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FF v0.9.24a Fixed Weak Name - TOSEC Collection of 803 Titles Beta (97% Sectors (100% Notes Working) Working) 007 - Licence to Kill (1989)(Domark) Y 007 - Live and Let Die (1988)(Domark) Y 007 - The Spy Who Loved Me (1990)(Domark) Y 2 por 1 - Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1989)(Erbe Software) Y 2 por 1 - Chase H.Q. (1989)(Erbe Software) Y 2 por 1 - Cybernoid II - The Revenge (1988)(Erbe Software) Y 2 por 1 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(Erbe Software) Y 2 por 1 - Mask III - Venom Strikes Back (1989)(Erbe Software) Y 2 por 1 - Mickey Mouse (1988)(Erbe Software) Y 2 por 1 - North Star (1989)(Erbe Software) Y 2 por 1 - Platoon (1989)(Erbe Software) Y 2 por 1 - Renegade (1988)(Erbe Software) Y 2 por 1 - Renegade II - Target Renegade (1988)(Erbe Software) Y 2 por 1 - Techno-Cop (1988)(Erbe Software) Y 2 por 1 - The Deep (1989)(Erbe Software) Y 2 por 1 - The Muncher (1989)(Erbe Software) Y 2 por 1 - Thunder Blade (1988)(Erbe Software) Y 20 Game Pack - NED + Missile Defence + Billy Bong + Seiddab Attack + Star Warrior (19xx)(Comet) Y 20 Game Pack - Pi-R-Squared + Pyramania + Strontiumdog + Meteor Storm + Overlords (19xx)(Comet) Y 20 Game Pack - Showjumping + Xeno + Snooker + Nifty Lifty + Tutenkahmun (19xx)(Comet) Y 20 Game Pack - SOS + Mushroom Mania + 3D Knot + Project Future + 1994 (19xx)(Comet) Y 4 Soccer Simulators (1989)(Codemasters Gold)(2 Side Version) Y 4 Top Games - Catch 23 + Nemesis the Warlock (1987)(Martech Games) Y 4 Top Games - Pulsator + Slaine - The Celtic Barbarian (1987)(Martech Games) Y 40 Principales, Los - Vol. 01 - Batman + Thanatos (19xx)(Erbe Software) Y 40 Principales, Los - Vol. 01 - Spirits + Asterix and the Magic Cauldron (19xx)(Erbe Software) Y 40 Principales, Los - Vol. 03 - Arkanoid + Nightmare Rally (19xx)(Erbe Software) Y 40 Principales, Los - Vol. 03 - Movie + Phantomas (19xx)(Erbe Software) Y 40 Principales, Los - Vol. 06 - The Way of the Exploding Fist + Nemesis the Warlock (19xx)(Erbe Software) Y 40 Principales, Los - Vol. 08 - Barbarian + Cauldron II - The Pumpkin Strikes Back (19xx)(Erbe Software) Y 40 Principales, Los - Vol. 08 - Saboteur + West Bank (19xx)(Erbe Software) Y 40 Principales, Los - Vol. 10 - Pole Position + Abu Simbel Profanation (19xx)(Erbe Software) Y 40 Principales, Los - Vol. 10 - Super Soccer + Ramon Rodriguez (19xx)(Erbe Software) Y A Dungeon Romp (1995)(Zenobi Software) Y A Fistful of Necronomicons (1995)(Zenobi Software) Y A Handful of Hamsters (1993)(Zenobi Software)(2 Side Version) Y A Legacy for Alaric + A Legacy for Alaric II - The Magic Isle (1992)(Zenobi Software) Y A Question of Scruples (1987)(Leisure Genius) Y A Question of Sport (1989)(Elite Systems) Y A Toda Maquina - Dragon Ninja + Afterburner (1989)(Erbe Software) Y A Toda Maquina - Rambo III + Robocop + Batman (1989)(Erbe Software) Y ACE 2 - The Ultimate Head to Head Conflict (1987)(Cascade Games) Y Action Fighter (1989)(Firebird Software) Y Action Force (1987)(Virgin Games) Y Action Force II (1988)(Virgin Mastertronic) Y Adidas Championship Tie-Break (1990)(Erbe Software)[re-release] Y Adidas Championship Tie-Break (1990)(Ocean) Y Afterburner (1988)(Activision)(2 Side Version) N Y Weak Sector T:0 needs re-dump Afterburner (1988)(Activision)(2 Side Version)[t] Y Agatha's Folly (1989)(Zenobi Software) Y Agatha's Folly (1989)(Zenobi)(2 