TOSHIBA Welcome to the High-Tech World of MSX
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TOSHIBA Welcome to the high-tech world of MSX. computer buffs. And, of course, there are Now that you've got your computer, what games -lots of games- ranging from are you going to do with it? Well, there's a mind-bending adventures to micro great choice. Educational programs are bending arcade games. Most are available to help children learn. Business available in inexpensive tape form, while programs can make you more efficient. others come on handy cartridges where There are languages and utilities for the the program runs straightaway. Have fun! �ARCADE (!] RECREATIONAL []EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS ___.,._+-f'--+- [!] [ill UTI LilY @] GRAPHICS [U LANGUAGE �ADVENTURE * New product. [Ql Q § [!] PERIPHERAL Check for Disc Cartridge Cassette availability We'd like to thank Haymarket Publishing Ltd for features, andWhatMSX?,thebuye r's guidefor your system. supplying the photographs. Haymarket publishes two If you are unable to obtain any of the titles mentioned magazines dedicated to your computer-MSXCornputing, in this brochure from your local stockist contact theMSX the magazine for users with all the best software and Helpl ine at Toshiba (UK) Ltd. Camberley (0276) 62222. All stated prices are at recommended retail price. Titles and prices are correct at time of going to press. :::::;:::: :;:; lli!ili!li i 1111111111 ANTARTIC ADVENTURE by KO NAMI Help the cute penguinlea p over crevasses, avoid sea-lions and skate fast on its way round the icycontinent. Lovely 3-0 graphics �R�i��'f�6���:-�-� -��-����-���-��····················· £ 14· 95 INTRODUCING FRACTIONS 1 by MENTOR Aimed at seven to ten yearolds, this program introducessimple fractions and how they are teaches basic t t the �������fr��?o����-����--��-�-�-���:...��··········· £7 • 95 SEE PAGE 14 ** AAGKOTEXT CONTROL CHARACTERS �*** -file- e-ncl SHIFT HONE �!��i�:e�i�Xe��w��� FS:-decle"lete lete./BS l�ne This database is supplied on bath35 inchdisc and cassette,wi th �S excellent's a professional product,and F�e s�arch �rev�ous a u i ���� ��d �d�:��;e��-��--��································· £39· 95 SEE PAGE 18 k<>... .... PSG MUSICWRITER by RITTOR MUSIC This prOQram pushes the sound chip in your micro to its limits. A wide vanetyof sounds can created_, and tunes composed- s be ��rd ��������-�-��---····································· £24· 95 SEE PAGE 18 A&F ALLIGATA ACHUCKlE classic platform-type EGG game. You have to benimble as you§ help IAJ DISCFabulous WARRIOR graphics show part of a maze of roomsin obliqu§e 1AJ Hen House Harry hop from level to level collecting his eggs.But You control the warrior as he moves around, lookingfor the way3-D. t k i �f���u; �i� �i�d�����.����.�.��.���··························· £6 • 90 �Y:h hi� J��drr�i�� �:.:���.���.�.�.� ................... £7.95 BLAGGER § ACTIVISION A case of harmless robberyas you wander around strange IAJ rooms, leaping from level to level to collect keys and avoid deadly RIVERSee how RAID far you can gel up the enemy river in your powerful§jet IAJ e i plane. There are plenty of ships and helicopters to destroy on your ������f��� �u��.�.������.������ ..�.��. �................... £7 • 95 h ���� ;��;:t'�t ��������.���.�.������··············£ 11· 99 TheCONTRACT world's most BRIDGE popular card game in a form that should§[ID keep seasoned players entertained and help teachbeginners the H.E.BrilliantR.O. graphics show part of a maze of tunnels, full of § 1AJ ��:�h:r�������r�:��� dangerous creatures and red hot walls, whichyou must avoid in .�.�.�.�.:.��.... ...................... £9.95 your attempt to rescue trappedminers, armed only with a few sticks of dynamite......................... £ 11• 99 AMPA.LSOFT PITFALLOne for the 11 intrepid explorer as you investigate a labyrinth§ of 1AJ ThisCHALLENGE game comes MY on twoBLUFF tapes, each containing unusual§[ID caverns at arcade speed. you move through the colourful words. You're ven threepossible definitions for400 each and you n u s Asi 128 s � · !�� �dd��� ;r�s.���· ·� �.�:.����.��: .............. £ 11· 99 �������� :�u� ���b�� ��.�.����.��........... £9 • 95 TheBEAMRIDER energy beams zoominto the distance. you ride them§ al IAJien ThisKRISS is a KROSS quiz version KQUIZ of noughts and crosses. To get your §[IDcircle or craft hurtle towards you. If you don't destroyAs them you'll never crossin a square you must first answer a question correctly.And to i � · g bri�ht 1�o ��i���.����1..�.1�.�.��.......... .......... ...... £ 11· 99 ���{�o ;:�rq:;�����.���.�� ......................... £9.95 GHOSTBAll the fun ofUSTERS the movie as you operateyour franchise,equipping § IAJ ThisFUN package WITH ofWORDS two tapes was designed by schoolteachers�for [}] your car, vacuuming ghosts and trying to make money. You needa four to six year olds. helps them put names and simple i i o 11 i ��dr:��i����:�����.