Issue 63 Email Version.Pdf
DAY 1 - TUESDAY 9th MARCH 2021, START 10AM LOTS 1-459 Lot Description Estimate Stamps, album containing a selection of Pre-Stamp Postmarked envelopes from £80-100 1 1830's and 1840's (26 envelopes) (plus BP*) Stamps, GB QV 1d Black QJ, 4 margins very fine used with a light red MX cancel, 2d Blue II, 3 margins fine used with a black MC cancel, 1d Red-Brown QF, 3-4 £120-180 2 margins ivory head on blued paper and 2d Blue KK, with white lines added, 4 (plus BP*) margins used with numerical 92 cancel, on blued paper. SG 1, 2, 8 & 14 Stamps, GB QV 1d Black NA, 4 good/close margins fine used with a red MX, 2d £80-120 3 Blues MA & OK, 4 and 3 margins, 1d Reds imperf and perforated, 2d Blue plate (plus BP*) 14 and embossed 6d mauve and 1/- Green, both cut to shape. Stamps, GB QV 1d Black, SI 3 margins, 2d Blue, FJ 1 1/2 margins and 2.5d £40-60 4 overprinted 40 Paras Fine Used (plus BP*) £40-60 5 Stamps, collection of 21 GB Queen Victoria 2d Blues on Vario Sheet, U-FU (plus BP*) Stamps, collection of GB Queen Victoria Stamps to include multiple Penny Reds, 2d Blues, IR OFFICIAL, ARMY OFFICIAL, GOVT PARCELS, embossed stamps, 1d £60-80 6 Purples, 2.5d blue, 6d grey, Shilling Greens, and all ranges up to 2s 6d Violet well (plus BP*) over 300 used stamps in total high catalogue value and better examples seen Stamps, GB QV embossed set of 3, cut square, each with 4 good to large £200-300 7 margins, good to fine used.
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