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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1958 Avcnice Daily Net Prens Run ^h«It Weather te a s FOURTEEN For the Weak Eaded Farsrast ef D. 8. Weather BaiMMi iilatiri|pfi!ter lEitrninQ Hrralh ■ Nay. ■ a ,--m t...... Falr,;;tSsld tonight. Minimnm la Intermediate Girl Scout leaders 10,791 low 20b; Thnrtdny, partly cliwdy, will meet tomorrow night at 8 Were You Hone SuniUy? Will TeU Life Directs ‘Savage’ Phone Service About Town o'clock in Cooper Hall of the f Member e f tiw AndH rather rnid. South Methodist Church. ' Officials in charge of the OPEN TONIGHT Bateaa at CUcnlatlims Manchester— A City of VMatte Charm A T oonf D#mocr«ttc Club nf Boy Scout finance drive , re­ In Red China Use Reported minded today that any. resi­ llfutcbMter will meet Wednesday. The Lucy Spencer group of the ------'~ ~ ~ T NW. I t . at 7:30 at the Cbmmunity Second Congregational Women's dents who were not at home TIL 9 P. M. (llaaatfled Advertiaittf an Paga M l MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY,>40VEMBER 12, 1952 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE nVE CENTS" T , ^raaident Anthony Bayles urjtes L ea^ e will meet tomorrow at 2 Sunday and therefore were not Mrs. Baker,: Missionary, Emergency Medical Sys­ • ------— VOL. LXXII, NO. 37 ■S. iMmbera to attend this im- p. m. with Mrs. Joseph Wright of contacted In the house-to-house OPEN 9:00-5:30 DAILY forU nt meeting. » Mather street. They will work on canvass, can still make their To Speak on Thurs­ tem Averages 4 to 11 apron* for their booth at the an­ donations by mail. Calls for Each Month TUESDAY and THURSDAY TIL 9 P. M. The Olri ScouU of Senior Troop nual fair of the church to be held Contributions may be sent day af Center Church 1 have eatmbliahed a baby aittlng For The Best In Electrical'Appliances and Service Friday, Dec. 6. ' to Gordon G. ■ Fogg, First Na­ Since its inception in March, the Probe Asks bureau. Anyone wlahing to hire a tional Bank of Manchester. Experiencea of a missionary in bahy aitter may contact either emergency medical telephone serv­ You Can Rely On Us The Manchester Memorial Hos­ Communist China will be described Cite FDR Plea ice In Manchester haa received Raaanne Heritage of Adelaide Thursdsy night at 8 o'clock at the road, or Susan Crockett of 14 pital Women's Auxiliary is spon­ only from 4 to 11 calls a month, Cleanup or Quickly to Pick Gerard street soring a gift-wTapping exhibit for A public lecture by a represen­ Center Congregational Church by an authority of the Hartford ■I'i Monday. Nov. 17. at 8 p. m. in the tative of the Watchtower Society, Mrs., Gilbert Baker, whose husband County Medical Association- said dining room of the hospital. Uane Lodge No. 72, Knight* of N. J. Anagnoa, on "I* God Respon­ is now minister of Christ’ Church today. sible for World Distress T” \»'111 be To Stall Stalin Ban of UN Pythias, will hold iU regular Joseph Gordon, publicity repre­ Polterton^i in Guilford. The'hopes, the accom­ - mSsUl ^ tomoerow- night a t A The Emanuel Lutheran Lgdies given Thursday' from 8 to 9 jp. m. sentative for the„.association, at­ FAMOUS FOR SERVICE FOR 21 V*fARS Aid' Society will meet Thursday plishments, and the frustrationa-ot h’clock in Orange Hall. at Tinker Hsill, 78l". Main street. tributed the small nuihber of phone 130 CENTER ST.. COR. CHURCH ST. Washington, Nov. 12^A>)—-House investigators broiiirht New York, Nov. 12— — afternoon at 2 o'clock in the All interested persons are invited the Chinese people and of the mis­ calls to the fact that Manchester church vestry. Members are urged to this free lecture. sionaries from foreign lands have PLENTY OF PARKING out; secret documents today showing that President Roose­ The United Nations should Past matron* of Temple Chap­ been part of Mra. Baker's life. Her haa relatively few doctors and to be prompt in arriving in order most of them are well known. velt failed in a special plea to Stalin in 1943 to prevent the either help purge itself of ter, OE8, will meet Thursday at to have adequate time, for both years of close s**ociation with creation of the present pro-Commin\ist government of Poland. g p, m. in the Masonic Temple. A daughter was born a t the them gave her insight into the ex­ Atoat people, call, theic own.doc-. “spies and saboteurs” or get the meeting and the program. The Hartford Hospital on Nov. 7 to tor in an emergency, Gordon said, Rods*veil and the BfltUh attempt Members unable to attend are re­ guest speaker will he Miss Emily tent to which the work of Chris­ out of the United States, say quested to notify either of the Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Benson of tian miaaionariea might be ex­ and if he cannot.be located, the ed to diesuade Stalin from- com­ Smith who will talk on the trip 81 Fulton road. telephone exchange knows who has pletely breaking diplomatic rela­ two members of the U. S. hestesses, Mrs. James T. Pickles to Europe which the members of pected to continue under the Red Tells of Red Plan Senate Internal Security com­ and Mr*. Sidney Harrison. regime. agreed to answer; his calls. The F O R TH AT tions with the Polish government One May Succeed Trygve Lie in UN Girl Scout Troop 1 took last sum­ Samuel J. Taggart of 7 Byron PUth Fallow exchange contacts the alternate In. exile In London. mittee. mer. Hostesses .will be Mr*. Clar­ The mother of four children, Coal W age G roup S et road is a patient at the Rocky Hill Mr*. Baker herself wa* bom In ph.vsicion and sehda him to the t( Russia broke off relation* dur-. One of the two Senators Is the ence Peterson, cliairman. and Mrs. Veterans' Hospital. He is recuper­ Miss Faith Fallow is directing, patient, Gordon pointed out. NOONTIME Ing a furore over discovery of the committee chairman, Pat McCar- Charles Von Borchers. Mr*. Sig- China and grew up in the Yang­ the Community Players' current SERVE ating after *uiT«ry. and friends tze Valley in the central part of 'ihcre is only one telephone ex­ bodies of 15.000 Polish officers in! ran ID., Nev.), who aays he also rid Modean. Mr*. Esther Gustaf­ who call will find him in Room production of "The Curious Sav­ change in town and it handles calls MEAL the Katyn forest of western Rua- thinks Trygve Lie resigned as UN P ro ce d u re Fo r Urgent son. Mrs. Albert Robinson and the country a* the daughter of a age.” which will be given Nov. 1419. missionary. After living in the to the emergency medical number \ aia. Secretary General because "of dis­ Mrs. Hedwig Earn. . 21 and 22 at the -Hollister School -2 -4 5 5 1 —as well as to most of the A special House committee In­ closures made and disclosures we United States for several years, under the sponsorship of the Hol­ Your family will apprec ate one of luliano’s famous The Brotherhood of Emanuel during which time she attended <’--*rrs when theyare not in their vestigating the deaths has blamed i will make in the future." Di scu sse d The business meeting of the lister PTA. officex ___ ; pizzas for dinner. Call us in advance and we will have Russia, despite Moscow's conten- - The Senators' search for suspect- Talk Today Cfemmunity_Baptist Church.,which, Lutheran Church will have a spe­ Mount Holyoke College, she re- , . Miss, .Fallow-haa._hnd wide, ex.-. cial meeting tonight at 8 o'clock tum eano Uhlna k* the wlfe“of an ---- -.service- - haa •futfllled a your pizza ready for you. — — - tion . the .massacre .w.aa .committed. ad.. American Communists -on - the was postponed from 'Tuesday eve­ perience in the little theater greater need in larger cities iq by the Nazis. UN headquarters staff was re­ Washington, Nov. 12— (/P) ning of Iasi week because'inf the in the music room of the new par­ English clergyman. group. She was one of the orig­ By THE ASSOCIATED PBESS ish building. Elmer Weden will ‘The Bakers worked In Kunming, Hartford County, Gordon said. produce Documents sumed yesterday. Lie'a resigna­ —Economic Stabilizer Roger election, will take place tonight at inal members of the Community Dr. Robert R. Keeney. Jr., Te­ NEWLY MODERNIZED The committee produced the, tion on the previous day served to The -United Nstione movc^ 8 o'clock at the ehurch. show photographs taken while he in Shanghai, and most recently In Plsyers and during the past 20 Putnam and Chairman Archi­ and Mrs. Weden visited their son. Ointon where they spent a year rentiy urged all Manchester resi­ State department document* re­ embellish the committee's already quickly today to set sboiit years hag directed a number of dents not to phone doctor's hoTnes lating to*lhe Stalin-Roosevelt ex­ dramatic hearings. bald Cox of the Wage Stabili­ Dr. Weden, in Japan last summer. and a half under Communist re­ highly successful plays and played choosing a successor to Seerf- The nominating committee will gime. Living near university I t o c.?Il their offices. Dr. Keeney change during an open hearing to­ McCarran, here for the flrtt zation Board (WSB) had a thry General Trygve Lie. Tile leading roles in many others. Her said that If the doctor can lo­ luliano’s Bakery and Pizzeria day to support a Contention that time in four weeks of Intermittent present a slate of officers for elec­ campuses, Mrs. Baker continued wide experience has also covered 20-minute conference with General Assembly’s powerful tion and a full turnout of the mem- teaching whenever possible. cated, the telephone exchange will ' _ (SPRUCE HTREET^BAKERY) ___ „ _ the diplomatic break was part of a sessions, and Sen. Willis Smith backstage and.^ prpprrty...work,and know where to flnd"hlm «nd lf not, - detailed Rnaaiiui plan to-Bovtatla*- 40.,.N.. C .t composed '« -subcom­ President 'Trurnan tod*y_lsut steering committee deddsd.to berS 'l* hoped for. The.y also have -•• -Hampered • by goverament' re­ the many other tasks of putting the privilege of inviting guests. A strictions and interferences, the the exchange will know which “ r OPEN SUNDAYS Poland. mittee which heard three more reported “we diil not maxe hold an urgent meeting this on plays. American U. 8. employees refuse social hour with refreshments will Bakers found that it was increas­ other doctor is taking his calls. 207 SPRUCE ST. TEL 795$ The break was announced April any decisions.” afternoon to consider putting ; follow the program. ingly embarrassing to their Chi­ Additional tickets were dis­ 26. 1948. to answer some questions concern­ ' 'nielr visit to the White House r a d i A t o i t tributed at the meeting of the Two days before, Stalin sent a ing Communist party memberahip. at a time when the soft coal wage the question on the agenda. nese friends-to be associated with Once the assembly has formally "foreigners.” Finally, after diffi­ Hollister PTA last night and may personal and confidential note to Switched Citizenship . case Is a major pending stabiliza-- COVERS Miss Faith Talcott is general be secured from any member of President Roosevelt, the docu­ votsd to take up the qusatlon, th* ^^TiAchalrman of the annual baaaar of cult experiences, they received A fourth witness said earlier ahe tion problem stirred speculation Security Cduncif la expected to be­ that organization or of the Com­ ments revealed, sajring he could switched her citizenship from , Trthe Ladies Missionary Society, permission from the Communist munity Players. that action on It was imminent. gin dsbats in ths near future on a which opens at the Talcottvllle government to leave China in Jan ­ no longer countenance the "abnor­ American to Rusaian simply by ob­ However, Putnam told reporters mal" conduct of the Polish govern­ candidats to recommend for as- Congregational Church tomorrow uary, 1951. taining a* Russian passport. She is the coal case was no dtreuased, aembly conaideraUan. Lie sub­ afternoon at 3 o'clock. The mem­ Following the meeting at the ment. Olga Michka. 33. an American- and that "nothing momentous” mitted hie resignation im Ifonday. ber* have been Unsy makiiiir gift churcb -Thursday,-- refreshment* Roosevelt replied April 26 ask­ born UN clerk and tvpist. came up. ing Stalin to term his action a Any one of the Big Five—^lUtasla, articles for the sale. Another fea­ will be served, snd there will be an A State Department official in He quoted the President ss say. Britain, France, the U. 8. and Na- ture will be the cafeteria supper, opportunity to visit with Mrs. HALE'S ‘‘suspension of conversations with Washington said later he did not DISHWASHERS the Polish government in ■:lle” ing he realized Putnam and Cox SdC tlonaliat China—can veto any can­ with Mr*. Grace Monaghan in Baker. think she automatically lost her had. “ v?fy difficult problems.” didate. Therefore Intenalve secret charge of the kitchen and Mr*. rather than a complete diplomatic American citizenship when she re­ From left to right are: India's Sir Benegal Rati; Ibe Philippines* Gen. Carls* P. Ronuilo; itnd conferences are expected to try to Headquarters break...... Putnam told neFsmen that he Blanche Wetater, the dining room. Kitchen Aid, ceived the Rusaian passport. will announce within 24. hours Lebanon’s Dr. Charles Malik. These three men are ronsMered aa possible eandMates to saoeeed And some candidate who wou)fl be IRAZING-SOLDERING The President offered to give AIHMIKAL BTANDLfeY Smith, angry at the attitude of Trygve U e who resigned as Secretary-Geneml st the UN. Lie’s term was extended la 1988 beoanse with adjiutablt' Tape Record Talk FOR sanctuary to any Pole* Russia exactly what procedure he will use accepUble to both East and Wsst. Specialized Work Gnamnteed some witnesses, snapped at the In deciding the coal case. There member naGons eould not decide on a suceessor. (NBA Telepbotot) 771* committe* acUon la also ex­ WALL FLANGE' cared to deport, and sald.he was close of the all-day hearinc that Hotpoint, American confident Brittah Prime Minister has been speculation he might call pected to touch off hot campeigB- Of Grades 2 and >3 UNION WELDING CO. l( is up to the UN "to help us purge Ing among proepecUve nomineeb. 5-7 and 9 fitv. Widths Churchill could persuade the Pol­ It'o f spies and saboteurs." public hearing on all the issues. Metallc and Oxy-Acctylene ish government in exile to act with Putnam haa under study the Thoae prominenUy menUoned in 10 Himnrd St., (Rear) D O N 'T i E A SLAVE TO A DISHFAN RO K s Fail If thst cannot be done, he said, ■peculaUon Include Carlos P. Rm Wa*\ tay.^ Holds WANTED South School held an open house Tel. 2-8397—Manchester, Coan. "more common aenae in the fu­ the UN "ought hot to-be allowed question of whether John L. Lewis’ mulo of the PhUippinea, Naanrildh Priced IE MODERN AND MAKE USE OF miners should get the full $1.90 Dodge Starts Budget Study; the pdlish and for parents yesterday morning ture." to sit in America.” TO PURCHASE German official* had just an­ Bntexam of Iran and Letter B, your shoe while when there wa* a demonstration THESE MODERN. LAIOR SAVING SERVANTS In Push on "Senator,” added McCarran, "1 daily wage.boost that the industry Pearson of Canada. Pearaon, how* you got easier, nounced discovery of the Katyn agree with you heartily.” has agreed to pay. ever, ia understood to preftr to $2.50 A SMALL of claaswork and a movie, "Secure graves, and Polish authorities After the hearing had adjourned The case went to him on an ap­ oaadler LOOKINO-QLASS the Blessing*.” contlnu* his poUUcal career In ' LET US n L L YOUR ««THE HOUSE THAT SERViCg BUILT’* were blsmlng the Russians for the until today, McCarran told news­ peal from a decision by the Wage Spending Cuts-Hope Bleak home country. He is now fo W Q S m . Coatains everything you A tape recording of the second Adds .Ircamlined beanly la ex- INSURANCE murders. 4 Yoke Ridge men he believed hla committee’.* Stabtllxation board that fl.lM was aacrstaiy- head to LANOLIZE*your shoea AH IHMed radialer*...and provide* and third grad; discussion of the SALES SUlin said the Pole* thereby [ inquiry had brought about Lie's proper behavior on Hsiloween was too big a rise to be allowed under la a hsadeoaie Polystyrene plastic eonjienienl, extra Gielf for figo- ACENCY were supporting • the "Campaign anrtouncement of resignation on the government's anti-inflation M it lhath guarantee to outlast old- rinM. book*, etc. Heavy, darabi* heard in Mr*. Theodore Hurl’s of calumnj'" and the "vile Fascist Monday. room. Mra. Hurl also explained the Seoul, Nov. 12— (/P)— South program. ImMeaed wooden types. Four cans 24-aaag* faruilare sIccL Ad. WRITE ROX H slaqder of the Soviet Union” by Hollow as Pumpkin — Cox, chairman of . the W 9B. led joM. to fit *p*rr between radia­ function of group dynamics. An t|#rHiU*r regime. Korean infantrymen stmmietl a# laquiri Boot Polish (2 brown, 1 c-e THE HERALD example of elaaa activity was back to recapture three McCarran said Lie’s statement A board majority iaat month Jn Mdelr, I trahsparent), Esquire tor and wall. AUrartive deep Rongos, Rafrigoraton Called for and delivered Wnilam tt. Standley (re- of reasons for quitting rsmiuOoftC mtiUng dft tienU m m Uie tia*. Tha front and end panel*. Your given in the children's work with ^Paiefully Dilhwaslitrt tired), then ambaasa^r to ■addle Seep, Eaquire Diy Cleaner, "The Weekly Reader." promptly at no extra U .'8. I strategic heights him of a ‘rh n n li^ vtM wMrmpktn. choirr of Ivory enamel or band- Woshtn and Ail , Meacow, teatifled tm|ay "tt Isoksd gcM.’l^ss^lteC alw . S qusiHy Aoe bruahoa, 2 dauber*, grained walnut finl.h. Mra, Herbert McCann is arrang­ charge. I? . Isn't any ^tieaUw that hittleiL^oday. 'D *%ut lt,waa hhOew.’* X«wla and .Harry M. There wa* lutl* chance ef str­ S Mdae doth*. Order yours now I ing sp^.al conferences with par­ Other AppHoncos PPLIANCE CO. (OiV’lisaakl wa* pisnnad S-Imtg budget ents' this week to discuss the re-1 CALL" 2-9814 they threw back two 150-man Lie said on Monday he was re­ president of the Bituminous Coal He arranged *n Informal, fore­ eet*, ainca a majority « f tha UN'S suits of a teat given the children 21 MAPLE ST MANCHESTER SERVICE signing “because I ho|>c this may Operators association, appealed 80 member* had prevlovsly de­ Kept la Red jabs at Allied positions noon meeting with President TYu- early in the school year. th.JW.iULicOM y help the United Nations to save the cutback order to 'Truman. He Bangkok. Thailand, Nov. 12—(/P) man's budget director. Frederick. _ Augusta, Ga., Nov. . _ 12—(IP)— _ cided ov*r South African oHpoal- V M iU m ’C on Sniper—one in 40 minutes has had the rase for three w-eek*. —Thai police have arrested more m n n b v n u The movie wa* shown by Vin­ PINE PHARMACY Although he arao attempted to the peace and to serve better the J. Lawton. Truman himselt gave | President-elect Dwight D.- Blsen- tion to place the question on the 'For Evorything' cent Ramlzi, principal of Washing­ prevent the bptok as ambaaaador, of hand to hand fighting in cause of freedom and progress for Putnam's office declined to say than 200 persons suspected of an afternoon appointment to Law- - hoiver la planning aA Important agenda of the General Aasembiy. > *P0E E^XEYTHING” ton School, to illustrate the way Standley ta fled, he had no_pr|^r thg glare of huge Allied all mankind." whether the fact Putnam and Cox plotting to overthrow the govern­ ton. ' Ambaaaador G. P. Jooate told tog had made a data with -Tnimaa ment and establish a Ck>mmunist round of conferences with-Repub­ the basis for democracy begins in knowledge bf the Rooaevelt-Slalln The UN official did not mention All indications were that pros-! aasembiy'* special political com­ the schools. The picture showed searchlights. the McCarran Inquiry, However, meant that Putnam had resch'd a regime. . lican leaders In New York next correapondence. But they failed to throw Chi­ ppcts are dim— at least In the eyes mittee that South Africa'# racial what is taught in tha. school While ambassador, he told the he haa said in the past that while decision. Police said the Red network in­ week before leaving for Korea, policies were her own business and becomes a nelp in making decisions nese Communists off the Yoke, a filtrated the Army, Navy. Air of present officials—for any big. committee, he was by-passed a maze Of tunnels and caves at the early cuts in the federal spen$ilng associatoa said today. no affair of toe UN. He said they in everyday living. Lawrence Conttnued on Page Sixteen) (Continiied on Page SIsteen) Force, poIlM, "government otfices, These asaociates, who aaked did not constitute' a threat to In- Spencer, supervisor of audiovisual northern end of Sniper which has and even the national assembly. program. (Coiittnucd oa Pag* Ustoea) been the key to Arm control of In fact, these officials said, a not to be named, aaid the con­ tsmatlonal peace and to* UN had aides in Manchester schools, made R aid s. on two Chinese shops feree* may indlude Sen. Robert A. no . standard by wMch to judge the tape recording used in Mrs. the important ridge. turned up caches of Russian weap­ backlog of funds, plans and con­ tracts, difficult to change now, Taft of Ohio, chairman of the Sen« whether human rtghta were being Hurl'* classroom. AP war correspondent John ons, an illegal radio transmitter, ate GOP policy committee, and violated. .-4 . Randolph, reporting from the quantities of propaganda and cases point toward a new spending budg­ Mr*. Charles Gipson announced Newsman, Wife Sen. Alexander Wiley of Wtacon- Not In Charter the Child Study group will meet FUEL OIL biasing central front, said Repub­ CIO Veeps Urge Delay of a Russian drug belisved to be et well above the 79 billion dollars charted for this fiscal year, ending ■in, in line to head the Senate For­ "I must point out," he Troniporont Plastic at the South School on Monday. lic of Korea (ROK) troops re­ poison. eign Relation* commltt** when Nov. 17, when there will be a talk gained all the ground they lost to June SO. "that neither in the charter n6r 1 To Leave Town Police Gen. Phao Srtyanond, the Republican* take, over control any binding internaUonaL Inatm i.. on why children act a* they do, furious Red artillery-supported deputy Minister of the Interior, They add that new' appropria­ D U M o m In 14th. Annual Session of Congress In January. t o r m i n d o w and a film on frustration*. assaults Tuesday night. tions can be reduced, however, ment la there a definition of human S W said the . Communist ring was Eisenhower, vacationing at the rights agalnat which toe ahttons headed by Kularb Saipradit, a paving the way for substantial re­ After Threats That included: ductions in the outpouring of'gov­ Augusta National Golf Club, plans of tha South African govemmHR; K i t Get reliable' delivery service ef hlgh- "FIRST WITH THE HNEST IN TELEVISION" Pinpoint hill, dominant height Pittsburgh, Nov. 12—(A>)—^Thc vice president.* of the CIO leadinjg Bangkok journalist whose to head for New York Sunday_or tieat-'vllle, N. C.. Nov. 12—(>Pi 161 Giwen cosd; Rpss Urquhart, 111 against the Yoke, taking part of —A_ 4S-year-old Negro tenant regular firemen and civil dA Wiley, attending the Unltpd Na­ from the*AP Wires Georg* McLean, publisher of the ing "deep "rief over the loss of the (OMttMMe from PM^ Obs) Concoim road; Richard Bundy, Journal, said Anderson began get­ It in a blast-them-out, burn-them- great president of the CIO, Mr. farmer was given a six-month sus­ fmSe auxlllarlee met here at fire tions General Assembly in New Rockville; Daniel Collins. 48 North ting anonymous telephone calls out battle against entrenched pended sentence today for assault­ department headquarters last York as a U. S. delegate, said yes­ Philip Murray." and added: night to see n nsorie on firefight­ terday that Eisenhower haa aaked RULE8 FOR BENTON School street; Mrs. Violet Neddow, more Uian two weeks ago telling Red*. ■' V "The meeting waa'llmited to ar­ ing a White girl by "leering" at. 18 Bank'street; Frank Burk, 17 her.' ( . « ing. him to a meeting two week* hence Washingtoa, Nov. 18—4fl—At him. "we don't like foreigners But the South Koreans were rangement*. for the funeral of Mr. Devon drive. Superior Court Judge Frank The meti settled In their aeato, for a diacusalon of American for­ federal Judge ruled today t t iit ' Murray and changes in the CIO's, Armstrong placed the Negrp, the lights were pul out and the eign policy. , Sen. WUHam Beutou (D., Cmw.) . ADMITTEDTODAY : Earl Cash- (Continuee on Page Feorteea) (Continned on Pnge Feurtoen) .schedule arldng from hts untime­ News Tidbits need not'lell Sen. Jeseph MeCar--' man,, North Coventry; Robert D. Mack Ingram, on probation fbr five first flim began. L'- Elaenhower'* press secretary. ly decease." years. The maximum sentence per­ Tlie Mtle of the movie flashed James C. Hagerty. confirmed here thy (R„ Wle.) the name* of Cem. Neil. 400 East Center street; Paul ’1/ Murray died Sunday In San Culled from AP Wires munlsts la the State DepartoMut' Jubenville, 58 Essex street; 'Thomas Here is television'* highest quality, missible was a two-year road term. acroes the ■ereen-^"How' to that BisenhowCr had extended an Francisco while arran^ng for the Ingram, the father of nine chil­ Raise Goats." Invitation to Wiley. B|it Hagerty when Beaton served as an aaaiat-'. Ragleson, 58 Green Manor road. within the reach of all. - DuMont of­ annual convention. ■at eecretary. l|. S. Dtatrlei,’ BIRTHS YESTERDAY:' a $ dren who previously denied that § o »t There was a alight stir In the hinted tl)e get-together Is booked fers values nith PROOF YOU CAN 1.95 AEG Report Due Soon Mrs. Lillian Wallman nndlence. The lights Went on for next week, rather than the foL Judge Matthew MeGnlre. ala*' daughter to Mr. and Mr*. William Will Revise Plana he had criminal intent In approach­ denied In Superior f^urt she re­ K ’4Tr.’.v.’* ’.-js'.’.*.-.avjr '.• vr.. i . j, .. .. SEC. Prices-start -ni ing the girl, said through an attor­ ngnin. The film otopped. lowing week. ruled that Benton need M leQ- Kj&-.';x:jr.-.'K'inx-.v..vva ■swawcwr/A.'.vr- Reiser, 57 Unnmore drive; a Another recommendation of the moved -furs and Jewelry from McCnrthy what -^reena have k i. • • 1 ■ ■ ney that he would appeal to . the Tlio second reel was put In the Other sources said a full-scale ...... VAV.'.r daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Harry vice president* call* for the exe- West-port home of Lsjqpold Oodow- masting of GOP . congresdlonil eoatrllmted, or. have' offered to Goodwin, Bolton; a son to Mr, and cuttva ■ board- to- mreet- at" Atlantle State Supreme Court. Meanwhile, nrojectot> Tho^Ughta were n ^ n -On First U. S, H-Bomb he was directed to pay cojirt costs, sliy and hia wife during theli“ ah- dIsUngulahed nm( tho^ aeicond leader* Is In prosp'ect.They added rnatrikute, to-n fumi to nU B sii.. Mrs...Anthony Uriano, .38 Kensing­ City on Nov..29 to help.set up the post a 82,000 appearance bond and ■MC* over the wsek; a ^ of Aug. :movle l»ghn.''“'7 to a t to tw ipresept may include ton la ttofendtog a Mm aSiton ton street. revised convention plana. ■j 8200 appeal bond. 27, 1949 ___ "Two hill-men. mem- The m ie this toiw was ."How Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge of Massa­ delhM' R bel-M iu ^ suH fltog by BIRTHS TODAY: a daughter to fPHdNE 5191 FOR FAGTORY-TRAtNED . Washington,. Nov. 12— Tha» Several eye-witness arcount* . The group also favors releasing 'The Negro was convicted by an b s» -b ( big-clan-which has .lived In to *rm ln-Jncknsso4." . chusetts and Detroit bankhr Joseoh McCarthy..^, Mr. .and Mrs. Lawrenc* Trudeau.’ Atomic Energy commission (ABC) have been published In recent days to the public the ' report, which all-white, male jury yesterday. the hifis of Goshen, N. Y., since Out of film and out of pa- M. Dodge, both of whom were say It will have an announcement, 33.7 Center street; a son to Mr. stop doing your own laundry. It Isn't ■ DuMONT TELEYISilON-TECHNICIANS I In Loa Angel**, Lima, O.,-Michigan Murray had planned to present to Previously he was given a maxi pre-Revoluttonary War days, are tienee, the scoslon ended abrupt­ named by Elsenhower, over the TUBK BETM TS U. 8. and Mrs. Joseph Murawski, 256 apparently soon, in connscUon City, Ind., and Salt Lake City. toe convention. TTie report ■ will mum two-year term by a recorder's held as material witnesses in un ly and the fire-fightera left for week-en.d as hia liaiaon men with Ankara,-Turkey, JKev. 13— (JP) worth the hother when you can so con­ with snowballing reports the first Autumn street. PER Most of the .accounts agreei on released Monday morning, Nov. court but he appealed that convic­ solved deer-alayer murder case in homo better for n doMoua the out-going TYuman adminlatra- A T ^ lah soldier whe -worlwd DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: veniently send it to us. W’e’ll send it back New Low American hydrogen bomb has been major points. 17 as pre\1 oualy scheduled.. tion to Superior Court. which two hunters are found dead knowledge of goats and Jack­ tion. ' with the American MUltory aato- Gustave Schaller, 626 C e n t'e r j exploded in the South Pacific. For example. sU agree that the About 78 F<^ asses but worse for enlighten- Hagerty said late yeeterday no aion la Ankara haa been ae*- fluffier, whiter, softer than it ever was. Convention delegate* will act near carcass of illegally alain deer. street; Mrs. Svea McIntosh. 217 Vivid eye-wltnesa accounts of a date had been fixed for Elaen- Lei nur factory trained mechanics give Cali 08 tomorrow and “Let Wash Day Be CAU time of the explosion was 7:15 s. on the report Ji'st as they would Ingram was charged with as­ Siamese student pilot hangs self mentlm the operation ef the Loa teaerd to 18 years ia ptleea on Summit ^ teet! Mrs. Emma V'Mn. ! Price purported "heU” bomb blast— m., (c.p.t.) All said It took place saulting Mrs, Willie Jean Boswell in London and hla suicide is -blam­ esploaage Hwrgee. He waa ae- Play Day.” some said It virtually sank Eniwe- If Murray were living. « ynur car a thorough inspection from lime to* 82 Washington strliet; Mr*. Pearl on the mid-Paci(le island of Ehii- Webster, an attractive girl. In ed on hit broken English . (Oontlnned on Page Five) (Oontlaiied on Page Five) cused of throwtag a haadle e f ' Murdock, Lake street extension; ■ . The 8SA0 charge for labor only It paid when call Is ■ tok island—have been received in The statement concluded: June. 1951, when she was 17 and be wetok, the scene of current hush- "No other matter* were dla- Ksmlbn, Moro bandit chief In docnineato aad tochaieal Infer-* time so that neceK*:ary repairs can made George Gould. 73 Chestnut street: ^ completed. No charge your act is In service g n aran tee^ J uncensored 4ettera from U. S. sail­ unmarried. She testified that In- motion about the Diyarhaklr ors to friends in this country. hush atomic testa. And.ali aaid the cussed -out of respect -to toe mem­ Philippine* for eight years, is Mr*. Ruth PrelsileK Rock\-lHe; Branch Store at 3 1 4 Main St* blaat, was far more intsiise than gfam "eyed” her from a distance Alrhaee lato the garden of tha ' while they are still minor. It’s an economical An AEC spokesman said yester­ ory of toe great American who of "about 75 feet.” She also ac­ brought to Manila as a prisoner. Mrs. Mildred Shea and son. Rock­ previous explosions. (toarlas F.. Stanley of New Brit­ Kueelaa embaasy. habit to drive into this downtown Chrysler- ville: Mrs. Marjorie Tenney and N’ear the Armory day “We. wilt make an announce­ cused him of chasing her across a Fulbriglil Wants Stevenson ment" as soon as th* current aeries Differ on Date (Coattnoed oa Page Three) field on her father’s farm, but said ain Is appointed director of Gen­ son. Pattsfleld. Mass.; William However, one letter fixed th* eral Components division of Na-. REPORT ON PAUKEE * Pl.vmouth headquarters periodically. Strlmaitis. 41 Drive F. of atomic testa ia concluded. Until he did not get "within 65 feet” of ‘Vienna, Austria, Nov. I t —<(H < -1 then, he said, "We will have ab- date ef th* explosion as Oct. 1, tional Production - Authority. DISCHARGED TODAY: 'two others as Nov. 1. her. John B. Hamilton of West Hart Duild New Democrat Party —Verltaa, a uews service .o f, Michael Simonla, 83 Oak street. aoIuUly no comment" Under North Carolina law no It has been; obvious for weeks ‘Red Tide’ Kills ford, ptosident of National Amer­ CatheUe refugees from hnhlad Prsvioualy, AJCC officials had in­ bodily contact Is necessary, for the Ireu Curtaia, said toNlay that dicated that for security reasons thst something imuausi was ichrd- conviction of assault. TTie jury. In ican Indian Defense Aaaoclation, Washington, Nov. 12— Sen.• reedy, perhaps along about March asked President-elect Elsenhower Ana Pauker, ousted Eomaalah KEW MODEL It might be years before anything uled for the mid-PacIfle. Millions of Fish holding Ingram guilty, upheld Witliam Fulbrlght of Arkansas to begin speaking for the opposi- foreign mlniater, la reeeverlag BRUNNER’S would bs mads publie about the Newsmen covering Pearl-Harbor to give special ransideration to said today the Democratic party I tion on issues raised by the Re. state contention that by "leering" from a nervous breafcdewa to., LAUNDRY A DRY CLEANINC T.V report that Navy ^ ip a steamed present situation among the in publicans," the Arkansas Senator 1> BROHm DEPARTMENT new bomb. at the girl, he frightened her and ought to be rebuilt from the Bussla. WANTED DeacripUons of the recent ex­ out of the base uniiihounced two FoK Myers: Fla., NoV. 12—OP)-- dlans of this country and Alaska ground up and Gov. Adlal E, said. Fears were expressed today that thus committed assault. Ex-convict trapped and captured plosion—H-Bnmb or super atomic— or three months ago. They have Ingram's attorneys declined to Stevenson is the .men to head. the Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of NEAE EVEREST TOP agree that It was an awesome since returned Army aources-say a new "red tide" has returned to by Hartford police In package Texas, scheduled to become minor- Gulf of Mexico waters off to r offer testimony in his defense, ■tore. , . . Publisher: William Ran­ job. Pataa, India.'Nov. 18 (d> ■ ■ ■ CarpoRfari, Corpoatan' 358 EAST CENTER STREET—TELEPHONE 5191 thing. (Clentiata have been flying in and but at an earlier hearing the de­ Fulbright, who served In I ity leader in the Republican-con­ Meeeagee today frem the EwiH) B i i i r ^ R E AwrsiHiie Sight southwest Florid* coast, bringing dolph Hearat, Jr., and Capt trolled Senate, agreed in h sepa- out of Honolulu recently, but all death to milliqps ef fish. fendant denied he had criminal In Horace BroK-n, hualund of former Stevenson's unsuccessful presiden­ Everest expeSHHoa said 1 the- I N )C 4»a r o a a:t a D Hdpan ood Loborara OPEN THURS. and FRI. UNTIL 9;.30 P. M. (Jne sailor wrote that he watched information about them was re­ tial campaign headquarters, told a ' rata Interview that the defeated climbers new are mahtog ihstr< fTATf /I The "red tide” infestation took tent. - ‘ actress Marion Davies, tangle in II . ,1 ' ' . tha spectscl* through binoculars fused. a heavy toll of fish In these waters Ingram told officers the girl .sidewalk fisticuffs outside a Bev­ reporter he does not go along w ith; Democratic presidential nominee ia a l aaeMdt oa the werld^ TNUnS OTHER NIGHTS T IL ft— SATURDAY TIL 5 P. M. from his ship 30 mUea away. He Th* Honolulu Star-Bulletin said suggestions that Stevenson be ep-1 ought to become' the party’s gen- eet peak. The Bweeagee, reeefvei, M f S IU tm W T A pply a few yeara.jgo. Scisnflsta said it was dressed in a shirt and ]eai)s erly Hills night club. ■aid he saw a great chunk at Enl- yesterday large blocks of reaerva- apparently was caused by an or­ and "looked like a boy” when he Work stoppage slows down op­ pointed by Praetdent-elect Dwight eral spokesman. at this pelat oa tha Nepatodf' ^ IW L F t f f A r wetok island "Just seem to melt tiona on civilian airlines were made ganism In the gills. . attempted to Inquire of her where' erations of morning Montgomery D. Eisenhower to the U. 8. United Aa the result of experiences in bordera, said the expedHtoa a A l ■way” bi the fir* thst burned for last month under flctlUoua mimes Shrimp boat skippan returning he could borrow a trailer. Advertiser and threaUna to spread Nations delegation or asked to take th* campaign. Fulbright said he teblhbed Re seventh aaav at 1 'Om six hours after the blast.- such ss. John Doe. Tbase arrivals, from Dry Tortuga* and Campeche, Mrs. Webster, who married to jointly-owned afternoon Jour­ on any other federal job. . believes ths Democratie organlaa- height ef 27J88 feat. Evataot JARVIS REALTY CO. ' Finally, b* said, th* entirs mils- I ■ g ^ r a lly AIN STRUT ' S Davor Rood nal. . . . Gov. Adlal ^tevenaon go«ff ‘7 think Stevenson should main-| . AdvertUe in The Hcndd— It Pays srlds aton "actually diaappearsd." (Csattnad ■■ Fagw Ftvs) I- ,f(Conttsaae m (Ooatlaoed ■■ .Fafr Thna)' to Artaona for five day rssL l-tain an independent status and b* (Ouattoaed oa If if s e Vtov) . /. ■ ' ) V - . ;*: , • • ‘ 1 i ■ ■ r I ■ -TV'I / ■ K , -..l ' • •!S' -;r

MANCHESTER EVENING HERa Ld . MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVERIBER' 12. 1962 PAGE T H B i^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1952 PAGBTWO the auto workers, and a possible presidents. ii) Ford Motor Co. planta will ob­ raised#everal issues, including ths serve a two minute silence at noon Kettering Expects « . ment.’ , :>rr . iSL, ■ . ■ - CIO Veeps Urge choice as I. Murray's suc.cessor, Any one of the other six vice A d a la ....feaa.^..been eurra^ed on arM tiw y dismissal o f more than History of Pressed preeidents > oeuhl- be ^:«oiiaidered tomorrow in .tdlntta to Miuray- charges of q>ylng- for the Commu. p p lt^ tunAptartara piild Count $35a000 hrmight the recommendation ■■ to Level Spy Charge 106 WeM BeHih studetiU from the possible choices. They are:' The union said Ford Motors has nlat East sons security police. er claimed'he had been forced to ConveutioM Delay Pittsburgh for consideration. Few Aiifo Cliaiiges; nUB4MNERU ' work for the Bast after his orig­ university In the Soviet sector of The vice presidents' decision will, Emit Rfeve of the- textile proved the action. The police said Inspector Jo­ Loss in Early Workers - In General Motors A n K r m , c a s e s , 4 At Police Official Berlin, the "difficulties" in East CIRCLE Suspended, Put Is Described to Art Guild be presented for ratification by the inal refusal to do so resulted In the workers; U S. Buckmaster of the hannes Nuecker, 44, was arrested zone border 'areas, new govern­ n U D A Y Tam Bi^xRifikz plants throughout the nation will Houston — (F) — RevoIutlonaiY * m o m PAETS ^ Nov. 8 while carrying classified arrest of his brother In the Rus­ (CuulhiMd fram Fage OM) 46-man CIO executive board which rubber workers; Joseph A. Bcime, Oobnni A Mlddlebraoh. Inc. Morning Blaze ment restrictions on gift parcels meets Friday in Pitteburgh. Ap­ pause for a minute at i l a. m. as changes In automobilM in tha Raxt * Berlin, Nov. 12—Ifl—West B er police reports for delivery to the sian zone. Market CIseed On Probation communication workers; Joseph He will be tried shortly on from the West for Russian zone A brief outline of the discovery-, pattern and the^ New England has led our organization during proval is a foregone conclusion. Curran, maritime workers; Mich­ will steel woricers In most of the lln police hes<^ujsrters announced eastern secret police. He vtmM a V nation's .. big ateeel producing 25 years are not Ukely in Mfeir Inc Sl m j betray!^ official secrets. "»•_ 9 « i y residents and Interference with * • ■ e* of glass prefaced a talk on "Early | Pineapple. As people scqulrad sets, the past 12 years." ael . Q u i 11, transport workers; today that one of its leading ot- deputy chiefs In the traffic depart- Portland, Nov. iZ—igy— A . The executive board is composed phuits.....- opinion o f Dr. ChaHes F. tCatter- church youth work In the East. fiKbirPiaJlM Bi * - (Coattamd from Faga Oae) American Pressed Glass” that was: more items were added, auch as Jtist as the meeting broke up, Frank Rosenblum. clothing work­ ing, vice president o f the GteneraT Bid $35,000 fire raced through a six- The communique said Grotewohl of the nine vice presidents, plus Scores ot high officials from in­ y UIMiRIMMI IglhMM . given last night by Mrs. H. B, D e-, six-inch plates, bread platters, the group was thrown ifito con­ ers and O. A. Knight, oil workers. Motors research division. First National Bank month old stable here early to­ hod promised to look into these elected representatives from the dustry) govfmment and other Ernest 'Webster the day before W olf to the DeWolf Art Guild. trays, sauce dishes and other small fusion when a hotel assistant man­ numerous d O unions. Most of the top union officials The 77-year-old executive said ot Manchester ..... SB 85 day and took the lives of 11 val­ matters and added that the talks items in changing patterns. unions are expected to attend' the Hartford National uable saddle horses and two goats. Ingram was first convicted and. The speaker is tha founder an d; ager brought word that the son Murray's successor will be elect­ arrived in Pittsburgh yesterday to here Vccently that dieselisation of took place "in friendly manner.” blEDMlIIIUKB'niRH' who now is the mother of a six- The early glass had clear bell of David J. MacDonald, secretary- funeral. Bdnk and Trust . . . 29 81 Portland Fire Chief Thomas past president of the guild. The ed at the convention, but any board pay final tribute to their fallen Secretary of Labor Tobin wilt passenger cars is not feasible. Tha Dibelius’ visit to the Communist M e EXOTEKNT! M M - month-old baby, told the jury she meeting was at the South Metho- j tones due to large quantities of treasurer of the CIO United Steel- leader. automotive induauya present am­ Hartford Coim. Trust. 84 88 Lynch said the fire broke out at premier stems from decision of the auggestion will carry pnuch weight. represent President Truman and _ ON THE SAME SHOW — looked up the word "leer” In a dic­ dist Church. ~ ] lead, but after 1864 less lead was ers, had fainted in school. But as Reuther arrived In Pittsburgh The funeral home where Mur­ bitions are conceme WOUtAI Csry Orsat Gtaa Evaaa Hartford Elec. LL .. 48 50 and died in the (lames. Chief Homer and Ophelia Wright in a Msrilya Maara* recorder’s court. After he was con­ and became a sizeable industry, in clear, milk, r ^ , blue and am- whee seeded new. Hartford Oaa Oo...... 35 38 Lsmeh reported. “ Park victed and sentenced to two years betina. Place settings of old gob­ CAMPREU COUNCIL NO. 573 dynamite blast here last March “ Monkey she said. 8a Now England Roeli started building his sta­ 18, goes on trial for his life tO' Row” on the roads, he appealed to the Shortly after 1607,. glass was lets with a matching egg cup for ‘,3 Tel...... 33 35 ble. the Rosehill farm riding acad­ day. Business” Superior Court. The first Superior manufactured in Virginia, but fac­ fruit juices, glass platters for MaantactarBag OsosoMlea emy. about six months . ago. The Reddibk, who refused to testify S:M.4:M-S;4e 1:4»-S:U Court trial, in November o f last tories were destroyed by sus­ salad plates and oval pickle dishes Am. Hardware .. . 11 19 first step in establishing the acad­ ON KEITH'S LIBERAL BUDGET TERMS! KNIGirrS OF COLUMBUS at the inquest held on Homer year, ended in a mistrial when two picious Indians. Glass beads were for desserts, were suggested for an Arrow, Hart, Heg. . 37H 40% emy was the stable. He was Wright’s body will be tried only STARTS 8UN.1 "MIBACLB of the four Negroes on the jury made and traded to the Indians, interesting table. F L I F f ^ A I R Assoc, Spring .. . 27)4 30% about to start erecting a house for the first degree murder of OF FATIMA” (la Color) held out for acquittal. allaying their suspicions and al­ 'Other items of interest were old Bristol Brass .... : 13 15 when the fire wiped him out. Homer. lowing the factories to continue. tumblers, formerly given with a Collins ...... 125 145 The stable was burned to the Reddick was held crimthqlly re­ Wlstar and Stlegel becameYamous purchase of baking powder, an in­ . 88 92 Em-Hart ...... 88 ground. All riding equipment sponsible by Coroner John J'.>Cor- fp^cautlfyl_ g lw . ______verted thumb print bowl in Ted, MINSTREL SHOW "Fafnir Bearing ....;...8 .83 3 36 inside. Including valuable saddles, rigan T6r attaching wires to ^ e 'Bjonis' Glass . large-'bhie- compote; barber's bot­ . 36 89 About Tnwn i Hart Cooley ... was destroyed. V', Firemen were electrical syatem of Wrighfr liFONDBROS. Blown glass was made by blow­ tle. individual salts, s master salt Landers, Frary, Clk. .22 24 still at the scen4 at 11 a. m., pick-up truck which detonated The Sacred Heart Mothers Cir­ ing molten glass through a hollow dish, fine cut blue castpr set. and New Brit. Hkch. Oo. . 34 36 watching for any further out­ and caused the demolition of the STEAK HOUSE cle will meet tomorrow at 8 p. m. two glass lamps with h 'sss stems. VERPLANCK SCHOOL 29% tube, called a pontil. Pontil marks North and Judd . . . . . 26)4 bursts. truck and the death of Wright. with Mrs. John F. Fitzgerald of These wer% Star and Punty and Russell Mfg...... 13 15 'MONSON. MAts. left on the bottom of old glass AUDITORIUM 100 Lakew(x>d circle north. pieces are often of value, as rough Bull.seye and Fleur de Lis patterns. Stanley Work com. .. 48 51 A jungle-bom tiger or Hon, if Home of4hb “ Sons orF un " There, was also an ftnusual bread 100 ones indicate an early piece. Terry Steam ...... 90 Bishop Complains caught young. Is easier to train Constantino Urbanetti of 141 trs".,depicting the Last Supper. It AN EVENING OF GRAND ENTERTAINMENT 31% About 1825 Deming Jarvis felt T orrtngton ...... 29)4 than .one bred in captivity. ,.,.____ People ot Maa^bester — It’s. Pearl strict reached .hla. 82nd mile-, took 30 days to carve the mold for U. B; Enveloiie com;" T 6 T -1 7 '- time: We beve special It- would , be .much, earier - to poiir ~ Of Gennan Reds stone yesterday. The event was glass into molds, and in this way 'tlits.'as <>ne'dda waa 'fdr'Ole' flg- U. 8. Envelope pfd. . 63 68 rates for parties. We^qlso have celebrated by a family party, ,ures. and the other for the border M.»S to Veeder-Root ...... 80 SO S3 bus service. For lafonnattoa pressed glass came into being. The LAUGHS • SONGS preparation^ for which were made molds were carved ot. wood, from o f leqvea and graoes. $M 5 The above quotatloha are not to Berlin, Nov. 12—(AV-B i a h o p by Mrs. Shiela Urbanetti, his Mrs. DeWolf also disniaved 'the he construed as actual markets. Otto Dibelius, head of the Protes­ which iron molds were jnade. They CALL MON80N 8221 daugnter-in-law, and Mary Shar­ were made in sections, two, three first specimen in her collection, a JO K ES • D A N CES tant church for all Germany, called pies of Hartford and Palmira Ma- amall fted howl,, symbolizing the PRY CRASH FATAL on Blast German Prime Minister The Fnnalest Show la the East or four molds being used on a rinelli of Glastonbury, daughters. single i)iece. A factory was estab­ Garden of Eden. Otto Grotewohl last night to com­ Mr. Urbanetti has three eons, Guam; Nov. 12—(AT—Two U. 8. lished at Sandwich, on Cape Ood, A ouestinn period followed after • NOVELTY ACTS Coast Guard officers and an en­ plain ■'bout measures taken re­ Peter, Marino and Julius, sind which refreshments were served by cently by hla Communist govern­ two daughters, 18 grandchildren and many lovely patterns listed crewman were killed last originated there. Other factories Mrs. Walter Vernier and her com­ WERBNER’S PRODUCED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF night in the flaming crash of a ment. „ 'and five great-grandchildren. He mittee. Mrs. Stuart Segar was A church communique today received many gifts. were established through the East, SHOES twin-engine PBY fli^ng boat 20 and itinerant glass makers hostess for the evening. JIMMY SKEHAN minutes after it took oft on a rou­ said the leader of nearly forty ■Med Bight—Fitted Right ? ? ? ? travelled around carrying patterns tine night training flight. million German Protestants ex­ ggS MAIN ST. The Brotherhood of Emanuel and ideas. Two hundred patterns TYPHOON ON WAV Two other enlisted crewmen es­ pressed the church's "concern" Lutheran Church at its annual ADMISSION $1.00—Tax Included o f glass lamps were made and Mm IIs , Nov. 12—t/P)— A 115- caped with slight Injuries. Names Mgr "the deepening spilt between meeting last night elected the fol­ Allied-occupied Western Germany many sets of tableware consisting m lle-u hour tj-phoon bore down ncKirrs MAT b e p u r c h a s e d a t t h e d o o r of the victims were not announced lowing officers: Leonard H. John­ on the northfm Philippines to­ immediately. The two officers and the Russian zone. , o f covered butter dish, sp(x>ner, son, president; Joseph P. Naylor, day. The Manila Weather Imrean Rcffid Herald Advs. were the pilot and co-pUoL’ ' The statement said Dibelius vice president; Lennart O. John­ sugar bowl and milk pitcher were son, secretary; William H. Orr, turned out. said It was expected to hit financial secretary; and Hugo Goblets were made in man" la t - northern Luzon shortly before Pearson, treasurer. tems, the earliest being loops and mldalght and would paos within thumbprints. These weie followed 20 miles of Tugnegardo, a city of FRIDAY—4ane Russell ^'CURIOUS A daughter was bom yesterday by the "Horn of Plenty.” inspired 36,000 and provieiclal capital of “THE NAUGHTY WIDOW* in Hartford Hospital to Mr. and by Halley's comet, also the Cornet Oagayaa. s SAVAGE'" Mrs. Henry L. Robert of 142 Ly- . / ■ "THE MAD LOVER" dall street. The baby is their first child and has been named Eileen.

