CENSUS 1981 ~l~ XIII - 3J J;fI,/SE RIES-22 ~lq \{tt i{"~ \;~m f;r~~;ft Part XIII .. A VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY

~~T fi«;rr ;~~~ If".' 01 "1l DISTRICT ~f?t~ fi:a eflT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK

'(mTtl. +rroITZ(... 'lI'muf.;.f; ~f '." ;;, ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ \) ~ ~\) ~ a, ~ "a. , 0 0 ~ :'" \) Q ~ ~ I ,i : ~ ~ ~ c P- •~ : ~ ~:: a~» 0 I: : nn I p.. o~ • I oJ • o ' R ~ 1 0 ~ I. "1"1 M J II III II III ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ o II II1I ~ ~ I' a ,• • I c, G:~ I 0 ~ I ~ ~

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'. ..• 11 ~t;:rT 2. srr4r.r 3. ~~ '4. f~~~~ ix 5. fur ~rrr i?O'R1~ffitCfiI 'liT lf~ xiii 6. fcrQ OIlc;41Cfi fcarorT (a(~;oft it) 7. trOT 1-m

(ii) m

~~!!T~ (i) a¢t~ lfT'fm (ii) ~n+rT ctT G(1lT~ ~'

(iii) I.fTlf f'f~CfiT

~;;ri 109-156

(i) ~ lfrrrm (di) Ill+fT

Iii) m+r ~f!lTCfiT 118 I . 4k?:lf'QT~~ 157-210 (!) a~~ lfrrrf~ ii) Ill+fT 'liT ~lIi4'j' ~:qT 158

ii) Ill+f f~fuCfl"T 166

~ftft!lfi 211-266 t. flfl'~T, f'

( 1 ) ftT~;:~<::rfY 219 ( i v) ar'a'1!lT~1( 2 2 1 IV. ~;;nfuq"f ~ d{~{f"""d '5FNIIR'(Jlf!.fr 'SI'Hi$11 £fiT ~ ~ , ~m IJfuR t ~ IDlfT c€r ~ l!.-266

Clf-~~t 1. f~

2. ;;'-1~!!T~

3.~ '" 4. d{'fl1IT~

if-at~f;:m 'i(';:r;srrf~lff

1. f~~~~TqT~

2. ~~l!T&~ 3. ,;;rr

4. 3T'!,ql!T~~

8. ar~Tif II-r:nr~ f.r~

m<:1l"f I - srrf\'~ Ofi<: cf.lr 'lif~ 270 fCfCf~ II - iJirU ~r mRrCfi tro ':t

fqcr<:llT IVar - arfu~f::;:rn ;j

'qf-mr~ - PIlT<:T 'l>T ~f;al"

ar~T otT 611CfltllCfidT mT~ m:~TarT q;) ~A', fsf~ ffi<: q'<: A~ t:!;cf smmrr ~ ~ ~ ~ I IlTll td''UlI' -6T~ ~6' rn ~ Cfi'T<:OT, f\iR1T ~Uf

t:!;Cfi' Fcro~ ~~T

~<:T %" ar~r<: 'lTTlf "ar" lJTll a~T

~r 19 8 1 i5f

~T artCfi'~ f<;;;i lT~ ~ ~it ~ i5f

mr i5f

rn:rT ~1 I 'lTTl'f '

arT'fi9'T ~ 5fCfi'f!1T

~'li lJTl1 'liT ~'

ar;:cr if ff PolT arm 1f(, arm, war ~ ~1iT ~nmft, ~'( sr~w, ~m a~ "S:ij 'firm Etft ~ woo iii ar«t Cfi~:crm:ij) ijf~ ~ ~ ~ q'imlfr, ~Cfi f.rm CIm ar1\o ili'o ijCftrrr, qf'(~ mfctft ~lfCfi (yor) 'fiT 3TT'llT'{T ~, fur@~ ~ 5i"'fiTWif iii ~ur if ~ filifUi1T "(Cfij"T t I

arq-&TT CMT qffiffcrflcrT it m ~ ~~ ar;a'( ~ ~ I fiR '+iT li~ arm rnr R'. fCfi ~ ~. mr ~tij~ftd'fil 1981 fcrf'ijr.f ~ marT ctft \l;~I=I(=daq' ~ Cil1 arliilQq~dr ;ft ~a: '{tr lR~it~~ I

\it;r gta f~, Gli!I~IUlifr Ifmrrwr" \mr{ smr PREFACE

The micro level data are of a dlstmct importance III a welfare democratlc set-up. They are needed for running democratIc institutions, ,district level planning and di'>tnct admmistratlon besides catering to the assorted needs of researchers, scholars and common man. By presenting census data down to the level of villages, the District Census Handbook series occupies a place of prommence in the galaxy of census publications. The need for small domam data always p'romoted publication of village figures in some form or the other in most of the censuses. Yet it was only in 1951 census that the publication of Village statistics acqUired the well deserved importance by the introduction of District Census Handbook series. These volumes have been published wlth unbroken regularity in Uttar Pradesh State smce 1951 census by the Census OrganizatIOn on behalf of the Government of Uttar Pradesh. The DistrIct Census Handbook was brought out for each district in two volumes lU 1951/1961, three vo.lumes in 1971 and is being brought out in two volumes Part A and Part B in 1981. With the introduction of this series, it, develop,ed mto a healthy tradition to collect village-wise mformatlOn on amenities ~ . and infrastructure, takmg advantage rt£~fhe massive censUS operations and publish it in the form \' ~"!!" of vlliage and town directories III volume A of the Dlstnct Census Handbook.

Part 'A' volume, in keeping WIth the traditIOn, consists of VIllage and town directones,. giving basic informatlOn relating to infra-structure and amenities and total populatIOn of each. village and town as thrown up by the 1981 census. The part B volume presents pnmary census data for each VIllage and town glvmg to~al populatIOn WIth scheduled caste/scheduled tnbe~ literates, main workers by main category, margmal workers and non-workers break-up.

The Distnct Census Handbook part A and part C were published m English III 1971 census. Part B volume was brought out in as well as in EnglIsh III separate lSSues WIth a VieW to enlargmg its utility. This, however, resulted in delayed publtcation of data, errodmg some of their topicality by prolonged time-lag. ThiS time, therefore, the Dlstnct Census Handbooks are being brought out in dlglot form in single volumes. The alphabetical lIst of villages IS given m Hindi as well as in Enghsh to make the reference eaSIer to both categones of users. The scope of analytical note has been enlarged this hme. In part A, the Analytical Note, conSIsts of bnef introductIOn of the district and analysI& of data presented therelU. The introduction to the Dlstnct Census Handbook contams explanatIOns of the terms used 10 the Village and Town Directory and general concepts of Census. While, a bnef analYSIS of data explanatlOn of census concepts pertlOent to the Pnmary Census Abstract have 'only been included in part B.

The non-census information was collected through the agency of Iekhpals-the basIC revenue functIOnary. The lekhpals collected mformatlOn for each village under theIr charge. It has passed on to the Census Dlrectorate by the Dlstrict Census office after gettmg It duly vetted by the Land Records Inspectors and Tahsiidars. The mformation for towns was supplIed by the local authoritles. I gratefully acknowledge their role in collectIOn' of informatIOn. We have also used materIal made avaJlable to us by the Collectors and Dl~tnct Magistrates In draftmg introductory notes on dlstncts, I am extremely thankful to them for theIr assIstance. I grate­ fully thank ''In P. Padmanabha, Registrar General, and Dr. N.G. Nag, Deputy ReglstraJ • viii

General, Social Studies Division for their inspiring guidance that came handy to me all through. I also thank Sri LaI Kishan, Deputy Director, Planning and Co-ordinatIOn, Sri Akhlaq Ahmad, Deputy Director, District Census Handbook and Sri RP. Singh, Research Officer, Map of Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh for theIr hard work.

In the end I am thankful to Shn Ashok Oar, Superintendent, Printmg and Stationery, U.p. Allahabad and Shri M. C. Padalia, Assistant Director and Shn R. K. Saxena, Semor Technical Assistant (Pnntmg) with the team of Printing unit of this office who have kept a constant watch upon the pnnting of thiS publication.

There is always some gap between what is desired and wb?t is accomplished, both in terms of scope of the publication aJ1d accuracy of the publIshed matenal. Yet, I hope, the District Census Handbooks Will largely rise to the expectations of the variegated users fulfilling some of their needs for micro level data.

RAVINDRA GUPTA Director of Census Operations. Uttar Pradesh CONTENTS

1. Foreword iii 2. Preface vii 3. Map of the District 4. Important Statistics of the DIstrict 5. Introduction of District Census Handbook xxvii 6. Analytical Note t 7. Section I-Village Directory t7-266

Tabsils: 1. Slkandrabad 21-5() (1) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabettcal list of vIllages 25 (iii) Village Directory 28

2. Bulandshahr .57-108 (I) Tahsil Map (Ii) Alphabetical list of villages .62 (iii) Village Directory .6(i

3. . l09-156 (1) Tahsil Map (11) Alphabetical list of villages 114 (iii) Village DIrectory U8

4. 157-210 (i) Tahsil Map (it) Alphabetical list of villages 162 (Iii) Village Directory 166

Appendices 2 I 1-266 I. Tahsil·wise Abs,tract of Educational, Medical and other amemties 212

II. Land UtilisatIon data in resp~t of non-municipal towns (census towns) 216

III. List of vIllages where no amenity other than the drinking water IS available (i) Slkandrabad 217 \ (it) Bulandshahr 218 (iii) KhurJ8 219 (iv) Anupshahr 221 Page No IV. List of villages accordmg to the population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges. 222-226 A-Scheduled Castes

1. 8lkandrabad 222 2. Bulandshahr 230 3. Khurja 243 4. Anupshahr 455 B-Scheduled Tribes 1.

2. Bulandshahr 242 3. Khurja 254 4., Anupshahr 266

8. SectIOn 1I-Town Directory 267-294

Statement I -Status and Growth History 270 Statement If -Physical Aspects and LocatIOn of towns, 1979 274

Statement III -Municipal Finance, 1978-79 27~ Statement IV -CIVIC and other amelllties, 1979 280 Statement IVA -Civic and other amenities in notified slums, 1979 284 Statement V -Medical, EducatIOnal and Cultilral Facilities, ]979 286 Statement VI -Trad!', Commerce, Industries and Banking, 1979 290 Appendix -Town showing their outgrO\h ~h with populatIOn 294 ~ ~ <1ft ain ij' ~ifT ~iJOif iITU ~~ ~ \lfo'IlT1ITifT '~fd~ftdCf>l, ;;r.murrrr CfiT ~ sr~ +I~\T'I\'·nmll'T ilI'ffiT ~ I fif~ ~ ~ firen:or, ~Tifl<:r QV.IT ~ q)ilji1latl it; ~ ~r ~ ~ ;r ~ fcr~ ~ ~ I furm ~T ~~ffiy

f;;rm :or;mor;rT .~~ 3!l'~ 'fiT sr~ t 9 51 ilji1i(U('1( UR QV.IT \lfo'IlT1ITifTTflirn Cf>T~' ~ I 1961 ;tt \;fifiTl7fi1T il.im1T ilj''I''IUIi11 ~$ftdCf>1 'f)T~;;r f"ffilQ ~ mrr q1:JT o~ m T 3!l'~ m.r \lmT i:t m'fimtiT Q1:J f.tizrr if1I'T I

'+fliT liar" if 1mf «Cf iFT~ R~fuifiT, 'iFf "iST" ;r '1rif ~ ifq,{ Sffiffifcii Uf"I1TllTiff UI1 ~ 'ij"JlT "U"

;r fCf!f~flSrIlTTtifcli" ~~, Sf!/frnFr'fi 3liCf>~ I f'Oi\if ~ifiTOTifr ~t ~q' «Ii{ !J;fcrmarr ~ sr~ ~T ~ q~ anmf~ ~ f ~ tr1f1Rr wr if

1981 'fiT ~T iififiTlJFTT ~a$f~a'fiT '3ll'~~T CfiT ~'l~~T a-lfR 'fi~a- ~.,lf «m <:j' if'T~'~T ~ srI~ql CfiT ~: ~~RQ ~a- ~ ~'(§ rr~ ~T 'fiT mifcro rn CfiT $flf(i1' f

~rmfcm «J;"ffi+f 3ffCflilf'fi'ffi ~T

~ IV it ~ ljf

5fT~fif'fi \iAlT1JRT ij"n:: 'fiT m~q 19 81 'fiT \if;m1JRT 'fiT Q~ff rn it anf~ t:l;

Wfir.!!'f if f~iif if ~ lti \3"~ip;r ~ 1 98 1 ctft ~ \ififlf1Jr.:rT ~~f~ 'fl1 ~~ srm: ~ iififTlfT iTlfT ~ Ri 'tTT~ "61'" ~ if lfflf ~ rr~ f.:r~llJCfiT tIT \ifTlf aIT,{ m~ "iif" if ~/~ ~ '1{ ~­ ~ \ifTfff/~f:om \ifif;;rrfu ~ 5fT~ ~T ~ ~ ~-~ lfTlf ~ iliR ~ ,",'1-1 01 i'! r trH ~lfT ~ I

f\if~T \ififi{OfifT ~ff~~'fiT it srrmr if ~T ~8fr it srNfqtti ~or.rr m ~ ;f~­ ;;rrr~urrrr aWl;if '1{ a-lfr-: ~t! crrf~ ctft ~T ~ fm~ff m~'fi ~ !!iT m ~ \3"WfuaT

~ sr'firn'l' \~ mttiH 61R ;;fif1TUfifT ~Orf 'fiT ~ srl{ffl ~ I ~"OO;:S{~, fif~!!T'fi '\ifif

~ ~ ~ fCfi'llT ~ I S:ij" 5fCfiT9fif ctft ~T, ~ t:l;

fro ~'if m'{'7f efi ¥i~1

The District Census Handbook (DCH), oompiled ~y the Census Organization on behalf of the State Government, is one of the most valuable products of the Census. The DCH is cons­ tantly referred to by planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. It is inter alia used for delimitation of constituencies formulation of local level and regional plans and as an aid to District administration. The District Census Handbook is the oniy pUblication which provides P.t:_imary Census Abstract (PCA) data upto village level for the rural areas, ward-wise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns, etc.

The District Census Handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census tables and PCA for each village and town of the district. During 1961 Census, the scope of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the district admi­ Dlstrattve statistics, census tables and a village and town directory including PCA. The 1971 DCH series was planned in three parts. Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, dist­ flct census tables and certain analytical tables based on peA and amenity data in respect of villages. However, in some states it was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printmg.

While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some new features along with the restruc­ turing of the formats of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time, comparabihty with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village dlrectory with the instruction that in case an amemty is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from th7 nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhallstive data on infrastructure aspect partICU­ larly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is, expected to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to llelp not only in local areas planning but regu­ lating the provision of goods and services as well as minimise the regional imbalances in the proce,s of development. A few items of information have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of informa- . tion as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and community health workers m the Village have been Introduced in the village directory With this objective lD mind. The new 1tem on approached to the Village is to have an Idea about the Village in the district which are mac­ cesslble. A new column, "total population and number of households" has been introduced to examme the corelation of the amenities With the population and number of households they serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the Villages where nO amenities are available acc~rding to the proportion of scheduled castes and scheduled trIbes popula~ion to the total populatIOn has also been made WIth thIS view in mmd. The formats of the town directory has also been modified to meet the requirements of the Mmimum Needs Programme by providmg information on a few new ltems. A new statement on CIVIC and other amenltle<; in slums in Class-I and Class-II towns (Statement IV-A) has been introduced WIth this objective in mind. It is ~xpected tha t this will help the planners to challk out progl ammes on provisil)n of civic amenities for the improvement of slums. The columns IV on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population III statement IV relating to CiVIC and other amen:tIes and adult literacy classe's/~ebttes tinder' educatIOnal facilities in statement V are also added inter alia with this VIew. A significa nt addition is class of town in all the seven statements of the town directory. The infrastructure of amenities in urban areas of the country can be 'best~analysed by takmg the Class of town in,{o consideratIOn. The additIon 'of the columns on civic administratiOn status and populatIOn III a few statem'ents also serves this purpose.

The format or-the primary census ab~ract for the vdlages and towns has been fO];nlulated III the light oCchanges~l!i the economic" and' other questlohs' can'ya~sedlthrou~h,the individual shp of 1981 ·Censtis.

In order to avoid delay m publicatIOn on 1981 DCH series It ha~ been so designed 'that Part:A oflhe volume c6dt1uns village arid town direttory and".ParV·B, the" PCA.of villages and towns' m'cfuding'tM Sche?uieo tastes and ScheduJep Tribes PCA upto tahsil/town levels. At the be-giHning of the .vCR a detailed analytical note supporled by a number of inset tables based .on PCA and t'lOll-censu,> d~a in relation to the infrastructure has been introduced to enhance. its value. The'dlstrtctahd' tahsil level maps depIcting the boundanes and other important features have been Inserted at apptopriate places to further enhance the 'value of the publlcatlOn.

ThIS publIcatIOn IS a Jomt venture of the State Government and the Census Organiza-tion. The data have been collected and compiled in the State under the direction of Sri Ravindra Gupta"tbe Dltec'tor of Ceh'stis Operations, U.P. on behglf· of the State Government which has btJnW'tl1e eost 'of pnnMg. The task of planning; design mg. and, co-ordinatIOn of this publIca­ tion was tarried OIlt'by Sri N.G. Nag, Deputy RegIstrar General (Social Studies) of my office. Dr.lll-K. Roy, Deputy 'RegIstrar General (Map) provided the J:echnjcal guidance in the prepara­ tion'offthe tflaps. V3:ta rt!celved~from'Census Directorates have been scrutinised in the Social ~tudles'lf)lvisl0n at the headquarters' under the gUIdance of Sri M.M. Dua, SenIOr Research Officer. I am thankft'l.l to all who have contributed m this project.


l;('l1l ~Ulf 3lt

~.~ 'llT srm:if 1951 CfiT i5f"flTURT if @ ~ ij''fiT \ ~ ~~~n:( \lfiflf1lT"fT «lTo;:r iHU ;mr~ ~W tT~H CfiT arf{ ?r ffifT ?r Rlfflrn ~q?r 5fCfirfmr ~f ~ I fi5l\fT ~;:rT ~~Cf~fHf'fiT'Z' 1951/61 ijiT

\ififlTO'filT it l>T~ R~ Eff fu'Z a:r ~ it ~T 19 7 1 if ~f;:r 19;~T if l>TCfiTfucr ~f ~r I 19 8 1 it lf~ a:T " \Sf~r ifIlT "ar" 1:t

qif .,.f fcI; i3fiflTURT Eff iSf~~ qf~:qm;; CfiT (1T~ ~a- ~t:t ~fc{a-Ta:rT Cf~T arGff~rqrrT?r ij'Hff.:a-cr ~T

«r~H 'ZCfi~Cf TCfiTfu~

q~U ~ ar:!~T~ *m liar" lHl1' Cfl!'fT ::rlT~ f::ritfW'li'T

fGI(1T i5f;:rlTurrrT ~~i3'~:t~'fiT ifr'l' '31' 'Zq ifT'l' '~' 1 971 TCfiTfucr CfiT

i]'~T ~T I ifTlT 'g' Cfif f~C;-T (f~T ani'iifT ifTtfra:rr i'r ar~-ar~ 5i"CfiTfl1f(f fTCfiTIlf::r it f~q ~arT ar1~ ~li'T"i3'~ if '1f[ ~

~ 'H<: fi5fl1T i5fiftflJf;:rT ~~crffiaCfiT 'ZCfi ~T srfcr ?r rn:'*TTISfT ~ i'r 5i"CfiTfmr CfiT i5fT <:~T ~ I a:r.n l>TCfiH ~ ~q

~ I ~ ¢fR fCf!l~tfUfT~ ~\Sf

srT~fiT", i5fiflTUfifT ~r< lr fa:it art~r 'H f

~llT ';s:r' i't CfiT lTf ~ I m+r frf~f.YrT~H it;'

~~'" ID+f 'iiT ~:;;r;:rT 'Z'Cfif'!f\i 'fiT I CfiT?;iflTT (f~'T aQ:~ffia:TU ~ "fRT'l<:Ti'G lfQ: m+f~T i5f'llTUfifT R~l1Tr~ it ~'«1oa- glfT I ;;'l'<: f;;itfuCfir "'T ~:qrrT ~TifTlf f

3Rf it it ?;!"l' arm ~, areiT~, ~ur tJ;

arctm ~ CfffiffcrCfiCfT i:r ricr @ ~'C9 ar~"{ ~ ~ I m '+iT lf~ arTWr 'fimT R' fCfi ~ \ifif­ :fOJ'fr ~fd9)ftdCfir 1981 fCff'l1"f ~

'fi~ i:t ~ ~);rT I

~Eftii yeo frrm, GIfl'lTllfifT qf<"fn1'i, "jffi"{ m . PREFACE

The micro level data are of a distinct importance in a welfare democratic set-up. They are needed for running democratic institutions, dIstrict level planning and distrIct admmistration besides catering to the assorted needs of researchers, scholars and common man. By presenting census data down to the level of villages, the District Census Handbook sertes occupies a place of prominence in the galaxy of census pubhcations. The need for small domain data always promoted publication of ~illage 'figures in some form or the other 10 most of the censuses. Yet it'was only in 1951 census that the 'P,ublication of village statIstics acqUIred the well deserved impottance by'tIie introduction of District Census Handbook senes. These volumes have been published with unbroken regularity in Uttar Pradesh State since 1951 census by'the Census Organization on behalf of the Government of Uttar Pradesh. The DIstrict Census Handbook was brought out for each district in two volumes in 1951/1961, three volumes in 1971a.qd is being brought out in two volumes Part A and Part Bin 1981. WIth the introduction of this series, it developed into a healthy tradItion to collect village-wise mformation on amenities and infrastructure, takmg advantage of the massive census operations and publish it in the form of village 'and town directories in volume A of the District ~ensus Handbook.

Part 'A' volume, in keeping with the tradItion, conSIsts of VIllage and town dIrectories, giving Basic information relatmg to mfra-structure and amemtjes and total populatwn of each village and town as thrown up by the 1981 census. The part B volume presents pnmary census data for each Village and town giving total popu1atlOn WIth scheduled caste/scheduled tribe, literates, main workers by main category, margmal workers and non-workers break-up.

The DIstrict CenslLs Handbook part A and part C were published In Enghsh 10 1971 census. Part B volume was brought out in Hmdl as well as In EnglIsh 10 separate issues With a VIew to enlarging its utilIty. This, ,however, resulted in delayed publication of data, errodmg some of their toplcaltty by prolonged time-lag. ThIS time, therefore, the DIstrict Census Handbooks are being brought out in dlglot form in Single volumes. The alphabetical hst of villag~s' is given in HIndI as well as In EnglIsh to make the reference easier to both categorIes of users. The s?ope of analytical note has been enlarged thiS time. In part A, the Analytical Note, consists of brief introductIOn of the distrIct and analYSIS of data presented therem. The introduction to the Distnct Census Handbook contallls explanatIOns of the tenDS used III the VIllage and Town Directory and general concepts of Census. Whlle, a brief analysIs of data explanation of census concepts pe\tlDent to the Pnmary Census Abstract have only been included In part B.

The non-census informatIOn was collected through the agency of lekhpalsL_the baSIC revenue functionary. The lekhpals collected informatIon for each Village under theIr charge. It has passed on to the Census Directorate by the DIstrict Census office after getting It dtlly vetted by the Land Records Inspectors and Tahslldars. The informatIOn for towns was supplied by the local authOrIties. I gratefully acknowledge their role in collectIon of lnfOrmatlOn. We have also used materIal made avaIlable to us by the Collectors and Di~tnct Magistrates in draftmg mtroductory notes on distrIcts, I am extremely thankful to them for their assistance. 1 grate­ fully thank Sri P. Padmanabha, Registrar Gener.aI, India and Dr. N.G. Nag, Deputy Reglstrar ,viii

General, Social Studies Division fqr their inspiring gUidance that came handy to me all through. I also thank Sri Lal Kishan, Deputy Director, Planmng and Co-ordinatIOn, Sri Akhlaq Ahmad, Deputy Director, DisJrict Census HancJbook and Sri RP... Singh, Research qmcer, Map of \ Census DIrectorate, Uttar Pradesh for their hard .work.

In the end 1 am thankful to Shri Ashok Dar, Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, U.P. AllAhabad and Shri M. C. Padalia, Assistant Director and Shri R. K. Saxena, Senior Technical' Assi~tant (PrInting) with the team of Pnntmg unit of. this office who have kept a constant watch upon the pnnti,ng of this publicatIOn.

There is alw~ys some gap between what is desired and whl1.! is accomplished, both in terms of scope of the pubhcati~n and accuracy' of the published material. Yet, I hope, the DistrIct Census Handbooks will largely nse to the expectations of the v,arjegated users fulfilling some of their needs for micro level data.

RA VINDRA GUPTA Director of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh "~CCf~Vi atf", IMPORTANT STATISTICS

~ ~~9T WW~ Description Uttar Pradesh Bulandshahr

~ilfr !fur '~ PopulatIon Total Person. 110,862,013 2,358,270

~ Males 58,819,276 1,265,427

~ Females 52,042,737 1,092,843 ~ Rural •Persons 90,962,898 1,902,245

~ Males 48,041,135 1,022,787 m 879,458 Females 42,921 1763 ifllftlr c

~ Male. 10.778,141 242,640 fro:rf Female. 9,120,974 213,385

eN 1971·81 iIi,~!!Ai;r ;;r.rmr 'l~ ~ ~nnial population growth rate 1971.81 +25.49 24.68

~ (q1j f.tiollt o) Area (Sq. kIns.) 294,411 4,352.

~1SlfT ~ (sr~ f.!;o~ 0 ) Density of population (per Sq. km.) 377 542

fulr~ (srfcr ~n: ~ !!1: w.nn 'fir mr) Sex ratio (Number offeinales per 1,000 males) 885 864

~ ~ (srfullffi) ~ Literacy rate (Percentage) Person. 27.16 28.97

~ Males 38'.76 4~.47

~'lIlrt Femaifi, ~ ~4..Qi.. 13.34 x

~ ~sRw ~~r<{1!T~~ Description Uttar Pradesh Bulandshahr w=r ~ it 'fIRm ~ 'liT !irRlma Percentage of urban population to total population 17.95 19.34

~ ~ it . r. srftf!1rn Percentage to total population

(i) ft1 ~'liTfu

~qq Males 50.31 46.92

f~ Females 5.39 1.52

(ii) iI.nf"il'fi m rn ~ czrfu; Marginal workers. Persons 1.49 0.27

~ Males 0.45 0.13

f~t Female~ 2.67 0.43

(iii) m;f m ~ .

';'Q1Sf Males 49.24 52.95

fpll';qr hmales 91.94 9805

~fuc!i 'f)'Fr 'fi~ qT~ clff'ffi!l'T 'fiT fi:fCf<:'''l DistributIOn of MalO Workers

~oT'firfu;p m ~

{i} 'firnRiR 3:!.Tf'ffi Culnvators Persons 5852 51.67 -

~ Males ~9.53 52.34

f~;rl[T Females 47.83 2ts.03 xi

~ :retrnt ~~~t DescriptIon Uttar Pradesh Bulandshahr

(ii) @f~ ~ ~ Agricultural labourers Persons 15.911 18.24

~ Males 14.16 18.11

~ Females 35.23 22.86

(iii) qfurfu; ~ ;;lffu; Household Industry Persons 3.70 3.'14

~ Males 3.56 3.58

f~ Females 5.21 9.45

(iv) illi'll'l:fi11:r!fi~"I'ffi ocrft;; Other workers Persons 21.80 26.34

~ Males 22.75 25.97

f~f Females 11.73 39-66

~ ;;rITa ~ o;:r~1 !fiT ~ i;f~ if 5Tf~ !5llfm Percentage of Scheduled caste population to total population Persons 2[,16 21.44

~' Malei 21.08 21.80

f~ Females 21.24 Zl.04

~ ;;r;rmfu it; o;:rfuilr11fi1 ~ ~r if srft:roo O

~ Males 0.21 N

w.M Females 0.21 N !Ifu'!ia arrcmr'hi +r!fiTifT 'tit m No. of occupied reSIdential houses 17,'159,479 383,790

N=Neghgible 'xii

Rq~ ~5f~ ~;:~~\ Description Uttar Pradesh Bulandshahr

m+ff ott ~T tim Number of villages Total 124,246 1.4co

3f~ Inhabited 112,568 1,365

n.:~ 1J11Hl~ablted 11,678 95

;:r;r"thf ~'JI1 '1ft ~!S<:if crRT ~T 'liTlf 'f rn 00 it; ~lT-~ arfCfi~ ~ ~ ~ I 'lro9il ~ fmJ: l:f~ lf~~ ~ fot;

( a{ ) \;f;:rq-cJRT ~~T ~'fi ~r{ lfTilT ;;rrnr ~ I er'f ~Ofl ~ ~Torj'q'T 'fiT m11Tl1 lfT

;;f'fifUf'fT ~ f\1!:!; 'flT<:rlf &1""fT 'fiT feri1r1Sl' ,€,q ir qf<:mftOfa f'PlfT lTdT ~ I qf<::'l1TtOfT.m

(or) 'flT<:qffu'CfiT, frrlfl1 ;:rVi9Tq'fr

( er) 1ir ~'l1r ~"f "l1 f¥"1'~-rfl[l<:f l1Pt'tU6'T

(ii) CfiTlf 'fi~ ilfrn ~'iISl') 'fiT ;;f'fm9lfT 'fiT Cfilf ~ 'filf 75 srRlll'fiJ l]-'{ iiflSl' CfiTll'f it 'fimm ID I

( IiI) srfa cr

~Cfi ~~T'f

2. ;;~ ~ 1 9 7 1 'fir ;;f'fffllJ''fT ~ 3T2:~n: '1'ff,{ ij'+J. ~ 'fir lifCfi("FfT CfiI 1 9 8 1 it marq;::rf!H ~lfT ~ I srTlf: 'flTU rT ij-

( ui) 1:!;Cfi ~ arT ~ ~'fi lfT 1:!;'fi ~ arferr. ~ 'T~ ar'1m ~f;e:

3: iiA~ 'q~T",

Gf'T1TUfiH lfCfiffl 1:!;1fi ~. ~ lfT '~i'f 'fiT ~ 'lfTlT ~ f~T a:r~ ~ ~~ Sl"~ In, ~mt lIT ij"rn it; ifUIl~ lfT;;frit ~lft ~ ~ a~T ~T ~lfT'T ~ ari'T ~~ 'fiT a~ ~aT ~ lfT ~ ~ lffflr GfffiT ~ 1 lf~· ~rm ~ ~T ~ ~T ~q;r ~I.im f'Tqffi iii R11J lIT ij-~ 3TT

4. qftq~

qf~ ~ olffThllT it ~~ 'fiT ~ ~ ;;fr ~Tlfr.=lfCf: 1:!;Cfi ~T~ ~~ @ am: lff~ if;rn 'fiT ar~T ~ lfGf~ '1. 1fi=t m ~'fi ~ ,m~ i:r !.iT'TT !.ire- Q:T 1 qf~T~ ~ 0lffm

5. 81~~ ifTfi:r/3li!~f'iia ~~Tffi'

~ o

6. ~~

~ Olif'ffi ;;fr fm ~rl5l'T ~ ~ iii ~M f

7. lfif'q lfi~ crm, • , I 19 8 1

(i) ~~: 'fiTlf ~it

(ii) ijhnf.Cf'li 'fiFT 'fi"{it qJffi

( iii) 'liHf 'T Cfi~ q~T xv

196'1 oW: 1 971

f'fitrT anf~'fi \3"~qT~.il if; 'finT-~lq1'if miT ~i?r 'fiT "'fiTq~ q-ronfqcr f'filJT IT1:fT ~ I 1:fi?: m;r 11TT~ trr llT'lf~'fi l['T c:T.,) SfCfiT\: 'fiT .~) ~'fiCfT ~ I ifi"m if ificrn- 11Trt1f~Cji CfiN 'fi~.,r iff .,~ anCfr ~ er~ 'fiTl1 'liT srm

If;T1ffi'fiT~ cr~ o!ff'ffi 111.,1 l1!fT ~ '51') f'fi Ofif;~T !fT qf~erT<:: qiP:f'fi~ T ~~ ~q if arG'lT ~q "ill '5f11Tr'fi~ U srffif ;;n:rT., q~ WI' cn:Cfr ~ I WT 'fi\;r if 3Th f

9. iSfR~ "'iiI~~

'51'1 (ilj'fffi .,~ l['T f"frtr if; ~q if 11'5f~~T ~PH f'll'lT wrt

qfurf~'fi \3'£lTlT er~ ~IT ~ '5I'r qf'.:

~)IT ~ amTl[' f'fi~ ert'~ CfiT ~(tfT~, ~mlV'f. !fT if~Cf' ~ ~TaT .~, ~ij- Q~-Efi~ ~ ¥~, ~If~,

1 1. ar.

'fiT11'a'fiT~,.~ ~ l['T qTf~Tf<:9i' :a-m1T i'f

(or) ~m:r f"itfu~T :- , ;,TID f'Ii ~ 1!fTtf'Ii ~ m fl1~f ~ l- ;;;rlt1!f'f m ~ If)11 it \filTif:(J fli;lH wrf ~ I ~ ~'h; 'Ii"t

cr~ m ;;IT 9:uT ~qOf '1lT~ q'rfi'f'lif,

. ~ ~

w+r f;;~fiIrl- f.:r;;:r ~fOflfT ~ '1''1'1- ~ f.fil:fT IT.l1T ~ I

l-Of'i~ o;

4-Wlt '\1~)lr ar~ (W'lT 3 8Th 15-19)

l~~qf~Tt: - 19 81 'fif :or1lTOf'fT t 3fT!'R. src~ IDlI' 11; f;;;rq; ~ 4 if, 1 m'

2-§f~uTrt :

l\'fu 'T1

'\1Wa- ~r31T ~ fuo; $flf)'T f'li~ '1'1:1; 1f>l-if 'lif OlfTlS

U1lT if ~1J l!Tf~ up:rrart 'tfr fli;flT ~ f.rl:;;f~

srr~l:rfr l:fT ~ ~i'f, if~"<:f ~'{1, cm=r fOf&T'\, ~~-arn1Tf~, 't

lif~1lT~r H

~lt': ~~, 'ti"(';{tl'tfilO;C:

~ nfTCl'f; ~ 1fT m a;q '{ C

amITflr'li ~({ I

srflifaTUT ~i1 TR

'111<;" m~

a\"~ l1Tf~'Ii ~~~H( o

(II) f'qf~T ~f«OlTl:( (~ 6) , m1l' it ~~ ~T W

f~m'lf H

, ~ ~ ilTi1 ~j1lf ~ Mew

sr~fu ~~ MH

qrn~~ cwe

srNfi:rp f

Ff~~ HC

srT~1liIi" t

~ D

qfu.rr<~~ FPC . 'TB ~ 'We f

~R~ NH

<:f~~T~f~~ RP

3fmt'li ~1:I'crr mccr f~'Ii SMP

111${jfq'li ~}:r 'Iili"fro CHW 0 ~~

{III} tAA'im 'WiT (~ 7,

lWf it ~ t:ff.t tltrlllfr'fr ~ arT'!ro-rna1.'IiT~f.:rv.:r <;;)if ~ ~ tm ~ :- I T

W xviii

crnrTq- 'fiT !f1"ff TK

i'f~q'fiT"Rt TW

~;:~ ql:q HP

i'fGT 'fiT q1'fl ,R -F ~~

"!~~ 'fiT 'lPfT ~


~?fm 'fiT lfT

(lV) :m; " tm: (an( 8).:

mlT ~ :a-~ Gfot'

~TCfi 'Cf<: PO

PTO ~TCfi cr ern: ~ . ern:: 'Cf<: TO

~"M;T<1 Phone


m~ ~n:: ~ iT ~ f({if 'liT ~~ it ({T f({i'f ~~a-T ~ erT fiJffi f({il f({f!lTCf f'fi~ • If!:!; ~ I lifu: mer ii crT;;[f{ Il'l"fuil> 1fT 'lTT~T<::

(VI) ~;: (~n{ 10) :

fllf'f .fci;l:rr 'fliT ~ I


. 't~~ Wrr

';;n:r lTf

3 - ~Tq;fT ~~', ~Tfq: :

(I) ttfcf if GfTit t fvr~ lITTl (~ 11) I

;rfcr ili f~o: '5fTi')' erm lIT;rr 'fiT f.:r:rr 'fiTif am f~r ~T, ~ I


~ ~¥'fi KR llTClTlrTCl ~

ml1 ~ f~ 'ft'l1cr

{III}' f.f~~ sn~r~ (~~ I~)

lATif if fcr~}r 3TT'!.f;;r 'fft i3"~QacrT 'fiT f,:rt:'f, !p)if ri~r R~ 'Tlff ~ I

~._ sn:!T'5f;TI ili fu-o: fer~;;r'" ED '!iflf CfiTl:[ ~~ fcr~;;r EAG

3F<:f Sflfmr ;;?ij" 3TTcr)fu'Ii, &j"ermfll9'€ afTR ili f~ fGRf.. ;;r EO

i3"~·Ui ~m i3"qmlI ~ f~",Q: EA

{IV) ~~ \9TUT~;r (f~nr 14)

~~if ertf ~ l];~ ~;r if ~lSlf ~q ~ Sf<:ffr( f'imJ; ~ errn lSI'Tmffif 'liT fW ~ -~ :-

'(V) atl-~m (~~ 20)

~~ ~~ if fift:iffu-fucr 11e:r Cfif q:q.m( e:T ;rlfT ~ I o~T ~ ~ ~ 31m f~ ;ro: m ~ -R1il

(Cfi) lITer if ani')' erT~ ~"IT'fT<: ~ 'fiT mT N

(lSI') ;rTer # ~CT 11Th- ~r~f9Wl'/~ifi",G\: ,M

(;rt "Tfcr if i3"~"CT 'fiTl::l~rq c

('Of) ;rTer it i3"~cr ~9'c<: T

{50) t:i~<:!IfGG: if~CCf'!.uf t:ife:<:r if; f~o: f~T iflfT _~ 3T

(I) trTq ~T ~'i (fa'~ 3)

1-cFf , 2-~f1:'f ~i! ar:!~

2. 1 ~f~ ~ orfuf"@ 3{i!f ~


3. 1 f~T~ 3il"l:: 31"'11 'ifU~

3.2, fCfforCl im ~ ~r.i'f it

3 . 3 ~fq ~

4. 1 crcTltR '1~

4 2 or;:l1!f:ffl

5 -(;fT:qT if

1Af11 f"f~1IT~r if ~l1i ~ 3TT~ '1ft ltT"f'fi' 'l'TI'fi~1Jf B' '!l:~~iI '1~Y fot'i<1T ;r<1T ~ I 11~ cr;ffoj;,1ll '*'" 'Q;'fi ~B'=r ~ tnJ:"tR fu1="f(~furn ~ 'fiT JfT B''fiiIT ~ ,


.1. or"f (Hr~ 15) cril (1),

2 ~;rRr ~ fm"fCl ("Cl~ 16) crmWr'fi ;fFrT if!fT &T'!'f (5)

3 . arfB'f"lcl' (~1='li 1 7) !f¥Cl'lJ,f1:r (4.1-4.2)

4 . ~fq- '!fTl<:f

~. fqfcru i~) 'Q;cf ;a-mm ili aircifRf ~ ~ ~ qm..m ~ if ~f~;:riiJ ~ (3.2)

3. ~fq- liTl<:f .r;;n: 'l~ (3.3) , Ul

1. ~fl;j- ~ arfufn'fi ar;:;r ~ if ~r{ ~ 'J.fir 12. 1)


(UI) fwinf ~ ~m (~ 16)

qffi('fcri; fufiffl ~"f ~ ~ tOO

~~ PC

~art (f.r~o rlflf) WE

~q (fGRT f

~ (f.r~ rlflf) TWE

~TGl' TK

rro- R

~ L

~T S

6fi'if 0

6J'T1T ,T


;:r'R f.r~ftrGfir i'1 f;iri':r ~ trm ;:r

'flRT Cl'T ~:;;ft or:&" Cfi<:if if; f~t:; f'fr;:r qeja- arq;;T~ lf~ ~ :-

(r) ~ trm 'flf"( f;ir~GfiT ~TfClfcrGfi srTft~fq: ~q~~, orR 'if) alf<: ij"~ ~ ~Tlf 'f~T ~, ~ 'flT<:fGfiT Cf~liIil1 ~:;;rT if t:;Gfi orf(: ~:;;rr O{~ fifilfT lfl:fT ~ I I (II) ~~T fG[<:r":r ~tf:rfqrq; srT~Rr CfT~ ;;'T"{T GfiT \ifT rrT ~~T ~ 31i'CT~Q ~~ rrlf<:T ii; ~ 1:l;'Ii f?:tqUfT G"T lflfT ~ fq; ~ fif>tr "i'flf<: ~1J it; 1fTlf ~ I

(III) 'flf<: q;T ar~f;;:ll"t 'ifT ~Cfzr ~ '!_lIT 'flf<: 'f~T liT;;T if~~, \3";:~ f.:r~fllTifiT ~ ~ \T11f if 'f~T ~lTT .lfl:fT ~ I ~1Sl:f 'flf<: 1F ar~<:r ~T artPlf;['lT ~ ij"+OTf;:mr 31t~) ij;f ~ ;:rill:: il ·mflrf.if folilfT 'f'lT ~ Q~T l~FfiT olfT~T qTG"' fitqurT ir 1:

(IV) \lf~t[ur~T ;:rlf~l 'fit m- f;:r~firrc!iT ~ ~ 'lWT if ~'il1 % fcprr tf!TT ~ I lf~ ~

i'fll1: fm;;;r if J;flfTlT 'firlT{ t:!'~qr* ~'fi~T31T 'fir ol~TlSlfT f.n:;:r 3l2;~ if ~ IT

I 0 0, °0 °3lT<: arfuct; I 50.9,999 II , ~0:000-49,999 III 10,000-'19,999 IV

5,000-9,999 V

5,000 .r 'fit:!' VI

;nqftliii ~l~;; (f

~ ~ rrllTf<:'fi 5fl1lT~'l 5l"TR=qfu 'IlT W'l mr [m f~T lTlfT ~ :

M. Corp.


~)Cf;:rT '1(rg"; ~TGf'lT C.B.

3lf'eT~fqcr !\l'Of /arf~ftrcr !\l"f ~ft:!'fu, NA.C. arf~f'9cr ~f+rfu


~;if IA ~+cnf (fir

~ l1I'~ !fiT ~ ~1.flr 'Ilr ~+=iifT

KR tm'-~ q:fu (f

fRi f

OSD xxiii

~ iI'lftrlit SD

~ Sf1II're)' CD

~~ Sf1lTTffi' PT

;rli f.:ffirwr em- ~ q"~12fiT f.r+;r ~T am ar'film f.f;m lI'4r ~ I mum<: (fu'< 'n: ~T) HL B


ST s

~ if G'T lf4fcn:rl If>1 \3";:rt ff~cr t ar~m"{ 1:l;Cfi t erR ~u cmfu ~

~h:f~ \iIt:r alT'J.f;:r (~ IV ~ 12 q

mJ'em ~ • iI>)' lf4fu

(ar) ;;rn arTtJ:Rr t roo (~ 12)

;:m-~ q-/ ~~ Ifl=q" CiiT Ifr;:ft TW

;:r~ CfiT q-r;:ft T

~~. 'fiT q-rrr) w

~ if) CfiT tfFf) TK

(or ) ~"iflf;:r !1.[m ( ffil='fT 1 3 )

:a-q-~ iCfi' OHT

mcm~ SR

it.;) ~ 'C9Tii'R IG

~fuit qf+q"

lf~ T ;n+(' rnl$lT lTlfT ~ I l:fR ~ ~T \3'« ~ if ~cr ;;@ ~, aT \3"fJ f


31"'i~ D

~R=~ ~li HC

q-~ frn:rRrr ~;:li FC

c"r 0 orl" 0 Cffl"1"fi:R; TB

:a-q'q"f{ ~~ NH arr<:r 0

:a-~·CJG Cf'TT~ ~ f'l:fmtfT *~T311 '1\1 fEfiB1 rft qf ~, o:r~;:g 11~


- ~rrl'ir u

1l=trTqf~Cfi Hom.

lf~ ~ 1fCT CfiTsl ~ ij- .

. (I) ~T, Rr~Trr ar1~ qrfUf'j'!j' lT~Tftromrr ;;IT \=rrlCfili ~CT\

~~T A


1f;cr~ ~r t:{cf fer:ffTrr AS

~er~ CfT~


~I" m~rncr 'flTl Cfi\iT f

(II) ;rFlmT sr~ cT'3:q ~ arT~q ~Tl1I~ 'tiT ~~~n3Tl 3TR Of;:l{ Gl{rq~T~'ti ~~3Tl



Sh. Type o -, (III) ~lJT, ~f.:n:rfm, l1~T~T 3Th $()~)~I~ ~~~ ': sr~'f~l1 ~ m=~Rl ~T ~'€1:fT ~~

I l:1fll: ~ ij- 3Tf~ l1Tf~i{i ~~Tj; ~ ffi' \3"r(CfiT ~'€l:IT Efi)t2cfi lr Cfi~l ~ lJT~ G:mT 'T~ ~ I

lfR 'fIR i'r wf~~ ~f

;at~1'f ltilR m~ a'Tcffl~ ~~tr (f~ V ~" 20)

~'f ~m3ff Cf;) f;;;:;; Cfi):sl rnr' G:!!ThI'T I'fl:1T ~ I


D~tTlct Census Handbook is beIng brought out in two volumes-part A and part B-for each district separately. The part' A' volume consists of village and town dir~ctories, giving basic information relating to infra-structure and amenities and total population of each village and town as thrown up by 1981 Census. The non-census information relates to the year 1979.80/ 1980-81 makmg It almost synchronolls wIth the 1981 population census. Part 'B' volume presents primary census data, known In census jargon as 'primary Census Abstract' (PCA) for each village and town. The PCA glVes total population with scheduled castes/scheduled trIbes, literates, mam workers by mam categorIes, marginal workers and non-workers break up. It is Important fo'r the readers to acquamt themselves with census concepts of general importance and the scope of village and town dIrectories !is have been discussed under separate heads namely: (a) Census Concepts (b) VIllage Directory (c) Town Directory. A. CENSUS CONCEPTS 1. Rural and Uaban Areas

The census clata are presented by rural ang urban areas. A rural area IS ~on-urban consis­ ting of revenue villages with wen defined boundanes which is the smallest unit III the hIerarchy of administrative units. It may comprise of several hamlets. Yet it is considered' one umt for the presentation of data, HabitatIOns in forest areas are also considered as VIllages and each forest range officer's 'beat is considered as one forest village. Urban areas have been especIally defined for the purpose of populatIOn cen_sus. The definition IS treated wIth some fleXibilIty with a view to accommodating minor vanatIOns for meetmg the exigency of the situatIon. An urba!! unit has been defined as follows: (a) all places with a municipalty, corporation or cantonment board or notified town area: (b) all other places WhICh satisfied the following crIteria: (1) A minimum population of 5,000; (Ii) At least 75% of the male working popUlation engaged in non-agricultural actIvity; (iii) A populatIon of at least '400 per Sq. km. (or one thousand per Sq. mile).

Allied agri~ultural activIties such as fishing, logging etc. have been conSIdered agricultural in 1981 census for determinmg the proportIOn of engagement of male population m, non-agri­ -cultural activities for the purpose of declarmg a place a town. 2. Urban Agglomeration The concept of Urban AgglomeratlOn of the 1971 IS also adopted for 198 I cens].ls. Very often the growth of towns over-lapped the statutory limIts of the city or town. Large railway -colonies, university campuses, port areas, industnal areas etc, came up out~ide the'ltmits of the town but they form continuous growth WIth the town. These out~rowths mayor ml.'y not by themselves qualify to be treated as separate towns but the~e outgrowths deserve to be heated' as urban areas. Snch a town with their outgrowth areas is treated as one urban unIt and -called 'Urban Agglomeration' and Urban Agglomeration may constitute: (i) A city With continuous outgrowths, (the part of outgrowth being outside the statu­ tory limIts but falltng withm the boundaries of the adjoining Village or VIllages) xxviii

/ (ii) One town with similar outgrowth or two or more adjoining .towns with theu' , outgrowths as in (i); or (iii) A dty' and one or more adjoming towns with their out growths all of which form a continuous spread.

3 Census House A 'census house' is a building or a part of a building havipg a s(!parate main entrance from the road or common court yard or staircase etc; used recogQised ~s a separate unit. It may be­ vacant o.r occuptep. it may be used for residential or non-residential purpose or both.

4 HouSehold

A household" is a group of persons who commonly live togeth~r, and who take their meals. from a common kitchen unles~ the exigency of work prevel).ts them from aOing so. There may be a household of persons related 'by blood or unrelated persons or having a mix of both. Examples of unrelated households are boarding houses, messes, hostels, residential hotels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams etc. These are called institutIOnal households. There may be­ one-member household, two-member households or multi-member 'households. For census purpose, each one of these types is regar~ed as a household.

5. Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes A person has been returned as belonging to a scheduled caste or scheduled trIbe if caste­ or tribe to which he belong~ is~ included in the schedule of the State. Scheduled caste cal} belong to Hindu or Sikh religion. However, a persdn belonging to scheduled tribe can profess" any ,religion. "

6. Literates

A perSl)fi who c:m b'oth read and write'With understandmg II1 any is to be taken as. 1itera,te. A person who can merely read but cannot wnte, IS not a literate. It is not necessary that a p~rson who is literate should hav'e r~ceived any fQrmal edtication or. shoul(! have passed. any minimum educational standard.

7. Workers

I n I 981 cens~s, tlle economic status of a per:;on has been classified as : (I) Main Worker (II) Margmal Worker (IIi) Non-worker The dichotomy of -workers and non-workers of 1961 and 1971 censlls has been discarded III 1981 census ,lnd tIme dlspo>llion criterion l_n 'economIc activity WIth one year reference penod is­ adopted. A person who has engaged himself in economic actIvity for major part of the year (at least 183 days)"is conSIdered as main worker whtle those who have worked III for some tIme­ during the last year but not major part of the year have been treated as marginal worker. Those who have not worked at all during the one year reference period are Hon-workers.

Work has been defined as participation in any economically productive activity. Such / may be phys;cal or menta! in nature. ·Work involves not only actual work but also- partlci~atlon , effective supervion and dir~tion of work. XXIX

8. Cultivator A person is cons1dered a cultivator if he has engaged in cultivation as a slllgie worker or family worker, of land owned or held from Govt. or held from private persons or institutions for paYlflent III money, kind or share. CultrvatlOn mcludes supervision or direction of cultiva-, tion. CultivatIOn Illvolves ploughing, sowing and harvestmg and productton of cereals and millet drops and other c'rops such as sugarcane, ground nuts taplOca etc. and pulses, raw jute and kindered fibre crops, cotton etc. and does not include frUIt and vegetable growing or keeping of orchards or groves or working on plantation lIke tea, coffee, rubber etc: 9. Agricultural Labourer

A person who works in another person's land for wages III money, kllld or share should be regarded as an agricultural labourer. He does not have a rIsk in the cultivation but merely works in another person's land for wage. 10. Household industry Household Industry is defined as an mdustry conQucted by the head of the household him­ self/herself and or by the members of the household' at home or Within th~ precincts of the house where the household lJves)n urban areas. the larger proportlOn or'workers in a house­ hold industry should consist of members of the household lUcIudwg the head. The mdustry should not be NUn on the scale of a registered factory which would qualify or has to be reg1stered under the Indian Factories Act. Industry ImplIes produCtion, processmg, SerVICIng or repair of artIcles goods or such as handloom weaving, dyeing, carpentry, bidi rolling, pottery manufacture, bicycle repairing, blacksmithy, taIloring etc. 11. Other Workers All workers, who are not cultivators or agricultural labourers or engaged in Household Industry are treated as other workers. ThiS category covers factory and plantation. workers, government servants, mUnIclpal ,employee, teachers, priests, entertainment artIsts, workers engaged 1n trade, commerce, business, transport, mmlllg, cOl1structlO'n etc.

B. VILLAGE DiRECTORY The vlllage directory as the title connotes presents mformatlOn pertamlllg to rural areas. The directory of Villages IS presented for each tahs11 111 'a separate senes WIth the villages arranged III ascending order of the locatlOn code senals, The v1llage dIrectory of each tahSil is prec~ded by a lIst of villages III wh1ch the vIIJages [lre llldexed' by 'Hmdi, English alphabet; with thelf 10catlOn code numbel s.

The villages which have been wholly merged In MUlllclpal Boards t,9wn areas contonments are not borne on the junsdictlOnal list of tahslls and consequently Ihey are not cOYereQ in the Village qirecrory 1!owever, the villages treated as an outgrowth of an Urban Aggl0lUeration or town are listed in the Village directory but no data are presented agalllst the name of these VIllages in the village directory, The fact· that a Village IS an outgrowth of a town is mdicated against- the name of such a village. All these VIllages are listed In the Primary Census Abstract (rilral) without presentIng their data for providing cross references. The uninhabIted or depopulated Villages are hsted without glVmg Village dIrectory Information, excl'pt the area of the vlllages. A note against such a vLllage mdLcates the state of its being depopulated or unmhabited. xxx

The "illage directory brings out basic information about a village. These data can be classified into the following categories. 1. Population and households Col. 4 2. AmenIties Cols. 5 to 10 3, Other mfra-structural facilities etc. Cols. l1,to 14 and 20 4. Land u~e data Cols. 3 and 15-19 1. Population and HousehOlds The population of each village as on the sun rise of March 1981 obtained from the 1981 census is given in column 4. The number of household is indicated with in the brackets.

2. Amenities If an amenity is available within the village, the kind of amenity available is IOdlcated by codes. If not aVailable a dash IS indicated and the distance range wIthm which available out­ side the village is given wllhm brackets. Three ranges of di&tance of avaIlabilIty have bee~ formed for facilitating collectIOn and presentatIOn of data. These ranges are: (a) Below 5 Kms. indicated by (-5), (b) 5-10 Kms. IDdicated by (5-10) and (c) 10 Kms. and above llldicated by (10+).

The codes used for depIcting amenities are explained In the following paras: (i) Educational Amenities (Col. 5)

The type of educatiOnal instItutions located within the village IS represented by the follow­ ing codes. The number of each of such au instztutIOn is given withm bracke!s : Primary or elementary school Nursery school, Kindergarten, Pre-baSIC, Pre-primary, Junior basic P Senior basic school, Junior High School, Middle School M Matriculation or Secondary H Hlgh!r Secondary, Intermediate College, Pre-university PUC College graduate level & above C Industrial School I Training School TR Adult LIteracy Class/Centre AC Other Educational InstitutIOns 0

(ii) Medical Facilities (Col. 6) :

The availablhty of medical facilities within the village is indicated by the following cotI~s. The number of institutions located within the village or serving practitioners is given within brackets. Hospital H Maternity & Child Welfare Center MCW Maternity Home MH ChIld Welfare Centre ewc Primary Health Centre PHC Health Centre liC Primary Healtb Sub-centre PHS Dlspensary D Family Planning Centre FPC T.B. Clinic TB Nursing Home NH xxxi

Registered Private Practitioner RP Subsidised Medical Practitioner SMP Community Health Worker CHW Other o (iii) Drinking Water (Col. 7)

The potable drinking wat~r supply sources availabJe wIthin tbe vilIage are denoted by the following codes : Tap water T Well water . W Tank water T~ Tube-well water TW Hand Pump HP River water R Fountam F Canal C Lake L Spnng S Nallah ,N Other o Inform'ation not available NA

(iv) Post & Telegraph (Col. 8) The post and telegraph facIlities available within the village are indicated by the following codes: Post Office PO Post and Telegraph Office PTO Telegraph Office TO" Telephone ConnectIOn Phone (v) Day or Days of the Market (Col. 9)

If a weekly or bI-weekly market IS held withm the village, the day or days on which it i~ held is lDdlcated. The days are mdlcated by Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, and Sat. A market held fortmghtly or monthly in a remote village, is also gIven and this "fact is clearly brought out by IndlCatlDg monthly/fortnightly. .

(vi) Communications (Col. 10)

If a bus or raIlway station is located within the Village or IS served by navigable waterways, !he followmg codes give the klDd of facIlitieS aVailable wlthlD the vlllage : Bus BS RaIlway Station RS NaVIgable water way (lUcludmg nver, canal, back waters etc.) NW 3. Other Infrastructural Facilities, etc.

(i) Approac~ to the village (Col. 11) : The approach to the Village is represented by the following codes: Pucca Road PR Kacchha Road KR Navigable RIVer NR xxxii

(li) ~earest Town (Col. 12) The name of the nearest town to village is tndlcated and the distance is given In Kms. within br'llckets'.

(iii) Pow~r SUpply (Col. 13) The foliowing codes are used for the power supply available within the village: EJectncity for domestIC purpbse ED Electricity fot Agllculture EAG Electricity for other purpose like Industrial commercial etc. EO Electricity for all purpose hstcd above EA

(iv) Staple food (Col. 14) The food grains used as staple food in a Village for major pa;"t of the year are llldicated. (v) Remark (Col. 20)

ThJ! following items of mformatlon are fUfmsbed III thIS column and are mdlcateD by the code gi~en against each. (a) Copies of the newspaper coming in- the vil1age N (b) Motor cycle/Scooters avaIlable in the VIllage M (c) Cars/Jeeps'avaIlable in the village C (d) Tractors available in the Village T (e) Tem-indicates .temples of Importance. Other places of importance are given by names. The1ri'umerical strength of each item is indicated by numerical appendage to the code. For instance, N 32 indIcated 32 copies of newspaper commg in the village.

4. Land use Data 1 Area of the village (';;01. 3} The area o'f the village is based on village recorgs 2. Land use classification

The standard classificatlOn of land use data are given below: I. Forests 2. Not avaIlable f0r culttvation. 2.1 Lands put to non-agricultural uses. 2.2 Barren and uncultlvable lands. 3. Other uncultivated lands excluding fallow lands. 3.1 Permanent pa"tures and other grazing lands.

3,2 Land under miscellaneous tree crops and groves not lUcluded ill the net area sown. 3.3 Culturable waste.

4. Fallow lands 4) Current fallow~. 4.2 Other fallows

5, Net area sown There is a'departure florn the standard classification in presentation Ot land use datain village directory. However, both classlfication are indentifiable with each other an given below. # xxxiii

3. Village Directory Standard Classification (with SI. No. of category). 1. Forests (Col. IS) Forest (1) ,0 2. Irngated by sources (Col. 16) Net area sown (5) plus .plus 3 Un-IrrIgated (CoLl7) Fallow land (4.1 +4.2) 4. Culturable waste (Col.18) 1. Permanent pastures & other grazlOg lands (3.1) 2. Land under miscellaneous tree crops etc. (3.2) 3. Culturable wastes (3.3) 5. Area not available for cultivation (Co1.19) 1. Land put to non-agricultural uses ().l) 2. Banren and uncultivable land (2.2)

4. Irrigation by sources (Col. 16)

The sources of net irrigated area are represented by the following codes i : Government Canal GC Well (Without electricity) W Private Canal PC Well (With electricity) WE Tubewell (Wtt~out electricity) TW Tubewell (with electricity) TWE

Tank J' TK River R Lake L Waterfall WF Others o Total T

Town Directory The Town Directory covers all the to",n in a dlstnct. The towns a;e arranged by Enghsh ,alphabetical order. The data are presented in seven statements sedalJy numbered J to IV, IVA V and VI.

The followmg mode. of ilsting of towns has been followed: (i) All the towns having statutory status which are not the part of an Urban Agglomera­ tion is listed once in the alphabetICal arrangement of the towns.

(ii) All the towns which are part of an Urban Agglomeration and enjoy independent status of a statutory town are listed twice in the alphabetIcal arrangement of tl're towns as well as under the main town of an Urban AgglomeratIOns. However, the data are presented' separately only once under the. main 'town. In alphabetical arrangement a note IS given against such towns that they are part of such and such Urban Agg(omeratton

,(iii) The outgrowths of a town which do not qualIfy themselves for being treated as mde­ pendent towns are not listed III the main body of the Directory. They have been explained by a footnote to the mam town and the data relating to outgrowth are merged with the main town. xxxiv

(iv) Census town are also listed in the body of DIrectory. These are the towns which do. not e~joy statutory status but are declared towns for the purpose of popu.lation census.

The important concepts used in the town dlrecto~y are dl,c l>~ed In the folio Nlug paras

Class of Town: (Statement I Col.-2) The towns are classified into following six groups by pJp:Ilatiou size criterIon Population Class 100,000 and above I 50,000-99,999 II 20,000-49,999 III 10,000-19,999 IV 5,000- 9,999 V Below- 5,000 VI Civic AdministratiOn (Statement I Col. 2) The.clvil administration status of a town is indicated by codes .explained below: Municipal Corporation M. Corp. Municipal Board M.B. Cantonment Board Cantonment C.B. Notified Area/Notified Area Committee! N.A.C. Notified Committee Census Town C.T. Road Length (Statement IV Col. 6)

The total road length within each town is to be given by the following codes Pucca Road PR Kachcha Road KR

System of sewerage (Statement IV & IVA Col. 7) The system of sewerage and drainage are represented by the followmg codes : Sewer S Open Surface drains OSD Box Surface drams BSD Sylk drams SD Cesspool method CD Pit system Pt Two systems lU order of importance one followtng the oth(:r are indicated In codes. - Method'· of disposal of Night Soil (Statements IV & IVA Col 11) : The various methods of disposal of night soil are Indicated by the following codes: Head loads HI; Baskets B Whee! barrows WB Septic tank latrines ST Sewerage S Vpto twO methods in order of their importance in the town one following the other are indrcated in codes. xxxv

"Protected Water supply (Statement IV Cols. 12 & 13) Water Supply: The followmg codes are used for indicatmg protected water supply system/sourcesl (A) Sources of water supply (Col. 12) Tubewell water/Hapdpump TW Tap water T Well Water ·w Tank water TK (B) System of storage (Col. 13) Overhead tank OHT Service reservoir SR River infiltration gallery IG Borewell Pumping System BWP Pressure tank PT Fire fighting service (Statement IV Col. 14) 'Yes' is recorded if fire fighting services are available within the town. -In case not available withm the to'Wn the llame of the nearest place If in the same district or name of the nearest -distnct if out sIde the district 'Where fire fighting services are available is indicated.

Medical FacIlllies (Statement V Col. 4 & 5) 1be followlDg codes are med for representing medIcal facilIties: Hospital . H Dispensary D Health Centre HC Family Plannmg Centre FC T.B. Climc TB Nursing.Home NH Others o

The above classIficatIOn glVes the Illstltutions by type but does not reflect on the syst~m of "Illedlcme practIsed in tbese InstitutIOns. A further distinction is attempted by classifying these lDstitutlOns by various systems of medlcme as represented by the following codes: ~~k A Unani U Homoeopathic Ho!?

If none of the above codes is given, an allopathic system of medicine IS indicated., The system of medIcine prllctIsed and number of institutions a,re indicated withlU brackets appended to the code representing the type of medical intstitutions. For IllustratIOn code H (A-I, 2) indIcates one Ayurvedlc hospItal and two Allopathic hospItals.

Educational Facllihes (Statement V-Col. 6-9), (i) Arts, science and commerce colleges imparting eduction of degree level and above are .represented by the follqwmg codes: Arts only A Science only S Arts and SCIence only AS Commerce only C Arts and commerce only AC Combined for all categories-arts, science and commerce ASC Law L xxxvi

(ii) Recognized type-writing short hand institutions and other vocational institutes are indicated by the codes given below: (Col. 10) Shorthand SH Typewriting Typ Shorthand & Typewriting Sh. Typ Others o (iii) Medical, Engineering Colleges and Polytechnic: The number of each type of institu. t~on is mdicated in the ralevant column by giving the number. If there are more than one educatIOnal institutions, the number is Indicated within brackets appended to the codes . . If an educational facility is not available within the town, name of the nearest place within the district or name of the district if outside the distnct where such a facility is available IS indicated. The 'distance from the town of such a place is given in Kms. within .brackets. Public Libraries Including Reading Rooms (Statement V Col. 20) These facilities are represented by the following codes: Public Library PL Reading Room RR ANALYTICAL NOTE


The district has a legendary early history. The traditions have it that it was a part of the kingdom whose capital , a premier ancient city now lie buried in the present dlstri'?t of . It is also said·that after the destructIOn of this city by the flood.fury of the G~nga, the tract was administered by a governor wIth hIS head-quarters at the ancient town of AH AR. T~e ancient name of the Bulandshahr town was Baran which IS a derivation from a Tomar Raja who as the tradItion goes, built a fc,lft here to protect the town. Whatever credence can'be placed I,n these myt1Js, it is evident from an inscnphon that the dIstrict was inhablted by Gaur Brahmms and was ruJed by the Gupta dynasty 1U the firth century AD Detalled hIstory of the regIOn can, however, be traced only af~er the advent of Mohnmmedans. Mahmud of Ghazni arrived at, Baran In 1018 Vvhen It was III the possession of a native prince Har Dat. In 1193, Qut]lb.ud·Dm appeared at B~ran and later captured It. The fourteenth century is marked as an epoch when many of the trites now inhabIting the dlstnct first gamed a footing, here. A number of RaJput­ adventurers poured into- this region and displaced the cefenceless local inhabitants from their lands. ThIS was also the period of tbe eally Mangol invaslOns. It was WIth the establi· shrnent of comparatively settled government of the Mughal dyna&ty that this harassed region witnessed ,a respite of peace culmmating ill the admimstrahve reconstructIOn of Akbar. After the recline of the imperial power,/whlch dates flOm the accession of Bahadur Shah. in 1707, the cOlUltry around Baran was, like all the.m'ore fertile regions, exposed to mIsfortunes. The Gujars and Jats exhibIted their usual turbulent spirit and, many of thair chieftams curve out princlpalit1es from the villages of their nig~bours. Baran at that tIme was a dependency of Koil and It continued, to be admimstered from KOIl under the Maratha rule also. Buland- shahr and the surroundmg country were IDCOl porated ID the newly formed district 1U 1803 'when the town Baran alongwlth the adjoining fort of AlJgarh was captured by the"Bntish.

Bulandshahv took the pride-of Join,ng the first battle of independence in 1857 by the revo1t of the 9th Native Infantry WhICh took place on May 2'1,1shortly after the outbreak at Allgarh. However, the dIstrict contmued to take an actIve part. in tbe hberatJOn movement of the country tIll the achievement of independence III August 1947.

The dlstnct IS named afler Its h~adquarters town name, viz. Bulandshahr which slgmfies a 'hIgh town' as it IS located on the hlghbank of the Kah Nadi. This town IS sItuated almost 10 the mIddle of the dlstrlct on the grand trunk road aud IS a place of conSl­ delable antIqUIty.

Th~ dlstnct of Buland5hahr was formed In the year 1823 from out tbe terntories of. the dIstricts of Meerut and Altgarh. At t~at time, the district was dIVIded into about a score of parganas. In 18~4, the distrIct was dIvided mto four tahsds, namely, Sikandrabad, Bulandsliahr, Khuda and Anupshahr which contmue till today with, of cour~e, some tern­ tonal changes occuring therein now and then. The latest JUrISdIctIOnal change took place in the year 1977 when in villages and one town () oft'ahsil Sikandrabad involving an area of 573,12 sq. 'km. was ceded to the newly created dlstrIct· of Ghazlabad, reduclllg the Slkandrabad tahsll to less than half of its ongmal SIze. 2

LOCATION : Situated on the western periphery of Uttar Pradesh, is one of the constituent units of Meerut Division. It lies bctwen 28°4' and 28°43' north latitudes and 77°18' and 78°28' east longitudes. The district is situated in the upper doab of the Ganga and the which form the eastern and western boundaries respectively separating It from districts and in the east and the State of in the west. It IS bounded by district Ghazlabad on the north and dlstJict on the south. The district covers a total area of 4,352 sq. km. with an average spread of about 56 km. from north to south and about 88 km. from west to east. In area, this dlstnct represents 1.48% of the state total and ranks thirty-ninth among the 56 dlstnct of the State.

TOPOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE : The general surface of the country presents the look 'of an almost uniform level plain with an imperceptible gradual slope from north-west to south-east. The central portion forms an elevated plam, flanked by low-lying khadar strips on the banks of the great rivers Ganga and the Yamuna. The Ganga khadar in the east IS narrower and in one or two places the river leaves fertile deposits whIch are regularly cultivated. The Yamuna khc:dar on the west IS more fertIle and wider tract ab3ut 8 to 16 km. WIde except in the south where the river flows close to ItS eastern high bank. Through the middle of the central upland flows the Kah NCj.di in a narrow and well~defined valley whIch suffers from fioodlllg in wet years.· The western half portIOn contains a sandy ndge, now marked by the Mat branch of the upper Ganga canal and two drainage channels known as the Patwai and the Kairon or Karwan •. The nver Hindan also enters the dlstnct III the north-western conier and after runntng a ~hort dIstance Joins the Yamuna near . The eastern portion IS dramed by the Nlm which flows parallel to the Ganga. Except for the occurrence of some depressions and usar lands here and there, particularly in parts of Sikandrabad, Khurja and Baran parganas, the entire plain IS ~arked by lar.ge ferttle tracts.

The SOli of the district is entirely alluvium wtth the kankar embeded in abundance and the surface occassionally bears sahne afforescences. The local names ot:. the SOlIs are seeta, dakra,pilota, khadar and reh. Sueta IS a good firm loam of the upland, dakra IS the ordinary clay found in depressiom, pilota is the yellow, light sandy loam, hhur IS mostly sand, klwdar I, the river allUVlllm and relt is the diseased Sceta and dakra. Loam serves almost 60% of land • followed by 20% sandy loam and 5% clay. The land capable of producing salt and saltpetre is mo<;t1y found close to the Yamupa but small patches are noticed alcng the, low banks. ot the Kal! also.

The climate of the district 1$ like oth~r parts of the we3t Uttar Pradesh dry and healthy. The e is extreme cold in wlllter and extrema heat accompanied With hot winds in summr. 1 he summer sea~on extends through Apnl to June with the mercury shooting 10 the maXimum of about 45° centIgrade lfi June. The onset of monsoon in the first week of July bnngs some respite from exceSSlVe heat. The ratny season goes on till mid October. The normal annual ralUfall in the dlstnct is of the order of 659 mms., most of which occur III J nly and August. From November to March is the wmter season, With teh minimum temperature droPPing as low as 1°C III the ntghts of January. Some rains also occur in the winter season from the I north-westerly cyclones, which proves very useful to the standlllg rabi crops,

PLACES OF TOURIST INTERRST : There are no places of much importance of tOUrIst interest. 3


The present jurisdiction of Bulandhsahr district, which is a part of the Meerut Commi­ ssioner's division, covers an area of 4,352 sq. km. The district is divided into four tahsils for revenue administration with the Sub Divisional Officers exercising both magisterial and revenue powers. Of the four tahsiIs, the Anupshahr tahsil located in the east by the bank of the Ganga, is the largest with an area of 1,368 sq. km. and the Sikandrabad tahsil (488 sq~ km.) in the north-east is the smallest. The central and northern middle portion of the dist- rict is occupied by the Bulandshahr tahsil while the Khurja tahsIl lies on the south in an east-west elongated position.

The hierarchy of the administrative units is given below.

