Swiss Post Bringing together – every day since 1849 Contents (Almost) everything you need to know about Swiss Post

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company

04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future

Page 2 Our mandate Our mandate Strategic goals set by the Federal Council (1/2)

Universal service and market leadership To provide a universal service (nationwide and at the same price) while attaining market leadership in the fields of communication, logistics, financial services and mobility

Company value To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by means of a corporate strategy founded on sustainable and ethical principles and to guarantee the value of the company

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 4 Our mandate Strategic goals set by the Federal Council (2/2)

Products To provide physical and electronic services that are needs- oriented, high quality and innovative

HR policy To pursue a progressive and socially responsible HR policy

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 5 Our mandate Universal service obligation | Financing

Mandate Net costs Delivery of consignments/newspapers; In 2019, the universal service payment transactions; accessible impacted Swiss Post’s result to within 20 minutes for the tune of CHF 281 million 90 percent of the population

Revision of the Postal Services Ordinance Delivery of consignments to all Financing houses that are occupied for the Swiss Post finances the whole year; delivery of daily universal service without newspaper subscriptions by external funding 12.30 p.m. at the latest

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 6 Our mandate Legal requirements – reviewed annually

PostCom oversees Swiss Post and, every year, provides information on the development of the universal service. Other supervisory bodies: OFCOM, FINMA, BAV

PostCom (2019 report) confirms that Swiss Post − provides a universal service that is of very high quality – even by international standards − provides services that are economically viable, without claiming any state subsidies − achieves punctuality figures (letters and parcels) that surpass the requirements set by the Confederation − has once again clearly exceeded the accessibility target for households

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 7 Our journey Our journey A history of transformation

1849 Swiss Post founded

1903 The first take to the roads

1906 Swiss Post modernizes payment transactions

1920 PTT founded

1939 Swiss Post goes yellow

1964 Postcodes are introduced

1978 Postomats are introduced

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 9 Our journey A history of transformation

1998 PTT becomes Swiss Post and

1998 PostFinance launches e-finance

2004 The parcel market is deregulated

2013 Swiss Post becomes a private limited company

2020 The “Swiss Post of tomorrow” is launched

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 10 Our journey Our raison d’être

Bringing Switzerland together.

“Everyone has the power to make a difference. From small to large scale. Everywhere. And in their own personal way. That’s why we at Swiss Post do our very best, day in and day out. Every day, we perform valuable work and are actively involved in the community, helping to bring Switzerland together. We create new opportunities to ensure that everyone can achieve their goals and dreams. Individually, in teams and as a company. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, too. Because we are Swiss Post: bringing Switzerland together – every day since 1849.”

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 11 Our raison d’être Bringing Switzerland together – every day since 1849 Our journey Our vision

Powering a modern Switzerland.

“Something special is created when we can focus on essentials. This is why people and companies need as much freedom as possible. At Swiss Post, we create this freedom by moving goods, information, assets and people. We power Switzerland – with trustworthy services in the physical and digital worlds. At home, during leisure time and at work. In the countryside and in the city. At any time and across all borders. To ensure that Switzerland can focus on the important issues in the future, too. Thanks to Swiss Post: powering a modern Switzerland.”

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 13 Our vision Powering a modern Switzerland Our four principles En route to “powering a modern Switzerland”

Swiss Post remains an Economically viable enterprise affiliated as an entire Group with the Confederation

Economic benefit Contribution to the development through modern of a modern, competitive and public services sustainable Switzerland

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 15 Our journey Our values

The Swiss Post culture

Customer-centric Committed Trustworthy

With emotion, From small By people and for courage and to large scale people reason

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 16 Our journey The “Swiss Post of tomorrow” strategy

We are dynamic.

“A dynamic country needs an equally dynamic postal service.” Your everyday life and your needs are changing. At Swiss Post, we’re making the journey with you. We’ll meet your new needs, regardless of whether they are physical or digital. Our new strategy is based on our strengths and core competencies – transporting goods, information and people in a trustworthy manner.

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 17 The “Swiss Post of tomorrow” strategy How we will achieve our vision

Financial services Ensuring the business model

PostalNetwork Stabilizing self-operated branches, expanding access points and opening up to service companies and Logistics Services Communication public authorities Ensuring Services development of Trustworthy and the last mile and Public service simple solutions for connecting a digital future Switzerland to Mobility Services international goods flows Networked and sustainable mobility solutions by road

Swiss Post Solutions Supporting the successful growth path

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 18 Swiss Post of tomorrow – strategic thrusts Growth for a self-financed, strong public service

Ensure targeted investments Bring “mail secrecy” in the last mile and connect into the digital world the Swiss economy to international goods flows remains the leader in road-based public transport Open the network and is increasingly focusing on to service companies sustainable and connected and authorities mobility solutions

Quick conversion of delivery A guaranteed future: vehicles to environmentally- Swiss Post is to remain an friendly drive systems attractive employer

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 19 How we will achieve our vision Our strategy Our company Our company Overview