CLEOPATRA NEVER HAD IT SO GOOD! The Missionary committee of Center Church will present Mrs. Gilbert Baker, fof. years a mission­ she slaved over a hdl dressing table for hours ary in China, and now a resident ,, , of Guilford. Conn., where her hus­ band ia rector of ^ r is t Church, at you can pop into a wonderful Formfit Foundation in a its meeting tomorrow at 8 p. m. at the church,- to which ail inter­ ested are Invited. The Baker fam­ matter of seconds for the female form devine! ily returned from China in ’. 1991 and Mrs. Baker will be able to give a first hand account of her e.\perlences. A social time with refreshments will follow and afford opportunity to meet the speaker. ^ i FORMFIT w e e k at BURTON'S H«r6 at figure-conscious Burton's we're saluting Formfit Foundations! Th‘ey'tl mold you and hold you and give you amazing new figure and beauty. Our ex­ iSittJr pert corsetierresjcan solve any figure ______prdbleni. Scob^^^^ T i now for a consultation with our experts! U , I < ^ 1 Yoa 6ef: s o f a * c h a i r T our famous corset, sblon 1 9 8 2 INDTABLES*2 LAMK s 1 COCKTAIL TABU | *A| Keith’s buyers spent • good deal of time selecting this complete SEVEN PIECE ENSEMBLE . . . to bring Manchester a top value at a th ril^ g budget price! The two major pieces of the suite are in stunning 'Twe-d Tapestry with famous Kroehler cushionized coil spring construction throogh-w out. . . the blond Modem accessories lend a dramatic note to your living roim. Plan to see it Thursday! Liberal Keith Budget Terms. . Open An Account! THE SCARIEST MOVIE EVER MADE "DEVIL BAT"

TODAY Thru SA Ts Ufe Bra . | MATINEE AT 2 P. M. Free Home Trial! STATE EVENING AT 1:15 F. M. Now !'Y ou can try this famoua mattiwsa in your own homa come be fitted . . . come be’flat- .' for SO days! If you do not agiws it offers the best rest tered- in our subUe.vupUfUng. hra^ you’ve ever had .. . netuni It,. , at NO COST TO YOU!., ^ In cotton, sizes 32A' to S8C. I he- koarinu i v ni i he 'U h rk I’.-inthc —' " nylon 2JS0. others 1.25 up. A, INNERSPRING f ■ ‘I Sealy ^Natural Rest^ Life Girdle ... 3*^ “^ MATTRESS I

treat your hips to a slimming, JOHH AIG^CNC action-free girdle In satin lastex, Innerspring Mattress woven with n)flon. sizes 25 to 32. IW N E -B d H L all nylon 12.50 Deluxe In every respect . . with Pre-built border, finer In- A, nersprina conetruction to give you firm, restful support . . W V H d R I^ C K E awake refreshed! Has expensive -flKBLSIlMlI smooth top, is tailored in finer tick- ^ C/h ing. Sealy quality td assure you of Cay Ufe Strapless Bra mimHiiHi years of lasting comfort! «iir provocative, that's you in tl*w**^4*l*eaWiaaieeewul».seewtet«.«etetUe.He \ ' ' ' a glamorous, tailored-to- , a PLUS . . . THIS CHUCKLE COMEDY . . . a fJbffrd Biid9«t Tm ib s fit strapless, it clings smoothly, securely, com­ fortably. sizes 32-38. ABC ★ cups. cotton nylon 4JM. ._ ^ Open Thursday ^ NighlsL-:

O F MANCHESTER tha fining's tha thing! NOTE: “CARIBBEAN* aad “MY WnflE’g BEST FRIEND* will FOR FINE oa this aaaao page. K e i t h ' S :iis r,r,s vT ' HI }■' ■ ' M / t / lU h t "CABIBBEAN* “MY w n m BEST FRIEND* wM BURTON'S FOR BEST " ^ I Irma * F. M. t ; ) ; 1 )-■ / / >..■■■ r.

' 1 ,.T ...... --i,...... r ‘V- A • ■r

■ V CX)NN. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1962 MANCHESTER EVENING UERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY,fNOVEMBER 12. 1962 P A G E nV B srv: there wais "deep resentment felt visit Korea—a visit that may take ation ia going to involve a long, •Bed:i^de’Kffl8 I Fulbi^ht Wants espsdally by the women against place late this month. hard effort. Betrotlied the bongHiiff J**4imertt wMeh had ■"It loay ho bad peychotegioaity ”A«d even if there la ,a- ttuee In would "maka a n . announcement" brought on the Korean war.” if the general goes out there, in^ Korea, that ia only one phase of Ike Will Meet aa soon aa the current tests are Crowd Simply ' MitUons ot Ft»h ^ Adiat Build Parljr Fulbright nuule it dear he feels spects the situation and then noth­ the world situation. Trouble may completed. it was a mistsdce for Eisenhower ing happens,” he said. **I am afraid break out elsewhere in six THERE IS ' If the explosion was ah H-bomb, fteas Faga One) to promise during the campaign to that a solution to the Korean situ­ months.” it meant that American scientists Top GOP P rior worked out its principles, and then Mad Over Fire PPEN UNTIL tlona in New York anj) Chicago constructed the bomb, all in a pe­ THURSDAY Modos, mertad Um dMd llah NOTHING FINER riod of about 34^nnonths. Fighting Films tn m TO mUM out aO th« way *o need rebuilding. Ho aaid he thlaka To Korea Trip President Truman on Jan. 31, NITE 25 AUTHENTIC REASONS Fort Myara baach. Stevenaon could learn much about THI IHCWMPARABLI 1950, gave the official go-ahead « Thay wara packtd aoUd 10 bow to do it by atudylng the (t^oatlBMifl from Paf« Om ) order to see whether an H-bomb (Continued From Pnge One) mUca out.*’ aaW Capt Ckwdoh Ford could be made. o( Um ahrimp boat Lucky 8Ur. organiaatlon which turned out a bower's trip to" Korea—a trip the Angeles Fire Department, which large majority for the Democratic OS Mtn In • ^ a flrat ataitad aaelnc tbam general said during the campaign DEDICATES MEMORIAL < was to have been the film. W hy more and more mothers shop in about 70 mllaa out Thay fot nominee in PhUadelphia. Milford firemen took pains to thiekar aa wa mada It to 20 and hs would make in an effort to And explain today that the mixup \hI ' "What we need in the party ie London, Nov. 12— —Prime a t 10 mUaa wa areia raaUy puahltig young blood, new facea and new VOGUI a way to end the conflict there. Minister Chqrchill helped dedicate was not their fault. !-i tbrousb tbam.” ideaa," Fulbright declared. "The Hagerty indicated, however, that today a war memorial in historic They had requisitioned the Tba Lucky Star cama from right film, they said, but the Campaidw. StmUat’ word came queetion ia: Who ia going to pick arrangements for the trip are Westminster Hall overlooking the TOTS 'n TEENS for their children's apparej these men, encourage them to Houses of Parliament where he State Deportment of Education from (Xpt. Bob Sadler of the being made with the Pentagon in in Hartford got a little ronfuied. ahiimp boat Savannah, arrlTing work in the party organiaatlon? <-”t('ed Britain to victory in World I think Stevenaon is the man for Washington. W a rn . The goat and jackass movies from Dry Tortugaa. TELEVISION Security Preeautiona are being returned. Sadler aaid moat of the dead flah . that Job.” The prime minister joined'with Alto because these values do not include undesirable manufacturers • AShSflffSSS And it was learn t, meanwhile, the archbishop of Canterbury y “proven reputable be no Democratic sniping at Eisen­ tions are being takeh to protect in memory of the 62 parliamentar­ -fighting film: maybe, one said. a few milaa north of Dry Tortuga.* the President-elect against the It wan shown last night at a • THURSDAY to Fort Myara beach. hower for politics' »£k», there wUI . f t i ians and staff members who gave makers . . . plus a money back guarantee if these values ere not au­ RaaldenU of Banlbel ialand re­ be plenty - of room for opposition possibility of an enemy attack their lives in the war. grange meeting. • FRIDAY ported a dark-brown diacoloratlon Elite Studio to Republican proposals in the new during his visit to Korea—and on Shirley E. Taylor TbeCAPEHART the way there and back. thentic upon xomparison anywhere! SI water off the Ialand, where Congress , - "MonUeeUo.” Beauti­ Hagerty himself obviously had • SATURDAY of dead flah littered the "If the Republicana follow the Mra. Jamea Taylor of 75 Pleaa- fully engineered sad such arrangements in mind when beachea. Similar water diacolora- Ideas of Seh. Robert A. Taft and bennUfnUy styled. Ex- he declined to discuss published ONLY Uons and many dted flah alao were ant atreet announcea the engage­ set out to abolish the reciprocal ment of her daughter, Shirley E. elnslve Capehart Re­ reporUnUut Eisenhower probably reported by residenU on Boca trade program for instance, are serve Sut^ly Vidro will spend Thanksgiving Day American yOUR B E S T v 6 GIRLS' ALPACA CiNED TODDLERS I to 4 FAMOUS MAKE ■outhweat Florida coaat to lie down and let them roll over Sl-lneh Crystal-Clear troops, late Mr. Wilaon of 67 Walnut us?" he asked. "As we have said repeatedly, no REG. 12.98 to 16.98 REG. 18.98 and 19.98 atreet. Mlaa TaylOr la the daugh­ S. A. CLEANSER Picture. Hnperb Bym- TODDLERS 2 to 4 Artificial Kidneys ter of the late Jamea Taylor. "I don’t think .we will because phonlc-Tone. Cabinet date has been aet for the Korean The wedding will take place there is too much at stake. Elthw in nwhogaay finish. trip,” Hagerty declared. "The time wMhave got to allow the western Ready for UHF now! Just has not been decided.” Storm Coats Feb. 14 a ^ S t. M ^ 'a E p l^ p ^ nations to trade with. us. or we REG. 22.98 to 29.98 O n e Piece Saving UN Soldiers Ciiufclu ‘ ■ / ■ Yours for only Later he added that even if a rfa m ilto n A ll N ylon have to give them funds to sustain I the hssaty hahln date had been picked for Elsen­ AMIRICA'S riNI WATCH Nylo-gab. themselves." - • '■ i hower’s departure, he quite' nkily with U, k'Eighth Army, Korea. aix houra. After that the patient'a Reji. to 24.98. Sizes 7 to 14. own kldneya are uatiaUy function­ Fulbright said he agrees with $349.95 would not be able to make it Nov. 12—<^1—The arUfldal kidney, Taft that the Korean war was one public. for Stylo...Accuracy...VoiuoI C R O W C O A T Snow Suits.^ O n e Piece a revoluUonaty medical device long ing properly. If not, the treatment of the principal issues on which the TUs lsa»er thsiangin At a news conference, Haggerty la repeated. Include yenr wnrmnty m p r o la development haa aaved the Uvea election turned. T, CLRANt mm siA im nis said he hoped to be able to make AM orico'i most wontod tlaiopioco « . . H » o n ly AND of many wounded alUed troopa, Ginn did not aay w h ^ the ma­ Taft said in a copyrighted ' (m pieture tube and public by the end of .this week tK ot m—H mil iliifid«rd$ f t 8n« wptchmek. the Eighth Army aurgemi. Brig. chine waa flrat u a ^ in Korea. I sssends l i p f . M q Im y o u r cK o Im r o w horn oor coHocHoo of 18.00 analysis of the election, written excise tnx.- "some information" about the or Pram s Gen. U Holinea Ginn, aaid today. for the andnnatl ’nmes-Btar, that Korean trip. But he made it clear Moortor ity M MomUtofi wpfcKot. S L A C K SE T S Reg. 34.98. Famous makers. Snow Suits Medical authoriUea aay the ap- No Blteh-Blktai: AUowed ) such Information would be general­ arhleb doaa.the. work of. ised and have llttlo if anything to the human kldneya when wounda .Winnipeg, Canada — TTie AUTO STORES do with the timing of-the Presi­ with or iUneaa prevent tboae organa University of Manitoba has ruled t bl0 euncst YOUR FIRESTONE DEALER dent-elect’s forthcoming visit to with from functioning properly, pre- against the q]lid practice whereby L ^ l Bsrsraisi the war-tom country. hot" hat eenta the ^raad of deadly uremic students thumlnbed their way from F«>»iD IN MANCHESTER 19.98 29.98 9.98 1 6 : 9 8 polaonlng. the suburban campus to the cen AT LOW PRICES TEL. 7080 No Advance Data 856 MAIN STREET And persons familiar with the Uremic polaonlng reaulta from ter of the city. Believing the ARTHUR DRUG STORE Fine woolena in tweeds, checks, the kidney^ f^ u te to dlacbarge practice. slowed traffic, the offi­ Artkar Dras Storn 942 MAIN STREET security arrangements - said that Stevens all-wool gabardine, all- Pastels or deep tones. Full under no circumstances will there plaids and plain colors by fa- wool donegal tweed, woosteray- length sipper closings, lined Guaranteed waahable! Sixea bMy waatea from the blood atream. cials anhounced “thumbers” wotdd ■OCRS t A. M. «• t l P. H. inqus makers. Sizes 3 to 4 with nylon plaids, 3 to 6x with slacks with wool, interccl, or caaha. 1 to 3x for boya or girls . . rad, TVoaUnenta lasta approximately be lined $L Advertise in The Herald— It Pays ow^ heaps of patience and would fly to Korea. P r im iRTltia* PffdMsI T « Rain Capes Now there are Indications at C L IP H A T S BOYS’ CAVALRY TWILL Eisenhower headquarters that an­ SUB-TEEN 10 ^ 4 4 scads of time, then shopping six days before Christmas other mode of transportation may Reg. 1.98, be In the picture. MATHER’S Cotton Dress^ red. green, Sizes 3 to is fun for you — — BUT if youVe limited on all At his news conference, Hagerty JEWELERS navy. 6x, 7 to 14 also was asked about published re­ 533 MAIN ST,—AT THE CENTER 1.79 1.98 ports that Elsenhower may be Reg. Storm Coats three, then get a six weeks start on other shoppers and do your shop- accompanied to Korea by Gen. 2.98, 3.98 .. L Douglas MacArthur, who com­ A YEAR TO PAY FOR YOUR CHOICE 1.99 GROUP OF GIRLS' manded that theater until he was REG. 3.98, 4.50 BOYS' ousted by President Truman. W O O L FELT ping NOW at BIjAIR *S where you can check off your feminine gift "I know of no such plans,’’ Hag- Not button but bucklo arty said. Resr. U list with selections that are pretty, practical and pleasingly priced. Shown He also said he knew nothing 4.98,5.98 .. 3.99 D r e s s h a t s 19.98 M i r of a letter which reports from NEW TOPCOATS HAVE LOOK OF SWAGGER SMARTNESS Havana, Cuba, said MacArthur Raincoat Sets here are just a few of the items you'll find in our store. had sent to Eisenhower pledging Reg. ^ Full notched mouton collar, cooperation. MacArthur supported Reg. 2.98, 3.98, Slses 4 to 12, fully alpaca lined in body and Taft - for the GOP presidential 6.98 to 8.98 1.99 black or yellow, aleeves, open bottom. Water re- nomination, and he took no part 4.99 rubber coat­ pellent. Navy, grsan, tan. Slsea in Elsenhower’s campaign for the mostly woven plaids! Broken aiset, eolbrs, styles ed, vent back. ’ 6 ta 12. White House once he had defeated 2.99 Taft at fhe party’s July.conven­ tion. In Utica. N. Y.. MacArthur him­ SPECIAL GROUP self remained mum about'his mili­ tary future. FOR BOYS 6 to 18 REG. 2.25, 2.49 VALUB TERRIFIC VALUE! "I am not talking politics.” Mac­ REG. 3.98, 4.98 sumptuous echoes of Arthur replied when a reporter asked him whether he would con­ BOYS' MOUTON TRIM BOYS' VIRGIN WOOL BOYS 6 to IZ your Christmas wishes sider returning to active duty in Woven Cotton Flannel the Far East If Elsenhower called upon him. MacArthur presently is serving u as chairman of the board of Rem­ ^ ip o v e r I’ » Warm Winter Robes S u r Coats ington Rand, Inc. Sport Shirts adds magic touches to rayon Reds Are Issue S w a t e r s faille and gives you this top 111 Grecian Vote To warm the heart as well as the 9.98 shoulders of that special person on Athens, Greece, Nov. 12—Iff)— j 1.98 Holiday Performer Ex-Premler Nicholas Plaatlraa to- . your gift list. day denied his coalition party seek- i Ing power in next Sunday’s elec- j 2 .9 8 Nylon and rayon gabardine, Cotton quilted. Sizes 12 to 18. tions Is a <3oromunlst front and Nylon and rayon gabsrdins, cotton gabardine, quilted or al­ It’s a dream of a dress for al l ______promised he would "destroy (3om- i Woodland plaids, checks, two combed cotton gnbardine quilt-, paca lined, Timton collar, half I * your starring moments diiring munlsm in Greece” if elected. | flap pockets, sanforised, full cut ed lined. Navy, brown, fray, Slses 3 to 12 in solid deep tones belt, sipper closing, water repel­ $8.98 Plastlras, 70, ia the leqder of the | by a fampua maksr. green, water repellent or jacquards. _ lent, navy, green, brown. _ _ National Progressive Union of the the holidays—and fo r^ suc­ Center which is allied with the I cession of return perform­ Liberal pArty of Sophocles Venixe- Quilted silk. Sizes 12 to 16. los. The coalition is charged by SIZES I to 8' ances throughout the winters, its chief opposition—the Greek SI 9.98 Rally party of Marshal Alexander REG. 1.29 Just Arrived! C l l A R A N C E ! the walking "swish” comes Papagos—with flirting with Com­ FAMOUS HEALTH-TEX munism and tolerating known from the attached petticoat Communists li\ its pfcrty organiza­ MORE OF FAMOUS REG/5.50 to 7!95 All wool flannel. Sizes 12 to 18. tion. , MONUMENT with nylon knit ruffles. In In an interview, Plastlraa said he Polo Shirts .GIRLS’ S I ^ 8'/2 to 3 Sure we know money doesn’t grow on bushes $ 14.95 waa approached by the Union of Stayon Fitted navy or black. Sizes 10 to 18. the Democratic Left—the third - MISSES' SIZ^4 to 7 . but this is a place where you can start a Savings major, party seeking jelection—but rejected its proposal for collabora­ Cotton Quilts Account and make it grow by consistent deposits tion. 1 - 0 0 Comlnform broadcasts have ad­ . . . and there's interest too, that helps it along. $22.95 vised Greek Communists to sup­ Solids, stripes, jacquards. Crib Sheets CRIB SIZE! port '’honest followers"' of the Plsstlrss-Venlzelos coalition, ap­ it you’re a ngw resident of Manchester we in- parently In line with the current^ .vUe you to visit this bank. You may have been "popular front ” tactics laid down Nothing dull about the newseason topcoats, whether on the casual or. Reg. 2.98 O ve ralls SHOES la Moscow;-’’• I 4rai|$ sSsl' Tq the'lUhd. of'all-purpose, wear that , jinsa call knockabout, 3.98 ^ doing business'with a Mutual Savings Bank in - you're certain to - please- all The baSl^fgh wlhds up YWdayl night with speeches by Plastirss there’s nothii^ better suited than the roomy,“aarw fsa^ y easy-off. -x^aa» easy-on" -VS4 ■raglan. WMost O B b Belies, 1.00 First quality. the town or dty you came from.- Remember, more and Venlzelos. It hss been the often,, thM days, you’ll see raglani in tweedy-type fabrics-a smart choice, Plaids Little Gifts that ladies from' eighteen to eighty with quietest in modem Greek history. for'twiveed gives Jife to your looks; and a sound choice, for tweed takes a SIses 1-Cx 2.49 people keep their sav^gs in'Mutual Savings Banks beating, yet comes up smiling. this is an economy, not a luxury; fof sturdy 80 square percale, full Filled with new cotton, dainty I V once a coat wardrobe is assembl^ a In fine pinwale, cuffed, eiaatie sise crib sheets, sanforised. baby prints in maize, miht, blue - Many men are findingh a good in­ back, waahable. than any other type pf savings institution. Serve Big Purposes AEG Report Due vestment V> build a “coat wardrobe.” man will spend less on replacements White only, cellophane wrapped. and pink. Ollophane wrapped. Hahdbags and Gloves For real comfort, a man needs coats than it would cost him to buy a coat On U. S. Hell Bomb of varying weighti for different lea- now and_then on a hand-to-mouth Plastic Carry-alls ...... $2.98 sons. Appearancewise, it’a a valu­ basis. • I > flic Uly Dache Plastic Wallets (OoaUaaefl froos Pag* OM) able asaet to own a “atabic" of outer- This smart new Kuppenheimer EXTRA VALUE! INFANTS', TODDLERS' Saving 6dHk°<=MdHclie^ Smooth Calfddna $5.98 to $7.98 eoata appropriate to the varioua oc- topcoat is now being shown at Regular |6.98 4.99 the newspaper . aaid, soon left carions and types of suits. Actually, I I A MUTUAL SAVinOS BAnK, Hawaii for unannounced deatina- C. E. Ho im 0 IHA. 2 or 3 PIECE 4 to 7 Durable plastic in a wonderful assort­ Broadcloth, Faille, Flannel, tlow by military transporUtion. PLAID WOOL FRINGED 923 MAIN STREET ment of designs and colors. Only Cbrde...... $2.98 to $7.98 - - Malls Unoemored MaJ. Gen. P. W. CTarkson, as- T rim ble 20% fvdm l tax add«L algned to condact current U. S. DepadU made oa $ 1.00 atomic tests in the South Pacific, Patent Straps la away from his Fort Shatter, DOUBLE Flannel Pajamas •r before the Hawaii; headquarters. Army fifth of any spokesmen said, but they gave no Red -Straps other information. Pram Robes B A B Y B A T H month draw In- Leather Cinch Belb Angora driving gloves, nylon Strict official security was WITH FEET stitched, imported ^cvreau palm clam ]^ by the military oh all '■"I , tereat from the $ phases of the teat. But a spokes­ Navy Straps Wide sad winsome to make a little 3.98 man said heshelicved Uiat there GREEN STAMPS flrat of W )iad been no censorsMp of mail Reg. Rtg. BMuth. thing of your waist. Assorted colors. from the proving grounds. GIVEN WITH CASH SALES A U DAY THURSDAY Colorful wool mittena and gloves. ■" First reports based on aallqra’ 4.98 1.98 Not every size and width in letters were irteU bjr Ught-Hp'psd 3.98 Sf to $2.98 to 2.49 13.98 every style. DEPOSITS OVER $18,000,000 .M.L...... $1.19 to $3.98 official silence. 1.69 8 As reports persisted. Urse "no vldalty for over 4( ; comment” answers cams from sturdy wooden frame, alunil- Washington, San Francisco, Hono- AasorUd paatel and Clan plaids In printa or solid pAtels, snap nUm tubular top with foot ped­ * Quantities limited, whilB . t Ifflir (or atroller. carriaga, or crib. cloainga. Biaea 1 to 4. al. All acceaaorias included. they last. YbsUrday the AflX?. still main- ita fUenee on whether aa WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS R-bomb had been exploded, aaid it.

/ •'I

I ■ V ■


T Deatha Last Night Indian Teacber LOANf $8$ TO $800 Thiffault-Foga'rty Wedding T h ^ In Setback Joust Made Minister “Y**" pnoiptly to 4 out of 6 am- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS piored, men, wooMn — raanled or MANCHESHR’S LARGEST TOYLAND-3500 SQ. FT. DEVOTED ENUREIY ID Chicago—Leopold E. Block, S3, Loom - ’•r .,.. and /aef. Doctor IO m U v ti CUffcy rogaity, Schcndel’a Oil outshone all other one of the founders and for more Cordston, Ouada— — For 30 for l-vWt lana,wTita,oaraain. -^Aufbtar of Hr. lud H n. J. B«y- than '30 years chairman of the years Rev. Douglas 8. Pitta kept contenders last night in the Sixth board of the Inland Steel Co., phi­ ■veil S CAINV6U fitr BMBd W ifu ty o< IM fUdse itrc«t, Pariodle Checkups Are largely session o f the Manchester 1 ^ ' lanthropist and civic leader. Bom postponing his ordination as an 9 ^ le IS Boa. 120 Mm . ' RoapaMflUe for DIaaaao Pre- lu rim t tke bride of fUyinond Den- Angeiican ctergymai)S^'o:-if. T' . - ■ of St. Peter’a Church, Hartford, Schendel'a Oil, 1,364; Joe'a.All principal of St. Paul's Angeiican M rM JM vn.aviulN* cure them when they get sick. i . oouatn of the bride. Hra. Ralph Stars, ~l,306t-Ceugblto!a^-Ser^ee,- Stird^itiJriver— - Indian Residential School on the MAIN CP-Wm you comment on this Haocarone waa oTfanlat and oolo- 1,193; Uabe’a Wallpaper, 1,173; Blood Reserve near here, , now is problem which a great many o f Ht. Johnson’s Paint, 1,166; White expecting an appointment to a my friends have as weU as my­ The bride, who waa preaented In Eagles, 1,136; Hose Co, No,. 1, Scores Big Hit partsh. H a ia married and has two tim mlnunMoSui *11 wwnMm self? I am the mother of three Btarrlage by her father, wore a^ 1,139; 4XXXX, l,ll8 ; West Side sons. children, and both my mother and Tavern, 1,106; Hood’s Milk, 937. mother-in-law grumble because 1 white aatla grown with embroider­ Oakland. Calif. — — A 35- ed yoke of aeed pearla and cryatal A t the approach to the h at^ay take the children to a pediatrician b e a ^ Her veil of imported French mark, the race is very uneven with yaar-old dress aho]^ owner was for regular checkups. They say 307 points eeparating top and bot­ taking her final driving lesson re­ that I am wasting my husband's Uluaion f ^ from a matching head­ tom teams. piece, and ahe,carried an orchid cently before getting her driving hard-earned money, and that the With ivy on a mother of pearl pray- license, Eveiything went smoothly children do not need to he taken iw book. until she rounded a corner and thi to the doctor except when they are sick. Hiaa PatricU Fogarly of 111 Youngster Unveils car struck the curb. Hurry to GronH big, oxcitiiiB Toytown' for tho most torrifk oitortmont Ridge atreet, coualn of the bride The car went out of control, B. T. caromed across the street and A—A generation" or more ago and her maid of honor, waa gownr Portrait of Judge it was far lips common to take of toys you'vo ovor soon . . tho grootott wo'vo ovor offorod. Find just ad in copper tone irideacent struck the rear of a house tearing a 4-by-ll foot hole in the side. The children to the physician for reg- nylon taffeta with matching net nlar checkups than It Is now. n obout ovorything in Santo's pock. Troinsl Gomotl BIkotl ScoetorsI Skatotl Pfu, h at She carried a caacade of yel­ Tolland, Nov. 12—It: was learned car came to a halt with the front A t b ran ff yoo*ll here today that a eix-year-old end hanging In mid-air in the base­ wna niso much nsore frequent nt low lacy chrysanthemuma with a that time that children died. Dells! Doll Clothes! Miniature Furniture! Blachboardtl RiflosI Trucks! . ahowar of.gold apeckled iyy, local Bchoolboy played the princi­ ment supported by the basement f ind ihG DOLL o f pal role Monday in Washington, wall. — The preventive ineenlntiens and Wagons! You noino H. Grants hos it. Como soo for yewrsoif hew easy it Robert Bamo of South Coven­ D. C., at the unveiling of a por­ The issuing of the driver's lic­ ether meannree which are now try, coualn of the bridegroom, waa trait of the late Duncan Lawrence ense waa postponed. given to so many children are hor DREAMS is to find {ust the right toy for ovory child on your list. Wo'ro pocked to beat man, and uahera were Walter Groner, Sr., former Chief Judge largely reaponsible for the far Johnaon and Andrew Dlrgo, both of the U, S. Court'of Appals. better cfaaaoee of growing up tho rafters with tons of toys for girls and beys. o f Hanoheater, which youngatere have today than Duncan Lawrence Groner III, a Get • bright new outlook for Fall with these at­ A reception for 300 gueata fol­ first grade pupil at the Hicks Me­ SO years aga. How can anyone lowed at the American Legion morial School, pulled the cord that tractive curtain* and drapea . . . think It is n waste of hard-earned Tdi • Horae, the bride'a mother receiv- unveiled a painting of his grand- )MasPtr money to give chikfren n better i i G S - v f i j r . lag in a royal blue French crepe .father. The ToUand. youth, known ohanee pf gTOWlng. up;;...... gown. Ih e brldegroom'a mother as Larry, is the son of Mr. and Wotcli liispocrtoii Hioae a lig^t blue crepe gown, and Mrs. Duncan G. Groner. His father, biHowyrilylon PRISOILLAO Q—Several weeks ago ^I'stepped both mothera wore coraagea of on temporary duty with the Army You are under absolutely no Into a depression in the e t ^ t «)waif roaebuda as a captain at the Pentagon, is Obligation In having your watch Tissue ebeer nylans thst drape and injured my foot in what I Hie couple left on a motor (rip public relatloiui expert. Inspected free on our Watch- •ofUy, lend real euckantment to» $C.98 thouglit was a sprain. When t w ^ ^ ^ F R ^ H T through the aouth, the bride at­ A t the ceremony in addition to maater. The electronic Watch- any window—aU extra wide for weeks passed and it was not bet Mrs. Groner and Larry’s younger master win quickly detect any graeefnl eriaaefooataig . . . eat tired for traveling in a hunter \ Fr. ter I went to a physician who took Kllte Stuoio brother and sister, were Harold Inaecuraclea. launder, quiek-drying. lOO” to an X-ray and found a fracture of green ault with cocoa brown ac- ■r45"r64«r 68«, 7FV ceaaoriea. Upon their return they MRS. RAYMOND D. THIFFAULT M. Stephens, Chief Judge of the the fibula. arill reatde at 73 Pine atreet. . Appeals Court and Fred M. Vin­ The doctor said the bone did son, Chief Jtiatlce of the* United Both Hr. and Hra. Thlffault are School. She is employed at the ance Company and he at the not need to be set. but found too ■** gradnateo o f Manchester High Connecticut Mutual Life Inaur- Pioneer Parachute Company, States. little calcium in the bone and put Nylon Tiilond Onrtaint It in a cast. Since then it has felt better but a more recent X- Ray showed that the decalcifica­ tion has progress further. Do you 28 “ 'luno'-surn w a g o n CMAMMON 14 at a low, low \Harmac’s! 54” , 63” , 72” $|.98 think this is likely to clear up or will it need some Jclnd of treat' K . TOOL SIT ment? Ali-sieel . . enameled In , 5 809 MAIN $T. bright 5 Mrs. A. C. red. Sfrong teml-bollaan lin t 2 9 1 198 Pair A —One oaimot tell from the complete feeling following na injury nudi A. |C. only an tlwt deacribed whether the •SAUCY WALKSR’ He'll be the proudtal youngiler on the block when Sturdy steel chest includes hone ban been broken or not he leeiJhii snappy, tiurdy-conilruclion wagon under hemMer, plier, chisel, sow, TRAVERSE DRAPES Kids o f oil ages'll love the excitement of this' 'nierefore, in injuriee of that eort a t t u a lly w a l k * whh your tU U the tree I Hat springy rubber I'tei, 7 " wheel-base. screw drivers. With menuel MAORI OIL 00. Colorful fine damask draperies, la numy bril­ it Is always wise to have an im­ lightning-speed, remote control electric train' set. mediate X-ray and not w a it liant shades, extra wide panels for rich Amoringl No wind-up key*. » « , Steam engine with beaming headlight puHs o As to the decsicifleatlon, even buttonil And yw» con wed*, NO NEED TO WAIT TO BUY Remgs and FimI Oil draping 81” long. $7.98 coal lender, gondola, tank, and caboose. 9tus Pair though the oomupondeat did not comb, curl her heir, foo. She lili. give her age, it seema probable iiondi, deep*, criei. 23" tall. CHRISTMAS TOYS lracks7'oll connections. U.t. approved.' 24 HOUR 5ERVICE that this will get better after the foot oomee out of the east and OPEN A*CREDIT ACCOUNT SAVE25% -50% METER TRUCK5 she is able to use it. Of oourse. EXTRAS you'll wont to odd... ■k See them CURTAIN If the loss of oplcinm la too great NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED BURNER 5ERVICE there Is the risk of farther injury, '-^SWITCH SIT. 2 manual electric'iw(lcbesJL.2.98 today! but on that matter the doctor in ^k»w5^iiwiMwO^raBWW0iK M W ^ t [nin'i’iiii mrri BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS AND SAVE $ $ TEL. MANCHESTER SHOP ^SEARCHLIGHT TOWER ------1.98 charge will have to adviae> PARIS W A T fR T O W IR , look-reat plastic: L l . 1 9 WASH, (OMi, sn 4523 829 M A IN ST.— (N e x t to Burton’s ) T E L . 2-2747 Q—Should, people wait two 13" VEiOCIRIOI... hours to swim after 'eating AUTOMATIC FLASHIh at station crossing. I . d t Heavy gauge steel frame molded meal? DIHIYSHAIR C lIbsSIN O OATS with rod warning ligh t_1 . 98 He c k t ie s Reader. into tubular steel head. Adiustobla y 9 5 SPORT A—It is usually brat to wait soot, handle bars. Crotconf hkydo WHISTLING STATION, ronmHr-toh)>6irod.4;98: : ^ about 4wo hours after a sixeable type mudguard. Red and whHo. 3 for meal before swfanmliig, since It SHIRTS li - takes about this long for the food SPARKM6 FRBGHT • Rayons, cottoiis, etc. c to leave the stomach. Until thia TBiUN SET • Checks, spUds and $ occurs, n good deal of blood "Is “ She's lo n g ... 2.00 around the stomadi and not ar* fa n c M .' enough In the limbs, so that there Dressed lit Sunday hesf FRONTIEE RINE SHOOH SMOKi 2 < t complaM (ifkt quality, Is more dsnger, of developing Completely safe yet it looks like A Q 8 sizes. REG. $1.00 to $2.00 cramps and drowning. • V 3 Soft latex body, vinyl head. reol. Steel barrel, plastic stock. Smoko stack shoots sparkf. 3 llthogrophod cars plus Q—How. can medical science Set her hair in a doxen be- Uses standard cops. 35" long. ^ establish thst white blood cor gtiiling ways. Comes dress­ locomotive. Set of tracks. puseles are not dying or dead ed in a perky ninon frock. HOSE corpuscles ? Miss G. F. O. A—Because the history of both has been studied atai it has been ^ 3 pairs known where they nie formed and where they go. ^ $1.00 Note sn Questiona Dr. Jordan is unable to answer directly Individual questiona from REG. 55c to 75c readers. However, once a week, in this "Q A A ” column he will FREE book 'Jo-Joy and fho Sore.^ SLACKS Save! answer the .piost interesting and 'th e most fr^uently asked ques­ Wonderful Whale' given away tions received during the week. a GABARDINES GLOVES to each child vyith an adult. a FALL HEIGHT URGE SELECTION AT LOW PRICES a POPULAR COLORS • UNMNED PI8TEX $2jI9 Ruth Milieu a SIZES 38-43. L O W n INITIAL COST than any •Overworked’ Honsewlves • LINED PIGTEX $198 elhor truck In Ht porfermonco doM—• ' Are Often Just Hme-Wasters 9io migMy Ford F-f 6IC JOfl FURNITURE lust for Dolly ^ TOY nLEFHQNE . • FUR-LINED PIGTEX $195 N o one puts much value on the DOU-E-CRI8 has a real drop M e housewUe'S time. But. of all. the Spring action dial, just like 2 $ 9 * ^ 5 1 • DRIVING GLOVES $150 housewife, herself, usually seU the lustrous onamolod motol, docol-deeo- \ reoll Two bflls give | | p l- t ’-Jw (WOOL WITH PIGSKIN PALM) lowest value on It. rotod. Spring letch mokes it eesy Hr M TOTS’ PORTABLE cheery ring. I ' Also, pigskins, capes, mockos and suedes reaoonalily. W aVe Got Trucks Tailored to lit Take Mrs. Smith as an exam littio mothers to drop s'ido, 23" high. priced. ~ ' pie. She would tell you thst she it REG. $7.95 Pr. overworked and feels as though PHONOGRAPH she will never catch up with all Babyepink fibre CRADLE WMgsI Powgt ClwicG the things she has to do. ^ Rock Dolly to'sloop in cenopiod credit 9m Im h i tmht, hubs V M t* S-taa BsMI Yet Mrs. Smith will spend half with sol'id wood rockors. 17" length. an hour o f valuable morning time i» t i AH the options you need to Imve a truck fit letting a door-to-door salesman «KTAL SCIAFEB PAJAMAS .youir job exactly—tha rightpfmgina, 't r y to sell her something she fakes plenty Constant speied electric mo­ Authentic die-cest minnUttria • Ctoi and middy ^ knows she isn’t going to buy. “^UNDERWEAR -tranamiaaion, ririrt axlai ririit tire oianol Over-? o f w ^ r,p n d le .. Takes oir sixit'rotordi,' of a reel highway „ .iim • Popular ipat terns M O J O I b poworod by now 145- Alndena “ S l n W M r " ^ 7 i RFM spei^. Wood cole .rood scrd^tl.,.. .. I * ' 275 e»iea''power combmatiom from H-too She will go to six Stores to make • BRIEFS • Sanforized kp. Corce Kino DoRvon laero hono- lOLDiNG DOU covered in rod leoihoreitc. Pickup to giant 2 0 )f ton G.C.W. Bra Jons! •lire the piece drehlnU khe U buy tear! • ATHLETIC SHIRTS^ ^ pewor por ou. bk Nion any ethnr oo** Ing for a sofa cushion Is the pret­ poworod truck ongkio nmono Hio ton tiest piece of chifis in town. a E R l A G E loodbio oiekod Fhr« OvGot iiHiliiM I She will buy groceries every day TOT-SIZE FURNITURR jmGLE BEUS REG. 69c when with Just a little planning 4«a aavingi op Is M% ahe could make two marketing BiOEB HORSE IT in e all-new oveAead-Talve Ford Track trips a week do the work of six. 3 b ow bood. SOUD OAk JUViltai Roewt - She will run all over the neigh­ enginea cut friction, Miver more o f developed Dolly takos tho air in'this Smart, sturdy light oak. Even a 2 9 1 F amous b.v .d. brand MOGIST SILLn IN ITS WHOHT borhood looking for Junior when just REG. S3.95 power! The five-engine lineup: ahe could buy a whUtU and tell ■turdy tibol fromod ee/- full grown man can stand on It. Hew Low Prices! CLASSI Tho Ford F-5, wMi dwico of 106- ^ him to come when he hears it—or tiogo. RuHt-bi foot enttn- Pleat*': f ’vhlon. "• Sturdy wood lithographed kp. Truck'V-8 or oN-imw 101-kp. COST • 101-h.p. COST C U P P n MX. Nbwl else—and that If he is too far away cion, rwbbor tires. 27^ hl^. horse, mounted on 4 strong • SHIRTS ...... 65c CUFFER SKI • 104-h.p. TRUCK V-6. New Pewerl to hear It he la too far away from TABLE an d CHAIR SET motat wheeli. 16K" high..' •»WEFS,...... 75c • 116-li.p. MO MX. NMv PMvert hoBde. Ooah Would Save W erk For children's meals, gomes. Table end • 1Box«r cmd Gripper) .... 85c FELT HATS $5.00 • 1M.AHF. CAROO KINO V-6. New! ' She will It quietly through a 3 hondiome ladder bock choirs ia • TIE SHIRTS ...... - . 85c VALUE $7.50 • ISi-lH k CAROO fcMO V.g. meeUng Hi which.^ group of wo­ sturdy hardwood Ceridor finish oek. men decide to have a hake sale SOFT FLUSH RIAL DESK TM ONLY nCKUP wMi an oH-rU to earn money, instead o f suggest­ MUSICMN'S TOY sun ^ Low-FnenoN ongbiol Ford ^-1 givot cheieo Run for PM iiiiGtr- ing that If each person would coh- lUCKIOARO ^ of now lOI-h^ COST CUFFR SR or tribute the price thev Intend to TRAP DRUM s n The Ford Track Eoonqmt R um Book. Ium OUR CUPPER GRAFT SUITS aii COATS - NEW LOW PRICES $45i» foniout Truck V-6. new 106 kpj a A for toeir cake or pie— it wpuld m oa-the-job running coat reporta o f 5,600 touch FIASTK SET cost each woman very little more, ••f jv if oarneca in over 196 kiyis of buiMMea! See and take the cake-baking ebore oN 1.69.0 1.98 17p< set ceoMs in blue with 2 ” 3” floor oosel 3S" high. Writ­ to tbeir h&ndB. white cemeo design . » Rig 16" boss drum with foot the book—eat kow UtOe it can coat run • She will fume and fuss as she Fono TVuck in your kind of worlf! Tuck ono in with baby . . . I Urge pioces. I * ’ beater, 2 small drumi, cym­ ing'surface I2"*14‘’, roH 1^ WE GIVE C0W$UMER$ GREEN 5TAMPS | | MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON AUMD$E,| picks up after the family. Instead chart. Flus cholk, eraser. o f insisting that each member of butter-soft, furry bears, and bals, iriongle end slicks. , the family put his own things dogs in assorted celers. where they belong. ^^Distinctive Men Wear »» FORD TRUCKING C08TS LESS...Ford Tracks Lost LongM! It almbet seems as though the If8 jHst MM 8lopfrim ikt Piratll Sbitf HiRisiiMil FarkiER Lat it Grute BasaaMatTaflaiE OUag Jatosf raglMrettea data ou 9,O€9i0O0 trmmkw, Hfm immummam ptvwm F o rd Twmeka larf hum if average housewife would rather ..mnsole herself with the old belief that wouian’s work is nevar doae HARMAC than puUenough value on her own 94$ MAIN STREBT | TEL 2-4183 NEXT TO ARTHUR DRUG DILLON SALES and SERVICE tinse to get here done in a rsasOn- 8IS MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER lUM^INgyEET ' , . MANCHESTER ■Me number o f hours. W. T. GRANT CO (An righta reserv ed, N B A 8er- .. /. vtob Bm .). ■\ : '• t '-n: ' I ■ . V : - r ■'

