John P. Campbell The George Washington University, Joint Instftute for Acoustics and Flight Sciences

- 1 SUMMARY l i il This introduc:ory paper is intended to set the stage for the conference by ! reviewing progress to date in the powered-lift'field. The concept and applica- tion of powered lift and the effects of some fundamental design variables are discussed. A brief chronology of significant developments in the field is also , i presented and the direction of research efforts in recent years is indicated. All powered-lift concepts are included, but emphasis is on the two externally ! blown schemes which involve blowing either above or below the and which 1 are now being utilized in the YC-14 and YC-15 airplanes. 'This review deals / i primarily with and vehicle design, and only touches briefly on the I areas of acoustics, propulsion, and loads. I


It is perhaps appropriate to start this review with a bit of historical backg-ound which illustrates one of the factors that spurred interest in powered lift back in the 1950's. Richard E. Kuhn brought out this point very well by the use of figure 1 which is a history of maximum lift development from the Wright Brothers to the present day. The upper solid line shows that with the introduction of trailing-edge flaps and with the continuing refinement and sophistication of these flaps, the maximum CL,~~~obtained in wind-tunnel tests increased at a rapid rate up until the 1940's but at a much more modest rate afterward. Of course, the values of CL,,,, attained with operational lagged well behind the wind-tunnel progress at first, but it later became apparent that airplanes would soon be using up most of the mechanical- hizh-lift technology developed in le winds tunnel. This trend was foreseen by researchers in the early 1950's who recognized that the ceiling on CL,rnax obtainable with mechanical flaps could be bypassed by making full use of the energy of the turbojet propulsion engines to augment wing lift, as indicated by the dashed line. Exploratory research on the jet-flap principle was therefore started in an effort to realize this potential.

In this jet-flap concept, a high-velocity jet sheet is turned downward by a trailing-edge flap and effectively increases the chord of the flap to produce higher lift. The total lift produced is made up of the three compone,lts shown in figure 2: the power-off lift produced by the wing and flap, the lift due to thrust deflection (that is, the vertical component of the thrust), and powered cir1:ulatlon lift which is the additional circulation lift induced on the wing ;;it\l hv the presence of the jet sheet. The proportions of the tl~reecorn-

!:kx,1 LI?++ :, ~rtvary quite a bit, depending on the type of flap and the particular pof.t, l.c.,\-l lft concept used.


'i k~unb~rof different concepts have been studied as indicated by the ~?i~;~t~r~il-liftchro~lology presented in figure 3. Dates are shown for the first :iA:.t :.irc!l conducted on a given concept an3 For the first flight of an airplane incorporating the concept.

The blowing boundary-layer-control (BLC) scheme illustrnted at the top is not usually considered a true powered-lift concept since it only xses engine and hence does not make full use of the available engine thrust. It is included here, however, because'of its basic similarity to the jet flap and because some of the work on blowing BLC provided useful information in the 1 devclopmtmt of the jet flap. Exploratory studies of blowing BLC were carried out as carly iis the 1920's but it was not until the 1940's and 1950's that sys- tematic research was condr~ctedthat lead to application of the concept. Some of the most impressive work was dons on the Navy's F9F-5 airplane in the early 1950's under the directioc of John Attinello (ref. 1). A number of other air- craft with blowing BLC have been flown, including the Boeing 367-30 airplane which was used by NASA for low-speed flight research in the early 1960's. (See

The principle of the jet flap was proposed and verified by Schubauer in 1932, but very little attention was given to the c.otlct3pt until 20 years later when Attinello's studies in the United States (ref. 1) and Davidson's studies in England (ref. 2) showed great promise for the jet flap. This work led to extensive research programs on the concept in England, France, and the United States. (For example, see refs. 1 to 4.) The Hunting jet flap research air- plane (fig. 5) was built in the early 1960's to study the flight characteristics associated with the jet flap. (See ref. 5.) Unfortuuntoly, the airplane had a number of deficiencies which limited its usefulness as a research aircraft.