01 Our organization 02 Swiss Post in numbers 03 Our employees

04 Our responsibility

Page 22 Our organization Group organization chart as at 1 January 2021

Swiss Post Ltd Board of Directors Group Audit General Secretariat Urs Schwaller Esther Brändli Roger Schoch

Executive Management PostFinance Roberto Cirillo*

Logistics Communication PostalNetwork Mobility Swiss Post Board of Directors Finance & Services Services Services Solutions Real Estate Rolf Watter Alex Glanzmann* Informatics/Technology Johannes Nicole Burth* Thomas Baur* Christian Plüss* Jörg Vollmer* Executive Board Wolfgang Eger Cramer* Hansruedi Köng Communication Alexander Fleischer Human Resources Valérie Schelker* Corporate Services Katrin Nussbaumer/ Post CH Matthias Dietrich Communication Post CH Network PostFinance Ltd Post CH Ltd Ltd** Ltd** PostBus Ltd SPS Holding Ltd * Member of Executive Management ** Until 22 June 2021: Post CH Ltd 01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 23 Our organization Swiss Post abroad

Selective presence abroad − Foreign branches in 20 countries − Swiss Post Solutions (SPS) − Asendia with France’s

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 24 Swiss Post in numbers Key figures 2020

178 million 7,054 million 401 million 85.9% francs francs francs generated in free in Group profit in operating in investments competition income 123.7 billion More than 1,706 million 127 million francs 191 million addressed letters passengers parcels (PostBus) in customer assets (PostFinance)

30% Employee satisfaction Customer satisfaction CO2 efficiency 73 out of 100 points 81 out of 100 points improvement compared to 2010

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 25 Swiss Post in numbers Strong performance despite the coronavirus pandemic

Result 2020 Change compared to 2019 in CHF million in CHF million Group operating profit (EBIT) 272 –178 Group profit 178 –77

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 26 Swiss Post in numbers Operating profit 2020

Group | EBIT and margin in CHF million

EBIT in CHF million 704 718

EBIT margin in % 505 9 9 450 6 7 272 4

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 27 Swiss Post in numbers Operating income and operating profit 2020 (by market and segment)

Operating income Operating profit Market Segment in CHF million in CHF million PostMail 2,526 293 Communication market Swiss Post Solutions 539 25 PostalNetwork 631 –105 Logistics market PostLogistics 1,933 201 Financial services market PostFinance 1,566 161 Passenger transport market PostBus 809 –79

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 28 Our employees Swiss Post as an employer 47,996 employees in Switzerland 54,364 employees 3rd largest worldwide employer in Switzerland

142 nationalities

22% Over 100 women in job profiles management roles 80% employed as per CEC

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 29 Our employees Training at Swiss Post

17 professional fields

1,863 27 trainee posts apprentices

More than 700 apprenticeships 41 internships completed per year

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 30 Our employees Employee development and diversity

Employees Management 54,364 employees, 22 percent women of which 47,966 in in management positions Switzerland


− 142 nationalities Transformation − 44 percent women Over 1,100 full-time − 56 percent men equivalents in the IT sector

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 31 Our responsibility Swiss Post has promoted sustainable development in Switzerland for over 20 years

Economically, ecologically and with social responsibility Achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals Our five areas of action Swiss Post makes a significant contribution to achieving the People 17 Sustainable Development Goals 1. Socially responsible employer 2. Common good (SDGs) set by the UN as part of its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Environment Swiss Post’s focus: 3. Environment

Economy 4. Responsible procurement 5. Sustainable customer solutions

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 32 Our responsibility Swiss Post is acting now for tomorrow

Best practice climate goal Climate neutrality for delivery services by 2030 and for Swiss Post Ltd from 2040.

1. Science-based goal 2. In line with the UN climate goal Global warming limited to max. 1.5°C 3. Three main thrusts: − Conversion to alternative drive systems − Departure from fossil-fuel heat generation − Use of electricity generated entirely from renewable sources in Switzerland

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 33 Our responsibility Swiss Post’s commitment to sustainability Our business Our business Overview

01 Logistics Services 02 Communication Services 03 PostalNetwork

04 Mobility Services 05 Swiss Post Solutions 06 PostFinance

Page 36 Logistics Services Brief overview

Swiss Post aims to fulfil its universal service obligation, consolidate its strong position in Switzerland and continue to develop internationally.

Market fields: − Courier, express parcel logistics, and domestic and international mail − Services over the last mile − Media and advertising market − Goods logistics − Industry solutions − Digital logistics platforms

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 37 Logistics Services Key figures 2020

191 million parcels 1,706 million 30 million addressed letters imported small goods posted and delivered consignments processed in Switzerland

70 million francs to implement 2040 and integrate the new By then, Swiss Post Mix-Mail system aims to become carbon-neutral

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 38 Communication Services Brief overview

Swiss Post assumes the role of a trustworthy, independent intermediary between the physical and digital worlds, focusing on four market areas:

− Trust-based information services − Digital assistant services − Digital services for public authorities − Digital health

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 39 Communication Services Key figures 2020

Around 600,000 Around 30,000 encrypted IncaMail Swiss SMEs use KLARA messages every month

99 million francs processed via Around 7,500 documents are BillingOnline sent by Hôpital du every month using our E-report transfer service 13 municipalities use our “My Local Services” app

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 40 PostalNetwork Brief overview

Swiss Post’s physical presence in all regions of Switzerland reflects our view of a nationwide universal service.

