Patron: Dame Jane Gow, DBE

Sponsored by Ann and Robert Lindsay

‘Challenges’ Now that is a word to which we are all familiar. We cannot count on one hand the obstacles and challenges we have faced over the last 19 years, with 2019 being among them. However, we have overcome the majority and had many successes which are now evident for all to see at the JPK Palm Court Tea Room and Community Training Centre. It has become a thriving community hub and draws more customers daily. This is down to our enthusiastic and dedicated staff and volunteer team and to the wonderful support of the community around us.

You may ask why we commenced this journey? Not just to run a tea room and create an additional community facility, but to provide meaningful training opportunities in hospitality and catering for people with a learning disability. They are among the most disadvantaged and vulnerable group in society, but this is where the greatest success story has taken place. All 11 of our students have made great progress during the last nine months. Gradually they have learned and retained the knowledge and skills taught within the hospitality curriculum. Certificated modules have been passed with students moving on to further areas of the curriculum; including money handling and the use of the till and card machine. Apart from the above, all have grown in confidence and self- esteem, as a part of their journey towards independence.

However, ‘challenges’, as you might expect have once again arisen. Many prospective students have been refused personal budgets or are being signposted to other, less advantageous day activities! Some students are able to fund themselves from their existing personal budget, others are being funded by their parents or in some cases the JPK is sponsoring them. This is an uncomfortable situation for the JPK Project, as we believe wholeheartedly in ‘equal opportunities’ for all and this is not currently the case. The Trustees of the JPK are therefore, once again, currently challenging this situation but this is a long, drawn-out procedure, as might be expected. It is essential and was always plannedwithin our Feasibility Study (FS), that the Community Training Centre could and would become a stand-alone project and become self-financing from the income of the Palm Court Tea Room, Gift Shop and student fees. Currently therefore, the Community Training Centre is running at a loss and the JPK Project is having to use its own financial resources from within its unrestricted funds. It is estimated that this can be maintained until April.

It is a further challenge for us to overcome, but we should be used to this by now! So, 2020 heralds in the New Year with wonderful success stories from 2019, but also some further challenges for 2020.

“Perseverance is the hard work you do, after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did” - Newt Gingrich

We could not have reached this stage without the wonderful support we have received from so many people in the past, during 2019 and especially over the Christmas period.

Thank you, to you all for your support, friendship and hard work during 2019. It is YOU that gives us the strength and encouragement to ‘battle on’ with our endeavours.


Community Training Centre & The Palm Court Tea Room

Our customer base has increased substantially over the last three months, which is a great ‘step in the right direction’! From the feedback we receive this is due to the welcoming ambience, the professional yet friendly hospitality of the staff, volunteers and students and the excellent, yet reasonably priced cuisine, prepared ‘in-house’ by Allister, Sue and Simone.

However, this alone is not covering the costs and therefore we rely heavily on:

The Daisy Chain Gift Shop which provides a 100% profit, thanks to the wonderful donations of unwanted gifts and items which are reasonably priced and beautifully arranged by Doreen. This is becoming an almost a full-time commitment and we are eternally grateful for her ongoing support.


The staff, volunteers and students wish you all a very happy New Year and look forward to welcoming you once again to the JPK in 2020.

Les Conserves Artisanales – The Preserves ‘branch’ of the JPK is also doing extremely well with sales continually outstripping stock!

The presentation packs also sold very well over Christmas. Patrick, ‘Head Preserve Maker’, and assistant Katie, work at weekends preparing their stock when the kitchen is available. Currently, these items make a 100% profit, apart from the use of electricity, as all the ingredients are donated.

Patrick says “I enjoy teaching jam and chutney making. It is a privilege to work with people with a learning disability, to discover their potential and develop people towards becoming useful members of society, which is the whole ethos of the JPK”. Our grateful thanks to Patrick and Katie.

The Lottery We have received a visit from the SE Representative of The Lottery, Reaching Communities, following an application that we made some time ago for three-year training funding for the CTC. We are encouraged that our application has passed three stages to date having gone before the panel in December and we now await the final stage. With my ‘glass half-full outlook’ this application is looking hopeful, but we could still fall at the final hurdle. This grant will certainly support and secure the training aspects of the Project for the next three years.

