: ... ·-- .

-· ·- :' -

By NEWEL~ J. CARMAN, Local Union Manage~~,, i ~ - ;_ ~- _· .. - - ·._: ... !· -: • •. • - ·_- . . . - ' . • . • f ~ • ;; - • ,·' •• • • . ..., . ,· _. . " •

1 • ..The . 'f.rustee~ . ;q£ the.:Pension :Trust Fun~.for- Operating :~Engine~rs -~nriounc.ed the detai~s o_f :our _ i __ P,lan th!~.Jast 'o/eek :Two ·years pf time-an d.st11dy have be~ri giVeri'tq each of th:e=provisic;>ns : of thjs pl~n. The 'P!"a,r(P.~s be.en designed ·esp.ecially fQr the member_s, o~ Operating :El11gineer~ Lo~al i Uniop. .No.· 3 ... Speci111 ·studies ·were required in •order thaLa plyd;=P.;:E9-gE;CO!llP, !for' refir'emelif}?y .th~ Bof!td ofi'early 1~e11~ 1~P, ) S a~mJ~l;l}e for · .....~:~ .l)i~ t~ ~~:f~~-a·y . in' b.9<;kgr'?u'1d : ( ~. ?e , p1cfur . ~ a.~ ·Qa kl_ ~nd ,p~9e J }:I. :foss, .w... M.IP'!.hfm ..~ .. l)d . H. P_et· . · Truste~s . Tlie · ~. plan : .a s_ .ihih.·ally J·.th?se -~~o .. .w1sh ,tp . 1eh!e .after... ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~~~~~~,~~~s-- ~- -?~·7: ~- ~~; ~7~ 7":~~ ~- ~-.~~-. ~; =~~- ~- - esbblished wtth the ins~~n~ : ~~e Q~ :~ at~erthan~t .~ ~~~ 5 - A 1 ·d·' t I d1sabiJ1ty pen.. swn . 1s .av. a1lable ,. ·:.c -..· 1:.. ..:, compan. . ,.. ,.. ... ,. y: ~ .... r: :· ··.prov.----·, ·. ra ··es ...... 1m,me ·:: 1a e J· ft · f .... t' · , . · · .. b - < .. _. .1' - d ·. · b · h . a er age 50 · or 11ose wHo are ~ · :'- ,, - enef.It s --.~.or · ol er-.mem· ers w o ·. ~ t-= tl d' t .. ·· .' s · s ·~-~·~ D ' · ·.. I · :'"~~· h ·. ,, -~ ··1h . r k ~ en 1 e ·. o-a · oma 1 ecunty - l S· . .. · ave--".veen--res:ponsl"'1 e _m: rna -.r :b. ·.t B- · f't A ' 1,- -- · ~ -. · ·- · -, • ' 'f,.. ,· -- l N a" tl:. 'f 11'' : a l 1 l y- ene 1 uaSlC ne11Slon ... -rrtg:.i:!O\lg ·1 _0 ;- ,. 11tlc Sl1QC'<:: S~ U , .a- 1 · · · ,., ' · . '· .t;.· ,-- , -• • -. 11:: - • "· •·• ' t · ~· '- -- ·t · t d - lS prOVldvd for those. membeiS . _ . · "uor orgamza 19~ -'l ·- 1s -. o ay. 1 ·h t·, d .· . h ·:. · ··-.-w.. · - .... '- · 1 · ·\· ·" · ·, · · -- • - tl ~ · ....., · h . b ·· , w_oreiie dmmgt.es1x_years • ·- .- ,. Bv NEWEtL CARJVIAN - · · ,- · · - I 0 n_ce ~e~>e P-:-nswns _ ~ve ee~.l immediately precedincr tlie- date· . . ..~. · · _ · - . - _ · - ~ - adequately fmanced ·· Improve- • - • • "' • • _. 1 The.. Operating E;ngineers Uiiion is "taki.Q.g a second -look" ~t ·· Gover nor Bro~n's $1,75 billion ments will_be studied to liberal~ ~~ 195 ~ ~~h~n penslO:t;· i~ontnbu~ , -~ tat e water_plan, following a 'b1eeiing with -the governor ln S_acramento on April 26, and indi_cations ( ize the provisions 'for younger I IOXs 5 a;~ : t . ff' - :h 1 11 0 1 .,;oii1t ·to a strong_swing in support of the ''plar( liy organized. ~:!<~:.Q9r when -:..it appears ·on the state 'meml.)ers who ·will retire in the 1 b n at'~~?~ d·a t ~ · ° V ~; · ~s ToaHot in November. -:. . · . · , ~ · ,· ·· - - · - I e_en es a 18 e. ~ - 7 6 ~-enc~a - -Man u~ions- had beell:'o - OS· ; south, 1t . IS g~n erally felt ; tj.i:at - > •• • - :~ • " -' .~, • • • c·· , .I Street, San Francisco, Cahform? :inlg th~ plan on the groun~~ it : many uniqns will come ouLil:f .OFFICI·A_L : 'NOTICE ·,YO : MEMBiEIRS I to h~ndle all the re~o!ds of t?-is . - , ld - · · h.o b' -. -.. . d ·1full ·support of the water,· refe:r- • ···> · :- ·f .. . · . , - .- _. pensmn plan. $peG.Ial machme 'AOU ennc . Ig va11 ey 1an . - - . . b _, - _. .. -"" n· t ' . t t ' h d 1 d- f .T 19"0 I • t '11 ' d k 1L ld . b t· .t t endum m Noyem er. - -· · - · - ·· - 1s nc_ mee mgs ·sc e u e or ... une, · u : . I eqmpmen w1. recor . your wor uo ers, u" 1 ·appears o metl . ·A . f f - . - th' 1 _ -· · .. · d h · th f t , H t b' , 1' . t . chon o ·a re- eree ear1 y lS JU.NE.. · -.. _ · · - · ·~ , · · recor eac year .m e u ure . la every · · ·. · · b. . · · · - · ~.,.~· ·· t p' · ·t · 'd - t . t' h share 'by some 900,000 acre feet _ ;1.4 - ~.~~·. (Tuesday) ,. - · Salt Lake, ·151 So . .2nd East, Annex. e mamtamed· for each. member . ...5 es o nva e m us ry m e 1· . . · · f ·· · · · a· 'd 11 t ·h ' · -- ~.Tea . ·- · / (enough for Los .t\.ngeles . or _one . 15 ·. _(Wednesday) · Ri:mo, ~et1o Musicians' Bldg., 120 W. Taylor m lVl u~ Y o e1 JL ~'OU _app1 Y · · ·' A ft · t . ·fi! year) also sharpens the need for · · . -·.., ·· * * · . _ · I for your proper penswn alluwG ~~ ct's _a e .. wh~ er ..tPrfq~r~ llln ~lt · · · -quick:action on conserving Cali- . SPECIAL-: MEETING SCHEDULED FOR TECHNICAI:J --ENGI-11ance when you'wish to retire. A .., .. ea e .ennc men - or - a ·. Cll· 'f - .. ' -. t l f "t , ...... -. booklet has been d' t 'b . d t ien~ ·o£ .California ·the Go\'ef.nor· · ?r~Ia . s · own ~a ~r supp Y ()1' 1 s · NEERS- May ~2oth ·· 1960 at 8 p.m. in the San Francisco Building · . ~ 1s n ,me _ 0 1 .· ~ ··1 (i ,. · ' ··. · · · .- . , res1dents - . · . . · . . --''' ~ . ' • ·•• • ·. .. · • . · the home address of-eacn n1em- · .• -~care.· _ ,' .· . ~ .- _ ... <: :· ·: hiclud~d in.: a. group of s. F. Tra·des Temple, · ~00. ''9-Uerrero :street;' San; Eniricisco to: discuss ber describing the many :fea· · · · lin' Vlew of the tremendous· · ·- · · . · · · · . · - · . · · ·. · - · · · · · - -; •'·afuilmint: of builain . tnides'" wbrk' !3ay· ~~ e? uni.on)eaders c?hf~rr: ·forthco!Iljng negotiatio_ns1 JHIS : ~E~TIN_G IS ,IMPORTANT. AND. ture~ _of the pensiQn plan: 'l'he . . .· :··f:ffivolved iri' tile . -/rop'osect '· pl~n ·. mg9ovei:_nor .. Brown_Ol) th1s_mat- ALL. TECH}'{~CAh~~~I~E~;R&~ 'S)l:O;lJL.~. MAKE EVER'£' EF~ORT trustees oft~e . ~lan request that ,; ti) 'bring Noiiheril ~ dilifornia's t~r1'/.as ~ro. Newell Carman;, Loc TO. BE PRESENT 'A'ND P,_A,-RTICil?A'rE JN THE DISCUSSIONS. you, read tln s :· hQ?kleL ~~refully · :-;'~~¥~ ·-. 'iat~r . ?YP~Jy :;:tP,.. J~y<,~f¥, .~:~~ ;~~~~ifliai:;~Jgi~~~t:~ •.t!re -·. ~"·-~1\N C NIATED. ~ ;,n : /P'At:~*(~J9'~~,:i4.N :Kr sATURDAY MqRN ~ - ~~~utn~~e~o~i~ l,~\~~e_r!;~Htr· -- · · ·· "'· ' · · · ·· stro,p.~lY- ;1~ s~p~o.rt .~,pLt.l,!e .: J?f9·, ING :' JUNE-4 ,1960. Th·e.,:Bi"annuillBlood·Bank Da .jn which the wlnch .areno;.vyo):!.I~, )tis ..~nt 1~1~ 4 6 .··."· ~--~H~-.~.--·_·~~~.---·. .r....: •.· :~-~- ft--_··. a__·..·.. -. * •. P.L_I.• ~.- :.-.-.· ~_-s_f_. . : .· •. - ~~~~~ ~~J~~~~~:J~~rif?~iJit\ · }~6~: var_i~~s :~~i9-ds:· ~£;~n.¥~~ct :.~it~·.tqe: ~ I,J.~W>~- of ~I~_od hr ,eme_J:?.t}:hi~)'~ ~r ~il:d tha~ l!lti- .. -'· SAI'{JOSE . pet:s, ·J:>l;lt tl1~ - EngmE?~r.s : ar~ : ~~ · wm ~ taRe ~ place_ 0 {1FtP,~ .- pep.in.sula ·~M..e;inqriaF _B1Qocl ;Bal1k .on EL-Ca:o. mately _ Pe'!iSlQll - ~h~cks wil,l "Re · '.:.:Bilhn.im Cayw.' o.O'!i . - - 'Y~YS ·; in ~tipp~rt: of~ l)ElilefiCi~l ml.no R~:Latthe •souih : -eri:d . ~f: Milibta~ .•_ Membe~s ~ donate , blood in sev,t .to ::2500 r. eYte~s :.' mqp,tlJ,ly~ · - · - .. · · :· public pro)·ects such as this .re- · .· .. · ,.. ·.. :·· .. /_. .-:·, · ·: ." . t·--· '" . < • • .... • • • : :> · .· . -"" - ·· ·. ·- Apphcatwn~ for· . nension· are . · : ·: i·Hirbert·Theissen ' · · · ., - ... c· •· · , · ·" ·. c . ·.· · • · ••· . the .name .of the1r own :: orgamzatlonv,Get your. pledge card at the · ·· · ·· . · 9 :' · ;- ~:. c -- - ·· s · ,. · · ... . .;J.9h:i1:Br:i_dgis ... ·· . g;p..:dJ~~s pt',~h~~.r p~r~WHll mter~ , · . . : . : ·'- :.. ..· · . ·.· · ,,_. · ~-, ' . ' -;. ·. •-- ,_- -· · · - · . no_w _bemg . take,n: ' Yo,u. _m.ay re- . . _ Romeo ''Noel ·' .·· est.>. _ . . . ·.. .. , · ··• - .·.. · < office m S?n Mateo, ,·; : vy~ :\\f o~ 'once, lets WlN AGAIN! _. quest an applic?tiori· froth :the .. Jesse Reidenour . '.The: m1i:on. officiais asked.Gov.' . . . · . . ·.. ;~< - · · administrative ·office . at - anv .• • J irmeS"' ~ E:ell.;r . .. ·- B~·6.Wn'for legai opinions on pay- •. ~J, _I.• REFUN!;> _ N~)'~ICE-W_ork~rs_ co:vered by the state Unem, J.in1e: Your I uriion officials ·will - .. Gene ciloper·.< me!'it'of prevailing .wages on the· ployme_ilt·.Disability IiJ,surai1ee ; ~aw, wno contr_lbuted more than b'e glad to assist .-you .'\vith this -'Lester Bakel· ·· .. · · wa,{~ r . p~oject. i~ jt goesJhrou_gh $36:,£Qward tlie ~r6grirti l,ast year; ar,e ~ntitled to a . refund of - t h~ plan. and to . pi·ov~ d~. you with D'. W. Ja-mes . a~1? ~- }?Y the _h!lndreds of water · excess, ~ but .they· musfmake;;application for it on a form obtain- any mfprmatwq whiGh may De- ·.·. · ·-· d1stncts coverma. the state.- . : .. · · .· " · ·:- ' .., ·- · • .. ·. · · ·· · - · · helpful.. (, · EUREKA ;, . ~ The ~ater . dl;trick generally ab~~ - . at any ~ocal - off~ce of the :state Departm~~t .:.of Employment, ~~~~~· ~a~~s~n . opl:iqse. uniop~{~p.d . pay_less than before J~ll:e, 30, f 960. , .. : Rei;Whortoh, . s~31P.~·a.,.l: d. bliifd_ing, t!:'3:?e,~ ~\ya~es _: Under. state '1\l:,f, ape~p1oyer withli,olds from the -pay_of work- for .. mamtenance work .which · " . - db th CT" · J.· ' bTf · · · ,- · ' : f , · - ; ~AC.. R~M~~T _() .olfen .covers . major, constructiorr er~ cover~ ; :. Y· ·.. , ~ '- • a _norma !;> ~ u J:_ pr?gram one per: cent 0 .. - ~ Ma~d -~ J. Br~~1 ,~- - _ WOfk ..· · Tile -~uniori ~ officers .. clskfid(_ the.: f.iF§t~ ~-3,6000. P~}Q. ~ ?acp. . v,:6rkef.·· ~ · - -- JE~·nest£ K'en..'!ledy · - · ... ~ . ...: ·· .:· · .. · ·'· · ·' ··'' -..... ·_,·_.·: :·:· '· · ·;. ·· · · ·. <.··._,;,; --- ~R- · t 'tte. · · · · · . fo:r ,a J~.~~l~ru~ng, ~~ to: whet~er · · P.ersons ~wl;fo · v,., or:k for.two or more e'mployers duringthe :year >~ JI'.J:~~! _ ,.,; ~s eo_ r. the dlstncts come.under.the rule- 1 . ' •' '~' • • ' . ' • - -. • ·• ~ • . ::'•• c •. o,,:f.)lESl'W · ~ailing for prevailing wages_ in ~~) ..pay . ~1~re - than $36 ,: becau,Se: each en1pwyer, m tvm; w~th-

· :·~,: ,- ·J?>.;I:l; .;J!~l!st.. o~ ~: ·. - · " · · :'~~Piit.~c~l . s4hciivisions: :~ · " G9Ys ~ h~lg s -._t he _stf?~~:~.i~~{Js.~tj~~~~~; hi~ ~~!J~)t ,~ni~.P}~!J:

-.r;: · Co ~n- ·, ; r!t~t' · II@,. ,,· ·· · ·;' · -· ·t· · Jr! , . · . • ~;;;~ i . , ve ~ ~ - ~ ~ 1on~ ~es ~ ·· ~ver~ ~ l(ears ·asks nder - l~G law By AL CLEl\I, Assistant Local Union lVIan.agzr . _ It :is with gr~t pleasure tha~ I present'this report of the ev.ents. of the 26th 'convention of the Published each month by Local Union· No. 3 of the International Union · of Operating Engineers to wh:ich yoit. the members, elected me as a delerrate International Union of Operatmg· Engineers : !to represent you. Wi~h only minor di!ferences. o~ opinion. by a fninute minority, our delegation lcooperated and contnbuttid to v,rhat, m my opmwn; w·as · the most progressive and well run con:· (Northern· California,. Northern Nevada,_State of Utah, l. vention it has ever been my I', · the Hmvaiian Islands) pleasure to attend. This indi­ Office: 474 Valencia St., Sa.n Francisco 3, Calif. ca-ted that a. healthy condition .. Mail all news items in to editor not later than the 5th oi each. month Ij existed among the .delegates NE(WELL J. CARMAN ...... Managing Editor and Local Union . Mgr. -whcim you elected to 'represei}t PAUL EDGECOMBE ------~-- --- ·-----·------····-- - · Pr~sident -· ~- 0. FOSS.:...... :...... :-: ...... :.Vice ~ President I ~o;.he convention was highlight­ W~ V. lVIINAHAN ...... - ...... Recordi-ng-Conesponding Secretary ! ed by the attendance of out­ : standing speakers from all parts ~~ ~~r::~~E;;_·_·-~~--~~-~~~--~~--~~--~------~~-----~~-~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~----~~-i-~:~-~:: __ ,::;:;. of the United States. John Subscription Price: $2.50 Per Year O'Connell, a vice-president of I Second class po;;tage paid at San Francisco, California · · Bechtel Corporat_ion, addressed the convention the first d.ay. He was follo·wed by Professor John ·.. ~ T. Dunlop of Harvard Univer­ ;: _.: sity; formerly · chairmal'1 of the National Joint Board for Settle- : · .. ..FR ·. CISCO'.,' .•!J B.s. mentThe ofSecretary Jurisdictional of Labor, Disputes James N · P. Mitchell, ha(l nothing but . _ . . _ . • praise for Gener.al President De- • 'SEE- laney, General Secretary Whar- . , · ·m I • , _ -, ton and -the Executive Board for If PICK· · P1 the manner in which they have By ·PA·UL EDGECOMBE; JERRY DOWD and DAN MATTESON; I cooperated \Vith the Labor De- · Business Representatives I partment in putting into effect The l?ng awaited Di_amond H~igh~s Project on the south slope , the changes_ required in,our.con­ of our picturesque Twm Peaks, which went under construction , shtutwn by the. _e!lact.neilL of last munth, has not fulfiiled our employment expectations. We the La_ndrum-Gnfflth Act. }Ie had anticipated by now in having at east thirty to forty engineers ~lso pmd respect to the Operat- l . . . ?n the job and_we would hav~ had if it had· not been for the fact m& ~n~meers Umor!_, mor~. spe- j aspirations of becoming Presi-. prior to the convening .' of the'· Clfical_l) mentlonm."' then ac- 'I dent-' of. ·-- the U'111·t·ed St te ) · d l · . ·· ·. . · ·~:hat they ran mto an excessive 1• · a · s ' · convention We \Vere fvrnlshed ' Of th · 11 h' · t th 1· h t d ·· - tl1 · . .an am_o~nt of mud and water in the e men ° • IS JOu a e com~ lS mens unng · e war President -of the AFL ' CIO, i ,· · . ._ · • ~- . _ 0 sttipmg of one of the canyons. Fainl)Oilt Hotel where they still year.:.. - · . George Meany, taking time out ! ~lth able le"'al_ assi.:.t~nce by che Also, the City's changing ·of the have better than a month's drill- It sems to me that when an i from their · busy schedules to ! Gen:ral President and . t ~ - e . plans in ~his operatiori, didn't ing left to do:... International Union has people appear before a gathering of ! Charrman of the Committee on(. . help matters any. . , It won't be long. now until . of sud1· high .stature as. the_ _Sec - Engineers from · the United 1Law and were able, .through ' ,_In - sp~aking tq t~e Superin- 1American Bridge has all. the ! r~t_ary of Labo~ , James P. ~h~ch- States and ~anada - to deliveT an !amending and . discussion, - t~ ' tend e~t of the pro)ect (Dutc.P. , steel· ere~te~ -on the· Am~ncan eli, . a_ Senato1: of . t~e ,U mte~ addres_s sucn as these gentle' i come .. out with · an· unanimous·' Hendnck) the other day, he IS Trust Bmldmg, The engmeei·s State~ . .John Kennedy . {\~ho ha:s .- men-did, we knovv that the lead- !' ...... , . . ·.··, __ ,. ' .. · · t! t · · 1 · ·h· · · e f · t t· · . . recommendat10n of all 1~sues . Df tl1e ._ opm10n 1a m a coup e : on t 1s ·)oo1 really know their rs ' o o~ur m ern a wna1 are 1 . • • • - - ~ _: , o~ w_eeks they should ?e able to 1 business! - · .: - ·- 1 :working t4H'(ard·$·. _.raisin~ .. th:: f: an~ res.ol~t!ons IVh:i;.h ~!'r:~reJUif,~~ -~-

