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[email protected] www.vectis.co.uk Oxford Office - Unit 5A, West End Industrial Estate, Witney, Oxon OX28 1UB Telephone: 0044 (0)1993 709424 General Toys Thursday 16th July 2020 Auction Commences at 10.00am Bidding can be made using the following methods: Commission bids: Postal/Fax: Telephone bidding and Internet bidding. You can leave proxy bids at www.vectis.co.uk or bid live online with www.vectis.co.uk & www.invaluable.com If you intend to bid by telephone please contact the office for further information on 0044 (0)1642 750616 Forthcoming Room Sales at Vectis Auctions Friday 17th July 2020 - Specialist Diecast & Toy Sale Friday 24th July 2020 - Model Train Sale Thursday 30th July 2020 - Specialist Diecast & Toy Sale Friday 31st July 2020 - Military, Civilian Figures, Equipment & Accessories Sale Dates are correct at time of print but are subject to change - please check www.vectis.co.uk for updates Managing Director . .Vicky Weall Auctioneers . .Debbie Cockerill & Julian Royse Cataloguers . David Cannings & Matthew Cotton Photography . .Paul Beverley & Andrew Wilson Data Input . .Patricia McKnight Layout & Design . .Simon Smith A subsidiary of The Hambleton Group Ltd - VAT Reg No. 647 5663 03 www.vectis.co.uk Contents Thursday 16th July 2020 General Toys . .Lots 1001 – 1539 Live Internet Bidding All Lots in the sales can be viewed via our website on www.vectis.co.uk. Also Bid Live Online with www.artfact.com & www.invaluable.com As the auction is live and on-line, the following bid increments will apply £5 - £50 .