Wealth Like Want Ruins Many
STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS IN MOSCOW Wealth like want ruins many A PROPOS What is going on in Russia? Answering this question in the 18th century, the famous others where it is low. It is low in countries where the Russian historian and writer Nikolai Karamzin, said: circumstances of people's lifestyles, laws and morals "Stealing". Stealing then, however, didn’t happen only in in society are such that stealing is not worth it and Russia. Officials everywhere had dirty hands. Gener- dangerous. That is the type of society we are building ally, stealing, bribery, back hander’s to the authorities, in Russia today. Of course, the fight against corruption, money laundering - all of what we now call corruption, which has swept the country since the collapse of the existed and, unfortunately, still exist all over the world. Soviet Union, and has acquired truly monstrous propor- Is it any wonder, for example, that in every country the tions, should have begun before. However, better late word "bribe" has its own special term today. In Span- than never. On the other hand, there is absolutely no ish speaking countries it is called "mordida" (literally time to lose. No wonder that in the last two years sev- "bite"), in French-speaking countries: "dessous-de- eral important anti-corruption laws have been enacted, table" ("under-the-table" commissions), in Germany: the Anti-Corruption Charter of Russian Business has “schmiergeld” ("smoothing money"), in Russia: "otkat" been signed, and in late February a new department in ("kickback") ... in short, corruption has no nationality. the government of Moscow was established for regional Why is that? security and anti-corruption ..
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