"'et 1nto mor·e productive ·-nper·a I, B · H k' · ·· ~. ... · ·. . r standard of· 1'\"'110· for· · ·t_h"· E·nat- 1 .m1tted .to . the -La\\ . Gomnnttee<· ...... ,.... . 5 . · 1 v - uzz as'ms ··Has a ·sma11 ; · ~·.l "' .. " .-.. "' J- .·: . .. · . .. ~:''' ~ ~ro,n. He also stated that ~he DW I spread _· _ . a co~ple o,f dozers; a , n_~e~s . th_e_r:eby_ c; · eatin~ a} b~:t. erl fm:,-then' - ~o:n~I~eratlon. __ ,·, _ ,, ,.-: . · 21 s that were .on the site last carryall ;md two tamper cats , w a~ of, l_Ife,f o~ the m,.rnnel' ~ pf : 'Ihere were se\ ei:al': ']es.o}n-'.:( . ~onth, and :w?rch were moved_ working off Monterey Blvd_ This .. ·our- · 01 g_a~hza t wn , · thelr .wrves ! tions submitted : bf:: loca ~' ufi~<;)'~:,": .- '. to San ·J:ose, w1ll be back ?Y the Olltfit· seems to get mosLof the 1 and families:.·· · , .. ,;-. - •· ·: throughout th'e-.. :.uniH~·ctuSta teiS';l' e:hd of the month along with ad- dirt work in this area and in. FRANK PliRUY 100 .RESOLUTIONS some of which had nierlt a t1d .. ditional rubber. tir"ed rigs. At San Mateo County. Fortuna, Cal., Mar. 6, 1960 Turning to the business f 0 r after study and revision by the p~e sent _ there are fom: doz;rs Fred .Fairy, Standard Build- FERD A. JOHNSON which we were assembled, more Committee o,n Law also were a~_-_ d f?ur__ car:~a 1_ls wo_:km~. 'I)e_ ers,· Charlev ··· Harne.v, Fay ·Im. . s 11 J r 1 iVl ,., than on.e ' hundred (100)' resolu- adopted by tne conventwn. • ea g b~ d ·~ _, d J J a ose. ~a , 1 ar . 19. ·. . .19 · o 0 ~-·- 1 T _d b . . . g-i ..s1~ JS :-m<'.0 on~ on a ou provement. Company all have LIOns were acted uuon which ~ woul e am1ss m rny duty b~~ shift ~as1s with on; man _o n jobs going on throughout the EDWARD E. IYlcHENRY dealt with- proposed changes' in if I did not report to you that da_, sand LW~ on the S\~ 1ng sli.Ift. area and Fred Fairy has good Chico. Cal, Mar. 19. 196:0 the Constitution required to the recommendation of the La'w T:he shop will_ also _be workmg sized pipeline job going up Man- I GEORGi W . . joa_'NS ON conform with the new law as Si")t ; Commit(ee. on the resoi t.'.t.i.ons I submicteci bv the General Pres-- . on a double-shift basis when pro- gel street . H . · . 1 c~l i'·'I" . 91 1960 forth in , the •Landrum-Griffith ducti.on_ pi"cksu· p_ At present_ "llle .. . r .; .· I ay\\ a!C . · ~ .. _y c.. I.. - · n.CL.A L 1\.u10re 'h,, an n"'£ ty t.5 0) of .· ident and the. General Sec: ·etary- shop crew is made up of t\VO WRECKING JOBS JAlVIES KETCHEL , ,_ these a__ me11 dments were submlt- . Treasurer . wer.e adop 'L eo' hy ::1n , The demolition contractors -- - mechanics one welder, and a are still doing· quite a bit of San Fra.ncisco. Mar.·. 26. 19.·60 . teg. by the General President, ' overwhelming majority, in ex- ·_ foreman. The master . mechanic ...... tlie General Secretary-Treasur- cess of 700 votine- for adtJption- . .. ·b .e L. l 3 d t"'-' work throughout the City. Union GEORGE-SOUZA. ~ . IS a mem er 01 oca an ,uiS H , ,. _,, Cal n'I "" - · - er, an_d the Committee on Law , to concur in the recommenda- . t · b to op· eratin2' three a'-- 'oa · C1 u ar .:> u 1060, cer .am·1 Y h, e 1ps t o e t~ler th-e Crane is back ~ 'J '" · _ ., · · • " · itself. This is a tribute · to the · tion of the Law Committee. wi:th . '·t· f · riggs after operating £our, for 1 1 , w<;>r-kbmg conm wns or our quite a while. Cleveland Wreck- RUBEN E: KETCHERSHJE : alertness . of our International only 12 against. · ·· · mem ers. ers are still operating the one Sacramento, Cal., Mar. 31. 1960 ; and is do~umentary evidence of It is my finn belief that our Even with the unanticipated crane, along with. their loader·. · . ,, , :-' .. · ~ · , . ,, . . 1 the1r des1re to conform with International Union will mi:u·ch · h · ·t . . CH ...... RLEti ·E. EDSI.NGER 1 the lavr;o of our l.::Jnd di.st,·lstef·L·l f . - ·ct L f' - · •• - sow1 d own, we ave s1x een men Flora put two of lns ngs back Campbell ,.,::1 1 Am .. , ~ _'•·v - • - - _ , . _ • mwar aL a aster pace m cne. • along· \vith three !Zrade fore__ men . . . · '-'·--·· " · 3· 1" 60 ' as :-'1me -ot t 1leir prov1s10ns t f . ('' ) - d · t • after havmg one . .: . . . .. · . . ' rna. 1!..,., ·. . n~x _our '± /e~rs L:nl er · ~ e ~ 1~to operatwn, 1 0 011 the payrolL Almost forgot to ng down for a couple of weeks. FRED_ PARKER. SR. ·~ ~ IV" , 1 , present leade1sh1p than ever oe-- 0 kl d C 1 · 11 1n"'J1 · R , f • ' H · · , b mention that there's a 22-B on , c~arley Harney _has a couple j a- an_.. , · .. a ., A. P_'_'. : , : """ I ~~ogn. itwn __o th~ _ability ~nd rore .. ~avmg_ occas1~!1. to .ecome , the jo~ also . . {Brother George of ngs over on Geary Street_.It .. FR.AN, K·.- KT"'-A""l7. pres~rge of Tinternanonal V1ce- closer 31~quamted w1tn the Gen.- Freeland wouldn't ·forgive us, - ... - p c1 t N 11 c al o ·f l d --r thi's!)·- doesn't look like thi~.. jub will :·, p· d t r " ·1.., ,., _ res1uen _ _ev.',e a_rman w_ '~S er . :r IC~ _ personn_e an_ , _m__ .ore , - 1e mon , · ~a_.1 , ,..,_pr. _,_;,, 1900 1d t -·t ' h - particularly Ge 1 P d t fo ever amount to anythmg as far r. ~ 1 emons ra ec~ ny 1s appomc- . ~ , . nel? -res, :,en . py the time. anotber article ap- as employment fQr the opei'ating · LESL!EY E. SNHTJH m~nt as Chairman of the. Com-' J~seph J. Delaney, Hunter. P. J>.ears in our next isscte we hope engineers are concerned. · It's Oroville, Cal., Apr. Hi, 1'960 mittee on Officers Report. The Vv hart on, General - Secret~ry-- to report that we have more one of those jobs where a crew General President paid tribute , Treasurer, and the General t~·an our anticipated amount of can do just so much and then ELiVIER STIGLER to L-Dcal Union No. 3 by select- 1 Vice-Presidents, I am sure they engineers employed on Diamond they have to wait a week or two Ogden, Utah, Apr. l~, 196iJ ing me to s·erve on the Commit- ' all have o_ur intere st~ at heart f!eights. until a service of some sort is OVIL' R WELCH i. tee on Law and -Brother Paul In closmg I would suggest DOWNTOWN JOBS moved out of the way. However, Reno, Nev., Apr: 20, 1980 IEd~eeomb e, your Pr~sident, to . ~hat rou make a special ~ff~rt _ Ln the downtown area, work is, we hope these delays are over. se;ve on the ResolutiOns Com- • to a_cte_nd your next_ Pistnct 1 just about the same as was re- 1within the near future so that WAL'l'ER-1\'I!SHORK : m1ttee. 1 meetmg. so that you will hear a pprted last month. No new work we can see more engineer but- Salt Lake Cit;.r, Apr. 22, 1960 I Brot~er " Fran.k P. Converse, f~lll report by the. dele~a.te~ ~ho . h_as gotten underway as yet. The tons on display. " ROB'f. KILLINGSWORTH as chairman of the Law C,om- were m attend~nce aL Lhis Im: . n,ew work we have in mind is , . By the end of this week Vagt- Benicia, CaL, Apr. 23, 1960 Imittee, broug.ht with him the portant conventiOn. _ , tl_le H_ilton H,otel and the Poits- 1borge Lift Slab. Corporation will . bene_f_it _of · ex_·p_erienc_e of p a s t . . . · mouth Square Garage. What's ' have completed their jacking JOHN.LAIG.HT_ ' service m t.h 1s ·capacity and the A touns t 1s a f e ll ow , wuo... . holding up the Hilton Hotel we operation on the apartment" at Salmas, Cat, Apr. 23, 19'60 I outstanding job he did demon- , drives hundreds of miles to get 1 · don't actually know although it 1800 Franklin Street. Now we'll JOHN LAW I strates General President Jo- a .picture of !limself standing by is ru!llored th~t there is a p'oliti- be waiting . for _George Belcher Ogden, .Utah. Apr. 25, 1seo I ~e~h Del~ney 's. good _jud~ment. his automobile. 1 · m as chairman. .,, '-' '' cal hassle· gomg on · among the 1 to put up his hmst. I I selectmg hun politicians, pertaining to the gar- 1 In closing, Brothers don't for ~ L~STER C. LANKFORD Brother Paul Askew·, Assistant I When a woman meets a man age. w_e· s~~e hope they ca~ se~- get your local blood ban~ . If ~ou Gilroy,' Cal.; Ap.c. 30, HJf.il) I~0 the Gener~l Pre si~ ~nt, ~ct~d who looks her straight in the tl~ the1r dnferences so that this

By DON KINCHLOE, BILL BARR, ."TINY" LAUX, WARREN LE -MOINE and TOMMY THOMPSON,_ Businass Representatives Bi·~thers, the Oakland a.rea is , still_ slow. U~fortunate l y, the BLOO late rains have kept the a1:ea slow, although .the· outlook appears D DONOR FOR . . O!,KLAND OFFICE to be very good. . . As you 'are probably aware, our blood b.an}\: at the. present ANGELA E. SMALL time is compietely exhausted, there£oi·e. we would like to request that all Brother Members and their families make an effort to The two whirleys that are being donate. blood to the Operating Engineers Blood Bank. This blood 1 erected t o handle the concrete· is ve'ry necessary and can save the life 0£ a .Brother Engineer or will soon be in place and · then . !l-is family, as welL as . the additional c'osts to an Engineer. So • Brothers, please ·donate, and :an \vho do will have their na_mes the sho'w will be on the way . -- listetus Wunderlich's job on Mount ain Freeway prognisses it should be cause of muddy water ·at this depth, and connecting of sections t rees for the right of way. They Boulevard, yvith our old friend noted the fine job of protection will be made as nearly automatic as possible. · also installed various drain Jim Kelley in charge, has run· being displayed by _Bros. H .. E. llines. They have p\lt down about in.to water problems a~d is down Shelby and Henry Brusst.ar of four miles of A.C .. leveling to a slow crawl. ' Barridde & Warning Lite Co . course. The Oak Knoll Bridge on THE MAC FREEWAY Their e;xcellent : equipment is sro·c ro,N J s t~s project has to be widened Guy -F. Atkinson put. a few of more than. serving its main pur­ about six · feet on each side, our .boys to -work on what litHe pose ,()f protection. The jobs of which will consist of the follow- excavation there is on the free- C. K. Moseman and Guy F. At­ IMP,_ OVE· I ing: 19,500 cubic yards of roaq- way job. This job as last re- kh1son Cci ~ are a fine exmaple of By WALTER M. TAL~OT and AL McNAMARA, e way exc~ vation , 2,~00 cubic -ported. is overhead structures what good. equipment ~nd . ex­ Business R3presentatives yards of'.ditch excavat19n, 24.()00 and will not be too much help to cellent service can do to 1mprove tons of aggregate· sub-base, 19,- this office as'fal' as hiring is c.on- and- otherwise u1;1savory atmo- The prspects f~ r work in this district have picl~ ed ·up: consid- 000. tons of aggragate base, cerned. A f .ew crane crews and sphere so often found OJ} a job erably since our last report, but· we are · still lacking anY:'of the which will .be made, by the Kol-. lots ,of concrete is what they· of this sort. Streets properly de- large projects that are being let in other districts. The new. man screening plant lO~ ODOtons will have. Another portion of toured and safely covered by Hogan Dam will come into the large job c~tegou but it -is Iiot of -cement .treated. base, 17,500 this freeway.. (MacArthur) will be , Barricades and Lites encourage scheduled to be let until .October of this year; however; it will tons of asphalt concrete,, i~400 let as this goes to·'press. The de- c·aution pn the part of the. pub- probably be 1961 before. any no- . . . · .... lineal feet of raised ·bar. . The molition .crews are busy clearing lie as· w~n as .the · workmert -. on ticeaple . number of engineers I of Fr,esno over the .. Pr?tests of. equipment · ~m -, this j6b will ·be tlie right- of way·. Charles Camp~ the job: -. " will be employed. . 