− 4,742 access points for postal services − Enhanced quality in branches with partners − Stabilization of the network at around 800 self-operated branches from 2021 − Further expansion of the number of access points to over 5,000 in 2024 − Opening of the network to major service providers and authorities

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 41 PostalNetwork Key figures 2020 1,194 branches with partners

904 self-operated 1,797 localities branches with home delivery service

502 service points at third parties

3,911 full-time 162 equivalents business customer points

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 42 Mobility Services Brief overview

PostBus is number one in road-based public passenger transport in Switzerland. PostBus intends to strengthen this position even further.

− Strategic partnerships − More efficient use of public resources − Post Company Cars: largest manufacturer-independent full-service fleet manager in Switzerland − PubliBike: largest bike sharing service provider in Switzerland

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 43 Mobility Services Key figures 2020

2,443 vehicles 127 million passengers 936 routes (domestic) 124 million kilometres in domestic vehicle 2,528 full-time kilometres equivalents

2040 18,000 vehicles By this date, the are managed by aim is for all 2,400 Post Company Cars Postbuses to be for Swiss Post emission-free

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 44 Swiss Post Solutions Brief overview

The subsidiary Swiss Post Solutions supports companies on their path to digital transformation.

− Solutions for outsourcing complete business processes − Innovative document management services − Cutting-edge technologies for the secure and efficient digitization of information processing

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 45 Swiss Post Solutions Key figures 2020 500 mailrooms are operated by SPS worldwide 25 countries 25% of the “Fortune where SPS is Global 100” companies present are customers

79 points for the “Net Promoter Score” 3,000 million demonstrates a high documents processed level of customer every year satisfaction and loyalty

1st place among document 6,393 full-time management BPO providers in equivalents Germany and Switzerland (NelsonHall 2020)

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 46 PostFinance Brief overview

PostFinance is a diversified, innovation-driven financial service provider. PostFinance is accelerating the pace of digital transformation and is focusing ever more consistently on its customers’ requirements with its new “SpeedUp” strategy.

Business areas: In the future, the aim is for − Payment Solutions PostFinance to be able to issue − Retail Banking loans and mortgages − Digital First Banking independently. This is a matter − Platform Business for Parliament to decide.

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 47 PostFinance Key figures 2020 123.7 billion francs in customer assets

3,260 full-time equivalents Around 17,000 COVID-19 loans, ensuring the liquidity and continued existence of numerous SMEs

4.3 million customer accounts

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 48 Our value Our value Overview

01 Economy 02 Business location 03 Employer

04 Democracy and rule of law

Page 50 Economy Economic value for Switzerland

6 billion francs Around 2.7 billion francs for Swiss Post’s for goods and services products and from domestic suppliers services

Around 3.5 billion francs for salaries Around 230 million francs and social security benefits in taxes and duties

1 Swiss Post estimate based on SFSO data 2020.

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 51 Business location Guaranteeing the business location

Security of supply: Swiss Post is available anytime and anywhere.

Not just any company: If Swiss Post ceased to exist, no other company could fill the gap.

Universal service: The coronavirus pandemic has clearly shown how important Swiss Post is to smooth operations in Switzerland.

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 52 Employer An employer that serves all of Switzerland

Decentralized 47,996 employer employees in Switzerland

Around 18,0001 jobs at domestic suppliers

1 Swiss Post estimate based on SFSO data.

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 53 Democracy and rule of law Our value for Switzerland

Functioning E-government democracy and services for public rule of law authorities

Opening the network to service companies and E-voting system authorities

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 54 Swiss Post – More than just a company Our future Our future Swiss Post of tomorrow

Strengthening core competencies and tapping new sources of income through acquisitions and partnerships

Investing substantial amounts to facilitate growth and ensure a self-financed universal service in Switzerland

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 57 Our future Identifying the needs of tomorrow

Digital solutions

Future technologies

Future-proof logistics solutions

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 58 Our future Trustworthy digital products and developments

Video support via smartphone Electronic patient record

E-voting Cuore – the Swiss health platform

Swiss Trust Chain IncaMail

BillingOnline SME solutions

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 59 Our future Logistics solutions for tomorrow

Delivery robots SmartShuttle

Drone logistics

Smart button Temperature-controlled consignments

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 60 Our future Technologies that will change the world

Smart city Blockchain

Internet of things Circular economy

01 Our mandate 02 Our journey 03 Our company 04 Our business 05 Our value 06 Our future Page 61 With its new strategy, Swiss Post has plotted a clear and promising journey, enabling it to continue developing itself and its core business. This will ensure that it can carry on playing the role it has played for over 170 years: powering a well-oiled Switzerland. Swiss Post Thank you