MINUTES of the Annual Meeting of the Council of the Borough of Harrow, held at the New School Hall, Harrow County Grammar School for Boys, Gayton Road, Harrow, on Friday, 27th May, 1966 at 7.30 p.m.

Present: His Worship the Mayor (Councillor H. T. Mote, J.P.) (in the Chair). The Deputy Mayor (Councillor E. G Buckle, F.R.I.C.S.). Aldermen: Alien, O.B.E., J.P., R. Bailey, J.P., O. G. Collins, H. G. Gange, J.P., H. Grainger, C. E. Jordan, Lt.-Cdr. A. E. P. F. MacRae, R.N.V.R., A.Inst. M.S.M., S. R. Miller, F.R.I.B.A., Mrs. I. M. Potts, M.B.E. Councillors: C. G. V- Barson, J.P., J. S. Campbell, M.I.Struct.E., M.Inst.W., Mrs. A. M. Carey, M. A. Carmody, B.Sc.(Est.Man)., A.R.I.C.S., A.A.I., K. W. Childerhouse, B.Sc.(Econ.), W. S. Clack, M.I.Ex. M.Inst.M.S.M., Mrs. D. A. Nott Cock, S.R.N., S.C.M., F.M.N., Owen W. N. Cock, A. C. Cocksedge, B. M. Cohen, G. Davies, S.R.N., R.M.N., B.T.A., Mrs. J. M. Debell, A. J. Eckert, Mrs. S. R. Edgeworth, C. G. Ellement, Capt. E. W. H. Feakins, M.Inst.M.S.M., G. F. Gibbons, J.P., E. J. Harkett, H. I. Harris, Cyril Harrison, D. H. J. Hart, Mrs. M. M. Haslam, G. Colborne Hill, M. D. Hartley Hill, N. G. Hines, D. J. R. Howard, T. D. Jones, Capt. W. E. Jones, A.M.A.S.E.E., A. J. Lovell, B.E.M., C. F. J. Low, F.S.S., I. W. Mackay, LL.B., H. A. Maun, A.F.I.C.D., J. W. Nickolay, A.M.Inst.T., A. O'Loughlin, J. R. Pye, F. L. Rees, F.Inst.D., M.Inst.M.S.M., Mrs. N. Rees, D. B. Rouse, A. G. Sellers, H. R. Sheldrake, D. S. O. Smith, F.A.C.C.A., C. E. Stenhouse, W. A. Tackley. A. H. Tidmarsh, A. B. C. Turner, B. C. A. Turner, A.C.C.S., P. W. Underwood, R. J. Whittome, A,C.I.L, W. E. N. Wormald.

PRAYERS. The Mayor's Chaplain (The Rev. Guy R. Whitcombe, O.B.E., M.A.) opened the Meeting with Prayers.

ELECTION OF MAYOR. His Worship the Mayor (Councillor H. T. Mote, J.P.) having called for nominations for the office of Mayor of the for the Municipal Year 1966/67, it was moved by Alderman Jordan, and seconded by Councillor Harkett, that Edward George Buckle, be elected Mayor of COUNCIL 8 the London Borough of Harrow for the Municipal Year 1966/67. No other nominations having been made, the Mayor put the nomination of Edward George Buckle to the meeting, whereupon it was Resolved: 13871 That Edward George Buckle be elected Mayor of the London Borough of Harrow for the Municipal Year 1966/67. The retiring Mayor (Councillor Mote, J.P.) vacated the Chair and, after a short interval for robing, the newly elected Mayor, having made and sub­ scribed the Declaration of Office according to law, took the Chair. The retiring Mayor thereupon handed to the newly elected Mayor the keys of the Corporate Seal. The Mayoress was then invested with her Medallion of Office. His Worship the Mayor (Councillor E. G. Buckle) returned thanks for his election.

VOTE OF THANKS TO RETIRING MAYOR. Alderman MacRae, in moving a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor (Councillor H. T. Mote) referred in appreciative terms to the very able, con­ scientious and energetic way in which the Mayor had discharged the duties of his office in a very busy year which had included a Parliamentary General Election, a Bye-election for the Council and a local Bye-elec­ tion; the visit of the Mayor and Mayoress to Broken Hill, Zambia; and a most successful Civic Banquet and Ball on 15th April, 1966. Alderman Mac­ Rae also paid tribute to the devoted support given by Mrs. Mote to the Mayor during his year of office. Councillor Mrs. Rees seconded the motion, whereupon it was unanimously and with acclamation, Resolved: [388] That this Council, acting for the Burgesses, express to Councillor H. T. Mote their sincere appreciation for his energetic and successful service to the Borough during his period as Mayor from 1st April, 1965 to date; and that the Council's best thanks be accorded to Mrs. Mote for the charming and dignified manner in which she discharged her duties as First Lady of the Borough. The retiring Mayor, in returning thanks, expressed his sincere appreciation for the help and support which he had received from Aldermen and Council­ lors, the Aldermanic Bench, the Mayoress's Committee, the Chief Officers and Members of the Staff, his Chaplain (Rev. Guy R. Whitcombe, O.B.E., M.A.), and Mrs. Whitcombe, and his business colleagues.