1 1se c om~ ldw bidder; -.~_o~doi! . f!· t'1r~~-. MiChiga~ ~scr~per s, t wo an ella . moves his crews faster ·* ·'-' * · · · The biggest change . in the lo- 1Ball, due t? t~chm~a11t1~. 'rhe, . TU' 24 dozers . one cat 12 blade and· more often than a rabbit in NEWS A80UT .'fHE BROTHERS cal picture sine~ our. last report I Long Co. bid was $1,1~57,600. · · suie Adains .· 6rio ' blade, Kolmai{ a gra~n field-and is· just . ~bout as . Bro: Walt · Medinas is the is the work that has been sue- S. M. McGaw, and B:ar~er Con-· pol'table screening plant · and 1 hard to -locate. Baker Equipment, newly elected President of the cessfully bid_ . by T. Teichert & , stnJ.~tors w~~e - low bidders at HD 16 dozer, one HD ·9 .l oa der, lik~wise, keeps on the move and Vine Hill Approvement Associa- Son. In additiOn to the Mathews 1 $50 , .~.90 to up-rap the recently oiH~ 12 ton roller o11e 8·ton· tali' stays ]?usy. tion ln Martinez. Anyone living Road job that was mentioned in [co-mpleted ~o· uth Disposal Pla'nt ·• dum roller. and 'a rubber tired · Kiss Crane and Abdo Allen in the Vine· Hill m·-ea that is ·in- last months' report at $42,4i 7, Oxidation Po~d ~ike . .Brother roller. The project n,1anager· on along with Bro. Hunt can be terested ih joining this associa- they were lowest bidder.for con- Tony Cardoza IS usmg his Grade t~i s . job is, Ph~l · Fox. Broth?T fo~nd somewhere along Mac- tion ' or desires any information version of Sharpes Lane to four 1 ~11 with a self-designed rake at­ VIrgil Guptill Is the· foreman. Aithpr. . . relating to the association can lanes from Charter Way to lSth tached to the boom to place the 1 The following brothers . are al- Jo~~lr~al.lmg~r. andthh~s c~ews I call Bro. Wa~ at ;cad~~Y 8t Sti·eet in . Stockton in .the . rip-rap. . 0111 1 l'~a dy . on. the jop: Bon E: A cre, a~eth I,~wise lT g ~ !' SI are ~~~~ ~~- _ stab.· Y a~I ~~e I~ ani.ount of- $227,133; construe- j ·. The Simpson-Le 0 f.1 e Paper Plant lD1ck. Fana, ~ - 1':11see1~, and ·Gene ~ . erno I wn wor · . rene uve, ar mez, a - .tiori . of a boat launching. ral'rip.l in Ripon is beginning to s.how 11 ·: Norberg. This JOb wrll be good Helm J?.ros. of Berkeley ~ve forma...... ·· and fishing facilities at Louis signs of constl'uction with the f , b t · · t d , ' the contract for brush cleanng '-· •· '-· · 1 . . . . '. . . Ol a ou n111e y ays. on the Guy F. Atkinson poi·tion Bro. Charlie Plumb has · re- I · P~rk for $~9 ;649 ; re~onstr.uct~0~1 1 MI~ler - Davts . and Wllham c . .. * * * f th f .....- t : d f tl t ' E of •streets 111 Park o e reeway. . Ire , rom 1e 0 pera 111g VIew subdiVI- Ta1t Compames m charge of the. Hart & Hyndi~g- of. n- . . f Ib ·1ct· cr t t" · d A 427 Te- . lVroseinan and Sons have one. gineers Unioi). Local 3 . after swn for $70,438 ; conversiOn o . r l,.l: Ir:~ cons rue 1011, an ._ hama Str~et, San Flancrsco, was rig and an A Fraine busy on twenty" three years . .He lhas a .North El ._Dorad~ St~e.et to f~m ; fe1~her t & Son. d~mg th_e e_xca­ the low ~rdder to the. Bureat\ of J heir section of the freeway with fix-it. shop and sharpens I saws, ~anes from thal portwn whicl: vanon and gradmb. at this, tu~1e, . Reclamation. for ~he ms t~llahon Bi:m c . Gerwick doing the driv- mowers, knives, sheqrs etc. Bro. Is no\v fom lanes to Clarem.orll a:lld to .m a1~e concre~e ontne JOb «JJf .a tra.sh ~emoval e:Impm~n.t ing for the piers. . . - Char~ie's address is Castro • 3860 Avenue for _$114,473; and the. srte; with a John Gist Company s;vstem for _fish collectwn facill- . Gallagher and Burk are doing Valley Boulevard, CastFo Valley. ~alaveras Count~ road construe- portable batch plant. · t~ es at the · Delta.~e~rdota Intake 1 the dirt . work in conjunction Phone number.JEffe,rson 8-4808. bon and relocation around the· As of this writing no"newshas Canal, Delta DIVISI~n o~ . CVP with, !heir job on the east side If any 0 ~ the brothers needs any proposed ne.w Hogan Dam for been· receiyed by· those ·contrac- · near Tracy on old. ru:er m Al_a- of the· Broadway lo~i'level tun- work done take it to. his shop $344,000. This a,g ~p·~gates nearly -tors ~ubmitting bids on the -a~- . meda · County. This ·Job· w~s ·m nel.,-' : :· · _ .. 'and· say hello: .· ~900,000 of worK ~vrth four more . cess road into the asbestos de-. excess of $200;000. -· It consrsted · Raymond Concrete Pile have · '-' * * Jobs to be- let thrs week. The I posit near Copperopolis. Need- of abol.).t .· 3;000 · cubic .yards · of · moved a driver. in ol). Broadway "Bud" Rich is confined i:ri the largest, money wise, is the ov~r• les . to .say. they feel that no underwater." excavation;< wh:ere to di'ive the c~ns for,Guy F.· At:· hospital in Concord having u:n-· p~sses and u~?erpasses on State award will be- made as the bid - . concr:te w1ng. walls.: \';"er~ pour- -k.inson: and sho~ld provide t.he dergone surgery: He ~xpeds to Highwa~ 99. m S~ockton ; two opening date was A'prillst. ' ~d .to mstall the eqmpment ~s~d · ~'tdewalk:- supenntendent.s w1th be·out in about a week and after- more crty street J?bs and an~ · In-the Modesto uortion of this m _the removal ·of . the t! as ~ ·an interesting· if noi~y · job. _ ·· a short· rest should be back · in oth~r county. road JOb north, of district the work also is on the Which . comes <· .down>the nver. , ·-The ·shipyards as usual this the middle of things_:_Good luck LodL~n . ~eltmr Road. Based' on ·uptake. . · · T~ey also put 111 some-. 5,000 :u" . tilr:e: of year are very slow- ''Bud" ~ and take i~ easy. pa~t biddm~, the bets are for A. ·Ince Brothers of -Sunnyvale b1c yards of compacted b ~ckflll. wa1tmg- for. the g?:rernment to · * . * ''' . . . Teichert & ~on -to get three out I were low bidders at $.141,832 for T~e Rosendahl -CorporatiOn ~f come "\IP with_ additional money Bro. " Shor~y'' ~ooper Is 111 the of the four Jobs. · ·· . the '.cqnstruction of sanitary · R1chmond has. one _ of .therr for sl11p repair work. It should Peralta Hospital 111 Oakland_re - I Stockton Construction Co. I sewer line and a sewacre treat- • ~ra nes on this jo~ '. :ith - Bro~ 1 pick ~p in July accordfng to the cuperatin.g from a . bout with were awarded a contract for the I ment plant at 1 Pa tterso11 ~ George Wooton tal\.mb care. or expens. · . pneumoma. We wish you a I construction of tl)e northeast j Delta Construction Co. of Rio the ~om pressors and weldmg , rr:~e_ scrapyards are_ h<:ldmg speedy recovery "Shorty". storm ~ater pumpmg _plant and I Vista, were awarde~r th~ surfa.c- mac~me~. , _ . th_en own and have kept. the 1 trunk lme sevrer to serve the mg and graclmg wrth plantmrx JBrana.tgh Construction Co 1 .. m brothers .busy Jhru the .w111 ter NEW JO!B A-WARDS 1 College Vie'vv area for $118,776. at the u.s. Navy AuxiliarvLand- Berkeley well under way wrth 1 months. - · · I "'l t · b w ,k 1· F" ld t C - - 1~ · f thir ·$350 000 parking structure The equipment shops are . SAN FRJ\NCI§CO, Contract 1 1e s orm se:ver JO on a1 - mg Ie a rows Lanc.mg or keeping a' couple :of our brolhers starting pick to up a little af.ter awarded to M. W. Bartee, 159 ~ r L~ne,_ on whrch the Mono J,Itly $7~, _710 . , . , . ..J • •- busy 'on the hoists. ·a ver v dull winter. This is al- Sycamore Ave., Brentwood, $1,- IIC Pipellpes, Inc. was low ow- . oids w1l1 oe ?peneu Rothschild Raffin and Weir- ways "a crood barometer for the 392.50 for making two test cler, ha.s been reJected w1th own- !I for appro x1ma~e t y on~ (1) mile ick up on the hill behind the outside ~ork. · borings from 1 floating_equip., be- er to readvertlse £or new b1ds. m length to be grade~ and sur- ca~lpus at the university doing Th~ -p 0 ~1 e roy, , Bate s, Eogers & 1 tween 26th St. ~nd Islais Creek ~- :o~l? "&_Son ~ ubnntt e d t}1e fa_c: d, ~nd ·~c~ :~st ru~tw£- , of ~ a little concrete and form work Gerwlck JOb ·on the Alameda ! Channel E of 31 d St. lowes" bw 101 rep.acement. or a bnage Tun Co.r p~n ter Rv~u, ?e with one fruck cran~ crew. · T~be is go in~ .along smoothly STOCKTON, Contract award • - ~as lme at ·the ?et.lel V o~ atw~a l j tween 1-I~t~h . ~o~ cl and }'aradi_se .. · Bethlehem Steel ·Is busy 0 11 with n_10re actlVlty on the Oak- ed to B~b Lon~ Const. Co: , P .O. ;:,cho?l, ~e;r Tracy, fo r :p3 9,2.... , 4. \ Road, :near ~ _ ~v~st eLf l ~m1 ~s the Oakland Bay Bndge. Bro. land srde. Box 1623, FI esno, $1,521,050 7 1 COUNT\ HOSPITAL , , 1 of lVIoaesto. Huube. allo-.atwn IS Wes Warner busy on the baTge Rogers Materials who have·, (Base-Add.) for const. out-pa- . The co1~t~·o versia l County Hos· j. $482,482. . fishing and .. freezing to death the concr ete plant are beginning 1 tient bldg., SAN JOAQUIN· CO. p1tal addition was awarded to 1 Jesse Harn.s on of ,San Ard(} il~ addition·to ruin~i ng the ho!§L to .pour a .litt!e once In awhile. HOSPITAL, French Camp. I the Bob 'Long Construction Co. · (C~ntinued on Page 5) - 1 PAGE FOUR - ENGINEER'S NEWS MAY, ·1960 I Spring Work lags inthe Jose·\Distrid By A. J. HOPE, DANNY 0. DEES and WIVI. HARLEY DAVIDSON, Business . Representatives ...... - .. . ''B Oqy" .at the B-loo~ Bgnk is · In spite of the gooci. .weather, this has been a slow spri11g for the Brothers living in the San Jose area. We had hoped that at this l-ate date our "Out-of-Work"lisf would have been depleted; but we still have a .great number of men unemployed. Several good-sized contracts have been let, sao when these jobs get ttnC!er way, . our unemployment problem should be solved. ·~saturday Morn'ing, June .·4, 1960 A contract to buil<;l the $1,- --·------· ------'------JB~ BILL RANEY .and GEORGE BAKER, 'Business Representatives .295,15? overpass for the Market At the present time they are us- I under the supervision of Broth: - . · Street-Coleman Avenue express- mg four 21's, three 20's, and ·er James Chalmers are busy on .· . · · · · 1 · Preparatwns are well under way for the br-annual Blood Bank way was awarded to Lew Jones five cats. This job should last their .sewer contract OI). Alma­ Day, coming again on June 4, at _the Peninsula Memorial Blood Construction Company. Jones' through October and keep a den Road, leading to the new h'd f t d t number of the brothers busy Almaden sub-division. Bank, on El Camino Real, at the south end of Millbrae. The San ""r was or pres resse . concre e this summer. • Mateo Building & Constructin Trades Counci1 arrange this shindig girders inst.ead of steel. .The ex- McGuire and. Hester were the. - twice a . y.ear at which time the members . of the various unions press way.· wrll become the north- Piazza Paving have started .low bidders on a $121 ,120 con - t t th d t operating their quarry in East tract for construction of sewers .affiliated with' · the· Council . · .' ern ei1 ranee d e own own · · · gather together for a mass d.ona- 1a~e not exp:ctm~ many new area from the :ftoute 5 F.t;eeway. San Jose and expect · to start on Almaden Road between Curt­ tiion of blood, each member do- lmes. 'I'he.re ~s a fifty ~ard DW Eventual~y the new expressway their job of widening Alum ner and Hillsdale Road. ·ilating in the name of their own : 20 on . th1s JOb that rs really . wrll be lmked to .the De La Cruz Rock Ave. , about May 9. They PALO ALTO, MT. VIEW AND ubion. The Business Representa- s~methmg to see: Ton: Callan •?verpass now bemg constructed are also working their job on SUNNYVALE · -tilves of the various UJ1ions act Jr., the d~velopers, clarms that m Santa Clara. Hillsdale Ave., and are widen- 0 . C. Jones of Berkeley .was as co_oks and waiters and sei've the pla? .Is to mves_t frv.e hun- •. Ball & Simpson have com- ing Almaden Road to four lanes. the low bidder on a $202,485 - albig breakfast of ea<>'s sausage ?red mrllron ~ollars m tlm tract ; pleted . the concrete· work on T!1~Y. are. bus:y in_ several sub- contract for construction of a • bb ' ' m the next er<>'ht vears . . tl1er·r· fr·eeway. J·ob an· d ar·e now dlVrswns m thrs area. I. 1 . M v· hot rolls and a refresher (the b " • · • . • pai' nng ot m 1 t. rew. v~o rks) to all blood donors.' SO- It l_ooks . as though_the brot~1- wprking on the shoulders, get- i Braga to Pav~ng Company I E. T. Haas of Belmont were IT'S· THAT TIME AGAIN FEL- ers with the L. C. Smrth Co., wrll l tmg ready for the sub-,base: A.J. were the low brdders on a $102,- awarded a contract in the - · · · 11 t · ho t : f. k f a ·h.le1 Rar·scl1 ·company l1a·,e· the pav- 089 contract for the construe- . LOWS. There rs always stiff com- 0 runs r 0 wor or w · v· · • • • amount of $43 543 for mstalla.. I .