History of RAO/CIS Offshore dates back to 1993 when the Shtokman, Prirazlomny and Sakhalin projects were launched. Outstanding Russian scientists and Arctic researchers Evgeny Velikhov, Artur Chilingarov, Rem Vyakhirev, Viktor Orlov, Igor Gramberg, Nikolay Malyshev, Boris Nikitin, Grigoriy Simakov and many others were founders of the RAO/CIS Offshore Conference and Exhibition. The initiative was supported by companies from Norway, Finland and the USA. RAO/CIS Offshore obtains a strong position among the world offshore oil and gas exhibitions and conferences. The event has gained international recognition and along with the largest relevant events in Aberdeen, Stavanger, Houston and Baku, RAO/CIS Offshore is considered to be the central industry event of national and international scales. RAO/CIS Offshore Exhibition and Conference is awarded with the signs of the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs and Global Association of Exhibition Industry (UFI). RAO/CIS Offshore is held on a biennial basis and brings together government officials, experts from Russian and foreign companies for discussion of the most important aspects of the Arctic and continental shelf offshore development. Over 6 300 delegates and 1280 companies from 22 countries have taken part in RAO/CIS Offshore over the years of its existence. It is no coincidence that RAO/CIS Offshore is held in St. Petersburg. The North-Western district of is the main region involved in the Arctic offshore development. Leading enterprises, research centers and design and construction agencies as well as the largest Russian sea ports are located in the region. One of the most important benefits of RAO/CIS Offshore is the issue of the resolutions. The resolutions are elaborated on the basis of the delegates’ decisions on the issues of the offshore industry development and are forwarded to the Government of the Russian Federation for further work. According to Russian Government Decree No 989-p of 15 June 2013 RAO/CIS Offshore is granted with the federal status.

