THE UPPER WENSLEYDALE NEWSLETTER ISSUE 192 June 2013 Donation Please: 30P Suggested Or More If You Wish
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THE UPPER WENSLEYDALE NEWSLETTER ISSUE 192 June 2013 Donation please: 30p suggested or more if you wish By Tom Purvis or tubs, bee-loving flowers. Would we really Published by Upper Wensleydale Editorial worry if the odd corner could be left a bit The Upper Wensleydale Newsletter Newsletter o flies on us! Last week a cuckoo wild? Insects and butterflies thrive on nettles! Burnside Coach House, was heard up at Lunds. That wouldn’t A pile of rotting logs and twigs provides a have been particularly worth mention- Burtersett Road, Hawes DL8 3NT Issue 192— June 2013 N wonderful habitat for all the creepy-crawlies! ing even just 20 years ago. That isn’t all that’s How about digging up that un-wanted tarmac Features becoming very rare. Do you remember when or patio to make more growing-space? If the Tel: 667785 the sticky fly-paper in the kitchen was solid nasty ash-tree disease persists, we’d all better with flies; the nearly empty jam jar on the win- e-mail: [email protected] Editorial 3 plant a tree. dow sill alive with wasps enjoying themselves; More seriously though, it is a matter of bal- ____________________________ the rambler rose on the garden wall with a ance. Let the big boys get on with the essential Printed by Wensleydale Press Dentist visit 7 cloud of humming flies and bees? When did efforts to increase the food supply, while the ________________ ____________ you last see a ladybird? And this is here in the millions of the little people, covering vast ar- Committee: Alan S.Watkinson, Doctor’s Rotas 25 countryside! Barry Cruickshanks (web), Sue E .Duffield, eas of suburbs, gardens and even waste spaces, ____________________________ So this month we are on about little things: support the little things. Karen Jones, Alastair Macintosh, Neil Piper, Great fleas have little fleas upon their Janet W. Thomson (treasurer), Peter Wood Handbells in Askrigg 9 ____________________________ backs to bite ’em, Hidden Secrets Trail 14 And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so Newsletter Grants Final Processing: Sarah Champion, Adrian ad infinitum. Janke ____________________________ And the great fleas themselves, in turn, We are pleased to say that the Newsletter com- Shires etc 18 have greater fleas to go on; Postal Distribution: Derek Stephens mittee has been able to give grants to the local ____________________________ While these again have greater still, and , Surgery News 17 schools to help support specific projects that greater still, and so on. they submitted: ____________________________ (De Morgan: A Budget of Paradoxes) West Burton to complete the purchase of a PLEASE NOTE What’s On 23 digital piano. ____________________________ There is no doubt that we have all benefited Bainbridge for early years outdoor equipment This web-copy does not contain the commercial Plus all the regulars from the use of pesticides. In the home we and library books. adverts which are in the full Newsletter. ____________________________ have almost eliminated flies, bugs or beetles. Hawes for ‘Zoolab’ biology sessions and help But has it been over-kill? Are they such a with travel-to-swimming costs. As a general rule we only accept adverts from threat to our well-being if we take care? In Dalesplay for permanent table-top play for the arable farming, pest-resistant crops have pro- within the circulation area and no more than one- Whilst we try to ensure that all information is youngest children. third of each issue is taken up with them. duced huge increases in yield. The need for correct we cannot be held legally responsible for ever bigger fields to accommodate huge ma- omissions or inaccuracies in articles, adverts or chinery has meant the removal of insect-, bird- listings, or for any inconvenience caused. Views and mammal-friendly habitats. In our market Wensleydale Advertising expressed in articles are the sole responsibility of gardens spraying means the produce looks Tournament of Song AGM the person by-lined. Articles by comittee mem- Boxed adverts: £6, £12, £18 more or less perfect. We now expect that. bers carry just their initials. We appreciate be- All this, of course, means that world-wide, The Annual General Meeting of The Wensley- ing asked before any part of the Newsletter is more people in our still rapidly increasing dale Tournament of Song will take place in There is a big reduction for six issues or more, reproduced The Methodist Schoolroom, Leyburn on Fri- so for six issues the totals are: population can be fed. Surely no-one could th deny that that is right. As the recent annual day 14 June at 7.00pm. Everyone is welcome. Please come along to £25, £50 or £75 Christian Aid Week, with the theme ‘enough food for everyone’ bluntly told us, one in eight this