- t b ·d d tl. r'r1g ar1d black-top wor·k and the tron of a four lane undrvrded . . ' . · e· trtwn· · between · the Burldmg· · as 1e l1 as JUS · een awar e 1e · · · ' . tron of a water lme on Home· • P f · th 'd · g f B r'ntersectr·ons Ball & Sr'mpson road on Hamrlton Ave. between . TI:· ades locals· as to whom wrll· con t rae t or e wr emn ° ay- · · · . . ' I stead Rd near Su.nnyvale "bl d th t" Th short from six to eiaht lanes will be through with their sec- Mendian Road and San Jose- .. , · ' b ' · · • G McGurre & Hester a ·k · ee · e mos . ere was a , - and we Los Gatos Hrghway. eorge re wor • t' h L 1 3 "l d th from South San Francisco to tion of the freeway 2 .. I ~e,v~ e~ · oca t bet tl e pat- San Mateo .. He has also just been would again like to take _this op- Renz did the underground work ing on their $183, 07 water line . :ra e m "us even , u ~e 1as .. ··a . . . . , t tl k tl . f f on this job. contract for the crty of PalGl blood bank day the engmeers awarded a r,_surfacmg ]O~ to.the portumt) ~ · 1C\D :rs. n;m or .. . . . Alto. were sure at the low end of the tune of over $100,000 m San the splendrd cooperatwn they A. J. Rarsch are wor kmg on . . totem pole Let's strive to -regain Mateo as vvell as many small1 gave the San Jose. office during their project at the Almaden . Cupertmo Gravel are st:n • + t · "TOP l\"EN" B · projects. 1 the past two years. Golf Course and also are work- workmg on Curtner Estates m 1 om .sea us as ' · nng . ' G Atl · c · 1 · . t : t f . th Milpitas making the house pads yG ur wives too as recently we Berger Coastwrde has th"ee uy F. unson o~npany mg on t 1en con I ac or e .' .. have found th~t in many cases jobs running in the County ;nd have begun work on the rerout- enlargement. of Oak Hill Memo- . and domg. t~1~ street . work fo r it ·is the nives of the members has .J·ust about finished the. High ing of the Guadalupe Creek; rial Cemetery. This firm is also th1s sub-divr~wn, whrch when · 1 · 1 · f · tl b 1 b d' · · completed writ have about 70'0! -that need ''the blood when emer- School site at Terranova near w uc 1 rs necessary . or 1e en- usy on severa su - rvrsrons. . . . dencies arise Pledge cards are Ro.ckaway Beach Pacific ' Coast larging of the San Jose airport. James Engineering Compa_ny homes. Pisano Bros., are domg :vailable a~ 'the office in San ~uildefrsl webre a\lv.ardefd th$e e4r4-e4c- os· START TO ROll ~~~ ~ u~~~~fr~~7:n ~~!p~~~ ~:~ Mateo, but If you are unable to twn 0 t 1e urlc mgs or 1, ,- ~ fb. n.' ' . . ,. . putting in the foundations get your J?ledge card, just show 000 · , . RL~J · ~ · ~ · · . · ·. ln . SANTA CRUZ WATSONVILLE up some trme between the hours There seems to be' no let up . AND l\'~'ONTEREY · • of 7 a.m. and noon on Saturday in commercial building in San By K A. "KEN" BROOKS and W. L. "BILL" TOMBERLIN,. l · t .1 ' June 4th. Be sure ~otto eat, w~ Mateo with three commedcial . :Business Representatins . . Wo~k m the Santa Cruz ar~a feed you. SEE YOU AT THE jobs now goina on at the air- It looks like we sure jumped the gun on the sunshine last , IS gor~1 t~ be ~eDry good this will 1 BLOOD BANK. · port as well asb such jobs as the month or maybe the weather man just wasn't on our side this ~ear.C ~ . e~e 1 t am- at Boul­ as .this article is being written it is begini1ing e~ ree {~s now ge~t~ng .. . . San Mateo may have a flurry' one 'awarded to Morris Daley at I time, nevertheless J:1 Mateo High School for to look like we should be able to roll real soon, we sure hope so' Ulf erwlay. . . e ]present ~:Y · ·. of dredg·in<>' work this coming the San on y usmg erg 1t engmeers, · • >=> · .,., • . Tl . . · · t t b d ·f , 1 . ·t are year. Dutra _and Leslie ar~ doing .$100,0?0, t... A. Hathawar be:ng : 1ere _rs pen1 y o ~ one r_ we can on Y get at 1 .. . but before long many of the c ty and low bidder on a rehabrlrtatwn Up m the north around Cres- f It h t t b. th . b d d th·.·· seme work m Redwood · 1 · · t c ·t ·t · .t.ll . tt. · t soon or us . sure ur s o see ' ro ers wr 11 e nee e on IS at . !9~ San _rar~os airpor!. ~he \en~er at Crystal Spn.n.gs, wrth cen . 1 .Y r. ,l? s r ,~I e. Y. qure ' all those men sitting around I project. • . , . . -. . , ..· .. pounng the deck 'tl ld M th h' ld' G . . C t t' b . San Carlos JOb IS the begmmng a brd of $941 000 Morlmd Con-~ Peter Krewit 1s 1 1 0 ·w 0 1 of a very large proposed· fly-in . struction Co. has ~ $113 000 gov- on their small bridge at Gasquet, wth ' b ' kanf ea tel r. . Ibng ram_e O~SbTUC: wnt. hares.·u~~ . · . ' · . ' . H t · c . t f . · h' I em ac rom 1err JO s. on vanous JO s m e · ant;;(j( . . Yatch m and Motel that wrll ernment housmg contract at y enm , onere e urms mg Th . . .t .ll t t b d c· S & th .1 · · · · : - · · · . · d th . t · · J ere rs s 1 p 1en y o e one , ruz area. 0 were e ow • Pomt. Wr~lrams an e concre e. ' . ' on this one. · · Ibidders on the sewage treat- :ost at least ~rve ~rllron do~la~s, Prd~eon 1 much of whi~h wrll be pard m Bmrows . got a~ estlm.ated $~,- R. H. Douglas makmg .the ag- 1 . . ment plant and ocean outfaU ~ wages to Engmeers. . 70?,0?0 JOb for a three story gregate :for Coast· Concrete Co. _Wes~brook.~M. :r<- JOb at Bndge- .·sewer for Santa Cruz. REDWOOD HARBOR . ·1 burldmg · at the Stanford Re- who will supply-the concrete for vrlle IS begmnmg to come to I p & E C t , t' C • . · · · . M 1 . · l'f d · l'ttl1 · .· q ' ons rue wn ompany , Utah Construction has ~h·eady search lnstrtute Cen~er at ·1 en ° the Honor Camp at Klamath. 1 e, omg a e pwneermo Iwere low bidders on the sewer had a pre-job . conference with P~rk, as well as_ ber~1~ the low Pelican Bay Co. at Smith here and there._ . ~ pipeline job at Aptos. your representatives, and in- ?rdd_ers ?n a semor citizen hous- River working a skeleton cr~w at Brothe~· Marlr~ rr:ryon IS domg J' The Sand Plants located . in . ~,a rms ?s that t?e large ~redge mg JOb m Portola Valle~ to::he their plant. We still have'n't got- the cleanng. Thrs JOb should be the Santa Cruz a~ea and smalle!_ . Franciscan," wrll be commg up tu?~ of three and one quarter ten any new dope ·on the. tunnel ~retty _well opened up by the Icontractors predrct a very goed. from Long Beach in abot\t . a milhon dollars. and approaches on 199 ·at Ore- time this goes to press. season for . this area. month to d~epen and widen t~e Catherman ·· & Judd ~ot a o-on Mt. soon we ho e. !he last information. we re- Grar!ite Construct~on Com ~ 6 1 Redwood City Harbbr. They wrll $182,000 street and road JOb on '. p . , cerved on the Fortuna JOb was pany m the Watsonvrlle are a employ about sixty (60) dredge- Middlefield Road. . . Delphra Early· & ·Crow trymg ! that the plans had not been com- are keeping a full crew gusy. riien on this project for a period !VI ORE ELECTRONICS to work ~ small crew when ~he · pleted to take in the additional They were recently awarded a of approximately two and one- The D. H. L. Co. were award- ground rs dry enot~h, whrch work but should be ready for i 15-mile ·paving job, which ' will r half months. They will also take I ed the contract for grading, sur- ..hasn't been very oft~r:- early June letting. The Beatrice- ! amount to. $115,664. · t he clam shell "California" out facing curb and gutter work etc. . Slate Hall & Hamilton have Fields Landing job should come I Delphia-Early were the low of moth balls again for a · few on H.illside Blvd• at Chestnut in eighteen br?thers . on _the P~Y- out at about the same time, we bidders on the airport job at · weeks work, and this will be the South San Francisco. Many peo- roll so far r_n ·thea· Hrway JOb are hoping for an addition to Fort Ord. They expect to start • :first time she has worked in_ ple were wondering about this between Weitchepec & ll 'ofa ne~' bridge 1.tng on. thrs ]ob has . bee.n subb~d - :i~O~ . too, ":he!l-y2u go m .tot an~. th~ travelers ai~d . to'~~1speople II the ·7th State Assemhyi ·D.istrict. \ acros~ . tli~. ...Cf.eel\ , about --half. -a Ito. Syar~ & . Harms. . . I offr_ce t9 r.eg!ster.. on . the_. o4t . or of the, R~dwood Empne. 'I'he . . . . r__ . . . · .. . · .. • · ·. ·· -. So far . Gordon H . .Ball . has fwork hst. · . . "rumc :s" still have it that the \ Also prctured are Jolmny Hmote mile •?elo_w th~ := dan1 a& .t~y f1rst . . . ' ·- ? . a · , . : . . . . . cr : . _ . . 1 . . . · ,. . step m .,f'e.-,routmg ,.the. higl;].way. mo\:ed m 0~1ly ~ nbs but more c RETIRING BR~3'lfER ],o ~ _sh?.~;d be ad~ertised ~um:::, , the .rank and frl~ E:ecut~ve A pi·e,j'q)J. c,m~f..er.epce was . held eqmpment .Is e~pected any . day I ~1~e of the _ftrst m~:;1~1b e* to . _M"y, \·ti,Ll t~e _bid. open_mg I.n Board 1nemb~r, and L. S. · ~{Itz- on A.P,iil',:2.Sth, pdor -to the. start- no~ . . W~ hear they ba,~ e pur- 1~-etire , under our pe!}slo.n .iPlan Junv, b.tt tlu~ _l S st_rll stnctly a miller a Gnevance .Comnuttee : incr of tlie ·J·ob· 'i~ itll lVIr Keith·' chased. 6 new at,J.tomatic . trans- 11s Brother Fred. Wel;lstet· 25 rumor. Tllrs . JOb 1 1 , · '..VIll · help. but ' · : . . ' b . · ··. , · · . I · · 20 ' d· ·D . .I - ·th H t ·h· .. - R k "' . . · . a· _ member.o of .the Santa Rosa chs- ! Hardm; Prmect Manager. 1missiOn s an_. _so~11e ozer years WI u c I11son; , ~c . let s hope 10r additiOnal hio11 . , .· ,,_ . - ' · . . · D'9's. Super on tlus JOb IS Homer ·- Bro. · Webster 0alled It '·q.{u ts" '"'"V '''Ork· I·n tl1e ·ar·ea tnct · · I Brothers on tlus JOb so far · · - : . "'"· ' , · ' . •· .. . - . . . · · Holmes and Assistant Super -IS. · on Apnl. 8th and . Will-. ben- ~ efu.. · .. ~ . - · 0 · j' l\1 ·Ir· "tratze'·l ,,,a·s ··. "'"'OJ ellOll ·h '· are: Bill E:vans ·Howard Rowley · . .. 1 • JOBS RUNNING: Presently · :n. ' . '. ""' \1 ~ I . · . ' . . ' Joe Hensley. Brothers Brll . under the pensi'on plan. ' · . • . ·· . t b · t•e ..1 e at the Santa Vmcent Srlva .. on Dozers p10- · · · 1· there are a few JObs runmncr .!. o e m a .,. Ill- -bv"'·na ' . nTttche ·s Union a1'd is also ~ud Foremen are: Wm. J. Blan· Art. ' . . , - . ' · ~ · ss. Fredenckson & Wat- : Jr.>< · · r -· " . . ' ! We · would like to apologrze to · zuela S A.~says heh w11l see us "P · 1 d 1·e•·1t of COrPE we are Burch Flo son, likewise 1 "cl Wme [ · · - ·1 ' · on Trenton road. ~~ Bf.Sell " . • , . . i . ' J .. . · . Brothers Lawrence· Thomsen ! in · a c9uple ·of years. Granite· 8onstruction is about to I cert;am that he IS an excellent \ E. A. Forde has .the pavmg and Harold Hindman. It seems I Brother John DeBorba has the start their :$600,000 bridge and ' chotce. Iend of this JOb. they make a special point of pay- launching ramp at N_ick's Cove road. .j ~ b at_ Big Riv~r. Gra~ite ; . \ . · . Watkin & Sibb~ld hav~ start- ing their dues by. the year a~ Tomales Bay. Any) of you 11 so : once, a gam. m progress o!l lugll- M' ~i"fie: n 1 ·~. l:~ · b· - ·o., r· EO 1 e~ the1r landscapmg JO,b_ on tl2 ~Y can see thetr names in ! brother_s who have ?oats, make 1 1 way work near Laytpnville. u ~ &. · n .ll · 1t1 ) . H1ghway 101, cpntract award of pnnt, but last month when they . It a pomt to look- him up. Huntincrton Bros. starting at 1 h A' o· d; ·~ t $54,000. . ' - pai' street apology ., and we can assure you the _L. C., Sm1th JOb at McNear's 1 few of his: rigs ori the,same job. , &~fn· SftnO ~ ma pavmg, etc. · · - · It won't happen next year. In .. .. 1 i Road transfer to another job Steve Baxman is about to start ~ c I · · · V ' · · : Brown-E.l)> d.oesn't seem.J o be We regret to report to t11e down· the peninsula. We realize . , work at Vail J.)amm State Park. Everett A. Matzen is organiz- jdoing anything. _Thei~- men have many _friends and brothers of ' it is a . bigger job and think . it Young and Engelke .also ready ed labor's ·candidate for the. accepted other JObs. . the passmg of . Robert (Bob) · is worth more money. It certain·· to start their job on Boonville Detl.1ocratic noh1ination for State · Tom · Hanna · expects to be Killingsworth. Brother Bob was i ly was a pleasure to work with Rd. Art. Sifi- working at ?lillits Assemb.lyman.in the Marin·S.ono-; wor.kin_~ , ~m the,A. G. Raisch job · 72 years old a~1~ had operated . him he_re. Brother Ernie Ha.rt.. and Des }:tws, and a1so m alld ma· county 7th A.D. and now, by at lV~ann Golf & Country for a a Cat for the ma)or pa~.:t of that man will take over the duties .. around Santa Rosa. lVI. . B. S.tev~ virtQe of Executive Board ac- ·couple of wee~s or so more. time right up until last fall. He 1 in Brother Dunn's place. en.sorr along with Pa\11 Ha\vluns , tion, has the special endorse- Terra Linda is humming with had worked for Parish Brothers : Attention members living _in pipe work in Santa o sa . . ment . on ~ of - Operating E~1gineers e9-~1ipment. Therm~l Const., C:-·of .Be.nicia sine~ : 1944 and he will .: Sonoma . and Mari_n , Counti:s: . Rock plants at Basalt Hems of Local 3. · K. Hulse and Frednckson & Wat- ' cer.tamly be. !TIISsed by ·everyone Everett A. Matzen IS the Demo. . 