1 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (No 989-p of 15 June 2013) RESULTS RAO/CIS OFFSHORE 2013 11th International Conference and Exhibition for Oil and Gas Resources Development of the Russian Arctic and Continental Shelf On September 13, the 11th International Conference and Exhibition for Oil and Gas Resources Development of the Russian Arctic and CIS Continental Shelf RAO/ CIS Offshore was concluded. The history of RAO/CIS Offshore dates back to 1993. For these twenty years there has been a significant breakthrough in the development of the Russian shelf. The exploration of oil and gas resources on the shelf of Sakhalin Island has started and has been steadily progressing. In harsh environments and Sevmash have managed to construct and set up an ice-resistant oil platform at Prirazlomnoye oil field in the Pechora Sea and have started test drilling. Lukoil is developing oil and gas fields in the Baltic and the Caspian seas as well as transports oil extracted in the Timan-Pechora oil and gas bearing province via the western sector of the Northern Sea Route. The Government of the Russian Federation has signed the Strategy for the development of the Arctic and the Arctic shelf. The development of oil and gas resources in the frozen seas has become a vital task for oil and gas, shipbuilding and machine building industries. The importance of the Arctic region for people’s welfare and the enormous energy resources potential determine the relevance of the international cooperation for the development of the Arctic shelf; and RAO/CIS Offshore Conference and Exhibition is a vital element of this cooperation development. This edition of RAO/CIS Offshore was opened with a plenary session on ‘International cooperation for the Arctic development.’ In his welcome speech, Alexey Kontorovich, Academician, Chairman of Research Council of Russian Academy of Sciences for Geology, Oil and Gas Resources Development said that this year the event has brought together 630 delegates and 280 companies and enterprises from 21 countries. According to him, such a wide interest among the players of the natural resource development market once again underlines the relevance of the topics addressed at the conference: ‘The Arctic is a unique region rich in oil and gas, as evidenced by all recent geophysical and geological research. Unique discoveries of new deposits occur regularly on the Arctic shelves, which 3 certainly can and should have a positive impact on the development of the energy potential of the state, and, subsequently, its general welfare.’ In 2013, a busy programme was prepared for participants and guests of RAO/CIS Offshore - three plenary sessions, eleven thematic round tables, students section activities, Matchmaking, Innovation award. Meetings of experts were focused on the latest trends of the continental shelf development in terms of scientific, technical, economic and environmental aspects. The state of exploration of resources of the continental shelf, technical and economic assessment of major projects, development of advanced underwater technologies, environmental and industrial safety were the questions of extensive discussion. The working sessions and official events RAO/CIS Offshore 2013 were attended by senior managers of federal executive bodies, specialised ministries and institutions, research and business, including: Kirill MOLODTSOV, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation; Denis KHRAMOV, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation; Valery GOLUBEV, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee of Gazprom; Andrey SHISHKIN, Vice President of Rosneft; Anton VASILIEV, Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Chair of the Barents Euro- Arctic Council; Vladimir MILOVIDOV, Vice President of Rosneft; Margarita HOFFMANN, Managing Director of Wintershall Russland GmbH, Sergey MINGAREEV, Corporate Government Affairs Director, Total E&P Russie; Svein Aage OLSEN, Head of Government Relations & Public Affairs, Statoil ASA Russia; Viktor ORLOV, President, Russian Geological Society; Ilya MANDRIK, Vice President, OAO LUKOIL, Knut Orbeck NILSSEN, Senior Vice President, Det Norske Veritas AS and others. All participants of RAO/CIS Offshore noted that the uniqueness of the event this year is that for the first time the Exhibition, the Matchmaking and Conference Program part took part in one venue, making the event not only beneficial to its members, but also comfortable from an organisational point of view. In his speech at the official opening, the Deputy Minister of Energy Kirill Molodtsov stressed that for the first time in 2013 RAO/CIS Offshore is held by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (No 989-R of 15 June 2013) which testifies the importance of the 4 Arctic shelf development. Today’s event is the very link between the government, business and research centres, which makes it possible to draw the experts’ attention to the problems of the industry and switch the subsoil use policies to a new innovative track. Major players of oil and gas industry displayed their expositions in the exhibition hall - operating companies, engineering and servicing companies, research institutes: Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, Gasflot, Wintershall, Halliburton, Total, Schlumberger, FMC Technologies, ABS, Kosmos-Neft-Gas, Sevmash, Vyborg Shipyard, A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute and many others. The companies presented priority investment projects, new technologies for the development of hydrocarbon resources, offshore structures, facilities for the shelf infrastructure development. Participants of the events of RAO/CIS Offshore 2013 were provided a unique opportunity not only to have a comprehensive discussion of the achievements and problems of development of the continental shelf and the new technologies for oil and gas exploitation in the harsh conditions of northern seas, but also to hold business meetings in the Matchmaking. The most active participants of the Matchmaking included VERTESZ Peterburg, NK Rosneft - NTC, DNV Software, Soil Machine Dynamics, Technology Centre ‘Instrument’, Oil & Gas Systems Baltia, Jan De Nul N.V., Value ARKA consulting LLC, AMIGE, VNIPIgazdobycha, ThyssenKrupp Uhde, Association of Oil & Gas Suppliers Sozvezdye, CDB Corall. On September 12, results of the first phase of Innovation Award in the framework of the 11th International Conference and Exhibition RAO/CIS Offshore were announced, as well as results of the Best Stand Award. The first place in the category ‘The most informative stand’ were rightly shared by Gazprom and Rosneft. Also, to the applause of those present, LUKOIL and Wintershall were awarded for the second place, and Gasflot and Total E&P Russia for the third place in the same category. In the category ‘The most creative stand design’, Lukoil was the overall winner this year. The second place was shared by Gazprom and Rosneft. The third tier of the podium was shared by Baltnefteprovod, Gasflot, Wintershall and Halliburton. Kosmos-Neft-Gas and Zavod SiN-Gas companies were awarded in the category ‘Audience Choice Award.’ For the first time in the RAO/CIS Offshore, the Innovation Award organised with the participation of the Ministry 5 of Energy of Russia was held. The main purpose of the Competition was to stimulate the development of the existing solutions and introduce new ideas at every stage of the value chain - the production chain: exploration, refining, transportation, and consumption. The winners of the Award were innovations by Halliburton, Parsam, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev, Maritime Engineering, and Zavod SiN-Gas. At the conclusion of the event, delegates who gathered at the final Plenary session stated that RAO/CIS Offshore 2013 is one of best events of the industry in the world organized and held at the highest scientific and technical level. 630 delegates from 21 countries participated in the Conference. 210 presentations were made during the four days of the Conference; about 2 500 trade visitors from Russia, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, the USA, Turkey, the UK and attended the exhibition. Participants thanked the organisers and each other for the fruitful work and expressed an intention to continue their constructive dialogue in 2015 at the 12th International Conference and Exhibition RAO/CIS Offshore.