��.��·�··�·�·�.��� ......... £11·99 �����f� �� :he�����·.����··�.�������� ................ £9 • 95 DECABecomeTHLON an Olympic-class athletics champion without getting§ out 1AJ TheseLET'S two GO cassettes MSX start where your micro's introductorytape§ left[}] of breath. Excellent graphics depict all the decathlonevents, with off. The pr rams provide an insight into BASIC programming u i � i f�r t�� �r���ir ��hf��!.�� ··�.��.����........... £ 11· 99 f�rt1�� ��d ���c��e���.���:.����·�··��� ................ £9 • 95 The energy beams zoomint o the distance. Asyou ride them alien craft hurtletowards you. If you don't destroy them you'll never t · bri;ht ij�D ��i���. ����1.. �-��-�-�� .... .... ........ .. ... .. ... £11 • 99 lllllll!lailllll! ANIROG CDS AllFLIGHT you have PATH to do 737 is take off, fly over some mountains and§ land CRJ CASTLEtext only BLACKST adventure withAR * over 200fascinating locations.§ Your� task� again. You've a full set of instruments and controls,and a isA to recover the inevitable golden orb. The game featuresa very � t r l w�������t�irr.��· ·�.���.����:.��.��.�.����········· £8.95 � ������· �··�·�·�·�·�.. �.������.�.. ���.�� ..................... £6.95 FRENCH IS FUN § []] .. ............................................. £9· 95 Count, tell the time and increaseyour vocabularywith this useful �.�.�.�-�.�� � �.�. program. Choosefrom a range of scenes, including thebeach and ARTIC , t ���a���t�t����.��:.�����··���� ................................. £7 • 95 MRThere's WONG'S no chance LOOPY to rest in LAUNDRYthis frantic platform-type game. § You [AJ GERMIf you can'tAN tellIS a FUN*fraulein from a frankfurter, this is the program§ []]for have to dash around floorsand up ladders to collectthe washing, you. lt gives you a goodgrounding in essential German s i ��d �� ��i��tfr,d��g���..����.���. ..... .......... £8 .OO ��d�6����.�.��.���.�.. ��.���� ........ .......................... £7.95 ITALIAN IS FUN* § []] ASK The next time you want to order ice creamin Rome, you'll be rateful you bought this program. It'llteach you enough words to NUMBER PAINTER § []] � g t A superb game for to year olds which teachesmental • arithmetic skills. In a5 race 14 against time you must dash around the tf�:IT��in ���i�n��.�.�.�.1:..���·�·�·�·�··���.����.............. £7 95 SPANISH IS FUN* § []] ����1!1i�8'th��� �.��.���.��� ........................... £8.95 Don't feelleft out on the Costa del Sol.All the most important words are here in this graphic program.Lea m to count, tell the BUBBLEBUS ��d�����i�i����.��.i��.��.��.�.�.i�.:�.�.��........... £7·95 HUSTLER § [AJ A faithful version of pool. Six different typesof game are possible, COMPUTERMATES includin one and two player options. You con control thepower, i J WORD PROCESSOR Q [j] • Simplicity of operationis the main featurehere. Entering and ����r sfi������.��·�·�·�.1•1.��.:�.�:��-�� ............... £6 99 edit1n ext is extremely easy, and so is formattingit for print out. BOARDELLO § CRJ o � u n i li This is a superb hexagonal version of the poplularOthelloboo rd • game. it's for one or two players, and you have the option of � h��f an h�u� ��· ·�.:.��-���· ··��.��.����··········· £39 95 i � CARDSEasy to set-up and use, but extremely versatile, this databaseQuses [j] b���a ��;��.�����..����.��� ........................................ £7 .95 the familiar index card approach,bath in formatand graphics, WIZARD'S LAIR* . § [AJ o e Set in a maze of no less than 256rooms, Wtzartl's Lair combines ��:it� ��� ;!�f�t���s��:.����.����......... £39·95 brain stretching adventure-typeproblems with fast moving i ��w:��Jt�.�: .?.��.���. ���.�.��� ............................ £7.95 BOARDELLO by BUB BLE BUS This is a superb hexagonal versionofthepopularOthelloboard game. ilt's for one or two players, and you have the option of b���a ��!��.�����-�.����.���-······································· £7 .9s lllialll MAILSHOT Q [j] tDISC INTERFACE* Q [j] A useful combinatioin of the WOidProas1ior and Cardsprograms, This package opensup theworld of disc drives. Nolonger are this package enables you to createtext and address it to a list of you restricted to versions. Both and inchdrives can be i MSX 5.25 35 �.�'.�.��:.�..�.��.�������: ................................ £69.95 ��e;�;xe������� �=��.�.���:........ £99·95 CASH ACCOUNTS [j] t RS232 CABLE This is a no-nonsense professional package,designed to take the This is reguired for linking the RS232interface cartr idges to a [j] pain out of keepingyour accounts. Designedfor small businesses modem. The modemend is a standard RS232D-type connector, �;d:r�:n������.�.��.��.��.�.�:..��··············· £99 • 95 ����.������.���.����.�����:....... ......................... £ 14· 95 SPREADSHEET