Haworth, Stanbury, Oxenhope and Neighbourhoods
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¥orftsfJtre ~lattt'S HAWORTH, STANBURY, OXENHOPE AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. HA WORTH is a chapelry, comprising the hamlets Bradford and certain trustees; the present rurate is t1Je ()f HAWORTH, STANBURY, and NEAR and FAR UXEN Rev. Patrick Bronte. The other places of worship are llOPE, in the parish of Bradford, and wapentake of two chapels for Baptists, one each for Primitive aml 1\lorley, West Riding,-Haworth being 10 mile~ w. by W cosleyan Methodists; another at Oxenhope for the ltl. from Bradfotd,about the same distance from Halifax, latter denomination, and a Baptist chapel at Far Oxen•: Colne and Skipton, 3! miles s. from Keighley, and 8 hope. A mechanics' institute was established in 184S.· ltl. from Hebden Bridge-at which latter place there is and there are three excellent public schools-one a~ a station on the Manchester and Leeds Railway. Stanbury, one called the free grammar school, and a Haworth is situated on the side of a hill, ami consists national-the two lattel' at Oxenhope; besides which_. of one irregularly built street,-the inhabitants in that there are several neat buildings for Sunday teaching. part railed Oxenhope being yet more scattered, and Three fairs are held annually-viz., Easte1· Monday• Stanbury still farther distant; the entire chapelry oc the second Monday after Saint Peter's day (old style). cupying a wide space. The spinning of worsted and and the first Monday after Old Micbaelmas day. The the manufacture of stuffs are branches that prevail ex chapelry of Haworth, and its dependent hamlets, con•. ten~ively in these places. tained, by the returns for 1841, 6,301 inhabitants; an~ The church or rather chapel of Saint Michael (sub by the census taken in 1851, the population amountecl ject to Bradford), was rebuilt in 1757-the living is a to 6,848. perpetual curacy, in the presentation of the vicar of POST OFFICE, HAWORTH, William Hartley, Post .Master.-Letters from all parts arrive (from llRADFORD) daily (Suuday excepted) about ten in:the morning, and are despatched thereto at half-past four in the afternoon. POST OFFICE, (Branch) fAR 0XENHOPE, William Whittaker, Post J11aater.-Letters from all parts arrive (from KEIGHLEY} every morning about half-past ten, and are despatched thereto every afternoon at three. GE~TRY AND CLERGY, Beaver John, Far Oxenhope HEALD YARN & JENAPPEI Bronte Rev. Patrick, Haworth Craven Joseph, Stanbury MANUFACTURERS De Renzy Rev. George, Providence, Craven Wilha!D, Stanbnry Sn~den Jcwas & Brothers, VALE & near Haworth [Haworth Feather George, Far Uxenhope MYTIIOLMEl\liLLS, near Keigblcy Exley Rev. Williflm, West lane, Grenwood Wm. Isle, Far Oxenhope Watson Robert, {heald yarn), Far Grant Rev. Joseph Hrett, Far Hartley Thos. Stubbing la. Ha worth Oxen hope Oxenhope [Uxenhope Heaton Joseph, Lane ends INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Greenwood M1·. George Oates, Holmes William, Far Uxenhope Bay Horse, James Roberts, Far. Greenwood l\lr.William, Oxenhope Hudson Henry, Hawortb Oxenhope Gregson Mr. George, Bridgehouse, Hudson Isaac, Haworth Black Bull, Wm. Sugden, Hawortb Haworth Hudson lsaac, juu. Ha worth. Cross, Henry