download gimp files Download gimp gtk files. GTK (formerly GIMP Toolkit and GTK+) is an open source, multi-platform and object-oriented designed to allow programmers to effortlessly create GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) that work in modern open source desktop environments. It was initially called GIMP Toolkit because it contained a set of GUI libraries that were used in the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), as an alternative to deprecated GUI specification. It's part of the GNU Project. The software is part of the GNU Project and its main goal is to provide a complete set of widgets and APIs that allow developers to create complete application suites. Besides , GTK is the most used toolkit deploying graphical application on top of the X.Org and Wayland display servers. It is heavily used on GNOME and . GTK is heavily used in the well known GNOME and Xfce desktop environments, but it supports Cinnamon, MATE, LXDE (Lightweight X11 ), Pantheon, , ROX Desktop, GPE Palmtop environment, Access Platform, and KDE. Several open source window managers use the GTK+ toolkit, including , , AfterStep, IceWM, , Xfwm, Aewm, Amaterus, Consortium, Marco, and Wmg. Under the hood. While the most popular and used GUI designer for GTK is Glade, we can also mention the Gazpacho, Crow Designer and Stetic (part of the MonoDevelop project) applications. Under the hood, we can immediately notice that GTK is written in the C programming language and uses the powerful GLib library software for the object orientation. Future releases will introduce backends for the Wayland display server and HTML5 markup language. Supported operating systems. While it is heavily used in the open source GNU/Linux, Solaris and BSD platforms, the program has been successfully ported to the commercial Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. If you want to create modern GUI front-ends for your applications, you should definitely choose GTK+, especially if you want them to support GNOME, Xfce, LXDE, Cinnamon, MATE, and other desktop environments. Arch Linux. I am running Cinnamon with the Arc-Dark GTK theme. I like the dark theme but I'd like some apps to use the lighter variant of the theme (oddly named Arc-Darker). I know that for GTK3 apps I can modify the *.desktop launcher and on the 'EXEC' line I can add something like. or for GTK2 apps something like. However, this trick does not seem to be working for GIMP 2.10. When I set the theme in GIMP preferences for 'System' and then change the GTK_THEME in the launcher the theme in not changing from dark to light. But this is working for other applications. Any thoughts on what could be the issue? Last edited by darthpenguin (2019-01-24 21:54:08) #2 2019-01-12 00:27:40. Re: [SOLVED] How can I change the GTK theme applied to GIMP? I don't know about the "GTK_THEME=. " environment override, but choosing "System" as the theme in Gimp's preferences does correctly switch Gimp to my normal, light GTK theme. EDIT: After switching to the "System" theme in Gimp, I could switch the theme with GTK2_RC_FILES. I did the following as an experiment: (it doesn't look good with Adwaita) Last edited by Ropid (2019-01-12 00:34:59) #3 2019-01-12 01:59:14. Re: [SOLVED] How can I change the GTK theme applied to GIMP? No it doesn't look good with Adwaita or any other GTK2 theme I have tried including Arc-Darker. That's kind of what I mean when I say the it is not working. When you try to override the GTK2 theme for GIMP it just looks ugly. The theme is not applying properly. So I figured I am doing something wrong. #4 2019-01-12 03:32:01. Re: [SOLVED] How can I change the GTK theme applied to GIMP? I just tried setting my whole desktop to Adwaita, and then setting "System" in the Gimp preferences. When I do it like this, the theme looks much better, it doesn't look broken at all. It seems it's just that environment method being broken? #5 2019-01-15 15:09:35. Re: [SOLVED] How can I change the GTK theme applied to GIMP? There is that option under Edit > Preferences > themes, can't you just one of the default ones instead? Does it need be Arc-Darker? Plus, darker refers to a theme that is darker than the light theme, but not darkly dark. It makes no sense at first hearing only. Cheers! 2.10 & GMIC. This discussion is connected to the mailing list which is provided by the GIMP developers and not related to Please log in to manage your subscriptions. 