
iasap•bv illinois architecture study abroad program at barcelona-el vallès

2020 illinois school of architecture university of illinois at urbana-champaign • 2019 6 OOK B ès EAR Y illinois architecture study abroad program at barcelona-el vall

bv • yearbook of student work iasap 2019 6 YB 6 2020 29(56($6$5&+,7(&785$/ 678',(6Fall 2019/Spring 2020 Traveling Field Trips Teruel/Zaragoza+Madrid/Toledo 3URIV*%RVFK5)DUUH$/DSXQ]LQD

2UJDQL]HG¿HOGWULSVWRVLWHV of historical, architectural, DQGXUEDQVLJQL¿FDQFHDUHDQ essential component of the program’s activities. These include short half-day visits as well as multi-day trips to other cities. A D E In 2019/2020, there were two WUDYHOLQJ¿HOGWULSVDGD\ MRXUQH\WR/OHLGD=DUDJR]DDQG Teruel (in the Fall semester) and DZHHNORQJWULSWR0DGULGWKDW included day-long excursions to 7ROHGRDQGWKH0RQDVWHU\RI(O Escorial (Spring semester). In these trips, students not only studied buildings from diverse historical periods but also got more deeply exposed to the VSHFL¿FDUFKLWHFWXUDOXUEDQDQG F D cultural characteristics of the cities visited.


32 C G H 33 A• Y. Tong- B• <=KDQJC• S. Padilla D• R. Wei- E• Y. Tong- F• E. Catlin- G• S. Padilla H• <=KX 29(56($6$5&+,7(&785$/ 678',(6Fall 2019/Spring 2020 Traveling Assignments all IASAP-BV faculty + guests

Traveling is an important component of all study abroad programs especially for architecture students because it provides the opportunity D to visit in person cities, buildings, and sites, absorbing through personal experience what they would otherwise learn in the classroom. At the IASAP-BV, a few periods of independent travel are built-into the program’s calendar of activities. In these travels, students work on A DVVLJQPHQWVWKDWHPSKDVL]HOHDUQLQJ through seeing and experiencing buildings and sites of architectural DQGXUEDQVLJQL¿FDQFHZKLFKWKH\ H document through graphic and written E notes, photography, and video.

6SHFL¿FDVVLJQPHQWVLQFOXGHGWKH development of an “Architect’s B Journal”(images A, B, C, H, I and, a J) study of the work and contribution RI³8QIRUJHWWDEOH0DVWHUVRI 20th Century Architecture” and “Contemporary Architects” (images F I J J '()DQG* , and a short video documentary of one relevant building in which they combine all the skills developed in the workshops that constitute this course (a few photograms are shown C on images K and L).


C L 34 35

A• <=KDQJB• Y. Tong- C• E. Catlin D•1$WKLWDNLV,1GRXP\.7/XW]-E•63DGLOOD05RVVF•3*OLPP0*X\RWG•(6KXOL&6WXEHUH• Y. Tong-I•S. Liu-J•R. Wei-K•('DQQKDXVHQ%$*RPH]*-RQHVL•3*OLPP0*X\RW63DWLO 29(56($6$5&+,7(&785$/678',(6Spring 2020 Building Envelope Workshop 3URIV6FRWW0XUUD\3DEOR*DUULGR& Jaime Prous

The Building Envelope Workshop was co- RUJDQL]HGE\WKHLDVDSEYDQGWKH(76$9 and was available to students enrolled in the two programs. The workshop was primarily WDXJKWE\,OOLQRLV¶3URIHVVRU6FRWW0XUUD\ZLWK the collaboration of ETSAV Professors Pablo Garrido and Jaime Prous. Students worked A in mixed collaborative teams. As the primary interface between interior and exterior environments, the building envelope is an important architectural component with great potential for impacting both a building’s aesthetic/architectural expression and its technical performance in response to climate D and energy consumption. D In this weeklong workshop, students were A introduced to a design process that integrates several issues related to building-envelopes in contemporary practice: cultural expression, materials, construction techniques, climate- UHVSRQVLYHQHVVDQGHQHUJ\HႈFLHQF\ Students worked in teams to design an enclosure system for an assigned building type and form, with each team working in RQHRIWKUHHGLႇHUHQWFOLPDWH]RQHV$IWHU researching the climate conditions for their site, each team designed and developed a facade system, producing detailed drawings E E and a large-scale sectional model to UHSUHVHQWWKHLU¿QDOGHVLJQ