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1952 PAGE M in i MANCHESTEB EVENINQ HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, J952 $ f m m t a o B s tor’s history stales that practically longed illness,"llhd in cases of aeri- have been very happy in Milltown service)', snd a brother of the rec­ mercneialy.Uiat It m * r *>• the «w l' slpendlng And an Immediate lednc*' every one lii the parish was ; a ou* nines*' he* adVtaeii "Wh'iih you' Parish and g m t ly appreciate Uie tor lost hti life In action In Oer-" ; iUmr^Mtrr of the United NbUona. tion in taxes, they are In for a Portadofvn Natives Study weaver, and every house had a phone for the doctor, phone the kindness of the people. During many. They have three young chil­ dren, and very little household The trouble 1*, of courae, that no disappointment they ^deserve. hand loom. During the tide of emi­ rector," and gives, the. number. World War n, Mrs. Coffey wss an First Round gration to this country in the He adds thst he and his wifa officer over 800 Wrens (women In help. . ■. JEonrtng fwralh great naQon haa yet accepted the Whatever General Eisenhower Milltown Parish History RANGE and FUEL 1880’s or before, the Irish were the f . United NaUona aa an Instrument may be able to do will be at least first to seek employment in .to o o ? n t& Garden Grove Caterers won the of policy more important and a year In developing. And it Is i^ n i Cheney Brothers mills, which at _ ^ Delivery Service first round of play in the 'VUIace By MAkV TAYLOR .aO'NeiUa she waa reknoved to an 2 more privileged than* pure national signifleant that, as Republican ex­ Watkins has your the, time had graatly expandeil. Charmers’ Bowling League with a laaafe Pmetor of 81 Walnut island in ^ p___ g h Naagh, called They were used to spinning and poli^. N « great nation has yet perts on the budget and on taxa­ ■traet brought to The Herald office 16 and 4 won and lose record. Run- . ' 1; ' . ' , Coney Island, which was believed weaving fine linen in Portadown October 1. IWl made the real commitment to the tion move nearer to the problem recentiy a JkxdLOf .about jno.pagcs, to- have-t>eeii. one*-4iaed-a»'a'~plaee -nmn' anKT'cwiW readily convert -to' United NaUons. No great naUon nenip was Maloney’s Radio and in which he haa taken great de­ of retreat by St. Patrick. Thera Is in the atmosphere of a respon­ TV. sUk. MORIARH BROTHERS Brolnx BxtoPt light. and which haa been in de­ ^PabUihtd - • red «t the has really put more trust in the sibility they did not haAre before Membere of the Caterers are Ar- ..n ew seats and acceswries, too another Cbney Island In Sligo Bay, County Armagh ia referred to mand since. Ita receipt by a num­ two'othera in Ireland, but New j»o « »t Itanebcitcr. Cobb.. United Nations than it puU in lU the election, they are very anxious line Culver, Barbara Rohrbach, aa* the "Fruit Garden of, Ireland” 315 CENTER STREET T E L . B l3 i ' cum Mdll Mcttcr. ber of Manchester people, natives York’s Coney Island la said to have or "The Oiuhard of Ireland." Apple own powers and devices. to establish a mood of caution. Mary Campanelli, Janet Boucher of Portadown, Northern Ireland, and Vivian Sheldon. been named after the one In Lough treea are found on the grounds at No great lUiUon haa yet agreed There is not much federal spend­ Teeterbabe makes both baby-and mother happy! It affords or Ita environs. Neagh, the largest lake in the practically every hoi’rte'In Milltown Top ii^divldual average pinner It la a history of MiUtown- to submit itself to the will of the ing that can be cut unless we bring was Annamae White of Maloney’s. natural, gentle exercise with its spring base; entertains with its British lalee. narish. Legend has it that the first Parieh, "The Birdies," in North­ United Nations majority. No great about a change inJJie. whole w^rld play beads and tray for toys. It’s easier on moUier,, too, when It ia evidently used now as a planting of an apple tree in the . mother Jea«ue.jnemhetauare Jar.-, west Armagh, and ia repleto with picnic spot, for reference ia made district goM back to the daya of nation ' really considers that Its vis Realty, Fogarty Brothers, M b y Is fiapp.v and c o n te n f(^ Teefertiahe f t ^ situation, ao that we do not have chronological and historical data in the history to a Girls Friendly St. Patrick, W e recall a statement own survival depends upon the to spend ao much for war and Johnson Painters and Dilloi^. with a durable steel frame, finishedl in ivory, The over a period of many years. It mada by a Mancheater man of one Officers in the loop are; ^ r l e y Society picnic on the Island In survival and growth o f the United preparation for war. heavy cloth seat is removable for laundering (and commemorates especially 10 out­ 1947 attended by more th£h 100 of his friends in the area, to the Holmea, president; -^ rb ara Rohr- standing years in the lifa-of the effect that )te had "an apple tree IATBD PR68S NaUons. Tax reduction is an appealing bacb, vlce-preaident; Betty Free­ replaceable), >'» J • t members. Reading further, we Septic Tanks Cleaned \-*M8BOCl^ psrieh, the decade ' commencing on his property for every day in Tha'ZlM dB M Prew la excitulrely The communist world defies the man, secretary; Janet Bucher, note that the members of this so­ tn tlM OM of repUbllCOtlOD Of thing, but it cannot be sound in with the centenary of St. Andrew’s the year"—some orchard with 38.5 CoH MonehontBr's Sawtrofia SpocloRnts United Nations in Korea. * So do treasurer, and Helen Arthur, pub­ ciety, following marriage and ffi aSwB’ dtopIt^a ^ i t c d to it or any circumstances like those now Church, Milltown Parish, in 1940, motherhood, continue their work apple treea! In 1950 the apple crqp ^ olhwwl!oeredlted licity. White Cloth Replacement Non-Tip Braces: even T?^ Ml— tho orwB publtiboc b o^ we, even though we pose aa the existing. Taxes should not be' re­ and ending with the rebqilding'of in “ Mothers Union.” waa three tlmee its normal size and most active baby can’t the church tower in 1949, and other prices were low In consequence. rigbli of rtpubUroUoB servant of the United NaUons In duced, in any case, before the Seats only ...... 2.63 The oldest person in Milltown ^Igpatdioo hoftn ore alto rcoorveo. improvements in the year 1960. Roses and Peat SAVE TWO WAYS: Korea. federal budget la balanced. And with these I •. • • • • 1,30 Pariah,! Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Safety Belts; keep baby safcj Compiled by the present rector. The fertile soil la particularly (1) LOW PRICE . . . the most modem equlpmeat aod '^all serrlce cllont of N. B. A. 8err- One might wish that Mr. U e had bom In 1854, remembers that her there is a further question whether Itchy Pimples ly fa s te n e d ...... 1.73 Stroller Base I • • «|, 7,23 Rev. H. W , Coffey, who assumed adapted to berries and rose culture. chinerv In Connectient makea poosiblo BETTER JOB at • spoken these truths, outright, they should be reduced at all in an charge of the parish in June, 1947, father and other men voluntarily In the rose gardens of Elizabeth LOWER PRICE. '**Vrtl&bcr«' helped build the church in 1839- jMtaB llBthcwi 8p*cI»1 Afcbey rather than merely implied thpm It waa published by one of the two Park. Hartford, are many varie­ CHANOI FROM PLAIN COLORID W A llt ... (2) YOUR JOB IS ENGINEERED . . . alt aeptle tanka, Drain- ind Bo« ob. era whrhlhflation ia a danger. The Kill Romance Yortt CbICBgB. papers in Portadown-, "The News.” 1940. She remembers hJS account ties produced by the McGredy or­ IN THI NIW MODI* age and sewer lines are Installed under tbe watehfal w p to ’ audit b u r iau of by his acUon. He obviously feels Republican pledges to combat in­ Many shatteMd roni'ancii "may of Che dreadful days o f the potato be traced directly to scratching of The first edition was rapidly sold chards near Portadown, whose vision of a Drainage Engineer. REHULTt Too are protoetai aIK^Sm s ONB. that the world is on the edge of flation and reduce taxes are in famine « f 1947; and that the first WITH WAILPAPIB skin blemlahea. Why tolerate Itch­ out end this book la the second roses are shipped all over the against costlv blunders . . . A BIG SAVING. Aa eagiaeorad Jab the disaster which must come If family to use tea In the area were Tbo Herald PrlntlB* CompjjnT. Ibc.. conflict with each other, to some ing of pimplea. eczema, angry red printing. world. gIVM you LAS'nNO AND SA-nSFACTORY RESULTS. ■■■■bm bo doBBCli’. rcBpoMlblllti for WATKINS STORK CLUB the O'Hanlons. Tea wasn’t in gen­ these things are ignored. •’One extent. blotches and other Initationa when Judging by his photograph, the Turf, or peat, la also cut In great Wallpopar It tho voguo l»BO«ri^leBl error* app**ring In Bd- eral use but waa served on special (quantities in the area, in brick ■•itlaeiMBt* BBd other reeding in*tter might wish that he would say so, ’There Is not going to be any you can get fast relief with aooth- present rector. Rev. H. W. Coffey. today in Iho imortoit iB TheSiBChoter KrcBlig Hr rale.. IS a young man. as only one of ocBsions, such as at Christmas, form. It makes a fine, hot fire, and . frankly, and lay about him with swift change in the amount of our inj! Peterson's Ointment? 40c all cifcitt. lo fdihienablol Be Safe! ..Be Sure! druggista. One pnniicatlon deliffhta youth and vigor would embark on Easter, the .Twelfth o f July or at Is used for fuel In many Of the • PlgplBj *i1~Tr“*'~ff ;«l^B g. bout*: his criUcism unUI « l l hands are spending or in the ratir of our ^ ■ -■«! « wedding Or funeral. ■rural sections and in some thiclily bacoroto with wailpopar. CALL fbe MOBdar—1 P- p>- ^ ^ * 7 ’ or' money refunded. Also for, Urwl a'K'WsiaBa 9R»»«9i! eucli a task. Thera are countless K » Toeaday—1 p. m. iConoay. forced to notice and realise their taxation. 'There cannot be. And cracked feet. pages of statistics pertaining to The "Big Wind” which old populated centers. — r ^nSaeaday—1 p. bi. Tueaday. timers were wont to tell about, We might go on and on, writing wedneaday. own shortcomings. any rash effort to keep campaign annual and other reports, lists of occurred on the night of Jan. «, of items thst irtereated us, but •1 B. a*. Tburadap. One might wish, too, that Presi­ promiaea when the keeping of g ift! and memorials, lists of rec­ 1839, and the namea^ of tw q^om - will stop with a word or two about L A JohnMn Paint Co. THE McKin n e y BROS: ./—Ip . BL Friday. dent-elect Elsenhower, who repre­ tors since 1870; illustrations of the .the -rector-—and- his-family. -He __ daaiwB*: 1®-*® t- -” •.**— them cannot be'sound in view of church, rectory and other build­ en o f the pariah are 'mentioned aa' pabUeatlOB ageept fatorday— sents the only potenUal fresh in­ our actual circumstances would do having lost their Uvea when their states that he has visited every SEWERME DI8P0SM. OOMtiUlY ings and many of the parishioners. house In the large and scattered ^ I Main Sttoat — M oii^ tfttr fluence coming upon the world the country more harm than good. ' Shows Schoolhouse homes were damaged. DRAIN AGE omI SEWERAGE ENGINEERS In perusing the history wa find parish at leaat a half dozen times ‘■WetodPdby, November IJ scene, would attempt to show the We think every sane voter under­ Mr,. Proctor pointed with pride durinji the four yesrs he has been iii’Orld the way by leading this na ' to the iittlS' Bchoolhouse he attend­ all aorta o f miea -for procedure at 130-132 Pooit Straat, Maneliastar->-TaL I30B stood'tola during the camfiaJgn It­ fu^erala, marriage and other serv­ irctor. A jgi^at majority Had'beeii ■'tv'4fcr" tion into the full and mature sup ed as a boy. He and brother, visited 10 times in cases, of pro-. U N Snrrivtl Our Survival self. In any case, it is the situa­ George, came to the United States ices, and many -iateraating itema port and acceptance of the United tion, and those who are basing 65 years ago. He made a trip back, of history. For instance, it is re­ Nothing that Secretary General Nations which, aa the certain sym­ their own financial deciaions on having nieces and nephews still corded that Stonewall Jackson, TVygve U e can say, in explanaUon bol . of our own survival, it de­ living there, and found many evi­ diatinguiahed Civil W ar officer, the exjiectatton that certain taxes waa a descendant of John Jackson, f his reslgnaUon, can eliminate dences of progress and prosperity. 0 serves. are going to be abolished, or who figured at the "Battle o f the the atmosphere of world crisis He said he was thrilled to recog­ others lowered, are indulging in nize pictures ip the history— Boyiie’^aa one of the personal body which surrounds his act. wishful thinking. General Eisen­ descendant's of friends he knew in guards of King William XIT of Th« ^plit Election Orange. Stonewall's father was be­ strong implications are that he re- hower’s campaign pledges should his boyhood. (Mr. Proctor _is'now aigned in desperaUon and disil in his 81st year.) lieved to have been, bom in "The The poor Republican party has be taken aa an earnest promise to Birches,” and the house was in the hislonment. And he apparenUy been out of power for 20 years Milltown .parish was formed in do what is possible. And that he Droplid Desk from the Old Ipswich 1840 and includes 10 different town- possession of the Jacksons until hoped that the shock of his realg- Then It wins an election, and what will do. But it will for some Collection of Solid Maple. Has three lands, a liumber of them with the the middle of the last century. We. naUon might do more, to .bolster a happens? Everybody starts telling time, be very muchi' full length drawers; - prefix "Derry”, which means oak find further that both of Stonewall Jackson's wives were daughters of -fading cause o f peace, than it that it didn't-win after all—Just fancy pigeon-hold in- grove or wood. We have often heard "The Birches" referred to by Presbyterian ministers, and that would do harm, by its natural Ike won! terior with drawer .. * sntjah Jackson of 31 Strickland tendency to complete the decline of local people, but had no idea it This la a little hard for rank Lectures on Poems represented ahythlng more than a street, this town, is a descendant. the United NaUons In men’s minds. and file Reptiblicani to swallow. Several pages of the bdok are de­ CAR grove, when in fact, it included a I f it hag got so bad that Ue, who Tet there la a large measure of vast wooded area, bounded on the voted to Stonewall Jackson, a Slated at Trinity statue of whom is in front of the once had great faith in'lt, and who fact in it, and good Republicanism Gift of Gifts for a man north by Lough Neagh, until cut White House In Washington. long has battled aa best he could should, we Imagine, concentrate There's a Watkins Desk down In the 1600's. The name Hartford, Nov. 12—Robert Penn "Milltown" haa been in use since The first bicycle' ever seen In for its ^principles, wants to get out on reading that fact frankly Milltown Parish petrified the chil­ Warren, professor of playwriting before ifto . o f it,' then his action may be a rather than upon trying to ig­ dren and startled the grownups. at Yale University and Pulitzer Leather Club Chairs The developers of the land now gymboi of its end. But if his going nore it. known as MHton Parish were evi­ One man who owned one of the Prize winner widely regarded as every gift budget first bicycles rode on it to Mill- shocks men into some awareness Roscow Drummond, chief of the dently the O’Neills of Dungannon BIO one of the leading American poets town Church, and Rector M. A. o f what they have been doing to Waahlngton Bureau of the Chrl.s- who owned "P'Neilland,’’ the and novelists of the 20th century, whole northern half of Armagh be­ Holden at the time remarked that the United NaUons, if the mere Uan Science Monitor, summed up will speak at~Trinity College to­ it waa an invention of the devil and ALLOWANCE Pine, cherry, mahogany, fore it was formed as, a county; not a fitting conyeyance on which elemental fact that they probably the election this way: morrow at 8:15 p. m. in thp Col­ 1 6 5 - 0 0 Thera are many legehdary stories MONTHS do not know how to agree on a lege Auditorium. His free public maple, birch, fruitwoods. to come to worship God. The first "The fact—whlch neither wrtsh- throughout the history. One con­ man to have pneumatic tires on his FOR YOUR successor to him makes them lecture will be on a "Poem in the cerning the O'Neills says\Uiat one ful thinking nor partisan exuber­ Making." . . We've never shown so Ev*r hear of fha man who didn't want a bike is notec', and the lad who quesUon, suddenly, the hopeless ance can safely Ignore— la that of its chieftains was stricken, and owned the first motorcycle. The TO PAYl Although he did not publish his many gift desks before! laafhar lounge chair? If that's your man's a woman who was reputed to have OLD CAR standards of their own behavior, first novel until he was 34. Mr. first motor car is still existant and this election produced two results, a charm or "cure” for the particu­ ttien perhaps some good may Warren’a third book. "A ll the dream, surprise him this Christmas, Wat­ WM owned by a doctor, and the not Just one. lar disease was summoned, but Sh* principal of the. school was the come o f it King's Men,” ■ won for him the kins searched the markets for this top a "One- result la the massive and Pulitzer Prize in 1947. His poetry refused, whereupon he was car­ first parishioner to own an auto- There are many things wrong monumental Elsenhower victory of became known while he waa still in value . . especially fine top igrain leather ried to her. Her ministrations w8ra ^ b ile . with the United NaUons. But there 1952. • college, and has brought him sev­ Ineffective and he died. ' Reading on ws think ws have . . red or green. Reserve his chair tomor­ It was rumored that she had are not enough things wrong with eral distinguished awards. Ran­ one o f the reasons why ao many "The other result la what, after row. poisoned him, and to save her frqm people from the Portadown area tt to overshadow the great truth dom House will soon publish his the cheers of relief and ahouta of latest book, “Brother to Dragons," the ■ vengeance of the powerful are liVlpg in Mancheater. D ie rec- CLEARANCE ON ALL USED CARS gdwut it, which is that eithe# Joy from the winners have quieted a full-length narrative written in dviligaUon develops the United down, will come to be recognized dramatic verse. TO THE HRSTeS SALES A BENRUS LADIES'. OR MEN'S SST.fS WRIST WATCH. ANY SALE THEREAFTER A lEAUTIFUL VALUED PIECE OF JIW l NaUons as It should be developed, by Republicans themselvea as ‘the or condemns Itself to destruction. Republican Party defeat of 1952.’ the Chippendale kneehole desk haa No failing can outweigh the fact "And what ia ’the Republican three gold-tooled gen­ ALL PklCES CUT TREMENDOUS SELECTION ■ - - - EASY TERM! Open F o ru m uine leather top pan- mm n n that the United Nations is - the Party defeat of 1952?’ It la th ia - '48 PACKARD SEDAN. $1099 only hope of the world, and that and the facta here cited need to be els; mahogany and / * 4 t ^ R D SEDAN. $777 *49 MERCURY SEDAN *46 PONHAC—Vary Cloan Those Holiday Pennies gumwood ...... TIME TO SEE there Is no other hope which is irs weighed carefully In order to esti­ To the Editor, *48 PACKARD 2.DOOR '48 OLDS SEDAN. HYDRA. '50 CADILLAC 4-DOOR SEDAN '49 MERCURY CLUE COUPE worth a candlepower in this mate adequately the meaning of Where oh where have our little 'SO MERCURY SEDAN '50 NASH SEDAN atomic world. this election and to understand the bags gone? It la common knowl­ '48 STUDE8AKER COUPE *49 PACKARD CLUE COUPE What is wrong with the United coftUnuing economic and political edge that all parking meters come 'SO PACKARD COUPE '51 PACKARD SEDAN 'SO PACKARD SEDAN '48 OLDS 78 CLUl SEDAN Nations is. to be slightly elemen­ views of the majority of the elec­ provided with canvas bags to be used to cover the meters on legal \ tal, the human beings, the human torate: holidays etc. when they are not to naUons in it. They have, so far, ■’’Never In recent* history have be in operation. Whether It is due 1951 PONTIAC 4-DOOR DOWN refused to see that they must live 1951 G. M. C. iTO N DOWN the American people expressed to our local Pdllce Department’s Handsome SheratOti Tambour Very Clean. together or perish. They nourish Inefficiency or plain laziness, the such decisive trust in a party's desk in genuine mahogkny has RUYS IT SEDAN Hydramatic, Radio, Heater. RUYS nr the fatal iUusjpn that they can presidential nominee and simul­ meters in Manchester remkin un­ flaming 'crotch mahogany PICK-UP TRUCK covered on days when the towns­ $498 get by, somehow, without living taneously expressed such decisive people of Manchester are not re­ veneers and is - _ _ together in one world. They entei- mistrust in the party itself., quired to put in their pennies and profusely in- I ^ taln the wistful, tragic assump­ "Nor has a President-elect so nickels. If the taxpayers of Man­ laid a ( tion that they can, after all. universally and ao subatantiatly chester could be assured that the RCA • Victor ‘Tiagta OPEN TONIGHT OPEN TONIGHT handle their own affairs better exceeded the vote given to his meter money- collected- on Armis­ tice Day. let us say, was to be dis­ Mooltor" eireolt sys­ ssssasszssass^BSSii^^sNSs than the United Nations can party's congressional candidates. 1949 tributed to the various Veterans handle them. tem acts Hke aa eagl- ‘ ‘Nor has a party's candidate Hospitals in the area, I for one This fault is widespread. It is won such a'Conclusive victory for world state, ‘Let the meters re­ The second desk from the Old Beer Inside yoar- set. not confined to any one nation, or the presidency while the sauie main uncovered'. But, such Is not Ipswich Collation is a Mellow 7948 DeSoto 7952 Plymouth to any one group of nations. Ever voters were giving bis party such the case. Where is that meter a u t o m a t i c a l l y SEDANET solid maple kneehole money going? The people of Man­ since its organization, most of the an inconclusive ne*r-stalrmate in model with bracket adjusts the pictara HARD TOP OONVERTIBLE chester have a right to know...... : 4-DOOR SEDAN great members of the United Na­ both Senate anej^ House." to RatfiOi hootor. kydronMtlc, soot covan. Drlvan only 30,000 bases Sincerely, Pine bring you unbelievably Driven only 4,000 miles. ' tions have been hacking away at All this Dbu/iimond reads as "s Alfred P. Werbner. rnHos. looutifal Mock. Roody for you. its power and prestige rather than warning and a challenge to ilie clear, ateady tolevlaloB. ‘ Beantifol black. Low mileage, it*a like a contributing to it. They have GOP durini^ the next two year.s." Buys 100 Mile« of GraliT new car. ^ e e thft one tonight. honored it only when it happened It is that, and it is good Repub­ (Right) Charming little Queen for casual LET^^TRAD^TODAY to suit their own purposes and Omaha. Neb. —i (.Pi — In 43 Anne lady’s desk-on- licanism to read it so. frankly. years, Frank J. Taylor,, veteran PricM Start At necessities. They have ignored it There was one big thing the grain dealer, figures he haa bought framet made of-solid when they felt they could afford and sold enough grain in train car­ mahogany with but-|^Q *JU Connecticut $500 voter.s did approve about the Re­ to do so. loads to stretch 100 miles.. terfly brasses ...... EASY publican, party, and that was it.s Dlfi New car guarantee. Russia haa done this, and W'c Only *34 FORD SEDAN nomination of Dwight D. Eiaen- living 135 DOWN have done this.' Russia did it by hower. They approved whgt he for COUGHS TRADES TERMS OPENTONIGHT ■■. ■ ’ perhaps .ordering, said r about ^issues, and they ap-- ’ the Communist . aggression in proved the policies of. that wing. iNjrtOiCOtDS ~ Zllil price $39 : Korea. We did It, almost unbe­ 9f the Republican party” which I T o l w lievably, even after we had takeh Championed his nomination. But] There's a mallow warmth to Colonial pine BEAUTIFUL the lead in organizing the first they did not, obviously, approve | that invites friendly, informal living. W at­ Breat United NaUons action - the the policies of the Republican wing | kins collections include pieces for every *35 CHEVROLET 1951 PACKARD acUoh which today still holds the . PHONE 5191 FOR FAOTORY-m iNEO; which opposed him. And "" these ; d' . ' A' greatest seed of future United Na­ room in the horned The unique bamboo policies were the policies of thej I R.M . TELEVISION - TECHNICIANS ■ 1948 PACKARD Like new. It’s tions life—in defense o f United Republican record in Congrraa. j Windsors sketched, though-made of herd- Distinctive! .i... a dream. NaUons law in Korea. Our offense If the Republican party wants, woods for obvious reasons, are finished in — only slightly less damaging to I 4 DOOR...... , ...... —SEDAN to build itself soundly for the fu­ .« smoky pine! — : STATION SEDAN the United Nations than Com­ ture, ■ then, i f must continue to —that's the kind New L.0W munism's original act of aggres- develop along the lines charted b y ' ! • - ■* Ultramatic drive, radio, heater,'two-tone beautiful blue. Paint. tion—has been to order policies in Genera) Eisenhower and the party ( I New tires, white wall, good motor, body like new. 39 DUICK SEDAN Soothod Throot Irritation Windsor Bench .... a a a • • • .77.00 Price I It’s like a new car; ! "'ing which nominated him. It of lamp you l a ^ United Nations purposes and ! must recognize that the election Matching Side Chair . ... 1.22.00 I Tbe $SA0 charge for labor only If paid whea call Is B ^^w m pletcd. No chargo If y e ta sot ia la aenrlce g a a r a a t w ^ j pmciplea—and to order them! was a mandate to it to prove it- See This One Tonight '(k>mb-back Arm Xhair a a a a a 32a2o $ 8 9 See This One Tonight of our j self a* worthy, as'an organization. want to (five United NaUons allies. I as Eisenhower seemed worthy, as Or take the potential disagree-1 sn individual, ment aver the successor to Trygve | If it does not do so, if It binds It- Sleek polished brass bases U e aa secretary general. Theze | a*"!!, in Congress, by its own past, have old fashioned green or LOW wtll be no virtuoua difference ]»c- snd attempts to bind Eisenhower red thumb-print glass fonts; OPEN tween our refusal to accept a can-j loo. then the story at the crucial red or green-on-beige docu­ didato proposed by Russia and home comfort ment print shades! Reflectors mid-term elecUon two yean from BRUNNER’S XV DOWN PAYMENT Ruaaia’a^ refusal to accept a candi­ now will not be a.happy one. and 3-|ite fixtures. Use Watkins Lay-Away Plan date propoaed by ua. Tat thia joint DEPARTMENT uttneii TONIGHT Kfuaal ia lUcaly to exist, and Lie's MORIARTY Bros 2 1 5 0 EASY TERMS rastgnatlon, by proving that the Spending And Taxes 3 1 i C t N 1 t R ST You can reserve any Watkins Furni­ 358 EAST CENTER STREET-^TELEPHONB 5191 Bsempen o f the United NaUons If. any Americana were foolish T t I S I 3 S ture, Floor Ckiverings or Appliances canaoC oven agree upon aii impar- OPEN THURS. and FRI. U N ^ L f :30 ip. lif. 'TIL enough to vote for General Eiaan- on tiM Lay-Away Plan. Easy Terms. m e RIG TRADES Mat asecuUva head for or- hower In the naive belief that just WATKINS V M-uAuu, OTHER NIGHTS -ITL 6—SATURDAY T IL 5 P. M. 358 EAST CENTEk ST. TELEPHONE $191 may illuatraU the bia alecjdon avbuld bring about an F U a O H . d( ttm UN prind^^ ao bnme<|^ dacreaae ^ ia fadaral mrniBk >1 . / I ' , I - i J • • i -e > - • -

^-hrrr-r- , I


baL the Germana have picked a Andoyer Key Pejpsonnel mountain which already haa "1 -... „> Jtwfheld this afUrnooa a t the .Uniop. .umed -back -Ui* best o f German timial CKrirch misslohary' \^fk- ■ffonrtJgsnda; East ■ Afiicni 'WiH Schendel Notes '51 Reqord School cafeteria. Dr. William Iplnlsta. Thus far the expedition g a p p i n g shop will be held tomorrow ,at 8 at the Community Church Sun­ Moye was in chwge.. . Seek to Replace Stu4y the Atom inriudea nine cllmbera. Bolton p. m. at the church. Five churches day and speak to, the church .. . / . . . school. He Is a first-year student Eidoy Meals More- In 'Launching Safety Drive Four previous German attempta a Skywatch Schedule In the Hartford East association Manchester Es-enlng Heiald Earintirk ^175 arc cooperating In an educational at the Hartford Seminary founda­ I Old Wood Stoves New Tork — (45 — Ten young fallad to acale the peak, located P T A in Session Wapping correspondent, Mrs. An­ ece the Ixurdera o f Ruaaia, <2hlna program to Inform young people of tion. ■ at^oaceiaM pedestrian. Common aense representing British industrial Wfll-Child Conference nie Collins. Telephone Manchester "Cross la heats, fe p m i India meet. Laat to flhd de­ / To Buy School the work being done In the home s Andover, Nov. 13—(Special)— tells lilm that In any contest with firms recently began a course in At Open House XiurMhijr ' !■' , . ■ ■ _ A well-child conference was 44)3. _____ lelsurs." ^ feat at the hand* o f the towering ]ilidnight-2 a. m...... John Wood • and foreign missionary fields. Heating by wood stoves In tbe a motor valiicle he's bound to lose, nuclear engineering at London Flowers Are Donated This wfimlng lY** given today Himalayan mountain waa a party, 3 a.m.- 4 a. m...... Floyd Chapman Play Equipment Town Hall hors will bbooma a yet ha continually overesUmatea University, the British Informa­ which attempted it in July, 19S4. Flowers on the altar of the thing M the past If local grange by Police Chief Herman O. Behan- Class Program 4 a. m.- 6 a. m...... Earle Bldwell, Sr. Spearmint Hel|^ the motorist’s ability to see his re­ tion Serrice reported here...... Volunteers Needed Community Church here Sunday msmliorB can carry out their de|. to the ea^leee .pedeetrlans of action time, ills control of the 6 a. m.* 9 a. m.-. OnereMQO n ^ y They wrill conduct research Into 9 a. m.-Noon ...... Mr. and Mrs. Willard Small Wapping, Nov. 12— (Special)— were given by Mrs. John f>>llins present program. vehicle, and his courtesy and BoUouTN ov. la— (8 p e c i a D— people chew Wfif* Manchceter, aa he kejmoted the atomic energy and its use In Noon-3 p. m...... Rhoda Bockus. Ruth Boglisch Santo Castro, president of the and Mrs. Faith Lavalle In mem­ Two ^ y o , preaented under di­ ' patience. While many walkers get Shipps Students Grpup oa(iflei«nce8 in the vfcrioun ...... Mrs. Harold Lord, Olive Chartler ory of Mrs. Mabel Collins. ley's Spearmint rection of (Coventry Orange, will November pedestrien safety pro­ away with such conduct, the ceme­ medicine and chemistry. The prac­ 3 p. m.- S p. m. . local PTA announced today that Sn»KES AHEM)! Gum after meals it tical courae work will be done In gram '.being conducted by Man- eluarooma of the school wilt hlgh- 6 p; m.- 8 p. m. , ...... Ann Malson. Ruth Hlckox Missionary to Appear be ahown Saturday at 8:15. Pro- teries and hospitals have more some *175 has been earmarked by that the pleasant mmater Police department’ in co­ a laboratory 40 feet underground. Race in Lifeboats Mgtit 'the open house program as 8 p. m.-lO p. m. , ...... Celeste King. Oolumbl DeCarll Enoch Mulira, a missionary ceeda from tha productiOna will be then their there o f those wIk> are that group for use toward the pur­ chewing aids d ig ^ operation wrlth the National Safe­ Tbe students will work under the the FTA meeU tonight at the 10 p. m.-Midnight Mr. and Mrs. York Strangfeld tion, makes the uaed to botater the "Town HaB not ao lucky. chase of playground equipment for Heating Syatem fund." Mrs. Paul ty ,OounclL He urged pedestrians to heed the direction of the staff of Britain's •chool at 8 o'clock. Preliminary to meal more enjoy­ ■tomic energy staff at Harwell. New York—(45—StudenU from the new elementary school. Donahue la grange comoilttee "Last year 16 pedestrians were National Safety Council’s warning: — rlahirtinm I m —**'“ • *"** able. Chewing th » The course was started at tbe the chip John W. Brown, believed John Mrowka, principal, has chairman for this projecL hospitalised as a result of auto­ "W alk carefully, the .life you save Bion, a community-wide program Learn To Drive Safely delicious, mint- „ suggestion o f industrial firms hav­ to be the only floating maritime been named chairman of a com­ ftavored gum promotes the flow of Slated for presentation are mobile eccidents in which they WHA, ba your own.” 'of suggested aims for the school SoutKVhurch Women Told mittee working on the purchase ^ On Dual Control Cars ing contracts connected with For An Early Appointment gestive juices and helpa you digest ysMT "Foxy Grandma” and “Scrambled were rtruck down as the,v eroesed high school in the United States, wlU be proposed. project snd It Is expected that thej atomic energy who prefer that key Hope ts-expresaed-that this pro­ CALL ...... so that you feel good after Mtmg. the streeL” Chief Bchendel said. Bmmt Health AM Provided held a lifeboat race In the East needed equipment will be obtained’ ...Egfi”. 'X " personnel have a knowledge of gram will produce suggestions Ways to~ Get Really Sick ERNEST A. LARSON Besides. Wrigley'i SpejwMrt Osew- More ' than *400 has already "These people have )isd identy of River recently with two nine-men by spring. Manila— (45 -rThe Philippines nubleer physics. from the ■viewpoint of pwents. PHONE 2-4370 ing Gum cosu so litUe that ^ s eaa been ralaed for tbe heating pro­ time to repent any undue haste with the help o f the U. S. Mutual crewa of ecnlore. Congregational Workshop Ert the benefit of chewing it qflrr ^ ject. The crewa raced from 34th t^ h e r s and school board to Uiat may liave caused them to take Security Agency Is establishing 81 ntBStrotadi Rib The East Windsor Congrega- street to 34th etreet with a Coaat form the basis of a goal for the T o enjoy a long life we must' Franzen poured. Co-hostesses were La/. It is a fine, w h ole^ p ro ^ a chance. But there’s another health unita In the field to provide Wkiw flidBVBU tlat has been a favonte m New Guard patrol Iwat keeping pace. school which will renect a con- bring our troubles out into the Mrs. John Field and Mrs. William Msachester Evenlag Herald An­ group far worse off. These are the health aervlce for rural popula Germans Planning; BolldaUon of all thinking on the Glenney, Jr. Mrs. William F. land for years and yean. B e ^ to grt dover correepondent, Mre. George two who were killed while crossing The enilneers defeated the deck open and be objective and philoso­ Pickles was in charge of arrang­ the original and genuine Wriglay s tions. Each unit will have a medi­ force for the first time In the five subject. Nelaen, telephone Coventry 7-d7& the street." cal officer, a public health nurse, •Meglonal Fire Session phical." Mark Strickland, humor­ ing the program. Spearmint Gum. Look for the gran Mountain Ascent years the race haa been held. spear on the package. Chief Schendel said tliat al­ a sanitary engineer and a mldwrife Since 1937 the schoolship, an A quarterly meeting of the ist, told his audience at the high­ Preceding Mr. Strickland's talk though most of the public indigna­ Windham and Tolland County a short business meeting was Essential Industry FDR’g Daughter Munich, Germany—(45—A Ger­ annex of the Board of Education's ly successful men’s night program called to order by Mrs. Charles tion over such accidents Is aimed Eagagement Ring Woes Matropolltan Vocational High Ptremen's association will be held of the Women's Club of Man­ at motorists, many of the pedes' man Himalayan expedition la Get the big savings of «t-the Sports Center at Wllllman- Baxter, who welcomed guests and Pittsburgh, Pa.—(45—One man quietly preparing here to acale the School, lias graduated about 800 chester at the South Methodist also Introduced and welcomed Marries Doctor trlan victims have only them^lvca had an angagement ring with no seamen. The average age of stu- tlc on Monday at 8 p. m. All mem­ Church Monday night. Speaking' to blame. great Nanga Parbat peak aa Ger­ bers of fire companies in the seven new members Into the group: place to go ao wheii a friend denta la from 17 to lA on "How to Have a Headache In He pointed out that pedeatriani many again takes up the threads county are eligible to attend the.ie Mrs. L. V. Oue, Sr.. Mrs. Cornell needed one he loaned the ring to Five Easy L*asons," Mr. Strick­ Santa Monica, Calif., Nov. 13— /raquently eroaa against the lights of Its war-disrupted ventures in­ meetings. LeToumeau. Mrs. Donald TraSK, seal the engagement with the stip land's humor was facile and (/P)— Anna Hoosevelt Boettlger, on­ or between Intcrsectiona, dash out ulatlon that he would 'be paid later. to srientiflc achievement. a smart Studiebi^era The local firehouse will be the Mrs. Walter Schardt, Mrs. Burton Dr. Karl von Krauss, chairman brought many, a chuckle. Rlc*. Mrs. Walter Denne and Mrs. ly daughter of the late President from behind parked ears, or scoot But the engaged man waa draft­ meeting site for the monthly meet­ of the society witich plans to Informing his audience that Thomas LongatreUu------Franklin *D. Rooaevelt, and Dr. across the street almost complete­ ed and the engagement broken'but in g of officers of fire companies in headaches, 'ulcers and various James A. Halated Were married launch Its fin t Expedition in IWtS, _the tMTO counties Noy. 20. Mutual 1 ly hidden beliind an umbrella or a ■till no money. Now the good other Illnesses are caused by the Plans for the December meeting NO om n WHBKH eiVB YOU yesterday. ■tresses that the program Is one Commander o r ChcmyfSm problems are considered by this were discussed and it was voted mound of pacltagee. semarttan has a court order to life FRONT , mental attitude, the humorist list­ BRAZIN&-SbLDERING Attending the Unitarian cere­ "It’a very difficult," ho said, “ to the ring from the finger of his aimed at science only; In choelng group and a program of value In to omit the business meeting and mony at the bridegroom’s ranch the 2«,65S-foot-hlgh Nanga Pm-- fire fighting Is usually presented. ed the ways to get really 111: Specialised Work O ns ran teed understand the attitude of the friend's former finances. first, by letting little things both­ make It a social Christmas pro­ In the Malibu mountains were her Loc»J fire officials hope to arrange gram. ------mother, Mrs. Eleanor Rooaevelt, Best *^8** and best in a program of films on fire fight­ er without blowing up; secondly, UNION WELDING C a END by letting people Irritate without Metolle and Oxy-AoetyleiM and two brothera, James and El- ing. CHoiei om unr Uott. Work Near Completion letting oft steam: thirdly, by be­ 10 HIlUard 8t., (Rear) actual gas mileage* in the The couple will reside In Dr. Htl- Chief Peter Massollnl of the coming financially embarrassed Tel. 2-SS97—Manchealer, Con*. E n ga gem en t -ated’a home on the. pounds of .the SPECIAL local depkitment stbtes Ul4t the and then rellnanelng -one’s self *52 Mobilgas EcoUdiiiy Run! men are about to begin work into -a headche; fourthly, by put­ Veterans Hospital, West Los An which will complete the extensive ting off doing today what can be O’BrIen-Covensky geles. He is a staff physician thera TlqlitM cMid t B s p • c f Improvement program of the fire­ done tomorrow, and finally, by Mr. and Mrs. George O’Brien of and a clinical professor of medicine 100 YiARS, or raodiiissv; house wblch has been financed In going to bed late and getting up 15 Hudson street announce the at the University of Oallfomla bt fr o B t m n I, adjust Sleek Stndebaker styling and ON5THI aOAOWATS .i : a large degree by the firemen. early. engagement and coming marriage Los Angeles. Painting and installation of Isiugb and Live BANTLY It was the third marriage for of their daughter, Lucille Marie, the 46-year-old brida. Her piwv!- combar and ffOG-iiC vo- low Stndebaker upkeep! OP TNB w oaio ^ 'v mlscellbneoua fixtures In the lava­ By doing all or even one of to John Edward Covensky of East Ths sducotion of M o / i chAdraa *4.03-“ . *3.53 tories will mark the completion of these Mr. Strickland claims that ous husbanda were Curtis B. Dali Hartford. and the late John Boettlger. Dr. t a t * tiros. bokHie* fr o B t their Interior decoration and Im­ a person builds tip such a pressure The wedding will take place on Is on invsstment in frsadem. Let's OIL CO. provement program. Internally that It la Impossible for Halsted, 47, previously was wed to ..r'VS V** Saturday, Nov. 29. moke 0ur icheob sOpng. Mrs. Isabella Hopkinson Halsted, whMis. A 120 h. p. Gominander*..or a the body to do anything but suf­ 2-459S--2-4596 * •...... Mamsheeter'Evening Herald fer. He added that people will now of Milton, Maas. Firemen Save Washing BsItoM correepondent. Mrs. Joseph live longer If they can only laugh. FIEISCHMANNIS• *5 • y ' Qiampimi in lowest price fiel

Seoul. Nov. 12—t/Pi - Republic of Korea army headquarters said to­ day four men convicted as North Korean spies were executed Satur­ day before a firing squad In a Seoul suburb. The public Information otfirc said the four were charged with responsibility for the death. Im­ prisonment and enforcement into the Red army of "many national TAPESTRY PLATFORM ROCKER patriots’’ dimng the Red occupa­ tion of Seoul. REG. 54.95 N q W 4 2 e 8 8

Jlow...Toki Snapshots | Remarkably comfortable, low-priced Rocker. Deep, roomy I Any Thno, IndoiM or . coll spring seat, softly padded back and base on rigid select hardwood 4rame. Beautiful floral cotton tapestry I OotsMt, wiA * upholster)' gives years of use.

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The soparoto high With file drawer. • Sturdy, all-matal construc­ broilar lots you boko and brofl at the soma timo.Torms,.$5dow* tion! ‘ WINTER-WEAR S A L E - SAVE 10% TO 25% mos budget by using Words coupons to buy all your gifts. • Eaar to usa — simpla to REG. 19.95 M A H O G A N Y C O C K T A IL REGULAR 11.98 M EN'S'SUR O O AT REGULAR 9.98 MEN’S JACKET . REGULAR 7.98 TOTS' SNOWSUTTS k . TABLE ...... 14.88 7.7 CU. PT. M-W HOME FREEZER DEPENDARLE 35-IN. GAS RANGE Sheraton style leg. @ Fina 85% rayon, .15% Nylon Surcoot @ Worm Nylon-rayon blend gobordine 0 Fuil-zip with fur-trim hat. Water-repel­ I ■ Plni fiO coupon book. A real bay. Divided cook- 48 , rntist* wind and wolnr. AAouton lamb eot- Bomber Jacket. Meuton lamb cellar, worm 0 d $ 0 lent 15%nylen, 85%rayon-ocatataerTay- A 0 7 . - ’ ‘.'I Ptns ISO coopoo book. Booderixed cabinet will not M M UC 10.19 mot. Sweist proof, bnUt-fas lack. Teram $10 down. top, ovea window, Hgkt. Only 8$ dosrn aa Xersae. 11 lor,'worm quilt lining. 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> ■'■' > - ■ 'f MANCHEStEB EVENING HJ^RALD; MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1952 ’ Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n , We d n e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 12,1952 p a « e t w e l v e OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 levers if .'we don’t want to. b*r,^ Gift Is Presented > hdriinttTnka. *nd,-wm tte -fault; she says. As far-aa tha alili- r;- r-.-.r ;r,-w ■ . , '--vTusrqr*------. ■ uncomfortable poidtion of pretend­ mala are concerned, she and they rerognlsed. You've grt me so ba^i Court Cases ing something they honestly don't Usually make some sort of an strung tlial I go around Intwtlng To Fiiture Bride Peeve. armed peace and get. albng all reasons—sasrlng I’m allergic to feel. animal hair, for Instance—Just to Philip Delaripo, 18, of-SS8 Park "You pet people,” she exploded right. But Iheir loring pvvnera are avenue, EhMt Hartford, was found CHOOSE YOUR STERLING FLATWARE Pel Lovers invariably determined to show her keep the pets of friends out of my JClaa .Ruth K. Grady of EUlsworth i the other day after a rough hour house and me out of their houses." gtroat, Hartford, was guest of hon- guilty on a charge of reckleM^ being polite to a miniatun French how really lovable and Amnderful driving and fined, |15 In Towr* a pet 1*. EaA pet owner has a Okay, so I’m convinced thbre or at g dinner hold at the home ?• ' By CTNTHIA EOWBY poodle with adoring owners, "have Court this morning, propagandised the love' of domesti­ theory that, once she geU to know are some people who don’t like of Uiaa Ruth Matchott of 81 BU- • AT NM»tfe«hur*« Writer Tabbv. Rover or Polly, she’ll Real­ cats and dogs and birds. But I aell Btreet Monday night, $he was Delaripo was involved in an ac- 11 know a woman who doaant cated animals to a point where any ddent yesterday when the car he IN M ichaels STERLING SILVER CLUB.. v ize 'how charming, ’ appealing, still think that if she got a puppy Tir4$ton4^|ii presented with a peraonal gift in Ifta pata But moitly she haU person who doe.sn't proclaim his was driving south on Hlllstown adoration is considered to be some smart, clean .and well-behaved or a kitten and brought one of honor of her coming marriage to liaopla with prta. think ahe each is. them up. she’d be a fool for aa Ensign Bernard F. Wilbur, Jr., of road failed to round a curve, left £ ^ a a a good ca*« against ua. sort of a monster. I wouldn’t dare the road and turned over. Al­ come right out and say I don't "Apparently, making pet con­ animal dust like the rest of us. West Hartford, on Dec. 27 at St. ,) 'A*-4 f * Sha saya wa'ra rude, ineonalder- Meanwhile, I li Just be careful not though the car was . totally ' V 4ia and inaenaitive to other peo- want to own a cat or a dog or a verts is some sort of a challenge Augustine’s Church in Hartfood. budgie bird. You’ve written and you pet people feel you must to Inflict my opinion* or my cat The hostess, Miss Ruth Bayrer wrecked, he was uninjured. pla’a faalinga. And ahe aaya we re on theae—well, strange—people. In other cases disposed of this i{u c h passionate propagandist* talked so sentimentally—and so meet.” ahe continued. "You won’t of Washington circle. West Hart, much—that moat people have a rest until you’ve got all of us in ford, used a pink and white water- morning, Eklwin F. Johnson of S9 ifr ,y i milUona of people who don t Birch street, charged with intoxi­ Bat all emotional about animal* sneaking idea there's something camp. I’m giving; lip-service to pet^ ing can and a cluster of white wed­ loving. Just because I haven’t the cation, was ‘ flned $10; James E. m v a scared to admit it. very wrong with a person who U ding belie, suspended from the 7^..' indifferent to their charm*. courage. But I know there are a TOYlrANn lights, as her centerpiece. After a McQuig'gan, 61, of 340 Park ave­ / / " k K i ' This woman. 1 hasten to any, lot of US who don’t worship pets, nue, Freeport, N. Y„ charged with isn't one

EMERGENCY BRAKE CABLES House’s- Boys’ Shop NOW IN STOCK MANCHESTER- Winter A U TO PARTS 270 IROAD STREET OIPOT SQUARE Jackets TEL 2-452S Jr. Sliot 6 to 12 M Law As, Of the three leading makes ^ c^ $10-9^ Youth Shi* trucks, ONLY DODGE gives you 12 to 20 $ 1 2 . 9 5

•f ' these extra values CARTER'S. LAKELAND* RUGRY, CHIPS ' /f'*’: A .>-;7' -r m y / ^ When you buy a truck, you buy on facts. And A I the fact is . . . of the 3 leading makes of trucks, JUNIOR BOYS' HOCKMYER w only Dodge "Job-Rated" trucks give you the t tli / extra tfalues listed heloH-f Extra values that mean lower upkeep and more profitable hauling! CORDUROY JACKETS $5.25 ■ b '. ^ / / i f / Gat a Truly Lew-cost Truck! H'/! Truck costs are not just original price, but total JUNIOR BOYS'. HOCKMYER / ' 7 costs over the life of the truck. Stop by and see how Dodge's extra values can cut such costs Keep Them Busy lor Hours! TWEEDUROY JACKETS $5.50 Coloniol Antique Foxholl' loluk . Meadow Rose George II Coloniol Fiddle WindaorRoie JohnAlden Juliana W IndiorM onor Victoria and boost your- hauling profits. Get the facts and Above sizes are 4 to 12. you’ll get a Dodge! Just Uh th$ O nes on the f o r m ... CHILD'S DESK f/ y / ,, />vc . PeJal-Pewered I CHAIR SET BOYS' CAPS $1r69 to $2.95 ‘-Mi?'' ' i' UssOer Wool meltons, wool gabardines, wool plaids. Mouton ear flap '-'7 m f M Eidtia E N G IN E maiuesl TRACTOR and TRAILER caps, leather cape. A ’$C”E)dn600YMlues! /ik^' Mast Truck Enqina* of 1 letdmg $11.95 'm xp-'k-v-T'wy /H ■’X"Exin CHASSIS Mlues! Moal Pich-UpBodlM of 3 Thtyll love to atndy, dnw truck .msiuifseturer...to SMUfe -you of -losilinf-iiiiket;-Vott.'Ctie bo ' -gr gatnt St Ihsir vmy own . the inoit proiitsble po*er lor your job. BOYS^ SUEDE K N IT SKI sfa Sh*ft*al Turning Di*m*t*r of } , sure of a Dodg* pick-up desk. Ha* two roemy draw- 7 i- 7 .Tw*.g««l fiMarron all Dod|e” *>i»--'' ■teadtnr makes means easteT paTicTnf;,’^'* ihalflta your.job.M.a. an. Xtask- is SSi4. Ig.. UMi - . ahatr east U U*/k Inehe* F A J A k U h S ' J m i f Raitd' irucki e«H dirt , , , and lest lime jockeying inio ioading dock. Moat Slaho lodi**, la*. ~ froaa Sgor. help atiure drpendahlt poser. Staka cetUer section ia . Sizes 4 to'18. Indsp a ndant' Pwiilng lr* h * on all ' lof fruit Early Amerlcon Shrer Poppy WilBom&Mory’^. AmerlconVictorlon Swedtheort Rote Memorylone Modem Cloiiie Flaating Oil Ifituks axoids sediment, hinged for easy airtt load, ■English Shell ChoHeill r f - f ' FejtWol i: Moddr^Yietorion Dodge trucks gives estra safety, bolds ing. Loading hrigfat it low. lives belter lubrication, longer efisine" top loads on steep grades. life. lOirer upkeep. Oraatasl H*!*" Pww*l Cyclobond Irak* Linings on Dodge Cagaeify . . . I3S cu. f t fata// t/ffst Like Ved*s! BOYS' FLANNEL PAJAMAS -V'- 4S-Ampar* Oaisseuloe keeps battery hydraulic brakes are molded, rivetlesi. charged even when usinf electrical . . . plui greatett payload „ Sizes 4 to 20. ' ' • , . Give smooth stops . . . last longer. of the 3 leadini makes! B i - j /) equipment like heater, ejtra lights. Podpl*Drivon (A Wstse Distributing Tub* on all Shet-Poonod loar Axl* Shafts Orsataal Vitian Araa W ' j models. Lools valve seals . . . means on all models mean eiira strength, long . of the 3 leading maket. Kg / ¥ 7 "- w ■ looser valve and seat life life. A Dodge truck it built to last! srindthield and window u«a Trailo r ______, ^ Tractor SIDEWALK BOYS'and YOUTHS' •v increai* vitihiiUy, laftty. Im y to pgJol. SImpIg to ^ J M' m ^ g : 4-ling Pialsni, T*p ling Chromad, gyrol^ fluid Driv* Availa'’bl* on 0 ^ attach #r dgtach traitor. Pranl Patkiag UgM*, in A ! L on ail engines. Saves oil, reduces up, '.X-. s«-. I-ton and Route-Van models. AUTO keep, keeps engioes youni lonter. Gives smooth power, reduces wear. which SAE-approvsd di- AM gtggl'wMi agwal-pngu- MITTENS and GLOVES l " j / > ' i a 'ik'A rectirxial lighli can be in­ AU vrooL leather lined, wool-leather palm. Oriflow Shock Abaorbora on VA-, stalled without inpdiflcelioa. kpA' r./ V TH 1 lUMM lUtS. MT lINC intS TN TMSL f«., 1-ion models give smcxitber rid­ OalfTS* / W ld ^ Saata of the 3 leed-’ y Kn* m in lUT MEL UTU EMM lUlti! ing, protect toads, save wear. m ing trucks . . . ST* ...ee- no »26 *B K |lC>r(King O ldM oryland Primrow Moyflower Winslow O ld Morylond Engraved Caiverf- Kirk Quadrille H TH I lUMM lUU. mr HKf IlfU TN THSE. qeainiedau three husky mag WodeToid • Repousie sritb ample elbow room. m FUZZY EAR MUFFS UiIMT MU. UTU CIUSIS lUMIl m m Sam mr siw a was H m I UMM MBS. HIT HMI OHS TW l K lt IH lUTiaif. mM lAT Mi CM NLKSI Double SBiH Green Stamps Given CHOOSE FROM OVER 100 OF ALL PRICES INCLUDE FED. TAX AMERICA'S LEADING SILVER With Cash Soles All Day Thursdoy PAHERNS . HAND ENGRAVED INITIAL AT NO EXTRA CHARGE ' DODGE TRUCK5 AMD "MICHAELS HAS THEM ALL'! Your Firestone Dealer In MaiKhoster SOLIMENE, INCORPORATiED * eXHOUSEfiSON OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS 95t MAIN STREET* MANCHESTER OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS *34 CENTER STREET • TELEPHONE 5101 •TIL 9 O'CLOCK. 956 MAIN STRSn' TEL 7010 W E GIVE evr GREEN STAMPS •TIL 9 O'CLOCK" JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 „.ROAaf AN» SAPIR Riais SUaAORT PAt A Jagoaf* MoaJs