In the late 1950's De Havilland of Canada initiated research on a variation . , of the jet flap called the augmentor wing. This concept incorporates a shroud assembly over the flap to create an ejector system which augments the thrust of the nozzle by entraining additional air. The augmentor wing was the subject of a comprrhensive rese~rchprogram carried out jointly by NASA and the Canadian governmrnt starting in 1965. This program culminated in the design and con- struction of the C-8 augmentor wing research airplane by Boeing and De Havilland. (See fig. 6.) The aircraft was first flown in 1972 and since th.it time has been used in n joint NASA-Ames and Canadian flight research frogram. (See ref. 6.)

Both tr~?augmentor wing and the jet flap proved to bc very efficient aero- dynamically in that they produced a large increase in wing lift with a givc?n amount of engL~lethrust. But tbcy are intcrnolly blown systems and hence suffer the disadvnntilge of requiring iuternal ducting which adds to the weight, cotit, and complexity of the wing structurc. In an effort to eliminate internal ducting and to provide much simpler powered-lift systems, NASA Langley Research Center started work in the 1950's on the so-called "externally blown systems" - the externally blown flap rlsed with conventional pod-mounted engines, and the uppci- surface blown flap. Exploratory research was first carried out on the externally blown flap in 195b (ref. 7); research on the upper surface blown flap started about a year later (ref. 8). Initial results appeared to be promising for both concepts. A fairly extensive research program was carried out to develop the technology for the externally blown flap; but there were no indications of serious int~erestby the industry in applying the concept until Boeing incorporated it in its proposal for the C-5 competition. Although Boeing's entry did not win, this show of interest accelerated the research 011 the externally blown flan and led to an earlier build-up of the technology base required for application of the concept. The culmination of all this research is, of course, the McDL>nnell-Douglas YC-15 AMST (fig. 7) which his been flying since August 1975.

As pointed out earlier, the initial results obtained on the concept for the upper surface blown flap in 1957 appeared to be prom!\-ing. The aerodynamic per- formance was comparable with that of the externally blown f lap, and preli1:linary noise studies showed it to be a potentially quieter concept beca:lse of the shielding effect of the wing. (See ref. 9.) However, since the upper surface blowing arrangement involved a change in engine location away from the generally accepted underslung pods and since there was at that time no special concern with the noise problem, research on the upper surface blown flap was dropped after the initisi studies. Research was resumed in the early 70's when it was becoming apparenL that the externally blown flap might have difficulty meeti,lg increasingly st rirl2er r noise requirements. Since that time, of course, research on the upper surface blown flap has been carried out at an accelerated pace; this research lead to che Boeing YC-14 AMST (fig. 8) wh ch will make its iirst flight within a few months and to the NASA quiet short haul research aircraft (fig. 9) which should be flying in about 3 years.

As the conference procePds, you will note that there is special emphasis on the upper surface blown flap, for this is the concept which has been researched most extensively since the last NASA powered-lift conference held in 1972,


Now, let us turn to some general performance considerations for powered- lift aircraft. The landing performance will be considered since it is generally more critical than take-off performance for these aircraft. Some of the factors irivolved in landing-field length are illustrates in figure 10. On this plot of against appmach speed and the corresponding operational field length, there is a family of curves representing different approach lift coeffi- cients. The band of valdes for 1.5 to 1.8 is for conventional airplanes with mechanical flaps. Note that these values are approach lift cocfiicients which are considerably lower than maximum lift coefficients because of the various angle-of-attack an3 speed margins required for safety of cpt,ration. The hatched area represents typical powered-lift conditions in the higl:,rr wing loading range and extends from field lengths of about 609.6 m (2000 ft) tt~ bout 1371.6 m (4500 ft). Aircraft which use the shorter ficld lengths, 609.6 m (2000 ft) to about 1066.8 m (3500 ft), are usually clasaif1,sd as STOI, or short take-off an^ landing aircraft; whereas hose usl.ng the 1066 8- to 1371.6-m (3500- to 4500. .) field lengths are termed RTOL, or reduced take-off and Landing aircraft. Tht approach lift coefficients can vary from values as low as 2 for the RTOL to values of 4 or 5 for the STOL. Of course, lower wing loadings can be used rather than higher lift coefficients to obtain the shorter field lengths, but this usage can lead to undesirable reductions In cruise performance and ride