PRESENTATION OF MEDALLION TO THE IMMEDIATE PAST MAYOR. His Worship the Mayor (Councillor E. G. Buckle) presented, on behalf of the Council, a replica of the Mayor's Medallion to Councillor H. T. Mote, in commemoration of his Mayoralty of the London Borough of Harrow^ 1965/66. The Mayoress then presented to the immediate past Mayoress (Mrs. H. T. Mote) a Medallion to commemorate her year as Mayoress of the Borough of Harrow for 1965/66. 9 COUNCIL

APPOINTMENT AND INVESTITURE OF DEPUTY MAYOR. His Worship the Mayor signified in writing that he had appointed Alderman O. G. Collins to be Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year, 1966/67. The Deputy Mayor, having been duly invested with the Deputy Mayor's Robe and Chain of Office, occupied the Deputy Mayor's Chair. The Mayoress then invested the Deputy Mayoress with her Medallion of Office. The Deputy Mayor (Alderman O. G. Collins) then returned thanks for his appointment.

MAYOR'S CHAPLAIN. His Worship the Mayor informed the Council that he had appointed the Rev. Guy R. Whitcombe, O.B.E., M.A., Vicar of the Borough Church, St. Mary's, , to be his Chaplain for the ensuing Municipal Year.

MINUTES. Resolved: ... [389] That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Borough held on 19th May, 1966, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.

RETURN OF ATTENDANCES OF MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL AND OF CO-OPTED MEMBERS ON CERTAIN COMMITTEES. Resolved: [390] That the Council receive the Annual Return, prepared by the Acting Town Clerk, contained in the appendix hereto, showing the attendances of Members of the Council at meetings of the Council, Committees, Sub-Committees and Outside Bodies; and the attendances of Co-opted Members on certain Com­ mittees and Sub-Committees for the Municipal Year, 1965/66.

REPORT OF THE GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE. Upon motion by Alderman Jordan, Resolved: [391] That the report of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on 16th May, 1966, be received and, in so far as the same requires confirmation and is not otherwise dealt with in these minutes, be hereby confirmed. Upon motion by Alderman Jordan, Resolved: [392] That the following recommendations, as contained in the report of the General Purposes Committee of 16th May, 1966, be hereby approved and adopted: Recommendation I: Special Committee to Deal with Matters of Urgency During the Vacation. Recommendation II: Appointment of Representatives on Certain Bodies. COUNCIL 10 Alderman Jordan having moved the adoption of recommendation III: Annual Meeting of the Council, Alderman Alien, O.B.E., J.P. moved and Councillor Harrison seconded, an amendment for the reference back of the recommendation. The Mayor having put the amendment, and a requisition having been made pursuant to Standing Order 26 (1), voting was recorded as follows: For the amendment (19): Aldermen: Alien, O.B.E., J.P., Bailey, J.P. and Gange, J.P. Councillors: Barson, J.P., Campbell, Mrs. Carey, Childerhouse, Cohen, Davies, Eckert, Mrs. Edgeworth, Harris, Harrison, Howard, Lovell, B.E.M., Mackay, Pye, Tidmarsh, Underwood. Against the amendment (40): The Deputy Mayor (Alderman Collins). Aldermen: Grainger, Jordan, MacRae, Miller, Mrs. Potts, M.B.E. Councillors: Carmody, Clack, Mrs. Nott Cock, Owen Cock, Cocksedge, Mrs. Debell, Ellement, Feakins, Gibbons, J.P., Harkett, Hart, Mrs. Haslam, G. Colborne Hill, M. D. Hartley Hill, Hines, T. D. Jones, Capt. W. E. Jones, Low, Maun, Mote, Nickolay, O'Loughlin, F. L. Rees, Mrs. Rees, Rouse, Sellers, Sheldrake, Smith, Stenhouse, Tackley, A. B. C. Turner, B. C. A. Turner, Whittome, Wormald. Not voting: His Worship the Mayor (Councillor E. G. Buckle). Whereupon, the Mayor declared the amendment not carried, and put the original recommendation, which was carried. Resolved: [393] That the Council re-affirm the decision of the former Harrow Borough Council, acting by their General Purposes Committee: That, as far as possible, the business to be transacted at the Annual Meeting of the Council shall be confined to statutory business required to be performed at such meeting and the reception of a report by the General Purposes Committee.