Wolfenden, Stanbury Henson Rev. Thomas, Haworth Mozlev John, Haworth Cross Road, Thomas Bailey {and Ogden Mrs. Grace, Bridgehouse, Normfngton William, Cross roads contractor), near Ha worth Haworth Newell William, Haworth Fleece,John Birtwhistle, Lane ends Taylor Mrs. Mary, Stanl:-nry Pickles Rohert, Far Oxenhope Fleece,HanJJah Stancliffe,Haworth \Vood Rev. James H. Sowdens, Redman Robert, near Oxenhope Fliendly Inn, William Robinson, Ha worth Relfdihough Joshua, Stubbing lane, Stanbmy [Haworth. SCHOOLS Ha worth King's Arms, Thomas Fldcher. .BAPTIST SeHOOL, Fa1· Oxenhope Robertshaw Abraham, flocking, Lamb, John Horsfali,Far Oxen hope Johu Greenwood, master near Haworth New Inn, Robert Pickles, Stubbing CHURCH ScH ooL,Stanbury,-Susan Robinson Luke, Stanbury lane, Haworth Ramsden, mistress Roper Abraham, Haworth New lnn, Joshua Sunderland, Hob FREE GRAMMAR ScHooL,Near Ox Rushworth Joseph, h1le, Oxenlwpe lane, Stanbury (Huwarth. enhope, \Vm.Summerscale,master Taylor Joseph, Mill Hey, Howarth Royal Oak, Johnl\loore,l\hll bridge, FREE ScHooL, Stanbury-Abraham Whitaker Michael, Far Oxenhope Shoulder of l\1 utton, Michael Sunderland, master Whittam Wm. Mill Hey, Haworth Wainhouse, Far Oxenhope Low TowN ScHooL, Oxenhope Wildman Holmes, Stanbury Sun, Robert Stoney, Haworth Joseph Heap, master BUTCHERS. W:w;on&Horses,George Wl1ittaker; NATIONAL ScHooL, Haworth- Dyke nook, Fac Oxenhope Edmund Bickall, mastt.T; Sybel Garnett William, Haworth White Lion, Josh. Sharp, Hawortll Holrnes Joseph, Haworth Ann Sissling, mistress RETAILERS OF BEER, NATIONAL ScHooL, Oakworth- Holmes Thomas, Haworth Robert Holmes master; Ann Murgatroyd Robert, Cross roads Overend John,Bockmg,nr.Hawortll Hodgson, mistress Roberts James, Far Oxenhope Parker William, Haworth NATIONAL ScHooL, Far Uxenhope Stoney Thomas, Stubbing lane, JOINERS -Jonas Foster, master; Betty Ha worth BrooksbankJohn(& cabinet maker), Firth, m istress Whittaker John, Far Oxenhope Far Oxenhope WESLEYAN ScuooL, Haworth- Wignall John, Stanbury Charnock James, Claworth John Beaumon~ Smith, master; CLOG & PATTEN MAKERS Hartley James, Hawortll 1\iargaret Steven Smith, mistress Crabtree Greenwood, Cross roads, .Murgatroyd Noah, Haworth \VESLEYAN ScuooL, Let's, near near Haworth Ogdt:n Nathan, near Oxenhope Ha worth-William Rams bottom~ Craven John, Stanbnry Roper James, Ha worth maste1· Feamside Jonas, Haworth Shackleton Michael, Far Oxenbope I:SLACKSMITHS Hall John, Oak worth Thomas John, Haworth, HallewellRichd. West la·ne,Haworth Hartiey Jn. Stubbing lane, Haworth Townend Simeon, (and bookseller)j Moore William, Haworth Helliwell William, Haworth Ha worth Rushforth Yates, Far Oxenhope Mozley John, Haworth Wood Robert, Haworth Scarborongh John, Stanbury Murgatroyd Joseph, Lees, near Wood William, Haworth Townsend Henry, Far Oxenhope Haworth LINEN& WOOLLEN DRAPEBII Whitaker James, Haworth Preston Wm. Stubbing la, Haworth Atkinson Benjarnin, Oakworth Widdup Abraham, Cross reads Sugden Betty, Haworth Driver James, Ha worth Wright Nathau, Haworth Thornton Daniel, Far Oxenhope Firth Elizabeth, Haworth ~COT AND SHOE »lAKEBS Newell John, Haworth 'Aykro~d Jonathan, Haworth GROCERS &; TEA DEALERS Thomas John, Ha worth Hastow Abl"llhi.llll 1 Cross roads See Shopkeepers, ~c. Wrlght .Mal'y, Hawortb 140 .