Astrophysique / Astrophysics- Bibliographie De Pierre Léna
Astrophysique/Astrophysics Revues avec relecteurs/Journals with referees Références [1] P. Léna. Adaptive optics : a breakthrough in astronomy. Experimental Astro- nomy, 26 :35–48, August 2009. [2] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, P. Léna, E. Gendron, and F. Lacombe. The Galactic Centre at infrared wavelengths : towards the highest spatial resolution. Comptes Rendus Physique, 8 :26–34, January 2007. [3] G. Perrin, J. Woillez, O. Lai, J. Guérin, T. Kotani, P. L. Wizinowich, D. Le Mignant, M. Hrynevych, J. Gathright, P. Léna, F. Chaffee, S. Vergnole, L. De- lage, F. Reynaud, A. J. Adamson, C. Berthod, B. Brient, C. Collin, J. Créte- net, F. Dauny, C. Deléglise, P. Fédou, T. Goeltzenlichter, O. Guyon, R. Hulin, C. Marlot, M. Marteaud, B.-T. Melse, J. Nishikawa, J.-M. Reess, S. T. Ridgway, F. Rigaut, K. Roth, A. T. Tokunaga, and D. Ziegler. Interferometric coupling of the Keck telescopes with single-mode fibers. Science, 311 :194, January 2006. [4] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, D. Gratadour, P. Léna, and O. Marco. The infrared emission of the dust clouds close to Sgr A*. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 54 :386–390, December 2006. [5] Y. Clénet, D. Rouan, D. Gratadour, O. Marco, P. Léna, N. Ageorges, and E. Gendron. A dual emission mechanism in Sgr A* ar L’ band. A&A, 439 :L9– L13, August 2005. [6] P. Léna. Astronomie et optique : un couple heureux. Journal de Physique IV, 119 :51–56, November 2004. [7] M. Glanc, E. Gendron, D. Lafaille, J.-F. Le Gargasson, and P. Léna. Towards wide-field retinal imaging with adaptive optics. Optics Communications, pages 225–238, 2004.
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