New Additions to `Gunner' Marine Uniforms Rank the Marine Corps Uniform Is the Visual Sign of a Ma- Rine

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New Additions to `Gunner' Marine Uniforms Rank the Marine Corps Uniform Is the Visual Sign of a Ma- Rine Olympic Medalist SSgt. Greg Gibson New C.O. for Mother's Day recuperating from HMM-265, A-3 May 8 surgery, B-1 Vol. 17, No. 18 Serving MCAS Kaneohe Bay, 1st ME B, Camp H.M. Smith and Marine Barracks, Hawaii May 5, 1988 New additions to `Gunner' Marine uniforms Rank The Marine Corps uniform is the visual sign of a Ma- rine. The nature of the uniform and the manner of its Reinstated wearing are, therefore, matters of primary concern and importance to all Marines. Headquarters Marine There has been a quiet revolution in Marine Corps uni- Corps has re-established forms for the past dozen years; and, during the next few MOS 0306, Infantry Weapons years more changes will be made. Officer, as a Warrant Officer The intermediate weight jacket, commonly called the (Gunner) billet, and is solicit- "tanker jacket,"will become an optional item for wear with ing applications from quali- the service "B" and "C" uniforms. The man's jacket will fied senior enlisted Marines be available in the Exchange system by the end of this from the infantry. A two-week year, but the women's jacket is still in development and selection board will convene should be available by mid-1989. Sept. 19. Jungle boots, which are currently an optional item and Designated as "Marine available through clothing sales stores, will become and Gunners," these Marine offi- initial issue (bag) item on Oct. 1, 1989. The mandatory cers will be authorized to wear possession date for these boots is Oct. 1, 1991. the "bursting bomb',' General purpose trunks are currently under development, insignia.The board will look with introduction as a bag item is scheduled for Oct. 1, for Marines with exceptional 1990, with possession mandatory by Oct. 1, 1991. combat arms skills, which Introduction of the new all-season 10.6 oz. polyester/ would allow them to make a wool gabardine green service and blue dress uniforms for significant contribution to enlisted personnel is scheduled Oct. 1, .1989. This new their unit's war-fighting capa- uniform will replace the current green poly/wool, green bilities. As infantry weapons wool serge and blue wool gabardine uniforms. All enlisted Sgt. Stephen F. Frank photo officers, they will be a source personnel will be required to have the blues and greens in Run of expertise on all aspects of the new fabric by Oct. 1, 1994.The same uniform items for On the infantry weapons and be able to communicate that knowl- should be available for optional wear by Oct. 1, Recon Marines from 2nd Squad, 1st Platoon, Co. A(Rein), 3rd Recon Bn(-) hit Fort wofficers 1990. Although the current fabric uniforms are authorized Hase Beach after helocasting with their boats and gear to begin a day-long endurance edge to others. for wear indefinitely, all officers will possess the new all- They will maintain this high run. The endurance run was just one event in their first inter-company squad degree of expertise by serving season uniforms by Oct. 1, 1994. competition. See A-2 for the story. The officer white dress uniform will remain a mandatory consecutive tours in the FMF, item until May 1, 1994, at which time it no longer be au- occasionally alternating with thorized for wear. training billets. Poromeric, or high-gloss shoes will be introduced as a Infantry Weapons Officers bag item on Oct. 1, 1989. There won't be any mandatory will advise their commanders possession date, and individuals will be allowed to wear ei- Brigade to open computer of the tactical employment of ther the leather of poromeric shoes. weapons organic to infantry units. They will also develop, coordinate, and monitor unit training programs in the tac- News in training center Wednesday tical employment and presen- tiv e maintenance of these By Sgt. Stephen Frank able for use on a first-come, Eventually I'd like to have a weapons. The Brigade Information first-serve basis for individual board with a list of names of The training track devel- S ystemsManagernent Office training with tutorials or to people in the Brigade who can oped for this MOS will build on here will officially open a new use when no other computer is help with various functions or the selectee's present experi- Computer Center May 11 in available. programs, so anyone can go ence and produce an officer 2/3 Marine killed building 1037. to them when they need help fully qualified to carry out a Trained personnel will also gunner's duties. After the new will be on hand to give individual with something that maybe One Marine was killed and 10 were injured when the M923 The center function we aren't familiar with," he Warrant Officer Basic Course, truck they were riding in overturned near Haleiwa, April as a computer training facility instruction, or