36 C CF F 37 A•1$WKLWDNLV(6KXOL%7DQJ<7RQJ-7RUUHV%HOORB•.%DNHU')U\H*:LWWHU<;X(&DWOLQ-6DQFKH]06RUGR&6WXEHU<=KDQJC• D•7&RRSHU3*OLPPO&.UDHPHU6/LX'3HUH]E•'%HOO('DQQKDXVHQ%UXQ0*X\RW63DGLOOD<=KDRF•1..KDWUL;/L63DWLO5:HL This second section of the IASAP-BV's 2019/2020 Yearbook of Student Work consists of pages dedicated to one or two students. At the end of the year, we invited students to submit for inclusion in the yearbook two or three of their favorite VNHWFKHVGUDZLQJVIURP¿HOGWULSVDQG two architectural photos taken during the year. In addition to this, the program’s faculty selected one or two images from WKHLU6SULQJVHPHVWHU$UFKLWHFWXUDO'HVLJQ project, and in some cases a sketch/ drawing or an architectural photograph from the assignments that were part of the program’s courses and activities. We also added a fragment of a self-portrait WKDWWKH\GLGWKH¿UVWZHHNHQGDIWHUWKHLU

arrival. It was part of “drawing practice Jones Genevieve A assignments” at the beginning of the year. 7KHDVVLJQPHQWFRQVLVWHGRI¿OOLQJSDJHV This year brought a lot of new ZLWKOLQHV KRUL]RQWDOYHUWLFDOGLDJRQDO experiences and opportunities in pencil and ink) as a vehicle to “loosen” that I would have never imagi- WKHLUKDQGWKHQDIWHU¿OOLQJPDQ\SDJHV ned doing. As a designer, my we asked them to face a mirror and make way of thinking and approaching DVHOISRUWUDLWRYHURQHRIWKHSDJHV¿OOHG design has changed for the better with lines but without looking at the page because I was able to experience while they made it (we ignore if they “really” FRPSHOOLQJDUFKLWHFWXUH¿UVWKDQG complied with this, but it is beyond the Not only am I a better designer point). In composing the individual pages, A leaving this year abroad, I’ve we considered that these portraits –fresh, grown tremendously as an indivi- unpretentious, and fun—should be featured, dual. I will forever be grateful for yet, not in full but as a sort of 'cubist' the friends I made and the family IUDJPHQW0DQ\VWXGHQWVDOVRVHQWDVKRUW that was our Barcelona class. ZULWWHQUHÀHFWLRQRIWKHLUH[SHULHQFHZH LQFOXGHWKHVHUHÀHFWLRQVDVZHUHFHLYHG WKHPXQ¿OWHUHGDQGXQHGLWWHG With all this material we composed pages for each student: a full page for students who responded to our call to submit Students’ individual pages individual Students’ drawings and photos, and two-students per page with images selected by the faculty for students who did not submit their favorite ones. Lastly, we also asked students to A B submit one of two “more personal” images. Unfortunately, we do not have enough space to show all of them, but a few of the more representative of them are included on the left column of this page.


