Discovery Islander $1.25 ISSUE 543 Serving the Discovery Islands since 1992 January 25, 2013 in stores please pay at the till

Winter boating in Discovery Passage, views of Mt Filberg, Strathcona Park. Time to Get The Editor Notes Islander Benefits is DI in mind. I knew that there catching on! are many ways in which the Discovery Islander has ties Onboard... Thank you to all the loyal DI and positive knock-ons within readers for showing your faith the community. But I’ve been in this initiative by purchasing a surprised at the extent of some subscription to the DI, and so, Now updating for aspects of the DI’s community joining the benefits program; role as described by others as and a very big thank you to we’ve chatted. 2013 the local businesses that have jumped on board with a variety One thing in particular that

LOOK inside!! nlets was underscored recently, is and I of special offers to promote nds Isla ter ia Ou mb 2013 d • olu the importance of the DI to the slan h C under the program. This has Q tes I itis uadra Island • Cor Br given Islander Benefits and the Heriot Bay Post Office. I mean whole Shop Local campaign a I knew that it added up to a great boost. good chunk of coin year after year delivering the paper there I S L A N D S All the signs are there that this every fortnight. has the makings of a win-win solution. But it wasn’t until chatting with Marilyn, while delivering the As this DI goes to press the last edition, that I learned just proofs for the actual cards have how important the DI is to the just been approved so hopefully business case that helps keep the cards will be ready for this small post office open. distribution by the next edition

Seems we’re always fighting Start your island adventure online of the DI, in two weeks time. Either way I’ll mail them out as for services in our rural soon as possible. community so it’s good to know about ways to keep what If you’re still unsure how this we already have. Information packages are now available for all works then please feel free the 2013 editions of the annual Guide to to drop me a line or look on the The importance of Shopping the Discovery Islands, Quadra Island Map, DI web site where there’s some Local can’t be understated if we Cortes Island Map and internet advertising. additional information and also want our island communities to links to resources like graphics endure, whether that be Heriot that can be used for any Shop Bay or Squirrel Cove. If you’re a new business and would like to Local promotion. By supporting one another in receive information on these invaluable They say that necessity is the all sorts of ways all Islanders marketing opportunities: mother of invention and the will benefit. idea for this local ‘rewards’ - Philip Stone program came about very Call 250-285-2234 or much with the future of the email [email protected] Deadline for Booking: DISCOVERY ISLANDERS January 31, 2013 Material due by March 2 SHOP For more information look online at: LOCAL /advertising

2 Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 Submit your news or event info, editorial runs free: email: [email protected] drop off 701 Cape Mudge Rd. or at Hummingbird

MONDAY Friday, January 25 - Parent & Tots, QCC, 9:30 am - 12 pm - Fawn - screening, dinner and dance, at Herons 7 pm details page 10 - Weight Watchers, QCC, 6 pm - 7 pm - Friday Flicks presents: Chasing Ice, doors 7:30 pm show 7:45 pm QCC - Alcoholics Anonymous 7-8 pm Childrens’ Centre Men Only Saturday, January 26 - 1st Monday - Quadra writers group, 7 - 9 pm 285-3656 - Concert and Contra Dance Extravaganza - Gorge Hall - 7:30pm - 10:30pm - Luis Mario Ochoa Cuban Quintet plays hot Latin Jazz QCC, 8:00 pm TUESDAY Monday January 28 - Al-Anon Meeting, Quadra Children’s Centre, 7:00 pm - Folkdancing, QCC, 7:30 to 9:30, Sept 18-Apr 30 Family Literacy Fun 12:30 – 2:30 QCC This is Parent and Tots event for the day! Wednesday, January 30 WEDNESDAY - UofQ Making extra dollars, easy steps to eBay with David Faulkner HBI 7pm - Yoga with Trinity Gogolin - $80, or $12 drop-in, 10 to11:30 am QCC room 3 - Dance wi Live Drumming - Mansons Hall 7:45pm-9:45pm Sliding scale $7-20 - Parent and Babes 11 am QCC Saturday, February 2 - UofQ - HiYa education from your neighbours. HBI pub 7:00 pm - Barney Bentall, Tom Taylor and Shari Ulrich, Dinner Show - Hand-drum Circle, Upper Realm, 7:45 - 9:15 pm Sunday, February 3 - 1st & 3rd Wednesday Food Bank,QCC 1 - 2 pm - Super Bowl at Quadra Legion - 1 pm on... kick off 3:30 pm - specials & dinner THURSDAY Monday, February 4 - Parents & Tots, QCC, 10:00 am - 12 pm - Deadline Day for the Discovery Islander, new stuff: [email protected] - Prayer Meeting, Quadra Island Bible Church, 7 pm Wednesday, February 6 - Quadra Singers 6:45 pm Quadra Legion - UofQ Tania McMartin & Fair Taylor in’s and out’s of RRSP’s & more HBI 7pm Info: 250-285-2142 or [email protected] Saturday, February 9 FRIDAY - Winter Market/ Bazaar & Flea Market 10am-2pm Community Centre - Unplugged /Singing Jam 7:45 p.m. Upper Realm - Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra is returning to Quadra Legion, $10 at 9 pm - Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 pm Quadra Children’s Centre Monday, February 11 - Live bands in the HBI Pub 9:00 pm - Garden Club: Ellen Presley, Anderton’s Nursery Comox, New Perennials 7pm QCC Wednesday, 27 February SATURDAY - Stuart McLean & the Vinyl Cafe Tidemark Theatre, Campbell River 7 pm - Winter Farmers Market & Bazaar 10 am to 2 pm QCC th - Quadra Legion Meat Draw 5 pm Next Deadline: Monday, FEBRUARY 4 , 2013 - Open mic with Mo. 9:00 pm HBI pub SUNDAY - Family Service, Quadra Island Bible Church, 10:30 am

- United Church service 11 am. Occasionally at noon, if advertised. 285-3163

- Quadra Sunday Painters, 11 am - 2 pm, 285-3390 - Buddhist meditation, Upper Realm, 10 am. #

SUPPORT Your D.I. and receive Islander Benefits The Discovery Islander is now requesting a voluntary, annual subscription of $30* from readers who receive the DI in their post office box. In exchange you’ll ensure the viability of the DI and continue to receive 26 editions of the Discovery Islander every year packed with local news & events, along with your own ‘Islander Benefits’ card entitling you to special deals from local businesses.