In addition, the JPK Project is establishing a network with other charities in the area working in the same field and also statutory agencies. Through Job Centre, Disability Employment Services, we have now been issued with our Disability Confidence Certification and we are also now liaising with East Supported Employment Services. Currently they are only supporting people aged 16-25yrs (the transition stage) from full time education, but this new avenue could provide future students from age 19 and also assist and advise on future employment opportunities for our current students.

Phase 2 - Supported Living Accommodation The JPK Project continues to fundraise towards the capital required to commence building the first 8 flats, communal rooms and training classroom. Fundraising to date has been very successful with 50% of the £1.2m capital required. We have approached several Grant Making Trusts who in the past have shown an interest but required us to make more progress before an application can be made.


We have also made many new Grant Making Trust Applications and we have been delighted to welcome several of their Trustees to the JPK Project to see for themselves what we have achieved and our future plans for development. This is always encouraging and we are expecting two more visits in January.

At the same time we have been fundraising for the furniture and equipment for the flats and communal rooms and have already received donations to ‘fit out’ three flats, plus the furniture and equipment for the communal rooms. In addition, we have been able to fit out the office for the training staff with IT and general furniture and equipment. Further smaller applications have been made for additional IT equipment and furniture for the Training classroom, when established.

The JPK Project continually fundraises at every opportunity and we are very grateful to those groups and individuals who fundraise on our behalf. The staff and volunteers are continually looking at ways where they too can fundraise, with regular tombolas – initiated by Old Town Area Panel (OTAP) and boot fairs. This fund allows them to purchase requirements for the CTC. You may well have seen the new signage which was all made possible from their fundraising initiatives and with the support from our customers.

In Summary Within the last three months we have made much progress. Some hurdles (difficulties) have developed, it was ever thus, but they are not unsurmountable and we shall overcome them, as usual.

In Memory of

Carolyn McCutcheon “Mrs Bluebell” The Bluebell Walk

It was with great sadness that I learned of the peaceful death of Carolyn on 22nd December, surrounded by her loving family, following a long and courageous battle against cancer which was discovered in 2012. Apart from all her other attributes during her life, Carolyn initiated the idea of opening their Beatons Wood for a Bluebell Walk in 1972. With her family they have raised over £1,000,000 for local charities. Rest in peace and our grateful thanks for your life and your support for the JPK.

High Sheriff Visit The High Sheriff of , Mrs Violet Hancock, honoured the JPK with a private visit on Friday, 15th November. Mrs Hancock appeared to be impressed by her visit and was given the opportunity to be waited on by our students and meet the staff and volunteers who were on duty that day.



In the last three months donations and fundraising have made steady progress, especially over the Christmas period, where we have been ‘ducking and diving’ with many fundraising events, some on the same day/evening and with the help and support of Andrew we continue to undertake applications to those Grant Making Trusts where we fit their criteria for funding. We have several applications outstanding, have received some visits from GMT’s and awaiting more scheduled visits in the next month. It is always encouraging to receive a visit, plus they can ‘see and feel’ the JPK which is often difficult to impart in script.

We are also grateful to those who regularly make a Christmas donation each year. Thank you for your continuing support.

Hailsham Rotary Club held their Annual Charity Golf Day on Friday, 20th September at Willingdon Golf Club and they chose the JPK Project and Dementia UK to benefit from this event. Jill attended during the morning and was later invited and received hospitality at their Dinner, with a major Raffle. The JPK has recently received a wonderful donation of £1,000, half the proceeds from this event. We are extremely grateful to Rotary Club for their generous support.

Willingdon Church Fellowship on Monday, 7th October Jill was welcomed to this group to update their members on the progress of the JPK and received £172 from their fundraising on the day.

In Memory of Val Avis Following Val’s funeral the JPK received £499.00. We thank the family for their consideration.

Seaford Women’s Group Jill was welcomed to this group to update them on the progress of the JPK. Not only did the JPK receive a speaker’s fee but a group was formed to visit the JPK Palm Court Tea Room.

The Pink House, Old Town with Claire Graves who participated in the Eastbourne Artists’ Open Houses over two weekends. Claire designed and created individual embroideries depicting the shops on Albert Parade in Old Town, and then created a design for tote bags featuring the designs which she sold at her Open House event. These have also been sold at shops in Old Town and at the Palm Court Tea Room. All the bags have now been sold – there may be a waiting list for further production.