38 B 39 A• Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies 40 B A • Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- Barcelona • C B • Architectural Photography- Architectural • C • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban • Yanbing [Evan] Zhao A B A A A • Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- Barcelona • Emily Catlin me forthefuture,bothpersonallyandprofessionally. people thatwillbeapartofmylifeforever. Ultimately, this P\VHOIDQGDUFKLWHFWXUHWKURXJK¿UVWKDQGH[SHULHQFHV,DOVRPH new cultureprovedoverwhelmingattimes,butIlearnedalot ERWKFKDOOHQJHVDQGMR\V0RYLQJPLOHVDZD\IURPKRPHDQG 0\\HDUZLWKWKH,OOLQRLV$UFKLWHFWXUH6WXG\$EURDG3URJUDPZDV B • Architectural Photography- Architectural • C • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban • yearprepared bout both ¿OOHGZLWK WPDQ\ LQWRD B C 41 0\³\HDU´LQ%DUFHORQD was the single most life changing experience I have ever had. I learned more than I ever thought possible in a single academic B year. The tangible exposure to historical and contemporary DUFKLWHFWXUHVROLGL¿HG my understanding of a variety of architectural concepts and elements. Even beyond A BCacademics, the holistic development I underwent and the A friends I made during the year will stay with me for my entire life. Jacee Tong


A Shamika Patil Shamika



A 42 B 43 A• Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies A• Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies 0\H[SHULHQFHVWXG\LQJDEURDGLQ Barcelona has reopened my heart and mind to embracing all forms of educational experience. Whether it’s through traditional classroom lear- ning, traveling to foreign countries, or simply intellectual conversations with peers, studying abroad has allowed PHWRH[SORUHGLႇHUHQWZD\VRI learning that I will carry into all future aspects of my life. C Molly Blanke Initially, my goal for coming to this study abroad program was more about being closer to my friends and family and really, just to spend more time with them. I would never KDYHLPDJLQHGMXVWKRZGLႇHUHQW my experience came to be. I have B learnt so much about not only archi- tecture but also what it means to be B an architect, but most importantly, I would have never expected just how well we got along as a group. Sizeh [Erik] Chen [Erik] Sizeh





44 A 45 A• Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies A• Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies Being a part of the IASAP-BV taught me how to study my built surroundings and how to better design buildings to become a more cohesive part of those surroundings. I also built close friendships from both classes as a result of the truly XQL¿HGDSSURDFKWRDOOFRXUVHZRUNDQG living so closely together in the residence hall. This experience has been one of the most academically, personally, and socially rewarding of my life. B Phoebe Glimm Phoebe

B A This year felt like a turning point in my life. Sometimes I can feel stuck in my own life but this year, this experience, opened my eyes and greased my gears. It felt like around every corner there was something new to be explored. I became aware of so many more possibilities that the world KDVWRRႇHU3RVVLELOLWLHVWKDW,IXOO\SODQRQH[SORULQJIRU B the rest of my life.

A David Bell David C

46 A B C 47 A• Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies A• Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies This experience was so enriching, it helped me grow as an individual not only with architecture but personally Studying abroad with the IASAP- and for that I am so thankful. I’ve BV program was one of the most learned so much throughout the year rewarding experiences of my life. not only from our professors, but even The program enabled us to grow from the seniors. I think most of the as individuals and as a group far memories and/or lessons I’ve learned beyond any of us would have throughout the year will stick with me expected. We arrived with empty sketchbooks but left with pages for a longtime. full of friendships, memories, education, and gratitude. Sabas Padilla Sabas



C Kaitlyn Baker Kaitlyn B



48 A C C B 49 A• Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies A• Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies 50 B

A Ben Lun • Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- Barcelona • A B B • Architectural Photography- Architectural • C • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban • C A lifelong friends. a globalscale,and for theworkIdoon Illinois, anewrespect could neverbefoundin a newperspectivethat as anarchitect.Igained developmental forme most interestingand This yearwasbyfarthe things weallwilldo. this yearandthegreat all ourcareersafter cannot waittofollow friends themost.I to hangoutwithmy next doorinUnihabit will misstravelingjust traveling theworld,I While Iwillmiss A B • Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- Barcelona • Emma Dannhausen-Brun B B • Architectural Photography- Architectural • C • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban • C A A 51 Through this program, I was able to see so much abroad that I had always dreamed of seeing, and even more that I never could have imagined. Whether it was exploring the EXV\VWUHHWVRI%DUFHORQDKDYLQJDFRႇHH in a cathedral in Basel, or hanging out within WKHFR]\FRQFUHWHER[WKDWLVWKH8QLKDELW there wasn’t a single moment that couldn’t EHSUHFLRXV0\VFRSHRIOHDUQLQJLQWKH ¿HOGRIDUFKLWHFWXUHDQGEH\RQGKDVYDVWO\ expanded. Never before have I been so sure in what I am pursuing as a career. Outside the classroom, I had opportunities to try new things and interact with a variety of people, C which in turn led me to learn so much about myself. Having grown up in central Illinois