Name: Please send: (please print clearly) 1 card 2 cards Mailing Address: (box number) (local post office) eMail: Please return this completed form or submit these details under separate cover to ensure your card reaches you. Enclosed is a cheque for $30: Discovery Islander, PO Box 280, Quathiaski Cove, V0P 1N0 Payment by credit card may be made online using PayPal™ at * includes: DI, card & taxes Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 3 ISSUE 543 JANUARY 25, 2013 Hello Editor B. C. 2013: Higher I’m glad reality checks are coming in the mail for the Income Taxes, Less DI, so it survives to allow the community a voice. Take Home Pay To help out our local paper, along with the claw-back to the infamous I can’t see why any political Nunavut Territories and implementation of the HST update in the DI doesn’t pay Ontario have the stingiest in B.C. Any definitive initial the same advertising rate of income tax credits legislative coupling of income as the HBI. The BC Ferries (respectively, $519.97, / tax deduction amounts to the Announcements, Regional $498.20 and $483.49 single HST deployment could not be Director Reports, VIRL taxpayer base credits) as verified. Notices, the MLA’s View would derived from the allowed British Columbia further financially contribute very well income tax personal to the paper’s well being. as you compounded it’s oft-repeated deduction amounts (from proud boast by both the know asking for a grant would TD1(*1) or Tax Deduction be a free market heresy akin to Campbell and Clark Liberal One forms). By comparison, governments that B.C. Communism. But advertising is , very acceptable in letting people taxpayers enjoy the lowest and have the income taxes in Canada---a know what you want them to most generous tax credits hear. virtually unchallenged but ($1,759.30 / $1,676.51 and nevertheless unsupported A letter to the paper is the only $959.47 single taxpayer base and unverifiable falsehood- way for any of us to speak, and credits respectively). --that can be easily exposed we are not paid a living to do so. British Columbia’s dismal by a cursory comparative These days it’s very political ranking was further analysis of provincial tax fashionable to speak in reinforced by an unnoticed rates and personal deduction confidential tones behind closed and unreported claw-back amounts (as found on page doors, and I suppose it’s to lend of 2013 Personal Deduction 35 of the current Canada a sane and respectable feeling Amounts of $1,078 that Revenue Agency T4127 (*4) about the way our government were retroactively linked publication). works, a comfort without the to the implementation of It is apparent that the BC freaking feelings of people on the now discarded HST Liberal government tax the street who can make a mess and are expected to return regime since 2001 can be of things. $195 million to government characterized as one that I confess I just want to say I feel coffers in the next fiscal purchased progressively lower sorry for the nine poor souls in year--- generating a further income taxation advantages the hopeless sewer system. I did disproportionately negative for higher income earners talk in confidence with a Dayton impact on low-income as compared to much lesser earners. Knight Engineer while on benefits for low income holiday as well as with strangers. This significant change and taxpayers at additional cost resulting tax credit decrease to the ballooning public debt, And why not a Town Hall likely escaped scrutiny a debt which under Liberal Meeting with anyone who walks because it was perhaps not Government management into the Community Centre understood or just overlooked that by many reports has more every 3 months, instead of with in the “Budget and Fiscal than doubled during their people chosen by the Regional Plan 2012(*2). Following term of governance. Director to represent us. a topic box on the Return For further information, What is the advert budget for to PST, “Reversal of Basic contact BCFerries? Personal Amount Tax Credit Copyright 2013 Enhancement” specifically I’m glad I have a voice in the mentioned in the reversal Ted Conover DI. of the 2010(*3) increase, 250-285-3577 Yours truly thereby retroactively linking MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Hugh McNab

4 Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 Why a 2˚C Increase In Global Temperature Is A Big Deal Elizabeth May MP Originally Published in the Hill Times