Side Version) Y Airborne Ranger (1988)(Microprose Software)(2 Side Version) N Y Weak Sector T:0 needs re-dump Alien Research Centre (1989)(Zenobi Software) Y Alien Storm (1991)(U.S. Gold) Y Alien Syndrome (1987)(ACE Software) Y Alien Syndrome (1988)(Dro Soft)[re-release] Y All in a Day's Work (1996)(Zenobi Software)(2 Side Version) Y Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge!, The (1989)(Empire)[aka Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Doctor Doom's Revenge!,Y The] Amnesia v1.02 (2015-12-05)(Huelvy) Y Amstrad Compilation Disk Spectrum +3 - Daley Thompson's Supertest + Cosmic Wartoad (1987)(Amstrad) Y Amstrad Compilation Disk Spectrum +3 - Gift from the Gods + Mailstrom + N.O.M.A.D. (1987)(Amstrad) Y Amulet of Darath, The (1991)(Zenobi Software) Y Another Big Disk - The Menagerie + The Miser + Bog of Brit (19xx)(Zenobi Software) Y Another Big Disk - The Pendant of Logryn (19xx)(Zenobi Software) Y APB - All Points Bulletin (1989)(Domark) Y Apprentice, The (1993)(Zenobi Software) Y April 7th (1992)(Zenobi Software) Y Apulija-13 v1.2 (2013-09-24)(Grussu, Alessandro)(IT)(M4) Y Arcade Collection Volume 1 - Spooked + Tomcat + Shark (1990)(Players)(2 Side Version) Y Arcade Collection Volume 2 - Moving Target + Cobra Force + Task Force (1990)(Players)[aka Hotshots Arcade 2] Y Arcade Extravaganza (1988)(Alternative Software) Y Arcticfox (1988)(Electronic Arts) Y Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine Software) Y Arnold the Adventurer I + II (19xx)(Zenobi Software) Y Arnold the Adventurer III (1992)(Zenobi Software) Y Artura (1989)(Gremlin Graphics Software)(2 Side Version) Y ATF - Advanced Tactical Fighter (1988)(Digital Integration) Y Aurascope (1992)(Zenobi Software) Y Axe of Kolt, The (1990)(FSF Adventures)(2 Side Version) Y Aztec Assault (1992)(Zenobi Software) Y Back to the Future II (1990)(Image Works)(2 Side Version) Y Back to the Future III (1991)(Image Works) Y Back to the Future III (1991)(Image Works)(2 Side Version) Y Badlands (1990)(Domark) Y Balrog and the Cat, The (1988)(Zenobi Software) Y Balrogian Trilogy, The - Fuddo & Slam + An Everyday Tale of a Seeker of Gold (1990)(Zenobi Software) Y Balrog's Big Disk - Pawns of War + Crack City + Stalker (19xx)(Zenobi Software) Y Balrog's Big Disk - Pawns of War II - The Infiltrator + Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Beheaded Smuggler (19xx)(Zenobi Software) Y Barbarian II - The Dungeon of Drax (1988)(Erbe Software)[re-release] Y Barbarian II - The Dungeon of Drax (1988)(Palace Software) Y Bardic Rite, The + Dragon-Quest (1994)(Zenobi)(2 Side Verison) Y Bardic Rites, The (1994)(Zenobi Software) Y Bard's Tale, The (1988)(Electronic Arts)(2 Side Version) Y Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)(Ocean) N Y Weak Sector T:0 needs re-dump Batman - The Movie (1989)(Erbe Software)[re-release] Y Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean) Y Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean)[t] Y Beach Volley (1990)(Erbe Software)[re-release] Y Beast of Torrack Moor, The (1988)(Zenobi Software)[re-release] Y Bedlam (1988)(Erbe Software)[re-release] Y Bedlam (1988)(Go!) Y Beginning of the End, The (1992)(Zenobi Software) Y Behind Closed Doors IV - Balrog's Day Out (1989)(Zenobi Software) Y Behold Atlantis (1991)(Zenobi Software) Y Bermuda Triangle, The (1991)(Zenobi Software) Y Best of Clive and Les, The - The