Table 1 : Administrative Units

Number of r------A..------, Tahsil/Development Area in Nyaya Revenue Villages block sq.kms. pancha- Gram ,..-___A-_, Towns yats Sabhas Total Inhabited

2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Sikandrabad 195.3 26 199 266 242 4 1. Dankaur 441.01 10 97 144 127 2. Sikandrabad 323.79 16 102 122 115 2. Bulandsb.1 br 1,221.7 61 348 404 386 7 1. 169.89 7 41 47 47 2. Slana 169.08 8 31 34 32 3. Lakhawati 204.98 10 62 76 73 4. GuJaothl 151.77 10 51 61 58 5. ~ulandshahr 223.93 14 89 95 93 6. Sh,karpur 263.29 12 74 91 83 3. Khurja 1,161.7 42 313 370 353 6 1. 338.60 11 80 105 . 94 2. Khurje. 286.65 11 81 89 89 3. Aramya 237.76 10 72 84 80 4. 265.49 10 80 92 90 4. Anupshahr 1,158.2 39 344 420 384 5 1. Iahangirabad 271.84 7 69 78 76 2. Vncha Gaon 139.15 7 55 72 64 3. Anupsbahr 276.11 9 83 106 91 4. Danpur 220.00 8 68 16 74 5. Debai 229.77 8 69 88 79 District Total 4,352.0 168 1,204 1.460 1,365 22

Note: The difference between the sum of the area of the tahsil and the total area of the dIstrict is attributable to the varying systems of accounting. by two sources . Sources: 1. Block Area Saukhakiya Patrika, Bulandsh~hr 1981_ 2. Tahsil Area Board of Revenue, U. P. 3. DIstrIct Area Surveyor General, India. 4

ECONOMY 1. Infrastructure : Served by a net.work of roads and railway lines, the district is well connected with the other parts of the state as well as the country. Total length of raIlways in the dIstrict is }28 km. and that 6f ~etalled- roads 942 km. The DelhI-Howrah main lme p:1sses through the district which runs through Kburja, Sikandrabad, Chola, Wair iandlDankaur. It provides a direct connection to the two major metropolitan cities of the c@un!ry. BesIdes, the Khurja-Meerut and th~ Aligarh-Chanpausl b'ranch lines also -traverse the district.. There are'1n alll4"railway stations in the disinct. Among the roads, the most important is Grand Trunk-road, Meerut-Bulandshahr road, KhurJa-Jewar road, Slkandrabad­ Dankaur road, Bulandshahr-Shikarpur road. The availabilIty of metalled road per 1,000 sq. km. of total area of the dlstnct ,work's out -to 204 kms. which is qUite at far With the state avera!!e but in terms of population the avaIlability of roads IS only 41 kms. per one lakh persons which is much less. The total-eonsumntion of electricity is to-the tune of abo?-t 244 million kwh. The per capita consumption comes to 101 kwh. which is quite high as compared to the state level average. As for the consumption pattern, a very high proportion of about three fourths of total consumption goes-to irrigatlOn and drainge purposes. The agricultural sector claims only one third'share In the state ~s a whole and a littile less than one fifth at the nationalleveI. Almost one fifth of the power consumed here goes to run the industries. The district is served b¥ a net-wprk of canals emanating from the perennial rivers, the Yamuna and the Ga~ga, with a total length of 1,193.km. and quite a good number of tube­ wells (31,875). As a result of th.e~e facilities, as high 'as 98% of the net area sown here is under irr,igation wb,ile tbe. corresponding pt:oportion at -the state level is a little less than one hal(. Tuce wells are by far the most Important source of irrgation which cover 2 35 lakh hectares of land or nearly half of the total irrigated area, followed by canals (16 percent) and others. The vast migation potentials avaIlabLe here encourage increasing use of chemical fertilizers which ultimately resu~t~ in greater productivity. 2 Agnculture land AHied Sectors : A~nculture provides sustenance to the bulle of the pop~latlOn of the district engagIng almost 70 percent bf the workers. Household industries provide a liv+l}g to about four percent of the workmg force. Over one fifth of the workers earn their livkh~od by engagmg themselves in secondary or tertiary sectors of economy lIke manufacturing, construction., business etc. The district is endowed WIth extensive fertile land and good irrigatlOnal facili ties. AJmo~t two thlrd~ of the net ,area sown is under multrple cropping With a cropping mlenSllY of 16?Ol%. 1 he following table presents land use statistics. Table 2 : Distribution of villages according to land use

Percentage of Percentage of Nb. of inhabited Total area cultIvated area irrigated area to Name of taJ:lsil Villages (hectares) to total' total cultivable area area 2 3 4 5 1; Slk.aqdr~bad 242 19,555.48 85,41 71.84 2. Bulandshahr 386 .I 19 t957.8.7 90:04 89.80 3. Khurja 353 ] 16,6Z3.46 S7.33 £0.32 4. Anupshahr 384 115,454.4~ 84.46 82.34 Total dlstnct 1,365 431,641.27 86.96 82.04 5

, • t. , It,can be seen from t~e above table that &6.96 per cent of the total area of the distrIct is cultivable of which ·82.04 percent IS irrigated. The most extensively cultivated ta'hsIl IS Bulandsh~hr with 90.04 percent ,of its area culltivable. The 'least cultIv~ble tahsil is Anupy shahr wlth'84,4Q. percent of its area cultivable. The highest proportion of 89,80 percent of the eultIvable area lfngated IS observed in Bulandshahr tahsil against the lowest of 71.84 percent 'i'il Slkandrabad tahsil. The main crop ~easons are kharif, rabi and zaid. The area under raM crops account for the larger proportion than that'in kharif showmg thereby a tecfency ;;reiy observed ,in other dIstncts." The area under ra bi crops accouht for 48.75 percent agamst' I. 47.22 percentI under t i,\.'\. kharif CfCIpS of the total cro'pped urea 'zaid crop claims 4.00 percent of total cropped area which is suffiCiently hIgh in compaflSon with the '~tate average. The most Imr,ort,ant crop is wheat WhICh IS raised III 2.15 lakh hectares accounting for 54.02 percent of the area under cereals and 37.72 percent of total cropped area. Maize prowp. in 1.16 lakh hecta,res follow next. These two crops claim nearly three fifths of the total cr9Pped area. Sugarcane Is_the third important crop grown In an area of about 54 thousand. The area under pulses accounts for about 29,000 hectares claimmg merely 5.09 percent of the total cropped area. No pulse cro~s are raised extensively. Tur, whIch occupies the largest area among pulses is .raised on an area of 5.5 thousand hectares. Oil seed, ale not important crops in the district. The dIstrict produces about 5.22 lakh Llnnes whe3.t, 1.71lakh tonnes of maIze and 27.3 lakh tonnes of sugarcane. The agriculture suffers from the constraints of low operational holdings and poor operatIonal capacity of farmers which are the characteristics of a;griculture III the state. As per agnculture census 1978 there were 2.08 lakh units of holdipg covering an area of 3.08 lakh hectares givil}.g an average size of 1.48 hectares per hol,ding. The holding of less than pne hectare numbered 1.10 lakh Covering an area of merely Q.47 lakh hectares. The average size of holdmg comes to 0 43 hectares among the land holders of this class and they ,share 52.88 pen:ent of th~ total number of units, ModernizatIOn III agnculture IS gaining ground by and by and lmproved agricultural practIces and ~cieJ?tific methods of cultivatIOn are ca~ching on. The consumption of fertilizer per hectare 'bf cuhlvated land amounts to 77 kgs, Uncha Gaon block IS on the forefront in consumption of fertlhzer where Its consumptIon .werages upto 118Kg~. pel hectare. Bula,!dsliahr wlth a consumption of 104 kgs. follosws next. 1 he least consumption of 46 kgs. of fertIIHers is observed in Dankaur block. TraciJtlOnal implements contmue to be largely used lD cultlVation There, are 1.02 lakh traditi'onal plough. Meston plough number 8,595, harrow cultivator 4,794 and )ractors 2,102. There are 204 s~ed and fertlhze r godo'Nns v,lth a total qlpaclty of 27,000 tonnes. There are mne warehouses for stonng foodgrains With a total storage capacity of 92,onfrtonnes. AnlI~al husbandry play,s an important role in supplementmg the lUcome of the rural population. Accordmg to the 1977 live-stock c~nsus, the distrIct has a· lIve-stock populatIOn of 8.7 lakh, Rearmg of cattle, particularly the miICh cattle, is an important secondary industry of the rural folk. The nearnes, of the met,ro~.)litan city of Delllt has given a great fillip to the prehferation of dairies in the rural areas, particularly in Sikandrabad tahsIl. ihe largest number is of §he buffaloes followed by bullocks Whl ch, ;tre largely used 'for agncultural purposes. The cattle here are, by and large, of good breed and efforts are underway to further improve the strain. The district is almost totally deprived of grazing ground and the cattle are generally supported by cultivatIOn.

3. Mining, Quarrying and Industry: Bulandshahr is an industrially backward ~lstrict. It is not known for any mineral deposits either. The pace of Industrial development is some­ what accelerated lately. Until recently the industrIal sector was confined to agro-oased indus- 6 tries such as gur, edible oil, mh~llaneous -food pre-parations etc. However, of late many small and medium scale industries are being set up. There are 98 registered industrial units emplying 6,982 persons on an average per day, and 1,265 small industrial units employing 5, 970 persons. The development of industries IS, however, mainly confined to Khurja, Sikand. rabad and Bulandshahr tOWDS. Sixteen large scale industries have been set up in the distrjct, most of which are in the industrial ar~a of Sikandrabad region because of its proximity to Delhi and . Khurja is'noted as an important pottery centre having near about 400 pot­ tery units. One sugar mill has come up at Anupshahr in the co-operative sector and another at Bulandshahr in the private sector, There is also a cotton spmning mill functioning in the town since 1971. A number ofhandi:rafts, particularly woollen carpets, pottery, cloth print­ ing, zari work, toys etc. are also manufactured mostly in the unorganized sector. The state government of its part is committed to further accelerate the pace of industrial growth so as to catch up fast with the other regions of the state. It has opened an industrial estate in Sikandrabad and another at Khuqa. The percentage of mauufactunng sector to total out put stands at 11.7 and it is bound to go up with the concerted efforts of the govern­ ment towards industrialization. Amenities: The availability of amenities whithin easy reach reflects on the infrastructural develop­ ment of the area. The availability of some of the selected facilities have ~een discussed for rural and urban areas separately as relevant to each of them. Certain important aspects of urban areas such as population, growth, finances, import-export a?d manufacturing activities etc. have also been discussed. Rural Areas: The rural areas or the district consist of 1,460 revenue villages out of which 1,365 are inhabited and remaining 95 are uninhabited. Sikandrabad VIllage of Sikandarablld tahsil is the largest Village in area in the district, occupying 2,210.88 hectares of area. _Bankapur Pali urf Bahrampur of Bulandshahr tahsil. on the other hand IS the smallest village with an area of merely of 14.16 hectares. The sprawl of a revenue "village averages 295.64 hectares. The tables 3-"7 highlight infrastructural facilitIes avaJlable in the inhablted villages of the district. The following table presents distribution of villages by availability of selected amenities. Table 3 : Distribution of villages according to the availability of different amenities No. of No. (with percentage) of villages having Sl. No. Name of inhabited r------Tahsil villages Educatton Medical Drinking water 2 3 4 5 6 1 Slbndrabad 242 135(55_78) 18(7.43) 242(100.00) 2. Bulandshahr 386 295(76.42) 69(17.86) 386(100.00) 3. Khurja 353 254(71.95) 51(14.44) 353(100.00) 4. Anupshahr 384 255(66.40) 176(45.83) 384(100.00) District Totl1l 1365 939(68_79) 314(23.00) 1365(100.00) one___ or more A ______of the following amenities, ____,.______, Post & Telegraph Market/hat CommunIcation Approach by pucca road Power Supply 7 8 9 10 11 32(13.22) 4(1.65) 46(19.00) 107(44.21) 189(78.09) 103(26.68) 28(7.25) 59(15.28) 190(49.22) 343(88.86) 93(2634) 21(5.94) 61(17.28) 114(32.29) 249(70.53) ~9(23.17) 36(9.37) 82(21.35) 142(36.97) 342(89_06) 317(23.22) 89(6.52) 248(18.16) 553(40.51) 1123(82.27) 7

It can be observed from the above table that the villages having one Or more educational institutions account for 68.79 perce~t of the total number of Villages in the district. Buland­ shahr tahsIl IS almost extensively covered WIth OVer three fourths (76.42 percent) of the villages havlllg educatIOnal facilIttes. Sikandrabad tahsil on the other hand is the lea~t covered with only 55.78 percent of its villages baving educational facllitles. MedIcal facilities are avaIlable in only 23.00 percent of the VIllages of the distrIct. Anupshahr tahsil is most extenslVely• cover- ed with 45.83 percent of its villages haVing medical facilitIes. TIle extent of coverage by these facilitIes drops to a low level of less than half of its SIze In Bulandshahr tahsil, the villages of whIch havmg medICal facihties account for 17.86 percent. The coverage drops further in re­ maintng two tahsils touching the lowest point of 7.43 percont ill Sikandrabad tahsil, Postal fac hiles are available in 23.22 percent of I~S VIllages of the district. The villages having postal faclhties account for 26.68 percent in Bulandshahr tahsil. The proportIon of coverage drops 10 the remaining thre! tahsIls. WhIle Kl1ufja tahSIL is almost equally placed ill the extent of coverage. The lowest proportIon of 13.22 percent of the VIllages served by postal facilities is of observed in SIkandrabad tahsIl. The villages in which markets are held account for 6.52 percent the VIllages of the dlstnct. The proportion of Villages ,where markets are held vanes bet­ w.::en the maximum of 9.37 percent in Anupshahr and the minimum of 1.65 percent 10 Sikan­ rab:ld tahsil. CommunicatIOn faclltties as mdlc:lted by locatIOn of railway station or provisIOn of a bus stop a,e available lU 18.16 percent of the villages of the district with the maXImum coverage of 21.35 percent in Anupshahr tahsIl and the mimmum of 15.28 percent III Bulandshahr tahSIl. As must as 40.51 percent of the mhablted villages are approacbable by metalled roads.· Al~ost half of the vJllages of Bu1andshahr tahsil are connected by metalled roads. The coverage by metalled r03ds drops III other three tahslls touchIng the lowest point of 32.29 percent in Khurja. More than four fifths (82.27%) of the inhabIted VIllages are e1ectnUed. The maxImum proportIon (89.06 percent) of the villages havmg,electnclty IS ob­ !>e,ved lrt AnUp311Jhr aglinst the minlUm of 70.53 percent in Khurja tahsil.

The following table presents the proportion of rural populatIon served by different ameni- tIes.

Table 4 : Proportion of rural population served by different amenities

Total Proportion qf rural population served by dIfferent amemtles , ______.A.. ______• Sl. ~ame popu­ No. of la'lOll of Educa- Medl- Drink- Post & Market! ,Communi- Appro- Power tahSil II1hablteJ tlon cal lUg tele- Hat cation ach by supply Villages lU water graph pucca the t ah~11 road 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO 11

1. Sikandrabad 275,957 76.72 17}6 100.00 30.72 6.08 2246 53.14 82.12 2. Bu:and,habar 618,450 89.19 27.45 100.00 44.87 1593 19.52 50.79 90.99 3. KhucJa 443,437 84.45 20 55 100.00 45.23 1232 22.61 35.86 77.60 4. Anupshahar 564,401 8478 62.04 100.00 44.35 25.87 33.37 45.45 93.55

Dlstnct Total 1,902,245 ~4.97 34.64 100.00 42.75 16.61 24.78 46.07 87.34

It can be observed from the above table that about 85 per cent of the rural populatton lIves In VIllages which have at least one educatlOnal~ InstitutIOn. The proportion of coverage of rural population docs not vary much from one tahsIl to another and in one of the tahsil It is less than three fourths, the lowest being 7672 per cent In S~kandrabad and the hIghest being 89.19 8

percent In Blliandshahar tahsil. Medical facilities are enjoyed within the-villages by a little over one third of the rura1 population of the district. These facilities are available to nearly two thlrd'l of the rural population in Anupshabar tabsil, while on the other hand these facilities can be had by nearly 17 36 per cent in Slkllndrabad tahsIl. Postal facilities are available to 4275 percent of the rural populatlOn of the dlstnct. The maximum coverage of'45.:23 per­ C~!lt IS observl!d in Khurja tahsIl. iBulandshahar and Anupshahar tahsil are almost equally pbced ill the extent of coverage ofthdr rural population. However, coverage of postal fa,clli­ tIes drops to the lowest level of 30 72 percent in Stkandrabad. Markets are held in the VIllages which are inhabited by 16.61 percent of the rural p::lpulation of the district. While these facili­ ties are within the reach of the maXImum proportion of a bttle over one fourth of the rural popUlation in Anupshahar tahsIl, these are available to merely 6.08 percent of the rural popu­ latIOn in Slkandrabad tahsil. CommunIcatIOn facIlItIes as indIcated by location of a railway station or provision of a bus stop are available to almost one fourth of the rural populatiotl ~mhin the villages of their inhabitatiot). 'The country side -of Anupsh'ahar is best covered as these f~cllIties are enjoyed by one third of its rural population. The rural side of Bulauda:­ shahar on the other hand is least covered as communication facilities are avatfable within the VIllages. to the least proportion of almost one fifth of the rural population of' the district. The villages which are connected by metalled roads are inhabited by 46.07 percent of the rural popu­ latlOn of· the diStrict. The largest proportion of 53.14 percent of the rural 'Population of Slkandrabad tahsil lives III VIllages which are approach3.ble by metalled roads. Khurja on the other hand ~hows the least coverage with 35.86 petcent of its populatIon living in VIllages approachable by metalled roads. 'Pov,.es supply is WIthin the reach of 8734 percent efthe rural populatIOn of the district. Overwhelmlllg bulk of rural population -of Anupshahr tahsil ,(93.55) percent) and Bulandshahr tahsil (90.99 percent) lives In VIllages which arc• electnfied • The lea'>t proportion (77.60 percent) hvmg III Villages havmg electricity is observed in KhurJa tahsil. The table given below presents distribution ofvlliages not having amenItles by distance ranges from the places of their availablhty.

Table 5 : Distr~bution of villages not having certain amenities arranged by distance ranges froaf the places where these arc available:

No. of villages where the amenIty IS not available and Villages not having available at the distance of the amemty of ,------"------, __~_~_~ ______5_k~m_~. 5--10 kms. 10 + kms. Total (cols, 2~4) 2 3 4 5

I. Educafton 4)9 6 426 2. Medical 799 224 28 1,051 3. Post & Telegraph 930 104 14 1,Q48 4 Market/hat 907 319 40 1,276. 5. CommunicatIOn 979 128 13 1,117

There are 426 inhabited V'llI1tges which are not blessed with the availability of educa­ tI?nal instttutions. Yet overwhelmlOg bulk of them numbenng 419 are situated merely within 5 kms. of distance from the places where O,le or more educatlOual lOstitutions are located. There are only six villages place'd within 5-10 krus. of dIstance and one vllIage~ at the distance of 10 kms. and beyond from the places of availability of educatIOnal facIlIties. Of 1,051 Villages 9

not having medical facihtles, 79) are situated withIn 5 km,. of distance, 224 wlthm 5-10kms. of distance and 28 at the distance of 10 kms. and beyond. The villages not havlflg postal facilities number 1,048. Of these 930 are placed witbin 5 kms. of dIstance, 104 wItbm 5-10 kms. of distance and 14 at the distance of 10 km~. anq beyond. Markets are 'lot held In 1,276 villages. Facihtles of these market§ Cln be' availed.by the inhabitatlts of 907 vIlLlges withm 5 kms. of distance, 3 19 vIllages wIthin 5-10 kms. of distance, and 40 villages at the dlstance of 10 kms. ,and beyond. Neither is the facility of a railway statIOn nor a bus stop avaIIJble in 1,117 villages. These facIhties can be had by the mhabitants of 976 vIllages withm tlie dIstance of 5 kms., those of 128 vIllages withm the distance of 5-10 kms. and those of 13 villages from the distance of 10 kms. and beyond.

The following' table presents the .distribution of villages by distance ranges .from the nearest towns and by availabllity'of amen ities.

Table 6: Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities

, ______Number (wIth percentage) ofvi11ag~A ______having the amenity of Distance Number range of in- Educa- Medi- Drink- Post ~Marketl Communica- Approach Po')Ver from the habited tlon cal ing and hat tlOn by pucca supply nearest vIllages water tele- road town lU each graph (in kms.). range

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -10

1~5 585 387 I'17 585 124 34 101 249 489 (66.15) (20.00) (100.00) (21.19) (5.81) (17.2.6) ,(42.56) (83.58)

6 ..... 15 658 470 166 658 166 45 123 269 558 (71.42) (28.37) (100.00) (28.37) (6.83) (21.02) (40.88) (84.80) j

16-50 92 62 25 92 17 6 15 23 58 (67.39) (40.32) ..(100.00) (18.47) (6.52) (16.3.0) (25.00) (63.04)

50'+ 30 20 6 30 10 4 9 12 18 # (66.66) (20.00) (10000) (33.33) (13.33) (30.00) (40J)0) (60.00)

Total 1365 939 314 1365 317 89 284 553 1123 (68.79) (23.00) (100.00) (23.22) (6.52) (18.16) (40.51) (82.27)

---~ --__ ._--- It can be observed from the above table that as much as 1,243 villages accounting for 91.06 per cent of the inhabited villages lie within the distance of 15 kms from the nearest town. The distance rang~s from the nearest town and the extent of availability of amenities do not show any distinct relationship.

The table given below presents distributton of v_illages by population range by availabi­ lity of amenities. 10

Table 7 Distriblltion 9f "iU~ges ilc~rding to _popp.lation r,3UgeJ1llld ,avai,abJUty of ~i~~re,nt ilmepities

Number (with percentage) of villages havtng the a~enity df ,..,.. Populati()u NU'llber ()f E1uca- Medical Drm'king {,ost & Marketl Communica- APPfoach fo.yec range mhablted tioo .vater telegraph hat tlOO by supply village nucca road

~------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1-499 207 33 9 207 4 1 20 68 137 (15.94) (4.34) (100.00) (1.93) (048) ( 9.66) {32..85) .(66. .18)

500-1.999 884 637 1'77 884 123 21 136 347 731 (72.05) (20.02) (100.00) (13.91) (2.37) (15.38) ~39.25) {82.69}

2.000-4,999 256 251 tl3 256 172 56 80 125 238 (98.04) (44.14) (100.00) (67.18) (21.87} (31.25) (48.82) (92.96)

18 IS 16 18 IS 11 12 13 17 (tOO.06) (83.;33) (100.00) {100.00} (61.11) . (66 66) (7:!_22) (9444)

Total 1363 939 314 1365 317 89 248 553 1123 (68.79) (23 00) (100.00) (23.22) (6,52) (18.lo) (40.51) (82.27)' ------It can be observed from the above table that 884 villages <\ccounting for 6;J.J6.percen,t of the total number of inhabited VIllages show ~ population size of 500-1,999. Tlle a,.bove ta1;>le suggests that the hIgher the SIZe of population of villages, the greater, is the coverage by vanous ameUltie~

J:he tal?le given be_low ~I.!ows the staple f90g in lJl~jori_ty of the villages in ~ach tahsil of the district. I T¥>le 8 : 'Main staple food in majopty of vi~ages in ~acb tqhsil

Name of tahsil Main staple foo,d

I 2

1. Sikandrabad W]leat and maize

2. Bulandshahr Wheat and maIze

3. KllUrja Whei\t, and maize

4. Anupshahr Wheat {Iud maize

Wheat and maize constitute staple food in aU the four tahsils of th~ district.

Urban Area'S : T~e urb_an areas of the district consist of-22 toW,IlS out -oflwhich six are administered by Municipal Board and the remaining 16 by town area committee. Of these 10 towns have come up newly during the last decade.

The following taple pr~e.nts growth. density and sex r~tio ill urban areas of the. district in contrast to those in the state. h Table 9 ~ Gtowt)l, 'wsity ;md 'sex ~llt'Q or -urllWl< P'QPulatio.rfin: t}le district io. relatJqn ~u t(l,~ St~te District ,.-----".------'-r---- , State Census Total Urban Per~ntage Decadal. DensIty Sex Total Urban Percen- .D.ccadal Density Sex Year popu- popu- of urban percent- (popu- .ratlo popu- J:!opu- tage percen- (popu- ratio . lation lation popluatJQD age' latJon (No. of lation latIOn of tage lation (No. vantion per sq rema· urban vana- per sq. of in urban km.) les per . papu1a- tion in km ) fema- popula- 1.000 tion urban les per tion males) -popula­ 1,000 tion males) 2 3 4 5 I! 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

195] ],385,351 233,43~ 16.85 +10.97 884 864 63,219,655 8,625,699 13.64 +22.93 2,295 820 1961 1,593,935 219,S82 13.89 - 5.81 8,084 866 73,751,654 9,479,695 ]2.85 + 9.90 3,823 812 ]97] ],891,437 ~74,408 14.6] +25.71 6,758 867 88,341,144 12;388,596 14.02,+ 0.68 4,355 821 1981 2,358,270 456,025 19.34 +64.98 3,714 879 110,862,013 19,899,115 17.95 +60.62 4,363 846 As per 1981 Census, the urban population of 456, 025 persons acc'!unt for 19.34 per­ cent of the total population of the. dlstrict. The degree of urbanization' as reflected by this proportion stands consIderably about the state's average of 17.95 percent. The proportion of urban populatIOn declined substantially in 1961 over 1951 but started rising since 1971, reco­ rding a he~vy rise of 4.73 point percent in 1981. The density of urban populatIOn jumped uJ1 from mere 884 persons III 1951 to 8,0&4 persons per square- km. III 1961. It, however, declined III subsequent two decades. As l'er 1981 Census, there are on an average, 3,714 persons occupy a sq. km. of urban area of the dirtrict. The dlcline in the density of urban population is attributable to the addition of 10 new sparsely populated towns. The sex ratio as Indicated by IUlmber of females per thousand male populatIOn hl),s kept on rising from one decade to another. There are 87'9 females per thausand male population in the urban areas of the district as per 1981 Census. ?'he sex ratio has always been above the state's average. The t(lble given below enlIsts the towns newly added or declassified during the last decade. TabJe 10 New towns added/declassified in 1981 Census \ . Name of town PopulatIOn 1981 Census


(a) Added: 0) Aurangabad 11,622 (li) :ehawan Bahadurnagar ,'6,i79 (iii) Bilaspur 4,661 (lV) 5,862 (v) Jabapgirpur 6,447 (VI) Jewar 15,275 (vii) 4,299 (viii) Khanpur 8,311 (IX) 9,573 ex) 8;999 (b) Declassified : Nil Nil 12

As many as 10 towns have sprung up newly over the last decade adding a population of 81,828 persons to the urban population and sharing 17.94 percent of the total increase in the urban population and accounting for 45.56 percent of the total increase in urban population in 1981 over 1971. None of the existmg towns was declassIfied dunng the last decade.

The following table presents per capita receipt and expenditure in each town of the dls­ trict. Table 11: Per capita receipt and expenditure in towns

Per capita r---.------.------~------~ ReceIpt ExpendIture.A.--. ______-. Class, name & Total Receipt Receipt General Expcndt- Public Ex:pendi· Other CIVIC status of • through from all Total adrolnIs­ ture Oil works ture on aspects the town taxes other expendi- tration public public in­ sources ture- health & titutionss convem- ences

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10

IV Anupshahr M B 30 27 21 89 8.38 30.24 2.73 13.09 3.07 11.35 IV Auranga!>ad T.C. 8.80 2.60 6.20 3.66 0.20 3.46 V Bhawan Bahadurnagar T.C. 12.0g 4.19 7.89 12.08 2.11 5.13 4.40 0.44 VI Btlaspl1r T.C. 7.81 0.92 6.89 5.41 5.41 V Bugrast T C. 4.89 1.56 3.33 4.39 0.72 3.36 0.13 0.18 I Bulandshahr M.B. 47.20 36.25 10.95 ·48.58 1.23 12.86 16.88 17.61 V Chhathrl T.C. ,1909 8.87 1022 34.42 7.37 10'20 8.73 8.12 V Dankaur T.C. 18.(;6 931 9.35 20.32 5.18 11.87 2.70 0.57 III Dlb:ll M.B. 25.38 15.31 10.07 25.63 5.83 15.69 1.85 0.06 2.20 III Gulaotht T.C. 21.07 13.31 7.76 20.77 4.02 13.91 2.26 0.58 III M.B. 28.40 11.61 17.24 29.29 6.83 16.00 4.25 0.04 2.21 V Jahangirpur T.C. N.A. IV Jewar T .C. 1227 4.44 7.83 14.37' 4.13 7.73 195 0.56 VI Kakod T.C. 8.54 3.28 5.26 9.35 1.90 3.56 3.77 0.12 V Khanpur T.C. 4.74 2.84 1.90 2.67 1.02 1.65 H Khurja M.B. 42.13 39.71 242 41.61 6.65 21.93 8.25 0.09 4.',9 'V Narora T .C. N·A. V Paham T.C. 12.83 1.09 lI.74 7.80 0.70 6.08 0.35 V Rabupura T.e. 6.69 3.86 2.83 2.S9 0.19 226 0.44 II f Shlk:trpJf T .C. 12.55 5.10 7.45 12.74 1.91 8.97 1.54 0.32 III S "ana T C. 20.93 7.28 13.65 8.03 4.86 1.03 1.96 0.18 TIl Slkandrabad M.B. 36.73 28 13 860 3l.63 4.76 13.89 5.0~ 7.96

Total 3038 21.77 861 29.46 3.68 12.37 685 0.02 6.54

Th~ financIal returns have not been received from two towns and hence not included In analYSIS The maximum per capIta receIpt of Rs. 47.20 is observed in Bulandshahar town followed by Khurja (Rs. 42.13) and Sinkand-abdd (Rs. 36.73). The lowest per capita receipt of Rs. 4.74 i, observed III Kpanpur preceded by (Rs. 4.89) Rabupura (Rs. 6.69) and Bllaspur (Rs 7.81) Per capita receipt in higher in mUnicipal towns than in the town area LOmmittees. Receipt through taxes exceeds receipt through all other sources in eight (owns while receipt from all other sources exceeds in lhe remainIng 12 towns. Receipt through taxes largely exceeds. receipt' from all other sources III mUUlclpal towns. Per C:lplta expenditure vanes between the maximum of Rs. 48.58 m Bulandshahar and the mmimumof Rs. 2.67 in 13

Khanpur. Expenditurl': on health ~nd_ public conveniences exceeds e~penditure rin,other heads of expenditure in 15 towns. Public works claim lion share in one town and general adminstra­ tion and other aspects in two towns each. THe following table presents ratio of schools per 10,000 bf urban population in each town of the district. Table 12 : Schools per ten thousand population. in tOJVns

, ______Number of schoolsA- per______ten thous,and of population , Class, name and Civic status of Higher secondary! Secondary/ Junior Primary town Inter/PUC/Jumor Matriculation secondary/ college Middle 2 3 4 5 IV Anupshahar M.B. 1.97 0.66 0.66 .4.61 IV Aurangabad T .C. 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 V Bbawan.Bahadurnagar T.C. 2.95 1.48 VI Bilaspur T.C. 2.15 2.15 4.29 V Bugrasi T.C. 1.20 1.20 I Bulaudshahar M.B. 0.77 0.19 0.58 4.45 V Cbhatan T.C. 1.71 1. 71 5.12 V Dankaur T:C. 2.52 2.52 2.52 5.04 III Debai M.B. 0.89 0.45 1.34 5.80 III Gulaothl T.C. 0.82 1.23, 1.23 4.10 In Jahanglrabad M.B. 1.02 0.34 1.37 2.73 V Jahanglrpur T.C. 1.55 1.55 1.55 IV Jewar T:C. 2.62 0.65 0.65 3.27 VI Kakod T.e. 2.33 2.33 2.33 4.65 V Khanpur T.O. 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 II Khurja M.B. 0.74 0.15 0.74 3.72 V Narora T.C. 1.04 1.04 1.04 V Pahasu T.C. 2.22 Lll 2.22 5.55 V Rabupura T.C. 1.11 1.11 1. 1 1 2.22 III Shikarpur T.C. 0.93 0.93 0.47 2.33 III T.C. 0.89 0.45 0.45 1.78 III Sikandrabad M.B. 0.93 0.23 0.70. 4.17 Total 1.05 0.88 3.62 There are 3 62 primary schools per 10,000 of urban population of the distrIct, the maXI­ mum of 5.80 belllg In D2bai and the minimum of 0 86 primary schools belllg in Aurangabad town A ratio of 0.88 junior secondary school obtams 10 [he urban areas of the district rangmg between the maximllll1 of 2.52 sC100ls in Dankaur town and the minimum of 0.45 in Sxana town. A ratio of 0.50 school of matriculation standard is obtatned per 10 ,OOQ of urban population of the district, The highest ratIO of 2.52 schools of matnculahon sta1dard is obser­ ved in Dankaur agamst the mmimum of 0.15 in Khurja. The ratio of intermediate college works out to 1.05 per 10,000 of urban populatIOn in the district, ranging between the maXImum of 2 95 intermediate colleges in ·Bha wan Bahadurnagar and the mimmum of 0.74 in Khurja. Chhatari and Narora towns do not have any illtermedtate colleges. There are no school of matric~Iation standard in Bhawan Bahadurnagar, BIlaspur, Bugrasl and Jahanglrpur and no middle schools III Bha wan Bahadurnagar and Bugrasi. 14

T-he roHowing table preseuts town-wise availability. of beds in medical· -institutions 'per 1~OOO Qf population.

TabJe 13: Number .of beds in medical institutions in towns

Class, name and civic No. of beds il}. medical status of towns institution!\. per J ,000 of popUlation 2

IV Anupshahar M:B. 2.76 IV Aurangabad T. C. 0.17 V Bhawan Bahadurnagar T. C. 1.48 VI Bilaspur T. C. V Bugrasi T. C. I Bulandshahar M. &. 2.90 V Chhatari T. C. V Dankaur T. C~ 0.50 HI Debai M. B. 1.16 III - T. C. 0.16 III Jahangirabad M. H. 0.61 V J ahangirpur T.~. 0.62 IV Iewar T.C. 0.26 VI Kokod T. C. 0.93 V Khanpur T. c.. II, Khurja M. B- 1.13 V Narora T. C. V Pahasu T. C. 1..11 V Rabupura T. C. 0.44 III Shikarpur T. C. 0.84 III Siana T. C. 0.1& III Sikandrabad M. B. 0.83

Total 1.24

There are 1.24 beds per thousand of urban population m the urban areas of the district. - The highest ratio of 2.90 beds is observed in the district headquarters t9wn of Bulandshahr I'fgainst the minimum of 0.86 in Gulaothi.

The table given-below presents proportion-or slum population in recognized or notified slum area in ciac;s. I and class II towtls.

Table 14 : Proportion of slum populatiOI_l in towns

Class, name and Proportion of the slum Density in slum civic status of pOpUlation to total (per sq. km.) town population of the town 2- 3

I Bulandshahar M. B. Nil Nil 1I Khurja M. B. Nil Ni1 15

There is one class I town by name "Bulandshahr and one class II town by name Khurja. None of these towns possesses any recognised or notified slums

The following table presents most important commodIties manufactured in, exported from and imported into each town of the district.

Table 1~ : Most important commodity manufactured, imported and exported in towns.

Ctass, name and. , ______Most important A ______commodity • CIVIC status of towns Manufactured Exported Imported 2 3 4

IV Anupshahr M.B. Homoeopathic Gur timber medIcines IV Aurangabad T.C. Gur Wheat Cloth V Bhawan Bahadurnagar T.C. Cotton Cloth Wheat Vanaspati oil VI Bllaspur T.C. Gur Gur Coal V Bugra~i T.e. Gur Gur Readymade clothes I Bulapdshahr M.B. Sugar Gur Agricultural imple1l\ents V Chhatan T.C. Earthen pots Gur Sugar V Dankaur T.C. Mustard oil Wheat Kerosene oil III Debal M.B. Pulses Gur Timber III Gulaothi T .C. Gur Gur Cotton textile III Jahanglrabad M.B. Gur Gur Cement V Jahanglfpqr T.C,. Nlwar Wheat Cloth IV Jewar T.C Gur Gur Sugar VI Kakod Carp~ts Carpets Wheat V Khanpur T.C. Gur Gur Sugar II Khurja M B. Porcelam ware Porcelain ware Iron V Narora T.C. FIsh Foodgrains V Pahasu T.C. Wooden Furniture Wheat Cloth V Rabupura T C. Gur Foodgrains Sugar III Shikarpur Te. Stlver foils Potatoes Cloth III Siana Te. AgrIcultural Implements .(Tur FertIlizer III Slkandrabad M.B. Wooden Goods Vegetables Wheat

- It can be observed that most important commodities manufactured are Homoeopathic medicine, gur, cotton, cloth, sugar, earthen, pots, 'mustard 011, pulses, niwar, carpets, porcelain wares, silver. foIls, agricultural implements and wooden furlllture and goods. The most 'important com1l?odlt1es exported are gur, carpets, porcelain wares, fish, vegetables and foodgrains. Most important commoditIes Imported are timber, cloth, Vanaspati oil, coal, readymade garments, agncul~urallmplements, sugar, kerosene oil, cement, iron, fertilizers and foodgrains.

Wi\ll1T- I Section-

1lA f;Rf~rm Village Directory

1 -fi':tCifi ..qUGIlq d~1\1 -Sikandrabad Tahsil 22

'l~l 11ft ~ ~t

~~ ~~ft~

~ ~ ~ ~!j' UO 1llJ! .'iiT 1TiI '!iTs ;:fo iiillJto \i'Tl{''!iT iI'~ i!iT6 ;fa ililpjo \i'T1i ItiT il'lli i!iT6 ;£1) •, ., . 1 3 2 3 2 3

I O\T['D~ 245 36 '!iTt;'<:'l'\ 262 71 :q'!i~~ 21 2 O1IT'iTilT I48 37 9l~<:~ +r~;;rl{~<: 77 72 :q'fi 1I1~l'rr ~~~ 17 74 ~T 109 :q'q]i 5 a:rc~ l];\T~~~ 39 40 'li1l1 omrr: 19 75 ~49

127 6 aqcr~r;:r 62 41 'lir1j1f~ 10 76 ~T 77 :q.m-~ 137 7 aN<:~ 53 42 ~U 152 8 O1lfT;:rr'llll' O1\9Torij'~r 33 43 'iiHFTT 14 78 ~T~ 190 '} a:rlfr~~<: iifTT['{ 91 ·~4 fi{i"!IFf~,{ 153 79 :q;:il:~ 189 10 O1'ft~, lSfR,{ 41 45 ~':n1tT 110 80 'ff~T* 116

11 01':161 253 46 ~~T 31 81 ~~ 89 12 a:r;;r~u 92 47 '!iIi 242 82 :qRft 217 13 aRr'iT

16 3T~ml<:ft 227 51 lifRt;<: 8 86' 'tllm 247 17 'H(~~ 88 52 ~<: 266 87 'iiT'!iT 99 18 61%Tq~'l; iT~T 226 53 ~'{* 1lT3i 76 88 ;;riTo':l;';: ~ffi ~~ 256 19 aTf~ll'~<: @liFI~ 115 54 ~,eyjf ~f~~~ 144 89 ~l1~~~ 40 20 3TT~r }92 55 ~,~'{ 218 90 :jf1]'''~

21 ,ormr~qr '3"Q; ~\r;;lT~ 198 56 l]"(fi 13'<:+r~C!~~ 24 91 :jflH;;r'1<: 141 22 orTIj~~\ 201 57 l'[6'FiT 124 92 ~iR~<: 170 23 or'~~, 206 58 lf~;::T 65 93 z;WI~ 126 94 24 ~Tll'o~ 1i 1 59 l]"tl[,1~ 259 94 :sTo,:!' 25 ~1[f<1I1T'!iT 36 60 lfrJj'T~<: 157 95 ;;rrm

9'6 ijf't<1'r 197 26 ~111~<9'~ 176 61 flj<:~'{ 140 4 97 33C:C:[ 2 27 fqrl~<: 165 62 ~ , 28 \1"l<:I<0lf 102 63 ~\9'Ia:<1r 1 98 33133<: 106 37 29· ~ij1Tlrr~<: 84 64 irt;'~ ![151~ 178 99 ~1liiJ<: 130 30 Q;ffi<: 11 65 ~~<: 145 100 o«<:filT

9 31 ilT1~~\ 64 66 mqn;~\ 202 101 ~T~r 83 32 ilTT~lfTiif~ 22 67 ~\

mqtltjl ~~.n


~ ~ ~ ;£0 i1ilf ij 0 tlTIl'!fiTi(!1I' .m ;fo !Iiif ijo WI' !fiT ifTIf . ~ rio iIilI" «0 IHlf 'liT 'il1f m-

2 3 2 3 2 3

106 ~T 26 141 Q'h:fTro 232 142 170 177 t{q;;r~ 1iI'i

73 181 66 111 <::~ 265 146 ~~ 1'rjU~<: If;:jl

186 f 229 116 ~~ 225 151

191 lJ;U<{lifR 147 121 "Ilfm ~t 173 156 'lTi;;r,\~\ 121 192 ~~crq;Tifl<{ 61 122 iFfm ifTfif~ 119 157 f;n:T~T 12 193 ~Fiq;T'nil' 264 123 'iifm :;furl' 216 \58 fon:re) CI'l"T~\ 243 194 43 124 'iifm

122 196 1fT~~ 'li'ft 185 ]26 'ilTm ~li 208 161 r.r~<: 220 197 +rT~'lfi'l;~1: ~\[ 113 127 if'lCfT!fiT \T;;{~ 54 162 f.r~erTTfT 198 lfr~.T{il'~\ lJ: ,1\ 1.2 128 ~TIj~<: ~ ~!iTi!,!<: 154 169 m<);[ -'::'fI'Tl!!~. 257 205 <:qm~ 93 135 q"iffl[C(if Jf~liil'~ 139 170

162 206 ~~<:~~<1 101 136 q<:tl <:[ll~ 79 171 ~~T 96 207 'l:f!.i1~,{ RcT'l:T 241 137 trn:T~T 24

Vl11l !fiT !(~ wa)

f1iFti;:a:~T;j'yt{ ~ijl~ (ijlfTtQ)

\\l)m ~if ~if f:ll q. \TIll 'fiT ;:rill ifiTG ;:jo lIill ij.' !fill 'liT ;:rill ;;)~ if 0 ilill ijo lAf't iliT lI'ill ifiT~ ;:jo

2 3 2 3 2 3

1lf ~111~ 'fIT<::<: 81 231 !l1T~ctT;ff 177 251 fij~\ma: 213 212 <:lll'];<:

216 <:~ 125 '23 9 m-~<: 205 256 ~ifU 108 217 <:Tg'RiT~~ 6 237 m-<:.~ ll;;r,{T trtllmt" !li3 257 ~ '174 iiS .Jrrr 46 23 g. ~rrlcr 149 2St jlit

221 ~QTtfi~\

226 ~i: iifr~r~~ B2 246 ~~~<: GTT?: 117 266 ~<:iiI'ili~al'r 118 227 'lmifr. 95 247 ijT~~ 13 ~ 228 llTtfi1l<: 16 248 mrr.rr ~i ,Tifr 233 229 !lT~ 228 249 ijTqQf'T 211 230 llTT~~ 72 250 f~\ 42 25



Location Location Location S.No. Nam.e of Village Code No. S.No. Name of Village 'Code ~o. S.N,}. N:lme of \'jlJlIlle Code No.

2 3 2 3 1 2 3

r A cchega Buzurg 85' 36 Bela Kalan 70 71 Chuharpur Bangar 13l. 2 Achhepur 88 37 Bela Khurd 69 '12 Chuharpur Khadar 15 3 Agrai 245 38 Bempur 156 73 DaQupur Dankaur s1 4 Agwana 148 39 Bharana 1St 74 'l1adupur Neela 171 5 Aichhar 11 40 'Bhatola 191 75 palelgarh 48

6 Ajainagar 107 41 Bhatpura 162 ,.6 Dankaur Rural 60 7 Ahpura 92 42 Bhatta 96 77 Darha 9 8 Allyabad 251 43 Bhon Khera 223 '8 Daudpur 34 9 Alhpur 166 44 Bhonra 232' Daudpur 265 ]0 Aloda Jagir 123 45 Bilaspur 122 80" Dauia Rajpura 132

11 Amarpur 53 46 Bllsoon 182 81 Deota 225 12 Aminabad Ali Asnama 33 47 Blroda 12 82 Dhameranara 146 13 Aminepur Bangar 91 48 Blrondi Fo1adpur 244 83 Dhanora 260 14 AmiPur Khadar 41 49 BlIondl Tajpur 243 84 Dhanon 129 11 Andhel 206 50 Blsayach 3S 85 Dugle 105

16 Arauda 253 51 Bls\vana 229 86 Dulhara 230 17 Arha 192 52 Borha 200 87 Dungarpur Reelkhll 83 18 Asadevi Urf Purangarh 198 S3 Butena 199 88 Fakana 167 19 Asafpur 201 54 Chachm 249 89 FareedpUl 209 20' A\tolt 227 55 Chachola 127 90 Fatehpur Atta 73

21 Alai Muradpur 39 56 Chachoora 109 91 Fatehpur Jadon 254 22 Alta Gu)ran 62 57 Chak Ga~hi Begumpu- 71 92 Fatehpur'Ladlabas ISO 23 Aurangabad 22 58 Chak Mahawatpur 21 93 Fazailpur 135 24 Aurangpur 64 59 Cbak Mgjholi 63 94 Gadana 124 2? Azampur Garhl 226 60 Chak Mozamabad 20 95 Gangroi 259

26 A7.ampur Husainpur 1-15 61 Chak Shekhpur 45 96 Ganpura 65 27 Babaya 221 62 Chanderoo 189 97 Garhisarmastpur %4 28 Badoh Bangar 18 63 Chandpur 89 98 Gendpu r Shekhpur 178 29 Badol! Khadar 3 64 Chandrawall 1'90 99 Cesupur 145 30 Bagpur 49 65 Chandrawal 137 100 Ghanghola 30

31 Bahorabas 248 66 Chan Gob 116 101 Gharbara 21 32 Banchawah 2S7 67 Cheersi 138 102 Ghozlpur IS7 33 Bangerpur 121 68 7, 103 Glrdharpur' ]40 202 34 Baroda 236 69 Ch ~ ~104 Gopalpw; 35 Beer Khera 187 70 a'~" , " 05 Gujarpuf 4 ~/ 26



Location Location Location S.No. Name of Village Code No. 'S.No. Name of Village Code No. S.No. Name of Village, Code No.

2 3 2 3 a 3

106 Gulawali 141 Kayampur 10 176 Mohamrnadpur Bad (86 107 Hajipur 104 142 Khaguabas 160 177 Mobammadpur Kalan 185 108 Haldona 13 143 Khairpur 218 178 Mohammadpur Kehn 113 109 Hamedpur '196 144 Khanpuf 8, 179 Mohana 164 no Hasanpur Bakasana 118 145 Khanpllf 266 .180 Mornnathal 25

lli Hasanpur Jagir 219 146 I Khawaspur 258 181 MoonjKhera 68 112 Hathaiwa 58 147 KherlI Bhaw 76 182 Motlpuf 43 113 Hirdyapur 212 148 Kher]! Hafizpur 144 183 Mllradabad 147 114 Himoli 235 149 Khwajpur 100 184 r' Murshadpur 38 115 Hnqnmpur FakruddinpuJ 150 Kishanpllr 153 185 Mllstarabad 61 VrfNai Bast! 184

116 Imilyaka 36 151 Kondu 242 186 Mustarabad 264 117 Inayatpur 111 152 Kuhpura 31 187 Mulena 98 118 IshapuJ 165 153 Kutwaya 110 188 Naglabeer Khera 186 119 Ismallpur 176 154 Lodhpura 29 189 Nagta Baroda 237 120 Jaganpur Afzalpur 40 155 ILadlabas 163 190 Nagla Chill 216

121 Jaganpur Doaba 44 156 Lalpur 181 191 Na'gla Govindpur 119 122 JagatpI>r Vrf Sultanpur 256 157 LatcefpuI- Bangar 78 192 NaglaKalan 173 123 Jaitpuf 94 158 Lateefpur Khadar 74 193 Nagla Sekh 208 124, Jamalpur 141 159 Lalthore 146 193 Namoli 5 125 Janedpur 126 160 Luhakar 239 195 Nanwaka Rajpur 54

126 Jhajhar 106 161 • Madhpa 134 196 Nawada S5 127 Jhalta 2 162 Mahepa Jagir 229 197 Neknampur urf Bishanpur 154 128 Jokhabad 204 163 Mahtab Nagar 214 198 NtloOi Shahpur 90 129 Jori 197 164 Makanpur Hangar 80 199 Nlthari 255 130 Junedpur 179 165 Makar.pur Khadar 82 200 Nlzampur 215 , 131 Kadarpur 262 166 Makrand Vrf Fatehpur 234 201 Noorpur 231 132 Kadarpur Mozampur 77 167 MaIbpur 222 202 Pachaytan Mahmoodpur 139 133 Kakore 120 168 Mandawara 159 203 Parasrampur 79 134 Kamalpur 112 16~ MODJoopur 172 204 Padol 97 135 Kambaxpur I!) 170 Manobas 169 205 Pempur 170

136 Kanarsi 57 171 Masota 224 206 Peer Btabani 158 137 Kandli Bangar 23 172 Mathurapur 66 207 Pllkhanwah 183 138 Kandoli Khadar 17 173 Mnzapur 87 208 Plpalka Suratpur 50 139 Kanwra 152 174 Mohammadpur G\ljar 128 208 Pltobas 168 140 Kasna 14 • 175 Moharnmadpur Judoll 103 210 PobaT! 52 27



Location Location Localion S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No, Name of village Code No.

2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

, 211 Raghunathpur 142 231 Salom Urf Rauni 233 251 Sirodhan 175 212 Rajarampur 155 , 232 Samaspnr 56 252 Sirsa 28 213 RaJPur Kalan 143 233 Sanjarpur 174 253 Soorbra 108 214 RaJPur Khurd 207 234 Sanola 149 254 Suhen Mohiuddmpur 75 215 Rampur Bangar 86 235 Sanwah 211 255 Sunpera 114

216 Rampur Khadar 81 236 Sarai Dulha 195 2.56 Talabpur Urf Kanakpur 238 217 Rampur,Mazda 47 237 Sara! Ghasi 193 257· TaIra S9 218 Rasoolpur Jkbel 101 238 Sara I Jagannath 180 258 Tllasrana 136 219 Rasoolpur R!thori 241 239 Shafipur 16 259 Til Begumpur 203 220 Rauni 46 240 Shahbajpur 194 260 TlIwara 26

221 Rawani Burz 93 241 Shahjahanpur 72 261 Tugalpur 7 222 Ritoli IIlI 242 Shahpam 177 262 Tuksar 37 223 Rohallapur 6 243 -Shahpur Kalan 240 263 Usmanpur 88 224 Roopbas Pachga! 250 244 Shahpur Khurd 136 264 Utraoli 102 225 Roshanpur 125 245 Sharakpur 228 265 Vailana 95

226 Salarpur 67 246 Shekhpur Mam 261 266 Vairabad Shahpur 252 227 Salehpur 133 247 Sherpur 205 228 Salempur Gujar 32 248 Sherpur Mazra Gangrol 263 229 Salempur Jat 117 249 Slkandarpur 42 230 Salempur Kayasth 210 250 Sikandrabad 213 28

mq f;:rij'~,," 1- fulf.~'U1f1G' ~ -ar.r Wcr~ ~ ~m ~

~ ~~-[Ilf'I~'liT iI' mitT fiplieC!'1 ~r en: W'fln ~ ~ ~ ff"t\ en: "11 ~T ~ S!'fi1"l: :._ -_='o '1;'& ';0 t!6- re'f::e~ &:", :§ ''0"''''d_ Sl. '& -.... i t.- ~'" Il; wav.i ~:;: fV .... co ;gl::' ~ .... e ... ~ :; b"<> ~ 0 ID' '-~ ~ -!..~O._ '".... ",> lr"6 lI"fJ[ !fir '[!If fIl; 'o~ 'Ri ~~~ .. 1Ir3 JII) U)\ 'i t.:E:: ii I!;~",e i 1f8::J ~~ ru{;w~~ i "~?;-;; 'I§: 0. 0 ~ !lI)' '" ~ _-;:; » 'ij.;", ,.,'0 ,_ ' '0 d §'oIo1 'I'i'fj I!'jltlre~ s:" "'0 h.C''1L1r"", t'Q: It' Q .~ ,,&~ (;J If'" -0 ~~ 'i§ ~~o~ ~1ll§~~ 1<:8 ~~ ~ fh)",:r~~" ~ ~ ii.g ~ -., !~ ~~Od ~u.:.. 0'" 0. ~~ "';:; !!~ ~ '" "'.: Iv l 0.,= ~~ l;I: '_~.c. b"I-'Z '5;flJ

~r 749.91 959'(\36) P(I) -t10+} T,HP -{5-10) +5) -{5-10) KR

293.41 5&1(182) -(-5) -(10+) T\HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10) 2 ~ KR

3 arr~mT ~ 180.50 i}-.: arr

208:83 78(20) 4 ~il!~~ -(-5) -(10+) HP -{IO+ ) -(5-10) ..:c5-10) KR.

'5 'llfu;rl • 272.36 ~4(li) -(-5) -(5-10) HP -(10+ ) -(.5-10) -(5-10) KR

6 U~ffiT~ 157.83 73(9) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-'5) -(-5) KR

706.20 488(86) -(-5) '} i.!~'{ P«() HP -(30+ ) -H) -(-5) :reR

231.89 1,334(183) 8 19R~<:: pel) -(5-10) W,TW,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS KR

!) ateT 424.53 1,347(182) pel) -(5-10) W,TW,HP -(-5) -(5-10) & KR

it) lfjl'!:!~ 131.12 82(12) -(-5) -(10+) W,HP -1,-5) -(10+) -(5--10) KR

rt ~m 403.89 627(89) PO) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -{5-lO) +5) KR

73.66 }2 f~ 353(51) -(-5) -(5--10) W,HP +5) -(5-10) +5) KR

647.12 13 ~ 576(101) -(-5) -(5-10) HP +5) -(-5) +5) KR

14 !fi1~ 1,581.97 1,567(234) P(I),M(I). 0(1) W,HP PO -(10+) BS PR

'15 ,~~ ~'R" 751.12 531(100) -(-5) -{5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR ;'29


'!fl! a-'lliFr ( .!ll1tJ fqflf'"l ~)lrl ij ~ crr.r 'I,{ fi ~m: it G:JITlI'i'I''l i:I;

~ -"---- ~ l.l W.. Ii' ~J,a 'i ,~ II' ~g8 ~ ~ 1!;0'1~'~ P) '" Q:: ._ ~ [" IW ~ OIl .~ C 'tl":' @ :zl I>' C F' ;; tll>E .:0 d":il6-~~8 '1; ,I? ~~ 0 ~\(j~ .$ .t'f IlT ~:d':: ~ tl!1<;:6::: ....'" j;: ~i)::'" We; ~ ~:(j.~!:l<=I-~ ;~ ~ • 5 E .., _g... br'ii'[:-<~ ig; I<'e .B I'Ir ~'.2 g !r~ g IlT .:::-Pl... Name of Village ~ ~aJ~oj'" ~~ "' Q, It'~" u:;. ",.ZCl o;e.~ ~£ Itrp.. ~~ ~:S t.~8~ ~~8 tTPlE:.9E i!

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

~T~'{1 ~, or~<;:T Dadn (18) Wheat, BaJra ." TW(162.69)W(8.S0) 324.1(; 41.68 212.88 T(6) Gulawall 1 mf;fl{ tOfTe:: ~,'fmT 2,.n9 GhaZlabad (~O) Wheat, BaJm TW(174.84) 85.39 8.09 T(4) Jhatta .a e::rc::~T Dadri (13) TW(95.90) 80.94 283 083 Badoh Khadar ~ e::t.

G:f~1 ~~, 'tfTOi~ 32.78 267.10 18.62 T(2) Haldona 13 EAG Wheat, Rice .. , TWE(42.4~) Dadn ( 3) TW(2l9.35)W(tOS) 0(62.73) ir", ;;IT .e::

mq f;:rij'~ I-ftr'li~;::"{lorrc:: ~ljr(if \;f;:r ~a-TI{' t(1f '!.fi:r :a-q

2 3 S 6 V 8 !I 10 Il '"

16 l1J1l)r~ 184.95 202(28) -(-5) -(-5) T,lIP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

17 ~r ~T

429.79 695(112} P(I) CHW(I} HP -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR 18 ifjq.mr

360.59 607(80) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(10+ ) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR 19 'liTtl'if!ffi~~

381.63 Uninhabited KR 20 "f'!i tr)JfI1T

67.18 UninhabIted KR 21 '

Uninhabited KR 22 an~iflorT~ 126.27 h~

457.72 598(98} -(-S) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR 23 ~tG:i1fr

99.56 255(45) -(-5) -(10+) T,HP -(10+) -(10+ ) BS KR 24 ll'ff~\

36544 242(27) -(-5) -(5-10) T,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS KR 25 lffJfi'fJtrn"

69(9) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR 26 fcR;rcrTGT 251. 72

548.77 803(119) pel) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(5-IO) -(-5) KR 27 ~"«frU

-(S-10) -(5-IO) PR 28 row 238.37 938(140) -(-S) -(S-10) W,HP,C -(-5)

258.20 2,311(311) pel) -(Sr-l0) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS PR 29 ~~'('

312.83 2,024(299) pel) -(S-IO) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR 30 '

114.93 582(94) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) KR 31 :8

297.45 2,713(419) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) T,HP PO -(-5) BS KR 32 ~1l~ :!~

978(148) -(5-10) T,HP -(5-10) 33 3T;iT

94.70 331(55) -(-5), -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR 34 ~~"{

35 f.rmlt'if 57.06 421(72) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) kR 31


12 13 14 15 16 lY IS 19 ~ 2 1

;:::"f'liR ilt, :;[1 Daokaur (S) Wheat, Barley W(140.03) 22.26 0.40 22.26 Shafipur 16 e:T~ Dadri (16) R(4.66) 1.22 0.40' 78.1L ](aodoll Khadar 17 G:rG:~r ~~, :if Dadri (12) Wheat, Barley TW(215.7I) 146.91 5.67 29.93 Badoh Bangar 18 0(31.57)

GTG'<:r Dadri (10) 22.66 O.SI 93.71 Chak MahawafRur 21 G:TGir Dadn (16) 86.61 5.67 33.99 Aurangabad 22 G'TGir ~~, iJfT Dadn (IS) Wheat, Barley TW(227,04) 202.75 3.24 24.69 Kandli Bangar 23 Gi'f'lin: ~. ·PFCfiT Dankaur (14) Wheat, Maize W(3.64) 69.20 1.21 25.51 J Garhl Sarmastpnr 24 G';:r'liT~ il'{, lim Dankaur (8) . Wheat, Maize TW(58.28) 273.98 5.26 27.92 Momnathal 25

G'ifm ~~. :;[1 Dankaur (9) Wheat, Barley TW(32.38) 144.07 26.31 48.96 T(2) Tiiwara 26 G'rF{,'h:: ~~, :;[) Dankaur (8) Wheat, Barley TW(1l3.72) 363.83 8.50 62.72 T(8) Ghar Bara 27


f;;r~1tJ1I'{ ~~, llT<: iT~, l1'fCfiT Daokaur (8) Wheat, MaIZe GC(67.18) 7.69 . 0.81 566 Daudpnr 34 TW(10.93)W(2.43) ~'fif,T<: iT~, li'fCfir Dankau. (7) Wheat, Maw: ... GC(46.95)TW(S.67) 0.40 4.04 Bisayach 35 32

2 3 4 s 6 v , 8 10 11

155.00 1,473(218) P(I) _(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) --{S-IO) -{-5) KR. 36 ~fTf'(1i:fT'H

328.62 555(85) -H) -\5-10) HP _(5-10) -(5:-10) -(5-10) KR 37 ~"'11<:

705.39 367(50) PCI) -(5-10) HP --{5"'10) -(5-10) -(S-10) KR 38 lJ~~ 376.78 408(61) P(I) --{5-10) HP -{-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 39 aj~~<:~~

,767.72 . 253(30) -(5-10) HP -(-5) --{ -5) -(-5) KR 40 'if'f

209.23 2(1) -(-5) -(5-10) HP -(-5) -{-5) +5) KR 41 ar.1.fn:~ iSR~

7851 . UninhabIted KR 4'2 fijifi'~<:~\ ij'<: ar1

299.48 169(19) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR 43 lj)~<:

271.55 Uninhabited KR 44 'J)

242.42 . Uninhabited KR 45 'q3,1 ~;{'{ IT<: arr

46 ·tr;fr 139.22 510(ES) P(I) -(5-10) T,HP I -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

47 <:111'f: +fOf<:r 163.90 1,071(140) pen -(5-10) T.HP -(-5) +5) -(-5~ KR

48 C:~~ITr?: 223.80 1,1-12(191) P(I) -(5-1~) T,RP -(-5) (-5-) -(-5) KR

-(-5) 49 GTFT~,{ 115.3~ 870(118) -(S-IO) W,hi' - -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

50 q:r~r ~<:C!'!\ 226.23 1,21 ?(191). P(I) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) • -(-5) KR

5I. C:T~~<: ~if'Ii'h 204.78 2,140(334) P(I) -(5-10) W,RP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

52 Cf)qfl' 95.51 108(16) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

~3 ar~~'{ 4795 726(92) -(-5) -(-5) T,HP/ -(-5) -(-5), -(-5) KR

54 ;;

55 ifCfm 210.85 2,417(6372) pel) -(-5) T,RP -(-5) --{-5) -(-5) KR :;3


12 13 )4 15 16 11 18 19 20 2

!{'l'~~\ it~, l1'Fli1 Danicaill' (S), Wheat "M~ize ,GC(4M9)W(8?'i'7) 13.36 0.81 14.57 T'2) Imllyaka 36


~<1'1iT;: iT~. ll''f'';T Dankaur (6) BAG, Wheat, MaIze GC(1l8.58) 8.90 2.43 29.54 Dadupur 51· EO TWE(45.33) Dankaur ~qijiT' it~, lTiffiT Dankaur (7) Wheat, Maire GC(50'59) 8.09 .31.16 5.67 T(l) Amarpur 52

i'{i'f'fif\ iTi l "'fTl Daukaur (3) BAG, Wheat, Juwar TWE(130.31) 5.67 0.40 25.50 T(2) Nawada 55 - EO .TW(48.97) 34

~ f.:rif~ 1-f\l'li~

2 3 4 5 6 V 8 9 10 11

47.75 172(27) --(-5) +5) TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) -{-5) PR 56 \llTU~

57 1fiilmrr , 327.81 2,267(300) pel) -(-5) T,HP -(-5) +5) -(-5) PR

58 ~~(n 199.92 992l166) P(I),M(I) -(-5) T.RP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

-(-5) -(-5) 59 ~r(:fG'r 213.68 1,044(181) -(-5) -{-5) W.HP -(-5) KR

60 G:;:r

Uninhabited KR 61 l];ti}!f.fCf~ 9.71 ~\ 8TTii[~

-(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 62 ~~1~\iPJif 364.37 1,377(210) pel) -(-5) HP

KR 63 '

64 ;it'{~~ 566.98 567(78) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

288.55 262(42) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 65 ~"U

41.28 Uninhabited KR 66 1l~fT: if<:arrq~ -(-5) BS KR 67 m:rrw:: 533.80 884(152) -(-5) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) K'R 68 l];';jf~r 620.81 l,SS7l270) -(-5)

Uninhabited KR 69 ~T~~ it;:~

-{(5) W,HP -(-5) • -(-5) -(-5) KR 70 ~mm 236.75 9(2) -(-5)

126.67 UnmhabIted KR 71 "I'!l iTfJ' ~lT~ it\amr~

456.50 ~ Uninhabited KR 72 !1IT~;jf~ IT\~

567.79 1.224(19) -(-5) -(-S~ T,RP -(-5) -(-5) BS KR 73 ~~~ arc;cr

~ , 74 ~tJT~ ISTG"<: m.64 '1<: 8TTiIR Uninhabited KR

197.90 107(2() 75 ~r~~Ai<:, -(S-10) -(5-10) T,HP -(-5) -{-5) -(-5) KR ,S~


12 13 14 IS 16 11 18 19 20 '2 1

q;pr;l\: ~, +r'f'fiT , Dankaur (3)' 'IEAG Wheat, Maize G€(20.64) 0.80 •• 1 5.67 Samaspur 56 TWE(20.64) . ( f

Q'1i1ir<: -Dankaur (3) ... 9.31 0.40 Mustafaqad 61 Q'1'1iT<: ~, fI'RiT p.ankaur (4) _ Wheat, ,Maize J •• ,l ,TWE(133.1.5) 212.81 I 18.6l T(6) Atta GUjraq 62 ,-(' " ., <.;'1'fiT<: Dankaur (4) W(2.02) 34.40 25.50 4.05 Chak Majholi 63 TWE(144.88) , I. , c:~ i'ti I 'i

r 'f1ij;T<: .I .~ Dankaur (2) 2.44 27.92 10.52 0.40 Mathurapur 6t <;"~~h it~, l;!''f'IiT r I I Dankaur (2) BAG Wiieat, Maize TWE(252.13) 1Or.~O I 1'43.67 34.80 T(2) Salarpur 67 ~'1'1li<: ~~, If

G';r'lli<: ... "t Dankaur (5) TW(11.33) 57.06 50.19 8.09 Chak Garhi 7i Begumpur q;;ifiT'{ Dankaur (8) 349.66 I TW(6.88) ,_ 0.40 /)9.56. .[ Shahjahanpur . n , Begumpur q'fij;T<: ~, +r

'l11I'f~ (l-fijifi;:G.\liIT~ 6"~ri1l' ar.r ~. t{tl' ·W-It ~qflJ

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

T,RP -(5-,10) 0 -(5-10) k.R <76 ~('fr'ma; 644.69 1,229(195) 11(1) -(5-10) -'(5-1 )

KR. 77 'li'lG"~<: r.ft:Nj"li~~ 411.18 1,112(170) -(-5) -(5-10) T,RP -(5-10) -(S-10) -(5-1,0)

KR 78 i1I'Cfrq;~~. orFr\ 189.80 68Z(1l1) P(l) -(5-10) T,HP -(5-10) -(~10) -(5-10)

90.25 KR 79 1J\m~ ~,~ U.ninbabitcd

167.95 764(119) pel) -(10+) T,RP -(10+) -(lO+) BS KR. 80, 1l'fi

304.33 598(89) -(-5) -(10+) T,RP -(10+) -(10+) BS KR 81 \Ili~ ~~\

:82 li~ lm1:{"<: 738.17 898(140) -(-5) -(5-10) T,RP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS KR

'83 i'lJW ~ri1l'lJf 367.47 1,307(202) P(l) -(-5) T,RP', -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

359.37 1,493(229) P(l) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 84 ~WfTi'J''I\ TW -(-5) KR

85 ar~T~ 436,27 919(127) -(-5) 'i-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

684(112) 86 ~T~;;.

87 fJ:[~r 605.03 4,368(691) P(l),M(I) lI(l) W,HP PO -(S-lO) -(5-10) KR

88 arr~ 131.53 1,444(236) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) +5) KR

89 :;fl~ 152.37 557(95) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP +5) .,.( -5) -(-5) KR

90 ~r~ 553.63 2,081(324) pel) D(I)O(1) T,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(S-10) KR

91 ar+fr.r~

92 ~ 171.S9 592(94) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR

91 ~r~ 242,01 562(93) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5..:10) -(5-10) KR

~ 94 ;;rij~\ 245.65 566(98} -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

~ 9S 'fm


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a

~~ \ iTR·, ll'FliT Dankaur (6) Wheat, Maize - TW(216.19 194.66 182.12 51.80 Kberii Bbaw 16 Gm~ it~, irf

Gi'f1fii"<: itj(, JT'fifif Dankaur (13) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(160.26) 123.03 11.74 9.30 Rampur Khadar 81 Gi'fEfiI<: irR~, ~f Dankaur (to) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(30.76) 445.17 74.87 187.37 Makanpur sa Kbadar Gi'fifiR it~, JT9=


fiif~~<: it~, JT'f'liT Bllaspur(4) EAGED Wheat, MaIze GC(S.09) 3.24 33.19 14.16 T(l) Amlnepur Bangar 91 TWE(24 28)W(0 40) TW(IOI.18) i.fi1fiR iti, ~


1-fij"'Ii;:irUiil'~ O'g$;r' ~~.. ~~.~

2 3 4 S 6 , 8 9 10 11

-(-5) KIt 96 'llP 480.38 2.540(388) pel) -(-5) TW -(-5) -(-5)

97 606.24 3.638(580) P(2),N(I) H(l) W.HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR qT'::~m MO)

98 lJa-ill 217.73 768(119) PP) -(.!oS) vi.HP -(-5) -(-5)' -(-s/ KR

99 'ili"qff 180.50 639(100) P(I).M(I) -(-$) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) ,K~ " :. 306.36 414(69) -(-5) -(-5) W.TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) +5) KR ]00 l1icrT~

~, -(-5) . :' -(-5) :KR 10 t \~~l:'ii~ 91.46 149(21) '-(-5) W;HP '-(-5) -(-5) _. 102 ~u.,~r 504.66 1,142(!67) pel) • -(-~) w,nv,:S:p -(-5) ,.,-(-5) • :d-S')I. KR

103 ~1=lR,!\ \;fro- 194.26 1,302(213) Pel) -(-5) W,HP " PO -(-5) BS KR . , " )04 84.58 239(51) +5) -(-5) W,HP. ,--(-5), -(-5) -(-5) KR ~~ '( I " 105 ~'T~1 267.10 473(76) -(-5) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) +5) KR

li'T~ 25 iflHf\ 1,015.39 4,383(746) P(I),H(I) H(I) TW,HP PO TUB BS KR M(l) PR '-

107 ar;;rl1lf~ 190.61 539(191) P(I) -Y"'J ,'t ...... - \ -, \ -J -(-5) KR <. 199.11 V30(94) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP,TW -(-5) (-5) -(-5) KR. 108 ~\T ", j 2.25.42 563(105) ·PR. 109 ~r -(10+ ) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) {-5) +5) , I10 ~~r:rr 60.30 305(53) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) {-5) -(-5) KR

III ~if~ 299.88 1,223(192) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) KR

112 'fill~ 257.79 516(69) -(-5) -(-5) W,TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) +5) KR

113 ~~'tifi'~ft 118:17 491(62) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) Kfr

114 Wi q'U 613.93 1,663(267) pel) RP(!) W,HP PO ..(5-10) +5) KR

115 an~g~~'{ 3~.74 933(151) M(t),P(l, RP(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS KR 39


12 13 14 15 16 l? 18 19 20 2 1

~---~ -- --"~---

q;:fi'fi'\<: it~, ,'Il''f'fi'T Dankaur (4) Wheat, MaIze ... 0(5.26)W(78.11) 11.33 32.38 ISO.58 T(2),M(2) Bhatta 96 GC(195.47)TW(107:2Jj G'fifi'h: it~, +rififiT Dankaur (7) Wheat, Maize GC(301.50) 7.28 45.73 70.02 T(4) P.arsol 97 T(23.47)W(lS8.Z4) fu;;.~\:~ it~, 'Il''f'fiT Sfkaudrp-ur (5) EA~ Wheat, Maize '" GC(81.34) 0040 8.09 13.77 T(l) Mutena 9& TWE{6.88)TW(107.2S) ~~~T it~, 'Il"f'fi'T '\ Ratiopura (5) BAG Wheat, Maize ~ .. TWE(116.96) 20.24 24.69 18.61 Choki 99 ~'i\~U ~, 'Il''f'fi'T Rabopura (6) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(203.97) 6.07 26.31 44.11 1'(1) Khwajpur 100 GC(25.90)

'fi'fi16 ~i'll"f'fiT Kakod (5) EA Wheat, Maize TWE(37:23) 4.05 20.24 29.94 1'(1) Rasoolpur Ikbel Ill!