International Energy Agency is not sound like a lot. Our failure to stress producing regions; or tens of millions of Thewarning that shooting past two context allows the number to become refugees fleeing famine and floods. These degrees Celsius average global temperature meaningless. Only when it is explained are not far-fetched events. They could will have “dire consequences.” And the that the difference between global average occur in the lifetimes of our own children. World Bank is talking about 3.5 degrees temperature today and in the last Ice of warming as being “devastating.” These Age was only five degrees Celsius does In Ronald Wright’s best-seller, A Short are not environmental agencies. They it become clear that two degrees global History of Progress, he reviewed a litany of are conservative, economically-oriented average temperature change is huge. once magnificent civilizations that snuffed themselves out. One line, a piece of graffiti institutions. They are “establishment” with The second is to translate two degrees, a capital E. Their language is increasingly Wright repeated, sums it up: “every time three degrees and so on global average history repeats itself, the price goes up.” alarmed, and yet nothing happens. temperature into a language that actually I think part of the problem is that even says what it means. Given that two degrees Wright was interviewed recently for a when experts understand the peril in is dangerous, what do words like “dire,” brilliant piece by Chris Hedges (“The Myth which all human society is placed, those “devastating,” and “catastrophic” mean? of Human Progress,”, Jan. 13, who are alarmed are afraid to sound 2013). Wright pondered our inability to To understand a worst case-scenario address an impending disaster that could “alarmist.” Translating the impact of two for humanity due to the climate crisis, degrees, 3.5 degrees, and even higher levels eliminate us from the face of the Earth. you need to understand the concept of “We’re Ice Age hunters with a shave and a of warming into language that is clear and positive feedback loops. Burning forests unequivocal is not a project for the faint of suit,” said Wright. “We are not good long- release carbon, warming the Earth faster to term thinkers.” heart. Let me try to explain two key factors cause more forest fires. Melting Arctic ice in the IEA, World Bank, IPCC, and other reduces the albedo effect that bounced the So next time you read that the International projections. sun’s heat back to the atmosphere. Without Energy Agency thinks we could face “dire” The first is that these agencies do not yet ice, the sun’s heat is absorbed in dark ocean consequences and the World Bank warns say there is no chance of avoiding the water, warming the ocean faster, melting impacts could be “devastating,” don’t two degree of warming threat which all ice faster, further reducing the ice cover. yawn and turn the page. Find a way to join the movement demanding a planned, countries, including Canada, and Prime As the warming climate melts the Minister Stephen Harper personally in aggressive transition away from our permafrost, methane, a powerful dependency on fossil fuels. Copenhagen in 2009, have pledged to greenhouse gas, is released from what was avoid. What is said is that if the collectivity once locked away. The methane further We have a profound moral obligation to of nations maintain current plans for warms the earth, melting more permafrost protect our children and their children climate action, the total impact is to allow and releasing more methane. These are from what many increasingly see as greenhouse gases to continue to rise. examples of positive feedback loops, of unavoidable. Not unavoidable because On current policy trajectories, we fail which there are many more. we lack the ingenuity, technology and miserably in our stated objectives. Only creativity to avoid two degrees; we could with the kind of urgent and comprehensive At some point in the human-caused surge do so and experience an increasingly economic transitions undergone by in atmospheric greenhouse gases, we healthy economy. Those who believe it nations at war can we avoid over-shooting could unleash an unstoppable release of is unavoidable simply cannot believe we two degrees. And even then, we are not warming forces. This is called “runaway will bother to try. Let’s make 2013 the guaranteed success. global warming.” The worst case scenario is year when it all turns around, when the that the planet becomes more like Venus— community of nations decides to give Two degrees global average temperature uninhabitable for all, but some microbes or warming is not a goal. It is to be avoided. It humankind a future as well as a short bacteria able to cope in high temperatures. history of progress. represents a level of human-caused climate I don’t think it will come to complete impact which ensures dangerous levels of extinction of humankind and most of our climatic destabilization. Many low-lying fellow travellers on Planet Earth. DI ‘d You Know? island states point out that at two degrees, they will be permanently inundated. However, it is hard to imagine how human • All internet links printed in the DI are societies, civilization itself, could survive hotlinked in our online PDF edition? Yet, in a country like Canada that the loss of the Western Antarctic ice sheet, experiences minus 40 Celsius in winter leading to the flooding of all coastal cities; • Photographs are published in colour and plus 40 Celsius in summer, it does or permanent states of drought in food in both the online & PDF editions. Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 5 Strathcona Regional District – Something Doesn’t Add Up Taxes or Fees - When it walks chief administrative officer Area C residents should One wonders how Jimmy like a Duck, quacks like a Brian Reardon. “Basically expect. Rather than $33 less Pattison might manage the Duck, then it’s a Duck! it’s status quo. We’re keeping as reported, it was $370 more, SRD? We think he would The Campbell River Mirror costs down to the rate of a difference of $403, with a slash budgets, houseclean the last March 2012 dutifully inflation.” This “news” was resultant tax rate hike of 38%! administration, downsize staff, printed that which the reported despite the Mirror How so? It was a magician’s and restructure remuneration Strathcona Regional District being aware of a budgeted trick really. A slick subterfuge, and benefits. Government can’t (SRD) wanted to convey: tax requisition increase that a dazzling deception. A sleight be run exactly like a business, Homeowners of Quadra Island ultimately resulted in a real of hand that both the less but it can not be permitted to could expect a $33 reduction 38% tax rate increase. The SRD than vigilant local media and run businesses, other property in their property taxes. “It’s Tax Impact Statement prepared slumbering residents missed owners and homeowners into fiscally-restrained, a more for public consumption, because they were mislead. insolvency either. conservative approach,” said underestimated what ‘average’ By removing the highly That a SRD shell game of this unpopular sewer tax for obvious nature could dupe onerous and unwarranted so many prompts several internal administrative questions. Rather than to be charges from their budgeting mere press release repeaters, calculations in March, they doesn’t the Mirror understand were able “Window Dress”- their role in the mandate of --diminish---the expected the Fourth Estate to check ‘average’ property taxes to be government? Can we ever paid area-wide. Once the tax believe what the Mirror prints? requisition was submitted to Can we ever believe what the provincial authority who Reardon says? Can we not be determine the tax rates, in July forgiven for thinking that his the SRD recovered the sewer rosy characterization of our tax as a 138% “fee” increase for property tax bills reflected his Quathiaski Cove sewer users. quest for large performance Once this tax re-branded fee bonuses? was factored into the 2012 tax Can we trust Regional burden, then suddenly the Directors and Abram with the ‘reported’ $33 reduction is keys to the public purse when uncloaked and revealed for the they exhibit a fundamental massive property tax increase misunderstanding of the which it was undoubtedly. pubic trust required in civic Regional Directors do not set government financing? tax rates. Area C Director, Jim What’s in store for 2013? Abram cannot “hold the line” on tax rates---and obviously Tim Murray the Directors haven’t held the line on their excessive budgeting. District tax rates are calculated in response to Have an opinion to share? assessed property values and Submit your letter the budget requisitions. One to the DI by email: would think that in the face of [email protected] falling assessed values and a PREFERRED tax requisition increase of 33%, that the Mirror, the District Regular ‘ol mail with a Directors and the public would stamp to Box 280 in the understand that a tax rate Cove or fax it in to increase would be forthcoming. 250-285-2236 But obviously they didn’t. If it’s too long it may be chopped! Please be concise 6 Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 Weather Thank you Lost Families NEXT DEADLINE Thank you to everyone that Found FOR THE DI Stream came to help celebrate The Genealogy Meeting Feb 7th is Monday Legion’s 75th Anniversary, th Quadra’s Tula Foundation have 7-9 Maritime Heritage Centre. February 4 it was awesome! Thank launched a weather station We can help with your family Send in your submissions you to the many volunteers and webcam from their base in tree research. An entertaining [email protected] throughout the past 75 years fax: 250-285-2236 or drop it off Hyacinthe Bay. and fun evening with special at Hummingbird or our office at that have kept our Legion speaker. For info Janice 250- The station streams current going strong. Super Bowl 701 Cape Mudge Rd. conditions and past statistics on 203-0585 Campbell River Party at the Legion Sunday Genealogy Society the internet at: February 3rd at 3:00 with http://www.wunderground. food available at halftime. On com/weatherstation/ Saturday February 9th Tequila Around the WXDailyHistory. Mockingbird Orchestra is asp?ID=IBRITISH153 returning to the Legion with Point their new album release. Tune in to Cortes Radio 89.5 FM $10.00 at the door. Doors open or online at www.cortesisland. at 9:00. Before the dance enjoy com for ‘Around the Point’ a Mexican meal for $15.00 every Saturday at 1 pm and prepared by Kosmic Kafeteria Yoga with rebroadcast Tuesdays at 10 am. . Call Linda for dinner Trinity Gogolin reservations 285-2171. Find the podcast to listen to at Treat yourself this winter any time at the DI web site to the healing practice of yoga. Using strength and Parents and Current edition features an flexibility, we will work with interview with Jim Abram. the physical body, while easing Tots will not the mind, and nourishing the soul with meditation, be held on visualization, breathing, and Monday Jan 28 relaxation. The class will be held on Wednesdays from 10 to11:30 am at the QCC in room #3. Classes start January 16th. 8 classes for $80, or $12 drop in. Trinity can be reached at 250 203 4529, or by email at [email protected]. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 7 Senior Lunch Do We Want A Quadra Program Grant Quadra Circle wishes to acknowledge the Island Seniors’ Lodge? extremely generous grant from Coastal A home-like place where our seniors with a $10,000 share, or 140 people to buy at Community Credit Union to support the a range of needs live in their own suites $5000 shares. These would be shares in the Circle’s activities for Seniors. with care, meals and friends available can co-op, not just donations. Lunches continue on Fridays at 12 be a reality on Quadra Island. With some In our OWN Lodge we, as co-op members, noon with armchair exercises at 11am. renovations, Whisky Point Resort meets would make the decisions. Our intention Our International lunches are held at safety and design concerns to convert is to have all meals served, but also to the Community Centre on the second into a multi-stage seniors care lodge. have assistance as needed with dressing, Friday of each month . (Mexican food is Currently several Quadra seniors living showers, mobility, etc. A quick figuring next on February 8th.) Lunches on the independently find life both lonely and has us hoping to offer these services in the other Fridays are held in the basement at challenging and would love to move to this range of $3500 a month with one person 1281 West Road ( ground level entrance facility right now. in a unit. No care homes allow for couples, available). Transport can be arranged if Advantages of our own care-home as only the spouse who needs care gets needed. Everybody over the age of 55 is include: knowing that we (tenants and admitted. Whereas couples could have welcome to join in or to help. shareholders) make the decisions; couples a suite in ours, the more healthy spouse Contact Karen at 285 4377 or Mary at 285 can stay together even if one spouse needs could take care of the one who needed 3084. more care; seniors can stay on Quadra and assistance and could also go out for the day, continue to have contact with friends and knowing the spouse left behind would be Age Friendly Quadra? neighbours. looked after. We could also offer “daycare” The Circle is also discussing possible While response from Islanders and VIHA to seniors who still live at home who ways to make Quadra more “Age has been positive, this ‘great idea’ needs want more social contact or whose family Friendly” as suggested in the your help to make it a reality. A couple of couldn’t provide day-time care. Nursing guidelines put out by the Federal/ us have assessed the possibility, but can and end-of-life care could also be offered, Provincial Seniors Committee Guide. “Age NOT do it on our own. To purchase the with support from our medical centre, Friendly Rural and Remote Communities”. resort and adapt it to our needs will total nurse-practitioner and home support staff. There is a possibility of some funding around $2 million. We could mortgage We feel strongly that if we want a seniors being available if there is community about 2/3 so we need a commitment of care home on the island now, we have to support. Please call Mary if you are about $700,000. We also need seed money, go this route. To raise funds and build a interested in this or could give some input. legal and financial guidance to form a residence could take 10-20 years, and not co-operative and partnering/support from be ready in time for many of us and our local Quadra organizations. elderly friends on the island. It could also Private seniors residences can charge cost 3 to 4 times as much per unit to build. Free Firewood $4500 a month for a suite, 3 meals a day, We are all getting older. Do you want to Free Firewood is available every and a quick weekly clean of their suite. know you can age-in-place comfortably Wednesday after Community Lunch at the This type of housing does NOT include with your friends and family on Quadra Quadra Community Centre from 1 p.m. to any personal care. The tenants have no say Island, in a lodge where you have a say in 1:30 p.m. We are located at the shed behind if policies change, because somebody else the kind of care you receive? Do you want the Q.C.C. owns the building. to buy a share as a legacy to the people The program is designed to provide If we form a co-op (or a limited company) of Quadra? Are you interested in helping warmth for low-income Quadra Islanders. those who made a commitment by buying on the Seniors Lodge Committee to We can fill your (or a friend’s) pick-up into the co-op in the beginning would get make this happen? If we receive enough truck or vehicle with wood. first use of a unit when and if they needed response, we will plan a public meeting Call Alan Burnett if you need further info one some day. We have had interest shown to start to put it into reality. Let us know or help at 285-3544. locally and from people who don’t live on this is a worthwhile project by emailing Money can be donated to the Free Firewood the island now! Depending on interest, [email protected] or phone Joan Association account at our local Coastal Credit we would need about 70 people to buy Smith at 285-3377. Union. Thank you for helping keep your neighbours warm.

