15 December 2008 Cabinet Building Schools for The
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TH 15 DECEMBER 2008 CABINET BUILDING SCHOOLS FOR THE FUTURE (BSF) – KEY DECISIONS PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 This report updates Members on OBC preparation, key issues and risks and captures a range of decisions Members need to make in advance of OBC submission. Decisions are required in relation to: 1. The proposed BSF programme 2. The procurement route for the BSF programme 3. The issuing of statutory notices relating to school re-organisation in the mainstream community sector. 2. RECOMMENDATION(S) 2.1 It is recommended that Cabinet: Outline Business Case 1. Approves the proposed BSF programme as described at Section 3 for inclusion in the draft OBC. 2. Notes progress towards determination of the ICT Managed Service and Facilities Management Strategy. 3. Approves that the BSF programme be procured via a Local Education Partnership (LEP). 4. Approves that the Academies programme be procured via the National Academies Framework. 5. Notes that the Academies programme will now be the subject of a separate OBC to be submitted by a June /July 2009 deadline. 6. Notes the key issues and risks associated with the finalisation of the OBC and the BSF programme as described at Section 3.1.5. 7. Agrees to receive a further report at its January 26th 2009 meeting to consider the final BSF OBC, and in relation to the Academies OBC in due course. 8. Delegates authority to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Children Young People and Families to approve the draft OBC for submission to PfS 9. Supports the ring fencing of the Council’s contribution as set out in sections 5.1 and 5.7 and for the continued investment for the implementation team until completion of phase 3 of the scheme, currently planned as 2014/15. 10. Supports the proposal to ring fence all capital receipts generated from the secondary school estate changes to support the delivery of the BSF programme. BSF Community and RC Consultation 11. Considers the process and outcomes of the recent consultation exercises relating to the mainstream School provision summarised in Appendix Two. 12. Notes that a consultation exercise was completed on 28th November 2008 regarding the RC Diocese of Salford’s wish to formalise their proposal to close St Augustines and Our Ladys Roman Catholic schools and establish a single RC High School on the site of the former Radclyffe Lower School, Broadway, Chadderton, Oldham and agrees, due to the timescales involved, to receive and consider a supplementary report regarding this at this meeting. 13. Approves the publication of Notices for: • The linked closures of Breeze Hill and Counthill Schools to enable the establishment of an Academy sponsored by The Oldham College; • The linked closures of Kaskenmoor and South Chadderton Schools to enable the proposed establishment of an Academy sponsored by The Oasis Learning Trust • The closure of Grange School to enable the proposed establishment of an Academy sponsored by the British Edutrust Foundation; and • The expansion of The Hathershaw College of Technology and Sport by one form of entry. 14. Determines that, given the size and scale of the programme, the final decisions on the proposals at the end of the representation period should be reserved for Cabinet. 15 TH DECEMBER 2008 CABINET BUILDING SCHOOLS FOR THE FUTURE (BSF) – KEY DECISIONS PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES 1. INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 1.1 Building Schools for the Future (BSF) is the single largest investment programme Oldham will deliver during the next ten years and is vital to the regeneration and positioning of the town within the City Region as an attractive and successful place to live, work and do business. 1.2 Cabinet signed off the BSF Strategy for Change Part 2 (SfC2) for submission to Partnerships for Schools (PfS) on 27 th October 2008. 1.3 The Council is now required to submit a draft Outline Business Case (OBC) to PfS by December 19 th 2008 and a final OBC by January 31 st 2009. The OBC will set out the full BSF programme, its cost and phasing and how the programme will be procured, delivered and governed. 1.4 This report updates Members on OBC preparation, key issues and risks and captures a range of decisions Members need to make in advance of OBC submission. Decisions are required in relation to: 1. The proposed BSF programme. 2. The procurement route for the BSF programme. 3. The issuing of statutory notices relating to school re-organisation in the mainstream community sector. 