Concentus Choir have been extremely busy over the period leading up to Christmas, with Carol Singing in The Beacon on Saturday, 30th November, Eastbourne Market on Sunday, 22nd December and Old Town (round the streets and The Lamb with a sleigh and Father Christmas and his Elf) on Monday, 23rd December. In addition, their very successful concert on Saturday, 14th December and (a repeat) on Saturday, 21st December at Seaford Baptist Church.


All collections were donated to the JPK which amounted to a marvellous £1,032.29. Our very grateful thanks to Concentus Members for their continuing support.

Willingdon and Jevington Parish Council at the Triangle: ‘Carol Singing, Father Christmas and Charity Stalls with delicious Mulled Wine and Mince Pies’ on Thursday, 12th December. Although the weather was atrocious and therefore the Scout and Brass Band were unable to attend, we had the new experience of being ‘housed’ in the new ‘community library’ which was a delight and from my and Sue’s perspective, we were warm and could see what we were doing for the first time!I It was a very friendly and happy occasion and the raffle we held raised nearly £100. We thank you for this opportunity.

‘Food Glorious Food’ one of Alan Hodges interesting Illustrated Talks was held at St John’s Church Hall to The and Willingdon Historic Society on Friday, 13th December. Jill was invited to this event to update the group on the progress of the JPK. It was a festive occasion and the JPK benefited with a donation and collection which amounted to £98. Our grateful thanks Alan for your support throughout the year.

Old Town Area Panel (OTAP) held a Christmas Fayre and Information Morning at the JPK on Saturday, 14th December It was a very well organised event with information and personnel available to explain on all aspects of the facilities available to the local community, a Tombola and Father Christmas made a visit, with Mulled Wine, Tea, Coffee, Cake and Mince Pies. Regretfully, due to lack of advertising for this event there were no visitors on the morning, but the JPK did benefit with all the tombola items being donated for their first tombola of the New Year. Our grateful thanks to OTAP for their continuing support to the JPK.

Win a Car Charity Draw at The Beacon on Monday, 23rd December As predicted we had a very successful and busy day being so near Christmas this year. My very, very grateful thanks to all our volunteers for giving up their time during the day on this busy date on the Christmas Calendar, to assist with this event. Our very ‘special thank you’ to The Beacon (formerly The Arndale Centre) for again organising and funding this event for local charities and the Management for all the support they give each charity on the days allocated. I am delighted to tell you that thanks to the management in emailing me, you have helped to raise £778.00 for the JPK. Fabulous: the best ever result.

Donations have been received from: Mr and Mrs G & C Davies Dr I Webb I M of John Darwent Dr Merry Memorial Fund Emmanuel Church S Barrow I M of Mr Butler Royal Sovereign Ladies P & D Siggs G & T Deadman Just Giving M Honey Brewer and Sons J Bell Mr and Mrs M & N Clive-Matthews J Guthrie Utility Warehouse M Fusiarska


Eastbourne Borough Council E & D Houghton P Parker N Page S Smith C & T Whatford Mr and Mrs Rayner J & T Dunford R & C Wells Harrietsham PCC Polegate United Reform Church A Bettesworth Willingdon Women’s Institute C & F Shaylor J Bevan P & J Newson J & A Butcher T Clark Volunteer donation (Anon) Mrs Betty Suffolk R & C Wood Mtech M & M I Davies R Bungard Brian Joyce Cheryl and Charles Val and John C Scott D & B Chaffin Michelle E Gregson I & A Butcher

Collection Tins: The JPK Project The Triangle Coop Geof & Graham Brain Lynley Jewellers I Davies V & M Avis Heather and Alec

We thank you for your continued support in holding one of our collection tins. It certainly makes a difference and the fact that we can Gift Aid the contents under the HMRC Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme (GASDS)

As the New Year is upon us we are currently undertaking a survey as to where all our collection tins are located. It has come to my attention that there are collection tins ‘out there’ and we have not received any money from them in the last three months. These include: • Laughton Village Stores Over the Moon • 1066 Stores Willingdon Golf Club • Cavendish Bakery Qualisea Fish Restaurant

For those that are responsible for these collection tins I should be grateful if you could empty them and let me have the contents for our records or those that perhaps are no longer being used, to be returned to me. I have other venues who are requesting collecting tins and I have ‘run out’ and before I order more it would be useful to have those that are not being used to be returned.