8 Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 PAC School Garden Supported What’s New in the Plant by CCCU Quadra Legacy Fund World for 2013 All around us new life is bursting out as buds and catkins swell. Late winter is a time to nourish the soul with the beauty of our natural environment. We become inspired by the growing energy in our own gardens, as we survey its bare bones with a critical, but friendly eye. We look ahead to warmer days, when we can get out to prune and work the soil. It will be soon. This season is the time when gardeners plan changes to next summer’s garden. A large selection of ornamental plants are available for our climate. It is possible with some planning to have blooms from the beginning of January, through the dry season, and well into wonderful fall colours. Choosing new plants each year for your ornamental garden, improves its’ aesthetic beauty, and increases your contentment when you spend time outdoors. The garden becomes a work of art as we develop its’ texture, colour, and scent - arranging plants slowly, as we are able. Quadra Elementary PAC would like thank Coastal Community Credit Union for taking a true interest in the experience and On Monday February 11th, 7pm, join us for an interesting evening education of the students at Quadra Elementary by providing their slide show on the new perennials for 2013. The Garden Club ongoing support of our endeavours. We have recently been chosen welcomes Ellen Presley, co-owner of Anderton’s Nursery in the to receive $6000 from the Quadra Legacy Fund to go towards the Comox Valley. Ellen’s talk will be focused on how to use perennials completion of our garden project and to bring the garden learning in the garden with emphasis on the attributes of each plant experience inside through growing and potting tables. Moving discussed. Choosing the ‘right plant for the right place’ will give forward with these projects would have been difficult, if not you a luscious garden, reducing the amount of time spent caring impossible, wIthout CCCUs support. Thank you, once again, for for your plants. It will also save you money when you get it right continuing to care for the children of this community. the first time. It is always fun and entertaining to have a look at the year’s new selection of plants. Anderton’s is one of the largest greenhouse operations north of . With seventeen greenhouses and thirty four staff it is a gardeners’ mecca. When you visit Anderton’s Nursery have Cortes Radio a look at the adjacent non profit, independently run Anderton Therapeutic Gardens. Ellen is also well known for the garden Drop in and tune out column she writes for the local paper, The Comox Valley Echo. Go for a walk around your garden and observe - Spring is on its’ 89.5 fm way. The hellebores are budding up and the early crocus, winter aconite and snowdrops will be in bloom soon. Drop ins welcome $2 at the door or buy a membership $10 annually.

NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENCE W0042 Please be advised that Forever Wood Ltd. is proposing to remove 77.7ha of private land from Woodlot Licence W0042 located on the southern end of Quadra Island. Inquiries/comments to this proposal must be submitted to Ron Mecredy RFT 252 Berne Rd, Campbell River BC, V9W 6G9 by (1 month from 1st notice date). Only written inquiries received by the above date will be responded to. Information about this proposal can be obtained by contacting Ron Mecredy by email at [email protected]

Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 9 Quadra Island Sing For Tourism Quadra Fawn Take 2 Pure Joy! Radio Seniors Building Our members had a great Campaign time at our last meeting which Community had a Mexican Theme. Judy Quadra Island Tourism Through Song Hagen led the members with a and the Discovery Islands Mexican La Cucharaches song Come re-enchant the world Chamber of Commerce are & dance, wih Maraches. The with melodies, harmonies, excited to be embarking on members were given a Mexican body rhythms and rounds Year 4 of our “Community word game, and Frank Smiritt (from the sublime to the Tourism Opportunities” told Mexican, funny stories. ridiculous!) from different (CTO) partnership with After our meeting we anjoyed cultures around this glorious Earth! Tourism BC. a Mexican Lunch with Chile con Carne, tacos, bean salad, a This is a safe, non-judgmental For the 2012-2013 marketing vegetable platter, and delicious place where everyone can season the focus will be on dessert. SING FOR PURE JOY! No producing and airing a series of Hey everyone! I would like to experience is needed – only the radio commercials to promote Our armchair aerobics start with a big THANK YOU desire to make joyful sounds shoulder season activities and are off to a great start on to everyone who showed up to help access and express the special offers. Wednesdays at 10:00 am, with at the primary screening of profound joy and beauty at Ann Lawrence. Many of our FAWN. What an incredible Chamber members will have our core. No written music is members have been ill with the success that none of us could already received an information used. “The majority of music flux, and even pnuemonia. have imagined! package and now is the time to in the world comes from the commit. Our next meeting will be held Now that there’s been a little oral tradition and all songs are on February 6th/13, @ 10:00 The cost to particpate and support time to let it digest and settle, learned by called and response a:m, with a Valentine Theme, this campaign is only $250 which we’re showing it again! This recognizing that this is the most and lunch at the Heriot Bay Inn is matched by funds from the screening is oriented as accessible and effective way following the meeting. CTO program, almost matching more of a fundraiser to help for the majority of people to stakeholders’ investment. We are also hosting the next initiate our next project, THE learn and retain songs in the North Island ASTRONOMER. It will be longer term.” (Natural Voice The deadline for booking is Regional meeing on March a full evening at the Heriot Practitioners) January 30, 2013. There are Bay Inn on January 25th. The 20th/13. Research shows that “people just a couple of investors event starts with a 2-course Our Mexican word game who are involved in choirs are required to obtain the dinner at 7pm, followed by prizes were won by Ann Hand, healthier. They live longer and maximum matching funds. the film at 8pm with a Q&A Shirley Duncan, Joy Inglis & they have fewer depressions. The commercials will be by the director Cory Doherty Ann Lawrence--the special One of the hormones we broadcast in most of Vancouver and selected cast, then finally a draw pize was won by Judy generate when we sing in a Island’s major communities in dance at 9! Hagen. group is oxytocin, which is March and May. There will be door prizes, usually associated with nursing For 2013 memberships call To particpate, complete and raffles, auctions… You’ll get babies and child bearing. It is a Christine Dyson @ 2207, return your booking form asap all this excitement and be hormone that makes it possible for transportation call Ruth or contact the chamber by email supporting a local film maker for us to bond. So when you Amiabel @ 3801. [email protected] for just $39.95!!! We have sing in a group, you bond with for more info also just been informed that the people you sing with.” an anonymous donor will be (Edmonton Journal) matching what we raise on the evening up to and including AND IT IS FUN!!! One Thousand Dollars!!! This Contact Mary Dennison at means we need roughly 70 seats [email protected] or sold to make it, so come on out call 285-3764. and help us make that match! Beginning Monday, January Hope to see you there! 14th at the Community Centre. Don’t forget, once The Room 3. We raise our voices in Astronomer is complete, the song from 3:00 – 4:30. first showing will be on Quadra Mary Island!

10 Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 Friday Flicks! We’re Way Groovier Than Your Livingroom. Friday Flicks is a unique, small community, big screen, fabulous concession experience. If you haven’t tried us yet you’re missing a Quintessential Quadra tradition of over three decades.