~r ~, 'Il''f'fiT Rabopura (4) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(11655) 7.28 71.63 71.64 T(l) Dugle lOS

'fi'fiTs lr~,1=f

'f\''fiTS' iT~ I 11'f'fiT Kakod (4) BAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(28.37) 19.83 4.05 7.69 Kutwaya 110

'fi'lil:s ir~, 'Il'if'f\'T Kakf,)d (lO) BAG Wheat, Maize TWE(187.78) 38.16 21.85 42.09 Inayatpur 111 f€'li'~'liif1G ir~, 'Il''f'fi'f Slkandrabad (lO)EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(157.42) 87.82 4.05 8.50 T(l) Kamalpur Kehrl 112 f~'fi;:HT

~ f.rtfU1fi1 IiA' ~. I{

-(-5) -(-5) BS PR 116 ..wrr('fT 244.'14 394(94) P(l) -(-5) W.HP

310.00 1',793(296) P(l) RP(!) T,HP PO -(-5) lBS PR If7 ~~T= :;rrc:

K.R 183.73 745(136) P(I)H(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) US ~~i1T TT

PR 142.86 684(105) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-$) 119 'l

81(6& P(l):H(l) ":(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR. 120 ifi'fiTs 1,9P(~43)

_(_5) KR 163.09 985(i52) P(1),M(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 12J ~

9S0.64 964-(145) pel) -(-5) T,RP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR 122 f

273.17 1,198(195) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-'5) -(-5) -(-5) KR. 123 ~(;fro ;;fro!'!'.:

319.71 1,116(177') pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5\ -(-5) KR. 124 1'[sfifT

148.93 588(103) +5) -(-5) .. W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 125 ,m~

KR 7fj.49 1,145(176) P(I) -(-5) W,liP +5) -(-5) +5) 126 ~~~'{

J%.81 1,590(261) P(I) -(-5) w' _(-5) +5) -,(-5) KR 127 ~m I

205.lE 707(100) P(l) -(-5) . W -(-5) -(-.5) +5) KR 128 'l'''r~p\~~

-(-5) KR 623.24 3,214(508) P(1),M(l) -(-5) W PO +5) 129 5fmr

271.15 1,044(185) -(-5) -(-5) TW -(-5) _(-S) -(-5) KR 130 otf1::r'fY

180.50 665(103) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) +5) ;-(-5) KR. 131 "!.~~'{ 'il'i

388.11 1,536(245) • P(I) .,(-5) TW,HP -(-,5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.,PR 134 ~T<':I~lJ

140.40 609(118) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -'{-5} KR,PR 133 l3'm~'1:'\

166.33 },076(181) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR 134 IN'1T

. 762.3 650(99) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -«5) KR,PR 135 'IN[''f~ 41


12 13 14 15 16 n 18 19 20 2 1

'li'fiT~ it~, +rlf'liT Kakod (3) BAG Wheat, MaIze GC(127.48) 31.16 20.64 42.90 T(2) Changoli 116 TWE(17.40)W(4.86) 'f>'!i):S it I, If'f'lil Kakod (3) EAG.ED Wheat, MaIze GC(U'74) 57.06 15.38 25.09 Salempur Jat 117 TWE(200.73) 'F'Ii~ it~, ll''f'IiT Kakod (5) EAG,ED Wheat, MaIze GC(2.02) 13.35 8.50 T(3) Hasaupur 113 TWE(159.~6) Bakasua Ffi

:5 6 v 8 9 10 11

136 !1l'T~~ l\~ 101.18 ,333(42) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP +;5) +5) -«5) KR,PR

1'37 "I'i{f;;<9' 92.27 300(42) +5) -(5-10) W,HP +5) +5) -(-5) KR,PR

138 "Ir'{lJr 205.59 894(132) pel) -(5-10), W,HP -(5--10) -(-5) -(-5) PR

245.25 964(144) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR 139 q;:rf!l'CTi'I +r~~~ +5)

KR,PR 140 fl]''HT<:~ 87.4~ 812(115) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

141 :jfllm~ 108.46 1,050(158) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(S-IO) -(-5) PR

'~ 142 104.41 ;r'{ amITe: Uninhabited KR <:'Tfr~~ . KR,PR 143 mr~'lim 173.62 975(145) IP(I),M(I) -(-5) T.HP +5) -(S-lO) -(-5) srf~f~ 144 239.99 2,379(403) P(l),M(I) SMP(l) W,HP PTO Dally nS,RS PR ~<:m~T~ H(l) PHONE <::fif 145 908.96 6,372(9.f2) P(l),H(I) H(l) W,HP PO SUN -«5) PR ~~~'{ M(l)' SMPO)

KR,PR 146 ffi~ 158.24 374(64) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

319.31 1,378(239)• -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(S-10) KR,PR 147 ~<:f1niiiTi{

148 'aF[,n'lT 152.17 346(55) -(-5) -(-5) TW,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -«5) KR,PR

149 {fftc:r 305.95 1,916(312) p(I),Meli -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS PR H(I)

150 I:jj~~,:!<: m?~ToIHr 101.58 251(43) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) PR

151 'lltr-rr 490.09 2,194(327) pel),MO) -(-5) T,NP PO -(5-10) BS l'R

152 .ifiTcrU 575.08 1,832(303) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) +5) PR

153 f~~ 148.)2 440(66) -(""5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) PR

1-54 \ ;r~Tl1'3~ :a-~ 129.10 269(47) - -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR fq~, 182.12 329(39) -(-5) -(-5) 155 U"fT-..:r~ W,HP -(-5) +5) +5) KR 4~


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 :a

f~F!;i'G<:rCf1G' ~, li'f'fiT 'Slkandrabad(51 EAG Wheat. Maize TWE{7.69~ 75.68 11.33 6.48 T(2) Shahpur Khurd 136 fllifii'i;f<:TCflG' ~, 11'f'liT Slkandrabad(7) EAG Wheat. Maize TWE(7973) 1.21 1.21 10.12 Chandrawal 137 fijifiiC::<:TOfTC:: ilt li'fifiT Slkandrabad(9) BAG wheat. MaIze TWE(\6552) 11.33 6.48 22.26 T(l) Cheers! 138 fllifiiqU'l"lG' i'r~, l1'f'fif Slkandrabad(9) EAG Wheat. MaIze GC(143.67) 1.21 10.12 3].57 P:.chayatan 139 TWE(5S.68) Mahlmoodupr rn!fi

fllifii'~rqr~ iT~. 11'f'liT Slkandrabad(8) EA Wheat. MaIze TWE(69.61) 1.21 23.47 [4.17 T(4) JamaJpur 141 f'1!fi=~-::JqR Slkandrabad(9) ·GC(931) 7.28 10.93 1.62 Raghunatbpur 142 TWE~75.27) "f1lifi";:C::<:T


fff!fi;:~\rqri'l: ~. :qrq(1" Sikandrabad(7) BAG Wbeat, Rice GC(4290) 1.62 84.58 74.06 Bharana 151 TWE(13962) TW(t4731) fff!!,:c::,rqr<:: r,~ l1~iifiT Slkandr~bad(5) Wheat, Maize GC(10847) 2792 74.06 33.99 T(l) Kanwra 152 TWE(330.64)


2 3 4 5 6 '8 9 10 1.1

347.64 945(173) PR 156 ~ Pel) -(-5) W;HP ·-(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

}57 lTr:;rr~<: 334.28 1,084(187) Pel) -(-5) TW,HP -(-5) +5) BS PR

] 58' Cfn: farmorrrft :m.51 1,004(165) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W,TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

159 ihrTcm 177.66 837(132) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR to 160 ISI':FT ;;mr 276.01 753(129) -(-5) -(-5)W,TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR

161 f~ctm 258.60 1,110(195) P(I) -(5-10) W,HP , .-(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) PR

W,HP -(-5) -(-5) '-(;-5) K ,PR 162 %TC~~l" 159.05 1,140(191) -(-5) -(-5)

149.74 -(5-10) ;as KR,PR 163 ~Fs<1Fn~ 642(107) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -;(5-10)

164 lft~Fn 189.40 1,863(339) P(I),H(I) P(I) W,HP PO -(5-10) -l-5) KR,PR

165 ~9TT~,{ 20680 2,147(381) pel) -(-5)W,TW,HP PO -(5-10) . -(-5) KR,PR

Uninhabited KR 166 0W<'f~ 109.67 ~<: arrilfT~

167 '1),'iiT'ff 280.86 1,024(181) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-101 KR,PR

168 f~ orHr 216.11 728(129) P(l) -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR,PR . , 169 tr.rT CfTIJ 169.16 698(128) P(I) -(-5) T,RP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR,PR

170 qll~ 80.54 46(13) -(-5) '-(-5) W,T,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR

171 ~T~T~ 301.91 1,443(255) P(I) -(5-10) W,RP -(5-10) -{5-IO) -(-5) KR,PR

172 +iW 101.58 183(13) -(-5) -(5-10) W,FIP -{5-tO) -{5-10) -{s-tO) KR,PR

173 ~r 'Mif 184.54 733(113) -(-5) -(-5)W,TW,FIP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR I

60.30 ~ UninhabIted KR 174 u~~ 'f"{ arr'lT~

175 fl;RTer-r 420.08 2,706(532) ptJ) -(-5) TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR I 45


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

f13'ifi'''::U;;H~ i'r)~ li'i~ Sikandrabad(S) BAG Wheat, Maize • .. , TW(90.2S) 2.02 41.29 46.94 T(3) Benipur l:d GC(131.53)TWE(35.61) f13"ti;:~'D~ ~, It'RiT Slkandrabad(5) BAG Wheat, Maize .. , GC(98.34) 2143 64.35 27.1I T(4) Ghatipur 157 , EO TWE(1i3:S4)W(78:51) fu'li;:<3IT'H~ itW, l11fcf;T Slkandrabad(5) E<\G Wheat, Maize GC(62.32} 1.62 8O'9~ 30.35 T(2) Peer Biabani 158 EO TWE(196.28) fu'li;:,n:r;;rT~ itt, +r'f'liT Slkandrabad(2) EAG Wheat, MUlze GC(28.73) 2.02 1'4:58 11.33 T(5) Mandawara 159 EO TWE(6.(i7}W(114.93) f13''Ii;:;ruq~ iT~, li'i:fiT Sikandrabad(3) BAG Wheat, Maize GC(27.92) 107.65 13.36 T(I) Khaguabas 160 TWE(74 87)TW(S2 21) f13''liiCn:rGfIG: • ~, ll

.fij'li~\T'n<:: iT~ I' +r'f'liT Slkandrahad(2) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(99.56) 0.81 44.52 14.i6 Bhatpura. 162 flJ'li;:nTorT~ iTif ,11'f'liT Slkannrab!ld(IO) BA Wheat, Maize GC(S2.21) S.67 10.11 Ladlabas 163 TWE(81.75} f13'iji<~\Torl~ ~, +r'f'liT 1ilkarrdrabad(9) BA Wheat, Maize GC(39.tl6) 607 7.69 31.57 T(3) Mohana 164 TWE(4.4S)W(99.96) ~m.:ror. ~,WF'liT 'GUIaothl(7) BA~ Wheat. MaIze ClG(104!dl) 0.40, 4.05 25.90 T(l) Ishapur 165 EO TWE(n 44) f~;:a:'JqTa: Slkandrabad(9) GC(18.ltl) 4.05 4.84 8.50 Alhpur 166 TW(7Ht) f lJ'lirn.:rcr~ iT~, +Ff'liT Slkandrabad(S) BAG Wheat, Maize GC(182J2) 9.31 6.88, 67.98 T(2) Fakana 167 TWE(1457} flJ'lir

f"1ifi~'Jqr~ ~, ·f1f'lir Slkandrabad(7) BAG Wheat, Maize GC(95.91) 2.43 21.85 5909 T(3) Dadupur Neela 171 TW(122.63) IlJifi;:,n:r'nG: _~, li'i'llT Slkandrabad(7) EAG Wheat, MaIze GC(6273) 8.09 8.10 ManJoopur 172 TWB(22.66} f«ifi;:a:~rcrTG: ~, 1i'i'lir Slkandr.abadt6) BAG Wheat,MalZe GC(51.80) 2:63 53.0Z T(3) Nagla Kalan 173 TWE(76.89) f~~"{T

~ fififmit I-f~'li;:~T"I'fG: ~~h_;j' ijfij' ~. tt

7. 3 4 6 Y 8 9 10 11

I 156.62 2,127(401), P(I) -(-5) W,HP 1 7 6 ~~l1T'l;t'f~~ PO -(-5) +5) KR,PR

177 'QTT~CfRr 423.32 1,393(236) P(I) -(5-1O) W,HP -(5-IO) -(5-10): -«5) KR,PR

178 IT;::~ ![€!~ 229.06 969(146) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

247.68 846(152) P(l) 179 ~ -(-5) W,HP -«5) -(-5) BS PR 249.70 574(83) -(-5) ISO 'ifu

129.91 390(52) -(-5) 18 I ~~ +5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

207.21 182 f~~<:r 3,156(462) P(ll,M(l) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) BS KR,PR

35897 2,oJ41(363) pel) -(-5) W;HP -(-5) -1.-5) BS KR,PR 183 fCf;;r1[rrormr j

184 g~rr,;~ q;'li~r~ 73.25 513(92) pel) -(5-IO) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR,PR ~qi .,~ ii[~Cfr 185 m~~~'lim 296.65 1,853(31,8) P(l) -(5-10) W.TW. -«5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR'PR HP

186 'flft'fT 'fr~' ~6T 55.44 il'~ arT

1,87 "l'r<: mT 340.76 2,148(338) P(I),M(l} -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR,PR H(l) 76.08 188 l1T~:rll~ .lT~ Jj~ arT'fT~ UninhabIted KR

189 'i:j~~ 504.65 3,104(513) P(I) -(-5) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS KR,PR

164.31 1,271(194) 190 :q;:ilJiiim -(-5) -(-5) W·HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(.5) KR,PR

188.59 935(154) P(l),M(l) 191 ~Tm -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) +~) KR,PR

593.29 2,046(328) 192 8ITiJT P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(?-IO) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR,PR

554.44 193 ~[l:f'Cmfr 2,353(382) P(l),M)I) SMP(I) W.HP PO -(5-10) -{-5) KR,PR H(l)PUC(J) H(l)

194 lIfT~T;;r~<: 99.15 46(5) -(-5)' -(5-1O) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(S-10) KR

/ 195 ij"UlI' ~C1'~r 266.29 886(120) -(-5) -(-5) W'HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) )KR,PR 47


12 13 14 IS' 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

fu'P~<:riifl<{, i't~, 1=f'f'fiT 'Sikandrabad(5) EAG Wtl~at. MaIze •.• GC(52.61) 2.02 17.00 24169 T(3) Ismailpur 176 ED TW(Z8 33)TWE(31.97) f~'P~(HTG' ~~ +i'!CfiT Slkandmbad(7) EAG Wheat,lMaize GC)174.43) 20.24 51.40 50.98 TO) Shahpani 177 TWE(126.27) f'1~~T

ftrfi~~l iifTC: it~. ~r Slkandraba~(2) EAG Wheat,'Maize TWE(91.47) 242 17.l10 18.62 Lalpur 181 fij

~~'G'!IT~<: ~i, lr'f'fiT Bulands~ar(IO) BAG Whedt, M.1lzc TWE(60.30) 4.45 6.83 T(l) HusenpurFak- 184 TW(l.'62) ruddJDpur UurNaJbastJ ,!~r<{l1Tlr<:: iT~, I=fm Bulandshar (10) ... Wheat, Maize :[W(203.16) 29.54 63.95 Mohammadpur 185 Kalan


~~~ ~, Wf'fiT Bulalldshar (8) Wheat, Maize TW(ISJ.36) 2.02 7.69 27.5] T(I) Bhatola 191 f'ilfi"~<:TarTG' iT~, ~~r Slkandrabad(7) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(496.l6) 9.71 34.80 52.62 T(5),M(Z) Arha In EO fu~;::T

""" ftr1fll\fil fij~~~Tom:: ~ ~~.~~~

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

128.69 -(-5) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.PR J96 ~+ft~ 610(107)

197 iilT('fT 329.02 1.673(250) P{I) -(-5) W.HP +5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.PR

-(-5) KR 198 amrr~cft ~ ,~, 407.94 1.840(331) P(I) -(-5) W.TW. -(-5) -(-5) HP 199 ¥'IT 327.81 1.136(185) P(l) -(-5) W.HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS KR


115.74 778(122) -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) KR 201 amTqi~~ W.HP -(5-10)


203 fct(1Oill14~~ - 588.84 3,927(714) P(I) -(-51 W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR.PR

204 iif)lSIT

205 ~~~ 145.29 761(02) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS KR.PR

206 aiil~ 232.30 847(151) pel) -(-,5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

2,07 ~T~~t 61.51 191(22) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) B&. KR,PR

90.65 208 'fl'f<1r" ~ arrOfT~ Uninhabited KR

209 'nfI~ 233.11 1,945(11'1) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR;PR

210 ~+r:;<: 'lir.f~~ 233.51 759(118) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS KR

211 ~T 316.D7 857(123) -(-5) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR

131.12 896(140) -(-5) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) 212 ~ -(-5) KR.PR

213 f~;:cm

214 lf~~ 239.58 582(103) f(l). -(-~) W,HP -(-5) -{(5) +5) KR

215 f'fiifT+f$<: 376.37 1.287(203) P(l) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) +5) -(-5) PR 4:1


12 13 14 ,,15 16 17 18 19 20 l fu

\ttl{ l#ialQlftjl l-f\tq;;:~'{r.I'i(f aij~C!f iSfil' ~. ~ '!f11' iroittr.. , 8 10 2 3 4 S 6 " 11 -'- ti


217 :;fur)' 295:43 2,537(408) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) BS PR

~ 102.39 725(113) +5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(.5) -(-5) KR,l'R 218 ~\~

219 ~~ 'ilTtiR 184.54 1,306(207) P(I) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR;t>R

220 Rwrli'fT 69.20 332(51) -(-5) -(5_10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR,PR

22 I

159.05 410(64) +5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS ,PR 222 ~~

'-(-5) W,HP 223 ~i 308.79 764(104) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) BS. KR

224 lflltm 315.26 1,460(221) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR

225' ~C[ID 300.69 2,020(308) PO) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) 1'R

226 a:rr~~~r 137.16 692(100) -(-5) -p) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR

227 arna)~1 380,42 2,OO5(321) P(I},H(I) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) PR

228" ~R~<: 168.76 608(102) P(I) -(-5) W,RP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

229 'f~'lT '3ffflf{ 595.72' 2,064(336) P(I) -(,..5) W,RP PO -(5-10) -(-5) KR,PR

232.30 718(122) pel) 230 ~~m -(-5) W,HP +5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR,PR

165.12 681(103) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) PR 231 ~~'= 1,979(357) pel) -(-5) 232 ~m 459.74 W,HP +5) -(-5) -(-5) PR

182.92 925(153) F(I),M(I) -(-5) 233 ~ a-i 'd;ft' W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

]63.90 643(102} -(-5) 234 ~\~ +5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(....5) KR ~~~ 235 f~ -- 516.40 1.537(252) Pel) -(-5) W.HP -(-S) +S> -(-5) KR 5i


12 13 ]4 15 16 17 18 19 20 :a 1

f~'HG" ~, +fif


f«'Ii~TorlG: iT~, 1=fif'IiT Slkandrabad(6) EAg Wheat, MaIZe GC(82.56) 10.52 10.90 1.21 T(l) Azampur Garhi 226 TWE(31.97) f~



VT'I f,,~f"lIiI I-f~'lii'G:uq~~ ~ ~T1:( tt

2 S 6 , 8 II 10 11

236 q¥t~T 741.82 3,464(542) F(I).H(I), H(I) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(-S) KR M(I)

237 ;:rif~H cr-91~r 143.26 541(90) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(10+) -(10+) -(-5) KR

" 238 a~ ~ lfi

235.13 240 ~rQ';\ 'Ii~t 486(84) -(-5) -(:0+) I W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS KR

241 '\\I;~ n:oT-{r 673.42 2,338(413) P(l) -(-5) TW,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

242 lfi1~ 176.85 1,472(245) Pel) -(5-10) TW,llP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

243 fq'\lGr m;;r$'{ 507:09 1,667t278) Pel) -(5-10) TW,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS KR

244 fOf"\T?T tfil~T~';\ 247.68 1,028(151) P(I) RPO) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-1~) KR

245 3fl"J":Tf 301.50 1,243(217) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR

246 ET~¥'T ,lHT 360.59 1,853(80) Pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) KR

247 "lIm 57306 1,593(276) Pel) SMP(I) W,HP PO -(10+) -(-5) PR

248 "fQhT amI 211.66 916(150) Pel) -(5-10) W,llP +5) -(5-1,0) -(-5) KR

331.85 249 'if~ 1,062(159) pel) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) .-(5-10) KR

467.02 250 ~~m !f'FI'T~ 1,206(184) P(I) -(5-iO) TW,llP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR

251 a:r~hnqT

"!~ 252 ~qT~~ 938.09 3,667(587)P(I);PUC(I) MCW(l) W,HP PO WED BS,RS PR , M(~) PHC(I) • 253 af"\T?T 285.31 935(143) P(I) :"'(-5) TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

254 tfiffQ:'!\ ;;rrcit 327.40 831(130) P(I) -(-5) TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

255 f;:roru 286.93 1,549(244) -(-5) -;-(-5) TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR '53• VILLAGE DIRECfORY AMENmBs AND LAND USB SIKANDRABAD. TAHSIL-l

12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 fu

~W~'\ i'rW, +f'f'fiT Bulandshahar (18) Wheat, MaIze TWE(460.95) 10.93 63.13 )38.41 T(5) Rasoo)pur 241 EAG Rithori ~~qW~\ lr~, ll'f'IiT Bulandshahar (9) Wheat, MaIze TWE(1l696) 0;04 5.67 53.82 T(2) Kondu 242 EAG ~

~~WQ\ i'rW, +f'i~ Bulandshahar (9) .,. Wheat, MaIze GC(133 15) 13.76 7487 61.10 Agrai 245 W(!8.62)

~~;:~!1T~( iT~, ll'f'1iT BuJ andshahar(l1l ... Wheat, MaIze GC(14852) 34.40 72.85 T(3) Dhamera Nara 246 TW(l04.82) ~~;:

~~l1T~ iT~, l'f'i'liT Blllandshahar (3)EA Wheat, MaIze TWE(228.66) 19.01 37.64 42.09 Fatehpur Jldo 254 fA''lirq'\T

'IT'r foRfftf 6fi'f~•. fq ~ I-f~Cfi~~T

2 3 4 S 0 'I # 8 9 10 II

286.12 256 \if'l'~\ ~ ~~'f~~ 830(140) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) PR

257 ai"ITcrnr 214.90 1.788(256) P(I),PUC(I) -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) BS PR

305.95 Qt!4(207) P(I) -(-5) W.TW. -(-5) -(-5) BS PR 258 l1f

1,104.02 3,178(504) pel) -(-5) 259 l'ftrru~ TW.HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR

'398.22 4,084(618) P(l),PUC(1) H(l) TW,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) PR 260 'C:Ti1ro M(I)

-(-5) 261 l[~ 11T11 269.13 634(97) -(-5) TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

94.30 321(55) -(-5) -(5-10) TW,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR 262 Cfi[<{'\'j;"\

-(-5) -(5-10) TW,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR 263 ~ lfilr~r mmm 176.45 548(90)

Uninhabited KR 264 l_!«illiT'fT<{ 72.85 q<: atr'fT<{

478(67) -(-5) -(5-10) TW,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR 365 <{T3i~~ 126.27

193.85 1,088(67) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) TW,HP PO -(5-10) -(-5) KR H(l) 55


12 13 14 15 16 l' 18 19 20 1 1

~ii{;:~~ rr~, ~ Bulandshabar (11) Wheat, MaIze TWE(140.84) 9.31 44.11 91.8S T(3).M(1) Jagatpur urr 251 EA Sultanpur ~l1T~~ ~.lTm Bulandshahar (1l) Wheat, MaIze TWE(146.91) 0.40 29.95 37.64 T(3) Banchawali 157 EA I~~ '~, +r'fifiT Bulandshahar(12) EA Wheat. Maize TWE(195.87) 18.62 25.90 65.56 T(3).M(2) Kbawaspur 251 ~ ~J if'f'JiT . Kakod t4) EAg Wheat. Maize .TWE(S13.45) 26.71 51.06 206.80 T(8),M(l) Gangrol 259 ms rr~, l1'fifiT Kakod (I> EAg Wheat, Maize TWE(330.24) 6.46 IB.62 42.90 T(IO) Dhanora 260

iIi'iil':s ~, liGJ


/ o I I --=:--J 2 .~~~ •Bulandshahr lahsil 58

'WrY ttl e(~ ~lf{1


. ~if ~ ~ ilil:l ~. ITIlJ ,IIiT 'Irl:l ;iri'i<> , ,ii"4 ti. WI' IIiT rmr m'rio ii+f ti. VIlJ IIiT rrllJ m ;jo

2 3 2 3 2 3

af'l;;;n~<: 247 36 ~tifr~ ~n:r1j 212 71 ~ifT 233 2 3f~

6 arm~T 175 41 3lh

11 aTsT<'TT 253 46 ar~r;r 208 81 !fi1<'fijrrr 27~ 12 3f;:~:ST 44 . 47 illhr~ !fiI-TT 333 82 1ST;J':sr 403 J 3 3f&;\>;;r~<: gi'fHl'if 362 48 3f~~~ 340 83 1STi'f~r 105 14 aF!~r ~~<: 177 49 'li6''liT:sT 45 84 1'H'lir<'f1 18 ! 5 31"<1T'fm

16 arm~ fu:;rRr 242 51 'liifr~ 246 86 !?(<'fm~~ <:!O 313 17 3f

21 arnlCfU 355 56 'f';;rmr 303 91 ~d~r lfTijrffi' 271 22 ~if;;i!l.'r 245 92 1lll!T ~:ST 176 23 ~1l'~<: 231 58 lIiT"fr~'U 239 93 ~~r 82 24 3f~I'{~<: cr:sr 182 59 '1iJG'T

26 atT"fif ~f;:lfr~ 336 61 f'li<:lfr~r 65 96

3 I ~fifT~~~\ ~~~~ ] 14 66 ~ff<: 1 ] 01 flfifT<:r ;;rrrmH 311 32 .q:~l1f~i.'fr 126 67 ~~iil'r 308 102 fir<:I'H~" i'fcrr~r 163 33 ?C<:r

mm !fi') qllri~ ~'ilf')

~~~~<: ~ti (~:)

~ ~ ~ 5fi~ ~o llllf ifiT illlf .m- rio ifilf ~ 0 llTj:[ iiiT ifTij' 1iirn- ;;fo ifilf ~o !lJlf iiiT illlf !fil~ tio

2 3 2 3 1 2 3

106 ~rqoT ~ra

III :;;rrCf~T 2,77 146 ffi"~~ 13 150 Cfr;;r~ 243 185 f

] 16 f:q<:f.qc:r 310 151 fcr

121 'Of~<:rT 371 156 ~<:~l!1"~ 26 191 ifTmi'fr 256 122 :orC:'l<:T 316 157 G"<:~~<: 380 192 q-<:crrr;: 36 ]23 ~T 131 158 GR:lH~ 252 193 q-qB"<:T 109 ]24 'Oftr.1r ~<: 122 159 i~<: 285 194 ~T~ 230 125 'OfllT

126 \lflI'T(1'l\: 59 ] 61 ~~'{r n 196 q-~T¥~ ~1t<41 392 127 'Of(1r~<: q;cn:r 394 162 G~<: 255 197 ~(1"T 332 128 ::;Rrr(1"~<: lfi"UU 360 163 G"T~r 306 198 q-lm 20 101 129 'Of(11'2~ flTilTfr 350 164 Gmcr

131 ;:r!JifTCf

136 'Of1(1" ~:ST 275 171 'i:lll~T Cfif<:.a 225 206 ~~if 293 137 f'f<::t'l'€i" 195 172 crTll'<:r q;~~<: 269 207 q;€t~I

,\miT Ail !ql'Jf~ ~l

~m~lIT~~~mr (ifiJffl:)


2 3 2 3 1 2 3 \

211 i%~f~<:: 3f"fi'fm 358 2!i6 'jFT9[rr~<: ~'fi. ~~r"'~<: 75 281 l1fllrr ~T 283 2:12 iSf'liTU' 139 247 ~l"~T 133 282 +rTl1i'f ~~ 282 213 qlWfr~o{t 302 2~8 ~it,:yr • 203 '283 'n~Tl'f1p 222 i14 q~?;T

216· q~;:fT"u 238 251 '1+n::r 194 286 fl1~'!i ~1~:ql'f'9 31)5 t17 ql:'fiICir: 14 252 'Il<{'iq~T:;;<:: iIlT<: '30 2~7 11'''P::~ 174 218 i!f<::+!~ .,if~ 162 253 ~r~ ~<:r 300 2'88 11'T<::r~"\ 397 219

~21 ;;ru~ 216 256 ..fT'fi";'!'i'(' 124' 291 ~~rq'!i~ 197 222 q<::l~a> - 388 257 "J:6' (it~Ter) 249 292 ~\i~TqTi'{ 'lR;'qm 292 2)3 ~T 248 300 +r)~C1T 191

231 Off"£),\ lllS 266 ff~~Tf.,rr<:: 193 301 +rr:sr 32 232

236 f;r~<;r 85 271 ff~n:T\ii'1~ 145 306 "\"f<:frrrr 108 237 48 "I~ 212 ~T9 76 307 <:

QTJft rm qqri~ ~1 • ~<;f~<: EfWI"f(!J (~~)

;;itm mtwi'f ~if !61{ ~o 'fi)~ ;:fo ifj1l ~r:q 0 ifj:q (I ml{ 'fiT ;rr:q ~o !!iT ;:ff;r 'iIT~ ;f ti !rHI' '!iT rrr:q i!iT~ .r CI

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

316 -.:~'hrr~<:

321 <:Rl~\ ti9 351 ~CTT\'f~<: 38 381 U~<: ~~ 385 322 <:II{IfG 96 352 ljr'lic 148 382 ~~r 24 323 ~11l:!<: 'fiFi('r'fT ~ fl{\lfT~<: 2 9 9 353 'lilq~~ 263 383 €If~ 197 324 <:f1.f,!<: 'fiQHT . 178 354 ~ll'fiT~r 164 384 €c:r 187 325 <:r:r~<: CfrZ1ror \ 270 355 ijll'f'!<: 391 38 5 ~~<: 28

A . 326 f<:~:ST 312 356 ~

331 <:!~1~1 185 361 ~Icfflrnr<: ~TqZ11 35 391 ~<:llil1\ 294 332 <=T'~1T<:T 179 362 'U~:q'TG 156 392 ~<:"fOlT 210 333 m~<:q;r 107 363 'U~~. 344 393 ~cttffi" eft 11ft 268 A 334 <'\~ 354 364 ~Tm

336 <=TTl'lT 53 366 f«li~T 26J1 396 ~:;rr'I<: 58 337 q<;ffq:"(1 8 367 ~')'!iu 150 397 ~1Cf11,!"( 379 338 q<1~,\T 272 368 ~n~ 167 398 ~TCfllT

341 l!TIFr~ 137 371 ~~~ 369 401 fl1<:ilTC: 357 342 l!TTiJ:'l1T<: 181 372 ~<:\lfl<:f<;fT 136 402 ~\1~\ 235 328 403 330 343 l!TT~~ 151 373 ~\\lfrq~T !i~m. 344 fl!Tijil~\ 382 374 ~~a-r~ 'il~<: 325 404 gij'i'f,!'\ i92 )345 fl!T'I''llT"( ai ~fr 376 375 ~Z;crTi'f'!\ ifT\'f~T 356 62



Location Location Location S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No. Name of vUlage Code No.

2 3 1 2 3 1 1 3

1 Aakapur Tlyana 21 36 Aulaindha 208 71 Bhamsrauh Nasirpur 322 2 Aanchru Kalan 333, 37 Auhna 113 72 Bharauriya 104 3 Aanchru K:hurd 340 38 Aurangabab Chandok 367 73 BhanDauh 112 4 Abdullahpur Hulasah 362 39 Aurangabad Rural 99 74 Bhalpura 300 5 'AbhalPur Hazratpur 177 40 Auraugabad 205 75 Bhausl 100

6 Achheja Ghat 286 41 Aurangpur Mirpur 138 76 Bhamra 194 7 AdaulJ 253 42 Aurangpur Mauhsam 140 77 Bhataula 352 8 Adauli 119 43 Babupur 168 78 Bhatauna 203 9 Agauta 175 44 Baddhabajldpur 50 79 Bhataula Hazipur 291 10 Ahmad Nagar 33 45 Badnaura 238 80 Bhatpura 133

11 Ahmadpur, 231 46 Badshahpur Garhia 80 81 Bhawan Bahadurpur Nagar 30 12 Ahmadpur Tanda 182 47 Bag]apoothan 302 82 Bhlkanpur :24 13 Am Chana 11>0 48 Bagwala 170 83' Bhlraoti 31 J4 Ajamdaflyapur 336 49 Bahaburpur Maheshpur 89 84 Bhogpur 202 15 Ajltpuf 171 50 Bahaurpur Pars all! 90 85 Bhonpur 327

16 Akbarabad Kura 121. 51 Bahhmpura 273 86 Bhur Rural 249 17 Akbarpur 247 52 Bahot 319 87 Bigraun 70 18 Akbarpur Jho}ha 158 53 Balmpur 5 88 Blhra 85 19 Akb(trpur Rama 172 54 Bakaura 139 89 Blhta 48 20 Akhhyarpur 221 55 Balk:!. 132 90 Blsalch 207

21 Alamgirpur Nainsukh 118 56 Banhpur 3 91 B1shundra 111 22 Alavas Balri 12 57 Bankapur Pali urf Bahrampur78 92 Bohlch 390 23 Alipura 335 58 Baral 216 93 Bondra 84 \ 24 Ahpur GIJaun 242 59 Baran 186 94 Budhana 149 2S Almanpur 284 60 Barasau 388 95 BulamlshahrRural Rampura296

26 Anhera 44 61 Barauda 349 96 Chandpur 265 27 Asawari 355 62 BarauIJ 387 97 Chandpur Poothi / 68 28 Asawar 41 63 Baravh Basdcopur 81 98 Chankla 366 29 Asdullapur 251 64 Barhana 66 99 Charaura Muslafabad 123 ,30 Asfabad Chandpura 211 65 Bar~tpur 14 100 Chawah 277

31 Ashrafpur Abdullapur 372 66 Barmadnagar 162 101 Chharprawat 209 32 Atmadpur 43 67 Basandua 289 102 Chmgraothl Baroh ,74 33 Atmad Sarai 212 68 Bhagwanpur urf Harwanpur 7S 103 Chlrawak 196 34 Alta 39 69 Bhamsauda 52 104 Chlrchlta 310 35 Audh~ra mf Nawada 250 70 Bhamsa Khur 23 105 Chltson 323 63


BULAND~HA~RTA~L (<::ontd.]

Location Location LocatiCl S.No. Name of Village Code. No. S.No. Name of Village Code No. S.No. Name of Village Cqde Nc

2 3 2 3 1 2 3 --..... 106 Chitsona Ahlllfr 13 141 Ghungrawah Banwariplll" 317 176 hmanaDher 107. Darauh 9 142 Gulabnagar 22 177 Jamalpur 108 Dargappur :5asauti 38p, 143 Gulawathllural Natthugarh 198 178 Janaura 109, Dadyapur 252 144. Guthawah Khurd 220 179 laDlpur Kalan 110 Darveshpur 26 14S Guthawali Tikari 219 180 Jampur Khurd

I!J Darve~hpur 380 146 Gyaspur 278 181 Jasnawali Kh.urd IJ2 Daula,tadi!<;l 94 147 HaJlp'ur 58 182 Jasnawali Kalan 113, DaulatGl1~h 298 148 Halpura 338'" 183 Jaull Garh IJ4 Daulatpur ,Mukteshwara 86 149 Harchana 210" 184 Jatpura 1 115 Dehra 71 150 Harganpur 294' 185 Jauth

lJ6. Deynagar ur( nell). 199 151 /Hartaulidhimari 2n~ I " 186 Jira\Vathi 1,17 Dhakauli 1~ 152 Hasanpur 232 1~7 Jeewat IJ8, Dhalqmli 2p 153 Hatampur 379 188 Kadrabad 1,1,~ Dhalna 3p8 154 Hatmabad 2,80 189 Kahira '.2.0 Dh ameraki rat 225 155 Hazratpur 398 190 Kallav8.u

121 Dharnrawali 281 156 Aazratpur urf Samaspur 295 191 Kaithala 1'22 ,Dhanaura Almgirpur 144 157 Hingawara 6 192 Kaithara 123 DhaOlawah 64 158 Hlrapur 235 i93 Kajampur Deoli 124 Dhaturi 314 159 Hir Naut 1I0 194 KaJlpura 1'25 Dhimna Edalpur 269 (60 Hir Naut j57 195 Kalauli

126 Dohli 306 161 Hurthala 330 196 Kamalpur 127 Domlahasan Garh 402 {62 Husainpur 192 197 Kanaura ,'28 Dostpur 255 163 Iklandl 7 198 Karauthl f29 Dudupur iss' 164 Imallya 234 199 Karkaura no Falzabad Rihdawali 159 165 Ismadpur Dehlai .114 200 Kaurali

131 Falzzullapur Mnara 358 166 Ismaila 126 201 Kanmnagar Banbol ~32 Farha

136 Ganaura Shekh 217 171 Jalalpur 59 206 Kltailya Kalyanpur 137 Gangerua 266 172 JalaluddlOpUf Gmauri • 350 207 Kltalrpur 138 Gh~nsoorpur 54 173 ~alalpur Kama 360 208 Kltalrpur \ 139 Gmaura Janardar 311 174 Jalalpu, Katora 394 ~09 Khairl "'to Glrdharpur Newada 163 175 lalkhera 275 210 Khalya Khera 64



! Location Location Location NO Name of Village Code No. S.No. Name of Village Code No. S.No. Name of Village Code No. r . 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 3

211 Khakunda 403 246 Mach Kauli 274 281 Muribakapur 97 !l2 Khahlpur Rath 313 247 Mohli 191 282 MurSana 14 !13 Khalsiya 347 248 Maharajpur 145 283 Murtzabad Bhatwara 292 tl4 Khanauda 105 249 Mahau 76 284 Mustfabad Daduwa 377 )15 Khandwaya 339 250 Mahawat Garhi 165 285 NaglaCatehpur 381

Khangawali 169 251 Mahuddinpur 25 286 Nagla lbrahimpur 288 17 Kharkali ]8 252 Mahiuddinpur Baldana 63 287 Nagla Ieet urf,Jitaka 601 18 Khetalpur Bhansauli 271 253 Mahmudpur 384 288 Nagla Kalanki 129 t219 Khush Halpur 188 254 Makhdum Nagar 193 289 NaglaKaran 102 220 Khwajmirpur 297 255 Mala Garh 222 290 Magla LutCalipur 396

!'221 Khwajpur Ashra.fpur 98 256 MamanKalan 283 291 Nagla Shekh 184 Kiryawali 287 257 Maman Khurd 282 • 292 Nahchauli 55 ~22 23 Kjrya~ali 65 258 Mamau 400 293 Naithala Hasanpur 264 224 Khaula 57 259 Manakpur 301 294 Nasirabad Poothi 92 225 Kisauli 173 260 Man Dawali 365 295 Naubatpur 135

Kishanpur 146 261 Manglaur 155 296 Mausana 256 Kondupur 321 262 Mankrf 67 297 NayagaoD. 241 8 Kota 206 163 Manp)lr 180 298 Neemkhera 279 9 Kuchesar 1 264 Margubpur 254 299 Newada 389 r0 Kuchheja 308 265 Marauna lafrabad 19 300 Nilmov 11

Kudaina 233 266 Maukehera 248 301 Nimchana 47 Kudbal Banaras 244 267 Mauroni 331 302 Misarkha 32 Kurala 290 268 Mauri 324 303 Noorpur Magalia 359 Kurli 204 269 Meerapur 397 304 Pabarpur 230 Kutubpur 142 270 Mathna Jagatpur 115 305 Paharpur Haveli 329

Kutubpur 373 271 Milkmakanpur ]27 306 Pabarpur Surjawall 334 Kyampur 200 272 Ml1kmohsamgarh 305 307 Pali 20 Ladpur urf Thakarrpur 4 273 Mirpur 174 308 Palibegpur 101, ~:J9, _Lakhauti 95 274 Mirzapur Agarpur 120 309 Paocbota 259 240 Longa 53 275 Mohammadabad 190 310 Paroli 332

241 Laubagara 179 276 Mohaammad Ahpur uri 27 311 Partapur 36 Neela Patti " 242 Lauharaka 107 277 Mohammad Panahpur Segli 83 312 Pausara 109 243 Lauhara 354 278 Mohammadpur Gmauri 351 313 PJpla Ikhalaspur 88 244 Lauharara 42 279 Mukaira 345 314 Pondri 309 245 Lubarli 185 280 Mukeempur 315 315 Pootbari Khurd 329 65



Location Location Location S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No.' S.No. Name of vlUage Code No.

2 3 2 3 l 3

316 Poothi 130 346 Saidpur 28 376 Sihl 167 317 Pota Kabulpur 2 347 Saldpura 125 377 Slkari 150 318 Ragsaunth 337 348 Saidpur Khurampur 166 378 Slkhaua 261 319 Rahimpur Alawa 91 349 Samgra 197 379 Sohanpur 201 320 Rahlffipur Bhaywan 183 350 Samta 187 380 SUlapur Pootha 342

321 Rahmaput 404 351 Sakhiya 216 381 Sujapur 224 322 Ralpur Ka!auri 178 352 Salabaddhamaura 17 382 Sulalla 60 323 Raipur Talah 270 353 Salabat !)Iagar Gangawah 35 383 Sultanpur Mirgar.hi 356 324 Raja Garhi 103 354 Sala1mpur ~344 384 Sultanpur Khadar 325 325 Rajpura 353 355 Salam Garh 156 385 Sunhra 267

326 Rajupur 374 356 Samanpur 391 386 Surjawali 328 327 Rajwana 108 357 Samkola 164 387 SUfjawalI 136 328 Ramgarh 46 358 Sannau! 148 388 Surkhru 369 329 RampurKaloni urf Mirzapur299 359 Saral Chhablla 117 389 Sutan 260 330 Ranapur 69 360. Sarawa 348 390 Syawali Rahmapur 154

331 Ranaura Hamalipur 395 361 Sargaon 393 391 Talyabpur 263 332 Rangpur 343 362 Sega Jagatpur 77 392 TalPur 243 333 Rashldpur 153 363 Sehatpur Yen 38S 393 Tajpur 34 334 Rasoolpur 320 364 Sehra 24 394 Tanda 236 335 RasooJpur 189 365 Semall 228 395 Tatarpuf 240

336 Rasoolpur Nagla Blsar 370 366 Shabnagar I 181 396 Tauman 87 337 Rasoolpur Tehya 157 367 ,Shahpur 151 397 Thai Inayatpur 72 338 Ravani Kallsi Bangar 61 , 368 Shahzadpur 137 398 Tlbra 16 339 RavaDi Katiri Khadar 62 369 Shareefpur Bhainsroll 46 399 Utasara 116 340 Rljhaura 312 370 Shekhpur Garhwa 93 400 Utrawall 304-

341 Riwara 399 371 Sherpur 40 401 Wauafirozpur 49 342 Sabdalpur 263 372 Sblkarpur 382 402 Wa1lpuTa 272 343 Sadarpur 152 373 Shivnagar urf Dhosri 376 403 WalJpurh 8. 344 Sadharanpu\ 38 374 Shlwali 147 404 Yakubpur 31S. 345 Sahanpur 73 375 Slana Ka Outside 56 66

vnT f;:RfW~

2-~Pr:m~_~ ijfi'f ~~~f1:r~~

;o~ ~q'1ri{-["fmtGlfi"T i't f.!"Wll fif $t' d!! 0 ",,1$ It< 10 IF'il '-'~ ~ '-"~2~ lIlll' lfi"f iffll' .fl; ro~ ,...,; .; ~ ~~ II;' ___ 01 e ... ~~ g; ~ '";>, -. ,~~ .. i: '[~ lef-. t;!'iiC0 C9 .~ ~,§'~ trOll t:ro' -"l ~~ I&'' .... !-;;Il<,.. ... ~ Cl ;:g i lfla ~ 16'01 ~ ~~ g Iir~o 1b'g t;-1i 0":1 '1:l"~ If~ ~~ ~~ ... :>0 1c:2 4¥",:r: 01 • G::.~ 16'-:;; J::: 8~.s 1I'c. E!:' '01'1 td!: '0 0 'J! .g ~:> l2:~oIi i] ""~f-.c. trl:-Il< hJ 10' 0 '~!8~~ F;~ I' 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11

~:a 1,458.94 '1,460(1242) P(l),M(I). MCW(l) T,W,HP PO,Phone WED -(-5) PR ~ H(l) ij')lf 2 qTc:T~~ 399.44 2,443(459) P(I) -(-5) T,W,HP -(-5) MON -(-5) PR

3 622.02 3,390(532) R(2),H(I) D(l) T,W,HP PO -(-5) BS PR

4 00.57 2,958(509) P(I),M(I) -(-5) 't,W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR mEl~~ :ai ijOli'h~ };I(l)

5 .r'f~~ 327.81 1,976(326) P(l) -(-5) T,W;HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR

6 %lfqT~T 419.27 2/763(496) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

7 ~~') 382.04 1,017(135) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -( -5) KR

8 q~~r 262.65 1,446(267) pel) -(-5) WHP, -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR' TW

9 iT'~l~r 248.89 269(54) pel) -(-5) W.HP, -(-5) -(-5) -<-5) KR TW ~Q 10 ~)~ ijO~r 175.86 2,469(454) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W,HP, PO THU BS PR H(l) TW

'Il f';l5TT

12 3T~r'mr

13 f'9cftl);:rr ~~~ 849.87 5,095(874) P(I),H(I) -(-5) W,HP PO , -{-5) -(-5) KR


15 ~~1~,) 229.46 1,635(251) P(l) -(-5) W,HP, -(-~) , -(-5) -(-5) PR TW 67


~ :aqlfl

------I '" tE >. • "; .0 ~ 50.; lIT c.~ 9 ,~ It:UO 1;0<,2 &: rlS:I:~ ''it9 '" 0 '0'"':- fS.~ r~ ~ ~.;'O ~ ~::I tE ~ ..0 U!?,if'-::I" ~ g E 0 I;o

12 13 14' 15 16 17 18 ' 19 20 2 1

,'I1T<{ii ariF~~i'fIj'<: iT~, +rCf'fi"T Bhawan (7) EA Wheat, Ma Ize W(23 07) 22.66 14.~7 52.21 M(2),T(8) Potakabulpur 2 Bahadurnagar TWE(286.53) 'I1<1rf Gf~q<:'l1T<: . iT~, I1'fCfiT . Bhawan (6) EA Wheat, Maize W(47.75) 21.85 25.50 51.80 M(l) Banhpur 3 Bahadutnagar TWE(47471) ~., ~~~Ij'<: iT~, I1'fCfiT Bhawan (4) ... Wheat, MaIze TW(517.20) 32.38 40.87 10.12 T(I),M(I) Ladpur urf 4 Bahadurnagar TK(O 41) Takararpur Wfif ii('~!~<:if1T<: tr~, I1CfCfiT Bhawan (2) BA Wheat, Maize W(4.45) 10.52 0.81 2631 Balfilpur S Bahadurnagar TWE(285 .72) 'I1or., .r~T~' 'I

vm f;R~QAir iiI'r ~f

2 3 4 5 6 'I 8 10 11

244.84 935(141) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 16 fu~T

17 l3'1t:1Tqr

18 ~1firm 420.89 1,963(315) PC!) +5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR,KR

19 Jf~lijT ;;nrro~ 921.10 4,!24(68~ P(I) RP(!) HP PO -«5) -«5) PR,KR

20 'If<'fT 410.37 207(31) -( -5) -(-5) HP PO +5) -(-5) KR

21 5J8.83 2,976(418) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR 8{T1fi'~<: fulrFH H(!) .

192.64 6'1(7) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 22 !!

2,524(446) pel) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR 23 ~~ 292.60

-(-5) HP PO -(-5) -( 5) 24 ~ 211.66 1,577(276) P(I) KR

25 I=f~'m;rij'~ 88.63 226(33) --«5) -«5) HP -(-5) +5) -(-5) KR

26 '-tiji!t!!T~ 96.72 29(3) -(-5) -«5) W,HP -«5) -(-5) -(-5) PR

27 it~fJf'-t ar(;f~ 'd'ri 14245 413(67) P(I) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5( -(-5) PR ;:rrm'lnrr ~fif 28 €~ 777.82 7.234(1248) PUC(I) 0(1) HP PTO SAT BS PR P(I),M(ll

29 liw 12465 935(138) Pel) -(-5) HP -(-S) -(-5) -(-5) PR

1,315.18 87(11) -(-5) 30 'l1'1'f~~<: P(I) -(-5) TW,HP +5) -«5) PR

31 f'll\T'lit 146.91' 74'(121) P(I) -(-5) HP -(-5) +5) BS KR

32 f.rn~ 551.20 2,710(449) P(3),M(2) RP{l) W,HP PO +5) -(-5) KR llTfu 105.63 3,921(586) P(I),M(I) RP(l) W,HP PO SAT KR 33 ar~<: +5)

261.44 1;768(282) P(I) MeW(I} W.HP PO -(-5) -(--5) KR 34 ~'l:

35 mrmr'l'lT"( titn

...... 69


12 13 14 15 16 lY 18 19 20 2


"l1ofil' or~~miT Bhawan (5) EA Wheat, Maize TW(186.97) 5.26 19.43 Sehra 24 Bahadurnagar iT

'iqi{ iil~~r[lf<: ~)~~r lJhawan (5, AEG Wheat, Ma I7e W(76.08) 12.14 4.86 3.64 Darveshpur 26 Bahadurnagar 'llO[;; T Bhawan (2 EA Wheat, Maize W(10.52) 13.36 68.39 131.12 M(302) Bhawan Bahadur 30 Bahaduanagar TWE(1091.48)TW{0.41 ) C(3)T(4) Nagar

'q'Of"if q~l~ "rr'R il'~, l1~T Bhawan (3) EA Wheat, Maize WE(130.31) 6.08 10.52 Bhiraoti 31 Bahadurnagar 'i''I"ii q~~'1.:iiq<: lr[, l1i.fiiiT Bhawan (4)' ED. Wheat, Maize WE(473.90) 28.74 48.56 Nlsarkha 32 Babadurnagar BAG ~fCfc'T iri, ~Cf'lir Gulaothl (13) ED Wheat, Maize TWE(821.15) 0.41 1.22 21.85 T(14) Ahamadnagar 33 BAG ~'T ~,+rm Guiaothl (12) BAG Wheat, Maize TWE(241.20) 2.83 1.22 16.19 T(2) TaJPur 34 ~~'T ~,trm Gulaothi (12) BAG Wheat, Maize TWE(29S.43) 10.52 6.07 1902 T(6) SaJabat Nagar 35 Gangawah 10

'Z1'Q ~~ 2-~~W~~ ~ \;fif Wmm" ~ ~ ~

Z 3 4 5 .- 6 , 8 9 10'

+f~~ 505.88 2,764(483) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W,HP PO ,TUE BS PR 36 ~1l\

PO -(5-10) -(5-10) PR 37

259.82 1,069(176) pel) -(-S} W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 38 'ij"~IT<:il1~

353.30 1,439(217) P,(l) RP(I) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) PR. 39 ~cr

-(-5) BS PR. 40 it-q<: 218.13 1,72!(283) P(l) -(-5, W,HP -(-5)

PR • 41 armcr<: 283.29 1,528(249) PCI) -(-5) T,W PO -(-5) -(-5)

284.10 1,25?(222) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR. 42 \'I'T~~m

169.57 536(83) P(ll -(-5) W,HP +5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.PR 43 1:l;i:1lr<::~

44 $ 172.40 ,1420(234) PCI) -(-5) HP -(-5) -;«5) +5) KR

W,HP PO -(-5) +5) KR 45 ~'liT9T 133.15 921(13~ P(1) CHW(l) m+r -(-5) MON -(-5) KR 46 1!TUqj~~ 'll~mr 194.26 3,681(611) pel) -(-5) W,HP <:f

-(-5) W.HP PO +5) -(-5) KR 48 q~r 555.65 2,456(405) p(2),Me l)

847.04 6,528( 1,075) P{Z) -(-5) W,HP PO wg -(-5) PR 49 cl~r flli<:ti;f;f{ ~ TW. • P(I) -(-5) W,HP PO +5) '+5) KR 50 if.¥F ifTi;f1~<: 349.66 2,463(400)

0(1), 51 CfiucSt • 138.00 1,041(240) M(l),H(l) RP(l) W,HP +5) -(-5) -(-5) PR

52 'lhr~r 348.45 2,468(420) P(2) RP(I) W,HP PO -(;-S) BS PR

53 ~TiJ'T 201.12 1.126(154) pel) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) ;(-5) KR

371.11 1.454(223) P(l~ MCW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR 54 'CffiJ<:~

5S ~'f)~ 124.65 720(121) P(I),H(3) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

-::::-_, - . 71


12 13 14 15 16 11 18 III 20 2



~ClOT iT~ , lT1fcIiT {]ulaothi (6) ED Wheat, MaIze TWE(263.06) 11.73 B.50 T(2) Asawa!" 41 ¥<=:~\ iT~J lTm - 13ulalldshahr (22)ED Wheat, MalZll WE(224!61) 4.04 25.50 29.95 T(3) Lauharara 42 "!~lIT~ ~lT1fcIiT 13ulandshahr (22)ED Wheat, Maize TWE(148.93) 0.81' 9.71 10.12 T(2) Atmagpur 43 EAG ~

'l);-;;rrcri'r iT~ I IT'fijif . Gulaothl (3) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(6.88) 8.50 51.80 127.08 M(I),T(4) Sharee(pur Bbains- rolt 46 ':!

~Ti'fT iT~, IT'f'fiT Slana q) EAG, Wheat, Maize TWE(744-65) 4.45 18.62 79.32 Waira Flrozpur 49 ED ~l'.fTi'fT ~, 111f'fiT Siana (3) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(301.9J) 8.90 10.93 27.92 Baddha BaJ\dpur 50 •

~lITi'fr iT~ lT1f'liT Slana (3) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(16,l9) 2.02 19.43 Karauthi 51 W(98.3t)TW(2.02) "lfTi'fr ~, lT1flfir Slana (5) EAG Wheat, Maize ... W(3.64)l>WE(74.46) 7.28 1.22 4007 T(8) Bhamsauda 52 TW(221.78~ ~

UHI fOfimPfif 2-~~~<:,8'~ 6ffl pt( f{

l 3 4 6 7 8 !I 10 11

W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR 56 tlfA'T ifiT ~ ilTlT 983.42 1,812(282) P(l) -(-5)

,-(-5) PR 57 tmm 433.03 2,159(324) pel) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) mlT 539.06 3,815(633) P(2) -(5-10) W,HP PO MON -(-5) PR.. 58 ~\jf~

400;25 4,374(725) P(I),O(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) T~ -(-5) Kit 59 ;m;n~~

303.93 1,506(245) PCl) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 60 ~T

P(3) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.. 61 ~

Uninhabited KIt 62 'ffi;rr ifiitfr 15~~ 38.04 m:m-

KIt 651.16 2,906(534) P(~,H(l), -(-5) W,HP PO TH~ -(-5) 63 lT~r$~\~T UC(1)

HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) Pit 64 afif!fT

1,534(284) pel) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-S) -(-5) PIt 65· f'li':

325.38 2,457(407) P(1) ItP(2) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) Pit 68 ~~~&t

2.313(327) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) Kit 69 <:FrT'l<: 517.21

RP(2) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KIt 70 f.rr-.:r3i 449.22 2,165(357) pel)

350.47 2,121(319) P(2) RP(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) Kit 71 ~~T

. 611.10 1,984(335~ PCl) 0(1), W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 72 ~~~ RP(!)

527.32 4,356(726) P(Z) 0(1), W,HP -(-5) +5) -(-5) Pit 73 ~9;\ RP(l)

1,645(248) pel) RP(I) W.HP -(-5) -~-5) BS PR 74 ~&t.m:Tm 341.16

144.Q7 359(55) P(l) -(-s) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR 75 'IllT~\ ~qi ~<:


12 13 14 15 16 11' 18 19 20 2 1

~JilT ~~, Q"FPT Slana (2) EAG Wheat, Maize TWR(647.52) 2.02 10.12 M(l),T(l) Slana ka Bahn S6 TW(32J.76) Bhag ~T it~, Ji'flIiT Slana (4) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(l75.64) 181.31 26.71 Kisaula 51 TW(49.31) ~llFlT it~, +Ff1fiT Slana (7) EA Wheat, Maize TWE(468.24) 2.02 14.51 .54.23 T~9),MCg), HajlPUr 58 N(20) ~JilT i\j. +r

Vl1l f;Rfwlfil 2- ~~;:

2 3 4 5 6 'I 8 9 10 II

43869 1,939(339) P(I) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR 76 +r~ <:far 651.16 2,494(435) P(I) -(-5) TW PO SUN -(-5) 77 ~r :;rf[o~~ KR

78 of'fiT1J;<:: q-r~T ~tfi 14.16 q~ OTT

683(112) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 80 2fT

1ITf.r 966.42 4,272(723) P(I),H(I) SMP(I), W,HP PO SAT BS PR 81

257.39 1,325(213) P(I) RP(!) W,HP -(-5) -H) -(-5) KR 82 ii~T

680(106) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 83 mo QifTW «~f 218.94

250.51 938(156) P(2) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 84

382.85 1,458(268) ~(I),M(l), RP(I) TW PO -(5-10) -(5-10) KR 85 ~<:T H(l)

997(170) -(5-IOY -(5-10) W.HP -(-5) . -(5-10) -(5-10) 86 ~)\iay\ wffl~

87 ml1:sr 107.65 478(70) P(I) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

784.94 2,998(132) PO) RP(I) TW -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR 88 ftrq'l~r ~~~

112,51 877(168) P(I) -(-5) TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 89 ~I~~<: Il~

~ 217.73 1,216(133) P(I),M(I), MCW(I). W,HP -(-5) -«5) -(-5) KR 90 GI'~~~ q<:~rnr H(I) FPC(I)

91 <:@lr~<: QffircrT 13LS3 998(182) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

92 if«R~ ~iI' 135.17 694(118) -(-5) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

G wf.r· 93 ~tj'1E9T 653.1~ 3,696(652) pen -(-5) W,HP PO SAT BS PR - 94 ~

9S \ii.[[


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 '1. 1

~zrT'1T ~, If'FliT Slana (5) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(403.49) 0.40 8.90 25.90 M(2),T(4), Mahau 76 N(15) arl~ITr

~m it~, If'fCfiT Slana (6) BD,BAG Wheat, MaIze TWB(852.70) 21.45 10.12 82.15 Barauli Basdeopur 81

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10

89.03 570(95) -·(-5) -(-5) W,HP -( -5) -(-5) --(-5) KR 96 ~T

806.97 3,960(105) pel) +5) W,HP PO -(-5)' -(-5) PR 97 +r~T..

340.76 1,485(229) pel) -(-51 W,HP -(-5) -(-5) +5) PR 98 19'I'T;;fT';~ OTI!T'{q:;~\

1199.53 1 ~4(16) pel) -(-5) W,HP +5) -(-5) BS PR 99 ai'':m'l'T~ ~~m

100 morm 305.s~ 1,001(176) --(-5) -(-5) HP +5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

252.13 779(128) P(I) -(-5) HP +5) --(-5). +5) KR 101 qn;ft ~~~

291.79 1,474(383) -(-5) -(-5) HP +5) -(-5) -(-5) 102 ifiTm'R:if K~

-(-5) , W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 103 U;;fPTciT 19426 784(111) PCI) +5) PR

-(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) }04 ~Tf\l{T 160.26 427(68) --(-5) PR

P(I) -(-5) W,HP --(-5) 105 19"lT~ 249.69 1,267(225) -(-5) -(-5) PR

213.68 1,099(177) PCI) -(-5) W,HP 106 ifiT~~ ;a-tff --(-5) -(-5) BS PR furcrT'liT 215.71 798(122) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -«5) -(-5) -(-5) l07 ~T~'liT KR

1,529(266) P(I) W,HP 108 l:iiI'GfA'r 278.03 +5) --(-5) -(-5) BS KR

109 q

110 ·f~~;:r"c: 101.58 IT\ anor~ Uninbabitod KR

111 forW~\T 33631 1902(328) P(I) -{5-10) W,Ht> PO -(5-10) -{-5) KR

.112 ~'Im 354.92 1,653(264) Pet) -(-.5) W,HP +5) -(-5) -{5-IO) K~

113 amrm 461>.14 2,649(472) pel) -(-5) W,HP +5) ·(5-10) !(5-10) KR

114 ~WfT~~~ 125.46 55(8) +5) +5) H,P -«5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

115 ~~ilr ~\ 35047 1,532(332) P(I) -{-5) HP ..... -5) +5) -(-5) KR 7,7


12 .t3 14 15 16 Ii 18 19 20 2


arT':lTTilT~ iT~ I l1'f'fiT Aurangabad (2) BD. Wheat, Maize TWE(599:m 1:1.33 15500 40.87 T(8) Munbakapur ·97 BAG arj':%rr~ q~, l1'f'm Aurangabad (3) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(176.45) 6.88 62.73 94.70 Khwajpur 98 Asharapur


aMmiifl~ - iT~ I l1'f'1iT Aurangabad (3) BAG Wheat, MaIze ;" TWB(266.70) 2.43 19.83 16.59 Bhausl 100

-aJRIfT~ iT~, 114'fiT Aurangabad (3) £AG Wheat, Maize TWE(172.81) 2.83 14.57 6.92 'Pal! Begpur 101 -a{hlfTiifT~ • q~, 'l1cf}tiT Aurangabad (4) BAG Wheat, Maize TWE(257jS) 0.41 4.86 29.14 Nagla karan 102 arj"DTIGJ'~ it~, l1'f'liT Aurangabad' (6) BAG Wheat, Maize TWE(155.40) 21.45 4.86 12.55 'RaJagarhi 103 ~ arRIfT

w arn:lfTiiff~ ilR ,l1m Aurangabad (4) ED 'WlJe"t, 'Maize TW(121.4tl) 32.38 '46.95 12.95- NagJajeet Uri 106 JltaKa arT':l'fTGJ'T~ itt, .~'f'fiT Auranllabad .(5) BAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(175.24) 0.40 20.~4 19.83 LauharaRa fo~ :aTh'T1iiff~ . itt, 11'f'fiT Aurangabad (5) BAG Wheat, Maize TWB(259~1) 4.45 14.57 Rajwana 108 ~l'fTiif~ ~,:r'f!fiT Aurangabad (7) BAG Wheat; Maize TWE(423.32) 2.43 27.'52 38:04 Paysara 109

:aTh"'Tiif~ f • Aurangabild (5) ... TW(90.25) 1.22 8.90 121 Hlrnaut 110

;affi'fTOf~ ~~, l1'f'liT Aurangabad (7) BAG Wheat, Maize TW!:!(293..81,) 0.81 15.38 26,31 Blshupdra HI ~WG!il~~ ~~, l1'f'fiT !luI andshahr (9) BAG Wheat, Maize TWEt319.3J) -1.21 27:92 6:48 T(2) Bhandauh 112 ~~ iT~, l1'f;nT l3ular\d~hahr (9) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWB(~lS 63) 1416 30.35 Auhna 113 , ~T..:'T10fR q~, l1'f'liT Aurangabad (5) BAG Wheat, Maize TWE(103.20) 1.62 10.93 9.71 Ismailpur 114 Dehlai ~~"{' ~~, l1'fCjif Bulaudshahr (10) E>\G Wheat. Maize 'TWI?(307 ;98) 5.67 11 74 25.08 Mathna JagatpurllS 78

m fififwqil 2-~~WQ<: Er~ 6I';:r ~l( ~~ '[fit ~1W)lr

1 ' 1 3 4 , 7 8 9 10 11

116 "I""\'a:~ 203.97 1,412(243) P~l) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) Kit srRr~i'J 117 ~'i9;frm 517.61 4,776(842) P(l),M(l) -(5-10) T PO Dally BS KR

118 ~rw 186.17 611(107) P(I) -(5-10) TW -«5) -(-5) -(-5) KR if'fWif 119 ~)<;ft 409.96 2,762(414) pel) -(5-10) TW,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR

120 ~i~ 3flT~<: 143.26 . 491(68) -(-5) -(-5) TW,H\, PO -(5-10) -(5-10) KR.'

258.20 850(151) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) PR 121 3fifi

-(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) KR 122 ~T1t, 76.08 523(89) P(I) -(5-10) HP

-(-5) Kit 123 :,p:m ~q;r"T~ 475.12 2,429(4?,) pel) -(-5) HP -(-5) +~)

-(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) Kit 124 ~1"'ii'l1-': 144.48 298(40) -(5-10) -(5-10) HP Kit 125 €<::',!<:T 302.31 1,366(124) P(l) -(5-10) HP -(5-10)- -(5-10) -(-5)

306.36 1,224(182) P(I) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS KR,PR 126 ~~l1H:;;rr

129.10 274(41) -(-5) "-(-5) TW +5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR 127 fm;;lfi +r~

128 ;;ryo 309.19 804(121) P(I) -(-5) TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

-(5-10) Ht -(5-10) +5) Kit 129 <['1(1T lfiiil'ifl1" 134.36 427(70) -«5) +5)

-(5-10) -(5-10) -<-5) KR,PR 130 9;01" 324.16 971(186) -(-5) -(5-10) HP

131 ;;r'f't<:r 184.54 839(219) P(l) -(10+) Hl' -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) KR,PR ~ 633.76 KR,PR 132 ~r 3,061(556) P(I),M(I) RP{l),D(I)W, TW,HP PO Thu -(5-10) H(I) SMP(I)

42.90 Uninhabited KR 133 ~9;-.:r ~ 3TTOfJ.ii

87.82 .. Uninhabited KR 134 lfiijp:r if, 3frCif~

135 'flor~\ 137.19 566(84) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10} PR.KR 79


J2 J3 J4 IS 16 n 18 19 20 2


~~~111~ iT~, ,;T'f'fif Bulandshabr (13) ... Wheat, Maize TW(961.76) 16.59 39.26 Saral Chbabila 117

~~!iT~"( it~, liCfCfiT Bulandsbahr (13) BA Wbeat, Maize TWE(147.72) 1.62 10.93 25.90 Alamgirpur 118 Namsukh ~<;J~~<: it~, lim BuJandsbahr (7) BAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(370. 71) 606 3319 Adauli 119

¥;:~~ , ~, li'fCfiT Bulandsbahr (10) EAG Wbeat, Male TWE(136.38) 486 • 2.02 T(4) Mu'Zapur Agarpur120

-~~!iT~"( i'r~, +!cfCfiT :Buiandsbahr (13)EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(225.42) 19.42 13.36 Akbarabadkura 121

~~ii:-': ~, ll'fCfiT Bulannshabr (13)EAG Wheat, Maize TWB(61.92) 9.30 4.86 Jamana Dher 122

~l1I~<: ~, llCf1fiT Bulandshabr (3) BAG Wheat, Maize TWB(383.66) 24.69 35.20 31.57 Charaura 123 Mustafabad ~TimiiTR it~, ifCRiT Aurangabad (4) EAG Wheat, Maize 21.45 TWE(112JO) 0.41 0.81 9.71 Bhikanpur 124 aiT~m.fT~ ~, if'fCfiT Aurangabad (7) BAG Wheat, Maize TWE(201.l2) 0.82 76.49 23.88 Saidpurd 125

~~~T6<: ~~, il'Cf'fiT :Bulandshahr (14) Wbeat, Maize TW(256.58) 15.38 34.40 Ismalla 126 ~~lJf~"( i'r~, liCfifiT Bulandshahr (12) EA Wheat, Malle TWE(22.66) 72.04 3.&4 30.76 Milk makanpur 127 ~~W~ ~, 11m Bulandshahr(12) EA Wheat, MaIze TWE(201.9S) 6.47 74.87 25.90 Jauth 128


'3lT-':mOfR rr~,if!fCfiT Aurangabad (5) EAu Wheat, MaIze 1.21 TWE(157.43) 1.21 5.67 19.02 Janaura 131 ~~ll1'~<': it~, li'fiiliT lMandshahr(14) ED, Wheat, Maize TWE(540.68) 4.05 29.13 59.90 Balka 132 BAG arWITT

975(144) -(-5) W,HP 1:36 ~J~i;fTqt1r 170.38 -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) PR,KR

281(37) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 13·7 ~r~;;rr

]:38 ~~ l{t~g~ 110.87 537(90) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(!O+) +5) KR

139 mu 260.22 1,107(1'77) ped). -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.

140 arrm~~ ;IT~ 204.37 289(48) -(-5) +5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.