Now, consider the additional power which must be installed in the airplane to obtain powered lift. Figure 11 shows the ajrplane thrust-weight ratios required to produce certain values of CL,,,, and approach liit coefficients for an externally blown concept. As an example of a high-perfo-mance STOL case, let us take an approach CL of 4 which gives a landing field length of about 609.6 m (2000 it) with a wing loading of 3830 ~/m?(80 lb/ft2). The thruat- weight ratio required in this case is about 0.5 or about twice the installed thrust-weight ratio for conventional jet transports. Of course, if the lower approach lif, required for RTOL airc ft is used, the thrust-weight ratios required are w~chsmaller. As has been indicated, these curves are for exter- nally blown fl,\ps. The more efficient internally blown flaps require less thrust-weight r,atio, as indicated in figure 12 (data from ref. 10).

Figure 12 stlows the static thrust-weight ratio requtred as a function of approach CL for intern~illyand externally blown flaps. The lower thrust requirement for the internally blown flaps is apparent. However, in order to obtain a meaningful comparison of the power requirements for the internally and externally blown flaps, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of the engines used with the two flap systems. This point is illustrated in figure 13 by combining the d:lta of figure 12 with some engine informaticn. The curve at the right: illustrates the variation with engine fan pressure ratio ' the static thrust-welght ratio available with a given design cruise thrust. Trte engines appropriate for use with externally blown flaps have a relatively low fan pres- sure ratio and, hence, provide m?~chmore static thrust than the engines for internally blown flaps designed for the some cruise thrust. The dashri lines with arrows indicate that this difference in engine characteristics almost balanc?~out the difference in flap efficiency so that the overall performance, as indicated by the approach CL obtained with a given cruise thrust, is not grr~tlydifferent for the two flap systt 3.

Another important factor affecting the performance of the externally blown systems is the re1 itionship of the engine exhaust to the flap. In the case of the externally blown flap (EBF), it has been found that the amount of powered lift obtained depends on ho~well the flap "captures" the engine exhaust and turns it downward.

This point is illustrated in figure 14 (data iron ref. 11) which shows powered-lift increment as a function of capture tatio, z/D, where z/D is defined by the sketch. The lift increment appears to vary directly as the proportion of the slipstream capr .:ed ~ndactually continues to increase LLbyond n z/D of 1 where the bottom u.' the engine exhaust would theoretically . . ..

coincide with the bottom of the flap. It has been found that this relatively simple factor Z/D can satisfactorily account for chenges in geometric design features such as longitudinal and vertical position of the , the inci- dence of the nacelle, and the relative size of the flap and engine nozzle. A paper by D. R. Hoad (ref. 12) in this conference will give more information O,I this subject.

In the case of the upper surface blown £la? (USB), there are some other critical factors involved in the turning of the jet exhaust as indicated by figure 15 (taken from ref. 13). On this plot of engine fan pressure ratio against the ratio of jet thickness to flap turning radius, a boundary for good turning is shown. The boundary indicates that reductions in pressure ratio permit thicker jets to be used, but it has been found that even with low-fan- pressure-ratio engines, some special features are required for satisfactory turning. These special features include extreme flattening of the exhaust nozzle, a downward deflection of the nozzle, and the use of some flov control device such as boundary-layer control or vortex generators at the knee of :he flap. The YC-14 AMST makes use of vortex generators along with a small nozzle deflection angle to obtain good turning. An illustration of the improvement in turning obtained with rlozzle deflection angle is shown in figure 16. Note the t favorable shift in the boundary with the deflected nozzle. The sketches in figure 17 (taken from ref. 13) illustrate how the deflected nozzle flattens the !I I jet sheet to produce better turning. Since the jet sheet also 2preads out, it covers a greater Tart of the flap span and results in improved :ft performance. 1 ! It should be poinLed out that the nozzle deflection angle i'lustrated in figures 16 and 17 my be referred to in later papers in the conference as leflector angle, kickdown angle, or nozzle roof ,agle. D~finit!~onof these angles may differ in detail but they all refer to a dow~warddeflection of the exhaust over the top of the wing to flatten the jet sheet and make it turn


