Invited Talk: Marta Kwiatkowska

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Invited Talk: Marta Kwiatkowska ETAPS Daily The Newsletter of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2011 Friday, April 01, 2011 Saarbrücken, Germany Invited talk: Marta Kwiatkowska Probabilistic verification tech- using assumptions about the assumptions for compositional niques have been applied to the other components that it inter- verification of non-probabilistic formal modelling and analysis acts with. We discuss recent systems. We also present recent of a wide range of systems, developments in the area of improvements and extensions from communication protocols automated compositional veri- to this work and survey some of such as Bluetooth, to nanoscale fication techniques for proba- the promising potential direc- computing devices, to biologi- bilistic systems. In particular, tions for further research in this cal cellular processes. In order we describe techniques to auto- area. to tackle the inherent challenge matically generate probabilistic of scalability, compositional assumptions that can be used approaches to verification are as the basis for composition- Today sorely needed. An example is al reasoning. We do so using assume-guarantee reasoning, algorithmic learning techniques, at 09:00 where each component of a sys- which have already proved to be tem is analysed independently, successful for the generation of in E 2.2 Marta Kwiatkowska Marta Kwiatkowska is Professor of Computing Systems and Fellow of Trinity College, ETAPS 2011 Best Paper Recipients University of Oxford. Prior to this she held appointments at the Universities of Birmingham, Leicester and the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland. Marta Kwiatkowska spear- headed the development of probabilistic and quantitative methods in verification on the international scene. The PRISM model checker developed by Best students: Probabilistic Modal mu-Calculus EAPLS: A Static Task Partitioning Approach for her group (www.prismmodel- with Independent Product, Matteo Mio, SSA- Heterogeneous Systems Using OpenCL, Dominik based Register Allocation with PBQP, Sebastian Grewe, Michael F. P. O’Boyle is the leading soft- Buchwald, Andreas Zwinkau, Thomas Bersch ware tool in the area and is widely used for research and teaching. Applications of proba- bilistic model checking have spanned communication and security protocols, nanotech- nology designs, power manage- ment and systems biology. She was recently awarded the ERC Advanced Grant VERIWARE “From software verification to everyware verification”. EATCS: Canonized rewriting and Ground AC- EASST: Boosting Lazy Abstraction for SystemC Completion Modulo Shostak Theories, Sylvain with Partial Order Reduction, Alessandro Cimatti, Conchon, Evelyne Contejean, Mohamed Iman Narasamdya, Marco Roveri Marta’s talk is titled: Iguernelala Automated Learning of Probabilistic Assumptions for Compositional Reasoning Synthesis, Verification, and Quantitative Aspects of Analysis of Rich Models Programming Languages SVARM is a meeting on proposal for a tool competition. On friday afternoon at 14:15 in has two invited speakers at this Synthesis, Verification, and Further discussions cover formats room 003, building E 1.3, April year’s edition. First, on Friday Analysis of Rich Models. The for LTL synthesis and theorem 1st (no joke!) the 9th edition of at 14.30, Prakash Panangaden invited talk by Thomas A. proving, with the Isabelle proof the QAPL workshop will start. (McGill University, Canada) Henzinger on 13:55 this Friday assistant as the semantic founda- It is the 8th consecutive time will talk about Equivalences for kicks off this 2.5 day meeting. tion. the workshop has been a satellite Partially Observable Markov George Candea gives the invit- event at ETAPS. The aim of the Decision Processes and sec- ed talk on Saturday 14:00, and Bernd Finkbeiner and Rupak workshop is to discuss the explic- ond, on Saturday at 09:30, Erik Darko Marinov gives the invited Majumdar are organizers of the it use of quantitative information de Vink (Eindhoven Technical talk on Sunday at 09:00. A num- meeting at this ETAPS. Fourth such as time and probabilities University, The Netherlands) ber of further invited presenta- in the series, the meeting is sup- either directly in the model or as will discuss Decorating and tions report on progress in the ported by the COST Action “Rich a tool for the analysis of systems. Model Checking Stochastic area of decision procedures, veri- Model Toolkit” (currently chaired Reo Connectors. Both keynote fication, and synthesis. by Viktor Kuncak and managed This year 11 full papers will be speakers are sponsored by the by Cesar Sanchez). Four par- presented (which will be pub- Danish Center of Excellence SVARM meetings also discuss ticipating work groups are led lished in EPTCS post-proceed- on Modelling Information the integration of specialized by Tobias Nipkow, Maria Paola ings) and 3 presentation reports. Technology. techniques into tools that can Bonacina, Natasha Sharygina, They are covering a wide variety accept and solve broader classes and Barbara Jobstmann. of areas including model check- QAPL takes place in of problems. This time, Radu ing, hybrid and real-time systems, E1.3/001 Iosif presents an infinite-state SVARM takes place in process calculi and types. Besides transition system format and a E1.3/001 the regular presentations QAPL Lunch options on Friday What will happen on the weekend? Menu A: The second weekend of ETAPS TERMGRAPH further diversify Chicken breast with curry Menu B (Vegetarian): offers a great variety of interest- the workshop programme. A sauce, vegetables, seasonal Tortellini with tomato, lettuce ing ETAPS workshops: SVARM workshop dinner will be organ- salad, soup, dessert and QAPL continue through- ised in the evening of Saturday in Free Flow: out the weekend. In addition, an authentic Saarländisch restau- - Giant pork cutlet in a spicy sauce DICE and GT-VMT run as two- rant in downtown Saarbrücken, - Low Fat: Fine vegetable stew served with rice day workshops. On Saturday, the Stiefelbräu. All post work- - Steamed redfish with sweet and sour sauce FESCA, HAS, PLACES and shops take place in E1.3. What’s in this building? Benefit Performance for Computer Science for Established in 2004, the Max- ured faculty, and approximately Japan Japan Planck-Institute for Software 100 postdocs and doctoral stu- Systems, MPI-SWS conducts dent, all supported by adminis- For those who stay for the After the devastating earth- basic research in all areas related trative and technical staff. It has workshop weekend: There is a quake and tsunami in Japan, to the design, analysis, modeling, to be mentioned that some of benefit performance for Japan the Competence Center implementation, and evaluation the research groups are located Friday at 19:30 in the beau- Computer Science has started of software systems. Right now it in Kaiserslautern (about 60 km tiful baroque Ludwigskirche. a fundraising campaign enti- has about 60 employees. east of Saarbrücken) near the Among others, great musi- tled “Computer Science for Technical University there which cians will perform works by Japan”, supporting the German The institute will move into its has also a Computer Science Debussy, Schubert, Mozart, Red Cross. new building on Saarbrücken Department. Thus, the institute Bach et al. Campus in 2012. Over the course maintains close ties with the uni- of the next decade, the insti- versities and computing research Please support our cam- tute’s scientific staff will grow institutes in the Saarbrücken/ paign that has a goal of Pi: to about 17 tenure-track and ten- Kaiserslautern area. 3,141.59 Euros, by donating to Computer Science for Japan. Donating is easy: Go to spendenaktionen?hptitle=cs_ for_japan and give as much money as you can or want. Max-Planck-Institute for Software Systems.
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