6 / // // :V l : - t v .. )• •'1' , ' T r \ j _ . • • • - ■ ■ ' MANCHESTER EVENWG H E R A L D , BIANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1952 Section Ttoo WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1952 WEDNESDAY, NbvEMBER 12, 1962 Pages 15 toEV filGE FOURTEEN jR anrljratrr lEofttUtd j :-'- fighting on 'nearby Uttie Finger ported destruction of 56 Red sup­ paaiei at the Superforts but did Deatk Cheats Cniteaaty ridge. Earlier the ROKs had-hm ply vehicles Tuesday night. not fire. Only roeagto Red ground Celebntteu Newsman, Wife Officials in Panel Tuesday ROKs Fail stalled twcvUUrd of the way up Nine B-20 Superforts blaated fire was reported. -- Whiskey Gap, Canada-i-(F)-;- Says Legioii’s Idpcolti School Boosts Jr. Red Cross Drive j the alope by Chinese hurling huge troop billets and bpiiply ware­ Death cheated Mrs. Marie Louise Plans for Union Vote Over Million with Diabeleis hand grenades down upon them. houses at Charyong* on the main Training honors at Delaware Berezsy, who was looking forward To Leave Town On Building of High School ' Randolph described the grenades rail and truck supply line' between Park’s 1952. meeting ended in a to celebrating her 100th Mrthday. In Push on as enormous canisters of TNT the Sinulju and Sinanju and lese tha% deadlock between Oscar White and Mrs. Berezsy who had'outlived Duty Is Peace DonH Realize They Have It, size of stovepipe sections. 30 miles from the Yslu river. Frank A. Bonsai. Each saddled 10 seven of her 12 children, died two "Set Up at Talks Today — —■I— ■ I I BMM—a— —SBaaiBiBI^ • “High School Building Stand­ days before the anniversary date. After Threats The required standards to be The long fight to the crest of Crewmen said Red-fighters made^winnert. ITiU B e, middle and old ag^ .lt'faa«raI4 ards.'.' Pinpoint was bloody. Dr, Edgar Asserts De­ Detection Drive considered in the building of a • Toe purpose of the meeting is YokelUdge o m Big Allied guns blasted thb Reds Town and Union Leaders sire for - Peace Should Held Here Next “ S , eague of Women i dum.. The speaker will explain The Y(Ae ia a virtually impreg­ OMr Gi/g to Youl Areas of Agreement tron come in while still in his the South Methodiet Church, told! wife fMw here Oct. 1 from Grand nable redoubt at night. At one point 3,000 troops were a gathering at the local American ^"1**** Dr. Lockward pointed out that Fbrka, N. D., where he had worked Voters. The meeting, which will the need for a new .high school, locked in furious close-range com­ car early this morning. the facilities/ planned, the ways Firm Allied control of Sniper The machinery for the election ■ Donald Edw-ard Plummer, 2S. Legion post'a Armietlce Night dlebetee* will not, make you an «■ the Grand Forka Herald. They be open to the public, will be held bat. . . Hartford ^ n n ly Me^<:al invalid providing that It U «0fil at 8 p. m. at the Waddell School and means for constructing the ridge has been impossible with the Once they had aecured the crest, Thia Fmbmimma Nov. 19 to determine whether a of 2T2 Center street, came close supper last night that It is the duty Ae^laUon warnte today. TOir- trolled by diet and insulin. i S efara narried there laat June. On Broad street. buildings, and comparative cost Yoke’s tunneia and caves in the majority of employes in five to making the unusual en­ hands of the Reds. It -was from the triumphant South Koreans of organizations such as the legion utirin^rmll^rti™t‘a?one ‘*‘**'**‘'" diabetics can manage on diet D. B. Crockett, chief of police Speakers on the panel will be data of high schools recently con? drove toward the Yoke. municipal departments favor .the] trance when his car, which he to work toward peace. tn thia northeast Mlsaisaippi town Superintendent of Schools Arthur structed in other communities those underground caverns that Chinese reinforcements p o u r ad After hefng driven-off Pinpoint AFL municipal emptoyea union as had just turned south into Dr. Edgar; pointing to the of 1S.ODO. aijd he had some cluea H. niing. MHS Principal Eklson Jthroughout the state. Main street from Middle turn­ youth of toda]4 as being charged^ hut could V>t dlaclose them now. M. Bailey. -School Building Com­ A representative from the ■ 'ar­ today at^ the height of the battle Tuesday night, the ROKs launched their bargaining agent was set up is affected. for Pinpoint. CHARM BRACELET today and General Manager Rich-1 pike, went out of control. It with the responsibility for tomor­ that eaten by the rest of the “After he (Anderaon) leaves. I mittee Chairman Raymond W. chitectural 8rm of Ebbets, Frida their first cocnter-attack at mid­ ard Martin, representing the town glanced off a telephone pole row's peace, said that particular Dr. Howard J. Lockdiard, medi­ family, only the size and numl»$ .think ItTi blow over,” Crockett Goalee and Charles F. Ritch. Jr., and Prentice, which is drawing The South Koreans has been night. It fizzled. in front of the. tavern and kept cal assooiatton representative and the plansi for the proposed . high pushed off Pinpoint, dominating Elsewhere across the 155-miIe >ig Ssileawl te f d Ri. geld aMl sgeeteHg government, and Albert W. Bilik, attention should be devoted to in­ of aervioge are different. . i director of the Public School going. ^ culcating the desire for peace Manchester chairman of the Dia­ Care Neeeealty Tbs poUc# chief said the Ander- Building Commission of Connecti­ school here, is 'expected to be height, on Sniper ridge, Tuesday bleak Korean battieline, only ' hgMMefAsnerfea'sI^iBdlMgREewefers representing th e. union, reached betes Detection committee, an­ home was guarded around the present to describe the present night by 1,500 screammg Chinese minor clashes were reported. what appeared to be areas of Plummer finally brought the among the young people of the na­ Dr. Lockward added that inter cut. Mrs. William Stuck will act car to a stop Just two feet nounced today that the annual col­ ical care ia an absolute nMiMSi$y\ clock ai^ that the couple would be as moderator. The topic wilt be tentative ‘plana foot soldiers.' The Red assault was Allied troops gave up positions agreement on the question of tion. lection centers for free urine tests under constant police watch as ...... i i V------^ ^ powered by one of the fiercest Red organization. short of the tavern. 'During the evening, dedicated to since each patient needs indiylduaj on Jane Russell hill, west of Sniper Hui vshuUe dune braeelM sukw is iir«iitibit will again be set up during the attention. He said, ."Ih addlUra long as they remained in Tupelo. cent would also put several his­ artillery barrages of the war. It ridge, Tueexlay night in the face, The actions took place at a meet­ Pafrolman John Turner ar­ the memory of men who had died annual drive next week. , “A nice couple.” Crockett added. • - 13th time in 29 days that eaevenilioe piset for w t s of all i|ot witli Hi ing held at 11 a. m. in the hearing rested Plummer on a reckle.ss to diet and insulin . the patient Batista Schedules toric mihority parties out of busi­ of an attack. _ in the two world were, a tableau *rhis is the. third year that such must be careful to keep his skih -*T hats aaighty bad to see them ness. the Reds had taken the hill from pseofally fawlod ficttad liak eluia sad room of the Municipal Building. drirtng charge, and he will be was presented in memory of de­ examinations have been conducted. t-ailed otsUons forces. On the eastern front, w8st of the -4 V# Several other town and union arraigned in Town Court Sat­ clean to avoid infections whleh lc(ave«** BatisU has not announced S koutifal tad aaiqtN chtrau. parted comrades. During the first year seven dia­ hamper treatment of dlabetet. In ■ .crodtett said that Anderson had Cuban Elections whether he will be a presidential Despite the United Nations vic­ Mundung valley. Allied defenders efficlals, along with employes' urday morning. Guests of honor at the Dllworth- betic cases were discovered. Dr. be«i watched by poUce in the ex- beat off two Communist attacks (AJBrocolot agents, also attended the session. older people care must be exar> candidate. Most observers tsks it tory on Pinpoint, determined Chi­ Cornell-Quey Post 102 Armistice Lockward said, and three last cised to void bruiaea which oftim pectatioa that "maybe somebody for granted he will run. nese defenders still held sizeable, in 30 minutes of fighting. Although he said he felt organiz­ observance ware General Manager year. Havana, Guba. Nov. 12~(JP)— Allied air support of ground ing was a good idea, Martin told turn. gangrenous. Corns or cal­ would try to Jump him again." - -’■■■------f chunks of the mile and a half long the Municipal Building where the and Mrs. Richard Martin, Mayor Local drug ' stores ar<^ again luses must not .be tampered with Aoderaon said he was unable to Pictator-President Fulgencio Ba­ ridge at noon. troops was limited by low hang­ the group that "we can't have any and Mrs. Sherwood G. Bowers, and ing clouds but B-26 invader bomb- ■trikes or alow downs.” He said the locked ballot boxes will;be opened being asked to eerve as the collec­ or they too become gangranoua.” 'Identify the men. He said they tista last night ordered Cuban gen­ Declineg Coniineiit Pinpoint Fight Bloody and the votes tabulated by a com­ President Gladys Gosselin of the tion centers. In addition. Dr. Wil­ Once each year during Novem­ jwoce gauas-Uka hoods .of eral eleetiOBS for November. 1068i' Randolph alao roported haavy era pf.the U. 8.'Fifth Air Force re­ welfare and the needs of the.people mittee— from the employes and -post's--Buxlltary and' her husband,: liam Stroud is rimtacting local in-- ,-ssatertal with no eyeholes. They It will be the first balloting since of the town muet be considered ber the.'AteeHcte’X^itettti'Ateh^' ' ^Inting out that the town aervices representatives of the department Ray.u' duatrial plants to set up collection elation conducts . free teela -cot off some at his hair and nicked he seized power in an army-bached On Fund Figures (t) gmd U heads. . ______. . Mrs. Francis Fitzgerald repre­ centers here also. throughout the country to dhtegt his fact sflth a razor, the newsman revolution Uat March. are concerned with aafety and If a majority of those voting In sented the Gold Star Mothers. Dr. Lockward laid, "Foods such Batista el^ed an election decree ■amtatlon. unknown diabetics. •dded. New York, Nov. 12 — {/Pt — a department favor the establish­ Entertainment was presented by as bread, eereals, spaghetti, pota­ McLsan said the cuts were like which also upped the percentage r " « a s . Bilik answered that the union ment of the union, that depart­ toes, pastry and candy furntih of reglatered voters a political RiU Hayworth's lawyer, Bartley “fully realizes the necessity 'of the Cormier sisters, Tommy and *ds^ scratches and that the men Crum, said today a "very subsUn- ment will be included in the union Patricia Donlon. and the Amerlcatn sugar in the system. This sugar, State Fire Heads i 'also slapped him around. party must have listed as members SLIPPERS! continuation, of services.” He said when it ie formed, according to an instead of being stored In the body tial" trust fund had been agreed the - tinionk national policy ia Legion Band under the direction of liayor G. F. Maynard said that in order to quslify for the ballot. ^ With purchases of agf-eemenC reached today. or ti'rning to energy. Increases in wgs by the incident.. Political , obaarvera said the Com­ upon for the setress’. daughter, against work stoppages. They have Ralph Von Deck. Guests of SMFH munists, who have been unable to Yssmln, 2, but declined to confirm occurred rarMy, he said, and usu­ If a majority . voting in a de­ the blood (mtirthere ie more sugar “The jroung manTives across the partment rejects the union, that than It can hold. Then the .-ugar la latrsot from me and from all re- muster much. strength in recent published reports that it amounted ally in cases where management years, may have trouble in meeting to a-minion dollars. SLIPPERS! refused to attempt mediation or department will be left out. Bilik passed Into the urine. This, li The South Manchester Fi're De> (OorU he is a fine young feUow and Crum arrived in New York by gave no indication of if and when Hospital Notes diebetes." partment was host to fire offfclide ,came hero with good recommenda- the increase. arbitration. the AFL would attempt another, tidhs." Sfaynard said. "We can't Batista's decree ordered the plane .today after reaching the Marlin also said other considera­ Key Symptoms from throughout the state labt trust fund agreement In Paris with AN D MORE tions are more important than sen­ election in that department. Patleots -Today ...... 14.5 \ Hertl.1 Photo The inability of the body to use night when the officers and mqq isadorstand why he would be election of s preUdeht, s congress, If. all departmenta vote to re­ Lincoln School was the flret tVreport a 100 per rent enrollment In the current Junior Red Cross of the Connecticut State 'Firo til^ o d out provindsl governors and city ofB- Charles Torem, sttorney for Prince HOSIERY iority in filling Jobs in the various ADMITTED YESTERDAY: sugar means that the system is Aly Khan, estranged huaband of departments. He cited Ability to ject, “we bow out of the plC' Harry Lyman, South Windsor: membersbip campaign being held frdm Nov. 3-14 in ell schools in Manchester and Bolton. Shown here Marahel’s Association held tltet^ . . is not tyjdcal of our com­ cisls. . The President suspended- are Mri. Daisy Bill, teacher-sponsor bf the Lincoln group, with the leading Junior Red Cross workers, robbed of a vital source of energy monthly meeting. munity and wo don't stand for that congress following his successful the actress. operate .a particular machine ea t | Jerry Lovett. 29 Cottage street; with the reeull that such eymp- The attorney said Miss Hay­ H f'? Claudia Richard. 110 Washington in that school. Contributions were m&xte In the Red Cross-marked box. First row, from the left, George Skein of East Berltan -sort of prejudice." revolution. He also indeflnitely ^ S P A M PMRCMA8K :SS^2PAU PinCHASB one.; ‘-v‘- within a year, he said. tomi as hunger, thirst, lorn of postponed elections—in which he worth would return to the United SUPPERS! ' FlyM Oonelderatlon w,th.„ . « . . . h. Griffith, 27 Florence are Elaine McCartan, Pamelyn Fttzslmmws and Donna Sandals. Second row, from the left, are Rob­ weight, frequent passing of water, president of the association, pret Excluded from voting are all sided at thp meeting a t the local was s presidential cahdidste— States Dec. 8 aboard the liner •f Ltdr HoBaAin HoHoy yoo |M •f Lady Hui|Mliirs Hositry y m fsi Bilik replied that the union street; Mrs. Anna Canter, Rock- ert Sopher, Mrs. Bill end Billy Person. Absent when the photo wras taken was Patricia Richards, itching, fatigue, changes in vision, Queen Elizabeth. He said she may lUi tc^aWw C h m InotlM (A) u 4 "could hardly insist no other con- supervisory personnel, seasonal vine; Mary Withrow, 128 Lenox another young worker. department’s headquarters 04 scheduled for last June. y—s cbaicf o t iks irsetlel (A) «r siiy workers, and part-time help not ------^ ------rr:------and slow healing of cuts and €ouple WiU Wed The .order raised the percentage start a divorce action in Paris. Iho Cok Lack SuMiat Chmt '(B). •Ttfc# S Huipshirs cksnM. aideretlons” enter the job filling street: Msrska Morlino. 24 Lilley Spruce street. ,< She already has a auit pending in ALL STYLES! working on a regular schedule. ■cratches occur. During the meeting, movlM of rogiatered voters required of picture, but aald seniority should street; Mrs. Archangels Trivigno, son to Mri and Mrs. Roland Morin,! mont street; Mrs. Wanda Chartier QUITS STATE POST Dr. Lockward said, "These each political party from two to Nevada. be the first consideration.” The Lists of the eligible will be pre­ 709 Main street; Ronald Day, were shown dealing with hospital • For Third Time To questions -about, .newspaper ../Caummtm Jfiael.t.XioA- pared.by ihe. departmenL-heads ,58A Chestnut street. I and son, 69 Winter street: Alfred Hartfoid, Key, Ifr— eymplpme ta _.themeelyee a^^^ irri­ ftys —fsty snH firsa nn ths farmi - t rv~r~ - ...... Six- per cent.- The government-orig­ ALL SIZES! ^ *aaip«8lieer Sf<*)o A top man shoutd-grt-a-chance to Ston-sr Harold-'Davia, Rock-vnie.' BIRTH 'TODAY: a daughter to Code, 655 North'MMjh street-; "MTS. nty State Trtesuiror Jelui S. tating but even more impoi^'ht inally planned to Increase the fig­ reports that the actress now is aew $1 gauge, IS denier sheer deuble oniline witbin ibe ■how whether or not he can do the and checked by a union commit­ ADMITTED TODAY: Harriet Marion Fish and soh,'',South Cov­ The first, considered one,ot thd 1 WaatAald. Mass. Nov. 12—l— ure to 10 per cent to rteflnlteiy romancing with Count Jose Maria Mtehing with dark teams heel area, timilar to Etpla. tee. Colburn, Coventry; Peter Tierney, Mr. and Mrs. James Griswold, Roth today resigned the post he is the fact UiaUthe patient might moat up-to-date .films on hospiw Job. Bliik ssill. Newington. entry; Mrs. Emily Pe'rrett and has held since '1941 to accept n e ^ insulin to live.” evacuation In case at fire, ehoem -Air Force Staff S gt George T. eliminate the Communists. It com­ Vlllapadierna in Spain, Crum re­ A U COLORS! End itMcli welt • # • A niitt Bade but with reinforecd Besides Martin and Bilik, those 4 Rogers Place; Michael Morris, daughter, 58 Foster street. plied: beeL Choice of ontliaet ia DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: an Important auditing position I^ e n the natural flow of insulin how time and Ilve6 cbiild he aavaiq ,0ay has gone through two roar' promised on the lower figure, how­ ia every wemaa’s wardrobe. 'present were.James A, Sheekey, 29 Perkins street; Charles Pitney, in private Industry. The resigna­ 'ilage ceremonies with a German ever, when it found that 10 per "That’s not my department.” HUS black (1) brown (2) aavy head of the Highway and Engi­ 1003 Tolland turnpike. Edward Gaines, 208 Charter Oak in the system is lessened, the by proper drilling and planning. > but U. S. Immigration authorl- (3) or self color (4) frames Audio-Visual Aid street; Jerry Lovett, 2? Cottage RETURN HOME -X, tion takes effect Saturdaj’. It la body is unable to burn sugar, so The second showed how farmeri$ AT neering Departments, Fred E. BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A understood that a more attrac- ^ttes recognise neither as valid— OB 51 gsuge, IS denier ho* Thrall, head of the Water and daughter_ ___ to . Mr, and Mrs. David |street: George Lyons, Hertford; Mr., and Mra. CSiariel D. Ckty that insulin injections prepared could help defend themscl-vea from ■jft Pay will marry her a third time. •iery. tUO Use ill Teaching Llndorff, Storrs; a son to Mr. and Judith Ann Larson, 134 Parker of Pitteford, Vt.. have reJurnedK fiw llaanrial Inducement plus from the sweetbread (pancreas) the fire by providing water siipj , Sewer De'pa*'t*hent. Horace F. permanent tenure In his new Job of certain animels ia used in the plies gear farm buildings anq .. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Murphey, Park and Recreation De­ ¥ r n 1 1 . n rr< a Mrs. Ralph Hazen. 527 L ake;street; Richard Wishart. 22 Drive home after a visit with the family •H. Pay, said yesterday that their OUR NEW LOCATION Wam p-Sliaer M(T) oa MIRalta (W ), a slender Street; a son to Mr. snd Mrt. :F; Mrs. Mary J. Cole, 9 Deining of their eon. Spencer H. Cary of led to Roth's decision to nwko treatment *of diabetes. checking for fire hazards aroumd EXCEPTIONALLY aew 60 gauge, IS denier ikeer partment, all representing the Is lolcl to K1 A thhehange. Diebetes la usually a diaeaee of the farm. .! . non would use a. 45-day furlough black keel and black foot town, end'temporary offlcefa of Henry Becker, 9 Waddell road; a street; Robert Schaller, 31 Del- 155 McKee street. '(from Shepard Air Force Base in as ■ wisp, long treariag tiock. outlined by thin iclf colored 143 MIDDLE TORNPIKE WEST ing with tiretcb welt. Perfect the union now? in the process of Texas to Sy to Germany about sh adow ,in 51 gsnge, IS formatiqn. Some of the means of teaching ON THE RIGHT, OVER THE TRACKS FROM 51A1N STREET fer evening and drets>up ec- . denier. $1.1$ Nov. 20. LOW PRICES! ewioas. tUO The teni^^orary officers are by audio-viauel aids, such as strip MARLOW'S FOR EVERYTHING______^MARLOW'S FOR EVERYTHING.------^MARLOW'S FOR EVERYTHING------'MARLOW'S FOR EVERYTHING If the Uilrd ceremony satisfies Frank B. Hipplt, president, Arthur films, records, reference books end ;:tha lasmigratlon service, Maria • Ferrell, secretary, Leo Mettenhol- trips taken, .were .diecussed and .Schiller of tandsberg, Germany, FLETCHER CLASS CO. Buy Now For Xmas and Saref zer, treasurer, all highway depart­ I be permitted to Join her O f ment workers, and Howard Cas­ demonstrated by Mrs. Frances huriiaad in this country. Manchester sells, vice pre.sident, a water de­ Miller, principal and teacher of the W : The Srst marriage was perform- Phone 3879, partment employe. fifth and sixth grades, at the No­ •-ad by a German magistrate in that • Robert Lessard, also an qr- vember meeting of the Keeney v^buntry la 1851, Day's parents said, A good selection of modern and Venetian mirrors. How. (ganiaar- for the-Town Employes School I7 A .Monday night at the nltat becauise it was not done under liMt R mirror for that frame in the attic. RplimfitiB -li FOR EVERYTHING Union, American Federation cf schodl. * , ^ American law, the airman's wife State, County and Municipal Em­ .Mrs, Miller first demonstrated CMiDI not enter the United States 1 ^ Riven on fireplace and door mirrors^ glaiu fum|* ployes, AFL, was present at the th» Use of strip films. She stated I except under an immigration meeting, . ' ' that these are a boon In teaching quota—and that might mean a •mURSDAY EVE. ALL DAV SATURDAYS SHOE department Politics fractions, as it is much easier for Wplt of three to 10 years. Martin also said the tmion mem­ pupils to comprehend and retain a ' Pay sought Air Force perrais'- bers would not be able to paHicl- mental picture of fractions than site to marry again under Ameri­ pate in politics In any organized ■Imply learn by hearing a lot of can law but before it was granted way and would not be able to par­ numbers. In other words, if a child ks was transferred to the United ticipate in the affairs of another sees a quarter of a piece of pie GIRLS' 3.PIECE States, After months of negotig- municipality. or anything familiar he ia more tioh. Pay was permitted to marry Bilik answered that the union likely to understand and remember COnON DRESSES Miss StelUer in a trans-Atlantic does not participate in an or­ that mental picture than he .Will telephone service—but Immigra- ganised way in politics end that remember the fact that one fourth SNOW SU ITS tlea authorities would not recog- it has "no opportunity nor inclina­ is 25 per cent of the whole. f kjae this ceremony, either. tion to enter the affaire of another Wools, gabardines, shell nylons, with municipality.” In her glasses Mra. Miller Stated matching hat. Sizes 3 to 14. Pictured at right—dregs of twill Mow the sergeant is ready \o MARLOW’S that pupils are studying southwest . The union representative assured with full «kirt, buttons down to try again. Asia and the people of that area, 1 He teined the Air Force in i04T the group in answering a question AND MQRiS the waist and tt'lde black belt. after serving in the infantry dur- by Sheekey that the union mem­ end their contributions to ,,the Black or purple prints. Sizes 14 to during World War II. bers would work hand-in-hand with world. The atudenU are in the $ 1 2 .9 8 T R 1C 0 T employes of non-union contractors process of making a large paper 20. when such, contractors are award­ hieche map of the area- enwther ed contracts for town work. type of visual aid. njic .pupils also 1.PIECE SN O W SUITS Churchill Wins He also aald that unionized town make many other.gids.bjF means of FOR lO Y S AND GIRLS •mployes would cross picket lines posters and drawings. if neceeaary'to continue towii serv­ In concludtngj the speaker said Eatron and gabardine. Sizes 2 to 4. Confidence Vole ices. that Alt .the films used are first 5 Sheekey made an unsuccessful previewed by the teacher in order ONLY $ 4 .3 9 LMdon, Nov. 13--Jjn!---Prime Min­ FOR EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS attempt to find out the purpose'of that the Inay determine the age AND MORE ister GhurchUl'a conservative gov- the employes in Joining the union. level and value to the pupil. One ^ 9 . 9 5 «rnme(it oazUy won its first test Bilik said no' program of specific child was misled by a poor film at strength in the new ^rliam ent A CHOICE SELECTION OF SMART, NEW STYLES IN objectives has been set up. which gave the impreseipn that a session last'night, beatinig down an He did say that the union rep­ mouse was as large as a cow. All 1.PC. INFANTS' SNOW SUITS opposition "no confidence''^^otlon resentatives would meet annually of these things, have to be carefully by a vote of 313 to 279. \ to discuss wages before the town watched and eliminated, she- said, Sizes 12* months to 18 .months. Estron, Under British tradition, Houke of budget is s4t up. He said they At the.-buBiness mbetiifg plane some with detachable booties and mlt- Commema approval of the moltpn want more formal representation were discussed for a card party to tens. would have forced the governmeM than at present. be held on Nov.' .18, future en- to. resign. The 34-vote margin in Five DepartmeBta noimcementa of which will be the balloting was more than twice The five departments which will made later. • the governmenl e l* seal majority take pert in the Nov. 19 election An assortment Of homemade pies AND MORE over all other factions in . the 92S-; ylUST RfC^EIVED FROM SOME are the Highway Department, the wrere served with coffee, the C/ $ 1 0 .4 9 h Wnember house. Park and Recreation Department, Thankagiving motif, being used for The motion was presented by the OF AMERICA'S LEADING MAKERS the Cemetery Department, the decorations. Labor party as an-amendment to! Sewer and Water Department, and parliament's traditional address i Thia ia your greatest opportunity to buy nmart, new-atyled lamp# at the Engineering Department. POUCE HUNT SUSPECT . thanking Queen Elizabeth II (or the lowest pri«m ever! Von’H find modern and period deotgaa, a wide Procedure outlining government policy in her | choice of b a a ^ a beeuiUful aasortmeat of shades. B uy bow at these ' The first'three will vote by Reading, Bfaaa., Nay. 12 — first "speech from the throne" i bargala prtcen sad lay-away for Christmas. -paper ballot at noon In the town A notorious inirglar who Is mis­ FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Nor, 4. ! ' garage on Harrison street. The sing from kla ctwiaoMry knng* Ikiring the two-dav debate be-1 water department will cast votes outs today was listed aa a “de- SNOW F A m ^ SLACKS, in woBI^II colors. fore the voting, Laboilles centered 1 at the tame time at the depart' . finite sospecst" by poHee Invest­ I thair attacks on the government's GREATEST^VALUES WE'VE EVER OFFERED ment's' garage on Charter. Oak igating the weekend alaying of GLOVES ond HATS. Tho largesf ond finest stite* COnON aTY — ROYAL MI5S acenomic policies. Opposition lead, . atreeU'/ The-engineering depart-., ,« rospccted.. lUadiJig eonpte in -ae -CMment Attlee, 'fdrtier Prime ' their' borne. Detbetives wHlilielil rtion in -Monehostor. •-« 7 — Miaistar. asserted - the ronserva* I ment and clerical help connected ^ FRlilTj'05;YHf 4.0^ - ...... with all five de'partmenU will -vote the' name nf the' man lor wjMm fivaa had "no positive and. effer-! LAMK they began A search. ' AND OTHER FAMOUS MAKES five proposals for dealing with the j LAMPS LAMPS ^ at t p. m. in the hearing room of ■ r ' aerious econoihic position of the ' THAT USUALLY SOLD THAT USUAU lY s o l d THAT USUAUY SOLD eoumry.” TO S8.9S TO $10.50 TO $12.50 VA Winding up for the government, j COnON DRESSES eoaservative floor leader Capt. i * \ B ^ Harry Crookahank said the Labor-1 In beautiful prints, striped and plaids. Excel­ Itns had made no aggressive at-! ROYS' 3.PIECE lent for a holiday g ift Sizes 12-20, 14 ^ to lack on the administration and 1 _ 28H, 88 to 44 and .46 to 60. warn "not really lerioua" in their Bo-confidencc motion. NOTICE SNOW SU IT S SET FlRfc TO MISSION Johannesburg, South Africa. « - Wools and gabardines, some with al­ 1 $8.95 $ 2 .9 8 Nov. 12 (Ah — Arsonisti burned Our fioak fiMing Nylon Tricot paca lining. Sizes 3 to 8, Sketched. down the Anglican Mission tn '1 Cast . London last night in the Easy Easy Easy fi'aka at fires on two previoiui luxurv slip at 0 ipaeiol priea? Bantly Oil Co., Inc., closed- AND MORE Bights which razed two Catholic Terms Thrms Terms •aa-i’-awtoa NOVELH FAILLE charehea. Damage from the fires Weshat in saconds. Oriat in mini8M. $ 1 4 .9 8 was niaced at $150,000. thursday afternoon due to the Fublic meetings have been ban­ Naadt no ironing. Hos lha (amoui ned la East London and five other DRESSES South African cities as a result of jNYTHMESE* WAS SAND for deoth of Ernest Bontly, found? Full skirt tight bodice. Made to fit the fig­ the radical rebcUion against Prime ure. In beautiful ahadea of pink, bhu. Miaistcr Daniel Mslan'a white blonde and red. M^remacy policici. Violence in the ptfiact fit White Sizes 32 to 38. er of the business. BOYS’ JACKETS Also dresses ih crepe, rayon acetate and Men's pant three weeks haaecaused at Gabardines and wools, some with laaat 45 deatha V/amr fabrics. Sisea 9-15, 12-20, ISH to 24U. 3 9 8 mouton collar. Sizes to 20. 44 to 52. C it Bhep Early Many Othefa To Choose From Seoul , Korea—VP)—"Operation A service man will bo on cull Rrndeor" >TEL..2-l»9i V., 4' % •

-f - ■ , - .f ' ' . ; ■" " _ i ' ______

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER'12, 1962 PAGE SEVENim f / MANCHfiSTKR EVENING HI^ALD, llANCHESTE^, CONN, WEDNESDAY, N 0 VEM PER_ 12, 1962 t. rounding the marrtsge o f hto such aa wreaths, sprays and ar- ‘Father of Bride’ . daughter.. rafigements tor mantles and ta­ Dodge Starts Budget Study; Members of U)s east Include A l­ Leaves TonM>m>w S w i t c h e d Id R e d s bles. They will be made ^ Probi^ Asks fred Taricco, U)ls"Cpoper,’ , Judy Women’s Club Coal Wage Aloox, John Allison, Jack Loeffler, News Tidbits A membera of the group and sold In Final StagefT In the Robhina Room o f (Teater Nancy OI4, Roger Peterson, Kim Church. Mra. B. F. Crehoni is Spending Cuts Hope Bleak Shirer, Anna Fallot, Helen Kro- Holicls Bsizaar Colled from -AP W ins Ftnal preparations ars being Procedure cluUrnuui o f tho conunlttoo. MiBS Cleanup or nick, Elisabeth Perry, Slindra For Urgent made for "Father of ths Bride," Sundquist, (Varies Shaver, Robert Mary (Thapman and M ra W. W. (OesMased tress Page Oas) knowing whet our defense plane the comedy thst will be presented Rep. ChariM A. HaUack of In­ Bells win be In charge of-a s04er Morrison. Jack Robinson,''.and DitplaY Holiday . Gifts are going to be.” Friday and Saturday hy tha Man­ diana saya he axpacta to.H Re­ tea In the Federation room In president who has been decorated RuaqeU WirUlla. BUY YOUR NEXT CAR ON Ban of UN The Colorado Republican, who Is chester High School's Sock and At Annual Sale; Play T i^ Today publican floor loader of tha Houae Di scussed conjunction with the aale. by President Trupian for hto serv-1 in line to become chairman o f the Buskin at the Bowers School. The Members were entertained Mon­ and to sot aaeking to ba House ices aa financial advised in post- Senate Finance committee. sdil -1 play la being directed by Mrs. P y T o n i g h t Speaker . Naw Otlaani ptayat- - (Oaatlaueff Fram Page Om ) day by a showing of three dimen­ (t e) i 'i | •war Germany and Japan. He also that “We will try to reduce taxes Helen Page Skinner. ctoa teatifleg at treaaoa trial o f sional stereoscopic colored slides aa soon as it is feasible." The. well-known plot revolves ED’S SIGN CO. S M I** SicoiwtlaBa, m hmfpy former army Mrgoant John D. However,' it did say Putnam had taken by Harold Bells and hto he did not want any employes die- to a Republican and former finan­ THE BASIS OF ITS RECORD... that Prime Mtwlat ar Daniel F. loyal to their Countriee, he would cial adviser on government affairs around thS- trouble in which a a 6omaMrclaI Lettering erewd u d many ■uitabte Chrlat- 'Provoo and saya Provoo daelared decided he should rule on the main mother. Mrs. William Eelto, on GENERAL ARRESTED Malan’s wbita aupramacy ^ icy issue himself rather than sending not fire enyone bn “mere euepiclon to Dwight D. Eisenhower, who father can become entangled dur­ IBM etna attractively displayed American people deserved fate of their recent trip to Europe and ' Tehran. Iran. Nov. 12—(ffl— ing those vital atraiigamenta sur­ a SUk ScKcn Preoaaa Printing threatens world peace becoming "alavea of the Japanese." the case back to the wage board. North Africa. Some of the slides or emeera." ' will replace Truman In the White make the HoHday Baaaar at the At UN headquarters. Lie said he Houae on Jan. 20. Foreign Minister Hosseln Fateml Ciatar ^nsrefatlonal Church to- While Jooata 'waa apeakiiig In Denmark's OotwarvaUva-Agrar- The coal miners went on strike included views taken from tlw aaid today retired Brig. Gen. Haa-' a Neon Service 4ffter the board's ruling chopped was certain his resignation would His appointment by the Presi­ aay a place weU worth t IsIUiik- cmninittae, Paktotan’a Foreign ian government loaoB parliament air. the colorful gardens of TuU- san TabaUbaiq waa arrested for vou on lU drive to lower sUte- the 40 cents from the negotiated erlas, Sacre Coeur Church, the be accepted. Hla statement came dent-elect to serve as a personal Many people are Visitlnr the after BriUsh Foreign Secretary distributing "provocstlve leaflets.” Ed Toincxak, Mancheater 8388 Mtntoter Sir Mohammed Zafruliah controlled milk prices . . . Trus­ rise. Eiffel Tower, topoir«phy Uatoon man with outgoing budget ctareh today for the annual sale Anthony Eden said he hoped Ue officials is without precedent. The arrest was announcsd yes­ FRESCRIFTIONS the Women's redersUon, which Khan waa telling a plenary aeaaion tees of the Wells fund announce They went back to work after a Africa from the plane, lAke Lu­ at could be persuaded to reconsider The precise nature of his role terday but no specific reason was Or Hartford 3-S49S Tki fiatiris roa wut ii itir eii;. wfll centlmie with a ham dinner o f the aaaembly that “ racial, ra- plans for immedflita oonatruction week's stoppage In response to a cerne In Swib^ertand and various given. At a news conference Care^any Compounded llgioua and color dtocrimlnation of sU-room homo for widow and ^ea from Lewis. The union chlqf and aa Braxil'e Foreign Secretary may ba Worked out within the next mreed M* W iM n iff hall this ere- scenes In Britain. few days In confereaces with Fateml said Tabatabale was not ■inc to he followed by the Center and prajudtea are hetaig intantlled- four cUldish ot Neal iL Walls. 39- ihade hto request after a White Joao Nevea da Fontoura toU the SAFETY, DlfflABIUTY, PERFORMANCE, Ooafeaed With PMriottom General Aaaembly he hoped the Frederic J. Lawton,' President connected with any planned coup anfioamtani' and " v ~ destru^ve aiM-tlM ganerai puifllc. ; ------Wari»n 1. Keith, secretary, and her U. S. dUxepaMp. o f detatted figures, already has COMEIN TODAY-^ o p e ^ offices for private practice Thraa prominent Japetnese car­ leav- Mission in Barre, 'VL *putry didf,” aa expanded herb one. The proceae of aeU-deter Mrs. (Thariea M. Upham, Jr., The attractive witness said she been under way for months. Dec. It*a tba.anw way to eho Booth, eat up In the Robbins Room, minatlon muat ba accelerated.” treasurer. Mrs. WlUlam Bells wanted the passport to go to Rus­ 15 Is ths deadline to start It tha ayaa o f miUiona, American atockck can ahowabow what Uieyuiey have' to offer “ native of Poland. natures leave for New York to iwplnye saM that the aaty .for are urged to attend this meeting oompraaaioa engine has all the power that you’ll aver which carriaa In addition to herbs But though debate turned to waa elected representative on the sia but had not yet gone there. through the printing presses, and TOY ------______Mve oam en ia tonns o f saibty, wibty. durabilit! dunbility and performanoa. South Africa, chiaf UN intereat re- press Japan’s plea fbr admission maUty la tha rhaage ayag waa a and to bring in their gifts for Jan. 17 to the deadline by law for on'a afl-tima record>rd apeaks forI itaelL used to gat you out o f tight apota. That’s parformaaeal ddlcades such as homemade Jel- few vtalta ta the Baaslaa aaAaaay Board of Directors. She was suspended without pay for your porfoci Thus Hudaen givaa you tnon ot what you aaad t e yaqr malned on the two major problema to the United Nationa needy children. The gifts, prefer­ from her $3,500-a-yoar job by the submisalon to Congress. Uas. conserves and preserves. Mrs. ia WaaMagtaa. (NKA. Tala- A bouquet of single pink chrya daily driving than does any other car. Qeorpe Simmons of North Coven­ ratoed thua far' in the aaaembly ------r ably toys, should be marked for a UN last Friday, the day after she Thua Truman, who has responsi­ OIM. or iOY / meeting—the Korean deadlock and phata). anthemuma waa presented to the boy or girl and with the appropri­ bility for preparing the new bud- try, aatborlty on herbs, to at this O b itu ary retiring president, Mrs. Eugene was subpoenaed by the MeCThrron I awe's ael fer cd M So, stop in and aaa ua. Saa how it feala to dzbn Ammienli h O ^ and to demonstratinp the tha fuMen resignation Morulay of ate age. committee, . . . — ...... xeL will be In office only three^ Sacretary General Trygve lie. Peiping Warn$ UN M. Spleea, by Mtoe Mary The Speaker wilt be Mrs. G. Al- 'd a y i after he blfl'clally proj^bses It* et^k-ear championt—... . . , varkma ways of enhandiip a meal man. “IV«4i eiirt. raUMU amUaat throuph tlM use of herbs. In New Weal Prepoaed Bradley Raps bin. Dahlquist o f Warwick, R. I., ASSURED o r PEACE Dodge indicates he will sit In .■N charpe of the booth are Mrs. In the Korean debate, the Rua- On Prisoner Vote A huge specimen chrysanthe­ jurisdiction secretary of supply for Eisenhower rathrely to famillar- D e a t h s aiana ware faced with a new wist mum in varied shades of ^nk was work.' She Mdll spe^ on supply Ixe himself with the budget. He Ooorpe Hunt and Mra. Allen Bel- Berlin, Nov. 12 — (ff>—Preal- request for agreement thrt exhibited by George (Tlark. Miss work aiid discuss the Barre Mis­ says he will neither disagree nor dtor. U. Sa Fear of dent Wilhelm Pleck UtSaj Issued James JohiMtou prtoonera of war not ba forced to Tokyo, Thursday, Nov. Is -ig v - Ellen Buckley brought an ar­ sion. concur on the items to be pro- HUDSON HUM HMCTSWMTHnESTNKUUICNNNI James Johnston. 71, a former return to their homelands. The Pelplng Radio said todaV If the rangement of varied type gourds Mrs. Dorothy Potter and* Mrs, a stetemeat aannrtng Frnaoe I>oaed by Truman. Any changes, resident at Manchestev, died this west's new ^an was put forth yes- United Nations support the U. 8. in a bamboo container. Edith MacCIilggage are co-chair­ that hto Soviet-spoBSoied East he -Buggeata, can he proposed by For the first time ia biatozy, one car—^Hudson— M ilitary Men Oermaa Republle wouM “never MOST DURABLE car your money can buy Secret FDR Plea morning at his home, 3fi Weat tsrday by British Foreign Secre­ "non-forcible repatriation" policy Thursday afternoon, Dec. 4, the men of the program, and refresh­ Elsenhower in messages to Oon- to champion ia all thna major racing amecte. tary Anthony Eklcn, who submitted for war prisoners they would tolerate”' aaother war waged by Euclid street, Hartford. Mr. John- Garden (Tlub will stage a Christ ments will be in charge of the Ep- greas after Jan. 20. ^ ^ All Toys Nonnod and Soloctod by ■laadira trim u d otbw ■peeUkatloee end aeoMeacto enbject ta • I witbMit aoCfaib tkma: AAA, National Amodation tor Stodi. aton formerly lived at 319 Center a four-point peace proposal con "open the door to endless calami­ Washington, Nov. 13— Iff)— Gen. mas sale of seasonal decorations. worth (Tircle, Germans against the French. But Eisenhower's staff, in an­ Told to Probers eluding: ‘‘after an armistice, a ties in which their own people may Car Radiig, and Padfio Racing Amodation. In strset, Manchwtsr. He waa em­ Omar Bradley aald today "we nouncing the liaison appointments, eSjMifis eHtsfor/c Spots 62 raom in 1952, Hudaoa ana fiiat 44 timm ia prisoner of war may not be either be held back forcibly.” /tm cdeal ^am cul *Jcf CMU c h ployed aa a waaver by Cheney have nothing to fear from military said the role includes "represent­ the following ritim: (C Brothera for 44 yeara, prior tohia forcibly detained or forcibly re- ThIa view o f the nriaoner ques­ ing the personal views of General e Museums eChurches men” dominating the government. retirement in 1M7. He waa a mam- I>etriatsd." tion now before the United Nations Eiaenhower.” So the door to open nimbar of tUnaa by the Preddent. ber of St. Mary's Elpiscopal Cburcb. Eden pointed out that Soviet General Assembly was given by The cbairmsui of the Joint (Thiefs for Dodge to discuss major de- BILLY and RUTH m fam ous RsstouronfS Wait PdraRaKh, Fit. MmwmMI^Vg HHEa Foreign Minister Andrei Vlshin- Chen Ti-chiang. described by Peip­ Once, he recounted, was durlnp He leaves his wife, Mrs., Clara o f . Staff who ,sei^ed. with. Dwight EOLDOM eyen thbugh the final.prPr 1 alUe ' RWlan, OWa Sealb RaiR, ImL Mry, despite lengthy legal argu­ ing as ‘!an international law-ex^ ■ • th e yUR o f WSaden WniKie. the fRoiihils) Xdlinatbh; .oiie adn, John D. EUaenhower when the Prcaident- duct to still a reflection of the Tru-1 CmlaM, Ohta' HdNaaid, Vt. ments supporting the principle of pert.” L 0 W C O S T dafeated Republican presidential A. Johnston of 'Weathampton elect also was a five-star, general man administration viewpoint only. amniiia# la IMO who cams to Moa- forced repatriation, had never said Peiping, aa heard here, q u ot^ (•rftM, OiM. S« daft, UU. Itdiailtr, N.T. Beach, L, I.; two. daughtera, Mra. at length from an article by Chen made no reference to the latter's Admintotratlon offlclala have In­ Get In Our RcNiRft Trip FftRE EWMnaan,N.C Octanaadwt, N.C AdwvWa,EC eew aa Roosavelt'a apedal repre- Mary Collins and Mra Dinah Un- flatly the Soviet Union Insists on election last week. dicated they will gladly consider Mntativa in Scptmnber, IMS. this. A. U. S. spokesman comments in Peoples Daily, mouthpiece of TtiM9,Flh ChailaSa, E C Tairra Nwla, ML nell and a granddaughter, Mlaa the Chinese Communist party. Indeed, in an address prepared any views Dodge would like to| ed later that the R^aqton’s long DRUG STORE FROM MftNCHESTER Standtoy aald a WUIkle aide, Phyllto Unnell. all of Manchaater. Chen said the U. B. position vio­ for delivery to the Association of express. SirtliOTMe, Y8. DattaN, Mkh. AflaOt, Rt. arhom ha Identifiad aa Joe Baraet Funeral arrangementa are In­ speech Monday was aa "close to Land Grant CTOlleges, Bradley made in their eyes, here is the broad | CthH8ki8,XC Hto|anFal|,Oa. SpflwRaM,H. aitanpad aa interview with Stalin lated the Geneva convention on ♦42 MAIN snO T AT « . JAM BSTSKT U tm n m l ■ Essay Contest Now! Only complete and will be announced closing the door as you can come the . treatment of prisoners. a point of dlaaasoclatlng his com­ budget picture Dodge will find M«ti,6h Owa|a,ILV. fflm ,ILC for VnUkto althouph the embaaey later. without saying so.” Chon repeated the charge that ment from the Issues of the recent \iiiEiiSai I he approaches his job of seeking I a—ma----m----- *-■------n_ea had triad unauccesafully to make $3.45 lanAerie, Ph HhNURIB UEwTwg ^wa MMasBEiBg wBKa There was no immediate . Rus­ thousands of Chinese and’ Korean campaign. He prefaced it by say­ ways for Eisenhower to fulfill hto tha aame appointment, ihm im ably ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY A SATURDAY I WMlAk 1 3 c | RwRmM l SX. Maaraa, Mkh. UMtoH F ^ Om Mrs. Ismiae WIrtalla sian comment on Eden's speech. prisoner who refuse to return to ing he waa glad the election was campaign pledge to reduce what Vsloable prizes for the best essay on ‘'WHY I LIKE CUMren Under 13—Half Fare Staadley referred to Joseph Nor was there any indication the general called ^"crazy'' federal | Children Under 5—Free Barnes, former Moacow corre­ Mrs. Louise WIrtalla, 87, wife of Red soil had been forced to take over "because any remarks made the late Rudolph WIrtalla, of Bo­ that the Russians and the West that position by "savage beatings by an active-duty soldier during a apending and taxes." TO SHOP AT THE BUDGET CENTER.” Open to all spondent and one-time forelpn edi­ might get together on a succesriir DRUG STORE Final recommendations by the I Sunday train leaves Maaebes- tor of the New York Herald- gota. N. J.. died Nor. 9 Ifi Bdgota. and torture." political campaign might be mis­ Is^iAmJ ter at 8:38 A. M. Budget bureau for major Items boys and girls in grade schools and high school. Contest TMhuae, Funeral aervices wars held last to Lie. They failed to agree on hla These charges have been re­ construed.” Aftar tha Interview. Standtoy night in Bogota, and the body waa reappointment in 1050— after the peatedly denied by the U. S. and Bradley said that: .. auch aa military services, foreign cIoiMs Saturday, Dec. 6. .7^ Return train leave* South Sta- recounted. WiUkie told him he had brought to Manchester today for Norwegian strongly supported the other nations'fighting the Com­ "When the people of this nation M.M Va aid and atomic energy have not I tloa, Beaton, at 8:45 P. M. dtocusaed with Stalin several mat- burial in the family plot In the UN action in Korea. Moscow munists in Korea. elect their President and the mem­ been completed. Leasers figures al­ tara "so secret that he couldn’t East Cemetery. Radio commented last night that Chen said any prisoner captured bers of thlr Congress, they are in a 100 ASPIRIN FITCH ready hue cleared the Budget M c C l u r e a u t o COMPANY Mra. WIrtalla leaves one daugh­ Lie’s resignation waa a revelation by force on the battlefield and conr bureau am have been approved or GET FREE TICKETS HERE FOR A K K SHOW ravaal them to the United States sense entrusting to them the power TABLETS. U.S.P. 8 BRAIN. (U m itu...... MANCHESTER ambasssdor.” ter,'Mlm Iva WIrtalla of-Bogota, of "his complete political bank­ fined in a camp waa “ under dul*eu" which could spell peace or war, are awaiting action by President | 373 MAIN STREET until released. He argued that the NEW HAVEN Btandley, Ambassador to Mos- and a sister, Mra. Otto Beelert, ruptcy." freedom or tyraimy, demoocacy or Tnjipaii, Geneva Convention was silent on AT THE STATE THEATK SATURDAY. D EC.« RAILROAD eew from IM l to 1M3, reported in and several nieces and nephews in CItm Red Pressure dliftatorthip — for the combined lAtnltr Near Ou^ot Fbak a aarlM o f secret documents that this town. Three Scandinavian newspapera "non-forcible" repatriation for that For several years, military serv­ reason. authority of the President and the ai . was preparing the corridor published an interview today with (Tongress ia almost supreme. With ices have been building toward a I barrier states now behind the Thomas D, Finley (Then said the Chinese and North LIFEBUOY SOAP production program for planes, | Lie in which he aald he quit be­ Korean Communista "absolutely that authority goad Um complete Curtain. Frianda in to wn received a wire cause of the pranure the Russians responsibility for the future. NEBULAR SIZE BANS. (UaiitS)...... tanka, ahipa, and, guns. Officials _ Twe-Tenr Effort today announcing the death of cannot accept this non-forcible now expect to reach tha peak just BEftMaRiRoL put on him. Lit had told the Gen­ repatriation aimed at detaining "Tliat to why I believe that the -a Hto story backaroiinds a two- Thomas D. Finley, which occurred eral Assembly Monday he hoped military in our government must uiiinM before the new fiscal year begins effort by Pollah officials to early this rooming at his home In war prisoners.” July 1. A B e q u d fid his resignation might remove a "To do so," he added, "would always keep a eubordlnate role to ts tbeir officers in Soviet prto- Miami, Fla., where he had lived Thus the next fiscal year . to ELEOTRICAL barrier to Etost-Weat agreement throw the door wide open to de­ the .civilian authority. ' and must HltiNllW O U P a h u In g i camps. The committee saye for many years. PEROXIDE AewN ieM lr scheduled. to be the period of on Korea. tention of prisoners of war by influence that civilian authority f ay were murdered hy the Naato He leaves hto wife, Mrs. Merce­ only as helpful advisori. of HYDNOBEN, FULL PINT. (Uaitl). >a9»*699«969 heaviest actual output. The plants Am.lANCiES yaar later. In the special polltclal commit­ armed force" and “would place des (North) Finley, and three tee, meanwhile, the question of any number of people of various "But I can say from personal have been built, prototypes de­ Ihimner Welles, 'former Under^ daughters. Interment will be In rare relations in South Africa was countries, who might have the mis­ knewledgev-4UM}-46 years of experi­ veloped, and contracts let. The M eritsry of State, also has been Florida. brought urgentl.v to the fore by fortune of becoming prisoners of ence, that we have nothing to fear only way big cuts can be made imoned for further testimony bloody riots which flared up in war, at the mercy of a most cruel from military men themselvee. Pm quickly to to cancel contracts or STUART WARNER diplomstic developments In ths several cities'there over the week fate.” Their role in our national life, even OLIVE TABLETS delay deliveries which still' must MosinxP yean of the war. Conunit- end, bringing death to at least 33 The Allies at the Korean armis­ in times o f war and international be paid for eventually. F u n e r a l s Dr. EDWARDS, 90c SIZE. (Umui)...... ^ M officials ssy Welles was aware persons. tice negotiations insisted they stress. Is far from dominant. Not only have commitments al­ RADIOS Md TV Umt Moscow used the furor over The bitterness o f the Issue was would not force any prisoner to No Cliques C K A m ready been made for this program, Baymoad Knlplaaky TIME! covery of the Katyn maseacre Indicated yesterday in the assem­ return to Red territory. They esti­ "In our armed forces, the dem» - CMsaataav but most of the money-already is r IMS as a pre-text for breakinf The funeral of Raymond Kul- bly's general debate, when Indo­ mated that only pbout a third of cratlc principle to stronger than in on hand. Budget officials estimate pinaky of IS Hasel street, who nesia and Burma both declared 15,000 Chinese prisoners were will­ any other country. There are no the federal government will carry Mlations with the Polish fiovem- military cliques.” DELTA AND died suddenly Friday -while- visit­ that their, governments considered ing to go back to (Tommunist ter­ over about 80 billion dollars in BSnt in exile in order to set up a Bradley,' tUscussing the reasons gro-Oommunist regime in Poland. ing friends in Ansonia, was held l^outh Africa's policies as one of ritory. funds already authorised by Con- WE WILL ALLOW YOU MORE FOR YOUR CAR TOWARDS A NEW yesterday afternoon at 3 o’clock the several major items causing and justification for the Korean DLACK A DECKER « W. Averell Harriman, Ambassa- war, said: gress but still linspenU All but 11 flpr to Russia between IMS and from the W> P- <)uiah Funeral world tension. to 12 billion of this backlog is In Home and at 3:30 at the Concor­ South Africa's Aalan-Arab op­ "ITiere la one frontier — the 94S, and his daughter, Mrs. Stan. Ike, Dewey Meet amalleat one In the world — that IVORY the military services. POWER TOOLS B y G. Mortimer Jr., of New York, dia Lutheran Church, The pas­ ponents won their first major vic­ The Atomic Energy conuniaslon tor of the church. Rev. Erich O. has becomq the most important S io will-testify today. tory in the committee yesterday SOAP- has embarked on a voet expansion The/First Time Brandt, officiated. Mrs. George when the.v pushed through—by a Friday, Aide Says one of all. It to the line across **Chief Counsel John J. Mitchell Winsler was soloist and Ivan vote of 4t-l a recommendation Korea a little over 100 miles'long. program estimated to Coat five bil­ /Y o u tr y Mid Mrs. Mortimer, then Kathleen It is on this short line that wo 3«-23* lion dollars over several years. ■arrims BMkwith presided at the organ. for a good offices commission to . M il bacauae the Nazia were guil- were F>«d Baker, of 43 Undale oppoaihg tha CommuAiat aggrea- ters. He played: a key n>l«' in help­ nual-expendlturs* are -fixed by; law sora. ■ ing. to.win the nomination for the run In 1950 and 1951. I .alao be- WkaHistt __interest on Uia national debt (a a Ore ■liedoSetoor* c o o K m r j^ of' much worse crimes against atreet, who has been with the com­ Have that our brave -iuid coura­ m m i i a a awoitmii t r w S Poles. — ; pany for 40 years: Miss Emma The South Koivans alsn repeat­ genera! and his Republican oigan- rising exptnsd). veterans benefits, MTM • izatlon wa.s a Mg factor in carry­ geous resistance gave a n e w PiNA-kaMm 4 M ^ tbs postal deficit, funiU to match a Two wW Omtow ‘ tolackson said that Russia, as an Klngbaum, 14 Summer atreet. who ed their opposition to a truce and OMMMlvOalaNe * 8ACH ing New York ante for Eisenhow-. breath of life and a new meaning 7Bat. * m .i i * sUte'e money fol'-roade and wel­ u fE m L B M y, could not have been indicted has had 32 years' service; William Insisted they would continue to to .the authority of the United Na­ aOta M Nuremberg for Katyn. He er ih last Tuesday's election. ChetoaSsesala fare. etc.’ Cuts are considered Im- .Wylie,. 53 Lake street, with 27 press for the incorporation of all tions. Mr COOCB a m tRd Representative O'Konskl' fR.. years; and Raymond Mercer, 28 Korea under their own regime. There has been speculation that poeslble or very difficult in moet of years. Dewey might be offered a cabinet "And further, I believe that our a m iu u fis n x n Ma.) that "if you will capture These declarations were enn- action in Korea may have prevent­ theee fields. MMin, I will try him” for atroci- tsined In a booklet distributed to post in the new Republican ad­ That leaves about five to eix • TIRES 'THAT WILL BE HARD TO REFUSE ministration. Dewey himself said ed—or at. least forestalled for the 60 UN delegationp. some time—the Soviet union's billion to operate all other agencies fflila brought a telegram from The atatament said the Syng- lut week, however, that he in­ of the government. Some reduc- Public Records tended to finish out his term aa step by step aggression leading to •DATTCRIES JMn Chappie, editor of the -Ash- man Rhee go\*emment was eager Worid War ni.” Uons might be possible, but they iMd, Wis., Daily Press, who said to expand Its armed forces, but governor. He has two more yeara would 'be limited as to size. in that office. A t another point, Bradley .said: kson’a testimony was "unwor- Warrantee Deeda must have "aubstantial aid from ■ dponnv DIffereat View Asked specifically whether Eis­ ‘^AUhough no ifian can gaae Into * of a Supreme Court Justice" Irene Ridyaid to Hugo A. and our ABlaa." the crystal hall and tell lis what • M O K A L NtCMlmaWud That to. the'administration out­ X . urged that the Justice re- Gertrude E. Lautenbach. property enhower was going to ask Dewey tSSTkr* look The Eisenhower administra­ TIMEFAYMElin to join his cabinet, Hagerty aaid goes on In the minds of the Krem­ CUM WMX on Fern street. lin’s leaders. It to obvious that our a e o o w a x tion may take a different view. aChapple claimed-Jackson was he had no idea and that anyiyay Oawr Wafaew For example, the Committee for Harry W. Keeney to Walter A. he covildn’t diacuss. such mattMP at firm stand against aggression and 2 . 5 9 * ARRANGED ON nnpting “to influence the corn- Arcand ahd Mary M. Arcand, prop­ Apply for Permit o u r detarfhined rabuUdiqg of ■to VflhM Economic Development, an organi­ tee members as jurors. He this time. W oA sovoc. RL.. 2 9 * S eriticlaed what he called erty on Delroont atreet. straanth In Europe has forced a Dries fariokt H n c AIm i sation sponaored largely by busi­ n’a “ tnaincere" remark Marriage License To Build Store change ih their technique. Now, In- What a (to KM nessmen (Elsenhower is a trustee), ALLFURGNASES SUUn. Charles Newton Knowles of stand of threatening us, they are ClJUiOIS ■M.tiJi.... 19* boy at AmW has aaid four billion dollars could WitchIta. Kaa. and Jean Meldrutn About To4vn talking peace and playing the In­ be saved by reducing waste and TBCMAN 8IUENT Davidson. Saturday. South Metho­ Application has been made to ternational Innocent In the forum Phm Fed. Tax inefficiency In mUltary senrices ■HSHWHSteM dist Church. the building inspector’s office for Grand Tall Cedar WOltam o< tha United Nations." and almost three billion could be FOR THE DEAL OF YOUR LIFE SjHMhingtOB, Nov. 13—(iP>—The Bonding Permits a permit for the construction of Forbes has accepted for Nutmac cut from other agencies by re­ B nlte Houm said today that Preai- To Manchester Roofing Com­ the Sheridan Corporation's pro­ Forest No. . 116, Tall (Tedara of C A SU A LTU 8 INCTRKASB UQUOR DEFT. OFEN LE8AL H O U R S ,! f t . Mato 11 F.M . ducing Bome leas essential serv­ Truman has decided not to pany for Alois Wimmer for two- posed $45,000 etore end. apertment Lebanon, the invitation of Rav. ices. IMfe a newa conference this week. car garage at 423 Center street, building to be built at the corner Fred R. Edgar to attend acrvicaa Washhigton, Nov. 13—(ff5— Eisenhower has aaid be would B U D G ^ N T E R ^ immediate DeUvery ' Ictlng Press Secretary Roger $1,233. of Main and Pearl streeta.' at the South Methodist (Thurch oh The Defiasr dupaitmiait today CORBrS FftRKER’S OLD THOMFSOH aim at a 30 billion doliacreduction rs parted L818 Korean bnttia by said the reason to ..that the To Herman E.- Gardner for al­ The application waa filed this Sunday. Noy. 16, Those (Tadara In federal spending, but be has 91 C^NTEB.STKEn MANCHKSTIB mt baan't anything in par- morning by John R. Wennergren, planning to attend are requested esewWee In n week's flghtlag BLENKH WHISKEY ^ RESERVE BLENBEO WHISKEY not aaid bow much he would cut terations and additions to dwell­ - the largest weekly iTmaae la to talk about with newa- ing at 278 Buckland atreet. $1,006. bead of tha construction firm that to meet at the church hot totar the first year. will erect the two-atory 13-room than 10.:15'a.m., at which tima they a year, n i s bcangHt la ISMH 8« Proof BI«id«d Rjrc, M Ihroef 86.8 Proof Sen. Eugene MUUkia, returning OPEN FOB YOUK CpNVENIBfCE T p William Kilpatrick for James brick and cinder block building. the total killed, we— fled HW'a practice has been to will enter as a body and occupy Mt aa*. 'fi9*-Penver from a week end con­ Kilpatrick, alteratiom and add!- According to the application, the mtoakig la aetlaa alnee the war c lure a u to go the seats Rev, Edgar has mt aside 4 EVENIIMS UNTIL 9 P. M. M C ., inc. with repertara every Thura- ference with Eiaenhower at Uona to office on Hitchel drive, atructure will be 38 by 90 feet and for them. hegaa.. tlito routine waa upaeh in $1.S85. Fifth 3 . 8 4 2 . 9 8 3 . 7 5 Augusta. Ga„ told Intervlbwers 373 MAIN STREET Direct Factory Dealer MANCHBSTBR contain two storaa and four apait- "It would be utterly irreapofisible MONDAY. TUESDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY ikar by hla pra-alaetioa |am- To Barnard August for BaniUk manta and will ba- idr eonditlonniL IntermedUte Girt Scoot Troop Tbara waa no crown at tbs eoe^ B M i t o l M laat Mwa eo^if«^ Pagan!, ena-story dwalllag at Otto Arnold Lawreoea was the archi­ POPULAR K IR AND ALI MHUOEMATiO tor anyoae to put a definite date 50 will meet at tha (Taotar Clini«h naation off Hnglaiiff’s U n g Hatny eto tax leductlena in advance at and Foraat straeU, $11,000. tect ot tha building. tomorrow night at 7 o’eloek. HL