504.26 2,369(423) P(I) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) KR 14-1 ~~ijRT

155.40 752(214) -(-5) HP -(-5.) -(1~+) BS PR. 142 ~Of~~ H~l)

147.72. 470(86) -(-.5) _(_5) HP -(-5) • -(10+) -(-5) KR 143 tji~Q:l~-'::

, KR 144 a;i'r<:r arnrltm~<: 1124.51 1,561(257) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) +5) -(-5)

84.99 61 -(-5) -(-5) W,HP +5) -(-5) BS PR. 145 Jf~T<:rjf~<: 485( 1

TW,HP -(-5) KR. 146 f~<: 212.87 1,464t203) -(-.5) +5) -(-5~ +5) ~:a,<:fq 147 368.68 2,230(375) P(-1) RP(I) TW,HP PO Weii, Sun BS PR f1!l'

148· ~rrlo 161.07 491(81) -(-5) 0(1) TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

-(.-5) KR 149 ~~Rr 321.74 , 2,043(325). p~i) 0(1) TW,HP PO -(-5)

150 m'li<:r 250.10 703(120) -(-5) -«5) TW,HP -(-5) +5) -(-5) KR

151 QTT~ 212.06 698(129)' -(-5) +5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

-(-5) -(-5), -(-5) 152 ~CI:~<: 289.77 1,212(198) PC!) -(-5) W,HP KR,PR

153 \iJ1~<: 125.05 1,103(194) pel) H(1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR

154 ~C[t1r ~JfT~\ 171.19 1,443(249) pel) -(-5) HP PO -(-5) -!-5) KR,PR

155 'ltr~ 736.15 3,942(690) P(2),M(J) _(_5) HP PO -(-5) -(-5) PR H(I) 8)



12 13 14 IS I~ 11 18 19 20 1 ------_ ~~~~ ~, ll'f'liT Bulandshahr (14)BAG Whoat, Malzo TW~I35.5S) Z.43 2L?5 10.52 136 -~~ ~, 1i'f1iT Bulandshahr (13)EAG Wheat, Maizo TWE(93.89) 0.80 13.36 5.67 Shahzadpur 137 ¥r~~. . ~, liEf'IiT Bulandshahr'(12)EAG Wheat, MalZO ... TWE(97.5J)W(1.62) 9.72 2.02 Aurangpur 138 MJrpur ~w~\ it~, 1i'f'IiT Bulandshahr (13) BAG WhOdt, MaIze TWB(!67.14) 2~.73 48.97 15.38 T(I) Bakaura 139 ~WQ~ ~~,liEf'IiT Bulandshahr (12) EAG Wheat, Malzs TWE(98.75) 31.57 6435 9.70 T(l) Aurangpur 140 Mauhsam

~w~<: ~, 1i1f1fiT . B,'-dandsha?r (ll)EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(367.87) 109.27 25.09 2.03 Mursana 141 ~t1r&:~~ iT~, +l1f1if Bulandshahr (9) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(i24.63) 12.14 14.,57 4.04 Kutubpur 14~ ~t1·~W~<: i't~, +lEf1!iT Bulandshahr (II}EAG Wheat, MaIze tWE(140.84) 0.40 4,4.6 2.02 Farhadpur 14~

~1!T~<: ~~J +lEf1!iT Bulandshahr (11) ED, Wheat, Maize TWB(267.l0) 7.28 2792 22.27 T(2) Dhanaura 144 EAG Alamglfpur ¥r~Wg<: Bulandshahr (9) ED, TWE(15.28) 2.43 7.28 T(2) Maharajpur 145 EAG

~~ ~~, Wf'fiT Buland!lhahr (II) ED, Wheat, Maize TWBtI68.36) 4.05 17.00- 23.46 Klshanpur 146 BAG ~t1':~!1f~<: - i't~J 1i1f1iT Bulandshah? (7) ED, Wheat, Maize TWE(29'i.43) 4l.68 147 BAG ~}F<:(1!T~ ~, l1'f1!iT Bulandshahr(l5) BAG Wheat, Maize - TWE(l4124) 2.03 2.83 1497 T(l) Sannaut, 148 q;;r;:~!IT~r~ tti, ~H Bulandshahr(l4) 13D, Wheat, Malle TWEC245.25) 40.47 36 02 T(2) M(I ) Budhana 149- BAG ~'~FG:1!T6\ ~~, lim Bulandshahr 19) BAG Wheat, Maize TWE(236.34) 3.65 283 7.28 Slkan 150

~i1;:~~<: iT~, liCf'fiT Bulandshahr (IS)EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(18252) O.SI 12.95 15.78 Shahpur 151 ~t1<<::1!T~ iT~, liCf'liT Bulandshahr (16)BAG Wheat, MaIze TWB(2S618) 1.21 18.62 13.76 T(4) Sadarpur 152 ~i1;'G:W~ ~, Ii'f'liT Bulandshahr (17)EAG Wheat, MaIZe TWE(l12.51) 0.40 10.12 2.0t T(I) -Rashidpur 153 ~'G:WQ"{ it{, 1i'f!fiT Bulandshahr. (14)EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(JSO 14) O.SI 20.24 SyawaliIrahmapur154 fW'fiT<"';<: iT~, +rEf'liT Shlkarpur (4) EI\G Wheat, MaIze 0.41 TWE(655.61) 9.31 70.82 M(5)T(8) MangJaur 155 82

2 3 4 5 6 v 8 9 10 11

203.97 880(1-49) 156 tr~lllT~ pel) 0(1) W,HP -(-') -(-5) -(-5) KR

251.32 1,433(244) 0(1) -{-5) 157 ~~~'l; a-f~l:n pel) W,HP -(-5) -(-S) KR

352.49 1,485(224) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) KR 158 Of

-(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 15 9 ~T

,A 160 r,{'9'IT 296.24 1,094(187) P(J) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

161 B"Ct[u 139.22 1,153(196) pel) -(-5) T,W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KIt

187.78 1,870(310) P(I) -(-5) _(_5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 162 ~1l~;YlT~ W,HP

163 fu

164 ij'+[

165 ~T9WTift 209.63 1,247(180) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

166 ij-G:~\ ~~Il~<: 167.95 811(120) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

167 260.22 1.206(231) P(I),M(I) H(I) HP -(~-IO) -(5-10) -(-5) KR,PR m&:T H(I)

130.72 1,355(213) P(I) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR 168 q~~ -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10)

169 lilJ"Tq~T 376.37 1,778(325) P(I) -(10+) TW -(10+ ) -(10+) -(10+ ) KR

~:a PO WED -(-5) KR 170

17726 1,115(191) P(I),M(I) -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 171 6f~T~

-(-5) -(-5) KR 1'12 Of~~iiT 153.79 1,303(213) P(I) -(-5) HP -(-5) - -(-5) KR 173 flf;·~thrT 321.33 2.224(364) (P(I) -(5-10) W.HP PO -(-5) , -(-5) KR 174 11')~~ 115.74 . 905(153) pel) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) ~~ 175 OflTTcrr 42979 2,348(401) P(2) -(5-10) W,HP PTO THU BS KR 83


12 13 14 IS 16 If 18 19 20 i 1 _--- -

~;;;r;:~~<: i'r~, l1'f~T Buiandshahr (I6)ED, Wheat, MJa,ze TWB(172.40) 12.95 18.62 T(I) Salamgarh 156 BAG ~r~~ it~. l1'f1.fi( JJulandshahr(16) ED, Wheat,. Mlaze TWB(l74.0l) 0.81 2.43 52.61 T(2).M(1) Rasoolpur Teliya 157 EAG GC(21.45) ~rcriT it~, B"'f~T Gulaothl (3) Wheat, Maize ... GC(7.2S)TW(29.14) 11.33 22.66 T(S) Akbarpur JhoJha 158 0(282.08) ~fcriT it~, l1'f~T Gulaothl (2) Wheat, Maize ... GC(6Z.32)0(7L23) 6.88 3359 7.29 Faizabad 159 • Rldhawah '~rcroT it~, B"'f1.fiT Gulaothl (3) Wheat, Maize .. GC(207.2l)0(27.52) 2.03 35.61 21.85 T(l) Ainchana 160 TW(2.02)

~t;rcroT iT~, 11'f~T Gulaotln (4) ED, Wheat, Mal7e TWE(tS 78) 24.69 17.40 8.50 Utasara 161 EAG TW(72.85) !!t;fcrof iT~, l1'f1.fiT GUiaothl (3) Wheat, Maize ... GC(164.71)W(O.8!) 2.83 1.19.43 Barmadnagar 162 !!t;Tqo! "iT~, l11f1.fiT Gulaothl (6) BAG Wheat, Maize GC(l7119) 29.54 20.24 3.64 T(6) Glrdharpur 163 TWE(21 85)0(17928) Newada !!;;fFfoT ~~, 111f1.fi? Gulaothl (3) BAG Wheat, Maize GC(191.42) 14.57 4.86 19.43 Samkola 164 TWE(4573) ~TqoT iT~, ;r1f1,fiT Gulaothl (3) Wheat, Maize ...GC(l29.50)TW(850) 6.88 8.50 16.59 Mahawat Garhi 165 W(l4.57)0(25 09)

~rcrgr lt~, l1~r Gulaothl (3) Wheat, MaIze .. GC(1J413)TW(9.71) 202 7.28 14.57 Saidpur Khur- 166 W(1457)0(5.67) rampur ~t;~!IT~~ ~~ l1'f1.fif Bulaudshahr (22)ED, Wheat, Malle TWE(220.97) 6~87 32.38 Slhl 167 EAG ~t;;:Fr!IT~~ lr~, 11m Bulandshahr(24)EAG Wheat, MaIZe TWB(lIO 48) 202 17.81 T(l) Babupur 168 0(0.41) ~t;rCfo')' i'r~, 11'f'fif Gulaothl (8) BAG Wheat, MalZe ... WB(264.27)0(21 04) 44.92 23.07 15.87 T(4) Khangawali 169 GC(7.20) ~t;rCfor it~, I11f1.fiT Gulaothl (5) BAG Wheat, Maize TWB(I J8.93) 2.43 4.86 19.02 Bagwala 171)

~;;fTcror i'r~, ~1FliT Gulaothl (7) EAG Wheat, Malle Ge(324) .1.22 9.71 12.14 M(l),T(I) A]ltpur I1l TWB(145.69)R(364) W(162) ~;;;rmr lt~, 11

ar'l'':lTTifTC: lt~ I l1

\it" fo:rUm;, \'if;; ~. !{

3 4 6 , s 10 11

176 lSnl:rT~ 70.01 lT~ arrorra: Uninhabited KR

75.27 298(45) -(-5) -(5-;10) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) 177 Ol~~~ -(-5) KR

178 ~r:r'F ~a:h:r 189.80 681(12) P(1) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR

179 ~'t~~T 551.20 2,359(349) P(I).H(lj -(5-10) W'HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR,PR

. PO' 180 l1TrfT: 20235 1,103(183) pel) ~(J),H(I) W,HP -(5-'-10) -«5) KR,PR

19628 1,680(259) 181 ~iflTt P(I) +5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS PIt

182 Ol~~<: eT~T 17726 973(127) P(l) _(_5) Will -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR.PR <:for 183 \~l

184 iflTffi mig 155.81 1,559(262) P(I) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) --{-5) -(5-10) KR

185 ~T~T 371.92 . 1,877(280}. P(l) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10) KR,PR

'186 2f<:T<:r 212.87 1.349(223) P(I) -(-5) W,HP +5) -(5-1O) BS KR

187 ijcT 44396 3,433(571) P(I) -(-5) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-IO) KIt

276.41 2,729(377) P(I),M(I), -(5-10) W,HP PO BS PIt 188 ~!!T6.m:r: ~

157.02 474(74) +5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5)' --{-5) -(-5) PR 189 ~<1'~<:

- 190 11)~~TqTc{ 67.951 317(52) -(-5) -(-5) W;HP -(-5) -(-5) -«5) KR,PR

191 lf~~ft 309.19 1,336(272) P(I) -(-5) TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

__5) ~ 11l.Z9 460(85) '-(-5) W.H? -(-5) -(-5) KIt 192 ~;:r~<: +5)

pel) , -(!...5) 193 lf~ ;;~ 181.71 1.738(259) -(5-) W,HP -.( -5) BS PIt

194 'l1;:n:r 251.72 2.857(472} P(I) +5) W.HP --{-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

195 ~Tqor 12303 719~12Q) P(I) _(-5) W"HP -(-5) -(5-) -(-5) KR 85


12 13 14 15 16 1'1 ]8 11' 20 -2


~;;:r;:({WQ'\ - it~, l1Cf

~r({~~ it~, 11'1'IiT "Brlandshahr (11) .•. Wheat. MaIze 'fW(14~.26) 0.81 20.24 12.95 T(Z)- Ahmadpur Tanda 182 ~r({~Q'<: iT~, l1'f'liT :Bulandshahr( 1O)EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(122.62) 11.33 5.27 '14.16 Rahlmpur 183 0(10.93) Bahga~an • ~({!1T~ it~ l1'f'lif Bulandshahr(14)EAG Wheet, MaIze ,.. TWE(] 13.72) 12.55 9.71 15.38 Nagl,a Shekh 184 0(4.45) ~~({WQ'<: it~,11'I'liT ]3ulandshahr(IO)EAG Wheat, Maize TW(312.83, 5.26 1.62 33.59 T(3),M(2) ~uharli IS5 TWE(lS.6Z)

~W'({W~ ~, l1Cf'liT J3ulandshahr(17)EAG Wheai, Maize TWE(192.Z3) 4.05 16.59 Baran 186 ~mcrtr iT~, l1'f'liT Gulaothl (7) Wheat. MaIze GC(344 80) 7.28 5.68 47.35 Samta 187 TW(3885) ~;;:rrCfor iI~, 11'Ir.nf <1ulaothi (11) EA Wheat Malsi 1WE(242.42) 5.66 28.33 1(4) Khushhalpur • 188 ~rcr&l' iT~, +!'1

~TCfor it~, l1Cf

Vl1I rdrWtfil 2-~~~~ ~f\;r I'qif ~. ~ ~ ~q

2 3 4 5 6 , 8 9 10 11

196 ~

198 ~o'T ~~ iWllf~ 849.87 209(24) P(I) ,-5) W,HP,T -(-5) -(-5) BS PR.

199 ~q;rn:;a-lii ~m.r~ 165.92 1,417(219) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

48.56 235(31) -=<-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR. 200 !l\'lfr<1'1<:

131.12 1,216(204) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PRo 201 ~ 202 87.82 5l5(79) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,P1t. ~~ I I P(I),H(I) puc(l) H(l) W,HP PTO -(-5) BS PRo 203 mifT 202.35 5,609(1,110) FPC(1) , 511.53 2,590(412) P(I),M(I) MCW(l) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10) PR 204 ~~r

PO -(5-10) KR 205 3fT~l'[To[TC; 294.62 1,588(272) P(I) -(lOt) W,HP -(-5)

206 lfiln 423.32 2,657(450) P(I) 0(1) W,HP PO -(-5) BS PR,KR

207 f.r~IT~ 363.42 825(127) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.

20& 3fT-lq;r 61~.33 2,819(501) P(l) -(5-10) W,Ht' PO -(5-10) -(-5) KR

209 'i9'1<:TCffi 359.37 2,580(410) p(I),Mel) MCW(l) W,HP PO -(-5) BS PR,

174.83 1,751(313) M(1),P(2) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR 210 ~<:'9;rT -H)

36504 1,830(273) P(I) 0(1) W,HP PO -(-5) KR 211 arrntfiTiSfrC; 'ifo'C;~~T ~:I

321.74 1,565(238) pel) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 212 ~Il"rc; m:Tlf

213 :oftfi<:r"TR qea1, 122.62

• -(-5) 214 ~~r 233.51 1,712(165) P(3) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) BS PR

215 ij'fl1flrr 106.84 :ij<: arTiSfTc; Umnhablter,! KR 87


12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 2

~~'fi'r it~, l1'RiT Gulaothl (8) ED, Wheat, Maize GC(205.59)· 2.43 '25.90 M(1),T(3) Chirawak 196 BAG TWB(53.42) ~

~W~ rc~, "fTCf"

¥'~W~ rc~, :qmr BUlandshabr EAG Wneat. Rice Gq74:06) 1.21 10.12 T(I) Bhogpur 202 (28) TWE(2.43) ~~llT~ • i)~ I :qTCf

~TCfor iI~,~ (}ulaothl (9) EAG' Wheat, Rice GC(JO.52) 7.69 55.85 4937 M(2),T(5) Kola 206 TW(78.92)TWE(220.97) ~

~TCfor it~, :qrCf

, qn{ f.:rif~ 2-~~~~ ;;rtf W!m~' ~ Wi! ~

2 3 4 :5 6 , 8 9 10

P(I),M(I) 0(1) tg~ 216 1,041.29 6,132(1,014) H(I) MCW(I) W,HP PO PRI BS KR

217 lfiiT~T mr 335.50 2,132(314) P(l) -(5-10) HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR

-(-5) ijP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR. 2111 ~~ 166.33 828(134) P(I)

1,455(246) P(J),M(2) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(-5) -(,5-10)' KR. 219 ~oTCfi1r i'r~ 266.70

W,HP -(-5) '(5-10) -(5-10) PR,KR 220 ~oT

412.10 1,690(308) pel) 0(1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) KR. 221 ~~c<1r-;;:~~

H(I) , 399.84 3,864(547) P(I),M(I) PHC(I) W,HP PO -(S-IO) -(-5) KR,PR 222 ifTi1rrr~

P(I),M(I) PO -(5-10) -(5-10) KR,PR.· 223 ::r~ 452.05 2,046(317) H(l) -(5-10) .W,HP PUCCI)

165.52 2.291(359) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 224 ~~c:

PO -(-5) BS PR 225 ri6T 'fiT,\CI' 180.50 1,105(175) P(I) -(-5) W,HP

H(I) -(-5) +5) -(-5) KR 226 :r~FfT~i1r "i~ 153.38 1,325(170) M(i),P(I) -(-5) W,HP

41037 2,329(438) P(I),M(I) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) +5) KR 227 ~u

-(10+) -(10+) KR 228 ~~T J61.48 1,:42(268) P(I) RP(I) W,HP -(10+)

-(-5) BS KR 229 :;m;;rcrer ~ 28491 1,055(168) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(5-)

85.39 368(69) -(-5) -(-5) T _(_5) -(-5) BS PR 230 '1~\

110.08 388(68) pel) -(-5) W,HP +5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 231 ar~

167.95 1,432(245) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP :C-5) +5) -(-S) PR 232 ~ij~

-{-5) -(-5) -l-5) PR 233 ~~;H 149.33 988(167) -(-5) -(-5) T

153.38 1,714(282) pel) -(-5) T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 234 ~f\1l:!T 8~,


AMBI'iJTIES.~ Lt\IW, USB BULANDS~AHR TAHSTh- 2 -._--_.- • ~ ~-t:-- 12 13 )4 15\ 16 17 IS 11) 20 2 1

.. -...... - .,...._ . ~mqo1 ~, 'fmr Gul!lothi (9) ED, Wheat, ~ic;e GQ699.32} 3Q.76 138.8\ Mf4),T(4) Baral 2111 BAG TWE(172.40) , ~~~ ~, 'iiJCl\i BUlandshahr (10) ED Wheat, Rice . .. GC(4.~W~35 21), 12.14 3A.4Q T(8) Glnaura Sbckh 217 TW( 48.89) '!~~~ ~, 'ifTCf\l Bulandshahr (6) ED Wheat, Rice ... GC(41.6S) 5.26 29.95 M(1),T(8) Jainpul 218 TW (80.54)0(8.90) ,!yrr Bulandshahar EAG Wheat, Rice TWE(70.82) 1.21 10.12 C(l), T(2) Guthawah Khurd 220 (!O)

~Wi'WiP: ~,''ifmf BlIlandshahr BAG Wheat, Rice TWE(336.71) 50.99 16.19 Akhtiyarpur 221 (11) 0(18.21) ~1IT~<: ~, 'ifTCf\l' Bulandshahr (lO)ED, Wheat, Rice TW(28693) 34.81 27.92 Malagarh 222 EAG T~E!SO 1~}

~!IT~<: ~ I "ifTCI\1 Billandshahr (9) ED, Wheat, Rice ,,, TWE(403.89~ 6.07 0.81 41.28 M(2),T(4) Jauhgarh 223 EAG ~1iT

~~1ITir<: ". iT~. 'iflCf~ Bulandahahr (6)EAG Wheat, Rice TWE(150 55) 12.55 1.62 15.78 Dhamera Kirat 225

~~!I)"6\ iT~ I 'iff'f\1' Bulandshahr (S)EAG Wheat, Rice TWE(l40.43) 1.62 11.33 C(1) Jasnawah Khurd 226


~!lTgr ~. :qm;r Bulandshahr (8)EAO Wheat, Rice 1'WE(6961) 0.40 6.48 8.90 T(2) Paharpur 230

~~~<: ~,'iim Bulandshahr (7)EAO Wheat, Rice TWE(92.27) 3.24 14.57 Ahmcld~ur 231

,!~~!IT~<: ~, iflR~ Bulandshahr (8)EAG Wheat, Rice TWB(142.45) 1.62 8.50 IS.38 T(2) Hasan'pur 231

~\=f~~ ~, r

2 3 4 6 v 8 10 11

236 cf&'r 189.40 421(71 ) -(-S) -(-5) T -(-5) -{(5) llS PR

217 ~~'T 575.89 3,368(514) Pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-S) -(-5) -(-5) PR,KR

238 <[q-rnr 124.24 552(98) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-'5) -(-5) -(-5) PR,KR

239 '1iT~~U 189.40 1,617(246) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-S) +5) -(-5) PR,KR

133.96 2,253(34~) P(2) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) ,PR,KR 240 ~~

.241 i{tfllTPf 237.15 1,608(290) -(-5) -(-5) T PO -(-5) -(-5) PR

242 ~fT:~ 144.88 969(170) P(I) -(5-10) W,HP -is-IO) -(S-IO) -(-5) PR

161.07 1.562(281) 243 ~'];<: -(-5) MeW(I) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) PR

268.32 1,500(236) 244 ~~

245 'ii[;jf~<: ~;::m'T 15.5.40 1.387(189) pel) -{S-10) W,HP -(-5) -is-IO) -(5-10) PR

207,(,1. 1,958(492) 1'(1),0(1) -(5-10) HI' 24' 'Ii;rn;r~ -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR

405.11 3,177(484) pel) -(-5) HP 247 ~~ PO -(-5) -«5) K.R

, -(-5) 248 '1d; ~T 191.02 1,205(179) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -«5) KR

34.80 249 'J:& ~~N tr~" 3HiITq Unmbablted PR

250 Olii~r :;rr:6 ;JC('f?{T 193.85 1,162(170) P(I) -{S-lO) W.Ht> -(-5) -(5-10) ~-(-5) PR

63.54 UninhabIted 251 3f{l~r~ ~~ amrrG: KR

260:22 2,948(505) P(l).M(I) -(5-10) W,HP 252 a:f'(~ PO -(5-10) -(5-10) PR

502(84) 253 iIR"r~"t 74.46 -(-5) +5) HP -(-5) +5) -(--5) PR

82.96 7:!4(124} -(-5) ~-S) HP -(-5) +5) -(-5) KR 254 If\lJ


12 13 14 J5 16 IV 18 19 20 2 ---- ~~ ~, :crrq~ Bulandshahr (6) EAG Wheat, Rice TWE(13S.1i) 1.21 24.69 28.33 Tanda- 236

~·~ltf~ it~, "iiCI'~ Bulandshahr (5) EAG Wheat, Rice TWE(469.86) 38.04 12.9,5 55.04 Dhakauli 131

~(:j'r~W~ it~, :qriffl' Bulandshahr (3) BAG Wlieat, ~Iee TWE(120.20) 13.'6 Tatarpur 140

~w~W~ it~, :qr~ Bulandshahr (I) ED, Wheat, RIce TWE(20478) 12 . .55 19.82. Nayagaon 241 BAG. ~(:j';:~,Wil:\ it~, "fT'f(1' Bulandshahr (7) EA Whoat, Rice TWE(12222) , 7.69 12.55 2.42 Alipur GIJauri 242

~W~\ iT~, :crrq~ Bulandshahr (6) Wheat, RIce TW(123 03) 17.00 10.52 10.52 Tajpur 243

,!i'f.'~W~<: it~ 'ifTq~ Bulandshahr (5) EA Wheat, RIce TWE(188.59) 31.57 10.52 37.64 Kudbal Banaras 244

~!~F~5\ iT~, "fTq\1 Bulandshahr (Ii) Wheat, Rice GC(120.60j 0.40 33.59 KamaJpur 246 TW(53.02) ~~;:~'ltf&.\ it~, iirq(i Bulaodshahr (4) EA Wheat, RIce GC(193.04) 5.27 82.56 Akbarpur '247 TW(124.24) J ~}F~Wlt~ it~, "frq~ BuJaadshahr (3) BAG Wheat, RIce GC(74.06) 8.09 26.71 Maukbera 248 TWE(80 54)W(1.62) ,!~F~~"{i BuJandshahr (I) ...TWE(3'.78)W(O,40) 1 ['2 Bhur Rural 249

~~;:<;:!lTi'£~ ~, 'tIFf\i- Bulandshahr (8) BAG Wheat, Rice TWE(136.3R) 12.14 9.31 36.02 • Audnera Vrf 250 Nawada

~9";:~~<: Bulandshahr (5) 63.54 Asdullapur 251_

~G:l!f&.\ lIj, :qr~ Bulandshahr (7) EO Wheat, RIce GC(200.73) 16.18 4.05 39.26 Dariyapur 252

~<'l"~~\ ir~, 11'f'llT Bulandshah~ (4) ... Wheat, MaI7e GC(44.11) 2.43 l6.59 Adaull 253 TW(ll 33) ;;rtil~l![~<: ir~, l1CfliT BuJandshahr (5) ... Wheat, Maize GS(7M6) 2.0! 6.88 Margubpur 254

~~\ iT~, 11'f'llT 255 Bulaodshahr (6) BAG Wheat, MaIze ... GC(102.79) 8.91 18.62 Dostpur TWE(27.11)TW (5.26)




12 13 14 15 16 If 18 19 10 2

~<;f~~ iT~, 'l'T"if<;f Bulandshahr (7) BA.G Wheat, Rlee ." GC{-145,29) 13.35 2J.88 20.64 Nausana 256 'TWE(283)0(13.36) ~W~\ ~, :qr<;f"f Bulandshabr (8) Wheat, Rice ... GC(121.41) 1.21 11.74 . 33.9~ Kahlra 257 TW(I 46.50) 0(9.41) ~"f~~;: ~~, lf1fifif Bulandshahr ,(II) Wheat, Maize ' GC(90.:l5) 1.21 2,02 42.90 Kaurali 2~~

~~\ ~, 'l'r;;n;r Bulandshabr (10) BAG Wncat, Rice GC(80.94) 14.56 112.91 3.24 Panchota 259 TWE(1I7.771,o(5.6i) ~~!lT[': ~~, ~ Bulandshahr (10) Wheat, RIce GC(1OO.37) 5.25 32.78 38.45 Sutarl 260 0(30.76)

~"G:W~\ ~, 'iifT<.f"f Bulandshahr (10) BAG Wheat, Rice ... GC(202) 7.28 7.69 77.30 Sikhaira 261 TWE(158.24)0(13 .76) ~<1~W~<: ~,~<'f Bulandshahr (10) BAG Wheat, Rice ... TW(95.10) 4.45 14.17 51.02 M(3),T(3) Kalthara 262 TWB(3.64)0(17.00) ~~We\ ~~, "fr

~-w~<: ~~, "fjq<'f Dulandshahr (5) BAG Wheat, Rice TW(216.51) 13.36 32.77 41.28 M(2),T(2) Gangerua 266 , TWEel2 55) 0 (33.19) ~W~~ frff, "fTor"f Bulandshahr (5) BAG, Wheat, Rice TW(65.56) 1.61 4.05 44.52 Sunhra 267 ED TWE(61.92) ~1iI~~~ i't~, "fT

Tr~ I "fTCf"f ~~~~;:: 8.90 Raipur Talah 270 Bulalldshahr (II~ Wlieat, Rice GC(86.61) 283 30.76 0(405)

~"f;~!1fF fr~J 'iifTCf<'f 271 Dlllandshahr (3) BAG Wheat, Rice ... TW(83.77) 0.41 6.07 36.83 T(I) Khetalpur TWE(88.22)0(22.26) Bhasauh

~~;:~ Tr~J lFfifiT Bulandshahr (2) BAG Wheat, Maw: TW(lO.S2) 0.40 4.05 53.02 Wallpura 272 TWE(84.S8) ~~W~\ Tr~, 'iifTCf(1' 273 BJlandshahr el) BAG, Wheat, Rice TW(163.90) 2.03 23.88 Bahllmpura ED TWEeI63) ~"f;:1tm-~<: it~, "fTCffl Machkauli 274 Bulafldshahr (4) EAG, Wh~at, Rice 'TW(24.28) 0.82 7.69 38.04 ED TWE(6394)0(8.90) 'iifFf<'f ~<;f·~W~;:: ~~, Jalkhera 275 Bulandshahr (8) EAG, Wheat, Rice TW(J34.77) 11.74 57.05 ED TWE(1l6.96) 94

3 4 6 7 8 10 11

176 'li)~ij

277 "ITq~r 107,65 688(128) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -1,-5) -(-5) KR

180.90 1,042(185) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) KR 278 l'l:n~~ -(:-5)

279 370.30 1,909(298) -(-5)' -(-5) HP,W, -(-5) _(-5) -(-5) KR,PR ~r TW,e

280 53.02 1,332(222) P(l) -(5-~0~ HP,W, PO -(5-10) -(S-1()') KR,PR ~ffi!ITcr: ~ , e,Tw

281 2g6.53 1,997(366) P(2).M(I) -(-5) TW,HP, PO -(5-10) -(5-10) PR w:r~rCfm- e

282 .. 168.36 971(165) -(-5) -(5-10) TW,HP, -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) PR m+r;;~ G

283 1TI1l'i 208.42 2,229(330) -(-5) -(-5) TW,HP, -(-5) -(--5) RS KR, m e

2&4 258.60 702(106) -(-5) -(10+) 'TW,HP, -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) PR,KR. ~;:r~~ W,e

285 i'iT= 209.63 881(140) pel) -(5-IO~ W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) . KR

286 29705 1,328(241) P(I) RP(I) HP,W, -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) KR,PR

'- 281 f~\lIT~r 149.33 751(129) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)' KR

288 rm~rmf~~ 92.65 478(80) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) ·(-5) KR

289 qij~orr 195.87 1,045(168) P(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(HO) -(-5) KR

290 :g'\rnr 337.52 1,3,65(231 ) P(I) -(5-10) T,W,TW, - (5-1-0) -(5-10) -(-5) KR,PR 'HP

291 \1it~T ~F>\~\ 261.03 2,389(3S9) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR,PR

292 ~JCI"R 548.n 2,591(438) M(l),H(I) -(-5) TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR mcrm P(I)

293 ~~~\ ~~

294 ~'l::

295 Q::;r~([~'( :ai ~+r~~ 197.~0 1,098(167) P(I) Hel) W,HP, -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR T,TW 95


12 13 14 IS 16 n 18 19 20 :

~~~~<: ir~, "llq~ Bulanashahr (8)EAG Wheat, RIce TW(125.05) 0.41 6.07 38.45 T(I) Kaul Sama 276 ED TWE(14.57),0(28.73) ~~11f~ ir~, "ITq~ Bulandshahr (3)EAG Wheat, RIce TW(6j,97) 2.83 1.22 " 7.28 Chawali 277 TWE(30.35) ~~~~<: ~, :;nq~ Bulandshahr (5) ... Wheat, RIce TW(127.08) 2.02 14.97 14.57 Gyaspur 278 0(22.26) ~~~!1f~"~ irt, :q:q(f BlIlandshahr (7) EA Wheat, RIce TWE(180.50) 2.03 43.30 54.63 Neem Khera 279 TW(40.87)W (48.97) ~~;G''!T~\ ir~ :qTq~ Hulandshahr (10) Wheat, RIce TW(36.83) 3.64 12.55 Hatmabad 280 EAG,ED

~;;;r;:G'!1f&\ ~, :qTq~ Bulandshahr (9) ... Wheat, Rice TW(195.47) 0.81 6.88 31.97 T(2),M(2) Dhamrawah 281 TW(44.92)0(648) N(2) '~~"G'!1f~\ ir~, :qrq~ B'llalldshahr '(1,) Wheat, Rice TWE(138 00) 1.22 19.02 T(4),M(6) Maman Khurd 281 EAG,ED 0(10.12) N(6) OJ;~'~~ ~, 4{1l''fif Bulandshahr (5)EAG Wheat, Rice TW(91.06) 3.64 3.24 60.30 M(l) Maman Kalan 283 TWE(50.l8) ~~"G'!1f~\ ir~,~ nul andshahr (II) Wheat, RIce TW(180.09) 33.19 19.01 Almanpur 284 EAG 0(26.31) ~;;;r;:G'!1f6.<: ~,~ Bulandshahr (10) ... Wheat, RIce ...TW(162 68)W (567) 1.21 6.48 3359 Dudnpur 285

0f1"G'!1f~\ ~, :qJCf~ Bnlandshahr (14) Wheat, RIce ••. GC(14165) 0.40 37.64 22.66 Achhe Jaghat 286 EAG TWE(7446)0(20.24) ~~ ~, :qfG!~ Bnlandshahr (16) . Wheat, Rice •.. TW(l12 51)0(769) 2.83 18.21 8.09 KlryawalJ 287 ~~;p:-a:!1f~~ ir~, 'tfr'-l~ Bnlandshahr ~7) ... Wheat, RIce TW(8134) 1.20 1.21 890 NagJa Ibrahimpur 288 -

~!1T~ ir~, 'i:f~ B~landshahr (14) ... Wheat, RIce TW( 16836) 4.85 22.66 Basandua 289

~!1T~\ iT~, =qfq\1' Bulandshahr (14) .. Whe.tt, RIce TWE(181.71) 14.97 17.00 57.06 Kurala 290 EAG 0(6678)

~;j[T iT~, :qrq~ KhurJa (5) EAG Wheat, Rice TWE(212.47) 20.23 28.33 Bhataula Hajlpur 291 ~ ir~, =qfq\1' KhurJa (5) EAG Wheat, RIce TWE(324.16) 0.82 115.74 45.73 Murtzabad 292 W(62.32) Bhatwara 151'''l' ir~, :qTq~ Khurja (5) EAG Wheat, Rice TWEt121.4) 2.43 16.59 Fatehpur BuZ'.:;rg 293

~;;rY it~, ~ 294 KhnrJa (4) EAG Wheat, RIce TWE(53.02) 9.31 2.83 Hargan pur iT~, :q1'l~ W1'G'!1T~<: 5.26 17.00 Hazralpur Urf 29S Bulandshahr (3)E~~ Wheat, RIce TWE(47.75) ED 0(127.89) Samaspur 96 amfiRfm 2:_ i*'~~~lO'¥~' \1ffl ~.. ~'~'~

I J 3 4 S 6 , 8 9 10 11

, 2'96 ( 1,156.23 2,137(1;020) P(lj -(-5) W,TW -(~5) -(-5) BS P8;KR ,,~~![~~ it~:ra) HP;R;C \lf~<:T 2iJ7 ijtfT~p:ft~~ 143.26 1,665(252) -(-5) -(":'5) HP -(-5). -(-5) -(-5) PR

~ 298 l;){;(fiT~; 389.32 1,29~207) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5). -(-5) -(-S) KR

t~9 ~1lfT:'

3D! 11T~ lso.sd 1,184(200) M(I),H(J) --(-5) TW,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(S-10) PR W


30'3 ~t;T 219.75 2,293(363) P(I) -(-5) TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) -«5) PR W

304 i3'e'Ucrm 289.36 3,271(563) P(I) FPC(l) W,HP PO -«5) -(-5) PR R(l)H(J) TW

305 ft:f~ t:f1&:«lrlfi 62.32 1,216(192) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-s) -(-5) -(-5) PR TW

306 G"T~i"fT 196.28 1,020(177) PO),O(1) -(-5) TW~T -(-5) -('--5) -(-5) PR W,HP

307 .m\l:I

653.54) 309 'TT~r.1: 5,168(968) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) T,W,HP PO -( -5) -(-5) KR

310 f"f<:f'icf 341.97 1,802(293) ~{t} -(::S) W,HP -(-5) .-(5-10) -(5-10) PR

311 1&3.33 1,336(210) fif'f'hT ~r'

313 248.89 1,O75(180) lSf

411.18 2,096(330} 314 ~-u P(l):M(I) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS PR

135.17 315 !;ifi'Tl;~F' 5011(42) pel) -(S-IO) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS PR 9-7-


12 13 14 15 ]6 1'7 18 19 20 a


~\if;:;;:WF ir~, '9lCf\if Itulandshabr (4)BAG Wheat; Rice 'IlWE(204.37) 6.88- 19.43 T(2),M(I) Rampur Kflloni 299- ED C(1),N(4) Vrf Mlrzapur ~;:~!!T~<: • ir~, '9lOf~ Bulandshahr (5)BAG Wheat, R!lce TWE(33 7.92), 19.02 44;52- T(3) Bhalpura 300 ED •

~_(;f~~~ ~,m~ Bulandshahr (7)EAG Wheat, RIce lIWE(146.51) 21.85 12.14 M(l) Manakpur 30r

~\if;:C::!!T~<: q~, 'q.{~ Bulandshahr (7)EAG Wheat,.Rice T_WE(119.38) 1.62 9.31 Bagla Poothari 302


~~~!!T&<: ir~ :qr'!~ Bulandshahr, (5) ED Wheat, RIce T-WE(241.61, 21.04' 26.71 Vtrawah 3M BAG ~\if~&<: it~, 'ifT~ Bulandsbahr (2)EAG Wheat, RIce TWE{46.94) 4.05 t62 9,7J, T(l) Milk 305 Mohsamgarh

~Of;:~W~~ ir~ l1/f'liT Bulandsbahr (5)EAG Wheat, Mnlze TWE(173.2l) 7.29 15.78 T(I) Dohh 306 ~\if;:;;:WQ~ it~, CfiJ'liT Bulamlshahr (5)EAG Whedt, Malz.e TWE(101.l8) I 4.05 15.78 T(l) Fatehabad Urf 307 '" Julhepura ~

~~;:-G:'ij'&\ ~, '9lCR Buland'shahr (8)EAG Wheat. RIce rWE(27843) 2024 43.30 Chirchlta 3IG

~\if;:G'ij'Q:\ ~ 'flcr~ BUlandshabr (10) ED Wheat, Rice TWE(168.36) 0.40 3.2.. 11,33 Gmaura 3ll EAG Janardar ~(>f;:GWQ~ - it~, ~ Bulandsbahr (IO)EAG Wheat, Rice TWE(25!1.01) 1.22 27.11 RIJuaura 312 i\if;:C::W~<:: ~, mCf~ Bulandshahr (14)EAG Wheat. RIce TWE(234.32) 0.40 1.62 12.55 Khalilpur Rath 313

~\ifi'G!!T~\ ~, :q1'f\1 29.95 DhatU!1 lManshahr (0) Wheat, Rice rW(36S.8") •• Of 15.38 314 OX~Gl1TF i't~, :qrq~ Bulandshahr (7) EAG Wheat, RIce TWE(l!1.70) 7.69 15.78 Mukeempur 315 98

I1nI fOf~fWlti' 2-~~~ li1'f ~~. ~ Wli 'im

1 J. 3 4 5 6 V 8 9 10 11

186.57 2,034(259) P(l),H(I) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS PR 316 ~T

317 !{l:f"U

496.57 2,792(420) P(I) CHW(l) T,W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR 318 ~~


185.76 1,985(223) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) PR 320 \~~ -(10+) BS

321 CfiIW 90.65 IT<: arr

322 ffi)\;rr ifmr~'\ 326.19 2,760(443) P(I) -(-5) HP PO -(5-10) -(-5) KR

323 f.rn~f.:r 416.03 2,647(380) P(I),M(I) RP(I), W,HP PO -(10+) BS PR FPC(I)

324 ~r 112.51 249(26) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) PR

77.30 325 ~~<:~~\ 1(1) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

156.62 326 ~ 1,223(217) P(1) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) PR

327 69.61 'i(T~ ~ 8H<[R Umohablted KR

328 245.25 1,289(207). P(I),M(I), ~J~1 • D(!), W,HP PTO, -(5-10) -(-5) PR . Hel) MCW(I) Phone 329 211.66 927(149) ~~~ pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

323.36 1,803(289) 330 ~ pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

331 1IR);:ft 327.00 1,318(231) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(--5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

332 229.06 919(143) IfTmrr -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR,KR

333 arf"f~ !f>~T 371.51 1,607(243) P(I),Mel) Hel) W,HP,T PO -(-5) -(-5) PR

334 55.04 • ~ W:iilTrfflr lJ''\ 8!'T

335 8337 ar\i~ ~<: arTifR Uninhabited PR 99


12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 2

~~<: itj, "IT~ Bulandshahr (8)EAG Wheat, Rice TWE(161.07) 13.76 11.74 Jatpura 316

~~!!T~ iti, :qrq;;r Bulandshahr (6)EAG Wheat, Rice TWE(535.42) 30.76 15.78 42.49 Ghungrawa!i 317 Banwanpur ,!;;r~!!T~ iT~,~ Bulandshahr (6)EAG Wheat, Rice .. GC(52.21) 15.78 10.93 29.14 Yakubpur 318 R(30. 76)TW E(357. 75) ,!;;r;:~!!T~\ ir~, :qrq;;r Bulandshahr (7)BAG Whea.t, Rice TWE(151.36) 5.26 18.21 6.07 Ba.llot 319

~~ q~,~ Bulandshahr (13)EO, Wheat, Rice r TWE(165.12) 6.88 12.14 1.62 • RasooJpur 320 EAG

~~~\ Bulandshahr (13) ... TWE(8418) 2.02 4.45 Kondupur 321

~!!T~\ i'r~, "IT~ Bulandshahr (5)BAG Whllat, Rice TWE(293.81) 4 46 27.92 M(l) Bhainsrauli 322, Naslfpur ~~~m:~\ ir~, :q]Cfi1' Bulandshahr (lO)BD, Wbeat, Rice TWE(327.40) 9.31 33.99 Chltson 323 EI\G GC(45.33) ~;:~~'{ i'r~, '

~1!T~\ iTi, '

~<1~~'i iT~, '

,,!(1;<{~<: iT~, '

f!!T'lii"('1'{ iT~, '

IVl't f~fw~, 1O!"f llr.l?l1Q" tt

2' 3 6 , 8 10 II

71.25 886(131) RP(l) TW -(-S) -(-5) 'PR 336 arr;;rlj e:f"{lf~~ P(l~ -(-5)

337 <:T'TBTo 72.44 .m: an

171.59 l,189{190) P(I) RP(I) T,W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 338 ~\T

327.00 1,832(31~) p(~) --(-5) W.TW, -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) IPR 339 l.5l'~T HP

67.18 736(117) -(-5) 340 8lT~ ~~ -(-5) W,T,HP -(;5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

341 q;fTe:~ ~) 119.39 486(72) -{-5) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 'PR

13881 597(93) -(-5) +5), W,HP,T -(-5.) -(-5) -'(-5) KR 342 ~T:;\~

pet) KR 343 ~l'fT= 334.69 2,657(461) -l-S) HP PO -(5-10) -(-5)

344 ~\ 335.50 4,237(677) P(l),B(l) -(-5) HP PO -(5-10) BS PR

345 ~~ 198.71 1.227(178) - P(1) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

346 'P'm'f

347 ~(:ffq!IT 177.66 712(102) P(I),H(I) -(5-10) W,TW' --(-5) -(5--10) -(5-10) KR

348 mm 603.41 2,709(406) P(I),H(J) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-1O) --(-5) KR

1,472(230) pez) -(5-10) W,HP - PTO -(5-10) -(5-10) KR -349 ~Te:T 288.96

172.81 793(137) -(-5) -(5-10) W,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) .-(5-10) KR 350 ~r~\~ fir

-(-5) --(-5) PR 351 +rTfrj: I'f

) 41603 2,057(315) P(2) -«5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(.-5) PR 352 ~fu;rT

PO -(-5) BS PRo 353 ,;;r,!u 161.07 725(123) P(1) MCW(I) T 326.19 1,391(232) Ptl) -(_5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) "'{-51 KR 354 m~

1,342(238) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR. 355 ~r


12 13 14 IS 16 l' 18 19 20 2

f~9iT~~\ ~,'ifl~ Shikarpuq5) ED, Wheat, Rice TWE(58,..2&) 2.85 4.05 6.07 AJaffi'DaTlyapur 336 EAG fllT~T\~\ Shikarpur (S) TW(67.99) 2.43 '2.02 Ragsaunth 3S7 fu'!;~\ i'r~, 'tfTqz;f Shlkarpur (3) EAG Wlieat, Rice TWE(143.26) -8.90 6,07 13.36 HaJpura 338 f~'1;T\~\ ~, 'tfT~ Shl lGu'pur (2) ED, Wheat, 'RIce ,~... TWE(297.86) 'Oftl 28.73 .T(2),M(2) -Khandwaya 339 . BAG fulliT\~ i'r~, ~I'i"f Shlkarpur (5) EAG Wheat. RIC!) TWE(58.68) 4.41 8.09 -:Aanchru ·I):hurd 340 _

f~'lir~~ i'r~} '9fcf"f Shikarpur,(3j ED, Wlieat, Rice TWE(68.8,O) 50.59 T(I) Faridpur Hawell 341 BAG fllT'm:~1 ~} '7 37.23 "T(l),Mel), Salaimpur ,344 puq!) f'!!f!fiT'\'!<: i'r~, i'fTCJ<1 Shikarpur (3) BAG Wheat, Rice TWE(182.12) 1.'62 14.97 Met) Mukall'a 345

f!!T'lin:~ ~, "ffcf~ ~hlkarpur (4) ED Wh~al, Rice TW(399.84) 34.80 20.24 39.66 Kallavan 346 fllT'liF,!\' iT~, '

f!lT~T<:,!<: iT~, ~ Shikal pur (3) ED, Wheat, RIce TWE(136.38) 3.64 12.15 T(4) Mohammadpur 351 BAG Gmaun f~'!iT\,!\ ~,"f~ Shikarpuq4) 'ED, Wheat, Rice TWE(365.04) 13.76 3.64 33.59 T(4) Bhataula 352 EAG fllTi'fiR,!<: iT~,~ Shlkarpur () ED Wheat_'RJce TW(152.57) 8.50 RaJpura' , 353 ~f;TT\T

356 wmi'f~ lfl1:lT«t 40.07 ii1: an,n~ Uninhabited KR

217.32 947(169) P(I) -(-5) W,HP PO 357 ~TG -(5-10) +5) KR

390.94 1,365(240) Pel) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) KR_ 358 ~¥tn~ Ofijf

-(-5) W,HP 359 ~~~<: i'flTful1r 90.65 321(53) P(I) -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR

236.34 1,439(204) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) KR. 360 :sr~$\

'361 Ifi<:'hr 416.03 1.647(211) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR.

278.43 270(50) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) _(-5) • PR 362 ar~~_gmwr

.. 165.52 1,198(185) P(l) MeW(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5l PR, 363 crlliiSf~\

1)5(31) -(-5) HP -(5-10) -(-5) KR. 364 iJfr'fr~ ,~~ 102.79 -(-5) +5)

101.98 303(53) +5) +:5) T,W,TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 365 lf~T

366 'tIi'li;;;rr 575.89 939(162) P(1) - -(5-10) T,W,TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR HP

367 aft--:lTTOfIG: 'ifta:T'Ii 1,428.59 4,692(772) P(I),M( 1) RP(3) HP PJ -(-5) -(-5) PR H(l)

368 G;;;r;:rT 390.54 1,297(228) pel) -(S-lO) HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR

369 316.07 1,633(281) P(l) -(5-l0) T,W,TW -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) \(R ~~ HP

370 ~~~ ifIT;;;ry if')~ 118.58 465(68) pel) -(S-IO) HP _(5-10) -(5-10) +5) KR

232.70 1,594(257) 371 :sr~crr P(l),M(I) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) PR

72.44 Uninhabited PR 372 ar~\~ afq~~<: ~<: afJ

203.97 1~383(205) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 373 ~~orr: 374 u;;rq-<:r 63.94 ii1: arrorra: Uninhabiled KR,PR " .. 375 'lila:<:Torra: 63.54 183(24) P(I) -(5-10) TW -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) PR 103.


12 13 14 15 Hi if 18 19 20 2

fW'ffi~~ Shikarpur (7) 1W(17.S1) 0.40 1.62 20.24 ~ultanpur Mirgarhl 356 fYf'liJ(:';<: iT~, 'tfrq~ Shikarpur(7)BDEAG Wlieat,Rlce TWE(127.89) 82.96 6.47 T(3) Hunaut 357 fu'iiJ(:~<: ir~, 'tfl

fu'f;r<:~<: iT~ I 't(fC[~ Shikarpur (5) BAG Wlieat, Rice TWE(84.58) 2.43 3.64 Noorpur Nagal.'a 359 fW'iiI~~ iT~, 't(f~ I Shlkarpur (4) BAG Wlieat, RIce TWE(200.33) 2.02 14.16 19.43 T(9) JalaJpur Karira 360

fu'liJ(:~<: iT~ J 'q'T

f!lf'lin~ iT~ I 'q'T

1;ifl2tlfr<:l'fra: iT~ t 'q'T

f11l~n:~~ iT~, ~ < Shikarpur (6) EAG Wheat, RIce TWE(190.61) 1.21 12.95 27.93 C(1),T(S) Jak,haita 371 f111''liH~<: Sbikarpur (4) TW(68.39) 0.41 2.02 1.62 Ashrafpur .'12 Abdullapur fu'fin:~<: it~, '

'"' f.:rtftrltif 2-~~B'~ 6fiI' ~~. ~ '!.Pf ~q;r)Tr

1 1 3 4 S 6 8 9 10 11

. 316 f~;:m~ ~i iijft 148.52 809(127) P(l) '-(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)' FR

52813 1,954(216) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) TW -(5-10) -(5'-10) -(5-10) PR 377 wqq:;r

119.69 613(98) P(I) -(5-10) HP- -(5-1'0) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR 378 ~m~~

118.17 471(7~) -(5 -10) -(5-10) HP -5(-'10) -(5-10) -(5'-10), K:R 379 ~1:T~\:

367.87 1.474(242) P(I);M(l)l -(5-10) HP -1:5-10; -(5-10) -f5-IO) KR. 380 ~

42 I (J5) -(-5). -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR 381 ~r~~ 13719.

1.743.45 921(194) P(1): -(-5) W,TW +~, -(-5) BS PR 382 f!!f'!i~~ ~~ HP !ITR 191.83 1,123\184) -(-5) -(-5)' W,'fW +5) SAT +5). KR. 3'83 ;;,[T~\: lfKirT HP

186.16 2,354(381~ P(I) -(-5) W,TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.. 384 ;fQ:~~ HP W,TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR. 385 ~~~~1: hr 283.69 1,669(264) P(I) MeW(I) HP

-(-5) KR. 18'i.76 1,029(164) -(-5.) .-(-5) HP -€-5) +5) 3.86 <::~qT~~<:: .mftc:r -(-5) . KR 218.13 1,268(212) R(I),M(I) _(_5) HP -(-5) -H) 387 .r~T

, 233.92 951(156) P(I) -(5-10) HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR 391 ij"I1~<:

371.92 1,063(168) P(l) . -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 392 ~~~ ~~~T

-(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 393 m

153.79 ' 663(97) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5)_ -(-5) KR 3!>4 ;;r~T~ Cfii't\r

188.19 634(88) pel) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR 395 <:r'13i"\Q:lf orm~\ 105



12 13 14 15 16 If 18 19 20 2

hr"'n:~;:: ~, :;nCf~ - Sbikarpur (8) EAG Wheat, ,Rice TWE(118:58) 0.80 17.40 11.74 .... Shiv.nagar Urf 376 Dhosn' ·f1lJ1fiR'I<: - ~if,~ r Shlkarpur (6) .EAG Wlieat, RIce TWE(335.68) 4.05' 75:68 62.72 Mustfabad 377 Daduwa 11lr'iiT<:'I~ ~~, "l"TCf~ ( Shlkarpur (6) EAG Wheat, Rice T,WE(lS7.02) 2.83 7.70 12·14 T(l) JamaJpur 378 f9T'Pn:~<: • iT~J :qrq;;r Shikarpur (6) BAG Wlieat, Rice TWE(107.25) 6.8S" 4.04 Hatampur 379 f!1T~F![\' iTi, "l"rCf~ Shlk.irPur (7) EAG Wheat, Rice TWE(243.63) 7.28 98.75 18.21 Darveshpur 380

f9T'iin:~~ , iT~, "l"TCf~ Shlkarput (8) E¥\.G WHea't, Rice TWE(69.6/? 5.67' 57.06 -4.85 T(2) Na1Pa Fatehpur 381 fl1f1fiF~\ iT~, "lTCf~ Shlkarpur (I) fA Wheat, Rl~e rWE( 1,386.50). 31.16 80.14 245.65 T(15) Shlkarpur lRural}-382 I fllT'fiT<:~<: iT~, "l"T~ • Shlkarpur (3)ED,EAG' Wheat, Rl(:e TWE(ISJr.36) 3.24 21.45 Jallipur Kalan 383 R(15.78) f!lf1fin::~,= itJ, 'ifTGfi1 Shlkarpur (1 lED,EAG - Wh"at, Rice TWE(161'48) 0'.80 23.88 T(S) Mahmudpur 384 fllPll[<:'_!'= iT~, 'if[Cf~ Sblkarpur (3)ED,EAG Wheat, RIce TWE(2S537) 0.80 688 20.-64 T(5) Sebatpur Ven 385

f11T1fiT~<: i'r~, 'ifTcr~ Shlkarpur (4) EAG Wheat, RIce WE(167.14) 4.46 14.16 M(5) Dargabpur 386 Basauti f1lJ'fin:~ ~. "l"P:[;;r Shlkarp~r (5) EAG Wheat, Rice TWE(l93.85) 4.85 19.43 Baraull 387 %'l'n~<: ll'f, "l"T

flJf'liT<:~<: i'ri, 'ifTCfi1 Shlkarpur (5) EAG Wheat, RIce TWE(19J 04) 12.15 15.78. 12.95 T(I) Samanpur 391 fur'lir~~<: ir~, 'ifFm Sllikarpuf (3) EAG W.heat, RIC" TWE(293.4!) 23.47 36.02 19.02 T(2) Paharpllr 392 Haweh f!1T'fi~<: ir~, ~ Shlkarpur (1) EAG Wheat. Rice TWE(19iJ.21) 9.31 19.42 T(I) Sargaon 393 f1lJ'fi"F,:!<: iTif, 'iiFf~ Sb,karpur (4) EAG Wheat, RIce rWE(1J8.41) 4.05 11.33 T(I) JaJaJpur Katcira 394 f1T1fiF~ ~, 'ifTq~ Shlkarpur (5) EAG Wheat, Rice 'fWE(l 56.'2 1) 7.29 10.93 '13.76 Ranauraham 395 All pur 106

~~Iifli 2-¥R~~ :opr~'~+~

1- 2 3 4 , (j , 8 9. 10

·396 "llT~~qr~ 160:c67 826{134) -(-5) .-(,-5) lIP ",(,-5) -(-5)' -{-5) .DR

-397 l{"n;r.];,( 176.45 600(92) P(2) -(~10) W,HP -(;-;)' -(5-10) -(5-10) PR

407.53 1.506(291) P(I) --(S-10) HP,W +5) -(5-10) -(5-10) . PR 398 ~~~~

399 1,140.44 4.260(683) P(l) -(5-10) T.w,TW -PO -(5"-10) -(S-10) KR ~ lIP

400 ;rJlI'3i 280.86 1.189(178) P(I) -5(-10) W,HP +5) -(5-10 (-{S-lO) .m

401 ~r it;ft:t!fr;::r~~ 1,245:26 3;601(610) P(l) SMP(I) T.HP,W flO -(10+) -(-5) KR

402 e-Tlit1l ~iflTiJ 783.09 2,354(366) P(I) -(10+) W,HP -(10+) -(10+) BS KR

,403 li~':sr 506028 21095(304) P{1) -~10+) W,HP,T PO -(1001-) -«10+) oKR

167.14 4t6(63) -(-$) -(10;/-) 404 ~li[~~ -(10+) W,HP -{10+) -(1D+) P.l\,K'R 107


12 13 14 15 16 -,l! 18 19 20 2 f~Ffin:~ it~, :;:ttC!(i Shikarpur (6) BAG Wheat, Rice TWE(14367) 2.43 8.09 6.48 T(S) NagJaJ Lutf Ahpur396 flff'fiT\1\ iti, ~ Shlkarp\lr (8) BAG Wheat, RIce , .. TWBll-18.12) 1.21 _Hi.19 10.93 T(l) Meerapur 397 fl1l''fiT'<:'r' ~~, :qf'f(i Shlkarpur (9) BAG Wheat, Rice .1. TWB(296.65) 0.80 92.68 17.40 Hazratpur 398 ;jfQtIf~I_!<: iT~, ~ Jahanglrpur (12) BAG Wheat, Rice 218.93 TWB(490.50) 77.70 97.13 256.18 :f(2J Riwara 3~9 fu"'T'~ iT~, ;;wr~ Shlkarpur (IO) BAG Wheat, Rice TWE(192.23) 2.43 81.34 4.86 Mamau 400

f.w!fiT\~ i'r~, 'tfT'f(i Shikarpur (II) BAG Wheat, Rice 1.23 TWB(832.0o) 21.85 105.22 284,90 T(3) Khallya 401 Kahyanpur fllT!fiH~<: iT~, ~~ Shlkarpur (13) BAG Wheat, Rice 78.10 TWE(479.16) 931 167.55 4897 T(3),M(I) Domla Hasangarh402 f!lf'llR~<: it~, ~q~ Shlkarpur(lO}EDEAG Wheat, Rice TWE(295.84) 7.28 97.53 105.63 T(3) Khakunda 403 firr!fiR'l'{ iT~, ~mr Shlkarpur (11) BAG Wheat, Rice TWB(142.45) 0.81 15.78 8.10 T(l) , Rahmapur 404 TAHSIL KHURJA DISTRICT BUlANDSHAHR

A 0 f., e ,_ NOR l, K f., \ \ \ 8 (J L 4 tv D I


l' ~,

I »

o G A




IL-----~_=___=_=_== __ ======~======-==--~~~=I==_==~==~~~ __ -~-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-______~

3 -~~- -Khurja Tahsil 116

VTIif '" t{Qf~ 'J~1 ~:;rf ~

~ ~ ~iI ii11 H0 • JlJtr. ctr ifrJ( .....~~ •. ifo !f>+I' HO !lTlr 'tiT ifrn m rio IIilr HO I1JlJ iliT ;:r1ll' ~ rio

2 3 i 2 3 1 2 3

1 3l'li~~ !fit.ft 327 36 ~lf'liHn:or~~ ~ ~ 148 71 ~GlT -q 368 2 3l!s~liR'1;:: 114 37 ~ilT~~ ~'fi" 'f~~T 152 72 lIiij'lfi 292 " 3 3fIT'1r~ 170 38 mrr@'lT~ 67 73 'Ii~<:rm 229 4 3lm"{ arlTr~ 205 39 mW~~"{~' 74 iIi~T 282 !:ihr~<: 144 $ amr~ 210 40 ~~T~~"iFT~ ;a'tfi' ~lHr 100 75 lIiT~ 84

6 ~rl.?l

1 1 arrr

16 8ffrrll'T ~ 231 51 mrfr 239 86 19iiffij'liT 'i~ 167 17 8f<:fif

21 8f~Tar~ ~lfi lT~r 78 56 'lilTT~~<: ~U ;:rpm..: 187 _ 91 ia?"T 278 22 3l(ffT8fI

A 26 3l~11~lT~ 329 61 'Ii"(ifT 322 96 ;rTforrij' lTW 42 27 3T~~,:!<: ~ 1l~~T 241 62 'fiUU 268 97 ;r)fcrm 99 28 arQ"'1({~<: 'iI"<:T~ 55 63 'fi~T~r m~'( 23 98 mij'~'( €i=fr 179 29 3lQ"l1~~~ i'f.rril~ ri 64 'Ii'\)\;!T orrrr'( 24 99

31 ar~"i;ft 128 66 !f;<:rT ~~ 202 101

'Gfl1T~ PJf~MI ~ ~f;:~ (ililTl1T:) .

~ ffi"m ~)\l!Ti( ~~; ff'O Il'Ilf iiiTl-il'l1J 'tim ijo i>+f ffp Il'I11 iiiT,.iI'm 'Ii~ ifo iIil1 ij'1I Il'I11 'liT OfT1t ijiTs ;;0

2 3 2 3 2 3

106 '

181 III '"I~U 346 146 fCl"{?fI'fT 14 ~~ 244 ,82 i'fTlTl'f 247 112 ~ 68 147 \!"{~u

116 i;[lTT~or: 158 151 G:~i'f:m-T 333 186 fifOfr+r~ 145 117 ioT<:fU 249 152 G:~U lSf'ti'f') 2i8 187 .!'rlT'liT l!T1~~fg<: 53 ,1,'88 118 i;[i'fTi'f~"{ 3% loS G:tcrlf~~ 69 ~'fi2;~ 7:l 119 'JIi'fmT

121 i;[~~"{ 75 156 a:fiif<: 227 191 ~r 359 . 286 i92 q-;:~"{~ 8~8 122 Uf~~ 2·15 1·57 a:1~ 123 i;[TI:fi~ ~1~2;"{ 132 -158 <:"Trrm ·164 193 tn:'lirrT lTlTTlTiP' 269 124 Ufmtft 321 159 ~,n:rm 260 194 t:f<:TW 80 125 UfTCJ\i 220 {60 <:"TIi

126 ;;rTf&G:~\ 'l)i'ff ]33 161 a-if~\f 15 196 t:f~T 266 q-m 127 ;;rrf~<:~~ 140 162 a-;:rf6

131 ~er\ lSfTG:<: 40 166 an:T~ 350 201 tfTfflT~\ 305 132 Gtif\ «Tll"{ 38 167 ;;IT\ 233 202 q;~i'f~\ 297 133 Ufrr '"ITifr 96 168 ;;'Ti'fT 'lie: 226 203 1:fiiJ~'f~ 326 134 ~'iiT 206 169 i'flT\iT ~~rn l=f~U ~T\r 253 204 .m~qfG: 290 135 ~T 45 170 ;:rlT\iT ~2:\ 283 205 I:f){fi'fT 1.57

136 ~'~r ~9T 354 171 ;:r'f~T l=f~ 310 206 ~~T lSfT~\ ,21 137 t5'fT<: 225 172 ii''fi'fT l=f@~lif~ 160 207 %9-G:T ifT'f\ ,20 138 ~tm\1T 66 173 ii''fi'fT ~+{T 121 208 q;~ 90 127 139 tlT~~\ 28 174

.mrl t6l ~~ ~)

lRi~ (ililro:) '"

~ ~ ~llTif iii!' qo lIT+!' 'fiT "Til' ~ ojo f;J;+f qo lWI' 'fiT ifT+!' ~ ;to !f;1t «0. V11f !!iT if Til' 'fiR ofo

2 3 2 3 1 2 3

211 arf[<:T~ 199 246 'iIT~ 116 281 +!')~ar~1T: • 61 212 iJ~Flfcr 211 247 'lT~~<: ~ 11 282 +!'Til:1=+!,~~ 'Ii{tlr~ '\jCfj' 146 of'li<: 213 ~<:!iT u'h:arm 342 248 'lT~cIT 130 283 +!''t~1=li~~ ~tfi' ~( 147 214 ar~Tm 219 249 'lTm!!i<:T 56 '284 l1T~1=~<: ifT<: 76 215

216 or;:rorrfr oITU 29 251 m1fi'l~<: 94 286 l1T~1=+R~t l1;;rtT arT~a' 113 217 or~~ 288 '252 'lr'li;:r~t 336 287 l1TQPI~lorl'~' ~ 10 218 Of'T;:r~~T 309 253 ".!"ff ;;rIel., 73 288 lTf{<:Tm 51 219 Of<:9'iTi'l~<: 351 254 ".!,.,f iFTT 89 289 ti'I<:~t 189 220 Ef<:~T ~U'1 iT

A 221 orrID'1T 166 256 'llfl~t 314, 29 [ "'(~5T 102 222 .nmr 313 257 mlf~t 252 ,29,2 ~<:r 82 223 ;;r~\1+r"lT<: ~i 'Ii<:1m19~t 35 258 +!,Cfi~~~t 91 293 ti'fTlf"f ;it;:~\ 281 224 ~+r i'flf\ ~'fi' 'fi<:Tm arTiJ<: 34 259 lT~i'f~\ ,!qTfut;~ 345 294 <:fi'flfTOf~r 242 225 iif\1<:ra;~ 190 260 il'g-3fT ~T 296 295 tW:T llJl11rur ~"'lf] 9

226 ar~~)\19;t 365 261 J?'Rr;s 65 296 tij'\1lf1a 301 227


236 far;;r(1'f,!<: 204 271 ~i'51~ 83 306 ~9'i;;~t 217 237 Cf')it~r 11 I 272 ~ ..t't 236 307 <:Hr~<: 7 238 r't;;j~<: 104 308 <:T;;T;;rT 6 239

241 ;;j"n:f;flft 352 276 iTcr

\11'111 ~ qaiiilJfift ~)

~f~ (~)

~ ~ liITtVTif iIilI q 0 !'I'l'if 'iiI ;nor ;fu- ;to !Ii'{ ~o VTlI'

t 3 Z 3 2 3

316 1[~\~Ii~~\ 117 3~6 ijq:T\ 363 356 ~\~\ ~~ 255 317 ~CT'];"U 340 337 ijT~~flj;\ ;a'qj" ;rT~~<: 52 357 €~~1 337 318 ~\T+f~ 302 338 ~I\l'f~\ 120 358 ~;:GI qj.frG:~ 200. 319 ~!!Tr;:r

321 !ffT~\~ 124 341 ~T~T

326 ~'{ 110f\1 '1'T~ij\ 221 346 fuwr 41 366 ~ijif~,{ 101 327 li~r 335 347 fkUtifT ~Tl{<: 17 367 ~if1i'{ ~~T 11 (} 328 ijolaT ~ 115 348 fiI'{t(1'T

331 344 351 ,];'{;;fr



Location LocatIOn Location S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No. Name of Village Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No

2 3 2 3 :1 3

Achalpur 210 36 Azizabad 306 71 Bhalyapur 314 2 AehheJakhurd 169 37 Azmabad 119 72 Bhikanpur 336 3 Achhura 275 38 Bad 312 73 Bhlkanpur 94 4 Agora Amlrpur 205 39 Badarkha Sirbas 342 74 Bhmdaur 126 5 Agwal 170 40 Badauh 219 75 Bhogpur 252

6 Ahamadpur Nabbipur 186 41 Badha 201 76 Bhullan Garin 245 urfRalpur 7 Ahmadbas 311 42 Badshapur Panchgoi 262 77 - Bhuna Jatan 73 8 Ahmadgarh 329 43 Bagharal 199 78 Bhunna Tagga 89 9 Ahmadp_ur Chauroli 55 44 Bagpura 228 79 Blchhat SUJanpur 112 10 Ahmadpur urf Halpura 241 45 Baghoo 271 80 Bichaula 156

11 Ahraull 128 46 Bahlolpur 365 81 Bighepur 111 12 Akalpur 93 47 Bahanpur 261 82 BIJhppr 204 13 Akbarpur KaneD! 327 48 Balramnagar 352 83 Blkupur Ramnaga 343 14 Akhtyarpur 114 49 Bamanpun 309 84 Blrampur 86 IS Alampur Hatla urf Lodona 69 50 Balraun 190 85 BhundaSl '366

16 Alawalpur 50 51 Ballabhnagar urf 34 86 Chak Blrampur 87 Arolbangar 17 Ahabad urf Mehandipur 48 52 Ballabhnagar urf Karaur 35 87 Chak Jalalabad 5 Khadar 18 Ahahmadpur urf Garhl 78 53 Ban' 361 88 Chanchah 63 19 Allauddwnagar urf 32 54 Banal] 288 89 Chandpur Khurd 195 Dhuder 20 Alhpur Mllbarakpur 95 55 Bankapur ~ 8 90 Chaudhera 346

21 Amanullahpur nrf Mahraha 97 56 Banwanbas 29 91 Chauganpur 370 I 22 Amarpur 318 57 Baragaon 2li 92 Chhapna 68 23 Amarpur Palaka 18 58 Baraula 313 93 Chhatanga Khurd 46 24 Anona 319 59 Barkatpur 351 94 r Chltl 173 25 Anwargarh Bangar 60 Barkherahasan Garhl 347 95 Dalel Garlu 333

26 Anwargarh Khadar 2 61 Bartaull 166 96 Dansoli 66 27 Arma Khllrd 231 62 Baurah 177 97 Danwar 227 28 Arma Mansoorpur 181 63 Bazldpur 207 98 Darapur 330 29 Arnia Maujpur ISO 64 Bhabhokra. 56 99 Dashahara Khairly 218 30 Asafpur 122 65 Bhadaura 153 100 Dastampur 59

31 Asgarf)ur 182 66 Bhadwan 130 101 Dastoora 107 32 Asroh 323 67 Bhagawanpur 109 102 Dayanatpur 26 33 Alerna 269 68 Bhagwanpur Chhatanga 47 103 Deeghl 287 34 Auranga 129 69 Bhalpur 116 104 Deenaul 164 35 Aurangapur Humaunpur 6~ 70 Bhalpur Brahmanan 11 lOS Deorala '260 115



Location Locatton Location S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No. Name of Village Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No.

2 3 2 3 2 3

106 Deorar 62 141 Hazratpur 171 176 Kaherola 229 107 Dhakpura 240 142 Hazratpur Poothri 212 177 Kallawah 304 108 Dhanpura 15 143 Hmsotl 277 178 Kalakhun 71 109 Dhansia 60 144 Hisara 253 179 Kalakhllrd 202 110 Dharari 155 145 Ibrahimpur 67 180 Kalandar Garhi 138

111 Dharaun 1:9 146 Ibrahll;:npur Jundedpur 144 181 Kalena 175 urf MauJpur 112 Dhar Pachooharpur 168 147 IkkataJpur S'kara 148 182 Ka]upura 95 113 Ohaurau 35() 148 lnaitpur urf Madhupura 152 183 Kamalpur Mazara Bha- 157 daura Aura 114 Dostpur Dadupur 184 149 Isanpur 194 184 Kamalpur Mazara Nalsar 187 Aura 115 Dungarpur 289 150 Ismallnagar urf Bhauyara 100 185 ' KamaJpur Pahasu 243

116 Fatehabad 290 151 Ishallpur Budhena 142 186 Kamauna 358 117 Fateh,Garh 326 152 Jafarnagar Gudaipur 132 187 Kanen! Bedrampur 303 118 Parana 157 153 Jagdlshpur Auragabad 324 188 Kanpur 84 119 Fazalpur 90 154 Jahanpur 215 189 Kans! 339 120 Fazalpur 297 155 Jahldpur Kalan 133 190 Kaplla 9&

121 Firozepur 127 156 Jahldpur Khurd 140 191 Karam3 322 122 Gangawali 273 157 Jahanglrpur 75 192 KaraolI Bangar 24 123 Gangawas 328 158 Jalalabad urf Chingrwah 103 193 Karault Khadar 23 124 Gangagarh 300 159 IdIaJpur 356 194 Karaura 268 125 Gangthala 134 160 Ja1fi 321 195 Kasba Dhaddu 368

126 Gawan 176 161 Jamalpur 158 196 Kasom! 292 l27 Ghanshyampur 250 162 Jarara 249 197 Keolikalan 183 128 Ghatal 232 163 Jatoia 272 198 ~eoll Khurd 230 129 Golahas 332 164 launchana 96 199 Keryawah 284 130 Gotham 125 165 Jawal 220 200 Khabra 154

131 Gauspur taina 179 166 Jawan 72 201 Khalsla Choharpur 167 132 Govda 99 167 JeeraJPur 334 202 Khandar 285 133 Govlllsh Garh 42 168 Jemaspur 22 203 Khandupura lOS 134 Gwaroli BhoJ G arh 258 169 Jewar Bangar 38 204 Khera 278 135 Habibpur 274 170 1ewar Khadar 40 205 Khunyawalt 234

136 Haider Nagar Madkola 224 171 Jhamka 206 206 KhuJrp (Dehat) 172 137 Hameerpur 263 172 Jhuppa 45 207 Khutena 257 138 Hasan Garh 161 173 11llawal 299 208 Khw3JPur 54 139 Hasanpur Ladioki 110 174 Kadon 282 209 Klratpur 341 140 Hasanpur 101 175 Kadri 239 2ID Klrra 163 116



LocatIon LocatIon Location S.No. l'iame of VIllage Code No. S.No. Name of VIllage Code No. S.No. Name of VIllage Code NO. \

2 3 2. 3 2

211 KIshorpur 28 246 MohbalJpur 61 281 Palra 266 212 Kureb 25 247 Muklmpur ShIwara 27 282 Pandrawal 348 213 Kuwarpur 308 248 ,MumreJpur 104 283 Para kana Ganga Garh L67 :214 Lakhan Wara 237 249 Mundakhera 174 284 Parohi 80 215 Lakhawti MlrJapur 198 250 Mundrah 83 285 Parori 77

236 286 Phaleda Bangar 20 116 Lal Garhi 362 251 MUD! Murad Garhi 88 287 Phaleda Khadar 21 217 Cal pur Chltaula 196 252 247 288 Pilkhanhan urf SabItgarhi 270 2t8 Lalpur Mumrejpur 117 253 Nagai Lalner 316 254 Nagala Lachhmanpur 293 289 PItampur 305 2f9 \ 367 290 Quarsl 139 1220 LudhpUra 340 255 Nagllya

9 Madahpur Mubarakpur 345 256' Nagaliya Mazra 246 291 Rabupura (Rural) 121 Nanayanpur 259 292 Rakhera 102 222 Mahakhera 296 257 Nagaltya Udalbhan 233 293 ,Ramgarhl 131 221 Mama BhoJpur 137 258 Nagar Ramner 3 224 Manchand 65 259 Nagla Dalpatpur 183 294 Rampur Bangar :n 225 Manchhlpnr Hangar 39 260 Kaglakat 2~6 295

296 Rampur Khadar 36 226 Manchbipur 162 261 -Nagla Khushal 353 Ma]rachhatan 160 297 Rampur Manpur 28 227 Manchhipur Khadar 37 262 Nagla Ma,hluddmpur 9 298 Rampur Mauzampur 264 228 Mangroh 51 263 NagJamau 310 299 . Ranalcb Narendrapur 281 229 Mansoorpur 189 264 NaglarUml 121 307 300 82 230 Maqsoodpur 91 265 Nagla "6arangpur

Nagla Shahpur 85 301 Ramwa1a 325 231 Mehandlpur Bangar 13 266 192 302 Ramyawali 242 232 Mehandipur Khadra 12 267 Nagla Shelkhu 216 303 Rasoolpur 214 233 Mena Klandri Gari 136 268 Nalphal urf llnchagaon 222 304 Rasul Garh 301 234 Mewla Gopal Garh 49 269 Nalsar 244 305 Rlsalu 357 235 Mllak Karimabad 79 270 Narayanpur

Robl 81 236 Mirpur 191 271 Narau 355 306 Rohmda 193 237 Mtrpur Kachh urf Kan 43 272 Neemka Shahjahanpur 53 307 Jgarhi f, 138 Mlrpur Phasu 248 273 Nekpur 74 308 Romja Rukanpur 217 239 Miyana 92 274 Nemtabad 203 , 309 Rustawpur .7 240 Mohammadabad Khera 10 275 Nlzampur 145 310 , 241 Mohammad Karimpur 146 276 Pachokara 8 311 Sabotamustafabad 31 Ulf Dhakar 242 Mohammadpur Mazra 213 277 Padha 359 312 Sad~l{ahpur_ ur( 1)4a.qalpyr 5,2 Barhgaon 243 Mohammadpur Mazra 11'3 278 Paharpur 251 31-3 Sahar 36~ Blchhat 244 Mohammadpur Nar 76 279 Pahasu (Dehat) 294 314 Saidgar.hi 337 :245 Mohammadpur UIt Bhogpur147 280 Pala 27.6 315 Sawda Hablbpur 135 117



Location Location Looltion - S.No. Nam~ of Village Co

2 3 2 3 2 3

316 Salabad 338 336 Sidh Garh 349 356 Teyor Buzurg 369 317 Salatahanpur 331 337 Sldh Garhi 364 357 Teyori 298 318 Salempur Mazra Dastura 106 338 Sikandarpur 149 358 Thangora 225 319 Salempur Pahargarhl 209 339 SJ1w 143 359 Thora 57 360 Tlrthali 320 San~lta Slfpur 115 340 SlIohbangar 16 14

321 Sandafaridpur 200 341 Sirolikhadar 17, 361 TundaKhera 354 322 Sarangpur 120 342 Srrsa 41 362 IurkIpurablls m 323 Sarawa dadupur 185 343 Sifyal ~23 363 Udaipur 7Q 324 Sarbhanna :360 -344 SOl 29.I 364 .lJmtala 165 325 Sarsol 235 345 Sultanpnr 19 365 Urdaml 286

326 ,ShahbaJPur aha) 188 316 Sultanp~r 141 ~66 Usmanpur 105 327 ShahbaJPur Daulat 265 347 SuraJpur Nisafi 279 367 Usmanpur 1<78 328 Shahpur .Kalan 124 348' Suratpur Kalan 256 368 Utarawah 320 329 Shahpur Men Garhi 223 349 SuratPuI 'Khurd 255 369 Vedrampur 302 330 Shahyur Pah,!sO 238 3~O SurJ~wa1i 317 370 Yusufpllr Malgausa 208'

331 Sh~hzadpur Kanaial 118 351 SurJawali 254 332 Shamaspur 344 352 Syarh 335 333 Shamaspur 150 353 Talabpur 197 334 Shamshan Nagar 44 354 Taqipur Bangar 4 :335 Sherpur Mazra Nalsar 221 355 Taqipur Kbil4ar 3 U8

"'" f;:MlAif 3-,m~ \iR~~Wi1~

~ ~-[,.~;r11f i't W~~~l ~ al'liT<'fiJ if WIlT (-) <'fIlllIT IJ'lIT ~ 5lfI ~ iiIR !iflm;1 if f\;ra;ft f~ff1l ~"t ~ WCM ~ ~ ll'tZ m ~ ~ ~ ~ lI'Iifl: ;fl- rr~ ~ -5 flli. 111., 5 ij' 10 flIi, 1ft. am: 10+ 1%, 1ft.] Amenities available- [If not available within the vtllage, a dash (-) IS shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the dIstance in broad range viz, -5 kms, 5-10 kIns. and 10+ kIns .• of the nearest place wbere the facIlity is avaIlable IS gIven] ""'I :i ~.o -Qi '0 1;r0l u" g, Cl ~ ~ =c: -E;O .c:I d6' 1ii ...... IXl·~ 0 Q., Co '" E '-'ol l~ ~ "'~Cl_ ::E :z: ~ I? '" ~ Ir aiiJ If~ o 0 :> ~ ~ 00 $~ bC &!: ... Ol 0 '_"~o::.o-.. ... ~ 1O!f':::.g '-'d t- '".;:td ",,'8 IfTi! 'iiI if1lI' 0., (!:'il ., IiE' __ 0l Ii '1;: !! !l OJ ~ » ~~ e c . j~~ If<)a.e.g ;~ fiE, 'Oc '~~ .~ o~ .52 ... §"'''' j;:OltJ 11:';1l...... d ~~ 'i~'" ~ ... Ol '11! C::!1: .,gIfal ti OJ dl ~-oaI • ~~ 1,",0".:1» • ~ ~'8 .!] .it" ~t: !':+" c:>.., ~"'- 0 0 ~~ IV! i~ ~~~g_ b'(-.Z -S'1ll J!::E <1;=0 -& cti~] 'I;: 8£~ ~~ 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II

87.82 419(68) KR OROT~~

33.99 .. Uninhabited KR 2 illifq\lT~ i91~~ ~~ OJr

60.71 Uninhabited 3 Cl''fiTT: l5I'R~ ~~ KR

4 ~ -(-5) W,HP --(-5) -(-5) --(:'5) KR - 5 "f'Ii ~T;;m: 81.75 179(28) --(-5) -(-5) W,HP --(-5) --(-5) -(-5) KR

6 , ~);:fr\j)'T 402.68 2,447(315) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W,HP --(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

392.56 718(105) -(-5) --(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 7 ~rn~~ P(l) W,HP

. 8· q-:q)iifi~T 153.79 676(109) pel) -(-s) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

9 '~~T (1l'l1ftur&n") 590.88 937(173) P(l) -(-5) W,HP --(-5) -(-5) BS PR

10 m~I{G:rqT1{ iij'~T 285.31 1,662(235) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) --(-5) KR

11 305.95 2,117(321) P(I),M(l) SMP(l) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) PR mt~'\ ~qiflil' H(l)

12 ~~~~R~ 300.69 88(19) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP --(-5) -<5-10) -{5-10) PR,KR

13 l'r~G~ orm~ 304.74 1,832(296) --(-5) -(-5) W,HP --(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR,KR

14 f~~ 477.14 2,273(397) pel) H(l) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR

114.13 15 a;;~T 468(83) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP --(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 119


IJflf ~ (ortrRf fqfir.;J ;oql)rrj it arf.l' lIf.r 'I.{ ~ ~I(( il' ~ ij; eft ttlTirT ff'li) Land use (I. e. areas under different type of1and use in hectares rounded upto two decimal places) ,..---- ~~ I:r .. If 2.;,8 'i It;''' 2 W dE II; ojS til I>; .. ~50 ~u iW~Cf)·.Q 0- f') "'':' .. '" ~ ~ u._c- ~ .:~ e . 5 s 'C 16''!i'E-'-' fg; lFog It"e .a IIr ~i3 ~< § IE IIT;::'~'" Name of Village 'fig ~ ,~.o;; (l::. 0:':: ~ ~ 0 C I:r 0 - 8 1i~ ~~ 11'0~'" za .... It;JU! ~ ~ It:o.!!!l'" ,g: ~O Iii c ~ ~ ; 0-; rs ~::: h.l '--"1..0_ ~:; Il'~ IcOi !:rOo '" c!!t: I2r ~::: til J'!:~:;: tr t>~ .; 1£.>-< u:;; j;~5:B 5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

~i{9;<:T ~, li'i'liT Rabupura (5) Wheat, MaIZe TW(59.49) 19.02 2.02 7.29 Anwargarh Bangar 1 "<:"!.':!·U Rabupura (6) TW(10.12), 9.31 13.76 0.80 Anwargarh Khadar 2

~~U RabldPura (6) TW(6.48) 36,02 17.40 0.81 Taqipur- Khadar 3 it~, li'i'liT ~~ura(4) Wheat, MaIze TW(210.44) 40.47 47.75 19.84 Taqipur Bangar 4 -r'rb,:r iT~, liCf'IiT Rabupura (5) Wheat, Maize •..TW(26.3IGG(21.85) 6,48 22.66 4.45 Chak Jalalabad S

<:'"!.~T 'iT~, li'f

<:.~r iT~ 1 1l'f'IiT Rabupura (4) ED Wheat, MaIZe GC(13638) 33.59 14.57 295S T(2) Bhalpur Brahmnan 11 TW(91.46)W(O.40) l:~T ~, li

r;mr fdft$t ri ~ ~

1 1 :3 4 s 6 7 8 !l 10 11

-(5.10) KRPR 16 fumr"r iltlf<: 79.32 735(117) pel) -(-51 W,HP -(-3) -(5-10)

UnlDbabited KR 17 fuU~ tm<: 27.92 q,:an

212.87 Unmhablted KR 18 arm~<: m

19 136.38 99(19) -(5-10) -(5-10) W,HP -(S-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR ~Rf~ • 20 ~~ OfT'J'l: 491:71 3,536(592, P(I},j\f(l) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR

.. 69366 .. Uninhabited KR 21 qj~G:r lira:~ 'I""{ arrm

22 furif~ 47.75 .n: afmG: Uninhabited KR

23 lti(~"r~ 990.71 3,376(S48) P(l),M(l) -\5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10) KR,PR


2S 482·00 3,675(589) p(i) RP(l) W,TW PO -(5-10) BS PR,KR ~

1,104.43 5.379(857) p(1),Me1) T,W PO BS KR 26

/ -("':5) 27 'l};0fi~<: f~qr<:T 171.'19 776(111) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) BS KR.

