, , Windmill, and Coplowdale Parish Council Newsletter – November 2019

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING DATES The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday the 18th of November 2019 at 8.00pm in the Old Methodist Chapel. All parishoners are welcome to attend.

Copies of the minutes of all previous meetings are now available to view on our website at http://www.hucklow-pc.gov.uk/.

ROAD CLOSURE IN ABNEY For anyone who is not already aware, the torrential rain on 7 November has resulted in the complete closure of the road between Hucklow and Abney. A 30m section just on the Abney side of the bridge as you enter the village from the Hucklow direction has been almost completely washed away. What remains of the carriageway has been severely undermined and is not safe to walk on, let alone drive over.

DCC are aware of the problem and have closed the road with concrete blocks. It’s too early to say yet when the road will be fixed but we are clearly looking at months rather than weeks. In the meanwhile Abney is only accessible by road from the Hathersage side and Hucklow residents wishing to get to Hathersage will need to go via Bradwell or Calver.

2 BED AFFORDABLE DWELLING TO LET IN LITTON DALE IN THE PARISH OF ERC Lettings have advised us of an affordable dwelling in the village of Litton, in Litton Dale, which lies in the parish of Tideswell.

According to the terms of the Section 106 deed attached to it the Parish Councils of all neighbouring parishes have been notified.

It is a 2 bed property with a small garden and off street parking for 2 vehicles and the rent is £520.00 per calendar month. Applicants with a pet would be considered. The property will be available in December, when the current tenants have moved out and any necessary cosmetic work has been completed.

Any applicants are required to qualify with the criteria of the Local Qualification Provisions as detailed in the S.106 document and have a proven need for accommodation.

ERC are happy to clarify any details with anyone who is interested and they are welcome to contact them by telephone on 01298 71815 or by email on [email protected]

WINTER SNOW WARDEN SERVICE We are busy making preparations for the winter weather. Every year the Parish Council signs up to County Council’s Snow Warden Service. This ensures we have safe processes in place to keep minor roads in our area clear and that we keep a good stock of grit salt to top up all grit bins in our area.

POLLING DISTRICTS, PLACES AND STATIONS District Council are currently reviewing the above throughout the whole of the District. As you will be aware the current polling station in Great Hucklow is at the Nightingale Centre.

There is a possibility that the Nightingale Centre may not be available for this use in the future and the Parish Council has suggested that the Old Unitarian Chapel, Great Hucklow could be a suitable alternative.

We are not aware that there will be any change in the immediate future and have been told that voting for the forthcoming parliamentary election on 12 December will be held in the Nightingale Centre. If we are advised of any changes to this we will circulate a further newsletter.

TIDESWELL AND DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP Tideswell & District Environment Group started in June this year. The formation of this group has already generated a great deal of interest and perhaps you might be interested too?

They hope to meet 5-6 times a year, starting with a speaker then afterwards meeting in project action groups.

Their most recent speaker was Faith Johnson from the Environmental Quality Mark and she presented “7 Actions to Save the World,” which you might like to read, see the Village Voice (Nov’19, p28.)

Their project groups have grown out of the interests of attendees. The current groups are:  Wildlife Lynn Crowe [email protected]  Recycling Rob Mitson [email protected]  Business Bill Purvis [email protected]  Litter Pick Steve Elliott [email protected]  Ethical Consumerism Ben Twelves [email protected] With a 6th group in the consultation stages on  Climate Emergency

If you are interested in joining T&DEG then please do. You might like to join a whole T&DEG meeting (see details below), join the email list for updates by contacting [email protected] and/or join our Facebook Group.

The next whole T&DEG meeting is on Wednesday 27th November 7-9pm at Fountain Square Church in Tideswell.  7-8pm there will be a talk from Hathersage Swift Group about swifts, house martins, owls and other birds and how we might use bird boxes to help them.  8-9pm we will divide into the project groups.  There will be no charge but a voluntary donation of £2 is appreciated to cover the hire of the hall the speaker’s travel expenses.

FULL SPEED AHEAD FOR "THE PEAKS AND DALES RAIL LINK" A group of Derbyshire organisations and individuals are working together to re-establish a passenger rail link between Manchester and the , linking the north and south of the county, via the re-instatement of the line from Rowsley to Blackwell, permitting through journeys from Derby to Buxton and Manchester via Bakewell and the Peaks.

Having had a very positive initial response, with expressions of support both locally and nationally, they have now incorporated as a company limited by guarantee - the Manchester and East Midlands Rail Action Partnership, or MEMRAP.

Please follow this link to the full article on our website:- https://www.hucklow-pc.gov.uk/uploads/press-release-12oct19-(3).pdf

Currently the Monsal Head bicycle trail uses this this route and while MEMRAP have said they will ensure this stays open, they do not currently have a viable alternative route for the bicycle trail.


The following are press releases circulated by the PDNPA. Rather than fill the Parish Newsletter with Park Authority news, we have provided links to the information on the PDNPA web site. Please follow the link if a title piques your interest.

 PDNPA - Restoration of Goods Shed, Millers Dale https://www.peakdistrict.gov.uk/learning-about/news/millers-dale-station-development

 PDNPA – Crayfish reintroduction https://www.peakdistrict.gov.uk/learning-about/news/archive/2017-press- releases/news/endangered-white-clawed-crayfish-given-new-homes-in-the-south-west-peak

 PDNPA – Book “the Land that Made Us” The Farmers Story https://www.peakdistrict.gov.uk/learning-about/news/current-news/new-peak-district-book-the- land-that-made-us-the-peak-district-farmers-story

 PDNPA – Bike hire waste recycling https://www.peakdistrict.gov.uk/learning-about/news/current-news/peak-district-national-park- bike-hire-waste-is-putting-the-cycle-in-recycling

 PDNPA SW Peak Countryside Worker Apprenticeships https://www.peakdistrict.gov.uk/learning-about/news/current-news/future-custodians-young- people-are-working-to-make-the-south-west-peak-a-better-place-for-everyone