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M W BH3HTKEH MANGHESTEB EVENING HERALD. HANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1962 MANCHEiliER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1952 PAGE NOfETm 1 ■■ --Axf—s- - r ^ItoefcTflle Rockville Marine Wins Silver Star M ariiieCited tbit," Ke' added:” But a deelsibn in Iff perjury in 1350 on the basis Of Leud-Lease Ships Hiss Decision Due the Hiss case could be made In his aworn testimony that he never Deputy CD Director two or three weeks.” gave government secrets to Whit­ F o r B r a v e r y No sDectal priority would be taker Chambers, admitted one­ ‘Back to School’ Is Them e Will Go to Japan In 2 ol* 3 Weeks given the Hiss esse .. despite its time courier for a Communist spy 1 notoriety, Killinger said. To wtn a ring. vl r~ PURCHAS^’ For Inform ative Scions Silyer Star Is Awarded - Tokyo, Nov. 12—(d>)—The U. 8. Lewisburg, Ps.. N o v .-12^—(A^— parole, the application must be ap­ Parole board record! ehow that proved by D im or the five board if Hiss continiica to accumulate ^ P E C I A L . ai^d'Japen today signed an agree- Alger Iflss, serving a five-yekr To RockvOle Veteran prison term here for perjury, may members. time off at the present rate he will . ment under which American ahipe Hiss, 47-yesr-oId former Stale win full release .ertthout any hoard Ito d n llK }Xmmls- main in the organization for a or any etbar swrfaca shops at veterans’ hospitals. Mrs. July 8. The Mnrlna was wounded during^ the Sghtlng. few months as aide to Director •Hm CSindrona’ Clotblng SK- fering enoouiragement end direct­ alon. Luts has been elected chair malarial utad in Myrtle Pierre, rehabilitation chair­ Edward W. Krasenica. ehango sponsored by tbo organisa­ ing the attack on the enemy poai- man of the Town Planning (Jorn. n t-a rfr bathrooms. It's aosy tion win be open again Friday, man is In charge o f the coUeetlon tioa' to the budget end a per- tloaa. It wee not until ordare were Groot has been a G-3 (plans and of the gifts...... Tolland mlaalon, not the development com­ ,*•- apply, aosy to from l:SO to 4 p. m i Intbe sebod oaategn e f -101 -par eant haa bean received'to* hreek'Contact wifii"the mission...... operations!. officer-since he--joined basement. Clothing dhould bo Personal MentioB ettelnad. Aleo dfecueeed at the re­ enemy that Ivaniakl was evacuated CD. A m ajor. in the army re­ ciaon. G o your tub- Mr. and Mrs. WUUam C. Maher cent meeting wee the enthusiestle serve.’ the new deputy served in j brought in tomorrow during the Release Driver te e medical station for treatment. TWO CONVICTS KILLED. BALCH is Your K o v a K H I o ^ aanM bows,' soarkod with also and of Cranston, R. L, were recent visi' work of the SO eauvaeaers in cov­ Born end raised in this commun­ World War II as a .field artillery tors at the home o f their cousin, ering the community. Intelligence officer in the Asiatic- price dealr^ Twenty per cent ity, Ivaniakl is 37 years old and Tuxtla Gultierres, Mexico. Nov. goes to the sehool fund and the Mrs. James Sheehan of High From Hospital; haa been in the Merinea since 1941 Pacific theater. street 12—(dV-Two convicts were killed Groot haa been in the restaur­ remainder to. the owner. Mlaa Florence Leonard, mambpr when he anliated. He is the son o f by machinegun 5re yesterday in School EnDdlBg Oeessdttee Miss Ann Gworek of Union ,Mr. and Mra. John Ivaniakl o f 9 ant business for hia entire civilian street has returned from a visit Had Lost Way of the faculty of the OTange, N. J. an attem pt^ break by 34 crim- A representative of Carl 3. achool, apent the w eek and a t her Rivar street. He attended end life. He is married and is the in New Torit a ty ...... Yow greetest. ^ Inals from the Cnilapas State Pen- father o f four children. Haimfddt Amnelatee, sadrttehts home hare. Heri’elater M iry wlU graduated'fram St, Joseph’s end itentlaiy- here,, in the .southeast Tolland, Nov. 13—(Special)—A RMkvtUo K M Srtiools. Duri^ sikeieeef attended the meeting of the School The Eoekvllle bureau of 1 vleit for aeveral days in Orwige. corner of Mexico. . ‘ Building committee taut night a t Westover Field,'Slaaa., elnnen who Mra. Maude Stesie end Mr. en Wortd War n, he served with the The other 32 freedom-seekers Mandieeter Evening Herald Is loot his way while driving through Marlnae tn the PaelSc theater for eheieest ttUski'^i ' < f ) the office of Superintendent A. Mra. Meaou Steele and. family of surrendered or were captured. oated at One Market , sneet Te this nrea and crashed Into a tree 38 months. Ho has been in Korea Diaper Rash E. ChattertoR. Members discussed phone BeckvIBe 6-8188. Ellington, wan recent gueeta in The prisoners left the penite.r- i- JiXV To cleanse tender p a ^ spedScations deemed advisable for on Buff cap road, la asmected to be this town. since February 6l this year. He B lm d tisry through a hole they had —. V-' ease red, smarting skin, BETTER DEttL released from the hospital Monday. has thrae aisters, Mias Teri Iveni- inclusion in the - proposed sew Mra..W. C. H. Moe Is a gueat of ‘bor^ in a three-foot masonry wall and hasten letum of school, including gymnasium, clinic Delmar A . Klmberk was sn akl of Rockville, who operates a f f comfort, use dependable PONTIAC DEALER PHONE a- SHARKSKIN but were trapped In an adjacent routs to-Sprlngflsld, Mass., from her son Rueaell at Guilford. Manchsster beauty shop, Mrs. JMBII J M S t l ■T .. rooms, offices, class rooms, com­ Conducts A Class ' Mr. and Miu. WilUein Wuerdlg 4|6 qt. cornfield surrounded by barbed I i ..|i|i r "1 1. • I 'l.iM ' li' 'I•■T bined cafeteria and library and Stonlngton and wont off ths ronts Ksnneth Smith of IS Laursl place, w ire.' in TOUand Saturday night. His car of Menchaater were guesta here Manchester, and Mrs. Louis‘Borns RESINOUK other details. - For Convalescents Saturday. Straight In'order that members of the went out o f controTand smashed o f Hagerstown, Md. into n tree. Klmberk suffered Mra. Lawrence Smell of Rock­ committee may better familiarise ville wee n Mmidey gueat at the SBLF-lNrUOTED WOUND themnelvda with the work carried Utica, N. T. ^ OP) — Mise Mary head end body Injnrioa and was ^ 4 .7 3 4|8 qt. taken by ambulance to Johnson Steale-HaU home. out by the architect they have Pistolesi better underetanda the Dr. Samuel Slmpaon has return­ Milford, ^Nov. 12—m —A 16- selecM, the group will visit the Memorial Hospital at Stafford problems of her convalescent class ed to his residence after being a year-old Milford Hi|d> School, ■ Bond y elemOuta^ sdmd in BloomSeld Springe. at (hmkltng School faccauae she 4-H <3ub AcMvttlee patlant. at th e •Mencheeter Memo­ student -was reoovering from a Hov. ii . The ooBunlttee will mart rial HosplteL aelf-inSictod giuuhot wotmd today IWSy j U< at the old high sehod at 1:30 p. m. herself is a convalescent from po- A public food eels under 4-H • 6 . 2 5 . 4 f Becreetlonal Chib ipeneorehlp will Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hills ere at MUford Hospital. PoUce aald and proceed to Bloomfield in a Uo. scheduled to leave Nov. 30 for their that Robert Prout was cleaning his body, , • , be hold Saturday at the Federated She now tenches 3 pupils from Church aeclml noma starting at 3 wlpter heme la Maine where Hills .33 caliber bolt action rifle yester­ The committee voted to recom­ the second through the fifth g r a t e has accepted a position aa herda- day when tt diicharged a bullet mend purdiaae o f land adjacent p. m. Mra. EBsebeth Peek la club / in special informal classes in iaeder. r^ mha on a large estate. which went through hie shoulder to the town-owned plot on East which the pupils, most of whom and lodged in e well. PoUce quoted 7 AND 9 VtA* WHISMY lUNM DW ITH 45H CHOICt OtAIN NEUTRAl SPIRITS. 848 PtOOf. street This addltlohal land is now Event Calender QUO have heart conditions, plan their The Romaco Oub'meeta at the Manehaeter Bventag H erald Prout as eeytng he didn’t know the 6 YtAK a s KtNTUCKY STRAIGHT WHISKEY. 84 PROOf. owned by Fred Romeo of Florida, own group activities. Although she Telland eerreepoBdaut, Mra. 4 . H. gun was loaded. His condition was a fortner RockvtUe resident and by home of Mr. gad Mrs. A l GotUar at 4 YEAR a O lOTTtED IN lONO. 100 PROOP. says the curriculum is followed as 8 p. m. (jornprising the committee Steele. Telephone Rockville 8-7101. given as good at the hoepiteL Emaet ’ Reudgen of East street. closely as possible, their routine la lAMU I. PEPPn a C O , lEXINGTOH, KENTUCKY The tentative data of Dec. 1 was ere Mr^ end Mrs.’ Henry Gresel relaxed in the area of physical end Mr. isnd Mra Gottler. set for the next meeting. stamina. Tsday*e Event Calendar The Federnted Church commit­ There is an hour of complete tee meets fo r a business sssslon at * X An important meeting of the rest on cots for the children and RockvtUe Emblem Chub w ill be held 8 p. m. in the church parlors, hot lunches are served at mid-day, Away at Guilford i ' at 8 p. BV at the Elks Home. I Mias Pistolesi says. In addition, Rev. W. C. H. Moe, pastor o f the 1 The Romaco (hub will meet at they may lie down any time they r ,8 p. m. at the home o f Mr. and Federated Church Is In Guilford iW is wish. The claeMS are intended as today officiating at fuasral asrv- 11 ' % Mrs^ AI Cottier in Tolland. As- e temporary phase fo r the handl- INC less for a former paritfilensr. (s is tin g hoots w ill be Mr. and M ra cepped nhild with the emphasis on fHery Gresel. Past M«Mttie P rentAlIiUtlon, she says. The Young Peoples Society mat Ttu Married Couples (hub of at the chui& 1 I O m gisgatlonal Church w ill Nigeria has been producing 99 bVat the einirch. social rooms per cent, of the western world's ^h# OkaYk* gMunlUee^of the I a turkey dinner being served supply « f cdomhtunl, the metal F e lte d . Chart* t«ve#| that P< m. There w fll be a gim> uaM fdr 'jet engine alloys. ipdtf foUbwlng the buslne^ t h t e iMh d k Rg. M ^ and Mrs. Harry Mead “ i* r p . MOWove atm t are chalrinen d ff ttdoehet edmmlttee. Mr. and Mrs, -it., m Beautiful New Looks! Beautiful New Biteriors! ItiuacU a ie ^ charge of the pro- 1 I p THilght adU be Fellow^p eve- birthd^ Vhing.at the First Lutheran Church 1 t a t 1 p. m. The church, film "48 \\hi tT io g a Street" w ill be shown to- V|i It’s The Most Beautiful New De Soto Ever Introduced! la t h e r with colored aUdea Re- CiUlRRAIING 20 YEARS OF Ifreshments udil be served at the OF OUR ENT1M SlOCK V ' cloac of, the program. PROGRESS . . . OFFERING lETTER i P i te Members o f the RockviUe and VALUES . . . RETTER SERVICE Vernon Methodist churches will % attend the postponed meeting of [ff the Group Quarterly conference to Tni- be held in Stafford Springs — Methodist Church following a sup­ per at 6 p. m. STARTS TOMORROW MORNING \ if* A special meeting of the mem­ I bers of the First Congregational BROADCLOTH ------— SALE ENDS NOV. 29 ■— ---- —— Church o f Vernon has been called 1 V by the pastor. Rev. George B. Hig­ gins for 8 p. m. at the diurch. Military Whist Planned A military whist will be held in the cafeteria of the Vernon Ele­ WITH EVERY mentary Sehool tomorrow at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Laura Carbone of PURCHASE O N N A T IO N A U Y ADVERTISED IRANDS OF SERVICE RADIOS < Cxira Trousers ■ W HEN YOU O nly$W .75 W A N T IT e FENOEIt BODY WORK •APPLIANCES' e WHEEL ALIGNMENT e MOTOR TTNE-trP CPAIR TRADE ITEMS EXCEPTED) Single-Breasted Models i Sixes tS to $0 e BRAKE SERVICE a WHEEL BALANCING ...FOI TOUI (HIISTMAS SIVIN6I Double-Breasted Models i Regulars! Longs! e CAR WASHING ^ .X- X BCDOET TERMS COME SEE IT! Drtipe Models i Shorts! Stouts! .- ••• .-.Lr, -. --.-‘tv BRAND NEW INTERIORS t New; .•'■St'’-' TURNPIKE BRAJND N E W STYLING ! L o w w and smart upholstery. . distinctive new ConservatiYe Modeli — H Short Stoutsf -—^ door panels . . . new, lovely grained AUTO lODY WORKS TAKE longer , , > glamorous, new chroma fender mouldings . . . new, wider, instrument panel and garnish mould­ Rerfe^ Fa iSuafanteed • With Vests TelephoM 7043 >TEUnn»0NSETy •ROTSRYIRONER lovelier front grille. . . beau^ul new ings . . . all harmonizing With body swept-back rear fenders . . . new, colors. A full assortment of ralors and pgttgnuL. Coat and > REFRiaERAIlOR » MIROME KITCHER ♦ ALTERATIONS FREE FOR 1 FULL YEAR middy styles. Sizes A, B, (^ and D. 1 . - •WRSHINR SET ^ lower, wider rear deck! GREAT POWER FEATURES! The De Soto 160 h.p. Fire Dome V -8 has Q H A U BRAND N E W V IE W ! Greater glass SATISFAimON aUARANTEED OR HONEY REFUNDED Reg. $3.95 Value lUOHINE •ELEOTRIGORRU area all around. . . huge new curved America’s most powerful engine de­ RUIOS »ELESTRIO DRYER one-piece windshield and narrow sign. Power Steering makes parking ALL WOOLENS ARE LABORATORY TESTED Baby SAPETY Sham and turning easy as dialing a phcffie. comer posts. . . big windows, slender A U WOOLENS iM TRIHMNRS ARE PRE-SHRUNK .N- Sale .95 ALL SALES FINAL with Nw pETcIww of ANY ELECHUC center posts . . . new sweep-around Power Braking a u u r^ faster, eerier, FREE RANGE IN STOCK. RUY YOUR RANGE one-inece rear window! saferstops. ' S N U i iu o T R io a m iu n E S N O W l AU OUR OLOTHES ARE UNION NAPE jgSTsAUnha. THANKSGIVING QJEOTRIO SEW m MOIHNES * Cook yoor tnriwy hi it Novmnbor 27 Double S&H Green Sfampt TURKEY * Foy Eoit yoor. SEE 160 H. P. FIRE DOME V-8 and POWERMASTER SIX! GIVEN WITH CASH SALES THURSDAY ,-.L... RAMOS— TV^-APniANCIS

I f - 1085 MAIN STREET ROY MOTORS, INC (Catuer EMrt8jra Street) CEHOUSESSON 241 North Main Sfroot — Manchester SB H ail SU at PHHs Mmr l i i i . Store I N c r . r Inc. TELEPHONE 3838 WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS MS NAIN SlitEET NOW 0 •NlAT MIWNWaV STONUS TO StNVU TOO EAST HARTFOUi IkMki I : ix -rw 1.1 Ymt Utw—M ry «M k m bo* tmSe m4 lO rM m |t«C iw»imtaj--priM«laJ by M SOtO-HYAOUm I 4 OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 • FREE PARKIN'

. 4 / IK ■ ■i. ,1 -L. :.r - . ( 1 ■ M ■■ "■


flre-fig'btert' worked in' tthedm-' scene the blase was "going good” from "reaction products resulting ards. The ship’s owners bad EUingUm fortahle cold to save the property — the fire by that time had Ask Blood Donors from the union of osone with un- Sea-Going Women asked veterans o f vthe British Meet to Plan Says Good Example Is Best of Max Cantor on Plnfiey street. reached the upper front portion of FI - '1 seturated hydrocarbons.” navy women’s auxiliary after the HTHITE HOLIAND TURKEYS The Sre, of . undetermined origin, the large structure, and before the tV(N FUHN:( E Badio and T T ^ r Give for Jimmy The hydrocarbons apparently Still Like Home last war for applications and were Fire Destroys deetroyed a cimverted bam on the firemen could direct water at the W N B O -C Ikt emanate from the various opera­ almost sw am p^ Up To I f / Drossod Way to Teach Democracy old BMbe farm, acrom the atm t flames the entire roof was biasing. tions of the petroleum industry, ’ihe women said they like the from Cantor's home. An early morning wind didn’t help. \iUh(^vo\ ^ ApjlP—WDRC—Bing Cmahjr. Mrs. lldsar Noel, .president of beginning With the refining pro­ Churchill, Man,— Many work at sea, and the turnover in Woifht Flock of Hens Make* ‘Rough’ Eetimale ...... - Wlft. 20 Lbs. Miss Ann Foberg, elementary^ Continuing, the speake^ stated An epipleye diecovered. fiames Ju m : lUtto*fc WHAT—Pamoua TrIalA Olbbont A taem ^ , OttboUc Ladies cess and terminating with the use women are Just as eager to sail personnel is low. But they enjoy lb. North £nd ImproYement leaping through the roof when he Decarll made what he termed a &P0LINI WnO-Ha) Kolb. of Columbus, It urgiaff nil mtm- of gasoline In the individual au­ ■hopping' at various ports, and consultant for the State Depart­ that the Liberal party./whlch la I^D ovatjr'a HaKe Chop. WKNB-Oula Call. the aeaa as meii .sre. UnijI in Talks Tonight, reported for work and a call went "rough” eatlmate of the damage, It laa—WDRC—Boa Ing. bem who can pottibly do to to tomobile,” he said. sometimes leave to be married. 20 LIS. AND O VIl 55e U. ment of Eklucatton, told members pro-Amertcan, has b M returned Volunteers Battle Long •bout 110,000 and aaid he felt this 4 t Bappon* ®ayi WKNB—Newa; Through Tha Taara. donate blood when the Red Cross The vessel LaCordilleer,. owned and friends of the Lincoln PTA to power In Japan,^4md that the out for firemen Immediately. Chief I AdaM He aald the University of Cali­ From the remarks of the vis­ Will Ask Board's Help Joneph DaCarli waa aucceasful In waa a Jow figure. ,-Oal Tlanay.' WTHT—My Trua Story. Bloodmobilt comet to Manchester by Buries Marks, which docked We prepare theas tarheya ready for the oveR Monday night that although the Communists lost win seats in the Hours in Icy Weather wnC—Wrlcoma Trayalara. fornia is attempting to find plant itors. It appeared that even wom­ saving the remainder of the flock Befom the fire, (Tantor, a well- WILL BE PRESENTED BY —Ntwa; Polka Bop. WHAT—lUI Ian Ufa. next Tuesday, from 2 to 6:30 p.m. people of Japan are our former Japanese Diet <^Congress in the -w xTC-Stetla Dollaa. vartetles which will not he affect­ recently at this Hudaon Bay port en whd like the sea still want a The Mancheater Improvement of 4,000 hens. A witness said the known poultry man for many years OKQ—The Chlca»o*iuu Wdco-Mualt. In Woodruff Hall at the Center carriad 10 women cooks and stew­ enemies, it la next to imposaiblo to last election. 'T o Save Cantor Farm ttria—WDRC—Arthur Oodfray. ed by amog aieges. home and family. She feelsytnat most Japanese chief and his men pulled down a who eervea many people in the area SOCK ^AND BUSKIN _WDKO-Tbo Record Chop. ia:lt—WTHT—Wblapariog Straata. Church. . FRANK M. HARABURDA Aaaociatton, which la heading the think of them as such when one and had some 4,(>00 ckickens. He T—Sddle Arrold Time. works and viaita with them. favor d en ^ iacy and the Ameri­ •mall addition to the bam to effoct , ..^ T o u a g Wldder Brown. It:ia—WDRC—Arthur Ooclrap. Members and friends are asked ASH SWAMP ROAD; OLASTONBPRY—*E L. 8-241B o^oaition to the Mancheater Ellington, Nov. 12—(Special)— hesitated to estimate hla loss be­ My WTIC—Doubla or Kothing. to donate the blood in the name of Miaa Foberg was one of a group can w ay^ ^ t that there are those tbeir oecape. I —WTIC — Tha Woman In WHAT—Italian Program. Water Obmpany*s proposal to raise The local volunteer fire department fore all of the chickens which 80^RS SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Jimmy Juros, aon of Mr. and Mrs. of 18 educators sent to Japan 1^ few w ib think the Communistic battled a atubbom bdm blase. thii The bam was only partly cover­ rwt; Old Raeord Shop WKNB—Voice of Mancheater. » a good way, and partlcu- escaped during the fire, can be col­ QoMll. weec—Wewi: Muale. Stanley. Juroe of 68 Branford water rates in the North End, Will the U. 8. Oovomment as part of morning In sub-freeslng tempera­ ed by Insurance and there was no lected. There was one other Item FRL NOV. 1L-SAT, NOV. IS. M SP.tt “ ^^T-Blarjr tt:tt-W Ti^-W ban a Girl UarrlaBi street, jimmy, a high school fresh­ '1 the Armir’a educational program. among’ the university stu- Insurance carried on the stock. -Tb« 'O r ^ lt:U-WONS—Bewa. meet tonight preparatory to urg­ does this feeling prevail. tures and received high praise for salvaged; a grain combine tractor, Il:aa-WKNB-Bewi: UO aub. man, recently had a critical opera* ing the CoTumiatlonere of the They spent eight months there, their efforts In quelling a fire that Firemen were atlU at the smoking towed from the first floor of the Tickeifi from Sock snd Baskin Members of High School tlon at the Hartford Hospital and helping the Jananese to better un­ Foberg feola that Americana ruins late this morning, cloanlng ParralL WOBS—Dadlea Fair. Eighth UUUties DUtrlct to , Join must convince thia minority group destroyed a large bam some 3,400 bam by firemen. Phone 2-5245 WTIC—Strike It Rich. bacause he is a hemophiliac he.haa them In their light. derstand modem education young laying hens and hundreds o f up-and wotting down amoldering fe^SrSahM r. WTHT—Lone Journey. had to have gleen to him many democracy in action. She stri that the democratto way is the WDRC—Arthur Oo's mosl pro­ with William Foulda, ] t of do peu-ents have a more under­ Richard Rodcwell, chairman of the SERVICE I Star Sstra. WTHT—Lundieon Muale. longed siege of smog—five the water company, to •the standing and sympathetic ap­ Ways and Means committee, to Itstt—Local Mew*, straight weeka—haa coat farmers particu- DRESS .Wirer—Sparta. mat—WDRCL- Romano* of Helen propoB4id fate increase, proach, Miss Foberg stated. The send their contributions of food to NYLONS .WOM»-Sn^ , - Tren t from San Diego to Venturh half larly concerned with t proposal attitude Is always one of quiet Hale’s store in time for the food .WOiat-BWia^Jt-awIa. Jr. w n c —Mtrjorl* MllU. a million doUara In crop damage, aa it would affect fire protection guidance, and at no time during sale, which opens on Saturday at SH IR tS 2 Pair — - waa A Ooaaannlit for tba WCCC—Bewe. a 'plant pathologist report^ .to- WHAT—LaRoa* Program. ^ You nffvf btfof service. The compimy’e application her eight months’ sojourn, she 9:30 a.m. WOBS—The Women't.PagA , calls for An 89 ppr cent increase for said, did. ahe. see .a. hsrah . demon­ r: fiaaanae SdlUon. iwa ir.^'-Jplur' T. Miafflitoii,in this eervicei im eh would ih m 4ui stration, word or gssture toward PATTON TANKS ARRIVE' o-Taat. ______^ ja on the SUwet ebarga of air pollution reliearch Whose Prices Are Lowest ? addlUonal qriit of |2,800 for the Berlin, Non. 12—RO-Clnb Fifteen, W TIC-Bewa fojrawlng the meeting with Foulde The parent-teacher units assume g—WDRC—Ed Murrow. Studies made in recent months that the matter would receive fur­ an importiuit role In the Japanese were turned back by Russian rail- WOBS—Bawa show that more than a score of Thuroday, Novombtr 20th We have built a flae reputattoa oo the eervicee we reader, tha JOBS—Bart Bachrach'a Man’a Cor- WHAT-iBatty Kimball. perfonaaace e| our materiala aad our reasonable prices. ther atudy by them. ^ „ school, with school lunches spon­ way officlala at the Marienbora LITTLE BOYS’ tlb ^ D H C —Ha PeriJna vegetable crops are harmed by •Die committee of North End sored by parent-teacher and state checkpoint on grounds that they REG. 87c to fi.29 m c-O na Manta Family. amog, Dr. Middleton aald. Among WDRC — FBI In Peace and We win help you plan aay Improvement ■■ residents opposing the rate In­ funds. A modem school library were too wide and heavy for East WOOL OR GAB thoee hardeat hit were spinach, apartmeiit to a pijrwood piuiDlDd bedroom, w e wlH guide you to crease has sliAady retained Attor­ was built ..through the. efforts, of O e r m a n railways. They w e r e ______0.R A . lettuce, beets, alfalfa, celery, bar­ selecting the right material*, W c wUl catimate - costa, frithont the parents and teachers in one allowed through after U. S. Army | PLASTIC a MUa ney John D. LaBelle to represent ley and oata. obllgaUon. • their biteresU when the water community. officlala intervened. Dr. Middleton said his Studies, ETON HATS y ^ a M a i ^ f tha Hour 1:«4—W ire —Bob Hope. company’s application is given a CLOTHS _>r. Cbrlatlan. li«t-WDRC-Ouldlag Ught conducted in cooperation vHth the Our Service# Come To Yon Antomatlcany . hearing by the Public Utilities _ Great OllderaleerA WOBS-Juat Janklna. California Institute of Teimnology With The Purchase Of Our Materials Commission. The hearing has been Bob Craaby Show. ymr-WDRC^.«*eaiitf'Mtt. Burton and The 'Los Angeles air imilutlon 2 For— 2 For WCCC—Muale. scheduled for Dec. 1, Tour Llfa WOBS—Conneetlent Ballroom. control district, indicate damage TORC-'.■nie___ Unenp. WTHT-Bewa; Top Hit Tlmei to leafy vegetable crops results TOBS-gjwai FtmUy Theater, Score* FTHT—Weatai m Roundup. WKBB—Newa Oamvan of Muale. mAT-lfewa; Bight Watch. WTIC—Tha Ohetar'a Wlta Flag Sdwte Top ic MID-WEEK SPECIAL ■Wbat'a My Une. WHAT-Open Bouae. Kildare. tilg-WIIP-WDRC—Perry DRC—Perry Uaaon. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ONLY WTIC—Cinderella Week-and. Of National Drive ;oty. WOBS—Bawa BUILDIND MATERIALS Snoked Carp Gellis’ .Boitlag. ir;»-WCCC-Wawa! Huale. aSwardA Wt h t - ^ t Bappan* Brary Day; LUMBER FUEL TO promote an uniform method Smoked A CMidict ______Daly. _ Scorea ‘ o f aalutlng the flag by clvUlana, •Saaon and T b e^ ld en Fleece WOBS—Paul* Stona Shew. Whitefish ..Lb. W d C Salami Lb. ’r-Mtwa; Bight w itA. l:a-W DRC-irlgbter Dey. SEAN.MAIN ST. MANCHESTER TEL.4I46 the American Legion Auxiliary is Lorer'a Hour. WDRC—Bore Ortke. beginning a nation-wide campaign MEN’S WHITE ^ ___ ,jrt Boor. WOBS—Patter by Patteraon. of Instruction In flag eUquette FRESH MADE COLE s LAW O C - GIRLS’ I1.9P U It—WDRC—Danee ORheatraa. WTIC—MId'Aftemoon Bewa: In- M s AT ONCE I* Haim t r i o —Stock Oar Racing; Danger aide Bewa froir Hollywood. * among Its nearly one miUlan mem­ and POTATO SALAD ...... Lb. Aaaignraent. S;00-WDRC—Hilltop Bouae. bers, iwcordlng to Mrs. Helen TIMMIE TRIMMPO *— on i3l ttatlona WKBB—Bewa; lUqueat Matinee, WCCC—Muale. S M O d tfc m u fin. Amerlcanlsni chairman of the - OPEN SATURDAY FROM 4 to 9 P. M. HankGrehitfs Tou and tha World. WOBS—Jack Downey'* Music Shop. Dllworth-Comell-Quey unit. WTHT — Lata Bob E. Uoyd WTHT—Bewa: Tm Hit Time, w n o —Ufe Can Be Beautiful. c o a w B fM S A t the auxUlary'e recent national —Jactj*a Wasworka. WHAT—Bawa; Open Houae. e *U 8 E » W f « o u w _ _ eonvention In New York it was re­ CUMUTS 12 For ’-mgltt Watch. t:lS-WDRC-Hona* Party. cognised that the aalute to the W TIC—Road of U fa. OAK DELICATESSEN I:IO-WCCO-^*W*: HuHC. flagJs Incorrectly given by many TEL. 2-8244 S^Sr^V loa Pro- WTHT fc orea; Top HU Tim*.- people, not only mowboiw of'*tko 45A OAK STREET WTIC—Pepper Toaaga Family. auxiliary but by other# also. The :C—To Ba Announced, WBAT-‘WBA'T Jambora*. ihony BaU. l;4 5 -W j: iinler Dlae Jockey, National Anuriciuiiam Oommia- WDF I SHUUI,itbj. DunvAmt Jtmlma HOT IQSHKA alon of the 'American Daglon has * 1 O -B m itad Muale. Risht To HappIilneaa ruled that the correct form of giv­ 'It HapiMna Eteryday.< AND KNISHES „ Tlaney. ing the ealute to the flag of the 2^ . -laale. AT 35 OAK United SUtea by clvillana la by Program. Newa • _ ilaclng the right hand over the — Tima. -IC-B*ekatag* WUa £•leart, the elbow easy at the elde, WKNB-Mowa REG. 11.69 Jeaklaa Show. with the forearm on a diagonal ncrdM the hreaet, . the fingers MEN’S BOXED Ikaak. Atwood. pointing to the left ahoulder. Men Latex Foam Rubber Coffee Qub. remove their hats and hold them Bawa In the saluting hand. GIFT TIES Mecnlng DeeetloaA CHAIR BdlUon. GDRTnERS Ban All Mention 777 Main St. Manchester, Conn. 2-3448 V(:/- ______witli B* 2 For b Staala; Waatbar. rDRO-Jft . PADS ^HAf-ijlarT--an*n Brown_ Show. Of Royal Eule 4 4 cnnI1.98 0 0 7 —Oood Bom lns. Good Husic. FUSTIC pnS-PoIonla WS— Weather: Bewe; Bill Jeb- Srinagar, Kashmir, Nov. 12 — PRE-SEASON c o m c E $ f ‘h pusne ■_klna 100% ALL WOOL ■ DP)— Kaahmlr’a 106-year old mon- lift—wnC—Bob Steele. ’OBfc-Newi. ardiy ended today vrtien the qon- SETS * “ DRAPES u v mIC—Weatbar. c “ UFFALC atituent assembly voted to delete SLIPPER SALE! 25 DlffeiMlt ’;S -W D R O - Old Muale B « ; Bawa. all menUon of exiled Maharaja Sir Stylaa and Cater TOC—Bew«; Good Memtng Muale. Hart Singh from the conriltuUon. Combtaattea* 0N8—Bill Jenkins Shew: PUD SHIRTS KNB-Bew»; PhU Hale Show. The eloctlofi of a now head of TIC—Bnb Steele. H nc IS A UtaAIN IF YOU IViR HAD state is acbeduled for FrUMy. -The GEMUINI CANADIAN MOCS -WHAT-New». ONE. lOtO MOCK PATTERN IN RiO 8 w ealth y maharaja's 31-yaar old CHILDREN’S _ -WTHT-Weatbar. WOMEN’S $1.39 WDRC—Newi. SUCK OR WHITE 8 81ACX. HUVY- son, TuvaraJ Karan Singh, appasra DOLLAR STRE E-TCHINU VALUES! REG. 35c r WONS-Weither. WEICHT. ROOMY CUT. PRMHRUNK to be the aaaembly'e choice. He REG. - V ’ W OOL LIN ED S:f IH mil­ W K B ^ P h ll Hale Show. lion rupoea (about $940,000). S:U—WCCC-Kewa: Brtakfart Kawa- Sixes 12-3. For misses AO boy. VANITY TABLES A diiqmta between India aad Rm . 179 Ribberized Back Looped Rigs S2JI ' TIC—Radio Baxair. East Uhe mother's with arirror, ruffled Pakistan over control of Kashmir snd children. Reg. $2.49. O nly ...... ^ I # 4 7 ' THT—Bob Llovd. 1 0 0 % VIRGIN WOOL plastio skirt and all the vanity has been before the United Natlens S:< -WOBS—Bill Jenklna Show.' ladlam swueu lu g . for several ys4ura. ’ KBB—Italian Hour. •aaaooauaoa* riaya *4r k i a 11 e Reg. I N TiilereA Rayon Msrq. CurteiNS $139 S l^ —WTHT—John Conta. ' ONS—Gabriel Heatter Ysu Work.” jAr^RC-Bews. Z. SHIRTS $ DAY SHOE FEATURE! ^ FAMOUS 1 CCC—II Bundrao and *0 Hlla, PUYWRrrER BESK Continue Shooting ' ! 3 5 —Bewa; The Little Show. HERE IS THE NNEST VIR«|N WOOi GIRLS* BOXED Reg. 431 Roys’ T k ic l^ Corduroy Longios S IN ' HAT—Italian Prorr*m. SPORT SHIRT IN MEDIUM WEIGHT AT AN All wood with attached saddi aaut. BladK GROWING GHU^'AND WOMEN*5-- m f CANNON ' THT—Breakfar*. Club. UNHEARD OF LOW. PRICE. NEAT RED « hand and peg table aU In Case One W e ^ BLACK PIN CHECK PAHERN. RAYON OA^a as**.. *a*<**s**a**oo*0***4 $4.98 LOW HKL AND WEDGI 5TYLE PUMPS GIFT PANTIES Reg.S38to736Wonen’sChenillo Robes $439 PILLOW -WDRO-Thli I* Hartford. LINED COUAR, PRE-SHRUMC BROKB4 I OBB.x..lack 'Oo'wney'a Waxwork*. SIZES. Withal, Not. 11— - (P) — The _ I XBB-M Sweu Shew. eaas against Sgt. Edward J, Byr­ a Limited CASES 8:1 —-ICCC Nlwt; U BuncY* dand qwmtttjr REG.. .Hit*. p e M n i n v nes, 88, accused of ahooting at a 3 For Reg. IN to 1195 MeH’s Leisiirs Jackets $530 souk UP TO youth charged with im pairl^ the Pair Italian Hour, moiala o f Byrnes'-minor daugh­ $2.97 AT—Italian Prerram. DOU.ORW IC—Bewi; Tour Garden. Roady far th* ter. haa been continued for a week. e 8 stylea Reg. 431 Roys’Western Type Raincoat $1M d oa ItaraMa. hcaatifBOyI fto- Byrnes waa charged with nsaault VALUES erib with drop with Intent to kill.before alternate a Slaaa 4^ -8 trial Justice WlUial* Clarke here last night. Bond waa maintained at 810,000 and Bymoa was taken to FARRIC CLEARANCE Television the Danbury Jail to await trIaL 1 0 0 % VIRGIN WOOL It is charged that Byrnes fired SALE! BALLERINAS AbM t 500 Yoreb FGrealM 4 Yds. $1 p- 4:C -K ate 8mlth. at hut mieaed Hioniaa Sctifleld t 'V —Short Short Drama. with a .45 caliber automatic pistol P t » WORK. HOUSE WEAR. DANOINO, SPORTS Abovf SOO YoMdi TeriFtta 3 Yds. $1 ^ t.-B—Meet The SUra. and then beat him with it D(U>hary • ; » —Howdy Doody. JAC" SHIRTS ( : a —Rellrlouac 'Precram. THE FAMOUS B. M. Cl Police Det. S gt James Whitlock L09VEST PRICE IN TOWN I AbDHf 200 Yds. BU gaRm 2 Y d s . $ 1 ^ —Uutleal M o o i« ^ USE IT AS A JACKET OR USE IT AS A ■aid tho weapon was found 'last 1—Bportaeop*. night In Danbury. Police quoted as k—Reather Foreeaata. SHIRT, heavy S0