1 1 :VV~ndsor going strong. Don · The Executive Board voted son . aJl have - eCJ.tli{nnent there. who lniew him : ~. Our heartfelt· era tic candidate for Assemb'ly­ Dowd with scattered work. Most to support .Matzetl . recOJ,ll- and 1 1 011 T~1erm\ll ~uls .e .on· the Sl~op_- and. sincere sympathy to ·his man and would appreciate ydu:t _ oL, tbe other, work has al:r.eady Lmendation of the · Santa Rosa mng cep!er site and Frednck- fmp.1ly. vote. He has served on vanous 'b e,en · reported ~ on , in _previous is- 1· Grie-vance Committee: · . , . ~on _& Watson on the. _High\"'ay Want to remind _:you that ~~ne comn~ittees in So?oma Com~~y sues. , l\. t ·. · _. d i mter change at Terri:\ Lmda and 30th IS the deadlme. for f1lmg and 1s .an expenencecl pujjhc 1 1 1 . LICENSE LAW: Those o"' you j th.r azden previOtus ~ t~a Mwon 101. · .. · with J he Dept. of Employment servant. 0 w. h.o run rubber · ·a wm:d ' of i e en orsemen s e artm_ By the time this gets off the for a refund, if y ou~ \vorked for Clem Miller is seeking i:·e" • · · . ' · : County and Sonoma coun y ~ caution· When you drive them COPE · . t' d f th pre;;s, )Ve should }1ave the award two or more ep1ployers last year Ielectwn . to Congress. Char'le· s : . . ·. . ' orcramza wns an o e ·, . f . th . G. . . ' b. b ··d d . ' $ . . ).. on the ht~hway you need an en- state COPE body. / - IL,1 _ obr .d·d ~ r.eetnl rae t· 11 tged. ~n . received~[ :noret than 3,600 Geller, .kcandrdate for State dorsement on your operators S~n- . . ·' , ~w. 1 er on _ 1e es una ~ m wages urmg 11e J_Tear for 1 a tor, as s your support. Rem em- card. I ,~r as with one of. the rep: _F'or~ - ma~1y .J'ea_rs one ;of the ; m:llwn-dollar :ompl~tion of the work in :alifornia f~r \V!1~ch to- 1ber these names vvhen you go resentatrves on a few JObs and leaders of Sonoma county labor, Greenbraea traffic mterchange tal cleclucbons for Disability In,.Ho the polls. ; he issued the licenses after ob- Matzen IS . secretary-treasurer of on Hwy .. 101 was Peter Kiewit ser,~ing them operate and then B_utchers . Local 364, and ~ rea Sons ~o. of San Francisco at having the brothers pass a vice pr~sident of the Wesf.ern i ~964 , 3~1. The construction will written test. When you see the FoundatiOn of Butchers. He IS a mvolve about seven-tenths of a . Department of Motor Vehicles fo rmer secretary of the Sonoma mile of highway interchange in (Contipued from Page 3) I ously low and it would be great- representative, make sure you , County Central Labor CounCil. the area where Corte Madera was low bidder at approximate- ! ly appreciated -if ,donalions . of get this required licens~ \ . He_ ~as also be~n promin~nt and Larkspur . meet near the ly $550 ~000 to the Bureau of Ipints of blood could be made. r\'IEETING NOTICE: The next m CIVIC and polntcal affarrs, ' Greenbraea mtersectwn. Includ- Public Roads for construction of . . reo:ular district meetincr 1 : will holding office presently as a ed in the project is removal of 1 f ( 5) . 1 St t - . bebheld in Santa Rosa at the La- Petaluma city councilman. His the old four-lane highway bridge . ~~~~~ 1 ~,~~east ~~I ~ar~~n F~a~ J. N·EW JOB AW.A.RDS · - bot -Temple at 8 p.m. on June 9. other actiyit~es include_service ov:r Corte' Madera Creek, con- in Tuolumne County. Not in- J SAN FRANCISCO; Contqtct Please try and be in attendance. on the Sonoma County Grand structwn of new bndges over eluded in the initial proJect, es· I awarded to H. Harnson, P. 0 . These meetings are always in- Judy in 1955 and 1957; director· the creek which will serve as timated to cost $500,000, is con-' I Box 315, San Ardo, $552,635 ·fo:r formative and besides that I of the Petaluma Chamber of northbou~d off-r_amp connec- stru.ction of a bridge near the Proj. California F. H. 39-A, St~n- - ~ike to s~e the. brot~ers take :an Comn~erce; men:b~r , . Pe_ta luma trons to Sir Francis Dra~e Blvd. Cliff House. Bids for this proj~ islaus National Forest, TUOL· mtere~t m their umon. Planmng_ ·Comnusswn, drrector, and consrstmg of other cl_amp ect are expected. to be received} UMNE -COUNTY. . BOY'S CLUB: Many thanks Commumty I~ealt.l~ Assn. . of and frontage r_oad connectwns. in August. The Bureau of Pub- 1 CONCORD Contract awarded · t_o the brothers who have Northern Califorma t_ ('>-l li e d J Also mclude~ rs Tesurfacmg of lie Roads eventually plans a to Jos. Bett~ncourt, 125 South · agreed to donate their labor for Poultry Industry Council; So no- a short and comsectwn let' on off· thetl free,yay c mo d ern t wo 1 1 · 1 t b L. d · S th S F $627 000 -fo"" 0 1 ane ug nvay o e m en, ou . . , L the construction of a Boy's Club ma County Boal.'d of Trade and . P I . " ~ recon- constructed from Big Oak Flat con st . ~ Physical Science Bldg., . ' n Santa Rosa 1 There has been Sonoma County . Taxpayers As- structwn of . Sir Francrs Drake t tl t 1 b d f tl bl . V ll C ll . ·. • . t' .· _.. Blvd throucrh the interchange o 1e wes er y oun ary o 1e , n·Ia o a g ~ l 90' - very little ey o e e, me. x eqmpment '~:o rk, but s~c~a IOn. : ~ . _ . . _ t6. ~ ar:ea.· . '?_ ._-. _ . · Yoseini_te Na~ional Park. The.to- j 210' !wo story complete con- I must congratulate for the :swn of the labor viewpomt Hanulton Air Base. Brothers are. d d f ., ,. th · 11 0 .. . 1 b' ed to Ince Bros. Pipelme Const. . Boy's Club is being built on the as., ~,;en as a man who as- top Ken Bi·iggs, . Ken Jones, Wm. pe dan . e !t" t e grav~ t in Co .. 6.16 E. Taylor, Sunnyvale, corner 6f ~Ha:h marl and Sprincr ; vote o·etter in the last Pe taluma' - · ' · ·ban . dwabs f ·a mbos_ comp e e Y $486,187 for 'inst. sanit. swr. out...... b . b . . · - . . . , une e ore . emg extncated fall f & St0 rm swr outfall Creek D~1ve m _Santa Rosa. ctty election.. ~, has demonstrated his popul I I . I ..· . cr - - Bro~h~r-R. c. Edwards 0 ]\'[~ - ~ No. 24, Woodland, YOLO co. :BLOOD BANK: Please .help- gratulated. .: . . , , .I '~ Itl expe~;ence 111 ::,overnmep_ desto • 1~ m,rtl}e Veteran's Hospi- · ·BLOOD . NE. EDED. ~verybody . · P.lease try to b ~ 1~1 attei:dance ·I tal affairs. . . . . · ·.. tal in . Qa~~nd. He is .reported : S ~ C R . AM~· NT 0 , Contract.· haS. sure been · conspicuous by at the June 9 meetmg ~or I .am ~ · · Ito be m senous cond1t10n. awarded to \\Ismer & Beckex • their absen~e so far ._ as . the . do-' sure that your 1 . pr~sent ·officers SANTA C R _lJ Z, Col!tl·act B . r . Contr. Engrs., ~acto. $415,~0 ~ .. . -natino· ,of 'blood is conc ern~ · iri· can very ably ans>ver all_. the I awarded to Gra,mte Const. Co., L,OOD BANK CLUB . for compl. of l)mt No._1, Jaybrrdl :_., this ~t~ea '·~_~ S(:nne ,of the ot...h ._er .. various ques,tior:~ ' anq: espec~al- ~ Watsonvill'e, ,$63~q~l 'fcir .... R,V ' · There have ,~een no dono· .~: s ~o Po~ver house '&_ apurt.- work Up­ ... areas lwve·: su:re ? put u~ ,to . ly those_ regardmg Jh.f 'Pension :b~dg. const. & 0.5 JnL N. of B1g the Blood Ban11. Club ~urmg th;~ per Amer. Rvr. Pr? J ~ , EL DO· · ' shan:e, _aJ:l.p . they must be con- I Pla,n. l'l\ see .you the.re. . ~wer , etc:,_MENDOCIN0€0. month. Our balance 1s danger- . RADO-CO. .. ;-_ - ' . P.A(;E .EIGHT ENGINEEWS NE\VS MAY, -1960 . ENGINEER~S NEWS ._,G .R-~- · MEN ~Jo · .aFF .,t:· • < . . . . ) By ERNIE NELSON, EDW. G. HEARNE, W\VI. E. lUETTZ keeps the same top-notch crew On .. the Junction =D1J.m, Furin- . and HAROLD HUSTON, Busines~ Repi:esentatives . . ·\ of broth~r engin,eers the year Colnon are about onr:tthh'd Lilfll .l]'eerua t :enger a -;veek ago. Hydraulic Dredge is was appoxirriately $5,700. They s1te. This plant Will be remodel- Old .Man .· .Wmter permits, dnt . ':J . _ . . · sAlng along in good shape. will have only one or two dozers ed to ,produce c.T.B. and slurry· should start on the .d.am s~te i_n - ~S~ ~r. :;.nJ;d·:3'f&Ai ·for· They have the same crew. on the job for ·there is little mix. · · about .four weeks. Completwn-Is 1 B· ~~ .. \.h ~~ _~ Erickson Construction's shop clear-ing to be done. . SUBURBAN SACRAMENTO scheduled ~or Nov.ember ~, · 1962 , S· _ ."'. _ _De f -4 at the' American River have had John E. Norinrop Company of The subdivisions' are -slow to . ·J. W: Bnggs Gonst~uctwn Co. .. uperYISOru .IS 0 . . a good crew .going all wintef and . Los Angeles, has a small job at start due to a high moisture con- was low bidder on a llttle over 2 Riohard G. 'Balleriaer 32- a h-ave the equipment up in good Lake Tahoe for . the Federai tent in the ground and maxi- m~l eson real~gniug H_ighw~y 50 : member of Local 3 f;r the :p,ast shape. Aviation Agency at a bid price mum compaction is hard . to th~s ~Ide of Riverton.·The bid on 1 nine years, is a. candidate ·for Those who · h a 'v e donated of $64,502. This will be eighteen reach. A few days of north wind this JOb was $985,444_. They ~1a~e Supervisor in District 4. blood this month are: Alad J: miles ·southwest of Truckee at. a~1d sunshine would change the ~ubbed all the clearmg on thi~ He ·bas . been employed . by Brown, Ernest B. Kennedy and Yuba Pass. picture and put our brothers to JOb to Bozarth Brothers Con- Fredrickson & watson & Ran- · Elmer. Rastetter. Same old story- at Emigrant , wo,rk. T~e underground_ work is structio~ - Company. A-bthe· pres- some for .tlm past five year:s as LAKE TAHOE AREA Gap on Teichert's job. Work has gomg farrly well no~ with shar- ent time the~e are ~ ~f our an, operator on the Highway 40· George Miller has about been cancelled because of wet ~ng oi~ most of the .JObs._ Safety bro~hers workmg on t_his JOb . free~~~ ay project from Colfax, to. wound up his sewer job at ground. It could Jasily be the 1s a blg factor on these JObs be- Prombo . C.onstructwn Com- Tmckee. · Kings Beach. He sta-rted up middle of June before there is c~use as a rule the work is con- pany h_av~ started. ?o plant Is year .for Mc(!llhvray:s:-engmeei'S -ATTEN·! :ION/. City is getting ,started on the ~ up to top .production again with with street.. work, undergrou1'ld S}nall job they ..have on the all ..the old-timers back on the and paying. :rr·he .. contractor's ' . .-. Kings Beach short cut from the payroll. The hot plant has been. shops and yards are rdown to .a ~// t ' \~ edge · of Truckee·. to the Placer relocated to. a · ri.ew site because. normal ,cr.ew now with most of Ceunty line, .a distance of about of the-new Watt Avenue··bridge the- equipment imt_on the ·jobs. a. ·mile and one-half. They will and is now oper,ating full-time.· The boys t11at man the· wr:enches be widening and resurfacing the Granite's plant on Power Inn are :breathing :a little easier now existing roadway. Road never slows down except· v~it-11 a good_season iri: _sight -for Well, -Brothers, we are very for repairs. We hav.e an able "the balance of ,this year. }.\py to report that the long crew there: · , Nlake '':SAFETY FIRST" the awaited start of Prosser Creek P.C.A. at . Fair Oaks seem to word of the day.- Report all D-am is here at last. The job was be gettting more o.rd·ers by the m1safe c()nditions to _ your •• '.-·to your job reqllirem.ents kicked off on the fourth of May day and have .ste"f>ped ·up 'theiT . bushiess -age1it .ill).mediately. ! when three cats started moving operation to build up the stock- UPPER Al\1ERICA_N -RIVER !=ast -~ompeterit 'field •Service and rapid parts. dirt on the job. They are strip- piles· of aggregates and sand. JOB ON HIGHWAY 50 service · back up ' ERBCO Equipment ·on your jcb; ping at present arid using the Looks like two shifts for an- _ --By tlle time this .goes to ·the And for the right-machine to do the iob -see dirt from that to build their other y~ar. Tritan · Products at printer, Frazier & Davis will the ERBCO sales engineer. His knowledge of haul roads. From the taks we Folsom are ·going -now but are I-iave holed through on Jaybird 's - specifical:io~s, machine ~pplications and capacities have ha dwith. the representa- having· trouble with the sand. 2'i,ooo feet ()f tunnel. This 5% can equip your j0 b for profitable operation. tives of the R. A. Heintz Com- There is a lot of clay· in the ma: mi-llion -?ollar job has kep ~ a lot ' pany, contractors on the job, terial and. .in order to -wash the 1 of:our ~rothers -busy. There are t here · will not be many rigs rock clean, it also washes out I approximately 20 ,000 cubic C)dit~ • :kin!? on the job this year as the. fines a_nd brii1gs the sand J·yards,of conci·ete to pour inside t~.Jy wrll be domg preparatory eqmvalent clown. H. A. Ander- the 14 foot tunnel. At the pres­ EnwARll BJUIH\I [orviPANY work to get ready for the main R. son have their plant going pr o- ent time they are employing 49 CONSTR UCTI 0 N ·EQUiPMENT fill next year. However, this ducirig rock- and paving n1ateri- engineei·s on this job and com­ Folsom ·ct 17th" Street, Son Frar.d!co 10, California HEmlock 1 ~ 3700 may not prove to be the c ase al. The Cutter plant on _the . \ pletion is ·scheduled for Septem- Sccromento · Ookland · Fre$nO and they may have a large crew ' American River a t Orangeville 1 ber, 1.960. · ,.

