Chapter 7:

Unit 3 Section 1: Physical Landforms • Mexico and Central America form a land bridge between the 2 continents of South America and • The western side of Mexico is a part of the Ring of Fire – Seismic activity – Volcanoes Landforms

• The /Occidental – Southern portion of the Rocky Mountains (Canada and the US) – 8,000-9,000 ft tall • In the middle of the country is the Mexican Plateau – Moderate, consistent temperatures – Great place to live! Landforms

• Mexican Plateau: – Mesa del Norte • Larger than the Central region • Some large cities – Mesa Central • More populated • Breadbasket of Mexico Water Systems

• Northern Mexico has a dry climate – What landform is the exception???

• Central region has more rivers and natural lakes

Water Systems

– One of the most important rivers in the country – Begins in the Toluca Basin west of Mexico City – Feeds into Lake Chapala • Largest natural lake • forms the east coast – Special wild life – Shrimp – Fishing – Oil • Gulf of California – Special wild life Section 2: History and Government • Indigenous people lead to much diversity in cultures, languages, and civilizations • Northern Mexico: – Nomadic people – Agriculture – Tarahumara people • Southern Mexico: – Mayan Civilization • Massive cities • Agriculture • Central Mexico: – Aztec Empire • Massive empire • Warriors and conquerors

History and Government

• Spanish came and colonized Mexico – After the resources: • Gold • Silver • Cash crops: chocolate and corn • Beginning in the 1700s, people began to protest Spanish rule. • 1821: Mexico finally won its independence – But the country was ruled by a small group of wealthy landowners, army officers. – People revolted and there was panic/chaos – Military dictators (caudillo) ruled the country for many years. History and Government

• Mexican Revolution finally overthrew the caudillos and a new constitution was put into place in 1917. – Power divided into 3 branches of government: • Legislative • Executive • Judicial • Peace didn’t last long… History and Government

• 1929—Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) was elected – Corrupt monopoly on the political system – Lasted 70 years • 2000—Partido Accion Nacional (PAN) able to win • 2012—PRI reelected History and Government

• Drug Cartels – Control various regions of Mexico – Power and control of drug- producing territories – Internal warfare – Street violence (gun battles), massacres, terror – Reinvest money into the community… Economic Activities • Rich and the government mainly control the natural resources • Goods are imported and exported to/from America • Lots of factories that employ Mexicans, are located in Mexico, but the goods are for Americans • NAFTA Section 3: Human-Environment Interaction Managing Resources

• Managing natural resources: – Petroleum – Silver – Gold – Copper – Lead – Zinc – Natural Gas – Timber—Deforestation • Urbanization and sustainable development • Pollution