New -Nee^polnt Pictures f t i m K N O V » Sense and Nonsense Bargains Some charming additions hsve ERNEiffr A. just, teen made to the variety of Jack—K r a r y b o d y c*U« me India, where the bridegroom ‘ make-your-own BUCILLA throwi. three handfula o f rice over Listed by NEEDLE POINT PICTURES, in "Te*.” the Yarn Department of the J. W. Judy—Where do you come from, Hirer the bride and the bride then r«> H ALE c o m p a n y . A'two-seated, T cxu T tuma the compliment. Southern horse-drawn buggy la 91.95; s gay INTORMATION Jack—No, Brooklyn. , Buropeana often throw , fruita, cardinal bird bn a spray of bloa- soma, and a largs spray of varied ^ V A fter a man find* Out that the eapecially flS», *t newlyweda, “T" colored flowers, are 93.98. The kits s. I woman U no anceL he trie* to aa- while the Romana uaed wheat and- 9VB OAjftBV Now Dreaaea» Nea^Fabrica Refrigerator VanlUil ICOs^Ciram contain all needed materials, from certain to what extent ehe lent. nuU for tho aame purpoae. In L” . ! sheila and maah weU with butUr That Magic Jum^ar. the design stamped on the fabric L E A D m a AfIRK niore recent yeara It haa become .One need not "break the bank" Ingi-edienta: 2 eggs (separated). atisen—I couldn't eerve a« a VI cup sugar, >| cup light corn to n nice wood frame with which common on such occaaiona to uae. to wear DRESSES OF THE 0 n t f o m k Juror, Judfe. One look at the fel­ syrup. 2 cups light cream, 1 tea to complete 'the picture. There's I ’ ^ 1 bontwna or confetti Inatead of rice LATEST FABRICS AND STYLES ArlhsClfBi low convlncea me he'a S\hlty. ate "6ir"the floor, but anyone with ■ .. _ _ _ _ if one ahops at tite MONT­ spoon vanilUs. plenty of time to maka ona or or other grain. In 1939 church Jude*—Sh'hl That’e the dUtrict GOMERY WARD COMPANY. Method; -Beat egg. yolks with more of these fltatinctive pictures autboiifiea in Sweden pointed out Enhance the flavor of flri. by attorney. Wondroua, lab or-aavin g Orlon- rotary (electric or hand) teaUr for Christmas. ' that lice U a vaJua|)le jarticle of MANCHESTER iSoOR i whatever Jeraey appears in spiart frocks imtll thick and pale-colorad; teat The almoat world-wide cuetpm food and suggested that rose petals INO COMPANY. Their UNO- in sugar and corn aprup gradual­ The marble tops oL. pieces of< be thrown at newlyweda Inatekd. that can ba laundered at home, o f t hrowing rice at newly ewr- USCM8, ASPHALT TILE. EVB- with ptalfed skirts that do not "un- ly until very thick; then beat in Victorian • furniture^hbato. com­ “ Eliminate the custom of throwing Dtnnerware For Gala Bervlag rled couplet la believed be BER AND PLASTIC COVERINGS plalt," in sixes 9.to 20, in gray, blue cream and vanilla. Poiu* into modes, or tsblsii—may te'cleaned rice at weddinga," adviaed more Very lovely MARKER POT- ■urvival of the ancient rellpouato are just that easily cleaned. But and beige, at |12.98M.o 14.98. The refrigerator tray and freese until with soap and water. But if th m 's pracUcea of the Hindus and Ctaln- than a thouasnd New York Pro­ besides ease in care, they offer TEBY DINNBRWABE haa been a rust stain on the marble received In the Housewarea De­ new “clinch.'' belts ornament some, Arm with control aet at lowest Nowadaya rice throwing li testant mlnistera In 1948 In the in­ smart styling for the modem home, with oxaUc acid' and then rinse partment o f the J. W. HAULCOM - while othera have a narrower, temperature. P iitjn to bowl, add I am diacoBtiaalRf f liQr lltUe more than a joke pUyed by terest of feed conservation. When W th the durability needed for egg whites and teat until fluffy. well. a newspaper photographer was PA N Y . Much aought-for pIttenU dresay velvet belt. Holiday frocks o f frlelda and nelghbora of a new varying degrees of hard use. Any­ Pour back into tray and freese iraetice aa Wad^ married at Chattanooga, Tennes­ of “Chesterton" (gray with a white of iridescent rayon-taffeta arc bride and bridegroom, but long one Who knows exactly 'what he glamorous in stripes, or in light- until Arm. Makes 6 servings. To pep up mayonnaise for n or an indtflBltt^tiH^J^ I see, in 1940, hia colleagues threw edging) and “Corinthian" (tael I ago the practice waa a aerloua wants Hrill And it there— in “ hia catching navy, brown or gray at ‘salad add a quarter teaspoon of some 500 old flashlight bulbs at green with white) are available In' amXfotnff io Earopa / h it geature. In the Orient rice la the colors" and *‘his“ home decorative 112.98 to 115.98. 'There's a ''dream" Open House for Fancy Btltcbes tabkaco sauce to half cup of the emblem of.fecundity and fertility the pair In place of the conven­ open Btockr with butter platea- at dressing. Capers and chill sauce •I l - ' f scheme. For the uncertain home 1.36 and cup and saucer at 1-50. suit in heavy faille which haa a Every Friday is OPEN HOUSE farthar atady is dlffar^t IM* and throwing It at a newly wed­ tional rice. In 1946 a minister at are also good added. Uae the owners, there is practical advice A “Starter Set" In either pattern aleeveleaa dinner dress covered D A Y from S.’OO to 5:30 . at the fialds. ded pair aymboUed the with that Newmarket, England, announced available— on choice of covering plesaant SINGER SEIVING CEN­ dressing on seafood salads or on C ... N t> I , MU ta. Is 15.75. The aalhe company is re­ with a smartly dressy jackeL both they might be bleaaed with off- he would charge a confetti fee at with respect to type for deflnlte TER, 832 Main street. Open House bacon and tomato aandwichea. — ^-SiStiLUStf*'— weddings “ to compenaate the presented with inttreatlng new trimmed with bugle-bead embroi­ Dr. tToraRCi Mandi spring. The custom still retains ------" . . - -v ’'usage, styling and coat. dery at 115.98. Ward's better dress- gives a free demonstration and In­ J tifcifc. aoma of Its original significance In verger for cleaning up the mess. pattema— a colorful bouquet on '*N«xt tim« don't toll him tvhoro tho toy dopartmont Hr* ea are‘ tetter in style—and much struction of the smart “ Fashion “ Unlnstructod’’ OH PnlaHag I ■' ...... ■■■as white with a deep green border and Stitches,” which you may have Distinctive Dinette Beta gold edge or a red aptay on white- tetter in price than one flnda else­ 2146 One doean’t need to join a class Suggestion for adding to the at- where. seen on TV — and will like to use or even to have artistic talent to DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE with gray border—at 111.69 for a on garments or home decor. Crochet thia 19-inch doily from -yMjto u r w a y BY A R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE traettveneaa and-eaay-care of-your Starter Bet. Nice fo r the coming crisp white cotton, place it on the make * very impreaalva oil paint- home for Thanksgiving and Christ­ with'the OIL PAINTING ftrW / Ih li holidaya or for gifts. Frosty Tomato-Crab Boup It's a good idea to i>ar-boil green table, and then watch for the ad­ Antwtr to Provlout PuizU mas and yeara to come: distinctive Ingredients;-One lOH-ounce miring glances of your friends. It IMBERED FOR COLOR which MOLD X3UR WlOfi A S A C O ^ - r r S A F L A T ^ f M.«b « R FiARB peppers before stuffing them so as are available In varied atyles at the tKBHT V*4SN ycX) H EAR S T A B L E , NoreiOAAs/ •m twtty Rimlwy Christmas Cheer C3C1C3 HOWELL DINETTE BETS of Plaeapple Wtriteeap can (lit cups) condensed tomato to cut down on the baking time. is quickly and eaaily made. chrome and plastic, as dlaplayed at soup, one lOMi-ounce can (I N Pattern No. 2146 contains stitch JOHNSON PAINT COMPANY’, iBifitJAKE WAI4T6 JAK& WOULD. jAKecoutDro^ □□El Ingredita: 1 six ounce can 699 Main street. In “Craft Master" ‘Now thon. do you havo any addMenal oualHicationt for □ □ a KEMP’S INC. 761 Main Street froaen concentrated pineapple cups) condensed consomme, 1 Illustrations and complete crochet­ ^ COMfiTAeLB?. PUT-Otecrry HIS SACK SliCb leftover ham thin and and "Mur-lrArt," there are fsa- □ a n soup-can measure water, % cup V tlH E H TU e O K 1 H E M A P OH HISPALS-^ tho iob—cthor than not •mokinK?*' HORIZONTAL 60.Rcquire Chrome framea need no furniture juice,. ice water, 1 twelve-ounce warm in a double boiler; rorve on ing instructions. polish—a damp cloth- restores fr e ^ cooked or canned flaked Bend 25c in Coins, your name, cinating pictures o f landacapes. fhMOtt. 6BTS WHH A B lG -^ X M e A w m e IChrlatmai • ! What the Magi bottle pale dry ginger ale (well- toast with a mushroom or cheese seascapes, floral arrangemanU and lustre. Plastic reaches is "high“ In chilled). picked-over crab meat. address and the Pattern Number A WHIFF,OP R U 6 6 S D carol followed sauce. Thia la god with a toaaed othera, already drawn and num­ ’F a j,..,-. toble tops,In.nice colors that jceaMrt ...Atothodi.^our froaen. pineapple Meth.od; Pour totoAtb .auMP .toto. to ANNE CATOT, 'WE MA^. UiNE^lmroMfi iNDI'hDOALlSlE SIDE GLANCES -BY GALBRAITH Chriatiidat'ffcc VZITICAL large container with a cover ; j^ad- green ratsff with: a-tangy French CHESTER EVENING HERAi;nt>. bered‘fOMJie'palnt withTha corres­ common damMc,' from grease to juice into a container; All juice ponding number. Brushes and in- WOLXD W H O s e decoration alcohol Howell design and q A lity ually add consomme and water, dressing and hot garlic brrad. . 1150 AVE. AMERICAS, NEW t !® : RCALLV m s P A R O L E PHOTOS ICape can once with Ice water and add; 8 8 9 5 strucUoM! as well as paints, nrs 9 Night before 3 Spoken are natioilally known and ap­ stir until welt combined. Put an stirring constantly. Stir in crab YORK 86. N. T. S O AR O O K A V A H e o o n -20 Included. It's amaaing what 'one CbrtsUnaa I Ireland proved. l*rleea start at 169.95 for ice cube or two into four tall meat. Chill 4 hours. Makes 4 Appealing NeekGe Choices Presenting the New Anne Cabot \ *w e 3 0 0 ^ THE servings. Needlework Album. DIreettona for can do for. harsalf or for a gift! U a t y in 4 Line added to a seL glasaea; divide pineapple mixture There’s a most appealing variety ,R>STOFFlCE of HANDSOME-NECKTIES in puppet mittens, basic'embroidery Peniuylvania musical staff among glasses; add ginger ale The way to make a wardrobe do Parmesan cheese, mixed' with WALLS/ I I Century plant the current pre-holiday display at stitches and grand designs are 46 ------berry Next time you bake sweet pota­ and swixsle together once or Pretty, Low-Price Costume Jewels double duty—aew a pretty jumper fine dry bread crumbs, makes a 14 Boy’s 5 College 25- the Cheney’a. In many a home, the printed in thia issue. 25 cents. degrees (ab.) presents sauce for toes remove the pulp from the twice. Serve immediately. BRIGHT COSTCME JEWELRY blouse set, then team up the pieces good coating for flsh fillets that nickname that looks a great ideal more ex­ with similar items and you have a “ pwfect” tiea are being hidden 8 European 26 Home Christmas are to be frwd; Dip the fish flUats lb Warm water different looking costume each away for future gifts.' Beauty of clover 21 Mr. Claus dinner pensive than its price-mark is combined, no longer. Pour into into aiighUy beaten egg beflira seaweed time. Thia pair la so young and fabric, clever craftsmanship of de­ 7 Noisy 30 Hawaiian 47 Entice available In many forms at the greased losf pan (about 9x5x3 rolling in th » cheasa-crumb mlx^ IT Beverage smart. sign, and a complete choice of 8 Citnu fruit wreaths 48 “Stockings PINE PHARMACY. 664 Center colors , give range for youth or inches) and take in moderate tur*i . I I Snow and — — Pattern No. 8895 is a sew-rite 31 Essential being were hung by StreeL The fashionable big medal­ niaturity, the dashing or the (350 degrees F ) oven 1 hour. Tuhi may come on 9 Judges perforated pattern in aixes 11,12, 10 Contends 33 Leu polite the chimney lion- on chains may te in intricate restrained spirit. Not least of the out on cake rack; cool. Loaf may C h ^ m a s 13, 14, 16, 18, 20. Sixe 12, jumter. be sliced 1-4-inch thick soon after 11 Kind of cheese 35 Hsve recourse with- design of golden sheen or have a aiiallties ia the very moderate The Inquirer I I Image 3Vi yarda of 59-inch;-blouse; 1% ^:ooliiigk but it altoea Jwttar after T6Mobriih drum 40 Interior 50 Girdle ~ colorful “ coat of arms," at- 91.00. price at the CHEN EY B BOT HEKB worship . yards. having been stored •. in tightly / Interestingly designed sets of i^M NANT SALESROOM. TY" I I Positioa 20 Sweetheart 43 Former name 51 Greek mount For this pattsrn, send 30c in clq|ed container overnight. 22 Birds'homes (or radon 52 Ruuian ruler jewelry, priced at 94.75 to*97.3{L IlIV cneh name coins, your name, address, s Im 24 Ripped 45 Foot parts 55 Bow slightly include pendant and ear rings sets RaUln-Oraage Quick Loaf 14 Rocky hill with stones of blue, red or ‘ lilac; desired, and the Pattern Number Ingredients; 2(i cups sifted Beat Order Bterling Now! 27 Honey makers to BITE BURNETT, THE M AN­ SIMS'S iiC M D DvAsTM iNr slw a itif’^. t 1 « • { 4 7 8 9 10 II a glittering necklace of rhinestones all-purpose flour, 4 teaspoons bak­ To insure against disappoint­ 29VaUey ' CHESTER EVENING HERALD. '/wrofVMr. i^ N y W A Y and ear rings; or a three-piece set ing pouTler, 1 teaspoon baking ment for an "extra special" Chris'- I I Musical 1150 AVE. AMERICAS, NEW (T WOULD SP l i l i h of necklace, ear rings, and brace­ soda, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 1 cup rais­ mas g ift it’s wise to ORDER SONGS WITH SENTIMENT dramas let. YOUNG POLKS’ JEW ELRY YORK SS. N. Y. ins, 3-4 cup soaking water, 3-4 b t e r l i n g FLATWARE right aSUmMEMT AM P H iM W E S » 6 KCITIN6 ■ Ready for vou now—Basic Fash­ 14 Mountain d A rt • shows enameled hearts on lockets teaspoon orange rind, 1-4 cup away. And -it’s very wise to order "YOURS” ...... Vort LyoB ridges ' or on expansion bracelets, and ion for '52, Fall and Winter. This orange juice, 3-4 cup Sugar, 2 ta­ it froitT the DEWTEV-RICHMAN new issue is Ailed with idess for ALLEY OOPS Look, Quick ! BY V. T. HAMLIN M Outcome « 4 a colored charms on a bracelet, each blespoons butter or margarine COM PANY, 767 Main street, be­ smart,' ‘practical seeing for a new **WHY D0N7 YOU R iU m MIT*' .. M J m w IT Cenut of. , at 91.00. Some nice ‘ Christmas (melted), 1 egg. . cause they have such a complete season; gift pattern printed inside list of the test known manufac' niarine worms II I n - choices hers. Method: Sift together ' flour, "RE FAIR" ...... '.W t t f l « b t l M M C ity in. the book, 26c. baking powder, baking soda, and turers—Towle, International. Gor. ham, Wallace, and Lunt, with ele- Cflilahoma *1 n i n 30 . R Nectar Mint Ffost salt. -P u t raisins in mixing jgani deSTgna in each, from severely " M Y F A V O R IT E S O N G " ...... ^ . O n i f lm 4 M Potea m W a bowl; pour about 1 1-4 cups boil­ Ingredients: U cup sugar, 3 deviled egg mixed with deviled c la ^ c to lavishly ornate patterns. 41 Compass point l i tablespoons light com syrup, Vt ham; crehm cheese, chipped beef, ing water over them and let 42 Lair stand at least IS minutes. Drain t cup water, VI' teaspoon grfited and ch ivei...... 44T*mp'le K IT orange rind, dash of salt, 1 tea­ raisins, reserving 8-4 cup soaking It you choose .n IxM patterfi for f alip covers, your draperies can te dumber S c i spoon'unflavored gelatin, 2 table­ It'S a good practice to mend water. Grind raisins through t o h ' spoons cold water, 1-3 cup lemon amall tears in olethinir before it fine bUMe of food cHomier; put the aame pattern, nr, you can pick 48 Ministers up one o f the colors in a atiTpa 41 Mechanical i juice, 'IVI cups apricot nectaf, few goea to the laundry or the cleaner. back into mixing bowl. Stir in or plain material./ man § drops mint flavoring. 3-4 cup reserved aoiklng water, INCpH^ORATED Method: Put sugar, com syrup, orange rind, orange juice, augar 51 Operate K N9 k s SI S t Sturdy Boys Shoes f The Food apd DirUg Administra­ 54 Without water, and orange rind in a BROUGUES FOR BOYS are and melted butter or margarine. 763 Main Street SUmpa'6iY W/ a saucepan and stir over low heat Beat in egg with rotary (electric tion. warns yacatlonera not to tat blemUb K S t the sturdy tj-pe o f shoe that sturdy musbrooma they've picked them­ FURNITURE and MUSIC HOME OP 58 Curve until sugar is dissolved; bring to youngsters require' in the many or hand) tester. Beat (n dry boil .and boil 3 or 4 minutes. Re­ ingredients just until they are selves unless tham '1 1 1 ,Aure.proof 57 Catholic K. S7 i t styles available at the MONT­ . move . from heat Moisten gelatin * a ^ a * “H you know so much about thoso hsw>fatwlsd virum church book GOMERY WARD ’ COMPANY, - - / • .• r- *---- E u with cold water and stir into hot and miraeto drugs, why do you bothsr to esll a doctor?" SI Girl’s name ■u: equality leather and . painstaking a mixture until dissolved. Stir in IIB o m lemon juice, apricot nectar, and construction make these shoes ^ R IS WELKIN. PlMcteci Spilled Beans BY RUSS WINTERBOTHAM ready to ‘‘take life a.e it comes.''' BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES N fW * BY EDGAR MARTIN / mint flavoring. Pour into refrig­ erator tray, place in freextng com- Little boys' sixes 8H to 2 are 98.98 OULyEMOTWMtxy JUST ^ to 94.98; larges alses, 2(1 to 6 are ) Apau IM M TI partmeal^ith control set at low­ AMAIZA,AT TUB ' mtTA MTBO A A ,30e> VSTRt IN TOWN AMD est temperature. Freeza until 94.93 to 95.50—modest cost for V S T tW VHOH EMI'S SKMANG VO'SIW US'TW V SWE. slightly froxen. Reset temperature physical comfort that lasts. MNCOOUWERE \ ROMAN ' M b OLD control to normal. Serve in small garrison’s |.-IT*5A LCWZWi OVER A WOMAN JPfZOJECl^ TR1LKD 0 6 OMIWI chilled glasses. Makes 4 to 6 serv Three-Egg Cake _,Di TH B_^ W MAW STREET k RiAsaeM Anoie ^ M m . D O ! -Ings.------...... --(Eleetrio-MIxer-Method)...... Ingredients: 2 cups sifted cake •Pt, New Wallpaper PasdiiaMon flour, 3 teaspoona baking powder, a c o A s r 949 MAIN STREETt -TBL. 2-16W ’'Ideal” is an over-worked word >4 teaspoon salt, 2-3 cup butter but it does Apply to the fascinat­ or margarine, 1 cup sugar, S eggs, ing WALLPAPERS OP 1933 >4 cup milk, 1 tablespoon lemon At Cheiiey Brothers Salesroom ahonm in great variety at the Me- juice. PRI- GILX. - c o n v e r s e COM PANY. Method: Grease two 9-lnch lay­ 645 Main Street. We can see them er pans on bottom' only; cut a round of waxed paper to fit bot­ THANKSGIVING Neckwear in stripes, gplids and small patterns. Full making m any’ ‘ideal” rooms. The 111% ‘ development o f textured papers tom of each pan; grease paper. f m Heat oven to moderate (850F.). II li.' length and bow tles^Ra^oh a ^ silk With. wOdl linings. haa practically IrreaistiMe retulto ResiUent construction. Assorted shades. " in dual tones o f one color, in subr Sift together flour; baking powder, I III: dued color harmonies with gold or and aalt. In large bowl of electric mixer cream butter or margarine; iPRISCli-LA’S POP Food For Thounht HV aL VERMEER stiver, in genteel plaids and even DINMWARE Mu .4 FINN Cooperation Lacking! REMNANTS and IMPERFECTS add sugar slowly and cream well BY LANK LEONARD in scenic designs. The formal strip­ at hlgh%peed; acrapa bowl often.' WELL-1 SUPPOSE 1 V E S ! ed papers maintain dignity but are .M3U LEARNED A rV E W , NNAIFW r Beat in eggs thoroughly, one at a HKlTMHFMHRt WBiWOCM no tonger "stifr' when a ' color SOMETHlN<5 , \ H adrrt time, at high speed. Using low ’ A P W O - MUNA OWKMENABi TCUHWiO) stripe is inter-laced with a white on famous THAT! Q K A P e S ' UTTU JOB HM/a speed, teat in dry ingredients al- a*KAMstMa!j IMR5 leaf motif, special bows to youth­ ternatoly with milk in 4 additions, W0NI0MK9 ful interests are a trim Scout print beginning and ending with flour; EUTJ05IOIIK for rerious older boys and an teat only long enough to combine '.V* ImMlnative Intor-planetary space each time. Scrape aides of bowl iv.- REMNANT SALESROOM ft-' rocket scenic for the younger en-; and tea t in . lemon juice—teat thuslasta. enough to make batter smooth, no H ARTFC^ ROAD — M\NCHESTER longer. Pour into. prepsu-e<| pans . I f you serve sandwiches often and bake In preheated oven about -... a n d O T H U p o p u l a r FATTIRIIS. OPEN 9 ta 5:30— SATURDAY 9 to 4:45 for yummar lunches try a new com' 25 to 30 minutos or until oake be­ Maatioh occasionally. Here are gins to come away from aides of three suggeatlona for delicious pan. Turn out oh caka racks; re­ I . ..CLOSED W ed n esdays ' sandwich spread: Chopped chicken move Waxed paper. When cool fill I and almoiids with t e lM dressing; and frost aa desired. . Note; This raka la -daUcloua filled with sliced fresh fruit and sweetanM whipped cream flavorad AI40 MORE ICAP B\ LESLIE TURNER with vanilla; froat top with a thin FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS One LeUar Oat BY M. C: Rl.fsSgeil layer o f the ershtn had. decorate MEAUKSa »ENr 5REU.L TMiTRE IN THC PICKUF JAIL. 6UTWE WON’T «rO P THIB VOKfU CM»kt i^ tb some of the fruit. D N STARTER SETS ami OPEN STOCK WE IM iar OtKETIOM ALL — • ' ' i'l. SPECIAL SAfjE MB TO HBJ* NOU |TRUCK TOU JU9T PhSMRVRam •6 V wru.aeu*EM LtEy.WHSJS ALL v ask k b /w e iDOMSUSPOSB' / OCT THoac m eis5 vuevc GOT TO 096RTAK6 IT! . WHAT’ LL N nrOTVANO SB FAHAERE l l THI» AKCA FOnsOTA PignrlnM For Pet-Lovers HAPPEN «• TLNSftHMiSH rpERB wear* r.’ SACK FOR MB. MCLOVCE.LOU' w h e re th e BRCFCAEB , FOR.HUHt LSTTilO J AMT MSSfiLL- A pleaaaht and inexpensive nod MILOO»I.EA5y. W E R B C f ^ r U/iown WITH THC#E to someone who loves animals Is KU6«E«i2EO (MNE te MOODN? ROBIN HOOl) .rhown in IMPORTED CERAMIC -f SHOES FOh FIGURES priced at a ridlculoua 9.69 each at the PIN E PH ARM A­ SAVE BOYS A N D CY, 664 Onter street. Thera are I Wit SHOES doga of various breeds in natural ON ODD SERVICE PIECiS color and bronxe-tone hbrsas in many stylet and atxes. T T f - CLOSE^IUTS OF DROPPED PATTERNS A.couple o f tablespoons o f chili aauce ahd two mors tablespoons of flnely chopped wat^ercress added t o A balf cup o f French dressing give the dressing seat. It's good sarrad- over a bard-cooktd agg ■SSELStiL5!lS22L52*:.2i^N D CHILORDi'S RIS.WIMR ITS THf MIATIST DUa« . m LINT Hour BY MICHAEL O'MALLEY salad. BUGS BUNN\ WARE CLEARANCE IN .HARRI­ SCBS tVa l« :3 ■Branty Harmeaes At Half Prira * WUtT MMMON E O R P U M — * y TORTURE . rr » v w AN iPEAOlM TUS8Y HORMONE TREAT­ ♦WVB#TaRf TA MENTS era selling at half price SON'S HISTORYI PE U R H m jk / ! • Thurgday, Fridpy," temporarily—and a boon to the "Informed" lady who knows how SlMB 6 ^ -8 S 4.9S to add loveliness to her skin by the Siifs 81^-12 S5.95 Sdiurd€iy Only appllcatloa of natural “ tonar-up- V-"/ .. .1 i': per." Estrogenic hormpnets are the Sisg* 12Ki-s S 6 .9 5 -ki important ingredient in the Hor­ mone O eam reduced from 93:88 to n.30 and in Hormone Lotion, re­ duced from 93.50 to 91.75 at the SORHTl NO W WEUXIN DRUG COatPANY.

Now they have nylon typawrltar OR S P IC M i f ' i > rlbbona, which nra said to te long- ar-Iaatlng then others — a boon to > » T 0 F J I A ^ socretarias who kata to ebanga the 1 rlbbena. mm l ‘ ' V ...... ! • - . t,-' MANCUBSrri&R E V E ^ G HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,. lyEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1962 PAGE TWBNTY-FlTt

.. •Lv«Ii .. ' L . -POtJR IIANCH^TER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDI^SDAT, NOVEMBER 12, 1952' T ^ B Yale Set to Offer Olivar ^SUH Hm a Job :ers larinfi: tor ener Herald Angle f Pigtails Up and Over Blues ' EARL W. TOST Mickey Mtuitle Striking Example Keystone Choice l^our riayers Best Recoi United States Horse CBOWD-PLEASINO baaketbalLAba m et No qaeatlon about it tha Of Hospital Cases Playing Ball T r r , such as the Eastern Professional Imports Uke Dolly King, Vinny Siutee 1946 ' Return from V arde^L Pbggy Bell, Colby Gun­ * ■■ Basketball League offerod Man­ ther and Ernie Oalverley were NSW York— (NEA)—Ostsomy-1 Jumping Team Quits lNsw Haven, Nov, 13 re­ chester fans during the lM8-4t, head and shonlders over the home slitto In tha left ankle kept Mickey! 1951-52 Club B apaitt liable source dtocloMd tdMg'^that lMD-50 and 1860-51, to scheduled town facet but they demanded, MaitUs out of ths Army for two New York, 'Nov. 13—Iff)—The j and receiireil, alsahte aunts for no matur what hkppnfi la’ tha to return thU aeaaon when the ysars. retirement—at least for this year rni'BCH LkAOt'E 4 COINTBV CLl'B'WOBIE!* By HAL TURKINOTON their efforts. It waan’t until after climactic gamab afslast ttS.^radl------Ewaasel Ijtbersa ilt-_ (1) newly-orgMifod Conneetk^t Bas­ ona .jduh,_aftac. . losing awverat When tha remarkable young —of the United States Interna­ Norsn ..... lit IM U1 M t fitsvrni T -73-•--7r Thanksgiving is two-wariu from Comedy Pair Has Starred ttonal Big Thraa itoala, la tional Jiimpine team today threw a j Local Sport A. Andrrsnn ...... J14. IM i(J7 343: Gllbrrtsoij *7 M ketball Aas^ation swinga into games, brought In fi few new atara Yankee was examined for the n 44*; tomorrow and it bring* to mind action. preparing to offer Head PMSball monkey wrench into the hie Meal- ' E. Andrrson ...... ino 100 ri S97 DcMsrtiij 97 79 14 '■ that Manchester High’s baakstball and then started srlnnliiig. Other fourth time, th* medics found dis- Benson ...... -!<» IIS S3 MS Brllsleper 69 M ' Patterned sifter the now de­ clubs had to meat the cnaltoftM lOeatsd ssml-Iunar cartlages, or Coach Jordan OUvar a thfofoyaar can horse Show, scheduled to Chatter J. Johnson ...... IIS lOS 111. .333 I Hillnski . 100 61 M x t : team opens its schedule with the With Show for 13 Years contract. start in Mexico O ty Nov. 29. S Tm ' traditional lid-lifter against the funct original Eastern League the apd they too had to go mit, take loose bodies, of the right knee. 443 Pleased with Tale's amafotfo S-t Arthur McOujhin, Bill Stein- T ^ (.Lurdberf !>8 •' 57 71 180 sisUnt Coach Elgin Zatursky to tmit of ttme but the test of audtoiKsc that the S7-yaaf^ OHvhr night that the United SUtes would RUTH IHCINTOSH scored a 331 Bf^rnan ...... PI 911 Gangw^ra 66 80 87 36S looking over prospects for the Jay- Haven, Ansonis Torrington, Wall­ team in the Eastern League in since the days of Than followara of the show may in the Women’s Bowling League 7* 66 88 233 natural eoaMdlawi Mated straagly that he w ealfot not send a team to Mexico. H. Hampton ...... 103 103 TO7 Nelion ... vees at the same time. ingford, Manchester and either 1948-49 srith an all local team. The Cap Anson and see for themaelves that Jackson be latereated fa* anythlag lesa thaa last night while Jenbette Cushing IMna^n ...... 104 S7 301 PbnUn ... TO 7* 88 271 Milford or Bristol. ' Possible en­ Dummy Hoy. aiid outatundliig skatarB, a ^ rou- and Lynam hava not loot any of **We Just ean’t And the horses had a 323 in the same loop. KIHn^rt ...... 01 140 n% Lrockwood 87 81 303 Only hold overa from laat yeir’a aquad finished In fourth place and three yean, and that Ida tasait,Win and riders,” said Oen. Tnckerman. Hpin ...... 101 in TO club are Oo-Ctoptains Jimmy Roach tries are Middletown, Meriden, won a playoff berth. Following Starting with tiaes have come easily to them. their ability or popularity or ap­ "sM Ik O Thus, they have had Uttic dlfficiB- **We tried our best for at least n. Hampton ...... ~ %n 74 TOtala .. , IsT '334 and Marsh Altken, Bob Blardl and Stratford and Stamford. year the squad placed aeoond dur­ Babe Ruth'a beUy peal. Judging by Ivy Leagut atpnd- COUNTRY CLUB’S bowling C. Hampton ...... ~ — 93 Grrc«alU>* <1) ty tiyliig ta keep tkcroeclvca m i- four weeks, ever since the team * itrrald Photo N. Jnhnaon ...... 90 *81. 75 336 FRANK OORKIN. veraatUe ing the regular aeaaon with three aches, you could The foatara pradneUoa af the arda. probably win gtvp Mm team in the Central Connecticut Danny Banavige Total! .... 550 Ellaworth ...... 52 87 7.1 240 Meriden sports editor, will serve confine yourself trenched to the heuite of shathig S9-aet>ehew this year wlU be some 390.000 sprsed over tfol-ltfe said it would disband, before we ...... 514 41* 1.M2 so 316 outsiders, Jackie Allen, Ken Good­ Golf League scored a 1755 team 9 <9) Hamilton ...... 89 77 as league prealdent.' Frank is a to the New York fans all ever the eeuatry sad to •TMgadaoa," a aanaulag song bit, o f the document. > daatly gave up. Perhaps we could triple against Rqckledge earlier MptliEdUl N**. Dummy ...... 79 79 78 337 win and Al Palmierl, then grab­ get seme rid m to go, but they . Second baseman on the Nation­ .Tnbniion , ...... 67 740 Dummy . •...... 75 75 75 235 Manchester High bard worker with good contacts bed the league and playoff titles Americans a n d aneda. haaAntog Bob SpaehC OUvar, who has 48^ufod -1few this week.^ Scores by local pinners al Little League A ll' Star team Mulffpotar ...... TO ITO 7S 37i The league managers made a isrlse vrrits a book Their rise into stardom has fovaeMa aasaag % a Haven with hto w a rn 'i$ 4 ffohk uded the folloqring: Stan Hilln- 7’aurh ...... 61 66 170 405 388 380 1184 Basketball Slate choice In engaging the SUyar City In 1950-51 with five Imports and "**wlU permit — during the 1952 season was Dan­ ...... n _ 717 taa Totals so many local players. ManchaaUf about man who Htokey Mantle been a strango story. Both wera fllUl4lNrt SlUltNfS MMI personality, haa good- reaaaaa for 334, Max Schubert 369, -Bunoi ny Banavige of Morlsrty Broth­ I.rtV>Tn|! ...... TO ?)7 P6 .iftT man to run the show. kave helped win bom to Seattle, Wash., but they InctdantaUy, Dick Button, ths Instottog cm a long-term contract. mounts ta be handled by nafamlP Tarca 369, Hank Haefs 323 and Towlo ,,. riasllst (8) proved to be a great town—with a ers. ’The North End youngster n 61 164 C. Anderson ...... S3 83 266 Energetic George Mitchell wast. championships in cluster^while had nevar met until they arrived to No. 1 amateur and Olympic akat- 1. The Tale football team’s rec­ tor riders." Art Knofla 310. Thursitoy, Nov. t1— ed llttie time In olaelng the Nandff winning team — and attendance Gen. Tuckerman pointed out the was a vital cog in the Gas Hous­ Total! ...... 510 562 IHii Boyi...... 78 67 331 Alumni, Home was good during the three year E. sorsl:irely handicapped. Callfornle, end by ecclilent. too. tog atar during the past coupia of ord right now—with m ighty ’ flr*rry Moore wrruivea bowlinf balls at the Terry Moore Alleys In ers’ lineup and helped the club Dummw ...... 68 68 307 Arms in the CBA when It was BOA. DIGKBY frequenUy had to When "Ice Capadea" was formed yaara, baa bean added to tha cqpt Princeton coming up on Saturfoy, United States’ horses were not PISTOL MATCH scores of last McBrI.lie ...... 82 83 348 Friday, Dec. 5— L. span of Ufa here. 'a i. Louis after he made known that h« was flred as a Cardliial coach owned by the team. Miss Budweis- sweep the National League ' and Barth MMhofllBl i (4) Dumiby ■ 75 75 225 Meriden, Away learaed the Eaatsrn League would b- ^ request of Msnacer Eddie Stanky. Fred Saleh, owner of the ar, one of the best, was rented Little League World Series titles. R, Brown ...... 76 Tneaday, Dec. S— .not organlM and of the . Bpnwn...... 94 69 99 ?77 Touts ...... 387 388 386 1163 ' atatiu of the American LeagiM. help promote baeketbaU. A league or another during hto Cecord 2130 tatoed at the Springfield Hockey ' ckMi. a id Moon had been eranted a "temporary leave" at his own strictly for the Olympics, the '7or)rv ,,,.. i, ...... 105 1p0 61 Tap Nsteb <41 Hartford, Away to contracts and each year stooa Pigtails flying, nina-year-Old Bobby Gardner took Tiny over 3. A naUve of New Tort, h Star raqusst Mome, who operates the bowline with his brother, Departments 'follow: West Hart­ / Mitchell hopes to be able to field a la tbs answer in which rival toirna conaeeuUve gamee. The fatal that time they were fortunate l.i office. 39 Wbrthtoiifoa street, iootballer and later coach M VU- Harrisburg Pa. Show and the Na- ...... Iflit 112 loa TO1 mfck ...... 71 82 75 228 Friday, Dec. 1>— burdlea at the National Horse Show to Madtoon Square GanHen. De- ford won, 1310 to 1241. Individual B. Chapppll ...... in 108 149 t:»9 ...... 78 78 71 237 team the caliber of recent local are within an hour’s ride from /wterial acleroato w aa.cj^plqg. iip that thair pacformancaa.and popui Springfield...... 'A,.,... .I'lraibk. bTM ait puUl¥lder with the C sr^ from 1 9 » to IMS « c ^ .Uooal...... local aoorea, were as foHowe; Jack -w. V‘ Miller .... -.Eaat Hartfoid, Hooto- siplte'm bant on her'right'Hand, tH4''iiM(ilf of a inovai'' fiuro' whate hd” iWltiMuM' O im war yeata and a coach later. (AP Wlrepboto). Shantz^ Arm ■■nsir ; . . . T.:TTrv;"'‘ « ...w tcaiito M .foe Iksfom tA a iw Bb ItsancKiiater. DarlHg the Eastem on ' the' "Iihmb’rtir iron Hoiee of Friandly, Hd.. finished third among 37 in the lightweight ivorktog to Loyola of Loa Angelae, tha tall, "And," said Oen. Tuckerman, Alves 266. Ed Wlnzler 2.32, Joe Total! ...... 510 501 524 1.575 Dennison ...... 78 83 88 269 Friday, Dec; IS— League season when Mancheater "we have to send her back to her 2 ...... 84 86 80 260 made the . right move isrhen he throui^out hto last complete sea- Gena. Bearden pitched and Chick hunter clam (NEA). .a_ baldtog, aott-apokan OUvar knoWs Sardella 252; Tom Graham 22A and At. llrldRPt'a Lsklna •• V Windham. Botsm was represented It was a common owners right now. Wo can’ t even Ray Griffin 247. The match was AtAwart ...... TO 1TO 10.5 TO7 Friday. Dec. *S— signed DassUn’ Bobby Knight of eon. Fewater played Infield 58rith plates Predict Knockout tha headachaa o f meving a family ^ Out of Gist M.rNf—lv ...... 6! 62 64 294 ToUls ...... "sis "ilM "42G T253 sight for eeveral hundred BUk Ulcerous coUUs brought > Red from coast to coast, and tha haa- take her to Toronto. Next year, we staged at the local Armory. 10!t m ,■>99 Middletowa, Away Hartford and Kenny Ooodvrin. to their heads. Earl Shsely limped Tigers* Play Execution O’NrIM ...... 114 Both have been local crowd favor­ Townere to hit the road on nights Rolfe’s playing career to a close. arda of hto profession. — hope to have the riders handle their Sroro ...... 95 95 AO- Dot! <1> Friday, Jan. t— badly, was slowed up to a com­ In Fight Tonight 69 TO r**! ites the ppat two seasons. of ache4luled away games to foUow 'Dw Introduction to the world The .KMirea put it thto way: own horses and eliminate this dif MEN’S SCOTCH Ball ’Turkey Little Athletic Hurler McCarthy ...... mi Dummy ...... 65 65 185 folstol. Home parative Jog by an ankle, broken Moore Knocks Stanky, BErprfr ...... a 77 70 253 One of the Important rules In their fairorites. Rival team moguls champions of Joe DlMaggto and “OUvar has a brilliant mSaS. Acuity." Tournament is scheduled Sunday Total! ...... 490' 460 4S7 1466 ...... a ,74 96 369 Tuesitoy, Jan. S— aa a kid and Improperly aet, yet Impresses Yale*s Olivar Schmidt Weaver, Away the CBA la that all players must wanted to play Mancheater for Mantle are strangely paradlel In the large first baseman spent nine Detroit, Nov. 13— Trosky Into reUremfot. Travis Hayes, of Boston, are even choices. catching on all oitor. Evan Hanag- by which thaa the caatfoto m ^ foteceton's total offense yard-'Working details of his scouting JernfcU . XU . . K...98..297 - .. Barttord.--Hosnn ------UMmNO.PXAYEBBfrMn £BA B A U ._slU ._ give fans o f hto 11 campaigns, with ths Jackson had loose cartUaga re­ two -ilaya from now I might, feel afe, l04,'agalnsl Hsrvima 1 ^ ' fo r- Mexico ■ and - one each for the - -Manchester - Country Club Weiss .... 88 87 84 2.57 Tftt*U".;Vs. " w l o r ^ 5 w Bbmben. Each pradlcta hell knock ths other er Eddie Stanky of the St.-Louto France and Canada. course yesterday afternoon. He ported to hia Phliadeiphia Athletics Friday, Jan. SS— Connecticut to a healthy sign. Not chance, If they so desire, to go moved from hto knee. lUfferantly.” the largest ever accumulated, j "Actually we didn’t learn too Ksrp __ 98 122 *8 .308 Tommy Henrich fractured hto out. The fight starts at 10 p. m. Cardlnato has the fever, and aa a Gen. Humberto Mariics, captain was playing with Art Wilkie, Jr., bosses. . Lereil ... 79 A'. 105 269 WO.MF.N'8 LRAGV’ E Windham, Away only wlU more good Nutmeg play­ on the road when Ui« team plsya. OatcomyellUe made W h 11 e y Wares’ dismtani rtunild have OUvar got the job aa Tate head Olivar was in the Palmer stad-; much In the Piinceton-Harvard Jim Kirkpatrick, Rocco Anderson, Ostrirfsky 101 95 107 30.7 Friitoy, Feb. ers, capable of pto}ring in a fast Moet league trips art not too far. toe in 1949, and w u out for no reault Redbird coaches are falling been expected. The Cards had aaid tun press box with hU seven Yale game," he admitted. "We went of the Mexican tram, was dtoap- Shantz, whose left wrist was B. H. Bssans Kurowski’s left arm shorter than SHOULD SUGAR Ray Robtoson coach only thraa weeks baCora Clarence ’Thornton and Bill Lock- BycholskI ...... 83 — 92 175 Middletown, Home loop, be in action to a«ld the home Ons of ths Mggssi drajvbacka in more than four days because Old his right One of Marty Marion’s from the roet^r like Autumn a year ago they planned to give -scouts. • ! down just to take a look, nothing (jointed that the Americans wmn’t fractured by a pitched ball served Totals ..., 504 503 506 1512 Lal,3 ...... 88 92 99 279 Reliable cut a bole in hto sboc and vacate hto mlddlswalgjit champion- p ra xes started laat Beptamber aa show South of the Border. wood. Alex picked up six birdies W^neaday, Feb, 1 1 - town flavor but sponsors won’t the Ameriesn League was the fact legs waa shorter than the other. leavee. him hto release after the 1953 raplaoamsat for Herman Hick- •qPhew. that was. sohm show,"; specific, and see what reactions up by Walt Masterson of the Berienskl ...... 112 102 10.5 .309 Weaver, Home have to worry about meeting Ug painted the exposed part of hto ahlp by retiring abortly—at many "But,” he said. "I understand. and rimmed thp cup on the 14th, 84. Mary't (I) Wilhelm ...... 115 11.1 17 315 oppostof teams Glenney, Howard Moore and Walt putation when the leg became Sports Mirror Moore said fUtly he was fired, Yet Lakers Win ThaPa why I feel that tPa Jaata a ‘Is m issti so well. I'vo seldom seen game? Olivar Is not of the cry­ a year, and McCaabin, the captain, ToUlit ...... 501 5.58 839 1598 D. (iqwlea ...... 91 66 73 230 Kosakowaki. There are several bury, New Britain. Hartford and for more aerial yardage in a singte |to a Detroit favorite. ' and had turned down > an offer to said he) never sees his, famil.v. superintendent at Hialeah race ,ckclosed Bobby now weighs a htilk- Berond CanioR <1> Cnnftantine 78 68 73 219 Duibury had to toas in the sponge aeaaon than any other passer J) ' biully infected during Little Scoot- H A Y B '^ jp p S N ’T have De- other boa gaaae oooring afo* t. ‘*dscsptlon like that. They hide ing, all-is-Iost school but rather track. ig 149 pounds, 10 pounds more BrainRrd ...... in 91 101 303 Pound ...... 85 64 81 230 promising ’’rookies” up from the eria firat year to the minors. He atav to the organisation. Olivar,-Ma iddal BoutoaaaA jOr- avsiythlng." a delightfolly frank and honest Stelnkmus obaervESi that riding Goodin ...... 91 78 74 243 when operating eXpenaes could not Yato history. Today A Year Ago—Michigan John’a power but be outranks De- *T 58rouId haito felt uncomfort­ By IHE ASSOCIATED PBES8 .an at the end of last season. VittnfT . , ...... 116 101 109 326 Js5we'es. was a malaria victim during World ry Narl, whom ho erodiU fior'tbo T to was a compliment for his coach. ■ was not bringing any money Into Bailey ...... 66 83 116 267 Purnell 80 92 69 241 THE CROP o f hoopsters seek­ State nudged Tenneasee out of the John to boxing skill. able," he said, Imowtog the man­ Although Big George Mlkan t Duke Unlversitj^ quarterback Bobby told the bosses he put on ...... 105 86 89 262 War n . tost asaaon turnqd up ivlUi Under tbs Michigan system, the ■pectaeular davolopsmmt. of< qtar M aceton counterpart, Charlie "We’li certainly show up," he his home, while Mrs. Durand has Qullltch Total! 425 368 370 1163 ing berths on the Red and 5Vhlte No. 1 spot to the weekly Associat­ ager of the club didn’t want me averaging only a little more twa dilMren to care for. Worth Lutz was born and raised the\weight on hie trip, to Hawaii McCurry ...... 100 104 109 313 ulcers. . ed Prear football spot. referee and two olticiato will each posaor Ed MoUoy, ono o f tho CtfdweH, whom Olivar had never < replied, with a wink and a grin. within Bight of the Duke campus wIthVNew York Yankee hurler Ed club include Roy MoOuirt, Johnny around." ^ 14 points per game, the Mtoiua- Baat'a best, and other meathaia a t The big event ' Cuttinig the club wlU be. jt dally dent, which, fortunately for him Twenty Years Ago—Notra Dame All Afire,,,the defending champion. “OH, THE ARM—that’s fine,' Cwps ...... M 93 81 270 Jad Black, another Mlcl4gan big for him- Whan he loaee a ball before a capacity crowd ef 13,090 Saturday OdU not bo it " Cloyce Box, end for the Detroit Bobby replied. He said he'd had Total! ...... 599 500 612 1611 process until the squad is down M NNEcnctnrsi self and ths Tankaes, confined hto defeated NorthWMtern’a football H m toama meet for tho 19th THAT COMES FROM PERFECT HT . . . DITsrsndo ...... 90 77 72 229 Stater turned pro, will fightlight Billyraiy game he acta more like a 9-year- at the Boston Garden. All Afire still had a chance going Lions in the NFL, caught four the cast taken off and found out Haath NetkadUt No. 1 ll> M. Cnwles ...... M 88 88 383 to working size. Drllla will be con­ baseball playing to pitching. team, 27-0. time in a aeries that dates back to into the last event, but he flopped. Richmond 104 82 105 801. ivnzrats ...... 73 113 84 388 ducted in the armory also. Van Glider, a college product from old boy than a manager." The Laken trailed by one point touchdown passes against Balti­ he couldn't straighten his hand. Anderson , 125 m no S48 Gene Woodltog finished the past 1873. Tala must vrln against favor­ Only two winqers from last year more in 1930 to establisA the Dicta ...... 78 102 88 2*8 In auldition to home-aad-home Cornell, in a aix-rounder. From hto Fair Hope, Ala., home, going Into the Snal period but "So when 1 got back to Lincoln, Brown .... 105 124 107 !»* IctEANEST CABI aeaaon and played to the World h o c k e y a t a g l a n c e Stnnky snapped backr spurted quickly to wto'wlth ed Princeton to keep on top of Arrow Gabanore repeated. They were Competition, Lions’ record for moet scores ih a (Neb.)’’ Shantz Continued. "I went Banks ..,. 127 128 122 377 Touts 423 483 414 1318 series with the five achook in the Series <)espite a groin Injury. SUrens .. 84 . 115 804 OANDLEPOWER "I’m the manager of thto club. Slater Martin lad tha Laker attack tho Ivy Lsaguo. owned by Mrs. Loula Long Conibs single game. t to a doctor and he put it back in a 103 CCIL, the Indians iviii engage in A WAB w o u r o left Lou Brto Natleaal League Heantlme Tolo anaonnood Its of Lee’s Summit, Mo., in the single Lean on other people and your duel contests with Weavef. Hart­ lYE IM -TRY 'EM-BUY 'EM ale with only ths shreds of hto And aa manager I exercised my with 30 points. I!d M c^ulsy of splint. But I’ve got it off now, and Totals .... *66« '579 *578 ItM Boeton 4, Toronto 0 pririlegt of making a Change to the Celtics waa high man for the 1968 gridiron atato last night — harness horse class, and Regal HarvJe Ward, Jr.. British Ama­ my arm feels swell, No pain—not Chances of success are leaner. ford Public and Etost Hartford. - right thigh, hold together by Eu,ugene. Ora. — (NEA)—Dean nine with one 4 a | 9 pat to Gamee Teolght Lauran, Oregon’e eophomore the coaching staff i8rhen I sqp fit." night with 35. The triumph waa gameA Aire, belonging to Jim Endicott of teur golf champion, was a South­ even stiff." II. J .k .'s (3) brace. Charley Gelbert came biu:k Van be fUtod. " 7 * Webster Groves, Mo., in the final ern Conference titleholder for the Orxyb __ ...... Ill 131 103 345 as an tofialdcr although slmilarl' Johnstown at Sprtogflsld fullback, has won two academic That waa a re-statement of the Lakers' .fifth to six outings. Ehlers appeared skeptical. "I Polfsrcs>;k , ...... 102 102 T*BESaMMTinT«r8T Ih o aekodalert harness horse division. University of North Carolina, 125 329 Troy (NT) at New Haven eeholarahlpa majoring to pbytiea. what he aaid when ha became ROCHESTEBTi powerful Royala wouldn't want to have to sign^you Zawlstowsgl ...... 123 *2 402 .307 injured to a hunting accideni also won their fifth to she etarU Sopt’ M. CsoaoeMeat . and then find, after 'wNs get down P. Rubar) ...... 94 102 115 .311 G et g, Brownt IS, ONaWHai'Ll. Sal Gardinalll. San Jose State’s Roger Bowman, southpaw pit­ A. Rubti ...... 128 103 111 341 NEW WEEK END BOWLINS PRICES 1946 RLtMOUTH SPICIAL DELUXE 4"DR. by befittog the New York Knicker­ to Florida that you’ve got no left bockers, 104-94. In tbe remaining Coraell. nwayi 34, CMffiifot Al. 234-pound tackle, was student cher for the New York Giants, 's arm.” He suggested that Bhuitz itsr. Totals / ...... 5.58 519 558 1*33 Far game, the Inffiahapoilto indianapoUB Olympians body president, at Monterey -tCal;) a atudent- at Colgate University have the arm X-rayed; \ — ...../Crater CsBf»s Ns. 3 i n - Stock Ne. V-f9«. ,'e'e k e ••i:sVplF» •■•••>*< 4'irC*'*‘4 1, to he RSedtlliJMtaBfe High School. during the off-season. Nelli / ...... *7 108 88 279 AVAILAILE AUfYS: 2 5 c String — Aefoated Fort WayiWr-^6-63,-tor It was then that the little south­ I-csIU ...... 101 115 108 ,128 u their first triumph of the aaaaon. toA awayi 3L Itafoari.'. ' | paw, who sometimes takes his eld MONDAY—S-1 and SlSS to Ulasiag Moni^ ...... 80 A5 80 345 ALLEY HOURS! '44100R SEDAN Jack Coleman paced Rochester eya too aeriously. hustled off to a Sssri ...... 113 125 135 383 TUESDAY—«-8 and »:S0 to Closing 1946 CHRYSLER ” ¥flNDSOR' Michigan State la proud o f lita ateCksl ...... 115 94 9.1 ,102 WEEK-DAYS Th at M ood- with 24 points. TIm loss was the hospital for ap X-ray and a com­ WED.—«-7:S0 nad t:S0 to aoabig a to Closing $ 1 1 4 5 first of the campaign for the record 'Of being lapnoaktad {on plete physical checkup. • ToUls 503 533 Ml 1537 THUR8,—6-8:S0 and 10:SS to Clooing Stock Me. U-NS. ■ e e * • e a s • a.f Knleka in three autinga. every American Olympie 'team FRIDAY—«-7 Only WEEK ENOS laonard N ason... S P: M. to aoaiiig Indianapolis led by one point atoee 1933. > ., , | Gyle Fielder of the St. Louis 1953 STUDIRAKER COMMANDM STARUOHT cariy to the third (hiarter when Joe Flyers In the American Hockey Banihoret Princeton’s Snjith 5-Paasenger conpo. O ny. raSto, ksntor. automatic Oraaboakl and Leo League is one of the few profes­ ROUBLE STRIKE BOWLING ALLEYS clicked with a bunch of goala to drive, low mileage. S toA No. U-S99 ...... sional hockey players to be born in ------IT OAK STREET------provlda tha Olyrnfoaiu with a comCO Back of the Week the U. S, He comes from Poltach, laandtog lead. Oraboakl paced tha FORTHEHEBY, ^ Idaho, g aeortog with 33 polnta. HOT PASTRAMI 1949 lUICK SUPER SIDANITTE ' •— -M ...... A - New York, . No5'. 12 VTi Doug-Dickey, Florida quarter- Stock. Badle and kentor. A teal nlea nar! BUi Heiss, head footbaU A N D C O K E New Low Prices Homer 8n\tDi,' Princeton’s old back, netted minus six yards from Stock No. NT-D99...... • e'eee»99eee bastball coach at Colorado Col- OO TO 3S OAK CARTER’S WORK CLOTHES fashioned power-plung\ng ’ full­ scrimmage in his first four games lege, played end on the 1M7 nu. back, was named Associated Pre»s yet scored two touchdowns on nois Rose Bowl team. For PfiinterB, Carpenters, Plumbeni quarterback sneaks. 1951 FORD TUDOR back of the week today for his COMPARE! SAVE! Gray. Hentor. IRtM mlto car. tremendous ability to do the pri­ Stock No. NT-D9S.‘ mary thing With a football—name­ O ther STAR Y6u( **0mi panjq, Ota IButtan amgeatod « ...... ly, run with it. Top Chucker M akes . .COVERS* Save ' smmi was th r tdp back o f la.it 1951 MERCUJIY SPORT S|DAIt_i. „ atnU. W a tumad • oocner—tlta baaat Announcing The O pening^ Saturday by almply overpowering Orasa. Bodto sad heotah S 2 0 9 5 112.50 S 1 D .5 0 $2,00 ImaBdadovar-uA naarijr parttag nay - aA. Harvard in aft. awesome dieplay o f Stock Na N*-StL . hairl Than ftouiad guazda bomidad slam-bang football—a contrast to $ 1 2 .9 5 $4.00 1 the slick T formation quarterbacks r t 1980 iPACKARD 4M O R SiOAN aftar and finkhad hte off. An . . 1 and apeedy, cleiJer halfbacks who W inter Special 118.95 $ 1 4 .5 0 $4.45 i Green. Radto and heater. that wonderful often gain the headlines without Stock New U-77A Arrow Sports Shirt being hit hard mOre than a hand­ 121.95 $ .1 5 .5 0 $6.45 Tim e Engine • • • ful of times in a game. that comes in your Starting from the first Umn 123.95 $ 1 9 .0 0 $4.95 1949 MneURY 4-DOOR Princeton got the ball; Smith Btae. Badio and heal $32.00 $7.00 GULF SERVICE exact collar size— ripp^ through the Harvard line $ 2 5 .0 0 Stock NA V-Sil. ... IrcIinIm c Im r M d odjinf piufs. elwck y wwrotor for ' four touchdowns and 273 $7.00 r - RICHARD V. DURUC. Prop. and sleeve length • ■ and rwftdotor. chwek ORd CMljiiit eorbiirwlw, chwek yards, the greatest running per­ $39.00 S 3 2 J ) 0 formance by a major college back 949 PACKARD SEDAN or ro p i^ poiRts, chock o l i^witioo wiros, chock ■acnmplete act at theoo foetory prices.' 1 CORNER HARTFORD ROAD oEd IRIDOR ST. this year. InpfoTtodfo and ban tor. (OPPOSITE lURSACK'S MARKET) $6; col. clooR bottory coMos, odimf fem bolt ood Stock Na V-SIS. Priced ta ' r o h o c . Ease into an Arrow C abofuiro— and you'll see what Last Night*s Fights 1947 OLDSM06ILE'*98" 4-DpOR SEDAN « • aronderfni diiTerence perfect fit mike*. Gabanmro ANY MODEL CAR — « or 8 CYLINDER Wa Mdw Than! LU B R ia T IO N f e s ^ t and smooth at the collar . . . free and easy B y THE ASSOCIA'TED PRESS Near now ttoeA paaetors psaaf MbM. C O l t R e W a FH Tbami iMk Ifo* A tool ut ■•ccccc^a»aaaaa> across the shonlders . . . comfortably trim through- Los Angelss —Reuben Smith, 126, Los Angeles, outpointed Bob­ “‘cxdting maalf ima advantuia, bat I Yon may hava triad othar atea; «mL Made with the sensational Arafold coUar that by Why, 127, Los Angeles, 10. Y a a S a v a l A U AlOVE CARS HAVE THE FAMOUS "ED" pntar a quiet Amarkan dinnar with but ftwHl yoo’va tried Ballantinn Ate, leoka great, feels great, worn open or closed . . . with San Antonio,. Tex.— Lino Bo- t ir e s good food—and Ballantina Ate. you don’t know how li| ^ bow bright, •- I ar withorn a tie. Washable rayon gabardine in smart tello, 122, Mexico City, and Ken­ SULLIVAN SAPE iU Y USED CAR WARRAMnr ny Davis, IgS, San Antonio, drew, I’va covered ths i^ba; eqjoyed its how daaply llavorlul great ate can aelar selection. Come in today—and treat yotmelf ta Special 10. finaat farawA For top aRjQyaaent, 111 bA Tky a ^aas today, and you’ll Amrrica'a favorite apotts ahiit. Jackeonville, Fia. —Ray Lee, CAR WASHING 152, Fort' Benning, (3a., outpointed jOinSSdt__ takrBallantina Ate. Thtra’a no . apaa . . . Hiara |wst Im1 any nla liks (Parts Extra) Jim JeweU, 154, Birmingham, tooebing it for flavnr.99 I A lai Ala., 10. ' Newark, N; J. —^Tony Cim- MORIARTY-r Prompt and Courteous Sentiep mino, 140, Bayonne, outpointed Tony Reser, 148, Jersey City, 8. tw u a iit ttiist aaacmttia A iM fs psnfrfs buy A W e are tnterasted Ir serving yoa beesaae we hil9«i'.| Buffalo, N. T.— Joey GImabra. we can please yoa sad coERt yoa as s G L E N N E Y ’ S 155 1-4, Buffalo, outpointed Joey Holy Croaa' Chuck Maloy holds t.ssby 4I» 1 Solim ene,Iiic. Gtordello, 154 >4. Brooklyn. 10. STAR SEAT COVERS tom cr. eastern Intercollegiate footbim MAMSTREHATHAZB.— Ta. I M i In i Oars WailMl—Hai Km m m M White Plelns, N. Y.— Phil reSorda for number of pstfses, 789 m L i n s t r e e t 1434 CENTER STRUT MANCHESTER Moriaio, 140, New York, eut- M nted Sal Dtguardto. 13T 8-4, comptotiona and yards gained. NEXT TO HRST NATIONAL RANK New York, 8. ^NEA). >• ' / ■

