

JOURNAL WATCH, J to Z H-Diplo Journal and Periodical Review www.h-net.org/~diplo/journals/ First Quarter 2014 15 January 2014

Compiled by Lubna Qureshi, Stockholm University

The Journal of African History, Vol. 54, Issue 3 (November 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=AFH&volumeId=54&seriesId=0&issu eId=03

JAH Forum: Africa and Global History

• Patrick Manning, “African and World Historiography,” 319.

• Andrew Zimmerman, “Africa in Imperial and Transnational History: Multi-Sited Historiography and the Necessity of Theory,” 331.

• Isabel Hofmeyr, “African History and Global Studies: A View from South Africa,” 341.

Contesting Authority and Identity in Sudan

• Cherry Leonardi, “South Sudanese Arabic and the Negotiation of the Local State, c. 1840-2011,” 351.

Colonial Medicine and Disease Management

• Matthew M. Heaton, “Aliens in the Asylum: Immigration and Madness in Gold Coast,” 373.

• Mari Webel, “Medical Auxiliaries and the Negotiation of Public Health in Colonial North-Western Tanzania,” 393.

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Understanding Conflict in Eastern Congo

• René Lemarchand, “Reflections on the Recent Historiography of Eastern Congo,” 417. ______

Journal of American-East Asian Relations, Vol. 20, Issue 4 (2013) http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/18765610/20/4

• Laura Miller, “Theme Issue on Asia Knowledge: Inside and Outside the Ivory Tower,” 311.

• Mark Patrick McGuire, “Participatory Filmmaking among Contemporary Shugendo Practitioners: Representing an Esoteric Tradition in an Accessible Documentary Film,” 325.

• Christine R. Yano, “’Obama no Obama’ – Knowledge as Exhilaration: A Curator’s Exhibition Report,” 340.

• William M. Tsutsui, “Godzilla vs. the Egghead: Negotiating the Cultures of Fandom and Academe,” 349.

• Teri Silvio, “Permanent Alien Residence: On Reading Baudrillard in Taiwan,” 364.

• Seung-young Kim, “Miki Takeo’s Initiative on the Korean Question and U.S.- Japanese Diplomacy, 1974-1976,” 377.

• Lydia H. Liu, “The Ghost of Arthur H. Smith in the Mirror of Cultural Translation,” 406. ______

The Journal of American History, Vol. 100, No. 3 (December 2013) http://www.journalofamericanhistory.org/issues/1003/

Presidential Address

• Albert M. Camarillo, “Navigating Segregated Life in America’s Racial Borderhoods, 1910s-1950s,” 642.


• Gregg Cantrell, “’Our Very Pronounced Theory of Equal Rights to All’: Race, Citizenship, and Populism in the South Texas Borderlands,” 663.

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• Paul C. Rosier, “’Modern America Desperately Needs to Listen’: The Emerging Indian in an Age of Environmental Crisis,” 711.

• Tom Adam Davies, “Black Power in Action: The Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation, Robert F. Kennedy, and the Politics of the Urban Crisis,” 736.

Editor’s Choice

• Etienne Benson, “The Urbanization of the Eastern Gray Squirrel in the United States,” 691. ______

Journal of American Studies, Vol. 47, Issue 4 (November 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=AMS&volumeId=47&is sueId=04&iid=9054201

Un-American Articles

• George Lewis, “An Un-American Introduction,” 871.

• Brian Steele, “Inventing Un-America,” 881.

• Cheryl Hudson, “The ‘Un-American’ Experiment: Jane Addams’s Lessons from Pullman,” 903.

• Alex Goodall, “Two Concepts of Un-Americanism,” 925.

• Simon Wendt, “Defenders of Patriotism or Mothers of Fascism? The Daughters of the American Revolution, Antiradicalism, and Un-Americanism in the Interwar Period,” 943.

• George Lewis, “’An Amorphous Code’: The Ku Klux Klan and Un-Americanism, 1915-1965,” 971.

• Kate Dossett, “Gender and the Dies Committee Hearings on the Federal Theatre Project,” 993.

• Markku Ruotsila, “’Russia’s Most Effective Fifth Column’: Cold War Perceptions of Un-Americanism in US Churches,” 1019.

• Ruth Martin, “Operation Abolition: Defending the Civil Liberties of the ‘Un- American’, 1957-1961,” 1043.

• Ieva Zake, “Anticommunist White Ethnics in Search of True Americanness: Ideas and Alliances in the 1950s-1970s,” 1065.

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• Zoe Knox, “Jehovah’s Witnesses as Un-Americans? Scriptural Injunctions, Civil Liberties, and Patriotism,” 1081.

• Simon Hall, “Americanism, Un-Americanism, and the Gay Rights Movement,” 1109.


• Simon Topping, “’The Dusky Doughboys’: Interaction between African American Soldiers and the Population of Northern Ireland during the Second World War,” 1131. • Van Gosse, “Ronald Reagan in Ireland, 1984: A Different Cold War?,” 1155.

• Ann Schofield, “The Returned Yank as Site of Memory in Irish Popular Culture,” 1175.

• Edward Ashbee, “A Terminal Prognosis? The Study of U.S. Politics in Europe,” 1197.


• Sally Bayley, Suzie Hanna, and Tom Simmons, “Thinking Narratively, Metaphorically and Allegorically through Poetry, Animation and Sound,” 1231. ______

The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 72, Issue 4 (November 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JAS&volumeId=72&iss ueId=04&iid=9090687

• Theodore C. Bestor, “Disasters, Natural and Unnatural: Reflections on March 11, 2011, and Its Aftermath,” 763.

• Kheang Un, “The Khmer Rouge Tribunal: A Politically Compromised Search for Justice,” 783.

• Eve Monique Zucker, “Trauma and Its Aftermath: Local Configurations of Reconciliation in Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge Tribunal,” 793.

• Ronojoy Sen, “Going Beyond Mere Accounting: The Changing Role of India’s Auditor General,” 801.

• John Osburg, “Global Capitalisms in Asia: Beyond State and Market in China,” 813.

• Daromir Rudnyckyj, “From Wall Street to Halal Street: Malaysia and the Globalization of Islamic Finance,” 831.

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• Agnieszka Joniak-Luthi, “The Han Minzu, Fragmented Identities, and Ethnicity,” 849.

• Hwasook Nam, “Progressives and Labor under Park Chung Hee: A Forgotten Alliance in 1960s South Korea,” 873.

• Marieke Bloembergen and Martijn Eickhoff, “Exchange and the Protection of Java’s Antiquities: A Transnational Approach to the Problem of Heritage of Colonial Java,” 893.

• Keith McMahon, “The Institution of Polygamy in the Chinese Imperial Palace,” 917.

• Aminda M. Smith, “Thought Reform and the Unreformable: Reeducation Centers and the Rhetoric of Opposition in the Early People’s Republic of China,” 937. ______

Journal of British Studies, Vol. 52, Issue 4 (October 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JBR&volumeId=52&iss ueId=04&iid=9068277

• Ted McCormick, “Political Arithmetic and Sacred History: Population Thought in the English Enlightenment, 1660-1750,” 829.

• Amanda Vickery, “Mutton Dressed as Lamb? Fashioning Age in Georgian England,” 858.

• Jacob Middleton, “The Cock of the School: A Cultural History of Playground Violence in Britain, 1880-1940,” 887.

• John M. Regan, “The ‘O’Brien Ethic’ as an Interpretive Problem,” 908.

• Ian Miller, “Feeding in the Workhouse: The Institutional and Ideological Functions of Food in Britain, ca. 1834-70,” 940.

• Nadja Durbach, “Roast Beef, the New Poor Law, and the British Nation, 1834- 63,” 963.

• Erika Rappaport, “Sacred and Useful Pleasures: The Temperance Tea Party and the Creation of a Sober Consumer Culture in Early Industrial Britain,” 990.

• “’We Don’t Want Any German Sausages Here!’ Food, Fear, and the German Nation in Victorian and Edwardian Britain,” 1017. ______

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Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 15, Issue 3 (Summer 2013) http://www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/jcws/15/3

• Jamie Miller, “Yes, Minister: Reassessing South Africa’s Intervention in the Angolan Civil War, 1975-1976,” 4.

• Ronald H. Spector, “Phat Diem: Nationalism, Religion, and Identity in the Franco-Viet Minh War,” 34.

• David J. Snyder, “Domesticity, Rearmament, and the Limits of U.S. Public Diplomacy in the Netherlands during the Early Cold War,” 47.

• Paul Maddrell, “The Economic Dimension of Cold War Intelligence-Gathering: The West’s Spies in the GDR’s Economy,” 76.

• Tim B. Mueller, “The Rockefeller Foundation, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities in the Cold War,” 108.

• N. Piers Ludlow, “The Real Years of Europe? U.S.-West European Relations during the Ford Administration,” 136.

• James C. Wallace, “A Religious War? The Cold War and Religion,” 162. ______

The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 57:6 (December 2013) http://jcr.sagepub.com/content/57/6.toc

• “Bruce Russett Award for Article of the Year in JCR for 2012,” 939.

• Ursula Daxecker and Brandon Prins, “Insurgents of the Sea: Institutional and Economic Opportunities for Maritime Piracy,” 940.

• Daniel Druckman and Mara Olekalns, “Motivational Primes, Trust, and Negotiators’ Reaction to Crisis,” 966.

• Milica Kecmanovic, “The Short-run Effects of the Croatian War on Education, Employment, and Earnings,” 991.

• Yonatan Lupu and Vincent A. Traag, “Trading Communities, the Networked Structure of International Relations, and the Kantian Peace,” 1011.

• Rose McDermott, Chris Dawes, Elizabeth Prom-Wormley, Lindon Eaves, and Peter K. Hatemi, “MAOA and Aggression: A Gene-Environment Interaction in Two Populations,” 1043.

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• Ahmer Tarar and Bahar Leventoglu, “Limited Audience Costs in International Crises,” 1065.

• Anita Gohdes and Megan Price, “First Things First: Assessing Data Quality before Model Quality,” 1090.

• Bethany Lacina and Nils Petter Gleditsch, “The Waning of War is Real: A Response to Gohdes and Price,” 1109. ______

Journal of Contemporary African Studies, Vol. 31, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjca20/current#.UscoT44SStg

• Vinothan Naidoo, “The politics of anti-corruption enforcement in South Africa,” 523.

• Anja Osei, “Political parties in Ghana: agents of democracy?,” 543.

• William Attwell, “’When we have nothing we all eat grass’: debt, donor dependence and the food crisis in Malawi, 2001 to 2003,” 564.

• Ketil Fred Hansen, “A democratic dictator’s success: how Chad’s President Deby defeated the military opposition in three years (2008-2011),” 583. ______

Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 43, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjoc20/43/4#.UscsgI4SStg

• “Obituary: Jan M. Pluvier (1927-2013),” 577.

Special Issue: New Media in Asia

• Jason Abbott, “Introduction: Assessing the Social and Political Impact of the Internet and New Social Media in Asia,” 579.

• Meredith L. Weiss, “Parsing the Power of ‘New Media’ in Malaysia,” 591.

• Ross Tapsell, “The Media Freedom Movement in Malaysia and the Electoral Authoritarian Regime,” 613.

• Merlyna Lim, “Many Clicks but Little Sticks: Social Media Activism in Indonesia,” 636.

• Kikue Hamayotsu, “The Limits of Civil Society in Democratic Indonesia: Media Freedom and Religious Intolerance,” 658.

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• Orion A. Lewis, “Net Inclusion: New Media’s Impact on Deliberative Politics in China,” 678.

• Raju J. Das, “Capitalism and Regime Change in the (Globalising) World of Labour,” 709. ______

Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 22, Issue 84 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjcc20/22/84#.UscvTo4SStg

Relationship between Hong Kong and Mainland China in Transition

• Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo, “The Role of a Political Interest Group in Democratization of China and Hong Kong: the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China,” 923.

• Jianfa Shen and Xiaolong Luo, “From Fortress Hong Kong to Hong Kong- Shenzhen Metropolis: the emergence of government-led strategy for regional integration in Hong Kong,” 944.

• Francis L.F. Lee and Joseph Man Chan, “Generational Transmission of Collective Memory about Tianamen in Hong Kong: how young rally participants learn about and understand 4 June,” 966.

• Kam-Yee Law and Kim-Ming Lee, “Socio-political Embeddings of South Asian Ethnic Minorities’ Economic Situations in Hong Kong,” 984.

• Simon X.B. Zhao, “Information Exchange, Headquarters Economy and Financial Centers Development: Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong,” 1006.

Research Articles

• Christian Ploberger, “China’s Adaptation Challenges – a critical assessment of China’s ability to facilitate a strategic shift towards a low-carbon economy by applying the structure-agency framework,” 1028.

• Thomas Heberer and René Trappel, “Evaluation Processes, Local Cadres’ Behaviour and Local Development Processes,” 1048.

• Jiangnan Zhu and Jie Lu, “One Rising China, Multiple Interpretations: China’s 60th anniversary celebration through the lens of the world’s printed media,” 1067.

• Dilip K. Das, “China and the Asian Economies: mutual acceptance, economic interaction and interactive dynamics,” 1089.

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• Donglin Han, “Returnees and their Political Impact: evidence from returned students and trainees from the Soviet Union in China, 1950-1966,” 1106.

Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 23, Issue 85 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjcc20/23/85#.Uscz2o4SStg

River Politics: China and Trans-boundary Rivers

• Selina Ho, “River Politics: China’s policies in the Mekong and the Brahmaputra in comparative perspective,” 1.

• Sebastian Biba, “Desecuritization in China’s Behavior towards its Transboundary Rivers: the Mekong River, the Brahmaputra River, and the Irtysh and Ili Rivers,” 21.

Credit Control, Income Elasticity and Real Estate Industry in China

• Yigang Wei, Patrick Tsun-Ip Lam, Yat-Hung Chiang, Barbara Yuk-Ping Leung, and William Seabrooke, “An Exploratory Analysis of Impediments to China’s Credit Control on the Real Estate Industry: an institutional perspective,” 44.

• Jie Chen and Minzhou Jin, “Income Elasticity of Housing Demand in China: micro-data evidence from Shanghai,” 68.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Perspectives

• Weiqing Song, “Interests, Power and China’s Difficult Game in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO),” 85.

• Timur Dadabaev, “Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Regional Identity Formation from the Perspective of the Central Asia States,” 102.

Research Articles

• Yitan Li, “Constructing Peace in the Taiwan Strait: a constructivist analysis of the changing dynamics of identities and nationalisms,” 119.

• Xiaowen Zhang and Xiaoling Li, “The Politics of Compliance with Adverse WTO Dispute Settlement Rulings in China,” 143.

• Hong Yu, “The Ascendency of State-owned Enterprises in China: development, controversy and problems,” 161.

Report from the field

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• Ying Sun, “Municipal People’s Congress Elections in the PRC: a process of co- option,” 183. ______

Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Vol. 21, Issue 2 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjea20/21/2#.Usc9L44SStg

• Maria Touri and Shani Lynn Rogers, “Europe’s Communication Deficit and the UK Press: Framing the Greek Financial Crisis,” 175.

• Anna Maria Droumpouki, “Trivialization of World War Two and Shoah in Greece: Uses, Misuses and Analogies in Light of the Current Debt Crisis,” 190.

• Teresa Cierco, “Civil Society in Macedonia’s Democratization Process,” 202.