SPONSORS OF THE EVENT: General sponsors

Official sponsors

Round table sponsors



CO-CHAIRMEN OF THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Arthur CHILINGAROV, Member of Correspondence of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice president of the Russian Geographical Society Sergey DONSKOY, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Nikolay LAVEROV, Academician, Member of Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexey MILLER, Gazprom, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Management Committee Evgeny VELIKHOV, Academician, Secretary of the Public Chamber oh the Russian Federation, President of Russian Research Centre

CHAIRMAN OF THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Alexey KONTOROVICH, Academician, Chairman of Research Council of Russian Academy of Sciences for Geology, Oil and Gas Resources Development

CO-CHAIRMAN OF THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Kirill MOLODTSOV, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation

MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Evgeny Igorevich AGARKOV, Head of Russian department of NORREXIM AG Alexander AFANASENKOV, All-Russia Petroleum Research Exploration Institute, Deputy Director General Kamil BEKIASHEV, State Law Academy, Head of the International Law Faculty, Professor , Doctor of Law Jacques de BOISSÉSON, General Representative of Total in Russia Valery BORODIN, Head of the Production of Marine Facilities for Oil and gas Development and Civil Shipbuilding, «PO «Sevmash», JSCo Mikhail BUDNICHENKO, Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering «Rubin» PJSC, Director General; «Sevmash», Director General Vsevolod CHEREPANOV, Gazprom, Member of 7 the Management Committee, Head of Gas, Gas Condensate and Oil Production Department Gabriel Valentin COMANESCU, Grup Servicii Petroliere (GSP Offshore), President & CEO Alexey DAVYDOV, Director General, Gazprom geologorazvedka Anatoly DMITRIEVSKY, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Oil and Gas Problems Institute of RAS Konstantin DOLGUNOV, Sevmorneftegeophisica, Director General Andrey DUTOV, Krylov State Research Centre, General Director Georgy FOKIN, Gazprom Transgaz Saint-Petersburg, Director General Valery GOLUBEV, Gazprom, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee Valery GULEV, Gazprom International, Managing Director Margarita HOFFMANN, Managing Director, Wintershall Russland GmbH Sergey KALITYUK , Gazprom expo LLC, Director General Valery KAMINSKY, Gramberg’s VNIIOceangeology Institute, Director General Denis KHRAMOV, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Vladimir KIRILLOV, Head of the Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service Vladimir KORSKOV, Schlumberger offshore projects regional director Vyatcheslav KUZNETSOV, Kurchatov Institute Russian Research Center, Director of Innovation Energy Institute Gennady LYUBIN, Gazpromneft shelf LLC, Acting General Director – Executive Director Vitaly MARKELOV, Gazprom, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee Alexey MARTYNOV, Gazprom, Deputy Head of Directorate, Head of International Forums Division of the International Business Department Victor MARTYNOV, Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas 8 University, Rector Nils Andreas MASVIE, Vice President, DNV Russia and Kazakhstan Yury MATVEEV, Sevmorgeo, Honorary Member of Organizing Committee Serguei MINGAREEV, Corporate Government Affairs Director, Total E&P Russie Dilizhan MIRZOEV, Gazprom Central Oil and Gas Appliances Design Bureau, Deputy Director General, Chairman of RAO/CIS Offshore Executive Committee Boris NIKITIN, Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas, Professor, Honorary Member of Organizing Committee Victor OLERSKY, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Svein Aage OLSEN, Head of Government Relations and Public Affairs, Statoil Russia Victor ORLOV, Russian Geological Society, President Oleg PETROV, Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, Director General Margarita POLYAKOVA, Executive Secretary of RAO/CIS Offshore Organizing Committee Oleg PRISCHEPA, All Russia Petroleum Research Exploration Institute, Director General Svetlana RADIONOVA, Federal agency for ecological, technological and nuclear supervision, temporary acting deputy Joe D. RAINEY, President, Eastern Hemisphere of Halliburton Company Lev ROVNIN, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Honorary Member of Organizing Committee Andrey SERGIENKO, Gyprospetsgaz, Director General Yuri V. SHAMALOV, General Director LLC Gazflot Konstantin SCHILIN, Vice President, Halliburton International INC. Mikhail SHKATOV, Sevmorgeo, Director General Haakon SKJOENBERG, Business Area Manager Russia, FMC Technologies Jan Helge SKOGEN, President Statoil ASA, Russia Haakon SKRETTING, INTSOK – The Norwegian Oil and Gas Partners, Regional Director 9 Igor SPASSKY, Academician, Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering “Rubin” PJSC, Science supervisor on special subjects, Honorary Member of Organizing Committee Vasily SVISTAK, ABS, Manager for Russia and Caspian Region Sergey TOLSTOV, Gazprom Central Oil and Gas Appliances Design Bureau, Director General Sergey TROFIMOV,RESTEC Exhibition Company Ltd., President Pavel TSYBULSKY, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, Director General Anton VASILIEV, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ambassador-at-Large; Senior Arctic Official of Russia in the Arctic Council Igor VILNIT, The Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering «Rubin», Director General Vladimir VOVK, GAZPROM, Deputy Chairman of the Science and Technology Council Section Richard WITT, Corporate Director, Cameron