I thank you for your assistance.


The Trustees are, as ever, eternally grateful to all those that have supported us and continue to do so, which includes Grant Making Trusts, donors, fundraisers, those that give us opportunities for fundraising, the staff team and especially our wonderful volunteers and customers.

We thank you, one and all. Your support certainly gives us the strength and encouragement to ‘battle on’ with our much-needed endeavor, to provide an excellent quality of service to those people with a learning disability in the surrounding areas.


The Annual JPK Christmas Party was held in the evening of Saturday, 14th December where over 50 people attended, which included the JPK students, prospective future residents, their friends and parent carers. A buffet supper, raffle was provided with Steve’s Tropical Disco as entertainment and an early visit from Father Christmas. As usual this was an extremely enjoyable party with everyone dancing the evening away and all waiting ‘with bated breath’ in the hope of seeing Father Christmas. They were not disappointed! Our grateful thanks to Urban Ground for donating the buffet, Bill Weir Fruits who donated a large Fruit Hamper for the Raffle and our wonderful volunteers who assisted on the evening. Also our thanks to OTAP who provided a financial donation and others, and those that provided all the raffle prizes, which meant that the party had no costs to the JPK.

This party is an ideal opportunity for people to mix and build friendships and this includes parent carers. Steve – Tropical Disco said “the JPK Christmas Party is one of his favourite functions. I have no need to encourage people onto the floor as everyone is up and ready to dance, have fun and enjoy themselves, even though many may be strangers to each other”. Steve has given me dates for next Christmas so, ‘watch this space’! Having the dates early will help us choose a suitable date when other functions haven’t been arranged for other groups, to enable more people to attend.

Staff and Volunteers Christmas Party was held on Friday, 20th December with a Race Night and Curry on the last working day. Our grateful thanks to Allister, Head Chef, who prepared a delicious curry and accompaniments, even though he was unable to attend due to a prior engagement, and also to Patrick and Brian for organising the Race Track and Horses (which took weeks!) and the Race Night itself. Patrick was race coordinator ably assisted by Doreen and Brian on the Tote, John on the Bar and ‘washing up’ and Jill ‘ducking and diving’ where required! It was considered a very enjoyable evening by all. I am also delighted to announce that this event had no cost to the JPK due to donations having been received.

It has always been the ethos of the JPK that no JPK funds, from donations and fundraising events, which is public money, should be used for any ‘jollies’, and therefore they have to be self-financing. This was achieved.



Stop Press! Not really a forthcoming event as it happened on New Year’s Day! On the first day of the New Year brave people all over the country brave the ‘Artic Seas’ to swim for charity. Following the excitement of a visit by Father Christmas, Rhys and Shannon Parker, Katie’s niece and nephew, age 12 and 8 respectively, announced very quietly that they would be undertaking the Saundersfoot Sponsored Swim in Pembrokeshire this year, for the JPK Project. There wasn’t a ‘dry eye in the house’!

It was extremely humbling that two young children were thinking of those less fortunate at this time of the year.

Should anyone wish to make a contribution towards their efforts and in turn the JPK, you can do so, by donating on the JPK website

Click on the Donate button or cheques or cash can be sent to Jill Parker at 7 Wannock Avenue, Willingdon, Eastbourne, BN20 9RP.

This is usually a fairly quiet time at the beginning of the New Year as we are ‘all fundraised out’!! However, perhaps all our wonderful volunteers can therefore concentrate and put the following in your diaries:

Eastbourne Town Football Club on Saturday, 11th January, The Saffrons at 1.15pm are supporting the JPK with bucket collections. We are looking for support from our volunteers to assist with this fundraising event as we require to cover the two entrances and exits, plus the ground as a whole. Please contact Annie on 304591 who is coordinating this event. I thank you in anticipation of your support.

The Bluebell Walk 2020 Beetons Wood, Arlington Good Friday 10th April Easter Saturday 11th April

We are already starting to plan the Bluebell Walk and are looking for as many volunteers as possible to make the weekend run smoothly and to make as much money as possible. Hopefully it will be a very busy two days and to have plenty of ‘staff’, will assist in making it an enjoyable and stress-free day! Ha!