Alejandro Toro-Acosta Alejandro C and speaking Spanish at home, this year was A WKH¿UVWWLPH,ZDVDEOHWRPDNH6SDQLVK VSHDNLQJIULHQGV/LYLQJZLWKD¿UVW\HDU student of the ETSAV also allowed me to participate with local ETSAV kids more than some peers. Even as our time abroad was cut short, I felt that the sheer dedication put LQWRWKHSURJUDPE\$OH[DQG0DJDOLUHDOO\ showed itself, as faculty worked their absolute best to continue the experience from beyond WKHSRQG,ZLOOFKHULVKWKRVHVHYHQDPD]LQJ months in Barcelona for years to come. A This program provided me an opportunity to explore more fantastic buildings in the European countries, to enjoy the beautiful B sightseeing, and most importantly, to study architecture intensively. The faculty members here just like our family members, not B only taught us how to study architecture, but also took care of us in many ways. Xinagyi Zhu Xinagyi



52 A B 53 A• Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies A• Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies 54 B A A • Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- Barcelona • throws atme. around medespitewhatlife appreciating everything areas whilstenjoyingand navigate throughunfamiliar 0DLQO\WKHFRQ¿GHQFHWR PHVRPXFKWRUHÀHFWXSRQ P\QRUPDO¿HOGRIYLHZJDYH multiple placesoutsideof Having traveledtoandfrom journey literallyandmentally. This yeartrulyhasbeena

Benjamin Tang B • Architectural Photography- Architectural • B C • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban • C C A B • Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- Barcelona • A A B • Architectural Photography- Architectural • B

C Greta Witter • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban • C 55 56 B B A • Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- Barcelona • B • Architectural Photography- Architectural • C C C • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban • I willneverforget. even withtheprofessor with newfriendsand fun andsmilesIshared year worthwhile. The way madethewhole learning inabrand-new new people,and to newplaces,meeting FRPIRUW]RQH7UDYHOLQJ to stepoutsideofmy a greatopportunity program wasthe This studyabroad Nicholas Athitakis A A C • Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- Productive • Ruoyi [Rachel] Wei C B B Architectural Photography- • C • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban • A B 57 Living in Spain is an experience I will never forget, the change in culture and views on life was something I didn’t UHDOO\H[SHFWWRFKDQJHPHEXWLWGH¿QLWHO\KDVVLQFH,¶YH been home. Another thing that I didn’t expect was the sense of family and comradery that happened between everyone living there. We became a close-knit family and I would give anything to keep the relationships I gained there. This year abroad has taught me alot. ,UHDOL]HGHYHQPRUH how willing people are to help. One of my favorite memories is

when the juniors had a Campbell Kraemer deadline and we had each taken over one of the seniors’ rooms as they were helping A us out as we ran into software issues.



Isabelle Nodoumy-Kouakou Isabelle A A



58 C B B B 59 A• Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies A• Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies 0\H[SHULHQFHDEURDGWDXJKWPHDORWDERXWP\VHOIDV an architecture student and changed my perspective on DUFKLWHFWXUH6HHLQJWKHYDULHW\RI5RPDQHVTXH*RWKLF Spanish architecture, etc. helped me understand the KLVWRULFDODVSHFWVRIDUFKLWHFWXUH0\IDYRULWHSDUWZDVWKH sketching sessions. Being able to learn new techniques and perspectives in sketching inspired me to do more on my own.