important meeting and help the committee to shape future festivals. Greetings etc. £2.00 people will still go to bed hungry tonight. What’s ons (non-commercial) are free THE JULY ISSUE WILL BE But that cannot be at the expense of the ex- termination of so much of life at the very bot- PRODUCED ON tom of the food chain upon which all the rest Eunice the Ewe Contacts for adverts: June 25th AND 26th. ultimately depend. Are we killing off too much? In the end that would be catastrophic. For Hawes area and westward: The huge diversity of animal and plant life, giving joy and the pleasure of discovery, has Barry Cruickshanks, Ashfield, Hardraw: 667458 DEADLINE FOR COPY: also to be safeguarded. So back to the little things. It is surprising Last month’s winner: Cara Harrington from THURSDAY how much difference we can make. With great For elsewhere: Spennithorne. I was on the front cover. JUNE 20th concern about the decline in the bee popula- Sue Duffield, Fellside, tion, we can plant, even in our small gardens Thornton Rust: 663504 2 2 or tubs, bee-loving flowers. Would we really Published by Upper Wensleydale Editorial worry if the odd corner could be left a bit The Upper Wensleydale Newsletter Newsletter o flies on us! Last week a cuckoo wild? Insects and butterflies thrive on nettles! Burnside Coach House, was heard up at Lunds. That wouldn’t A pile of rotting logs and twigs provides a have been particularly worth mention- Burtersett Road, Hawes DL8 3NT Issue 192— June 2013 N wonderful habitat for all the creepy-crawlies! ing even just 20 years ago. That isn’t all that’s How about digging up that un-wanted tarmac Features becoming very rare. Do you remember when or patio to make more growing-space? If the Tel: 667785 the sticky fly-paper in the kitchen was solid nasty ash-tree disease persists, we’d all better with flies; the nearly empty jam jar on the win- e-mail: [email protected] Editorial 3 plant a tree. dow sill alive with wasps enjoying themselves; More seriously though, it is a matter of bal- ____________________________ the rambler rose on the garden wall with a ance. Let the big boys get on with the essential Printed by Wensleydale Press Dentist visit 7 cloud of humming flies and bees? When did efforts to increase the food supply, while the ________________ ____________ you last see a ladybird? And this is here in the millions of the little people, covering vast ar- Committee: Alan S.Watkinson, Doctor’s Rotas 25 countryside! Barry Cruickshanks (web), Sue E .Duffield, eas of suburbs, gardens and even waste spaces, ____________________________ So this month we are on about little things: support the little things. Karen Jones, Alastair Macintosh, Neil Piper, Great fleas have little fleas upon their Janet W. Thomson (treasurer), Peter Wood Handbells in Askrigg 9 ____________________________ backs to bite ’em, Hidden Secrets Trail 14 And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so Newsletter Grants Final Processing: Sarah Champion, Adrian ad infinitum. Janke ____________________________ And the great fleas themselves, in turn, We are pleased to say that the Newsletter com- Shires etc 18 have greater fleas to go on; Postal Distribution: Derek Stephens mittee has been able to give grants to the local ____________________________ While these again have greater still, and , Surgery News 17 schools to help support specific projects that greater still, and so on. they submitted: ____________________________ (De Morgan: A Budget of Paradoxes) West Burton to complete the purchase of a PLEASE NOTE What’s On 23 digital piano. ____________________________ There is no doubt that we have all benefited Bainbridge for early years outdoor equipment This web-copy does not contain the commercial Plus all the regulars from the use of pesticides. In the home we and library books. adverts which are in the full Newsletter. ____________________________ have almost eliminated flies, bugs or beetles. Hawes for ‘Zoolab’ biology sessions and help But has it been over-kill? Are they such a with travel-to-swimming costs. As a general rule we only accept adverts from threat to our well-being if we take care? In Dalesplay for permanent table-top play for the arable farming, pest-resistant crops have pro- within the circulation area and no more than one- Whilst we try to ensure that all information is youngest children. third of each issue is taken up with them. duced huge increases in yield. The need for correct we cannot be held legally responsible for ever bigger fields to accommodate huge ma- omissions or inaccuracies in articles, adverts or chinery has meant the removal of insect-, bird- listings, or for any inconvenience caused. Views and mammal-friendly habitats. In our market Wensleydale Advertising expressed in articles are the sole responsibility of gardens spraying means the produce looks Tournament of Song AGM the person by-lined.