If you can spare some time to work on the: • The Gate House (No cash-back this year) • Meeting and Greeting visitors • Car Parking • The Kitchen (This has been renovated and an additional W U Machine installed) • The Counter • Clearing Tables (Alterations to the Bluebell Café have been made and I understand there will be an outside seating area off the Café) • The Till and Card Machine – the latter a new addition in this area • Cleaning Toilets (that job is usually taken – however – there are two more new toilets this year so I may require an assistant!) • Baking Cakes beforehand

Please let Claire know as soon as possible your availability and preferred work- station by: • Email: [email protected] or • Text: 07766736971

We look forward to seeing you there.


Gift Aid: My grateful thanks to everyone who notifies me when making a donation if they are eligible for Gift Aid. This is a wonderful bonus at the end of our financial year. Please remember you have to pay tax above the donation that you make, and that Council Tax and VAT are not included. For new subscribers the JPK needs to receive a signed Gift Aid Form which can be found at the rear of this Newsletter or by downloading the Gift Aid Form from our website.

Please also let me know if you are no longer eligible for us to claim Gift Aid Thank you for your continuing support.

Eastbourne Lottery: The JPK has subscribed to this local fundraising initiative for charities. 50% of all tickets sold from our page goes directly to the JPK, 10% to local good causes and the remainder of 40% goes to the management and running of the Lottery. I have to say Eastbourne Borough Council are very efficient and helpful and provide all the advertising fliers and updates on a weekly basis with the number of people who have subscribed to our page. To date the JPK has 50 tickets which was our goal. To date, with your help, you will be raising over £1,000 a year. You are also eligible to win up to £25,000! Win! Win! To start supporting the JPK with £1 per week just visit: and search for the JPK Sussex page. Congratulations to those that have won a financial reward and also those that have received free tickets which increases your chance of winning.


I note that many of you have received small winnings with additional free tickets. This has enabled us to reach our target.

In November the JPK received £665 from the Eastbourne Lottery, a proportion of monies they allocate to ‘good causes’ during the year. Our grateful thanks to all that subscribe as without your support we would not have received this.

Unwanted Gifts: We are ever grateful for the unwanted gifts we receive which are used for our many fundraising events especially Raffles, Tombolas and the Gift Shop. We are now selling many of your unwanted donated items in our Daisy Chain Gift Shop, a part of our tea room. Items are ‘flying off’ the shelves and since the last Newsletter your gifts have raised over £2,000. Fabulous and what a difference this is making. Thank you for your past support and please keep them coming! Our grateful thanks to Doreen Goldsmith who manages the Gift Shop, by pricing all the items and arranging such a good display on a regular basis. Almost a full time job!

Used Ink Cartridges: Jenny Frampton has continued to collect empty ink cartridges, basically any make, but now only the small square cartridges that fit in the palm of your hand and she sends them to Recycle4Charity. £1 is donated to the JPK for every cartridge. Regretfully, Jenny has just learnt that they will not collect mobile phones in the future. So………..please carry on collecting the cartridges as described above and pass the word to friends and family – it will all make a difference. You can deliver to Jill.

Easy Fundraising Website: If you shop on line, you can also donate to the JPK by registering with and select JPK Project. In the search box enter JPK – click on support this cause and set up the account. A wide range of outlets such as Amazon and John Lewis etc will donate a small % of the purchase price. It doesn’t cost you anything but benefits the JPK.

Used Stamps: Isobel continues to process our used stamps for which we are extremely grateful. She has now moved to The Harbour and therefore all stamps should be sent or delivered to Jill, or delivered to the JPK Project. Our thanks to Debbie who sponsors the envelopes and pays the postage.

The JPK Website: If you have news or information relating to the Project that should be added to our website or facebook please send details to [email protected]. More pages of information are being designed as we progress and we are grateful to Julie for managing this digital part of our development.


Data Protection: Should you no longer wish to be on our mailing list for Newsletters or Information, either by email or ‘snail mail’, please contact us and we will delete your contact details from our database. May I assure you that we never pass on any contact details without your personal confirmation that we may so do.