Dustin Frye B B The countless opportunities of the IASAP-BV might boil down into two areas: the atmospheres of the program, and of the place. The educational, neighborly aura of the SURJUDPLVDEXႇHWIRU learning. I am grateful to have been a hungry student there. Also, I B A feel fortunate to have had the chance to immerse myself into another rich culture and history. I’ll take many aspects of life and memories from Sant Cugat with me.


60 61 Alicia Gomez A A• Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies A• Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies C

Shuqi Liu Shuqi Studying abroad in Barcelona was a life changing experience for me. The year in Barcelona Not only did it greatly expand my knowledge and love for architecture, really broadened my it opened my eyes to the minute uniqueness of cultures, but also how KRUL]RQVDQGGHHSHQHG incredibly similar we all are. I learn how to accept the existence of cultural my understanding of and societal barriers but move kilometers past them to develop lifelong architecture., I was able friendships and a love for new experiences. to focus and devote all Asher Ginnodo my energy to the study of architecture. In this year, I’ve learned plenty of skills, especially A my sketching skill has improved a lot. 7UDYHOLQJWRGLႇHUHQW cities also enriched my knowledge and comprehension of architecture and its relationship to human, A culture and location. B B B C


62 63 A• Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies A• Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies Taylor Lutz Taylor BB The Barcelona program has enabled me to learn so much more than I would got on campus. I would do it again, even knowing my time would be cut short, without a second thought. This program is a fantastic C way to form closer rela- B tioships with your peers than is often possible on campus As for the curri- culum, the prgraom as a whole is meticulously A planned out for the best possible learning expe- rience while not bom- barding students with unreasonable deadlines. This program is such an DPD]LQJRQFHLQDOLIHWL- me opportunity to learn

Xiang Li Xiang B A architecture, grow as an individual and experien- ce the world.


A C 64 C 65 A• Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies A• Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- B• Architectural Photography- C• Architectural/Urban graphic studies 66 A A • Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- Barcelona • C B B • Architectural Photography- Architectural • Thomas Cooper C B • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban • A A B A • Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- Productive • B VD\WUDYHOLVDVXSHUEHGXFDWLRQDOWRRO' OHDUQHGWRRPXFKHYHQWREHJLQDOLVW6XႈFHLWWR with supportingindividuals—to thecurriculum,I relationships built—withcomrades, withprofessors, 7KLV\HDUZDVDGH¿QLWLYHFKDSWHURIP\OLIH)URPWKH Mariah Guyot B • Architectural Photography- Architectural • C • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban • C C A 67 68 B A Eda Shuli A • Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- Productive • B • Architectural Photography- Architectural • C C Architectural/Urban graphic studies •

Calvin Stuber B A A A A A A • Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- Barcelona • Jesus Sanchez B B • Architectural Photography- Architectural • C • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban •

David Figueroa B B 69 70 B A

A David Perez • Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- Barcelona • B B • Architectural Photography- Architectural •

Jesse Torres-Bello C • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban • A A A A B C A • Barcelona Culinary Institute (Spring semester studio project)- Barcelona •

Matthew Ross B • Architectural Photography- Architectural • A C • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban •

Jessica Duschean B A 71 72

Xunfan Xu A A • Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- Productive • B • Architectural Photography- Architectural • A B B Rachel Conover B C Architectural/Urban graphic studies • A A B • Productive living housing (Spring semester studio project)- Productive • Yuyan Zhang group photoat Monserrat where thelast on-siteactivity of theyear tookplace B Architectural Photography- • A C C • Architectural/Urban graphic studies Architectural/Urban • A 73 The Illinois Architecture Study Abroad It was a unique opportunity being able to do the Program at Barcelona-El Vallès exchange at the University of Illinois. It is very interesting the way they think, how they project (iasap-bv) is part of an overarching and how they sell the projects there because it agreement of institutional exchange LVUHDOO\YHU\GLႇHUHQWIURPRXUV,KDYHOHDUQWD between the Escola Tècnica Superior lot professionally but also on a personal level. It has been incredible to live with international d’Arquitectura del Vallès of the people, with people from other countries with Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya VXFKGLႇHUHQWFXOWXUHVDQGLQWKHHQGZHHQG (ETSAV-UPC) and the Illinois School up being like brothers and sisters. of Architecture of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (ISoA). Laura Tardà The agreement contemplates the All my experience in Urbana-Champaign was provision of scholarships for studying DPD]LQJ%XWRQHRIWKHWKLQJV,HQMR\HGWKH at the ISoA for students enrolled at most was the opportunity to work in the wood ETSAV. Thus, every year, a selected shop. I chose the wood furniture seminar, where we had to design and build a wooden group of students from the ETSAV furniture. I learned how to use almost all the travel to United States to spend one tools in the workshop. I must thank Lowell, who year of studies at the ISoA. Typically was the person who instructed us and helped us every day. Unfortunately, I was not able to enrolled as upper-level students, ¿QLVKLWDQGWDNHLWKRPHDQGLWKDVVWD\HG they take courses in Architectural there in the workshop, but I hope I can recover 'HVLJQDQGLQRWKHUDUHDVRI,OOLQRLV¶ it one day. ULFKFXUULFXODURႇHULQJVGXULQJWKHWZR semesters of the academic year. 0DUFGH$QWRQLR9HQWXUD As an intrinsic part of the bilateral agreement between the two Attending the UIUC as an exchange student ZDVDOLIHFKDQJLQJH[SHULHQFH2QWKH¿UVW

students at Illinois at students institutions, the iasap-bv’s Yearbook semester, taking part in the Chicago Studio of Student Work is once again very with Professor Hinders, I had the chance to pleased to host and display the live in the city and visit every week some of the work produced at the ISoA and the ELJJHVW¿UPVLQWKH:RUOGOLNH6203HUNLQV Will or Gensler. On the second semester, in the personal recollection of the exchange campus in Champaign, not only I enjoyed an students who attended the University excellent group of professors but I also had the of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in chance to get to foster relationships with many people backgrounds from all over the globe. 2019-2020. ETSAV


74 75

full page • L. Tardà 76 77

full page • 0GH$QWRQLR9HQWXUD full page • '5RPHUDO ,$6$3%9)DFXOW\DQG6WDႇ Alejandro Lapunzina;6X]DQQH :LOOLDP$OOHQ3URIHVVRURI$UFKLWHFWXUH  'LUHFWRU,$6$3%93URIHVVLRQDO $UFKLWHFW GHJUHH 8QLYHUVLGDG GH %XHQRV $LUHV $UJHQWLQD   0DVWHU RI $UFKLWHFWXUH :DVKLQJWRQ 8QLYHUVLW\LQ6DLQW/RXLV  7DXJKW$UFKLWHFWXUDO'HVLJQLQWKHWZRVHPHVWHUV&RRUGLQDWHGWKHSURJUDP¶V curricular and extracurricular activities. Elena Albareda Fernández; Invited Lecturer; 3URIHVVLRQDO$UFKLWHFWGHJUHH83&(76$%  3K'LQ7KHRU\ and History of Architecture UPC-ETSAB (2012); taught one module of Architectural History in the Spring semester. Guillem Bosch Folch; Invited lecturer; Professional Architect degree UPC-ETSAV (2001) ); co-taught with 5DLPRQ)DUUpZRUNVKRSVLQ2YHUVHDV$UFKLWHFWXUDO6WXGLHVLQWKH)DOODQG6SULQJVHPHVWHUV

