
Exploring and Enjoying God’s Word Chapter 5

Babylon After Nebuchadnezzar: Nebuchadnezzar died, then the line of Kings in Follows: - Amel-Marduk (Nebuchadnezzar’s son) - Nergal-sar-ezer (Nebuchadnezzar’s son-in-law murders Amel-Marduk) - Labashi-marduk (Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson) - (Becomes king when he helps have Labashi-marduk assassinated the same year he came to power) - is the son of Nabonidus, and he was placed in charge of Babylon (second in command) while Nabonidus was in Arabia. - Belshazzar is the last ruler of Babylon before it is conquered by the Medo-Persians.

VERSE 1: Belshazzar has a wild party for about 1,000 high-ranking Babylonian nobles. He is getting drunk. Drunkenness is a cause of so many problems in the world today. Remember God’s warnings about the dangers of alcohol to His followers. (Proverbs 20:1, 1 Peter 5:8)

VERSE 2: The King is getting drunk, and he has not heeded the lesson of his Father (really his grandfather) Nebuchadnezzar, that the God of , Isaac, and Jacob is the One True God. He orders that the holy vessels from the Temple when it was destroyed be brought out to drink out of by everyone. This is an act of contempt for God in its highest form.

VERSE 3-4: The people at Belshazzar’s wild party drank from the Temple’s holy vessels, and they praise false Gods while they drink. God’s patience in running out and His wrath is building up!

VERSES 5-6: All at once, the fingers of a man’s hand appear and the hand begins writing on the wall. Even though he’s drunk, Belshazzar turns pale and is overcome with fear.

VERSES 7-9: The King calls in all the “wise men” of Babylon that worshiped false gods - just like the other times they were called upon and they failed, they fail again. Belshazzar promises a great reward to anyone who can read the writing on the wall. Notice that he promises that he would be third ruler of the Kingdom. This is because Belshazzar was really the second ruler, acting on behalf of his father Nabonidus. When the wise men are unable to interpret the writing, Belshazzar grows even paler and he is paralyzed with fear.

Exploring and Enjoying God’s Word - Daniel Chapter 5 Saturday, February 3, 2018 – PM Service

VERSE 10-12: Belshazzar’s mother, the queen, comes in and reminds Belshazzar about Daniel. Daniel is still a part of the royal court at this time, but he is getting older. He has also appeared to be largely looked over by the rulers after Nebuchadnezzar. They had largely forgotten how the One True God has worked through him in the past, but the queen remembered.

VERSES 13-16: Belshazzar calls Daniel in and explains his predicament. He “butters Daniel up” and asks him to interpret the writing and offers him rewards and third in command of the kingdom if he can interpret the writing.

VERSE 17: Daniel rejects the king’s offer of reward, but he says he will interpret the inscription for Belshazzar.

VERSES 18-21: Daniel reminds Belshazzar that God was the One who placed Babylon, and his father Nebuchadnezzar, in his position of power. He reminds the King that God is the one who raises up nations and judges them. Daniel reminds Belshazzar of when God caused Nebuchadnezzar to go crazy - so that he would give credit to God and worship Him.

VERSES 22-24: Daniel then pronounces judgement on Belshazzar. He reminds Belshazzar that he had to know how God had proven Himself to be the One True God. Daniel then tells Belshazzar that since he has exalted himself above God, he will be judged. His brazen act of having a drunken party with the Temple vessels provokes God’s wrath even more.

VERSES 25-28: Daniel interprets the writing on the wall - it means - MENE - “God has numbered your kingdom and ended it.” - TEKEL - “You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.” - UPHARSIN - “Your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians.” (Jeremiah 27:6-7)

VERSES 29-31: Daniel is given the rewards promised by Belshazzar for interpreting the vision and he becomes third ruler of Babylon. But that night, Babylon is conquered by , and Belshazzar is killed.


God is carrying out His plan for the world, and He holds it all in the palm of His hands. “Did it ever occur to you that nothing occurs to God?” - Dr. Adrian Rogers

There is a limit to God’s patience before He pours out His wrath.

As humans, we have limited memory of when God blesses and when He shows His faithfulness. This can get us into trouble, even if we already know Jesus, because we forget to give Him credit.

We have a flesh tendency to get casual about our walk with Jesus, which can lead us to compromise and sin. That’s why we need to depend on God to stay in love with Jesus every day! Exploring and Enjoying God’s Word - Daniel Chapter 5 Saturday, February 3, 2018 – PM Service