• Itir Özer-Imer, Jacek Kugler, and Hilton L. Root, “Turkey and the West: Bargaining for Realignment,” 218.

• Christian Karner, “Europe and the Nation: Austrian EU-Scepticism and Its Contestation,” 252.

• Jeff Neilson and Maria Stanfors, “Re-Traditionalisation of Gender Relations in the 1990s? The Impact of Parenthood on Gendered Time Use in Three Scandinavian Countries,” 269.

• Daniela Falcinelli and Sveva Magaraggia, “’Double Yes’ for Whom? Gender Innovation in Italian Families,” 290.

Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Vol. 21, Issue 3 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjea20/21/3#.Usc_W44SStg

• Ainur Elmgren and Norbert Götz, “’Power Investigation: The Political Culture of Nordic Self-Understanding’: Introduction,” 338.

• Norbert Götz, “Introspective Performance: The Scandinavian Power Investigation as a Politico-Cultural Practice,” 341.

• Carl Marklund, “From the Swedish Model to the Open Society: The Swedish Power Investigation and the Power to Investigate Power, 1985-1990,” 357.

• Ann-Cathrine Jungar, “Three Nordic Power Investigations on the Repercussions on the European Union on Sovereignty and Democracy,” 372.

• Lotta Lounasmeri, “’Power Investigation’ Neglected: The Case of the Finnish Newspaper Helsingin Sanomat,” 382.

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• Ainur Elmgren, “Power and Society in Finland: Change and Continuity,” 397.

• Alex Prichard, “Justice and EU Foreign Policy,” 413.

• Alexandra Hennessy, “Informal Governance and the Eurozone Crisis,” 429.

• Branislav Radeljic, “Religion in Public Spaces: A European Perspective,” 448.

Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Vol. 21, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjea20/21/4#.UsdCNI4SStg

• Claudia Schneider, “Researching Transnationalisation and Higher Education in the Context of Social Mechanisms,” 480.

• Adriana Sandu, “Transnational Homemaking Practices: Identity, Belonging and Informal Learning,” 496.

• Mojca Vah Jevsnik and Jure Gombac, “Transnationalism, Education and Slovenian Diaspora: Exploring Online Educational Resources for Slovenian Emigrants and Their Descendants,” 513.

• Nurten Karakas, “Assessing the Potential of Minority Ethnic Teachers from a Transnational Perspective – ‘Multilingualism is My Capital’,” 526.

• Cyrus Vakili Zad, “Domestic Violence and the Feminization of Homelessness in Malta: A Critical Perspective,” 541.

• Thomas O’Brien, “Emergent Regionalism in the Post-Soviet Space,” 563. ______

Journal of Contemporary History, 48:4 (October 2013) http://jch.sagepub.com/content/48/4.toc

• Jenny Macleod, “Britishness and Commemoration: National Memorials to the First World War in Britain and Ireland,” 647.

• Alison Carrol, “In the Border’s Shadow: Reimagining Urban Spaces in Strasbourg, 1918-39,” 666.

• R. Gerald Hughes, “The Ghosts of Appeasement: Britain and the Legacy of the Munich Agreement,” 688.

• Anita Jean Prazmowska, “Anticipation of Civil War: The Polish Government in Exile and the Threat Posed by the Communist Movement During the Second World War,” 717.

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• Bob Moore, “Illicit Encounters: Female Civilian Fraternization with Axis Prisoners of War in Second World War Britain,” 742.

• Violetta Hionidou, “Relief and Politics in Occupied Greece, 1941-4,” 761.

• David Motadel, “Islam and Germany’s War in the Soviet Borderlands, 1941-5,” 784.

• Hermione Giffard, “Engines of Desperation: Jet Engines, Production and New Weapons in the Third Reich,” 821.

• Charlie Whitham, “The Committee for Economic Development, Foreign Trade and the Rise of American Corporate Liberalism, 1942-8,” 845.

• Alexander Burdumy, “Reconsidering the Role of the Welfare State Within the German Democratic Republic’s Political System,” 872. ______

Journal of the Early Republic, Vol. 33, No. 4 (Winter 2013) http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_the_early_republic/toc/jer.33.4.html

• Daniel H. Usner, “’A Savage Feast They Made of It’: John Adams and the Paradoxical Origins of Federal Indian Policy,” 607. • Jonathan Hancock, “Shaken Spirits: Cherokees, Moravian Missionaries, and the New Madrid Earthquakes,” 643.

• Matthew Mason, “The Maine and Missouri Crisis: Competing Priorities and Northern Slavery Politics in the Early Republic,” 675.

• Paul E. Johnson, “Northern Horse: American Eclipse as a Representative New Yorker,” 701.

• Erik Mathisen, “’Know All Men By These Presents’: Bonds, Localism, and Politics in Early Republican Mississippi,” 727.

• Andrew Shankman, “How Should We Think About the Election of 1800?,” 753.

• Ralph Ketcham, “The Papers of James Madison,” 763. ______

The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 73, Issue 4 (December 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JEH&volumeId=73&iss ueId=04&iid=9072304

• Alan Dye and Sumner La Croix, “The Political Economy of Land Privatization in Argentina and Australia, 1810-1850: A Puzzle,” 901. 12 | Page

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• Gregg Huff and Shinobu Majima, “Financing Japan’s World War II Occupation of Southeast Asia,” 937.

• Katharine L. Shester, “The Local Economic Effects of Public Housing in the United States, 1940-1970,” 978.

• Mark Harrison, “Accounting for Secrets,” 1017.

• Oscar Gelderblom, Abe de Jong, and Joost Jonker, “The Formative Years of the Modern Corporation: The Dutch East Indian Company VOC, 1602-1623,” 1050.

• Nicholas Crafts and Terence C. Mills, “Rearmament to the Rescue? New Estimates of the Impact of ‘Keynesian’ Policies in 1930s’ Britain,” 1077.

• Dror Goldberg and Igal Milchtaich, “Property Rights Under Administrator- Dictators: The Rise and Fall of America’s First Bank,” 1105.

• Morgan Kelly and Cormac Ó Gráda, “Numerare Est Errare: Agricultural Output and Food Supply in England Before and During the Industrial Revolution,” 1132.

• Dora Costa, Claudia Goldin, and Robert A. Margo, “In Memoriam: Robert W. Fogel,” 1164. ______

Journal of Genocide Research, Vol. 15, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjgr20/15/4#.UsdP0Y4SStg

• Yehouda Shenhav, “Beyond ‘instrumental rationality’: Lord Cromer and the imperial roots of Eichmann’s bureaucracy,” 379.

• Jens-Uwe Guettel, “The U.S. frontier as rationale for the Nazi east? Settler colonialism and genocide in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe and the American West,” 401.

• Lidwien Kapteijns, “Test-firing the ‘new world order’ in Somalia: the U.S./U.N military humanitarian intervention of 1992-1995,” 421.

• Mark Roseman, “The lives of others – amid the deaths of others: biographical approaches to Nazi perpetrators,” 443. ______

The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, Vol. 12, Issue 4 (October 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JGA&volumeId=12&iss ueId=04&iid=9032347

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• Katherine D. Moran, “Catholicism and the Making of the U.S. Pacific,” 434.

• Joshua Specht, “A Failure to Prohibit: New York City’s Underground Bob Veal Trade,” 475.

• Melissa R. Klapper, “The Drama of 1916: The American Jewish Community, Birth Control, and Two Yiddish Plays,” 502.

• Bruce A. Kimball, “The Disastrous First Fund-Raising Campaign in Legal Education: The Harvard Law School Centennial, 1914-1920,” 535. ______

Journal of Global Ethics, Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjge20/9/3#.UsdUCY4SStg

Articles from the International Development Ethics Associations’s Gender Justice and Development Conference, Bryn Mawr College, 2011

• Jay Drydyk, “Empowerment, agency, and power,” 249.

• Christine M. Koggel, “A critical analysis of recent work on empowerment: implications for gender,” 263.

• Gail M. Presbey, “Women’s empowerment: the insights of Wangari Maathai,” 277.

• Stacy J. Kosko, “Agency vulnerability, participation, and the self-determination of indigenous peoples,” 293.

• Serene J. Khader, “Identifying adaptive preferences in practice: lessons from postcolonial feminisms,” 311.

• Vida Panitch, “Global surrogacy: exploitation to empowerment,” 329.


• Anupam Pandey, “Globalization and ecofeminism in the South: keeping the ‘Third World’ alive,” 345.

• Ann E. Cudd, “Truly humanitarian intervention: considering just causes and methods in a feminist cosmopolitan frame,” 359.

Discussion note

• Stephen L. Esquith, “The political responsibility of bystanders: the case of Mali,” 377. 14 | Page

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The Journal of the Historical Society, Vol. 13, Issue 4 (December 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jhis.2013.13.issue-4/issuetoc

• Matthew David Mitchell, “Three English Cloth Towns and the Royal African Company,” 421.

• Robert Goddard, “In Praise of the Caribbean Plantation?,” 449.

• Colin B. Chapell, “Sanctified Manhood: Theology and Identity in the Southern Holiness Movement,” 465.

• Aaron L. Haberman, “Tracing the Limits of the Reagan Revolution: The Christian Right and the Fate of School Prayer in the Age of Fracture, 1982-1984,” 491. ______

Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 35, Issue 4 (December 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action//displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=HET&volumeId=35&i ssueId=04&iid=9071397

• Alain Alcouffe and Mauro Boianovsky, “Doing Monetary Economics in the South: Subercaseaux on Paper Money,” 423.

• Luca Fiorito, “Between Progressivism and Institutionalism: Albert Benedict Wolfe on Eugenics,” 449.

• Patrick Welch, “Jonathan Swift on the Lives of the Poor Native Irish as seen through ‘A Modest Proposal’ and Other of his Writings,” 471.

• Paul Oslington, “Contextual History, Practitioner History, and Classic Status: Reading Jacob Viner’s The Customs Union Issue,” 491.

• Luigino Bruni, “On Virtues and Awards: Giacinto Dragonetti and the Tradition of Economia Civile in Enlightenment Italy,” 517. ______

Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 12, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjhr20/12/4#.UsfxF44SStg

• M. Rodwan Abouharb, Laura P. Moyer, and Megan Schmidt, “De Facto Judicial Independence and Physical Integrity Rights,” 367.

• Sam R. Bell, Amanda Murdie, Patricia Blocksome, and Kevin Brown, “’Force Multipliers’: Conditional Effectiveness of Military and INGO Human Security Interventions,” 397. 15 | Page

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• Prakash Adhikari and Wendy L. Hansen, “Reparations and Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Civil War,” 423.

• Robert M. Press, “Individual and Organizational Human Rights Activism in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Kenya,” 447.

• Brandon Kendhammer, “Islam and the Language of Human Rights in Nigeria: ‘Rights Talk’ and Religion in Domestic Politics,” 469.

• Oksan Bayulgen, “Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: Can Access to Credit be Justified as a New Economic Right?,” 491.

• Brandon B. Golob, “Restricted Representation: The Role of Ethics and Esthetics in Framing Images of Suffering,” 511. ______

The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, Vol. 41, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fich20/41/4#.Usf6zo4SStg

• Sebastian Conrad, “Rethinking German Colonialism in a Global Age,” 543.

• Dörte Lerp, “Farmers to the Frontier: Settler Colonialism in the Eastern Prussian Provinces and German Southwest Africa,” 567.

• Marie Muschalek, “Honourable Soldier-Bureaucrats: Formations of Violent Identities in the Colonial Police Force of German Southwest Africa, 1905-18,” 584.

• Emma Hunter, “Language, Empire and the World: Karl Roehl and the History of the Swahili Bible in East Africa,” 600.

• Patrick Bernhard, “Borrowing from Mussolini: Nazi Germany’s Colonial Aspirations in the Shadow of Italian Expansionism,” 617.

• Quinn Slobodian, “Bandung in Divided Germany: Managing Non-Aligned Politics in East and West, 1955-63,” 644.

• Britta Schilling, “Imperial Heirlooms: The Private Memory of Colonialism in Germany,” 663. ______

The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 44, Issue 3 (Winter 2014) http://www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/jinh/44/3

• Morgan Kelly and Cormac Ó Gráda, “The Waning of the Little : in Early Modern Europe,” 301. 16 | Page

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• Sam White, “The Real Little Ice Age,” 327.

• Ulf Büntgen and Lena Hellmann, “The Little Ice Age in Scientific Perspective: Cold Spells and Caveats,” 353.

• Jan de Vries, “The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century: The Little Ice Age and the Mystery of the ‘Great Divergence’,” 369. ______

Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 45, Issue 4 (November 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=LAS&volumeId=45&is sueId=04&iid=9070721

• Enzo Nussio and Corinne A. Pernet, “The Securitisation of Food Security in Colombia, 1970-2010,” 641.

• Michelle D. Bonner, “The Politics of Police Image in Chile,” 669.

• Maria Soledad Catoggio, “The Consecration of Political Suffering: Martyrs, Heroes and Victims in Argentine Political Culture,” 695.

• Paolo Boccagni and Jacques Ramírez, “Building Democracy or Reproducing ‘Ecuadoreanness’? A Transnational Exploration of Ecuadorean Migrants’ External Voting,” 721.

• John Tofik Karam, “On the Trail and Trial of a Palestinian Diaspora: Mapping South America in the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1967-1972,” 751.

• David Lehmann, “Intercultural Universities in Mexico: Identity and Inclusion,” 779. ______

The Journal of Legal History, Vol. 34, Issue 3 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/flgh20/34/3#.Usg-_o4SStg

• George Garnett, “’The ould fields’: Law and History in the Prefaces to Sir Edward Coke’s Reports,” 245.

• Shaunnagh Dorsett, “Reforming Equity: New Zealand 1843-56,” 285.

• Dot Reid, “The Doctrine of Presumptive Fraud in Scots Law,” 307. ______

Journal of Military Ethics, Vol. 12, Issue 3 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/smil20/12/3#.UshBjI4SStg 17 | Page

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• David M. Barnes, “Should Private Security Companies be Employed for Counterinsurgency Operations?,” 201.

• John Mark Mattox, “Additive Manufacturing and its Implications for Military Ethics,” 225.

• Ben Fraser, “The Reluctant Mercenary: Vulnerability and the ‘Whores of War’,” 235.

• Stephen N. Woodside, “Unintentional Terrorism? An Objection to David Rodin’s ‘Terrorism without Intention’,” 252.

• Alek Chance, “Realpolitik, Punishment and Control: Thucydides on the Moralization of Conflict,” 263. ______

Journal of Military History, Vol. 78, No. 1 (January 2014) http://www.smh-hq.org/jmh/jmhvols/781.html

• David S. Bachrach, “Restructuring the Eastern Frontier: Henry I of Germany, 924-936,” 9.

• Brian N. Hall, “Technological Adaptation in a Global Conflict: The British Army and Communications beyond the Western Front, 1914-1918,” 37.

• Alan McPherson, “Lid Sitters and Prestige Seekers: The U.S. Navy versus the State Department and the End of U.S. Occupations,” 73.

• Jeffery A. Gunsburg, “La Grande Illusion: Belgian and Dutch Strategy Facing Germany, 1919-May 1940 (Part I),” 101.

• Sarah K. Douglas, “The Search for Hitler: Hugh Trevor-Roper, Humphrey Searle, and the Last Days of Adolf Hitler,” 159.