2.10 & GMIC. Anybody know how do get GMIC working on 2.10? I Tried installing it various ways and always got the following messages when Gimp initialized: Entry point not found. libglib-2.0.0.dll libgxiv2-2.dll libexiv2.dll libglib.2.0_0.dll. 2.10 & GMIC. I downloaded the .zip file from the GMIC web site. I created a folder for the .zip file contents (I'm using Windows): Put .zip file contents there, then added that path to the PlugIns config in GIMP. GMIC works. I could NOT get GMIC to work using the .exe installer. On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 7:48 PM, Tytrate wrote: Anybody know how do get GMIC working on 2.10? I Tried installing it various ways and always got the following messages when Gimp initialized: Entry point not found gmic_gimp.exe libglib-2.0.0.dll libgxiv2-2.dll libexiv2.dll libglib.2.0_0.dll Thanks. -- Tytrate (via ______gimp-user-list mailing list List address: gimp-user- [email protected] List membership: List archives: 2.10 & GMIC. Anybody know how do get GMIC working on 2.10? I Tried installing it various ways and always got the following messages when Gimp initialized: Entry point not found gmic_gimp.exe libglib-2.0.0.dll libgxiv2-2.dll libexiv2.dll libglib.2.0_0.dll Thanks. Not writing this out again, the original is here: Want to use the g'mic plugin in Gimp 2.10.0. At the moment the popular QT version does not work in the regular installation from One way is use a partha or a samj spin off version that includes that and other plugins. The snag with these is, come to update gmic in a few weeks time and a complete re-installation is required. Using the regular Gimp2.10.0 the gmic GTK version works, It has all the functionality of the QT version, it is missing the search facility and some eye-candy, otherwise works. Need to install an update, just replace the downloaded gmic folder. 1. Get the zipped version from 2. Un-zip and put that somewhere easy to find. Your C:\User\your-name\ folder is ok. 3. Start Gimp up and in `Edit -> Preferences -> Folders -> Plug-ins` set the path to gmic, OK and close. 4. Restart Gimp for the setting to take effect. 5. Does it work? It does here. Remember to refresh the filters to get the full 500. 2.10 & GMIC. There is now a fixed for Gimp 2.10.0 QT version. 2.10 & GMIC. Anybody know how do get GMIC working on 2.10? I Tried installing it various ways and always got the following messages when Gimp initialized: Entry point not found gmic_gimp.exe libglib-2.0.0.dll libgxiv2-2.dll libexiv2.dll libglib.2.0_0.dll Thanks. You should unzip gmic in "D:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\scripts" 2.10 & GMIC. Not writing this out again, the original is here: ------Want to use the g'mic plugin in Gimp 2.10.0 At the moment the popular QT version does not work in the regular installation from One way is use a partha or a samj spin off version that includes that and other plugins. The snag with these is, come to update gmic in a few weeks time and a complete re-installation is required. Using the regular Gimp2.10.0 the gmic GTK version works, It has all the functionality of the QT version, it is missing the search facility and some eye-candy, otherwise works. Need to install an update, just replace the downloaded gmic folder. How to install. You should unzip gmic in "D:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\scripts" 1. Get the zipped version from 2. Un-zip and put that somewhere easy to find. Your C:\User\your- name\ folder is ok 3. Start Gimp up and in `Edit -> Preferences -> Folders -> Plug-ins` set the path to gmic, OK and close. 4. Restart Gimp for the setting to take effect 5. Does it work? It does here. Remember to refresh the filters to get the full 500. rich: 2.10 & GMIC. You should unzip gmic in "D:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\scripts" Not the best place to put any plugin. Do not mix up your user plugins with the Gimp 2.10 stock ones. The place for a plugin is in the Gimp user profile. In Windows it is in the hidden Appdata folder. Unhide to use, typically. When it comes to the gmic_gimp_qt plugin for Windows, the (64 bit) installer now works perfectly and installs automatically in the correct place. Download the latest stable version from 2.10 & GMIC. Anybody know how do get GMIC working on 2.10? I Tried installing it various ways and always got the following messages when Gimp initialized: Entry point not found gmic_gimp.exe libglib-2.0.0.dll libgxiv2-2.dll libexiv2.dll libglib.2.0_0.dll Thanks. I having similar issues. I've been searching the internet and trying various permutations of installs, different folders, zip vs exe all to no avail. What I do get is the following error message when launching 2.10.14 on Windows 10 (32bit) and using the 32 bit installer*.: gmic_gimp_qt.exe - Entry Point Not Found (ERROR HEADER) The procedure entry point _ZNSt7_cxx1118basic_stringstreamlcSt11char_traitslcESalcEEC1Ev could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\libexiv2.dll. *gmic_gimp2.10_qt (Win32 version) found in the archive folder. 