28 f

29 ..r;fiiftff iifT~ 100.37 1,084(173) PC1') -(5-10) W,TW -(-5) -(S-lO) -(-5) KR HP

30 Uifil'"{ 233.92 1,018(178) -(-5) -(-5) 'w,TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-3) KR HP

31 ~q"Tffi ~tjiT"'T~ 237.96 2,158(343) P(l) -(-5) W.HP PO -(-5) BS PR

32 aJ:r!i3{1

34 ~'lRif<: ;a-~ ~ 149.'74 729(99) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP \S~10) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR iltif\ 4.83 .. KR 35 ~\TCIlT<: ;a-i Ofi<:l~r '1""\ anor~ UnlObablted ~Ti{\ 121


12 13 14 15 16 IV 18 19 20 :I 1

~J~T iR~ura (6) Wheat,Malze ... GC(59·09):rwC3•24) 4.86 2.43 9.70 T(l) SlfOI! Bangar 16 '{fi,{T Rabupura (5) ... GC(24.69}TW(0 40) 1.21 1.21 0.41 Slr,1i Khadar 17

~~ Rabupura (5) ... GC(4.45)TW(6.01) 58.68 118.98 24.69 Amarpur Palata 1S i:ir

<:~~;:T Raoupura (6) TW(28.33) 51.80 460.14 153.39 Phaleda Khadar III

<:~~<:T Raou pura (5) 12,55 35.20 Jemaspur ~

<;\>f~9T~ it~: "fT~ Bulandshar (8) ED. Wheat, Rice GC(419.16) 57.87 56.25 65.98 T(4),M(2) Karauli Khadar 23 BAG TWE(331.45) f~~~ Bulandshar (7) TW(5.67) 84.18 142.05 158.23 Karauli Bangar 24 ~~ llj, I'l''f'l;T Jewar (10) BAG Wheat, Maize GC(377.59) 6.48 8.50 44.91 T(5),M(I) Kureb 25 T\yE(44.52) iller;: ~J l1'f'1\'T Jewar (5) Wheat, MaIze GC(822.35) 104.01 34.80 105.23 T(3) Dayanatpur 26 TW(38.04) iller<: lt~J l1m Jewar (5) Wheat, Maize GC(122.62) 1.62 3.64 15.79 1(2) Mukimpur Siwara 27 TWE(6.48)TW(21 04) i:ir

~<: t~, tIm Jewar (3) BAG WheAt, MaIze .. , GC(67.18) 2.83 6.88 23.88 Tel) Sabota Mustafabad31 TWE(99 96)W(1.62) TW(35.61) "'q~ iT~. I'l'if1jiT Jewar (4) Wheat, MaIZe GC(79.73) 40.87 11.74 13.7S T(9) AllauddlO Gagar 32 TW(105.63) UrfDhuder i:ir-n: ~,~T -Iowar (5) Wheat, MaIze GC(1457) 2306 12.95 17.00 T(4) Rampur Bangar 33 W(4.05)O(168.76) i;;tcf'\ ~,11~ Jewar (6) Wheat. MaIze TW(7.69)O(8499) 36.83 16.59 3.64 Ballabbnagar Urf 34 Karoll Bangar ~9<: JcwaI (6) OtO•81 ) 1.21 2.40 0.41 Ballabhnagar Urf 35 Karoh Khadar 122

::vm l~ifl(ilfil 3-~~' :~'1~f(f'~'~~iWirtr

2 3 4 S 6 V 8 9 10 11

94.70 . Uninhabited 1(R 36 '"u~lgT~<: '1"'\ 3T~ , 37 +rhfr~'{ 19JG:\ 13B}lS ~<:~ Uninhabited KR

30g ~m<: 2,26~ 30 ~t(t3S) Pel) ':(-5) W..TW -(-5) -(-5) '-'(TS} PR

39 lTi~~ .wr<: 61.51 54(8) -X-'S) -(-5) W,HP -(-S) -(-5) -(-5) KR

40 ar;;ri: ~<: 56.66 '80'8(116) -(-:5) -(-S)W,TW,HP PO -(-5) BS PR,'KR

41 fu<:m 322.55 789(104) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) ~-5) KR

42 l"f)fcr~ ],067.19 533(76)' 1'(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

43 f{'h:~ 'fi"OBi ~ 389.73 ],613l232) PC1.) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR ifirrr

637.00 897(155) PCI) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 45 ~t!fT KR

46 mrrr 1ri 355.73 651(104) .p(I) -(-5) W,HP -{-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

47 ~~rcirrr 331.04 570(102) pet) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

48 ar~'T anCfTlf ~ 138.81 581(90) -(-5) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR ~~ 49 ~r ifT'1TWT' 410.77 1,345(211) Pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR

202.35 ,420(54) -{-5) -(-5) 50 a1m'l"ii~ W.HP +~) -(-5) -(-5) J?R

:,1 l1rr<:l"ll 237.15 1,504(261) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

51 m~~ \jqi 165.52 62~108) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR ~~ • 53 ;ftffliiT !!Tt~~ 475.93 2,832(592) Pel) -(-5) W.T PO -(-5) BS PR

293.81 1,375(241) P(I) -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10) 54 19crT~ W.T BS PR sS ar~'R~ :oIT<:ffi'T 954.28 4,131(633) P(I) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(-5) KR i23 r:v.IL'LAGE·1)IRECTORY ..'AMENtTIES> AND LAND USB KHURJA ltX'HsIL- 3

12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 2 1


~<.f~ ~, tr1f'fif , Jewar (3) Wheat,-Mfllze ~ .. W(!i:9G)O(I 08.~6) 54.63 14~.91 3.25 Sirsa 41 ~~ il"~, l11fCfiT Jewar (5) Wheat, Maize TW(526111) 145.29 318.09 3.6.02 Govinshgarh 42 W(31.97)R(9.71) ~H il"~, lRCfiT Jewar (5) Wheat, Maize TW(151.76) 35.21 178.07 24.69 Mlfpur Kachfi urf 43 KaDlgarhl ~ il"~, tr'fCfiT Jewar (5) Wheat, MaIze TW(37 23) 47.75 83.77 13.31 l?hamshannagar 44 RS(O 04) ,~ ¥:'I11fCfiT Jewar (6) Wheat, Maize 0,\22.66) 393.37 212.06 8.91 Jhuppa 45

~q,\ it~, 11'l'1fiT Jewar (3) Wheat, Mhlze 0(101.18) 166.73 79.32 8.50 Chhatanga Khurd 46 ~ it~, 11m Jewar (3) Wheat, Maize TW(14893) 72.04 97.53 12.54 Bhagwantpur 47 Chhatanga Wi'f'{ iT~, Il'f'fif Jewarp) Wheat, MaIze ... TW(45.73) 44.11 29.14 19.83 Ali Abad urf 48 Mehanpur mr

~cn: i'r~, 11'f'fiT Jewar (3) EAG Wheat, MaIze ... GC(IS783) 2.43 25.90 Mangroh 51 TWE(S 67)TW(44.92) W(0.40) ~'f~ iT~, I1'CfCflT Jewar (I) BAG Wheat. MaIze GCC IOO.77) 2.02 20.24 Sadullahpur urf '52 T~Vb(42.49) Madalpur ~ ~, ~CfiT Jewar (4) EAG,ED Wheat. Maize GCC288.96) 1.21 3.64 49.78 T(S),M(3) Neemka ShahJahao- 53 TWE(132.3'4) N(2) pur ~q\ iT~, l1'f1fiT Jewar (6) EAG,ED Wheat. Maize GCC44 11) 4.86 22.66 T(3),M(2) KhwaJPur 54 TWE(222.18) N(I) Gt

vyq f.:MWIIiI 3-~~, ;r;:r ,!mrrq- ~ Wir ~ ,

2 3 4 5 6 V 8 9 19 11

56 mrr"t1ii1f 146.10 1,001(195), P(I) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(S-IO) BS KR

57 ~)<:r 936.07 3,668(610) P(2)PUC(l) P(I) W.HP PO THli BS PR.KR .M(I)

'58 ~, 199.92 1,089(154) P(1) D(I) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) PR

298.67 ~,082(192) _(_5) 59 ~~ Pel) W,HP -(-5) -(-5), ~-5) KR

60 cf;;f~r 214.49 537(95) -(-5) -(-5) r,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS KR

,61 ~~)~"{ 114.13 934(168) PCI) -(-5) w,HP -{(5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

'2 ~rT~ 514.78 921(159) P(1) +5) W.HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

477.95 63 "ft~r 1,333(240) P(I) -(-5) W,HP PO -(10+) -(-5~ KR

64 ar1i~~ ~ fTTlff\ 106.44 507(88) +5) +5) W,HP +S) '-(5-10) +5) KR

65 ~t"f6 772.98 1,703(290~ Pel) D(l) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10) KR

146.50 597(105) -(-5) -(-5) 66 mmrr W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR t

15012 845(143) 67 iliT~~ +5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) ~5-10) -(-5) KR

68 wq-;;r 296.65 894(167) P(2) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR

69 anOf1i~~ i!m :a-q; 456.10 1,891(333) P(l) -(-5) W',HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR <::rT~rrr 134.36 589(115) -(-5) -(-5) 70 ~zr~~ I W,HP +5) -(5-10) --(-5) KR

71 ~~r 313.24 1,178(189) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR

72 ;;rqi .598.15 2,173(389) pel) -(-5) W,H:P PO -(5-10) -(-1> KR

73 305.14 1,820(283) Wifr :srm..- pel) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR , 290.98 1,359(225) 74 it'li~ Pel) -(-5) W,HP +5) -(-5) -(_5) , KR

973.71 1,007(152) 75 , 'ilQnr'\~~ pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-S) BS KR ~125



12 13 14 15 Hi 17 IS 19 20 :.!

~ iT~, 'fm Jowar (6) Wheat, MaIze ... GC(99.96) 4.86 13.76 47.52 T(3) Bhabhokra 56 ~~ itj/ lfif'liT Jewar (6) EA Wheat, Maize ••• GC(292.19) 4.45 70.43 123.83 Thora 57 TWE(141 ..65)TW(303.53) iitor<: it~; 'f'RiT Jewar (9) BA Wheat, MaIZe '" GCC67.18) 0.40 29.95 21.45 Bankapur 58 TWE(40.47)TW(40 47) Oi~fm<:~<: tr~, ~'liT Jahangirpur (3) Wheat, MaIze TWE(142.0S) 4.05 7.69 20.64 Dastampur, ~; EAG TW(124.24) Oi~mT<:~\ tr~, l1Cf1fiT JahanglIpur (3) Wheat, MaIze TWE(154.19) 29.54 14.57 9.31 T~I) Dhansia 6~ EAG W(6.8S) • ~Oir tr~, 'fCf1fiT Khurja (23) EAG Wheat, MaIze ... 0(29.95) 31.16 9.71 2.84 T(2) Mohabalipur ,U TWE(33.19)W (7 .28) ~;;rT ~, 1J'f'IiT DurJa (27) EAG Wheat, Maize ... GC(2104) 28.33 33.19 13.76 Deorar 62 TWE(155.35)W(56.66) 0(176.4S) ~Jfj . ~, 'f'f'liT Kl1urJa (24) EAG ~ Wheat, Maize .. ,GCC131 12) 36.02 3885 37.24 M(1),T(2) Chanchali 63 TWE(14S.69\W(809) 0(80.94) iiI1lhfr.'!\ ir~, Il'Cf~r JahangirpUf (8) ... Wheat, MaIze W(70.82) 25.09 243 8.10 Aurangaplir un 64 Humaunpur ~lT~' itt I 1fCf'IiT Jahangirpur (8) .. Wheat, MaIze 0C(299 07) 45.33 63.94 138.01 M(2),T(4) Manchad 65 W(226.63) ~il:t:rr~<: '~~, 'f'i'liT Jahanglfpur (1) .. , Wheat, MaIze ... GC(6192) 2.43 526 19.42 Da[lsoli 66 W(S7.47) ::;rl{t:rrh~<: ~, IfCf'fiT Jahangirpur (7) ... Wheat, Maize GCC43.30) 8.09 8.09 14.56 Ibrahlmpur 67 W(76 08) 'i'i~f:rrT,,!<: ~~, ll'f%'T Jahauglrpur (I) Wheat, MaIZe \ GC(44.11) 2.83 31.57 72.04 M(I) Chhapna li8 W(146.10) i"il~flfT<:g'{ i1t 'f'fifiT J .lhanglfpur (5) Wheat, MaIze GCCI77.66} 14.97 15.38 55.86 M(2),T(I) Alampur Hatla 69 ED,EAG TW(19223) urf Lodona 0i6TITT<:,!\ it~/ 'f'l%'f Jahangl rpur (7) Wheat, Maiz~ , GC(l5 38) 1.21 13.76 24.29 M(I),T(1) UdaIpur 70 TWE(3S.04)W( 41.68) 'jf~fl"fr<:~<: ~~, +r'i:t.f J.lh.mgll pur (6) ... Wheat, MaIze GC(243.22) 17.40 13.36 38.05 Kalakhun 71 , TW(1.21) ::;rll:fllT\'!'{ lt~, l1'i'fiT Jahanglrpur (4) Wheat, Maize GCil'7.60) 2.03 32.78 67.99 T(4) Jawan 7l BAG,ED TWE(350. 87) W(6.88) 'jf~fqT<:,!~ iT~, ljCfiiiT Jabanglrpur (3) Wheat, MaIze GC{J0158) 14.97 46.95 60.70 T(2) Bhunna Jatan 73 , ,EAG W(80.94) ::;r~lTT<:,!\ ~,l1m Jahaugupur (3) Wheat, Maize TWE(240 80) 8.50 11.74 29.94 T(7),M(3) Nekpur 74 .IID,BAG ::;r~T<:t_!<: ~, ,'f'f'fiT Jahanglrpur (1) Wheat, MaIze GC(191.83) 6.88 58.68 222.18 T(3) Jahanglfpur 75 EAG TWE(494.14) 1,26 nfiRfmit 3-~T~~ ~'§mrnf ~ 1"' ia"vrnr 2 3 ) 4 S 6 " 8 9 10 11

76 +r'lQ:~ ~n: 265.48 ,2,205(389) P~l) -(-5) W,T,HP PO -(-5) --(-5) KR

I 77 !TUft 381.23 684(112) f(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

78 ar~ar~ ~cfi iT1ft' 343.19 e03(102) f(l) -(-5) ,W,IlP -(-5) -(-5) BS KR

79 flf(1'1i lfi\1+rlif~ 118.98 261(43) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

80 !f~T 228.25 261(41) -(-;5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

81 -u~ 505.gg 1,590(279) P(I} -(5-10) W,TW,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR.

82 724.41 2,182(405) P(l),~l) RPCl) W,TW,HP PO -(5-10) BS PR ~~\r 1)

392.56 B(l) O(1) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) 83 If';S~~ 1,203(216) -(-5) .KR

371.11 1,026(181) -;(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -;(5-10) (-5) KR 84 ~~ -5)

W,HP ,-(-5) -(5-10) 85 ijlf~m~~ 165.12 57°(98) -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

St5 OfT~~ 382.85 1,270(206) P(l) +5) W,HP -(~5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

\ 87 "t'!i0(~~ 195.07 837(151) B(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) '-(-5) KR

88 ~u~ ..,.~'r 351.28 947(150) P(I) -(-5) W,HP +5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

295.03 -(-5) W,HP -(-5) 89 ~.-rrT alfTi 1,127(1111) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

130.72 Uninhabited 90 ~~ i't~ ar1GfT~ KR

!H 137.19 595(102) Pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR +rlfi~<;~~. 92 f+rllT;;T. 390.13 1,116(1~6) Pel) SMP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

265.08 1,el3(157) P(I),M(I) 0(1) W,TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) 93 arT~~ BS PR

W,HP • 94 \fTlfi~~ 136.38 654(1~2) Pp> -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

440.72 1,712(281) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 95 lfi~r -(-5) PR,KR 127

V1a.AGE DIRECTORY AMBNR'IBS··AND -l.AND USB KHURJA TAHSlL-3 • 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 :oJ

li;Y~ ~, WfCiiT Mohammadpur 7ti Khuf)a (&7) BAG Wheat, 'MaJZe •• OC{1~OJ~) 4978 :21 ~85 '"32.17 T(3),M(I) TWE(6126)W(5.67) NAT rri, ~T V7 Jalianglr~lTr~ tir (2) EA'(i Whe t,.Malze .. , 'GC(139~) 16.59 52:61 ~.13 T(l) ~arori TWE(70.0l)TK.t,5.67)

\if~lTrW rr~, lTm Ali Ahmadpur uri 78 Jahangitilur"(3) Ei'{O Wheat, MaIze 'GC(109. fi7) 12.14 54.23 6lI:76 T(l) TWE(90.25)W(12.14) Garhi rr~, :q-~T ~Ttfr~r T(l) Mllak KlJflma6ad V9 ~ahangir ur (3) BAG Wheat, "Ma lze ..• GC(17:@) 7.28 '12:~5 f4.57 TWE(50.lS)W(17.40) Wf1!>T ~ it~, Pa"tohi 80 rewar (8) BXG Wheat, Maize ... GC(40:s7) 2.43 ~.69 15.38 1'(1) TWE(37.23)TW(J07.65)

~~ ~, :Tif1fiT Jiiwar (8) Wheat, 'MaIze GC(67'~S) 11.74 il.~5 38.45 T(3) Rohi 81 TW(366.66) ~'f\ ?t~, l1'f1fiT \4{J:47 l-~S!OS M(2),T(3) Rauhera 82 Jewar(IO) EA Wheat, MaIze l .• \ GC(182.)2) 1821 TWE(345 61)W(12.95) <9'\ifT ~I l1~T Mundrah KbufJa (C!'l} Wh t, MaIze

I 111f1fiT ~

,!(:frG!If~ • lr~, l1'l1fiT Bhunna Tagga 89 Rulandshahr (30) BAG Wheat; MaIze GC(14.t6) 5.26 19J13 27.S3 TWE(228.25)