• Hal M. Friedman, “Blue versus Orange: The United States Naval War College, Japan, and the Old Enemy in the Pacific, 1945-1946,” 211.

• Kevin M. Boylan, “Goodnight Saigon: American Provincial Advisors’ Final Impressions of the Vietnam War,” 233.

• Jon Sumida, “A Concordance of Selected Subjects in Carl von Clausewitz’s On War,” 271.

• Wayne E. Lee, “Military History in a Global Frame,” 333. ______18 | Page

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The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 51, Issue 4 (December 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=MOA&volumeId=51&i ssueId=04&iid=9072163

• Ebenezer Forkuo Amankwaa, “Livelihoods in risk: exploring health and environmental implications of e-waste recycling as a livelihood strategy in Ghana,” 551.

• Robert Romborah Simiyu and Dick Foeken, “’I’m only allowed to sell milk and eggs’: Gender aspects of urban livestock keeping in Eldoret, Kenya,” 577.

• Theodore Powers, “Institutions, power and para-state alliances: a critical reassessment of HIV/AIDS politics in South Africa, 1999-2008,” 605.

• Marian Burchardt, “’We are saving the township’: Pentecostalism, faith-based organisations, and development in South Africa,” 627.

• Dominika Koter, “Urban and rural voting patterns in Senegal: the spatial aspects of incumbency, c. 1978-2012,” 653.

• Claudia Simons, Franzisca Zanker, Andreas Mehler, and Denis M. Tull, “Power- sharing in Africa’s war zones: how important is the local level?,” 681.

• Daniel Large, “China, Africa and Beyond,” 707. ______

Journal of Modern Chinese History, Vol. 7, Issue 2 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rmoh20/7/2#.UshVeI4SStg

• Qisheng Wang, “Rocks rolling downhill: The continuity and progress of the Chinese revolution in the twentieth century,” 135.

• Lifeng Li, “Mass movements and rural governance in communist China: 1945- 1976,” 156.

• Xiuli Xu, “’One Day’ and the future: Popular support for the wartime CCP bases as reflected in the call for essays on ‘One Day in Jizhong’,” 181.

• Yiching Wu, “How state enumeration spoiled Mao’s last revolution,” 200.

• Yuzhen Li, “Fighting for the leadership of the Chinese Revolution: KMT delegates’ three visits to Moscow,” 218.

Forum: Reflections on Chinese Revolutionary History and its Contemporary Legacy

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• Wennan Liu, “Reflections on Chinese revolutionary history and its contemporary legacy: Introduction,” 240.

• Arif Dirlik, “Two kinds of time: Thoughts on renaissance and revolution,” 242.

• Zhitian Luo, “Understanding ‘the Grand Revolution’ in modern China,” 246.

• Timothy Cheek, “The importance of revolution as a historical topic,” 250.

• Peter Zarrow, “One, two, many revolutions,” 254.

• Kulsong Yang, “Revolutions in China: Historical origins and contemporary relevance,” 258.

• Daoxuan Huang, “Intellectuals and the Chinese Communist Revolution,” 262. ______

The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 85, No. 4 (December 2013) http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/668702

• Stephen W. Sawyer, “An American Model for French Liberalism: The State of Exception in Édouard Laboulaye’s Constitutional Thought,” 739.

• Matthew P. Fitzpatrick, “A State of Exception? Mass Expulsions and the German Constitutional State, 1871-1914,” 772.

• Olindo De Napoli, “Race and Empire: The Legitimation of Italian Colonialism in Juridical Thought,” 801.

• Holly Case, “The Strange Politics of Federative Ideas in East-Central Europe,” 833.

• A. Dirk Moses, “Das römische Gespräch in a New Key: Hannah Arendt, Genocide, and the Defense of Republican Civilization,” 867. ______

Journal of Modern Italian Studies, Vol. 18, Issue 5 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rmis20/18/5#.Ushqm44SStg

Special section: Empire and Education: from Liberal Italy to Fascism

• David Atkinson, “Geographical imaginations, public education and the everyday worlds of Fascist Italy,” 561.

• Valeria Deplano, “Making Italians: colonial history and the graduate education system from the liberal era to Fascism,” 580. 20 | Page

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• Alessandro Pes, “Becoming imperialist: Italian colonies in Fascist textbooks for primary schools,” 599.

Non-special section articles

• Steven C. Hughes, “Duelling after the Duce: postwar conflicts of honour in Italy,” 615.

• Andrea Hajek, “Learning from L’Aquila: grassroots mobilization in post- earthquake Emilia-Romagna,” 627.

A Round Table discussion

• Katherine E. Fleming, Edward Berenson, David Laven, Silvana Patriarca, and Lucy Riall, “A Round Table discussion of The Risorgimento Revisited. Nationalism and Culture in Nineteenth Century Italy (edited by Silvana Patriarca and Lucy Riall),” 644.

Journal of Modern Italian Studies, Vol. 19, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rmis20/19/1#.Ushuio4SStg

Non-special section articles

• Jorge Dagnino, “Italianness during Fascism: the case of Il Selvaggio,” 1.

• Theodoros Rakopoulos, “Cooperative modulations: the antimafia movement and struggles over land and cooperativism in eight Sicilian municipalities,” 15.

Special section: Italy on the 150th Anniversary of National Unity

• Roland Sarti, “Italy on the 150th anniversary of national unity,” 34.

• Mario di Napoli and Giuliana Limiti, “The celebrations between history and politics,” 44.

• John A. Davis, “The South and the Risorgimento: histories and counter- histories,” 53.

• Frank J. Coppa, “Church and state. Two different approaches to Italy: Pius IX’s confrontation versus Pius XII’s conciliation,” 62.

• Giuseppe Monsagrati, “1861-2011. The celebrations in Italy and in the international context,” 71. ______

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The Journal of Pacific History, Vol. 48, Issue 3 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjph20/48/3#.UshyWY4SStg

• Lamont Lindstrom, “Agnes C.P. Watt and Melanesian Personhood,” 243.

• Rosemary Anderson, “Distant Daughters: Cook Islands Domestics in Wartime New Zealand, 1941-1946,” 267.

• Stewart Firth, “New Developments in the International Relations of the Pacific Islands,” 286.

• Karina Guthrie, “Aviation Regionalism in the Pacific: A History,” 294.

• Rachel Hendery, “Early Documents from Palmerston Island and their Implications for the Origins of Palmerston English,” 309.

• Judith A. Bennett, “Meditations: New Directions in the Study of the Decolonisation of Melanesia,” 323.

• Jaap Timmer, “The Sovereign and the Banyan,” 330.

• Michael R. Clement, Jr., “The Insular Empire: America in the Mariana Islands,” 337.

The Journal of Pacific History, Vol. 48, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjph20/48/4#.Ush0Go4SStg

• Boyd Dixon, Laura Gilda, and Tina Mangieri, “Archaeological Identification of Stone Fish-weirs Mentioned to Freycinet in 1819 on the Island of Guam,” 349.

• Alecia Simmonds, “Trading Sentiments: Friendship and Commerce in John Turnbull’s Voyages (1800-1813),” 369.

• Julie Lahn, “The 1836 Lewis Collection and the Torres Strait Turtle-Shell Mask of Kulka: From Loss to Re-engagement,” 386.

• Robert Norton, “Averting ‘Irresponsible Nationalism’: Political Origins of Ratu Sukuna’s Fijian Administration,” 409.

• Morgan Tuimaleali’ifano, “Who Will be the Next Malietoa? Will there be Another Malietoa? History and Politics of Succession to a Paramount Tama-a-Aiga Title of Samoa,” 429.

• Iati Iati, “Samoa’s Price for 25 Years of Political Stability,” 443.

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• Frank Quimby, “Americanised, Decolonised, Globalised and Federalised: The Northern Mariana Islands since 1978,” 464.

• Kathleen Hawkes and Max Quanchi, “From the Archives: Photography Collections of the Archives of New Caledonia,” 484.

• Michel Naepels, “Media Review,” 494. ______

Journal of Policy History, Vol. 26, Issue 1 (January 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JPH&volumeId=26&iss ueId=01&iid=9128191

• David Farber, “John Raskob’s Conservative Vision of Financial Self- Management,” 1.

• William Crafton, “The Incremental Revolution: Ronald Reagan and Welfare Reform in the 1970s,” 27.

• Kathryn Olmsted, “Bleeding Edge: New Deal Farm Labor Mediation in California and the Conservative Reaction,” 48.

• Richard J. Meagher, “Family Taxes: Conservatives Frame Estate Tax Repeal,” 73.

• Jon A. Shields, “Fighting Liberalism’s Excesses: Moral Crusades During the Reagan Revolution,” 103.

• Gerard Alexander, “The Fog of Political War: Predicting the Future Course of Conservatism,” 121. ______

Journal of Political Science Education, Vol. 9, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/upse20/9/4#.Ush8l44SStg

• Joseph Gershtenson, Dennis L. Plane, Joshua M. Scacco, and Jerry Thomas, “Registering to Vote is Easy, Right? Active Learning and Attitudes about Voter Registration,” 379.

• Mario Guerrero and Alisa Beth Rod, “Engaging in Office Hours: A Study of Student-Faculty Interaction and Academic Performance,” 403.’

• Michelle Lorenzini, “From Global Knowledge to Global Civic Engagement,” 417.

• Gigi Gokcek and Alison Howard, “Movies to the Rescue: Keeping the Cold War Relevant for Twenty-First Century Students,” 436.

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• Elizabeth S. Smith and Alison Bressler, “Who Taught You to Talk Like That?: The University and Online Political Discourse,” 453.

• Pamela A. Zeiser, Doris Fuchs, and Stephan Engelkamp, “Discussions across Borders: A German-American Partnership,” 474.

• Colin Farrelly, “Play and Politics,” 487. ______

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 23, Issue 4 (October 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JRA&seriesId=3&volu meId=23&issueId=04&iid=9081223

• J.T. Olsson, “Coup d’état, Coronation and Conversion: Some Reflections on the Adoption of Judaism by the Khazar Khaganate,” 495.

• Simon Brodbeck, “The Story of Savitri in the Mahabharata: a Lineal Interpretation,” 527.

• David Prager Branner and Yuan-Yuan Meng, “Curious Lexicographic Relic of the Cultural Revolution,” 551.

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 24, Issue 1 (January 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=JRA&volumeId=24&seriesId=3&issue Id=01

• Bella Tendler Krieger, “The Rediscovery of Samuel Lyde’s Lost Nusayri Kitab al- Mashyakha (Manual for Shaykhs),” 1.

• Michael Boris Bednar, “The Content and the Form in Amir Khusraw’s Duval Rani va Khizr Khan,” 17.

• Stephen G. Haw, “The Mongol conquest of Tibet,” 37.

• Alan Strathern, “Vijaya and Romulus: Interpreting the Origin myths of Sri Lanka and Rome,” 51.

• Jeffrey M. Diamond, “’Calculated to be Offensive to Hindoos’? Vernacular Education, History Textbooks and the Waqi’at Controversy of the 1860s in Colonial North India,” 75.

• Ilhan Niaz, “Corruption and the Bureaucratic Elite in Pakistan: The 1960s and 1970s Revisited,” 97.

• John N. Crossley, “The Early History of the Boxer Codex,” 115.

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• Rita Langer, “From Riches to Rags: how new clothes for the dead become old robes for monks,” 125.

• Weipin Tsai, “The First Casualty: Truth, Lies and Commercial Opportunism in Chinese Newspapers during the First Sino-Japanese War,” 145.

• James Mallinson, “The Yogis’ Latest Trick,” 165. ______

Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 36, Issue 5 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fjss20/36/5#.UsiJRY4SStg

• Thomas C. Bruneau, “Contracting Out Security,” 638. • Niccolò Petrelli, “Deterring Insurgents: Culture, Adaptation and the Evolution of Israeli Counterinsurgency, 1987-2005,” 666.

• Rory Cormac, “Coordinating Covert Action: The Case of the Yemen Civil War and the South Arabian Insurgency,” 692.

• Uri Bar-Joseph, “Forecasting a Hurricane: Israeli and American Estimations of the Khomeini Revolution,” 718.

Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 36, Issue 6 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fjss20/36/6#.UsiLRY4SStg

• Magnus Petersson and Håkon Lunde Saxi, “Shifted Roles: Explaining Danish and Norwegian Alliance Strategy 1949-2009,” 761.

• Richard Hammond, “British Policy on Total Maritime Warfare and the Anti- Shipping Campaign in the Mediterranean, 1940-1944,” 789.

• Ken Young, “The Hydrogen Bomb, Lewis L. Strauss and the Writing of Nuclear History,” 815.

• Sébastien Miraglia, “Deadly or Impotent? Nuclear Command and Control in Pakistan,” 841.

• Thijs Brocades Zaalberg, “The Use and Abuse of the ‘Dutch Approach’ to Counter-Insurgency,” 867.

• Joseph Soeters, “Do Distinct (National) Operational Styles of Conflict Resolution Exist?,” 898.

• Thijs Brocades Zaalberg, “The Pitfalls of Cross-National Comparison in Conflict Research,” 907.

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Journal of Tourism History, Vol. 5, Issue 2 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjth20/5/2#.UsiO044SStg

Special Issue: Sports Tourism

• Mike Huggins, “Sport, tourism and history: current historiography and future prospects,” 107.

• Alastair J. Durie, “Sporting tourism flowers – the development from c.1780 of grouse and golf as visitor attractions in Scotland and Ireland,” 131.

• Fernando García Romero, “Sports tourism in Ancient Greece,” 146.

• John McClelland, “The accidental sports tourist: travelling and spectating in Medieval and Renaissance Europe,” 161.


• Daniel London, “Progress and authenticity: urban renewal, urban tourism, and the meaning(s) of mid-twentieth century New York,” 172.

• Duncan Light, “’A medium of revolutionary propaganda’: the state and tourism policy in the Romanian People’s Republic, 1947-1965,” 185.

• Stephanie Crabeck, “Measuring the supply of tourism accommodation: figures that make no sense? Reflections on campsite statistics for Wallonie (Belgium),” 201. ______

Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Vol. 11, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjts20/11/4#.UsiTAo4SStg

• Abou B. Bamba, “Transnationalising decolonisation: the print media, American public spheres and France’s imperial exit in West Africa,” 327.

• Carl Cavanagh Hodge, “Full circle: two decades of NATO intervention,” 350.

• Robert Howes, “Changing attitudes towards economic development and democracy in Brazil: Roberto Simonsen, Ernest Hambloch and the Brazilian Commercial Mission to the UK in 1919,” 368.

• Moritz Pöllath, “’Far away from the Atlantic…’: Goa, West New Guinea and NATO’s out-of-area policy at Bandung 1955,” 387.

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• Paul Ward, “Did you see James Mason in town today? A case study in transatlantic and local identities in British stardom,” 403. ______

Journal of Vietnamese Studies, Vol. 8, No. 3 (Summer 2013) http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/vs.2013.8.issue-3

• Claudine Ang, “Regionalism in Southern Narratives of Vietnamese History: The Case of the ‘Southern Advance’ [Nam Tien],” 1.

• Tran Thi Phuong Hoa, “From Liberally-Organized to Centralized Schools: Education in Tonkin, 1885-1927,” 27.