2.10 & GMIC. I having similar issues. I've been searching the internet and trying various permutations of installs, different folders, zip vs exe all to no avail. What I do get is the following error message when launching 2.10.14 on Windows 10 (32bit) and using the 32 bit installer*.: gmic_gimp_qt.exe - Entry Point Not Found (ERROR HEADER) The procedure entry point _ZNSt7_cxx1118basic_stringstreamlcSt11char_traitslcESalcEEC1Ev could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\libexiv2.dll. *gmic_gimp2.10_qt (Win32 version) found in the archive folder. I can not get anything newer that Gimp 2.10.6 working in a 32 bit Windows so just general comments. The problem might / might not be related to Gimp 2.10.14. Best to start with a clean installation of Gimp 2.10. If installed over an existing Gimp 2.8 with plug-ins, including a gmic-gimp, the old plug-ins are migrated causing problems. The . 32bits_(old)/gmic_gimp2.10_qt_win32.exe installer is ***broken***. All the files are there but in the wrong place. If you used this remove it and use the zip version. The zip from unpacks to a single folder gmic_gimp_qt The whole folder goes in your Gimp 2.10 profile C:\Users\"yourname"\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\plug-ins The folder name is the same name as the executable. see the screenshot for the files you should have. quote . I've been searching the internet and trying various permutations of installs, different folders, zip vs exe all to no avail. unquote. That could be the problem - left over files from multiple installs. Although that sort of error message often comes from a previous Gimp installation. Installing GIMP on Windows. Software name : GIMP Homepage : Software version used for this installation : 2.2.17 use for this installation : Windows 2000 Recommended Hardware : 300Mhz CPU, internet connection, 70MB free harddisk space Additional software required : any software to open zip files. Installing GIMP for Windows isn't as easy as it could be because you need to install some additional software first. Thankfully all the links to what is needed are provided on the site (note : this is not the official GIMP page but a 'GIMP for Windows' site, if you want to read all about GIMP best to go direct to the source - Visit the GIMP-win page. First thing you want to do is open the following url in your browser : Depending on your browser (I am using Firefox for this example) you should get something that looks like this : We want to cut straight to the download page so lets jump to the 'Download' link listed on the left (below 'FAQ'). The url is http://gimp- You should see a web page looking something like this: This is the correct page for accessing all the installers, in total there are two items you must install. Which ones you need to install depends on your version of the Windows operating system. You will always need to install 'The GIMP for Windows' but first you must install the right version of GTK according to what version of Windows you are running. Download the Installers. When you have worked out what version of Windows you have you can choose the appropriate installer for GTK . I am using Windows 2000 so I choose the first version : GTK+ 2 Runtime Environment (version 2.10.13, for Windows 2000 and newer) . I click on the 'Download' red link under that title. Unfortunately the download doesn't start straight away. Instead I am redirected to the site where downloads are stored and at the same time a download is started. Its a bit messy because when I have finished the download I have to go back in the browser to the GIMP-win page to download the GIMP installer. When you have clicked 'Download' you will see the download page in your browser: And you should see the download dialog floating above it somewhere: Press 'Save File' on the above dialog. The download will begin, and depending on what browser you use you will see the progress displayed. In Firefox a small window appears and when the download has finished I see this: Now, lets download the GIMP installer as well. You will have to press 'back' on the browser to leave the downloads page and return to the list of software to be installed. In other words you want your browser to get back to this: Now click on the red 'Download' link under The GIMP for Windows (version 2.2.17) . You will again be directed to a download page looking like this: And again a dialog like this: Press 'Save File' and the file will download and, depending on your browser, you should