Egister Lxx, No
•"^'^'.'•.'•*v .• EGISTER LXX, NO. 14. BANK; N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, ,1947 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 Lieut. Egeland Adult School Has Eatontown Legion National Guardsmen \ In Regular Nkvy Post Officers Is Legal Specialist 7 New Instructors Are Installed Recruiting In Earnest At Washington, P. C. Main Objective Of Fellowship Told Public Lieut. Andrew M. Egeland of Newspaper Ads Are Credited Fair Haven, son,of the late Peter Commander Hayes "B" Company To Be Recognized Martin 'and Anna Marie Egelahd, Co-operation Is Needed was among the reserve officers With Registration Rush U k New Home Tonight—Dance To Be Held Tomorrow whose permanent appointments to , • —— -•• •'Special Agent Frank Holmes of Remember, If possible, that the the Regular Navy were approved by With the start of advance regis- Clyde J. Hayes, who was Installed '.he Federal Bureau of Investiga- FBI handles cases covered by gov- the President. commander of. Eatontown post1, The National Guard recruiting tration for the fall term of the drive in Red Bank. and vicinity tion told an overflow audience, at ernment law—national security, Sea Bright Faces Monmouth Adult school, the ap-American Legion, at the last meet- Salvation Army the September meeting of the Trin- bank robbery, kidnapping, extor- ing, Is the third Navy veteran moves Into high gear tonight wiOl pointment of seven additional In- the federal recognition, of Company ity Episcopal Church Men's fellow- tion, Involuntary' servitude, viola- structors was approved by thchosee n to head the post. ship last Thursday night that more tions of the migratory 'bird apt, Erosion Threats Drive For $15,000 "B", 644th Tank battalion, In thi Board of Governors of the school, armory at Chestnut, and West serious crimes are being committed murder or assaults upon federal according to Captain Willis C.
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