Now let us turn from performance to stability and control considera~ions. A critical problem in this area fcr both externally blown concepts is maintain- /: ; ing lateral trim with an engine out. Of course, an attempt is made in the basic I! /; design of the aircraft to minimize the problen by locating the engines as far inboard on the wing as possible; but special provisions are still required to obtain lateral trim without prohibitive losses in lift. Typical e~gine-out rolling monents measured on EBF and USB models (refs. 13 and 14) are presented in figure 18 as a function of the engine-out lift loss. The solid line repre- sents the rolling moments obtained by multiplying the loss in lift by the dis- tance out to the dead engine (ylb), whereas the data points sh~ithe measured rolling moments, For both models, the fact that the measured moments are smaller than the calculates moments indicates that the center of l!ft induced by an engine is somewhat inboard of the engine. These measured mome.ts, how- ever, are still very large and require special attention on the part of tae

i : 1,

, I I I

9ne satisfactory solution to the problem for the externally blobn flap is illustrated in figure 19 (taken from ref. 14). Shown on a plot of rolling- moment coefficient against lift coefficient are the basic 4-engine CL,max condition, the engine-out condition with no lateral tr!!., and the trimmed con- ditions obtained with midspan differential fJ.aps and spoilers. With both the spoilers and flaps deflecled, the rolling moment is Inore than adequate fur lateral trim; therefore, much of the effectiveness Ls available for maneuvering in roll.

This solution to the engine-out lateral trim problem did not work for the ;- upper surface blown flap because of a basic difference in the flow patterns over L1 the wing and flap, as illustrated in figure 20 (taken fro~ref. 13). For the f externally blown flap, the flow impinges on the bottom surface of th~fl.ps and f spreads out spanwise throagh the flap slots so that thc powered-lift effect I extends well outboard of the engines. For the upper surface blown flap, the ! jet exhaust tends to roll up and cor.tract, and thus pulls the lower velocitv free-stream flow inward along the mid.;pan. The midspan fl,lp segment is there- 1 ;. fore not very effective for providing roll trim. A much more effective roll trim for the USB configur~tionwas found to be the use of asymmetrical boundary- ! layer control; that is, the use of BLC on the a~daileron of the I wing with the engine out but not on th? c)th?r wing. Figure '71 shows some lateral 1 trim data obtained with this method (rrf. 13) which look very similar to the results obtained cn the LBF model with the midspan differential flap and spoller. This point will be covered in more declil by A. E. Ptlelps 111 and J. L. Johnson i ' Y, (ref. 15). , Another critical stability and ,~ntrolproblem area for powered-lift air- ! _ craft Ls the design of the horizontal tail for adequate longitudinal trim and , . :i I: stability. Longitudinal trim is a problem because of the large nose-down pitch- ing moments produced by powered-lift flaps at high rhrust settings. The problem is illustrated in figure 22 (data from ref. 13) which shows the horizontal-tail 8. size required 'c trim out these nose-down moments at various lift coefficients. t ,- Curves are shok , for a 27O swept wing cind an un:,wept wing having USB flaps. I (Similar results vrould be expected with the EBF concept .) A tail arm (1 tail/c) of foilr wing chords and a tail lift coefficient (iL,tajl) of two have bccn $ assumed in calculating the curves. It is app.irent that very large horizontal tails are required for trim at' the higher lift coerficicnts obt.-iined with pow- ered lift, especially for the unswept wing. The trim requirements are smaller i~rthe swept winy because with the engines located inboard, the powered-lift loads are acting further forward with respect to the center of gravity and there- fore produce smaller nose-down moments. Even for the swept wjng, however, the tail sizes required at the higher lift coefficients are much larger than the + 4 ;irl-?.;l of about 20 percent usually required for conventional transports. f