CHAIRMAN OF THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE:: Alexey KONTOROVICH, Academician, Chairman of Research Council of Russian Academy of Sciences for Geology, Oil and Gas Resources Development

CO-CHAIRMAN OF THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Kirill MOLODTSOV, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation

MEMBERS OF THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Alexander CHUDNOV, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Head of Public Relations Division Anatoly DMITRIEVSKY, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Oil and Gas Problems Institute of RAS Dilizhan MIRZOEV, Gazprom Central Oil and Gas Appliances Design Bureau, Deputy Director General, Chairman of RAO/CIS Offshore Executive Committee Robert NIGMATULIN, Academician, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Director Oleg PRISCHEPA, All-Russia Petroleum Research Exploration Institute, Director General Vladimir RABKIN, Gazprom, Deputy Head of the Technique and Technology for Offshore Development Department Yury SYCHOV, N.N. Zubov’s State Oceanographic Institute, Director Alexander TSVETSINSKY, State Oceanographic Institute, Deputy Director Igor VESELOV, The International Cooperation Department of EMERCOM of Russia, Deputy Director

11 CONFERENCE TOPICS Conference Session 1 Exploration maturity of hydrocarbon resources on the continental shelves of Russia and the CIS countries Conference Session 2 R&D technology solutions for oil and gas resources development on the Sakhalin shelf Conference Session 3 Advanced technology solutions for oil and gas fields development in the Northern Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Baltic Sea Conference Session 4 Concept R&D solutions for gas deposits development in the Kara Sea including the areas of the Ob and the Taz Bays Conference Session 5 R&D solutions for oil and gas resources development in the Barents and the Pechora Seas Conference Session 6 Issues of industrial and environmental safety in development of oil and gas resources on the Russian shelf Conference Session 7 The regulatory frameworks for offshore oil and gas resources development on the Russian shelf Conference Session 8 Promising R&D projects of young scientists and students. Training of specialists EXHIBITION TOPICS • Geological Estimation of Oil and Gas Resources in Russian and CIS Continental Shelf • Hydrometeorological and Engineering-Geological Conditions of the Continental Shelf • Engineering and Technology of Hydrocarbon Resources Development in the Arctic Environment and on the Continental Shelf • Marine Facilities for Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields • Transport Infrastructure on the Continental Shelf: Ports, Shipbuilding, Shipping and Navigation • Floating and Subsea Equipment, Subsea Pipelines Safety Systems and Equipment, Communication and Navigation Systems 12 • Industrial and Environmental Safety TERMS OF PARTICIPATION IN THE CONFERENCE

