March 21,1879
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1868.-VOL. 16.- ______PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 27, 1878_ TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, ENTERTAINMENTS. Clarkson in the Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _WANTTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE PRESS. Totter may be next Men and Women. PORTLAND Congress after all. There is to be a new elec- Colonel T. W. does not think PUBLISHING CO. PORTLAN ATKE. Warned. Higginson tion in his the member-elect Queen Victoria an At 109 Exchange D_THE WEDNESDAY HORNING, NOT. 27. District, having attractive lady. She is st., Portland. 20 Experienced Sxlesnicn. apply died, and it is thought Potter will be a candi- short, stoat, with a rather hgavy and not alto* Terms: Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subscribers OftE WEEK, at once. 128 Sireei. getber Seven Dollars a Year if paid in advance. Exchange Wo do noi read anonymoue letters and commum date. pleasing face, he says; bat in spite of d2w i:i;ii;\(iFTEP,pl(iii,SiM: the clothiers __ all she Commencing Monday, Kov. 25th, no'3_ oations, Tlia ame and address of the writer are in this, bas a dignity of bearing which It is that the Methodist THE MAINE STATE PRESS — all cases not thought White, amounts almost AND Beyond a doubt the weather lor the past two months indispensable, necessarily for publication to grace and is the only per- is Thursday to but as a killed in published every Morning at $2.50 a has been most disastrous the sate ot winter gar- guaranty of good faith. minister South Carolina, was acci- sonal charm that her subjects claim for her. year, U paid in advance at 52.00 a Thanks and year. giving Saturday Matinees, and thousands We cannot undertake to return or com- ments. rhonsands >t dollars worth of preserve dentally shot by some person hunting—hunt- Lieutenant Simon Bsynp. a French cnirar- the Author and Wanted. are now on ihe munications that are not used. Rates of popular Aclor, heavy garments piled counters that a Advertising: One inch of space, the LADY or ing negroes probably. eier, who died few days ago, was the author Gentleman to work for us tLU winter sold and worn ere length of constitutes a should have been weeks this; TO column, “square.” John A. A Salary if preferred. of a very neat mot when he was taken 51 50 per square, daily first week: 75 cents per steveua, Enclose IIOi.l) Them FOR A PROFIT would not only insure prisoner stamp. SHUM WAY’S Pub. House Kvebv attache ol tbe fRKia is The Democratic in the House week after; three insertions, or continu- supported by a select Dramatic in the ro- to be regular furnished majority by the Germans and sent to less, $1.00; Company D0l6tf Me. a great surplus of stock carried over to another Cologne, where ing every other after first 50 cents. mantic Portland, with a Card certificate has learned from the day week, Idyl but also a countersigned by Stanley T. something fall elections the commander ordered that Halt oi season, captive cffictrs square,three insertions, less, 75 cents; one Pullen, Editor. All steamboat and hotel : railway, and behave Itself this winter—if it knows week, $1.00 50 cents per week after. • may should salute all Prussian officers. will confer a favor “General.” Special notices, one third additional. XT nlinown. managers upon us by demanding 1 how. said “in Under head of “Amusements” and credentials of to Beyne, France we always salnte first, “Auction Pronounced uriverEaUy a great Riccess New Scen- every person claiming represent our Sales,” $2.00 per square per three Wanted. and we have had week; insertions ery and Kqu pm*-ntg. P»|tn ai* Price*. Popu- ournal. prisoners there from all parts or less, $1.50. on There seems to be a deal of Prin- lar Price*! Reserved teats a week in advance. operators Straw braid sewing good cf Advertisements inserted in the machines. Europe and ought to know bow prisoners “Maine Statr no25dlw EXPERIENCEDAddress cess and little in the Halifax (which has a circulation in L. K. If the Union was worth very Marquis are to be treated.” Presb^ large every part BATES & CO., Westtoro, Mass. By change of style and the use ot the money which fighting; for it is °f the State), for $1.00 per square for first nol7 d3w* worth insertion, In view of these facts which paying for. reports. A man with a and 50 ee iits per sqnare for each subsequent insertion. Gilbert’s Thanksgiving Ball. they represent. must be quiet-looking pleasant face, Address all communications to to we now to introduce whiskers and hair apparent all, propose Mr. Tilden is said to be like the Irish- iron-gray and the plainest at- POR LAND PUBLISHING CO. I shall a give BOARD. National tire—that is Mr. James G. Fair, of Nevada, the Thanksgiving. man’s turtle—the beast is dead but isn’t con- Grand. Ball possessor of an agreeable income of f.iOO.OOO a At and scious of it. ENTERTAINMENTS. my Academy, Army Nayy Hall, on Boarders month. He superintends the working of the THANKSGIVING EVENING. Wanted. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIT- three Bonanza while his pleasant rooms, and goad board. Prices The Baltimore Gazette that Mr. Ste- mines, partners, Flood Tickets, admitting Gent with Ladies, $1.00. ED STATES. says NICEmaderate. 25 Myrtle Street opposite City Tie Greatest of on and Mackey, attend to finance. He baa Record 1 now a just Very Rcspectlully, Building. no23dtf A Proclamation, phens weighs ninety-two pounds, no25d3t M. GIEBEBT. Slaughter been a month’s vacation in the B. Clothing taking East—it Democratic of two The recurrence of that season at which .it is tbe gain pounds. We cannot say that we do this with good grace but and is the first time in seventeen years that he ha* simply solely habit of our people to make a devout and public con- GRAUB TO LET. lor our own We have manufactured BALL. protection. and slocked our fession of their constant dependence upon the Di- stayed away from the mines so long. —BY THE — FIVE LARUE S t OKES with an UVUnENsE vine lavor for all of life and and [Harper’s Bazar. 1 QUAfcTtTV of Clothing, good gifts happiness, Alfred Tennyson is said to be fond iu ol of public peace and prosperity, exhibits, in the re- extremely Offices lo be Let. anticipation a large fail BUSINESS; Ihe unusual mild weather New York Fashions. Second cord of the year, abuudaot reasons for our gratitude of smoking the long clay called in lias retarded the business, and black pipe England pleasant rooms in Cahoon suitable expected and thanksgiving Exuberant harvests, pioductive The dresses made np for the house aud Block, a ‘'churchwarden'’—such a pipe as the elder Dir. No 1 Ancient Order of Hi- FOUR,for oiflces. Rent five to thirteen dollars per mines, ample crops and staples of trade and manu- tar receptions are usually combinations of two month. to WM. H. Real Estate laciuies have cmicbed the The resouices Weller and his ate in one of Apply JERRIS, country. or grandson smoking bernians Agent. thus furnished to our and three materials made into a barque and a reviving industry expand- the illustrations in the editions of Master Nov. 1878. no2Sdl w * ing commerce are hastening tbe day when discords early — AT — Portland, 25, full, flowing trained skirl. The striped black and distresses, the and breadth of tbe Clock. The venerable bas a through length silks Humphrey’s poet NOW WE MUST UNLOAD ! »and. will, under tne continued lavor of Providence, with half-inch or else inch wide stripes of LANCASTER To Bent. have given to rough deal box holding about twenty pounds of HALL, way conttoence, eneigy and assured satin are very much iu f-avor for these rich No. 26 North ftreet. three doors from prosperity. Peace with a'l nations has remanded un- and in an dresses, and are combined tobacco, upper chamber, with this Wednesday Evening. (Thanksgiving Ev<) five in broken, domestic tiauquility has prevailed, and tbe »uu plain Btos HOUSECumberland, containing rooms, good No matter how box near, uni a long "obarcbwaided” la hand, Aov. 27lh. repair. Rent, $10 per month. Inquire on the prem- $?reat the loss may he. What institutions of liberty and justice, which the wisdom grain trimmed with plain satiD and with a id virtue of our fathers remain the ho will talk by the hoar to chosen cronies. Mu»ir ises. no21d?w established, br Ch-ndler’s Qnndrillc Baud. and defence of their children. The fringe. The basque will be of the striped satiu we lose the public ! glory general Professor Huxley has been speaking recent- 'iicketB. admitting Gent and tro Ladies, 75 eents. gain prevalence of the blessings of health through our with plain satiu vest and revers and silk Ladies' single tickets 25 cents. wide land ha* made more the sufferings ly ac Manchester on the subject of the of To ILet. conspicuous sleeves. The skirt will have the three front decay Clothing checked iree. no'Jtdlw and sorrows which the dark shadow of pestilence in the GOOD to All id nations, natural decadence cf which be rente, from $5 $13 per mouth. And we trust to tlicir V^> v u VI UUI AUID Iiva generosity and patronage to make good our pres* UJ/WU ^VIKUU J breadths cf striped satin, and the three or fonr 3 good repair. Applv to affliction the Divine Ruler has to the did not believe—that he was inclined to DANCING SCHOOL7 ent losses at some Inture <1 a y_ even, tempered of theory, oc26dtf W.