tiJ;<;r;:({!1T~ Fazalpur 90 Bulandsliahr (32) EY\G 'fWE(69.'6' ) 4209 li.14 7.2~

~<;':({!1Til:\ it~, Ii'f'fiT t •• Maqsoodpur 91 Bulandsh'ahr '(~2) BAG Wheat, Maize tWE(ll'l.7i) 040 6.88 12.14

~~~'l: ~, l1'l1fiT 92 Bulandshahr (30) EM) Wheat, MaIze . .. GC(3.24) 18.62 38.45 60.69 Mlyana 1'WE(IO.93)TW(258.20) ~i;fT tf~T Ak:llpilr 9l Khurja (28) BAG Wh:!fl t, MaIze 'i'WE(1s'4.511) 2469 14.57 41.28 T(I)

~,!,T ~, l1'f~T 94 Rabupura (4) Wheat, MaIZe ... . GC(1~.78) 4.86 11.74 11.32 T(2) Bhlkanpur TW(S1.42)W( .26) ~'!.ru lr~,WfCiiT 95 Rabupura (4) BAG Wheat, MaIze GC(lOS.46) a 23.47 43.30 40.48 T(2) KaluPl¥1I TWE(2ZS.01) 128

'lilt filiftm 3 -~;;rt ff6:~~ Iir

l 3 4 5 6 7 8 II 10 11

96 ijj'til"'Wfr 229.87 897(143) P(l) SMP(I} W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR DCI) PR,KR 97 a:rnT~I~ ;a-~ 245.~ 1,270(213) P(I) --(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) Jf~fIr -(-5) KR. 98 'fi!f'lT 426.55 1,351(261) pel) -(5-10) W,1' -(-5) -(-5)

PR,KR 99 ~r~T 350,47 766(133) P(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

KR 100 ~lfI1~ l'f'l1: :a'~ 97.13 361 (47) -(-5) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) m~T

462.57 1,493(269) P(l) -(-5) W.HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR ,101 ~wr~"(

-(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR lt02 ~~~T 189,.80 529(102) P(I) -(-5) W,HP

-(-5) -(-5) KR t03 ~Tma'1<{ ~ 649.14 1,406(257) P(I) SMP(I) W.T PO f:q1'f<:T~"t 104 ll~~~ 25456 792(139) P(l) • -(5-10) TW,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) KR

223.39 680(121) -(-5) -(5-10) TW,T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 105 ~iTR~<:

-(-5) 106 tr~~-: Jf-ro <(t<;(<:T 19587 561(89) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) PR.,KR SifufG:i1 445.57 1,824(305) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-S) Dally -(- S) PR.KR. 107 ~~

136.38 401(63) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -,-5) -(-5) KR 108 Wo'~'I\r ... -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR ]09 'll~qT;:r~ 138.00 704(123) P(l)

J,327(217) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 110 fIwr,;-: ti~'fir 331.45

315.67 1,189(190) P(l) 0(1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) KR. III or1~~

2,340(316) pel) 0(1) W,ldP PO -(5-10) +5) KR 112 if1~ ~~Ti'T~~ 426.96

J 0(1) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR It3 Jf"fI~~ ~u 125.05 884(130) -(-5) .iT'i9a' J73.62 1,021(179) P(I) 0(1) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR 114 ar.9~17~~

-115 ij~r ij~~ 591.67 1,499(269) P(2) 0(1) W,HP PO" -(5-10) -(-5) KR 129


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

~<:T iTi,'Il'm R upura (5) BAG Wheat. Maize ~ .. TW,E(200.33) 2.43 ~U1 ~·44 T(l) Jaunchana 9(; ~~ iT~, 'Il''f'liT , Rabupura (5) BAG Wheat. Maize ... GC(102.79) 1.62 13.36 23.87 T(3) Aman'ullahpur 97 ,. TWE(9996)W(4.05) urfMahraha ~;;r'i • ~,+rm Khurja (22) EAd , Wheat,, Maize ... GC(106.84) 30.76 132.34 95.90 T(3) Kapria 98 TWE(58.28)W(2.43) <:~T it~, +r1fifiT Ra upura (7) Wheat, Maize GC(82.l5) 18.62 98.75 67.S8 T(3) Govila TW(78.11)W(S.26) 9' <:~<:T 'it~, +r1fifiT Ra upura (4) Wheat. Maize ... TW(84 99)W(2.02) 405 6.07 Ismail Nagar 100 urf Bhauthara

;:;r~t~fl~~ ~, +rCfOfiT Jahangtrpur (2) Wheat •. Maize ••• GC(40.81) 17.40 60.30 99.56 T(2) Hassanpur 101 TW(23796)W(6.48) Gf~Ttir<:~ ~,'Il'Ef'lir Jahal'gl pur (3) Wheat, Maize ... GC(34.40) 4.05 29.14 84.57 T(l) Rakhera 10l TW(2J.45)W(16.79)

~;:;rf iT~ I

~:srr it~, +r1f'liT Khurja (15) BAG Wheat. Maize TWB(JS! 71) 081 1.62 11.73 Salem pur Mazra 106 Da.toora ~;;rf it~, +r'f'liT Khurja (12) BAG Wheat, Maize TWE(372 32) 2711 18.21 27.93 T(2) Dastoora 107 ~:srT it~, 'Il''f'liT KhuTjd (13) EAG Wheat, Maize GC(1497) 243 2.43 11.73 Khandupura 103 TWE(104.82) ~;:;ri ir~, +rCfif>T Khurja (11)1 BAG Wheat, MaIze GC(29.S4) 1.21 2.83 11.74 T(2) Bhagawanpur 109 TWE(92.68) ~~T ir~, 'Il''f'liT Khurja (10) EAG Whhat, Maize GC(57.47) 20.~4 1457 23.87 T(l) Hasarwur Ladookl 110 TWE(214.90)

ftrifi;:~<:T'H~ it~; I1CfCfiT Slkandrabad (5) Wheat, Ma Ize TWB(195.87) 7.69 12.95 70.83 T(l) Bighepur 111 EAG TW(28.33) ifi'li~ iT~, +rCfCfiT Kakod (4) EA.G Wheat, MaIze TWE(364.23) 5.26 14.16 43.31 T(I) Blchhat Sujanpur 112

~;;rT it~ I +r'f0fiT KhuTja C'i) BAG Wheat, MaIze TWE{Ul.Z9) 1..Z1 1.21 11.34 T(I) Mohammadpur 113 Mazara Bichha t ~;;rf iT~, 'Il'Cf'fiT KhUrjd (9) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(144.48) 6.48 22.66 T(2) Akthyarpur 114 ~GfT it~,+r'fCfiT Khurja (10) EAG Wheat, Malz@ TWE(267.10) 79.73 88.22 122.63 T(2),M(I) Sana Ita Safipur IU TW(33.99) 130


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

116 'llrt~-.: 481.59 J,665(290) pel) RP(I) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(-5) KR 0(1)

117 m~~~~ 217.32 470(80) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR srfuWr 118 m~;;rrG:~\ ~'fr 515.99 • 1,481(262) P(l) 0(1) TW,W, -(-5) Daily -~5) KR HP,

119 or~T~ 323.36 501(87) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -;(-5) -(-5)' -(-5) PR,KR

120 lJT':'T~~ 841.78 3,902(680) P(I),H(I) RP(I) W,HP PO -(10+) BS KR puql)

121 Yf'Tm ~r 181.71 879(164) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) PR,KR

122 amr'1i~ 377.99 860(157) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

123 fmltT<:1 367.47 897(143) P{I) 0(1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

124 lm~'!i'ii[r 598.55 2!112(340) pel) -(-5) W,HP PO '-(-5) BS PR

125 'TloYfr 78S.12 3,073(527) pel),Mel) RP(I) W,HP PO -(S-lO) BS PR puql) 0(1)

126 f'lFsT<: 114.95 599(100) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

127 f'li'U;;r~ 34926 1.886(330) P(I),M(I) SMP(I) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(-5) KR

128 a:[~\lt1'r 492.92 1,097(185) P(I) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(5~10) -(-5) KR 0(1) , 129 arl<':r[J 389.73 417(65) -(-5) -(-5), W,HP -(-S) .-(5-10) -(-5) I,<.R

}30 'Il'1~T 350.87 1,265(225) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -,5-10) -(-5) KR

131 <:T~r 70.01 1,217(208) P(I) RP(I) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(-~) KR 0(1)

}32 ~'1i'\il1T-': ~~~ 202.75 84(14) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

133 ;;rT~,!\ ifim 354.52 708(111) P(I),M(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS PR,KR 134 . lftrl!1'm 184.95 659(126) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS PRo

135 ifG'T ~crrer~-.: 1,137:61 3,508(586) P(2) -(-5) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(-5) KR 131


12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 :.!

;;r~Ttftw iT~, If'folir Jahangirpur (7)EAG Wheat, Maize ..• GC(130 31) 4007 4.0S 114.93 T(5) Bhaipur 116 TWE(129.91)TW(62.32) ~;;rf. iii, l1i1'1iT KhurJa (17) EAG Wheat. Maize TWE(165.93) 1.62 48.56 1.21 T(I) Lalpur 117 Mumrejpur ~T ~, 11m KhufJa (9) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(337.12) 040 114.93 63.54 Shazadpur 118 KanalUl ' ~T itW" ~'foliT KhurJa (8) EAG Wheat, MaIZe ",GC(51.40)TWE(3.24) 19,02 166.73 82.97 Azmabad 119 ~iifi ~, l:fCf'IiT Khurja(l2) EAG, Wheat, MaIze tWE(616.36) OAO 95.91 129.11 M(5),i(l2) Sarangpur 120 ED N(14)

l.[;;rr ~, l1Cfi'fiT KhufJa (8) EAG Wheat, MaIze GC(93t) 0.40 2.83 27.12 Naglarumi 121 TWE(14,2.05) ~::;rT iii, l:f'f'fiT HhuTJa (13) EAG Wheat, Maize ... GC(5990) 15.38 41.28 28.33 T(I) Asafpur 122 TWE(19223)TW(40.87) '9O!T ~, 11'f'flT KhuTJa (17) EAG Wheat, MaIze ... GC(139.62) 1 21 40.07 52.61 Siryal 153 TWE(95 32)TW(37.64) '9iifr ~~, If'l'lir I(hurJa (9) EAG; Wheat, Mal7e GC(IS 62) 1.62 97.53 45.73 Shahpur Kalan 124 TW(435.05) ;;r~Mr .. ~<: it~, l1'f'liT Jahanglrpur (7) EA Wheat, MaIze ". GC(5t' 80) 2064 3197 70.83 N(20),T(4) Gothani 125 ,TW(2.02)TWE(607 86) M(2),CCl)

;;rQ:T·fn:~ ~~, l:f'ii'fiT Jahan"lrpur (7)EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(99.56) 4.86 1.21 932 T(I) Bhmdaur 126 ;;j~r riT'l:'I<: ~, l:f'fi'fiT Jahanglrpur(7)EAG, Wheat, Maize TWE(249.70) 10.93 3.64 60.71 T(15),M(I) Flrozpur 127 ED \ TW(24.28) ::;riitl'fl"~<: ~, l1'folif Jahangl pur (8)EAG Wheat, Maize .. TWE(337 52) 20.24 5221 71.22 T(4),N(4) Ahrauli 128 TW(S.09)W(2.43)O(1 21) ';;fQ:tlTr<:~<:, ~~, l1'1

::;r~hrT<:~~ ~, l1il'liT JahangJrpur(7)EAG. Wheat, Maize TWE(48.16) 2.02 14.97 N(l) Ramgarhi 13l ED R(486) ::;r~fTtw: ~, l'fCfi'fiT Jahaogirpur(6)hAG, Wheat, MaIze ... - TWE(173.62) 11.74 7.28 10.11 Jafarnagar 132 ED Glldalpur 13(;[1 il~, l'f'fEilf Khurja (8) EAG,ED Whea t, MaIze TWE(268.72) 2.43 64.75 18.62 Jahldpur Kalan 133 '9;;rr il~, l'f'f'fiT Khufja (8) EAG,ED Wheat,'Malze TW(48.56) 1781 10.52 17,.41 T(l),M(I) Gang Thala 134 N(5) W(90.65) "- lST::;rT ~, 11'f'fiT Khur)a(10)EAG,ED Wheat, MaIze TWE(671.80) 107.2~ 302.72 55.84 T(3),M(}) \ Samda Habibpur 135 132

mq~f~T 3-~i;fT (J~m ,i;fi'f ~f

1 2 3 4, 5 6 V 8 II 10 11

136 ~rrT ~ft'fift 113.32 780(120) -(-5) FPC(I) W,HP ~-5) -(5-10) -(-5) PR,KR

137 llrrTm;;r~~ , .329.43 2,'150(541) P(I):M(1) -(5- to) W,HP PTO +5) BS PR h(l) Phone

l38 'ii~;:~~ 203.16 1,416(234) pel) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) PR . 139

140 \;fTf~~<: ~~ 136.38 346(39) P(I):M(I) -«5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -«5) KR,PR

144.48 402(54) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -«5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR 141 ~~~

A 290.57 1,089(206) P(1) -(-5) W,HP _(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.PR, 142 ~m~~<: ~Grrr

457.72 1,448(261) pel) RP(I) W,HP PTO -(-5) -(-5) KR 143 ~r'Rr

1,624(259) P~I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR 144 ~iTf!:TJj'~<: ~ijcr ~ 483.21

.:.(-5) 14.s frri;fTiJ'I<:' ~tfi 146.50 433(77) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP +5) -(-5) K~ 'li1Gf1J.<:

146 ~1~l=1i~~ 'iifr~<: 266.70 1,528(235) P(I)M(l) RP(1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR '3'cfi ~r'F<: 147 +r1~~>rq<: ~ 235.94 442(66) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 'lTIlTl];<: 482.81 1,429(214) -(-5) 148 ~

150 'ij'IHTl];'\ 630.52 1.981(337) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP' PO -(5-10) -«5) KR

209.23 502(88) pel) 0(1) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(-5) 151 !fi+rr~<: ~i;j\T KR 'l1~l~:r 152 ~"T~"( ~tfi 194.66 1,032(170) . P(I) 0(1) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR ~~<:r 153 'i1~"ru 2~1.37 644(105) , +5) 0(1) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(-5) KR

154 @'frrr 432.62 1,29S(216) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -«5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR f' 155 292.19 977(174) P(I) -(-5) W,TW -(-5) -(5-10) -{-5 KR a-mr HP , J33


12 13 14 15 16 17 1& 19 20 2


~T i'r~, lFi;f;r Khurja (6) EAG,ED Wheat, Maize GC(52.61) 0.40 1416 13.77 Men~ka1andri 136 TWE(25 90)TW(6.48) Garhl ~ifT iT~, l1if'fiT Khurja (6) BAG,ED Wheat, ~aize 60.30 Gt(45.73) 2.02 6556 49.39 M(2)T(4) Maina Bhojpur J37 , TWE (102:79)TW (3:64) ~"jfT lt~, Jl''f'fiT KhurJa (6) EAG,ED Wheat" MaIZe .. , GC(2995) 081 31.97 53.83 T(l) Kaland Garhi 138 TWE(82 15)TW(4,45) ~>rT i'r~t l:Pf'fiT KhuTla (10) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(223.39) 44.52 64.35 1659 Quarsi 139 ~t 11'iCf;T ~!rja (S) EAG Wheat, Maize ... TWE(90.2S) 11.33 10.52 24.28 !ahldpur Khurd 140 I ~\ifT ltt +rifCf;T Khurja (6) BAG Wheat, MaIze ... GC(42.09) 9.71 40.87 17.82 Sultanpur 141 TWE(9.71 )TW(2,;I.28) ~\ifi it~, I1'f'fiT Khufja (7) BAG Whea t, MaIze . GC(19.83) 25.50 123.84 32.77 Ismallpur tl42 -TWE(13.36)WE( 12.14) Budhena 0(63.13) ~;rT i'r~, +r'fCf;T Khurja (5) EAG,ED Wheat, MaIze 4856 TWE(12222) 33.,99 0.81 114.49, T(3),N(10) SIkri 143 TW (6.07)GC(99 .56) W(2.02) '101'T ~, ;rif1fiT KflUTja (4) EAG,ED Wheat.' Maize 59.09 GC(152.57) 32.78 112.10 {j'.77 T(2)N{10) lbrahlmpur 144 TWE(59.90) Junedpur Urf Maijpur !if itt, ;r'f'FT, 'iTT 145 KhurJa (2) EAG.~D 'Yh:at, MaIze GC(50 59) 5.26 ,6.07 78.91 T(2),M(2) Nlzampur TWE(5.67) N(lO)

iT~ I ll'fiflT ~:orT Mohammadpur 146 KhurJa (3) E~G.ED Wheat, MaIze GC(80 13) 6.07 8.09 3076 T(3)Mll) TWE(141.65) N(5) Kanmpur Vrf Dhakar ~:;rf iT~. ll'fiflT Khur]a (3) EAG,ED Wheat, Maize TWE(S742) 103.20 4532 T(2)M(3) Mohammad pur 147 VrfBhoBPUr .~:;rT i'r~ ll'f'fIT KhurJa (4) EAG Wheat, M[(IZC TWE(18.62) 131.53 88.62 T(2) lkkatajpur Slkara148 TW(241 61)W(2 43) ~\ifT rr~ I +r'ff>'r 149 KhuTja (5) Wheat, MaIze TWC23 07) 324 3.24 29.54 Slkandarpur W(1121O) iT~, +r'1iflr tiT~T Samaspur 150 Khu?a (7) EIG Wheat, Maize &256 TW(19385) 3.24 308,79 4208 t(5)M(1)

~\ifT i'r~ +r'fCf;T Wheat, Maize TWE(93,49) 32.78 34.40 48.56 Kamalpur 151 KhurJa ('/) EAG Mazara Bhadaura tiT;;rT iT~, llif1fiT Khurja (8) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(130.72) 0.40 14.97 48.?7 T(3)M(J) Tnaltpur vir 152 Madhopura f§i(jfT ~~, l1'f'liJ KhurJa (8) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(165.12) 0.40 9.31 46.54 T(I)M(I) Bhadaura 153 ~~T It'~, ll'f'!iT Khufja (6) EAG Wheat. MaIze TWE(4249) 18.21 40.87 140.03 Khabra 154 TW(191.02) tiT"!T +r'fif,T ~t Dharan 155 K~urJa (9) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(171.19) 4.45 103.20 13 . .>5 134

1 2 3 4 5 (I , 8 11

156 f'l':;:ffi;rr 472.69 1,429(236) P(l) -(-5) W,HP, +5) -{-5) -(-5) KR

341.57 1,150(192) P(I) -{-5) W,HP -{-5) -{-5) -(-5) KR 157 qj~r;;-r

165.93 374('71) P(I) -(-5) W,HP \ -«5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 158 ~r

159 m:r:a;" 519.23 1,634(298) P(l) -{(5) W,C,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

160 ;;-~r+f~~T~ 133.15 1,012(177) P(l) -«5) W,HP PO -(-5) BS KR.

269.93 1,126(232) .... (-5) • -«5) W,HP' -{(5) -{(5) -(-5) KR 161 Q~IJ'~

162 174.83 609(113) pel) -(-5) W,HP -«5) -(-5) -(-5) KR +ft~~ .' 163 fcti\r 438.29 1,861(364) P(I) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) BS PR

164 ;fr;:r'T(l 315.67 1,615(293) PO) -(5-10) W,HP PO ~(5-10) .-{(5) KR

118.98 436(84) -{(5) -{5-10) W,HP -(-5) 165 \N\T~r -(5-10) BS KR

166 ~~rm 292.19 1,106(220) PO) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -{HO) -(-5) KR

869(147) 167 ~fij"lrr 1~q;<: 165.93 P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10 -(-5) PR

168 329.43 1.38'i(252) P(l),M(I) PHql) W,HP PO -(-5) -{(5) PR a~r~~~ H(l)FPC(l)

169 ~;;rriSf~.. 134.77 858(134) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS PR

170 OTIJ'

193.85 1,156(137) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) 171 &:~~\: . -(-5) -(-5) PR srfafuij 172 ,!~f ;r[iftoT &ft 991.11 2,244(423} pel) -(-5) W,H~ -{-5} Daily BS PR

173 'lTcfr 224.61 898(133) -(-5) -(-5) W.TW -(-5) -{-5) -(-5) PR HP

174 +f~T ~r 252.94 3,991(713) P(l) -{-5) W.TW PO -{-5) -(-5) PR " HP

175 ifi\{'fT. 252.13 893(143) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 135


12 13 14/ 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

ir~, iI''f'iiT KhurJa(s)'~T BAG Wheat, Maize 90.25 TWE(231.89) 4.05 57.06 72.05 Blchaula 156 Wl8.90~TW(7.28) ~;;rt it~, 11'f"'T I 0(1.21) K:hurJa (7) BAG Wbea t. MaIZe TWE(236.7S) 42.09 39.66 Farana 157 W(23.07) ~'5fY it~, ififtlif Kburja(9) -~AG ,ED Wheat, Maize. GC(67.58) 0.81 5.26 29.15 JamaJpur 158 TWE(63.13) ~m it~, il'ififiT Kburja (8) BAG Wbeat, Maize ... TWB(176.04). 9.31 49.78 127.08 Dharaun 159 GC~156.21)TK(0.81) ~:ij'f ir~, ~FfifiT KhufJa (8)EAG,ED Wbeat, MaJze GC(29.54) 8190 6.88 21.86 Tel) Nagata 160 TWE(6597) Mahiuddmpur l\~ it~, l1ififir' KhUf]a (3) BAG Wbeat, Maize GC(140.84) 1.62 32.38 43.29 Hasangarh 161 TWE(51.80) ~JfT iT~, il'if'liT Kh)lrja (3) Wheat, Maize GC(117.77) 4.86 '13.76 19.82 Manchhipur 162 TW(18.62) ~3ff ir~, if'f'fiT KhulJa (5) Wheat, Malz,e GC(225.82) 8.90 74.46 43.72 T(2) Kirra 163 ,0(8539) ~~ ir~, ~T Khurja (7) Wheat, Maize GC(91.06) 8.50 ,25\90 26.71 Deenaul 164 0(163.50) ,!m iT~, +r'ffl KhufJa (10) Wheat, Maize GC(57.47) 7.69 13.75 Umrala 165 0(40.07)

~Jff ir~, l1~'liT KhufJa (9). Whea t, Maize ... GC(121 41)W(4~86) 0.81 14.57 47.74 Bartauli 166 TK(486)0(97.94) ,!1TT ir~, 11'f'liT Khurja (10) Wheat, Maize GC(l20 20) 364 42.09 KhaJsia 167 Chooharpur ~iri ir~, l1if'f'T Khurj.1 (6) Wlieat, MaIZe GC(211 25) 10.12 13.76 84.59 Dharpa 168 0(9.71) Chooharpur ~:;rT ~~, l1c!'liT KhyrJl (7) Wheat, Maize ... GC(9551) 3.64 30.76 A~heJa Khurd 169 W(4 05)0{0 81) ~(ifT ir~, l1'f'liT KhurJa (3), BAG Wheat, Mane GC(127.48) 3.24- 18.~2 42.89 Agwal 170 . TWE(17.40) ~o!T ~, i1!f'iiT Khurja (3)ED,EAG Wheat, Maize GC(127.89) 4.45 18.62 21.44 Hazratpur 171 TWE(21.45)

~'Jff iT~ I I1c!'lif Khurja(l) ED WHeat, Maize GC(64.75) 25.50 105.63 127.47 Khufja Dehat 172 TWL.~667. 71i) ~~ iT~, l1'fifiT Kburja (5) EAG Wheat, Maize GC(155.81) 37.23 7.69 T(l) Chitl 173 TWE(23.88) 19;;rf ir~, ifif'liT K"hurja (3)ED)EAG Wheat. Maize GC(5423) 8.90 63.14 T(l)M(l) Mundakhera 174 TW:~(126.67) 19;;rf ir~, l1'f'liT .KhurJa (5) ED Wheat, Maize GC(129.50) 567 42.90 14.57 T(3),M(2) Kalena 175 TW(S7 87)W(1 62) 136

ilXrqf~f~ 3-'rfi.~ ijfif W

2 .3 4 6 , 8 9 10 11

176 lj

177 "l,ll:rT 319.71 2.430(425) P(I) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-)5 PR

-(-5) -(-5) 178 ~(,lfJ'f~"\ 324.97 1,269(214) P(I) RP(l) W.HP -(-5) KR

179 ;ftij"~~ i

180 .ar

W,HP 181 an:f;rllT ;f~<: 473.09 1,502(253) pel) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) ·PR.KR

27803 743(121) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP,T PO -( -5) -(-5) 182 arij"lT~~"\ PR

1,116(199) P(I) -(5-10) W,T,HP 183 ;flft~T ,1fi~t 371.11 -(-5~ +5) -(-5) KR.

136/79 371(54) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP .-(-5) 184 ~Ttt'f~ ~r~~ -(5-10) -(-5) KR

25901 915(174) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 185 ~Fn~~ KR

168.36 484(75) -(-5) -(-5) 186 ariilf<::~ "f

286.12 1,285(228) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) 190

252.13 1,591(284) P(I),M(I) MeW(l) W,HP PO -(-5) BS 191 m~ PR

441.93 1;996(330} P(I) -(5_10) W,HP -(-5) 192 "flTiilT ~<[ -(5-10) BS' KR

401.87 1,890(318) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 193 <:)f~

142.86 720(108) f(l) -(5-1 W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS 194 ~~~~, 2) KR

\ 35(7) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 195 ;qf1{~'{ ~~ 86.61 +5) +5) PR 13 1


12 13 14 15 16 IV 18 19 20 2 lij;;rr iT~, l1'f'liT Kliurja (4) EA Wheat, Maize GC(61.92) 2.43 17.00 48.55 Gawan 176 'fWE(253.75) W(3.24)TW(12.95) ~trT iT~, l1lf'liT Khurja (2) ED,EAG Wheat, Maize GC(80.94) 3.24 32.38 21.03 T(3) Baurauh 177 TWE(175.24)W(688) 'f5r¥ lt~, li~'fiT Khurja (3) ED;BAG Wheat, MaIze GC(87.82) 20.24 103.60 24.28 T(3),M(3) Usmanpur 178 TW(81.75)0(7.28) N(4) ~\ifT. lt~, l1'f'liT Khurja (3) EAG, Wheat, Maize 5.67 GC(44.()2) 50.99 121.01 31.16 T(2),M(1) Gauspur Taina 179 EAD TWE(93.89) N(S) 19;;rf lt~, 11m Khurja (5) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(11.33) 4.05 56.25 17.81 T(I) Arnia MauJpur 180 TWE(103.60) Wel.62) ~51t ilff, 111flt>T Khurja (5) BAG Wheat, Maize GC(2388) 25.50 201.95 23.46 Arma Mansoor- 181 TWE(16.59)TW pur (174.83)W(6.88) ~;;rT. tr~, li'f'1'iT Khufja (4) EAG Wheat. Maize ... GC(4t.68) (, 07 70.01 18.63 Asgarpur 18a TWB(122.62) T(I 0.93) W(1.21)0(6.88) ~;;rT it~, liif'fiT Khurja (1) EAG Wheat, Maize ... GCt3076)TWE 6.48 116.55 2S.90. M(I) KeoliKalan 183 (175.64)W(1.21)0(1457) ~;;rT. ~~, l1'f1fiT Khurja (7) E<\G Wheat. MaIze TWE(51.40) 1 21 50.99 13.36 T(l) Dostpur Dadupur 184 TW(8. 90)W (10.93) ~;;rT iJt, l1'f'fiT Khufja (7) EAG Wheat, "MaIze GC(17.40) 0.40 76.89 20.25 T(I) Sarawa Dadupur 18S TWE(125 86)0(U 21) 1!;;r~ lr~, l1~r Khufja (10) ...1 Wheat, Maize GC(26.31) 2347 0.81 69.20 Ahamadpur 186 TWE(17.8l)O(30 76) Nablbpur urf Ralpur ~;;rT il~, 'l9"f.T KhurJa (10) Wheat, MaIze ... GC(62.73) 364 4856 13.36 Kamalpur 187 TW(89.84)W(6 07)0(13 36) Mazara Naisar 19\ifT iT~, l1'f'fiT Khufja (6) EAG Wheat, MaIze GC(67.58) 1.21 28.33 7.29 Shahbalpur Bhal 188 TWE(17 81)0(3 64) I9\;fT it~, l11f'liT K'hUfja (6) Wheat. MaIze .. , GC(lll 70) 1.21 34.80 12.55 T(I) Mansoorpur 189 TW(ll 74)W('l.71)0(6,48) ~t ~, tr'f~T Khurja (5) BAG Wheat. MaIze GC(8[).54) 283 32.78 23.87 Balraun 19l} TWE(146.IO) ~OTf ~, tr'f'IiT Khurja (6) ED,BAG Wheat. MaIze TWE(188.19) 14.16 1902 30.76 T(18),M(I) Mlfpur 191 li!JT it~,

!mt ~rmir 3-~::;rl~ Iiffl ~" qii ~ ~

1 ~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


PR IQ6 <1F:T~~ f~r 87.01 435(85) M(l) -(-5) W.TW,HP 1-5) +~ -(-'>

100.37 540(106) -(-5) TW,HP PR 197 ~rq~ +'> +'> +'> +'>

-(-5) PR 198 ~T'I'iT r.rm~ 209.23 1.633(252) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) +5)

PR 199 Cflm~ 280.05 2,045(291)" pel) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) BS

BS PR 2QO «;:~T tfi'U~ 243.63 l,i92(298) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5)

350.47 -(-S) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) +5) PR,KR 20 I ifT~r 1,609(264) pel)

l PR 202 ~T~T 114.43 76 (\43) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

PR,KR 203 ~~crr

-(-5) -(-5) PR,KR 204 f~~'T: 165.52 581(88) -(-5) -(-5) 'Y,RP -(-5)

20S 3Tl])~r OT~~ 570.63 2,583(437) pel) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS PR

206 W!''iiT 380,42 'Z.030(375) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-S) BS PR

-(-5) PR,KR 207 orT\ifr~<:: 18333 717(161) -(-5) -(....5) W,RP -(-5) -~-S)

-(S-10) W,HP -(-5) .-(5-10) BS PR 208 f1q;~ l1~e'T 256.58 889(189) P(I)

BS PR 209 ~~~ q~9ffi~.'r 218.13 917(160) Pel) -(5-10) W.HP -(-5) -~5-IO)

-(-5) -(-5) PR,KR 210 ar9i1~~ 149.33 697~102) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5)

211 Of'9fl'llcr 519.63 1,756(302) P(I),M(I) H(I, W,HP PO -(10+), -(10+) KR

, P(l) -(-5) -(5-10) --(-5) KR 212 ~~\~\~O\r 233.11 711(128) --(5-10) W,HP

213 ~I[;tt~~ '1'>nT 192.64 SI4(97) -(-5) -(10+ ) W,HP -(-S) -(10+) -(-5) KR arGT'Tf1f P(l) -(10+) W,T\V,HP -(-5) -(-5) --(-5) KR 214 \~~\ 1?5.00 478\84)

pel) -(10+) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 215 \jf~Tif~<: 216.11 664(116) W,TW,HP 139


18 19 20 2 1 12 13 14 15 16, IV

~'i[T rr~, lim / KhurJ

iT~, ff'f'fiT Salemphr Pahar 209 !i;;rT Wheat, Maize TWE(\29.'l1) 1.21 29.14 14.67 KhU.fJa (6) I EAG TW(B 30) Garh! I lr~, l:\''l'l\T 1.62 2.43 13.35 Achalpur. 210 ~;;rT EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(80 94) hurja (6) TWE(50.99)

iT~, WF'liT T(6),M(2) BaragaoD 211 ~'i[f Wheat, Malztl GC(267,lO) 13.36 97.24 45.32 Khurja(ll) ED.Ei\G TWE(34.80)TW(49.78) W(I1.33)

iT~, 11'f~T T(2) HaraztpurPoothri 2,12 ~'i[! Wheat, Maire GC(53.02) 6.07 60.30 13.35 Kburja (10) I ••• TW(100.37)

it~; I1'f'fiT 9.30 Mel) Mohammadpur 21 ' ~orT Wheat, Maire ... GC(11.74)TWE 1.62 68.80 Khurja (12) (45.33)W(45.33)O(lO.S2) Mazra BaragaoD

iT~, lI'fifiT 16.19 24.28 Rasoo!pur 214 ~;;rT Wheat, MaIze GC(769)W(20.24) 1.21 KhufJa (12) EAG TWE(85.39) ;T1f1fiT ,;;{T iT~, GC(1.62) 486 49.37 27,°2 Jahanpur 215 Wh~at, MaIze KhuniJ (12) EAG ",,-WE(6S,1{})Wt67 ,1 g\ ( HO

';nq~~ 3--= ~;;rT ~anr 1iffl'~~~I'{q~ ., 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 P

216 'l'r:rq:j~ ri a; ":;(r;rtq 338.33 1,'028(188) pel) -(10+) W.TW.HP -(-5) +5) -(-5) KR

365.-85 1,012(194) P(I) -(-5) W;HP -(":5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 2n ~'Ii'~~

218 489.69 1,305(209) P(I) FPC(1) W;HP PO -(5-10) BS PR ~mQ:~T ~ MCW('I)

219 ~'T 195.07 1,206(198) P(I) , ... (-5) W,HP -(5":'10) -(-5) -(-5) 'KR

356.54 1,606(301) P(I),M(I) ,PR 220 i;ffC!~ +5) W;HP 'PO -(5-10) -(-5) H(1)

221 9t\';'\ ~ 'l'T~ 167.55 730(107) P(I) •...(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

222 'fTlfl1<: 354.52 1.707(288) -(-5)- -~-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) KR

134.77 . Uninhabited KR 223 11T1W~, l'J'~ amr~

224 ~~\ 'flT<: ~)~T 130.72 395(66) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) KR

t 225 3;:iTT-U 258.20 451(81) P(I) -(,5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+ ) -(-5) KR

165.12 614(106) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) KR 226 ;;;r~~

404.30 1,525(256) pel) -(-5) W.HP PO -(-5) RS KR 227 ~rcn:

145.29 Uninhabited KR 228 'riT~ l'J''\" an

_(_5) 229

230 'fll'mT~~.. 51114 2,054(327) PC,I) -(-5) W;HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR ~fCf 231 arr.,lfT f!i 400.25 1,462(237) P(I) H(I) W.TW,HP PO SUN BS PR

22765 9(t~El(j2) P(~) -(-5) W,TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) 232 'EICT~ -(-5) PR,KR

233 'l'T'\ 23U6 1,230(207) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

234 ~


12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

~Ojf .it ~ I tr'flfiT ;~urja (12) EAG Wheat,

lSi'~ iT~, tr'f'liT , 5l::hurja (l0). .~. Wheat, MaIze ... GC(6tJ 30) 1.62 9.71 15.79 'Sherpur Mazara 221 TWE(70.82)Ot9.31 ) Naisar l?!'"fT _ iT~, l'f'f'fiT .'KhurJa (ll) Whoa, Maize •. , 'GC( 41 28)-rW 1.§2 42.09 69.61 Nalsar 222 ( 121.81)W(5)AO}O(26.71)

lSi''"fT " .K:"hurja (8) ..\' 'GC{6.48)TWE 0.40 i.33 57:88' Shahpur 213 (19 83)W(33.S9}O(13.76) Meugarhl 1.9'"ff iT~, trm ! Khurja (n) Wheat, Maize TW(39'26) 7.28 2428 T(2),M(I) Halder Nagar 224 W(6 G6)O(53.83) Madkola ~'"fT ir~, ;;IT K.hurJa (Ill Wheat, ~ai1ey TW('8~2) 0.81 47.75 87.42 T(2),M(1) Th'angora 225 W(42.09)O(61.51) C(l)

~'"fT iT~, "'f'fiT ~hurJa (121 Wheat\ Maize ". GC(37 ~)O(84;99) 1.21 11.33 29.95 1(1) Naglakat 226 lSi''"fT it~, l1'f'fiT KhuT]a C' 1) Wheat, MaIze GC(188.19) 4.45, 20.64 41.69 Danw~r 227 W(149:J3) lSI'~T /1 KhuTja (8) .EAG ,. GC(42.90)", 2954 12.96' 15.78 .•. Baghpura 228 TWE(20.S4)TW(2347)

lS"'"fT iT~, Il'f'fiT ihurja (12~ EAG Wheat, (MaIze TWE(222.99) 59.90 95.10 22.26 Arnm Khurd 231 ~'"fT . ~g, trm KhlJrja (14) BAG Wheat, MaIze ... G~(46,54)TWE 202 42.90 14.97 Ghatai" 232 (23.88)W(20. 4)TW(77.30) ~~T iT~, l1'f'fiT Khurja (18) Wheat, ;MaIze GC(126.67) 2.43 12.95 26.71 Nagar 233 TW(68.SO) lSI';;rT iti, Il'f'fiT Khtlriyawali l{hurJa (17) BAG Wheat"Malze "I \ GC(I08.46) 9.71 48.97 18:21 234" TWE(38.S5) lSI''"fr iT~, l1q'liT K,huTJa (19) Wheat, Maize 6C(67.58) 2.02 19.43 28.14 SarsoJ 235 TW(20.64) 142

m~ fiRfwCIiT 3-~:orY 6',!~ ror.r ~. f{

2 3 4 S 6 'I 8 II 10 11

+fiJ'~,~ 236 403.49 2,114(399) P(l),M(l) PHC(I), W,HP PO TUE,FRI BS PR 'lfll' MeW(l)

237 ~qm 270.74 484(85) -(-5) -(5··10) W,HP -(-5) -(5.10) -(5-10) KR

23~.99 722(117) -(-5) 238 !1IT~~~ q&T~ PCl) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

239 'R~r 145.29 525(87) Pel) -(-5) • W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

240 ;r'fi~<:r 110.19 354(55) P(l),PUC(ll -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

241 ar~llG.'~<: ~i; ~~r 46.14 366(64) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR

142 <:fi'fll'TOTm 250.51 942(189) pel) -(-5) W,HP PO _(_5) -(-5) PR (

129.]0 586(86) -(-5) 243 'fi~<:!j'&~ . -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

110.08 520(89) 244 ;:r(~~ P(l) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

245 ~

246 ;:rlTf~1:fT if:or<:T ;mllrr 11';.74 388(51) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP +5) -(-5) -(-5) KR ~<: 247 i'fflTNf 3<}9.03 6S7(129) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR

248 +fl"~1<': q~T! 94.7() 653(106) pel) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR

249 iln:n:r 296.24 1,818(343) M(J),f(J) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(-5) -(5-10) KR

17847 250 fRVlfTl:r~ ;j-~

251 !j'~l~~ 146.91 343(55) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -{5-10) -(5-10) KR

\ 252 ~iflf~ 666.14 965(165) PCI) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

331.04 943(186) 25.3 f~ij1\J1 pel) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

434.65 1,760(293) 254 ~<:;;rr~ PO),Hel), Hel) W,HP PO -(-5) -«5) PUCCI) KR

255 ~\CI~~ 89.44 224(50) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) W PUCCI) -(-5) KR 143

V~llAqE .~IREcrORY


12 13 • 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 a

~~T it~, liEf'liT KhurJa (17) EAG. Wheat. Maize GC(84.S8) 6.06 32.38 56.66 Muni 236 ED TWE(223.80) ~;;rT iIi, lim Khufja (18) Wheat. Maize GC(12.5S) 2.92 117.77 3844 T(I).C(I) Lakhanwara 237 TW(99.96) ~;;rT iT~, li'foPT KhuTJa (30) Wheat. Maize GC(l2829) 20.{J4 2.02 76.08 Shahpur Pahasu 238 TW(l3.36) ~GfT iT~, lim KhurJa (20) Wheat. Maize .. , GC(90,25)0(15,38) 9.31 1.21 29.14 Kadri 239 (9'GfT iI~, lTEf'liT • , KhuTJ3 (18) Wheat. Maize GC(6Ul) 5.26 0.40 21.46 Dhakpurll 240 TW(22,66)

~GfT ~. il'i1fiT KlmrJa (25) Wheat. Maize GC(16.19) 6.48 7.69 Ahmadpur uri ~l TW(15.78) Halpura ~ori iT#, lTii1fif., KhuTJa (22), EAG Wl,1eat. ¥alze GC(15621) 7.69 2.83 31.57 Raqlyawali 24:3 TWE(52.21) l[orT iI~, If'f1fiT KhuTja (24) Wheat. MaIZe GC(IO.1?) 4.86 17.00 9.30 Kamalpur Pabasu 243 TW(87.82) ~;Jfi it~, If'i1fiT K"'hurja (24) Wheat. Malle GC(16.89) 3.24 4.05 9.31 Narayanpur 244 TW(16.59) ~JlT iT~, If'fltiT. KhuTja (24) Wheat, Malle 0(54.23) 6.07 IS.38 25.09 BhUllan Garhi 24'

~\i[T it~, lfCfltiT KhurJa (24) Wheat. Maize W(32.38)0(29.15) 0.81 14.16 39.25 Nagaba Mazara 246 Narayanpur ~jjr ~, tmiI KhuTJa (23) Wheat. Maize GC(82.96)0(36.42) 46.54 112.51 120.60 TEM Nagai 247

~i1fi iT~, Ijcf'lir Khurja (24) Wheat. MaIze GC(68 SO) 8.50 17.40 Mlrpur Pahasu 248 ~ort iT~, ~m Kimrja (21) EAG Wheat, Maize GC(153.79) 2792 4007 71.22 T(l).TEM Jarara 249 I TWE(324) ~GfT Khurja (8) BAG GC(47.49) 31.57 51.40 2063 Ghanshyampur 250 TWE(:238)

~i1fi iT~, lf1f1fiT Kh"rja (24) BAG Wheat. Mal.re TWE(59.09) 1.21 15.78 38.45 T(l),TEM(l) Paharpur 251 0(32.38) ~'5fi iT~,

'"" f~r~~r lOIit ~m1rtf'~ 1Jfii ~ ..

1 2 3 4 5 6 v 8 9 10 11

256 ~p:cr,:!<: ~f 188.19 633(115) P(I) -(5c..t0) W,HP -«5) -{S-tO) -(5-10) KR

.. 169,16, 462(92) -(-5) -(s:.10) W,HP -(s..:lO) -{S-lO) 257 ~T -(-5t KR"

2S8. lerr<:1~1 '~lfrF 559.30 2,429(425) P{l),M(I) -(101-) W,HP PO -(10+) -{lO+)' KR' H(l)


143.67· 668(106) -{-5) -{-5) W,HP 2(H iT~ -«5) -{-5) -(-5) PR,KR


263 ~1~ 214.49 721(105) P(I) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5)' -(5-10) -«5) PR;KR

26.4. \T~~ ·li't:.:;;fl:r~\ 20680 2,199(311) Pel) -(10+) W,HP PO -(10+) -(-5) PRIKR.

265. 'TJ~~ ({Tmr 292.60 1,057(174) pel) -{-5) W,HP PO +5) -{-5) KR

431 81 1,353(229) pel) -(5_10) 26,6 q(i~r W,HP' -«5) -(5-10) -(-5) PR,KR m'f 267 fR:l'.fi'lT 'TlTTIf~r 987.47 4,757(891) F(I),M(I) -(-5) W,HP PO MON +5) PR,KR lllJt'T 2Ml ~iTU 885.89 4,943(846) P(3),H(I), RP(I) W,HP PO TUE BS PR M(\). H(I) 'Puql) MCW(l) ml1 269 Ofh'fT 422.10 2,649(475) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W,HP PO MON -«5) KR

PUC(l~, 270 ~ fq{:rIS'iT~n:1 ~ 390.94 J ,9.iO(322) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) BS PR B'rf

271 ~ 178.07 1,202(220) P(1) -(5-10) W,T,HP -(-5) +~) -(-5) KR

272 'Sf~1m 37556 1,385(232) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP "'(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) K.R


274 ~.ft

244.03 . KR 275 a:{'iJ))'sT 'T,{ arrin~ Uumhabited 145


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

,Ofr iT~, If't'fiT KhufJa (16) Wheat, Maize GC(158.24) 7.69 22,26 T(2) Suratpur Kalan 256- ~T ~, lfififiT Khurja (16) Wheat. Mazie ••. GC(34.40) 0.40 51.80 35.21 '1;'(2) Khutena 251 TW(Z3.88)Wt23,47) ~m. tr~, If'FliT Khllr]a (14) EAG Wheat. MaIze .. GC(364.63) TWE 9.31 33.5C) 58.69 M(2) Gwaroli Bhojagarhi .58 (39.66)TW(51.80)W(1 62)

!.STOfr ~~,lfm \ Kburja (12) EAG Wheat. MaIze ... GC(19223) TWB 12.55 33.19 25.50 T(2) Nagaha Udalbhap 259>- (14.16)TW(3.64)0(O 81) ~;jfT tr~, lfCfifiT Khur)a (9) BAG Wheat. MaIze . GC(3096O) 3.24 37.23 78.91 T(Z) Deorala 260' T~E(163.09)W(l52 98) ''ifT iT~, If'f'liT Khurja (8) EAG Wheat. Maize •• , TW(lll 29) 1.21 2043 11:33 T(l) Bahanpur 261: TWE(lO 93)W(6.48) ~'ifT ~, If'f'liT KhuT]a (9) EAG Wheat. Maize .. TWE(158.64) 0.81 11.74 50.99 T(3).M(2) Badshapur 26'2: GC(217.32)R(65.97) Panchgal !.STOfY tr~, If'f'liT Khurja (20) EAG Wheat. Maize ... TW(99.15) TWE 0.40 648 18.21 T(2),M(l) Hameerpur 263. R(9 .38)W (2.43)(78.51) trI'ifT iT~, If'f'liT Khurja (12) EAG Wheat. Maize TWE(142.86) 1.21 4.05 21.85 T(2),M(1) Rampur Mauzampur R(3521)W(1.62) 264 !.Sf\i!T i'r~, If'fifiT KhufJa (5) BAG Wheat, Maize GC(10603) 2.83 34.40 37,64 Shahbajpur Daula 26S, TWE(111.70) ~ijff iT~, +Ff'liT Khuf]a (10) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(290.98) 364 15.38 61.91 M(5) Palra 266 TW(?O.59)W(9.31) ~~T i'r~, If'f'liT Khur]a (6) EAG Wheat. Maize .. , GC(335 09) TWE 7163 47.35 143 27 Parkana Gangagarhi ( 364.63)TWE(25.S0) J 267 !.ST;;rT itt. l'f'f'liT , Khurja (7) ED, Wheat..-Malze GC(10441) 13.76 47.35 75.68 Tt8),M(2) Karaura 26S' EAG TWE(644 69) . !.ST,;!! I ~~, If'f'liT KhuT]a (4) ED Wlleat, Maize W(IS824) 5.67 9.71 52.61 Aterna 26~' 0(195.87) @'Ofr iT~, lfCf'FT J(hurJa (5) BAG Wheat. Malze GC(23796) 11.33 35.21 64.76 T(S) Pilkhan Han urf 27(). ED TWE(41 28)0(0 40) Sabltgarh l1~rn it~, If'l'ifiT Paha-su (6) EAG Wheat, Mal7e • GC(S7 42) TWE 3.64 2711 7.70 M(1) Baghoo 27l. (ZS.73)W(23Jl7)0(0 40) l1ilHf rr~, If'fifiT Pahasu (6) EAG Wheat. Maize 0.40 TWE(41.28) 4.45 63.94 72.45 latola 272: TW(l91.42)W(J.62) !.ST~r i'rR', If'f'liT Khurja (16) EAG Wheat, Maize ... GC(16471) 24.28 5463 111 70 T(3) Gangawah 273'· TWE(133.96)W(9.31) ~'iff ~ff' If'f'IiT Khufja (111) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(60.71) 13.36 45.73 68.79 Habibpur 274. GC(5.26)Wt19.83) ~'ifT I Khurja (8) GC(17.00) 31.97 62.73 51.79 Achhaura 27S- TW(80.54) 146

mlJ f.Rfl(fCfif ifi'( ~fqa-T~" ~ in! ~1j;:[Hr

2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11

296.91 1,194(230) P(I) 0(1) W,HP -{5--I(l) -(5-10) -(5-10) 216 'l'if .Iffi.

219.i5 754(129) -(-5~ WJ:lP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR 277 ~'i!1tt +5)

506.68 1,961(343) P(l~ -(-5) o,y,P,f{P -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 278 ~r

121.81 328(54) -(-5) -(-5) W,TW, -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 279 ~~ f.rnqjf RP

537.~ 3,208(529) pel) +5). W.HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR 280 ~l=Jy+n~

386.89 2,083(325) P(I) -«5) w:rw, -(-5) -(-5) +5) KR 2al VTTlf"f ~ HP ~T+r 139.22 593(99) -(-5) -(-5) W,TW, -(-5) MON .,.(-5) KR- .282 'fiT

163.90 1,185(191) P(ll -S-5) W,TW, -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 284 f1liwq-r.;rf HP

261.84 985(157) P(l~ -(5-10) W,TW, -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 185 <9<61\ HP

150.12 394(56) -(-5) ·-(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR ,286 ~~111 ~ 2,283(387) pel) -(-5) W:T;IP ,po WED -(-5) KR 287

198.30 Uninhabited PR,KR 289 (~<: ~h: amrra:

161.43 439(146) -(-5) -(-5) W,TW, -(-5) -{(5) -(-5) KR "29.0 qfcf~l

22097 1,914(296) _(_5) W,HP PO -{(5) -(-5) KR .291 'i!r~ P(2),M(I)

403.89 1,648(297) -(-5) -(-5). W.TW, -(-5) -(-5) -;,-5)' KR 292 9iwrr HP

235.13 599(80) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP PO' -(-5) BS KR: "293 ;rl[ffilfr ~~+R'J~

1,14409 1.094(183) P(1) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR,KR 294 q~r~ il:~!G

'205.99 624(97) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W,TW, +~) -(-5) -(-5) pIt 195 ar~i'frT: ~


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 I

~l~ ~~, lfif'fif Pahasu (7) BAG Wheat, MaIze 0.40 TWE(181.31) 6.07 35.61 3238 T(l),M(I) PaIa 276- W(14.16) ~:;rf fr~, I'Ff'liT Kburza (22) Wheat, MaIze ••. • GC(405) 8.09 21.04 80.54 T(4) Hmsoti 277 TW(130.20)W(2.83) '1511 frW, ~1f'liT Pahasu (5) EAG Wheat, MaIze GC(l90.61) 19.43 100.37 104.40 Khera 2Vg. TWE(O.8! )0(91.06) ,;ri fr~, If'f'lif Khurza (12) BAG Wheat, MaIze GC(130 60) 0.81 2.43 6.88 Surajpur Nisafi '2V!)-' TWE(809)

fl1T'liT~~~ fr~, +f'f'liT \ Shlkarpur (4) EAG Wheat, Maize .. GC(12424) Ill. 52 42.49 35.21 T(3) Rampur'Manpur 280. TWB(278.03)R(46.95)

~:;rT i'r~, 'tfTq~ Khurza{15) EAG Wheat, Rice GC(68.39) 7.28 19.02 25.50 T(2) Ranalch 281, TWE(Z66.70) Narcndrapur lf~ iT~, 'tlWif Pahasu (9) EA Wheat, Rice TWE(l14.93) 2.02 15.78 6.49 Kadon 282.. / q~l~ i't~J '9rcr~ Pahasu (9) EA Wheat, RIce GC(809) 2.02 32.78 17.01 Nagla Dalpatpur 283 TWE(189.80) cr~~ iTR", :qTq~ Pahasu (8) EA Wheat, RIce TWE(11251) 17.00 21.85 11.73 T(l) Keryawali 28·" TWE(O 81), cr~ iTRJ '9T"F'f Pahasu (7) EA Wheat, Rice TWE(4.86) 21.85 47.75 1902 Khandar 285 TWE(16836)

~\( iT~, +r9''liT Pahasu (3) Wheat, Maize GC(93.08) 1.21 47.75 8.08 Urdaml 286

~r\( i'r~, +f'f'liT Pabasu (3) EAG. Wheat, MaIze TWE(294.62) 1.62 526 39.67 Decghl 287 ED 0(1416) '1Q~ it~, +f9''iiT Pahasu (3) EA Whea t, Maize GC(513.56)TWE 8.50 97.13 25.91 M(l) Banall 288 (41.28)W(2.83)0(3 64) ~T'J.: Pahasu (8) 2.43 GC(120.20) 1336 17.81 44.50 Dungarpur 289 q~T~ iI~, +fif'liT Pahasu (2) EA Wheat. Maize GC(I07.25) 10.IZ 4.45 21.04 T(I) Fatehabad 290 TWE(1862)

~r~ iT~, If'l'liT Pahasu (3) EA Whe&t, MaIze GC(186.16) 0.81 29.14 4.86 T(2) SOl 291 crQ"fl;( i't~, +r'l'lif Pahasu (4) EAG Wheat, MaIze .•. CC(96.32) 42.90 51.80 Kasornl 292 TWE(50.18)O(162.69) q'~T\( iI~, +r'l1tiT Pahasu (I) BAG, Wheat, MaIze GC(I0927) 7.69 2064 Nal'alJa 293 ED TWE(97.53) Lachhmanpur '1QT~ ~~, +r'f'liT Pahasu (I) EAG, Whhat, MaIze GC(S90 05) 16.19 52.61 182.12 T(8),M(1) Pahasu (Dehat) 294 ED TWE(117 36)W(185.76) qQT~ it~, +r'f'liT Pahasu (2) BAG Wheat, Mnze GC(11251) 3.24 8.90 18.61 T(I) Allwur 295 TWE(6273) Mubarakpur 1.48

m~f~'tt 3-~:ifT ~m ~ ~fcrs']1( {{ci Wit ,:oq-:rlli

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

i35.98 1,047(165) P(I) -(-5) W,TW, -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 296 llgOTT ~ HP

142.45 989(.142) P(I) -(-5) W,T,HP PO -(-5) 197 qrJI~ -(-5) KR

538.25 2,399(426) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W,TW, -(~-5) -(-5) , -(-5) KR 298· ~r HP

316.88 764(145) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP "299 f;;FIT

38Q.42 2,526(448) -(-5) W,HP PO 300 ;f;n~ Pel) -(-5) -(-5) KR

301 253.75 1,598(266) pel) -(-5) W,TW, -(-5) r(-5) -(-5) PR,KR ~~lf~ HP

302 ~\Hl~"{ 140.84 518(70) P~I) --(-5) W,TW, -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR HP

303 'Ii.r.IT if~(:Ill~t 198.30 1,526(253) P(I), M(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) _(--5) -(-5) KR

'304 it1T~1' 55.85 144(20) PCI) -(-5) W,T,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

305 ql'~ 125.86 246(41) -(-5) -(-5) W,TW,T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

306 ~;;rT

37071 l,944P7) P(I) W,TW,r -(-5) 307 ;:rlfm rn~~ +~) -(-5) -(--5) KR

308 452.05 1,617(270) P(1) -(5-10) VI-,TW, PO -(5-10) BS KR ~Cf1:T= HP


310 "''1t1Tlfai 168.36 665(99-) pel) - (-5) W,TW, -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) • KR HP

288.15 059 311 a:r~+{~ .mr 1, 1158) -(-5) -(-5) W,TW. -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR HP





12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

~~ fr~, l:Ffahas~ (3) EAG Wheat. MaIze GC(78.51) 3.64 8.90 20.65 Vedrampur 302 TWE(29.14) 'q'ii'T~ iT~, l1CfifiT Pahasu (4) BAG, Wheat. MaIze GC(88.22) 2.83, 17.81 Kancni Bedrampur 303 ED TWE(89.44) 'qii'T~ iT~, ll'fifiT Pahasu (3) ED Wheat, MaIze Gq47.35) 2.02 6.48.- Katlawah 3Q4 'q'&T~ fr~, P'fPT l'ahasu (2) EAG, Wheat, MaIze TWE(93.89) 13.76 11.33 6.88 M(I),T(I) Pltampur , 305 ED . 'q'QT~ it~, 11m J'ahasu (3) BAG, Wheat, Maize TWE(163.50) 0.81 16.19 1457 T(l) Azizabad 306 ED "njT~ it~, l1'f'fiT Pahasu (3) EAG. Wheat, MaIze TWE(301.91) 17.81 22.66. 28.33 T(3) Nagla Sarangfur 307 ED \ q~T~ it~,. l1'i'fiT Pahasu (6) EAG. Wheat, MaIze TW(303.S3) 25.90 '70.01 28.73 'W),N(2) Kuwarpur 30& ED R(23.88)

~r~ I i'r~, ~'f'fiT Pabasu (6) EAG Wheat. Maize TWE(94.30) 12.14 6.48 9.70 Bamanpun 309

~11 i'r~, +f'f'6T Pahasu (6) BAG Wheat, Maize nVE(l46.50) 324 7.69 10.93 T(l),Mel) Nagla Mau 310

q~ , it~, l1'fCfiT I Pahasu (4) E.\G Wheat, MaIze TWE(222.59) 21.85 25.90 17.81 Ahmad Bas 311 '1~T~ it~. 11'f'fiT Pahasu (6) ED Wheat, MaIze TWE(128.69) 4.86 24.28 10.12 T(l).. Bad 312'

'G"QT~ i'r~, If'f'liT Pahasu (5) EAG v,'heat, Maize TWE(269.53) 12.95 21.45 17.00 Baraula 313 nagar '1~T~ it~, 11'i,;r . Pahasu (4) EAG, Wheat. MaIZe TWE(200.73) 0.40 3.24 13.76 M(1),T(4) Bhaiyapur ,314 ED q~T~ ~, If'f'liT Pall,asu (4) BAG. wheat. Maize TWE(17~.OO) 2.83 18.21 9.31 T(4) Turklpur Bas 3iS ED 1.50

m'ff~m 3-~T~ iifif wront ~ 1Jfu ~

2 3 4 S 6 , 8 9 10 11

626.48 2,945{461) pel) +5) W,TW PO -(-5) -(-5) KR 316 "'T~iI1: HP 271.96 1,3!8(193) P(1) -(-5) W,TW -(-5) -(-5) --(-5) PR 317 ~~~ HP 267.91 1,247(191) pel) -(-5) W,TW -(-5) +5) -(-5) KR. 318 iIlll"(~ tIP 319 OANT 223.80 1,161(188) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP +5) -(5-IO) -(5-10) PR

320 \3'C"(fcm'r 275.20 1,557(260) P(I) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10) PR

W,HP -(-5) -(-5) PR,KR. 31.l :orl~tn 290,98 726(121) P(I) +5) +5)

PR,KR. 322 'fi~ifr 230.27 1,500(257) -(-5) +5) W,HP +5) -(-5) +5)

323 aRT"(T

377.59 1,883(223) P(I),M(I) 0(1) W,HP '-(5-10) -(5-10) -($-10) PR,KR 324 ijfq1~hrr~ ai't~TiifT~

151.36 318(52) -(-5) +5) W,TW +5) -(-5) BS PR 325 "(T,{19m liP

, 190.61 787(129) -(-5) -(-5) W,TW,T -(-5) -(-5) BS PR 326 'lia-~

188.19 733(95) -(-5) -(-5) W,TW,T -(-5) -(-5) BS PR 328

152.98 401(68) -(-5) "'(-5) W,TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 330 ~T\T~\ HP

122.22 610(93) -(-5) +5) W,TW +5) +5) -(-5) KR 331 ij"(<.>r

102,79 S83(8S) P(l),H(l) -(-5) W,'TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 333 ~~~"r M(I) HP 430.20 1,912(298) pel),H(I) -(5-) W,TW -(--5) +5) -(-5) KR 334 ;;f;~~ HP 224.61 1,105(159) P(l),II(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) ~(-5) -(-5) KR 335 ~~T<:~"r M(l) 1$1


12 13 14- 15 Hi Iv.. 18 19 20 2

q~ ilt, l:flllfiT Pahasu (5) f,AG,ED Wheat Maize TWE(562.9A) 6.07 21.04 36.43 Lalner 316 ~ ilt, f\1fol\T Pahasu (3) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(202.35) 4.45 26.71 38.45 Surjawalt 317

~T~ ~, Ji'f'liT Pahasu (5) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(195.87) 25.91. 29.54 16.60 Amarpur 318

"T~ iT~, Ji'f'liT Pahasu (5)EAG,ED Wheat, MaIze TWE(184.S4) .1..62 19.02 18.62 Anona 319

"T~~ it~, ~'liT Pahasu (7)EAG,ED Wheat, MaIZe TWE(215.71) 5.67 29.54 24.28 T(4),M(I) Utarawali 320·

f!lT1fiT<:~~ ~,Jim Shlkarpur (3) EAG Wheat, MaIze lIW,e(236.34)· 3.24 41.6& 9.72 Ja)api 321 f!lfEliT~<: ~, 11'f'liT Shikarpur (3~ HAG Wh~at, Mall;(: TWE(203.16l 0.81 12.55-, 13.75 Karaina .322 "ED ~. ~, IT'f'liT Pahasu (3) BAG Wheat, MaIze T\£E(411.98; 1.21 .15.38, 22.2~ T(S) Asroli 323 f!lT'liR~ ~, 11'f'llT Sh!karpur (5} EAG, Wheat, MaJze lWE(317.28) 38.45 21.86 T(I),M(2) Jagdishpur 324 ED Allrangabad fl!T~R~:( ~, If'f'fiT Shlkarpur'(6} EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(i31.12} 14.16 2.02, 4.06· R:3Jl.lwala 325

f!IT'liH';<: ~, 111f'1iT Shikarpur (10) BAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(lSO.55) 12.14 9.71 18.21 Fatehgarh 32~

f11T'liT<:';<: ;r~ I l1'f!if Shlka rpur (3) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(195.87) 0.81 34.80' 16.20 Akbarpur Kanelll 327 fuiifT~ iT~, lfif'liT Debal (9) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(167.5.5) 1'4.16 1.12 486 Gaugawas 328 fuiifr~ ~, IFf'lir l)ebal (7) EAG,ED Wheat, Malle TWEt593.69) 166.73 26.71 45.32 T(3) Ahmadgarh 329 wont it~, 1'f'f'!i! Debal (10) EAG Wheal, Maile TWE(73.2~) 54.23 2550 Darapur 330

f:sonf iT~. 1'fiif'fiT Deb,\! (10) BAG Wheat"Malm TWE(75.68) 040 43.30 2.84 Salbahappur 331 f:s;;rT~ ~, 1'f'l'fiT Debal (10) EAG TWE(73.26) 3.64 4.86 Goiabas 332- ~~Hr ~, I1.

2 3 4 5 6 v 9 10 11

225.42 1,107(179) Pel) -(5-10) W,TW, PO -(5-10) -(-5) KR 336 'lr'li~ HP

200.73 965(67) Pel) -(-5) W,TW, -(-5) -(-S) +S) KR 337 €~~r HP

ij'mr.rT<=" 524.90 1,959(323) P(l) +5) W,TW, -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KIt 338 HP

339 lfii'1Il' 371.11 1,283(210) pel) -(-5) W,TW, PO -(5-10) -(-S) KR HP

340 163.90 669(116) -(-5)' +S) W,TW. -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR. ~~<:T lIP

643.88 2,001{3Ui) P(1) _(_5) -(5-10) 341 w~<: W.HP PO -(-5) KR


382.04 966(170) -(-5) -(-5) W.T -(-5) -(5-10) KR 343 for~~\\r~\ -(-5)

164.31 1,112(167) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 344 ij'li'I~\

182.12 95(15) -(-5) W.HP PO -(-5) KR 345 11<::~\ ~9m:q;~ -(-5) +5)

~ 346 'tfT~\r 963.59 4,985(820) P(I),M(l) RP(I) W,HP PO WED +5) KR

347 ~T ~tfill'f~l' 312.83 832(145) +5) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) ?at -(-5) KR

316.48 P(I),M(I) RP(l) W,HP PO 348 q':g\TGf~ 3.071(485) -(-5) BS KR

349 fu;g:lT~"r 204.37 387(63) -(-5) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

350 mua; 367.06 1,591(281) P(I) RP(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-S) KR

281.67 1,447(252) Pel) -(5-10) W.TW. PO -(-5) +5) KR. 351

130.31 739(121) pel) -(S-10) W,TW., -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 352 ;;h~\ HP 420.89 374(65) P(l ) -(-5) W,HP PO BS KR 353 ;:rr;:;rT ~WT"" ~I lR"U-~"r 222.59 1,265(195) -(-S) -(5-10) W,TW, -(-S) -(-5) -(-S) KR. 3~4 S~T m-r UP

35's ;:m:a; 444.77 1,633(275) P(l) -(5-10) W.TW. PO -(-.5) , -(-5) PR. IlP 1~3


12 13 14 IS 16 11 18 19 20 a I

q:~rl3: fr~, If'l'IiT Pahasu (8) EAG. Wheat. Maize TWE(t80.09) 13.76 17.40 14.17 M(I) Bhikanpur 336 ED f:s

f~orr€ lt~, lfif'fiT Debal (3) EAG Wheat, Mfilze • TWE(424.53) 64.76 117.36 37.24 Klratpur 341 tji[rt;l,' ' iT~, lf1f'fiT Pahasu (6) EAG Wheat. Maize TWE(343.19) 38.85 87.51 21.85 'T(5) Badar Khasirbas 342 q~f« it~, If'f'fiT Pahasu (6) BAG Wheat. Malle TWE(3JO.69) 0.81 60.30 20.24 Blkupur 343 Ramnagar f:Sifft lt~ If'f'liT Debai (8) BAG Wheat. Maize TWE(116.96) 12.95 12.95 21.45 T(2) Saplaspur 344 'i§crTU ~,~'lir Chhatan (7) EAG Wheat. Maize TWE(t2343) 4.45 14.57 3967 Madanpur 345 .. Muba(akpur f:Sin"~ }ri?, If'FliT Debal (8) EAG, Whea~ Maize TWE(677.06) 40.47 11413 87.41 T(2),M(I) Caaudhera 346 ED 0(44.53) N(2) 'i§i1TU l'r&, ~'liT Chhatan (3) EAG. Wheat. Maize TWE(2752) 1578 23.88 25.04 T(l) Barkhera 347 ED TWE(nO.S6) Hasangarhi 'i§CfTfl' iT~, 1i1f'liT Chhatarl (4) Ei\G, W~ea(. Ma)z~ TWE(20S 42) 30.35 14.1,6, '4;3.72, T(I) PandrawaI 348 ED R(1983) ~rrn,r iTf, lfif'liT Chha tan (2) I Et..G, Wheat, MaIze TWE(50 9lr) 18.62 2.s.3~ 23.47 Sldh Garh~ 349 ED TW(82.96) 'C9~IT<:') iT~, +T1f'fiT Chhatari (2) Wh.: ,t. Maize TWE(lS),38) 20.,4, 57.47 n59 T(2) Dhaurau 350 T;ig, GC(37.23)R(' 4.75)

'i§rrr<:) iT~J +T1f'llf Chhatan (3) EAG Wheat. MaIze GC(218.45) 3.24 23.07 11.73 Barkatpur 351 TWE(25.09) 'i9crrfr iT~, I1'RiT Chhatan (2) EAG Wf'(cat, Maize TWE(115.34) 9.71 5.26 Balramnagar 352 ooru lt~, 1i1f'liT Chhatan (I) EAG Wheat. Maize GC(322.95) 15.3S 44.52 27.92 NagJa Kaushah 353 TWE(lO 12) MaJra Chhatan '<9grU lt~J If'f'liT Cnhatan (2) EAG Wheat. Malle GC(192.64) 607 6.07 14.57 r(l) Tunda Khera 354 TWE(3.24) 'i9fm:r iT~J lJ'Cf'liT Chhatan (3) BAG Wheat, M

m;r~'!lf~ 3-~i~ ilfi!' ~ttt' ~ '1fif ~

2 3 4 Ii , 8 9 10 11

106.44 446(61) P(l) -(-5) W.TW, -(-5) -(-S) -(-5) KR 356 i;!m~ HP

357- fwr~ 299.88 1.348(212) P(l) -(-5) W,TW, -(-5) +5) -{-S) KR lIP

441.93 2,620(479) M(I),P(I) -(-5) W,TW. PO -(-5) -(-5) PR.KR 358 ~ lIP

86.20 480(85) P(l") -(-S) W,TW. -(-5) -(-s) -(-5) KR 359 ~ HP

316.07 1,721(311) pel),M(I) -(-5) W,TW, , -(-5) -(-5) -{(5) KR 3(j.() mll"'lJ lIP

\ 179.69 815(152) p(I),Mel) -(5-10) W,TW, -(-5) -(-5) BS PR 3.61 <{(if liP

317.69 1.589(251) -(-5) -(-5) W,TW. -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR %2 ~T~ HP

383.25 ~1,906(30S) pel) -(5-10) W,HP PO -;(-5) -(-5) KR 3-63 U~T\

106.84 580(94) pel) -((5) W,TW. -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 364 f"q~l HPC

228.66 1.374(225) ~(l),lI(l) -(5-10) W.C,HP PO -(5-10) -{(5) KR 3r65 q@1~~~

446.38 1,975(301) pel) -{(5) W,TW, -(-5) ~:[ -(-5) KR 366 ~~Hr') liP

93.08 1,003(152) Pl1) -(-5) W,TW,C -(-5), -(-5) -(-5) KR 367 yt<[f~lIT HP l1liO 303.53 1,795(278) -(-5) -(-5) W;TW,C PTO FRl -{(5) KR. 368' 'li~

36~ 847.85 4,651(811) P(I);H(l) FPC(I) W.HP PO FRl -(-5) KR ~l:I1\W _ PUCCI) 0(1) ~ifi 370 "iT1JT"~ 261.03 1,456(219) +5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) FR.l -(-5) KR 155



12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ao 2 1

'1~~ i'r~ I1'f'IiT Pahasu (5) BAG, Wheat, ,Maize TW(44.92) J3.36 20.64 7.28 JalaJpur 356 ED TWE(4.57)0(5.67) q~tJ; ili, +r'fliT Pahasu (4) EAG, Wheat, Maize GCCI88·99) 8.09 23.47 28.34 M(l) Risalu 357 BD TW(9.71)0(41.28) q~,tJ; ir~, +rif'liT Pahasu (5) BAG, Wheat, ,Maize TWE(36383) 869 29.54 40.47 M(2),T(4) Kamauna 358 ED qe:n;r i'r~, +r'f'liT Pahasu (4) EAG, Wheat, Maize TWE(61 11) 12.95 2.43 9.71 Padha 359 EP ~Hf ~, lICfifiT Pahasu (4) BAG Wheat, Maize GC(260.22) 2.02 15.78 38.05 Sarbhanna 360

'aCinI it~, iI'l'ifiT Chhatari (3) EAG. Wheat. Maize TW(129 10)_ 16.59 20.24 8.09 M(I).T(2) .Ban 361 ED TWE{S.67) Wcfn:r it~, ffffi Chhatari (2) BAG Wheat, Maize GC(247.73) 9.71 31.57 25.09 T(l) Lal Garhi 362 TWE(4.05) 'i9m\f it~, +r'f'liT Chhatari (2) Wheat, Maize GC(136.79) 0.81 48.97 12.94 Sahar 363 TW(99.51)W(84.18) 'a<'!T<:T i'r~, ff'l"IiT C2hatari (4) BAG Whe.lt. Maize 0C(65.S6) 17.81 3.64 Sldhgarhi 364 TWB(102 12)0(9.71) 'i§CirU iT~, ff'l''IiT Chhatari (6) Wjleat, Maize GC(15662) 0.81 19.02 52.21 T(1) Bahlolpur 365

'i§aT"<:1' i'r~. l1EfifiT. Chhatan (4) BAG Wheat Maize GC(140.72) 1052 72.44 4654 Bhundasi 366 TWB(JOS.S6)W(77 30) 'f9m

~J /

+ o z o \. •o

•J •Z < •% o


n 8 ,

c B u o A

J... I.u " (J I.u " Q' ., • I.... CI) ,


4 -3F!.~ ~m\'f -Anupshahr Tahsil 158

VTql lit q1Itf~ ~.)

ar'f1QJ'~ ~Ifur " . ~l!FJ ~ ~" iilPio ID''!' 'fir,i'IT'I' jfil~ ij 0 iii'!' «0 IH1f 'fiT i'f.ffi m ijo Ii'!' ij'o ~Ii 'liT i'fT'l' ~ ijo

2 3 2 3 2 3 . 1 ar'fiar:(~ 306 36 \3'~~Cfim 323 71 ~r 224 2 3f'liar~~~ ~~ q:o'

6 arlfr'mr 176 41 :a-Ilrru 370 76 ~T 46 7 3f~q'lIT~" IirG:~ 222 42 3;~'iIT"fq ~G:<: 406 77 19JIYiiT 182 8 a:riT~\: 12 43 3;' "l'rlfi'or

11 J arll'\:'i~ :a-lfi' 3;"':qrmcr 130 46 arYIF~ 284 81 m~\'I':;r'\T 10 12 ar+r~~<: 185 47 6lY~m

16 arnffiCl~ :a"lfi' ;j'r\;I1:~\ 51 'Ii~<:T 266 86 ~,nf

21 ari\if::rr S5 56

~ ~, I!.(ql(~'lfi\1 \tlW1

arrrm~~ ti¢rt;r (~lrn:)

~ ifIltm'l' ~~ ililf ~., [111 'iiT 'T111 ifi'T~ ri 0 il>ll Ii 0 V'111 ~T rrr+r ifi'Ts ri., ii+r Ij.. 11"111 ifir i'l'Ttf ~s ;To

2 3 2 3 2 j

106 .r

J 11 1:JT0'+r

116 ~~-u 142 151 Sq'fiT 256 186 rrm;rr +Rrft~<: 115 117 ~it 332 152 sarmr 56 187 ;;l:fl Cfrn &:Tq<= 353 118 "'Rro 75 153 s"{Trr 184 188 ;:YlTTqr~ orTIT"{ 352 119 '9<:1-« arF~'liT i51<:t)'CfT 413 154 s~T<:r fCf~q;;r~<: 316 189 ;;<::~;:rr 93 120 '9<::rft -urrr *~l:J'T'Ir 360 155 fsiifT~ ~~ 365 )90 .n:~<: 110

J 21 :;:ff~T.!ir 94 156 fs,n{ ~~rQ 297 191 ;;<:fU &:~ 388 122 '9f<{~\ 330 157 t7f<:T "fI'fT 174 192 ;;arr

126 '1i7fT;;~<: 291 161 G~'1T 138 196 R;;rrl1~ {gr~~ 98 127 '91~-u 372 • 162 ~~C{r<: 339 197 f;:r.;rrl'!~ 'WT<: 99 128 'i9,!f\zrr 244 163 Cl~Tn 43. 198 fif~

I 3"1 'ifCorr~ 54 16ii (_!~I:ft'lfi'fr 303 201 f;;

136 :srrorr.. armli~<: 137 171 ,m

VAl Itii quri~ 'J~)

ar~~~ (lfill'!IT:)

~ ~ m1fillTif iliJ:f ijo !HlJ ~r ifTlJ ~;:fO iIi1l ij 0 IITlJ ~ ifllI' ~;:jo ifi+i ij' 0 !IT'f ~ ifTlJ ~ f rio

2 3 2 3 1. 3

211 !RC[T

2J6 qT~r arT'fl'~~r 143 251 ti[~rrn 29 286 'llrl1~' 286 217 qr~1 5ffiT~U 23 2)2 crlr::llTr~~<: aT~T

221 fC[~@rrr 350 256 arT~il~~ ~ 44 291 'iI)~~ 141 222 f'T~::fr 11'8- 257 iifm<:T 4-l 292 'It)~<: 62 2')~ ~J q~<: 25 258 fil'~1 340" 293 +fa:; 23~ 224 'iFHT ~ 257 259 f

226 ~lf~,{ 2 261 fa:w~~ 61 2.96 If<::ifCft 193 221 q.~rfr 416 262 fqfqln;:rT 248 297 If<::;:rlT~ 132 228 ~i-a:<:'3;<: 260 263 fa:<:i"u 309 298 +r.fiflH chiT 27 229 G'T~~<: 325 264 f;:f\Tiiir 167 299 pJ;ftIij"'3;\ lflTCf<: 219 230 qri'fr CfR1ITT~~ 18 1 265 f

231 I:fi~q\ 42 266 f

236 I:fiU~T lflT<:'~ J 0 I 271 '!~~<: 264 306 111~ ~ij"ifl'[~1 orflR 103 237 1:fi<:I~T

241 or~~'t 393 276 'ilc~ 22 311 ~O{q:lfi\¥T"( ~~ ?Hl1ift 326 242 t:r?~r 180 277 'l1cT~cr 166 312 ~a:Tf\Cfi~<: 66 243 or~~ ;gf 51 278 'ilG"'fia:; 8~ 313 ~'lTf<:'fi":;<: @f<::<: 204 244 "In,!<: 351 279 'l1«hT 148 31'4 ~crTf\'fi~ arrl'f<: 203 245 q.~'fi~-';: 280 280 "1',,1<:1 ar!!n.lf.~ 147 315 T1'~;;r~<: 265 161

1llt{1 1Wi) !,:{1If~ ~)

aritf~ ~ (iFfft(f)

~ ~ ~if ifilT {f 0 lJ1lT !iiT iTTll 'Ihs ri 0 5Iilf ijo llTll !iif iTTll m rio ifilT fro II"Tll !fiT it Tll irE' rio

2 3 2 3 2 .)

316 !!Uif.ilT<: 254 351 <:Tlffor\'1);:i"t 371 386 ij<:lj~<: 417 317 ~<:T~'Il: 298 352 ~or 69 387 ~'3"rll~'I\ 213 318 ~ffiT;:r')' 38 353 ~lSI'r~<: ·233 388 trfi'flTCfT 156 319 ~:ST ~T 408 354 ~~ orr.n: 234- 389 ff~lf~ 194 320 ;ihrg<: 205 355 ~tf ;;riff' 228 390 ff~~C{r 31&

321 lli~~If;;:g<: !fim 354 356 ~q~ 385 391 ffTI9'!T 73 322 If)t[+'~'I<: ~<: 198 357 <:t;:~r 50 392 ~f~orl.rrq- ~.

326 lfT~Hf~ <3i '+fTRllf 361 i'f'C'i9lfil~ 349 396 fij&T<1'T illj<: 18& fj'f<:[r<:tp: life;: <: 336 327 I'f~j:lfp.rorfe;: ~t:fi' '+flf<:llT 362 '-'f'C'i9.Ff~<: 2f5 397 ~Tifi\r I 21 ii:n:m~<: Offl'f<: 335 328 l1T~\m 191 363 iif~Tt 76 398 1 wrr~ 169- 329 If'fiif~<: 135 364 \'1:SHr 79 399 ~rfRT 175 330 'f.rijtp: 109 365 m~r 129 400 ~~CfTii~<: f

331 <:

336 "\~1i~<: 3TTl'fT'fT 139 371 ~trt7Tll'2<: 11 406 'ITY.rrT <:rrfr il6 337 <:~lil,!<: 296 372 !l1l'T<:n:rtp: f;;r;n~ 165 407 ijlTe;:<1'if~<: ~t:fi' '\errrg<: 374 338 <:~rlf 'file 317 3i3 l/TT~rlJ<: orrfor't{ lOB 408 ~Tlf~,{ ISI'TiH 39& 339 <:r;;rtfrc ISI'Te;:<:: 381 374 !!lTiJiif'IT,!"{ 239 409 ~Cfi')'Iltp:

341 <:r;;rih ~t:fi' m<;fr 237 376 i!'r~';\ <3t:fi" -UU 53 411 ~ijrr~<: 273 342 \:1iiftp: 247 377 iIr~,!,r 35 412 ~ ;a-"o;<: ~;;r'U 37 343 ,\RT<: 229 378 i!'r\~ 319 413 ~a;:r~<: lifq<: 209 344 <:f+r"fTe ~\ 403 379 i!'r<:g<: ISI'I F:'\ 232 414 &'Irr,!<: Ofllf<: 208 345 <:r+fil"1 G crm<: 402 380 i!'r'\~ iifflT,\ 231 415 f~i:I1('flT~T . 300

346 ,\Tlf'fl"f,\ 293 '381 l1f



Location Location LocaftoD ~ S.No. Name of v!llagt Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No S.No Name of Village Codc'Nu•

2 3 3 2 3

Abhalpur 12 36 Baheri Khera 29 71 BicbpurI 340 2 Achalpur 226 37 Bajhera 393 72 BldhlPur 61 3 Ahar Bangar 196 38 Bamanpur 201 73 Blhanpur Khadar 113 4 Ahar Khadar 197 39 Bamanpur TaHuka 44 74 Bijau 396 5 Ahmad NagarurfTauli .161 40 Bandhaur 304 75 Bl1aunaroop Bangar 345

{) Akbar Bas 310 41 Bandukpur 280 76 BIlaunaroop Khadar 344 7 Akbarpur 306 ~2 Bansan 41 77 Blrauli 167 8 Akbarpur urf Bachchi 216 43 Banwanpur 192 78 Blraura 309 Kherabangar Akbarpur urf BachchIliliera 217 44 Barari 268 79 Birpur 276 Khadar 10 Alamp\ur Nag1a 83 45 Barena 324 80 Bodha 252

11 A1ampur urf ChIlmapur 369 46 Barpura 180 ,81 Budhanpur Kalan 358 J2 Amargarh 127 47 Baslbangar 96 82 Budbanpur Khurd 322 13 Amarpur 278 48 Baslkhadar 97 83 Budhpur 264 14 Amarpar 185 49 Begampur urf J:urampur 242 84 Chachra; 154 '15 Amarthal urf Unch~gaon 130 50 Belon 377 85 Chamedl 332

16 Amba 240 51 Bhadaura 148 86 Chandiyana 94 17 t\mentha 173 52 Bhadaufl Asharapur 147 87 Chandpur 330 18 ADlbas 176 53 Bhagwantpur 120 88 Charaun RaOlkatyam 360 ,19 Anjni 55 54 Bhallai 250 59 CharauTl TaHuka 413 Jargawan 20 Anupshahr K1lddar 222 55 BhalUsa Khur urf Saral 202 90 Charora 75 Adampur

21 Asadpur Gher 313 55 Bhalpur 152 91 Chasl 123 22 Asalatpur urf NaJarpur 418 57 Bhamraua 327 92 Chatehcra 142 Bangar 23 Asalatpur nrf Nalarpur 419 58 Dhamrauh 14 93 Chauganpur 291 Khadar 24 Aukhand 284 59 Bharkaun 89 94 'Chehla 262 25 Auranga\pd Kaser 375 6<\ Bharra 19 95 Chhan,aura 25

26 Aura~gabad Taharpur 124 61 Bhatadeo 166 96 Chhatunya 244 Bangar 27 Aurangabad Taharpur 125 '62 Bhatpura 22 97 Cblmauali 272 Kbacla~ 28 Azam;J.lT nrf Toralbangar 21 I 63 Bblmpur 286 98 Chondera 372 29 Azampur urfToralkhadar 218 64 BhlraIi 45 99 Dabaka 256 30 Badarpur 351 65 Bhopatpuf 334 100 Dabkora 56

3I Badharkha 51 66 Bhopur 141 101 Dangarh 305 32 Badlpur 401 67 Bhopur 62 102 Danpur 302 33 Badshabpur Talab 8 68 Bhurawala 31 103 Daraura 184 14 Bagsara 243 69 Blblyara 248 104 Darawar 190 35 Bagthan 261 70' Blchaula 171 105 Darora VIshvanathpur 316 163



Location LocatIOn Location S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No.

2 3 2 3 1 3

106 Daugawan 348 141 Garhm Sultanpur 367 176 Jafrabad urf Gangabas 215 Bangar' 107 Daulat Nagar 275 142 Gesupur 105 177 Jafrabad urf Ganga 221 Baskhadar 108 Daulatpur Kalan 107 143 Ghatamwala 32 17~ Jahanglrabad (Rural) ~3 109 Daulatpur Khurd 270 144' Ghungharauh 95 179 Jalrampur Kudena 60 110 Debai Debat 297 145 Ghusra Nagalal 341 180 Jalalpur Jatt 314

111 Debai Khurd 365 146 Ghusra NaharislOgh 281 181 Jahlpur 72 112 Deokaranpur urf Bajhera 159 147 GInora Nagll 18 182 Jamrau 64 113 Deorau 283 148 GlrDra 80 183 Jaren.! 321 114 Dbakka 16 149 Godhana 71 184 Jargavan m. 115 Dhak Nagla 386 150 Godbana 366 185 Janya Alampur J37'

116 Dhak Raul! 20 151 Gokalpur Bangar 405 186 Jarol 30 117 Dbalna 138 152 Gokalpur K;hadar 404 187 Jaroh 34 118 Dharakpur 395 153 Gosmi 356 188 Jasolr 6S. 119 Dharampur 328 154 Goyindpur 363 189 Jasupur Gang 407 120 Donka 267 155 Gurawali 36 190 Jatpura 18,)

121 Dugrau 177 156 Hakimpur Bangar 397 191 Jatwlli 54' 122 Dul,khara 136 157 Haklmpur Kbadar 398 192 Jawasa 28 123 Dungra]ogl 1'74 158 Harchadrapur 251 193 11rau11 277 124 Edalpur \l20 159 Hasanpur 273 194 Jugsana Kalan 49 125 Enchora 241 160 Hasanpur Bangar 208 195 Jugsaaa Khurd 48

126 Fanda Bangar 100 161 Hasanpur Khadar 209 196 Kalyanpuf 126 127 lj'arida Khadar 101 162 Hasanpur U]]ra 37 197 iSamalpur 91 128 Fandpur Banya 255 163 Hlrapur Khurd 282 198 Kamotha 39' 129 FatehaQad 291, 164 Hlmmat Garhl 300 199 Ka.nhera 266 130 Fatehpur 42 165 Hlrapur Kalan 357 200 Kanona 14Ci·

131 Fatehpur 230 165 Hisaball 168 201 Kapsal Mahmoodpur 1Il 132 Fatehpur Gl)]ar 114 167 Hos hlyarpur lIrf Andhlar 157 202 Karan Basbangar 342 133 Gahana Gova~dhanpur 151 168 Husenpura 289 203 Kar,w Bas Khadar 343 134 Gal I bpur 362 169 Ic~hawarl 295 234 Karanpur Kalan J79 135 Gangabas Bangar 400 170 ]loa 9 205 Karan Smghpur 347

136 Gangabas Khadar 399 171 Imamabad 17 206 Karalha 58 137 Gangabas Pahara 77 172 Tmha 13 207 Karrn 294 138 Gangagarh 410 In Indor 271 208 Kany"n 131 139 Gangapur 346 174 Isaopur 15 209 Karon]1 70 140 Garahra 214 175 Isanpur 329 210 Katlyavali 163 164


ANUPSlft\.f.IR, rAf~T,L (Contd )

Locatlon Locallon Locat"ln S.l'.o, Name of VIllage Code No. S tlo. Name pf Village Code No S.1:

2 3 3 2

MaharaJI(IfJ: uft Xark,aura, 258 281 Nagla ehhattu 307 211 Kaglw~ut 8$, 246, 411 282 Nagla Madanpur Khadana 74 247' MaharaJpur urf 115 212 Raluanagla 248 MahuaKhera 119 283 Nagla Nalu 186 213 Khalrpur 355 249 Malakpur 23~ 284 Narendmpw: 110 214 Khalaur 78, 25Q Manduhasaq GaTh! Bang~r 103 28,5. Narora ~hadar. 388 215 Khahkabad urf Du,ngrajat 15>

251 Manduhasan Garhl Kbadar 102 286 Narsena 93 216 Khahkpur 200 252 MangiiJQ\l1 J3$ 287 Naudal Bang,ar 384- 217 'KhandDl 1I7 J82 253 Manarora 52 28B Naudal Khadar 387 218 Khanoda 46 254 Manpur 4. 28)) Navmagar 47 2\9 Khanpura 255 Manyatl Kari 2,7 290 Navlpur KbedIa 368 12(} Khanpur Debat 82

10 256 Mathura Nagla 33 291 Nawabpur urfDharampur 220 221 Khanpur Malra Mau 235 292 Nayabans Bangar 352 222 Kharak wan 331 257 258 MauJpur 20~ 293 Nayabans Khadar 353 223. Khefla Bakhsh 28,8 259 Maunagia 373 294 Nlbari Bangar 390 224 Khljarpur 3 153 26p Maval J04 295 Nlban Khadar 389 225 KhlJrabad