• Charles P. Keith, “The Curious Case of Hoàng Thi The,” 71. ______

Labor Studies Journal, 38:3 (September 2013) http://lsj.sagepub.com/content/38/3.toc

From the 2013 International Labour Process Conference

• Marissa Brookes, “Varieties of Power in Transnational Labor Alliances: An Analysis of Workers’ Structural, Institutional, and Coalitional Power in the Global Economy,” 181.


• Tim Fowler and Doug Hagar, “’Liking’ Your Union: Unions and New Social Media during Election Campaigns,” 201.

• Todd E. Vachon and Michael Wallace, “Globalization, Labor Market Transformation, and Union Decline in U.S. Metropolitan Areas,” 229. ______

Mediterranean Historical Review, Vol. 28, Issue 2 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fmhr20/28/2#.UslLQ44SStg

• Clare Rowan, “Coingage as commodity and bullion in the western Mediterranean, ca. 550-100 BCE,” 105.

• John Giebfried, “The Mongol invasions and the Aegean world (1241-61),” 129.

• María Dolores López Pérez and José Ignacio Padilla Lapuente, “Mallorcan merchants in the medieval Maghrib: mercantile strategies in the port of Hunayn in the mid-fourteenth century,” 141.

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• José Alberto Rodrigues da Silva Tavim, “The Grão-Turco and the Jews: translation to the West of two Oriental ‘powers’ (XVI-XVII centuries),” 167.

• Ariadni Moutafidou, “Giovanni di Niccolò Pappaffy: identities and philanthropies of an Ottoman Greek broker in Malta,” 191. ______

The Middle East Journal, Vol. 67, No. 4 (Autumn 2013) http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mei/mei/2013/00000067/00000004;jsessionid= 2u48rm2dm9c65.alice

• Hicham Bou Nassif, “Wedded to Mubarak: The Second Careers and Financial Rewards of Egypt’s Military Elite, 1981-2011,” 509.

• Uri Bar-Joseph, “The ‘Special Means of Collection’: The Missing Link in the Surprise of the Yom Kippur War,” 531.

• Michele Penner Angrist, “Understanding the Success of Mass Civic Protest in Tunisia,” 547.

• Gawdat Bahgat, “The Changing Saudi Energy Outlook: Strategic Implications,” 565.

• Robert Bowker, “Egypt: Diplomacy and the Politics of Change,” 581. ______

Middle East Policy, Vol. 20, Issue 4 (Winter 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mepo.2013.20.issue-4/issuetoc

Syria Symposium

• Ian Lustick, Yousef Munayyer, Jeremy Ben-Ami, and Ahmad Samih Khalidi, “Symposium: Two States or One? The Future of Israelis and Palestinians,” 1.

Policy Conundrums

• Chas W. Freeman, Jr., “Coping with Kaleidoscopic Change in the Middle East,” 29.

• Turki Al Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, “Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Policy,” 37.

• Ronald E. Neumann, “Bahrain: A Very Complicated Little Island,” 45.

• Amal A. Kandeel, “Regional Upheaval: The Stakes for the GCC,” 59.

• Onn Winckler, “The ‘Arab Spring’: Socioeconomic Aspects,” 68.

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• Ofer Israeli, “The 1973 War: Link to Israeli-Egyptian Peace,” 88.

• David M. Faris, “Deep State, Deep Crisis: Egypt and American Policy,” 99.

• Elizabeth Iskander Monier and Annette Ranko, “The Fall of the Muslim Brotherhood: Implications for Egypt,” 111.


• Jahangir Amuzegar, “Ahmadinejad’s Legacy,” 124.

• Mahmood Monshipouri and Manochehr Dorraj, “Iran’s Foreign Policy: A Shifting Strategic Landscape,” 133. ______

Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 49, Issue 6 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fmes20/49/6#.UslpJ44SStg

• Enika Abazi and Albert Doja, “Further Considerations on the Politics of Religious Discourse: Naim Frashëri and his Pantheism in the Course of Nineteenth-Century Albanian Nationalism,” 859.

• Nobuyoshi Fujinami, “Decentralizing Centralists, or the Political Language on Provincial Administration in the Second Ottoman Constitutional Period,” 880.

• Denis Vovchenko, “Creating Arab Nationalism? Russia and Greece in Ottoman Syria and Palestine (1840-1909),” 901.

• Rami Ginat, “Remembering History: The Egyptian Discourse on the Role of Jews in the Communist Movements,” 919.

• Ronen A. Cohen, “The Triple Exclusion of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization – Their Activities for Human Rights in Iran as a Voice in the Wilderness,” 941.

• Na’ama Ben Ze’ev, “Civil Associations in Mandatory Haifa: A New Perspective on Palestinian-Arab Political Life,” 958.

• Andrew Schein, “Growth in Per Capita GDP in the West Bank and Gaza 1950- 2005,” 973.

• Dan Naor, “The Quest for a Balance of Power in Lebanon during Suleiman Frangieh’s Presidency, 1970-76,” 990. ______

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Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 47, Issue 6 (November 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=ASS&volumeId=47&is sueId=06&iid=9049530

• Weipin Tsai, “Breaking the Ice: The establishment of overland winter postal routes in the late Qing China,” 1749.

• Tim Harper, “Singapore, 1915, and the Birth of the Asian Underground,” 1782.

• Emer O’Dwyer, “Mantetsu Democracy,” 1812.

• Sho Konishi, “Ordinary Farmers Living Anarchist Time: Arishima Cooperative Farm in Hokkaido, 1922-1935,” 1845.

• Joshua H. Howard, “The Politicization of Women Workers at War: Labour in Chongqing’s cotton mills during the Anti-Japanese War,” 1888.

• Jonathan J. Howlett, “’The British boss is gone and will never return’: Communist takeovers of British companies in Shanghai (1949-1954),” 1941.

• Lee Kam Hing, “A Neglected Story: Christian missionaries, Chinese New Villagers, and Communists in the Battle for the ‘hearts and minds’ in Malaya, 1948- 1960,” 1977.

• Anthony Garnaut, “A Quantitative Description of the Henan of 1942,” 2007.

• Xiaowei Zang, “Major Determinants of Uyghur Ethnic Consciousness in Ürümchi,” 2046.

Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 48, Issue 1 (January 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=ASS&volumeId=48&seriesId=0&issue Id=01

• Neilesh Bose, “Purba Pakistan Zindabad: Bengali Visions of Pakistan, 1940- 1947,” 1.

• Uditi Sen, “The Myths Refugees Live By: Memory and history in the making of Bengali refugee identity,” 37.

• Dwaipayan Sen, “Representation, Education and Agrarian Reform: Jogendranath Mandal and the nature of Scheduled Caste politics, 1937-1943,” 77.

• Amanda Gilbertson, “A Fine Balance: Negotiating fashion and respectable femininity in middle-class Hyderabad, India,” 120.

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• Peter Phillimore, “’That Used to be a Famous Village’: Shedding the past in rural north India,” 159.

• Shuge Wei, “Beyond the Front Line: China’s rivalry with Japan in the English- language press over the Jinan Incident, 1928,” 188.

• Naoko Shimazu, “Diplomacy as Theatre: Staging the Bandung Conference of 1955,” 225.

• Alexander Morrison, “Twin Imperial Disasters. The invasions of Khiva and Afghanistan in the Russian and British official mind, 1839-1842,” 253.

• Elisabeth Mariko Leake, “British India versus the British Empire: The Indian Army and an impasse in imperial defence, circa 1919-39,” 301. ______

Modern & Contemporary France, Vol. 21, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cmcf20/21/4#.UsnLHI4SStg

• Douglas Morrey, “Le Creux de la Vague: Authorship, Adaptation and Sexuality in Les Godelureaux (1961),” 419.

• Ravi Hensman, “Oracles of Suburbia: French Cinema and Portrayals of Paris Banlieues, 1958-1968,” 435.

• Michael R. Gott, “’Bouger pour voir les immeubles’: Jeunesse dorée (2001), L’année suivante (2006) and the Creative Mobility of Women’s Banlieue Cinema,” 453.

• N. Christine Brookes, “Hawking Cossacks, Selling Tsarinas: Russia in French Advertisement, 1856-1894,” 473.

• John Bulaitis, “’Le Syndicat libre dans la profession organisée’: Rural Social Catholicism during the Popular Front, 1936-38,” 493.

• Susan P. Collard, “Mise au point sur l’idée du Grand Louvre,” 517.

• Lara Cox, “Flaubert, Femininity, and Free-Fall Stardom: A Reading of Madame Bovary (Chabrol, 1991) and Un Coeur simple (Laine, 2008),” 537. ______

Modern Italy, Vol. 18, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cmit20/18/4#.UsnUFI4SStg

• Selena Daly, “’The Futurist mountains’: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti’s experiences of mountain combat in the First World War,” 323.

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• John Champagne, “Sandro Penna and anti-Oedipal impegno,” 339.

• Andrea Mariuzzo, “Land reform in the 1950s in Italy and the United States: the thinking of Mario Einaudi,” 355.

• Ruth Glynn, “The ‘turn to the victim’ in Italian culture: victim-centred narratives of the anni di piombo,” 373.

• Stefania Tufi, “Shared places, unshared identities: vernacular discourses and spatialised constructions of identity in the linguistic landscape of Trieste,” 391.

• Nick Dines, “Bad news from an aberrant city: a critical analysis of the British press’s portrayal of organised crime and the refuse crisis in Naples,” 409.

• Sergio Fabbrini, “Political and institutional constraints on structural reforms: interpreting the Italian experience,” 423.

• David Forgacs, “I Watussi,” 437. ______

Le Monde Diplomatique (November 2013) http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2013/11/

• Serge Halimi, “Editorial: Lampedusa,” 1.

• Jean-Baptiste Malet, “Amazon, l’envers de l’écran,” 1.

• Jacques Lévesque, “La Russie est de retour sur la scène internationale,” 1.

• Yann Breault, “Place de Smolensk, une élite nostalgie et ambition.”

• “Confortez notre indépendance,” 2.

• Sébastien Rolland, “La Cour des comptes, cerbère de l’austérité,” 3.

• Lori M. Wallach, “Le traité transatlantique, un typhon qui menace les Européens,” 4.

• Gregory Wilpert, “Le Venezuela se noie dans son pétrole,” 6.

• Anne Vigna, “Faire ses courses à Caracas.”

• Mona Chollet, “’Seuls entrent ici les enfants au coeur pur’,” 8.

• Laurence Bernard, “Faillite de l’Union européenne en Palestine,” 9.

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• Alain Gresh, “Quand Paris se couche…”

• Gérard Prunier, “Terrorisme somalien, malaise kényan,” 10.

• Francesca Maria Benvenuto, “La Cour pénale internationale en accusation,” 11.

• Pierre Benetti, “A Montreuil, les rescapés de la guerre de Libye,” 12.

• “Concours étudiants 2013.”

• Jean-Arnault Dérens, “Des immigrés sans pays d’origine,” 13.

• Maxime Robin, “En Louisiane, prisons cherchent prisonniers,” 13.

• Pierre Bourdieu, “L’effet Manet,” 14.

• Charles Dannaud, “Le pouvoir perd pied en Malaisie,” 16.

• Pierre Micheletti, “Comment soigner les Afghans,” 17.

• Marie Bénilde, “La traque méthodique de l’internaute révolutionne la publicité,” 22.

• Olivier Pironet, “Machiavel contre le machiavélisme,” 27.

• Gilles Balbastre, “Eternel refrain du travail le dimanche,” 28.


• “Amérique latine, un continent en images,” I.

• Carolina Amaral de Aguiar, “Petite histoire de la photographie,” I.

• Ticio Escobar, “Au Paraguay, les fantômes de Stroessner,” II.

• Mathias de Breyne, “Buenos Aires, ville-cerveau,” IV.

• “Genèse d’une exposition.”

Le Monde Diplomatique (December 2013) http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2013/12/

• Serge Halimi, “Editorial: Iran, le dégel,” 1.

• Alexis Spire, “Xénophobes au nom de l’État social,” 1.

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• Jean Gadrey, “Impôts, fabrication du ‘ras-le-bol’ et réalité de l’injustice,” 12.

• Rafael Correa, “’L’Europe endettée reproduit nos erreurs’,” 1.

• “L’indépendance, une anomalie?”

• Jean-Marie Harribey, “Créer de la richesse, pas de la valeur,” 3.

• Laurent Geslin, “Ce long ‘printemps bulgare’,” 4.

• Sébastien Gobert, “L’Ukraine se dérobe à l’orbite européenne,” 6.

• Fadi Awad and Claire Talon, “Fracture chez les écrivains égyptiens,” 7.

• Christophe Jaffrelot, “Le Pakistan miné par les affrontements entre sunnites et chiites,” 8.

• Christophe Jaffrelot, “Un gouvernement des juges?”

• Jake Rom D. Cadag and Jean-Christophe, “Philippines, des coupables trop commodes,” 10.

• Jessica Gourdon, “Guérilla contre l’avortement aux Etats-Unis,” 11.

• Gérard Mordillat, “Miracle du dessin contre l’amnésie,” 14.

• Agnès Stienne, “Terres volées d’Ethiopie,” 18.

• Eugenio Renzi, “Travailler pour l’amour de l’art?,” 27.

• Renaud Lambert, “Un diable dans la gamme,” 28.

• Edouard Pflimlin, “Drones civils, le décollage.”


• “L’empire des jeux vidéo,” 19.

• Benoît Bréville and Pierre Rimbert, “Pour gagner des points, lisez cet article,” 19.

• Mathieu Triclot, “’Super Mario’ entre au musée,” 20.

• Ulysse Bergeron and Jean-François Nade, “Au Canada, une industrie comme chez elle,” 20.

• Martin Lefebvre, “En quête de réalisme, mais pas de réel,” 22. 34 | Page

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• Thibault Henneton, “Le tournant de la nomadisation.”

• Thibault Henneton, “’J’ai besoin de chasser.’”

• Guillaume Barou, “Cartographie d’une industrie mondialisée.”

• Thibault Henneton, “Détestable moi.”

Le Monde Diplomatique (January 2014) http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2014/01/

• Serge Halimi, “Le temps des jacqueries,” 1. • Olivier Zajec, “Nouvelle bataille du Pacifique autour d’un archipel,” 1.

• Katsumata Makoto, “Au Japon, fausse audace économique, vrai nationalisme,” 8.

• “On ne prête qu’aux riches.”

• Anne-Cécile Robert, “François Hollande, président à Bangui,” 3.

• Sabine Cessou, “Jours d’après-guerre au Congo,” 4.

• Michel Galy, “Polémique sur les massacres,” 5.

• Feurat Alani, “Irak-Syrie, mêmes combats,” 6.

• Shervin Ahmadi, “Le monde selon Téhéran,” 7.

• Maurice Lemoine, “Le Paraguay dévoré par le soja,” 10.

• Jean-Loup Amselle, “Tourisme chamanique en Amazonie péruvienne,” 12.

• Clara Delpas and Pierre William Johnson, “Protéger les saviors des peuples autochtones,” 12.

• Blutch, “’Lune l’envers’,” 14.

• Fabien Desage and David Guéranger, “Rendez-vous manqué de la gauche et de la politique locale,” 16.

• Michel Koebel, “Cent dix-sept fois plus de cadres que d’ouvriers,” 17.

• Giorgio Agamben, “Comment l’obsession sécuritaire fait muter la démocratie,” 22.