Graphic Design: Mick Cooke continues to assist the JPK with all our graphic design when required for posters, fliers, invitations and tickets and everything I ask of him on a voluntary basis. He also comes up with some brilliant ideas for raising the profile of the JPK. His fliers for advertising locally of the Palm Court Tea Room are always being updated and in production. Thank you. Due to Mick’s support and his ‘teaching skills’ I have also learnt some new skills to improve the interest and design of my Newsletter!

IT Support: Cliff continues to support me and in turn the JPK with all its IT requirements and assistance ‘at the drop of a hat’ when I get into trouble, either by Team Viewer or in person!!! All this on a voluntary basis and at no cost to the JPK.

Mtechsystems have also supported us recently by ‘sweeping’ the JPK computer systems, following our recent ‘scamming’ hiccup. This is now undertaken on a regular basis and we thank Martin Lulham, Managing Director and Gary Punter for their valuable assistance in a voluntary capacity.

End of Life Care: This is not a very ‘jolly’ topic but the JPK was invited to meet with the Chief Executive Officer of St Wilfred’s Hospice recently to discuss end of life care for people with a learning disability and or their parents. The CEO has past experience of working with people with a learning disability and would like to provide a service in the future for this client group. St Wilfred’s is looking to make an application to a Grant Making Trust to fund a Needs Analysis and Feasibility Study to take this issue forward. past experience has shown, whilst working with the L D Steering Group in the local NHS, it is essential that ‘reasonable adjustments’ be made for those with a learning disability and their families to assist with admission to hospital etc and therefore a better service could be provided for ‘end of life’ care with the support and expertise of St Wilfred’s. Watch this space! It might require a small ‘group’ to discuss all the issues for this future project and who better to advise than parents of people with a learning disability. I may be calling upon you!

Power of Attorney/Court of Protection and Deputies: I was appalled recently to learn, having received a phone call from Katie’s Respite Care Service, that neither Patrick nor I, had any rights to make ‘life changing’ decisions for Katie either with her health or life in general as we did not undertake an application to The Court of Protection to become her Deputies when she became 19yrs.


(‘What a mistaka to maka’!) You would have thought that both Patrick and I, having been ‘working’ in the learning disability field for many years, would have actioned this. So, if we didn’t think of this, perhaps there may be others who have also not considered this situation.

You may recall that I wrote some months ago about the Court Case that Rosa Monckton took to the High Court to change the wording to the Mental Capacity Act to ensure that parents were able to have ‘a say’ and were able to make life changing decisions for their vulnerable adults. However, nothing has materialized from this and therefore I believe we are ‘floundering in muddy waters’ and should have something in place before a crisis occurs. Power of Attorney: This is only available to those that have the mental capacity to understand the concept and therefore be able to sign the forms. In the majority of cases this is not feasible and therefore an application to The Court of Protection is required. Court of Protection: This is a fairly long-winded process and I would advise that one obtains the services of a Solicitor, experienced in this field. Following the appointment with a Solicitor: 1. First Stage. Necessity to apply to a health professional (GP or Consultant) who has knowledge of the person with a learning disability, to sign the necessary form to state ‘that the person in question does not have the mental capacity to act on their own behalf, due to the relevant disability/s’. (This normally incurs a fee of £150) 2. 2nd Stage. A further appointment with the Solicitor to complete the necessary forms to apply to the Court of Protection to become a Deputy/s for the said person. (Fees for this Service are regulated by the Court of Protection) 3. In all it takes 4-6 months to complete. Settlement Trust: Whilst on this ‘tricky topic’ have you considered leaving money or property to your vulnerable dependent on your demise? If this is the case then it is advisable to set up a Settlement Trust for the name of the beneficiary. The Trust can then managed by up to four Trustees who will manage and supply financial support (from the Trust) when required to ‘the beneficiary’. Using this Settlement Trust method secures the Trust Fund from ‘other sources’ being able to access any funds. (The Settlement Trust belongs to the Trustees, only for the benefit of ‘the beneficiary’, and therefore cannot be considered in any other financial/ benefit enquiries! Should you wish for any further information please do not hesitate to contact me and if I can’t give a full explanation, due to lack of knowledge, I can recommend an excellent ‘friendly’ solicitor who has the knowledge and expertise to undertake all matters appertaining to learning disabilities and legal issues and is on the ‘approved list of solicitors’ of Mencap.