CIVIC ASSOCIATION WITH BROKEN HILL. The Mayor reported that Councillor Briam Nkonde had resigned his Mayoralty of the Municipality of Broken Hill, and that it was understood that a new Mayor had been elected to hold Office until 1st September, 1966, when fresh elections, on a new franchise, would be held. The Mayor also reported that he had despatched to the Mayor of Broken Hill a telegram of greetings and good wishes.

CIVIC SERVICE, The Mayor reminded Members of the Council that the Civic Service would be held in the Borough Church on Sunday, 12th June, 1966, at 11 a.m. 11 COUNCIL

VISIT BY " Q " DIVISION, INTERNATIONAL POLICE ASSOCIATION TO GLADBECK, WEST GERMANY. The Mayor read a message received from the Oberburgermeister of Glad- beck, West Germany replying to a message of good wishes which had been sent by the immediate past Mayor when " Q " Division of the International Police Association visited Gladbeck recently.

MAYORAL GARDEN PARTIES. The Mayor reported that in view of the difficulty of meeting and conversing with all guests at a large garden party, he had decided instead to arrange in the ensuing summer months a series of Receptions at Lodge.

ANNUAL CIVIC BANQUET AND BALL. The Mayor gave preliminary notice that the Annual Civic Banquet and Ball would be held on Friday, 14th April, 1967, at Kodak Hall, .

CHARITY SHIELD: COMPETITION FOR BOWLS CLUBS IN THE BOROUGH. The Mayor gave notice that Councillor O'Loughlin was assisting in organis­ ing a competition for a Charity Shield for Bowls Clubs in the Borough, and that particulars of the competition would be circulated later.

ELECTION OF BOROUGH COUNCILLOR FOR KENTON WARD: 25th MAY, 1966. The Acting Town Clerk reported that, at a bye-election to fill a casual vacancy of Councillor for the Kenton Ward on 25th May, 1966, the following Member had been elected, and that he had made and subscribed a Declara­ tion of Acceptance of Office, according to law: Date of Retirement under present law JONES, Thomas Donald 1967

NOTICE OF MOTION. Pursuant to Notice of Motion, Councillor Harrison moved, and Alderman Alien, O.B.E., J.P., seconded, the motion appearing as item 9 of the Council Summons. After discussion. Alderman Grainger moved, and Councillor F. L. Rees seconded, a motion " that the question be now put," which was carried. The Mayor put Councillor Harrison's motion, which was not carried. CLOSE OF MEETING. All business having been completed, the Mayor declared the meeting closed at 9.20 p.m. COUNCIL 12

ATTENDANCES OF CO-OPTED MEMBERS EDUCATION COMMITTEE AND SUB-COMMITTEES Name Attendances The Rev. C. W. Becket ...... ••• 19(28) The Rev. T. Dixon ...... ••• 15(24) Mr. H. J. Fyrth ...... ••• 13(19) Mr. S. M. Jackson ...... ••• 18(21) Mr. W. F. H. Johnson ...... ••• 29(30) Mr. F. L. LeFranc, M.B.E...... ••• 19(20) Mr. A. T. Stodhart ...... ••• 20(24) Mr. M. W. Vallance ...... ••• 21(27) Mr. H. F. Walker ...... 16(19)

OPEN SPACES AND WORKS COMMITTEE (ALLOTMENT MATTERS) Name Attendances (8 possible) Mr. E. C. Brown ...... 8 Mr. J. W. A. Care ...... 4 Mr. G. E. Dowling ...... 6 Mr. F. Ealy ...... 4 Mr. E. Holdaway ...... 7 Mr. S. Hulks ...... 3 Mr. A. H. Stapleton ...... 8 Mr. L. E. Turmaine ...... 6 Mr. D. H. Walker ...... 6

HARROW RECREATION GROUND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Name Attendances (3 possible) Mr. W. J. Atkinson ...... 3 Mr. D. T. Faulconer ...... 3 Mr. A. Grove ...... 3


Notes: ( ) Figures in brackets indicate the number of meetings which could have been attended. fResigned 10th May, 1966. * Resigned 26th January, 1966.

His Worship The Mayor's Three Standing Committee Attendances ...... 10(35) The Deputy Mayor's Three Standing Committee Attendances ...... 24 (42)