Survey expedition, traversing the Arctic

January 25 capturing records of the world’s receding Chasing Ice ice sheet. Filmmaker Jeff Orlowski (USA 2012) followed. Same time, same place, same price. CHASING ICE is the story of a visionary artist who, in facing his own mortality, Geographer James Balog couldn’t wrap his bequeaths the pure magic of the Arctic, head around global warming. The threat a region he describes as “insanely, was too abstract, and the science too ridiculously beautiful,” to the next dependent on computer-model analysis. generation through Orlowski’s captivating But as a photographer, his mind has been images of privileged views never seen changed. After an eye-opening 2005 visit before. to Iceland, Balog initiated the Extreme Ice

Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 11 Writer’s Talk Quadra and Workshop – Act Now Literacy News Know any good one-act scripts? Theatre Quadra’s spring performance will be two Cornelia Hoogland Join us for Family Literacy Fun on one-act plays and this is your chance The Arts Council will host noted author Mon. Jan. 28 from 12:30 – 2:30 at the to submit the play of your choice. You Cornelia Hoogland for a talk and workshop Quadra Community Centre. There will can drop off a brief summary of the play on Saturday Feb. 2 at the Sybil Andrews be storytelling, singing, drumming, including length, number of characters and Cottage, 2131 South Island Highway in drama, dance, crafts, a construction a synopsis at Hummingbird, Attn: Chris Campbell River. The workshop, entitled centre, big blocks and more. Parents and Thompson, or email us at theatrequadra@ ‘Writing the Unthinkable: Doodling our Tots, children and families and Quadra You are not limited by genre, way into writing’ will take place from 12 Elementary students are invited to join us. and while we are looking for previously noon until 2:30. Based on Lynda Barry’s staged plays if you have written a great one- “non writing craft” techniques, Hoogland act play we’ll give it a read. The rehearsal will lead participants in innovative Digital Literacy season soon approaches, so we need your and exploratory writing (and drawing) The public library offers an extensive play suggestion before Jan 18. exercises. Bring doodling paper. The cost range of eBooks and audio books that is $30.00. Call the Arts Council at 923-0213 you can download to read or listen to to register. on your computer or digital devices like Comox Strathcona Then from 3pm – 4pm, Hoogland will eReaders and Ipods. Did you know you can read from ‘Woods Wolf Girl’ her recent borrow a Kobo eReader from the library Hospital District novel. Hoogland writes: “A girl, a wolf, a and download books? Contact Robin to meeting in the woods. The quintessential arrange for individual tutoring to learn how Selects Chair/Vice story frame. Like Goldilocks, Red Riding to access these resources. Email: robin. Chair for 2013 Hood is alone, but rather than a domestic [email protected] Phone: 250 285 The Comox-Strathcona Regional Hospital setting she’s in the woods. Red Riding 3185 District (CSRHD) board of directors Hood is of the first stories many people has chosen Claire Moglove as its chair hear, and one they tell their children. This and Bruce Jolliffe as its vice-chair for the has been going on for 100s of years. Herein second year in a row. lies the power of the fairy tale: it’s a story Free Money that we all more or less know, and we’re Free Money is available on the first In addition to the major project for the still telling it – in our own ways, according Wednesday of each month in the Winter two new north island hospitals, the board to our own interpretations”. In Woods time (February 6th, March 6th, etc.) just will continue dealing with general issues Wolf Girl Cornelia Hoogland sets her before the Community Lunch from 11:30 around health care facilities in the region. version of the story in the Canadian a.m. to Noon in the downstairs seminar Claire Moglove is a councillor at the City woods, in BC’s rainforest, where she grew room at the Quadra Community Centre. of Campbell River and a director of the up. The book tries to capture the sense Please donate money to the Free Money Strathcona Regional District. Bruce Jolliffe of Red’s multiple identities throughout Association account at our local Quadra is the Comox Valley Regional District’s the ages, and the plethora of attitudes Coastal Credit Union. representative from Baynes Sound- toward her. For more information please Denman/Hornby Islands (Area ‘A’). see http://redridinghood2011.wordpress. Without your help this 8 year long program com/ will have to be cancelled in March. Woods Wolf Girl and other of Hoogland’s Call Allan Burnet at 285-3544 for more info. books will be for sale, and for signing. The Like the DI on FaceBook talk is free and comes courtesy of the Writer’s Union of Canada and the Canada Council.

12 Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 Winter Market/ Bazaar And Flea Market February! Saturday, February 9th 10am-2pm Community Centre February is the month of love! Come love From the Kitchen: our market! Soups: Chicken Vegetable Noodle or Red If you missed our January market I’ll guess Curry Butternut Squash you didn’t see the lovely painted faces and Entrees: Steak and Guinness Stew or arms by Debbie. Guess what! She will be Harvest Vegetable Curry back and you can see them or have one painted on yourself! Also: Hot Sticky Buns (fresh from the oven), Breakfast Muffins and a variety of Nails by Storm was another hit. You can Rosanna’s cookies. get fabulous hand done freehand art work on gel nails. Flowers, feathers and even Coffee still only $1.00 Rosanna can now cheetah spots! Treat yourself or make an make you a steamy cup of Yellow Dog appointment for another time. Specialty Tea. Madison’s Sharkmouse Jewelry will be Flea market February, have a table, clear back. Add sparkle to your love! out that spare room so you don’t need a map to find it! Naomi has soaps in a rainbow of colors and scents. Relax with a rubber ducky bath Make yourself some cash, feel happy cause buddy! someone else will love your forgotten treasures. You will also get a head start on Anne will have her wonderful art. Many your Spring cleaning. Spring is coming! Quadra Island scenes to choose from. Come on in out of the cold. Its nice and Frank Boas and Maureen bring impressions warm in the Community Centre. of nature watercolors, art cards and much more. Eileen Sowerby playing your favorites on piano. Linda Juraschka has her folk art too. Have Set up starts for vendors at 8am on a first you checked out Dave’s World yet? Golly come basis. Tables are $10.00 each. If you he sure likes Dragons! would like more info: quadramarket@ or Stella at 285-3184 And mugs, mouse pads, gift cards and did I mention Dragons? Market dates in March are: Saturday, March 2nd and Saturday March 16th Ms. Judi brings her accessories. You name it. A great selection to jazz you up. See you there! Stella’s lovely knitted hats will keep the whole family warm and mmmm microwave heating bags for those cold achy muscles until Spring arrives. The rest, you’ll just have to come and check it out for yourself. I am not giving away any more details! Speaking of love..Lisa will have her fantastic chocolates, taking your orders for Valentine’s Day! Our Cookie Crumb Fairy, Audrey, will have a wonderful assortment of goodies for you to choose from.


Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 13 HELEN TERESA FARRELL The Stuff That Weighs Us Down February 28th 1943 - January 13th 2013 by Tucker Dinnes I recently posed this question Sounds easy enough huh? This on my Facebook page: type of inner work may sound If you could let go of one thing simple, but it is often not easy. that is weighing you down It means we must commit to today, what would it be? ourselves; we must be aware of the time and strength it takes The responses I received to acknowledge, work through included guilt, self-doubt, body and be present to the thoughts/ image issues, regret, grief and situations/people that we allow hurt. ourselves to feel drained by. I then posed the question: We must use whatever How do we actually let these resources our wisdom leads draining emotions, feelings and us to that will help us with Helen Teresa Farrell: This world became a better place when thoughts go? this work. Maybe it means Helen Teresa Farrell was born on February 28th, 1943 in the seeking outside help from a small village of Portroe, Nenagh, County Tipperary, Ireland. I had one response to that counselor or coach, perhaps She passed away peacefully on Sunday night January 13th question, in which the person devoting time to prayer/ 2013 following a cancer illness; encircled by her very close said they used humor to meditation, or reading material friends, just a few weeks short of her 70th birthday. help heal their hurt. I agree that is pertinent to what is that having a sense of humor Helen was connected to so many people as she held out her weighing you down, journaling definitely helps to ease our hands with a gracious smile to greet a new friend who would or perhaps talking with a discomfort and helps us to see be a friend forever. She hitchhiked through part of Europe trusted friend. The avenue our experiences in a more light- with a friend in 1966 which led to her travels to Canada in that will help you to release hearted way. But sometimes 1967 where she has since resided. She has lived in Campbell whatever weighs you down is we need more. River, BC for many years and worked for an insurance unique to you. company before taking a receptionist position in April Point So, what do we need in order Insight, self knowledge and Resort where she loved to work for a number of years. She to move through and let these empowerment are the rewards then took a more permanent position in the John Howard things go that weigh us down? of this work. Through focus Society of North Island where she was the welcoming face The great news is that what we and dedication, you will be at the front desk and friendly voice on the phone for 16 years need to move through these sending a deeper message to from 1993 until her retirement in 2009. She was greatly loved difficult emotions we already yourself, one of self love and by the staff and the youth clients. possess within us. We need increased self worth. to use our inherent wisdom Helen was predeceased by her mother and father, sister and awareness to lead us to the Connect with Tucker at Mary and brother John, and leaves to mourn her dear and place of release and relief. http://connectionscoaching. beautiful daughter, Sonia Buchanan from Saskatoon, and four grandchildren: Thane, Rowan, Stevie Lee and Reese, her beloved sister Bridget Farrell and brother Brian Farrell both of Dublin, Ireland and cousin Mary Quenneville, of Duncan, B.C. Helen’s family and friends would like to thank sincerely Dr. Liezl Sullivan for her heartfelt care and support and also the Central Team of Home Care Nurses without whose support she would not have been able to spend her last weeks in her home. A Prayer Service took place at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church on Alder Street at 7pm on Friday, 18th January, followed by a mass and funeral at 11am on Saturday, 19th January 2013. In lieu of flowers, you may wish to make a donation to “Canadian Feed the Children”, 174 Bartley Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M4A 1E1. Helen leaves behind a path of smiling footsteps for us to follow. How she’ll be missed.

14 Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 At the HBI

Friday January 25: FAWN; delicious Fireside Lounge events: Saturday dinner, screening of the film, Q&A with February; 23 Bill Johnson has spent a Doherty, then move to the pub for music lifetime immersing himself in the . with Cory Doherty and Mike Sitnik, then He’s a master of the form and when seen dance with DJ Mel! A marathon project live is a blast of majestic blues power… funding event for Cory Doherty’s next Friday March 22; John Brooks’ songs film. Full evening: $39.95. Film and dance: are underscored throughout by his $30.00. Add a room +$49.00.. 6:30 seating, gently weather-beaten voice, the singular 7:00 serving, 8:00 movie 9:00 dance . Raffle beautiful sound of hand on guitar, and his and silent auction too. Reservations highly uncanny ability to press his ear against the recommended: 285-3322. heartbeat and the soul of the times we live Barney Bentall, Tom Taylor and Shari in. $12.00 7:30pm Ulrich, Dinner Show Saturday February Saturday nights are date night in Herons 2nd $55.00. Don’t want to stay up that late? or the Pub at the Heriot Bay Inn. Enjoy Enjoy our Brunch Show Sunday February a quiet evening with a lover or a friend; 3rd $50.00 in Herons Dining Room. This two entrees, two desserts only $29.95. trio puts on a wonderful show; you don’t Seriously. Then hang on for open mic, want to miss it! Reservations: 285-3322 January 26 with Mr. Bassman Jim Thievin David Gogo Dinner Show. Gogo is a standing in for Mo, it’s bound to be a blast! multiple Blues Music Award winner 9:00pm HBI Pub who adds heart, soul and grit to the Oh my gosh have you heard? It’s the international blues scene. Over the years, Winter Weekend Take Over at the Heriot he has performed with blues and rock Bay Inn!. A good time reunion for the legends B.B. King, Bo Diddley, George Quadra babies from the 70’s and 80’s Thorogood, ZZ Top, and numerous others. (and everyone that knows them). Friday, March 30. $40.00. Reservations: 285-3322 February 15, 8:00pm in the pub; our man UofQ classes – show me the money!: Ryan Guldemond (of Mother, Mother January 30; Making extra dollars, easy fame) will open up the festivities. What steps to eBay buying and selling with David better way to warm up for Duffy Live at Faulkner. February 6; Quadra’s own CCCU 9:00pm! bankers Tania McMartin and Fair Taylor Saturday, February 16; special menu will take us through the in’s and out’s of dinner for all reuniting folk in Herons RRSP’s, RESP’s, RIFF’s and all those beginning at 6:00pm. Did I hear Johnny Registered programs that help us save $ for Quan might play for us? You’ll need to the future and taxes for now. 7:00pm HBI reserve for this one! This is followed with Pub education. Kytami and DJ in the Pub. $10.00 at the Share your music; informal acoustic folk door for this indie rock, acoustic punk song circle with Bob Sutherland & Kris rock, dancehall/hip hop/electronic, metal Wellstein in the Fireside Lounge at the and Bhangra-Celtic fusion fiddle player. HBI. Bring your instrument and/or your 9:00pm voice; Mondays 7:30 pm Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 15 Samosas & Smartphones ‘Law School’ - B.C. libraries and Decoda Literacy Solutions on Quadra celebrate informal learning Lawyer Pat Field is offering NANAIMO – There’s a trick or two to configuring your a series of free classes in legal smartphone for downloading library eBooks. It’s great to attend a topics of general interest on program at your local public library that gives you tips on learning Wednesday evenings at the how to use an eReader. And samosas are best with just the right Community Centre from 7:00 amount of spice - not too little and not too much. to 8:00 p.m. How do we know? We may have discovered it for ourselves, Lesson 3 is on Wednesday, maybe attended a workshop, or consulted a cookbook or two. We January 30th and covers family learned it – but outside of formal school. This kind of loose, often law. Topics to be covered unrecognized learning – called informal and non-formal learning include divorce, common – is something public libraries and literacy organizations in the law marriages, parenting province are highlighting as part of the week leading up to ABC arrangements, child and Life Literacy Canada’s Family Literacy Day, January 27. spousal support, division “This is the kind of learning that literacy programs and public libraries of property, separation support every day,” says Brenda Le Clair, chief executive officer agreements and the new Family of Decoda Literacy Solutions, which leads a literacy network that Law Act, a B.C. statute that reaches 400 communities in B.C. There are thousands of workshops, replaces the Family Relations discussion groups, readings and training sessions that happen each Act and comes into force in day in public libraries and literacy programs around the province. March of this year. “All of this is learning is available for free and it makes a real Lesson 4 is on February difference to our communities and their quality of life,” says Fiona 6th and covers Workers Shop Local Anderson, Director of Library Services for Vancouver Island Compensation issues including Keep our island Regional Library (VIRL). “Each day, VIRL’s 38 libraries offer who is covered, what is programs ranging from early literacy storytimes for toddlers, to covered, dealing with the Case community author readings, workshops on how to download eBooks, how to Managers and VRC's, the role strong research your family tree, or learn a new language.” of the Workers' and Employer's advisors and appeals to the Informal learning and literacy are closely connected: reading, all year Review Division and the singing, playing games and talking with a child help build language Appeal Tribunal. long! Cortes skills well before the youngster starts in school. Research shows Benefits that reading to children more than once a day has a positive impact The 5th and last lesson covers on their future academic skills, says ABC Life Literacy Canada, injury law including ICBC and citing Statistics Canada data. non-motor vehicle accidents and injury claims, ICBC's It’s easy to celebrate Family Literacy Day with some informal no-fault benefits, disability Cortes Radio learning and cooking your favourite recipe with your friend or insurance and EI and CPP child is a perfect activity. Explore a new recipe with a cookbook disability benefits. from your local library: the informal learning starts the moment you start to uncover the range of cuisines to explore. The format is twenty minutes of general overview followed Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) is the fourth largest by 40 minutes of questions and library system in British Columbia. We serve over 430,000 people discussion. Pre-registration is on Vancouver Island, Haida Gwaii, and Bella Coola on the Central Drop in and tune out not required." Coast through 38 branch libraries, an eLibrary at and a 89.5 fm Books by Mail service.