• Laurent Geslin and Simon Rico, “Partitions (ex-)yougoslaves,” 27. 35 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Philippe Bovet, “L’énergie verte, voilà l’ennemi,” 28.


• Au grand jeu des nationalités,” 19.

• Benoît Bréville, “Pourquoi vous ne deviendrez jamais,” 1.

• Warda Mohamed, “Femmes arabes, l’égalité bafouée,” 19.


• “La couverture santé, un combat universel,” I.

• James Akazili and Charlotte Soulary, “Un défi pour les pays du Sud,” I.

• Carina Vance, “Un objectif constitutionnel,” I.

• Anne Frintz, “Au Sénégal, les femmes en première ligne,” II.

• Laurence Tubiana, “Un enjeu de développement durable,” II.

• Mathilde Bouyé and Jean-Michel Severino, “Négociations cruciales aux Nations unies,” III.

• Xavier Deepak and Reddy K. Srinath, “En Inde, le gouvernement sous pression,” IV. ______

Le Monde Diplomatique – Manière de voir (December 2013-January 2014) http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/mav/132/

• Alain Gresh, “Une puissance pérenne.”

Souvenirs de l’empire

• Dimitri N. Ciotori, “Les aventures du baron de Busbecq chez Soliman le Magnifique.”

• G.D. Makrinitsas, “Quand le Grand Seigneur et le Grand Roi se réconciliaient.”

• G.D. Makrinitsas, “Un envoyé extraordinaire du calife en mission auprès de Louis XIV.”

• Giancarlo Casale, “L’âge ottoman des explorations.” 36 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Constantin de Grünwald, “La Russie, une alliée éphémère.”

• Serif Mardin, “Modernisation ratée.”

Atatürk, l’armée et la démocratie

• Taner Timur, “La grande oeuvre révolutionnaire de la République.” • A. Langas-Sezen, “Portrait de Kemal Atatürk vingt ans après sa mort.”

• Ali Kazancigil, “Du parti unique au multipartisme.”

• Ali Kazancigil, “Pouvoir militaire et ‘dictature de la bourgeoisie.’”

• Ali Kazancigil, “De l’usage du kémalisme.”

• Ali Kazancigil 60, “Une longue transition politique.”

• Abidine Dino, “Sous l’oppression, la culture.”

• Lucie Drechselová and Joseph Richard, “Mémoire d’un coup d’Etat.”

L’heure des islamistes

• Wendy Kristianasen, “Les chemins escarpés du pluralisme.”

• Tristan Coloma, “Une économie fragilisée.”

• Alain Vicky, “A l’assaut de l’Afrique.”

• Didier Billion, “Brève histoire des relations avec l’Europe.”

• Taner Akçam, “La tabou du génocide arménien.”

• Kendal Nezan, “Fragile espoir de paix avec les Kurdes.” ______

National Identities, Vol. 15, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cnid20/15/4#.Usrm044SStg

• Diana Muir Appelbaum, “Biblical nationalism and the sixteenth-century states,” 317.

• Fabiola Martínez Rodríguez, “Representing the nation: art and identity in Porfirian Mexico,” 333.

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• Subrata K. Mitra and Lion König, “Icon-ising national identity: France and India in comparative perspective,” 357.

• Femke Sonnenschein, “Multiple and flexible identifications and the understanding of political voices of the Kurdish self,” 379.

• Karina Korostelina, “Constructing nation: national narratives of history teachers in Ukraine,” 401. ______

Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Vol. 19, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fnep20/19/4#.UsrpcI4SStg

• Rachel M. Gisselquist, “Ethnic Politics in Ranked and Unranked Systems: An Exploratory Analysis,” 381.

• Christos Iliadis, “The Emergence of Administrative Harassment Regarding Greece’s Muslim Minority in a New Light: Confidential Discourses and Policies of Inclusion and Exclusion,” 403.

• Nafla S. Kharusi, “Identity and Belonging among Ethnic Return Migrants of Oman,” 424.

• Giuditta Fontana, “War by Other Means: Cultural Policy and the Politics of Corporate Consociation in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” 447.

• Laia Balcells, “Mass Schooling and Catalan Nationalism,” 467. ______

The Nonproliferation Review, Vol. 20, Issue 3 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rnpr20/20/3#.Usrsho4SStg

• William Walker and Nicholas J. Wheeler, “The Problem of Weak Nuclear States,” 411.

• Michael D. Cohen, “How Nuclear South Asia is Like Cold War Europe: The Stability-Instability Paradox Revisited,” 433.

• Avner Golov, “Deterrence in the Gulf War: Evaluating New Evidence,” 453.

• Peter Tzeng, “Nuclear Leverage: U.S. Intervention in Sensitive Technology Transfers in the 1970s,” 473.

• J. Christian Kessler, “Technical Negotiations in a Political Environment: Why the Hexapartite Safeguards Project Succeeded,” 493.

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• Stephen V. Mladineo and Sarah L. Frazar, “The Importance of Safeguards Culture,” 509.

• Giorgio Franceschini, Matthias Englert, and Wolfgang Liebert, “Nuclear Fusion Power for Weapons Purposes: An Exercise in Forecasting,” 525.

• Harald Müller, “Icons Off the Mark: Waltz and Schelling on a Perpetual Brave Nuclear World,” 545. ______

Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 82, No. 4 (November 2013) http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/phr.2013.82.issue-4

• Albert M. Camarillo, Ernesto Chávez, Natalia Molina, Miroslava Chávez-García, Raúl A. Ramos, and Alexandra Minna Stern, “Chicano/a History: Looking Forward after Forty Years,” 495.

• Albert M. Camarillo, “Looking Back on Chicano History: A Generational Perspective,” 496.

• Ernesto Chávez, “Chicano/a History: Its Origins, Purpose, and Future,” 505.

• Natalia Molina, “Examining Chicana/o History through a Relational Lens,” 520.

• Miroslava Chávez-García, “The Interdisciplinary Project of Chicana History: Looking Back, Moving Forward,” 542.

• Raúl A. Ramos, “Chicano/a Challenges to Nineteenth-Century History,” 566.

• Alexandra Minna Stern, “On the Road with Chicana/o History: From Aztlán to the Alamo and Back,” 581. ______

Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, Vol. 25, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cper20/25/4#.Usr6uo4SStg

Symposium: Climate Change and Peace

• Randall Amster, “Toward a Climate of Peace,” 473.

• Philipp Babcicky, “A Conflict-Sensitive Approach to Climate Change Adaptation,” 480.

• Joseph Besigye Bazirake, “Climate Change Discourse in Peacebuilding,” 489.

• Tom H. Hastings, “Climate Chaos and Conflict Management,” 495. 39 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Marvin Joseph F. Montefrio, “The Green Economy and Land Conflict,” 502.

• Oluwaseun Bamidele, “Climate Change, War, and Global Struggle,” 510.

• Afolabi Aribigbola, Olakunle Michael Folami, and Adejoke Olubimpe Folami, “Climate Change and Insecurity Are Like a Chain Reaction,” 518.

• Marisa O. Ensor, “Youth, Climate Change, and Peace in South Sudan,” 526.

• Jay Famiglietti, Arturo Jimenez-Bacardi, and Daniel Wehrenfennig, “Climate Science and Peace in the Middle East,” 534.

• Ira Helfand, “Nuclear Famine,” 541.

• Tobi Petrocelli, Samantha Newport, and Dennis Hamro-Drotz, “Climate Change and Peacebuilding in the Sahel,” 546.

• Kathryn Russell, “Will Fracking Bring the Soldiers Home?,” 552.

• Simon Dalby, “Peace in the Anthropocene,” 561.

• Paul Wapner, “Climate Change and Inner Peace,” 568.

Other Features

• Salvatore Babones, “Austerity Economics and the Threat to Human Infrastructure,” 576.

• Rebecca Gould, “To Boycott or Not? A Moral Conundrum,” 584.

• Stephen Zunes, “Lessons and False Lessons From Libya,” 590.

• Caroline Rehill, “Peace Profile: Herbert José de Souza,” 596. ______

Politique étrangère (2013/3) http://www.cairn.info/revue-politique-etrangere-2013-3.htm

• Sari Nusseibeh, “Palestine: L’Histoire Avance Plus Vite que les Idées,” 11.

La Guerre a-t-elle un Avenir?

• Charles-Philippe David and Dominique David, “La Guerre a-t-elle un Avenir?,” 24.

• Charles-Philippe David, “Repenser la Guerre et la Paix au XXIe Siècle,” 27. 40 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Jean-Jacques Roche, “Le Silence des Armes ou la Paix Importune,” 39.

• Dominique David, “La Guerre, Toujours Recommencée,” 53.

• Michel Liégeois, “Quel Avenir pour les Casques Bleus et le Maintien de la Paix?,” 65.

Les Drones dans la Guerre

• Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, “Introduction: Robotisation et Transformations de la Guerre,” 80.

• Peter W. Singer, “La Guerre Connectée: Les Implications de la Révolution Robotique,” 91.

• Jean-Christophe Noël, “Occuper sans Envahir: Drones Aériens et Stratégie,” 105.

• Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, “Légalité et Légitimité des Drones Armés,” 119.


• Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos, “Le Nigeria à l’Épreuve de l’Islamisme,” 135.

• Djallil Lounnas, “La Stratégie Algérienne Face à Aqmi,” 147.

Libres Propos

• Michel Gueldry, “Changement Climatique et Sécurité Agroalimentaire dans le Monde Arabe,” 161.

• Vincent Piolet, “Géopolitique des Paradis Fiscaux,” 175.

Politique étrangère (2013/4) http://www.cairn.info/revue-politique-etrangere-2013-4.htm

Les États d’Europe Peuvent-ils Éclater?

• Yves Gounin, “Les Dynamiques d’Éclatements d’États dans l’Union Européenne: Casse-Tête Juridique, Défi Politique,” 11.

• Christian de Visscher and Vincent Laborderie, “Belgique: Stop ou Encore? Entre Fédéralisme, Confédéralisme et Séparatisme,” 23.

• Carles Boix and J.C. Major, “La Marche de la Catalogne vers l’Autodétermination,” 37. 41 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Keith Dixon, “Le Pari Risqué des Nationalistes Écossais: L’Indépendance ou Rien?,” 51.

Amérique du Sud: Crises et Émergence

• Isabelle Vagnoux, “Les États-Unis et l’Amérique du Sud: Des Voisins Distants,” 65.

• Yves Saint-Geours, “L’Émergence du Brésil: À l’International Aussi,” 77.

• Cristina Terra and Tatiana Ruediger, “Brésil: Retour Vers le Futur?,” 87.

• Lucas Llach, “La Bonne Fortune du Populisme: L’Économie Argentine sous les Kirchner (2003-2013),” 103.

• Charles Capela, “Réforme(s) du Contrôle des Drogues: L’Amérique du Sud en Pointe,” 119.


• Clément Steuer, “Les Salafistes dans le Champ Politique Égyptien,” 133.

• Laurence Aïda Ammour, “Libye 2011-2013: Les Reconfigurations de l’Islamisme Radical,” 145.

Libres Propos

• Mark Laity, “Les Apories de la Communication Stratégique en Afghanistan,” 161.

• Delphine Alles, “Indonésie: Le Non-Alignement à l’Épreuve de la Concurrence Sino-Américaine,” 175. ______

Raisons Politiques (2013/4) http://www.cairn.info/revue-raisons-politiques-2013-4.htm


• Pierre Dardot, “Le Capitalisme à la Lumière du Néolibéralisme,” 13.

• Stéphane Haber, “Le Néolibéralisme est-il une Phase du Capitalisme?,” 25.

• Antoine Garapon, “Michel Foucault, Visionnaire du Droit Contemporain,” 39.

• Maurizio Lazzarato, “Naissance de la Biopolitique, À la Lumière de la Crise,” 51.

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• Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, “Néolibéralisme, Théorie Politique et Pensée Critique,” 63.

• Ferhat Taylan, “L’Interventionnisme Environnemental, Une Statégie Néolibérale,” 77.

• Luca Paltrinieri, “Quantifier la Qualité: Le ‘capital humain’ entre économie, démographie et éducation,” 89.


• Pierre-Olivier Monteil, “L’ ‘Englobant/Englobé’ Selon Ricoeur: Une Critique Implicite de la Raison Néolibérale,” 109.

• Denis Ramond, “L’Ironie de la Liberté d’Expression,” 123.

• Guillaume Sauvé, “Le Mort Saisit le VIF: Penser la démocratisation comme processus autoritaire en Russie,” 143. ______

The Review of Faith & International Affairs, Vol. 11, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rfia20/11/4#.Ussi344SStg

• Dennis R. Hoover and Thomas F. Farr, “In Search of the Bottom Line on Religious Freedom: An Introduction to the Winter 2013 Issue,” 1.

Feature Article

• Anthony Gill, “Religious Liberty & Economic Development: Exploring the Causal Connections,” 5.


• John M. Owen IV, “Gill, Interrupted,” 24.

• Kristine Kalanges, “Religious Liberty: Between Strategy and Telos,” 28.

• Carolyn M. Warner, “Charitable Giving Model or Muddle?,” 32.

• Monica Duffy Toft, “The Invisible Woman,” 37.

• Rebecca Samuel Shah, “Religion and Economic Empowerment among the Enterprising Poor,” 41.

• William Inboden, “Models and Momentum in Religious Freedom Research and Advocacy,” 46. 43 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Roger Trigg, “No Ordinary Freedom,” 50.

• Anthony Gill, “The ‘Religious Liberty & Economic Development’ Forum: A Reply,” 54.


• Moderated by John J. DiIulio, “Religious Freedom: A Conversation with Rick Warren and Robert P. George,” 57. ______

Review of International Studies, Vol. 39, Issue 5 (December 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=RIS&volumeId=39&iss ueId=05&iid=9067854

• John MacMillan, “Intervention and the ordering of the modern world,” 1039.

• Christian Reus-Smit, “The concept of intervention,” 1057.

• Edward Keene, “International hierarchy and the origins of the modern practice of intervention,” 1077.

• John MacMillan, “Historicising intervention: strategy and synchronicity in British intervention 1815-50,” 1091.

• Richard Little, “Intervention and non-intervention in international society: Britain’s responses to the American and Spanish Civil Wars,” 1111.

• Robbie Shilliam, “Intervention and colonial-modernity: decolonising the Italy/Ethiopia conflict through Psalms 68:31,” 1131.

• Lee Jones, “Sovereignty, intervention, and social order in revolutionary times,” 1149.

• Susan L. Woodward, “The long intervention: continuity in the Balkan theatre,” 1169.

• Toby Dodge, “Intervention and dreams of exogenous statebuilding: the application of Liberal Peacebuilding in Afghanistan and Iraq,” 1189.

• David Williams, “Development, intervention, and international order,” 1213. ______

Revista de Historia Económica/Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, Vol. 31, Issue 3 (December 2013) 44 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013 http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=RHE&seriesId=2&volu meId=31&issueId=03&iid=9099492

• Giuseppe De Corso, “El Crecimiento Económico de Venezuela, Desde la Oligarquía Conservadora Hasta la Revolución Bolivariana: 1830-2012. Una Visión Cuantitativa – Venezuelan Economic Growth from the Conservative Oligarchy to the Bolivarian Revolution (1830-2012),” 321.

• Carlos Santiago-Caballero, “Trapped by Nature: Provincial Grain Yields in Spain in the Mid 18th Century,” 359.