troubleshoot problems. added. newly appointed gunners will 28. fo-r the Brigade, providing an attend the Infantry Officer Sgt. Phillip A. Vinson, 27, from Fulton, Tenn. was alternative to, and saving the "For instance, if a Marine is The official opening will be held 1:15 Course and Weapons Instruc- pronounced dead at the scene. A memorial service was held expense of, sending Marines having problems with a com- at p.m., May 11 on tor Course. for him here, Tuesday. to other schools for training. puter, he or she can bring their an invitation only basis, but following that there Deadline for applications to The Marines, from Co. F. 2nd Bn., 3d Marines, were "Some other advantages of disk down here, we'll take a will be an returning from routine training at the Kawailoa Army look it, show open house for anyone inter- the Joint Career Planning is having our own computer them what the June 25. For eligibility cri- Training Area. problem is, then either fix it or ested in learning more about center are that it'll be easier the center. teria, refer to ALMAR 097/88. and more convenient to hold give them instruction on what Pilots declare KIA our own classes and we'll be they're doing wrong," said Pierce. "If on the other hand, The two Marine Corps pilots missing in the Persian Gulf able to customize our training classes to what the Brigade their computer is broken, they ,..rrask 1fQ-0" assigned since April 18 have been declared Killed In Action. can bring it in and we'll do A fact-finding body convened by unit, actually needs," said Capt. their contingency Merrill Pierce, the Brigade in- bench tests on it and do our Marine Air Ground Task Force 2-88, requested a change in systems manage- best to fix it, or induct it into i.o.. the status from "Duty Status, WhereaboutsUnknown, ' fol- formation auto ..1o4r1.dileriima ment officer. the maintenance cycle. Then lowing an examination of the facts surrounding the disap- if they need a computer to get pearance of the AH-1T Cobra flown by Capts. Kenneth The plan for the center, The military in Hawaii con- urged such negotiations be- according to Capt. Pierce, is to their work done they can use tinues to press for an end to tween the armed services and W. Hill and Stephen C. Leslie during an engagement be- ours," he continued. tween. U.S. and Iranian ships. hold organized classes in the lending practices that, allow Hawaii lenders to protect, In making its recommendation, the fact-finding body mornings, and then open in In addition, the center will lenders to interfere with cre- creditworthy servicepersons provided the following explanation: "While being vectored the afternoon for individual have a library of free public- ditworthy serviceembers from loss of their motor vehi- to identify an unknown surface contact, Capts. Hill and help and open computer work. domain software that indi- shipping their vehicles from cies. Leslie reported a Fire Control Radar lock-on. The USS The organized classes will viduals can get copies of for the state. Wainwright then lost communication and radar contact cover the various standard- their own work libraries. Pro- The Commander in Chief; Servicemembers who plan with them. ized functions used by the grammers will also be on hand Pacific, has tasked. 1.9tGen. to finance a new or used car Their disappearance was a direct result of hostile action, Marine Corps, including in- to help customize a program to Godfrey, Commanding in Hawaii should not sign a sustained in combat or relating thereto, and they were troduction to microcomputers, carry out specialized tasks. General of FMFPac and "separate and apart" agree- killed outright or died as a result of wounds or other inju- Wordstar, DBase II and III, Marine Corps Bases Pacific, ment and should consult with ries..." and SuperCalc. "Ultimately this center will to he the "executive agent" in a Legal Assistance Officer Neither the helicopter nor the remains of the pilots have units become the computer focal resolving this issue, before signing any automo- According to Pierce, point of the yet been recovered. The two Marines were assigned to can also arrange for custom- Brigade," said bile purchase contract. Those Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron-167, homebased Pierce. "The logical follow-up LtGen. Godfrey has estab- servicemenibers who has ve ized blocks of training to cover step at MCAS New River, N.C. problems will be the formation of a Fished a joint-service "task financed cars and are having whatever specialized micro-computer force" to with lend- difficulty they may be encountering. user group negotiate obtaining permis- that can draw on the experi- ing institutions in accordance sion to ship the vehicles out; "Threatcon Alpha" The center will also have a ence of all or most of the with Senate Concurrent Res- of state,: should also seek Implemented number of computers avail- computer users in the Brigade.
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