Participation cost for one person - 825 euros. Registration fee includes: participation in all sessions and b2b meetings, information materials, placement of contact information and company description in the official catalogue, lunches and coffee-breaks, participation in the official reception. The registration fee payment shall be made by (at the participant’s option): bank transfer or credit card not later than 4 September 2015. The cost shall be charged 10% for paying in cash. The Secretariat reserves the right to cancel the registration of participants who do not confirm the payment in the scheduled dates. If a person who has been registered cannot take part in the Conference, payment effected for participation will not be reimbursed. The paying Company has the right to replace the participant on the condition that he/she will inform the Secretariat about that in written form no later than 1 September 2015.


Registration fee of 385 euros includes: official catalogue entry, 1 copy of the official catalogue, 2 accreditations, 1 invitation to the Official reception. Persons who work at the stands must be accredited and wear a badge (accreditation card), which gives a right to enter the territory of the exhibition complex and to work at the stand. Cost of 1 sq. m. of exhibition space only is 375 euros. Minimum stand area – 15 sq. m. The cost of unequipped exhibition space includes:an exhibition space, general exhibition advertising, general security of the exhibition, cleaning of ways and public accommodation. Power supply line and power consumption are extra paid. Cost of 1 sq. m of standard equipped exhibition space is 415 euros Minimum stand area – 9 sq. m. 13 The cost of equipped exhibition space includes: an exhibition space, wall panels along the perimeter of a stand, carpeting, frame board with 10 symbols on each open side (additional symbols are extra paid), 1 wastebasket, 1 coat rack, 1 spotlight for 4 sqm, power supply line (up to 2 kilowatt), power consumption, general exhibition advertising, general security guard of the exhibition, cleaning of ways and public accommodation. Power supply line and power consumption of more than 2 kilowatt are extra paid. The above prices are valid till 31 December 2014. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the prices for participation in case of the introduction of new or increasing of the acting tax and fee rates, the market conjuncture changes, as well as other cases that affect the cost of services. Please view full terms of participation at the official website www.rao-offshore.ru


The cost of hotel accommodation is not included into the cost of the registration fee and is paid by the delegates separately. Special rates for hotel accommodation will be offered to RAO/CIS Offshore 2015 participants. Full information will be available on the official website of the event: www.rao-offshore.ru.


A cultural programme including a city tour will be organized for the accompanying persons. Detailed information on the cultural programme and its cost will be available on the official website at www.rao-offshore.ru after 1 February 2015


The Organizing Committee of RAO/CIS Offshore 2015 invites all companies to become sponsors of the event. Sponsorship packages: • Round Table Sponsor Fee - 24 000 euros, number of sponsors – one per each round table meeting; • Official Sponsor Fee – 47 000 euros, total number of official sponsors – 6; • General Sponsor Fee – 95 000 euros, total number of general sponsors – 4; • Exclusive Sponsor Fee – 130 000 euros, total number of exclusive sponsors – 1; Please see the sponsorship terms and packages as a public offer on the official website of RAO/CIS Offshore at www.rao-offshore.ru It is largely due to our sponsors’ support that RAO/CIS Offshore has become one of the most important international events.


The official editions of RAO/CIS Offshore 2015 include the Programme, the Official catalogue and the Proceedings. Preliminary Programme will be ready by 1 July 2015 and sent to all registered participants and other persons involved. The Official Catalogue is issued in Russian and English on the basis of the information obtained from the participants. The information (company name, contacts, brief description – 50-60 words) in Russian and English should be made in MS Word format and forwarded to Secretariat not later than 10 July 2015. The presentations of the speakers will be available on the official site of RAO/CIS Offshore at www.rao-offshore.ru after the Conference sessions.

15 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (No 294-p of 1 March 2014)