PAGE TEN ·ENGINEER'S NEWS MAY, 1960 ES - By~· R, VAN WINKLE, C. E. COCKAYNE, W. R. WEEKS and IRA BASHAW, Business Representatives; ~Unfortunately the prepara- so on. This has caused the Cmi1-·· · · - . Idustry may seem to some to be ·- s~ uth Dakota to become disil· tion of this · a:rticle cll!nnot \vait pany to start _:recantng some ,.of Meeting Notices low yet to us who have beeri lusioned. He states that $2.30 is for the news that most of us in the brothers laid-off for the .. . · _ · . . . Iclosely allied to this industry tops for Engineers with the Marysville are sitting on the long, lon~ :winter. Re~u.~ar quar_terly. D 1 8 t r 1 c t and who have some understand- s·mallei· equipment running . edges of our chairs waiting for . In add1hon to the. above Bos .M:e~tmg: Next meetlllg schedul- ing of its problems the advance $1.95 to $2.10 and NO HEALTH and that is the opening· of the Construction Co. was lovv on a I. ed wr T~ur s?ay, July 7,.1'960- at in wages and conditions not be- AND WELFARE PENSIONS OR Wyandotte pro]eet bids, and to bridge job 1~ear Beckworth .in 8:~0 ~·. lVI. 1!1 the . Prospectors ing all we would have liked, of VACATIONS. As under these a -lesser degree the opening of Plumas County on the Beck- Va~lage, Oroville Dam Blvd., Or- course, seem prodigious over the conditions ' your wives and · the bids . on the Black Butte W?rth-Calpine Road and over tl,le tmU~. . . past 6 . 01' 7 ye~rs. Especially Idaugh ters would have to work, . 'Dam. . . m.Iddle fork _of the Feather . Gl'levance Comnnttee: }Weets when 'you consider that here is he thought you might be in··. 1 These two jobs if. the bi~s a~e ' RI~er . Low b1d 'Iivas $154,279. eve~:y Thu,rsday at_7 p.~l. m the ~n indus~ry that ~as , no~ had an terested in women's wages. w• opened -when slated and If bid This one. ~1asn't been awarded as Engme~rs Hall, 1010 Eye St., mcrease m the pnce of 1ts prod- tresses 65c an hour tops. ~ . . and the ~bid~ are :a-cceptable are we get tlns together. IVla·rysvrlle. uct in over 25 years. partment Stores women 35c an going to ·make the difference BAY BIDS: Yuba Cons o ada ted Gold · The Na.tomas Company is hour men 60c an hour and teit 'between a real -bang . up season. In addition to the bid open~ Fields 1\1em:bersh!p: Meets Mon- making good progres_? in the dis- hour~ a day, six days . a ,\reek or a mediocre one. All .qf_ us ings :reported last month includ- day, , 1960. i11 the Engi- mantling of Dredge No. 5, which (they don'-t have· and Wage and ·_ know jn this area, at least, what ing the Black Butte Dam and the neers Hall, Marysville at the we reported before is being dis- Hour Protection). Also for those.· the failure of t~e Wyandotte Wyandotte Project the State has times of 10:30 ·a.m. and 7:30 mantled to ship out of the coun- who complain about conditions proje~t to go as scheduled last called for bids, to be opened pfm. tr.y and to then reassemble. In facing the mechanic, the shop ye~r meant to us and are a.lso May 11th, for the widening and Natomas Co. IVIembei:ship: doing this every piece of the rate for mechanics for winter . we1! aware that t~e sa.me th~ng resurfacing of 5.3 miles of State Meets l\'Ionday, J_une s; 1960 in dredge must be taken down, jobs i~ .$1.35 per hour. · Ho~v oeou_d happen agam t~Is yeai. Sign Rnute 32 from just east of the Veteran's Han, Folsom at clene.d up and then marked so about llvmg costs? They must be . Well e~1ough of this because the Sacramento River to· 2% the times of 10:30 a.m. and 3:~5 th~t 1t can be reassembled after less - you say! Actually living • . when tlus reaches you these miies westerly of Chico. $480.- l>.m; slupme11t. _ costs you as much . as it does · ~atters will probably have al- 000 is budgeted for this m1e . . · Gladding, l\'IcBean & Co.: Lin- According to the Jatest reports h~re. :teady .been set~le~ and. ~ny':'ay While the above is the biggest coin Industrial Council Joint a~ Yuba Consolidated, Gold ------•. there IS no profit m antlcipatmg new'one there are several small· Board meets Tuesday, June 7, Fields Dredge No. 18 Isabout LATE JOB REPORTS. ~ht;_L w?r~e, ~ecause, despite th~ er jobs bei!ri.g advertised by the 1960 at "1:: 15 p.m. )n the Lincoln re~dy .to start digging again af· l\1ENLO PARK, Contract \vas bunelfhes m th~ stomach 'O~ei I cities, counties and other award- Office. G en era l . memb. ership tei bemg, . shut down on account -th t tl th t mau 0 f t'l 1 h t It 110 ld b awarded to Williams & Burrows, th e f ears a· liS or a ,J in()' bodies. Each one of these meets Tuesday, ·June 14,· 1960_at le dig · wa er. s P · e 't t'ol' o b k t k b ·· tl t' th' Inc., 500 Harbor Blvd, Belmont. o I · m ay 110 t go • tl. 1 e Sl ua 1 • J. obs in itself doesn't amount tn 2:30. al.m. ih_ the Lincoln c· oun- . ac- 0 vv·or Y le ~me . IS ' h k d t K 1 If t tl d (amount not disclosed) for re· s ows a mar e. lmprovemen much but in th_e aggregate they cii ·Office and 4:15 p.nl. . in the reac les you. . you are. en I e - 1 t t1 t · t b n d d h t b search Qffice bldg., stn1cturall over a~ year m :e amoun ' mean a number of jobs for the City Auditorium, Lincoln. 0 ereca e. an av~ 110 , een dollar wise or otherwise, of work brothers . · · Concrete· Pipe l''Ienlbership.· recalled notify the office unme- s ~~el frame b1dg., three story going and ·the number of men ' · _ _ . . n diately, . basement, 140,000 sq. ft. Est. dispatched. · · REPO~~ ON THE WO!ItK , Meets l\'Ionday, June 20, 1960 at At Gladding, McBean and $2,700,000 . . Between April 1st. and May Fredn~kson an~ Wat~on, as the Teamsters Hall, 818 W a 11 COii1pany in Lincoln shipments SACRAMENTO, Contract was 5th when tllis was written up we previously. smd, are really Street,- Chico at 7:30 p.m. was good in March, but slacked awarded to "''Fisher . Bros., P.O. despite a large number of new n:-akmg t he dut f~y at Janes- Rock, Sand & Gravel & Ready off about the,time we wrote up Box 478,( Rio V'ista, $17.48 (per )registrants fl;om out of the area v1ll~. Souza and Wr1ght, In.c. are Mix l\'Ieinb~rship: Meets Frida·y, our last article last month. The hr. dredging) and $923,900 (pH- · tlhe number of "A" Operators ~ettmg a good sta!t on therr two ~ay_ ~0 ,at the :eamste_rs Hall, management repor~s to us, how- ing) for equipment rental· clean was- reduced from 663 to 544. JOb~ , one at C~lpme and one at- 818· '\\an St., Ch1~o, at 8 p.m. ever, that they beheve that the ditches, etc. at Grizzly Island 'I'he number of "A" Apprentices Bla~rsden. Wnght. Bro~hers on A~l others subJect to call. signs indicate another good sea- Waterfowl Management Area, m -the same .period was reduced their r:orest Service J~b. near . son ahead. Suisun, SOLANO CO. • lfrom 93 to 70. This of . course- Gre~nv1lle are . abo~t fnushed, company's levee job on the west The Company through~ the AUBURN, Contract awarded was not all to me· credit of this havmg been gomg smce· Febru- bank of the Sacramento Rive!'. Lincoln Indus t rj a 1 Council to C. Peterson, 2892 9th St., . 1>ffice as some of these men ary and only having missed four On top of this there are a num- which is the bargaini~g m1it :Berkeley, $1,004,532 for const. ' were taken off our lists because days work due to .bad weather. -ber of housing projects starting there. and of which your Union Dist. sewge. trtmt. plant, ' three _,(C alled ba:ck to jobs in other I~bell Construction Co~ ha~e that have produced considerable is' a part ~ has been notified that pumping plants, · etc-. Placer ,;-areas, however, a large number aga1~ started up ?n the Frenc~- work f?r the brothers.. _ it is the desire of your Union to County Sewer Asses. Dist. No> 2 . ~ ,were dispatched to jobs in this mqn s:. Flat dam JOb n~ar Cl~Il- . ON SOIVIE CRITICISM open ·the agreement for negotia- SACRAMENTO, Contbl.ct : ~was •~ '1,/,rea. : _ _ · _ cor· Tl~e~ h~e tlut. ba;~k qm~: Before anything else is said, ti~ns. As t,he . agreement expire.s aw3:rede to Souza & Wright' ,.CORRECTION: .,. · . _ a ·. ew or · le r? •leis w 10 wei_ h:it Us say that we believe in t~Is yer, 1t ·IS open for .cond1- Cou.st. Co;,- $938,421 for grtl;; Last month we reported that, there l_ast fall \\hen the weather . 't' , . . 11 h 't . tions wages health and welfare ruf., 'rdmx. 3tc. Blairsde'ii &Wil• · · -. · ·· . . j shut. the J. o·b dow11 At ·present en IC~sm ,. especm ?' :':' en 1 IS .· . ' . · _ . . . ' . . .·. . . ;Fredenck -_and Watson_were t he ...... · . ..f· t . .b constructive, as cntlcrsm keeps pensions, m fact, everythmg, low Creek, Plumas ·· co., (H..;plu~ ·. . . . '·f .b.dd . . . . they ar.e .1 unnmg one s1 n , ut . . . · . ·t .·Tl C t p· . PI· . ··t . . 21 F) · · ,true cess .u1 . 1 _ er~ on 11. .9 m11 es ·w· .. _, ·ro_-1,. .., - . • ' h~·, . later _. , us awa_ke -and on o~r toes. Ye _. · _ ~~ ·onere e . -1pe _ .· an s ~r~ · · · 111 01 0 0 0 11 · '•!lif gradmg and highway surfac- P .fP B"~.dY_ g '' -t· d some that we hear we must ad- p1ckmg ·up agam after bemg SAC:itAIVIENj'O. Colitract wa·s ' , . R d I . . ac1 1c n ge 11ave1 comp1 e e . - . . d d t d · b a"'a"ded to B 11 & s· mg near taven a e .. n nammg 1 th . b.· dg . · b t p d . e 1mt t 1at-we fmd hard to under- s1 owe . own o· some egree' y · " •· a , · Impson, 1 al1 1 tlie place we erred. We should It. ke~r ()' n _t· etl JOf a oe ·k·, h- ~rh stand. Like· the brother who the recent rains ·and now tha:t Berkeley, '$2__ ;t22,142 for :t2 • lh 'd J ·n ··· J 'il a mo ou . 1e a1 se wm w lC , 1 . d th t "h h d 't , th . t:J • h' . g 't 1 k grade, surf; AC base, etc. - ~ rave. sa\h · a~sv; e: · o~~sr~ willprobablv take a couple of cobmp_ame a. e. a R seen e.;uf~~adam.~~~~~ 1 ~~.s u ~~. I~ e d a~y~t 11t~ Is n~ months Bali and Simpson are a usmess agent m s:x months," a~ 1: _ a~ :hwl ~ · usyd .. _1J mi. N. of M&t~o Lake, lVIONO CO; ·. 1 w 1d11e. avtehn aRe 1dsd_.ar edr. nor t goingh~o shifts 011 their railroad . y:et tkhedday befhore ~Ibs cabrd whas a so rue o t e rdoctl , satn _a_n PALO ALTO, Contract was : ;tili1 · m e e . mg IS 1nc . ,1 , d . h . . Thi c1 1ec e . on t e JO . y t e gra~e1 p 1an s, .an .1ey oo are awarded to PacifiC Coast Bldrs . ~ · 'They are really making good ghia eld~ ov~ 0drfovi 11.te h. · s one writer. · · gettmg back mto-high gear. It · South Park St., S:F;, $1,648,- . · th' · s ou oe goo or e summer. A th' · b. · d · · ld 1 b f r th' 800 (base plus alt.) for.:const. of · 1 • IS t;lme on IS one. · Gates and Fox who are driving 1 s f IS ~s em~ :~rep are) h a ~vodu t 1a ~ef . eehn dw~rtseb o f WORK LET IN APRIL . the tunnel 'On the same job are \ p1ece o wntten cntlc1sm (? . as m us ~·y I 11 . . a n _een or 75-85,000 ~q. ft . . RC four story . Lord and Biship was the low [ k: g g: d g · , been called to our attention. 1 the stimulant given by the de· courthouse-& county office bldg. bidder at .$773 978 for 1 2 mile mav· mll , 0E0 )ro re~ . f · l This criticism is that- there is mand for t_heir product by the SAN JOSE, Contract awarded ' · . . ·. a e_; 11omee. rs . ave 111.1s l• h. th' ·. -b· t' m1'ss1·1e bases. . to· Bari·ett Co1tst Co 180. 