With the Judaeans in the Palestine Campaign and Every Available Ideal and Policy Made Use Of, Which Could Be of Advantage to Our Righteous Cause

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With the Judaeans in the Palestine Campaign and Every Available Ideal and Policy Made Use Of, Which Could Be of Advantage to Our Righteous Cause pi8^*^*?g^^_£,".v.!;3l^A'.;:2^5U!Vi'''Vi 4rs \o. \^ The following mesaag© has bean received from Mr. Israel ZangwillV-^ In making acquaintanoe with my friead, Coloael Pattatson, Canada will \ become acquainted with one of the bravogt of living soldiers and one of the X. boldest of living hnntera. But the heroism he hag displayed in the jungle or on • the battlefield is eclipsed byfche courage he has shown spiritoally in championing and defeuding the Jews, to whom ha is bound neither by race* nor by religion. It was he who led and inspired the Jewish foceas in Gallipoli ana Palestine, it ia to him—doughty with pen as with sword—that thoi world is indebted for tho knowledge of their achievements, it is to his chivalry that we owe the assertioo of their claims and tho record of their gcievancsa. A man of the simplest and most lovable character, imperturbable, breezy, hopeful and humorous, a crusader in a truly Christian spirit, whose aim ia to restore Palestine not to Christendom, but to the only homeless people on earth. Colonel Patterson has written hia name indelibly on the scroll of Jewish as well as British history. WITH THE JUD^ANS IN THE PALESTINE CAMPAIGN W;-/o hy] IFanriri LIEUT.'COL. J. H. PATTERSON, D.S.O. WITH THE JUD/EANS IN THE PALESTINE CAMPAIGN By Lieut.-Col. J. H. PATTERSON, D.S.O. Author of : " The Man-Eaters of Tsavo," " In the Grip of The Nyika," " With the Zionists in Gallipoli." WITH A MAP AND 23 ILLUSTRATIONS. LONDON: HUTCHINSON & CO. PATERNOSTER ROW : : : : PREFACE The formation of a Battalion of Jews for service in the British Army is an event without precedent in our annals, and the part played by such a unique unit is assured of a niche in history owing to the fact that it fought in Palestine, not only for the British cause, but also for the Restoration of the Jewish people to the Promised Land. In writing the following narrative, my object has been to give a faithful account of the doings of this Jewish Battalion while it was under my command. I am much indebted to Captain H. Davis, the Rev. L. A. Falk, Mr. Bendov of Jerusalem, and Canon Parfit for permission to reproduce the photographs illustrating this book, which add considerably to its interest. J. H. P. London, 1922. CONTENTS Introduction iv Contents .. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS LiEUT.-CoL. J. H. Patterson, D.S.O. Frontispiece " " I Had an Able and Enthusiastic Staff Lieut. Vladimir Jabotinsky The Rev. L. A. Falk Jerusalem The Battalion on Parade Tomb of Rachel, near Bethlehem Choir of the Jewish Regiment . The Wailing Wall at Jerusalem The Jerusalem-Jericho Road Near the Wadi Kelt The AujA (" A pleasant, swiftly flowing streamlet ") Es Salt (The Ancient Ramoth Gilead) . Roman Arch at Amman In the Old Citadel at Amman . Part of the Great Amphitheatre at Amman Circassian Cart at Amman " " Here the Tents of Israel were Pitched Group of Officers at Rafa Ruins of Baalbek My Charger Betty Ruins of the Old City of Tiberias — INTRODUCTION IN the darkest days of the War, the British Cabinet decided that it would be good policy to create a Jewish Regiment, and accordingly, in August, 191 7, the first Jewish Battalion was formed. From that day forth, as a matter of duty and loyalty to King and Country, it was clearly incumbent on all those in authority to treat this new unit with justice, and do everything in their power to make it a success. It is to be deplored that this Jewish Battalion—this ewe lamb of Israel—did not receive, while on Active Service in the Holy Land, that measure of justice and fair play that was its due. In common with the vast majority of my countrymen " " I have the fair play sense strongly developed. I am always prone to be on the side of the under dog more especially when I see that the poor devil is getting more kicks than in all fairness are his due. In Pales- tine, unfortunately, I was constantly called upon to ward off unfair blows aimed at the Jewish Battalion under my command by certain members of the local staff of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. I have passed over many of our sufferings in silence, and no record of them will be found in this book, but I am afraid they have left an indelible mark in the mind viii Introduction and heart of every man who served in the Jewish Bat- talion under my command, and I fear that the evil effects of the local Military Administration will reverberate throughout Palestine for many a long year. But before I proceed further, let me first of all make it clearly understood that I am not a