269 261 Muzapur Naglt 149 296 Nltyanandpur 391 226 Khudadla Mohammadabad urf 335 297 t'lltyanandpur Nagh 144 Kllusmalabad 359 262 '227 BahaTly~){a,rdl'la{pur B(tpgar 9<} 223 263 Mohammad!lb{lg urf 33~ 293 Nlzampur Banga~ 228 Khu~hal Garh Bahanya Hardwarpur K}Jadar 299 Ni7J1ffiPUr Khadar 93 26~ 264 Mohammadpur Bangar 199 229 KhusruPur Noorpur urf Karanpur 16Q 162 265 Mohammadpur Barwaia, 106, 300 230 Kishan Khera

Mohamm~dpur Kalan 354 301 . Pachdevera 206 Koda Sbamshabad 7 266 231 198 302 Pagambarpur 26Q 214 267 Mohammaqpur Khadar 232 Katla 299 303 Pagona 178 224 268 Mohammadpur Khurd 233 Kubn 191 304 ,paharpur 212- 415 269, Moharsa 23-1 Kudneni 66 305_ Palakaser 364 285 270 MubankpuT 235 Kumraua 306 Pahanand Garhl 143 40 271 Mubankpuf Bangar 203 236 Kurina 204 3()7 Pahpratappur 23 287 272 Mu\Jan~pur Khadar 237 • Kutubpur Panhauah 392 273 Mullanl 38 308 238 Lacbhamanpur 349 MumrelPur 265 309 Parh 17:.l Lachham\}oPl\r 225 274 239 408 310 Parwana Mahmoodpur 5 24Q Lachlioe 7(i 275_' Munda Khera

MUnishpur Khadar 219 311 patrarnpur 245 241 Ladana 19 276 254 , 312 Pawapur 279 242 Lalgarhl 129 277 Muradnagar 298 313 Pempur 2 243 Madangarh )32 278 Muradpur. 314 Pesari 416 244 Madgawan 193 279 Muzaffar Nagar urf Bama1ll326 315 Pmautl 414 245 Madho Garh 59 280 Nagaud li6 . tq;s,



Location Location Location S "lo, Na~ of VIII8,!l(). Co®Nq. S.No Na.me: of. ¥t11age Code No S.No Name of Village Code No,

91 2 2 ~ 3 2 3

316 Phulera 84 351 Ronda SO 386 Sikan 21 317 Plana Kalan 150 352 Rupaspur 385 387 Sirora Bangar 207 318 Plana Khurd 146 353 Rosla 134 388 SlIora Khadar 210 31~ Pil Khana 350 354 Rupbas 228- 389 Soharkha 253 320 PlIkhanl 118 355 Rurh Bangar 234 390 SooJanaJhayan 26 I 321 Plpehra 164 356 Rurhkhadar 233 391 Sonjanrani 116 ~22 Pirpur 25 357 Ruth,t 69 392 Sultanpur BlloD! 315 323 Pokharpur 325 358 Sabalpur 290 393 Sunal 169 324 Potabadshahpur 181 359 Sabdalpur 128 394 Sunana 175 325 Prakashpur 312 360 Sahdavan 318 39~ SuraJpur Makhena 333

326 Putha 67 361 Sahibabad urf~akrlli (j~ 39Q SuraJPur Tikri 327 1 Puthn Kalan 257 362 Sakham 73 397 Suratgarh urf Lollal 3?8 246 Raghunathpur 92 363 Salempur 194 398 Talwf!r 329 339 RaijimKot ~L7 Salal}latpur 364.' 213 399. Tehgora 43· 330 Rahmapur 296 365 Saligawan 156 400 Tellyanagia 227

331 Rahmatpur Aug,na. 139 366 SangdaJanpur urf 374 401 Thana GaJraula ll2 IN\tallpur 332 • Rajallur 189 367 s,¥A"\

336 RaJuer urf Sorla 237 371 Shafi Nagar 121 406 Tulsi Oarhl 303. 337 Rajpur 247 372 ShahJananpur ;239- 407 Udalgarhl B,lDgar 383 338- Rambas 412 373 Shankerpur 145 408 Udal Garhl Khadar 382 339 Rambiloni 371 374 Shekhupur 308 409 UdaIpur Kalan 323 340, Ramghat Bangar 402 375- She)khupura 3$ 410 Udaipur Khurd Bangar 338,

341 Ramghat Khadar 403 376' Shclkhupur urc Rora 53 411 Udaipur Khur,d K)1adar 337 342 Ramnagar 293 377 Sheopuri 236 412 Ugema 249 343 Rampur 379 378 Sbeorampur 11 413 Umarpur 90 344- Rall\pur 195 379. Slleorampur Jmjii 165, 4;1.4 Umrara 311 345 Rampur urf Pltampur 133 380 Sherpur 319 415 Umrafl 370

Rasulpur 346 122 381 Sherpur Ban~ar 231 416 UnchagaoD Bangar 420 347 Rasulpur urf Naratnpur 30l 382 Sherpur Khadar 232 417 Unchagaon Khadar 406 348 Ratanpur 6 383 Shakol IS7 418 ValJdpur 373 349 Raura 170 384- Slhah Jhayan, 24 419 V'jal Nagalta 394 350 Rohahapur Kharua 158 3SS Slhah Nagar 188 420 YUlllsllur 109' 166

VT~ f;:Rf~ 4-aTTT~~~ ~~tt'iWlt~

~ ~-[qf(l" ~ll! i:t W~ ~ ~ ~ if) 'Iir.!"I! i\' i~ (-}<'rfM W ~ oren ~ m ~l it f.ffiq"t fifoiiCffl1 ~T q'\ '0:1 <:I ~ ~.... i ~g III ""MOl oj "E~ 0 ,;~ .g, II&' ~·?e;~ ~oj z ::5 <:I~ It' :E ~ _ c c e ..., I;; Ir 'a ii5 ~:;: .., ~ :> I>Il --d!! .. Ii'::~ ~~ 0 '-'~Q:>, 1t''8 irll! 'liT if11l ---", " ., /t» ~ ~-;- - ty,;~ OJ ... 'il ~ » ... '" 1\1"0 .Q IS' ...... '" 0 c 'it'~ !IiI-- -~ .~!t-;;- e ~ ~ 0. 1;:00 !!!lliC~;>, ~ el",,,,--:::» '~C1~ 'i;:; I!-;; ~d!!~'" 1V~8 ~(G ~Q, ig ~~~.g 16<> b' f-;;Z; 'I>',," '.h!:::S ~ I>'A-il '''',to' u;~ r;.~

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

215.71 1,645(2S2) pel) RP(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR ~~~ efcl;\('

2 qlfg1: 99.96 350(48) --(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(- 5) +5) PR

P(I) --(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR .. 3 fli;;r\~ 84.99 706(104)

102.39 548(94) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 4 l1T~\ *r~, wFr 1,031.18 5,739(975) P(Z),M(I) RP(l) W,HP PO TUB, SAT BS PR. 5 q\

90.65 1,066(190) Pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) _(-5) -(-5) KR 6 \cr;:r~\

-(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 7 Cfiwr '!1fl1mT

-(-5) KR 8 orr

239.99 1,096(157) 1'(1) -(-5) W,HP _(-5) +5) -(-5) KR 10 llffii~ ll;;r\T

2193S -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) +;.5) -(-5) KR 11 ~m<:ilil'\ 771(113)

80.94 631(116) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) Kit 12 ar~\

-(-5) 13 ~l1f~T 101.58 534(76) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) Kit

-(5--10) 14 ~OO 288.% 702(127) pel) -(-5) W,HP PO BS PR

15 ~ij


'Jf'I ~"!fFr (~TCI' fcrflR '3lI!f!lfl if ani\'

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

arr':lTrcrTG" ~,lfm Aurangabad(2) EA Wheat, Maize TWE(l47.72) 9.31 21.45 N(I) Surajlmr TJim W(37.23) ~l'fTiifra­ ~, If'iepT Aurangabad(3) EAG Wheat, Maize TWB!74.06) 9.31 4.85 Pempur 2 W(l1.74) :an~"T'ifI~ ~, if'l'liT Aurangabad(4) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(61.92) 4.86 8.09 T(I) Khljarpur 3 W(10.12) ~hlTT


~Ff~;:: i'r~, If'l'IiT Khanpur (4) BAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(190.21) 8.09 11.74 9.31 T(l) Sheo Rampur 11 ~'t'\lTT

2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11

l2il60 1,176(212) 16 ~!fir -(-5) RP(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

78.11 763(111) .-(-5) RP(l) 17 ~+rT+rrq~ W,HP -(-5) -H) -(-5) KIt'

18 m'1hr '11f;:;rr 474.71 1,853(286) pel) RP(1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

153.38 19 ~ 1,078(197) pel) RP(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) /KR.

467'()2 20 G!fiU~ 2,324(394) P(2) RP(l)O(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.

186.57 P(I) 21 ~r'ii-U 1,062(172) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PRo

46.95 148(26) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PIt 22 ~<:r

23 rn;:;r151'mcr~ 292.60 1,583(283) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) BS PR

24 ftr~1 m<1r 13841 1,703(132) pel) RP(I) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.

25 tfrW 41.68 224(33) -(-5) H(l) W,HP -(-5) +5) -(-5) KIt

'26 ,m'Jf'fT m'if 13841 1,690(31~) pel) RP(l) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR.

27 +rf'fll'T c:'l

28 i;fCiHIT 43060 2,397(449) P(2) RP(3) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KIt


31 ~:gr

22.66 32 '

33 ~<:T~T 212.87 648(112) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP +5) -(-5) -(-5) KIt

34 'Jf:sffl\. 208.el2 923(151) -{(5) PR(I) TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.

35 m~:u 205.18 1,()O7(162) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KIt 169<


12 13 14 15 16 n IS 19 lO :a

~rif~\ it~, IicRiT Khanpur (3) EAG Wheat, Ma,tze TWE(104.82) 3.24 2.02 10.52 N(2),T(I) Dhakka 16. ~Tif'};~ ~,~'liT Khanpur (3) BAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(39.26) 1.21 0.81 6.S8 N(l),T(11 Il1lamabad 17 W(29.95) ~~\ i'r~, ij'f'!iT Khanpur (4) EA Wheat. MaIze TWE(360.18) 45.33 40..87 2S.33 N(IO),T(S) Gllloranagh IS. lS:Tif:!\ i'r~, 11

~rif$'l: iTif,1'f

~r~<: iff I If'f'lil Khanpur (5) EAG, Wheat, Mal2'e TWE(22582) 23.07 19.43 N(2).Cm Pal! Pratappur 23". ED W(24.28) T(S) m~ . fr~, 11'fonr Khanpur (4) EAG Wheat. MaIze TWE(B8.22) ... ,2.04 7.28 T(I) Sihah Jhayan 24- W(40.87) \iTif~<: ~,l1'lonr Khanpur (3) EA Wheat, MaIze TWE(38.04) 0.81 0.40 2.'13 N(l) Pirpur 2S

\il"!~ ~, l1

Of"~f[[qT<:: Aurangabad (5) TWE(34.~O) 081 Bhurawala 3t BAG OfI~ITTqT~ Aurangabad (5) TWE(19.83) 2.43 0040 Ghatam Wala 32 EAG arT<:ITTiifT'<{ iT~, 11m Al:rangabad (7) Wheat, Maize T\VE(174.42) 850 12.55 17.40 Mathura Nagla 33- BAG ;;r~'[

tAT+{ f~~T 6R ~1( (!

2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11

-(-5) KR 36 'TFf~fr 301.91 1,026(324) P(I).M(I) RP(I) W,HP PO -(5-10)

-(5-10) -(5-10) KR 37 ~~o:rr: ;a-;;f<;Y 78.92 m(21) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10)

1,487(25(1) 0(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) ~R 38 ~T;ft 183.73 . , -(-5) -(5-10) +5) KR 39 !fillTv.n 135.81 20(3) +5) -(-5) 'W,HP , -(-5) -(5-10) BS' KK 40 :fj

• 41 !l;iij'~T 186.16 1.035(IS7) -(-5) RP(I) W.HP PO -(5-10) -t-5) 'KR

42 'li~,{ 112.10 532(69) -(-5) RP(I) W.HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

43 ;;r~j~T 137.19 455(66) P(J) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

KR 44

45 f~T 349.66 1.726(284) P(l) RP(!) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

46 IiT~ 216.92 I,002(17B) P(l) RP(I) W,HP -~-5) -(5-10) BS KR

47 rr

48 ~~Fn ~~ 14933 465(66) .>.(-5) RP(1) W.HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

49 Gl'iT~TijT.. 'lim 273.98 2,090(350) P(I) H(J) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) --(-5) KR

50 ~'t~T 301.50 1,127(176) P(I),H(I) H(I) TW,HP PO -(Hl+) BS PR

51 ~~~r 668.97 1,650(268) P(I) -( -5) W,HP +~'5,) -(5-10) BS FR

52 llTif'timr 102.79 700(116) -(-5) -(-.5) T.W,TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR

53 w~\ ~tf; ~~r 360.18 '1,998(355) p(n RP(I) W,HP PO -(5-10) +5) PR

54 Gl'C:

5S aTT~ 23189 921(138) -(-5) RP(l) W.HP -(-5) -1.-5) BS KR 171


12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

Gl ~tftu

Gl~;TI'[T'UOfTG" 'i'r~, +1"'f1liT Jahaaglrabad(6)EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(115.74) 0.81 64.75 486 T(I) Bansan 41 \i(~tlfr~r;;rTG" i'r~, 'l'f-liT Jahangirabad(7)EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(6920) 14.16 17.40 11.34 T(l) Fatehpur 42 ~tlJr~

;;r~Tlf'h"T;;rrG" ~, 1f'f'PT Jahang_lrabad(~)BAG Wheat, MaIZe TWE(188.59) 040 10.53 17.40 Khan Pura 46 ~tlf'h:RTG" iTif, ll'f'liT , Jahanguabad(4) BAG Wheat, Maize TWE(409.96) 142.05 l1S.17 N(I),M(I) NaYI Naga.r 47 T(l) ;;ri;FT"'rU


m'1'f~f~ 4-"'3T'J'f'9Tif{ ~ iiI'i'f ~~. ~ 'Jfl1 ;ro:Tr'l

2 3 -4 5 6 'I • 8 9 10 11

56 6

"57 fcmT ri oiT\tJTcr 455.~9 2.H7(331) p('2) -(-5) W.HP 1'0 -(-5) -(-5) KR

29543' '26!(46) +~) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) :58 _ifi~T BS PR \ :59 mmq;:; 163.09 <686(1t3) P(I) -p) W,HP +~ -(-5) -(-5) KR

a 208.0'2 _l ,0'8(1 83) pm -H) w.F:t1i -('-5, -(-5) -(-5) KR -60 i;fl£mr~ ~'fT

119.79 453(54) -(-5) RP(I) W.HP • "-(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR -61 f

225.01 715(112) pel) -(-5) W.HP -( -5) -(-5) BS PR -62 ~

·63 ~ttJRTCf1~(~Tij ) 1.919.90 916(143) P(I) -(-5) W.HP -{-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

214.90 687(124) P(I) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) KR (;4 \if~ -(-5)

-65 450.03 ~,568(435) P(I),M(l) RP(2) W,HP PO -(-5) -< 5) KR m~TilT~ ~rfi lfiifit~ R(I)

114.53 '458(68) -(-5) RP(2) W.HP ·(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR -66 ~f\q;~\

202.75 940(157) P(I) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR -67 ~T

22016 2,561(435) P(l) RP(2) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) IlS PR -68 ~

149.74 1,197(225) P(I) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR '69 ~

55.85 624(86) P(I) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 10 llir~''ifr

PR, 7i qTU

72 139.22 3,011(461) P(2) RP(I) W.MP pO -(-S) -(-5) 'KR ~\ .. 507-,*9 4,63t!(677) 'Pt1),M(I) MCW(I) W.HP P0 -«5) BS PR 73 ~ H(I),O(I) RP(I) ~~ 770'.95 3,341(t,86) ·P(I).H~2) RP(2) W,HP ro THU +5) KR '74 ~~T

75 .roo:r 34561 2,471(41t1) P(I) RP(4)0(1) W,HP PO -(-5) BS PR 1.73


12 13 14 15 16 If IS 19 20 2

~'hT~ iT~, +{'I'!IiT Jahangirabatl (3) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(133.15) 2.43 1M2 50.99 T(I),N(I) Dabkor 56 ~ifl'U 3.64 TWE(I94~66) a;02 73.92 1619 Karatha 58 ~T'frmR ~, lTEf!IiT, Jahangirabad (4) EAG Wheat, Maize :rWE(135.98), -1>.40 14.97 11,74 Madhogarh 59 ~~rfro

·'5I'~hfh:T~ it~, +{tf-!IiT Jahanglradad (3) EAG WhQat, Maize TWE(I06.03) 1.22 2.83 971 Bidhlpur 61

~~Tif"h:r.rn: ( -it~ l\1flfiT Jahanglrabad (2) EAU Wheat MaIze 11:73 TWE(lU.62) 27.52 12.14 Bhepur 62 ~f;j)'U

:;;r~"h:TifR it~, IT'I'!IiT Jahanguabad (5) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(76.49) 29.95 a.sl 7.28 N(I),T(I) MubaIlkpur 66- ~·fhT- W(14.57) ;;rnfq')U~ it~,' 'if'FfiT Jahanglrabad (4) EAG Wheat. MaIze TWE(48.97) 0.40 6.48 T(2) Karonjl 70


m1l f.RftrlfiT 4-ar~tcr~ !oli'I' Wcnntf 'pi '!.~ ~'1ll111

] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

. 76 ~m'{ 1~1.31 ' 1,145(208) P(I) RP(I) W,HP +5) -{5-IO) BS PR , 77 ~IfTGfm qQ.T~T 510.73 1,230(201) P(I) RP(3) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -{-5) KR

78 ~T~1t 503.45 5,65&(877) _r(l);M(1) PR(2) W,HP PO -(-5) -{-5) KR H(l)

468.64 2,199(366) 79 ~:Sl;:rr PO(,Mel), RP(2) W,HP PO -(-5). -{-5) KR..

80 fuUu 730.48 4,899(738) P(I) RP(2) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR.

81 Ilf);:rr 237.56 1,822(318) pel) RP(2) W,HP -(-5) -{-5) -{-5) KR.

82 ~l;:r~ iiQ)"Cf 549.99 459(81) +5) -(-5) W,HP +5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.

79.32 533(q7)1 -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -{-5) -(-5) -{-5) PR. 83 ar~\ ifmiTT t 12748 \ UninhabIted KR. 84 :!i~U lh: ar~

85 gilhr 19385 _ 33(15) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -{-51 -(-5) -{-'5) KR..

--{-5) 86 'I'm)&' 126,27 634(101) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -{-5) KR

491(91) W,HP 87' fuJ:n:~ 338.33 -(-5) -(-5) -{-5) -(-5) -{-5) KR.

435 os 1.554(264) -(-5) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -{-5) -(-5) KR 88 'liT'9' UC lflf~ RP(3) W,hP PO TUE BS PR 'llsCfi::h :m,66 2'084(327) P(I) 89 MGWlI) ~SIi 369.49 3,",42(802) P(2) RP(I) W,HP PO FRI. BS PR 90 ~Ii"{q," MCW(l) I

475.93 2,682(679) pel) RP(I) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR.. 91 'Ii+rT\it~\

246.87 1,421(2221 P(I)RP(I),H(l) W,HP '0 -{-5) -{-5) KR.. 9,2 ~lW


95 ~. q<:rcr~fr 820.33 4,186(698) P(2),H(I) • PR(2) W,HP PO +5) +5) KR H(l). MCW(!) .175 • VILLAGE DIRECTOR" AMENITIES AND LAND USB ANUPSHAHR TAHSTL- 4

12 13 j4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2


~r~ • ~,J:fm Khanpur (2) EAG Wheat, Maize- .•• W(101.58,) 10.52 1,3.,36 63.93 N(1),T(2) Girora 80 , GC(271 96) J M(l) TWE(16.19)TW(254.94)

lSr.rop: ~, J:flflfiT Xhanpur (2) EAG Wheat, Maize GC(I65.12) 33.59 6.07 24.28 N(I),T(I) Thona 81 TWE(4.86)W(3 64) ~'F , ~, ~1.fiiliT Kbanpur (I) Wheat, Maize ...TW(394.S9) W(9.71) 34.40 65.56 45.73 Khanpur Dehat 82 ~ ~, 'iIT

;;gr;r~~ ~,~m Khanpur (2) BAG Wh~at, Maize TWE(97.~5) 7.69 1.62 6.88 N(2) Nagaud 86 W(12.S3) 'i~ iW, ~if1fiT Khappur (1) BAG Wheat, Maize TWB(242.~2) 54.23 12.14 11.33 N(I),T(I) Timarpur 87 W(17.81) "'31ii~ ~, it'f'liT Xhanpur (3) BAG Wheat, Maize ... GC(2S9.40) 63.13 4.05 .44.52 N(3) Kachraut 88 TWE(5302)W(IO.93) ~l1R'T ili, lIlfiiliT , Slana (5) EA, Whea t, Maize GC(191.42) 0.40 405 43.30 N(5),M(2) Bharkaun 89 1'WE(8337)W(JO.12) C(1),T)I) \iliJ:Nr~T


mq~f~ 4-31iq'!IT~\ EI'~ 'if" ~'It

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

'96 ;;fijT iifrl"f<: 412.39 1,919(342) Pel) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

182.92 .. Uninhabited KR 97 ;;fijT !5i'1G:<: if;: or1ll'~

237.56 UninhabIted 98 f.f~<:: IiKl: !h: OTllI'rG: KR

RP(!) -(-5). -(-5) 99 frr>il'T~<:: .wrt 212.47 726(120) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) KR

643.88 2,217(401) P(I) RP(I) W,T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KIt. 100 qi uG:r qt~<:

427.77 .. UninhabIted KIt 101 ~~T !5i'T~<: JR arrcrrq:

182.92 .. UninhabIted 102 llT?; ~mp"r !5i'rq:;: iJ1: orrOfrq: KR

222.99 377(54) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 103 ~ ~ifiT~r iiftm: -(-5) "tor KR

2,270(368) P(I) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) 104 J:fEf~ 439.50 RP(S) KR !ITA' 207.21 2,489(436) P(I),M(I) RP(I) W,HP PO SAT BS' KR 105 iT~ -0(1)

165.52 1,251(221) PO),O(I) RP(!) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 106 :q)~$<:: mT~r ~I~rtr 572.65 4,821(857) P(I),O(I) MeW(I) W,HP PO THU, BS ,PR 107

81.34 127(17) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) +5) -(-5) KIt. 108 m}~,!<: or;:rifT~

135.93 806(137) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) +5) BS PIt 109 1J;fii~\

216.11 1,99~(355) P(I) RP(2) W,HP +5) -(-5) -(-5) KR. 110 i{~;:~<: '

384.87 2,386(390) pel) RP(!) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KIt. 111 lfiq-ij'T~ ~lL~~\

1,913(322) P(I) RP(3) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR 112 ~fiIT fT>iI'Um 497.38

Uninhabited Kit 113 fu~:n:T'j;\ !5i'r~<: 227.04 <1"<: arri(rq:

699.32 224(44) -(-5) -(-5) HP,R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-!O) KR 114 ~ lJ;.r;:

240.39 1,071(165) P(I) RP(2) • W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) Kit 115 ;;tm'r lffiU2;<: 177


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

WT~!1T~~ fr~, l11f'fT Bulandshahr (3)EA Wheat. Maize GC(92.27) 53.02 47.35 126.67 N{l),T(l) BaSI Dangar 96 TWE(93.08) ~~G:l1T~ Bulandshahr (4) ... ~ 12.95 169.97 BaSI Khadar 97 \if~f


~l:fFH iT~, +rifCfiT Slana (7) BA Wheat, Maize GC(SO.13) 1.62 2.42 13.76 N(5),M(2) Mohammadpur 106 TWE(66. 78)W(O.81) T(4) Barwah 'if~'ftrr"{T

i;fQT ITT<:T;srIG: it~ I l1iflfiT Jabanglrabad(l~)EA Wheat. Maize GC(93.49) 2.43 1.21 11.33 N(2) Yu;mpur 109 TWE(27.52) \if~hTT<:l

\iT~f'T~Torl~ iT~, +r

;;rTl1 f~fl(f'IiT OR W

2 3 4 s 6 8 9 10 II

185.35 906(130) P(I) RP(l) W,HP -(-5) KR 116 ~i'ff <:fi'fT -(-5) -(-5)

It7 1Sf;:r;:j-{ 279.65 1,848(333) P(l),M(I) RP(2) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR

KR 118 f'1~ISfi'fr 207.61 1,425(230) P(2) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -{-5) -H)

119 lfgarr~T 186.97 1,384(231) P(I) RP(2) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR

383.25 -(-5) --(.5) -(-5) KR 120 ~;:cr~ 1,111(193) -(-5) RP(I) W,HP

KR 121 !1Jq;Ti'fll~ 226.63 1,560(261) P(I) RP(J)O(!) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) FPC(I)

183.73 931(145) pel) RP(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 122 <:~~~

123 "lnfr 203.97 1.051(175) -(-5) RP(I) W,HP --(-5) --(-5) -(-5) K.R

KR 124 aihlTTql~ ~I~~<: 466.62 2,310(375) P(I) RP(!) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) orfll,( 189.80 A Uninhabited KR 125 arhl1Tq'f({ cr~\~ tT<:: ar~ ISfli;'(

125.46 499(99) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 126 !f.~Ti'fT:: -(-5) TK,T',W --(-5) lftT~ PR 127 3Tlf<:tTi9 666.54 5,495(961) P(I);M(!) MCW(!) W,HP PO TUE BS PUCCI) RP(l)

127.08 744(133) BS PR 128 ij'Of~~~ P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5)

KR 129 ~q~T 3'l.66 IT<: ar{qre: Uninhabited lITfrr ] 30 arlf<:~~ ~lJi ;3;~ 60826 4,828(834) P(3),Mtl) PHC(1) W,HP PTO SAT BS PR H(I) SMP(I) HC(I) RP(I) CWC(I) 131 iFf<:

132 ' lf~i'ftTi9 84.99 348(69) --(-5) -(-5) W,HP -;(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

]33 <:rlf~,( i3"t6 qRrll1'( 123.43 315(51) -(-5) --(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

134 mr~r 99,,96 448(71) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) --(-5) KR

135 lfll~<: 12060 799(145) -(-5) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 179


12 '13 14 15 )6 17 18' 19 20 :1

;:;r~ifroOfT~ ~, 11ffi Jabanglrabad(16)EA Wheat, Maize GC(7.28) 4.86 1.21 14.57 N(4),T(2) Sonjana Ram 11& TWE(15743) ;:;r~l]~T


~Ff~ ~. +rm Khanpur (5) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(llS.34) 1.21 6.48 2.43 N(t) Kalyanpur 126 \JI Qf'TT.::r

;:;r~frrTzHrrG: ~, liCfofif Jahanglrabad (9)EO Wheat. Maize GC(237.96) 13.77 4.45 T(J),N(6) Kanyan 131 M(l) \if~f'TT(:r'n ~ iT~, I1'f<1iT Jahanglrabad (8) Wheat, Ms.ize TWE(7851) 1.63 3.64 121 Ne l) Madangarh 132 BAG \if~T'Tr<:1 r'f~T Jabanglrabad (to) Wheat, Maize TWE(103.60) 3.24 2.43 11.33 N(2),M(l) Mangalpur 13) EAG r80

mq f.f~f~

3 4 S Ii 7 8 10 11

136 231.08 1,795(317) P(I) KP(I) W.HP -t-5) -(-5) _(-5) , KR ~6T MeW,_I)

137 i;f[\

138 q,"~Fff 197.90 1,307(247) .,.(-5). R'P(J) W,HP pO. -(-5) -(-5) KR

17-1.81- 139 <:~lfQ~;: aft IT iff 92~148) +5) R~l) W,HP -(--5) -(-5) -(-5, KIt

KR 140 lfi'!TifT 279.24 2,133(349) P(t)M(I)H'(J) RP(I) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5)

141 ~<: 146.91 89'8(1'60) -(-5) -(-S) W,KP -(-5)' +5) -(-S) KR . 214.09 P('I),M(>!) RP(I) W.HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR 142 "'~"{T • 896t144)

143 rtT;;rT arTif'~T 41l.t8 2,532(4()4) P(iJ'? RP(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

-(-5) -(-5) KR 144 f.i~<; ~IT~T 128.69 881(160) P(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5)

W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 145' 1Ii'ifi~'t 147.31 SSO(96~ -(-S) -(-5)

]46 C~T;:rT li~.. 167.95 1,158(197) PCI) RP(2) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(--5) KR -'(-5) KR 147 'l1~hr 3f!!T\CfiJ\ 156.62 175(22) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5)

-(5-10) KR 148 \l?;"hT 144.07 993(169) P(I.) +~ W,HP -(-5) -(5-10)

-(-5) KR 149 fl1 J1 f;"{ ;:r;r~ 74.41; 451(73) -(-5) -(~5) W,lIP -(-5) +5)

KR 150 t

-(-5) W,llP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR 1'51 "'~'fr' 1T).hrifg"{ 49900 2,01D(340) pel)

188.99 1.2Z2t2.42) &p(a) W,HP -(.-5) -(-5) :t)s, RR ]52 \lT~~ P(~t

9389- 440(69) -l-5} -(-.3). W,HP -(-S) '1'(-5) -(-5) PR ]53 ~~

263.Qp 5p3(~2) PeD RP{J~ W,HP -(-5) -(-5) ..,(-5) KR 1~4 'tf:;n:~

36423 3,29'8(519) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(,..5) PR 155 lSrrnifir



12 13 14 15 16 If IS 19 20 :I 1


~Tf{~~ i'r~,. if.ififil' Khanpur (3) BA Wheat, Maize TWB(127.48) 4.05 4.45 9.72 N(2") Bhopur 141 W(1.2!)W(lO.52) ~T T Khanpur (10) EA Wheat, Maize GC(2.02) 9.31 0.81 N{I) Shankeipur 145 TWE(135.17)

"'f~f'Tr~rqr~ iT~, l1"91T Jahangirabad(6)EAq Wheat, MaIze TWE(127:89) 14.91 2J.88, 1.21 N(l),T(2) Plana Khurd 146

~T;r~ ~) q"'fiT Khanpur(4) BAG Whed.t, MaIze TWE(90.2s) 38.04 26'.71 ,1.22 N(I) Bhadauri 147 W(.40) Asharafpur 'lSfT;;~ iT~, +f

~6TmlorT~ iT~ l11{91T Jahanglfab~1 (3) EA Wheal, Maize T.\Y.E(401.4~} 1093 4l,41) 44,12 Gahaoa 151 Govardhanpur ~~nthT

m;r f.:Iif~ 4-OT?:q'~<: 6"~ij"~ ijfij ~fqflT{( ~ 'Ifu ~q

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

156 l3"full

  • -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) BS 157 ~TWm~<:~ 199.11 t,614(307) P(I) PR arf!:l"l!T<: W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 158 <:T~t'I"~\~ 9875 628(111) -(-5) -(-5) "PR

    -(-5) 159 itCf'Cfi\;r~\ :a-t5 1if~~T 256.98 990(177) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -;(-5) PR

    -(-5) -(5-10) 160 ~~:a-~ Cfi\~ 8782 549(89) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) KR.

    PHC(I} W,HP PO,Phone -(-5) BS PR, 161 ar~\~ 61I1T 553.22 2,(1l9(357) P(2)

    RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 162 f1fi1!l'f ~:ST 208.02 1,085(203) P(I) -(-5) KR. , 163 'limll"mrr 216.51 1.626(288) P(2)M(I) RP~I) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR

    W,HP -(-5) 164 f

    54,63 Untnhabited 166 ~?:R

    9268 944(156) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 168 f~m

    170 <:i"u 376.78 1,994(355) Pel) RP{I) W,HP -(-S) -(-5) -(-5) KR

    171 f

    172 'In:m 397.82 1,118(206) P(I) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR.

    173 armr 97.13 752(133) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) ,KR.

    -(-5) 174 ~'lT<:T ~r 242.01 },309(202) P(I) -(-5) W.HP -«5) -(-5) KR

    175 lJiWfT 19345 1,330(252) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR. 183


    12 13 14 15 16 17 III j9 20 2




    ~'l:'llIT~<: .Anupshahl (9) TWE(43.71) 1.62 2.'i2 6.48 Bhatadeo 166 :aqq11fF ~, l1if'iiT Anupshahr (8) EA Wheat. MaIZe ••. GC(45.73)TW(145.69) 12.55 243 29.54 N(2)M(2) Blrauli 167 W(7.28) T(6) ::o:rf!11T6<:: iT~, ifCf'fiT " / .Allup~hahr (8) EA Wheat, Maize GC(70.42) 4.05 1.21 10.93 Hlsaba!1 168 TW(3 24)W(2.83) ~'lQ'9f~ iT~, l1

    ~q-!JfQ<: ~,l1it'fiT Anupshahr (9) Wheat, MaIze GC(13l 53) 8.09 162 \3'.76 Blchaula 171

    :ar'l9fcr~~ ~,ifif'fir Anupshahr (8) BAG Wheat, MaIze TW(200.73) .29.54 8.90 32.78 T(2) Parh 172 GC(1l8.58)TWE(_7.29) :ar'l:q-11f~ ~~,l1'f'lir Anupshahr (5) EAG Wheat, Maize GC(50.99) 6.07 0.81 7.29 T(I) Amentha 173 TW(31.97) ~'1~~<: rr~, l1'l'fiT Anupshahr (6) Wheat. Maize GC(202.3S) 12.55 6.07 21.04 •• p Dungra JOii 174- ~;:rq-m<: iT~, +r

    . m"f~f~ 4-ar'J:qW~ cgm IjfiJ Wcnm( ~ ,~f1r ~

    1 :a 3 4 S 6 , 8 9 10 , 11

    176 ar;:ftiffif 278.03 1,343(223) P(I) -(-5) W,HP,C -(-5) --(-5) BS PR

    211.25 1,056(168) P(l..) -(-'5) W,TW. -(-5) -(-5) BS PR 177 ~ITBi IHP


    278,03 P(I)PUC(ol) -X5-iO) W,HP -(-5) --(-5) 'BS PR- 179 !fi"{i'f~ 'Ii\1T 1,729(299)

    195.07 1,647(285) P~l) RP(l) W,HP PO --(-5) --(-5) KR. 180 ~

    169.16 1,173(198) P(I) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -'(-5) BS PR. 181 q-TijT

    443.96 2,462(430) P(l)M(J) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) --(-5) KR 183 i51'C:~<::T

    377.18 1,577(283) M(I)P(I) RP(l) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(-5) KR. 184 ~-mr H(l) H(l)O(I)

    172.00 561(89) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PIt 185 0111\';\

    _(_5) Kit 219.35 801(142) PlI) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) 1'86

    -(-5) KIt 97.12 722(125) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP --( -5) --(-5) 189 \:or~ mil -(-5) KIt 309.19 2,046(349) P(l)M(l) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) MON 190

    2,585(428) pel) 0(1) W,HP PO -(-5) BS KIt 191 +IT6<::trT 404.70

    833(144) .... (-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -l-S) Kit 192 o/fCrT\~ 96.72

    94.30 123(18) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) +5) KIt 193 ~crT

    38.45 4 Uninhabited KR 194 tr~\ If<:: an



    12 13 14 15 16 l' ,18 19 20 2

    ar?:~~ ~~, l1'!CfiT AnllPshahr (5) EAG Wheat. Maize GC(188.19) 23.Q7 2.43 33.99 fd(1),T(2) Anibas 176 TWE(30.35) ar1:.~~ ~, I=fm. Ao,llPshahr ,(3) EAG Wheat. Maize GC(3440) 7.28 8.09 12.14 T(3) Dugrau 171' TWE(149.3~) 3T1.rrlR~~ iT~, I=fm Aoupshahr (3) EAG Wheat. Maize GC'(75.68) 6.88 365 11.33 T(I) Pa~9na J?&- TWE(76.89) ar;;l,'~~ Tr~, i'lliiT A0 1JPshahr('l) EAG, W~at, ¥alze GfX57.06) ~1,~5 27.52 Ka.ra~pur Kal~n 179- ED TWE(l'12 00) ;;r~TIfT<:Tifl<:: ~, +PFIiT Jahangltabad (H» EO Wheat, Maize QC(138.81) 22.26 2.83 31.1:7 N(lO\T(IO) Barpura 18o.

    :or~t 'IT~TifTCI: Tr~, iJ'RiT Jahanglrabad (12) EA Wheat, Maize GC(95.91) 10.12 10.12 24.28 N(10),T(2) pJtabadshahpur 18., TWE(28.73) GttfiT'h'rifl~ Trif, +f'RiT Jahanglrabad (11) EA Wheat, M~!ze GC(267.51) 12.14 13.36 41.68 N(3)T(Z) Khanoda 182- TWE(115.34) :or~TIfT\rifT~ ~, 11CfiIiT Jahanguab,ad (10) E9 Wheat, \1al~ GC(345.61) 14.16 6.p8 78.11 N(3),M(3) Jatpura 183- T(15) ar?:q~~ ~, 11Cf

    ;;r~\T GC(IO.12) :or~tlf')Uifrc:: ~, l1Of'liT Jahaoglrabad (IS) EA Wheat. MaIze GC(4S.33) 4.86 2.02 32.78 N(5)M(2) Darawar 190. IWE(224.20) T(5)


    ;;0'1' frRfmiT 4-~!J]'~ aF,~ 6I'if ~. ~ W" ;a-qll)lJ

    1 2 3 4 S 6 V 8 9 10 11

    1i1T~,~ifil"Q1f.:r 1,006.89 3,854(674) P(l),M(l) RP(5) W,HP PO TUE,FRI BS PR 196

    976.54 Uninhabited PR 197 01W~~ fr~ c!itcrR

    ,198 m~~~~~\ 101.98 10(2) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(S-IO) -(5-10) KR

    19~ ~~~\

    .200 ~f~~ 99.15 fr\ arTiIT~ UnlDhablted KR

    210.85 1,460(222) -(-5) PR 201 il'T~\ P(I) CHW(I) W,HP +5) -(-5)

    202 w~\ \3'lf; ~~r:r 137.60 644(72) -(-5) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

    '204 ~rf'{'f~~ ~IH 1,499.01 1(1) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

    205 +IT;;r~~ i90.21 1.287(204) pel) -(5-10) W,HP -t-5) -«5) -(-5) KR

    '206 q:q~cru 248.89 1,050(195) P(I) -(5-10) W,HP -(S-IO) -(-5) -(5-10) KR !JTf.r '207 fin:ru

    208 ~~. orrIn: 126.27 972(169) pel) RP(I) WjHP -(-5) -(-5) -«5) KR

    622.83 Uninhabited KR 209 &~F liT&,\ IT\ arT~T&'

    55322 . Unmhabited KR 210 fu~lu 1iI~ 'T"= aH

    211 amfl1~<:: :a-i 198.71 941(163) P(I) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR m~ orrIn: 246.46 1,947(353) pel) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) ...,(5-10) KR 212 ~

    505.88 213 ~ffiqa~\ 1,527(258) P(I) RP(5) W,HP -«5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

    24970 214 q~~U 1,621(248) P(I) RP(2) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

    4 215 \ifrq;.:w~ :a-i 205.99 IT\ arr


    12 13 14 15 16 l' 18 19 20 2 1

    ;;r~m"U.n~ it1,1iIT Jahanglrabad (17) Wheat, Barley TWB(582.36) 250.91 82.15 91.07 N(4),T(2) Ahar Ban~ar 196· EAG W(0.40) ;;r~ilrm

    af;;{'lWiil:<: i'rj, l1'fifiT Anupshahr (10) BA Wheat, Maize TWE(182.12) 8.90 5.67 14.16 N(4),T(I) Bamanpur 201

    a:riJ:ql1T~<: iT~, l1'fifiT Anupshalir (10) EA Wheat, Maize TWE(1l4.13) 5.66 12.95 4.86 N(2),T(I) Bhainsa Khur 202' urf Saral Adampur a:rfTl1T~<: ;r~, l1'f'fiT Anupshahr (9) EA Wheat, MaIze TWE(32.78) 3835 54.63 10.12 N(2)TEM(l) Mubarikpur 2()3. W(1.62) Bangar a:r';(q-~~<: Anupshahr (9) ... 1,426.98 TW(l5.38)W(2.83) 1416 17.00 22.66 Mubankpur 204- Khadar a:r';('ll1T~<: ~,l1m Anupshahr (8)EAG W,heat, MaIze TWE(84.58) 567 4.86 1780 ,N(3) MauJpur lOS. TW(77.30)

    a:r~q'QT~<: i'r~, ll'fifiT Anupshahr (10) EA Wheat, Maize GC(J33 55) 18.62 6.07 18.61 N(4) Pachdevera \ 206 TWE(72'04) a:r';(ql1T~<: ~, l1'f'fiT Anupshahr (20)EA Wheat, Mazie TWE(258.60) 152.17 76.48 32.38 T(I) Sirora Bangar 207

    a:r';(q~<: i'r~, l1'fifiT Aaupshabr (8) Whed[, Maize TWE(67.99) ].7.92 21.05 9.31 N(2) Hasanpur Bangar 208 EAG a:r;;I:9"fIT~~, AnupshaJir (8) ... 454.48 .W(38.04) 64.75 48.56 17.00 ,Hasanpur Khadar 209 a:r';('l'QT~~ Anupshahr (20) ... 0(172 40) 144 48 92.68 143.66 SiroTa Khadar 210>

    a:r';(lf!if~\ it~, l1'fifiT Anupshahr (3) EA Wheat, Maize GC(IO.93) 37.23 17.00 2428 TEM(I) Azampur urf 211 TWE(I09.27) Toral Bangar Of~q'QTQ\ if~, l1'f'fiT Allupshahr (8) EA Wheat, Maize ... TWE(9470) 6.48 3.24 23.47 T(2) Paharpur 21Z GC(114.9-3)W(364) 3r~'lW~<: iTt, 1l'f'fiT Anupshahr (4) EA Wheat, MalZ(~ ... GC(151.76) 79.73 13.76 31.98 N(5),M(I) SaJamatpur 213 TWE(21287)0(15.78) C(I), T(l) ar';('l'QT~<: iT~, ll'fifiT Anupshahr (3) EA Wheat, Malze GC(58.6S) 6.88 0.81 16.19 N(3),C(I) Garahra 214 TWE(167 14) T(3) a:r';(ql1T~\: Anupshahr (ll) TWE(l04 41) 51.40 33.19 7.68 lafrabad urf 215 EAG W(9.3Il Gangabas Baogar ~~ f~ttifi'r 6IiI' ~. It" "it'l!' uQ7.JTlf

    1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 !II 10 II

    , :21 6 ar!iGi\~ ~qi -(-"5) 'RP(li W,HP -(-5) -(-5) ~~T

    M • 165.52 Unilih'abited

    "221 ~

    50.59 2(1) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP +5) -(-S) _(-s) KR

    f.. \.. ... 121.01 1,52'0,(244) P(l) 'H(l) W;HP -(-5) '-(-5) .225 iiI"O'i!i+t'1~(

    112.10 -r':5) w:iIP -(-5) 'BS

    192.23 1,125(207) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-S) -(-5) , KR

    214.09 950(154) Pel) Hel) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR :228 ~

    314.86 1,532(245) P(I) RP(I) W,HP _(-5) -(-5) BS PR

    36S.85 1,024(146) Pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) +') -(-5) PR

    -(-5) -(-5) 'PR :2 3 1 m~

    .232 ~~\ 34.80 Uninhabited

    205.59 Uninhabited KR

    161.48 665(118) -(-5) -=(2.'s) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR

    460.14 3,12S(~39) pel) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-s) KR 1B9


    12 13' 14 15 16 If 18 19 20 2 1

    ar~~ ir~, ;;j) ~psha!n( (3)EAG Wheat. Biirl,L'y ..• GC(5.66) 34.80 ~0.24 10.12 N(t} AkbarNr UTe 216 TWE(82:56)O(10.12) Bachch.ij(4e;;a:.Bang;f.r a{~~ Anupshahr (3) W(2.43) 31.57 !S9.49 4.04 'ft\klcI'TPl,l[, Urf ril:1 B chchlkhera Khadar (~~<: iT~J~m Anupshahr (3) Wheat. Matzo \\'(4.(\5) '24.69 31i56 3.64 Azamptlr J.Jrf J~M! Toral Khadar ~

    ~~~ .KtlUpshahT fll 42.09 r'19~3 t 44.11 Jafrabad urf 221 Gangabas ~handar "3{~~\ ' ~:ltfiifps hal'lr"~l) ... ,._. 119.68 tJ7h96 S~66 .. Anul>sbahar ,._f~2 ,·lGtfadi(· .. ,:ar'rll!T~ ~tmiT }tllUpshaht-{S)EAG '''Whe alze VD.C(39.?t) (~3 '19'.82 1.6.~9 M(l) Khushal 9arh .223. 'rWE(78. I) .~~~ , iii. ififiliT I '.ltnupshahr 1(1) ... 'l\Vhclat.\Maize -•• NGC(29.?S)W(8.~O) 9.71 2oA3 Kubn ,224 . '3f~~!lff( ~,~r >'.(Uupsha1tl'"{l )EAG '.Wbeatl~alze GC(62.3~) 0.40 3.66 10.52 Lacllhamnpur 2~s-. "'I'WE(44.1 )

    '3f~q~ ~.;;j) vl1 .. Anupshahr (3)BAG Wheat, Maize "TWE(IOS.63) 19.43 8.09 2f.4S N(I),M(2) Patchpur ,~(). GC(211.2S)

    ~~q!lf6<: it~, +ri;f~T Anupsllahp (2)EAG - Wheat; Maize :t\VE(3 ~.?J) 21.85 .J6.19 1.7,31 C(2) Sherpur Bangar 231·

    Of~~ r. Anupsbaht (2) ... 34.80 Sherpur Kh!ldar 232-

    ~~<: 231 , l\<\llupsbaht l2) ;-0•• " .,. 20S,.~9 Rurh khadar

    ~~<: iT~7 +r'RiT \AnupsMhr; (2)EAG >--Wbea f.l¥faize )..Gc(SO:~8) 15.38 •....t\8.98 18,21 N(I) Rurh Bangar 234 TWE(18.7 )

    ' ~J if

    'lfq f.Iif~ 4-a't~1fW~ er~ ..,~·~Wir~

    1 l 3 5 • 6 7 8 9 10 .11

    736 ro~r 217.73 648(108) -(-5) -(-5) T,W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR . 237 ~~~ ~ mffi' 258.60 1,420(252) P(I) -(-5) T,W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR,PR 1im;r 238 524.47 3,889(705) M(l),P(I) RP(I) T,W PO TUE -(5-10) PR . ~~ H(I)

    !41.65 834(142) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP,C 239 llT~~~~ • -(-5) -(-5) -{-S) KR.

    240 at'HIT 141.24 864(140) per) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -{-5) -(-5) P.R

    241 ~:q)\T 294.22 1,323(216) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -{S-lO) -(-5) -(-5) KR.

    242 itlT11~ ~ ~~<:: 104.82 707(134) P(I) -(-5) T,W -{S-lO) +5) -(-5) PR,K!t

    243 q'T~m 732.91 3,899(690) P(I).M(l) MCW(I) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR.

    244 ~f<::l1T 78.92 781(131) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR .. 245 qm~ 182.92 1,172(185) ---(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.

    246 ~<:mr~ ~ ~¥~ 601.79 2,525(435) P(I) RP(!) W.H? -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

    214.09 \ ~ 247 <:T:sr~<: 986(J39) P(I) -(-5) TW -(5-10) -(-5) +5) PR.KR '\fcr' 248 fiifcrll'Til'T 406.72 2,464(392) P(I} -<,-5) T,W,TW PO SU,N' -{~o+) PR HP

    249 ia'

    250 ~~f 189.80 . 1,817(282) P(I) -(5-10) T,W,TW -(-5) .;.(-5) -( -5) PR HP

    274.79 1,031(171,) 251 ~\ pel) -(-5) T.W,TW ~(-5) -(--5) -(-5) ,PR e HP 102.39 252 qT~T 804(110) pel) -(-5) T,W,TW -(-5) ·-(-5) -(-5) PR HP 227.44 250 m~~lST 833(139) P(l) -(-5) T.W.TW -(-5) -(-5) +.5) PR HP 140.03 254 ~\r~ 'flf<:: 515(95) P(I) -(-5) T,W,TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) . PR

    58.68 255 qj~ iilftll'T 153(30) -(-5) -(-5) T,W,TW -(-5) - -(-5) (-5) PR HP 191


    12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 2 1

    ar~q!!T~ irj, lf~iifiT Anupshahr (I) EAG Wheat, ,Maize TWE(173.21) 3.24 :l6.71 14.57 T(I) Sheopuri 236

    :ar;;t:'rn~~ iIi, lfm Anupshahr' (7) BAG Wheat, Maize TWE(22M6) 4.45 5.26 1M3 T(2) Rajner urf surla 237

    aq_q!!T~ iTi, If'fc!iT Anupshahr (6) EA Wheat, Maize TWE(443.96) 3.64 19.02 57.85 M(S)C(I) Malakpur 238 T(I) ar~q!!T~ iT~, lfm Anupshahr (5) Wheat, Maize GC(IlS.74) 5.26 1.22 19.43 ShahJahanpur 23c)

    "3f?:'l!!T~ iT~, ll'RiT Ariupshahr (4) ED Wheat, Malle GC(119.79) 0.81 3.24 17.40 T(1) Amba 240

    "3f~q!!T~<: , iTi, If'fc!iT Anupshahr (7) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(17.40) 0.81 14.58 28.73 T(S)M(l) Enchora . 241 GC(232.70) .ar?:'l'!!T~ ir~. 'ffCf1fiT Anllpshahr(ll) EAG Wheat, Maize ... GC(48.97) 1.62 3.64 6.08 T(l) Begampur urf 242 TWE(44-11)O(0 40) Jalrampur ~q1lT~<: iT~, 11CfCfiT Am,lpshahr(10) EAG Wheat, Maize GC(296.24) 63.94 36.83 51.80 T(5)M(t) Bagsara 243 TWE(284.10) ~~qm~<: ~,'ffiififiT \ Anllpshahr(lO) Wheat, Maize CG(40.47) 2.83 0.82 12.95 Chhatudya 244 TW(21.85) ar~q1lT~<: iTW, lfiififiT Arillpshahr' (5) EA Wheat, Maize TWE(141.65) 19.82 8.50 12.95 Pat Rampur 245·

    vr~1Tr~T ifT~ iT~, +rCf'fiT Jahanglrabad(6) EA Wheat, MaIze TWE(431.81) 100.77 21,45 44.11 N(5) Suratgarh urf 246- W(3.2~TK(0.40) Lohai ;;rq:Pr'hf!n~ il~, +r'RiT "- I Jahangirabad(9) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(16228) f 5•09 6.88 19.84 T(2) RaJPur 241 'lf~m')~TiiI'T~ il~, lfCfCfiT Jahanglrabad(7) E~G Wheat, Maize TWE(358.56) 12.14 36.02 Blblyana 248 ';j]'~T1T~T;;rR iT~, 'ff'fifiT , J alp ngl ra bad(7l EA Wheal, MaIZe TWE(44.1l) 4.05 3.64 8.50 Ugema 24!t ;;r~lTr'U;;rI~ ilW' +rif't'T Jahanglrabad(8) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(142.S6) 8.09 23.47 15.38 Bhallal 2~

    ';j]'~f1Tr<:rorl<;' it~, l1fliT Jahangirabad (8)EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(200.33) 7.69 44.52 22.25 Harchandrapur 251 'lf6''i1TroiiI'T<:' il~, +rCfifiT lahangirabad (S)EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(82.lS) 11.74 8.50 T(l) Bodba 252 f6qr~ il[,11m Debai (8) BAG Wheat,Malze 48.56 TWE(129.S0) 9.31 33.99 6.08 Soharkha 253 fuqT~ iT~, 'ffm Debai(lO) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(129.50) 3.24 7.29 Muradnagar 254 f6aT~ ~~, +rCf1fif Debai (8) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(53.02) 3.24 2.42 Fandpur Banya 255 192

    t,tTq f.« "liltil 4-ar.rt~~ \ir.f~·Ifi~~

    2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11

    235.94 947(138) P(l) MeW(!) T.W.TW +5) +5) -(-5) l1R 256 6''f'liT D(l) HP

    552.42 2,499(337) P(I) -(-5) T,W:rw PO -(-5) -(-5) KR 257 w;<:r ifi~t HP

    -(-5) W,HP -(-5) 258 lf~~f'jJ~ ~tfi 273.17 702(112) P(l} -(-5) -(-5) K,R ifi<:'liT~:r 327.81 2,022(334) P(I).M(I) H(I) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR. 259 ~

    . 207.21 1.213(213) Pel) HO) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR. 260 !frr;~~ W"HP

    261 CflfoTfr 439.50 1,801(293) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR,K~

    262 ~~ 200.73 1,093(151) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) PR,K&.

    229.06 1,496(279) P(l) H(1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) PR 263 ~lJ~~<: +.5)

    125.86 322(41) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR,KR 264 ~!1~

    265 ~;;r~\ 458.53 1.240(205) pel) 0(1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PIt

    266 'li;:~\r 388.51 1,682(274) P(l) 0(1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR,KR

    267 ~l'4iT 175.24 1,392(282) P(I) 0(1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR,KR

    268 'f\T\T 256.18 1,146(203) P(I) 0(1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR

    269 ~<:"Tf

    271 ~~~ 717 13 4.323(671) pel) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS PR

    272 f"i11rr~T 288.55 1,804(279) P(l) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR,KR.

    Uninhabited PR,KR 273 ~~9,\ 112.91 ~;;: anorfG:

    274 mr 120.60 916(135) P(l) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR,KR

    ~'75 ~Tmr ;;m: 89.03 669(95) -«5) -(-'5) W,HP -(-.5) -(-.5) -(-5) PR.KR


    VTq~~ 4-a{ir'l!T~'= ~¢hr 61";;' ~mrfl( ~q' ~ ~!f~)11

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    9834 1,173(227) P(I) 276 q~ RP(2) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR MCW(l) ~ 277 f;;r ..1iI' 283.29 1,716(285) P(I),M(I) RP(I) W,HP PO THU BS PR

    191.83 723(116) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) (-5) 278 6Ttf\'i'= -(-5) KR ~~ 227.04 1,193(166) -(-5) -(-5) TW,W, -(-5) THU -(-5) KR 279 q'ro~ HP

    69.20 15(2) -(-5) RP(I) W,HP -(-5) .-(-5) 280 o/iq;~,= -(-S) PR

    274.79 1,905(302) P(I) -(-5) W,HP, -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PI{ "281 Tf\'AT Q:f~f«Q: TW

    78.11 238t36) -(-5) -(10+ ) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) PR .282 w\~\~

    398.63 2,321(396) P(l) -(5-10) PO -(-5) -(5-10) PR "283 ~l{T'~ ~,HIl

    251.32 1,653(211) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) +~) -(-5) KR .284 ~

    195.47 1,111(190) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR 285 ~"r3TT

    1,971(321) P(I),H(I) -(-S) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR "286 \lT~ 194.26

    270.34 1,251(210) -(-5) H.(I) W,HP _(5_10) -(S-lO) BS PR 287 ~i!0l'i\

    96.72 ),060(161)' P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -«5) KR "288 ~llT

    . 3116 237(34) ...{-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5.) -«5) KR 189 ~~Fl~

    136.79 1,364(269) -(-5) H(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-S) BS KR 290 ij'~\

    291 :il'hTfiI1\ 146.91 960(137) P(1't -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -«5) -(-5) KR

    P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -«5) -(-5) KR 192 ~rq 174.43 1,207(189),'

    77.30 1,279(205) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS PR 293 ~\

    -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR 294 ~-.:r 112.51 940(141) pel) -«5) W,HP

    295 ~r


    12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 2 , -----~ arrr~~ 1t~, Il1fC!iT Anupshahr (9) EA Wheat, MaIze GC(29.14) 1.22 0.40 13.76 N(3),M(2) BiFPur 276, rWE(5342)WtO.4O) T(3)

    ~~~ Ie. 4-~q-Wf{~ ..,. ~"'m' n:( ~lf ~v{1 t{ ~

    :2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )0 11

    ~)lr 201., ~"5 1,375(209) -(-5). W',HP 1>'6 M'oN +5)' fdt ~96 <:~l{I1<: +~ . , 1,859(301) -(-5) "',HP PO -(-5) -l-S) PR 297 fuO!T~ ~~Rf t,379.22 p~f)

    547.96 2,709(405) P(l);M(l) 0(1) W,TW. +5) +5)' +5) KR 29-ft \~<:~, HP

    Z63.86 830(112) -(-5) -(-5) • W,HP -(-5) +5) -(-5) KR ~99 m~~~

    350.07 535(88) -(-5) +5) W,TW. +5) +5) +5) KR JOO f~

    ., 642.66 3,li5(465) P(I) -(-5) W.TW, +5) --(-5) BS 'pit '301 ~~\~.q;~;:r~ , HP \ <:fcf I 838.i3 6,387(1,137) P(3).M(t) MCW(l). W.HP. p~.Pbobe ~UN BS ~R 302 ~~ H(I) PHC(I)' TW O(.ll·Htl), 5 FPC(I) 183.33 ],117{18') -(;- ) -(-5) WIHP --(-5) -(-5) +5) KR 303 ~~~

    -(-5) ,KR 304 irTm<: 161,(,'7 1.43'7l2~!l) pet) '+5) TW +~) -<-5)

    709.44 2,91~(496) pel) H(l) T.W,HP p1j -tf6+) -(-5) KR 3'()S iWf'f~

    203.56 1,359(224) Pc!) RP(2) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) Kit $M 8T~~1<:

    1,089(189) P(1) RP(2) W.HP +~) -(-5) --(-5) KR 367 ;;m;rr '<9i 203.97 , <:fcr 80009 2,982(503) P(I),H(I), 0(3),H(1) W,TW, PO SI:JN -(-5) PR jB8 ~ \ M(l) HP pO KR j09 fq;:'t<:r 869.70 3,941(585) P(I) --(-5) W,T,HP -t'5-10) 4tO+)

    1.543(234) pel) W,HP +~) -($.10) -(3-10) KR ~('o 8T~

    I PO -(-5) -(-5) KR 311 :a'l{U\T 331.04 ~.78)(478) P{i),M(I) -(-5) TW

    257.79 897(143) P(I) RP(l) W,HP -'(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR '12 srmr~

    -(-5) '313 8T~<: w;' 279.65 1,708(286) P(l) RP(I) W,HP +51 +5) itR

    256 9~ -(-5) -(-S) KR 31'4 ilfQfT~ ~ 1,012(167) -((5) W,HP t-~) +5)

    31'S 554.44 2,456t42~} pllJ kP(~); W,HP -(-5} +5) -(-5) KR ~~ Oct) 197


    II 13 14 j5 16 17 18 19 20 2

    fiOfTt ~, lra;iT n~bal (3) BAd Wheat, al'te tWBt140.8~) 8.09 ltifs 15.37 T(Il, Rahmapur , 295 GC(1I.74)W(15.38) T(6.48) '~0fT~ ~, 'lr'f'liT Debai (5) BAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(904.91) 53.83 178.07 191.02 Debai ))ehat 291 W(6.88)O(S.09) ~(3642) fu-m: ir~, lI'!f;;T Debai (10) EAG Wheat, MaIze TWE(414.01) 25.50 57.47 50.98 Mmadpur 298 :tffi~ ~, iff;;r "Debai (6) EAG Wheat. MaIze TWE(156.62) 5.67 4249 59.08 Moh:?mmadpur 299 Khurd ~orrf ilW, iiflir Debai (10) EA Wheat, Maize TWE(204.39) 8.90 62.32 74.06 M{l) HIsmmat Garhi 30'0 W(O.40)

    ~l ~, .r.t~T Debai (13) EA Wheat, Maize TWE(44S,OO) 30.76 59.08, .1°1.58 T(1) Rasulpur'lirf sci TK(2.43)O(0.81) Nara;npur ~in~ ~, rr.m Debru (S} EA Wheat. Masze TWE(571.43) 26.31 92.27 141.24 M(3) T(2) Danpur. 302 O(6.48)TK(0.40), N(35) f~orrf ~, lI'~r Debal (5) EAG' Wheat, Maize TWE(IS9.86) 15.78 7.69 'N(4) Tulsi Garhi 303- r~ ~,*#T Debai (2) EA Wheat, Maize ~GC(14.97) 4.0? 2.43 13.35. T(I).M(1) Bandhaur 304- TWE(126.27) tiom ~, lI'~T I Debai(IO) EA Wheat, Maize GC(378.39) 112.10 46.14 76.09 N(I),T(l) DanGafii 30.5 TWE(78.51)W(13.21) . TEM(l)

    ~ ~,~r . Debal (6) EA Wheat, Mal~ TWE(l55.S1) 6.07 6.83 15.37 .N(2),T(2) Akbdrpui ~Oo., \'" W(19.43)

    ~1nt iT~, ~m " \ I Debal (7) EA )Vheat, MaIze TWE( 152:57) 6.07 8.50 '26.71 N(l) Nagla thhaftu :to'? W(lO.l:!) fi~rn: itW, ~'fifiT Debal (14) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(80:13) 53.83 27.51, 90.64 N(2),T(2) Shekhupur 30S ( , TW(S31OS)O(16.19) MO) fucrrt ir~, lI''f;;T Debal (10) EA Wb.:at, Maize TWE(743.03) 13.35 55.44 57.87 T(I),N(I) Blraura 309 f:sorr~ ~, lI''f''fiT Debal (7) EA Wheat, MaIze TWE(320.12) 9.31 62.32 36.83 Akbar Bas 310-

    ft.h~ iT~, tfift.r nebal (8) EA Wbe

    IJ~ f~U~!fiT I$if W+frnf~ ~ ~

    4 s 6 'I 8 9 10 11

    30S.79 1,415(tSO) pel) RP(I)W,TW,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5)

    463.79 1,427(217) P(I) RP(I) TW,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) 317 ~ll'fi)e KR.

    374.75 1,440(232) +5) CHW(l) W,HP +5) -(-5) -(,5) PR.

    215.71 411(38) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) RS KR.

    85.39 585(97) P(1) '-(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR. 320 ~e:~

    99.56 1,216(213) M(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 321 iif~i1r -(-5) P~

    141.65 601(95) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

    251.32 1,818(327) pel) -(5-10) W,HP -(:-5) -(-5) +5) PR

    190.21 651(110) pel) -(-5) WHP -(-5) +5) -(-5) PR

    146.50 835(125) pel) -(5-10) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -( 5) PR.

    326 ~iiflJq;\i1q\ ~ 65.16 3&7(5\:) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR. iSfTI1.fr 3 2 7 1iIiUon 93.89 607{I04) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR. ~ 3S6.89 2,599(528) P(I),H(l) RP(2) W,HP PO WED RS KR.

    -(-5) -(;-5) -(-5) KR. 329 ~~~ 112.91 861(123) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP

    Uninhabited 330 ~ 64.35

    247.68 2,238(388) P(I),H(I)RP(1).O(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-) -(5-10) KR

    83.37 770(140) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR wf.r 820.73 5.625(945) P(l).O(l) RP(l) W.HP PO SAT BS PR

    296.65 2,128(369) P(I) -(-~) TW.TW -(-5)' -(-5) -(-5) PR HP

    335 m~p:~rorl



    "- 12 13 14 15 Iii I' 18 19 20 2

    f~{ iT~, lfif'fiT Debal (9) EA . Wheat, Maize TWf.(237.96) 3.64 16.19 50.18 N(I),T(I) Darora 316 W(0.82) Vishwanatbpur fun{ ~~, lfif1fiT \ Debal~7) EAG Wheat, Maize .•. W{O.40) 13.76 30.36 158.24' N(I) RahIm Kot 317 T WE(260.22)TK (0. 81 ) f~;;n~ ~, lfif1fiT Debal (S' EA Wheat, Maize .. TW(59.09) 6.Q7 29.13 122.22 Sahdauan 318 TWE(IS7.43), W(O.SI) f~"fT{ ~~, lfif'fiT Deb'ai (6) BAG Wheat Maize TWE(J03.60) 36.83 30.35 9.72 N(I) Sherpur 319 W(9.31) fgcn{ iT~, l11fit>T Debai (3) Wheat, Maize •• , TW(67.J8),W(6.07) 0.40 1.62 10.12 Edalpur no fuil'rt q~, If'f'IiT Debai (7) EA Wheat, Maize TW(12.95) 2.83 4.86 12.96 T(2) Jarena 321 TWE(64.7S},W(1.21) f~iiT1t fr~, If'f~I Debai (7) BAG Wheat, MaIze GC(I1.34) 41.28 4.45 12.14 Budhanpur 322 TWEt72.44) Khurd

    "BiI'T~ iT~ I Il'l'IiT Debai (7) EA Wheat, Maize ... TWE(185.76) 1.62 4.45 22.66 Udaipur Kalan 323 GC(31.97), W(4.86) ""ITt' ~,!:[m Debal (8) EO Wheat, Maize GC(19.43) 5.26 9:71 9.31 T(I) Barena 324 TW(146.50) fiil'T{ iT~, !:[iFliT Debai (9) EA Wheat, I\falze GC(19.02) 4.86 7.68 27.52 T(l) Pokbarpur 32' TWE(87.42)

    'fuorTt it~, ~;liT Dcbai (10) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(S666) 364 4.86 Muzaffar Nagar 326- UlfBamaOi fu~ iT~, Tf'f'fiT Debai (10) EAG Wheat, Maize TWE(84.58} 2.83' 6.48 Bhamraua 327 fiiiir't ~, If'f'liT Debal (10) I EA Wheal, Maile TWE\322.15) S.08 1336 43,30 T(I) Dharampur 328 fE


    :arfrn~~ iT~, if'f'liT Anup Shahr (4) EA Wheat. MaIze ... GQSI7.21) 18.62 9.71 88.62 N(4),M(2) SuraJpur 333c TWE(182 12),W(4 45) T(6} Makhena srfr!iT~ iT~, ifiFIiT Anup Shahr (8)IlAG Wheat, M.lIze GC(187.38) 21.04 4.S6 31.16 Bhopalpur 334 TWE\52.21)

    m;{~~ 4 - arTJ~'{ Er~ij')<;r' ~ ~~. ~ct '!f'f ~

    1 1 4 s 6' 7 8 9 10 11

    -f_5\ 336 +ITQ;i!'~r'i'r~ ~-ii .301.57 408(62) -(.5) RRP) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) T(~' ~f~T ~m<: i1H~~

    UninhabIted KR 337 'Wf~'~ ~'{ 42.09 ~T<: ar~

    -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) PR 338 ~<: ~~ ;;rtlf~ 331.45 446(68) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP

    3,905(662) P(I),H(I) -(-5) W,HP -PO -(-5) -(5-10) PR 339 ~H 577.51

    340 f

    341 :!'HA'T l)'~ 365.44 2,289(389) P(J) RP(I) 'l',W,TW, -(-5) -(-5) +5) ~R. HP . ~ 342 'fi~'fiffir orm'\ 599.36 2,277(442) P(2),H(I), H(I) HP,W,R po WED, BS r~ PUC(I)

    Uplnhabited Iql 343 'Ii<:i1

    344 fcr<1'T

    345 f<[<1''''T~q aITlf<: 496.97. 2,468(424) P(I) RP(l) W,HP -{(5) -(-5) BS PR

    346 rilf~,( 165.12 1,539(291) Pel) eHW(I) W,HP -(-5) +5) +5) PR

    347 'Ii\'1f~~~ 154.60 796(129) P(I) CHW(I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) ~R

    348 ~"l'J'qT 332.26 2,562(423) E(I),M(I) CHW(I) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) PR <:f

    350 f~r' 556.87 2,921(470, P(I) -(-5) W,HP pO -(-5) BS PR

    340.35 351

    352 ;:p:rT

    78.11 353 i1lfr

    354 lfTil:l=1R~~~ 110.89 720(118) P(I) -(-5) W,HP, -(-5). -(-5) -(-5) KR TW 355 ~ 157.02 1,244(178) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) KR 201.


    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lO 2 ------.... a{?:~<: it~, +Tit~ Anupshahr (5) EAG Wheat, Maize GC(20.24) 1821 2266 220.15 N(l) Mohammdabad 336 TWE(26.31) urfBhanya Hardwarpur Khadar atTl~~ Anupshahr (9) 0.41 41.68 Udaipur Khurd 337. Khadar arTlllT~ . i'r~, lflfifiT Anupshahr (9) EAG Wheat, Maize GC(10846) 45.33 33.99 125,46 Udaipur Khurd 338- TWE(t8.21) Bangar f~'ni iT~, Ii'fCfiT Debal (8) .BAG Wheat, Maize ~ GC(327.14) 92.68 9.71 57.47 T(I),M(l) Talwar 339' TWE(93.49)W(2.02) fu-~r{ iT~, l:f'f'lil Debai (6) W4eat, Maize GC(48.S6) - 2.83 0.41 2.43 Bichpun 34(), TW(19.02) f~;;rr{ ~, ll'fifiT Debai (6) Wheat, Maize GC(304.74) 23.07 6.48 31.15 Ghusrana Gaial 341: • f:ST Debai (5) EA.G Wheat, Maile TWE(96.72) 2.43 3.24 8.50 MDhammadpur 354- Kalan fsorr'{ tr~, liif~ Debal (5) EA.G Wheat, Maize GC(I11.70) 6,48 0.40 11.32 T(2) Khalfpur 355 TWE(26.JJ)W(O.8J) 202

    ~r~ A~fWl1iT lirif Wcrerc( Iter ".I:~ ;aQ1.l)"

    1 2 3 4 5 6 " 8 9 10 11

    356 lTTe-'iT 12708 1,073(189) . pel) -(-5) . W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR

    357 @~'fi(ifT 129.10 1,(JOO(183) PII) ·-(-·5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) KR

    358 ~~Fr~<: 'fi(ifY 171.59 1,155(i97) -(-5) RP(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR. lliJ"Qf 258.60 359 {[11TT~l.rr~., 1,1312(303) PCl) -(-5) W,HP PO TUB -(-5) PR

    360 'Itro u;ft Cfitl4Ti=JT 170.38 835(148) -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -C-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR

    361 mIT~T 43667 2.913(476) P(I),M(I) CHW(I) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR.

    362 mf<1q~ 582.77 2.770(455) PCI) -(-5) W,HP -l-5) -(-5) -(-5) I KR

    363 IT)f'f~~<: 20559 886(133) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR

    364 q-r~rCfi~~ 589.24 6,896(1,178) P(I),M(I), PHC(I). W,HP PO -(-5, BS,RS PR. H(I) H(l)

    365 f:sqr{ '!~ 22218 644(111) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

    366 lTra-;rT 5909 366(56) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

    367 lTfiZ"!I'T 'f"\'Cffif'!\ 19992 816(146) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -<-5) PR

    368 'f

    369 arT<1~ ~i 290.57 963(165) pel) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 1'-R f"lw::rr'F 370 ~rft 20316 1.080(17~) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

    371 <:Hrf.p;rlifT 14731 1,337(220) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) KR

    372 ~\r 225.82 1,675(278) P(I),MO). RP(I) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) KR. H(I)

    313 Jj'6; rrlT<1T 148.12 1,201 (200) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR

    374 ~G:~\1cfi 32700 3,063(481) P(I) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) B5 PR ~ ... ~ 375 aiRmorTG: ~\ 84947 4,380(655) pel) -(~-IO) W,HP PO +5) -(-5) KR 203


    ]2 13 14 15 16.. IV 18 19 20 2




    f6;;n~ it~f l1Cf'liT Dobal (4) BD Wheat, Maize TW(52.21) 1.21 446 1.21 T(I) Godhana 366 fe-orT~ it~) l1CfiliT Dobal (6) EA Wheat, Maize GC(12991) 17.40 5.26 13.76 T(l) GarhJa Sultanpur 367 TWE(33.59) fe-

    fuorT{ itif 1 l1Cf'fi T Debal (7) BAG Wheat, Maize GC(I 62) 66.37 15.38 16.59 AlampurUrf 369 TWE(190.61) Chllmapur fuorr{ it~, lfcf'liT Debal (8) EA Wheat, Maize TWE(180 09) 4.45 4.05 11.74 Umran 37Q~ W(2 43)R(O.40) fuiifT~ ii~, +rCfifiT Debal (8) EAG Wheat. MaIze TW(9187) 3.64 20.24 0.80 M(2) Ramblloni 371 T\\ E(30.76) fuiifT~ it~, l1Cf'liT Debal (10) EAG Wheat, Maize GC(ISO.S5) 27.11 1.62 26.31 N(3) Chondera 372: TWB(1902)0(1.21) fu

    «1+1' f~f~ 4 - OT'rl~~<: i'f~r~ ~ wcwn( ~

    2 3 4 5 Ii 7 8 9 10 11 ------

    306.76 944(141) -(-5) -((5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) KR 376 fu~f%T~ -(-»

    ) +rrt:r 394.5B 4,195(655) P(I),M(l), MCW(f), W,HP 'PO TUE BS PIt '377 ~R H(l), RP(t) I 1,082(176) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) .-(--5) PR '378 <{T~~ 180.90

    632.55 4,180(730] P(l),M(1) RP(2) W,HP PO -(-5) BS PR '379 'U'1~;r ~ 108.05 1,698(35') P(2],H(ly, PO THU BS PR.,KR 380 ~;,;r;n?; i( fl'f<:: R~(Z),f W,HP M(I) FPe(l), D(l)

    173.62 31(7) -(-5). -(5-10) -(-5) KR :381 ~T;;rmc: l!1K~ -(-.5)- W,HP -(-5~

    Uninhabited Kit 382 ;a-~l'f:S"t 19TC{,\ 88.22 ~\ 3TTaT~

    -(-5) R't 383 ;a-~'TG"triif~ 145.69 1,547(2i~ pel) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+)

    384 ~~; -(.... S) W,HP -(-5) +S} +S) PR

    84.9~ 607~IOJ) -(-5) W,HP BS I(R..- .3-85 (i~7i PCl) +5) +5) I

    PR,KR ~;prm 140.03 946~13U) +5). +5) W,HP, -(-5). +5) +S} 386 TW

    Uninhabited PR 387 ;fr~ ~1<{<: 10967 ii<: OTTiifT<:'

    388 .,~·h:{ m~' 154.60 ;f;: an

    -(-5) KR 389' fifCfT:S'T, Ii; ~<: 93.08 583(103) +5) -(-5) W,HP,R -(-5,) -(-5)

    2~8.60 1,477(289) P{I) -(-5) W,TW, -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR,KR 390 f.;c;rr:s'T

    10482 4~1(91) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -;(-5) +5) -{-5) PR 3~·1 . f.wni{iC:~

    _(_5) -(-5) KR 392 qf~cl'~fT 188.59· 1-,672(289) P(1l W,HP -(-5) -HI

    393 .rn~T 288.96. 1.843(314) P(1), +5) W,HP +5). -(;-5) -(-5) KR

    -(-5) , KR 394 fcI'~1'Ill~ 167· 55 l,28t(2J3) P(I~ -(5,10) W,HP -(-5). -(-5)

    381.63 2,173(388) -(-5) KR 395 mHi~ P(l), +5) W,HP PO ~ 205


    12 13 J4 15 16 11 18 19 20 2 fu;r{~ ,~~, If'Ffi'T Debal (12) BAG Wheat, M!!Ize .,. ~W~103.6Q) 42.90 21.85 Tilokpur 376 0(13 .1 )R(5.26) fs

    ;:f~RT ~, If'f'IiT Narallra (4) Wheat, Maize GC(59.49) 6.88 2388 14.57 T(I) Nltyanandpur 391 W(6.88} f:sm ~, If'f'liT neb~l (11) EA Wheat. Maize GC(86.20) 10.93 5.26 17.81 Parihaval; 391" TWEt61.51) ft.lT~ ~, lflfliiT Debal (13) BAG Wheat, Mal're ... GC(181.71) 8.90 0.81 26.32 N(l) BaJhera 393 "PWB{tiw'39)W(2 83)1 f:S"T~ ir~J t:l'lflj;f Debal (13) EA Wheat. Maize GC(82.96) 5:26 2.04 16.19 M(l) Vljai Nagalta 394- 1\WE(:Z7.92)W(1.21~ 0(31.97) f6OfT~ ir~; I1lf'IiT Debal (13) EAG WhCdt. Maize GC(263.46) . 26.71 14.16 31.16 N(I),M(I) Dharakpur 395' TWE(46.l4)1 206

    ~~f~ 4-31?:ql!T~~ o~ Irif ~mmf ~ W1i ~

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    201.95 1,246(105) 396 fOf'ifT3i P(l) -(-5) W.TW. -(_5) -(-5) -(-5) PR, HP,C

    '134.77 212f!2) -(-5) W,C,R 397 ~'fi'~~ orr'T'( -(-~ -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR

    97.53 97(21) -(-5) -(-5) 398 ~~~ IiT~~ W,HP -(·5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.

    85.39• 387(72) -(-5) -(-5) 399 lTrrrOfHr ~T~ W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

    99.96 813(195) . 400 il'momr ifilT~ -(-5) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) PR

    151.76 1,690(278) 401 ifre:')~ P(I) -(-5) T,W PO -(-5) BS KR I 210.44 1,642(550) 402 ~]11

    690(138) 404 11)~~~ 731.70 -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) KR

    405 ,,~ ortf£'<: 310.SI 323(47) -(-5) -(-5) C,W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PR

    f· • 575.48 406 3i. ~T'lfq Ii r~~ 576(106) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) KR

    452.05 .. 407 \jf~~<:

    189.40 408 ~;ST ilrsr 831(118) PO) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) ~-5) -(-5) KR.

    ~~ 409 \jf<:if:rr 967.64 6,632(1,189) P(l),H(1), 0(1) W,HP PO WED BS PR,KR. PUCCI)

    410 *rm 137.19 831(141) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) J;)S PR

    263.~6 668(118) 41 I 11~<:l'il~~ '3"tf.. ~2:an -(-5) -(-5) W,TW -(-5) +5) - BS PR ;:nn:rr \ 146.10 765(131) 412' ~rl1'm:r -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR.

    178.47 1,603(1,581) 413 Rmr a~ ij'R'qql P(l),M(I), -(-5) W,TW,C, PO -(10+) -(-5) KR H(l), HP PUCCI) 237,96 414 fq;ftcrT 412(68) ~-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

    ~)11 447.60 415 ~ifT 982(191) pel) +5) W,TW, , -(-5) MON -(-5) KR HP 207


    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

    ';"{)U ~, +l9''tlT Naraura(6) BAG,ED Wheat, MaIze GC(120.60) 10.52 2.43 64.35 BIJau 396 TWE(4.05) .;,hT ir~, 1{1f'!iT Naraura (4) Wheat, Maize GC(7.69) 24.69 25.50 76.89 Haklmpur Bangar 397 "imr ~, l'f'fliT ::N'araura (3) Whea t, MaIze GC(14.97) 29.54 38.01 14.98 Hakimpur 398 \ Khadar ;:n::hr it~, ll'f'IiT "Naraura (4) Wheat, MaIze GC(17.40) 18.21 6.48 43.30 Gangabas Kbadar 39~ "i~h:T ~, +l9';J;T Naraura (5) EO Whedt, Maize 99.9_6 . Gangabas Bangar 400-


    fsiiIT~ ir~, +r'f'liT J)ebal (ll) Wheat, MalL(~ .. 104.41 348.45 H2.62 Unchagaon 406- Kbadar fsiifrt ,. Debal (13) 37.23 55.44 359.38 Jasupur Gang 407 fSiifri it~, lf1f'iiT Debal (I2) BAG Wheat, M.lIze 0(13.76)W(12.14) 89.03 6.88 13.77 Munda Khera 408- GC(21.04) T'I}'E(32.78) f6.n~ ~~, +l9"liT Debal (151 EA Wheat, Maize 0(32.78)W(1I.74) 81.75 17.40 93.49 M(6),N(2), Jargauan 409 GC(439.10) T(I) TWE(291.38) f:sorl.~ ~, +l9''fi'T Debal (13) I BAG Wheat, Mal>:e .. W(O.40)GC(45.33) i9.02 41.27 18.62 Gangagarh 410 TWE(1255) 0 f~;;rT~ ir~, If'f'fi'T Debal (13) BAG Wheat, MaIZe GC(7163) 93.25 12.55 27.11 MaharaJpur Urf 41l TW(79.32) Ratua Nagla fs~r'{ ~,~T TIebal (I) BA.G Wheat, Maize GC(70.82) 48.16 202 13 76 Rambas 412. TWE{6 48)0(486) fs

    \1'1lI' f~~ 4-a:r':l:q~~ 6r.f ~. ~ 'JfiJ ~

    2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11

    416 iW<:r 354.11 ·1,578(261) P(4} -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR

    154.~9 3Q!?(?8) -H) -(-5) W -(-5) -{-5) -(-5) KR 417 ~l1re~<:

    82.96 43()(72) -(-5) :(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 418 a:r~\3"i KR. ~iilW~ 216(34) W,R -(-5) -(-5) 419 a:r~<:~'I'fi~· 216.92 -(-S~ +5) -{-5) ~ ~~ 420 at:;wrTq orTlT<: 314.45 1,319(266) P(l). -{-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) KR. 209