get some feedback to tell you the download is finished. Installing. You will have to know where the browser has downloaded the files. By default I have told my browser to download everything to the Desktop however it may be different on your computer depending on the settings. If you do not know where it has downloaded to then try the 'Search' function in the 'Start Menu' and enter the full name of the downloaded file. On my Desktop I see the files: We want to install the GTK files before the GIMP application. So, lets start by double clicking on the GTK installer. You will see this: The installation is pretty quick and clean. There is nothing tricky to it so lets race through the screens. Press 'Next >' : This is a little text about the . Unless you are super nerdy and want to know everything about the wonderful world of software licenses click 'Next >' : Unless you have space issues on your harddisk press 'Next>'. If you really need to save some harddisk space you could try unclicking 'Transalations', it will save you 17MB of space. In any case, press 'Next >' when you have finished : The above page is a summary page. Click 'Install' and GTK should start installing, showing you first some progress information: and then when it is complete you will see the following: We don't want to restart the computer, we wish instead to install GIMP and then restart. So, click 'No, I will restart the computer later' and then click on 'Finish' and the window will quietly disappear. Now we will double click on the GIMP icon: and a new installation process will beginm the first window looking like this: Just press 'Next >' : This is exactly the same license stuff. so press 'Next >' and you see the following: The above screen determines where you will install the software. Unless you have some specific reason for installing GIMP elsewhere, leave it with the defaults and press 'Next >': If you have problems with hard disk space you may wish to unclick the 'Translations' option. However, if possible leave it as it is and click 'Next > ': The above screen is where you tell your operating system which files should be automatically opened with GIMP if you double click on them. If, however, you work with image manipulation a lot you may wish to click some of the items on the list. For now I am going to leave it blank and press 'Next >': Now you get the chance to decide what folder name you use to open GIMP from the start menu. When you have called it what you wish press 'Next >' : In my mind the last screen and the above one should be the same as they deal with very similar issues. Do you want to create an icon on your Desktop from which you can start GIMP? I find this useful so I will keep this item checked. Do you want a 'Quick Launch' icon? Don't know what one is? Its the little icons on the bottom of your screen from which you can start applications. It might look like this: If you want a little GIMP icon there so you can quickly start it from the 'Quick Launch' bar, then by all means go for it. Which ever you choose, when you are done click 'Next >': Now we are about to install GIMP! Hit the 'Install' button and stand back! First you will see a progress screen : Then, when the installation is complete, you will see the following: Now we want to restart the computer. Just click 'Finish' and the computer will restart. Start GIMP. To launch GIMP you can do it one of three ways depending on what you chose in the installation phase. The three ways include: 1. start from the Desktop shortcut icon 2. start from the Quick Launch bar 3. start from the 'Start menu' Additionally you can browse through your directories in the 'Programs Folder' and double click the GIMP application in the GIMP folder. I will start GIMP by clicking on the Desktop icon: GIMP will start a 'splash screen' (a window that shows a nice graphic while the program is starting up) which should look something like this: Download gimp gtk files. I would like to use GTK+ with Dev-Cpp. I downloaded the newest Dev-Cpp version, however I do not know how to integrate GTK+ with Dev-Cpp. In the following web site tml/gimp/win32/ I got many libs and files, I am completely lost! I need help and directions on which files I have to download. Then I step by step procedure on how to integrate it. compiler flags, etc. I tried to browse this list files, but I could not get clear information ( at least to me ) on how to do that. I promisse that If I could get through this, I will place a HOW-TO on the web and I will sent it to integrate to Dev-Cpp help. ===== Flavio de Souza *** Sertãozinho - SP - Brasil Yahoo! ID: flaviostz. ______Yahoo! Mail O melhor e-mail gratuito da