Little Wandering Guru + Nightwing + Demi-God (1991)(Zenobi Software) Y Best of Elite Vol. 1 - Airwolf + Commando (1988)(Elite Systems) Y Best of Elite Vol. 1 - Frank Bruno's Boxing + Bomb Jack (1988)(Elite Systems) Y Beverly Hills Cop (1990)(Tynesoft) Y Beyond the Ice Palace (1988)(Elite Systems) N Y Weak Sector T:0 needs re-dump Beyond the Ice Palace (1988)(MCM Software)[re-release] Y Big Sleaze, The (1992)(Zenobi Software)[re-release] Y Black Lamp (1988)(Firebird Software) Y Black Tower (1993)(Zenobi Software) Y Black Tower II - A Serpentine Tale (1993)(Zenobi Software) Y Blasteroids (1987)(Image Works) Y Bloodwych (1990)(Image Works) Y Bog of Brit + The Menagerie (19xx)(Zenobi Software) Y Boggit, The - Bored Too (1986)(CRL Group) Y Boggit, The (1992)(Zenobi Software)[re-release] Y Bonanza Bros (1991)(U.S. Gold) Y Book of the Dead (1987)(CRL Group)[re-release] Y Boots Action Pack - Kungfu Master + Super Cycle + Top Gun + Jack the Nipper + Gauntlet + Auf Wiedersehen Monty (1987)(Boots)(2 Side Version) Y Bored of the Rings (1992)(Zenobi Software)[re-release] Y Boyd File, The (1990)(Zenobi Software) Y BraveStarr (1987)(Go!) Y Brian - The Novice Barbarian (1994)(Zenobi Software) Y Brian Clough's Football Fortunes (1987)(CDS Microsystems) Y Bridge Player Galactica (1989)(CP) Y Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird Software) Y Bubble Buster (1983)(Bubble Buster) Y Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (1989)(System 4)[re-release] Y Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (1989)(Tynesoft) Y Buggy Boy (1988)(Elite Systems) N Y Weak Sector T:0 needs re-dump Bugsy (1992)(Zenobi Software)[re-release] Y Bulbo and the Lizard-King (1987)(Zenobi Software) Y Butcher Hill (1988)(Gremlin Graphics Software) Y By Fair Means or Foul (1989)(Superior Software) Y Cabal (1988)(Ocean) Y Cabal (1989)(Erbe Software)[re-release] Y California Games (1987)(U.S. Gold)(2 Side Version) Y Captain Blood (1988)(Exxos) Y Captain Planet (1991)(Mindscape International) Y Carrier Command (1989)(Rainbird Software)[passworded] Y Cartoon Capers (1988)(Alternative Software) Y Castle Master (1990)(Incentive Software) Y Celtic Carnage (1993)(Zenobi Software) Y Chain Reaction (1987)(Durell Software) Y Championship Run (1991)(Impulze) Y Chance in Hell, A (2011)(Flanagan, Steven) Y Chartbusters - Cobra + Mutants + Green Beret (19xx)(Ocean) Y Chartbusters - Short Circuit + The Great Escape + Yie Ar Kung-Fu (19xx)(Ocean) Y Chase H.Q. (1989)(Ocean) Y Chase H.Q. II - Special Criminal Investigations (1990)(Erbe Software)[re-release] Y Chase H.Q. II - Special Criminal Investigations (1990)(Ocean) Y Chicago's 30 (1988)(U.S. Gold)[aka Chicago 30's][re-release] Y Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer (1989)(Electronic Arts) Y Circus Games (1988)(Tynesoft)(2 Side Version) Y Citadel, The (1997)(Zenobi Software) Y Civil Service II (1995)(Zenobi Software) Y Classic Games 4 - Backgammon + Bridge Player 3 + Chess 3.5 + Draughts (1989)(CP) Y Clock Chess '89 (1989)(CP) Y Clock Chess '89 (1989)(System 4)[re-release] Y Cloud 99 (1988)(Zenobi Software)[re-release] Y Colossus 4 Bridge (1986)(CDS Microsystems) Y Colossus 4 Chess (1986)(CDS Microsystems) Y Colossus 4 Chess (1986)(CDS Microsystems)(2 Side Version) Y Combat School + Gryzor Preview (1987)(Ocean) Y Command Performance - 10th Frame + Armageddon Man + Bobsleigh + Cholo + Shackled (1989)(U.S.