1.5 The report recommends that Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council is given delegated authority to sign off the draft OBC for submission on December 19 th 2008 and that Cabinet receives a further report on January 26 th in order to approve the final OBC. 2. OPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES 2.1 Cabinet has recognised that the BSF programme is the only vehicle available to secure significant capital investment in Oldham’s secondary schools to enable transformation on the scale needed. The development and submission of the OBC represents the next step in the Council demonstrating to PfS its readiness to procure and deliver the programme. Alternative options have been considered at both programme level and as part of the detailed work with schools. 3. PREFERRED OPTION 3.1 Outline Business Case 3.1.1 The BSF Programme This section of the report describes and recommends the proposed BSF programme and the procurement route. It also describes progress on a range of associated issues and risks and next steps for their determination. The programme has arisen from an intensive period of dialogue with individual schools around options for delivering their individual school visions. This has involved a series of visits to individual schools, working with governors and staff. Within this process individual schools’ aspirations have been worked through, costed, and set in the context of the Boroughwide strategy. The table below outlines the proposed, indicative BSF programme. It describes school by school the proposed interventions and outcomes and the start and end dates of the school developments. It should be recognised that the programme is subject to change between now and final OBC and beyond. Every effort will be made to bring forward the build finish dates, especially where projects are free standing and not contingent on actions on other sites. School New FE Prog Phase Funding Design % Phasing North Chadderton School Currently 9FE reducing to 8FE 1 Design & build 2 sites onto single site New frontage Improved circulation New sports hall and external sports Reconfiguration of old sports hall to provide enhanced curriculum areas Remodel of 6 th form areas to provide additional study and social facilities Extended dining hall New build 40% Remodel 49% Refurb 11% Phasing Start date Nov 2010 Completion July 2012 School opening Sept 2012 Oldham RC 10 FE 1 PFI Innovative new build design Designed with community use in mind Shared open plan learning areas Open plan – reduce the circulation space on curriculum areas. Personalised learning spaces New build 100% Start date Nov 2010 Completion July 2012 School opening Sept 2012 Bluecoat School Formalise 8FE 2 Design & build New entrance and frontage Improved access for community use Significant reconfiguration , brings curriculum areas together eg technology and PE/sports to allow more effective delivery of learning New 2/3 extension to the sports hall and new 2 storey block at rear Addresses DDA issues. New build 25% Remodel 13% Minor works 62% Start date Nov 2011 Completion July 2013 School open Sept 2013. Crompton House Formalise 7FE 2 Design & build New build to rear of site to link curriculum spaces more effectively – allows and support faculties to be brought together Separates pupils and traffic Relocates front access to the school Rationalises sports facilities for community use New build block with central resources area New social spaces New dining facilities Better adjacency of curriculum areas New build 23% Remodel 17% Minor works 44% Untouched 16% Start date Nov 2011 Completion July 2013 School open Sept 2013. Hathershaw Increase by 1FE from 7FE to 8FE 2 Design & build Demolish two front blocks and provide new high impact block. Improved circulation, effective curriculum usage of space. High impact new front entrance Improved access for community use Increased capacity for school places Hearing Impaired Unit to be retained. New build 45% Remodel 33% Refurb 8% Do nothing 14% Start date Nov 2011 Completion July 2013 School open Sept 2013. Royton & Crompton Remains at 8FE 3 Design & build New build to address room sizes and link sports provision together Addresses DDA compliance Addresses circulation and curriculum grouping issues Remove unsuitable temporary blocks Increased community use Separates pupils and traffic Removes temporary accommodation New build 29% Remodel 71% Start date Nov 2012 Completion July 200 Saddleworth No change - FE 9 3 PFI Existing site restricted for development to meet needs of curriculum. New build to meet curriculum requirements and education vision Faculty based zones / allows for community use in design and external areas. Inclusion/ DDA issues addressed New build 100% Start Nov 2012 Complete July 2014 School open Sept 2014 Newbridge Post 16 Currently 120 reduced to 75 2 Minor works to existing post 16 provision. Minor works to existing post 16 provision. 100% minor works SEBD Pupil nos 11-16 38 Post 16 22 3 Design & build SEBD provision under review 100% new build ASD units 3 Design & build 2no 12 place ASD facilities to be provided within the mainstream schools.