This large horizontal tail must also be positioned ploperly on the air- 1 craft to give satisfactory longitrldinal ?tability, as illustratt?: ,.I figure 23 4 1 :: (taken from ref. 14). These pitching-moment data, fgr a powered-l ift approach 1; ',, condition, shcw the unstable tail-off cjrve with the large nose-down ~noments and two tail-on curves. With the high rearward tail location, the model is 1 : longitudinally unst;able. Moving the tail :orward in the high position makes 1 : the model stable, at least out to an of 15". Figure 24 (taken I ,1 1' I/ I

i t: L- . +,#i from ref. 14) shows why moving the rail forvard helped the stability. The trail- ing vortices originating at the or outboard end of the flap move inward so that a reaward-located tail tends to move into a region of destabilizing downwash as angle of attack is increased. Locatfcg the tail farther fcward gets it farther away from the vortices and into a region of less destabilizing downwash. It is apparent from this sketch and the two preceding data figures that sizing and locating the horizontal tail for satisfactory trim and stability can be a critical design problem For powered-lif t aircraft .

Another important stability and control consideraticn for pow: red-lift air- craft is the stability of :'--Dutch roll cscillation, as ilhstrated in figcre 25 (taken from refs. 13 and 14). Calculated Dutch roll characteristics for USB and EBF configurations with swept al~dunmept are shorn w2th boundaries taken from an AGARD publication oatlining STOL handling criteria (ref. 16). Tht: plot on the left shows that with the swept wing, both the USB and EBF aircraft had unsatisfactory Dutch roll stability when the lift coefficj.ent was increased from 1.5 to 5.0. Satisfactory dampiag could be obtained by doubling the basic roll and yaw damping of the EBF aircraft and tripling the roll and yaw damping of the .'%*<7=:: .2 USB aircraft. In contrast, the plot on the right for the unswept wing shows that :.<' increasing the lift coefficient from 1.5 to 5.0 makes the Dutch roll stcbility satisfactory even with the basic roll and yaw damping. The that the unswept . - +I feet . .I wing looks so good from the standpoint of Dutch roll, while the swept wing was shown to require a much smaller horizontal taii for longitudinal trim (fig. 22)

ACOUSTICS AND LOWS t ..': I-;.: f ..:4 The areas of powered-lift acoustics and ioads will r.:w be considered. A good iilustration of the severity of the noise problem for powered-lift STOL aircraft 1 . I'~2 is shown in figure 26 (from ref. 17) which compares the noise requirements for '.-.I t:...: ! STOL and CTOL (conventional take-off and landing) aircraft. First, the bars at /-<-:j the left show the present and proposed Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) I -:.,a sideline noise constraints (103 to 98 EPNdB) for a sideline distance of 0.56 !cm (0.35 mile) or 643 m (2100 ft). If these values are converted to a sideline distance of 151 m (500 ft) they become 124 and 119 EPNdB. The bar at the right shows that ths tentative STOL noise goal for this same 151-m (500-ft) sideline distance is 95 EPNdB, which means the STOL must be 24 to 29 EPNdB quieter than ,conventional airplane. This stringent requirement. cf course, sterns from the fact that STOL airctaft are intended to operate from airports which are closer to populated areas.

Although the STOL is required to be much quieter than a CTOL, it is actually potentially noisier because it has a much higher itistalled thrust and operates at high khrust values during approach and 1andiv.g. The solution to this problem is obviously the use of a very quiet engire; and pronlising research and develop- ment have been going on in this area. Unfortunately, the externally blown flap produces additional noise which cqmpounds the problem, as illustrated in fig- ure 27 (from ref. 18). Noise radiation patterns are shown for engine alone, for

7 I r flaps retracted, and for a take-off flap deflection. There is a small increase in noise level even with flap retracted, and a very large increase when the flaps are extended down into the jet exhaust.