0 Ev of gradmg. - and pamg highway ed the1r sewer JOb m Orov1lle, sue a . mg as a ~om ma. 10_ll . , · . , · • ., • and extending_ an existing bridge 'but another to start. This one ~ec~amc and Weld~r and 1t ~s . •At u:e vanous shops, Pete1 ~on ans Ave., S.F., $963,080 for con- between Cordova Four Corners was bid in at $ , . There m)€ 1m~he~ that the o.ffi.cers of tlus 1 Tracto1, Ne,w York . Machn:e struction San Jose Alvisio Nhm. 95 000 1 · and .the Sacramento River near. a num.ber of small jobs running l1 Umon mvented tlus 1dea. Shop and the cont~act01s work 1s Courf ~ldg., ·saii Jose . .. jC>utt" c ··ty -Tei'cl ert and l . d th ·t · . t f tl m . Apparently they never heard reported to becommg more_plen- . SUN NY VALE, Contract , 1 s011 ~ D leo . 1 ) aloun . 'e own mos 0 1e " . " . . t'f 1 'tl th h' . . f ' d d t N s· 1 ' nave subbed the grading and _ . · 1 t d . __ of . the Wilson .e.-ward a deci- I u WI 1 even e mng o . a awar e o orman me a1r. Paving Raymoila Concrete Pile pr~tf~ yHrepor e /1~ · . t sion 'handed do\vn during the brother here and there. When 3170 Riddle Rd., San Jose, $6. ·.· th' ·p·· ·ng arld Lord arld. I · a t ·B ayesA~~ F ,.,sociBa ese, First Wo_ rld War in which it was some of these other jobs coming t 290 for const. Fire Sta". No. -3, · Co., e 111 nc. a ea_e1 n orce as . . · b'd th' t 11 M & T' d St ' S · Bishop will deck the bridge. -~ nave made another change on declare~ that weldmg was part up. are :, , so . ey . e . us, r a:uy . I.c~n eroga _ s., un· , Souza and Wright a new firm . the Capehart Housing Project. of a ~rade and no~. a trade. . thmgs rougnt to Ieally get bet- nyvale, Calif. . . . ·~om posed of Souza Brothers of This time c .. o. Brand .is finish- . Tins wa~ long. before L~ca~ . ~ t~r . . \\ e sure hope they are STOCKTON, Contract _awai d· l{ttba City (formerly Souza and . ing up and the Wurtsn1ith Cor- [' was orgamzed and the Bmldmg ng~t, _ :d to S: lVL Mc~r:,aw ,Co. & Bare . Me€ue) and Wright Brothers of poration, a subsidiary of Hayes, Trad_es D~partment a~ard~d the PERSONAL NOTES: _ ker Consts. Box 757, St~ckton , _ {}ridley were low on 4.3 miles_of, is taking over. C. 0. Brand is; repair, up~eep andmanitamance We are sorry . to report the $50,190 f?r c?nst. of So. J?I~PQ~al · highway on Rot,J.te 83 :I)-ear Blairs- 1 continuing to do work -in the of the e'ilmpment he operates to sudden death by a heart attack Plant Oxidation Pond Dike np· · den. The bid was $938,421. area in the name of the Bear the Engmeers. on April 16th · of Bro. Leslie rap. · . . . Sierra Constlyction So. ,and Sier- River Construction Co. Ernie INDUST~IAL ~EPOR~ . '. Smith: Br?. Sm~th was on~ of the I vc~OWS LANDING, Conta~t ~a ConstrlJ_cbon, Inc., of Merced Sutton has been brought back The picture m the mdustrj.al real old tnne Oilers and ·firemen I v· ~Ide~i~~~lt~Const. Co., ~io were. next : from , South Dakota to ramrod has be. gun to. show signs of this and in our ' fll orbbn_ ec. ear : a~ ~1,016,639. Th~y uni~s a~ea ~xten~ing I IS.~' 1 1 ~- :are -JUSt gettl1lg started at this the spread. of Improvement. Like the old deepest sympathies to Mrs. wor ',, se · su a~e, mec. · · writing on this one and have Peter Kiewit Sons on the Mis- bear when he comes out of hi" _c§mith and his family ~e want Istab. surf. crs., ptm.x, surf. & bit. · ~alled out af?w of the brothers. sile Bases aren't making the bernation . right now it seemsfO . them to know that this passing surf., trmt. to pr~VIde res~ab . of Harms Brothers were the low _p'!:ogress expected, which with be going t hrough the flexing pe- leaves a void- in our ranks that ~ven un ~ ar~ast & !~prs. tot s~d • . "bidders on an equipment rental I Murphy; Cherf and Sandkay fin- riod and getting ready to go to ~ill not be filled for a long, long ~u nwczs L a%.1 w~~ 1~ C· .s~ · ~ deal with the Department of ishJng up on the first stages has work. -111 other words what we hme . . . We also extend om L avd' uxS _an ~g ~; 3; ~ow :; 1 0 2 5 5 Water Resources on · the con~ made employment a little slower are trying to say is that all signs 1 deepest sympathies to Bro. Jo- · an ng, pee. · ~ _ • ...

:.t'Jtructio!J. of test fills o~, the site than anticipated. . · · . ~eem to point to a r-easonably seph J, Huston, who is employed I,....,...... _k ·of the proposed Orov11l,e Dam Considerable smaller . work 1s .good season ahead. · · at the Peterson Tractor Com- ~l .l ~WE [) ·s co above Oroville. Total bid was ' going on around '_ the Chico area I In the Gold Dredging Industry pa·ny's Shop, Chico, upon there- D·~IU\ · D • ; · ;; $118,274.00. This, oug~t to keep the majority of which_ is being I we have recently ~onsun:-ated, a cent death of his _,wife Nadine ·... some of the brotners ousy for a done by Teichert and Butte new wage agreement with tne On a more cheer1ul s1de we w1sh . · .J wh~l~ , at .least. . . .· _ Creek Roc~ : Butte Creek Rock I Natomas Compal~lY·. An increase 1 t? repor~ the return on a part I Producers o! Ba1dwli1 Contractmg Co . p1ck- also keeps a small crew pretty , equal t o that prevwusly agreed time bas1s (two weeks here, two II . •ed up during Api'il in the dis- busy in the gas fields which is to by the Yuba Consolidated weeks South Dakota) of Bro. Er- 1 AS:HALT!C CONCRETE brict some $228,000 plus of work handled out of a yard in Butte Gold Fields, which agreement nie Sutton. Bro. Sutton is 'Grad- I _READY MIX CONCRETE & in . fo ur jobs which cons,ists of City. has another year to nm, was ing and Equipment Superinten- ~ - QUARRY PRODUC-TS ·• ~ostly sur~acirig various loca- Bmm Constru_ction C_o. 1.1 as agreed upon e.ffective lVI~y 1, der:t for Hal B. Hayes and As- I -- · . · "~:IOns of highways throughout started eonstruction of Vl'ldemng :l960 and runnmg to Apnl 30; soc1ates, Inc. Bro. Sutton states IP. 0 . Bcx 1002 Richmond ~ he area; especially apove Oro, two sections totaling 3.13 miles of 1961. that if ~m y of the:; brothers have .

·\fill"' in the :t:eather River Can~ 1 the Maxwell Colusa Road. Mal" ~Vh~le the present rate~ bei~1g any ~1anke~r ing for a "rigl~t to 1 Wesrerq Drive ·BEa~on 2-5198 yon, B-eale Ali!· Force Base, and 1. fitano and Son have started that pa1d m the gold dredgmg m- work' StaLe they should go to~-""""'""""'"""'"""""""""'~""""'"""".....,....., PAGE ELE\lBN' .. -are· still. holding most of . tlH~it .· .··. _· .,. ;; altl~ough tNr shli:mi~rit' ~t .· . . · b'eeu_ lip:Iit¢ct_· besa:use:~ &.f, · · r~pairing · of':' the Blast Fur~ ·· mkes at G ._; :. ' · · · · . · ·, . . '· . . .. . : ·:· ;:t . · ' . . · . . · ·. . hospital for ai1ether oper~twp/ : . 1 · This has been a wet and dre~rJ:' Spr:~ng, . wea~hen,vise_ ; - h.~v\·ever : 1 T?Istle .JPD. but.. we hope ~1e Will ! getti)1g r_eady fo_r their: 011 ]ob. I and' is now in critical condition; :· the last week has-showl1'm~ch Improvement ":Ith -cl.ear skies_ an_d I haye . several _ mer~ :workl?g by j Freddie _, Berquist and Com- 1I 'know he would appreciate hav- : warmer tempera~ures predicted for the commg \.Ye_eks. This IS th_e tnne you get th1s paper. I-~e i pany really have a tough job pi- mg the brothers call on him and .. welcome . news for all ~oncerned on · construction. · 1 still ha~ -a full crew on _Ins l oneer-ing a road to a television wish he would, tecbver soon. W~ know ~o~ are all anxious to know \vhat progress \ve havt; 1 Hel~er )ob. . . · . . ~ · · ·Ito:;yei· to.·.· be buil~ at West Moun- . · Broth~r Lee __ Bat.es is goLrig- made m negqtrat10ns thus far. . · ... I Fif~ Constrqctwn· Company at . tam. _The folloyvmg brotpe~s are mto . busme~s for himS~lf. W~y :r In .the }loc}<, Sand and. Gravel Industry, progress has· been slovv. HuntmgtmL -Dan yon ·.. was only : workmg, 7 days a . week. Pmkey not-look _him_ up at tt1e Artl!! ~ · indeed. :The cornp~1:;v is t~king the ~osi~i?~ tliatthey do n9t wa-nt ·down _abmtt · t. wo months dltring i. Collett, Clair · Doyle, _Phillip. Circle, 1300 l~~rth . Stat~. . m . t.etter t~e_ ~on?Itn;ms of wor;kers m t:~e _rndustry. W ~ are ~ how- the wmter. ~ . . .· · · . R~~gh_ Tom Rabb and Jm: M~- Provo. I;nstead of pushmga t~ew , ever, workmg .hard. to .negotiate some~hmg worthwh1le for all D. W. Bnmhalls JOb at Fmr- tl11S. Brother ·Fred Berqmst IS. of .operators he will be pushmg. · concerned a~d - hope ey tl_H~ time this -r~aches you we wilL- have view .have completed· their dir..f 1pushing the job:. · - · · . 1 . ham~u'i:·gers, ice cream, etc. We 1 reached a satisfactory ag!'eement. . . work and · are , now gravelmg, 1 The Cedar City !\'Iln~s ·all wish you success, Lee . .· We have had several meetings with the Graver Tank Company · · and hope to' hqve , an agreement with them in the· near future. ~·' On the , AGQ .Agreement we have pTesented the Association :· with a very_ :goqd/.ptoposal. As -you know, it ~s t~e goal of thi? ,. administratimi. and. your representa.ti:ves to obtam tne same wages,, conditions and benefits wh:ich ·existthrou&hout the rest of Local ! Bv H. · L. "Curley" SP.ENCE and ·s OM ·· ECK, . Busjness Representatives No. 3 jurisdiction. . · . · · . . . . '--- We understand the employers are circulating ~ lot. of propa - ~ NEVADA STARTS TO !\'lOVE . ing bn~thers :dozing: · Jim Au- .. Lee and· H. Turner doing themtt; ganda on, the Hiring Hall · clause. We· members ·know that the. After a long hard winter (actu-· 9rain · ahd ;,. Harvey ··' Gregory, jbt1sting ·with · B~others ·Mer1e- .· hifing hall based· on seniority is the only protectioi1 men!bers have ally a rj:mgh ty~ar ·and a half) Fran.k ·Breeding; ;Ernie· MeAl~ 1 Nord . and "Shorty!' · Gottbehuet . in a Right-to-.Wo.rlc stat~ o:· h1 an~ ot!1er state with the · present tlli11gs a1:e ~begi. nili'I_lg_ to look.- up 1 - ~ister:: flnd -Roger:. "'C09k.ie~' '. f:I~r- ·j greasing and Alan .Hamdod ·o11; .: · 1eng of th~;NLRB. Th1s 1s a crucial ~ssue "and o.ne t~1at we must f~r the brothers m the· Gre.at ; 1c on·the pulls wi_th 13r?ther_J~m the roller. · . : . ·. · . ·· w.ork hard to p~omote_. .·· · . . . . ! Srlver State. Many of the .l?<;al l Howe mecha~rcmg . an~ · .!rm 1 : _The ··GeOI·ge Griffa.ll Company': . . ·. ~Ve are 'a. ~am u:·gmg·the membersh. 1~. t?. get behmd the ne,go.:,.\i.. on.tractors have recall~ . tne1r M~m. ,s_on .greasmg . .· Th. 1s· proJect Iis · expanding an_d . getting · to . b. e _·:· hatm~ . comrrutte~ . :m. ~n . ende~vor to solldrfy our stand. o1~ hand_s and~ l. 1~ve st~~·ted to w:n no '.d. ouqt put on ~· few J.,110r_e I' s_ti\.!1! a ..large . ~ontra_ctin~ com_ ~ ' _Thmgs are startmg to. b.um m d . . . b . b 'Itt ..d 1 take new men off the . Out. of .brot)ler sm the near. future lS . 11 as panv that he fillmcr 111 and : the .Salt !~ak_e Area, with all of a~r;~~!s:Iroade to LYarm:~::s~,\~ i \~ork Lists." · W~_st_ill have a ;air; "$\)On asothe fi'll isst~rted . . ·· .. grading of~ a new odice, shop . .b d 1 't E .h fth. t l . slzedoutofwmkhst,buta,en UP."' the· small contractors usv an t 1e m y. 