internet: 6MB de espaço, antivírus, acesso POP3, filtro contra spam. tml/gimp/win32/ I got many libs and files, I am completely lost! I need help and directions on which files I have to download. Download the pkg-config too; if you use a unix-like (like MSYS) you can use it to compile your gtk programs, like on the Gtk documentation: gcc program.c -o program.exe `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs --cflags` If you don't want to use a shell to compile your programs, you'll need to copy/paste the output for: C (or C++) Compiler Flags: pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags. (it will return something like: -IC:/DEV-CPP/include/gtk-2.0 -IC:/DEV-CPP/lib/gtk-2.0/include -IC:/DEV-CPP/include/atk-1.0 -IC:/DEV- CPP/include/pango-1.0 -IC:/DEV-CPP/include/glib-2.0 -IC:/DEV-CPP/lib/glib-2.0/include ) pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs. (will be something like: -LC:/DEV-CPP/lib -lgtk-win32-2.0 -lgdk-win32-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangowin32-1.0 -lgdi32 -lpango-1.0 - lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lintl -liconv ) So, you can copy/paste it on a GTK+ project on Dev-Cpp. Oh, one more thing: add the "-mms-bitfields" to the C/C++ flags. Optionally, you can use this as your GTK+ Template (I use this one): [Template] ver=1 Name=GTK Icon=Gtk.ico Description=Create a GUI using Gtk. Catagory=GUI. The "Gtk.txt" file contains a small sample, that I use for almost every GTK+ program: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) gtk_init(&argc, &argv); win = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(win), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), NULL); gtk_widget_show(win); I answered this question a few times here, but I'll forgive you, the search engine on SourceForge is broken. :) Only ask questions with yes/no answers if you want "yes" or "no" as the answer. I used it, but i get some linker errors, this is the output, the program is your sample. Compilador: Default compiler Building Makefile: "C:\DEV-CPP\" Finding dependencies for file: C:\DEV-CPP\arq.c Executando make. make.exe -f "C:\DEV-CPP\" all g++.exe arq.o -o "Projeto1.exe" -L"C:/DEV-CPP/lib" -I"C:/DEV-CPP/include" -I"C:/DEV- CPP/include" -IC:/DEV-CPP/include/gtk-2.0 -IC:/DEV-CPP/lib/gtk-2.0/include -IC:/DEV-CPP/include/atk-1.0 -IC:/DEV-CPP/include/pango- 1.0 -LC:/DEV-CPP/lib -IC:/DEV-CPP/include/glib -IC:/DEV-CPP/lib/glib-2.0/include. arq.o(.text+0x28):arq.c: undefined reference to `gtk_init_abi_check' arq.o(.text+0x35):arq.c: undefined reference to `gtk_window_new' arq.o(.text+0x4d):arq.c: undefined reference to `gtk_main_quit' arq.o(.text+0x62):arq.c: undefined reference to `g_type_check_instance_cast' arq.o(.text+0x6d):arq.c: undefined reference to `g_signal_connect_data' arq.o(.text+0x7e):arq.c: undefined reference to `gtk_widget_show' arq.o(.text+0x86):arq.c: undefined reference to `gtk_main' This is in linker options -LC:/DEV-CPP/lib -lgtk-win32-2.0 -lgdk-win32-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangowin32-1.0 -lgdi32 -lpango-1.0 - lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lintl -liconv. appear that it´s placing compiler options in linker options? PS: sorry by my english! tml/gimp/win32/ I got many libs and files, I am completely lost! I need help and directions on which files I have to download. J.deBoynePollard/FGA/questions-with-yes-or-no-an swers.html ------This email is sponsored by: Etnus, makers of TotalView, The debugger for complex code. Debugging C/C++ programs can leave you feeling lost and disoriented. TotalView can help you find your way. Available on major UNIX and Linux platforms. Try it free. ______Dev-cpp-users mailing list TO UNSUBSCRIBE: . tml/gimp/win32/ I got many libs and files, I am completely lost! I need help and directions on which files I have to download. Then I step by step procedure on how to integrate it. compiler flags, etc. I tried to browse this list files, but I could not get clear information ( at least to me ) on how to do that. I promisse that If I could get through this, I will place a HOW-TO on the web and I will sent it to integrate to Dev-Cpp help. Please, help me! Regards, Flávio. ===== Flavio de Souza Sertãozinho - SP - Brasil Yahoo! ID: flaviostz ______Yahoo! Mail O melhor e-mail gratuito da internet: 6MB de espaço, antivírus, acesso. Awhile ago, someone here posted a link to a review about MS's upcoming OS, "Paladion." This was info, it seemed, from a programmer's perspective as to the effects this OS would have on current and future programs. Does anyone have this? I would also appreciate any other references you may have about this upcoming OS.