As indicated earlier, it was the severity of this flap impingement noise with the EBF which resulted in renewed interest in upper surface blowing. The benefit to be gained by having the exhaust flow above the wing to take advantage of the shielding effect of the wing is illustrated in figure 28 (from ref. 18) which compares roise radiation patterns and noise levels for EBF and USB flap systems with a landing flap deflection. The plot at the left shows that the USB produces more noise above the wing but produces much less noise below the wing, which is, of course, the important direction. The plot at the right shows the variation of noise with nozzle exhaust velocity for the two concepts. A sub- stantisl reduction in exhaust velocity is required wit11 the EBF to give compa- rable noise levels with the USB; to obtain this lower exhaust velocity, an engine with a lower fan pressure ratio is required with the EBF. Recent 2zvelap- ments which indicate solutions to the noise problems of both these concepts are i covcred in later sessions of the conference. In the area cf aerodynamic loads, one of the problems inherent in the externally blown concepts is the lame static loads produced on the flaps as illustrated in figure 29 (taken from ref. 19). On this plot of the spanwise variation-of flap normal force on the three.flap segments, the peak loads are obtained directly behind each engine. These results were obtained on an EBF model; but similar peak values behind the engines 0ccr.r for USB configura- tions as will be seen in a subsequent paper by B. Perry III and M. R. Mendenhall (ref. 20). Another loads problem for both of these cortcepts is high-intensity fluctuating loads which can induce high vibration levels and sonic fatigue. Figure 30 (taken from ref. 21) illustrates the principal sources of turbulent pressure fluctuations for hoth externally blown ccncepts. These pressure fluc- tuatio~~scan be generated within the engine by combustion, in the mixing region of the core or bypass exhaust jet, or in the flow impingement region by boundary layers or separated flow. The significance of the dynamic loads induced by these pressure fluctustions is illustrated in figure 31 (taken from ref. 22). The sound pressure levels of several sources of acoustic loading on aircraft are compared in bar graph form. For sound :bressure levels ;above about 130 dd, sonic fatigue failures of light secondary :..ructures have become a problem with the top foar sources shown. It is therefore expncted that blown flaps (both EBF and US&) will also be subject to sonic fattpue and that special attention must be given to this problem in the detk ed design of the powered-lift system.


Some other powered-lift concepts which have recently bren receiving'atten- tion arc illustrated in figurc 32. First, at the top of the figure i~ the over- the-wing blowing arrangement which has potential application to conventional subsonic transports and supersonic transports. This con~*~>ptdiffers f ron upper surface blowing in that the engine exhaust in cruising flight does not touch the upper surface of the wing. Thus, scrubbing drag LS avoided and it might be possible to position the engine so that the 2xhaust produces a favorable rather than a detrimental interference drag. For low-speed flight, tail-pipe deflectors turn the exhaust downward against the top of the wing. Research results on this concept will be given in a rubsequent paper by P. L. Coe and P. G. Fournier

Another concept, illustrated at the lower left, is spanwise blowing, a technique in w!:' -11 a jet of air is blown out along the upper surface of the wing in a direction essentially parallel to the leading edge in order to enhance the leading-edge vortex and thereby delay vortex breakdown and wing to higher angles of attack. (See ref. 24.) This concept appears to be promising as a means of increasing the maneuverability of fight~raircraft. Another means of increasing fighter maneuverabi!ity, which has also been studied recently, is the use of powered-lift maneuvering flaps su~,,.is illustrated at the lower right of figure 32. Flaps of this type can provide the substantial increase in lift desired for better maneuvering capability.


In thi~overview of powered-lilt technology, an attempt has been made to present in a very condensed form, an objective view of both the potential and the problems of powered lift. The papers to be presented during the remainder of the conference will complete the picture and will cover some of the latest developments in the field. REFERENCES

2. Davidson, I. M.: The Jet Flap. J. Roy. Aeronaut. Sac., vol. 60, no. 541, Jsn. 1956, pp. 25-50.

Preprint No. 715, S.M.F. Fund Paper, Inst. Aeronaut. Sci., Jan. 1957.

4. Malavard, L.; Poisson-Quinton, Ph.; and Jousserandot, P. (T. M. Berthoff and D. C. Hazen, transl.): Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Circulation Control. Rep. No. 358, Dept. Aero. Eng., Princeton Univ.,

5. Harris, K. D.: The Hunting H.125 Jet-Flap Research Aircraft. Assessment of Lift Augmentation Devices, AGARD-LS-43-71, Feb. 1971.