• Sergio Espuelas, “Fallos de Mercado y Seguro de Paro en España antes de 1936 – Market Failures and Unemployment Insurance in Spain before 1936,” 387.

• Manuel Llorca-Jaña, “Connections and Networks in Spain of a London Merchant- Banker, 1800-1850,” 423.

• Reto Bertoni and Carolina Román, “Auge y Ocaso del Carbón Mineral en Uruguay – Un Análisis Histórico desde Fines del Siglo XX hasta la Actualidad – The rise and fall of mineral coal in Uruguay. A historical analysis from the last decades of the 19th century to the present,” 459. ______

Revolutionary Russia, Vol. 26, Issue 2 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/frvr20/26/2#.UswziY4SStg

• Vera Kaplan, “Weathering the Revolution: Patronage as a Strategy of Survival,” 97.

• Elizabeth White, “’The Struggle against Denationalisation’: The Russian Emigration in Europe and Education in the 1920s,” 128.

• Jonathan Davis, “An Outsider Looks In: Walter Citrine’s First Visit to the Soviet Union, 1925,” 147. ______

Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (2013/2) http://www.cairn.info/revue-d-histoire-moderne-et-contemporaine-2013-2.htm

Politiques du Nom: La Réforme des Noms Propres en Turquie et Ses Enjeux

• Olivier Bouquet and Benoît Fliche, “La Réforme des Noms Propres en Turquie: Introduction,” 7.

• Emmanuel Szurek, “Appeler les Turcs par Leur Nom. Le Nationalisme Patronymique dans la Turquie des Années 1930,” 18. 45 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Marc Aymes, “Prêts-Noms. Politique du Métonyme,” 38.

• Olivier Bouquet, “Onomasticon Ottomanicum III: Köprülü, Un Assez Joli Nom d’Emprunt,” 58.

• Élise Massicard, “Post-Hérité. Un Retour du Patronyme en Turquie Contemporaine?,” 87.

• Benoît Fliche, “’Bizim Mehmet’: Loi Patronymique, Famille et Homonymie en Anatolie,” 106.

Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (2013/3) http://www.cairn.info/revue-d-histoire-moderne-et-contemporaine-2013-3.htm

Ordre et Désordres Publics

• Domenico Cecere, “Contre les ‘Tyrans’. Luttes Judiciares et Troubles Anti- Seigneuriaux en Calabre au XVIIIe Siècle,” 7.

• Emmanuel Fureix, “Histoire d’une Peur Urbaine: Des ‘Piqueurs’ de Femmes Sous la Restauration,” 31.

• Quentin Deluermoz, “Capitales Policières, État-Nation et Civilisation Urbaine: Londres, Paris et Berlin au Tournant du XIXe Siècle,” 55.

Frontières du Sport

• Julien Fuchs and Sébastien Stumpp, “Frontières Politiques, Frontières Symboliques. La Difficile Implantation des Associations Sportivo-Touristiques Allemandes en Alsace avant 1914,” 86.

“Economie de la Sigularité”

• Benoît Musset, “Le Prix de la Qualité: Les Vins de Champagne et de Bourgogne au XVIIIe Siècle,” 110. ______

Revue française de science politique (2013/3-4) http://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-de-science-politique-2013-3.htm

• Max Weber, “La Transformation du Charisme et le Charisme de Fonction,” 463.

• Céline Braconnier et al., “Quand les Milieux Populaires se Rendent aux Urnes: Mobilisation électorale dans un quartier pauvre de Brasilia,” 487.

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• Jérôme Heurtaux, “L’Amont et l’Aval d’une Loi Électorale: Les ‘élections de changement de régime’ en Pologne en juin 1989 sous l’angle d’une sociologie politique du droit,” 519.

• Alexandre Paulange-Mirovic, “’Nous Avons Réinventé la Sociologie’: L’Association pour le développement des sciences sociales appliquées: genèse sociale d’une entreprise académique (1968-1975),” 545.

Politiques Publiques Post-Positivistes

• Anna Durnova and Philippe Zittoun, “Les Approches Discursives des Politiques Publiques: Introduction,” 569.

• Frank Fischer, “L’Expertise Politique et le Tournant Argumentatif: Vers une approche délibérative de l’analyse des politiques publiques,” 579.

• Mark Bevir, “Une Approche Interprétative de la Gouvernance: Intentionnalité, historicité et réflexivité,” 603.

• Philippe Zittoun, “Entre Définition et Propagation des Énoncés de Solution: L’influence du discours en ‘action’ dans le changement d’une politique publique,” 625.

Note de Recherche

• Anaïs Theviot, “Qui Milite sur Internet? Esquisse du profil sociologique du ‘cyber- militant’ au PS et à l’UMP,” 663.

Revue française de science politique (2013/5) http://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-de-science-politique-2013-5.htm

• Adam Baczko et al., “Mobilisations par Délibération et Crise Polarisante: Les protestations pacifiques en Syrie (2011),” 815.

• Florence Johsua, “Repenser la Production Sociale de la Révolte: À partir d’une étude des transformations du recrutement à la LCR depuis 2002,” 841.

• Jean-Philippe Dedieu et al., “Les ‘Batailles’ de Paris et de New York: Une analyse du comportement électoral transnational des migrants sénégalais en France et aux États- Unis,” 865.

• Élisa Chelle, “Un Laboratoire Urbain: New York sur le policy market de la lutte contre la pauvreté,” 893.

• Matthieu Ansaloni, “La Fabrique du Consensus Politique: Le débat sur la politique agricole commune et ses rapports à l’environnement en Europe,” 917. ______47 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

Revue internationale et stratégique (2013/3) http://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-et-strategique-2013-3.htm

Autre Regard

• “Discordance des Temps,” 7.


• Thierry Repentin, “Face à la Crise: Réorienter l’Europe, Retrouver l’Espoir,” 18.

• Saïd Haddad, “Après les Révolutions, Des Armées Maghrébines Face à une Double Transition,” 28.

• Gilles Carbonnier, “La Malédiction des Ressources Naturelles et ses Antidotes,” 38.

• Apoli Bertrand Kameni, “La Dynamique Conflictogène des Minerais Stratégiques. Entre minérorivalités nationales et minérotropisme international,” 50.

Dossier: 1973

• Robert Chaouad, “1973-2013, La Résonance des Temps,” 63.

• Pierre Grosser, “Le Tournis de l’Histoire,” 71.

• Maurice Vaïsse, “Le Tournant de 1973,” 81.

• Pim Verschuuren, “1973, Virage Postmoderniste,” 89.

• Olivier Compagnon, “Chili, 11 Septembre 1973: Un tournant du xxe siècle latino- américain, un événement-monde,” 97.

• Hector Guillén Romo, “De Chicago à Santiago: Le Modèle Économique Chilien,” 107.

• Marc Verzeroli, “Du Viêtnam au Mali, Comment Finit-on les Guerres?,” 117.

• Sébastien Boussois, “Quarante Ans après la Guerre du Kippour,” 129.

• Céline Antonin, “Après le Choc Pétrolier d’Octobre 1973, L’Économie Mondiale à l’Épreuve du Pétrole Cher,” 139.

• Robert Chaouad, “Le Royaume-Uni et l’Europe: In and Out,” 151.

• Lorenz Plassmann and Constantin Prévélakis, “1973 et la Grèce: Année des Révoltes ou Année des Complots?,” 163. 48 | Page

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• Gilles Raveaud, “La Loi de Janvier 1973 Sur la Banque de France: Le Début du Capitalisme Financiarisé,” 173.

• Mickaël Bertrand, “Décembre 1973: Publication en France de L’Archipel du Goulag: Une oeuvre littéraire au coeur des relations internationales de la fin du xxe siècle,” 183.

Revue international et stratégique (2013/4) http://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-et-strategique-2013-4.htm

Autre Regard

• “Voir et Écrire le Monde,” 7.


• Thierry Randretsa, “L’Autonomisation des Robots Sur le Champ de Bataille. La Guerre, le Droit et l’Éthique,” 18.

• Gilles Riaux, “La Diaspora, un Instrument de la Politique Étrangère de la République d’Azerbaïdjan,” 28.

• Alberto Rabilotta et al., “La Démodernisation en Marche,” 40.

Dossier: Défis Russes

• Arnaud Dubien, “Où Va la Russie?,” 53.

• Arnaud Dubien, “Destins Russes,” 55.

• Emilia Koustova, “La Russie en Quête d’une Histoire Nationale,” 65.

• Alain Blum, “La Russie, Grand Pays d’Immigration. Un Scénario Démographique Probable,” 75.

• Valery Tichkov, “L’Unité dans la Diversité: La Russie Comme État-Nation,” 87.

• Jacques Sapir, “Les Défis Économiques de la Russie,” 97.

• Wladimir Andreff, “Pourquoi les Jeux de Sotchi Seront plus Coûteux que Prévu,” 109.

• Tatiana Stanovaïa, “Corruption: Nouvelle Politique, Populisme et Règlement de Comptes,” 119.

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• Jean Radvanyi, “La Sibérie, Eldorado la Sibérie Russe XXIe Siècle?,” 129.

• Philippe Migault, “L’Armée Russe Conserve un Guerre de Retard,” 139.

• Fiodor Loukianov, “Les Paradoxes du Soft Power Russe,” 147.

• Vladislav Inozemtsev and Ioulia Joutchkova, “La Russie en 2030,” 157. ______

Royal United Services Institute Journal, Vol. 158, No. 5 (October 2013) http://www.rusi.org/publications/journal/issue:I52722D56B19E9/

• Emma De Angelis, “Transnational Organised Crime and Security.”

• Frank G. Madsen, “Organ Transplantation and Transnational Organised Crime.”

• Peter Grabosky, “Organised Crime and the Internet: Implications for National Security.”

• Matt Ince, “Filling the FARC-Shaped Void.”

• Matt Ince interviews Jorge Enrique Bedoya, “Bringing Security and Stability to Colombia.”

• Charlie Edwards and Luke Gribbon, “Pathways to Violent Extremism in the Digital Era.”

• Margaret Gilmore, “Police and Crime Commissioners One Year On.”

• Jody M. Prescott, “NATO Gender Mainstreaming: A New Approach to War Amongst the People?”

• Joanne Mackowski interviews Helena Linder-Jess and Inka von Puttkamer, “Encapsulating Change: Germany’s Latest Minehunter Commanders on Leading from the Front.”

• Oliver Housden, “Egypt: Coup d’État or a Revolution Protected?”

• Kenneth S. Brower, “Pre-Empting Iran: A Military Assessment.”

• David Hammond, “Soft Powering the Empire: British Military Bands, Influence and Cultural Imperialism in the Twentieth Century.”

Royal United Services Institute Journal, Vol. 158, No. 6 (December 2013) http://www.rusi.org/publications/journal/issue:I52AEE01AD122D/

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• “Transnational Organised Crime and Security.”

• David Bewley-Taylor, “Drug Trafficking and Organised Crime in Afghanistan: Corruption, Insecurity and the Challenges of Transition.”

• Malcolm Chalmers, “Towards the Nuclear Century.”

• Ashlee Godwin and Cathy Haenlein, “Security-Sector Reform in Sierra Leone: The UK Assistance Mission in Transition.”

• Lesley Anne Warner, “Armed-Group Amnesty and Military Integration in South Sudan.”

• Alessio Patalano, “Sea Power, Maritime Disputes, and the Evolving Security of the East and South China Seas.”

• Michito Tsuruoka, “The UK, Europe and Japan: Forging a New Security Partnership.”

• Benjamin Barton, “The EU’s Engagement of China in the Indian Ocean: Getting China Onboard in the Fight against Somali Piracy.”

• Miwa Hirono and Manshu Xu, “China’s Military Operations Other than War: The UK Experience and Opportunities for the West.”

• Christopher Knowles, “The British Occupation of Germany, 1945-49: A Case Study in Post-Conflict Reconstruction.”

• Ofer Fridman and Beatrice Heuser, “Deadly Dilemmas: Problems of Counter- Insurgency and Counter-Terrorism in Three Documentaries.” ______

Scandia: Tikdskrift för Historisk Forskning, Vol. 78, No. 2 Supplement (2012) http://journals.lub.lu.se/index.php/scandia/issue/view/548/showToc

• Kirsti Niskanen and Karin Hassan Jansson, “Genushistoriens utmaningar – kan Clio tänka fritt?”

• Helena Bergman, “Vi har tiden på vår sida! Genushistoria och den tvärvetenskapliga genusforskningen.”

• Sara Edenheim, “Att komma till Scott – teorins roll inom svensk genushistoria.”

• Christina Florin, “Mitt beroende av samtiden.”

• Ulrika Holgersson, “Herstory revisited.” 51 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Karin Hassan Jansson, “Genushistorikernas utmaningar.”

• Jens Ljunggren, “Underordning, frigörelse eller bådeoch? Om idrottens roll I genussystemet, en forskningsöversikt.”

• Ulla Manns, “Historiska rum.”

• Bente Rosenbeck, “Mange veje, nye retninger.”

• Maria Sjöberg, “Flera paradoxer.”

• Helena Tolvhed, “Kroppen och emancipationen. Om idrott och fysisk aktivitet som genushistorisk utmaning.”

• Ann-Catrin Östman, “Vad gör vi med historien? Om kvinno- och könshistoria i Finland.”

Scandia: Tidskrift för Historisk Forskning, Vol. 79, No. 1 (2013) http://www.tidskriftenscandia.se/?q=node/910

• Jan Selling, “’Zigenaren som zigenare’: En facklitterär konstruktion i långt perspektiv.”

• Peter Thaler, “Skyddsmakt och tillflyktsort. Sveriges stormaktsställning och protestanterna från de habsburgska arvländerna.”

• Helena Ekerholm, “Ett nationellt drivmedel. Etanol i svensk politik 1924-1934.”

• Orsi Husz, “Att räkna värdighet. Privatekonomi och medelklasskultur vid mitten av 1900-talet.”

• Marie Cronqvist, “Medier och minnen.”

Scandia: Tidskrift för Historisk Forskning, Vol. 79, No. 2 (2013) http://www.tidskriftenscandia.se/?q=node/994

• Sverker Sörlin, “Historikernas betydelseunderskott – och dess botemedel.”

• Gunlög Fur, “Möten och ansvar.”

• Anette Warring, “En democratisk historiepolitisk etik.”

• Erling Sandmo, “Avstandens fortryllelse.”

• Maria Ågren, “Därför är jag historiker.” 52 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Sara Edenheim, “Därför är vi historiker.”

• Klas-Göran Karlsson, “Post-historikern.”

• Bo Stråth, “Att revidera bilden av det förflutna.”

• Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen, “Historikerne mellem erindring og historie.”

• Martin Wiklund, “Den historiska kunskapens praktiska ändamål.”

• Eva Österberg, “Människokunskap och långa tidsaxlar.”

• Johan Pries, “Scandia introducerar: David Harvey och det förflutnas geografi.” ______

Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol. 61, Issue 3 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/sehr20/61/3#.Usx2do4SStg

• Anders Ravn Sørensen, “Monetary romanticism: nationalist rhetoric and monetary organisation in nineteenth-century Denmark,” 209.

• Christer Lundh, “Was there an urban-rural consumption gap? The standard of living of workers in southern Sweden, 1914-1920,” 233.