Laia Cisteró Fortuny; Lecturer;3URIHVVLRQDO$UFKLWHFWGHJUHH83&(76$%  0DVWHULQ7KHRU\DQG3UDFWLFH RI$UFKLWHFWXUDO'HVLJQ SUHGRFWRUDOVWXGLHV 83&  WDXJKW$UFKLWHFWXUDO'HVLJQLQWKH6SULQJVHPHVWHU Raimon Farré Moretó; Invited lecturer; 3URIHVVLRQDO $UFKLWHFW GHJUHH 83&(76$9   0DVWHU LQ Sustainable Energies in Architecture UPC-ETSAB (2004); co-taught with Guillem Bosch workshops in Overseas Architectural Studies in the Fall and Spring semesters. Marc Folch; /HFWXUHU/HFWXUHU3URIHVVLRQDO$UFKLWHFWGHJUHH83&(76$9  WDXJKW$UFKLWHFWXUDO'HVLJQ in the Fall semester. Josep María García; Invited lecturer; 3URIHVVLRQDO$UFKLWHFWGHJUHH83&(76$9  0DVWHULQ+LVWRU\ DQG7KHRU\RI$UFKLWHFWXUH83&(76$%  3K'LQ$UFKLWHFWXUH83&(76$%  WDXJKWRQHPRGXOH of Architectural History in the Spring semester. -HႇUH\.DQVOHULecturer; %6LQ$UFKLWHFWXUDO6WXGLHV  DQG0DVWHURI$UFKLWHFWXUH  8QLYHUVLW\RI Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; taught Structures courses online in the Fall and Spring semesters. Carles Marcos Padrós; /HFWXUHU 3URIHVVLRQDO$UFKLWHFW GHJUHH 83&(76$9   3K' LQ$UFKLWHFWXUH 83&(76$%  WDXJKW$UFKLWHFWXUDO'HVLJQLQWKH6SULQJVHPHVWHU Celia Marín Vega; ,QYLWHGOHFWXUHU3URIHVVLRQDO$UFKLWHFWGHJUHH83&(76$%  3K'LQWKH+LVWRU\RI Architecture, Universidad Pompeu Fabra (2018); taught Architectural History course in Fall semester. Núria Sabaté Giner; Lecturer;