6. Quigley; Hervey C.; and Innis, Robert C.: A Flight Investigation of the STOL Characteristics of an Augmented Jet Flap STOL Research Aircraft. NASA TM X-62334, 1974.

7. Campbell, John P.; and Johnson, Joseph L., Jr.: Wind-Tunnel Investigatic of an External-Flow Jet-Augmented Slotted Flap Suitable for Application to Airplanes With Pod-Mounred Jet Engines. NACA TN 3898, 1956.

8. Turner, Thomas R.; Davenport, Edwin E.; and Riebe, John M.: Low-Speed Inves- tigation of Blowing From Mounted Inboard and on the Upper Surface of an Aspect-Ratio-7.u 35O Swept Wing With and Various Tail Arrangements. NASA MEMO 5-1-59L, 1959.

9. Maglieri, Domenic J.; and Hubbard, Harvey h,: Preliminary Measurements of the Noise Characceristics of Some Jet-Augmented-Flap Configurations. NASA MEMO 12-4-58L, 1959.

10. Hoau, Danny R.: Co~parisonof Aerodynamic Performance of Several STOL Con- cepts. STO!, Technology, NASA SP-320, 1972, pp. 111-119.

11. k?s, Marshall H.: Air Force STOL Tactical Aircraft Investigation: Evalua- tion of Exte nally Blown Flaps. @reprinq 730914, Soc. Automot. Eng. , Oct. 1973.

1.2. Hoad, Danny R.: Externally Blown Flap Impingement Parameter. Powered-Lift Aerodynamics and Acoustics, NASA SP-406, 1976. (Paper no. 7 of this compilation. ) 13. Johnson, Joseph L., Jr.; and Phelps, Arthur E., 111: Low-Speed ~erodynamics of the Upper-Surface Blown Jet Flap. [~re~rint) 740470, Soc. Automot* Eng*9 Apr.-May 1974. 14. Parl.ecr, Lysle P.: Stability and Control of Externally Blown Flap Configu- rutFa;zs. STOL Technology, NASA SP-320, 1972, pp, 55-69.

15. Pbel~.~,Arthur E., 111; Johnson, Joseph L., Jr.; and Margason, Richard J.: Su ! ry of Low-Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of Uppc%r-Surface-i3lown Je .Flay Configurations. Powered-Lift Aerodynamics and Acoustics, NASA SP- ,O6, 1976. (Paper no. 4 of this compilation.]

16. V;ST1) Handling. I - Criteria and Discussion. AGARD Rep. No. 577, Dec. 1970.

17, R;ll{s, Raymond 2 STOL Noise Sources and Fan Noise Treatment. Aircraft El gl ;le Noise Red~rtion,NASA SP--711, 1972, pp. 247-258. 18. Dortc' , Robert C.; and Reshotko, Meyer: EBF Noise Tests With Engine Under- cha Wing and Over-the-Wing Configurations. STOL Technology, NASA SP-320, 197;!, pp. 455-473.

I!). Gl.et!ne-, George C.; and Perry, Boyd, 111: Aerodynamic Loads Measurements on Externally Blown Flap STOL Models. STOL Technology, NASA SP-320, 1972, pp. 121-130.

20. Pe?.ry, Boyd, 111; and Mendenhall, Michael R. : Measured and Calculated .teed.!? Aeradynnmic Loads on a Large-Scale Upper-Surface-Blown Model. rowerod-Lf f t Aerodynamics and Acoustics, NASA SP-406, 1976. (Paper ro. 2b of this compilation.)

2i. Miz ;on, John S.; Shotlnstcr, James A. ; and Willis, Conrad M. : Fluctuating P it.h~sllreson Aircrnf t Wing and Flap Surfaces Associated With Powered-Lif t System:3. AIM .'dper 75-472, Mar. 1975.

22. Lansinlt, Donald L.; Mixson, John S.; Brown, Thomas J.; and Drischler, Joseph A. : Externally Blown Flap Dynamic Loads. STOL Technology, NASA SY-3?0, 1972, pp. 131-142.

23. Coe, Paul L., Jr,; and Fournier, Paul C.: Application of Powered-Lift Concepts for Improvcj Cruise Efficiency of Long-Range Aircraft. Powered- Lift Aerodynami:~and Acoustics, NASA SP-406, 1976. (Paper no, 5 of this compill.a':ion.