• Carlo Ciccarelli and Tommaso Proietti, “Patterns of industrial specialisation in post-Unification Italy,” 259.

• Pedro Lains, Ester Gomes da Silva, and Jordi Guilera, “Wage inequality in a developing open economy: Portugal, 1944-1984,” 287. ______

Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol. 38, Issue 5 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/shis20/38/5#.Usx4sY4SStg

• Riitta Laitinen, “Banishment, Urban Community and Judicial Practice: Thieves in mid-17th century Turku,” 549.

• Niklas Jensen-Eriksen, “Lost at Sea: Finnish government, shipping companies and the United Nations embargo against China during the 1950s,” 568.

• Heidi Vad Jønsson, “Immigrant Policy Developing in Copenhagen and Ishøj in the 1970s,” 590.

• Maiju Wuokko, “Layers of Disunity: The presidential politics of Finnish business, 1981-1982,” 612. 53 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Rasmus Brun Pedersen, “’Footnote Policy’ and the Social Democratic Party’s Role in Shaping Danish EEC Positions, 1982-1986,” 636. ______

Security Studies, Vol. 22, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fsst20/22/4#.Usx7QI4SStg

Race, Imperial Japan, and the West

• Zoltán I. Búzás, “The Color of Threat: Race, Threat Perception, and the Demise of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance (1902-1923),” 573.

• Steven Ward, “Race, Status, and Japanese Revisionism in the Early 1930s,” 607.

Original Articles

• Zachary Zwald, “Imaginary Nuclear Conflicts: Explaining Deterrence Policy Preference Formation,” 640.

• Evan N. Resnick, “Hang Together or Hang Separately? Evaluating Rival Theories of Wartime Alliance Cohesion,” 672.

• Scott Fitzsimmons, “Wheeled Warriors: Explaining Variations in the Use of Violence by Private Security Companies in Iraq,” 707.

• Alex Wilner, “Fencing in Warfare: Threats, Punishment, and Intra-war Deterrence in Counterterrorism,” 740.

Europe United, by Sebastian Rosato: A Symposium

• Andrew Moravcsik, “Did Power Politics Cause European Integration? Realist Theory Meets Qualitative Methods,” 773.

• Craig Parsons, “Power, Patterns, and Process in European Union History,” 791.

• Sebastian Rosato, “Theory and Evidence in Europe United: A Response to My Critics,” 802. ______

Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 94, Issue 4 (December 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ssqu.2013.94.issue-4/issuetoc

Economics and Society

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• Bradley R. Schiller and Sankar Mukhopadhyay, “Long-Term Trends in Relative Earnings Mobility,” 881.

• Christopher Witko, “Party Government and Variation in Corporate Influence on Agency Decision Making: OSHA Regulation, 1981-2006,” 894.

• Bruno S. Frey, Markus Schaffner, Sascha L. Schmidt, and Benno Torgler, “Do Employees Care About Their Relative Income Position? Behavioral Evidence Focusing on Performance in Professional Team Sport,” 912.

• Spencer L. James and Paul R. Amato, “Self-Esteem and the Reproduction of Social Class,” 933.


• Allison M. Martens and Jason Gainous, “Civic Education and Democratic Capacity: How Do Teachers Teach and What Works?,” 956.

• Jennifer C. Lee and Joshua Klugman, “Latino School Concentration and Academic Performance among Latino Children,” 977.

General Interest

• Thaddieus W. Conner and William A. Taggart, “Assessing the Impact of Indian Gaming on American Indian Nations: Is the House Winning,” 1016.

• Rodrigo Praino, Daniel Stockemer, and Vincent G. Moscardelli, “The Lingering Effect of Scandals in Congressional Elections: Incumbents, Challengers, and Voters,” 1045.

• Bryan J. Dettrey and James E. Campbell, “Has Growing Income Inequality Polarized the American Electorate? Class, Party, and Ideological Polarization,” 1062.

• Sarah Williamson and Matthew Carnes, “Partisanship, Christianity, and Women in the Legislature: Determinants of Parental Leave Policy in U.S. States,” 1084.

• Beatriz Maldonado, “Legislatures, Leaders, and Leviathans: How Constitutional Institutions Affect the Size of Government Spending,” 1102.

• Ryan C. Black and Christina L. Boyd, “Selecting the Select Few: The Discuss List and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Agenda-Setting Process,” 1124.

• Brad Lockerbie, “Race and Religion: Voting Behavior and Political Attitudes,” 1145.

Workshop 55 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• David P. Schmitt and Percy A. Rohde, “The Human Polygyny and its Ecological Correlates: Testing Sexual Selection and Life History Theory at the Cross-National Level,” 1159.

Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 94, Issue 5 (December 2013) Special Issue: Race and Ethnicity in the United States http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ssqu.2013.94.issue-5/issuetoc

Race, Ethnicity, and Politics

• George Hawley, “Issue Voting and Immigration: Do Restrictionist Policies Cost Congressional Republicans Votes?,” 1185.

• William Curtis Ellis and Walter Clark Wilson, “Minority Chairs and Congressional Attention to Minority Issues: The Effect of Descriptive Representation in Positions of Institutional Power,” 1207.

• Maruice Mangum, “The Racial Underpinnings of Party Identification and Political Ideology,” 1222.

• Hoi Ok Jeong, “Minority Policies and Political Participation among Latinos: Exploring Latinos’ Response to Substantive Representation,” 1245.

• Melissa Humphries, Chandra Muller and Kathryn S. Schiller, “The Political Socialization of Adolescent Children of Immigrants,” 1261.

Race, Ethnicity, and Society

• Rose Ernst, Linda Nguyen, and Kamilah C. Taylor, “Citizen Control: Race at the Welfare Office,” 1283.

• Samuel L. Perry, “Religion and Interracial Romance: The Effects of Religious Affiliation, Public and Devotional Practices, and Biblical Literalism,” 1308.

• Alexandra Filindra and Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz, “Together in Good Times and Bad? How Economic Triggers Condition the Effects of Intergroup Threat,” 1328.

• Keith Robinson and Angel L. Harris, “Racial and Social Class Differences in How Parents Respond to Inadequate Achievement: Consequences for Children’s Future Achievement,” 1346.

Race, Ethnicity, Space, and Place

• Elsa Y. Chen, “Is All Punishment Local? The Effects of Jurisdictional Context on Sentence Length,” 1372. 56 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Matthew O. Hunt, Larry L. Hunt, and William W. Falk, “Twenty-First Century Trends in Black Migration to the U.S. South: Demographic and Subjective Predictors,” 1398.

• Andrew L. Spivak and Shannon M. Monnat, “The Influence of Race, Class, and Metropolitan Area Characteristics of African-American Residential Segregation,” 1414. ______

South African Historical Journal, Vol. 65, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rshj20/65/4#.Us03AY4SStg

• Michael James Douma, “Ethnic Identities in a Transnational Context: The Dutch American Reaction to the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902,” 481.

• Bernard Slaa, “Revitalising Stamverwantschap: The Role of the Nederlands Zuid- Afrikaanse Werkgemeenschap on Dutch-Afrikaner Relations in the Twentieth Century,” 504.

• Barbara Henkes, “Negotiating the ‘(Ab)normality’ of (Anti-)Apartheid: Transnational Relations within a Dutch-South African Family,” 526.

• Lindie Koorts, “’The Black Peril would not exist if it were not for a White Peril that is a hundred times greater’: D.F. Malan’s Fluidity on Poor Whiteism and Race in the Pre-Apartheid Era, 1912-1939,” 555.

• F.A. Mouton, “’Dr. No’: A.P. Treurnicht and the Ultra-Conservative Quest to Maintain Afrikaner Supremacy, 1982-1993,” 577.

• Charl Blignaut, “Untold History with a Historiography: A Review of Scholarship on Afrikaner Women in South African History,” 596.

• Jimmy Pieterse, “Dictionaries and Discourses of Deviance: Changing Lexical Representations of ‘Moffie’ and the Reorganisation of Sexual Categories among Afrikaans Speakers during the Second Half of the Twentieth Century,” 618.

• Eva Hunter, “Interview with Elizabeth van Heyningen: On Writing The Concentration Camps of the Anglo-Boer War: A Social History Cape Town, 20 May 2013, 638. ______

South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol. 36, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/csas20/36/4#.Us0_DI4SStg

• Hannah l. Archambault, “Becoming Mughal in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of the Bhopal Princely State,” 479. 57 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Benjamin K. Sovacool, Saroj Dhakal, Olivia Gippner, and Malavika Jain Bambawale, “Peeling the Energy Pickle: Expert Perceptions on Overcoming Nepal’s Electricity Crisis,” 496.

• Bittiandra Chand Somaiah, “Neo-Folk, Indigenous-Itinerant ‘Hinduism’: the Kodavathees of Singapore,” 520.

• Raminder Kaur, “The Nuclear Imaginary and Indian Popular Cinema,” 539.

• Kiran A. Shinde and Andrea Marion Pinkney, “Shirdi in Transition: Guru Devotion, Urbanisation and Regional Pluralism in India,” 554.

• Taylor C. Sherman, “From ‘Grow More Food’ to ‘Miss a Meal’: Hunger, Development and the Limits of Post-Colonial Nationalism in India, 1947-1957,” 571.

• Robert Lewis and Richard Harris, “Segregation and the Social Relations of Place, Bombay, 1890-1910,” 589.

• Ilyas Chattha, “Partisan Reporting: Press Coverage of the 1947 Partition Violence in the Punjab,” 608.

• Rianne Siebenga, “Picturing Muharram: Images of a Colonial Spectacle, 1870- 1915,” 626.

• Loriliai Biernacki, “Miming Manu: Women, Authority and Mimicry in a Tantric Context,” 644.

• M. Reza Pirbhai, “Empire and I: Reading the Travelogue of a Late Eighteenth- Century British Army Captain,” 661. ______

Strategic Analysis, Vol. 37, Issue 6 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rsan20/37/6#.Us1GNo4SStg


• Ishtiaq Ahmad and Hannes Ebert, “Will Pakistan’s India Policy under Sharif Shift Strategically?,” 667.

• Chintamani Mahapatra, “India-U.S. Strategic Dialogue: An Assessment,” 675.

• Lincoln E. Flake, “Russia and China in the Arctic: A Team of Rivals,” 681.

• Rahul Mishra, “Australia’s Defence White Paper 2013: Seeking a Fine Balance,” 688. 58 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Mukul Sanwal, “Why is the UN Security Council Discussing Climate Change?,” 694.

Original Articles

• J.K. Baral, “The Afghan Game: Interests and Moves,” 700.

• P.V. Ramana, “Taming India’s Maoists: Surrender and Rehabilitation,” 716.

• Brent Gerchicoff, “Keeping Capstone in Context: Evaluating the Peacekeeping Doctrine,” 729.

• Kunal Mukherjee, “Prospects and Challenges of ASEAN,” 742.


• Arvind Gupta, “R.I.P. Air Commodore Jasjit Singh AVSM, VrC, VM, IAF (Retd.) (1934-2013),” 764.

From the Archives

• Jasjit Singh, “India’s Nuclear Policy: The Year After,” 766. ______

Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 36, Issue 11 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uter20/36/11#.Us1Nso4SStg

• Donald Holbrook, “Alienating the Grassroots: Looking Back at Al Qaeda’s Communicative Approach,” 883.

• Eitan Azani, “The Hybrid Terrorist Organization: Hezbollah as a Case Study,” 899.

• Younkyoo Kim and Stephen Blank, “Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Russia: Contending Paradigms and Current Perspectives,” 917.

• Rachel Monaghan, “Not Quite Terrorism: Animal Rights Extemism in the United Kingdom,” 933.

Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 36, Issue 12 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uter20/36/12#.Us1PlI4SStg

• Martin Rudner, “Al Qaeda’s Twenty-Year Strategic Plan: The Current Phase of Global Phase of Global Terror,” 953.

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• Daniel Byman, “Outside Support for Insurgent Movements,” 981.

• Jeff Gruenewald, Steven Chermak, and Joshua D. Freilich, “Far-Right Lone Wolf Homicides in the United States,” 1005.

Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 37, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uter20/37/1#.Us1RJ44SStg

• Sarah Marsden, Daiana Marino, and Gilbert Ramsay, “Forest Jihad: Assessing the Evidence for ‘Popular Resistance Terrorism’,” 1.

• Olli J. Teirilä, “The Challenges to Cooperation Posed by the Nexus of Terrorism and Organized Crime: Comparing the Situations Between the Andean and the Sahel Regions,” 18.

• Daniel E. Agbiboa, “Peace at Daggers Drawn? Boko Haram and the State of Emergency in Nigeria,” 41.

• Lee Jarvis, Stuart Macdonald, and Lella Nouri, “The Threat: Findings from a Survey of Researchers,” 68.

• Lauren Vogel, Louise Porter, and Mark Kebbell, “The Roles of Women in Contemporary Political and Revolutionary Conflict: A Thematic Model,” 91. ______

Studies in Political Economy: A Socialist Review, Vol. 92 (2013) http://spe.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/spe/issue/view/1509

• Ryan Katz-Rosene, “High-Speed Rail.”

• Charmain Levy, “Paraguayan Left.”

• Andrew Biro, “Filming the Crisis.”

• Mel Watkins, Marjorie Griffin Cohen, William K. Carroll, Leo Panitch, and Sam Gindin, “Symposium on Global Capitalism.”

• Michael A. Lebowitz, “Fairness.” ______

Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 25, Issue 5 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ftpv20/25/5#.Us1WTo4SStg

• Phillip W. Gray, “Leaderless Resistance, Networked Organization, and Ideological Hegemony,” 655.

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• Carole Villiger, “Political Violence: Switzerland, A Special Case?,” 672.

• Kacper Rekawek, “’The History Is a Bit Like Our History’: Comparative Assessment of the Official and the Provisional IRAs,” 688.

• Cigdem V. Sirin and Nehemia Geva, “Examining the Distinct Effects of Emotive Triggers on Public Reactions to International Terrorism,” 709.

• Sam Mullins, “’Global Jihad’: The Canadian Experience,” 734.

• Justin V. Hastings and Ryan J. Chan, “Target Hardening and Terrorist Signaling: The Case of Aviation Security,” 777.

• Joerg Le Blanc, “The Urban Environment and its Influences on Insurgent Campaigns,” 798.

• Madhav Joshi, “Livelihood Coping Mechanisms, Local Intelligence, and the Pattern of Violence During the Maoist Insurgency in Nepal,” 820.

Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 26, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ftpv20/26/1#.Us1aVo4SStg

• Jeffrey Kaplan, Heléne Lööw, and Leena Malkki, “Introduction to the Special Issue on Lone Wolf and Autonomous Cell Terrorism,” 1.

• Jeffrey Kaplan and Christopher P. Costa, “On Tribalism: Auxiliaries, Affiliates, and Lone Wolf Political Violence,” 13.

• George Michael, “Counterinsurgency and Lone Wolf Terrorism,” 45.

• Christopher Hewitt, “Law Enforcement Tactics and Their Effectiveness in Dealing with American Terrorism: Organizations, Autonomous Cells, and Lone Wolves,” 58.

• Clark McCauley and Sophia Moskalenko, “Toward a Profile of Lone Wolf Terrorists: What Moves an Individual from Radical Opinion to Radical Action,” 69.

• Richard Bach Jensen, “The Pre-1914 Anarchist ‘Lone Wolf’ Terrorist and Governmental Responses,” 86.

