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INDEX TO THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS (B) FOE THE YEAE 1894. B. nderia, the action of light on, 961 (see W ard). A-Rlow (W. S. L.) (see Lazarus-B arlow). eevor (C. E.) and H orsley (V.). A Further Minute Analysis by Electric Stimulation of the so-called Motor Region (Facial Area) of the Cortex Cerebri in the Monkey ( sinicus), 39. ower (F. O.). Studies in the Morphology of Spore-producing Members.—Equisetineae and Lycopo- dineae, 473. otce (R.) and S urveyor (N\ F.). Upon the Existence of more than one Fungus in Madura Disease (Mycetoma), 1 . C. lalamites, on, 863 (see W illiamson and S cott). 'alamostachys, on, 863 (see W illiamson and S cott). jarehesiumpolypinum, on the constitution and mode of formation of “ food vacuoles” in Infusoria, as illustrated by the history of the processes of digestion in, 355 (see Greenwood). Cat, the effect produced upon respiration by Faradic excitation of the cerebrum in the, 609 (see Spencer). Cerebellum, experimental researches into the functions of the, 819 (see R ussell). erebellumand its peduncles and related structures in mo, experiments illustrative of the symptoma tology and degenerations following lesions of the, 719 (see F errier and T urner). Cerebrum in the monkey, dog, cat, and rabbit, the effect produced upon respiration by Faradic excitation of the, 609 (see S pencer), m d c c c x c iv .---- B. b Girripedia, on the early development of, 119 (see Groom). Goal-measures, further observations on the organisation of the fossil plants of the.—Part I., 863 / W illiamson and S cott).
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