24. Campl~etl,J: ?s F.: Augmentatior~ of Vortex Lift by Spanwise Blowing. ATAA P.~nerNo. ;5-993, Aug. 1975. 10 -

8 -

6 -

0 I I I 1 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 YEAR . Figure 1.- Maximum lift history.



-.---- .. . ." , -. .- - .-....-- ^^ THRUST Figure 2.- Components of powered lift. A F1 RST RESEARCH A FIRST f11Gl-R





Figure 3.- Powered-lif t chronology.

1 I Figure 4.- lueing 367-80 BLC airplane. I Figure 5.- Hunting jet-flap airplane,

Figure 6.- C-8 augmantur wing zitplane. ItI ORIGWAC PAGE TS OF POOR QUALITY



Figure 13.- Performance comparison including engine characteristics. Externally and internally blown flap systems.



Figure 14.- Slipstream capture. Externally blown flap. EARLY CONFIGURATIONS


JET THICKNESS TURNING RADIUS Figure 15.- Static turnicg.



Figure 17.- Flow characteristics behind nacelles.



ENGINE - OUT LIFT LOSS, bCL Figure 18.- Engine-out rolling moments.




Figure 19.- Engine-out lateral trim. Fzternally blown flap.

Figure 20.- Comparison of fl~wpatterns for EBF and USB models. THl S ENGl NE OUT



Figure 21.- Engine-out lateral trim. Upper surface blown flap.

, .. UNSWEPT WING . . . . \. . 1.

. ~ V T ..,.,$\?.-:. HORI ZONTAL-TAI L AREA ..+..~'. ~.. ,30 .- ..-., .,. , I' . , . ~a; WING AREA . I . \

L I I 1 1 0 2 4 b 8 WING LlFT COEFFICIENT Figure 22.- Horizontal-tail size required for trim. USB flap; = 2. ~teilf rn 4' 'I., tail PITCH ING-MOMENT H ICH REARWARD COEFFICIENT. Cm - 0,


-1.0 - . -1.5 -5 0 5 10 15 M 25 ANGLE 3F ATTACK, deg Figure 23.- Longitudinal stability.


DAMPING .2 - SATISFACTORY PARAMETER, -1 T112 L UNACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE -.2 IdI I I A 0 -4 .8 1.2 0 .4 .8 1.2 FREQUENCY PARAMETER. wd Figure 25.- Dutch roll characteristics. FAA REGULATI ONS EXTENDED TO 151 m (500 it) 130




80 SIDELINE 2 100 ft 500 ft 500 ft Dl STANCE 643 m 151 m 151 m (0.35 mile) Figure 26.- CTOL and STOL noise requirements. 672 000 N (150 000 lb) aircraft. I A,I


k'igure 27.- EBF noise radiation patterns. 30.4 m (100 f t) from noise source.


ft ' sec 151 183 213 344 274 3@ m 'sec : I NOZZLE EXHAUST VELOCITY ! / ! i '1 Figure 28.- Comparison of EBF and USB noise. 151 m (500 ft) from noise source; 30°/6~" flaps. 1I,. / / I

I1.1 .. -* - .. - 1 r,i.-,l-;A~TT ; .. . . .-. , .- , . . - *,- , ,-i -;-, , 1 ..I I .I j 1 .I 1L.l "I 8 ----, , i 3Or

25 -


10 -

5 -

0L 1 I II I I I I 1 I 1 .I .2 -3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 SEMISPAN POSITION Figure 29.- Spanwise variation of flap normal force. 4-engine EBF, landing flaps (15°/150/550) ; a = 16'; C,, = 4.0.


. J



Figure 30.- Sources of fluctuating pressure on blown flaps. FATIGUE - W FAILURES

1:o 111:) 170 100 210 SOlrVD PRESSURE LEVtL, dB

Figure 31.- Sound ptesaurc lev~lsof accrustfc loadlnf: on aircraft structures.



Fi~ure32 .- Other pawpred-lif c conrepts.