• José Pedro Zúquete, “Men in Black: Dynamics, Violence, and Lone Wolf Potential,” 95.

• Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, “Lone Wolf Islamic Terrorism: Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad (Carlos Bledsoe) Case Study,” 110.

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• Mattias Gardell, “Crusader Dreams: Oslo 22/7, Islamophobia, and the Quest for a Monocultural Europe,” 129.

• Jelle van Buuren and Beatrice de Graaf, “Hatred of the System: Menacing Loners and Autonomous Cells in the Netherlands,” 156.

• Leena Malkki, “Political Elements in Post-Columbine School Shootings in Europe and North America,” 185.

• Patrick D. Ellis, “Lone Wolf Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction: An Examination of Capabilities and Countermeasures,” 211.

• Gary A. Ackerman and Lauren E. Pinson, “An Army of One: Assessing CBRN Pursuit and Use by Lone Wolves and Autonomous Cells,” 226.

• Katie Cohen, Fredrik Johansson, Lisa Kaati, and Jonas Clausen Mork, “Detecting Linguistic Markers for Radical Violence in Social Media,” 246. ______

Third World Quarterly, Vol. 34, Issue 9 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ctwq20/34/9#.Us1lmo4SStg

• Marc Edelman, Carlos Oya, and Saturnino M. Borras, Jr., “Global Land Grabs: historical processes, theoretical and methodological implications and curren trajectories,” 1517.

• Carlos Oya, “The Land Rush and Classic Agrarian Questions of Capital and Labour: a systematic scoping review of the socioeconomic impact of land grabs in Africa,” 1532.

• Elena Baglioni and Peter Gibbon, “Land Grabbing, Large- and Small-scale Farming: what can evidence and policy from 20th century Africa contribute to the debate?,” 1558.

• Derek Hall, “Primitive Accumulation, Accumulation by Dispossession and the Global Land Grab,” 1582.

• Lorenzo Cotula, “The New Enclosures? Polanyi, international investment law and the global land rush,” 1605.

• Christophe Golay and Irene Biglino, “Human Rights Responses to Land Grabbing: a right to food perspective,” 1630.

• Jennifer Franco, Lyla Mehta, and Gert Jan Veldwisch, “The Global Politics of Water Grabbing,” 1651.

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• Deborah Bräutigam and Haisen Zhang, “Green Dreams: Myth and Reality in China’s Agricultural Investment in Africa,” 1676.

• Marc Edelman and Andrés León, “Cycles of Land Grabbing in Central America: an argument for history and a case study in the Bajo Aguán, Honduras,” 1697.

• Saturnino M. Borras, Jr. and Jennifer C. Franco, “Global Land Grabbing and Political Reactions ‘From Below’,” 1723.

Third World Quarterly, Vol. 34, Issue 10 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ctwq20/34/10#.Us1rnI4SStg

• Zakia Shiraz, “Drugs and Dirty Wars: intelligence cooperation in the global South,” 1749.

• Navid Pourmokhtari, “A Postcolonial Critique of State Sovereignty in IR: the contradictory legacy of a ‘West-centric’ discipline,” 1767.

• Jan Van Ballegooljen and Roberto Rocco, “The Ideologies of Informality: informal urbanisation in the architectural and planning discourses,” 1794.

• Christian Bueger, “Practice, Pirates and Coast Guards: the grand narrative of Somali piracy,” 1811.

• Gorm Rye Olsen, “Whole-of-Government Approaches to Fragile States in Africa,” 1828.

• Simon Mabon, “Aiding Revolution? Wikileaks, communication and the ‘Arab Spring’ in Egypt,” 1843.

• Adam Simpson and Susan Park, “The Asian Development Bank as a Global Risk Regular in Myanmar,” 1858.

• Catherine Locke, Janet Seeley, and Nitya Rao, “Migration, Reconfigurations of Family Relations and Social (In)Security: an introduction,” 1872.

• Catherine Locke, Janet Seeley, and Nitya Rao, “Migration and Social Reproduction at Critical Junctures in Family Life Course,” 1881.

• Roy Huijsmans, “’Doing Gendered Age’: older mothers and migrant daughters negotiating care work in rural Lao PDR and Thailand,” 1896.

• Rosa Mas Giralt, “Negotiating Ethnic Recognition Systems in the UK: the soft pan-ethnic identifications of Latin American migrants in the north of England,” 1911.

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• Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Heng Leng Chee, and Grace H.Y. Baey, “The Place of Vietnamese Marriage Migrants in Singapore: social reproduction, social ‘problems’ and social protection,” 1927. ______

Twentieth Century British History, Vol. 24, Issue 4 (December 2013) http://tcbh.oxfordjournals.org/content/24/4.toc

• Brett Holman, “The Shadow of the Airliner: Commercial Bombers and the Rhetorical Destruction of Britain, 1917-35,” 495.

• Rebecca Conway, “Making the Mill Girl Modern?: Beauty, Industry, and the Popular Newspaper in 1930s’ England,” 518.

• Nicholas Whitfield, “Who is My Donor? The Local Propaganda Techniques of London’s Emergency Blood Transfusion Service, 1939-45,” 542.

• Gillian A.M. Mitchell, “Reassessing ‘the Generation Gap’: Bill Haley’s 1957 Tour of Britain, Inter-Generational Relations and Attitudes to Rock ‘n Roll in the Late 1950s,” 573.

• Matthew Worley, “Oi! Oi! Oi!: Class, Locality, and British Punk,” 606.

• Neil Rollings, “Cracks in the Post-War Keynesian Settlement? The Role of Organised Business in Britain in the Rise of Neoliberalism before Margaret Thatcher,” 637. ______

Vingtième Siècle (2013/4) http://www.cairn.info/revue-vingtieme-siecle-revue-d-histoire-2013-4.htm

• Clarisse Berthezène, “Une Crise de l’Hitoriographie Britannique? Les controverses autour de l’histoire du Parti libéral et du libéralisme au 20e siècle,” 2.

• Ian Packer, “Libéralisme et Nouveau Libéralisme des Années 1880 à 1914,” 15.

• Pierre Purseigle, “Belligérance Libérale: La Grande-Bretagne face à la Grande Guerre,” 27.

• Catriona Pennell, “La Grande-Bretagne et l’Irlande dans la Première Guerre Mondiale: Une entente cordiale?,” 43.

• David Thackeray, “Faire de la Politique à l’Heure de la Démocratie: Libéralisme et conservatisme populaire en Grande-Bretagne (1906-1924),” 57.

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• Fabien Théofilakis, “Adolf Eichmann à Jérusalem ou le Procès Vu de la Cage de Verre (1961-1962),” 71.

• Fabien Bellat, “Archictectes Français Face au Troisième Reich,” 87.

• Denis Leroux, “Promouvoir une Armée Révolutionnaire pendant la Guerre d’Algérie: Le Centre d’insruction pacification et contre-guérilla d’Arzew (1957-1959),” 101.

• Christina Firpo, “La Traite des Femmes et des Enfants dans le Vietnam Colonial (1920-1940),” 113.

• David Ambaras, “Dans le Piège du Fourmilion: Japonaises et Fujianais aux marges de l’Empire et de la nation,” 125. ______

The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 36, Issue 3 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rwaq20/36/3#.Us2Yto4SStg


• Peter Bergen and Jennifer Rowland, “Drone Wars,” 7.

• Jonathan Kirshner, “Bringing Them All Back Home? Dollar Diminution and U.S. Power,” 27.

• Bruno Tertrais, “Leading on the Cheap? French Security Policy in Austerity,” 47.

• Daniel Byman, “Is Hamas Winning?,” 63.

• Ehud Eiran and Martin B. Malin, “The Sum of all Fears: Israel’s Perception of a Nuclear-Armed Iran,” 77.

• Harsh V. Pant, “The BRICS Fallacy,” 91.

• Malcolm Chalmers and William Walker, “Will Scotland Sink the United Kingdom’s Nuclear Deterrent,” 107.

India’s Rising Tensions

• George J. Gilboy and Eric Heginbotham, “Double Trouble: A Realist View of Chinese and Indian Power,” 125.

• Vipin Narang, “Five Myths about India’s Nuclear Posture,” 143.

• Shashank Joshi, “Pakistan’s Tactical Nuclear Nightmare: Déjà Vu?,” 159. 65 | Page

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• C. Christine Fair and Sumit Ganguly, “Lives on the Line,” 173.

The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 36, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rwaq20/36/4#.Us2dtY4SStg


• Thomas Wright, “Sifting through Interdependence,” 7.

• Mike M. Mochizuki and Samuel Parkinson Porter, “Japan under Abe: toward Moderation or Nationalism?,” 25.

• Jack Mosbacher, “Fighting the Resource Curse: Uganda’s Pivotal Moment,” 43.

• Eric Farnsworth, “The Continuing Challenge of Democracy in the Americas,” 55.

Syria after Assad

• Jomana Qaddour, “Unlocking the Alawite Conundrum in Syria,” 67.

• Mohsen Milani, “Why Tehran Won’’t Abandon Assad(ism),” 79.

• Shadi Hamid and Peter Mandaville, “Bringing the United States Back into the Middle East,” 95.

Reexamining China-U.S. Interdependence

• Ashley J. Tellis, “Balancing without Containment: A U.S. Strategy for Confronting China’s Rise,” 109.

• Thomas Fingar and Fan Jishe, “Ties that Bind: Strategic Stability in the U.S.- China Relationship,” 125.

• Jeffrey Reeves, “China’s Unraveling Engagement Strategy,” 139.

Cook on Washington

• Charles E. Cook, “Looking toward 2014,” 153. ______

The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 70, No. 4 (October 2013) http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5309/willmaryquar.70.issue-4

• Kathleen S. Murphy, “Collecting Slave Traders: James Petiver, Natural History, and the British Slave Trade,” 637. 66 | Page

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• Cameron B. Strang, “Indian Storytelling, Scientific Knowledge, and Power in the Florida Borderlands,” 671.

• Amy Morris, “Geomythology on the Colonial Frontier: Edward Taylor, Cotton Mather, and the Claverack Giant,” 701.

• Cary Carson, “Banqueting Houses and the ‘Need of Society’ among Slave-Owning Planters in the Chesapeake,” 725.

• Eric Nelson, “Hebraism and the Republican Turn of 1776: A Contemporary Account of the Debate over Common Sense,” 781.

Critical Forum – Silva, Miraculous Plagues: An Epidemiology of Early New England Narrative

• Kathleen Donegan, “The Bonds of Immunity,” 813.

• Pablo F. Gómez, “The Language of Epidemics: Narrative, Biology, and the Other from Smallpox to AIDS,” 817.

• Justine S. Murison, “Anachronism, Literary Historicism, and Miraculous Plagues,” 821.

• Rebecca J. Tannenbaum, “Putting Health and Medicine Back into History: Commentary on Cristobal Silva, Miraculous Plagues,” 824.

• Matt Cohen, “’The Indians Told Them That Sickness Would Follow’: A Response to Miraculous Plagues,” 827.

• Cristobal Silva, “Epidemiology as Method: Literary Criticism in the Age of HIV/AIDS,” 832.

• Kathleen Donegan, “Response to Cristobal Silva,” 839.

• Pablo F. Gómez, “Response to Cristobal Silva,” 841.

• Justine S. Murison, “Response to Cristobal Silva,” 843.

• Rebecca J. Tannenbaum, “Response to Cristobal Silva,” 845.

• Matt Cohen, “Response to Cristobal Silva,” 847. ______

Women’s History Review, Vol. 22, Issue 5 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rwhr20/22/5#.Us2od44SStg 67 | Page

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• Anne Logan, “’Building a New and Better Order’? Women and Jury Service in England and Wales, c. 1920-1970,” 701.

• Sue Bruley, “Consciousness-Raising in Clapham; Women’s Liberation as ‘Lived Experience’ in South London in the 1970s,” 717.

• Jane Garnett and Alana Harris, “Wounding and Healing: dealing with difference in Christian narratives of migrant women in East London since the 1980s,” 739.

• Lisa Stead, “’The big romance’: Winifred Holtby and the fictionalisation of women’s cinemagoing in interwar Yorkshire,” 759.

• Sue Morgan, “A ‘Feminist Conspiracy’: Maude Royden, women’s ministry and the British press, 1916-1921,” 777.

• Liz Herbert McAvoy, “Uncovering the ‘saintly Anchoress’: myths of Medieval anchoritism and the reclusion of Katharine de Audley,” 801.

• Diane Urquhart, “Irish Divorce and Domestic Violence, 1857-1922,” 820.


• Mary Evans, “Gender in an Age of Austerity,” 838.

Women’s History Review, Vol. 22, Issue 6 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rwhr20/22/6#.Us2sJo4SStg

• Karina Smith, “’Sugar, Sugar’: questioning the sexual division of labour on Jamaica’s sugar plantations in Sistren’s The Case of Miss Iris Armstrong and Sweet Sugar Rage,” 861.

• Jessica P. Clark, “Pomeroy v. Pomeroy: beauty, modernity, and the female entrepreneur in fin-de-siècle London,” 877.

• Johnny Bell, “Putting Dad in the Picture: fatherhood in the popular women’s magazines of 1950s Australia,” 904.

• Eliza Riedi, “Imperialist Women and Conservative Activism in Early-Twentieth Century Britain: the political world of Violet Milner,” 930.

• Alicia C. Decker, “An Accidental Liberation: Ugandan women on the front lines of Idi Amin’s economic war,” 954.

• Julia Neville, “Challenge, Conformity and Casework in Interwar England: the first women councillors in Devon,” 971. 68 | Page

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• Neil Armstrong, “’I Insisted I Was Myself’: clergy wives and authentic selfhood in England c. 1960-94,” 995.


• June Purvis, “What Was Margaret Thatcher’s Legacy for Women?,” 1014. ______

World Policy Journal, 30:4 (December 2013) http://wpj.sagepub.com/content/30/4.toc

Editors’ Note

• David A. Andelman, “Faceoff: China/India,” 1.

Faceoff: China/India

• Yanzhong Huang, Arvind Gupta, Rory Medcalf, Gisa Dang, Steven Lewis, James Nolt, and Sophia Ling, “The Big Question: Which Country Will Emerge as the Leading Power?,” 3.

• Brahma Chellaney, “Map Room: Water Woes,” 9.

• Li Xin, “India Through Chinese Eyes,” 13.

• “ANATOMY: Higher Education,” 22.

• Nazia Vasi, “China Through Indian Eyes,” 24.

• “Timeline: 1959-Present,” 30.

Case Studies

• Megha Bahree, “Myanmar: Choosing Sides,” 32.

• Kunda Dixit, “Nepal: Dictated by Geography,” 36.

• Sherpem Sherpa, “Bhutan: Between Two Giants,” 41.

• “A Voice for Democracy in China: A conversation with Yeliang Xia,” 45.


• Andrew Esiebo, “Game of Hope: Pool Betting in Nigeria,” 52.

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• Khadija Sharife and John Grobler, “Kimberley’s Illicit Process,” 65.

• Sam R. Kimball, “Rapping the Arab Spring,” 79.

• Bjørn Stærk, “Norway’s Choices,” 88.

• Fernanda Canofre, “Brazil’s Health in Black and White,” 102.


• David A. Andelman, “The Imperial Presidency,” 111.

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