CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew Peter Dobson Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544-2016 Office: 609-258-2913 Fax: 609-258-1334 Cell: 609-213-0341 Email:
[email protected] H-Index – 95 ; I10 Index – 242. MAIN AREAS OF INTEREST 1) The application of theoretical ecology to problems in the areas of conservation biology and control of infectious diseases. 2) The ecology of infectious diseases in natural populations. 3) The population dynamics and life history strategies of birds and mammals (Particularly primates and elephants). EDUCATION 1978-1981 D.Phil., “Mortality rates of British birds” Edward Grey Institute, Department of Zoology, Oxford University 1973-1976 B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology and Applied Entomology Department of Pure and Applied Biology, Imperial College, London University POSITIONS 2001 Professor 1996-2001 Associate Professor 1995- Director of Undergraduate Seniors 1990-93 Director of Graduate Studies 1990 Assistant Professor, Princeton University 1986-1990 Assistant Professor, Biology Department, University of Rochester (from July 1st, 1986) 1983-1986 N.A.T.O. Post-doctoral Research Fellow, “The coevolution of parasitic helminths and their hosts”, Biology Department, Princeton University, Princeton 1981-1983 N.E.R.C Post-doctoral Research Fellow, “The dynamics of parasites in wild animal populations”, Department of Pure and Applied Biology, Imperial College, London University 1976-1978 Research Assistant to R.M. Anderson and P.J. Whitfield Zoology Department, King's College, London University HONORS AND SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS A.D White Endowed Chair as Visiting Professor Cornell University (2016-2022) Elected Fellow of the Ecological Society of America, 2016 Thomson Reuters 2015 group of Highly Cited Researchers (for the period 2003-2013).