    12 13 14 ]5 16 17 18 19 20 2 fuorT~ iT~, ll''f'tiT Debal (II) Wheat, Maize ,'TW (210.44) 97.13 46.54 Pesafl 416 fsorli iTg, ll'm Debai (5) Wheat, Maize TW(8.9q) 79.32 40.88 25.09 Sarmastpur - 417 f&a:T~ iT~,l'I'fifiT Deb.u (7) Wheat, Malze GC(809) 13.76 19.02 42.09 Asalatpur Urf 418 NauJarpur Bangar fs

    qft:~ I f~efI, fq~ Cf amr !ifcman ItiT CI~tI1~l;: m'( fum Educational

    ~ ;rr~1 'l'l1lT '1ft srr~-q flrm;r ~~~I q1o~omol ifir~ sr~ fum 3F 'IV,!:; ~$ 'IV~ ~~ , ~ ~~ , ~ -\> 'g;~ • "f J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

    fij'lfi'~6ITG: 1. Slkandrabad 134 135 26 26 12 12 4 4 107

    ~~~ 2. Bulandshahr 291 328 45 48 34 36 6 6 2 2 91 ~iiIi 3. Khurja 252 260 40 40 16 16 9 9 99

    _. ar'rf~\ 4. Anuplhahr 253 271 42 ~2 30 32 6 6 6 6 129 lim Total 930 994 153 156 92 96 25 25 2 2 6 6 426 213

    APPENDIX I Tahsilwise Abstract of Educational, Medical and other amenities ftrfcrnrr MedICal ----., ~~t:t'i ~Hif ~lfl1lT lITiff ctt f'{f'fi~w:r ~/"f~~/ )fr~fq'fi rrf\9R sn~f~ ~~ 8T0lf ~I§l:l'T f(jfi'fij Hospital Others OiHif 'f.~TUf FHt~ ~I f;nr~;; tcf~ ~ ~ f'ff'li«fT ~ Ffrr~ ~;:il' itrir ~R 'Commumty Wc£ur MaterOlty Pnmary FamJ]y Primary Health and ChIld Health Centre] PlanIling Health Worker ~T~ Welfare Health Centre Centre .sub-Centre VI Ilages Centre! WIth on Maternity Hospltq) Home/ChIld facllIty Welfare Centre ., ~'" §'" g "'Q '" Q'" rJ! ., 0 ., 2 'I)"' tI IU ~ OJ '"QI) 1:;1) '" OIl .~~ ~ .~~ a '"~ '1::1':; ~ '1::1':; .~ ...... ~ I+.!S ~'i J:r'!s '~~ I;r"::: tv:..::: '[i... ~ .~ .. ~"' IV'" E~ IV'" IV'" li~ fl;~ .. .~ .s 'Iv .~ ~.a .tt; ~~ '" ~~ ~~ .s 1;<>, 1P.s ~~ .s ~~ .~.s ;; 'Iv oS ~~ .s > 'j:[; .s IS • 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 '31 32 33 34

    2 2 7 7 r .,. 9 9 224

    6 6 S 8 12 12 2 2 6 6 4 4 38 52 317

    4 4 7 7 4 4 2 2 4 4 39 43 302

    2 2 21 22 16 17 4 4 4 4 9 9 147 208 208

    14 14 43 44 33 34 9 9 14 14 14 14 233 324 1051 214 .

    qf,f~ I mall, "mm ~ ~ ~flnmff'lfiJ '.lI1cll~ m ~.~~ Drinking Water . _. - ml1f~ ~~ f~ij"TSIm .ffi'titGI' :wi ~f rr~Wf 'T~T 5J'\ilT ~ ~ ar.fmii iiim~ ij"farf River 'hllfl1f Tap Well Tank Tubewell Fountam Canal Others More W>:lJ c:r~~ 'fiT iiT1f than one WcrfIT «,'? Name of Tabsil source ~~ SI: VIUage M with no drinking water facility of any type

    2 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

    fij"~qrq: 1. Sikandral:lad' 30 169 37 .,. 232 213 ...

    ~;:~~\ 2. BuJanesbahr 36' 27t 62 2 10 349 289

    l[ijfi " 3. Khurj:: 22 350 81 5 338 3S3

    ar~tf!IT~ 4. AnuDshahr 16 369 39 6 7 '" 366 374 !:ITIT 'rotal 104 1159 2 - 219 9 23 1285 1229 '215

    APPENDIX I Tabsilwise Abstract of Educational, Medical and other amenities

    m'i~m\ If Rf1i:ITcf fq~",Cf 3H~rCf Post and Telegraph Communicahon Power Supply r------~------~ ~-- -m;~ . il'li"l\ ff1'm ilHi ~ Gl'!i tri Cf"rof'\ iJf\C!'\ ~m arij'~J'll' ~~ ~ ~fI ar~~ am<: ~1qj);r ~T ~Tii Post Telegraph Post & ~ ~ Telephone Bu~ Stop NavIgable Available Not Office Post Rallway Office Telegraph Office amtfit., Stahon Waterway available Office and Telegraph Post Office & Phone and Telegraph Phone Office & Phone

    45 46 47 48 ·49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

    31 .46 2 189 53

    96, 5 58 343 43

    89 3 59 2 249 104·

    84 3 2 79 4 342 42

    300 9 3 4 244 9 1123 242 216

    qftf~! II APPENDIX n ~.i.rr~. ~ ~ Jf~~.;pr.<:'r. (~'TIPJ). ili P ~ ~ ~ Land utilisatiOn data in respe~t of non-municipal towns cCensus,towns) ifilf ;:PT"\ ~

    2 3 4 5 6 8

    ~m.. if~r ~'ta"r NOT APPLICABLE 217 1\Ftt~r.lIl ''NIi/iNn~1I1

    1~~~\1~~~~~~rrt _ .... 1..,"tI. Tahsil Sikandarabad

    · . f ~ ,,~~±~~~:~~l~~'r~"ii~T:~~i~ t 1St 0 villages WlIere no ameDlty other than the drlIlkIng water is avaIlallle

    lIil:f ;pftm~ «0 ~ Name of village Sl. L.C. No. No.

    2 3 4

    I 2 ~T J&atta 2 6 ~T~r~<: .Rohellapur

    3 15 ,,!Q:<:~<: qrT~<: Chuharpur Khadar 4 .16 WIfiT~<: Shafipur

    5 19 ifiT+r

    9 ~4 ~T:a-~<: Daudpur 10 35 f

    12 40 ;;rr'f~ 0f'1i;;r{1~<: J,aganpuf Afjalpur 13 41 a:rl'ft~\ i[jTG'\ Amipur Khadar 14 43 irlcft~ Motipll.l 15 49

    2 3 4

    Mahiuddinpur 25 ~~ Darveshpur 2 26 if~l1fC!\ 3 159 ~1lrfG: fm~ Faizabad Rithawali 4 166 ~~ ~~;r~ Saidpur Khurrampur 5 189 ,~~, Rasulpur 6 190 ~iT~t:tm

    8 200 'liT

    16 32$ wmrr~'( ~, Sultanpur Khadar 219

    gf'da UI APPENDlK 'Ill

    .~.~ \l'ab&il K:hurje '~~ ~ ~ ~ $ irlll.{ Ib1 ~ List Df ~lliages ..vlleOlllP laIllenity ptbllr ~1he .drinking water is available

    ifi'f mt~~ ~o ~ llT1t' 'liT f!1lr Name of village SI. L.C, No. No. ------~.------2 3 4

    .ar;:P.ft~ r<:r ."T

    qf'(f~ III APPENDIX,m

    ~.~ Tahsil Khurja q~ iii) ~~~ ~mrr ~f~ 'lTlrl !bl ~ LIst of villages where no amenity other than the drinking water is available , "

    do ~ Name of village :;1. L.C. No, No.

    2 3 4

    31 257 1a€'fT Khutena '" . Hmsoti 32 277 ~'hrlfT I 33 286 ~r Urdami 34 :t99 ~T


    ~~ ar;;t:ql!T~ Tahsd Anupshahr


    ~o .,Hit' Name of vIllage SI. L.C. No. No.

    2 3 4


    ~2 m

    df1~f:qa 6f1fa

    for«T1T'9 ~r ,0-5 35 Blsayach 6-10 2 Jhatta ~~lI'r

    ;rtm:!"{ (_!ll~ 43 Motipur 7 Tugalpur q:;a-~~ ar~ IijT

    +r'fi~~~<::" "!~"{ !!frlf{ 82 Makanpur Khada. 15 ChuharpurJehadar <::i~~'fi~ , qiTlTir'ffi$"\ lOt Rasoolpur Ikbef 19 Kambaxpur ~;:fl'T"{ ar*t

    \jfi'tG~ "{TlT:!'l: ~

    "{r:;'!T\FI~ ~P:rr 155 Rajalampur- 110 Kutwaya

    ~r.iT'mr qi~ 169 Mano Bas. 112 KamaJpur

    ~~"{ arT:;;rlT~"{ g«~ r.

    td'UW15i!' IV APPENDIX IV ~ ~rftr:rl iNT ~~ iiI'liillrn4'i 'lif ;rir~ ~r ~ iiI'l~T iir ~o qfur;: iF aqm lTPif iIft ~r List of villages aocordmg to the proportIOn of Scheduled castell and Scheduled tribes 10 the ,total population by ranges iJ~r\'1-f~G:\mil; il(~Rm' iiI1fulft Tahsil Slkandrahad A-Scbedul,ed Castc, il(~:;;m mftTlif arp\ifTRrl:fl ~r iiI'ldijl:ff fflm !fiT Gfifmr .~ em qf~ij, m ~qfuH m <.rr+r i{if ifr+r lTr+r i{if ifr+r (srRrlUo) Name of Village (srfumr) dw Name of Village Range of LocatIOn Range 0 Location Scheduled castei code Scheduled castes code . populatIon No. population No. (Pcrccutage) (Percentage) 3 2 3

    t:rdn::~\ orrG:Tm orT'" . 6-10 140 GlrdharpuT 11-15 18 Badoll Bangar ~\m' lfirn"ffi ;r]lI'\ 143 RaJP])r Kalan 23 Kandh Bangar ~T~ rm:T ij'\1ffiIl<: 146 Lathore 24 Garhl Sarmstpur f

    \'1r~m ;mr ~tiT~~T 163 Ladla Bas 21 KulJpurn

    arr~T ~<: J92 Arha 37 Tuksar iilTm "l~<:ar~ )97 Joh 40 J'aganpur Af3Jalpur ~~ifT ;;rr"~\ 199 Buteua 49 Bagpur ,,)crT~~\ <;,m<: ~ti 202 Gopalpur 60 Dankaur Rural f;;rij'qFfT lfirG:~\Il~~ 220 77 Kadarpur Mozampur ~~T ~tfl'frrr~\ 230 Dulhara 84 Usamanpur lI'fi<:,r~~\ ~i ~~~<: 3lT6-'!\ 234 Makrandpur urf fatehpuf 88 Aehhepur '

    qftfuq IV APPBNoI* IV ar~~ :srmrm am ~:;re' .crliY Iffr ;r;rmr;iT.~ ~ ~ ~qIttqj~ t ar~ mm if>1' ~ List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled castes and SchedUled tribes fo the total population by ranges ~{'I'-fu<:!i~~T'TT~ }T~ '5ITf'~t 'Taml1- Sikandrabad A.;Sc,bedulP,d. Castel arw'l8~ arW':;re' ~lfl IliT Iii1'Of«~ iiiTm' if>1' I3TiffiISlff \iI1m ~T mn II\1G ifiT 1ffut1l ~ «T~ !fiT ifI1l" .!I1lI' !fiT ;:rtl( (srfamrl «l97.TT Name of Village (mol ~r Name of Village Range of Location Range Of Location Scheduled castes code Scheduled castes code population • No. populatIOn No. (Percentage) (percentagQ) 2 3 2 3

    ~I~~ ~... 11-15 133 Salehpur 11-15 242 Kondu ~0fT~ ~G<: Gfr~ 147 Muradabad ~54 Fatchpur Jadon ~ , 'liT

    ClTTl3"!:fi,!<: ar+R~ 2()\ AsafpuJ 53 Amarpur fut1~'fIT~ 1fiOfRm 2(J3. Tl~egumput" 57 Kanam

    i[<{l:[~<: ~ra; 21Z HHdyapur 76 Kherh Bhaw q~qr i;rrifr~ ~cftl:fi~~ orf~ 229 Mahepajaglr 78 La teefpur Banllar i\~<: :i.. '1<:~;:: \~ 231. Noorpur 83 Dungarpur, Reelkha ij~)ifl. "tfi <:Mt fq;;rfT: 233. Saloni urC Rauni 87 Mirzapur f&Blft of~ri'fr \ 23-50 Hlrnoti: 95 Vilana I mtflriJ,Iv 4PWQJ

    " Cfmrr<.i f.:ri>fTI1~\ 16-20 97 Pars a! 16-20 ~JS NizamQur wrhr ~crcrr Uf Suopera 225 Deot~ :qrmipf) arTiifl1$\ iI~r 119 Changoll 226 Azam.l1Ur Garhl farm!3~<: 31tKfrm 122 Bilaspur '227 Astoli m~r iliIipfT csrit

    qf~fuq IV APPENDIX IV i1\'~ i5flftfll'T ~T ~ Ii\'Nllfd41 I€t i3Til~~T;m ~ ~ i!t 8TTfffl trRij\ if ~ 00 'tif ~ LIst of vIllages according to the proportion of Scehduled castes 'and Scheduled tribes to the total populatIoD by range. . \ 6'~ijfi.f -f~1fl~TiiI'TG: i1\'~ I1JTRNr Tabai!-Slkandrabad A-8cbeduled Casle.

    6fW~ '"fTf~T ~ iifTfutr'f !fft IiRtrijlfT ~~ 11ft If'Riijlfr ~ 'liT qf\~ om T ;m!ffur;: ~ (srmrcr) Imf ,;m "fTlf tr!9lfT mr Name _of Village Range of Location k~ Localloo Scheduled castea code Scheduled castes code population No. populatIon No. (Percentage) (Percentage)

    1 2 3 1 2 3

    ~,~~ ~~h" ~\~~~ ~1-30 SI, Dadupur Dhlaur 21-30 118 Hasanpur Bakasua !:fTinT ifrGfW 52 Pobari 121 Banjerpur ;;crT~r ~ 5S Nawada 129 Dhanon i,[~

    ~~ll~,!\ 99>' )76 Ismallpur ~;;P:rt:f~\ ,«\llf GfrrMfTq' IH lnayatpur 180 Saral Jagannath ;rt~nT~~ for~~ In Mohammadpur Kehri 182 BlIsoon «~ll,!\ 'mC' fq~;:rcrT\r m.- Salempur Jat 183 Pllkhanwari 22J

    q£Q~II'~<.i Al1PBJ:mI~1 W". d{~~rfu

    and:$ohedul~ tr~ 10 the;. tptAl j POQ.1!IJ\~\O!L ID' ~an.w~ ~"~

    2 3 2 3

    ~~ 1l1~'R~\ ~'f~i['iQI' aiisT rrru 21-30 184'10 Husaillpur\FakruddlnPl!r. q.Nal 21-30 24~!, 'Dhamera ~~ra bash :q)~r 'IliT\iT Chola 191. BbatoJa 24!1_ ~q

    i[~ijT9' ~~ijlfr IfiT ~ ~mT« aqmr m!:n: 16" ar¥fT\ lflliT ;if ~ List of villages accordmg to t~e proportion of Scehduled castes and Scheduled tnbes to the total populatton by rangea ff~rn -f!:1'1ir«rOfTcr ar~ \jfffu

    2 J 2 3

    ~r~\ ~iR~ 31+ 100 Khwajpur 31+ 179 Junedpur ~ra;~r. :tf~ 102 Utraol! 189 Chanderoo m~.+r~~ ;;ITcrr ~')q~\ '103 ~ohanunadpurJadon 196 Hameedpur ~r;;r~ armr ~Cfr ri ~IJG 104 Hajtpur 198 Asadevi urf Purangarh ~lT~1 ar'~~ 105 Dugle 266 Andhel :q:;p::r.. ij"~1l~\ 'lir

    l'f~FfT ~!Ji'I"~<; :mlT')'~ 124 Gadana 219 Hasanpur Jagir

    U~\ l1frQ~\ 'ii~ 125 Roshanpur 240 Shahpur Kalan liir~~~ '{~~\ RoT<:T 136 Shah pur Khurd 241 Rasoolpur Rlthori ~ra;~ fGf,Ts1 qft~~\ 13S Chandrawal 244 BiroDch Foladpur arlTCfFfT arft1l:!~ }48' Agwana 251 Ailyabad !f.€t~~\ \;W~ GfT~ iiJ1T~ ~rt~ lSI} Fatehpur Ladlabas 256 Jagatpur urf Sultanpur ~n lTi

    f'l~ -mt 'lir~<:~ 1:6g- Pltu Bas 262 Kadarpur 229

    qf~f~ IV APPENDIX IV di~:;re ~l'fuli1 em ~~iJ ~rfiJzit ,

    ~i-t'iffi~ ~ '5Ilftrzit ~r 9T;:Hilffi ~

    m-<:~ il'~;:r "1't

    : ~ 3T~~ \ifrf~'f '1\1 \ifi1lj~ it" 1Xllf ~~ if~T ~ I : Excludes pHage With no scheduled castes population. \ rITc-~ ~ it ~fqiJ ~iOOfurIT 'fir GRljijl1T 'fiT ~ IDil' if~T ~ I qfmr6?; IV '!iT ''lWT or' Wre ~ - fc1;l:rr~r~1 NOTE-The,e IS no village with scheduled tribes popUlation in the tahsIl. Part·B 'Of appendix 'IV has not been pnnted. 230

    qftf~v APPBNDm'IV ~'~trl1fr'aj~'ifild ~i'f;;rlfd4fl;ft ~r 1IiTF~~~ ~ qf~if;.~ imi=t.i!ft~· List of Vl11a~CCOrding'to t~ proportIon of Scheduledt€astes and Scheduled'tl'ibes to the'totat population by ranges r:I~gr#-~~w~t 8T~"~ Tahsll-Bulandshahr A-ScheduleJi ,Caste,

    8T~GfTfam 8T~~ Il>r~T ~ 'f>1liA'mT ~ 1Iil~ ~ lIiT~ m llJ1l' ~ i'fllr V1lf IiIiT ;nlf (5Jfcrmr) mr Name of Village (srfuw,~ «~r Name of Village Range of Location Range 0 Location Scheduled cas tes code Scheduled castes code population No,- population No, (P"rcentage) (Percentage)

    2 3 1 2 3

    ~ ~~~ ... ~ 0-5 29 Khalrpur 0-5 201- Sohanpur fu~a:a- f~T~:;.r 31 BhiraQt1 201=- Bmaich

    mfTCfG' ~ lTTJTC{m 8TffitIiT

    tf;:;:ft;) Cfil~U

    qf~IV APPENDIX IV ~.;;nffnff oqr ar~ ~(flff em ~mr ifiT ~ iilirmr ~ ST~ qfcm: it; ~11: ~ ~ ~T List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled tribes to the total population by rangei, 6'~w.r~~~ ar~~;;rrWrt Tahiil-Bulandshahr A--ScheduJel Castes

    ~Gfrfcnn ~;;nfulfl !fiT ijfif~r m~ •et\ iilir~r ~ 'tiJ1ifuT<: m 'tiT qfur, IiIi16 llJll' ifiT ;;n:r «lll' I1iT 'fTlf Nall!e of Village (srfcmr) mr Name of Village ~~~~:~, r!::on 'Range of Location Scheduled castes code Scheduled cas tes code population No. population No, (percentage) (Perceotage)

    2 3 2 3 , ,

    ar~GT ~!1f&\ 6-10 44 Anhera Bulandshahar

    'Of~~\ ~Ti;f lJr\~-.:: 54 Ghansoorpur KhwaJ Mlrpur

    , 'UifT~l~ fuif~r ;;rifT~r\ 69 Ranapur Gmaura Janardar wr

    or<:lf~ 'fi]'<:: If''t\~ Meerapur 162 '3aTmadnagar lfi?:T

    qf~~.IV AP.E~I'q)IX IV ~f.;;rn ~1 ~ ~ 'OIif'il lfqiY ifi') u[if~ ifiT W '5I'tmr II ~~ Ifflm it; a{i~ ¥P.il !liT ~ List of vil~~ a£Cordlp'~ to tbe proP9rtion of ~he~u'~d \<\~t~ apd Scbedule,d ~nill!~ to the ~tal poPlfl~tiop by r~OSll.' ~il:;:r')~-2~r~ !1T~': ar~~t Tabllll-Bulandsba9f ' I).-;ScQeRujed Caa~

    8l'FGlTfo711 ~~ ~ ifiT ifiT tfiW~ qmn: m IDll !fiT ifTll" (srfu'l!I'6' ) Wr! l'lil1!l6 or ViJla~ Range of LOCjl.tlOD k~~:~~ r!~loD Scheduled castei Cooo Scheduled castell code population No. population No. (Percentage) (percentage)

    1 3 2 3

    ~\if')~<: or ifiCf\r

    ufrrlfTiffit ~HfT'!im 64 Dhalllyawah 126 Ismalla

    O!',\~Frr \if

    ~cr;:r\T 'l1li\T ID9 Ra\(sara.. 194 Bhamra fO!'~~\T mtT\:Jt/i~~T lLl Bisbundra 199 Devnagar Urf Devhgarhi arsl

    ~IV APPENDIX IV ~ ~1 ~.or~ "1'1Gllfdlll

    2 3 2

    ~T f:q~rif 11-15 210 Harcbana 11-15 322 Chitson 12:~IlT~ ~<:t

    ij(i~ f.!~T9 240 Tatarpur II Nlkhou

    31'!;q<:~<: ~~T 247 Akbarpur 24 Sehra rT q-rrT~~,;( ilf!!"t M. Panahpllr Sengli 308 KuchheJa 83 ~ro;;rf !T€t;;~<: i(~~<: !f:S:~'): Bahadurpur Parsauli 322 Bhainsrauh Maslfpur 90 234

    qftf~ IV APPENDDQ IV ~"ICf ~ avrr ~ ~~- it OA~ 'fiT ~ ~mr ~ 6r~mr qfW\ ~ ~ tIllif lfiT ~ List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes, fo the total population by ranges ~ij"r<1-~~ ar~~f Tahsil-Bulandshahr A-Scheduled Castea

    1lT~;;nfulIT ~~ ;€t;r;ffi~ ~ If>1 Gr.ffililn mm 1i!iT~ m 'fiT~ IDlt 'fiT i'fTlJ ~ mlt 'fiT ifTll' (srfuw ~r Name of Village (~) ~ Name of Village Range I,)1 Location Range of Location Scheduled castes code Scheduled castes code population No. population No. (Percentage) (percentage) 1 2 3 2 3


    ';~Al' arrey 'u :;,i or- Budhana 250 Audhera Urf Nawada

    ~~~ ;fq~T ~~, 162 Sadarpur 264 Naithla Hasanpur ar~.I"~~ ii'J'T iif~~\r lllZ: Akbarpur Rama 273 Bahhmpura ~rnT lil1~ ij-rrT 173. KtsauIJ 276 Kaul SalDa 235

    qf'd'~ IV APPENDIX IV ~~ ;;rffinl'l ~raT~ "1"1"1lfad'f !fir ;;r;:rij'1S

    ~i~f'iffi "llfa

    2 3 12 3

    ~l:JTi:r~~ a-ll:j"q~~ 16-20 284 Almanpur 16-20 363 Talyabpur. ~~T ~'iTrf~"IT= ;;r~crT 288 Nagla Ibrahimpur 371 Jakhalta '>T~l~T ~~ ~'lir

    '>TT{,!'T ;;rm~$1: 300 Bhalpura 378 Jamalpur ll"A"lfiT: G~W~<: 301 Manakpur 380 Darveshpur "t.B'lW ~)m;rT ~IT~ 30~ Kaiaull 402 Domla Hasangarh 7 :3-=r r

    crftf~ IV APPENDIX! IV arp GfTfu;if (('IT ~ iOfif;;nf(Jlff ;fit Gfifmr iii!' ~ Gfifmr ~ argqm qf-m; iti ~ in:ff ~ lfiil' . List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and ~bedule4,tribes to the total population by rallges 6~~m~~"{ ar~orr,ftm Tahill ~ulandshabr ~u,led Castes iIf~f;rcr ;;nftr

    2 ,3 2 3


    l1;(fJfTe:~<: ;;rio 43 Atmadpur 128 Jauth 11r<:~ 'lliJ<:Tm 'fl[m~Cfir 46 Shanfpur Bhams Roli 129 Nagla Kalanki f'fI1~'fT ;:ITorQ~<: 47 Nlffichaua 135 Naubatpur

    ~ ff5"{)~ ;ril:;::r~ 49 WalTa Flroj~ur 145 Maharajpuf 'll~~f ~rCfiU 52 Bhainsoda 150 Slkan


    ~m ;;r

    cift~ tv APPENDDQ IV aJ2:Wlrm!§lTT m~rr 'liT qft~ ~ 'IiT~ ~ ~rl1 'til .,n:r ~ ifiT 'fr+r (srfcJwa) ~ijlJf Name of Village (srfumr) ~ Name,of VIllage Range of Location Range of Location Scheduled castel code Scbeduled castel code pop~atlOn No. populatIon No. (Per D!age) (Percentage)

    '2 3 2 3

    3l~!f~ ~<:~ ~~mlIT;_;ft 21-30 171 Ahhalpur Ha~ratpur 21-30 271 Khetalpur Bhansauli iif'U\r 9<1'r~<:T 186 Baran 272 Wahpura ¥r

    amC1l'r<:~ ~';;rT '

    ~T .nl'!afr 227 Jahara 289 Basendua ct~T ~<:CJT=:a-tt lI:q'~ 236 Tanda 195 Hazaratpur urf Samaspur

    Cfiij'f~<: OI'lTiiT ~r 246 Kamalpur 302 Bagla Poothari Gf<:'lTT~<: f1:r~Cfi lf~:q''''<; 25'. Dartyapur 305 MIlk Mohsamgarh, 3l~ ;;rc~r 253 Adault 316 Jatpura 11<:1);

    lI~~ ~~~\T 263 Sabdalpur 338 Halp!.Ira 238

    qRf~IV APPENDIX IV ar~ ii!1farn o'fT ~ '5I"I'5Ilfd'zrr q,"f '5Iffmr iIifI ~ ffl~ Q­ &T~ qf~ it ~~ IITlfl 'til ~I LIst of villages accordmg10 the proportlOD of Scheduled Castei and Scheduled tribes to the total population by ranges \:l~~r{1~G:QTQ:~ ar~ i;fTRm Tahul Bulandshahr A-Scheduled Castes

    armftia- ;;rrfa-1fT ~GfTfa1fT Efi1 Gl"l'mr 'litm otT lOfifmr 'litm IIfiT crfur<:, ~ IiliTq~ m 1Xl'l1' lilif "I'm '!fl'q IiIif "I'll{ (srfumr) mr Name of Village (srRreij) mr Name of Village Range of Location Range of Location Scheduled cas les code Scheduled castes code population No. population No (Percentage) (Percentage) 2 3 2 3


    ~;:;rrqi'f m'Oj~ 34tl. Kallavall 34 TaJPur OJ'e-Tin 348- S.nawa 41 Asawar ~C:1m or~:sr orr ~ft(l:~ 352 Bhataula. 50 Badda Bajldpur <:~T i1l'


    ~T ~~Iq 368 Dhalna 76 Mahau GfT;f1 ~<: Efit1T ifku 83 laolpur ~Ian 84 Bonilla ~fi~ ~rft ~lwcr'I<:: ~cffi~Cf<:r 3SS Sehatpur VerL 86 Daulalpur Mukteshwara. ~Tr~'

    l:T+ri'J9;\ 'UITIT~ 391- Samanpur 96 Ramgarh ~"{lTrcr 'flTm ;;rm ~qi tGi"C:Ttnr 393 'Sar GaoD 106 ~ag)a Jit urf Mara <:F'f:a:i <:~lf ~~ anW+1~r<:.~"{ ;li{~~ 39-5> Ranau Raham I\lJpUIi j 18' A!amglrpur Natnsukh 239

    qf1:f~ IV APPENJ)IX IV ar~ :;rmp:r1 CP:rr ~ '31i'!iillfdlll ~ iiIiI'ti~r i.fiT ~ iiIiI'~ ij­ ~ rrror<: ~ ar~ trTiiT !fir ~ List of Villages according to the proportJon of Scehduled castes and Scheduled tripes to the total population by ranges o~~~<;f~1!T~ ar-~ iiltfu'lif Tahsil-Bulandshahr A-Scheduled Castel ar:m;f"«f \iflf(UfT ~~1 eFt ~~lSlJT <;f~

    f+rGfT~ 3flT~~\ Gf~T~r'!fim 31+ 120 Mnzapur Agarpur 31+ 229 JasnawalJ Kalan ar1~~~mw 138 Aurangpur MlCpur 232 Hasanpur

    ~~~<: ¥;rr 143 Farhadpur 233 Kudaina f1!T"fT<;ff ~ft\T~<: 147 Shlwah 235 Hlrapur A ij";n-'Il1TG' if~ifm 156 Salaimgarh 238 Badnaura urB"~\ a-fi'flfT ar~~~ PTiilRT 157 Rasulpur Tehya 242 AlJpur Gljaufl


    q~f~ IV APPENDIX IV at~ ~1 (:NT ~ ~ijlll tr GAmr 'lit ~ i3(';:r~ ~ ~ '1fm it; ~ w#1 tr wTr Lis(of vIllages according to tbe proportion of Scheduled castes and SCheduled tribes to the total population by ranges ;;{~~r~-~~~ ar~ iiITftfllt Tahsll-Bulandshahr A"-Sc~eduled Caatet

    1If~~ ~ "ITfulll ;;r;:ffitiilrT ~

    Qml1T;;rT~ iSf~T~ 31+ 280 Hatmabad 31+ 349 Barauda !;1'+r\1'Cfiifr ~,.~'U 281 Dhamrawah 354 Lauhara rn;~ f~'11z 285 Dudupu' 357 fIlrnaut

    FR1T ar;~r~ §mij';; 29() Kurala 36~ Abdullapur Hulasan l3;cl"~rorr~ 'lWfrU ::;n

    ll'''RT;lT ~\ 331 Maurolll 379 HatampUf q-r~mr iflT~ tfi1;T~~ :3'32 Parol! 381 Nagla Fatehpur a:rr~q; ~f\lfr~ ~Tfi'::~ 3-36 Ajam Dariyapui' 384 Mahmudpur ~;;rr~\ ~or e:~ilTe:~'{ iilHrrt'r 342 SUJapur Putha 386 Dargahptir Basauti l3;

    q1l:re~~ &~ 31+ 392 Paharpur Hawelipur 31+ 398 Hazratpur.. Gf~<: cgT\T ftC!l1"T 394 Jalalpur Katora 399 . Riwara ifJAT ~~~ ~ 396 Nagla Lutf Ahpur 400' Mamau

    * ~ ~~f

    qfU~IV APPENDIX IV ~f'iffi i31'Tfurff ~ ~ iif~111 qif iifif~m Cfr ~ ~ ~ i!!WffiI' q-f

    ~tl:f"fff ijjijllllfdi.11 ~ iif'iIlITftrlff !liT ~«lSlfT ~ !lil'~W ~ !liT q-fun:: 'fiR ~m:pfi" ;:mr 'liT q-fun: ~ Q11l' 'liT i'f1lr Name of Village (srfumr ) «~

    qley~~ 0-5· 2 . Pota Kabulpur 6-15 16-25 26-35 36-$0, 51+

    * lIFT ~W"«r iifil"1IRMT it ~~T it m'1 Wt ij'!l:llfu'cr ~1 ~ I • Excludes VIllages with no Scheduled tribes population. I 243

    qf'(f~ IV APPENDIX IV arW:;m ;;r~T am ill'Tf:;m ~rfcrllj '1\1 ""'~ q;r ~ :or.Tmr ~ ~1ffiT qf~ it aqm l1flll!fiT ~ Lis t of villages accordmg to the proportion of Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes to the total population by ranges ~r~-~;;rT ~-arW"ffl ;;rrfollr Tahsll-Khurja A-Scheduled Cas tel'. er~~ armf:;m mfu

    ~ ililTl: ~~lT~T 0-5· 4 Taqlpur Bangr 0-5 333 Dalelgarhl li~G;~~ 01i

    ij'T\~T;;r ;;r~T~<: lZ35 Sarso! 215 Jahanpur iflTfu"TT ~e:+rif~<:


    qA:f~ IV APPENDIXiIV ~ arrftnft 6lff ~ ~rn ~ ~mT 'liT ~~ iiI"I'mt)· ~ trf-m: ~ ~ V'T'Il ~ ~ List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled castes and SCheduled tribes to the'total population by ranges ~ur~-~;;rT a:r~ mfClirr Tahsil-Khurja A-SCheduled Caltl:s

    8f~W'iffi mfenff ~ mRrITT ~r iiRdl9ll1 ~ 'fir m~ITT ~)m 1fT llfurl1 m 'liT q-ftm: ~ dl§1:l"T IJTIl 'liT 'TTlr 1JTll~~T ;;rq (srRrQTC( ) Name of Village (srftr~m) mr Name of Village Rangeo! Location Range of Location SCheduled castes code Scheduled cas tea code population No. population No. (Porcentage) (percentage) 2 3 2 3

    ~;:r~ ~~~ :a-i 'qT~ 6-10 261 Bahanpur 11-15 141 Mohammdpur urf Bhogpur 3l~~\ ~qf\~ 'q~ro 295 Alllpur Mubarkhapur 153 Bhadaura

    ;:r'T"fT ll~ ~;;ro 31(} Nagla Mau 154 Kabra it~~ a-m:r 334 JJraJPur 155 Dharari q;~

    'i'fTrrrrrop: ~~'\ 31() Chauganpur 210 Achalpur

    'irr{~'\ ~lRTi'f I ~ q"{i'f'T"{ +rqTwr U-15 11 Bhalpur Brahmnan 224 Haldernagar Mad Kola 'li~

    '3'~1'.f'];\ orQ:l{~'T~ '20 Udalpur 329 Ahmadgarh

    qr~c: ~iiTTi'(~"{ ~T~~ U2 Blchhat SUJanpur 330 Darapur 245

    qftfWll!"; IV ! APBENDIX' !IY- ~~rftr~'t CJ'?rr B1~f:;rn ~rful!l.,;tt ~~m ;iT ~ GfOfmT'~ ~mi' )t:f1:~' Eli BT~ m+iT ilir ~ List of,vlllages according-to tbe,,()roportion of Scebduled castes and Scbeduled tribes to the total population.by ranges a~tfrn-~~T BT-~ ,I>l'TRrllt Tahsil-KhurJa A-Scheduled Ca.t~ .

    BT:m;f"Rf ;;rrfGtrT ~~~T lfi'f GI'i'ffi~T ~T~ lty ~~ mm ;iT mm: lfi'T6' 'iiT tTfurl:

    1 2 3 2

    \3'lJ+rTif~ 11-15 Kansi 16-20 105 Usmanj'l~r Gf,rWT m<:trTlJ m~'ll'{ 342 Badarkha Sirbas 120 Sarangpur

    lfi'l:'l11"'r ifflH ~"fIJ~ 24 Karauh Bangar 161 Hasangarh 1:rq~T IJr!JT<;FTq;" ql:;:rmr 49 Mawala Gopalgarh 166 BartauJi 1ITm-'l'i"\T 'I'i~ifT ~6 Bhabhokra 175 Kalena ~r,T

    qf1:f~ IV APPENDIX IV

    STF ijfJfffll'T (Nr ~m Gti1ii1If'd4l 11ft i5fi1'~wr IIiT ~ i5fi1'mT ~ ~m~*~ t.11"Iif.;.'t~ List of villages accordlll~ to the proportion of ScehduJed castes and Scheduled tribes to the total population by rangea a-~tm:r-~O]T ar~ iilTfi:n4r Tahsll-KhurJa A-Scjleduled Caate. ar m;f"ffi iiI1fCfllT armRrn GTTfu

    1 , 2 :I 2 3


    'i!~F1~r ~rn+r~ 234 Khurmawali 21-30 7 Rustampur ~ijTU q'91~T 253 Hisara 8 Pachokara ~<:cr~<: l5f~ f~~~r 255 Suratpur Khurd 14 TlIthah

    ~~;:rT ~lITif~<: 25; Khutena 26 Dayanatpur i[:rrf~l:rr '3G:tT'lTi'f

    ~T l!f+fl!fTrt i'(lT<: 266 Palra 44 Shamshan Nagar ~<:i;f~~ frt~r • '+Tl'fcr~ 'C?TCf'TT 279 SursJPur Nlsafi 47 Bhagwanlpur Chhatanga

    Ul1~<: ll:~ !9cfT~ 280 Rampur Manpu. 54 Kh~ajpur i{f[ Nagla Dalpa~p'lt: 55 Ahmadpur Chal,JrolJ fi;fifrcr~

    1jir<::a~<: ~qilT ~l Klratpur 68 Chhapna 247

    qf'd'~ IV APPENDIX IV ar~f,;ra iifrfu1T) ~T ar~~ iilif"1lfdll1ltir iifiji.t!S

    W"'T :mrr.r fij'~lfT

    arr~ ~;:RiTcr~ i3"ti ij'r,~T 93 Akalpur 148 Ikka Tajpur Urf Slkra ~,:r ~cr~:a-i" li~~ 95 Kalupura 152 Iaaitpur Urf Madhupura an:rT¥

    ~«if~ ~:ornr~~ 101 Hasanpur 171 Hazratpur \~T ;freT 102 Rakhera 173 Chlli

    'WTqTif'I~ or1~

    arsll"n:~~ ~T~~ a:T~~ 114 Akatyarpur 184 Dostpur Dadupur rim ij'T~

    qf~U1!lIV APPENDIX IV armm iifrfa'll'r ~T arF 'J)'Nilfd4'f 'tir i;fif«~ if'T ~ QfOffin ijo a{~ I!'fu:r<: ii'ar~ iTlif 11>1 ~' List of villages according·to th6 proportion of Scheduled castes and Scheduled'tribCs to the total 'Population by rangea cr~r~-~ Tahsll-Khurja ar~Wm~ armffiJ rorrf'a?Tr iii) 'ifir8'~ ~ '1ft Gfil'8'~T ~ 'tiT qfW, m 'tiT ~ !I'm..: IXT1J ~ ifJ+f !ITil' iiiT ifrir ~ ~ Name of Village (srftmr) Name of Villa~ ~::) LocatIon' Range of Location Scheduled castes code Scheduled castell code population No. population No. (Percentage) (percentage)

    :I 1 2

    ~T~ f'fffi"~T iqro(:f[ ~);;rr~'T 21-30 196 Lalpur Chitaula 21-30 258 Gwaroh Bhojgarhi ~~r«1 f~T~<:: ~

    ~iiiT ifi<:hr 206 Ihamka 268 Karaura iil((:fT 'lie art<:iiT 226 Nagla Kat 269 Aterna ifi~rn f~ ~n:r ~ri ~nf

    CfltT(:fT '1~ iif~a; .1 230 Ke.lh Khurd 271 Baghu arf;p:rT ~~ :;reT(:fT 231 Amia Khurd 272 Jataula ~;"fT <:'iT'f1ll' if~"2<: 236 Mum 281 Ranalth Na nderpur

    m-T~<: q~ 'liM 23k Shahpur Pah;lsu 232 Kadon ~ f'li\lfT'f\>fr 240 Dhakpura 284 Kiryawall iji~~~ ;r;l~ 243 Kamalpur Pahasu 288 Banal

    ijf~m ~'{ 249 J.lrara 297 Fazalpur

    m'f~ \~;_;rlf~ 252 Bhogpur 301 RasuIgarh ~"'Tcfflt

    qf~fft··IV APPENDIX-I-\, ~. 'If't'fcr2rll ~T ar~ ;;r.r~, '1ft or-rmT IItT ~ iiI'f~~T ~ ar~rn;~ it;.~ mtn'll>'t ~ L'18t of vlllages'aCCbrdmg to. the proportion of

    ~:!~ Gi1f0lif' , ar~ ;;rrRrll'T tt rori'fd~r ~ ifi"t ;;r;r~lijlj'T ~ ~T qfw~ ~ 'tiT1fmt<: ifi~ tTlSlI'T m+r 'fiT ifTll' \TTlI' 'fiT 'lTll' (srfaw~1 Nalll9 of ViIlll&C (srfuvra ) Iii~ Name of VJllage Range 0 Location Range of Location Scheduled castell code Scheduled castes code population No. population No. (Percentage) (Percentage) 2 3 2 3

    q'ffi~<: ~11r~T 21-30 305 Pltampur 21-30 31i0 Sarbhanna ar;;rf;;rriifT~ ¥.Tij'''t ~07 AZlzabad 366 Bundas! ~<:~Z '"I'!i ~T(ir'n<:" 308 Kuwarpur 31+ 5 Chak JaJalabad

    ar~IRi'ffij" <:f!\T (lJT+r'fGr~'lT) 311 Ahmadbas 9 Rabupura (Rural) iiZT

    q'~\m1 ~~cr~\ 348 Pandrawal 59 Dastampur mra; ~i'lfw:rr 350 Dhaurau 60 Dhans!a :;ITq{'JT q'~T 359 Padha 63 Chanchah 250

    qfd'~ IV APPENDIX! IV ~ ~1 ~T ~ iIfo'l'3llfd4l iii) iififti~ llir ~ ilffl~T~ ~ ~ it' 6fiij'~ mlIllllT 'fit List of villages accordmg to the proportion of Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes to the total populatioll by rangei 6'¢t~-,%m Tabsil-KhurJa

    sr~w;red~ 3T~~T llir ii1iI'~!illT ~ !fit '5fifmr ~ Il!iTqful"T. m 1l!iTq-~ m (srfawa) mr IJllf 'fir ;:rlli IJllf II!iT

    ~ ~~~~:r 31+ 6S Manchand 31+ 108 Khandupura ~~~ ;rr~ ~~;pf~ 76 Mohammadpur Nar 110 Hasanpur Ladooki q'~T~

    ii~'T<:lt~\ 6fT'i{'qi~ 86 Blrampur 12Z Asafpur '"f'fi orr<:~\ "Ql~~'\ ifi~t 117 Chak BirampUl" 124 Shahpur Kalan m'li'f~ ij)~r 94: Bhlkanpur 125 G,othl:!01 ;;r1:'1 '

    ~F,Tiirr~ '5'tfi Rm,\r<1'iiflr 1lT~GfT Ill); Jalalabad UrfChmgrawalb IjO Bhadwan ~11~'Jf~\ \;jTqj~ ;;'1'<: ~a'~ Ul41 MUmrejpUF 132 Jafar Nagar Gudhalpur ~~~ 11\;f\T ~~~ ;f'1'~~ -. ID6. Salempuc Mazra Dastur~ 134 Gangthal,a !{HJ:U ~;;T ifi~'G'<:l"lfrft lll';t Dastoora 136 Mama Kalandrigarbl '251

    qftfU!! IV APPENDIX IV 6liW'q(J armrlf'f ~ ~ GR~a1' ;r;rmT '1iT ~ ;;Fpj~r ~ Ofim trfuR it; ~ lfTlif !fiT ~ Ust of villages accofding to the proportioq of Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes to the total populatIOn by ranges ~[,~-~6fT Tahsil-Khurja A-Scheduled Castes

    ~~ ~ 6fTftr.lfT I€t 6rrI'«1ilIT ~ !til' I5Ii'Ri I9lfT ~m 'liTq~~ em- ifiT~ ~ m-q !fiT ;:n1f unf ifiT ifl"lI' (srftrmf) 9'~T Name of Village. (mo) UlSlfT Name of Village Range of Location Rangeot Location Scheduled castes code Scheduled castes code population No. population No. (Percentage) (Percentage)

    2 3, 2 3

    CMI'~I' ~6fY m-tftur~'!t Khuria (Rural) 31~ 138 Kalandargarht 31+ 172 ~~m~~~ ~'1'r ~?T ~~r 142 Ismailpur Budhena 174 MundI!. Khera lrfifi"\f '~~ 143 Sikan 178 Usmanpur Wf~ll~~ ~~i{~'3"~ ~ ifl~~ €;;r Gauspur Taina 144 lbrahlmpur Junedpur ur( BholPUr 179 fifflTll~ 3Tlf.:r:fr ~ Arnia Maosoorpur 145 NtZljmpur 181 ,f~~~ 3T~~'=

    6f+r~ m~<: 158 JamaJpur 191 Mirpur '1RT

    '3"+r~TiiT Ifim~U • KalaKhuri 165 Umrala 202 it'RI'T

    ''IIRf~ rIV APPENDIX IV ~ iiI1fuiif'"llf6'li'I ;fr ~mt;iT ~ ~ t ~m tlfun: ll; ~ i1'1lrl iI\1 ~ List of villages accordmg to the proportion of Scheduled castes and Scbeduled tribes 10 the total populatIOn by ranges ~r{Of~t 6T~~~t Tahsli-Khurja A-Schedulcll ClUte.

    8fF~ ~~ 16') GR~ijlJT ~ IIIT ~lSlfT ~m Ifil «tfurl

    ~:3f\a'~~ 'n:1.filiT ~r 31..:- 212 Hazfatpur Poothri 31+ 267 Parkana Gangagarhi

    ~~<: 1T1TT

    (i~ t:fon ·2~7 Rukanpur 276 Pala :3fT

    i'fMf'{ ~:tP: 222 NaJsar 285 Kbandar &nrro ~~m 225 Thangora 286 Urdann G'fC!<: ~r~ft '227 Danwar 287 Peeghl

    'f:jC;j1if ~:T~~ 232 GhataJ 289 Pungarpur ~~:f\~~~~ ~T 24, AhmaopuT urr Halpun 292 ICasomi <:f.n:rT~ t:ft!T~ ~ro 242 Raniya*ali 294 Pahasu (behat) ;:n:rq~ ~T~T 244 Narayanpur 296 Mahua 'Khera

    ;;rlT~ f if

    2 3 2 3


    ~T ij"~T~ 319 Anona 363 Sahar :.3'

    * ~ ar~ mf'crzrl q;f iiR'ij'ISlTT ~ lJ1lf ~if ~ ~1 ~ I • Excll'ldes villages with no Seheduled castes population. "-54

    qftf~ IV APPENDIX IV

    ~ ~mtfi ij'fi ~ ~~T Itl" ~I§lIT ~ ~ ~ ~ 8ifTRr q~ij'~ ij; ~ m+iT etit {'ft , List of villages according to the proportion or Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tripes to the fotal population by ranges ~rt1-~;;rT ar-81W{:a:tr Gf"liijl~ Tabsil-Kburja B-Scheduled Tribes

    6t~~~ftF11 ar:mf"«T ~f~ 'll1' ~~ ~~lt Itl" ~19lIT mm ifiT ~ ItT6' mtf ifiT ;;n:r 'liT lIfur\ lfi)6' ll1lr ifiT ;;n:r (~fumi} ffi§1IT Name of Village (~fm) mr Name of Village Range of Location Range of Location Scheduled tnbes code Scheduled tribes code pOpulation No. population No. (percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 2 3

    ~T "0-5 260 Deorala 6-15 16-25 26-35 36-50 ~l+

    '" W

    qftf~ IV APPENDrn IV ~ ~ a'~T ar~ ~..m~ ctft ;;rrmT 'iiT ~ '5f

    1 2 3 1 2 3

    'lim !1T1ro

    \iTil~ ~r f.rclfT

    aml[~ W~~ 12 Abhaipur 145 Shankar pur ~l1fulfT 'l~r'U ar!1T;;:q;~ 13 Tmlia 147 Bhadauri Asharafpur


    ~rrT~\~;;: ~ qtlT~ 92 Raghunathpur 231 Sherpur Bangar qit~~ ~'\ 6~!!iT 114 Fatehpur Gujar 256 Dabaka

    lia:~ '

    qftfft:I~ APPENDIX! IV q~ ~ 3'lT ~ "Iifl1llfcr:if ~ :O"'Hi'~r 'fiT ~ i3fifmt ~

    C;;~~"{ ~<:T;;r~ '3"1i ~arr ~T 0-5 287 Kutubpur 0-5 411 MahraJPur urf Ratua Nagla '11'T~ \T+r

    ~<:'!<: ;;rC'm 351 Badarpur 54 Jatwal ~f<:T~\ 'lim ;;r~"{ 3~7 Hlrapur Kalan. 68 Jasar ~i~Fi~\ ~ ~Hlii;fT 385 Budhanpur Kalan 73 5akham qh~Tq~r (1'ijm~ 392 Panbawalr 76 Lachhoe ~T'Ii~\ or1lT<: ~reCf'!<: 'IWrt 405 (iokalpur Bangar ]07 Daulatpur Kalan 3;:;:rFTTcr liiK~ CfiIro~ Jf~~"{ 406- Unchagaon Khadalf til Kapral Mahmoodpur ~Gr ig~T m;;r\TifT~ 40& Munda Khera IS3 KhlJcabad 257

    qf'{f~ IV APPEND DC! IV 6f~ '3fTfuzrT ~r ~ ~fulif Itll Gfif«~r !fiT ~ Gfifmr ij­ ~mr ~ it' 8f~ wrTltll ~ List of vllla~s according to the proportion of Scehduled castes and Scheduled tfibeS to the total population by ranges ~~~-3Trrt~ ar-~ 'iIlfCllff TahsiJ-Anupsbabr A-Scheduled Castell

    3T~~ ii£1fu

    1 2 3 1 2 3

    8fQ:T'\ Gftif,\ U'5f'Cf1C orrn 6-10 196 Ahar Bangar 6-10 380' Rajghat Bangar

    orr+r~'\ fq~1J i'jlff~llT 201 Bamanpnr 394 VIJal Nagaila 'Q:;I''i'I~ ifFr,\ ~~lTCft 208 Hasanpur Bangar 409 Jargavan arr'il11~ \3"i cIT'\~ orFr<: ~!!Til~ 211 Azampur urf Torai ,J3angar 11-15 15 Isanpur tf:;iRf ~1;;r;:rr m

    0fi'~'fi'V q~~~f 280 Bandukpur 51 Badharkha

    cm:f~ IV APPENDIX IV ar~ iifTfum ~r ~ WT:otlfd4l EtI' 1iPT~~T !fiT ~ IiPTmr ~ . '~~it~ mmllft~ LIst of villages accordins to the proportion or' Scehduled castes and Scheduled tribes to the total population by ranges ff~9'~-a:r~q~~ ar-~ 6frftRlt Tabsil-Anupshahr A-5cbeduled Caste. arp Gilftp;r'f ~ \iiTfull'f !fIT ~lSlrr ~riliwil otiT iiiftilSlrT ~rr lfiT '1f«rt ~ iifiT qfur~ ~ m+r ifiT il'nJ ;;m:r lIi1 il'nJ (s-rfuQTCf) lim Name of Village Namo of ViIlagq Range of Location ~~g:~ L~~~OD SchedUled castes code Scheduled castes code . populatIon No. populatlon No. ( Percentage) (Percentage)

    , 1 2 3 2 3

    lfrrr ~ q-'I'J:~<: 11-15 119 Mahua Khera 11-15 260 Pagambarpur an~l'fTorr1{

    Efirrrrrr q-T9~ 140 Kanona 279 Pawapur I:l:TmT ~~ ~~tr;:rT ~f<:fij'~ 146 Piana Khurd 281 Ghusrana Hari Singh flf;;r~<:;;~ orTtSf;:~ 149 Mirzapur Nagh 284 Aukhand 1Srf~'liTOfR ~i t'l'U mC' '+1~\ 155 Khahkabad urf Dtingrajat 286 Bhimpur TIT~ <:TlfillT<: 169 Suna) 293 Ramnagar +fTi?<:~T VPs,;!"( 191 Mobarsa 308 Shelkhupur '

    l1~Cfj'];\: fq~

    :a-1Hr~T ~lIfT~T~I1{ 243 Bagsara 359 Khushalabad m,~ ~G)il:r 251 Bhatlai' 361 Satoha 259 , qRf~ IV APPENDIXl IV O{P "frfcrm eM ~ ~crm cfr iifiim-r 'tiT ~ ;;r;:rmr e­ ~qm qf~ iii 6f:!m mit

    ~~ ~;;nfulfl ,.;) Sf'I'~ij(ff ~ !fiT~W ~m ~T crfur

    2 3 2 3

    ~Tf~;:~~ f'1iiJT+T~nft~ 11-15 363 Govindpur 16-20 99 Nlzampur Bangar qm'fi~"<: :Gil;;T l'T"f-mrt 364 Pala Kaser 112 Thana Gajraula 1b'Ii ;;I'!\ir i'f~ 11T f

    '3'11,"{~,"{ ;:1~CI';"{ ~~ Daulatpur Khurd 90 Uma:.:pur 270 :qfqI.U;;T '!iT~T 94 Chandlyana 274 Kotla f60

    qf~IV ~PENDIX IV ~ ;;rrfur il'llr m l1llr q;r Tfllr (lI'la'!!I'6' ) tfw Name of Village P:rr Name of Village Range of LocatioD k:) LocatioD Scheduled castllj code Scheduled castell code populahon No. population No. (Percentage) (percentage) 2 3 2 3

    ~~T= m~ J6-20 29g Muradpur 16-20 401 Badipur GTiI'if~ ~~'\~ 305 Dangarh 404 Gokalpur Khadcr ~~l;'CfT ~<:~'\ ir!fi':T 311 Sahdavan 21-30, Surajpur Tlkri ,,~~'\ ~t IJTm lHfrq~~ 323 Udaipur Kalan 23 Pali Pratappur tJ',\tfT= 11mI' C:l''fi'\T 328 Dharmpur 27 Mania TJkari ~~~ f'4l<:lt'1l' :3033 SuraJPur Makhenlll A5 Bhlroh \TT~~,\ ij.fl'f'T'\ 334 Bhopalpur 47 Nabi Nagar ~'Tcrt :S'f

    q~fU6! IV APPENDIXi IV at~ 'Ofrfwff lM ~ ~o

    tjiD'D orTin: ~T~'T~ 100 Farida Bangar 223 Khushalgarh ~ ~qr~ 105 Gcsupur 228 Rupbas tiT~n{G:$<: q<:

    ~J:i<:~~ ~t:fi :3i. "fTlJfq ~

    'TlT~Ff~ ~~<: 186 Nagla Nalu 290 Sabalpur m'1,~ List of villages according ta the proportion of Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes to'the total poptJIation by rangca 'Cl'~r(i-ar'J:fW~~ Ol'~ Grtftrl:It Tabsll-Anupsbabr A-Scheduled Cutet

    \------arW'":;rn iif'Tf:a

    ~~<:1 ~<: 21-30 295 Ichhawari ?1-30 379 Rampur f~l=lTiJ mr m\

    $f~<: ~ifT 302 Danp~r 315 Kudheni ~(i~1lT<9')' q-~ 303- 'Tulsl garhi 416 Pcsari


    '9<:lft <:FfT lfi~i;fi: lf~<:T ifl'f(1T 360 Charauri Ram Kalyani 33 Mathura Nagla iJ'Tfu"~ :r:Tcr~t 362 Gahbpur 36 Ourawall' ti<;r;;~if~ '3"lli m"'~<: ~ 374 SlUlI!dalanour Urf RataIlpar 42 Fatehpur 263

    qf~f~ IV APPENDIX IV ar~ liftf6"1ll 6'1T ar~ lif'i'ifTfQl:lf etr ~mT '!iT ~ ~~ ~ ~'lTCr' qf~ ~ OlWlrt lAm Ifi'l ~r LIst of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Cast~ and Sche

    armm ~rfum ar~ Gi1fcr1 lififmT ~ liT trfur'( cirn

    2 3 1 2 3

    l.Sf~U ~Tii~<: ?' .31+ 46 Khanpura ... ,iT 127 Kalyanpur -'::~T U

    ~~'!\ ~i UU ~'iT 53 Shekhupur Urf ROTa 138 Dhalna 8lT'ifi'fT tl:1FfT ~r SS Anjml 150 Plana Kalan ReTm \3ii;

    ~or ~)~~T~\ l!f<::cH 69 Rutha 158 Rohallapur Kharva tf

    'lTrrq;~ if.'rQlfT~r )20 Bhagwantpur 163 KatJyavah lITCfir;:m<: f'lcrQ:<::r 12\ Shafinagli.r 164 Plpehra ~nn 1!!:f)U~~<:: fcrr'fT{ 123 Chasl 165 Sheorampur Jina! 264

    qflfWtsi! IV APPENDI" IV ~ ~ 61IT arp Glil\,lIfdtii ~ iiflfmr liT ~ iiflf~ 9- arwmr qf~ it' ~~ «PiT 'lit, ~"t List of villages according to tbe proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled tribe, to the total population by ranges 6'6:ij~-ar~~ oHt~l>ITmt To.buil-AnupShahr A-Scheduled Castes ar~~~ ~~ Ifi"t;;r;rm-r ;;i't~ otlror.rm-r ~ 'liT 'lfur

    I 2 3 1 2 3

    ~r 3fiIi~,{ ~ ~ ~ ifi'lr<: 4Jl+ 168 Hisabati 31+ 216 Akbarpur urf Bachchi Khera Bangar Ranra 225 Lachhmanpur lfroIT di'l"i'f25 172 Parli 226 Achalpur ~;;rTllr ai'<;n:fT 'fIAT 174 Dungra Jogi 227 TeIiya Nagla WTI'fT ~ iItIT\~ 175 Sun ana 234 Rurh Bangar dimomr 1If1~iT 176 Ambas 239 • ShahJahanpur tfOO ill+iIT 178 Pagona 240 Ambo. 1fi'{~ ~r ~\~tfi~\T~ 179 Karanpu~ Ka!ltl) 242 Begampur urf Jalrampur i[~~U 'i!i~fu.rr 18~ Barpura 244 Chbatunyo. "R:~U ml1$ ]'83' Jatpura. 245 Patrampur 6'<:ro ~~lT~ ~i ~mrt 1S4' Daraura 246 SUratgarh urf Lohai fu~tn: f.rf.rliT'iT ISS Sihahnagar 248 Blblyana

    ~ 'RqH~ '31'r+fT 192 Banvanpur- 249 Ugema q~cn:T 2Q& ii:\~\ Pachdevera:. 251 . Harcbandrapur ~ ~;;;r'{ 212' Paharpur 254 Muradnagar ~~<: Cj}(~\ arron- 213- SalarnatpUf 2.55 Fandpur Bariya 265

    q('(f~ IV APPENDIX IV ~ ;;rrrell'f CI~r aromRa Gfifillfoll'f i!>1 'iR~T lfiT ~ 'iRmT iit arwmr qf~ it; ~r<: I11lif Itr ~r List of villages accordtng to tho proportton of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled tribes to tbe total population by rangel! .(!~gr~-ar;J5wl[\ ar~ ijfTfu1G!'l~ m~ lfiTqfur;: 'fiT qmr'{ ~ m IH+!' ItT IJT1J IHl'f itT ifTlJ ~~r ~~r Name of Village {srfumJ~ Name of Village LocatloD Range 0 LocatioD Scheduled~=J castes code Scheduled castes code population No. populatlOD No. (Percentage) (Percentage)

    2 3 2 3


    * !IFf ~\l:f"ffi Gl'1fu<:!1 lflT ~'!*l.fT ~ 'JTlJ wit trfi:l!fuQ' illi:1 ~ I • Excludes vtllages WIth DO Seheduled Cdstes populatton. 266

    qftf'llJ'l5!IV APPENDIX IV ~ Gflfulll ~~ ~ ;;r~lil 'iir 15fi1'~~r 'liT ~;;r~ ~ ~ qf(.ij""( ~ a{~}f("( 'Arlit 'iiT ~ List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges ~~-3F;ttrn~ iI'~'

    ~ir"'4d ~ffi

    q~r.iT lf~~~ 0-5· Parwana Mahmoodpur 6-15 16-25 26-35

    * ~ a{lWtm \lfi'j iii I fd q1 '1>1 Gf'f~15lir ~ lJ1lf m ~lffud" ~T ~ I • Excludes villages with no Scheduled tribes population. 3fiI~rftT- -I I Section -

    ,",~I~ fit4~lifil Town Directory ·210

    ;:m: f.Rf~ ~I ~aft~~~~ ~~ mttfurro ~m iij'1lI01

    1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -9

    IV ar;;t;q~~ ('1.'1T.) ill'ifq~~ I~J4/X Anupshahr 2.59 2,602 8,601 6,419 6,872 -(25.37) (+7.06) 2 IV aft~l'fTorr~ (;:r.~.~.) ~~~ f4(2/XII Bulandshahr ~.OO p95 5,916 5,752 4,936 (-277) (-14.19) 3 V ,:r.Fr

    4 VI f

    6 l, ~~~~ (;:r;qr.) ~"f;:~1lT~\ 14J2/I Bulandshahr 9,39 16.135 18,959 19,383 19,509 (+2.24) ~+0.65) 7 V 'iSiff!,\T (;:r.~.ij".) 'i;;ri 14j3jXXII KhufJa 5n 958 , 5,574 ,5,394 4,531 (-3.23) (-16.00) ~ V ~Cfi~ (if.~.«.) fu'Ii~<::Tiif!Gt 14/1iXVI Slkandrapad 9.89 1,251 5,444 5,340 5,177 ( -1.91) (-3.05), 9, III f~:;rr{ (;:r.~T.)

    13 1'( ~9<: (.,.~.~.) ~f 14/3/IX Kliurja 18.24 2,387 7,718 6,884 6.564 (-1081) (-4.65) 14 VI 'Ii'fi1~ (if.al.~.) f~~<:rqTGt 14fl/XIX Slkandrabad 1.23 631 3,152 1.245 2,761 (-60.S0) H121.77) 15 V l.i!;:r~<: (if.~:~.) 3T~q~Q<: 14/4/XIII Anupshahr 1.63 1,296 271

    rO\yN. D}~OTORY

    STA;rE~NT I Status and Growth HIS tOrYl

    ew.r!'I>1',~~T aIT\ 1';;rrr- 1961 1971' 1981 Class,naIll~and.civ"jc SL administration status No, tJ"l1iTI ) '!if \;f;;- 'I>1';;rt'- '!iT(jOl';;- of town Denslt~ (1981' f[UTitT f[1JTifT f[llRT , Census) 1961 1971 1981 Census Census .Census

    10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 1

    7,:199 8,315 9,358 10,228 12,253 15,193 5,866 893 865 885 IV Anupshahr (M.B.} (+9.12) (+10.88) (+12.54) (+930) (+1980) (+<399) qf[T

    ~T;:rT lTlfT ;:rlT~ first time in 1981 Census 6,779 1,808 875 V BlJawan Bahadur 3 (-) Nagar (T C.) CflTfq;;cr 3,034 2,990 2,471 DeclassIfied 4,661 2,188 883 VI.BIla~pp.r (T. C.) 4 (+13.25) (-145) (-17.36) \-)

    4,660 5,918 4,934 5,924 7,154 '8,307 1,298 891 883 868 V Bugrasl (T.e.) s (+27.00), (-1663). (+20.06) (+20.76) (+1612)

    24,898 29,701 37.496 44,163 59,505 103,436 11,016 831 850 869 (+27.62) (+ 19.29) (+26.24) (+17.78) (+34.74) ( '1-73~83) CflfR;:rcr 4,769 5.045 4,691 Declassified 5,862 982 869 V Chhatan (T.C.) 7 (+5.25) (+5.79) (-702) (-)

    4,839 ~,289 4,500 7,995 6,913 7,935 802 900 883 894 V Dankaur (T.C,) s -6.53) (+9 30) (-14.92) (+77.67) (-13.53) (+J4.78)

    11,269 13.218 12,610 14,003 17,O~2 22,430 9,627 SZ6 879 898 III DebaI, (M. B.) 9 (+16.21) (+17.30) (-4.60) (+11.05) (+2170) (+3162)

    6.527 7.9()1 9,862 12,457 17,376 24,416 10,949 879 896 • 885 III Gulaothl (T. C.) 10 (i-14.67) (+7.1 05) (+24.82) (.+26.31) (1-3949) (+4052)

    10,745 12.922 14.679 17,149 21,578 29,3()1 10,317 873 865 886 III Jahanglrabad (M.B ) 11 (+4 53) (+ 2026) (+ 13 (0) (+16.83) (+25 83) (+3.5.79)

    ~r;;T lTllT 26 903 JI Jahagirpur (T. C.) 1Z first time 1D 1981 Census 6,447

    qlTTilGfd' 899 IV Jewar (T.e.) 13 6,693 8 592 7.917 Declassified 15,275 837 (+1.97) (+28.37) (-7.86) Gff[Y;;qcr 835 VI Kakod (T. C.) 14 2,476 3,041 2,402 Decla~sified 4,299 3,495 (-10.32) (+22.82) (-21.01) CfifTilord' Y Khanpur (T C.) 15 5,312 5,61'1 Declassified 8,311 5,099 879 (+5.74) 272

    i{iR f"ij'llT'm fcrcroq I srT~fu Ofh

    2 3 4 5 fi 7 8 9

    Igi;ff 14/3/II Khurja iO.36 10,167 29,277 27,387 25,719 \ (-6.46) \-6.09) 17 V .ro-"<:T (;:r.ahr.) ar;:rq!lf~ 198 1 'fiT i;f;:rlTur;:rr it 5I'[[lT iil'T"{ 14/4/XXl Anupshahr 5.44 2,067 Treated as Urban for the

    18 Vq~ll(;;.!ll.ij'.) 14/3/XVII 0.23 1,400 5,603 5,555 4,876 (-0.86) (-1222) 19 V ~ ('I".!ll.lI.) 14/3/XI 10.37 1,423 5,048 4,602 4,108 (-8,84) (-10.73)

    20 III f!lTlfiT~~ (;:r.~.ij'.) ~1{!!T6"<: 14/2fVlI Bulandshahr 049 3,287 12,249 10.278 ~,795 (-16.09) (-4,70)

    ~~11T~~ 14f2jVIII Bulandshahr 5.17 3,383 7,615 8,274 7,485 (+865) (-9.54) f


    Status llDd Growth Rls t~

    ~ 'fir ;;r;:rij'lS

    10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2, 1

    31,2"9 35,376 J8,462 41,491 50,245 67,119 6,479 853 866 880 II KhurJa (M.B.) 16 (+21.62) (+1310) (+8.72) (+788) (+2110) (+33.58) l1RT lF1'T ;F1": first tIme In 1<181 Census 9,513 1,760 774 V Narora (T.C.) 17

    5,418 5,609 5,135 5,377 6,203 9.OJ6 39,200 825 805 894 V Pahasu (T C.) 18 (+11.12) (+~53) (-845) (+4'11) (+15.36) ( +45-35)

    10,665 ]J,783 lJ,475 J3,~83 16,$65 21,499 43,876 907 878 888 III Shlkarpur (T. C.) 20 (+8.78) (+10.59) -261) (+16.63) (+23.78) (t 29 79) \

    7,647 10,882 10.105 12.729 16,482 22,410 4,335 'S87 882 892 III Slana (T, C.) 21 (+2.16) (+4230) (-7 14) (+25.97) (+29.48) (+35 97)

    18.974 23,307 24.080 26.290 32.031 43.135 4,913 884 879 896 1II Slkandrabad (M.B.) 22 (+1256), (+22.84) (+3.32) (+918) (+21.84) (+34.67)

    • II meludes the outgrowths whIch may be seen in Appendix. 274

    i'fiTt fij~f~'fir f<{

    mfu1fi'~ Physical aspects ;rfll" ar"~ t:rN 'll1' ~ (Ffi. 1ft. i't) iliil" CfT\'f11!ii (ijrc'hf's i't) ~~ 'liT ~~rr ~ (ftr. \T'Jl.T~ fiilm ~l.TJ1'I'l.T a~~m

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    \1"lS!ii::fi ~~~~<: ar~~ 1,280.6 44.2 2.4 Lucknow (360) Bulandshahr Bnupshahr (0) IV ar'rtl!Ti[<: (40)

    ~~ ~~~~ ¥~6\ 2 IV atRf[r

    \1"~ ~\1"re:l!I~

    ~~ ~~l!T~ f!~~ 814.0 45.0 0.4 Lucknow (442) BUlandshahr Buldlld;,hahr 6 1


    <;f~ai I ~;:i:l'1IT~ ~;:~\ Hl HI :!(1'T9'or 814.0 45.0 0.4 Lucknow (460) Bulandshahr Bulandsahr (23) (23)

    \1"~ ~~~~ ar~'1l!T~ I l III ijf~t

    ~;:ra; ~~l!T~,{ flif;p.:~U

    <'1Tsfiiai ~<{l!T~ ar;;t:q11J'~\ 15 V

    TOWN .DiRECTORY sTATEMENT II PhysicarAspects 'a11d Locfa'tion df Towns, 1979

    9 10 11 12 2 • ~~~~ f~

    ~'<;:Wli<: liil'~'J[~<: arhlTf

    ~iiI';::'.l:~<: ~iiI'rqor 'l=[O[;:r Of~r~<:;:rlf<: Bulands'hahr '{4t1} G II ablh't (N) Bhawan B hadurnagar (0) V Bhawan 3 Bahadurriagar • ~"f"GWl~ a:"I"OfiT<: fqcnr~<: Bulands .rur czrJ Dankaur'(2) Bllaspuf'CO) VI Bilaspur 4

    ~~W~~ 'fi ~a'11

    mfii!1lT~' ~iiI',:~w~t ~t1;:~W9:~ GhaZI30aa (st) BJi~itld~hal\jI (9) BulandsM'Ilr (0) Bulan,dshabr 6

    ~;:~W~<: 15f'ifT :sf

    mf.;:rllTOffCi Cii'fOfiTz a:i1'fIT<: Ghazlabad (34) Dankaur (0) Dankaur (0) V Dankaur 8

    3T;;rllfG f~cn~ f~oiT~ Ahgarh (42) Deba I(0) Debal (0) III Debal 9

    ~iiI'r<::llf~~ . l_!iiI'fCfoT ~{"fT

    1!~r<::W~~ ~~llTiP:: \;f~f<:r

    ~'1;:~w~r ~:jfT ;;f

    ~iiI';:~llf~<: ~\;fT ~I'iH BuJandshahr (51) KhurJa (31) Jewar (0) IV Jewar 13

    ~iiI'i~llf5\ '91~T cpFfit~ Bulandsbahr (20) Cbola (5) Kakod (0) VI Kakod 14

    ~cn~~\ ~;:~W~ ~Ff~-':: Bulandshahr (30) Bulandshahr (30) Khanpur (0) V Khanpur 15 216

    rmt fi'fif'ij

    'lli'fu'li q~ PhysIcal aspects

    2 3 4 S ;6 7 8 • ~~ ~~ <1f'ifr 16 II ~;;rt 594.1 44.1 3.1 Lucknow (425) Bulandshahr KhUrja (19) (0)


    ~ ~~\ ~i;rJ 18 814.0 45.0 0.4 Lucknow (446) Bijlandsbahr Khurja V G"~T~ (41) (21)

    ~ ~w~llT~"{ ~:;ri 19 814.0 45.0 0.4 Lucknow (479) Bulahdshahr Khurja V~ (32) (32)

    ~ ~~~llT~ $*4~lijO«1 2 0 III fucI;~ 814.0 45.0 0.4 Luclcnow (469) Bulandshahr Bulandshahr (22) (22)

    ~ ~~ ~~ 21 III ~!W=rT 814.0 45.0 0.4 Lucknow (425) Bulandshahr Bulandshahr (32) , :(32)

    ~ ~.~~ fuih·

    TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT II 'Physlcal Aspects and Location of Towns, 1979


    9 JO 11 12 2


    arifnrG" '(TijJ·m: ;:r~hr Ahgarh (60) RaJghat (51) Narora (0) V Narora 17

    Oicyft~ ~;;rT !f~~ AlIgarh (38) Khurja (19) Pahasu (0) V Pahasu 18

    ~~~ ~T '(~ Bulandshahr (32) Chola Station(l?) Rabupura (0) V Rabupura 19


    ~~ ~~ wRt1f


    'ltR: f~WfiT fc(

    snf~ ('00 Wfr If) Receipt (in Rupees '00) iFlJ m'fir~1lfr ::rmf<:'fi ~!rnFr r- -A-- ~o 311\ ::rTli mft:l'lfa (1980 it) 'fiU 3fTfG: CfiUa-r::r if; an::rm ~<::) ~ arflm afi:l:I" ~ S1. Civic administra. it ifTU ::r1n:q-rrnCfiT Cfi) arWtR Loan Advance mer arTl:I" No tlDn status (In 1980) m~ ijl=q-fu oih: m-fui Govern- Other Total Receipt ~ ment sources receidt through Sl"TLa' '\liiTPf grant taxes etc Revenue de!ned • from mUnicipal properties and powers apart from taxatIon

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    3;325 122 8"62 4,598 IV o:r~~Q~ (::r.'1r) M.B. ~89 21 1,023 2 I-y iliimOf['1{ (;;~.~) T.C 302 700 100 435 819 3 V 'l1eFf iif~~lf<: ('i.~.~.) T.C. 284 43 158 163 364 4 VI fq\1Ttl'~<: (;:r.~ tl'.) T.C. 'm 144 407 5 V ,!lf~Hn (;:r ~.~) TC. 130 37;495 1,566 4,815 4;949 48,825 6 I ~Rr:WQ<: (rr.q-r.) M.B 7 V 'i§CfTU ('I' ~.~.) T.C. 520 25 383 191 1,119 8 Y G:m<: ('I'm. ) T.C. 739 577 165 1.481

    9 III f~'ilT~ (

    11 III ~~frrT<:T;rR' ('1.q-r ) M8. 3,269 1,907 2,572 573 8,321

    12 V ;;r~:rlTr':);<: (;; ~-ij".) C.T. ar2~GlJ

    13 IV ~q<: (;;.~~.) T.C. 678 100 1,096 1,874

    14- VI 'fiT'f;T:S' (;r,~.ij".) T.C. 141 100 126 367 15 V m::rl);<: (::r.~.ij".) TC. 236 153 5 394 16 II ~:;rf (::rq-T.) MB 26,053 415 1,211 28,279 17 V rrUu (.,.~ ~.) T.C. ar:!'1i1

    21 III t!iTifr ('l.&l ~.) T.C. 1,631 2,485 575 4.691

    22 III nFr.;:~<:I

    *~il' 6ff{<[Tf.[


    MUillcipal Fman'7' 1978-79


    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 1

    415 125 1,989 467 ~,599 '4,595 , VI Anupshallr

    23 402 425 IV _Aurangabad 2

    143 348 298 30 819 V Bllawan 3 Bahadurnagar 252 252 VI Bllaspur 4

    60 279 11 15 365 V Bugrasl 5

    1,270 1,514 13,298 17,462 16,'705 50,249 I Bulandshahr 6 432 59& 512 476 2,018 V 'GJlh1tan 7 .. 411 7 942 214 3& 1,612 V Dankaur 8

    1,308 264 3,519 415 13 230 5,749 III Debal 9

    982 20 3,397 552 120 5,071 IV Gulaothl 10

    2,001 267 4,688 1,233 U 381 8,581 III Iahanglfabad 11

    Not AvaIlable V Jahangirpur 12

    631 1,180 298 86 2,195 IV Jeuar 13

    82 153 1'62 5 402 VI Kakod 14

    85 128 9 222 V Khanpur 15

    4,466 263 14,717 5,538 58 2,&83 27,925 II KburJa 16·

    Not Available V Narora 17

    63 20 548 60 12 703 V Pahasu 18

    17 203 40 260 V Rabupura 19

    410 1,928 331 ,~ 70 2,739 III Shlkarpur 20

    1,089 230 \ 440 40 1,799 III Siana 21

    2,053 544 5993 2,167 2,887 13,644 III Sikandrabad 22

    .It Includes the outgrowths which may be seen in Appe~dlx. 280

    ~ f.ro~ fqen:vt IV ~rci~f.rcI; aih: arr

    2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10

    15,i93 1,838 PR(lO.OO) OSD 2 IV ar;;l,'rrw~'{ (if.lfT.) M.B. KR(3.00)

    (if.:E.~.) il,622 948 PR(6.00) OSD 2 IV' 3TR'fTOfIG 'r.c. KR(4.00)

    6,779 1,594 PR(1.00) OSD 3 V 'li¥

    4,661 1,211 PROO.aO) OSO 4 VI f~m~ (;r.~.~.) T.C. KR(2.00)

    8,307 1,283 PR(300) OSO \ ... 5 V ~1f'<:Hfr (;r.~.~.) T.C. KR(7.00)

    103,436 9,085 PR(49.44) OSO 6- I i~«m~<: (;r,!'n.) M.B. KR(2994)

    S,862 1,065 PR(3OO OSD 7 V 'i9'1'T7T (if~,~) T.C KR(4.001

    7,935 2,028 PR(6.00) OSO 8 V G''i'fiT<: (;r.~.~.) T.t. KR\200)

    22,430 3,360 PR(S.aO) OSD 9 III f:s.rT~ (rrOq'fo)M.B. KR(3.00)

    24,416 2,960 PR(5.DO) OSO 10 III W'fFf6T (if&l.~.) T.C. KR(7.00)

    3,316 I PR(9.0D) OSO 4 1 1 III ~gT'f'),\:T

    6,447 908 KR(7.00) OSO 12 V ;;r~T'f');:~ (i'f.~.~.) T.C.

    15.275 3,306 PR(8.00) OSD 13 IV ~~ (i'f.&l.~.) T.C. K.R(7.00) .

    4.299 6~9 PR(3.00) OSO 14 VI 1{ir'liT~ (i'f .. &l.~.) T.C.· KR(4.00)

    1,013 OSO 15 V ISI'Ti'f9:'\ (;;.~.~.) T.C. 8,311 KR(6.00) 281

    TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT IV I CIVIC and other Amemties, 1979

    ~ f.rOfiTIfl" ~fiWf !fFfl" 'liT • ~~ (~'Ift~T) iIi1l '1ft oq~r protected water supply Electnficahon (Number of connectlon~) qo Methbd of ,------, r-----"--:----. B!'f"fllT11i'f Class and 81. DIsposal of B!'T'ffir ij"'9'l1'f '1ft ~ anmflT'ii qrfor- +rIll ~ name oftoWD No. ijqy lllght SOIl 'liT m omfQ' ~r • Domes. Indus- fiill''Ii SfiIiT!1T Others Fll'e fightlllg tic tnal Commer· Road Source ~ &T+fQT serVIce of supply (~')c~:';t) CIaI lightIng (p.ointS) System of ),. storage with capacIty (In htres)

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 1


    ~~~ B TW/W Bulandshahr (40) 975 46 138 304 Hi IV Anupshahr

    ~W~ B W/TW ... Bulandsbahr( 1S) 700 8 4 75 150 IV Aurangabad 2

    ~~W~ B W/,fW .. Buladdshaht (40) 150 16 65 V Bhawan Bahadur 3 Nagar ~~, B TW/W .•. Bulandshahr (27) 150 4 36 3 VI Bilaspur 4

    ~\1"~1IT~<: WBIB TWIW '" Bulandshahr (40} 14 19,_ 110 175 V Bugrasi 5

    ~ WB TiTW OHT Yes 8,892 552 2,586 2,228 25 I Bulandshahr 6 (1,592.500) ';g\irC:W~ WB/B TWIW ... Bulandshahr (51) 128 }O 60 V Chhatan 7

    ~~{\ WBID TWjW •.. Bul_andshahr (35) 250 3 50 80 -V Dankaur 8 I ii<:i,r WB TWIT OHT Narora-(IS) 1,014 366 400 56 III Debai 9 , (227,500) ~C:!{f~<: B TW/W .. , Bulandsnahr (23) 800 6 400 225 144 III GuIawthi 10

    ~~r~!!1&\ WB TW/W ... Bulandshahr (26) ~,ooo 1,200 620 93 III Jahangirabad 11

    ~~~~\ B TW/W ... Bulandshahr (37) 25 18 62 )0 V Jahanglfpuf 12

    ~~~~~ WBfB TWrW .•. Bulandshahr (51) 71S 25 12 81 10 IV Jewar 13

    ~~;:~~~ :& TWIW .•. Bulandshahr (20) 145 9 40 VI Kalcod 14

    ~~W~<: B TWrW .. Bulandshahr (30) 50 40 30 V Khgnpur . IS 282

    )~, h.:' I H ~ liflif'WCIil "'f~'~' IV !f1~hTf.r(~~·~, 1979 .F1 ~ ~~~ ~1f.'fir ~-~ ~~;tt~ .~o srlIWrl' ~fu am- ~ ~t 'f.1

    2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 }O

    67,119 9,S24 ir'Rt82:CO) OSO 3 16 II~ t;rm.) M.B.- KJW9.00)

    9,573 11;116 PR(SO,') OSO 17 V ~<:T ('I'.~.~.) T C. KR(5.00) , 9,016 '1,541 PR(2.ob) OSD ... ]8 :v Il~~ (if.~.~.) T.C. KR(S.OO) - , 8,999 1.441 PR(2oo) 'OSD ....~ 19 V 1i~:{r (;;.&T.U.) T.C. KR(300)

    20. m rnifiT~<: (;;.~.U.) T.C. \ 21,499 3.813 PR(9OO) 050 KR(lOO) .. 22,410 4,118 PReS 00) OSO .. _, 21 III tlWIT (if.~.~.) T.C. _ KR(20.00)

    22 43,135 5.178 PK(1500) OSD III ftT'fi~<::rOlT~ ('I'm.) M.B. KR(l.OO)

    *~ii ~f.G


    STATt:~~ IV CJ.vic and other AmEloiues, 1919 iffl fif'llrnf ~fC';Rf '1Fff 'Ilf • ":imur (~'f$rT rtf mr) !Ii+J Elect[1 qllt\on'(Number of connections) 'liT o

    11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 2 1

    ~\1;G1!T~<: WB TWIT ORT Bulandsllahr (19) 5;133 293 985 2,000 69 II Khurja 16 (1,474,200) ~iffi'C::~<: RL TW/W- .. BulandShahr (SO)_ 500 2 8 V Narora 17

    ~<1f;:G1!T~<: W-B_ TY4W- .' Blllaodshahr (4t) 350 2a 29 66 f V Pahasu 18

    ~;:~<: RL TWIT OHT B'Jland ahr (32) 170 7 50 100 6 V Rabupura 19 (341,250) ~<;fi'G1!T~ 1 WB TW/W .. Bulandshahr (22) 488 300 189 III Shlkarpur 20

    ~~1!T~<: B/WB TW/W .•. Bulandshahr (32) 980 21 68 170 25 1II Slana 21

    ¥;:C::!1f~ WB TW/W ORT Bulandshahr (19) 1,394 71 1,152 679 III Slkandrabad 22 (1,2.50,000), • 284

    ;:ri('( f.:Rf~ ~IV-81 ~ lJR1rr ilfurlJT if ijl


    2 3 4 5 6 'I

    ~~~~<: I Bulandshahr NILL

    ~f II Khurja NILL 285


    STATEMENT }V-A Civic and other amenities in notified slums. 1979

    ~-A' ~ ¢~ f<{~I ~~ ~ q-y;:rr'lft (;A'fllrrfl ;tft ~1fT) Number of latrines ctT arTTJfcr ~ fffit Electnfication (NO. of connections) Clff'Rl'TCr Clf

    8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 2 1


    NILL 286

    f:I1R f.Rf~ fl(~ v f'1fornn, ~fWfi, m;;r;:r ath mwfu'ii~, 1979

    f~!;fT~~R wfm; Methl!al Facilihes E~ucahonal _,__ ,----'-----=--':"'" ~ 61FF:iT;;r/ 'iiTmr 4. 'fii!ff Inr~T'fI arnt-.... ~- Qr<4't- l1TrlffiT' ~rR~-W- ~<:."il it. ;:I"tc ol,yte. ~;s ~.m (fSl- it" ifT" 9'\~ chmcs. cwr ft, (fum Modlcal Engmeer. ormf'l'fi f'9f~«T Vt,llqges lug ~ ~f.t9r~b ifill', ;;r

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

    6f<'fT'f(1) 6f<'fTlT!9 ~JlT ~~~<:. I IV 6f~rHrl1<:' 15,19) H(3) 42 A.S(I) Alrgarh A Irg$ rh Kllurja Bulandshahr 3 (56) (56) (28} (49) ~ IV 6f1':'TTqr~ ~G:llT~, it<:.o 6f?lTlfG ~:;rT ~~~llT~ J 1,622 H(I) 2 Bulandshahr Meerut Ahgarh KhurJa BUlandshahr (15) (65, (80) (32) (1S) ~<1~llTF it ... ?; 6f<>ITnq; ~ ~W~~ J3 V '1:«.1''1" q~r~<: ."p: 6,779 H(l) ... Buland_s hahr M~erut Ahgarh KhuaJa Bulandshahr 2 D(]) 6 ,.40) (60) (111) (59) \(40) PHCIJ) 4 fB''f.;:;:;;lJiiflG it<:.o aT<1TlT(1; ~:;rT ~llT6~ 4 VI fif<1f~~ 4,661 He l) Sikandrabat.l Meerut Ahgarh Khur]a BUlandshahr , (9) (77) (99) (44) (27) F:rFfT <'f\Srrcrc:.')- it<:o artfr;;/a ~;;rT ~~!if~ 5 V ~lf\.rij'r 8,307 Slana Lakhouta Meerut Ahgarh KhuI]a Bulandshabr (8) (26) (105) (96) (61), (40) 6 I ~<1;:'f~nr\ it;;:?; 6f<1'TrrQ; ~;;rT 103,436 H(6) 250 A(l) Meen t I Ahgarh KhurJa Sh. Type(2) TB(3) 50 . SO) (10) (56) (17) 8 FC(I) 7 V 'i§:l'T<:.T !£f;;rT 6f<1'TlTG arffi~ ~\ifT ilT<'fllf


    . SF+TE~NT. V,.. Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural racilities, 1979 " ~ ~\if.i ~ lJmsfuc!; ~mrrarl!lft mr .afi ~o. of Recreational and Cultural facilities ~~. it;~ "1,<..,,\1 >l1ii!"~m- .. I~'" ~- ~r mM/ ClI'i:lij I iil 41- ~~ UTT~~I ~~ ~ Cinema ¥JlTT I m~Qm Primary ~ at"l1 '

    20 2 1 12 13 ,]4 15 16 17 18 19

    1 7 ... RR(I),PL(l) IV Anup Shabr '" ~~'{ 2 Bulandsliabr IV Aurangabad (15) "... ('" ~r.rT ~;;r ~ Siana. V Bhawan BhadurNaaar 3 .Siana 8iana 3 (11) (11) (11)

    ~~TiIT~ fu"'~(I

    PL(3) I BuJandsbahr 6 2 6 46 6

    V Chhatari ., 3

    V Dankaur 8 2 2 4

    III Debai 9 3 13 3 ...PL(l),RR(I)

    In Gulaothi 10 :3 3 10 2

    III Jabangirabad 11 4 8 4 2

    I!(hr ift~i(N~i\ V JabaDSirpUr 1:1 Thora 1 Virbadsbab- (10) pur (17) 288

    ~f.m~ ~V f..niIiffiT, liTfeT

    fqm~r ~fOfCTTl1 Wf!ffifi MedIcal Facilities Educational , . .._ ,...--- ___.____ 3ftqcrr~1 '!m'f1l 4 ~T /mrTif I an,,!- ~;;fr- qTm- ~cn ~m~~~ fu~\r/ if",1c cfTf~ fcrnT"f f;:rq-fur ?:f.RCfl >fRY !1ni ~mf~, ito GrTo 'fil~crr 'fir~:or 'fi~ Polyte- fcIlirllir chhlcs ~mq- 1ft ~.m.(f5r- ~ fqf'fi"eij"T (fuYT M~dlcal Englneer- <:T~ ~f.r-rr~ ifiq Colleges 109 ~- alTf~ ij"~Tm (!cf Colleges aTh: 0l:jCf- ~-,ri11n: ~o Cfit~

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    13 IV ~q<:: ISI'crrf ar~rlT~ ;;rmlf~ 19';;ri ~;;rT 15,275 R(l) KhurJa Ahgarh Ahgarh Khurja Khurja 4 PHC(I) 4 (34) (56) (56) (34) (34)

    ~~;:~~F: ~ 3I'~')rrrT HC(I) Meerut AJigarh 18 V q-~T~ 9,016 .. KhuTJa KhurJa KhurJa 2 PRC(I) 4 (21) (li I) (71) (21) (21) D(I) 6 ~"'T ir<:o ar~Tl1~ ISI'~T ~ Khu'''rJa' Meerut Altgarh 19 V ~Ti~<:T 8,999 fi(l) 4 Khurja Khur]a .(32) (6i) (39) (32) (j2)

    ISI''SlY 3f<1'T/fiJ; ar~fT'l 19'1l? ~'ifJ 20 III f!1Tifin:~<: 21.499 R(2) Khurja Ahgarh Altgarh Khuf]a KbuTJa 2 PRe(t) 12 (14) (56) (56) (14) (14) 0(1) 6 ?r;:o Q{~llT{E ~~!1T~ 2 1 III "l:fT

    TOWN DJRECTORY STATEMENT V MedIcal, Educational, Recreational and Cultural facIlities, 1979

    ~fcrnW Cfifli'm '11'lT~\ifil aIT<: ~t~fu'ti ~f

    ~if;~ ;;rfiTl1~ sr~l1f1' srT~ ~r!ff- ,~fuq; ~- ~ifr 'i.~!lTrm/

    17 18 19 20 2 12 13 14 15 16

    13 5 2 IV Jewar

    ~;:~l1T~<: 14 2 Bulandshahr VI Kakod (20)

    V Khanpur 15 '"

    q'h:orl ~1[r~~<:: PL(2) II Khufja 16 5 25 Vlrbadshah- 3 pur (l~)


    V Pahasu 18 2 5 2

    $~;:~l1T~'<: 2 Bulandshahr V Rabupura 19 (32)

    III ShI!;:arpur 20 2 1 5 2

    ., 4 3 2 m Siana 21

    Slkandrabad 22 1 3 18 4 3 PL(3) III

    -It includes the outgrowths with whIch may be seen in AppendIx, 290

    ;:rm:~~ ~VI Qlm"n:, ~, ~ aiR off

    arnrrfmr ~ ~ ffi;f ~3lT ~cr m iT~ cfR ~arT filT 'fi~ 'fiT ~ ~ ·ITiT ~i'fr+r {-fo Name of three most important commodities Name of three most unportant commodit.e. s ifFf SI. aIT~ imported eXported '-;0 ~ ---, !f~r cr~ ~ iJrn-u 1st ~ 3rd 1st ~ 3rd

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    l{l1T':crr ~:sr ~ iliq~T ~ arT~ OTTif IV ar~'1l11'~ TImber Wheat Cloth Gur Potatoes Ban

    'fiq'S"T '9RT mm iT~ ~~ arT'l 2 IV arhlT~ Cloth Sugar Coal Wheat Gur Potatoes

    Cl.,~fu ~r =tft;rr mmr ilt ~ '9T~ 3 V ~ ~T~.,lT~ Vegetable ghce Sugar SPIceS Wheat Gur Rice

    'liTlf(YfT iIi!fS"T ~r 4 ~ iT~ 3Tl~ VI fq~m~\ Coal Cloih Sugar Gur Wheat Potatoes

    f~~ 9'1:1; i'jiq~ ~:sr m~T ~~ iT~ l1'f

    6 1 ,!~;:G:~~r\ 'liN <.r;::;r iT~.,T fiT~r iliT ~ ~ :;:fT;:ft ~ Agricltural Kerosene Oil SugarCane Gur Sugar Wheat Implements 7 V 'iJicu"( fll~ 'fiT ~ '91';:ft ~rG" !!S" KCIosene Ol! Tii ~ Sugar FertilIzer Wheat Gur Peas

    ~mTT ~'fi9T :;;rT;fi

    fl1i1 'liT 'ii'l";ST 'fiTl1m '9T'f1' Cotton Textile ~? iT~ arTi1 10 III !!i1T

    tfriti! ~TQr ~'fiGT !!S" 'iJi!fr ~:>TT 'I1!1:gr Cement ~)~ 'liT 'I1~T@ 11 IIJ ~~T'ft<:T"'TT~ Jron Wood Gur Printed Cloth Iron Gauldron

    12 V ~~rm;::'F 'fiq:ST lSfT~ 'fiT a-~ 'i[T

    13 IV ~Cf"{ :;f\'fT f~ 'liT a~ 'f11'fi ~-g Sugar iT~ q~r Kerosene 011 Salt Gur Wheat Millet 'IT,,) ~ <:"T~ 'fiT~'f aiT~ 14 Wheat ¥ VI CfiCfi):s Sugar Pulse Carpets Potatoes Gur

    :;:fT'fT ~A 'fiT a-i;r rrl1'11 Sug:lr !!~ ~~ +f'I''TiT 15 V ~T'f'3;"{ Edible 011 Sal' Gur Wheat MJIZC


    ~ fil~f~CfiT f.rcrtaT VI

    ~Nn:, ~I m am: alf.fi

    8TTlilrecr ~ ~ ffi;;

    2 3 4 5 6 7 s

    16 II ~'1fT m~ :qAT f+fit aftqfwrt :qAT ~T it; ~Ti ~ll"\ 'efT om'f Iron ChJOa Clay Medicines poreelal.n Ware Hard-ware Ghee I

    ilTifTiSI' 'fiG':sr ~Ti\' 'iii 6"~ +rm Fish 17 V;nm Foodgrains Cloth EdIble Oil

    'fiG':ST \1'1i~) "f11~T ir~ i:[l(ffi ~~ Cloth Wood Leather Wheat Rice Gur 18 V· q-~~ :;ft;ft 'I>1l1\1T f~ 'fiT [\1 aA'T\;f lTNfT ~ Sugar Coal Kerosene 011 Foodgrains Sugarcane Gur 19 V "Ufi\T Cfiq":sf ~ :qAT ar~ i'r~ ~T it;q.t Cloth Shoes SUgar Potatoes Wheat SlIver Leaves 20 III filr'lill:~

    ~ '!iq:ST "m~T ~ ~ +r'flfiT Cloth Iron Gur Wheat Maize 21 HI ~lfA'T Fertihzer ~ cm~T ifil

    TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Bankmg, 1979


    9 10 11 12 13 14 2

    :qT;:rT fl1~"r ~ri~lH ~r~f'iii1 ij; G"f1n: il;

    3 V Narora 17

    i1'ii~"r 'iiT i1T~ il; ~T~ 'i9Cff pH 'iiG"'ST qj~1:q\ Wooden Iron Cauldron Pnnted Cloth 2 V Pahasu 18 Furniture ~ '"fA- fq{r Eti or~il Gur Saddle Earthen Pots 2 V Rabupura 19

    '<1m 'liT q~ tflfir Silver Lj)aves Turban 3 III Shlk:::rpur 20 Wflif ~ ~;:~ q'r~q- +rm;:r ~ Agncultural Hand Pipe Gur 2 1 III Siana 21 Implements Machtne

    WIi~f 'liT ~~ Eti tfiri!'ii ~S" ~r+rR Wooden Iron Gates Gur 4 III Slkandrahad 7-2 Goods .n'(~ APPENDIX ;prU

    Sfill ~T

    2 3 4 5

    ~T'l ;rm ~)CfT NOT APPLICABLE

    . Printwell Printers, Aligarh--Census,1981-S00 ~-~~~ Sf fa: w

    I:f'SO ti 0 fq

    m+r 'filG ij'o 53 32 ViiI. Code No, 53 3 47.95 479,57 1JT+r ~ ti~ 55 32 VIII. Code No. 55 4 2,417(6372) 2,417(3721

    ID+r 'fi)G' ti~ 59 35 Vill. Code No 59 20 T(lI) T(I)

    ID+r 'fi)G' ~o 96 39 Vlli. Code No. 96 19 150.58 50.58

    In+r 'fi)G' ~ 0 III 39 VIII. Code No. 111 l? 38.16 4816 ID+r 'fits ~o 114 39 Vlll Code No. 114 19 18.22 88·zt ID+r 'lils «0 1 3 5 40 VIII Code No. 135 3 762.3 62.73 lAr+r 'lils «0 140 43 Viii, Code No. 140 16 GC(23 09) GC(2S.U9) ID+r 'fiTs «0 4 66 VII]. Code !'.Io. 4 3 00.57 600.57 1JT+r 'fiTG' ti 0 10 1 77 VIII. Code No. 101 19 6.92 61.92 1JT+r tfiTG' ~o 262 93 VIII. Code No. 262 19 51.02 5302 m+r 'filG B'o 340 101 Vill. Code No 340 18 4.41 041

    lJT+r 'fiTs ~o 382 104 VIIJ Code No. 382 4 921(194) 921(149) 'fi~.:ti1r 19T~'\ (23)