■j: jid MANCHESTER EVENING H E R i!^.‘TSlANCHEST% d d ra „ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1952 PAGE TWBNTY-SBVBI^ BIANCHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, c o n n , WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 191B ■ " ’ ").... rULGB TWENTY-SIX '1. Honsce io r Sale 72 Lots for Sfile 7S Legal Notice Artidefi for 8 *le 45 D isn on d s— ^^Wstchi HonachoU Goods SI Rooms vrithoat Board 6t Hoosas for Sale 72 Ex-General Hails * BosiiicsB S«rvic*8 Offered 13| HeRtfag—PIUBiMnt 17 Help Wsnted—Mile 36 Artidei for Sslo 45 AatoaiobllM for Sals 4 d'- Jewelry 48 ' . AN HONEST PERSON OKTE DOUBLE and one aiagle MANCHFSTER — New all brick MANCHESTER — Green Manor AT A COURT o r PROBATS held Medicd-Dentalj EFFICIhiNT Plumbing and heat­ LOAM, Dark rich cultivatad Grade KIDDIE-KOOP crib and Kant-Wet Road. Three Bedroom Ranch OAKLAND Street 100* x 200' lo t at Manchfitrr, within and for tho ANTIQUES Reflnlshed. Repairing I PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY mattress*, Whitney carriage land LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, ro- WHO’S OOINa HOUSEKEEPINQ room for married couple or girls. cape Ood 6 rooma, hardwood Oiatrlet o( itancheator, oiv tho fth CONVERTIBLE ing. Plugged drains . machlns No. 1, $3 cu. yard. Grads No. 8, Home with full cellar, attachad AU utUtties in. Phone 6535. day of Novombor. A. D., IS&Z. His PoUs Victory ' (Httsified done on any furniture. Tieman, lightweight carriage; Safety-Bahe ptirs, aejusu watches experily. THATS WHAT I WANT Two minutes from Main atreet. fioors, oil hot water haat, tUa SPECIALS cleaned..Phone 6497. 82 cu. yard. Delivered In truck TO TAKE OVER garage, enclosed side porch, piiia Prooont. JOHN J. WALUCTT, School Appeal I 4 189 south Main street Phone Will employ, sevenl then as play pen; aluminum bathinette. Reasonable prices. Open daUy. Call 2-I6I4 or 47 Cottage atreet. bath, lavatory, full basement, ga­ BUILDING LOT FOR SALE— Jndso. load lota Screened sand and nU u n p a h > b a l a n c e rage, near school and bua Uiic. paneled, shades, aluminum com­ . Neuas, Germany, Nov. 12—(IP)— 5643. HEATING From. A to Z. Con­ branch manager trainees. Must be Biaes stone-^delivered. Order now. CaU 6091. ’Thursday evenings 129 Spruce, bination screens, storm windows 70 X 126. Woodland street. AU Eatato of Julia Anna Carroll, lato o( )uy out of season and save] high school graduntl, 25 to 28, MONTHLY PAYMENTS MANCHESTER—Fpmlriied room 2-1167. E A E Agency. Manchoatrr In aald' diatrict, docoaaod. Former Lt. Qen. Haaao von - Man- Advartisemeiitt FLOOR PROBLEMS solved with version burners, botler-bureer Nuasdorf C^nrtructlon Co. Phone street. Phone 2-4387. r for refined lady or couple. ' Con­ and doors. 4 per cent mortgage. uUUUes. CaU 6806. Upon tho application of Irono M. Is Heard Again j 1M7 PLYMOUTH ' with car. This poaiUon offers a PRACTICALLY NEW Storm Win- 121.83 Foley praylnf 'for the appointment of teuffel, ons'of Hitler's tank war­ • linoleum, asphalt tile counter. units, compieta besting systems. 3408. NEW FURNITURE AND tinuous hot aratw and hot water Owner leaving state. 819,000. IMS 8TUDEBAKER secure future with splendid op­ d ^ a ; twelve 2’ 8" x 4' 10": four EDGE OF.Town—New four room commloalonera to paaa UTOn her dli- CLASSIFIED ADVT. Expert workmanship, free esti­ All work ^arniiteed! Tims pay­ a p p l ia n c e s heat Inquire 381 Summit atreet ranch. Kitchen with dining nook. allowed claim aaalnat aald eatato. It la fare experts, todaj) hailed hU elec­ Hartford, Noy, 12 — OF) — } portunity in consumer- finance CARpEiT REMNANTS. 98c and 2’ 4" x 4’ 6"; two 2’ 4” X 8’ 9". ‘Foel and Feed 49-A Sobiirbfin for Sale 75 ORDERED: That the tofesoina ap- IMS CHEVROLET mates: Open evenings. Jones Fur; ments arranged. Morlarty Broth­ field. Salary plus car altowisnce Call 7469. T. Shannon, 79 RusseU which la now in storage— Large rooms, double c lo s ^ , full tion to the Nueav city council aa peals for a ’atata medloal-d«Bnl f DEPT. HOURS up. Manchester Carpet Center;' ROOM FOR gantlaman. On bus plleatlon bo heard and determined at school to handle qnaliflsd Oenaac- j niture. Oak street Phone 2-1041. ers. Tel. 6135. and Insurance. Other benefits in­ atreet. originally sold to a ycxmg eouple cellar, oil heat, large lot 810,700. MANCHESTER—Largs Colonial, BOLTON—6-room single, attach­ the Probate office In Mancheater In proof that “professional ’ aoldiera .A:15 A. M. to 4:.10 P. M. AU ConverUblM. 308 Maip sttreet. Phone 2-4343. WOOD, Stove Dr fireplace lengtha. line. Contlnuoiu hot water. Phone iicut applicants unable to gala ad- : clude group life Insurance and but unfortunately are not getting Carlton W.'Hutchins. 2-5132 or custom-built 1948, with center ed garage, open porch, hot water ■aid Dlatrkt on the 17th day of No­ are no longer regarded aa second i ■ AU Priced to Sell. MANCHESTER Welding Service. GUARANTEED Fast plumbing Delivered 818 per cord. Phone 6803. hsUwayr fireplace, lavatory first vember, A. D.. 19S2, at ten o'clock In mission elsewhere were ■ voiced tq- ' liberal savings and Vetirsment 50% OFF on famous msks Bat­ ' married 6231. heat, knotty pine kitchen cabi­ the forenoon, and that notice be siven claaa citizens in Germany,” Portable equipment General and heating, alteration and pew Bnildinc Materials 47 ^lltmanUc 3-3H7 anytime. b e d r o o m SXnTE floor. Oram lc tile bath second day by the Connecticut State D i^ ! COPY CLOSING TIME work. Permn-ginas, . gaa, electric plan. Apply^^, teries. Written guarantees. $1.00 NEWLY DECORATED, fuimlzhed nets, artasian well large lot, to all persona Intereited In aald eatato Von Manteuffel, 55, who com­ BALCH-PONTIAC Inc."' welding, boiler and furnace weld­ LIVINO ROOM SUITE t h r e e -f a m i l y House 5-5-4. floor, hot water oil heat, garage. of the penuOncy of aald appli'cetlon and tal association. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 165 Center Street hot water heaters sirid and in­ down, $1.00 weekly. Calso Berv- room with cooking priyUegea and Bhada traas, saw, vacant Call Mc- ihe time and place of hearing thereon, manded the Fifth Panzer army in ing. Phonos .^1658 or 2-8762. p e r s o n a l f in a n c e c o m p a Jty 5-PC. DINETTE SET Immediate occupancy of one Ameslte driveway, combination Dr. Ira Dow Beebe of Bridge- ! MON. THRU FRI. stalled at reasonable rates. Time Tcenter. TeL 4164, 4165, or 2-0980. SPECIAL PRICES furnace heat Phone 8-4428. acreena, storm windows, w . Kinnay Brothera, Inc. 6060 - 2- by publlahlns a copy of thla order In the Ardennes offensive of Decem­ >ort, representing the aaaociation, i Your Better Deal 806 Main Street Gfirden— Pfirm— Dfilry "PHILCO" ELECTRIC REF. apartment Rental of two apart­ •ome newspaper haring a circulation ber, 1944, was the only general of. 10:30 A . M. STORM d 6 o RS end windows by payments ahranged. SkUley Priced at 818,900 for quicki* aaUr In aald dietrtet. at least five daya be­ told governor Lodfie's special mad* ) Pontiac Dealer CINCO ALL Aluminum combina­ CEDAR STAIN SHAKES Prodnets SO "BENGAL" COMB. RANGE VACANCY IN an apartment for ments will carry firat mortgage- fleer among 96,000 local officials SATURDAY 9 A. M. •■Parfmohnt." Triple track all Bros. 2-8714. "NOROS" w a s h e r Owner leaving state. fore the day of aald hearing, to appear ical study committee that "thara ; aliuninum combination, Free WANTED — Experienced meat tion windows No painting, no Sq^|14.00 ringle gentleman. Private room, Will taka second mortgage if de­ BOLTON—High elevation, easy If thev »ee cause at aald time and place elected in last Sunday's balloting are only four of five dmtiti j 1952 CHEVROLET fordor deluxe CALL MANCHESTER 3686 for counter man. Apply in person. changing, no storing. Free esti­ "HfXJVER’’ VACfflUM ■hare kitchen facilities. Phone sired lesiving' small amotmt of commuting, healthy cUmate. and be heard relative thereto, and estimates. on request John "BaaERSON" TELEVISION make return to thla court, and by mail­ in three West German states. Biit schools who will even considar tp- ' t o m COOPERATION WILL sedan. Fully equipped, extremely Sablitz. Phone 2-2027. your plumbing repairs'and alterm- Popular Market, 974 Main street. mate given, no obUgation. OsU Plyecord 4x8, eq. ft. 81*: 84 Ply­ 6416. cash neadad. Ideal locaUon, large liovo^ new six-room ranch home ing In a registered letter on or before aeveral.other ieraer figures in' the pltcants Tranr-thto state;"'----- : BE APPRECIATED low mileage. Like new. Only 8495 tions. Prompt service. Youngs WiUiam ’Tunsky. 2-9095. wood 828 eq. ft. 8.28; Stain Grade NUMBER ONE Green Mountain Sealy mattress and box apring, yard. New roof, furnace and aid­ MANCHESTER — Scarborough wffii oumy extras. BuUt for a November 10, IMS, a copy of thla order poUtoea. Bryan Brog, 179 ToUrad Mohawk ruga. Inlaid, Uunpa, tables, road, aevan room Colonial with Nazi regime won local offices in Dr. Beebe’s commtnte esuna dur- | down. Douiiaa Motors. 833 Main DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, town kitchens sold nnd installed. WANTED—Route driver. 6 day IH Mahogany'Doors av^ 89.95; FURNISHEUI Room with eonttnu- ing’ 831’fiOO. 32 Cheatnut atraet dtoerlmlnatbig owner. Immediate to Irene M. Foley, c-o Alex. .W .' Cree- the voting which ahowed a strong METAL STROLLER, in exceUeiR turnpike. Phone 3687. dishes, pota and pana. Ule lavatory, tile bath, flraptace, don, Atty., 80 Stale alroiet. Hartford. big a public hearlnr fien held by i copied, vacuum cleaners. Irons, C. O., Lorentsen. Contractor. week; Good salary. OaU 2-1216 Combo Storm Doora from 815.50; oua hot water, private entrance. Tel. 6091. occunaacy. 'Rsaaunabls price Conn, y-The Travelers-Rank anc.* Truat trend toward extreme right-wing the state committee which w ^ ; D I A L 5 1 2 1 USED TRUCKS with or without between 6 and 7 p. m. condition. Lady’s black winter Canadian Sheathing 1x6 to 1x8 PHONE ME noOCDIATELT Respectable gentleman. Inquire hot water oil heat, two ear at'- guni, etc., rspsired. Shears, u S. No. 1 KATHADINS poUtoes. Suburban RsaUy Co. Realtors, Company. Executor, c /o John D. La- parties. make recommendations on t& - bodieti 4 to 10 ton cacapity. If coat, size 18. Excellent condition. Framing 2x4 to 2x10 (email truck ' HARTFORD 6-0858 101 Chestnut street GEORGIAN Type home, three tached garage, driveway, aczfiana, Belle, Ally., 8t3 Main atreet, Man- knives, mowers etc. put into con- Bryan Bros., 179 Tolland Turn­ AFTER 7 P. M. 48-4800 storm windows. Immediate occu­ 541 Main streat Phone 8215. cheeler. Conn. Von Manteuffel ran as a candi­ medical-dental school proposal to intereated caU Stuart Carlson, 44 diiion for coming needs. Bralth- LENNOX Furnaces and warm air MAKE 820 Daily. Sell luminous Phone 2-3083. toed lota) per M. 899.50; Oeer Oak bedrooms, living room, dining name plates. Write Reeves Co., pike, or phone 3037. SEE r r DAT OR NIGHT pancy. Price 817,500. JOH.N J. WALLETT. Judge. date of the Free Democrat party, the governor and the 1958 Ie|^la- 1 Stock Place, ManchesUr. 2-4555. wnlte, 02 Pearl street. heating. Earl Van Camp. 2-5844 Flooring, per M. 8235. Select Ap­ room and modem kitchen. First BOLTON—New four room randi, ture which convenes Jan. 7. ' : IdMt end Found Attlsboro, Mass., free sample de- DOLL CARRIAGES. Sizes for all palachian Oak Flooring, per M. If you hava no means of transpor- ROOM FOR RENT. Phone 2-0131. floor lavatorv and full tmth. OU, ■■r A COURT OF TROBATB held a member of the government coali­ SIX STACKS of hay. Enough to full baaement, plastered walls, tion. While the dental group went on 1M7 OLDSMOBILE 78 aedan. Hy- Ulls. ages of little girls. Prices from 8215.00. tailo'n rn send my auto for yon. warm air heat Tlmkin oil burner. at Mancheater. within and for the FOUND — Buff colored puppy ROTRIGRRATION Service, com­ cover strawberries. Bryan Bros., oak floors, tile bath. On H acre of Diatricl of Manchester, on the Sih He baa been an outspoken advo­ record fs'vorlng a medical-dantal dramatic. In excellent condition 84.50. Kemp’s, Inc. No ohiigatlen! Beautifully landscaped lot, lOCT x MANCHESTER—EngUah CdontaL day of November, A D.. IMS. ■ •bout three months old. Phone mercial* and domestic. See our I Mininery—Dressmikiiif 19 179 Tolland Turnpike, or phone land. Good locaUon. C3ioose your cate of Weat German rearmament school, the Cmmecticut State Med­ throughout. Priced well below display of guaranteed used refrig­ TOOLMAKERS and V The Original end Only ' A —L —B—E—R—T—•—S PLEASANT Room at the Cknter 190’. Garage and tool ahed. Owner Two car garage, fireplace, steam own decorating colors. Phone Present, JOHN J. WALLETT, 3-8844. DRESSMAKING, all type altera ALL WOOL pieces for scarfs, ^ Office In New Haven 3037. 43 Alirn St. Hartford for gentleman. 14-16 Wadsworth heat, excellent condiUon. vacant. Judge. on the side of the Western Allies ical Society has so far decUnod (A ' e t~) ------' - celling. See Bob Oliver today. erators. >'GMrge H. Williams As- transfzrred. Purchase price 814,- Barbara Woods, Agent. 3702. take a stand on the issoc. tions and hems. Call Manchester • SKILLED LATHE Moles, or kerchiefs 50c • 90c FRANK’S Antlqnea and aeeond atreet. Bowers school. Price 815,500. .Ealkte of Florence R. Bramley. late against the threat of Sovliet ag­ tOST—PASS BOOK No. 48815. Center Motora, 481 Main street. eociates, 260 Tolland Turnpike, 500. For appointment please caU of Mancheater In said district, deceas­ Dr. Edward J. Whalen o f Hart* 2- 8866. children’s skirt lengths 90c-81.75; hand itora. 56 Cooper street Buys WILLDfANTTC— Modernistic 6 ed. gression. He ia employed in an aid. Notice is hereby given thkt Pa»e Manchester. Phone 2-8585, nights | OPERATORS cost lengths 83.50-86 96; srlscka NATIONAL Howard R Hastlnga. 2-1107. ford, president of the Medical Be* Book No. 4S31S. inued by The BUY SELECT USED CAR and m Us good used fumltura and LARGE, PLEASANT room In pri­ room horns. 3 unfinished. In ex- Upon application of Frank A. Bram- mtniatrative position by a metal BUY WISELY, 769L______pieces yi.75-82.95. Sew up those BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES antiques. Phone SgBfi. Open 9 to vate home. Convenient to C^enter MANCHESTER — Colonial, Firs- leyy. adnilniatrator, praylnz for author­ gooda firm here, ciety, told the prees that hid aavlngi Bank of Mencheiter has Experienced In Jig, fixture and MANCHESTER— New six-room esUsnt condition. Good location. ity to aell certain real eatate-particu­ group constituted only "interatted YOU*lii GET MORE Movliif—TraddiiB^ g a ^ work, also experimental Christmas gifts today! Colonial 420 Davenport Ave. 5:30. and dienejr’a. Place to park ear. ranen, artiatically paneled, tile ilace, tile bath. >»' larly deacrlbey Stuart R^ New Haven, Conn. Only 89,000. About 81.600 cash. observers" at the hearing. He 1950 Dodge Wnyfarer, 2-Dr. Sedan parts. 55 hour. week. Paid insur­ Remnant Shoppe, 115 Center Y o n ^ h a v w Phone 2-2044. bath, double cloeete, fireplace. Early occupancy. Pries 814, file. It la who,:llke I, have rebuilt their lives been made to eald bank for pay Wolcott on washing machines, S to r s fe 20 Telephone ST 7-3597. WE BUT and aell good used furni­ Phone 8600 anytime. ORDERED; That the foreyolnz ap- told newsmen that while tba m ad- -Mart -of the amount of depoatt. .. -8 1 .«B . vacuum cleaners, motors, small ance, holidays^ and vacations. Ex­ street. School and bus- line. Oarlton W. ilioatlon be heard and determined at on a civilian basU, ^aerve the ALBAIR AND Berry Trucking ture, combination ranges,' gas NICE LAROE front room next to leal group waa "aympathatte" t o -' 1950 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedan — appliances. Pick up nnd delivery. cellent working conditions Hutchins. 2-5132 or 6231. ANDOVER LAKE—Six room Cape he Probata office In Mancheater In truat of the people,” Von Manteuf- ward the proposal. It waa n mat^ tjOST—PASS BOOK 8S. 1858. Co. Rubblsta, ashes rtmoved. 17" STEWART-WARNBR Console ranges smd hsatsrs; Jonse Furni­ bath. Contlnuoua hot water. 0>n- MANCHESTER—Six room horns, aald. DUtrtet. on tha 17th day of No­ fel said in aa interview. 81,395. A-1 repair. Salea. 180 Main.' Television Set. Brand new. 8230. Ood near lake. Oil hot water vember. A. D„ t»sa. at ten o'clock In ter to be weighed by the |mhllo Dump truck availabis for loam, MORE FUN ture Store. 86 Oak. Phone 2-1041 venient to hoepltat Suitable for BOLTON—Six room ranch. Fill garage, screens, atorm windows, "I hope that my alection arill NoUce la hereby given that Pae* 1950 Buick Sedanetta—radio and Phone 8597. Can arrange terms to suit. Phone heat Immaculate conation the forenoon, and that lotice be siren H a whole. » gravel, etc. Phone 2-2591: WILCO couple of two girls. Phone 5422. pino mahogany paneling. Large awnings, amesite driveway, out­ to all peraona Intereated In aald eatate ■how the former profeaalonal aol- book No. SS 1853. inued by The heater—81.545. 2-0980. We need * Ranch Homes, HiU WlntM With A FREE —12 to 15 pound turkey throughout, fuU ceUar. Lot 65’ x It is estimated at n comhtnad flavingi Bank of Manchester has WINDOW SHADES made to order MACHINE TOOL CO., Inc. rooms. Fireplace. OU hot water door fireplace. Older shade trees. 196'. Asking 80.500. About 82.000 of the pennency of aald application and dlcra that they need not follow a Colonials and Cape Coda with every Kelvtnator electric FOR RENT—Front room. Heated, Good location. Price 818,500. the time and place of hearinz thereon, medical-dental school, eatahliahad been lost and application ha« 1950 Studebaker — Overdrive, ra­ and Installed. Venetian blinds AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., WESTINGHOUSE HOT water at fair prices for our cash heat, fuU caUar, garage attached. cash nesdsd. SchwarU Real Es- hot-headed radical to protect their dio and heater. Convertible, clean local and long distance moving, 30 Grandview Street range purchased between now and continuous hot water. Osntrally by. publlahinx a copy of this order In in Hartford or some other largo iMan made to raid bank for pay­ and curtain rods. 24 hour service. Manchester heater, A.B.C. parlor oU heater, cnatoowra. Qnlek aerrtcc Thanksgiving. Watkins Broa., located. Gentleman preferred. Shade trees, lovely setting. Carl­ Ute. 8374 or Hartford 5-5138. ■ome newspaper havtnf a circulation In own Intereate.” city as a branch of the Univeralte-- car—81.695. packing, storage. CaU 6187. Hart­ —no red tepe. ■aid dlatrlct, at least five days before ment of the amount of deposit. Estimates gladly glv4n. Fagan Telephone 2-1266 Maytag washer, one boy's snd Inc., 935 Main street. Phone 3129. \ ton W: Hutchins. 2-5132 or 6231. BOL’TON—New home. Four rooma the day‘ of saidaald hearinf,- ■ to - appear If of Connecticut, would coat ta *^ 1950 Dodge Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan— Window Shade Co., Route 44 at| ford 6-1423. one girl's bicycles. Phone 7907. GOOD GAR they aeea causcause at aald time and place payers around 85,000,000 to bulM}' FULTpH Street,Two 6 room Cape finished, two unfinished. FuU ahed .WSU. THE PERSON who found nwllQ...M d ., hefttpr*. glTPtnatlc Boltoa-Notoh. Phone 2-4478, RELIABLE Man with driver’s LARGE, Well furaialwd room In dormer, flreifiace, hot water oU Wanted—Reel Estate 77 and_.. -----. be..- beanbeard . reiati.vp.------tberato.. " Or>' Beab» aaid it would'nat-M brown and'white SpHhgcr Spaniel drive—81.450. MANCHESTER — Paokag* DaUv-. ■ Ue'ehse ld"help 'dri' delivery "truck' AU'i‘0 " ilEfcHANlC toola ' with Cods. Y utiflniahed! Both homes in maka returneturn to this court, and by RepiibUcans Win; ery. Local light trucking and JARVIS REALTY G. E. AUTOMATIC single control private home for gentleman. Con' haat Rough heat and plumbing to mailK-.xhx In a rreflatered ______letter on or be­ feasible to build a dental ocheOt puppy at the Green store please 1948 Plymouth Special DeLuxe CARPENTER will frame unfinish­ and installation work. Apply Ben­ steel cabinet, wooden roil-away. excellent condition. Asking 812,- CONSIDBItINO BBLUNQ caU 88737 Child's pet. Reward. package delivery. Refrigerators, blanket, 825. Phone 2-3778. tinuoua hot water and hot water second floor. Ameslte driveway. fore November lOi.10. 1M2. a copy of thla without being tied In with n new Two-Door Sedan. Radio and ed upstalrr rooms. Reasonable. ton’s, Inc., loss Main street. Good condition. Price 8200. Oril PHONE 4112 heat, near Cheney’s. 14 Beach 600 and 812.700. Warren Howland QuaUty conatructlon. 300 foot front­ TOUR PROPERTYT order to Jane Bramley Renache, 331 Uncle Is Clipped medical school. "Wa need the heater—8975. \ Call 2-4291. washers and stove moving 2-5048. USED Maytag wringer washer. Realty. Phone 8600 anytime. Hilliard street. Mancheater. Conn. a ^ ia lty . Phone 2-0752. street. Phone 8133. age. Rural residence. Price 818,100. Without obUgatlon to you, we JOHN,J, WALLETT. Judte compliment of the reoounes 1946 Chrysler 4-Dr. Sedan-Radio OPPORTUNITY—Wo are looking Put In good running order. A wUl appralss or maka you a cash AanomceBieats POWER BURNERS and Range BUY SHOPSMITH ON LAY-AWAY. MANCHESTER—Five room (Mpe which would be offered by n .moilh'. and heater, gyromatlc drive— for a reliable married man who bargain for 825. Kemp's, Inc. NICELY FURNISHED maple offer for property. See us before CUy, W. Va., Nov. 12—(A>)— ical ochool." Burners expertly cleaned and RUBBISH DlaposaL ashes, etc. has sold direct to the home to Give him Shopamlth for Christ' '49 CHEVROLET C!od. Shed dormer, two years old, OUF a t HAMTAHLE has arrived 8965. room, couple or gentleman. Near EXPANDABLE CAPE OOD, four you asU. Uncle Vincent Hamrick, 83, looked He said tlia td en ta l oeheolo serviced. Let us service and re­ cellars cleaned. Contract or tran­ handle our husineas in this area mas. Use Wards Lay-away P la n - BENGAL Delmce combination gas double aUdlng cloret doora in bed­ —for the hot pastrami and sient. 2-4988. $1095 bath. Garage available. Kitchen finished, two unfinished. Frcmt BRAE-BURN REALTY like a shorn aheep today. He'd had throughout the country just can't, edke go to 85 Oak street. SOLIMENE, Inc. pair your washing machine or re- No shortage of merchandfcre. Age only 10% down holds It until Dec. club Coupe and oil range, 4-4, white, excellent rooms, tUe bstb, fireplace, oil hot vestible, very large kitchen, alum 634 Center StKet 15. Shopamlth is 5 major power privilegea Phone 2-3506. Phone 6278 Thai Nips Red hU firat haircut in eight years. "A take care of tho quaUfled appU— ' frigerstor. Metro Service. 2-0883. 50-45. Car necessary. No deliver condition Phone 2-4463. water heat. Nsai bus • school. Im­ inum combination - screens and cants eveiywhere, and that pri­ Phones 5101 or 5102 ing, collections or demonstrating. tools in l : 8” Bench Saw, vertical mediate occupancy, 812,800. Carl­ Republican clip, he called It. An FOR OIL Burner service and in­ PsintlnK^Pspcrliif 21 storm windows, fireplace. Not LIST1NO.S Wsnted. Single, two- vate capital to build additional P m b n s is Man selected will be practically and horizontal Drill Preaa, 12" *48 HUDSON COMBINATION oil, gas or coal ROOM WITH double bed. Kitchen ton W. Hutchins. 2-5132 or 6231. comer lot. Yard completely fenced. "Eisenhower apecUl.” IM l FORD Convertible, hester, stallation by 15 years exper­ Disc Sander and Woodworking GOOD JOBS! Commodore "S’’ Sedan a family, three-family. busUieas Plot to Seize schools “doeon’t seem to be avalf-' PAINTING and Decorating. Inter­ set up in business on a remuner­ range. White enamel. Phone privileges. 168 Maple street. Immediate occupancy. Built In Uncle Vincent vowed when Gov. t h e p r o s p e c t Hill School for radio. A very apecisl bargain at ienced oil burner service man. Lathe. See thla complete power R. and H. C | | g g MANCHESTER—Old colonial. 6H property. Hove many cash, buy­ able.” Ha said that loave* the ior and exterior. Floors refln- ative 25% basis. Latest figures 2-2723 after 7 p. m. 1951. Price 813,600. ers. Mortgages arranged. Please Thomaa Dewey lost in 1944 he'd matter up to the state. young clvUdren. Transportation '8295. Check this one. Easy terms Call Manchester 2-1731 dr 2-8003. workshop demonstrated today at Whitewalls 4 1 ■ W CLEAN, Pleasant rooms with twin rooma. Hot a*ater beat, fireplace, never go to a barber again until Cslso Servicenter. 2-0980. ished. Reasonable rates. CUl ahow average earnings of 1100.80 Wards. Buy Shopamlth now, on GOOD PAY! call George L. Graziadio,, Real­ Rule of Nation Connecticut haa ' no dental furnished. Mrs. Lela Tybur, direc­ for full week's work in this bual- or double beds. Inquire 34 Madison Dutch oven, large maple shade the Mpubiicana regained, the tor. Phone 2-5787. LINOLEUM P.emnanta 60c square Gerry Whitman. Manchester Wards Chriatmaa Lay-away Plan. Complete line of Children’s tor. 2-5878. 109 Henry atreet. White House. schools within its bordara oiuL. JUST- DROVE 1942 . Dodge panel - ; ------— neaa.^ New and repeat bualnesa. street, or phone 8337. 1 ____ trees on %-kcre lot Garage, MANCHESTER-.— . Rvpat)d«Mf onlly one medical ochool, that 4tr*...... yard. Anhalt tile, wall covering. 2 8866 8224 with Special ’ 4-HP'Motor. '48 OLDSMOBILE Furniture, Cribs, Mattfesses ■chQOI bew at door. Purchase' (Oeallmed oe-I^ge'Taveetyr-aevee) So there was fihite'a ceremony BALLARD'S Driving School. Man- truck from Florida. Mechanically Done by reliable, well-trained Write Box J, Herald. Montgomery Ward, 828 Main 48 HOUR WEEK! "98” Chib Conv. 1-owner. Cape Cod, fireplace, aertsns, storm TOR QUICK RESULTS In seUing Yale. WALTER B. COOK80N, Paper- Play Pens, High Chairs, Car­ NEWLY DECORATED, beautl- price 811,000. Located 429 Oak­ windows, hatchway, hot water oU your property call Suburban yesterday in Uncle Vincent's lum­ ______iS chester's oldest Thousands of excellent Beat offer accepted. men. Ail Jobs guaranteed. Hall street. R. and H., electric windows, fully furnished rooms for two or been studying and waz among the ber yard office. Columnist Charles accident free instruction hours. Rockville 5-7281. hanger and Painter. Phone Man­ SET UP and SUPERVISION ★ * ★ ★ riages. Walkfira, etc. Complete land street. Howard R. Haatinga; heat. Immediate occupancy. M ce Realty Co., Realtors, 541 Main Linoleum Co., 56 Cottage atreet. chester 2-2291. hydramatic. beautiful con­ three. Complete light housekeep­ agent. 2-1107. 812,200. first arrested. Connor of the Charleaton, Dally Hundr^s of satisfied students. Phone 2-4022, evening! 6166 or OIL DRUM with faucet, hand dition, all new tires. furnishings for the entire irfe e t CaU 8215. Mail sat In on it and reported the Madison Ready !. pump; also library table. Phone Mainttnonca Man -k i f ing facilltlea available. Central The police official said Phrang- For appointment tel. 2-2245. 8109. MILLING MACHINES MANCHESTER—Seven room co­ proceedings. 1939 STUDEBAKER Commander. 2-3265. home. Appliances and 'TV. Reasonably priced. Children ac. BUYERS WAlTINa— Single and Phet confessed amd furnished va). ceptable. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch, lonial, exceUent location, hard­ MANCHEISTER — 4-Room Home, Couziil Abner Hamrick, who TRADE TOtm old electric rasor Good condition. Manchester 5500. STORM WINDOWS snd doors by R ep a irh if 23 HANSON WHITNEY i t Hainfanoiica Mm -A- two-faroily homes For efficient uable information on the operation For Catastropli^ 9x12 FIXIRAL Axminster Rug. '49 CHRYSLER second floor. wood floors, tUe bath, extra lava­ exceUent condition, electric hot qualified because in addition to A r a P.emington "dO” or Schick "Rosetfs.” Free estimates cheer-1 New Yorkers 4-Dr. sedsa. CHAMBERS FURNITURE and confldenUal sarvlcs caU, 1949 OLDSMOBILE two-door. Im­ MATTRESS Your uld mattressea THREAD MILLERS Also a girl's Scout and a boy’a tory, fireplace, oU hot water heat. water heater, stove, refrigerator, Reale, Broker. 2-1919. of the Communist network. being a Iftirber he ia also a Re­ "20." Rucsell’s Barber Shop. Cor­ fully given. Tel. Mr. Robinson. sterilizeii and remade like new. i t i t MalBtaiMHicff Mm Immsculate, $1495 At *1116 Green publican, wielded the aheara. , Madiaoa, WU.— If thla city ner Oak and Spruce streets. maculate. Mileage 35,000. Call Scout uniform, size 12. AJl in Phone 2-1167. E. A E. Agency. ■cyeana, atorm windows, garage, Names Asaembljr Mea 5766 after 6. 7691. Call Jones Furniture and Floor SENSITIVE DRILLERS good condition. Phone 6836. it Construction Electricinne fully equipped Boardera Wanted 59-A amesite driveway. Price 810,500. CASH BUYERS walUng for 4. 5, Phao named two brothers In the Everyone aaid uncle Vincent is ever to have a firat-rata contro#' Covering, 86 Oak. Tel. 2-1041, Open 10 A. M. to 5 P. M, FOUR FAMILY of five rooms 6 and seven room singles and national assembly, Thep and Pethal looked 20 years younger. phe, Tuesday night would probably WANTED—Ride from Manchester CARPENTRY — All branches. it Mlliwrighta Helpenk ROOM AND Board for gentleman south end to vicinity of Asylum 1651 WILLYS Station Wagon. - r and TAPPING each, an oldsr home that needa two-famUy ho’isei in Manchester, Chotinuebit, as memters of Red “ Yes. sir,” said uncle VinCent. be the beat tlma because almoet Fully equipped with overdrive. Good work. Get my prices first. Pipe Fliterz Helpera *51 OLDSMOBILE Evenings 7 :30 to 8 :30 On bua line. Home cooking. Phone some work done on it. Good, cen ■Tke’a victory took 20 years off my 160 radio hams are mobUiaad lor and Sigourney streets. Hartford. No job too small. Rockville 5-5759. HENRY, ESCOTT AGENCY Bolton, Coventry and Veman. ceils giving the Reds secret infor­ Phone 4597. Courses and Classes 27 it Painters "88" 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, 2-1448. tral location. Income at present mation on the activities of the life, 30 years of Democratic mli- just that' purpose. a Hours 8:16 to 4:45. Call 2-0697 All applicants mu.8t be heater, hydramatic, beantt- Henry A Thelma Jeffries Escott Howard R. Haatinga, 2-1107. ANY PIANO tuned for 83. Recon- | * Welders ONE ROUND Oak dining table, is 8120 monthly. Priced at 810,- police and armed /orces. nile. I feel like a new man. I feel The group, under the direetlea e( ' after 6:50 p. m. 1948 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE. TRUMPET LESSONS. Beginners able to read blue prints, WANTED I Ynl car, 9()-day like I've been born ail over again." Jerry L- Dame, poses o waakOT^ dIUoned and mothproofed. 827.50. it Carpenters Helpers 54” across, 84; White Hotpolnt OOa T. J. Crockett, 244 Main REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE W ANTED-W e have buyers for Another assemblyman seized Very good condition. Aaklng $875. only. Instruments loaned for trial guarantee. Apartnento—Flats— street Phone 5416 or residence 5 and 6 room homes. Call 2-1167 “You’re going to have to wash problem Involving a cltyriisM ENJOY A driver’s license.. For ex­ Call 2-OMO or 8 Hemlock street. Kenneth Robinson. Tel. 7691. make set 'up, srrind cut­ wringer type washing machine 266 High S t West, (Cter. McKee) was Charoen Supaaeng, president pert Instruction call the Manches­ period. Cheater Accordion Co., 91 Many GOOD JOBS are now Tenements 6S 3751. anytime. E. A B. Agency. of the National Peace Oomraittee your neck, uncle Vincent,” said breakdown in communlcatlonooad Union street. Call 5709. CarpMttrSi CarpMt«rs' with apron, in excellent condition, Tel. Manchester 3683 ter Driving Academy. 2-4087. 1949, 1950, 1951 Aulomoblles, aa ters, taps or drills. open for men with any of these of Thailand, a leftist organization. cousin Abner. "It’s sort of dla- then proceeds to solvo It. B o m ^ . *4* MICK 845; Easy washing nMchlne with TO SHARE Apartment. Two girU BRICK CAPE Cod — Six rooma WANTED — Direct from owner, colored.” times tha "hama" act aa .nmito ^ ' little , as 89.90 weekly. Lowest Household Scnrices Helpers and Laborers akUls la the clean, bright plant SIX ROOM CAPE <3od. OU hesti The mam who handled the finan­ .WANTED—Drivers from vicinity 65 Hour Week—SV's Days Super Sedanette. Beautiful new wringer 820. Huge, mahogany or couple. Double room available two unfinished. Recreation room 'Single FamUy House. Write Box "Democratic dirt," snapped the the civil' defense depanmeBt or finance rates. Possible your car Offered 13-Al of Pratt nnd Whitney Aircraft. finished sideboard with cupboard automatic hot water heater, com' ces for the network was identified of Canter street and West Side to MortgaKCS 31 condlUoa, fully equipped. Call 3560 after 4 p. m. and laundry tn baaement Com­ K, c /o Herald. old man. tha Red Cross. Ac^ ^down. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. MANY' EXTBA BENEFIT8! and drawers euitable for dining blnation windows and doora, as kim Sae Tae, a Chinese. ^in in car pool to Travelers In­ MATTRE.SSES HADE to order, Job Shop Experience And remember yon get more Including d,vnaflow af4flOE bination storm windows and Uncle Vincent waa diaappolntad the Four lAltei FIRST AND Second mortgages I Apply and algnal lights, a lw w w room O’* use aa a bar in recreation ameslte drive, nice lot, good locS' Russian weapons captured in a surance Company. Hours 8 to PICK UPS: 1951 Ford. 1950 Ford, re-made and sterilized like new. I than jnat good wages at Pratt acreena. Near school and bua Chinese shop included automatic the Republican candidate for gov­ Club. . y 4:80. Phone 2-4131 after 5 p. m. bought for our owrn account. Fast, Preferred room, 25” wide, 64" long. 38” Bmineaa LoeatkMW tion. Phone 2-1272. TTie 17 nwblio nnits aro dlroetod - 1948. Dodge 3-4 ton.. 1949. Chev-. . Wa caU for and deliver anywhere. I confidential eervlce. Manchester and Whitney Aircraft . . . you line. Aaking 810,875. CaU 7344 Legal Notice pistoU with aitencers and other ernor loat last week. rolet, 1947 Dodge, 1948 and '41 Frank' Falk, 17 Main atreet, Col­ get all sorts of extra benefits high, 820. Cailld’a table and for Rant 6^i anytime. "Danged if I wouldn’t have got­ from a ei^Kral radio transmitting Investment Corp., 35 Oak atreet. | Hartford 5-3197 JARVIS REALTY 00. '46 BUICK chain set, maple finish, 810. In CAPE COD—Expandable to six small arms. Police said the illegal CMC 1-ton, 1949 Studebaker, 1946 chester. Conn. Phone Colchester | that can mean a safer, happier radio tranamltter uncovered in an­ ten a crew cut,” he said. and reratving sat permanently lo^ AotoMobllcs for Salo 4 Phone 5416.' Super Sedan. quire 136 Deming street. Phone TO RENT—Store at 21 Maple MANCHESTER —Custom, garri­ rooms. Near WaddeU school. City AT A COURT OF PROBATE held cated.iit the local Red Cross chap­ Chevrolet, 1944 Ford 1*4 ton long 460. WANTED—Man to work In shade 5 Dover Rock! tutnre for yon and yonr family. sewer and utUltiea. Leas than ■t Mancheater, within and tor the other Chinese shop waa used by 1849 CHEVROLET deluxe sedan. wheetbase, 1948 OMC, 1942 Inter­ Radio, Heater $895 2-5090. street. Near Msdn atreet opposite son colonial, in axceUent condi­ Dlatiict of Maneheeter. o r the Sth rEaplonage Via Ftehing Boat ter-Hia amateur operators oC th4 department. Must have driver’s First National. Phone 6117. Ed two years old. ImmSdlate occu' the Reds to maintain their contacts Luatro-js black finish. Local one national. .1939 International FLAT FINISH Holland window Business Opportinitles 32 tion. Modem throughout, wail to dEv of November. A, D., snmm abroad. mobile units are ‘volunteen in tho ■hades made to measure. All license. E. A. Johnson Paint Co., FINE SELECTION of hassocks ward J. HoII, 1009 Main street. wall carpeting, automatic pancy. Phone 3932. Pieeent, JOHN J. WALLETT. Tokyo—« 5 —Police suspect that, ^Ivll defense mid resciie Woik'SOf* owner car. In exceUent condition. dump, 1949 Ford panel,- 1947 699 Main street. JUST LOOK! . . •47 CHEVROLET for CSiristmas. See our window Bob OUver always has Chevrolets. Chevrolet aedan delivery. Low metal Venetian blinds at a new GROCERY store and eleven room You’ll do BETTER dishwasher, hot water heat, '^'Eitale of Mer>- B. Bennett, lete of JBmo Ddl Fires Aide Japanese CommunlaU are uahi^ up. They have provided their OTfia low price. Keys made while you j house for sale Excellent proposi­ Sedan, jet black, new tlrsa.> today, prices 84.95 up. Kemp’s, FOR RENT—Store, 18‘ x 40’, cen oU, garage, large 'tot. In MANCHESTER — East Side — Maneheeter. In eald Dletrlct. deceaaeA fishing boaU and meeting R ^ a n equipment except for the cantrM Center Motor Sales, 461 Main prices. Champ’s, Route 30, Rock­ WANTED—One or two men at thoM axtros! Radio and Heater. On motion of Alice B. Seymour. 30 Saigon, Indo-China, Nov. 12— Ufl wait. Ma:*low's. tion for large family. House is in AT Inc. trally located. Suitable for gro­ one of Manchester Green’s Duplex four and four. Largo warships off Northern Japan to transmitter which is the proporty. Street ville 5-9574. Steady work. Good pay. Apply in -* Overtime PREMIUMS cery, barber shop, taUor, office rooms with extra larga attic, lot Plainfield Road. Weat Hertford. Conn., —Viet Nam's chief of .state, ex- good cundit^. Store doing a nice, best aectiona If you are looking executrix. * ... s smuggle information an^'agenta in of the police department. WEAVING of bums, moth holes person 1,82 Bisaell street. it PAID Vacatioaa USED EASY Spinner, completely etc. Inquire 60 Haynes street. 100’ X ISO*. One aldo a,vaUahIo on ORDBRED: Thai alx month*) from Emporer Bao Dal, fired hia gover­ 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 1941 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. Ra­ steady buslnesh. Only store with­ PRATT# & WHITNEY '49 HUDSON aarviced in good condition, 840 for quaUty this is it. Shown by and out of Japan. / Aero aedan, tutone blue-gray. dio, heater. Hydramatlr. Good and tom clothing, hosiery runs, • PAID Holidays appointment only. Many other sale. Asking 814,000. For i^point- the « h day of «<>»*'«*«'••, nor of North Viet Nam today and They have seized some boats and in a mile. T. J. Crockett, 244 Main ATTENTION SALESMEN: Con­ Commodore S Sedan. Only takes it Kemp's. Inc. ,be and tba aanM are Ilinited and allow­ replaced him with an ultra-nation­ The University of Florida grid Nica car throughout. Trade now, clean transportation. 8245. Name handbags repaired, ripper re­ AIRCRAFT • Aatomatte Cost-of-Uviag listinga. CMU The EUaworth Mit­ ment please call Howard R. Hast: ed for the creditora within which to made a few arrests, but they re­ team intercepted 18 of 87 odpomi^ street. Phone 5416 or residence stantly expanding manufacturer Adjustazents 23,000 miles. Radio, Heater, STORE FOR Rant 35 Oak Street, alist whose party refused earlier trade right Trade with Douglas terms. Calio Service Center, 438 placement, umbrellaa repaired, 3751. has openings for three alert, wide ten Agency. Realtors. 8930. lags, 2-1107. bring In their elalma agalnet aald port the trafftowi hard to atop. The ksses in their first four gamel. X Group Insewance Overdrive. New tires. Sea- Call 8465. _ eateic, and the aald ezeeutrix la d rent­ to give the French full support in Motors, 333 Main. Center atreet. Phone 2-0980. men's shirt collan reversed and awake salesmen or men willing this beauty. « CU FT. PHILCO freezer. Phone ed to give public notice to the creditora boata ply pmong the clusters of efensiva halfback Tommy IvoL replaced. Marlow’s Little Mending DOBSONVIL.E Public Market for -b.A CLEAN Plant TWO FAMILY duplex, four rooms FASCINATING 5 room Cape Cod to bring In thetr elalma within aald thqir fight against the Communiat- amsll RuBslM-held islands off Hok­ gled the way with four inurcfj^ STATION Wagon, late 1951 Nash to be trained at our expense. Ex­ We need MANY MEN: it MODERN Equipment 5793. led Vietmlnh. BEFORE YOU Buy a used car . Shop. sale. 83,000. Call Stafford Springs cellent opportunity offered as we STtfRE FOR Rent. Good location each aide. Steam heat. One aide with attached garage, screened time altoweC by publlahing a copy of k a id o ./ tions. see Gorman Motor Sales. Buick Rambler, blue. radio, heater. 6-W3. ConvenleBt Lecatton WHITE PORCELAIN combination vacant. Two-car garage. Price porch, nicely landscaped lot. Good thla order In eome newipeper having Observers here looked on the Driven 6,000 miles. A-1 condition. are introducing new material. MILLING MACHINE it EASY Parking '51 HUDSON Inquire 121 Spruce street. a circulation In aald probate dlatrlct, change as a bid by Bao Dai to Sales and Service, 285 Main Hen who must have high earn­ OPERATORS Super Sedan. Only 18,000 g u and oil atove. BuUt-in A.B has been reduced to 811.900 for location, Immaculata condMion, within ten daya from the date of thla street Phone 2-4571. Open eve­ Wonderful gas mileage. Very* rea­ Building— Contracting quick rale. R. T. McCann, Real­ Truly a home to be proud of. older, and return make to thla court draft the extreme nationaliata into ings preferred. Car necessary. Dcmt wait! Come In today to miles. Radio, Heater, z^ lt^ C. burner. 2 \ yean old. Inquire of the notice given, nings. sonable. Phone 3-3059 or 60 Lock- Help Wanted— Female DRILL PRESS 10 Hemlock afreet aften 5 p. m. THREE ROOM Office to rent on tor. 7700. Warren Howland Realty. Phone closer cooperation with wood street. SPE(NAI,IZING IN Chistom. built 1 Salary plus commission. Apply talk with oar friendly employ­ . wall tires, new car guaraa- JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. French-sponsored native gover^ OPERATORS ment counselor abont the job tee. East Center street. Phone 2-5820. 8600 anytime. 1947 FORD Super deluxe, blue, garages concrete fioors. Also al­ TUo, 624 Wethersfield ave, Hart­ NINE-PIECE Modem Walnut Din FIVE R(XIM atngla, 22 foot Uving AT A COURT OF PROBATE hald ment. With new 100 K. P. engine. Ex­ 1951 FORD 2-DOOR. Original mile­ terations. addition.x and dormer WANTED ford, Wednesday through Friday, epportnalttes . . . the niaay at Manchaatar. within and for Uij The former monarch kipkM out GRINDING MACHINE extra advantages . . ,'o f werk- ing Room Set Good condition room with knotty pine paneling, VERNON CENTER — Two Acrea District of Manchester, nr the Sth SHELL OIL COMPANY cellent condition' throughout, age 7.200. Fully equipped. A-t erection. Call Frank Contois, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m., 65 fireplace, cabinet kitchen, three Fhan Vn Binh, who hatLhtoded UiB condition. Private owner. Reaaon- EXECUTIVE’S SECRETARY OPERATORS lag at Pratt and Whitney Air­ Phone 2-8353. Houses for Rent Clear. Maha road to Rockville. dev of November. A. D.. 19S2. ■ tiank financing. For this one see Manchester 5322, Hartford 8-7735. 6:30 to 8 p. m. AU One-Owner Cars large bedrooms, storm windows Seven room single, artesian Present JOHN J. WALLETPf Viet Nam regime in Ufa pre-world Boh-Ollvep, Oeirter-Motor-Sales. abl8... Coa 2r4205... _!______craft. If hiconvenlent jnat write Tamed In For The MODERN LOVE Seat, never ured FOR RENT — Six-Rooms, dujdex JUde^e War II atate of TqiiKin, bordering H U FOR LUSE, MODERM THREE BAY Must be experienced stenogra-1 BULLARD us a letter ontUnin|p your ex­ and screens, oU hot water heat water, oU heat Asking 811,000. Eitate of Erneet A. Roy, late of -4 - Fabulous New Hudson one of pair. dUplayed In window house, for four adults., Nice loca­ Illness forces sale, 810,800. Oirl Maneheeter. tn eald Dlatrlct. deceaaed. on Communist Qhina. The Vlet- 18|7 DODGE deluxe sedan, radio Florists—Nurseries pher, with knowledge of dic-| Sitnitlonfi Wanted— OPERATORS perience. Uon. Write Box O. Herald. This one wlU seU fs s t -For ap: 1936 TUDOR FORD, For informa- at 109 Center atreet ton W. Hutchins. 2-5133 or 6231 pointment please phone Howard On motion of Oeneva M. Roy of aald minh control mfich of the state but SERVICE STA'nOH TO AOBRESSIVE haater, fluid drive. In excellent CHRYSANTHEMUMS, cut flow- taphone. F em tie 38 Manehaater. ezacutrix. the Frenclv-find their 'Vietnamese Condition. Beautiful grey fint**h. tion call 6593. ENGINE LATHE Employment Office MAHOGANY FOUR-POSTER BED R. Hastlifga, 3-1107. ORDERED; That alx montha from era. Many choice varieties. Phone Terms To Suit Tour Needs the Sth day of November A. D., 19S3, allies atllL^old the capital, Hanoi, Easy terms. Douglas Motors.. 333 I ALL TYPEIS of curtains laundered OPERATORS WUlow Street —Mahogany top, full aize. Like Wanted to Rent 68 OWNER OFFERS and the"" rice-rich Red river, delta 8185. Apply in Person. new. Sacrifice for immediate IMMACULATE BRICK Cape Cod, be and tha aame are limited and allow­ MEROHAHDISIIHl MIHDED PERSOH Main. 1935 CHEVROLET. Good running and Ironing done in my home. Monday thro Friday FOUR ADULTS desira 5 or ed tor the creditora within which to arqi^d it. Cali 2-4833. , ~ MATERIAL HANDLERS Bale. 2-067fi. full shed dormer, basement ga-‘ bring In their elalma axalnet eald ea- Ba'o Dal named Nguyen Huu Tri, condition. 830.00. Phone 2-3826. CHENEY BROTHERS g A. M. to 5 P. M. room rent. References Phone HOME OF 6 ROOMS rage, tUe bath, oU heat. Now Ute. am.' Ihe eald executrix la directed 1948 PONTIAC streamliner sedan- Roofibg—Siding to sire public notice to the creditors to head of the strong Dai Viet party, 8tte. Hydratr^atic,'lustrous green. I OPENING IN a reliablk ficenaed BENCH WORKERS 2-9220 after f p. m. vacant. Sensibly priced. Excellent Excellent locati^. Station offers opportunity for bei* Auto Accessories—^Tires 6 Saturdays McCLURE YOUTH BED. mattreaa, apring, (2 Unfinished). Built by car- brinx In Iheir cHIma within aald time to the governorship. Tri and bis A beautiful, otie'owner car. One MANCHESTER — Roofing and PERSONNEL DEPT^ home for chUd care. By hour, day URGENTLY Needed, unfumiahad terms. T. J. Crockett, 244 Main allowed by publlahlns a copy of this faction previously had rebuffed ter than average income. Moderate investment required- to suit parents. Call JANITORS 8 A. M. to 12 Noon 810.00. Phone 2-2882. street. Phone 5416 or raridence order In eome newapaper havinz a cir­ ♦bu would be proud to own. F'or WINTER TIRES - Pennsylvania Siding Co. Also all typea o* paint­ or week, apartment by three adulte. Phone enter in 1950 for his own culation Ip aald probata dletrlct. within overturea because, they , said, the best in values buy at Center 146 Hartford Road 2-8801, 37tSI. For appointment call Cleat. Goodyear Suburbanite and ing and carpentry work. Ouaran' PLUS Tool and Die Makers, Auto Co,, Ine. 2-4990 after 0:30. Eome: Large attached gfirage. ten daya from tha date of this ordei’. France had not given the Vietnam­ ^otor Sales, 461 Main street. 2 in 1 recaps. Auto Lite. Penn­ teed work. Phone 2-8933 for free Large lot 120 x 225 ft., well and rpturn make to thla court of the ese sufficient guarantees of com­ 1 YOUNG, LADY with office experi­ Sheet Metal Mechanics, Pre Hudson Sales and Servlea Machinery and Tools 52 MAN(HESTFJl GREEN — Six notice zlven. sylvania and Bowers bstteries. estimates. FULL riMB experienced sales PHATT A WHITNEY 825 REWARD for four or a landscaped. Many extra fea­ JOHN J- WALLETT. Judge. plete independence. ;| BARGAINS ence would like typing, clerical cision Machinists, Spinning SNOWPLOWS, Uaed Farmalla, rooaia rent, tenement, apartnMnt rooms, two unfinished with dor- MR. CARNEY—Days, Hartford 7-5254 Free road serx’lce. Terms on all clerk. Apply in person. Mnrlow's, work, etc., to do home. 8268. A IRCRAn Direct Factory Dealer tures. Presumably the change will have products The Budget Center, 91 FOR GUARANTEED ROOFS that 867 Main street jathe Operators and Scrap­ Allli-Chalmen, Olivers, Cater or bouse Middle-aged couple with men. Fully insulated, aluminum Order ef Notice no immediate effect on military U In "Safety Tested" Center street. stay OR in any kind of storm, and Dtrlsion of Calted Aircraft 878 Main St., Maachestev plllara 22. (Tletnc buUdozer, one school age’ child, iteesnant combination duon and sash, hot operatlona in the north against the Nights, Man'chester 2-9067, Monday thru Friday gutters, conductors and roof re­ SHIRT PRESS operator. Exper­ ers. INQUIRE water heat, fireplace, amesite Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 Corporation , TeL 2-9442 Terms. Dublin Tractor Co.. North references. Phbne 2-4913, ask for STATE OF CONNECTICUT, Dletrlct Vietminh, who have been ousting li USED CARS BATTERIES PRICED LOW AT pairs. Call Coughllr 7707. ience not necessary. Apply in per­ East Hartford 8, Conn. Windham Road, WUlimantie Mrs. Stewart drive. Urge corner tot; * Oamer of Mancheater. Probate Court. Town of the French and allied Thai tribes­ I- WARDS! Values like these— son. New Model'Laundry, 73 | GOOD PAY!... tnuuferrcd. Howard R. Hastings. Maneheeter, November I, 1952. ' We Get the Cream of WE SPECIALIZE in roofing and TROPICAL FISH, qpecial for one GOOD HOURS 5-3217. 451 PARKER S'TREET Eatete of Jannie F. Roblnaon late of men; from posts they held in the type 1, exchange; Battery,'Com­ Summit rtreet. week. MoUiea 7Sc pair. Kelley's WANTED—Three tedroom houfia, 2-1107. Mancheater In eal<-' District, deceased. mountainous area northwest of the ... t r a d e -i n s ..... mander: Guarantee,- -ji - mos. :• ■ - aiding— Highest . . Qtialityi. ma-! Aquarium; 29 Sunset street: ' or' apartment.— Good • ■ location;- Present. HON. JOHN J. WALLETT, Red dcUA Btabifld "Tri line iip his terlal.s. . Workmanship guaran­ BAKER’S Helper, hours 12 mid- ---• plus’ 'Innuin CHECK THIS^ExceUent 3 yesf r Price 87.95. Battery, Standard; 'til 9. - Mofiieal Instnmients iS Phone 4545. BAYBERRY ESTATES Judge, forces with the ETench, however, U61 Oldamohile: Holiday Coupe-r Guarantee. 2.4 mos.; Price .811.95. teed. A, Uon,.Inc., 299 Autumn ^ h t to 7 A m. Apply , mornings. I „ lenefitfil !at. old 6-yoom CA{w.Cod, Oyde Rosd- The J9th. day. o f Noxefiber, 1932. at 5 finished rooms. Festiires in- ■fatno'clock In the forenonh.' aLk Court 4t might undercut somewhat pop­ H»cket engine "8SException­ Battery, Heavy Service; Guaran­ . street. PhonViSSb. ho phoiie' calls ' please.'"Kay’s JERSEY, Due to freshen thU NEW,' USED and rental Inztru- WANTED—Three or four rooma iO L T O N of Probate , to be held at the Probate ular support for the Vietminh lead­ ally fine trade-in. Plenty of tee, -36 moa.; Price 815:95. Mont­ Pariry Shop. 183 North.. Main month. First calf. Phone Ray • Liberal Wage Scale ments. Reeds, mulea, atrtnga, fiimlahed apartment to r young ehtder front dormerr, veittbule, Office In the Town of Manchester, la er, Moecow-tnUned Hb Chi Minh. - AUCTION •qulpment. gomery Ward,. 828 Main street! GREAT EASTERN Roofing and atreet, Manchester. stands, all acceraories. Methods. working couple. Telephone 2-1596 hot water oil best, flreplAce, pic­ 5 ropfn Ranch homes, with at> hereby eaaigned for a hearing upon the Con.structiotv Co Applicators of Palmer, Coventry 7-6582 between Paid Holidays settleiaiant and allowance of tlie admin, ^ 577 EAST CENTER ST-e MANCHESTER, CONN. FOR SALE Factory-trained repairman, ward after 6 p. m. and aak for Mr. or ture book kitchen, fuU tUs bath, tachedi garage. Cote 180x180. latratlon account, tor the ascertain 11^ Olds 4-Dt.~ Rocket "98" One Bird and Flintkote. Guaranteed 5 and 6. '______' • Paid Vaciations Tot Counsels Dadd.v' SALES CLERK for Saturday and;! Krause, 87 Walnut 5336. Mrs. Ihompaom colored' flxturaa. cop ^ r plumbing, Some availahle for ImmedUte ment of the diatrlbuteea of aald estate St. Louis—UPt—John McCann *wner. Fully equipped—81,895. LOOK! roofs and siding. Life-time alum­ Sunday afternoons. Apply Mun­ PAIR WORK HORSES, two Saddle • Overtime Premiums copper gutters and leaden. fuU occupancy. Priced at 813.900. and for an order of distribution and ON THE PREMISES OF ( It ia had a few of the boys over for inum clapboard and combination son's Caiidy Kitchen, 117 New Horsea, one Palomino, one Pony, • Cost-of-living Adjustments BOLTON—WlUlams Road 8 Room Single just completed, at­ WANTKD^Ons, two or three bajeement, steel beam, city aewer, ThU . includes ameslte drive, 1S|I9 Buick 4-Dr. Super - - Low HALF PRICE TIRE SALE storm windows and screens. For ORDERED: That the admlnletrator poker one night recently. Hla tlnv COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH PARSONAGE mileage. Sweet running—81.595. Bolton Road. Saddles and bridles. J.’C. Scran­ • Group Insurance tached garage, imen porch. Hot water beat with oil buraar, WeariRg Apparel—Fura 57 room furiilsbed apartment, cen- combination atorm windows, and . storm windows and screens, of aaid.estate exhibit said account In daughter Kathleen kept running in free estimates call 8271. Evenings ton, 428 HUlatqwn road. traUy located. Write Box screens. Will qualify for V. A. and Venetian blinds. aald Court at the day and hour above A L L SIZES DEU4TAL— Assistant for office in • Friendly Working Condi- kaotty piae Utchee cabiaets, flre|riaee, lax-atory and many PRACTICALLY new eulta, jackeU, mentloner.' and that notice of the time and out of tha-hltchen thereby in AT MANCHESTER GREEN « M Mercury 2-Dr. Sedan - Priced 8303. ^Ibert V Lindsay, Owner. other attractive features. Large lot 15artment, 2 to BROKER thla order to be published in some Daddy said he. would spank her SATURDAY, NOY. 15, AT 10:30 A. M. |icater and dynaflms- 81,745. Fresh Stock — No Seconds Alumincm storm windows and day. November l3th between counselor will be glad to tell rooma with, kitchen and bath newspaper having a circulation In aald and put her to bed if ahe didn't J BOLTON—Clarke Road 1 Room Slagle, part stone, part frmiaax TOWERS School Section—8 room 344 Mein Street District at least five daya before the stay out of the room. Kathleen' ' INSPECTION AFTER 10 A M., SALE DAY ' f t gutters All men protected by In- 11:30 and 1. you how to build your future Rent to 880 a month. Write-Box Phonea—Office 5416 day of aah* hearing and by malHng In ISbO Olds 4-Dr. — Rocket ’'88 Useable Casing, Plus Tax Ponltgjr and Supplies 43 two car garage with loft. Steam heat with Timkia oil burner. G, c /o Herald. ' a reglaterad letter or or before No­ merely put her hand, on his arm suranc.'. Three years to pay. Free X 25’. finplace. Picture book or Residence 8751 Bmeothest car on the road— WANTED- Part time-enlee help. in the industry with the un­ Electric mage, 18 cable ft. freezer and antomatie washer vember 7. 1952. a copy of thla order to and said, "Down boy.” Enfira Proedofib for Purehoia of 31,865. estimates. Call 7180. Alfred BROAD BREASTED bronze tur RACCOON FUR coat Size 38 kitchen, tile Uvatory 'and bath. William A. Weber, 414 Eaat Center Charest. Owner. AU year round work. Thursday limited future. lacinded. Let ISfi* z 586’. Sfi day eeciipaacy. TEAC!HE3t arould like three, four CAL.SO SERVICE CE.NTER kevi, fresh klUed, fresh froxen, CaU RockvUle 5-4097. rooms. Must be available In De­ Four twin alzs bedrooms. Hot MANCHESTER—Cape Cod. about ■treat Maneheeter. Conn.; Ernest F. The Bay of Fundy haa some of Church Furnishioqs 19M Olds 4-Dr. ’'68 ’ — Recondi- nights. Saturdays all day. Extra water oil heat, attic. Oarage. twelve years old. Six flnUhed Robinson, 453 Main atreet, Manches­ time in December. Shoor Bros, | ready anytime. 8 to 83 pounds. cember. CaU 4534, * to 8 p. m. ter, -Conn.; Raymond E RoBlnion. 414 the greatest tides in the world, ^oned and ready to go—81.195 136 Center St. Phone 2-0980 Schauh’. Turkey Farm, 188 Hllls- Shown by appointment. Elva rooma in good location. InauUted, Eaat Canter 'atreet Mancheater, Conn. says Hie National Geographic So­ Roofing 1«' Ward, 826 Main street. deliver Arnold Nelson, 737 LorilnU One^asUe east sf the Conuecticat River Bridge. Designed for Wanted—To Buy 58 Immaculate older home, with ■aid Dlatrlct deceaaed. |linning condition—8850. lot 75’ X 100'. Tolland 55 acres, Urge Uving room, firepUce, side On motion of Frida Olson of ' said WANTED—Receptionist and aecre- street Phone 8906, modem Bring. Immedtate eeenpuacy. Uving room, dining room, aun porch TO PURCHASE Heating— Plumbing 17 tary for dental office. Must be Saturdays WANTED — Storm Wlndosra, two, development 86.500. Better Buy porch, tile bath and Uvatory, Manchester, administratrix c.t.a. FOOD SALE: U|6 Buick 4-Dr. Super — New Wanted Autoa— three or four 82" x «2". Phone and modem kitchen down, 'hiree ORDERED: That six months from ^Int. Plenty of style—8875. experienced.' Good pay with Realty, 6787 Insuranca, 3-3484 master bedroom, venetUn bUhds, tha tth day of November A.O.. 1963, be HOME BAKED OAKES, PIES, BBBAD AND O O O K m . Motorcycles 12 PLUMBING And heating. SpeciaU- chance for advancement. Write Artidefi for Sal* 4!> 8 A. M. to 12 Noon 34)882. bedrooma up. One, car g a ra », oil Real Estate. extra U r ^ lot, nlcsly landscaped, and the aame arc Itmitac.' and allowsd A SMALL izing in repairs. Copper water hot aratsr lieat. flraplaoe. Owns: for the creditors within which to bring OPEN EVENINGS WAP^TTED—Griod Clean, used cars. Box R, c /o Herald. shade trees, good location, imme- - REFRESHMENTS ON SALE A t NOOI^ piping, remoleling electric equip­ ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port PRA'TT^ WHITNEY MiKIIINEY BROTHERS, INODRTOlUTEg WANTED TO BUY leaving this araa. OUT8KIRT8 OF Maachteter—8U dUte occupancy, 816,800, terms. In their claims against said astate, and INSURANCE ’TEL 4134 ,;i;— ' See Bob OUver, Outer Motor able and standard tjrpawrlters. the said •dtnlnlatrstrtx c.ta. Is direct' ment for plugged drains. Edward Eatabllshed USfi room (Saps Cbd, five flnUhed. ed to give public noUca to the credt- Sales, 461 Main street AU makes of adding macMaea AIRCRAFT Wm. E. Ooodchild, Sr., Realtor. lA OMO of laeleawat wootfaer m Io win Mo M d IwMlb Johnson 6979 or 5044. Help Wanted—BIfilfi 3< PIANO ARTHUR A. KNOFLA Dormers. Hot wrater heat Oom- 7935 anytime. tera to Dring In their claims within aait AOENCY MANCHESTER aold or rented Repalra on aU 48fi MAIN STREET (Odd PelloHs Bnlldlag) MANCHESTER bthation storm arindowa and aaah. tlma allowed by publishing a copy c ' COMPLETE FURNACE rspalr- MAN TO Work part time to audit makes, kfarlow'a. Division of Itealtor this order In eome newSBaper bavin , MOTOR SALES. Inc. i bnahieafi’ Snrieea Offered Old Fashioned Playfir Type, 175 Mala St—Sat l» 2t Venetian' hllnds throughout 3-4 WELL LOCATED 8Vi room horns. a circulation In aaid probate dtatricl WRITE lO X H ED. RIRKHAM. AUCTIONEER ing servics. Gas. oil or coat Win' freight billz. Must be familiar TELEPHONES fifififi sr S-Sni Larga lot garage. Priced to allow within ten' da;lys from fi the date of this *^fiur Ol^mobile DMlelr'* STONE AND Brick nasoa, ter air cundltlosdng sjntems In- with motor carrier tariffs. Bee BOLTON — Building stone and United Aircraft Corporation With Or Without RolU Phone Office 5440 acre plot wriUr ovsraisad garage. e-a THE h e r a l d BIANCHBStEB, CONN. Amesite drivaaray. Phona Barbara for Interior decoration. Madeline order, anc.' re*:tum make to tblp court • West Center Street cement iroik. Vnltntlno Bellucci, . stalled and servided. T. P. Aitkin, Mr. Carlson at Carlzon A Cb., 46 flngstooa. BoMob Notch QuarTy. XvaaiagB 3-5aM'er 3-4375 of the'aotlce given. ____ Smith, Itealtor. 2-1542 or 4679. J_ Conwr of Hartford Road 80 Birch street Phone 8-160L 6 MeOabs street PhOM 6798. Stock Place. PhoM 8-0«17. BUnley Pataoda. East Hartford T«L 2 -1 6 8 6 ■0*- Woods. Agant 11703. JOUM J. WALLETT, Judks. 4. f i ♦ 'H ) J : '. r