The Groomsman: Hairdresser/Barber – Cavendish Place. Makes ‘reasonable adjustments’ for people with a LD and Autism.

Jigsaw Café – Eastbourne – Autism Friendly


FOR SALE: Leader M11 Portable Electronic Typewriter. In mint condition - used once only - with all Instructions and contact details of Company.

Reasonable offers will be accepted.

IN SUMMARY: The JPK Project has certainly made much progress in the last 3 months and all thanks to the generous support and with donations from so many people. There is still much to be achieved but we are now ‘on a roll’ and who knows what I shall be reporting on in the April Newsletter! Watch this space. I may have won the Lottery, but don’t hold your breath!!!!!

“It may appear that our progress has been very slow over the last few years and for those that have a vulnerable adult who are patiently waiting for our facilities and services, I apologise, but it is not due to our lack of hard work but due to hurdles that are placed in our way at every turn. Our erstwhile ‘dream’ is gradually becoming a reality and all thanks to the many, many people who have supported us in the past and continue to do so. We thank you all for your ‘faith’ in our endeavors. ‘Hang on in there’, as it is you that gives us the strength and encouragement to battle on to see the JPK completed, for those that need our help on their Pathway to Independence.” Jill Parker

JPK CONTACT DETAILS: Mrs Jill Parker MBE, Chairman to the Trustees 7 Wannock Avenue, Willingdon, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN20 9RP Home: 01323 486179 email: [email protected] Website:

Business Address; The JPK Project, 39-41 Church Street, Eastbourne, BN21 1HP Tel No: 01323 304591 Business: 08342893624 For Community Training Centre: [email protected]




I/we would like to make a donation to the JPK Project

Title First Name



Post Code

Email Tel No

• One-off donation/amount:

• Monthly standing order donation amount:

• Bi-monthly standing order donation amount:

• Quarterly standing order donation amount:

• Annual standing order donation amount:

I am/not a Tax Payer (please delete as appropriate)

I have/not completed the Gift Aid Form (please delete as appropriate)

Your support will be acknowledged with our very grateful thanks.



Please complete this form in Block Capitals.

Name of your Bank______Sort Code______


(Full Address)______

Customer details Account Name______Account Number ______

Tel No (Work)______Tel No Home______

Please set up the following Standing Order and debit my/our account accordingly

Organisation you wish to pay

The JPK Sussex Project National Westminster Bank Eastbourne Town Centre Branch 96 Terminus Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 3AA

Account No: 40435237 Sort Code: 52 41 00

About the payment Amount of normal payment £_____

Amount of normal payment in words ______

Day or Date of payment/s______Frequency ______eg weekly/monthly/yearly

Commencing on ______Confirmation Customer/s Signature/s______Name/s Print______

Address______Please return completed form to: Mrs Jill Parker MBE, The JPK Sussex Project, 7 Wannock Avenue, Willingdon, Eastbourne, BN20 9RP, East Sussex or present to your own Bank ______Bank Use Only:



I am a UK taxpayer and I would like The JPK Sussex Project to treat any gift that I have made for the four tax years prior to the year of this declaration and all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify The JPK Sussex Project otherwise, as Gift Aid Donations.

Title First Name



Post Code


Signed Date

Please note:

1. I confirm that I have paid, or will pay, an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each year (6 Apr - 5 Apr) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. 2. The charity The JPK Sussex Project will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 on or after 6 April 2011. 3. You can cancel this declaration at any time by notifying the charity. 4. You can cancel your declaration in the future if your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and/or capital gains equal to the tax that the charity reclaims. 5. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self- Assessment tax return. 6. If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, you can ask the JPK Project or request leaflet IR65 from your local tax office.

Please notify the JPK Project if you change your name, address, post code or cease paying tax as this will affect our ability to make a claim. You can cancel this declaration at any time by writing to the JPK Project. We will not reclaim any tax made on donations after the date of cancellation. All information on this form is subject to the General Data Protections Regulation 2016/679. The JPK Project will use this information for reclaiming tax and administration purposes.

Registered Charity No: 1146743 Company Registration No: 7954630