'ac o · em ere 1ange 1 • • • • • • NO nTH . . andvar·dslteonJ · · ·Glenda·IeRoa-ll. , . x · • u · . ~ . . ,. ·. ,. , . 0 d f 1 prormsmg season ahead. By the ~ . . . : · ~ s ·I - N ad ' ,t (' ··ffaU all the larcrer -ones ·begmmno·.to struc~mes \Hll take 20 yar s 0 t· tl' ·_. . 1· , . Nacon Company Inc. of Las 111· par ~s, ev ~a, 01'. u'IL . . •. /::> .. . .. 1:::> I . d 4'' 000 d 'f I .Ime liS papei Ieac 1es yom ' ' . . . hould expand ·with all the crood . ·t· 1U, h th ' ', .·k w · cl· d ' !COncrete an . .:> , .. · J?OUn s 0 . . . b. , · . l'crh .· ' Veo·as Nevada l110Vll1D' ln.. en s - ~. -. . '. 1:::> •. 1 en pea . n. .. ·. y e Is ! t 1 E , 1· ·n . have 38 mail ox, tv\O more 1lo wa:; "' , ·. . , . _o . . brothers . hke Cal .. ·Scolan Don-· . 'g·oing two shifts on his interstate I ~e~et 'of ~~~in:n:ur;~ce and wm i pr.ojects will h. ave. been l~t. ~c... 'II Jtheakt sct~tek· higl~~hl ay"' NEolk' 11 :taht akr·wood a_nd. Pet~ Ferr~tto. o_ ~ - . b t' t .d ... f S lt "' · · ·1 · d half l · t t h of ac ::; ree noru O.t; · o WI · JO 'On . ne .wes . ·s1 ~ . o a be 127 feet long. . I ~ .x an on.e- ~ mr e s re c . . " . , , . _ the backhoe and Lloyd· Mattex.·- ·· Lake. Tiago IS gomo·. ten hours / mghway No. 39CJ south of Reno Brothers P~licate K1d Jacob 1 E E lVI"b · 'al . .1' , 1 011 on the missing lin.k ~f the inter- W. !"'· Clyde & Company were ., running between S tea m.bo a .t 1 son ·as · supenntendent. .'tl-.'lel Le~ ' ~n\ : I · ~W aJ¥" ds · ~g. ... · . . . . low b1dders on the Silver Creek · o· · n · 7 1 · · 1 on blade Bob Glover and:· r~o .1lei van · 00, or . on ne ; state systen1m North Salt Lake. J t' . b Th . b'd $? Spnn"'s and v\ias we City 1s to i , . . . , . . . skippy Brother Ray Fen·etto (}.Ill . 'bb & R- ct · 1- .. · d unc wn JO . leir I was . ~,- '·b l t ·M· 1? 1960 E .. . . I '·Lefty-' Lemlch Gl ' . ons . ·- .· ee .... ~as ..resl~me ;.. _ , . . · . a· on pulls Ed ' ...... , 149· 0 9 ld t _ .! e. e ay ~, . . . . ngmeers ...... , ' .. the dozer and .:wl1aL --ha,ve you~ . oneration on .their job and , ~;). Tms )ob shou . "'e t.m. estimate one m1Jhon \ dollars. Smith on dozer, Haiold 'Ihomp· H . ·· ·h 1 . tl -. G·: 'f'f p · 1 · · · , - derway·before lono· . , . . h . · .d J . . Et h owever, as a w o e . 1e n . au seuld wind this one up ~n - ab?ut o·- Then on the 19tfl of May the s.Ol:, mec a~IC, : an . -eny c e- Company is doi . O.K. ·. . • '.:' si.x .weeks. L. A: Young IS gomg · KENNECOTT COPPER ·. · long talked · about · :Golconda veny greasm~ . This. sh_Quld be ·· ~ . ·· ·· .. .· fqll blast wJth .. his. end. of the 1 Things have settled down.] Summit project-is to finally be- .-another gqod J.ob for ,tbe broth- . Helms Construc~~on C~mpan~~ : · b h.· 1 · th · · f · ~ , lit · E · t ' ers UI) there 111 God :s· co'mtry better known as Bob JC? w 1c ..1 JS ,;: . e ~ pavmg . rom pretty much · aL Kennecott. By · come, a rea y: · ngmee1·s es I- · . ~. ·· · ·.· .' . , h · 't . · . · f Helms· r ·.· •:· 0 Ci1dahY Lane -to ;Paae's -Lane. L. now you }1ave all received. your mate 4% million.. This jbb .sta1·ts what WJth all the·. good :- f1~hmg · ~s : . qm e a c.~_ e;':' · - ·.0 P~~~ !~&,,: . . ·:·. ... :·· . ·7' . · · · . • . · . · . . ·, · · · · d (h f ·g· ·???) •mh·· · f" · ··1· .Engmeers workm()' for mm T ._ J.ohnsol)..'scr~w. Is . frlling _the lettersandcards: explaining:the-. onemile· wes.tofGolconda .and· a~ • :unm ··· · J.- Is_ um -aso ·.. • . . • ·. · · .; "' ·· . : .- detours·, fQ:t ·. t.he . job .. pro 7 dnt~rsta,te ·cedure oiv ; bringing yotir runs to :the· eastioot.-of' .Golcbn-. · (Nill '.~Ut • S?!lle:more ?f · !'he : b7~t~~ I' ;s.roth~r... !Y: ' R , CI3ag ~y~) ru:: ' ; n.t "1 t:' .. t . r· . . be ' :f• . . . ' . ., • • Ict ' .. s ...... ·.. . . t . ers to··-work as S(}O·Was.. they ·lo '· .Sipner Brll Peterson Brll BaCU;:,~ ,· · ,~~y, 1-er ,. ~f;>lf~r~e wnn s .. · .. ~n:- uues ·up·to date·,and·also •partrcr" . a umm1t ·on · m~ers~ate" r:qu e . · ··t· · :. - · ..: .:. ·· ·. • : · · · ·., .: :. t•· '. ·ct: Ed. Kdzacek the ~HDRM - and 'in€;;·' IH11°. the last .. ~tructur~s of this pating : in·the B'udaLand-· Good 1 No . . 80.· This stretch 1s -a • little c.a e· son~e more eqmpmen an · · . . . . · . . . . · -· ,, . sect'J.on>··of the .. :tii1t~rstate job. S~ t ·an·di\~o- ~ Fund :We haven't ha(rf over ·-121,;, inl.!es. These -shoLlld-1get the_. job.. __ ope_n€d up ;a .. littl.e: .LuZler Ch_tf ... :· ··. ·· : · .... · ·. . o ·- · . ! ~ Broth~~s, <>P1;::Ho:;y.-, :, .... _ ,_ ·. · ·· ·· .. · · " .. ·· ··. ·· · :· · ard· t'1at's1 qu1te a ·c1·ew Tl,:l,lp ;s~.~-~~ott..-:9J,.We ~~~:a1 . 1~. abo:-'t toorhl.tchresp.6~se '~s · vet.Ify0\:q~e two good · ~obsfot ·, many :of more ~_ Blus -: a · b~:eak -_r'l_l.,·f.h~~ .. ' • . "' · • •: • :t ,' ; -. th,e.. bu _s}esL:~tr:.~t£:!:1: .Pf. 1oad m have any questwn; 'please con• l tne. local . brothers who have : 'v.eath~r : , . . .· .. · · ·. . · The Nevada c.rea was s,lli1Le4 0 Jile Intermountain area . . There tact thP. Salt Lake office or. vour ! be-en sweating it out ill Neva- The Wells-Cargo ·State ' High ~ to learn of. the death of Broth_er., are . eight~ . ~Q9trac~?rs_ at: hi?h steward. vy e. wish t_o urge aU ~f l da .. tl~rough the past long ~eari way No. 8.A west· ~f · benio ha~ · James · Johns~n. , BTother; .· il~ .: Sl?eect operatwn witJnn _a mrle vou t0 taKe advantage of this '·montns.. . . .· .· slowed< down considerably; .. es- J :rassed a:vay v;;er-y : Sl!ddenly and, 1 ~t.etch; w~th t~1eir _cn.1shers and means to ?ecom~ a member · in ISBELL GETS GOING pecially , . silrce the toreri1an, i 1t was with a1~ell_ng of s~dnes~ , cllman loaders gomg .full. bl~st, good standmg. It 1s to ·your bene· .. ; , .. . . ; . . _ BTother Jack .ChatteVe ~ft and and s}1oek that w; .leaned (}£.: creatinD' a state 1 . • "' · .of · confuswn. . · to 1c·t .. ' . . Thls f rm has a nu"nber of t .f th . ·, t . ,; the ·news. He had oeen emplov- r ti f 1.b t-h th . W 11 L k mos o , e new eqmpmen was " , tile m?toring public and contrac- ALL MEETINGS WILL BE ::;·. ;r~ en. ; en·_ .a (er · "~ ~ trarisfeh;ect to other projects. ed by the Isbell C. C. for ~h e; _. tor n],ke . ' ' . . hiohl~ ay proJect under •vUCL Th . s -. L . d t Ll . d D past 13 years aPd worked rohref- . o~t at 'Flamincr Gorge -things CALLED: competent supervision of Super· N en_ upe~mt e~ en_ 1 t?Y t e· ly- as t'he "B;ssman" ofv t h~·: an: really beainnfng t;_hu·m·with P,ROVO AREA . intendents Amold Blair, . Ed . ; emtst.Ire da~ at rodug 1 .rmA~- GrCy~ street patchino· crew: Someho\;, • "' · ·.' · Th ' · k ·t t·1011 d D' · · B'llR. h •dn d!,ng o un ersan .· QUr · ... . . "' . the Company starti_ng _the ag~re - n e w~r, ~- ~1 nua aroux:- nempsey an. ~ I .· de ar ::. .:n AgreeiJien.t, ·especially the Hir· ·or other 1t won't seem qmt~ the . o·ate Plant and stnnpmg of the ... rovo ha::;n t cnanged m.uch m capable Foreman Dan Av"ry, . Cl I h . k. d same to pass the crew no' -v and "" 1:' • I h ..:.. · tb b t · b h ' · · · · · .. d · mg a use. guess e wor e - . . . . Pit. If any of you members are L e lasL mon "• u · JO s ·ave Jim Blair, Bert Fernan es and : ··h. · · · ····t . o· T' · not see Brother Jim's cheerful ' · 1 · k' l'ttl . , t 1·, 1 Al Th S tt'· t . 1!. In ~ e ,n11nes oo 1on"' . n en . . , . qualified cableway op~rators let oeen .f;c _mg t~p a _I . e ou ' . ~ '?mpson. e · I~g s a 1~es 1 or there is the problem ·of the me- gri~ ,and the wa.· ve of his_ hand_. us· know RS they are:m need of t hecU , l~tah Basm. . " . :· ~he ~Irt mno:ers (01 should _w~ chanics getting hell for the "hello." We mdend o,ur smcere ' '. you inen. . l\iwrnson Knudsen at Star,aker l .. ay rock) are Brothers T e 1 r Y equipment beincr brakeD down sympathy to h1s fanmy and we.·' TO THE · NORTH, work is Dam -has 'fimilly. started a full j Neff, Manuel Petalto and Dave d t·h' · · · :h· ": • . . · . . as his friends will surely misS:'; h 1 'f ·d . , u t~ d f. . an. 1 e mec ames raismg cam , . slowly getting started. wit pa- crew on one s"11:..t an w1 11 proo- ~~~~os e . 0.: H5\n ?z ers.w~ Inc\ due to l;,lck ' of parts, etc., plus ~rather Johpson. Vve would als (),~ troi and DW.20. operators in de- ablv start the second shift soon :>latt Gr .... ve,Lctwrence Fere;~so11, the fact that it's 60 miles to the hke to extend our sm.~erest svm­ ,.,..., . 1d . The Brewster joq at Wil· i.n ~rder to keep up with Inter- ·' ~~or t~" . lYlcE~ers, "Wh1tey" nearest phone~ which is o~t of pat~y to the family of Brother.: 1<.. i Bay is m. oviff2: slowl" alon2: mountain Concrete C.ompany Skmner. Dewe'' . Dufloft and . . · h 'f th . . . h' · OrVll Welch bett·er· kno"vn <>c, • ~ J ~ · . . " " COml111SS.lOl1 a! ' e time W ICh · " . • ' = ·.. . with four sauermans going now; wh·o is doing the coarse fill. Howard Dyer. And on the pulls · · . tl · . ·· ·. ·t' 'F' · "Oakie" who met with a- fatal·; ' tl , · t t ·t St "" h f 11 'ho · · . "F . , A. .. . means.ano 1er 7. 0 mi1 es . o vvin· .· ., '· nowever 1ey expect . o s ar . rang \....?l~pany , ~s a u • -'_ de IS .. rene1 1 .. zpauen, .tiemucca-Problems. · Problems': I accident on Highway No: 40. Ev- three shifts soon. The three crew on their JOb on h1ghway 40 Howard Clark, N.e1 .l Johnson, Th f . . b . t, . . · • d . eryone who ~ever worked .with. members 011 0 . on these machines _at east of Roose·\relt. The following"c Calviri Lohr and Bill . NL_qrtin . . ect.· ~ q\bVmtg ' I -~nedr~h~r.e ~- ".Oaki'e" \"1'·1} m. '"'S. hi's C0.. !1 .Stan'- l · · · · · · .. · · . · Ino ne1r es to w i ~ t 1s ·pro·· . '' ~ ""' · · · "'.- j;he present are Brothers Denton operators are .01: the J?D. Ada.!ll w1th · Je;rry Tog:narelh . on the . t · . ·f -~ t· · R -~. ·smile and good nature, Parkai·, Paul Davis anO. C. F ~ickel, . "BanJo'· lVIorr~ll, ~111 ~Pi;ISh cat. Leonar!l ~1J:ller keep· ec ~P 1 ~ a · 1~~ an _ ru~ ":"ngi · ., ' · ~ Durrant. 'Yia1'sha'll, Lee ·Gillman, Morris ing things swept tlp' with the neers ~~J le ?;e§pit~ a.L1 t~?-e )J.an~i· · .-,, ··· Th~ ~ Keith · Merrill Construe· ·:F9x":. Cranmer, Bill Coombs, ~lade ~nd Elmer Strange on the caps. ··.Bud Bo'~ . e1;·,. ~orema~1, · ·Drive . Safely,. ' Enjoy your va- ; tion Company from Idaho, sub- John Nazaryk, Don Olsen';':Paul cat and ca.n. Brother Merland . Jol;m De,nson, Joe Aounre, Marc cation. ,,., contractors' on the· Miles jeb ~re Butters, Ivan Street, Rex Chugg, 'iRed" Wetherby . pimping Thomas and Hugh Eef~wre on -·, getting start~d : They planto use John Burdick, .Clarence, Wilker- · around ·with the swing cnine or the d:oze:rs, J ... ~~npbell; Jue'A_I;" l' quite. :a nuinber o£ D.- w: ~0 Op· <;O n,. :Kenneth Wilkinson, · Clyde michigail.· On· the shovels there . mas, Guy 'rret)en - ~nd Orm . 0. C. · JO~tES &-. SONS . erators, on. tl1eir. spreqd. . Miller, Ray Walker, Tom Bran' 'is Tom Bro,~·n and. John Gi~ffr

/ IPAGE TWELVE " .ENGJ.NEE~'S . NEWS . . MAY, 1960 - · - · _, ~ -
