TV THE WRATHER _ ' F o r e o u t b j O. S. W eather Ooreiia, NBT PRKSS l«UN Kew Have* ' AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION .______ • 'A ; for ( je nipntb of February, i928 Fair and slishtly warmer tonight ^ Conn. Stnte 5,108 and Thursday. Member of the Anillt llnreaa of Circnlntliinn (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1928. VOL. XLIL, NO. 152. Classilled Advertising on Page 1^- • <»> ( 1,041 APPLICATIONS I’O USE TELEVISION FOB AIR CORPS SCHOOL IN NEXT CAMPAIGN After Bombers Called on Senator Deneen FLYERS S m WAIT SAY UNDBERGH I <s>- Washington, March 28.— Chicago, March 28.— In the America has become so political campaign of 1932, ra 4 * ; thoroughly alr-mindec. during MAY CHANCE | dio, through its newly developed the last year that the Army FAVORABLE WINDS sister— television— will enable cries out for help, millions to see, as well as hear, i An announcement a month the distant speaker. 'c'A' PACfflCHOPI This was the prophecy voiced ! ago that a new class of 110 fly- today by Major General J. G. i ing cadets would be admitted ____ _ I + to air corps schools by examina FOR OCEAN FUGHT Harbord, president of the Radio Corporation of America, in a tion April tenth has thus far speech before the Chicago Asso 'V' produced 1,041 applications All Sorts of Rumors About | ciation of Commerce. from eligible youths and almost In a glowing word picture of as many more from persons CAU A NEW PANU Strong Westerly Winds Keep Noted Flyer Are Going | radio's bewlluering strides and « * manifestly unqualified.
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