Jew,—indeed, at the outbreak of the Great War I knew nothing of this ancient people, always excepting what I had read about them in the Bible, and other Jewish books. My first contact with Jews was in the Gallipoli campaign, where I was sent in command of a Corps composed of Zionists who had escaped from Palestine at the outbreak of war and taken service with the British Forces. Pre- sumably because I had had this experience, I was appointed to the command of the first Jewish Infantry unit raised for service with the British Army. The career of such a unique unit is bound to be closely followed by all Jews, while it would not surprise me if the historian of the future seizes upon this dramatic appearance of the Jewish warrior, fighting for the re- demption of Israel under the banner of England, as one of the most interesting episodes of the great World War. Unfortunately for us, with a few honourable excep- tions, the local Staff of the E.E.F. were " troublers of Israel." Instead of furthering the policy of the Home Government by holding out a helping hand to this new unit, on the contrary every obstacle was placed in its way. In our times of tribulation in the Holy Land, my thoughts often went back to the Dardanelles, and I was Introduction ix heartened and cheered by the remembrance of the vastly different treatment meted out to the Jewish soldiers by the Staff in Gallipoli. Sir Ian Hamilton had vision enough to foresee what a tremendous force would be won over to the cause of England by dealing justly with Israel. In the Mediterranean Expedi- tionary Force the attitude was essentially British. I regret I cannot say the same of the Staff of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in 191 8 and 19 19. I am happy to be able to put on record that the Bat- talion was treated fairly and justly all the time it was stationed in England. The Staff at Plymouth always held out a helping hand when needed, and we embarked for Egypt with the blessing of the War Office, and of the Adjutant-General, Sir Nevil Mac- ready, who told us before we sailed that it was his aim to form a Jewish Brigade, and that he was writing to the Commander-in-Chief of the E.E.F. to recommend that this should be done as soon as our numbers justified such a step. I felt that the Adjutant-General had confided a great trust to me when I was selected for the command of this Jewish unit. It was a complete change from the com- mand of an Irish Battalion, but the Irishman and the Jew have much in common—temperament, generosity, love of children, devotion to parents, readiness to help those down on their luck, and, be it noted, great per- sonal bravery. These qualities will probably not appear out of place to my readers so far as the Irish- man is concerned, but I imagine many will be surprised when they hear that they also apply to the Jew. It is Introduction true, however, and so should be more widely known. The soul-stirring deeds on the battlefield of such heroes as Judas Maccabaeus, Bar Kochba, and many others can never be forgotten. I had one fear when I took over command of the Judaeans, and that was that I might not be able to do them justice. I felt that, if a suitable Jewish officer could be found, it would be more appropriate that he should have the honour of leading these soldiers of Israel in the struggle for the redemption of Palestine ; but, although I publicly stated that I should be glad to see a Jewish officer appointed to the command, no one came forward, and I was left with the whole weight of this great responsibility to the Jewish people on my shoulders. I therefore made up my mind, from the moment I took command, that, so far as was humanly possible, the Jewish Battalion should be brought through its fiery ordeal w^ith honour. It was unfortunate for the new Regiment, and doubly unfortunate for the Jewish people in Palestine, as this narrative will show, that the attitude of the local Staff was diametrically opposed to the declared policy of His Majesty's Government, which had announced to the world, in the famous Balfour Declaration, that Palestine should once again become a National Home for the Jewish people. In the face of this British announce- ment, certain officials in the Holy Land acted as if this epoch-making Declaration were nothing but a mere scrap of paper." When I observed the vain strivings of these men, and remembered the Promise to Israel, I called to mind Introduction xi the saying of Gamaliel, the great Rabbi, "If this work be of men it will come to naught, but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it." This local anti-Jewish policy eventually culminated in the Jerusalem pogrom, described at the close of this book, when, under British rule, murderous native mobs ran riot, practically unchecked, for nearly three days within the walls of the City.
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