather], it is a production oriented book with tons of advice and tips. This is an exhaustive and comprehensive work.—Joyce Evans, The Internet Eye Magazine Your book is dynamite; it has cleared up mysteries that have been plaguing me since day one, using the old German version of GoLive CyberStudio. One of the best computer books I've ever encountered. Needless to say, I am planning to order your next book. — Lito T.-J. It’s my website production “Bible” and I wouldn't be without it —Lindsay B. Real World Adobe GoLive 6 by Jeff Carlson Glenn Fleishman For Lynn D. and Kimberly Real World Adobe GoLive 6 By Jeff Carlson and Glenn Fleishman Copyright © 2002 by Jeff Carlson and Glenn Fleishman Peachpit Press 1249 Eighth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 510/524-2178 or 800/283-9444 (voice) 510/524-2221 (fax) Find us on the World Wide Web at: To report errors, please send a note to [email protected]. Peachpit Press is a division of Pearson Education. Real World Adobe GoLive 6 is published in association with Adobe Press. For resources mentioned in this book, see: Editor: Serena Herr Production Coordinator: Connie-Jeung Mills Copy Editor: Don Sellers Proofreaders: Charles Fleishman, Helen Meyers, Liane Thomas Interior design: Jeff Carlson Book production: Don Sellers, Jeff Tolbert Cover design: Gee + Chung Design Cover illustration: Jeff Brice Indexer: Carolyn Parks Space images throughout: NASA ( E-Book Services: AccessPDF ( Colophon This book was written in Microsoft Word v. X, and created using Adobe Photoshop 6 and 7, Adobe Illustrator 10, Adobe LiveMotion 2, Adobe GoLive 6 (of course), SnapzProX (Mac), HyperSnapX (Windows), and QuarkXPress 4.11—with a liberal use of Qualcomm Eudora, Entourage v. X, Timbuktu Pro, and Linux boxes running Red Hat 7—on a variety of computers, including a generic Pentium II, Connectix Virtual PC 5, a G4 Cube, some iBooks, a Titanium PowerBook G4, and several others. The fonts used are Adobe Minion and Formata. Notice of Rights All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For infor- mation on getting permission for reprints and excerpts, contact [email protected]. Trademarks Throughout this book, trademarks are used. Rather than put a trademark symbol in every occurrence of a trade- marked name, we state that we are using the names in an editorial fashion only and to the benefit of the trademark owner with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Notice of Liability The information in this book is distributed on an “As Is” basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of the book, neither the author nor Peachpit Press, shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions con- tained in this book or by the computer software and hardware products described in it. ISBN 0-201-88298-1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed and bound in the United States of America Foreword By John Kranz, senior product manager, Adobe GoLive Programs are shaped by users, not engineers. Glenn and Jeff asked me to share some insights into the influences that shaped GoLive 6 into the product they so masterfully cover in these pages. As with any Adobe software product, we conduct research to find which elements customers consider most critical as we move from release to release. GoLive 6 represents not only the fruits of the Adobe employees who designed and programmed this product, but, more importantly, the countless cus- tomers who we’ve heard from on an informal or formal basis. Special thanks are due to our GoLive Advisory Council members, beta customers, and particularly to Jeff and Glenn who have an incredible knowl- edge not only about our product, but about Web publishing in general. The amount of feedback and data received is truly staggering, but it all came to- gether to tell us which elements were crucial for this release. At times, we feel like Martha Stewart, concocting what we hope will be re- ceived as the perfect Web publishing recipe. Initial press coverage of GoLive 6 and customer testimonials help us feel that we’ve listened and responded well. A few key areas proved most important to users. I’d like to walk through these in the same divisions Jeff and Glenn used for sections in the book. Building Pages Usability research—watching customers actually try to work with the pro- gram itself—played an important role here. We refined the user interface to ensure a simpler workflow for creating and working with pages. Managing screen real estate. GoLive 6 introduces custom workspaces and palette stashing. You no longer need to continuously move and adjust palette positions; their locations can be saved and defined as a set—a top customer feature request. Stashing palettes was enthusiastically received during the early testing cycle as another way to help manage screen real estate. v vi Real World Adobe GoLive 6 Table layout. Customer interviews and workflow studies confirmed that working with HTML tables, particularly nested tables, can be a great chal- lenge. We added nested table navigation to the Table palette to allow for easy zooming in and out of nested tables. Table correction. GoLive uses a visual indicator (red numbers) to point out any table sizes that are incorrectly put together. An auto-correct feature, click- ing the red number in the Table palette, rewrites the code to be browser legal. Product integration. The Smart Object concept introduced in GoLive 5 goes much further in 6. The biggest improvement lies in including support for Variables in native Adobe source files. You can modify elements of a Photo- shop, Illustrator, or LiveMotion file directly within GoLive without affecting the original file. Code and Servers When all is said and done, it’s the code that matters most to many customers, particularly HTML purists. In this new release, we knew that three areas were critical: DTD validation of source code (think of it as syntax-checking on steroids), Section 508 compliance for accessible pages, and Dynamic Content and server-side scripting/database integration. DTD validation. The integrity of the HTML source code is always at the fore- front of our customers’ minds.
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