Other Participants Burke Greenwood$UFKLWHFWEDVHGLQ%DUFHORQDRႇHUHGZRUNVKRSVXSSRUWVHVVLRQVDERXWSRUWIROLRGHVLJQ and application to graduate school process. Xabi Campreciós (Niaho Films)YLGHR¿OPPDNHUEDVHGLQ%DUFHORQDRႇHUHGDZRUNVKRSDERXWDUFKLWHFWXUDO video documentary in the Spring semester. Pablo Garrido, Architect and Profesor Asociado at ETSAV; collaborated with the joint ETSAV+IASAP-BV %XLOGLQJ(QYHORSH'HVLJQZRUNVKRSRႇHUHGLQWKH6SULQJVHPHVWHU Josep María de Llobet$UFKLWHFWXUDO3KRWRJUDSKHUDQG3URIHVVRURI3KRWRJUDSK\EDVHGLQ%DUFHORQDRႇHUHG a workshop on architectural photography in the Fall semester. Scott Murray, Architect and Associate Professor at the Illinois School of Architecture; led the ETSAV+IASAP- %9%XLOGLQJ(QYHORSH'HVLJQZRUNVKRSRႇHUHGLQWKH6SULQJVHPHVWHU Jaime Prous, Architect and Profesor Asociado at ETSAV; collaborated with the joint ETSAV+IASAP-BV and.. Kaitlyn Baker, Rachel Conover, Asher Ginnodo, Phoebe Glimm, Shuqi, Liu, Shamika Patil, Eda Shuli, %XLOGLQJ(QYHORSH'HVLJQZRUNVKRSRႇHUHGLQWKH6SULQJVHPHVWHU Calvin Stuber, Alejandro Toro-Acosta, Rachel Wei, Yunfan Xu, Yuyan Zhang, Yanbing Zhao, Xianyi Zhu, Juan Carlos Sánchez Tappa, $UFKLWHFWDQGHGXFDWRUEDVHGLQ%DUFHORQDOHG¿HOGWULSVDQGGHOLYHUHGOHFWXUHV Elena Albareda, Guillem Bosch, Xavi Campreciós, Laia Cisteró, Raimon Farré, March Folch, Josep María LQ0RGXOHRIWKH$UFKLWHFWXUDO+LVWRU\FRXUVHLQWKH6SULQJVHPHVWHU :±ųÏĝ±8ƚåĹƋåŸØƚųĩå:ųååĹƵŅŅÚØIåýU±ĹŸĬåųØIŅŸåŞa±ųĜ±ÚåXĬŅÆåƋØåĬĜ±a±ųĝĹšåč±ØcƚųĜ±„±Æ±ƋæØ Gemma Seijó/ Merit Language School 6DQW &XJDW  RႇHUHG D FHUWL¿HG 6SDQLVK ODQJXDJH FRXUVH WR Juan Carlos Sánchez Tappan, Gemma Seijo/Merit Language School, Marta Serra Permanyer, Sergi Serrat, participating students in the Fall semester. 78 a±č±ĬĜšåųŅĹåĬĬĜرĹÚ±ĬĬŅƚųŸŞåÏĜ±ĬčƚåŸƋŸţThank you! 79 Acknowledgments First and foremost, the IASAP-BV and the Illinois School of Architecture want to thank both the institution and the members of the ETSAV/UPC for hosting the program and for the gracious assistance received throughout the entire \HDU9HU\VSHFLDOWKDQNVWR(76$9¶V'LUHFWRU3URIHVVRU $OEHUW&XFKtDQG$VVRFLDWH'LUHFWRUV3URIHVVRUV3HUH Fuertes and Adolf Sotoca, for their sustained support to the program. Our gratitude extends to all the other members of the ETSAV’s administration and support areas who helped us in every single aspect needed for the smooth and successful operation of the program. 7KH,$6$3%9WHDPRIIDFXOW\DQGVWDႇDUHYHU\JUDWHIXO WR3URIHVVRU0RKDPHG%RXEHNULIRUKLVVXSSRUWLQWKH)DOO VHPHVWHUZKHQKHVHUYHGDV,QWHULP'LUHFWRURIWKH6FKRROLQ the Fall semester. In January of 2020 Professor Francisco J. 5RGUtJXH]EHFDPHWKHQHZSHUPDQHQW'LUHFWRURIWKH,OOLQRLV School of Architecture. As we welcome him to the School, we want to especially mention our gratitude for immediately manifesting his support of the program which, among other things, was manifest during his visit to the program soon after WKHEHJLQQLQJRIKLVWHQXUHDV'LUHFWRU As usual, our appreciation extends to everyone in the ISoA and the CFAA for the support they provided to the program throughout the year. We are also very thankful to everyone –teachers, scholars, professionals, special guests, visitors, and external providers of service — who assisted with the development and implementation of the program’s activities throughout the entire year. The collaboration with La Seu d’Egara (and by extension with the cultural authorities and institutions of the city of Terrassa) will be remembered as one of the highlights of the year thanks to all of the individuals who believed and shared our enthusiasm with the project to document and exhibit through drawings and photographs the historical complex of Early-Christian buildings located in Terrass. We are also grateful to the Ayuntamiento de Sant Cugat del Vallès, and to Sant Cugat’s visa and immigration RႈFHRIWKH3ROLFtD1DFLRQDO7KH\HDUFRXOGQRWKDYHEHJXQ nor culminated successfully without their assistance and support. $QG¿QDOO\LQWKLVYHU\XQXVXDOZHFDQQRW HPSKDVL]HHQRXJKKRZJUDWHIXOZHDUHIRUHYHU\WKLQJWKDW everyone, and especially our students, did to navigate as smoothly as we could an unprecedented global sanitary emergency. None had anticipated it, yet we can emphatically and proudly say that, despite the immense FKDOOHQJHWKDQNVWRWKHLQGLYLGXDODQGFROOHFWLYHHႇRUWVRIDOO involved, another edition of the iasap-bv ended successfully!

Sant Cugat del Vallès, September 2020