CURRICULUM VITAE DR. S. V. KRISHNAMURTHY [Dr. Sannanegunda Venkatarama Bhatta Krishnamurthy] [Commonwealth Fellow 2003; Fulbright Fellow 2009] Professor & Chairman, Department of Environmental Science, Kuvempu University, Jnana Sahyadri, Shankaraghatta, Pin 577 451, Shimoga District, Karnataka, India. TEL: +91 8282 256301 EXT: 351; Mobile: +91 9448790039 E MAIL:
[email protected] [email protected] CONTENTS Page No Personal Information 2 Education 2 Teaching Positions 3 Administrative Positions 3 Accomplishment as a Teacher 4 Other Services Provided to the Students 4 Areas of Research Interests 4 Research Projects 4 Research Techniques 5 Important Invited Talks 5 Research Publications 7 Conferences/Workshops Attended 16 Research Guiding 18 Other Professional Activities 20 Membership and Activities in Professional Associations 20 Honors, Awards and Fellowships 21 Dr. S. V. Krishnamurthy Curriculum Vitae P a g e | 2 PERSONAL INFORMATION Born on August 16th 1966, Male, Indian, Married and living in Shimoga with wife and son. EDUCATION Post-Doctoral Research: 1. Topic “Habitat variability and population dynamics of Great Crested Newts Triturus cristatus with special references to aquatic-terrestrial (wetland) zones”, Institution: The Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology [DICE], Univ. of Kent at Canterbury, Kent, UK. Research supervisor: Dr. Richard A. Griffiths. Univ. Kent at Canterbury, UK. Tenure: February 1, 2003 – July 30, 2003. [COMMONWELATH FELLOWSHIP] 2. Topic “Combined Effects of Nitrate and Organophosphate Pesticide on Growth, Development and Gonadal Histology of Anuran Amphibians” Institution: Denison University, Ohio, USA. Research collaborator: Dr. Geoffrey R. Smith. Department of Biology, Denison University, Ohio, USA. Tenure: March 1, 2009 – May 31, 2009. [FULBRIGHT FELLOWSHIP] Doctoral Degree (Ph.D) Ph.