16 Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 Campbell River Charlotte Gill – Arts Council Eating Dirt For 17 years 6th Annual Charlotte Gill worked as a Photo Show tree-planter The Campbell River Arts Council is in clear cuts accepting submissions for it’s 6th Annual across Canada. Photo Show to be held at the Sybil Her bestselling Andrews Cottage from February 18 to memoir, Eating March 8, 2013. These dates are planned to Dirt: Deep Forest, overlap with Heritage Week (Feb.18-24). 2013 Haig-Brown Writer- in-Residence Charlotte Gill Big Timber and The theme for this year’s show is Life with the ‘Campbell River Businesses - Heritage in Tree-planting Tribe, journeys through Action!’ The Arts Council is looking for B.C.’s coastal rainforests in exploration of photographers to submit work of local the wild and solitary lives of professional businesses or business people that display silvicultural workers. This Vancouver Island the unique character of our community. story is a slice of tree-planting life in all its Prizes will be awarded, one Juried and one soggy, gritty exuberance as well as a look ‘People’s Choice’. at the role that conifer plantations play in the logging industry. Can tree farms replace “The quality and range of photographic original forest ecosystems, which contain talent in Campbell River is amazing”, says some of the world’s largest organisms, our Ken Blackburn, Executive Director of the slowest-growing “renewable” resource? Arts Council. “This is a great opportunity to showcase the diversity of businesses in On February 3, from 1pm –3pm, the Campbell River. We are an amazing city!” Museum at Campbell River will host Charlotte Gill to give a slideshow and Two works may be submitted due to reading from her book Eating Dirt. A book limited space. Submissions will be signing will follow the presentation. accepted at the Sybil Andrews Cottage, 2131 South Island Highway, between Gill’s tree-planting book was nominated February 11 - 14, from 1 pm to 4 pm. for the Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize, the Charles Taylor Prize, and two B.C. For more information contact the Arts Book Prizes. It won the 2012 B.C. National Council at 923-0213 or [email protected] Award for Canadian Non-Fiction. Her previous book, Ladykiller, was a finalist for the Governor General’s Literary Award and winner of the B.C. Book Prize for fiction. Her work has appeared in Best Canadian Stories, The Journey Prize Stories, and many magazines. Gill teaches creative writing at UBC and the Banff Centre. She is this year’s Haig-Brown Writer-in- Residence. Please call the Museum at 250-287-3103 to register. The cost for the A unique and iconic business in Willow Point talk is $5.00

Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 17 New Democrats Would End Taxpayer-Funded Partisan Ads, Says Trevena CAMPBELL RIVER – While the B.C. “For the government to tell us we Liberals continue to waste $15 million need to tighten our belts and suffer of taxpayers’ money on partisan political the consequences of service cutbacks advertisements, the New Democrats while they waste millions on primetime have committed to end the practice so advertising is simply unacceptable and that valuable tax dollars can go towards clearly shows a government that’s out of real public priorities in communities like ideas and not up to the challenges facing Campbell River. British Columbia,” said Bruce Ralston, B.C. New Democrat leader Adrian Dix New Democrat finance critic. Ralston said announced Wednesday that a New New Democrats will introduce legislation Democrat government would pass in the coming spring legislative session. legislation that would give British A New Democrat government would stop Columbia’s Auditor General statutory spending taxpayer money on partisan responsibility to review and approve all advertising and start spending it where it government advertising and prohibit counts – in communities and on improved advertising whose central purpose is to services for British Columbians. promote the governing party in a partisan manner. “The Liberals’ ongoing $15 million advertising blitz is nothing but a blatant Ferry Schedules attempt to promote the interests of the Campbell River - Quadra Island governing party, conducted at the expense Crossing Time: 10 minutes of each and every taxpaying British Leave Quadra Island Columbian,” said North Island New 6:15 am 3:05 pm Democrat MLA Claire Trevena. †7:05 am ** 4:00 pm “That $15 million could have gone a 8:00 am 5:00 pm long way to improving services in the 9:00 am 5:50 pm community. There are students and families 10:00 am 7:00 pm who would benefit immensely from 11:00 am 8:00 pm 12:00 pm 9:00 pm additional special needs teachers as well as 1:00 pm 10:00 pm countless seniors who are in need of long- 2:00 pm *11:00 pm term care beds.” Whether improving the availability of Leave Campbell River services to people with disabilities by 6:40 am 3:30 pm adding spaces to Community Living B.C., †7:30 am 4:30 pm or providing seniors with much-needed 8:30 am 5:25 pm Your Complete stability by increasing homecare services, 9:30 am 6:15 pm 10:30 am 7:30 pm Home Building Specialists: the investment of $15 million in to the ** from concrete to cabinets 11:30 am 8:30 pm communities of B.C. could have made 12:30 pm 9:30 pm • Project Management a huge difference in the lives of British 1:30 pm 10:30 pm • Commercial & Residential Buildings Columbians. 2:30 pm *11:30 pm • Renovations The proposed legislation would ensure Quadra Island - Cortes Island • Custom Homes & Additions taxpayer dollars are no longer misused for Crossing Time: 45 minutes • Qualified Journeyman Carpenters political gain. Under the new advertising Leave Quadra Island Leave Cortes Island High Performance Wall Systems approval process, potential government † 9:05 am † 7:50 am Certified Installers ads – whether on television, radio, **11:05 am 9:50 am print, or online - would have to meet 1:05 pm 11:50 am certain standards set out in statute, and 3:05 pm **1:50 pm 5:05 pm 3:50 pm Free Estimates - Phone in particular, not promote the governing party in a partisan manner. 6:45 pm 5:50 pm * - Fridays and Saturdays only. † - Daily except Sundays. ** - Tuesday sailings are for Dangerous Cargo - No passengers. Fax 285-3573 18 Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 Trusted content, Islander Benefits Cards Islander widest distribution are on their way! Benefits plain and simple the D.I. is the best value. Editorial Runs FREE!

