HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITY HERIOT-WATT Dubai Prospectus 2020 www.facebook.com/HWUDubai/ twitter.com/HWUDubai www.youtube.com/user/HeriotWattUni www.instagram.com/hwdubai www.linkedin.com/showcase/heriot- watt-university-dubai-campus Dubai Dubai Prospectus www.hw.ac.uk/dubai
[email protected] 2020 4 Look to the future. Strive for better. Aim for higher. Make history. Be ambitious. Be bold. 2 | 3 since 1821 Heriot-Watt University | Dubai Prospectus 2020 4 For nearly 200 years our education and innovative research has had a profound social impact on a global scale. A pioneer in bringing education to working people, Heriot-Watt was founded as the world’s “first Mechanics Institute. Today that ethos underpins the industry informed education that gives our students the drive to hit the ground running and be FutureMade for the career of their choice. The research we do here shapes our teaching and learning and creates strong connections with global business and industry. Our aim is to connect you to people and career opportunities across the world through our international campus locations and our 140,000 alumni in 190 countries. We have outstanding facilities for our student community evidenced in being ranked 3rd in the UK for investment in student facilities by The Complete University Guide 2020.” Professor Richard A. Williams OBE, FREng, FRSE, FTSE Principal and Vice-Chancellor 4 | 5 Contents FutureMade since 1821 – Richard A. Williams 04 Your FutureMade in Dubai – Professor Ammar Kaka 06 New Dubai Campus 2021 08 Why Choose Heriot-Watt