From AFIO's The Intelligencer Association of Former Intelligence Officers 7700 Leesburg Pike, Suite 324 Journal of U.S. Intelligence Studies Falls Church, Virginia 22043 Web: * E-mail:
[email protected] Volume 26 • Number 2 • Winter-Spring 2021 $15 single copy price crucial omissions…;” and mitigation of the damage he caused will cost billions of dollars.2 Was Snowden a Whistleblower? Snowden has continued to claim that he is a whistleblower and that he attempted to bring to the attention of responsible authorities the misdeeds of Reassessing Edward Snowden NSA in conducting surveillance of US persons. But, as was revealed by the HPSC(I) investigation, Snowden Whistleblower, Traitor, or Spy? took no effort, despite his claims, to report question- able activities or policies. He retained no evidence that he did. Investigations turned up no evidence of by Peter C. Oleson appropriate government officials receiving any. Had he followed established procedures there would be t has been seven years since Edward Snowden records of his complaints. What records that do exist flew from Hong Kong to Moscow and some of the of Snowden’s interactions with other officials, such documents he purloined from the National Secu- as NSA’s Inspector General’s office, do not include I any allegation of wrongdoing on the part of NSA rity Agency were first published. In 2015, I wrote for AFIO “Assessing Edward Snowden: Whistleblower, employees or its contractors. Snowden’s claims are 3 Traitor, of Spy?”1 concluded by questioning “[I]s unsupported. Edward Snowden a whistleblower? – yes and no. A Snowden’s revelations did result in a national traitor? – yes.