j i , L.

WEDNESI^AY, NOVElilBER 12, 1J82 ATtrage DsUy Net Prsa Ron IbsW sethcr Far tha Week daSeS FeM«aat af D. B. Wasthar . is TWENTY-EIGHT jSIiinrbPBtpr lEoPtiino SprttUi Nav. S, 1SS2 Fair tonight. Mlniiwam h i' The Tall Cedars of Lebanon will 10,791 ISa, M Friday aoaay aMI ■ .'A- Eight Unclaimed Bikes meet at the Masonic Temple at 7 ^eaabar ahtha AatM -A ljlH il TjS w n . Bcing;^ Held b y Police o'clock tonight and proceed to the Bhrwui af drealaaaas ..Uif Watkins Funeral Home to pay MancheHer— A City of ViUago Charm \ their reapecte to former member rainine favgrites^/ ’ 'Oie lumeheeter AiiOcUtlon for Police are holding eight un­ Emeat Bantly. ^g|p ^ rtuiniM children will claimed, bicyclea at the station VOL. LXXII, NO. 38 (daarifM Advartlaing tm Paga IS) MANCHE8TEJR, CONN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 19$2 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE nVE CENtt ^ ^ittHny .tonorrow *t S p.n. that had been left unclaimed in Russell F. Miner of 93 Mather the atreet. WARREN'S- mmim til th * OW«MU»t Ocin*ret*Uon^ street has been promoted to fore­ <3knfth. T lit,ip *«k «r will b* John Anyone who ia miasing a bike man, assembly, second shift, at TMeMM^i piUidMl of Ponyelj' may go up to headquartera to Hamilton SUndard Division. Unit­ ■!««—1 MuuftoM Trainlnr Schwl. see if hia ia among the eight. ed AIrcrafr Corporation, in Wind­ RAINCOATS » Nationalists Zn bitorwtwl p«n»oni »r# cordl- sor Locks, Death of Captain Made «/ mty iBVitad to ottend. Pimdot Tmjfetm Em houtd A meeting of teachera and par- Blast Stalin •n « M u y Cuihaaon yro u j^ f Mij enta of high school atudenta will Reds GuBty Reds Use ‘Gas Shells,’ Personal Notices gMOBd OoBfTOfoOoiuJ , held Monday night at S o'clock i^!joio6ta£ Blamed on Provo6 in the auditorium of the high W oM d'a Loasuc will meot Friday In Memorism . FOI 116 AND U n if SISTEI J S S S w S ttllr .. Conrad Roth- achool. Parenta arc urged to at­ F a r K atyn Over Korea Z I S S . rf. 5H Mldd)a .. turnpi>(* tend. In lortnf-mrmory of Howard L. Rice, New York, Nov. 13— (fl*)— Waat. Mrt. * . B- Inman and Mri. who'olrd Novrmb-r IJ. 1M9. A witness testified today that ft I. Brickaon will ho hoataaaea. Chapter 1094, Women of the Swrri of jToo---- V . i-Waxhington, -.Nov. J8— former Arm y Sgt. John- United Natlohs, N. Y., Nov. win dlacuaa plana ^ ita Moose, will hold a meeting tonight Wr w-in slwrnyr trraaurr, — A former top^lisn leader 13— — Nationalist China’s . niaMUanaoua booth at tha church at S o'clock at the Britiah-Amer- Lmins >y>u alway*. David Provoo “ bragged” after ForarUlns you n»vrr. told House investigators to- the Japanese execution ofi Foreign Minister George K. baaaar Dan. 9. ican Club; All members are urged to attend. Wife and Daughtora. . d a y that the official Polish Capt. Burton C. Thomson ^ C. Yeh charged today that “ Staiin M d his Communist fiaul *. W»«ey. AO 2c. USN. wd government . blamed Rttssia that he had “ turned in” the: Wra. Walay. who have been vielt- fo r killing 15,000 Polish of«^ captain to the Japanese fo r' stooges do not really want a liiB Mr. Rialaya ; ficers as soon as the Germans punishment. , truce” in Korea and called on India Plan Will Try for World'Speed Record iR O K s Lose Oeerfc Rialey of 127 Hlgh- announced finding some of Provoo la on trial In federal the UN to declare Commu­ laad atwet. wUl leave their graves in 1943. court for alleged treasonable.acU nism a threat to the world's far a week'a atay; w i » M i^ » » Stanlalaw Mlkolajcayk, former committed.^ in behalf of the Japa­ ...... j j | lev'a laarenta,' Mr. and Mra. C ^ l peace and security. .Prim e, Mlnlater of the Poliah nese after they Captured the Phil­ Making his country's major On Captive l M * V t N U ^ a FalU. N. Y, U n. ippine island^ of Corregidor and m.r.1 lualay. who waa formariy .Government in Ehcile,' eald the policy address to the UN's 60-na-. Poles were convinced of Ruaalan American troops there early In tion General 'Assembly, Yeh said With the Naval Air Technical World War II. Itabtinr Center at Jacl^nvtlle. ' guilt because the Soviets had re­ the Chinese Reds have suffered Issue N ear ported the officers were released Army Chief Warrant Officer such huge casualties that the Pei­ Night Battle Fla.,. haa been dlacharfod. Her Maynard E. Lee; who Was one of hnaband araa on the aircraft car- .but the Poliah underground could ping government does not dare to find no tract of tham. the war prisoners, said Provoo face lU people "empty-handed." New Delhi, India, Nov. 13 Har Waap durtny maneuvera in told him: . , '■ # X - . Seoul, Fridfly, Nov. 14—r the North 8ei iaat month, and waa Ne Doniit Abmit It Don’t Want Settlemeat Authoritative Indian " I went to Capt. Thomson aev- (JP) — Chinese Communists a member of the crew when the "There was no doubt for ua tha Although It is commonly as­ sources said today that the Waap damayed in eolliaion Russians had done it," he aaiff. eral times for coffee, cream and sumed that only the question of seized Pinpoint hill early, to­ waa augar and other things for the Indian government is work­ ^•Bh the Hobaon last April. ' Mlkolajcayk teatilled before a sending home prisoners is holding day in a furious battle and Japanese officera. He refused to ing out a new Korean truce •pedal Uouia commutes tnvaati- up a truce, Yeh declared,, the fun­ South Korean soldier sur­ gating tha killings In Katyn forast give me these things. I did not proposal providing for the damental problem is thavthe Reds vivors Charged the Reds firad in westam Russia. Tha committee feel he was cooperating and I felt do not want a truce unless It will X- he deserved punishment, so I screening of prisoners by suffocating gas into their Notice •aye tha Rusaians committed them "solidify and strengthen the ranks neutral nations and voluntary’ . 1 ...... to. prep«re.for, h. Sovietlzed. Poland. turned him over to the Japanese of .world. Gonununlsm.!.’ ___ ;____ .. .. lines. U-.S.. military, author!- _ ■ 'H iT '' authofitlea for-punlsKmint." ^ d r : -EDWAMiy S. KAGT TSpitriatlort of th« POW’S. Biirauant to tha p ro y ia l^ ..of Moscow blames the Germans. Yeh pointed out that some dele­ ties, treated the Korean I The Polish government. In 1943 Capt. Thomson was in charge of The question of prisoner repat­ ehaptar 9S4 0* 3 ^ . gations have sought to solve the .. M-.. .. 'i h demanded an investigation by the auppliea in the Army hospital .on he would "do everything to see riation is the sole Issue holding up charge with caution. But the gUtutea and amMafoiMta ther^ ,Ooiregidor. repatriation problem through I I ■ ' I ' lb Smart, new raiaeeala featuring ELECTRO^CALL'Y International Red Cross. Moscow that they do.” transfer of prisoners to the care the Korean armistice talks at Allies rushed up a chemical «>.• notlee ia A former Navy ensign, Wilfred The witness said he'-.fsked Panmunjom. ffflm'ABuax^cREDrr c o i^ « |p w aea^H J SEALED SEAMS (or atrengih and durability. used Uiis demand for breaking of neutral countries. B»it, he said, warfare team to make a quick relations with the exiled regime Lauchner, 31, testifled yeeterday Provoo what would happen to hfim this might turn out to be onlv a Under the new Indian plan aa investigation. FU^FKIN 'piftfposaa to file applica- ^2p Gores! .it'Tw o roomy patch gpckeit. map (aUener clotum. that Provoo told him he would if the Americans won the war. tloR arith ^e Banking Oommlaston and setUng up a pro-Communist delayed manner of forcibly sending reported here, the United Nations, One of the Aral Korean soMlara Detachable hoM) faslent under chin. interim government In Poland "put on an insanity act" If the "I'll just put on an insanity act,' home those Communist prisoners would agrea 'in principle that’ all examined waa found to be.deMnltri •C CBmecUcut for a license to Americans won the war against Lbuchner quoted Provoo* as reply- g aman loan business In d Completely waterproof. Won't stick; stiffen, peel or which grew into the present Com­ who. liave said they don't want to jirisoners should be sent home In ly lU. The examining doctor aald I i ■ ^ the Jepaneae. keeping with the Communist in­ ___ p— War.' Osnnectlcut. The of- l8 \T u c k s! crack. munist sdmlnistraUon. ‘"ff- go. he could be suffering from fuinee Mlkolajcayk, who waa deputy Lauchner, who now works for a Lauchner also testifled he once The Communists, Yeh said, could terpretation of the spirit of tha of an old artillery shell. ^ A ^ a a n d directors of tha corpo- watched Provoo perform “a bud- Geneva Convention, but Red China Colors; Bright Blue or Red with White Pindots prime minister at the time, told bakery firm in Ralston, Neb., be expected to put "direct and In Korean eurvlvora who ' cama KtiOBjire: quoted Ihe S6-year-old Provoo •*• dhiat ritualor prayer, chanting for and North Korea in turn would down off the ridge told their su­ ■ ■ •Vrtlbnr A. Bean - Congreasmen today that it “ was a direct pressure" on the prisoners duty," not a mistake, for the Polish saying on one occasion that the agree that no prisoner actually perior officer* that after aoma r* ■ eoalvert I. Bean . Cdnv#ni»Ai KeroiMl once they were temporarily in It's The Siaea t to Sx. government to request the Red Japanese would win the war and (Conttanod On Page Twelve) their ne'itral refuges. i would be sent home unless the Communist sheila exploded within •Patrick J. Ford CorryinR cost screening showed he wanted to go. their lines they had difficulty ’ ‘ Fred V. Cluta £ Baby Sh«9 . $2-98 Croee investigation. Lashes OomnaiMitsia Tha committee yesterday dia The Indian plan envIsagM Com­ breathing. _ . . — ^eEaH H. Newbery I . Yeh also lashed world Qom- "Go Everywhere", closed a -letter from President munist admission that ^n^ners Ui 8. ocncarv wlQi the' Koreans ' aOeorge L. Chllson miinism for infiltrating and taking seid soldiers often mistake amoks •WilUsn L. Leveraee Roosevelt to Stalin, dated April M, should not be forced to return 1943, saying the Polish action waa advantage of national freedom or phosphorus ahelle for gas ahells •Albert H. FSfTfll movements throughout the world. home against their will and agree­ a "mistake' and promising to get Film Actress Stalls ment to-ablda by the screening in the hqat of battle. . •WUllam W, Rich $5.98 He recalled that China had gkee I-IA 12-14. the Poles to use more "common verdict. StUl, they wer* taking na ' , Fred J. Huebner DRESS struggled for years to free lUelf Capt. Slade Nash, shown ellmUng Into cockpit of nn F-MD Snbra- chances. The Communists ne- sense" it Stalin would soften the The prisoners would be trans­ ' Ruggerl Tortorid * , • format braak in relations. from colonialism and axpreezed hii Jet fighter, %rill attempt to eiack the worM'a speed record of fl70.9 peatedly have charged that the Al­ Jane Tsg*r country's sympathy for slmUar ferred to new camps, administered lies were firing gaa aheila In Ko­ Tailored Nylon In Fine Acetate and Rayon Crapa Seeead Floof CHea PDR's Actloa In Quiz on Red Tie by the neutral acreening nations miles nn iiour toiiay. The flionx City, la., experimental teat pilot, who Helen Simon n.M, I. F. Ceodrict ^ Mlkolajcayk also said President movements in other nreea. But, he rea. . All these chargsa hava been agreed on by the combatants. This Is baaed at Edwards Air Faroe Base, Calif,, will nuke the t r y ^ an Air —■ (• ) Directors Roosevelt told him in June, 1944, warned, those countries should be denied, ■■•Tfia' ‘ rate of Interest to be — exclusively ours at only is designed to meet Communist Force Sabrejet over the Oallfonita deoert. The record was established that he thought the Russians might on their guard lest the Reds use contentions that priaonera unwill­ The Geneva ConvenUon outlaws charged la three per cent per be persuaded to ease their de­ their Nationalist movements "to la 194S by Maj. Richard L. Johnson In an earlier model o f the Rdbre. gas. Both aides In the Korean war month on that part of the unpaid — Washington, Nov. 13— (JP)— Actress Karen Merely refused ing to go home nave been Influ­ Thia Rite-Fit drex* Is a real buy— for seldom do you find a dress sO mand foreastem Poland, but that today to say ■whether she is now or ever has been a member pursue their own nefarious de­ enced by Nationalist Chinese and —(AP Wlrep)iote).______' . . maintain they live up to the con­ principal balance of any loan not CURTAINS versatile, so beautifully detailed—and yet so Inexpensive that you can there waa little chance of saving signs." vention. South Koreans. iR.exceaa of one hundred dollars, afford more than one. Fashioned of fine acetate and rayon crepe with -BABY SHOP- Vilna on the strategic aouthem of the Communist party. That question was put to the attrac­ Yeh charged that Soviet Russia A Korean divlaton headquartera aju two per cent per month on I" SIDE HEMS— 5" BOHOM HEM The UN Command has denied Jeweled buttoned bodice that is so amartiy tucked across the back . . . bordar. tive blonde acress when she was summoned before the House har subatltuted "aatelUzatipn" for this Red contention and said no Issued the report citarglag Um p ^ of the unpaid principal WIDTH-LENGTH PER PAIR .98 Mikolajcxyk said the PdUah eX' the flaring gored akirt Is so slimming, so flattering . . . only at Hale's Committee on un-American Ac-*- the imperialism of the paat and Nationalist Chinese are being used Rada with using gas.; balance in excess of one hundred lie government did not learn lor 8 2 " X 5 4 " ...... $ 3 .6 9 Pr, in all of Manchester can you buy this treasure. This dress comes in tivltlea. In refusing to answer some asserted that tha Communist in Korea. The Indian plan, how­ Ike to Be Listener (South Korean nattls actloa la- dollars hut hot in. excess of three CENUINE LEE RIDERS nine months that Perish boundar­ ports aomqUmea hgva proved un- #82" X 63" ...... $3;89 Pr. > brand-new fall colors. Forest green, royal blue, true red and the ever- of the questions put to her by the regime in Peiping "ia as complete­ ever, would apCclfy tluil Na- Inmdred dollars and one-half of popular black and navy. Sir.es 12-20, 14’ 2-24',i. ies had been aettled at the BritUh- committee, Mlaa Morley, whose last reltsMo due mainly ta 'aa one per cent per month on any re­ U. 8.-Russian conference « t Teh- Labor Pays ly a Soviet puppet as tha Com- ttonaliat Chinese and South 8 2 " X 7 2 " ...... $ 3 .9 8 Pr. screen appearance waa in Uit munlet regime In NtorU Roree." concern ovor looo o( faecM mainder o f auch unpaid principal ran in December. IjMF. t Km^aga waujd not b* a Korean dlvlaion n " 8 2 " X 8 1 " ...... $ 4 .3 9 P r. . mqvif. "2P*_ said fhe choae to In- He charged that the CbincM to the new cempe. balsiica. COWBOY PANTS Tble was anouaiSid b y' Foreign ■yoke the Fifth'Amendment which [ knowledge loss o f g i ' Ftrmaaent capital of at least Comralasar Molotov .at a Moscow Reds had kapt themselves In powtf The Indian aqurcea arid that no hill posltloa foB ( Hot-Iron branded, sanforized shrunk, zipper - protects a person from being re-1 Honor by executing 14 million persons MiOOO will be available for In- meeting in October, 1944, aUended quired to testify sgalnst himself. definite propoiale have been pre­ sons.) ' ^ front. Strip of leather on hip pocket to have C r - ^ Q by Stalin, Britiah Prime Minister during the past fiva years, imd that vsstmeat In the business. Ko Special! 3 Days Only She told the committee she was sented yet either to any of the Auffrustfli Ga., Nov. 13— (/P)— President-elect Dwigrht D. The South Koreans Itadlfeiia athsr bONatst will ba malntalnad nickname branded on. We will brand the name «|P M Churchill, U. 8. Ambaasador Aver- mllliona mors hava been condemn­ United Nationa or to Red China Beautiful Ruffled Nylon on at our atore. Come In and aee them. Buy born in Ottumwa. Iowa, and To M urray ed to a "iiv in g death." Eisenhower reportedly w ill steer clear of any policy commit­ driven from Pinpoint hill, hl|^M*t ^ t h e aama office. •11 Harriman and other.- flniahed her schooling after mov­ and North Korea. They indicated, point on Sniper ridge, after an On­ now for Chriatmaa. Sizea 2-2. F r ic e ...... « Mlkolajcayk, who also attapded Will Bearnne Debrfe ments to Pre.sident Truman when they confer at the White - l^ U d : October 10, 1992. ing to California In 1924. however, that tentative conver- slaught in which tbs Redo stsadUy •\- the meeting, said at the time he After all countries wishing to satlona held by India's ambassa­ House. Eisenhower assoeiktes whcTask^ hot to be named said Smiling most of the time end Pittsburgh, Nov. 13— (JP) built up to thslr assault. did not raise the question of the speak before the full assembly dors to Washington, Peiping and hia role at the conference will be J speaking in a low voice, Mias Mor­ - m Katyn killing "because at that time —^Philip Murray, who won have been heard, the delegates will the UN offered hope that the plan mainly that of a listener, although Eismsots o f two Chinsss Rsd ley responded to certain questions battalions, possibly 1,000 men, CURTAINS the question was tha Ufa or death the title of labor’s statesman return to the powerful political might prove acceptable to both they emphasised that he agreee of tha Poliah nation." but refused'to affirm or deny tes­ committee where the debate on with the President that the session overran the central front height No atrctching, long wearing, no atarching—verj’ little ironing. timony of previous witnesses which and brought the CIO to its aldea. for ths 14th tims in a month of WIDTH-LENGTH PER PAIR \ linked her with Communist groups greatest strength, went to his The Indian plan apparently is will amount to a demonatration of New Moves ' (Ooatianed bn Paga Twelve) (Contlaaed oa Pag* Tha) American unity. battle, flsid dlapatchea said. Thky active in the movie capital during final resting place today in the one mentioned yesterday at struck ortiind heavy artillery Are. 9 0 " X 6 3 " ...... $4.98 Pr. United Nations headquarters by The White House announced and Immediately after the war the heart of the soft coal yesterday that the Eisenhower-' South Koroan defenders oaea 9 0 " X 7 2 " ...... $ 5 .3 9 P r. Thursday years. Austrriia'a Foreign Minister Rich­ May Settle more Were pushed aouth to lower V , fields where he began his ard G. Casey, who saiil that a Truman meeting has been aet for 9 0 " x 8 l " ...... $ 5 .6 9 Pr. Mias Morley waa told that actor heights on shell-tom Sniper rldg*. Malan Court Sterling Hayden testifled in April, life’s work. group of countries are working on 2 p. m. Tuesday. Wives! Zulus! In proposing the meeting last Heavy fighting still .was la prof^ 1951, that she attempted to per­ High figures in government, a proposal for the transfer of all rese Uiefs. war prisoners to an Island off cen- week, the President said it would Special suade him to return to the Com­ labor and industry mixed with Iran Feu d A P war corraapondent John Called Illegal munist party after hC,had dropped worUng men and women to fill 8t. help achieve an orderly transition N. Erase the Irk from the old administration to th e. ■ . Randolph, on the central front, membership. Paul's Cathedral to 3,000 capacity (Oaatlaued on Page Twelve) said the Reds hit Allied poaltiona Committee counsel Frank Ta- for .last rites. An estimated 10,000 new. He mentioned a need for die-1 Washington, Nov. 13— (JP) 2.000 BEAUTIFUL SIMULATED 5HEER OR 5EMI By Tribunal cussion of world problems. |— S ta te D ep a rtm e n t' (^ fic ia ls on Pinpoint hill with 500 to 750 venner asked: other-persona watched the funeral In Your Work men at 11:10 p. m. "Did you have that conversation procession — 150 chartered Itmou- expected to confer with Five hours earlier Allied artil­ SERVICE FULL with Hayden?" lines and scores of private cars _ Cuban TV Star « i Truman , hope that we may preM den t-elect E isen h ow er o r Bloamfontcin, South Africa, Nov. Washington, Nov. 12—(fl—A col present to the world an American lery routed about 750 Reds ad­ 13 w (g>) — South Africa's Appeal Mias Morley refused to answer. wind its way to and from tha legs professor served notice on the vancing on Sniper from Um easC FASHIONED cathedral. unity In basic issues." his representatives next week Court today unanimously branded > Then she was told that other American housewife and tha Afri' In Murder Case Not Binding on GOP ' Murray's death Sunday la a San on a new formula for solving Prime Minister Daniel F. Malan's witnesses, including Leo Town­ can Zulu today that -he la datar Over the week-end, the Presi­ (Coatlaaofl On Page Twslva) FIRST QUALITY Francisco l\,otel room caused a Iranian problem. High Court of Parliament as il­ send, Paul Marion and Mark mined to help them aave them' dent-elect's headquartera put out delay In the CTO'a plana to open selves work. Hevane, Cuba, Nov. I I ; |ffi - A It is understood also that tha legal. The court's action poled new tawrence. all avowed Communiata. a atatement which aald in effect ita 14th ’Constitutional convention Dr. John Immer, professor of beautiful Spuilah-bom tele\ision new approach is a subject for dis­ threats of grave civil strife for the had testifled to the effect that she that any pre-inauguration confer­ industrial management at Amec- cussion between Secretary of State race-tom country. star waa a mystery flgura today ences with Truman admlnlatration NYLON The five judges — thair coun­ (Oentlnued on Page Twelve) (Centinneff On Page Twelve) . lean* University here, unfolded this In tha fatal shooting of Julio CS' Acheson .and British Foreign Sec­ aa. part of his international plan officiala would in no way bind the try's highest court unit), creation ear Ooiizalea Rabull, president President-elect as to. Republican retary Ekien in their talks in New Bidletins If.' of the parliamentary tribunal — to mapCnae with lost mbtian and York. thereby Increau productivity and of tha Havana nasrapapcr'"El Cila' policy. from tha AP Wircfl HOSIERY dlamliaed the govemment'a appeal The etatement waa intended to The central idea of the fortoula against tha Supreme (lower) lower costa in factories, minas, bol." seems designed ta get Iranian oil She ia Maria del Carmen Pereda, make it clear, the general's asso­ Court's ruling that - parliament atorcs and farms. flowing out and money for it flow­ Shot While at Play SO, whom Cuban television writ ciates aald, that any pollcv de­ In new fall colors. Sites Bti acted unconstlfuUonally In setting "Taking, the irk out of work," ing In again at the eariieat pos­ U S ’S AID R K ILLB b. is what they call It in England. era recently voted the nation's top cisions before Inauguration Day— New Yerk, Nov. IS—6H— to 11. Itself up aa the highest court td Jan. 20—would be the responsibil­ sible moment—without final set­ " I f the housewivea get Interested television announcer and mistraaa Abraham H. Fellcr,^ aa aaaaclatfl^ BEAUTIFUL LUSTROUS rule on constitutional questions. ity of the out-going administra­ tlement of .the dispute between Voids Key Law In work uving, their huabanda of ceremonias.. of United Natioaa Seeretafy ‘ haven't got a chance.^* Dr, Immar Gonsrias Rabull, ' n handsome tion. Iran and Britain over nationaliza­ Parliament, in which Malan’a Eisenhower reportedly, feels tion of Iran's oil Industry. Oearral Trygve Lie, phmged 12 Nationalists liave a amall majori­ told a news conference. man of 45, was ahrt to death Tues­ stories to his death today after Quilted Rayon Satin day night aa he entered tha worn strongly that it would be a mis­ Fear Rise of. Red* ty, took that actiop after the ■■ "Give work-uvlng five more take for him to deal in anv other State Department authorities learalag, aasoelatee aald, be sraa years and there won't be even a an'B apartment. She also was elated for qnesttealag hy the Pair courts struck down a key law In shot in the Jaw. . way at 'Tuesday's meeting—in feel that the longer the present the premier's "white supremacy” savage Zulu who will escape the either the international or the impasse continues—and various MeCarraa faterakl Seeority thing." Police arid tha man who did tha program. domestic fields. Iranian agenci^ like the Army committee, The Appeal Oourt!a action left The profesaor.'Who la married, Elsenhower, meanwhile,-Is seek­ arid women waste too much tltoe (Caatiaaed •• Paga Twelve) and Civil Service go unpaid—the BEDSPREAD Malan two possible courses o f ac­ ing a cross section of Republican greater becomes the danger of a TWO DIE IN CRASH doing simple things like carrying tion:______leaden' viewa on the Korean war Beverly, Mom , Nov. 12— out the. breakfast dishes a -few collapse of cirtI authority and the 1—He could defy the verdict and situation in advance of his trip to Two men died tsilay In the craoh cups and plates, at a time. He rise of Communist power In thia oalL on Uu Jklgh . coiirt .of. parlia- .'the,war.,ao*Mi.. atrategic..nolddle eastern, land. and exBlesioB of a Coast 0**>2 alen) to'riile iWelf a Jegal Vlidy. envlalbned a Ihm e dF TtnrTnttnr* 2VIU Meet Dewey In ’ the past these authorities hetteb^ef. Alfliongk'tticih w eii 2t-H o could accept the verdict with a sort of crockery rallraad News TidBits th at is one o f the major pur­ have worked on the thoory that no witnesses ef the actual eniiffh What a value! Rich rayon Satin, quilted top spread with wide and can an early genera] elecUon runnihg from t)ie dining taMa to reoldeato reported that Jqit ha- rirffle sides. Full or twin size tailored pinch pleet 90" drapes, very the aink. He did not .eic|flain poses of a . series of confei^nCea a legal aetUement of the Anglo- * RiRig Fulfy GiiBranteed in which, he would iieek a large C 6 1 M froM AP Wircfl Iranian diapute, critical Since Iren fore the exploelea, ‘the heUc^ . full vanity skirts and pillow shams. enough majority to reenact hia die- what appeal auch a devise would the general will hold next week. Sale He ^ t confer at his vacation re­ seized British-owned oU proper­ tor came ever at a lew aH1tafla> * Solid Sterling, Gold Filled Mountings puted race lawa within the frame­ have to folks srho just eat to the Ito-englae eputterlag aafl bach- BEDSPREADS ...... $ 8 .9 5 kitchen. treat here tomorrow with Gov. ties there laat year, should logical' * .Ml Shapes and Sixes work of the constitution. Resuytol Hete, Inc., o f Garland, Thomas E. Dewey of New York. flriag. A t'th e very least, he suggested ly preceda or be a part of any set' DRAPES...... $ 8 .4 9 Tha nation already la tom by Tex., offers President Truman e OOP congressional leaders will dement reviving the oil industry Feed Freexer end $ 6 .4 9 9 Gompare With Real Diamonds recurring bloodshed q|id violence that homemakers acquire a wheel- job aa fleU repreaeatatlve . . , be among Uiose on Eisenhower's under Iranian control. But the CALLS FOR PBOBE VANITY SKIRTS ..., Fabric Gl6ves Washington, Nov. 12—(P>— . 100 Genuine * Replicas of Platinum Mounting Ruaaia'a Andrei Gromyko ahrices calling Hat when he returns to his new approach would relegate le Refrigereter cembined I PILLOW SHAMS .. $ 2 .9 8 (OsrflBarf OH Pnga ffteatgaa) (OsaUnord oa Page Nlaotoea) hands with U N Secretary'^Qencral Attorney OeaemI James P. M* Wine, gold, dusty rose, blue and hunter green. ’ M a rc B M te * Mgtching Winding Bands Trygve Lie despite fact floViet (Coatinueo on Pag* Ten) Granery called In the FB I taditf S s s : (Oeatinued oa Page Nineteen) to learn bow a Jnstlea depafOt 'Slip bn styles. Value to 1.9S. Special. Pair $|.00 Union refused ts deal with him. • Cycfa-mstic Defroating I . R in g t Foreign Minuter Hoaaein Fate- meat telegram lavolTiag aa-*X- Fear 11 Men Killed Bricker for Probe assnclate of A ] Capene got aeat '• loll-lo-You Shelvet I 100 MEN’S GOLD-FILLED RINGS . mi of Iran aaaalls aa "lie" reports 1 The marcasitee in these of projected Russian-Irantan deal to Chicago wlthoot McGmneiy'a rings arc hand-Set in fine Gold-filled sample rings in a variety of handsoiXe • Now Cyclo-motis Uvolcold I White Organdy And In Navv: Privateer O f H-Blast Reports for non-aggresalon treaty provided knowledge. J. Edgar l l eaivse' 1 sterling lUver. Will wear Humphrey Asks Democrats styles for meti’and including stone rings Iran throws aoVAewrleea Military wUl take rlwrge ef the lagnliy. a lifetime. Worth twice and aignets. iriasisae . . Sentences ranging See e 7-mlnute Shelton, Wash., Nov. 12—(#>—A Washington, Nov. 12— (JT)—A JET PILOT KILUED Nylon Ruffled Tier I the price. , , GENUINE LEATHER OR NEW EMBOSSED from five years to three months 'four-engine Navy plane with 11 Republican senator wants to Iwow Reuvard Morse fo r Ike Bolt Washington, Nov. 12—ID— Tha demenstretien I whether the mid-Pacific atomic are given 10 Stamford men in men aboard crashed and burned on Air Force said teday a Jet taara t l about the Siree new, com­ testa—from which have erupted Bridgeport Superior Court In con­ pUot was kUled whaa hia a hinaide on the rugged, heavily- nection with two breaks in a Stam­ IVashlngton, Nov. 13—IP I—Sen.<»preaent choice committee nssign- pletely dMereni Cydo-moKc Frigid- unofficial reports o f what aome ran out of fuel oad rr Plastic Billfolds timbered Olympki peninaula laat claim waa the world'a first H-bomb ford Saner warrhoiiae laat June. Humphrey (D-Minn.) said today ments, Is'uncertain. the sea while XMemnttog a I altat. Abe aee Sie new Deluxe, Mailer CURTAINS m ght explosion--needed tight secrecy Scientists seeking td determine Democratic Senators should wel­ Humphrey, a leader of the lag at Ealwetok lelaad, ak With comparUnenta for change, also paaa.caid.' Idtal fior glftf. "New Deal-Felr Deal" wing the •ad Standard Modeli-ariced from Newest curtain fashion. Vary the wey you luqig them. A farm famUy# report of see­ rules S lid, if so, whether they were if acres of dead fish floating in come Sen. Weyne Morse of Oregon at OUs aaUea's alomie teats. U M Democratft: party, told a reporter Green Stamps ing flares shoot skyward about enforced. Gulf of Mexico are-caused by into their party caucus if he wants hi the accident flet. 21 waa OaaL WIDTH-LENGTH PER PAIR the Democrats should throw open three hours after the ffrat mush­ Sen. Bricker, a member o f the •read rod Hde . . , Dr. Fount te come. James P. Behkiaea e f Am U p. Morse, turning against Presi­ the door to Morse. W H IT E O R G A N D Y 6 8 ’*^x 3 6 " $ 1 .6 9 P r. rooming flames signaled the wtld- Senate-House Atomic committee, Richardson of Faycttaville, Ark., Tex. ■ 189.75 Piu, Xaa dent-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower He said the Oregon Senator, who $ WIDTH-LENGTH PER PAIR $ 1*00 emeas disaster raised n slim hops told a reporter from hia home at tells members of Southern Medi­ Columbus, Ohio: during ths presidential campaign, ’ frequently haa voted with the ■■r that some one may hava siirvlved. cal Aaaociation that doctors have TYPHOON a m n L A im NYLON MARQUISEHE 74" x 36" ..... $ 2 .4 5 P r. "I srUl want an explanation of quit the Republican party to sup-; Democrats la the' past, “ demon- With Cash Sales In the face of heavy night rain lost, the ert o f "treaMag from the Maalla, Nov. 12 A* whether' the tight' security aocrecy pdrt Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson of atrated real ooiuage" in his bolt mUe-oa-hoar JOHNSON sad early morning fog, atarchers heart." Double jt<«r qreeu Btaoipe Olseu With Cash BalM Hrareday waa necessary —and. If so, whether Englieh-lenguage Nippon Times Illinois, the Democratic nominee from the Republican party and through the J triad by land and air to And tha Hia f m grtmaring with prfa, Il-year-ald George Garris Ilea ia the these anonymous reported eye-wit- end declared himself an Indepen­ "ought to be rewarded” with com­ ter oft the I crashed plane. •eye Japeneee Communist party arma r f hia ■help. Lee Kaybrf. 2*. after he waa aeriflentallj shot la neas accounts Indicata that secur­ U rirtuslty brake.. Ruggero Mri- dent. mittee assignmenta and otherwise. today, that BROTHERS A night-long search waa carried ElsetriesI Coetnetprs ^ Shari flee, while playing with nnather hay. Denver pellee aaM the ity wee not proparly anforccd. tfuiro end seven other Itellene Whether Republican Senators Others te Get "Ressarfl" THURSDAY « t with plaaee dropping flarap and hoys weta hsaW i glMi old ehatgmi and it dladwrgnd wwxpeetadly. Tha "A ll these publiahad accounts ere found guilty of auee elaylag wilt take reprUsls against Morse On the other liand. Humphrey Thar* wer* a* : lOU MAIN STREET iheJW.HALCea ihsJIVHALCea Gairia hay waa reported hi dnflgeriwa eandlHan ynetardhy. I l t e flr•-^ of M sMegod VaseMe la tha flehio In Uia new Senate convening Jan. I Ttwe) : MANCHESTER] . W phoia waa takea hy Haag Oangar af tha Baavnr Past. « ■) 'jaU la m i. 2, possibly depriving him of his ■>

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