


This issue is a departure from the typical topics Anyway, a material is electrically polarizable if it of Technical Tidbits, since we will be talking about contains electric that can align themselves All Charged Up! properties of electrical insulators instead of . with an applied electric . A is essentially – A brief discussion It would be hard to talk about electrical and thermal a particle or that has equal and opposite properties without mentioning how such properties charges on each end. Substances made of on the properties of differ in non-metals. Furthermore, many electrical that have permanent dipoles (that is, each molecule insulators. and electronic connectors depend on dielectric has a permanent positive charge one side and a materials for proper operation. permanent negative charge on the other side) are called polar materials. Other polar materials may Simply put, if an electrical is electrically have permanently charged (both positive and polarizable, then the material is called a dielec- negative) inside are free to travel through the sub- tric. The kindergarten definition of an insulator is stance. When external electric fields are applied, Electric a material that does not conduct . Such the dipoles or ionic charges will orient themselves a definition would imply infinite resistivity, which to be aligned with such fields (Figure 1). (unfortunately) does not actually exist. So, the bet- Dielectric ter definition of an electrical insulator is a material If the and molecules that make up a material with very high electrical resistivity, which does not do not have permanent separation of positive and neg- Dipoles readily conduct electricity. The italicized terms are ative charge (the center of positive charge and the Polar vague and imprecise, which would seem to suit center of negative charge are the same), then they marketing better than engineering. Still, specific are called non-polar materials. Some non-polar Non-Polar values of resistivity that might represent cutoff materials, however, can be polarized by an applied points between insulators, and , as each ’s clouds tends conductors will likely depend on the particular to distort towards the positive side of the electric Relative application (not to mention the applied ), field, leaving that end with a negative charge and the so the fuzzy definition will have to do. opposite end with a positive charge. Such non-polar Permittivity materials would also be considered . Dielectric Constant Random arrangement of electric dipoles Electric dipoles aligning with external in a polar material with no external electric field. applied electric field.

The next issue of Technical Tidbits will discuss electrical Figure 1. Schematic Representation of Polarization of a Dielectric Material. losses due to polarization. Note that the surfaces of the dielectric become charged when the external field is applied. In a non-polar dielectric, individual atoms will behave in this manner, as their electron clouds will distort so that one side of each atom will be more negatively charged and the other side will be more positively charged.

©2018 Materion Brush Inc. MATERION PERFORMANCE ALLOYS DIELECTRIC CONSTANT (CONTINUED) When a dielectric material is placed between of voltage depends upon the plate geometry the plates of a , its dipoles align with the and a proportionality constant known as the Written by Mike Gedeon of Materion electric field as shown in Figure 1. This effectively permittivity constant ( 0). In air or in a Performance Alloys Marketing allows additional charge to accumulate on the , the permittivity constant is equal to Department. Mr. Gedeon’s primary plates. Looking at the formulas shown in Figure 2, 8.854 x 10-12 C/Vm or F/m.ε focus is on electronic strip for the you can see that the amount of charge as a function automotive, telecom, and computer markets with emphasis on application development. Electric field in charged capacitor with plates of area Same charged capacitor as on the left, this time References: "A", separated by distance "d", and no dielectric with a dielectric substance of

medium between. of r between the plates. Giles F. Carter and Donald E. Paul and Engineering ε © 1991 ASM International (256-257, 298-301)

Eric Bogatin Signal and Power Integrity Simplified 2nd Edition ©2010 Pearson Education Inc.

Nicholas Braithwaite and Graham Weaver Electronic Materials 2nd Edition Q 0A A Q A A C = = Q = V C = = 0 r Q = V © 1998 The Open University V d 0 d V d r 0 d ε ε ε ε ε ε Jearl Walker Figure 2. Representation of a capacitor with and without a dielectric. Fundamentals of 8th Edition For simplicity, only the electric field lines outside the plates are omitted. Since the dielectric effectively © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. increases the amount of charge that the capacitor can hold at a given voltage, the relative permittivity (or dielectric constant) is always greater than 1. Please contact your local sales representative for further information or questions pertaining to By adding the dielectric material, permittivity with an effective of 0 (more on Materion or our products. increases. The amount that the permittivity this in later editions of Technical Tidbits). If you put increases is known as the relative permittivity a conductive between the plates of a capac- Health and Safety ( r), or dielectric constant. Since dielectric sub- itor, then you no longer have a capacitor, you now Handling copper in stances increase permittivity, the dielectric constant have a resistor. form poses no special health willε always be greater than 1. Note, however, that risk. Like many industrial materials, there is no good value for the dielectric constant of Next month we will have a more in depth discus- beryllium-containing materials metals or conductors. Such materials would essen- sion on polarization and how it leads to losses in may pose a health risk if tially have very high or infinite relative permittivity, electrical performance. recommended safe handling practices are not followed. Inhalation of airborne beryllium may cause a serious lung disorder in susceptible individuals. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set mandatory limits on occupational respiratory exposures. Read and follow the guidance in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) before working with this material. For additional information on safe handling practices or technical data on copper beryllium, contact TECHNICALTIDBITS Materion Performance Alloys or your local representative. Materion Performance Alloys Sales 6070 Parkland Blvd. +1.216.383.6800 Mayfield Heights, OH 44124 800.321.2076 [email protected] Technical Service +1.216.692.3108 800.375.4205 [email protected]

©2018 Materion Brush Inc.