iCatcher iCatcher+ Biz Card $30* $40* $55* Look for special offers from particpating businesses*... 1.75”x 2” 2.4”x 2” 3.7” x 2” Thanks to everyone so far for the great response. 2.4”x 1.5” 1.75”x 2.75” 1.75” x 4” The cards are expected back from the printer for delivery Biz Card+ 1/6 Page 1/4 Page within a week or so. Keep up to date with news & specials at $75* $90* $115* 10% off for locals 15 % off with your Islander Benefits card. (labour only, parts extra) Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a 5”x 2” 2.4”x 5” 5” x 3.75” 2.4”x 4” 3.7”x 3.25” 7.5” x 2.5” 3.7”x 5” Disposition of Crown Land 1/3 Page 1/2 Page Power Block Take notice that Aleta Fowler and David Schreyer of $145* $225* $255* Rooms $20 per weeknight & Yellowknife, NWT intend to make application to the $35 Friday and Saturdays Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Valid for cardholders until (MFLNRO), West Coast Service Centre, for a private moorage March 31. Regular $69 situated on Provincial Crown land located at Boulder Point, Cortes Island. 7.5” x 3.25” 3.7” x 10.25” 5” x 10.25” 2.4” x 10.25” 7.5” x 5” 7.5” x 7” 5” x 4.875” The Lands File Number that has been established for this application is 1413998. Written comments concerning this Full Page Double Page Spread application should be directed to the Section Head, Ministry of $295* $495* 10% Off any purchase Natural Resource Operations, at Suite 142, 2080 Labieux Road, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6J9, or emailed to: AuthorizingAgency. [email protected] Comments will be received by MFLNRO 10% Locals’ until February 10, 2013. MFLNRO may not be able to consider Discount comments received after this date. Please visit our website at 7.5”x10.25” 16”x10.25” for more * Rates are per edition. plus HST information. Ask us about discounts for Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be regular advertising and considered part of the public record. For information, contact non-profit organizations. the Freedom of Information Advisor. 15% Off portraits Classified ads are $20 per edition (including HST) for up to 35 words. $15.00 per edition for two or more insertions. 10% Locals’ Discount See back page for more details DISCOVERY ISLANDERS Flyers can be inserted in the DI, rates vary with distribution and if provided or we print. SHOP Call or email to find out more LOCAL

For more info * Some restrictions may apply 250-285-2234 Get your card [email protected] Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013 19 DATE TIME PST m. ft. 25 05:56 4.6 15.1 SERVICESCLASSSHOPSIFIEDFORS RENT Friday 11:16 3.6 11.8 15:32 4.2 13.8 22:52 1.1 3.6 FRUIT TREE PRUNING NEW STOCK Marquee tents January and February are the best AT AMPED ON NUTRITION Marquee tents are available for rent 26 06:22 4.7 15.4 months to prune fruit trees, roses, on Quadra Island. Sizes from 400 Saturday 11:47 3.5 11.5 and many other deciduous trees and New stock just arrived - to 1600 sq ft. We also rent sound 16:20 4.2 13.8 shrubs. Certified horticulturist 100% Merino Wool clothing, systems, lighting, popup tents, 23:25 1.1 3.6 and winter pruning enthusiast Ryan from 3 yrs to Adult sizes projector & screen. Call 'Intense 27 06:46 4.8 15.7 Nassichuk is now taking PLUS - lovely 100% Merino wool Rentals' 250-285-3772 or visit Sunday 12:19 3.3 10.8 appointments for the 2013 pruning socks for men & women. Stay warm 17:08 4.3 14.1 season. Call 250-202-2326 or email this winter and look stylish too! 23:59 1.2 3.9 [email protected] for more For Rent –Quadra information. AMPED ON NUTRITION 28 07:11 4.8 15.7 Open 10-5 Tuesday - Saturday Clean small private one bedroom Monday 12:54 3.1 10.2 250-285-3142 furnished and equipped cabin on 7 17:58 4.2 13.8 Q-COVE acres near golf course. 29 00:35 1.3 4.3 APPLIANCE REPAIR NP NS $500.00 month plus hydro. Tuesday 07:38 4.9 16.1 Repairs and service to your domestic Hummingbird Office & Long term preferred. Use of canoe major appliances at competitive 13:33 2.8 9.2 Art Supply and bikes. rates. We have a good selection 18:49 4.2 13.8 We have New Winter Hours eMail: [email protected] of quality rebuilt washers, dryers, Monday - Saturday 10am - 4pm Ph: 604-576-0181 30 01:12 1.5 4.9 fridges, gas and electric ranges. All For all your Office, Art, Printing and refs required. Wednesday 08:07 4.9 16.1 come with a one year warranty on crafting needs 14:16 2.5 8.2 mechanical components and free 19:44 4.1 13.5 delivery for south Quadra Island. 31 01:52 1.8 5.9 New and used parts depot. Free Sidelines at the REAL ESTATE Thursday 08:37 4.9 16.1 pick up of your unwanted recyclable Heriot Bay Inn 15:03 2.2 7.2 appliances. 10% Seniors discount. We carry all manner of gifts to tickle SELLING YOUR HOME? 20:45 4.0 13.1 Please call 250-285-3425 the psyche and senses of discerning List online on Quadra’s most visited or cell 250-202-3425. 01 02:34 2.2 7.2 and yearning friends alike. Home web site. Listing with photos only Friday 09:09 4.8 15.7 and garden decor, jewellery, art, $49 for 3 months. 15:52 1.9 6.2 4 Corners Accounting rainbows… 21:58 3.9 12.8 & Tax Services Call 250-285-2234 for more info WAYPOINT SIGNS 02 03:21 2.6 8.5 Located in the Cove Saturday 09:43 4.7 15.4 Call 250 285 2750 Signs, Picture Framing and simple 16:46 1.6 5.2 for your appointment Engraving at Waypoint Signs beside DI ClassifiedS 23:23 3.9 12.8 Quadra Builders. Tues-Thurs, Up to 35 Words = $20* 03 04:15 3.0 9.8 FERNBANK SAWMILL 9-noon/1-4pm. Appointments possible to suit your schedule. Sunday 10:22 4.6 15.1 Custom cutting at your place or mine 35-70 Words = $35* Friendly, efficient, personalized on a state-of-the-art Woodmizer mill. 17:46 1.4 4.6 service with quality products at * includes HST We cut everything from beams to 04 00:59 4.0 13.1 affordable rates. 250-285-2815 & Email, fax or drop off your Monday 05:23 3.4 11.2 siding. Call Gerry Cote: 250-285-3651 [email protected]. ad with payment at 701 Cape 11:09 4.5 14.8 18:51 1.2 3.9 Mudge Rd or at Hummingbird, 05 02:30 4.2 13.8 NOLE CREEK SAWMILLS SERVICES or pay by credit card online at Tuesday 06:56 3.6 11.8 Milling, moulding, kiln drying 12:07 4.5 14.8 to all your specific requirements. THE QUEEN OF CLEAN There may be cheaper ways 19:55 1.0 3.3 Specialty beams to 32 ft. Siding, IS ON THE SCENE but the DI works.!! flooring & Much more. Your logs or 06 03:38 4.4 14.4 ... to clean your house mine. Free local pickup and delivery. she’s really keen Call 250-285-2234 or email Wednesday 08:34 3.7 12.1 Call Greg 250-285-2762 www. [email protected] 13:12 4.4 14.4 So lighten your load 20:51 0.9 3.0 don’t pull out your hair with any questions 07 04:29 4.6 15.1 She’s a great little cleaner Thursday 09:45 3.6 11.8 NEED HELP WITH with a few days to spare. 14:16 4.4 14.4 STORM CLEANUP? Reasonable rates, call 250-202-5029 21:42 0.8 2.6 We can help you clean and maintain 08 05:11 4.8 15.7 your home and garden. Clean your Friday 10:40 3.4 11.2 windows, roof and gutter, finish your FOR SALE 15:19 4.5 14.8 renovating job, Build or replace your 22:28 0.9 3.0 deck, gates or fence. After all these recent storms maybe you need some QUALITY CEDAR major cleanup? PRODUCTS FOR SALE We can help you with pretty much Planed or rough cut decking,lumber, anything around your home and siding,beams, fencing,4x4s,clears, yard. Please call CanDoServices VG,custom milling, whatever your at 250-285–2874 or email at needs. Located On Quadra Island, [email protected] 250 830 7897 504

20 Discovery Islander #543 January 25, 2013